This is a list of the Annelida recorded from Ireland.
In Ireland the number of species is:
Taxonomy Here the leeches and oligochaetes are placed together in the Class Clitellata. The marine Polychaeta are ranked as a Class. These groups (and the Annelida) may be monophyletic, paraphyletic or polyphyletic. (Rouse and Pleijel, 2001).
2 species
First segment projects forward of the head. Pisione.
1 species
"Felt"-covered scale worms. Aphrodita, Laetmonice, Palmyra (Palmyridae)
4 species including
29 species including
Minute scale worms. Dorsal scales ringed. Pholoe, Pholoides images of Pholoidae
4 species
Scale worms (with dorsal scales) and compound neurosetae. Sigalion, Psammolyce, Sthenelais.
8 species including
Active predators with leaf-like dorsal cirri, notopodia otherwise reduced. Phyllodoce, Eumida Eteone and many others.
38 species including
1 species
A small obscure family, perhaps with hesionid affinities. Short body and proboscis unarmed. Lacydonia.
1 species
Slender pelagic forms with giant eyes. Vanadis, Alciopa.
3 species
Short pelagic forms. Lopadorrhynchus.
5 species
Transparent pelagic group with tapering bodies and foliaceous segmental cirri. Sagitella, Typhloscolex, Travisiopsis.
2 species
Flattened pelagic forms with long cirri on segment-two. Tomopteris
2 species
Cylindrical forms with a conical prostomium and four jaws. Glycera, Hemipodus.
1 species
Similar to Glyceridae with the anterior parapodia uniramous, multiple jaw- pieces, and chevron structures on the proboscis. Goniada, Glycinde.
3 species
Dorsal rows of spherical tubercles. Sphaerodorum.
4 species
10 species
1 species
38 species including
10 species including
11 species including
3 species
1 species
1 species
8 species
A Eunicida group lacking notopodia and with reduced or absent dorsal head appendages. Lumbrineris, Ninoe, Lysarete.
5 species
Similar to Lumbrineridae with long maxillary carriers. Arabella, Drilonereis, Oenone.
3 species
A Eunicida group with multiple jaw elements. Dorvillea, Ophryotrocha
6 species including
3 species
Resembling Spionidae (but unrelated). With or without a single antenna, with gills, and without palps. Paraonis, Aricidea.
13 species
1 species
Fragile forms with stiff parapodial lobes and multiple simple setal types. Poecilochaetus.
1 species
31 species including
Small forms with a shovel-like head and papillose palp pair. Magelona.
5 species
12 species including
Slender forms with a single median palp on dorsal side of one anterior setiger.
1 species
Papillated body and cross-barred setae. Flabelligera, Diplocirrus, Brada.
4 species including
1 species
9 species including
3 species including
Bamboo worms. Long and cylindrical and truncate at one or both ends. Most with long, cylindrical segments with a pair of nuchal slits and a median cephalic keel. Maldane, Axiothella, Rhodine, Nicomache.
10 species
9 species including
Maggot-like or anteriorly inflated group with a small T-shaped prostomium. Scalibregma, Hyboscolex.
4 species including
1 species
Elongate nematode-like forms without setae, and with a stiff frontal tentacle pair. Polygordius.
2 species
Minute forms without setae and with a flexible tentacle pair (near-frontal, but separated). They live in spaces between sediment grains. Protodrilus.
1 species
1 species
2 species
3 species
3 species including
Forms with no posterior notosetae and usually with simple, transversely-arranged gills. Ampharete, Melinna
5 species including
Resemble Terebellidae but have long-handled hooks. Terebellides.
2 species
23 species including
19 species including
8 species including
Small asymmetric fan worms with coiled calcareous tubes cemented to algae and rock. Spirorbis.
8 species including
1 species
Class Aphanoneura
Class Clitellata Subclass Oligochaeta
1 species
1 species
26 species [2]
96 species
50 species
5 species
Class Clitellata Subclass Hirudinea
5 species
1 species
7 species
2 species
17 species