List of battles involving the Republic of Venice

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The following is a list of battles fought by the Republic of Venice, from the traditional date of its founding in 697 until its dissolution in 1797, organized by date. The list includes both land and sea engagements, and is not exhaustive.

9th century

Date Location Conflict Commander Allies Opponents Outcome Refs
887, September 18 Makro, Dalmatia Doge Pietro I Candiano Narentine pirates Venetian defeat, death of Candiano.

10th century

Date Location Conflict Commander Allies Opponents Outcome Refs
900, June 29 Venice Magyar raid on venice Doge Pietro Tribuno Hungarians Venetian victory
948 Dalmatia Doge Pietro III Candiano Narentine pirates Venetian defeat, obligation for annual tribute to the Narentines
998, Ascension Day Dalmatia Doge Pietro Orseolo II Narentine pirates Venetian victory, cessation of the tribute
1000 Lastovo, Dalmatia Pietro Orseolo II Citizens of Lastovo Venetian victory, annexation of Lastovo

11th century

Date Location Conflict Commander Allies Opponents Outcome Refs
1004 Dalmatia Doge Pietro Orseolo II Narentine pirates Venetian victory, subjugation of the Narentines
1081 Dyrrhachium First Norman invasion of Byzantium Doge Domenico Selvo Italo-Norman fleet under Robert Guiscard Venetian victory, destruction of the Norman fleet; Battle of Dyrrhachium

12th century

Date Location Conflict Commander Allies Opponents Outcome Refs
1110, October 19 – December 5 Sidon Norwegian Crusade Doge Ordelafo Faliero Kingdom of Jerusalem, Kingdom of Norway Fatimid Caliphate garrison Venetian–Crusader victory, capture of the city, creation of the Lordship of Sidon

13th century

Date Location Conflict Commander Allies Opponents Outcome Refs
1202, November 10–24 Zara, Damlatia Fourth Crusade Doge Enrico Dandolo Crusaders Citizens of Zara (nominally Hungarian) Venetian–Crusader victory, sack of the city
1203, July 11 – August 1 Constantinople Fourth Crusade Doge Enrico Dandolo Crusaders Byzantines under Alexios III Angelos Venetian–Crusader victory, flight of Alexios III and coronation of Alexios IV Angelos
1204, April 8–13 Constantinople Fourth Crusade Doge Enrico Dandolo Crusaders Byzantines under Alexios V Doukas Venetian–Crusader victory, sack of the city, dissolution of the Byzantine Empire
1257–1258 Negroponte, Greece War of the Euboeote Succession Marco Gradenigo Duchy of Athens and the Lombard Triarchs of Negroponte Achaean garrison Venetian victory, recapture of Negroponte
1258, June 25 Acre War of Saint Sabas Lorenzo Tiepolo Genoese fleet under Rosso della Turca Venetian victory, Genoese abandon Acre
1263 Settepozzi, Greece War of Saint Sabas and Byzantine–Venetian wars Gilberto Dandolo Genoese fleet Venetian victory
1264, August 14 off Saseno, Albania War of Saint Sabas Michele Duaro Genoese fleet under Simone Grillo Genoese victory, capture of a Venetian trade convoy
1264, September 2–? Tyre War of Saint Sabas Andrea Barozzi Philip of Montfort, Lord of Tyre Siege aborted after a few days
1266, June 23 off Trapani, Sicily War of Saint Sabas Jacopo Dondulo Genoese fleet under Lanfranco Borbonino Crushing Venetian victory, Genoese fleet captured
1298, September 9 off Curzola, Dalmatia War of Saint Sabas Andrea Dandolo Genoese fleet under Lamba Doria Genoese victory

14th century

Date Location Conflict Commander Allies Opponents Outcome Refs
1334, autumn Gulf of Adramyttion Naval League of 1332 Unknown Knights Hospitaller, Kingdom of Cyprus, Papal States Beylik of Karasi Naval League victory
1344, May 13 Pallene peninsula, Chalcidice Smyrniote crusades Unknown Knights Hospitaller, Kingdom of Cyprus, Papal States Turkish pirates Christian victory
1345, August 12 – 1346, December 21 Zara, Dalmatia Croatian-Venetian wars and Hungarian–Venetian wars Citizens of Zara, aided by the Kingdom of Hungary Venetian victory, annexation of the city
1347, April Imbros island, Aegean Sea Smyrniote crusades Unknown Knights Hospitaller Turkish pirates (Beylik of Sarukhan/Beylik of Aydin?) Christian victory
1354, November 4 Bay of Pylos Third Venetian–Genoese War Niccolò Pisani Genoese fleet under Paganino Doria Genoese victory
1359 Megara Gulf Naval League of 1359 Unknown Knights Hospitaller Turkish pirates Christian victory
1378 Traù, Dalmatia War of Chioggia Vettor Pisani Genoese fleet under Luciano Doria and citizens of Traù Genoese victory
1378, May 30 off Anzio, Italy War of Chioggia Vettor Pisani Genoese fleet under Luigi de' Fieschi Venetian victory
1379, May 7 Pola, Istria War of Chioggia Vettor Pisani Genoese fleet under Luciano Doria Genoese victory
1380, June 24 Chioggia, Venetian Lagoon War of Chioggia Doge Andrea Contarini, Vettor Pisani, Carlo Zeno Genoese fleet under Pietro Doria Decisive Venetian victory, breaking of the siege of Venice

15th century

Date Location Conflict Commander Allies Opponents Outcome Refs
1403, October 7 off Modon, Greece Venetian–Genoese wars Carlo Zeno Genoese fleet under the French Marshal Boucicaut Venetian victory
1412, August 24 Motta di Livenza, Veneto Hungarian–Venetian wars Carlo Malatesta Hungarian forces of Sigismund of Luxembourg Venetian victory, consolidation of Venetian rule over Dalmatia
1416, May 29 northern entrance of the Dardanelles Ottoman–Venetian Wars Pietro Loredan Ottoman fleet under Çali Bey Venetian victory, death of Çali Bey
1423, September 14 – 1430, March 29 Thessalonica and northern Aegean Ottoman–Venetian Wars Various commanders Ottomans under Murad II and various commanders Ottoman victory, capture of Thessalonica
1427, October 11 Maclodio, Lombardy Wars in Lombardy Francesco Bussone da Carmagnola Duchy of Mantua Milanese army, under Carlo Malatesta Venetian victory, Malatesta taken captive
1431, March Soncino, Lombardy Wars in Lombardy Francesco Bussone da Carmagnola Milanese army, under Francesco I Sforza Milanese victory
1431, June 6 Po River, near Cremona Wars in Lombardy Niccolò Trevisani Milanese fleet, under Francesco I Sforza Milanese victory
1432, November 18–19 Delebio, Lombardy Wars in Lombardy Giorgio Corner, Cesare Martinengo, Taddeo d'Este Milanese army under Niccolò Piccinino Milanese victory
1440, June 29 Anghiari, Tuscany Wars in Lombardy Micheletto Attendolo, under the overall command of Cardinal Ludovico Trevisan Republic of Florence, Papal States Milanese army under Niccolò Piccinino Allied victory
1448, September 15 Caravaggio, Lombardy Wars in Lombardy and Milanese War of Succession Micheletto Attendolo Republic of Florence, Papal States Milanese army under Francesco Sforza Milanese victory
1452, June 6 - 8 Pontevico, Lombardy Wars in Lombardy Milanese army under Francesco Sforza Milanese victory
1453, May 25 - 29 Pontevico, Lombardy Wars in Lombardy Jacopo Piccinino Milanese army under Francesco Sforza Venetian victory
1453, June 14 – November 27 Orzinuovi, Lombardy Wars in Lombardy Bertoldo d'Este Milanese-French army under Francesco Sforza and René of Anjou Milanese victory, Venice loses Bassa Bresciana Occidentale The French army joined the battle since the autumn.
1453, August 15 Ghedi, Lombardy Wars in Lombardy and Milanese War of Succession Jacopo Piccinino MilaneseMantuan army under Francesco Sforza Milanese victory, Venice loses Bassa Bresciana Orientale
1453, October 16 - 19 Pontevico, Lombardy Wars in Lombardy Jacopo Piccinino Milanese-French army under Francesco Sforza and René of Anjou Milanese victory, Venice loses Bassa Bresciana Centrale
1467, July 25 Molinella, Emilia Bartolomeo Colleoni Duchy of Ferrara, Pesaro and Forlì Florentine army under Federico da Montefeltro Indecisive
1470, July 10 – August 5 Negroponte, Greece First Ottoman–Venetian War Paolo Erizzo (garrison), Nicolò Canal (fleet) Ottoman army under Sultan Mehmed II Ottoman victory, capture of the city and island of Negroponte
1478, May – 1479, April 25 Scutari, Albania First Ottoman–Venetian War various commanders Lordship of Zeta, local Albanian forces Ottoman army under Sultan Mehmed II and other commanders Ottoman victory, capture of the city and end of the war
1487, August 10 Calliano, Trentino War of Rovereto Roberto Sanseverino d'Aragona Armies of the Bishopric of Trent and the County of Tyrol Decisive allied victory, death of Sanseverino
1495, July 6 Fornovo, Emilia Italian War of 1494–1498 Francesco II Gonzaga Duchy of Milan, Margravate of Mantua French army under King Charles VIII French victory
1499, August 12, 20, 22, and 25 Bay of Pylos, Greece Second Ottoman–Venetian War Antonio Grimani Ottoman fleet under Kemal Reis Ottoman victory
1500, November 8 – December 24 Castle of Saint George, Cephalonia Second Ottoman–Venetian War Benedetto Pesaro (fleet), under the overall command of Gonzalo Fernández de Córdoba Spain Ottoman garrison under Gisdar Aga Allied victory, capture of the fortress

16th century

Date Location Conflict Commander Allies Opponents Outcome Refs
1509, December 22 River Po at Polesella, Veneto War of the League of Cambrai Angelo Trevisan Ferrarese fleet under Cardinal d'Este Ferrarese victory
1513, October 7 Schio, Veneto War of the League of Cambrai Bartolomeo d'Alviano SpanishImperial army under Ramón de Cardona and Fernando d'Ávalos Decisive Spanish–Imperial victory
1515, September 13–14 Melegnano, Lombardy War of the League of Cambrai Bartolomeo d'Alviano, under the overall command of King Francis I of France Kingdom of France SwissMilanese army under Maximilian Sforza Decisive French–Venetian victory
1537, August – September Corfu, Greece Third Ottoman–Venetian War Ottoman army and fleet (plus a French contingent) under Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent Venetian victory
1538, September 28 off Preveza, Greece Third Ottoman–Venetian War Vincenzo Cappello, under the overall command of Andrea Doria Holy League forces Ottoman fleet under Hayreddin Barbarossa Ottoman victory
1570, July 22 – September 9 Nicosia, Cyprus Fourth Ottoman–Venetian War Niccolò Dandolo Ottoman army under Lala Kara Mustafa Pasha Ottoman victory, sack of the city
1570, September 17 – 1571, August 5 Famagusta, Cyprus Fourth Ottoman–Venetian War Marco Antonio Bragadin Ottoman army under Lala Kara Mustafa Pasha Ottoman victory, sack of the city, end of Venetian resistance in Cyprus
1571, October 7 off Lepanto, Greece Fourth Ottoman–Venetian War Sebastiano Venier, under the overall command of John of Austria Holy League forces Ottoman fleet under Müezzinzade Ali Pasha Holy League victory

17th century

Date Location Conflict Commander Allies Opponents Outcome Refs
1618, June 24 Strait of Gibraltar Melcior van den Kerchove Spanish fleet Venetian victory, breakthrough of the Venetian fleet
1646, May 26 off the Dardanelles Strait Cretan War Tommaso Alvise Mocenigo Ottoman fleet Venetian victory
1648, May 1 – 1669, September 27 Candia, Crete Cretan War Various commanders Knights of Malta, Kingdom of France Ottoman army under various commanders Ottoman victory, surrender of Candia and end of the Cretan War
1649, May 12 off Foça Cretan War Giacomo da Riva Ottoman fleet under Koca Dervish Mehmed Pasha Venetian victory
1651, July 10 south of Naxos, Aegean Sea Cretan War Tommaso Alvise Mocenigo Ottoman fleet Venetian victory
1654, May 15 Perast Cretan War Krsto Vicković Ottoman army of Herzegovina, Uljinj pirates Venetian victory
1654, May 16 off the Dardanelles Strait Cretan War Giuseppe Delfino Knights of Malta Ottoman fleet under Kara Murat Pasha Ottoman victory
1655, June 21 off the Dardanelles Strait Cretan War Lazzaro Mocenigo Knights of Malta Ottoman fleet under Kara Mustafa Pasha Venetian victory
1656, June 26 off the Dardanelles Strait Cretan War Lorenzo Marcello Knights of Malta Ottoman fleet under Kenan Pasha Venetian victory, Venetian occupation of Tenedos and Lemnos
1657, May 3 Cretan War Lazzaro Mocenigo Ottoman Algerian fleet Venetian victory
1657, May 18 Cretan War Ottoman fleet Venetian victory
1657, July 17–19 off the Dardanelles Strait Cretan War Lazzaro Mocenigo Knights of Malta, Papal States Ottoman fleet under Topal Mehmed Pasha Ottoman victory, breaking of the Venetian blockade of the Dardanelles
1661, August 27 near Milos, Aegean Sea Cretan War Giorgio Morosini Knights of Malta Ottoman galley fleet Venetian victory
1662, September 29 between Kos and Kalymnos, Aegean Sea Cretan War Ottoman convoy from Alexandria Venetian victory
1684, July 21 – August 6 Fortress of Santa Maura, Lefkada Morean War Francesco Morosini Ottoman garrison of Santa Maura Venetian victory, surrender of the fortress and island
1686, June 2–14 New Navarino fortress, Morea Morean War Otto Wilhelm Königsmarck Ottoman garrison Venetian victory, surrender of the fortress
1686, July 30 – August 29 Nauplia, Morea Morean War Otto Wilhelm Königsmarck Ottoman garrison of Nauplia and relief army under Ismail Pasha Venetian victory, surrender of the city
1687, July 24 Patras, Morea Morean War Francesco Morosini, Otto Wilhelm Königsmarck Ottoman army under Mehmed Pasha Venetian victory, surrender of Patras Castle and Rio Castle
1687, September 23–29 Acropolis of Athens Morean War Francesco Morosini Ottoman garrison of the Acropolis Venetian victory, surrender of the Acropolis
1688, July 13 – October 21 Negroponte, Central Greece Morean War Francesco Morosini Ottoman garrison of Negroponte Ottoman victory, raising of the siege
1690, September 8 off Lesbos, Aegean Sea Morean War Daniele Dolfin Ottoman fleet Inconclusive
1695, February 9 & 19 off the Oinousses islands, Aegean Sea Morean War Giovanni Antonio Zeno Ottoman fleet under Mezzo Morto Hüseyin Pasha Ottoman victory
1696, August 22 off Andros, Aegean Sea Morean War Bartolomeo Contarini Papal States Ottoman fleet under Mezzo Morto Hüseyin Pasha Indecisive
1698, September 20 off Samothrace, northern Aegean Sea Morean War Ottoman fleet Inconclusive

18th century

Date Location Conflict Commander Allies Opponents Outcome Refs
1715, July 12–20 Nauplia, Greece Seventh Ottoman–Venetian War Geronimo Dolfin, Alessandro Bon Ottomans under Silahdar Damat Ali Pasha Decisive Ottoman victory, fall of the Kingdom of the Morea
1716, July 8 – August 21 Corfu, Greece Seventh Ottoman–Venetian War Johann Matthias von der Schulenburg, Andrea Pisani Knights of Malta, Grand Duchy of Tuscany, Papal States, Spain Ottomans under Canım Hoca Mehmed Pasha and Kara Mustafa Pasha Venetian victory, Ottomans abandon Corfu
1716, July 8 Corfu Channel, Greece Seventh Ottoman–Venetian War Andrea Corner Ottoman fleet under Canım Hoca Mehmed Pasha Indecisive
1717, June 12–16 off Imbros, Aegean Sea Seventh Ottoman–Venetian War Lodovico Flangini Ottoman fleet under Hodja Ibrahim Pasha Indecisive, death of Flangini
1717, July 19 off Cape Matapan, Greece Seventh Ottoman–Venetian War Marcantonio Diedo Kingdom of Portugal, Knights of Malta, Papal States Ottoman fleet under Eğribozlu Pasha Indecisive
1784 – 1788 Porto Farina, Tunis, Sfax, Bizerte, Sousse, Tunisia Angelo Emo, Tommaso Condulmier Beylik of Tunis under Hammuda ibn Ali Venetian victory

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