List of notable deployments of U.S. military forces overseas

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This article provides a list of "notable deployments of U.S. military forces overseas" from 1798 through April 2023, as reported by the US Congressional Research Service (CRS),[1] an office of the United States Congress.[2]

Highlights of the data

  • 481 "instances in which the United States has used military forces abroad in situations of military conflict or potential conflict to protect U.S. citizens or promote U.S. interests."
  • It does not include "covert actions or the many occurrences in which U.S. forces have been stationed abroad since World War II in occupation forces or for participation in mutual security organizations, base agreements, or routine military assistance or training operations."
  • Of the 226 years from 1798 through 2023, deployments occurred in 207 (all but 1811, 1826, 1828 to 30, 1834, 1837, 1845, 1850, 1861, 1862, 1869, 1872, 1897, 1947, 1957, 1961, 1977, and 1979).
Chart for List of Notable Deployments of US Military Forces Overseas
Graph of US military deployments per year
  • The largest number of deployments in any one year was 29 in 2017, followed by 16 in 2019, 15 in 2014, and 14 in 2018.
  • A few deployments were not for combat, including three evacuations in 1974 and 75 and typhoon relief in 2012 and 13.
  • From the descriptions (See report; full descriptions not included in table below.)
    • Some of the descriptions start with more details about the timeframe of the deployments, as shown in column "Time preface" below.
    • For 47 deployments, the descriptions state specifically that they were "to protect American interests [or property]," as indicated by "Y" in column "US interest" below.)
  • Of the 481 deployments, five were declared wars. The column "Decl'ns" below indicates how many war declarations were made in each of those five, totaling eleven.
  • The report cites sources for some of its data with 157 footnotes, as indicated in the "Footnotes" column below (mostly for deployments after 2013).

The report explains, "The instances vary greatly in size of operation, [duration,] legal authorization, and significance. ... [I]nclusion in this list does not connote either the legality or the level of significance of the instance described. ... Because of differing judgments ..., other lists may include more or fewer instances." Footnote 1 of the report cites three sources of alternative lists, as well as a source for a discussion of the evolution of such lists.

The CRS report is updated approximately annually.[3][4] The data in this article are from version 41, published on June 7, 2023.

List of deployments

Listing of Notable Deployments of U.S. Military Forces Overseas, 1798-April 2023 [1]
# Start End Deployment Time preface US Interest Decl'ns Footnotes Related article
1 1798 1800 Undeclared Naval War with France Quasi-War
2 1801 1805 Tripoli, Libya First Barbary War
3 1806 Mexico (Spanish territory)
4 1806 1810 Gulf of Mexico
5 1810 West Florida (Spanish territory) West Florida Controversy
6 1812 Amelia Island and other parts of east Florida, then under Spain
7 1812 1815 War of 1812 On June 18, 1812, 1 War of 1812
8 1813 West Florida (Spanish territory)
9 1813 1814 Marquesas Islands
10 1814 Spanish Florida
11 1814 1825 Caribbean
12 1815 Algiers Second Barbary War
13 Tripoli, Libya
14 1816 Spanish Florida
15 1816 1818 Spanish Florida—First Seminole War
16 1817 Amelia Island (Spanish territory off northeast Florida)
17 1818 Oregon
18 1820 1823 Africa
19 1822 Cuba
20 1823 Cuba
21 1824 Cuba In October 1824,
22 Puerto Rico (Spanish territory)
23 1825 Cuba In March 1825,
24 1827 Greece In October and November 1827, Aegean Sea anti-piracy operations
25 1831 1832 Falkland Islands/Malvinas, Argentina Y 2
26 1832 Sumatra From February 6 to 9, 1832,
27 1833 Argentina From October 31 to November 15, 1833,
28 1835 1836 Peru December 10, 1835, to January 24, 1836, and August 31 to December 7, 1836. Y
29 1836 Mexico
30 1838 1839 Sumatra December 24, 1838, to January 4, 1839.
31 1840 Fiji Islands July.
32 1841 Taputeoiea (Tabiteuea) or Drummond’s Island, Kingsmill Group
33 Samoa February 24, 1841,
34 1842 Mexico
35 1843 China
36 Africa From November 29 to December 16, 1843,
37 1844 Mexico
38 1846 1848 Mexican War On May 13, 1846, 1 Mexican–American War
39 1849 Smyrna (İzmir, Turkey) In July,
40 1851 Turkey
41 Johanns Island (east of Africa) August.
42 1852 1853 Argentina February 3 to 12, 1852; September 17, 1852, to April 1853. Y
43 1853 Nicaragua From March 11 to 13, 1853, Y
44 1853 1854 Japan
45 Ryukyu and Bonin Islands
46 1854 China April 4 to June 15 to 17, 1854. Y
47 Nicaragua July 9 to 15.
48 1855 China May 19 to 21, 1855. Y
49 Fiji Islands September 12 to November 4, 1855. First Fiji Expedition
50 Uruguay November 25 to 29, 1855. Y
51 1856 Panama, Republic of New Grenada September 19 to 22, 1856. Y
52 China October 22 to December 6, 1856. Y Second Opium War
53 1857 Nicaragua April to May, November to December 1857. Filibuster War
54 1858 Uruguay January 2 to 27, 1858. Y
55 Fiji Islands October 6 to 16, 1858. Second Fiji Expedition
56 1858 1859 Turkey
57 1859 Paraguay
58 Mexico
59 China July 31 to August 2, 1859. Y Second Opium War
60 1860 Angola, Portuguese West Africa March 1, 1860.
61 Colombia (Bay of Panama) September 27 to October 8, 1860. Y
62 1863 Japan July 16. Battle of Shimonoseki Straits
63 1864 Japan July 14 to August 3, 1864. Shimonoseki Campaign
64 Japan September 4 to 14, 1864.
65 1865 Panama March 9 and 10, 1865.
66 1866 China From June 20 to July 7, 1866,
67 Mexico
68 1867 Nicaragua
69 Formosa June 13, 1867.
70 1868 Japan (Osaka, Hiolo, Nagasaki, Yokohama, and Negata) February 4 to 8, April 4 to May 12, June 12 and 13, 1868. Y
71 Uruguay February 7 and 8, 19 to 26, 1868.
72 Colombia April.
73 1870 Mexico June 17 and 18, 1870.
74 Hawaiian Islands September 21.
75 1871 Korea June 10 to 12, 1871. US expedition to Korea
76 1873 Colombia (Bay of Panama) May 7 to 22, September 23 to October 9, 1873. Y
77 1873 1896 Mexico
78 1874 Hawaiian Islands February 12 to 20, 1874. Y
79 1876 Mexico May 18, 1876. Y
80 1882 Egypt July 14 to 18, 1882. Y
81 1885 Panama (Colón) January 18 and 19, 1885.
82 1888 Korea June.
83 Haiti December 20, 1888.
84 1888 1889 Samoa November 14, 1888, to March 20, 1889.
85 1889 Hawaiian Islands July 30 and 31, 1889. Y Hawaiian rebellions
86 1890 Argentina
87 1891 Haiti Y
88 Bering Strait June 22 to October 5, 1891.
89 Chile August 28 to 30.
90 1893 Hawaii January 16 to April 1, 1893. Y
91 1894 Brazil January.
92 Nicaragua July 6 to August 7, 1894. Y
93 1894 1895 China In March 1894,
94 China
95 1894 1896 Korea July 24, 1894, to April 3, 1896. Y
96 1895 Colombia March 8 to 9, 1895. Y
97 1896 Nicaragua May 2 to 4, 1896. Y
98 1898 Nicaragua February 7 and 8, 1898. Y
99 1898 The Spanish-American War On April 25, 1898, 1 Spanish–American War
100 1898 1899 China November 5, 1898, to March 15, 1899.
101 1899 Nicaragua
102 Samoa February-May 15, 1899.
103 1899 1901 Philippine Islands Y Philippine–American War
104 1900 China May 24 to September 28, 1900. Boxer Rebellion
105 1901 Colombia (State of Panama) November 20 to December 4, 1901. Y
106 1902 Colombia April 16 to 23, 1902. Y
107 Colombia (State of Panama) September 17 to November 18, 1902.
108 1903 Honduras March 23 to 30 or 31, 1903.
109 Dominican Republic March 30 to April 21, 1903. Y
110 Syria September 7 to 12, 1903.
111 1903 1904 Abyssinia
112 1903 1914 Panama Y
113 1904 Dominican Republic January 2 to February 11, 1904. Y
114 Tangier, Morocco
115 Panama November 17 to 24, 1904. Y
116 1904 1905 Korea January 5, 1904, to November 11, 1905.
117 1906 1909 Cuba September 1906 to January 23, 1909.
118 1907 Honduras March 18 to June 8, 1907. Y
119 1910 Nicaragua May 19 to September 4, 1910. Y
120 1911 Honduras January 26, 1911. Y
121 China
122 1912 Honduras
123 Panama
124 Cuba June 5 to August 5, 1912. Y Negro Rebellion
125 China August 24 to 26, 1912. Y
126 Turkey November 18 to December 3, 1912.
127 1912 1925 Nicaragua August to November 1912. Y US occupation of Nicaragua
128 1912 1941 China
129 1913 Mexico September 5 to 7, 1913. Mexican Border War
130 1914 Haiti January 29 to February 9, February 20 to 21, October 19, 1914.
131 Dominican Republic June and July 1914.
132 1914 1917 Mexico US occupation of Veracruz
133 1915 1934 Haiti July 28, 1915, to August 15, 1934. US occupation of Haiti
134 1916 China
135 1916 1924 Dominican Republic May 1916 to September 1924. US occupation of the Dominican Republic
136 1917 China
137 1917 1918 World War I On April 6, 1917, 2 World War I
138 1917 1922 Cuba Y Cuban Civil War
139 1918 1919 Mexico Mexican Border War
140 1918 1920 Panama
141 Soviet Russia Russian Civil War
142 1919 Dalmatia
143 Turkey
144 Honduras September 8 to 12, 1919.
145 1920 China March 14, 1920.
146 Guatemala April 9 to 27, 1920. Y
147 1920 1922 Russia (Siberia) February 16, 1920, to November 19, 1922.
148 1921 Panama-Costa Rica
149 1922 Turkey September and October 1922. Y
150 1922 1923 China
151 1924 Honduras February 28 to March 31, September 10 to 15, 1924. Y
152 China September.
153 1925 China January 15 to August 29, 1925.
154 Honduras April 19 to 21, 1925.
155 Panama October 12 to 23, 1925. Y
156 1926 1933 Nicaragua May 7 to June 5, 1926; August 27, 1926, to January 3, 1933. US occupation of Nicaragua
157 1926 China August and September 1926.
158 1927 China February 1927.
159 1932 China Y
160 1933 Cuba
161 1934 China
162 1940 Newfoundland, Bermuda, St. Lucia, Bahamas, Jamaica, Antigua, Trinidad, and British Guiana
163 1941 Greenland World War II
164 Netherlands (Dutch Guiana) In November,
165 Iceland
166 Germany In spring 1941,
167 1941 1945 World War II On December 8, 1941, 6 World War II
168 1945 China In October 1945, Chinese Civil War
169 1946 Trieste, Italy
170 1948 Palestine
171 Berlin, Germany
172 1948 1949 China
173 1950 1953 Korean War Korean War
174 1950 1955 Formosa (Taiwan) In June 1950
175 1954 1955 China First Taiwan Strait Crisis
176 1956 Egypt
177 1958 Lebanon
178 1959 1960 The Caribbean
179 1962 Thailand
180 Cuba On October 22, 1962,
181 1962 1975 Laos From October 1962 until 1975, Laotian Civil War
182 1964 Congo Congo Crisis
183 1964 1973 Vietnam War Vietnam War
184 1965 Dominican Republic US intervention in Dominican Civil War
185 1967 Congo
186 1970 Cambodia Cambodian Civil War
187 1974 Evacuation from Cyprus
188 1975 Evacuation from Vietnam On April 3, 1975, 3
189 Evacuation from Cambodia On April 12, 1975,
190 South Vietnam On April 30, 1975,
191 Mayaguez incident On May 15, 1975,
192 1976 Lebanon On July 22 and 23, 1974,
193 Korea
194 1978 Zaire From May 19 through June 1978, Shaba II
195 1980 Iran On April 26, 1980,
196 1981 El Salvador Salvadoran Civil War
197 Libya On August 19, 1981,
198 1982 Sinai, Egypt On March 19, 1982,
199 Lebanon On August 21, 1982,
200 1982 1983 Lebanon On September 29, 1982,
201 1983 Egypt
202 1983 1989 Honduras In July 1983
203 1983 Chad On August 8, 1983,
204 Grenada On October 25, 1983, US invasion of Grenada
205 1984 Persian Gulf On June 5, 1984,
206 1985 Italy On October 10, 1985, US bombing of Libya
207 1986 Libya On March 26, 1986,
208 Libya On April 16, 1986,
209 Bolivia
210 1987 1988 Persian Gulf
211 1988 Panama In mid-March and April 1988,
212 1989 Libya On January 4, 1989,
213 Panama On May 11, 1989,
214 Andean Initiative in War on Drugs On September 15, 1989,
215 Philippines On December 2, 1989,
216 1989 1990 Panama On December 21, 1989, US invasion of Panama
217 1990 Liberia On August 6, 1990, First Liberian Civil War
218 Saudi Arabia On August 9, 1990, Gulf War
219 1991 Iraq On January 18, 1991,
220 Iraq On May 17, 1991,
221 Zaire (now DRC) On September 25-27, 1991,
222 1992 Sierra Leone On May 3, 1992,
223 Kuwait On August 3, 1992,
224 Iraq On September 16, 1992,
225 Somalia On December 10, 1992, Somali Civil War
226 1993 Iraq On January 19, 1993,
227 Iraq On January 21, 1993,
228 Bosnia On February 28, 1993,
229 Bosnia On April 13, 1993,
230 Iraq
231 Somalia On June 10, 1993, Somali Civil War
232 Iraq On June 28, 1993,
233 Iraq
234 Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia On July 9, 1993, 4
235 Haiti On October 20, 1993,
236 1994 Bosnia On February 17, 1994,
237 Bosnia On March 1, 1994,
238 Bosnia On April 12, 1994,
239 Rwanda On April 12, 1994,
240 FYROM On April 19, 1994,
241 Haiti On April 20, 1994,
242 Bosnia On August 22, 1994,
243 Haiti On September 21, 1994,
244 Bosnia On November 22, 1994,
245 FYROM On December 22, 1994,
246 1995 Somalia On March 1, 1995, Somali Civil War
247 Haiti On March 21, 1995,
248 Bosnia On May 24, 1995,
249 Bosnia On September 1, 1995,
250 Haiti On September 21, 1995,
251 Bosnia On December 6, 1995,
252 Bosnia On December 21, 1995,
253 1996 Haiti On March 21, 1996,
254 Liberia On April 11, 1996,
255 Liberia On May 20, 1996,
256 Central African Republic On May 23, 1996,
257 Bosnia On June 21, 1996,
258 Rwanda and Zaire (now DRC) On December 2, 1996,
259 Bosnia On December 20, 1996,
260 1997 Albania On March 15, 1997,
261 Congo and Gabon On March 27, 1997,
262 Sierra Leone On May 30, 1997,
263 Bosnia On June 20, 1997,
264 Cambodia On July 11, 1997,
265 Bosnia On December 19, 1997,
266 1998 Guinea-Bissau On June 12, 1998,
267 Bosnia On June 19, 1998,
268 Kenya and Tanzania On August 10, 1998,
269 Albania On August 18, 1998,
270 Afghanistan and Sudan On August 21, 1998,
271 Liberia On September 29, 1998,
272 Iraq
273 1998 1999 Iraq
274 1999 Bosnia On January 19, 1999,
275 Kenya On February 25, 1999,
276 Yugoslavia On March 26, 1999,
277 Yugoslavia/Albania On April 7, 1999,
278 Yugoslavia/Albania On May 25, 1999,
279 Yugoslavia/Kosovo On June 12, 1999,
280 Bosnia On July 19, 1999,
281 East Timor On October 8, 1999,
282 Yugoslavia/Kosovo On December 15, 1999,
283 1999 2000 Iraq
284 2000 Bosnia On January 25, 2000,
285 East Timor On February 25, 2000,
286 Sierra Leone On May 12, 2000,
287 Yugoslavia/Kosovo On June 16, 2000,
288 Bosnia On July 25, 2000,
289 East Timor On August 25, 2000,
290 Yemen On October 14, 2000,
291 Yugoslavia/Kosovo On December 18, 2000,
292 2001 East Timor On March 2, 2001,
293 Yugoslavia/Kosovo On May 18, 2001,
294 Bosnia On July 25, 2001,
295 Iraq
296 East Timor On August 31, 2001,
297 Terrorism threat On September 24, 2001,
298 Afghanistan On October 9, 2001,
299 Yugoslavia/Kosovo On November 19, 2001,
300 2002 Bosnia On January 21, 2002,
301 East Timor On February 28, 2002,
302 Terrorism threat On March 20, 2002,
303 Yugoslavia/Kosovo On May 17, 2002,
304 Bosnia On July 22, 2002,
305 Terrorism threat On September 20, 2002,
306 Cote d’Ivoire On September 26, 2002,
307 Yugoslavia/Kosovo On November 15, 2002,
308 2003 Bosnia On January 21, 2003,
309 Terrorism threat On March 20, 2003,
310 Iraq War On March 21, 2003,
311 Yugoslavia/Kosovo On May 14, 2003,
312 Liberia On June 9, 2003,
313 Bosnia On July 22, 2003,
314 Liberia On August 13, 2003,
315 Terrorism threat On September 19, 2003,
316 Yugoslavia/Kosovo On November 14, 2003,
317 2004 Bosnia On January 22, 2004,
318 Haiti On February 25, 2004, Y
319 Haiti On March 2, 2004,
320 Terrorism/Bosnia and Haiti On March 20, 2004,
321 Terrorism threat/Horn of Africa/Kosovo/Bosnia/Iraq On November 4, 2004,
322 2005 Terrorism threat/Horn of Africa/Kosovo/Bosnia On May 20, 2005,
323 Terrorism threat/Horn of Africa/Kosovo/Bosnia/Iraq On December 7, 2005,
324 2006 Terrorism threat/Kosovo/Bosnia/Iraq On June 15, 2006,
325 Lebanon On July 18, 2006,
326 Terrorism threat/Horn of Africa/Kosovo/Bosnia On December 15, 2006,
327 2007 Terrorism threat/Kosovo/Afghanistan On June 15, 2007,
328 Terrorism threat/Kosovo/Afghanistan On December 14, 2007,
329 2008 Terrorism threat/Kosovo/Afghanistan On June 13, 2008,
330 Terrorism threat/Kosovo/Afghanistan On December 16, 2008,
331 2009 Terrorism threat/Afghanistan/Iraq/Kosovo On June 15, 2009,
332 Terrorism threat/Afghanistan/Iraq/Kosovo On December 5, 2009,
333 2010 Terrorism threat/Afghanistan/Iraq/Kosovo On June 15, 2010,
334 Terrorism threat/Afghanistan/Iraq/Kosovo On December 15, 2010,
335 2011 Terrorism threat/Afghanistan/Libya/Kosovo On June 15, 2011, Y
336 Libya On March 21, 2011,
337 Central Africa On October 14, 2011,
338 Terrorism threat/Afghanistan/Libya/Iraq/Kosovo On December 15, 2011,
339 2012 Somalia On January 26, 2012, Somali Civil War
340 Terrorism threat/Afghanistan/Somalia/Yemen/Central Africa/Kosovo On June 15, 2012,
341 Libya/Yemen On September 14, 2012, Y
342 Southern Philippines Humanitarian Assistance for Typhoon Bopha On December 17, 2012, Typhoon Bopha
343 2013 Afghanistan On January 31, 2013,
344 Niger On February 22, 2013,
345 Afghanistan On April 10, 2013,
346 Jordan
347 Terrorism threat/Afghanistan/Somalia/Yemen/Central Africa On June 14, 2013, Somali Civil War
348 Jordan
349 Afghanistan On July 11, 2013,
350 Afghanistan On September 24, 2013,
351 Leyte, Philippines Humanitarian Assistance for Typhoon Haiyan On November 9, 2013, Typhoon Haiyan
352 Burundi and Central African Republic
353 Afghanistan On December 13, 2013,
354 South Sudan On December 18, 2013,
355 2014 South Korea On January 7, 2014,
356 Uganda, South Sudan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and the Central African Republic 5
357 Iraq On June 19, 2014, 6
358 Iraq June 30, 2014, 7
359 Ukraine On August 6, 2014, 8
360 Iraq On August 13, 2014, 9
361 Poland 10
362 Iraq On September 2, 2014, 11, 12
363 Liberia, West Africa 13, 14
364 Liberia and Senegal, West Africa On October 1, 2014, 15, 16
365 Iraq On November 7, 2014, 17
366 Dakar, Senegal On November 10, 2014, 18
367 Senegal and Liberia, West Africa On November 14, 2014, 19
368 Vilnius, Lithuania On November 24, 2014, 20
369 Iraq On December 19, 2014, 21
370 2015 Liberia and Senegal, West Africa On January 8, 2015, 22
371 Korea On March 20, 2015, 23
372 Iraq On June 10, 2015, 24, 25
373 Iraq, Afghanistan, and Middle East On August 5, 2015, 26, 27
374 Kuwait On September 24, 2015, 28
375 Cameroon On October 14, 2015, 29
376 Republic of Korea On November 30, 2015, 30
377 2016 Iraq On June 11, 2016, 31
378 Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Somalia, Yemen, Djibouti, Libya, Cuba, Central Africa, Egypt, Jordan, and NATO/Kosovo On June 13, 2016, 32 Somali Civil War
379 South Sudan 33, 34
380 Afghanistan On August 5, 2016, 35
381 Afghanistan 36
382 Iraq 37, 38
383 Haiti On October 7, 2016, 39
384 Yemen On October 14, 2016, 40
385 Afghanistan On December 8, 2016, 41
386 2017 Europe On January 5, 2017, 42
387 Iraq 43
388 Guatemala 44
389 Korea 45
390 Germany 46
391 Romania On February 16, 2017, 47
392 Honduras 48
393 Germany On February 22, 2017, 49
394 Germany On February 24, 2017, 50
395 Greece 51
396 Syria On March 10, 2017, 52, 53
397 Peru On March 30, 2017, 54
398 Afghanistan 55
399 Uruguay On April 6, 2017, 56
400 Korea On May 19, 2017, 57
401 Iraq and Kuwait 58
402 Egypt In late May, 59
403 England 60
404 Sri Lanka 61
405 England 62
406 Southwest Asia On September 5, 63
407 Caribbean 64
408 Afghanistan In September 2017, 65
409 Dominica 66
410 Niger 67, 68
411 Afghanistan, Syria, Africa, and elsewhere On October 10, 2017, 69
412 Haiti On November 18, 70
413 Poland 71
414 Iraq and Syria on December 6, 2017, 72
415 2018 Afghanistan In February 2018, 73
416 Syria On April 13, 2018, 74
417 Tanzania From May to July 2018, 75
418 Central and South America 76
419 Thailand 77
420 Ukraine On July 20, 2018, 78
421 Iceland 79
422 Europe and Africa 80, 81
423 Central and South America On October 20, 2018, 82
424 Afghanistan On October 18, 2018, 83, 84
425 Yemen 85
426 Africa On November 15, 2018, 86
427 Syria 87
428 Honduras On December 10, 2018, 88
429 2019 Syria In early January 2019, 89
430 South Korea 90
431 Iraq On March 29, 2019, 91, 92
432 Afghanistan On March 29, 2019, 93, 94
433 Japan From April 9 to April 17, 95, 96
434 Lithuania 97
435 Japan 98
436 Indo-Pacific On May 1, 2019, 99
437 Middle East On May 10, 2019, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104
438 Venezuela 105
439 Poland On June 12, 2019, 106
440 Saudi Arabia On September 26, 2019, 107
441 Europe On October 4, 2019, 108
442 Saudi Arabia On October 11, 2019, 109
443 Afghanistan and South Korea On December 5, 2019, 110
444 Middle East On Dec. 31, 2019, 111, 112, 113
445 2020 Kuwait In early January 2020, 114
446 Africa On February 12, 2020, 115
447 International On March 25, 2020, 116
448 Afghanistan On April 23, 2020, 117, 118, 119
449 Europe On April 23, 2000, 120, 121
450 Iraq 122
451 Italy 123
452 Germany On July 1, 2020, 124, 125
453 Europe On September 24, 2020, 126
454 Central America On November 12, 2020, 127
455 INDOPACOM region On December 17, 2020, 128
456 2021 Afghanistan and Iraq On January 15, 2021, 129
457 Korea On March 25, 2021, 130
458 Afghanistan On April 15, 2021, 131
459 Europe On July 6, 2021, 132
460 Haiti On August 15, 2021, 133
461 Afghanistan On August 15, 2021,
462 Afghanistan On August 30, 2021, 134
463 Europe On October 8, 2021, 135, 136
464 Europe On December 16, 2021, 137
465 South Korea On December 16, 2021, 138
466 2022 Tonga 139, 140
467 Romania, Poland, and Germany On February 2, 2022, 141, 142
468 Poland, Europe On February 11, 2022, 143
469 Poland, Europe 144
470 Europe On March 5, 2022, 145
471 Europe 146
472 Somalia In May, 147 Somali Civil War
473 Europe On June 29, 2022, 148
474 Europe On August 12, 2022, 149
475 Europe On September 2, 2022, 150
476 Korea On September 2, 2022, 151
477 Latin America and the Caribbean On December 21, 2022, 152
478 2023 Europe 153
479 Europe On March 7, 2023, 154, 155
480 Korea On March 8, 2023, 156
481 Sudan On April 22, 2023, 157, 158 Evacuation from Sudan

See also



  1. ^ a b Instances of Use of United States Armed Forces Abroad, 1798-2023, Report # R42738 by US Congressional Research Service, June 7, 2023. Can be found by search on CRS website.Public Domain This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the public domain.
  2. ^ "About CRS - Congressional Research Service (Library of Congress)".
  3. ^ Versions of Report # R42738, US Congressional Research ServicePublic Domain This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the public domain.
  4. ^ List of revisions and sources of 'Instances of Use of United States Armed Forces Abroad'

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