List of political parties in Argentina

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This article lists political parties in Argentina.

Argentina has a multi-party system with two strong political parties or alliances, and various smaller parties that enjoy representation at the National Congress.

Since the 1990s, there is a strong decentralizing tendency within the national parties, along with the growing national relevance of province-level parties and alliances. In the last decade, most of the newly formed parties remained as junior partners of the main alliances or as district-level relevant political forces.

Historic background


From the "national organisation" process (1862–80) up to 1916, the oligarchic National Autonomist Party directed Argentine politics, before being replaced, through the first secret ballot elections, by the Radical Civic Union. The "Infamous Decade" (1930–43), initiated by the first modern coup d'état in Argentina, represented a return of the conservatives, who implemented a so-called "patriotic fraud" electoral practice. Since 1946, the strongest party has been the Justicialist Party, emerging around the leadership of Juan Perón (when not banned, justicialists lost only four presidential elections, in 1983, 1999, 2015, and 2023). From 1946 to 2001, the second most important party was the Radical Civic Union, until the 2001 financial crisis. From then on, left-wing Justicialists Néstor Kirchner and his wife Cristina Fernández de Kirchner won the 2003, 2007 and 2011 general elections. After that, in the 2015 general election, Kirchnerism was defeated by a Centre-right coalition, Cambiemos, composed of the Radical Civic Union and Republican Proposal, a new liberal conservative party. However, in the elections of 2019, the Justicialist Party joined the Frente de Todos (a Centre-left coalition) which won the presidential elections. The PJ returned to power, with Alberto Fernández as President of the Nation.

Since 10 December 2023, the current-ruing party in Argentina is the Libertarian Party, with Javier Milei as President of the Nation.

Electoral alliances


National alliances

Alliance[1] Ideology Position Deputies Senators Governors Parties[2]
Union for the Homeland
Unión por la Patria
UP Peronism
102 / 257
33 / 72
8 / 24
Juntos por el Cambio
Together for Change
JxC Conservative liberalism
Social liberalism
Centre[3] to centre-right[4]
Right-wing[5] to far-right[6][7][8]
93 / 257
24 / 72
10 / 24
La Libertad Avanza
Freedom Advances
LLA Libertarian conservatism
Right-wing to far-right
40 / 257
7 / 72
0 / 24
We Do for Our Country
Hacemos por Nuestro País
HpNP or HNP Federal Peronism
Argentine nationalism
Centre to centre-right
8 / 257
3 / 72
1 / 24
Workers' Left Front – United
Frente de Izquierda y de los Trabajadores - Unidad
FIT-U Trotskyism
Left-wing to far-left
5 / 257
0 / 72
0 / 24

Provincial alliances


Provincial electoral alliances and coalitions active as of the 2019 general election.[1]

Alliance Province Member parties Representation
Upper house Lower house
We Do for Córdoba
Hacemos por Córdoba
HPC  Córdoba
Member parties
51 / 70
Encounter for Corrientes
Encuentro por Corrientes
ECO  Corrientes
Member parties
10 / 15
21 / 30
Front for the Renewal of Concord
Frente Renovador de la Concordia
FRC  Misiones
Member parties
26 / 40
Union for Salta
Unión por Salta
UXS  Salta
Member parties
12 / 23
37 / 60
Progressive, Civic and Social Front
Frente Progresista Cívico y Social
FPCyS  Santa Fe
1 / 19
28 / 50
Social and Popular Front
Frente Social y Popular
0 / 19
2 / 50
Civic Front for Santiago
Frente Cívico por Santiago
FCxS  Santiago del Estero
Member parties
16 / 40
Vamos Todos a Vivir Mejor  Tierra del Fuego
6 / 15
  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae Only the provincial chapter of this party formed part of this provincial coalition; at the national level, the party formed part of a different national coalition (see above).

Political parties


National parties


Parties recognized in at least 5 provinces, as of 31 July 2021.[9]

Political party Ideology Deputies Senators Governors Affiliation
1 Integration and Development Movement
Movimiento de Integración y Desarrollo
MID Developmentalism
Economic liberalism
1 / 257
0 / 72
0 / 24
2 Justicialist Party
Partido Justicialista
PJ Peronism
91 / 257
36 / 72
12 / 24
3 Radical Civic Union
Unión Cívica Radical
UCR Radicalism
Social liberalism
45 / 257
20 / 72
3 / 24
5 Christian Democratic Party
Partido Demócrata Cristiano
PDC Christian democracy
0 / 257
0 / 72
0 / 24
6 Intransigent Party
Partido Intransigente
PI Democratic socialism
0 / 257
0 / 72
0 / 24
8 Federal Party
Partido Federal
PF Federalism
0 / 257
0 / 72
0 / 24
9 Democratic Progressive Party
Partido Demócrata Progresista
PDP Liberalism
0 / 257
0 / 72
0 / 24
12 Communist Party
Partido Comunista
PC Communism
0 / 257
0 / 72
0 / 24
13 New Movement for Socialism
Nuevo Movimiento al Socialismo
MAS Trotskyism
0 / 257
0 / 72
0 / 24
19 Conservative People's Party
Partido Conservador Popular
PCP Conservatism
National conservatism
0 / 257
0 / 72
0 / 24
23 Federal Popular Union
Unión Popular Federal
UPF Peronism
0 / 257
0 / 72
0 / 24
33 UNIR Constitutional Nationalist Party
Partido Nacionalista Constitucional UNIR
UNIR PNC Conservatism
National conservatism
1 / 257
0 / 72
0 / 24
36 National Autonomist Party
Partido Autonomista Nacional
PAN Conservatism
0 / 257
0 / 72
0 / 24
38 Workers' Socialist Movement
Movimiento Socialista de los Trabajadores
MST Trotskyism
0 / 257
0 / 72
0 / 24
40 Freemen of the South Movement
Movimiento Libres del Sur
LDS Left-wing nationalism
Social democracy
0 / 257
0 / 72
0 / 24
41 Broad Front
Frente Grande
FG Peronism
Social democracy
2 / 257
0 / 72
0 / 24
47 Civic Coalition ARI
Coalición Cívica ARI
CC-ARI Social liberalism
11 / 257
0 / 72
0 / 24
50 Socialist Party
Partido Socialista
PS Social democracy
Democratic socialism
2 / 257
0 / 72
0 / 24
54 Victory Party
Partido de la Victoria
PV Kirchnerism
0 / 257
1 / 72
0 / 24
57 Neighbourhood Action Movement
Movimiento de Acción Vecinal
MAV Localism
0 / 257
0 / 72
0 / 24
61 Socialist Left[a]
Izquierda Socialista
IS Trotskyism
0 / 257
0 / 72
0 / 24
64 Republican Proposal
Propuesta Republicana
PRO Liberal conservatism
50 / 257
14 / 72
1 / 24
65 Light Blue and White Union
Unión Celeste y Blanco
UCyB Federal Peronism
Social conservatism
0 / 257
0 / 72
0 / 24
66 Solidary Party
Partido Solidario
PSOL Co-operatism
1 / 257
0 / 72
0 / 24
67 National Liberation Current
Corriente de Liberación Nacional
KOLINA Kirchnerism
2 / 257
0 / 72
0 / 24
68 New Left
Nueva Izquierda
NE Trotskyism
0 / 257
0 / 72
0 / 24
69 Generation for a National Encounter
Generación para un Encuentro Nacional
GEN Social democracy
0 / 257
0 / 72
0 / 24
70 Socialist Workers' Party[b]
Partido Socialista de los Trabajadores
PTS Trotskyism
4 / 257
0 / 72
0 / 24
71 Workers' Party
Partido Obrero
PO Trotskyism
1 / 257
0 / 72
0 / 24
72 Popular Unity[c]
Unidad Popular
UP Left-wing nationalism
Socialism of the 21st century
0 / 257
0 / 72
0 / 24
73 New Encounter[d]
Nuevo Encuentro
NE Kirchnerism
2 / 257
0 / 72
0 / 24
74 Revolutionary Communist Party[e]
Partido Comunista Revolucionario
PCR Communism
2 / 257
0 / 72
0 / 24
75 FORJA Concertation Party
Partido de la Concertación FORJA
FORJA Kirchnerism
K radicalism
1 / 257
0 / 72
0 / 24
76 Party of Culture, Education and Labour
Partido de la Cultura, la Educación y el Trabajo
CET Peronism
1 / 257
0 / 72
0 / 24
77 Faith Party
Partido Fe
FE Peronism
1 / 257
0 / 72
0 / 24
78 Third Position Party
Partido Tercera Posición
P3P Peronism
Federal Peronism
1 / 257
0 / 72
0 / 24
79 Federal Renewal Party
Partido Renovador Federal
PRF Peronism
0 / 257
0 / 72
0 / 24
82 Federal Commitment
Compromiso Federal
CF Federal Peronism
4 / 257
1 / 72
1 / 24
83 Project South
Proyecto Sur
SUR Environmentalism
Social democracy
0 / 257
0 / 72
0 / 24
84 Labor and Equity Party
Partido del Trabajo y la Equidad
ParTE Progressivism
Social democracy
0 / 257
0 / 72
0 / 24
85 Democratic Party
Partido Demócrata
PD Liberal conservatism
0 / 257
0 / 72
0 / 24
86 Renewal Front
Frente Renovador
FRA Peronism
11 / 257
0 / 72
1 / 24
87 Unite for Liberty and Dignity
Unite por la Libertad y la Dignidad
UNITE Economic liberalism
0 / 257
0 / 72
0 / 24
88 Federal Republican Encounter
Encuentro Republicano Federal
ERF Federal Peronism
National conservatism
1 / 257
0 / 72
0 / 24
93 Patria Grande Front
Frente Patria Grande
FPG Kirchnerism
3 / 257
0 / 72
0 / 24
  1. ^ Legally registered as the Left for a Socialist Option (Spanish: Izquierda por una Opción Socialista)
  2. ^ Legally registered as the Workers' Party for Socialism (Spanish: Partido Socialista de los Trabajadores; PTS)
  3. ^ Legally registered as Electoral Instrument for Popular Unity (Spanish: Instrumento Electoral por la Unidad Popular).
  4. ^ Legally registered as Encounter for Democracy and Equity (Spanish: Encuentro por la Democracia y la Equidad; EDE).
  5. ^ Legally registered as the Party of Labour and the People (Spanish: Partido del Trabajo y del Pueblo; PTP).

Provincial parties


Parties recognized in at least one province, as of 31 October 2020.[9][11][12]

Political party Ideology Affiliation
Self-determination and Freedom
Autodeterminación y Libertad
AyL Libertarian Marxism
Let's Advance for Social Progress
Avancemos por el Progreso Social
APPS Progressivism FdT
Public Trust
Confianza Pública
CP Social liberalism JxC
City in Action Party
Partido de la Ciudad en Acción
PCA Developmentalism JxC
People's Progressive Front
Frente Progresista y Popular
FPP Progressivism FdT
People's Left / Dignity People's Movement
Izquierda Popular / Movimiento Popular La Dignidad
IP Socialism FdT
Pensioners and Youth Movement
Movimiento de Jubilados y Juventud
MJJ Social conservatism
New Leadership
Nueva Dirigencia
ND Peronism FdT
Communist Party of Argentina (Extraordinary Congress)
Partido Comunista (Congreso Extraordinario)
PCCE Marxism-Leninism FdT
Authentic Socialist Party
Partido Socialista Auténtico
PSA Democratic Socialism CF
Great Fatherland
Patria Grande
PG Socialism of the 21st century FdT
People on the Move
Pueblo en Marcha
PEM Socialism of the 21st century FdT
Network for Buenos Aires
Red por Buenos Aires
REDxBA Peronism FdT
Let Us Be Free
Seamos Libres
SL Left-wing nationalism FdT
Union of the Democratic Centre
Unión del Centro Democrático
UCeDé Conservative liberalism FD
Political party Ideology Affiliation
Bonaerense Current of Thought
Corriente de Pensamiento Bonaerense
COPEBO Peronism FdT
Patriot Front
Frente Patriota
FP Neo-Nazism
Open Space for Development and Social Integration
Espacio Abierto para el Desarrollo y la Integación Social
EA Developmentalism JxC
People's Front
Frente Popular
FP Communism
Federal Front of Solidary Action
Frente Federal de Acción Solidaria
FFAS Peronism FdT
Localism JxC
Memory and Social Movilization
Memoria y Movilización Social
MeMos Kirchnerism FdT
Morality and Progress
Moral y Progreso
Socialist Advance Movement
Movimiento Avanzada Socialista
MAS Trotskyism
Federal Integration Movement
Movimiento de Integración Federal
MIF Peronism
Latin American Integration Movement of Social Expression
Movimiento Integración Latinoamericana de Expresión Social
MILES Socialism of the 21st century
Independent Movement of Justice and Dignity
Movimiento Independiente de Justicia y Dignidad
MIDJ Socialism
Social Movement for the Republic
Movimiento Social por la República
MSR Social liberalism JxC
Social Movement for Values
Movimiento Social por los Valores
MSV Peronism CF
New Leadership
Nueva Dirigencia
ND Peronism JxC
New Citizen Union
Nueva Unión Ciudadana
NUC Christian right
Buenos Aires Province Christians' Authentic Party
Partido Auténtico de los Cristianos de la Provincia de Buenos Aires
Dialogue Party
Partido de Diálogo
Peronism JxC
Humanist Party
Partido Humanista
PH Humanism
People's Left Party / Dignity People's Movement
Partido Izquierda Popular / Movimiento Popular La Dignidad
IP Socialism FdT
Loyalty and Dignity Party
Partido Lealtad y Dignidad
LyP Peronism
Better Party (Movement for Equality, Justice and Popular Organization)
Partido Mejor (Movimiento por la Equidad, Justicia y Organización Popular
MEJOR Peronism FdT
Democratic Organization Movement Party
Partido Movimiento de Organización Democrática
New Buenos Aires Party
Partido Nuevo Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires Christian People's Party
Partido Popular Cristiano Bonaerense
Federal Republican Party
Partido Republicano Federal
PRF Conservatism
Authentic Socialist Party
Partido Socialista Auténtico
PSA Democratic Socialism CF
Green Party
Partido Verde
PV Green politics FdT
Open Politics for Social Integrity
Política Abierta para la Integridad Social
PAIS Peronism FdT
Social Pole
Polo Social
POLO Peronism FdT
Federal Proposal for Change
Propuesta Federal para el Cambio
PFC Developmentalism JxC
Union of the Democratic Centre
Unión del Centro Democrático
UCeDé Conservative liberalism FD
Political party Ideology Affiliation
Bonaerense Current of Thought
Corriente de Pensamiento Bonaerense
COPEBO Peronism FdT
We Are Catamarca
Frente Somos Catamarca
Authentic People's Movement
Movimiento Auténtico Popular
MAP Peronism
Independent Movement of Justice and Dignity
Movimiento Independiente de Justicia y Dignidad
MIDJ Socialism
New Space for Opinions
Nuevo Espacio de Opinión
Martín Fierro Current
Corriente Martín Fierro
CMF Peronism, Socialism FdT
Catamarca Unity Party
Partido de la Unidad Catamarqueña
People's Party
Partido Popular
PP Peronism
Political and Social Rebirth
Renacer Político y Social
RPS Christian right FC
Populist Unification
Unificación Populista
Populism FdT
Union of the Democratic Centre
Unión del Centro Democrático
UCeDé Conservative liberalism FD
Political party Ideology Affiliation
Chaco Action
Acción Chaqueña
ACHA Conservatism NOS
Bases and Principles of Chaco
Bases y Principios del Chaco
BYP Conservatism JxC
Bonaerense Current of Thought
Corriente de Pensamiento Bonaerense
COPEBO Peronism FdT
Independent Movement of Justice and Dignity
Movimiento Independiente de Justicia y Dignidad
MIDJ Socialism
New Space for Participation
Nuevo Espacio de Participación
NEPAR Radicalism FdT
Restorative Cause Party
Partido Causa Reparadora
CAR Kirchnerism FdT
Citizens To Govern
Ciudadanos A Gobernar
CAG Conservatism NOS
Martín Fierro Current
Corriente Martín Fierro
CMF Peronism, Socialism FdT
Party for Development and Equality
Partido para el Desarrollo y la Igualdad
PDI Developmentalism FC
Social Pole - Base Movement
Polo Social - Movimiento de Bases
PSMB Peronism
Popular Project Party
Partido Proyecto Popular
PP Kirchnerism FdT
Socialists United for Chaco
Socialistas Unidos por el Chaco
PSUCh Socialism of the 21st century FdT
Political party Ideology Affiliation
We Are All Chubut
Chubut Somos Todos
Nid Ydy Chubut i gyd
ChuSoTo Peronism FdT
Chubut Social Pole Movement
Movimiento Polo Social Chubut
Mudiad Pegwn Cymdeithasol Chubut
PSC Green conservatism
Chubut Independent Party
Partido Independiente del Chubut
Plaid Annibynol Chubut
PICH Regionalism
Chubut New Horizon Party
Partido Nuevo Horizonte Chubut
Plaid Gorwel Newydd Chubut
Authentic Socialist Party
Partido Socialista Auténtico
Plaid Sosialaidd Dilys
PSA Democratic socialism CF
Political party Ideology Affiliation
Action for Change
Acción para el Cambio
APEC Developmentalism HPC
Alternative for New Leadership
Alternativa para la Dirigencia Nueva
ADN Federalism
Neighbors' Encounter
Encuentro Vecinal
EV Social conservatism NOS
Civic Front of Córdoba
Frente Cívico de Córdoba
FCC Regionalism HPC
Federal Front of Solidary Action
Frente Federal de Acción Solidaria
FFAS Peronism FdT
Socialist Advance Movement
Movimiento Avanzada Socialista
MAS Trotskyism
Change Córdoba
Cambio Córdoba
Humanist Party
Partido Humanista
PH Humanism
Liberal Republican Party
Partido Liberal Republicano
PLR Liberalism HPC
Libertarian Party
Partido Libertario
PL Libertarianism FD
People First Party
Partido Primero la Gente
PLG Conservatism JxC
Great Fatherland
Patria Grande
PG Socialism of the 21st century FdT
Open Politics for Social Integrity
Política Abierta para la Integridad Social
PAIS Peronism HPC
People's Party
Partido Popular
PP Peronism
Union of the Democratic Centre
Unión del Centro Democrático
UCeDé Conservative liberalism FD
Federal Vecinalist Union
Unión Federal Vecinal
UFV Localism HPC
Independent Vecinalism
Vecinalismo Independiente
VI Localism HPC
Political party Ideology Affiliation
Action for the Republic
Acción por la República
APR Peronism FdT
Change, Austerity and Progress
Cambio, Austeridad y Progreso
Citizens To Govern
Ciudadanos A Gobernar
CAG Conservatism NOS
Committed Citizens
Ciudadanos Comprometidos
CiCo Conservatism ECO
Liberal Encounter
Encuentro Liberal
ELI Liberalism ECO
Fellows' Encounter
Encuentro Correligionario
ELI Conservatism ECO
New Country
Nuevo País
NP Peronism ECO
Action for Corrientes
Acción por Corrientes
AXC Regionalism ECO
Growing With Everyone
Crecer con Todos
CCT Peronism ECO
Liberal Party of Corrientes
Partido Liberal de Corrientes
CCT Liberalism ECO
New Party
Partido Nuevo
PaNu Conservatism ECO
Corrientes People's Party
Partido Popular Correntino
PPC Conservatism ECO
Corrientes Project
Proyecto Corrientes
PC Conservatism ECO
Political party Ideology Affiliation
Entre Ríos Federal Front
Frente Entrerriano Federal
FEF Peronism FdT
Movement for All
Movimiento por Todos
MPT Peronism FdT
Entre Ríos Social Movement
Movimiento Social Entrerriano
MSE Liberal conservatism JxC
Union for Liberty
Unión por la Libertad
UPL Classical liberalism JxC
Political party Ideology Affiliation
Authentic Formoseño Party
Auténtico Formoseño
AF Peronism FdT
Commitment and Effort for Triumph
Compromiso y Esfuerzo para el Triunfo
CEPT Peronism FdT
Together We Can
Juntos Podemos
JP Peronism FdT
People's Action Movement
Movimiento de Acción Popular
MAP Peronism FdT
Independent Movement of Justice and Dignity
Movimiento Independiente de Justicia y Dignidad
MIDJ Socialism
New Country
Nuevo País
NP Peronism FAF
Independent Participation Movement Party
Partido Movimiento Independiente de Participación
MIP Peronism FdT
Party for the New Man
Partido para el Hombre Nuevo
PHN Peronism FdT
Principles and Conviction Party
Partido Principios y Convicción
PyC Populism
Renewal Party of the West
Partido Renovador del Oeste
PRO Peronism FdT
Political party Ideology Affiliation
Come On Jujuy
Arriba Jujuy
AJ Peronism FdT
Jujuy Change
Cambio Jujeño
Renewal Crusade
Cruzada Renovadora
CR Federalism CF
Jujuy Encounter
Encuentro Jujeño
CR Peronism FdT
Jujuy Wins
Gana Jujuy
GJ Populism JxC
Workers' Left
Izquierda de los Trabajadores
IT Trotskyism FIT
Latin American Integration Movement of Social Expression
Movimiento Integración Latinoamericana de Expresión Social
MILES Socialism of the 21st century
Broad North Movement
Movimiento Norte Grande
MNG Peronism FdT
Jujuy People's Movement
Movimiento Popular Jujeño
MPJ Regionalism
Workers' White Party
Partido Blanco de los Trabajadores
PBT Peronism CF
Party for Popular Sovereignty
Partido por la Soberanía Popular
PSP Indigenismo FdT
Jujuy First
Primero Jujuy
PJ Peronism JxC
Union for Liberty
Unión por la Libertad
UPL Classical liberalism JxC
Political party Ideology Affiliation
Pampa Federalist Movement
Movimiento Federalista Pampeano
MFP Developmentalism JxC
Front Party
Partido del Frente
Humanist Party
Partido Humanista
PH Humanism
Political party Ideology Affiliation
People's Front
Frente del Pueblo
FDP Peronism FdT
We Are All La Rioja
La Rioja Somos Todos
Loyalty and Dignity Party
Partido Lealtad y Dignidad
LyP Peronism
Political party Ideology Affiliation
Federal Social Action Movement
Movimiento de Acción Social Federal
MASFE Christian right
Green Party
Partido Verde
PV Green politics FdT
We Can with The Left
Podemos con la Izquierda
PODEMOS Trotskyism FIT
Protector Political Force
Protectora Fuerza Política
PFP Social democracy CF
Political party Ideology Affiliation
Popular Cause
Causa Popular
CP Peronism FRC
Liberty, Values and Change
Libertad, Valores y Cambio
LVC Developmentalism JxC
Agrarian and Social Party
Partido Agrario y Social
PAyS Agrarianism FdT
Party of Social Concord
Partido de la Concordia Social
FR Regionalism FRC
Civic Participation Party
Partido de la Participación Ciudadana
PPC Populism FRC
New October Party
Partido Nuevo Octubre
Social Progress Party
Partido Progreso Social
PPS Socialism FdT
Popular Project Party
Partido Proyecto Popular
PP Peronism FRC
Political party Ideology Affiliation
The Front and Neuquén Participation
El Frente y la Participación Neuquina
FPN Peronism FdT
Workers' Left
Izquierda de los Trabajadores
IT Trotskyism FIT
Memory and Social Movilization
Memoria y Movilización Social
MeMos Kirchnerism FdT
Neuquén People's Movement
Movimiento Popular Neuquino
MPN Peronism
New Neuquén Commitment
Nuevo Compromiso Neuquino
NCN Liberal conservatism JxC
SiemPre Localism
Union of Neuquinos
Unión de los Neuquinos
UNE Labourism FdT
Political party Ideology Affiliation
Together We Are Río Negro
Juntos Somos Río Negro
JSRN Regionalism
Workers' Left
Izquierda de los Trabajadores
IT Trotskyism FIT
RIO Progressivism FdT
Political party Ideology Affiliation
Fatherland Now
Ahora Patria
AP Conservatism
Plural Front
Frente Plural
FP Social liberalism UXS
Salta Front
Frente Salteño
FS Peronism FdT
Happiness Party
Partido Felicidad
People's Left / Dignity People's Movement
Izquierda Popular / Movimiento Popular La Dignidad
IP Socialism FdT
Memory and Social Movilization
Memoria y Movilización Social
MeMos Kirchnerism FdT
Salta Identity Party
Partido Identidad Salteña
PAIS Peronism UXS
Salta Renewal Party
Partido Renovador de Salta
PARES Social conservatism UXS
Salta First
Primero Salta
1S Regionalism UXS
Salta Proposal Party
Partido Propuesta Salteña
PPS Regionalism JxC
Salta Unites Us
Salta Nos Une
SNU Populism JxC
Independent Salta Yes
Sí Salta Independiente
Regionalism UXS
Everyone for Salta
Todos por Salta
TXS Regionalism
Popular Victory Union
Unión Victoria Popular
LUP Peronism UXS
Political party Ideology Affiliation
Action for a New Democracy
Acción por una Democracia Nueva
ADN Pragmatism
Federal Conviction
Convicción Federal
CF Peronism FdT
Renewal Crusade
Cruzada Renovadora
CR Federalism CF
New Leadership
Nueva Dirigencia
ND Peronism JxC
Bloquista Party
Partido Bloquista
PB Populism FdT
Social Commitment Party
Partido Compromiso Social
PCS Peronism FdT
Civic Dignity
Dignidad Ciudadana
DC Social conservatism
Life and Commitment Movement
Movimiento Vida y Compromiso
VyC Peronism JxC
Unity and Progress Party
Partido Unidad y Progreso
Open Politics for Social Integrity
Política Abierta para la Integridad Social
PAIS Peronism FdT
People's Party
Partido Popular
PP Peronism
Production and Labour
Producción y Trabajo
PyT Peronism JxC
Political party Ideology Affiliation
Advance San Luis
Avanzar San Luis
ASL Peronism JxC
Front for Victory
Frente para la Victoria
FPV Peronism FdT
More San Luis
Más San Luis
+SL Kirchnerism FdT
Latin American Integration Movement of Social Expression
Movimiento Integración Latinoamericana de Expresión Social
MILES Socialism of the 21st century
San Luis Loyalty Party
Partido de la Lealtad Sanluiseña
PLSL Peronism FdT
Unity and Liberty Party
Partido Unión y Libertad
PUL Peronism FdT
We Are All San Luis
San Luis Somos Todos
SLST Regionalism
Political party Ideology Affiliation
Civic Encounter
Encuentro Ciudadano
CF Liberal conservatism NSC
MOVE Santa Cruz
MOVERE Santa Cruz
MOVERE Localism
We Are Energy to Renovate Santa Cruz
Somos Energía para Renovar Santa Cruz
SER Peronism FdT
Political party Ideology Affiliation
Future City
Ciudad Futura
CF Socialism of the 21st century
Free Peoples' League
Liga de los Pueblos Libres
LPL Socialism of the 21st century FSP
Independent Movement of Justice and Dignity
Movimiento Independiente de Justicia y Dignidad
MIDJ Socialism
Participation, Ethics and Solidarity
Participación, Ética y Solidaridad
PARES Progressivism FPCyS
People's Party
Partido Popular
PP Peronism
Social Progress Party
Partido Progreso Social
PPS Socialism FdT
Great Fatherland
Patria Grande
PG Socialism of the 21st century FSP
Open Politics for Social Integrity
Política Abierta para la Integridad Social
PAIS Peronism FdT
100% Santa Fe
Santafesino 100%
100%SF Regionalism, peronism FdT
Union of the Democratic Centre
Unión del Centro Democrático
UCeDé Conservative liberalism FD
Union for Liberty
Unión por la Libertad
UPL Classical liberalism JxC
Political party Ideology Affiliation
Justice and Freedom Movement
Movimiento Justicia y Libertad
MJL Peronism FCxS
Possible Santiago Movement
Movimiento Santiago Viable
MSV Peronism FCxS
New Alternative
Nueva Alternativa
People's Party
Partido Popular
PP Peronism
Centrist Social Party
Partido Social de Centro
Political party Ideology Affiliation
People's Encounter
Encuentro Popular
EP Peronism FdT
Environment and Development Front
Frente Ambiente y Desarrollo
FAD Environmentalism FdT
HACER Front for Social Progress
Frente HACER por el Progreso Social
HACER PPS Peronism FdT
Initiative for Unity
Iniciativa por la Unión
IXU Progressivism
Fueguian People's Movement
Movimiento Popular Fueguino
MOPOF Regionalism FdT
New Country
Nuevo País
NP Peronism FdT
Patagonian Social Party
Partido Social Patagónico
PSP Progressivism FdT
We Are Fueguian
Somos Fueguinos
SF Regionalism
Political party Ideology Affiliation
Path to Loyalty
Camino a la Lealtad
PCL Peronism FdT
Bonaerense Current of Thought
Corriente de Pensamiento Bonaerense
COPEBO Peronism FdT
Republican Force
Fuerza Republicana
FR Social conservatism
United People's Front
Frente del Pueblo Unido
PU Kirchnerism FdT
People's Left / Dignity People's Movement
Izquierda Popular / Movimiento Popular La Dignidad
IP Socialism FdT
Civic Participation Movement
Movimiento de Participación Ciudadana
TyH Social conservatism FC
Independent Movement of Justice and Dignity
Movimiento Independiente de Justicia y Dignidad
MIDJ Socialism
Federal Accord Party
Partido Acuerdo Federal
AF Peronism FdT
Party for Social Justice
Partido por la Justicia Social
PJS Peronism JxC
Innovative Tucumán Party
Partido Tucumán Innovador
PIT Peronism
Tucumán Moves Forward
Tucumán Avanza
TA Peronism FdT

Defunct parties and alliances

19th Century and early 20th Century
Mid 20th Century
Late 20th Century and early 21st Century

See also



  1. ^ a b "Alianzas y partidos políticos". (in Spanish). October 2019. Retrieved 6 December 2020.
  2. ^ Only parties at national level are taken into account
  3. ^
  4. ^
  5. ^
  6. ^
  7. ^ Público (2023-10-16). "Marcha multitudinaria en Argentina por la diversidad y en contra de la ultraderecha". Público (in Spanish). Retrieved 2023-10-16.
  8. ^ "The Hard Right Captivates the Argentine Electorate". NACLA. Retrieved 2023-10-16.
  9. ^ a b "Partidos vigentes". Cámara Nacional Electoral (in Spanish). 31 July 2021. Retrieved 30 August 2021.
  10. ^ "El candidato "contra": quién es el único presidencial que no lleva foto de su vice en la boleta". Clarín (in Spanish). 23 July 2019. Retrieved 20 November 2020.
  11. ^ "Alianzas PASO 2019" (PDF). Cámara Nacional Electoral (in Spanish). Retrieved 23 November 2020.
  12. ^ "Partidos Reconocidos" (PDF). Cámara Nacional Electoral.

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