This is a list of sculptures in Herăstrău Park, a park in Bucharest, Romania.
Romanian name | Translation | Sculptor | Year | Material | Coordinates | Notes |
Nimfă adormită | Sleeping nymph | Filip Marin[1] | 1906 (1960) | marble | Historic monument (B-III-m-A-21039) | |
Hercule doborând Centaurul | Hercule knocking down the centaur | Ion Jalea[2] | 1925 | marble | Historic monument (B-III-m-B-19984) | |
Prometeu | Prometheus | Jef Lambeaux[3] | (2001) | marble | Historic monument (B-III-m-B-19985) | |
Monumentul Fondatorilor Uniunii Europene | European Union Founders' Monument | Ionel Stoicescu[4] | 2006 | bronze | Jean Monnet, Robert Schuman, Altiero Spinelli, Alcide de Gasperi, Konrad Adenauer, Walter Hallstein, Paul Henri Spaak, Jean Rey, Johan Willem Beyen, Sicco Mansholt, Joseph Bech, Pierre Werner[4] | |
Aleea Cariatidelor | Caryatid Alley | Constantin Baraschi (Ionel Stoicescu)[5] | 1939 (2005) | composite | 20 Romanian peasant women bearing pitchers on their heads[5] | |
Fântâna Modura | Modura Fountain | Constantin Baraschi[6] | 1939 (2006) | stone/composite | ||
Pescărușii | Gulls | Gabriela Manole-Adoc[7] | 1965 | stainless steel | ||
Copii jucându-se | Children Playing | Neculai Enea[8] | stone | |||
Ion Creangă cu copiii | Ion Creangă with the children | Ion Vlasiu[9] | stone | |||
Arhitectură | Architecture | Iulia Oniță[10] | 1965 | stone and gypsum | ||
Coloana | The Column | Eugen Ciucă[11] | 1973 | stone | ||
Obelisc[12] | Obelisk | 1990 | stone | |||
Tânără fată la baie (Venus)[13] | Young girl bathing (Venus) | 2007 | cast iron |
Romanian name | Translation | Sculptor | Year | Material | Coordinates | Notes |
Căprioara[14] | Deer | bronze | ||||
Urs[15] | Bear | stone | ||||
Curcanul[16] | The turkey | Oscar Han | 1960 | bronze | ||
Gâscanul[16] | The goose | Vasiliu Falti | 1960 | bronze |
Romanian name | Translation | Sculptor | Year | Material | Coordinates | Notes |
Fata babei și fata moșului | Old woman's daughter and the old man's daughter | Constantin Foamete[50] | stone | |||
Dochia | Dochia | Gheorghe Iliescu-Călinești[51] | stone | |||
Meșterul Manole | Meșterul Manole | Silvia Radu[52] | stone | |||
Toma Alimoș | Toma Alimoș | Mara Bâscă[53] | stone | |||
Miorița | Miorița | Ioana Kassargian[54] | stone | |||
Făt-Frumos | Făt-Frumos | Ion Lucian Murnu[55] | 1965 | stone | 44.468477°N
26.082003°E |