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March 1922

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March 10, 1922: British Indian authorities arrest the Mahatma Gandhi, sentence him to six years in prison for sedition.
March 16, 1922: Sultan Fuad al-Awal of Egypt becomes the first King of Egypt following British unilateral declaration.
March 5—31, 1922: Nine U.S. states get their first radio stations

The following events occurred in March 1922:

March 1, 1922 (Wednesday)

Artur Bernardes

March 2, 1922 (Thursday)

  • Margaret Haig Thomas, 2nd Viscountess Rhondda was cleared to become the first female member of the House of Lords in the United Kingdom, after the Committee for Privileges and Conduct agreed with her argument that she was entitled under the law to succeed to the peerage of her father, David Alfred Thomas, 1st Viscount Rhondda, who had died in 1918.[3]
  • Charles P. Steinmetz, German-born American electrical engineer and inventor, announced at the General Electric laboratories in Schenectady, New York, that he had "succeeded in producing and controlling an indoor thunderstorm" with the successful test of generators that could discharge over 100,000 volts of electricity at 10,000 amperes for 0.01 seconds.[4]
  • All 25 crew of the Norwegian freighter Grøntoft died after the ship foundered in a North Atlantic storm about 500 miles (800 km) southeast of Nova Scotia. By the time the steamship Estonia arrived to the coordinates radioed from the ill-fated ship, there was no trace of the vessel, which had been carrying cargo from Galveston, Texas to Esbjerg in Denmark.[5] According to the captain of the Estonia, as it was racing to the scene, the last message received, at 12:10 p.m., was that the crew had waited too long to lower the lifeboats and to evacuate. "The boats are smashed and some of the men were swept overboard," the telegraph operator signaled, "We are almost awash now. I may be driven out any minute. Hurry. You may not hear from me again."[6]
  • Born:

March 3, 1922 (Friday)

  • Italian Fascists carried out a coup d'état in the Free State of Fiume.[9][10] Riccardo Zanella, the President of the Fiume, yielded after the government palace was shelled by Fascist rebels. Given three minutes to agree to surrender, Zanella yielded to the coup leader, Giovanni Giuriati.[11]
  • Variety magazine published its first ranking of most popular films in the United States, initially based on a survey of box office receipts at movie theaters on Broadway in New York City and in other selected cities in the United States, initially as a service "for benefit of out-of-town showmen". The most popular film as of the week ending February 28, was Foolish Wives, directed by Erich von Stroheim.[12]
  • Montreal's five-story tall City Hall, which had been built in 1891 at a cost of over one million dollars, was completely destroyed in a fire.[13]
  • Thirteen people were killed, and 12 others injured when two trains collided with a bus at a crossing in Painesville, Ohio.[14] The bus on Main Street and was approaching the St. Clair Street railroad crossing in Painesville when it was struck by the eastbound New York Central Railroad express train 600. Minutes later, the westbound New York Central train 3 crashed into the wreckage of the bus and the train.[15]
  • Born:
  • Died:

March 4, 1922 (Saturday)

  • Georgy Chicherin, the Foreign Minister of the Soviet Union, announced a reversal of the position of the Communist government and informed food relief officials that the Soviet government would pay the international obligations that had been incurred by the Russian Empire during the rule of the tsars.[18]
  • Babe Ruth signed a new, three-year contract with the New York Yankees, providing a base salary of $50,000 per year (equivalent to $746,000 a century later) and a bonus of $500 ($7,460) for each home run hit in a game. According to the account of the negotiation, Ruth and Yankees co-owner Tillinghast Huston came to Ruth's proposal that the terms would come down to the flip of a coin; and if Ruth won the toss he would get his demands; if he lost, he would settle for the compromise offered by the Yankees' Jacob Ruppert. "Babe yelled 'tails', The New York Times reported, "and the coin so registered when it settled on the carpet in Colonel Huston's room."[19]
  • The drama film The Cradle, starring Ethel Clayton and Charles Meredith was released.
  • Born:
  • Died: Bert Williams, 47, popular African-American vaudeville entertainer, died after collapsing on stage at a theater in Detroit a few days earlier.[20]

March 5, 1922 (Sunday)

  • The first vampire movie, the influential German horror film Nosferatu, premiered before a group of guests who had been invited to the theater inside the Berlin Zoological Gardens.[21] An unauthorized adaptation (and blatant imitation) of Bram Stoker's 1897 novel Dracula, it was released to the public ten days later at the Primus-Palast cinema in Berlin. By the time Stoker's heirs won a copyright infringement suit against director F. W. Murnau and the Prana Film studios, copies of Nosferatu had been distributed world wide and would go on to be celebrated as one of the best films of the century.[22]
  • Former U.S. Postmaster General Will H. Hays began working as the American film industry's censor and assumed the job as director of the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America (MPDAA). "The potentialities of the moving picture for moral influence and education are limitless," he told reporters, "and therefore its integrity should be protected as we protect the integrity of our churches, and its quality developed as we develop our schools."[23]
  • At the age of 61, famous sharpshooter and entertainer Annie Oakley shot a record 98 out of 100 clay targets from a distance of 16 yards.[24]
  • WHK in Cleveland, the first commercial radio station to broadcast in the state of Ohio, went on the air.[25][26]
  • The strike of Chinese shipping workers in Hong Kong and Canton, which had started on January 12 because of pay inequities compared to foreign workers, was settled after shipping companies agreed to increase wages by up to 30 percent.[27]
  • Born: Pier Paolo Pasolini, Italian film director, poet, writer and intellectual; in Bologna (d. 1975)

March 6, 1922 (Monday)


March 7, 1922 (Tuesday)

Sigurður Eggerz

March 8, 1922 (Wednesday)


March 9, 1922 (Thursday)


March 10, 1922 (Friday)

  • The Mahatma Gandhi was arrested in India for sedition.[33][34]
  • Martial law was declared in Johannesburg in response to incidents of sabotage, fighting and looting during the miners' strike.[35] The action came after nine special constables, hired to protect the mines, were shot and killed, while another 27 policemen were taken hostage at Newlands near Johannesburg.[36]
  • Germany's Interior Minister Adolf Koester ordered all monarchist emblems removed from public buildings, as well as images of the former Kaiser Wilhelm II. Koester said that exceptions would be made for emblems that were "structurally incorporated in buildings where their removal would destroy the architectural value and effect" or images where removal would destroy the "artistic and historical unity" of the decorations.[37]
  • The U.S. state of Colorado got its first licensed radio station, KLZ in Denver.[38][39]
  • Died: Harry Kellar, 72, American stage magician[40]

March 11, 1922 (Saturday)


March 12, 1922 (Sunday)


March 13, 1922 (Monday)

The Jenkins televisor receiver, with magnifying glass
  • American inventor Charles F. Jenkins became one of the first persons to file a patent application for a television transmitter and receiver.[48] U.S. Patent No. 1,544,156 was granted on June 30, 1925 for "Transmitting pictures by wireless", a mechanical television system that initially allowed scanning and transmission of silhouette images. In 1928, he would open the first television station, W3XK. Jenkins's system, which relied on a rotating disc to scan and receive the scene, was superseded by the electronic television system.[49]
  • Government forces gained the upper hand in South Africa against the rebels. A total of 2,200 had been captured up to that time.[43]
  • Delegates from Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland opened a five-day conference in Warsaw to create a defensive league and arbitrate disputes.[10]
  • The third trial of Fatty Arbuckle began.[50]
  • WRR in Dallas, Texas received its federal license, the first in Texas, to broadcast on 1310 AM. Owned by the city of Dallas, and later broadcasting on the FM band at the 101.1 frequency it is, as of its 100th anniversary it is the oldest radio station that has not changed ownership. It was started by the city of Dallas on August 5, 1921 out of the fire station.[51]
  • Died: Henry Otto Wix, 55, German-born American painter, committed suicide

March 14, 1922 (Tuesday)


March 15, 1922 (Wednesday)


March 16, 1922 (Thursday)


March 17, 1922 (Friday)

  • Italy sent troops to occupy the Free State of Fiume in response to the coup, saying it was only doing so because the Treaty of Rapallo assigned Italy the responsibility of policing the state and because it sought to ensure the election of a legal government.[64]
  • A team of 15 U.S. Customs Service special agents made one of the first great busts of the Prohibition era as it seized the cargo of the two-masted schooner Clara as "well-dressed men wearing diamonds" were unloading 4,000 cases of Scotch whiskey at the shore of the East River in the Bronx. Watching from a well offshore, the crew of a Customs Service launch spotted intermittent flashes of light that appeared to be signals, then pulled up alongside and fought a gunbattle in which nobody was wounded. In addition to arresting 20 rumrunners, the customs agents confiscated the cargo (48,000 bottles of scotch, with 12 bottles per case), valued at $500,000.[65], equivalent to $8.1 million dollars in 2021.
  • The Warsaw Accord was signed by representatives of Finland, Poland, Estonia and Latvia as a treaty of respect for each other's sovereignty and reciprocity, as well as a pledge to guarantee the rights of ethnic minorities (Finns, Poles, Estonians and Latvians) in each of the signatory countries. However, Finland's Foreign Minister Rudolf Holsti was unable to persuade the Finnish Parliament to ratify the pact.
  • WIP, Philadelphia's first commercial radio station, went on the air.
  • Born:

March 18, 1922 (Saturday)


March 19, 1922 (Sunday)

  • Franz Hailer became the first pilot to land a plane on Zugspitze, Germany's highest mountain, when he landed a Rumpler C.I on the Schneeferner glacier 500 metres from the summit.[70][71]
  • Born:
    • Hiroo Onoda, Japanese Imperial Army intelligence officer who refused to acknowledge the Japanese surrender in World War II, and remained in hiding in the Philippines until finally surrendering in 1974, more than 28 years after the end of the war; in Kainan, Wakayama (d. 2014)
    • FrancEyE (pen name for Frances Dean Smith), American poet; in San Rafael, California (d. 2009)
  • Died:
    • Valente Quintero, 34, former Mexican Army officer who would become the subject of a famous ballad, and later a film, was killed in a duel with an rival, Martín Elenes, both of whom were suitors of the same woman.
    • Max von Hausen, 75, German Army commander who had served as the Minister of War for the Kingdom of Saxony from 1902 to 1914, then commanded the German Third Army in World War One.

March 20, 1922 (Monday)

  • The USS Langley, converted from the collier USS Jupiter, entered service as the first American aircraft carrier.[43]
  • U.S. President Warren G. Harding ordered the withdrawal of the remaining 4,000 U.S. Army troops occupying Germany, with plans to remove all of them by July 1.[72]
  • President Harding signed the General Land Exchange Act of 1922 into law, providing for the United States Forest Service to expand the contiguous area of existing national forests by allowing the federal agency to exchange holdings of equal value to acquire privately-owned lands within the boundaries of a forest.[73]
  • The Communist Party of Italy opened its second party congress in Rome.[74]
  • The American newspaper comic panel Out Our Way, written and drawn by J. R. Williams, began a run of 55 years, with its first NEA-syndicated strip appearing in several dailies, including the Miami News and the Brooklyn Citizen. One paper introduced it as "a daily bit of entertaining, homely humor about the kind of people we all 'know'. Don't miss it."[75] Within 20 years, the panel was in 725 daily papers and its Sunday strip feature was in 262 papers.[76]
  • Born: Carl Reiner, American comedian, film and TV actor, director and producer, best known for creating and acting in The Dick Van Dyke Show; in the Bronx, New York (d. 2020)

March 21, 1922 (Tuesday)


March 22, 1922 (Wednesday)

  • Giovanni Giuriati, a Fascist Party member of the Italian Chamber of Deputies, was installed as the new President of the Free State of Fiume after the coup d'état had removed the previous government.
  • Irish republican Rory O'Connor gave an infamous press conference declaring that the IRA would no longer obey the Dáil because, he said, it had abandoned the Republic. When asked if that meant that they were to set up a military dictatorship, he said, "You can take it that way if you like."[54][78][79]
  • After a session that had started the night before in Paris, the Allied Commission on Reparations called on Germany to put limitations on the amount of paper money that it was printing, and declared that 470 million gold marks were still owed to the Allies as well as 1.45 billion gold marks worth of material resources.[80] Later in the day, the Commission gave Germany's government until May 31 to comply, on the threat of additional action under the Treaty of Versailles.[81]
  • J. B. A. Robertson, the Governor of the U.S. state of Oklahoma, was arrested at his home after being indicted earlier in the day on charges of accepting a bribe from the Guaranty State Bank of Okmulgee in order to permit the insolvent bank to keep operating. Governor Robertson posted a $5,000 bail bond and was released until a trial could be held.[82] Although he would be acquitted of charges and serve until the expiration of his four-year term in January, he would not hold office again.
  • All five passengers on a U.S. airliner were killed when the seaplane crashed into the sea during its flight from Miami to the Bahamas, with a destination of Bimini.[83] The crash of the "Miss Miami" was the deadliest civilian airplane accident in the U.S. up to that time. The group survived the crash, but over the next 56 hours, drifted at sea, dying one-by-one.[84]
  • Born:
  • Died:

March 23, 1922 (Thursday)

  • The British Royal Navy submarine H42 was lost along with all 24 of its crew[85] after making the mistake of surfacing into the path of the destroyer HMS Versatile.[86] Both vessels were participating in training maneuvers off of the coast of Gibraltar when the H42 came to the surface at a point no further than 120 feet (37 m) from the Versatile, which was traveling at 20 knots, equivalent to 23 miles per hour (37 km/h) or almost 34 feet per second. A few seconds later, the bow of Versatile rammed the conning tower of H42.
  • Lawrence Sperry became the first pilot to land a plane at the U.S. Capitol. His small scout plane touched down on the concrete plaza in front of the Capitol building and rolled up the steps in order to stop because the plane had no brakes.[87]
  • U.S. Congressman Martin C. Ansorge, a Republican from New York, nominated an African-American student to United States Naval Academy.[88], which had not happened since 1871. Although there had been three Black midshipmen at Annapolis in the 1870s, Emile Treville Holley was not accepted for enrollment because of racist attitudes at the time. As the New York Times reported, U.S. Navy officers and Annapolis midshipmen who "will not talk for publication on this matter" expressed the idea that "the fate that awaits the candidate is social ostracism" and that "it is safe to say that the midshipmen have condemned him to Coventry, just as nearly fifty years ago the midshipmen of 1873, 1874 and 1875 refused to receive as equals three other negro boys..."[89] Holley enrolled instead at Middlebury College in Vermont and became its first black graduate, then went on to becoming a college professor.[90]
  • In Argentina, a party of explorers sponsored by the Buenos Aires Zoo departed for Patagonia on an expedition to a lake in the Chubut Province, where a large creature had been reportedly seen. According to the Director of the Zoo, the lake was 50 miles (80 km) from the 16 de Octubre valley. Reports had described it variously as a plesiosaurus, a glyptodon or a megatherium, and the group was given six weeks to arrange for "the capture or destruction of the anachronistic creature."[91]
  • The U.S. state of Kansas got its first licensed radio station, WEY in Wichita.[38]
  • WKC in Baltimore became the first licensed radio station in the state of Maryland.[38]
  • WKN in Memphis, Tennessee became the first commercial radio station in that state.[38]
  • Born:

March 24, 1922 (Friday)

Central Lithuania (in green)
  • Poland annexed the Republic of Central Lithuania, a puppet state that had been created by Poland in 1920 following an invasion of the Republic of Lithuania.[43]
  • The Salomón–Lozano Treaty was signed to settle a border dispute between the South American nations of Peru and Colombia in the Amazon River valley, with Peru ceding a large amount of its northeastern territory to Colombia and Colombia ceding a small amount of its southeastern area to Peru. Dissatisfaction in Peru about the Treaty would lead, more than 10 years later, to an eight month long war between the two nations from September 1, 1932 to May 24, 1933.
  • Edsel Ford, the president of the Ford Motor Company, announced that the automobile manufacturer would become the first major corporation to permanently adopt a 40-hour week. Ford Motor reduced its work week to five days, with the no operations on the weekend. The entry wage of six dollars per day (equivalent to $98 per day or $12.25 an hour in 2021) continued unchanged, however, meaning that he weekly wage would be less because of no work on Saturday. Edsel Ford said in a statement, "Every man needs more than one day a week for rest and recreation. The Ford Company always has sought to promote ideal home life for its employees. We believe that in order to live properly every man should have more time to spend with his family."[92]
  • The U.S. Senate ratified the "Four-Power Treaty" by a vote of 67 to 27, with only 12 of the Senate's 35 Democrats in favor. The Treaty had been signed by Japan, the United States, the United Kingdom and France at the Washington Naval Conference at the end of 1921 and the four nations pledged not to further expand their territories in the Pacific Ocean.[93]
  • An explosion at the Colorado Fuel and Iron Company's Sopris Mine No. 2 killed the 18 employees inside. The blast, near Trinidad, Colorado, occurred minutes after the 200 coal miners on the day shift had gone home.[94]
  • The McMahon killings of six Roman Catholic civilians, was carried out in Northern Ireland by a group of men dressed in police uniforms, in a home invasion in Belfast.[95]
  • Music Hall won the Grand National horse race in England.[24]
  • The Swiss Federal Council settled a long-running border dispute between Venezuela and Colombia by siding with Colombia.[10]
  • The Regierungskommission of Germany created a 30-member Regional Council to govern the disputed territory of Saarland.
  • Born:

March 25, 1922 (Saturday)


March 26, 1922 (Sunday)


March 27, 1922 (Monday)

  • As the Russian Civil War continued, troops under the command of General Mikhail Korobeinikov of the anti-Bolshevik Yakut People's Army took control of the Siberian city of Yakutsk.
  • Richard Enright, the New York City Police Commissioner, sent a general order to every station advising that a new ordinance had gone into effect, prohibiting women (but not men) from smoking in public places, and directing police to assess a minimum fine of five dollars per offense against any restaurant or resort where women were seen smoking. Murray Hulbert, the chairman of the Board of Aldermen, said that he was unaware of the ordinance (which had supposedly been passed on March 14) but Alderman Peter J. McGuinness, who had sponsored the measure, said that he had watched its approval and signing by Mayor John F. Hylan.[98] A subsequent investigation found that a city clerk, Daniel W. F. McCoy, had mistaken a draft of the ordinance for a law that had been passed and had forwarded it to Commissioner Enright.[99]
  • The U.S. Supreme Court decided United Zinc & Chemical Co. v. Britt, modifying the attractive nuisance doctrine in common law, which held a landowner responsible for the injuries of trespassing children if the cause of injury had been a dangerous object that could reasonably have been expected to be of interest to a child coming on to the property. In a 6 to 3 ruling, the Court held that a defendant was not liable if the child had come on to the property without having been attracted to the cause of injury (in the instance at hand, two boys, aged 8 and 11, had died in 1916 after their discovery of a large pool of contaminated water that had not been visible from the area around the property).[100]
  • Born:
  • Died: Lucian W. Parrish, 44, U.S. Representative for the 13th District of Texas since 1919, died of cerebral meningitis contracted in a hospital, 12 days after he was seriously injured in an automobile accident while campaigning for the nomination for U.S. Senator for that state.[101] Parrish had been driving to Roby, where he was scheduled to give a campaign speech, when his car plunged off a bridge.[102]

March 28, 1922 (Tuesday)


March 29, 1922 (Wednesday)

  • In New York, American boxing promoter Tex Rickard was acquitted by a jury of all charges of assault and abduction of a 15-year-old girl.[105] The District Attorney's office subsequently quashed three other indictments.
  • The printing press of the Irish newspaper The Freeman's Journal was destroyed by IRA men for its support of the Anglo-Irish Treaty.[106][107]
  • The U.S. Senate unanimously (75 to 0) voted to ratify a treaty banning the use of poison gas in warfare, as well as the use of submarines in warfare. On another measure, U.S. Senator Joseph I. France of Maryland was the only person to vote no in a 74 to 1 decision to approve the Washington Naval Treaty limiting further warship construction.[108]

March 30, 1922 (Thursday)


March 31, 1922 (Friday)

  • The Anglo-Irish Treaty was given "the force of law" after the Irish Free State Act 1922 received Royal Assent immediately after Parliament had passed it. The terms provided that the Parliament of Southern Ireland would be dissolved within four months and that the provisional government of the Irish Free State would set the terms for new voting. Significantly, sections 11 and 12 of the Act provided that the six counties in Northern Ireland would have "one month from the passing of the Act of Parliament" to decide whether to become part of the Irish Free State and that unless "both Houses of the Parliament of Northern Ireland" passed such a request, "the powers of the Parliament and Government of the Irish Free State shall no longer extend to Northern Ireland."[113]
  • In the deadliest airplane crash of 1922, all 14 people aboard a Beijing-Han Airlines flight were killed when the Handley Page Type O/7 struck the tops of trees while making its approach to Nanyuan Airport in Peiping.[114]
  • The first licensed radio station in the state of Louisiana, WWL in New Orleans, began broadcasting.[115]
  • The Hinterkaifeck murders, one of the most gruesome unsolved crimes in Germany, were carried out at a farmstead near Waidhofen, in Bavaria. Five members of the family of Andreas Gruber (including his two young grandchildren) were beaten to death along with their maid, Maria Baumgartner, who had just started working for the family. The bodies of the victims were discovered four days later. Although several suspects were arrested and interrogated, no person was ever charged with the crime.[116]
  • Born: Richard Kiley, American stage and television actor, winner of two Tony Awards and three Emmy Awards; in Chicago (d. 1999)


  1. ^ Slusser, Robert M.; Triska, Jan F. (1959). A Calendar of Soviet Treaties, 1917–1957. Stanford University Press. p. 399.
  2. ^ Cornelius J. Dyck, An Introduction to Mennonite History (MennoMedia, 1993)
  3. ^ "Peeress Admitted to House of Lords; Decision Gives Seat to Lady Rhondda Opens the Way to a Score of Others". The New York Times. March 3, 1922. p. 1.
  4. ^ "Modern Jove Hurls Lightning at Will; Dr. Steinmetz's Artificial Bolts Shatter Wood, and Wire Vanishes in Dust". The New York Times. March 3, 1922. p. 1.
  5. ^ "Can't Find Sinking Ship; Steamer Reaches Point Where the Grontoft Went Down". The New York Times. March 4, 1922. p. 7.
  6. ^ "Ship and 25 Lost With Rescue Near; 'Almost Awash Now— Hurry,' Said Final S O S From Freighter Grontoft; Not a Single Boat Escaped". The New York Times. March 9, 1922. p. 1.
  7. ^ "Bill Quackenbush Stats, Height, Weight, Position, Salary, Title". Sports Reference LLC. Retrieved September 11, 2023.
  8. ^ McFadden, Robert (October 14, 2014). "David Greenglass, the brother who doomed Ethel Rosenberg, dies at 92". The New York Times.
  9. ^ "Fascisti Rule Fiume After Day's Battle; New Regime Established", The New York Times, March 4, 1922, p.1
  10. ^ a b c d "Chronology 1922". 2002. Retrieved June 15, 2015.
  11. ^ Lengerke, George (March 5, 1922). "Italians Mob Serb Consil in Fiume Protest". Chicago Daily Tribune. p. 1.
  12. ^ "Business on Broadway Figures for Exhibitors' Information", Variety, March 3, 1922, p. 47
  13. ^ "Montreal City Hall Burns; Thirty-Year-Old Building That Cost a Million Is Destroyed", The New York Times, March 4, 1922, p.7
  14. ^ "13 Die as 2 Trains Hit Bus". Chicago Daily Tribune. March 4, 1922. p. 1.
  15. ^ "Train Kills 13 When It Hits Bus", The New York Times, March 4, 1922, p.3
  16. ^ Advertisement for "Smokegard Early Warning Home Fire Detector" in Colorado Springs (CO) Gazette-Telegraph, August 12, 1971, p. 11
  17. ^ Ed Sobey, The Way Kitchens Work: The Science Behind the Microwave, Teflon Pan, Garbage Disposal, and More (Chicago Review Press, 2010) p. 147
  18. ^ "Soviet Recognizes All Russia's Debts; Intends to Pay, but Has Counterclaims, Tchitcherin Tells Relief Officials", The New York Times, March 5, 1922, p.5
  19. ^ "Babe Ruth Signs for Three Years at Toss of a Coin", The New York Times, March 6, 1922, p.1
  20. ^ "Bert Williams, Negro Comedian, Dies Here After Collapse on Detroit Stage", The New York Times, March 5, 1922, p.1
  21. ^ Lotte H. Eisner, Murnau (University of California Press, 1973) p. 276
  22. ^ "Nosferatu", by Roger Ebert, (1997)
  23. ^ "Nation's Stabilizer Hays Calls Movies; Ex-Postmaster General Assumes Direction of Motion Picture Industry; Says Powers Are Infinite", The New York Times, March 7, 1922, p.5
  24. ^ a b c d e f Mercer, Derrik (1989). Chronicle of the 20th Century. London: Chronicle Communications Ltd. p. 294. ISBN 978-0-582-03919-3.
  25. ^ "February 21 in Radio History". Media Confidential. February 21, 2015. Retrieved June 15, 2015.
  26. ^ "United States Pioneer Broadcast Service Station: List of the Pioneer Broadcast Service Stations". United States Early Radio History. Retrieved August 25, 2023.
  27. ^ Lau Kit-ching Chan, China, Britain, and Hong Kong (Chinese University Press, 1990) pp. 169–172
  28. ^ "Noted Tennis Star Dies— Laurentz, Former Hard Court Champion, Succumbs in Paris", The New York Times, March 8, 1922, p. 12
  29. ^ Henning, Arthur Sears (March 9, 1922). "U.S. Declines Seat at Genoa Conferences". Chicago Daily Tribune. p. 1.
  30. ^ "History". The Newswomen's Club of New York. Retrieved January 27, 2017.
  31. ^ Bogard, Travis (1988). Contour in Time: The Plays of Eugene O'Neill. oxford University Press. p. 241. ISBN 978-0-19-505341-8.
  32. ^ "Giuriati Takes Over Fiume Government", The New York Times, March 10, 1922, p.3
  33. ^ Todd, Anne M. (2004). Mohandas Gandhi. Chelsea House Publishers. p. 60. ISBN 978-1-4381-0662-5.
  34. ^ "Gandhi Arrested on Charge of Sedition; London Reports India Quiet Thus Far; Arrest Is Made Quietly", The New York Times, March 11, 1922, p.1
  35. ^ "Africa Rioters Murder Police; Face Big Guns". Chicago Daily Tribune. March 11, 1922. p. 1.
  36. ^ "Martial Law After Day of Terror in the Rand; Strikers Kill a Manager and Ten of Police", The New York Times, March 11, 1922, p.1
  37. ^ "Germans to Clear Buildings Of All Monarchial Insignia", The New York Times, March 11, 1922, p.1
  38. ^ a b c d e f g "AM Broadcasting History – Various Articles". Jeff Miller Web Pages. Retrieved June 15, 2015.
  39. ^ "This week in Colorado history: KLZ radio". KUSA. March 8, 2015. Retrieved June 15, 2015.
  40. ^ "Kellar, Magician, Dead; World Famous Illusionist Dies in Los Angeles in His 73d Year", The New York Times, March 11, 1922, p.11
  41. ^ "Bombs Kill Strikers, Troops Slain as Gold Mine War Sweeps the Rand", The New York Times, March 12, 1922, p.1
  42. ^ "Troops Capture 1,500 Rand Rebels; Airplane Bombs Kill Many Strikers, But Miners Hold Most of Johannesburg; 100 Killed on Saturday", The New York Times, March 13, 1922, p.1
  43. ^ a b c d "1922". Music And History. Archived from the original on August 28, 2012. Retrieved June 15, 2015.
  44. ^ "Wabash Takes Title", The New York Times, March 12, 1922, p. 27
  45. ^ "Gandhi to Be Tried at Once, Will Plead Guilty; Exhorts Followers to Work Hard and Tire Not", The New York Times, March 13, 1922, p.1
  46. ^ "Gandhi, On Way to Jail, Begs for Perfect Peace". Chicago Daily Tribune. March 13, 1922. p. 3.
  47. ^ "Smuts Fired On; Seize 1,100". Chicago Daily Tribune. March 13, 1922. p. 1.
  48. ^ Patent No. 1,544,156
  49. ^ "Charles F. Jenkins", Ohio History Central
  50. ^ "One Juror for Arbuckle Case Goes into Box". Chicago Daily Tribune. March 14, 1922. p. 3.
  51. ^ "WRR 101.1 FM History"
  52. ^ "Fierce Battle Breaks Africa Mine Revolt". Chicago Daily Tribune. March 15, 1922. p. 1.
  53. ^ "Bombard and Take Rand Rebels Town; Fordsburg Surrenders After 75 Minutes of Firing— Most of Area Now Cleared", The New York Times, March 15, 1922, p.5
  54. ^ a b "March 1922". Dublin City University. Archived from the original on March 19, 2012. Retrieved March 19, 2012.
  55. ^ "De Valera Forms New Organization; Manifesto Says It Will Seek Recognition of Republic and Repudiation of Treaty", The New York Times, March 16, 1922, p.7
  56. ^ "Introduction to WSB Radio". WSB History. Georgia State University. Retrieved June 15, 2015.
  57. ^ "Irish Gunmen Kill 3 Sick Men in Beds", The New York Times, March 17, 1922, p. 1
  58. ^ "Fuad Proclaimed as King of Egypt— Independence of the Country, Says Cairo Declaration, Dates From Yesterday", The New York Times, March 17, 1922, p.3
  59. ^ "Politics and nationalism in East Africa, 1919—35", by E. S. Atieno-Odhiambo, Africa Under Colonial Domination 1880-1935 (UNESCO, 1985) p. 671
  60. ^ "Thuku, Harry (1895 — 1970)", by John Lonsdale, in the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (Oxford University Press, 2004)
  61. ^ "South African Strike Ends as Reds Surrender". Chicago Daily Tribune. March 17, 1922. p. 7.
  62. ^ "Tageseinträge für 16. März 1922". chroniknet. Retrieved June 15, 2015.
  63. ^ "Harding Lemay Obituary". New York Times. July 4, 2018. Retrieved 10 November 2021 – via
  64. ^ "Italy to Occupy Fiume and Call Fair Election". Chicago Daily Tribune. March 18, 1922. p. 3.
  65. ^ "$500,000 in 'Scotch Seized in a Battle with 20 on Rum Ship", The New York Times, March 18, 1922, p. 1
  66. ^ "The First Bat Mitzvah in the United States", by Michael Feldberg, Jewish Virtual Library
  67. ^ "Gandhi Sentenced to 6 Years in Jail; Revolt to Go On", The New York Times, March 19, 1922, p. 1
  68. ^ "Gandhi Freed on Government Order; Aged Indian Leader is Ill and Must Go to Coast to Convalesce", Montreal Gazette, February 5, 1924, p. 1
  69. ^ "Tageseinträge für 18. März 1922". chroniknet. Retrieved June 15, 2015.
  70. ^ "Stadtchronik 1922". Retrieved June 15, 2015.
  71. ^ "Rumpler C I". Luftfahrtgeschichte. Retrieved June 15, 2015.
  72. ^ "Harding Orders Rhine Troops Home— All of Our Soldiers Will Be Returned to This Country Before July 1", The New York Times, March 21, 1922, p. 1
  73. ^ Anthony Godfrey, The Ever-Changing View-A History of the National Forests in California (USDA Forest Service Publishers, 2005) p. 180
  74. ^ "Tageseinträge für 20. März 1922". chroniknet. Retrieved June 15, 2015.
  75. ^ "'Out Our Way'", Lancaster New Era, March 20, 1922, p. 1
  76. ^ "Canadian-Born J. R. Williams' 'Out Our Way' Is 20 Years Old", Ottawa Evening Citizen, March 20, 1942, p. 12
  77. ^ "Strike Order Calls 600,000 Miners Out; Violence Forbidden", The New York Times, March 22, 1922, p. 1
  78. ^ "Rory O'Connor's Press Conference". Dublin City University. Archived from the original on June 30, 2012. Retrieved June 15, 2015.
  79. ^ "Irish Army Moves for Dictatorship to Replace Dail— Extremists, Defying Griffith, Plan to Hold Forbidden Convention on Sunday", The New York Times, March 23, 1922, p. 1
  80. ^ "Calls on Germany to Limit Paper Money; Allied Board Plans Partial Moratorium", The New York Times, March 22, 1922, p. 1
  81. ^ "Increased Taxes, Drastic Economy, Terms to Germany; Demands to Be Met by May 31 on Pain of Action Under Versailles Treaty", The New York Times, March 23, 1922, p. 1
  82. ^ "Oklahoma Governor Put Under Arrest", The New York Times, March 23, 1922, p. 1
  83. ^ "Five Passengers on Flying Boat Drowned; Pilot of Miss Miami Picked Up at Sea", The New York Times, March 25, 1922, p. 1
  84. ^ "Five Died at Sea in 56-hour Drift on Disabled Plane", The New York Times, March 26, 1922, p. 1
  85. ^ "Submersible Sunk; 24 Lost— British H-42 Rammed by Destroyer Versatile During Maneuvers", The Washington Post, March 24, 1922, p. 1
  86. ^ "British Submarine Lost With All of Crew; H-42 Rammed by Destroyer Off Gibraltar", The New York Times, March 24, 1922, p. 1
  87. ^ Stoff, Joshua (2000). Aviation Firsts: 336 Questions and Answers. Dover Publications, Inc. ISBN 978-0-486-41245-0.
  88. ^ "Negro Appointed to Naval Academy" (PDF). New York Times. March 24, 1922.
  89. ^ "Negro Cadet Issue— Appointment of Holley as Midshipman Deplored by Officers in Navy— The Color Line at Both Academies", The New York Times, April 9, 1922, p. 9-1
  90. ^ "Emile T. Holley, 72, Retired Professor", Washington Post, March 17, 1977
  91. ^ "Elephant Rifles for Plesiosaurus; Argentine Expedition Off for Patagonia— Equipped With Lassos, Too", The New York Times, March 25, 1922, p. 7
  92. ^ "5-Day, 40-Hour Week for Ford Employees", The New York Times, March 25, 1922, p. 1
  93. ^ "Four-Power Treaty Is Ratified, 67 to 27, with the 'No Alliance' Reservation", The New York Times, March 25, 1922, p. 1
  94. ^ "8 Dead, 10 Missing in Mine Explosion— Colorado Blast Occurs Just After Day Shift of 200 Men Leaves for Home", The New York Times, March 25, 1922, p. 3
  95. ^ "Murder Five Men in One Family", The New York Times, March 25, 1922, p. 1
  96. ^ "Tageseinträge für 25. März 1922". chroniknet. Retrieved June 15, 2015.
  97. ^ "Allies to Let Turks Remain in Europe and Keep Asia Minor", The New York Times, March 27, 1922, p. 1
  98. ^ "Smoking in Public Barred for Women; Police Enforce Law— Consternation Along Rialto as Detectives order Cigarettes Put Out; Doubt About Its Passage", The New York Times, March 28, 1922, p. 1
  99. ^ "Women Smoke On; 'Law' Just a Slip", The New York Times, March 29, 1922, p. 1
  100. ^ United Zinc. & Chemical Co. v. Britt, 258 U.S. 268 (1922)
  101. ^ "Rep. Lucian W. Parrish Dies of Fatal Injuries Received While on Senatorial Campaign", El Paso (TX) Herald, March 28, 1922, p. 5
  102. ^ "Congressman Parrish, Hurt in Auto Accident, Rallies From Shock", Austin (TX) American-Statesman, March 16, 1922, p. 1
  103. ^ "Shoot at Jap General; Kill U.S. Woman". Chicago Daily Tribune. March 29, 1922. p. 1.
  104. ^ "Assassins Fire at Milukoff in Berlin; He Escapes, but Naboukoff Dies Saving Him", The New York Times, March 29, 1922, p. 1
  105. ^ "Rickard Not Guilty; Verdict at 12:19 a.m.; Jury Out 91 Minutes", The New York Times, March 29, 1922, p. 1
  106. ^ Curran, Hugh (March 30, 1922). "Radicals Wreck Dublin Newspaper". Chicago Daily Tribune. p. 1.
  107. ^ "Irish Rebels Wreck Freeman's Journal; Fire the Building", The New York Times, March 30, 1922, p. 1
  108. ^ "2 Treaties Passed; Bitter Enders Lose Power in Senate", The New York Times, March 30, 1922, p. 1
  109. ^ "Compact Is Signed in London to Bring Peace to Ireland; Free State, Ulster and British Governments Take Step Toward Unity and Accord; I.R.A. to Stop Activities", The New York Times, March 31, 1922, p. 1
  110. ^ "Last Treaties Pass and Senate Makes Record for Speed; Two Compacts Relating to China Are Ratified, Making 6 Adopted in 7 Days", The New York Times, March 31, 1922, p. 1
  111. ^ Henning, Arthur Sears (March 31, 1922). "Harding Dream Made True at Last by Senate". Chicago Daily Tribune. p. 1.
  112. ^ "Summary of the First Southern Atlantic Crossing (1922) by the Portuguese Aviators Gago COUTINHO and Sacadura CABRAL on a Fairey-17 Single Engine Hydroplane", by Armand F. Pereira
  113. ^ "Irish Free State (Agreement) Act, 1922", HistoricalDocuments.Org.UK
  114. ^ Aviation Safety Database
  115. ^ Widmer, Mary Lou (1993). New Orleans in the Twenties. Gretna: Pelican Publishing Company. p. 87. ISBN 978-1-4556-0954-3.
  116. ^ Bill James and Rachel McCarthy James, The Man from the Train: The Solving of a Century-old Serial Killer Mystery (Scribner, 2017)

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