Reaction of Russian intelligentsia to the 2014 annexation of Crimea

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Russian intelligentsia expressed various reactions to the Russian annexation of Crimea.

Supporting the annexation


First letter of support

Director Nikita Mikhalkov, winner of the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film, was among those blacklisted by Ukraine for supporting the annexation.

Over 100 cultural figures signed a letter supporting Russia's return of Crimea. Among those who signed it were conductor Yuri Bashmet, film director Fyodor Bondarchuk, director Stanislav Govorukhin, film director Karen Shakhnazarov, actor Sergey Bezrukov, singer Lev Leshchenko,[1][2] sculptor Alexander Bourganov, sculptor Zurab Tsereteli, and actor Dmitry Kharatyan.[3]

The letter was kept open to add signatures and eventually reached 511.[3]

Reaction to the letter


The name of the famous theatre and film director Mark Zakharov appeared on a petition opposing Russian accession of Crimea, however, he himself denied ever signing it. He stated in an interview that he opposed Russian soldiers being deployed to Ukraine as it reminded him the start of the Afghanistan conflict, however, he also couldn't imagine Russia without Crimea.[4] He also stated that had he been offered to sign a letter supporting the accession, he would've signed it.[5]

Director and actor Vladimir Menshov, winner of the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film, expressed support of the annexation by stating, "Finally Russia has moved from words to actions."[6] He was blacklisted in Ukraine as a result.[7]

Other prominent figures to support the annexation of Crimea and as a result getting blacklisted in Ukraine were actress Irina Alfyorova, singer Yuri Loza,[7] actor Valentin Gaft,[8] comedian Mikhail Zadornov,[9] and winner of the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film director Nikita Mikhalkov.[10]

Director Alexander Mitta expressed support of the return of Crimea to Russia; however, Mitta also said that he didn't like the fact that it was used as a way to distract the Russian population of the internal problems Russia was facing.[11]

Rock musicians in support of the annexation

Konstantin Kinchev was one of the musicians to express support of the annexation.

The annexation of Crimea divided the Russian rock community to supporters and opposition to the move.[12] Former Aria leader and current leader of the band Kipelov, Valery Kipelov, expressed support of the annexation, and stated that it should've been done in 1991.[13][14] He performed at music festivals celebrating the event in Crimea.[15][16]

Konstantin Kinchev and his band Alisa, considered to be among the pioneers of Russian rock, expressed support of the move, and cancelled all of his concerts in Ukraine.[17] Kinchev had already expressed views supporting the return of Crimea to Russia in 2008.[18]

Among the other prominent figures in Russian rock who expressed support of the move included Chaif,[19][14] Chicherina,[20][21] Alexander F. Sklyar,[12][22] and Vadim Samoylov (ex-Agatha Christie).[23][24]

Many rock concerts have been organised in Crimea following the annexation.[25]

Opposing the annexation


First letter of protest

Andrey Makarevich participating in the 2014 anti-war march in Moscow

Russian scientists and artists who disagreed with Russian government policy in Crimea, announced their opposition in an open letter:[26]

"Our country has been plunged into a dangerous adventure. Under the slogan "Defend the Russian in Crimea, as well as all Ukrainians from the new illegitimate, fascist government in Ukraine!", an actual annexation of the Crimea has already happened. International law was heavily violated and principles of European security and stability were destroyed. Russia is rapidly slipping into a new Cold War with the West and there are dangerous consequences that cannot be predicted."

"There is unrestrained flow of lies and disinformation in all Russian state media resources, as well as deafening propaganda campaign against anyone who tries to doubt the legitimacy of the authorities' actions or indicate their disastrous consequences for the country and people. All who disagree indiscriminately get called a "fifth column" and "fascists". There are a lot of people who disagree. It is enough to read uncensored media or numerous judgments in social networks to see that political scientists, economists, people who are professionally related to foreign policy, or just people that are endowed with any social intuition are warning that Russia is coming to a real catastrophe — economic, political, humanitarian."

The letter was published in "Echo of Moscow", "Novaya Gazeta" and "Russian PEN Center".

"Do not cave in. Do not succumb to lies"


Another open letter headlined "Do not cave in. Do not succumb to lies"[27] was signed by 180 representatives of different professions, including: Yuri Ryzhov (of the Russian Academy of Science), Andrey Makarevich (musician), Yuri Shevchuk (musician), Andrey Zvyagintsev (film director), Marietta Chudakova (writer, literary historian) and Vadim Zakharov (artist).

Anti-war Congress

Professor Andrey Zubov at the Anti-war Congress

On March 19, 2014, an "Anti-war Congress" took place at the M.I. Rudomino State Library for Foreign Literature. An appeal, adopted by resolution of the Congress, stated:[28][29]

"We, the representatives of the Russian intelligentsia, must warn the government about the historical mistake that is happening — the desire of taking under control part of another, recently brotherly Ukraine, by using Russian armed forces."

Sergei Markov, a member of Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation, commented on the results of the congress and called its participants "representatives of a "Russophobic" subculture that do not pose any danger to the country".[30]

KinoSoyuz letter


On March 12, 2014, KinoSoyuz (an organization of the Russian film industry) published an open letter of support for their Ukrainian colleagues on its website. By 13 March 2014, the letter had been co-signed by more than 200 people.[31]

Individual opinions




Support for Russian policy


After an open letter of support for Russian policy in Crimea was published, on March 11, 2014 a response from Ukraine appeared.[36]

Opposition to Russian policy


See also



  1. ^ "Список подписавших письмо в поддержку политики Путина по Крыму - Журнал «ПРОФИЛЬ»" [List of Signatories of the Letter in Support of Putin's Policy on Crimea - PROFILE Magazine]. Archived from the original on 2016-08-17.
  2. ^ "Грани.Ру: Российские деятели культуры поддержали позицию Путина по Крыму" [Grani.Ru: Russian cultural figures supported Putin's position on Crimea].
  3. ^ a b "Новости Министерства" [News of the Ministry]. Archived from the original on 2014-03-11. Retrieved 2014-03-11.
  4. ^ "Марк Захаров опроверг свое появление в списке противников политики Путина на Украине" [Mark Zakharov denied his appearance in the list of opponents of Putin's policy in Ukraine]. Archived from the original on 2014-03-19.
  5. ^ "Леонид Броневой и Марк Захаров выступили в поддержку политики Путина в отношении Украины :: NoNaMe" [Leonid Bronevoy and Mark Zakharov supported Putin's policy towards Ukraine :: NoNaMe]. Archived from the original on 2015-04-19.
  6. ^ "Владимир Меньшов: возвращение Крыма – сверхъестественное событие" [Vladimir Menshov: the return of Crimea is a supernatural event]. 30 April 2014.
  7. ^ a b ""Черный список" известных россиян на Украине комментируют Меньшов, Алферова, Лоза" [The "black list" of famous Russians in Ukraine is commented by Menshov, Alferova, Loza]. 14 July 2015.
  8. ^ "Минкультуры расширило "черный список" артистов, которым запрещен въезд в Украину - Газета "ФАКТЫ и комментарии"" [The Ministry of Culture has expanded the "black list" of artists who are banned from entering Ukraine - Newspaper "FACTS and comments"]. Archived from the original on 2016-02-28.
  9. ^ "Михаил Задорнов и Иван Охлобыстин попали в "черный список" на Украине" [Mikhail Zadornov and Ivan Okhlobystin were blacklisted in Ukraine]. 28 October 2014.
  10. ^ "Director Nikita Mikhalkov Speaks Out After Ukraine Ban". The Hollywood Reporter. 31 August 2015.
  11. ^ "Александр Митта: "Россия нищает, а все делают вид, что так и надо"" [Alexander Mitta: "Russia is impoverished, and everyone pretends that this is how it should be"]. 26 August 2014.
  12. ^ a b "Украина разделила русский рок" [Ukraine divided Russian rock].
  13. ^ "Валерий Кипелов высказался о присоединении Крыма >>" [Valery Kipelov spoke about the annexation of Crimea >>]. Archived from the original on 2015-01-01.
  14. ^ a b "Патриот-гид по рокерам "Нашествия": от Кинчева до Сида" [Patriot guide to rockers "Invasion": from Kinchev to Sid]. 2 July 2015.
  15. ^ "Группа Кипелов отправляется в тур по Крыму". 25 July 2016.
  16. ^ "Чичерина уверена, что еще выступит перед своими фанатами на Украине" [Chicherina is sure that she will perform in front of her fans in Ukraine]. 22 August 2015.
  17. ^ "Своих поддерживать и за своих стоять! - Аргументы Недели" [Support your own and stand up for your own! - Arguments of the Week].
  18. ^ "ShowJet – бесплатно смотреть сериалы и фильмы на официальном сайте" [ShowJet - watch TV shows and movies for free on the official website].
  19. ^ "Владимир Шахрин о событиях на Украине: "Я в очередной раз не понимаю, каким местом тут Соединённые Штаты Америки? Показать, кто в хате хозяин?"" [Vladimir Shakhrin on the events in Ukraine: "Once again, I don't understand what place the United States of America is here? To show who is the boss in the hut?"]. 13 March 2014.
  20. ^ "Чичерина: два года назад поездка в Крым изменила мою жизнь" [Chicherina: two years ago a trip to the Crimea changed my life]. 17 March 2016.
  21. ^ "Чичерина, которую СБУ объявила в розыск, даст концерт в Севастополе" [Chicherina, who was put on the wanted list by the SBU, will give a concert in Sevastopol]. 15 March 2015.
  22. ^ "Александр Скляр: Крым - величайшее событие в истории России" [Alexander Sklyar: Crimea is the greatest event in the history of Russia]. Archived from the original on 2016-03-24.
  23. ^ "Вадим Самойлов, экс "Агата Кристи": "Одни считают Путина всесильным, другие — что он во всем виноват. И те, и другие ошибаются"" [Vadim Samoilov, ex-"Agatha Christie": "Some consider Putin omnipotent, others - that he is to blame for everything. Both of them are wrong"].
  24. ^ "Вадим Самойлов: первый раз в Крыму "Агата Кристи" выступала с Гафтом и Якубовичем" [Vadim Samoilov: for the first time in the Crimea, "Agatha Christie" performed with Gaft and Yakubovich]. 3 July 2015.
  25. ^ "Рок-десант: в Крым приедут Арбенина, «Ария», «Алиса», Бутусов и Чичерина | Новости Севастополя" [Rock landing: Arbenina, "Aria", "Alisa", Butusov and Chicherina will arrive in Crimea | Sevastopol News]. Archived from the original on 2016-10-28.
  26. ^ Обращение инициативной группы по проведению Конгресса интеллигенции «Против войны, против самоизоляции России, против реставрации тоталитаризма» и письмо деятелей культуры в поддержку позиции Владимира Путина по Украине и Крыму (in Russian). Novaya Gazeta. 13.03.2014
  27. ^ Не прогибаться. Не поддаваться лжи (in Russian). Echo of Moscow. 14.03.2014
  28. ^ В Москве прошло заседание антивоенного Конгресса интеллигенции (in Russian). 19.03.2014
  29. ^ Антивоенный конгресс интеллигенции (video). (in Russian). 19.03.2014
  30. ^ Оппозиционная интеллигенция провела антивоенный конгресс (in Russian). RBC TV. 20.03.2014
  31. ^ Мы с вами! (in Russian). KinoSoyuz. 08.03.2014
  32. ^ Андрей Зубов: Это уже было (in Russian). Vedomosti. 01.03.2014
  33. ^ Как крымский вопрос расколол российское общество? Мнение подписавшего письмо за украинскую политику Путина и против неё (in Russian). Dozhd. 12.03.2014
  34. ^ Война и мир. Андрей Макаревич — против, Владимир Бортко — за (in Russian). Vesti (Ukraine) №10(28). 21—27.03.2014
  35. ^ Служенье муз (in Russian). 11.03.2014
  36. ^ Гастрольная война (in Russian). Radio Liberty. 09.05.2014
  37. ^ У Києві скасували концерт Мацуєва (in Ukrainian). Espreso TV. 13.03.2014
  38. ^ Львів'яни забрали в Башмета почесне звання (in Ukrainian) (The people of Lviv took the honorary title from Bashmet) Espreso TV. 13.03.2014
  39. ^ Из МГИМО уволен профессор Андрей Зубов (in Russian) (Professor Andrey Zubov fired from MGIMO) BBC Russian Service. 24.03.2014
  40. ^ Відомі діячі культури Росії просять Путіна припинити цькування Макаревича (in Ukrainian) (Well-known Russian cultural figures are asking Putin to stop harassing Makarevich) iPress. 28.03.2014
  41. ^ Если Андрея Макаревича лишат звания народного артиста — это будет к лучшему (in Russian) (If Andrei Makarevich is deprived of the title of People's Artist, it will be for the best.) Moskovskij Komsomolets. 28.03.2014
  42. ^ Страсти по Макаревичу: решил стать собой и получил по полной (in Russian) (Passion for Makarevich: I decided to become myself and got it to the fullest) Moskovskij Komsomolets. 31.03.2014
  43. ^ Поэта Бывшева привлекли по 282-й статье за стихи в поддержку Украины ((in Russian)) (Poet Byvshev brought under article 282 for poems in support of Ukraine). Грани.ру. 14.05.2014
  44. ^ В Госдуме хотят сажать в тюрьму за нарушения на митингах (in Russian) (The State Duma wants to put people in jail for violations at rallies) BBC Russian Service. 01.04.2014

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