Special Protection Areas in Poland

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Special Protection Areas for birds in Poland are called OSOPs (Polish: Obszar Specjalnej Ochrony Ptaków). As of 2005, 72 OSOPs were designated.

Special Protection Areas for birds (OSOP) across Poland
Name in Polish and English Code Area in hectares Voivodeship
Dolina Baryczy (Barycz Valley) PLB020001 55516.8[1] dolnośląskie, wielkopolskie
Grądy Odrzańskie PLB020002 20906.0[2] dolnośląskie, opolskie
Stawy Przemkowskie PLB020003 4605.4[3] dolnośląskie, lubuskie
Błota Rakutowskie PLB040001 4437.9[4] kujawsko-pomorskie
Bagienna Dolina Drwęcy (Drwęca Bog Valley) PLB040002 3366.1[5] kujawsko-pomorskie
Dolina Dolnej Wisły (Lower Vistula Valley) PLB040003 33559.0[6] kujawsko-pomorskie, pomorskie
Ostoja Nadgoplańska PLB040004 9815.8[7] kujawsko-pomorskie, wielkopolskie
Bagno Bubnów PLB060001 2187.6[8] lubelskie
Chełmskie Torfowiska Węglanowe PLB060002 4309.4[9] lubelskie
Dolina Środkowego Bugu (Mid Bug River Valley) PLB060003 28096.6[10] lubelskie
Dolina Tyśmienicy PLB060004 7363.7[11] lubelskie
Lasy Janowskie (Janów Forests) PLB060005 60235.8[12] lubelskie, podkarpackie
Lasy Parczewskie PLB060006 14024.3[13] lubelskie
Lasy Strzeleckie PLB060007 8749.5[14] lubelskie
Puszcza Solska (Solska Forest) PLB060008 79349.1[15] lubelskie
Puszcza Barlinecka PLB080001 26505.6[16] lubuskie, zachodniopomorskie
Ujście Warty (Warta River Mouth) PLC080001 33215.0[17] lubelskie
Pradolina Warszawsko-Berlińska PLB100001 23412.4[18] łódzkie, wielkopolskie
Gorce (within Gorce Mountains) PLB120001 7658.6[19] małopolskie
Puszcza Niepołomicka (Niepołomice Forest) PLB120002 11762.3[20] małopolskie
Tatry (Tatra Mountains) PLC120001 21018.1[21] małopolskie
Dolina Dolnego Bugu (Lower Bug River Valley) PLB140001 74309.9[22] mazowieckie, lubelskie, podlaskie
Dolina Liwca (Liwiec River Valley) PLB140002 27431.5[23] mazowieckie, lubelskie
Dolina Pilicy (Pilica River Valley) PLB140003 35356.3[24] mazowieckie, łódzkie
Dolina Środkowej Wisły (Mid Vistula Valley) PLB140004 30777.9[25] mazowieckie, lubelskie
Doliny Omulwi i Płodownicy PLB140005 34386.7[26] mazowieckie, warmińsko-mazurskie
Małopolski Przełom Wisły (Lesser Poland Vistula Valley)  PLB140006 6972.8[27] mazowieckie, lubelskie, świętokrzyskie
Puszcza Biała (White Forest) PLB140007 83779.7[28] mazowieckie
Puszcza Kampinoska (Kampinos Forest) PLC140001 37640.5[29] mazowieckie
Pogórze Przemyskie (Przemyskie Upland) PLB180001 65390.2[30] podkarpackie
Bieszczady (Bieszczady Mountains) PLC180001 111519.4[31] podkarpackie
Bagienna Dolina Narwi (Narew Bog Valley) PLB200001 23147.1[32] podlaskie
Puszcza Augustowska (Augustów Primeval Forest) PLB200002 134377.7[33] podlaskie
Puszcza Knyszyńska (Knyszyn Forest) PLB200003 139590.2[34] podlaskie
Dolina Biebrzy[citation needed] PLC200001 124104.5 podlaskie
Dolina Górnej Narwi (Upper Narew Valley)[citation needed] PLC200002 15910.0 podlaskie
Przełomowa Dolina Narwi (Narew Ravine Valley)[citation needed] PLC200003 6988.4 podlaskie
Puszcza Białowieska (Białowieża Forest) PLC200004 63147.6[35] podlaskie
Wielki Sandr Brdy PLB220001 37106.3[36] pomorskie
Dolina Słupi (Słupia Valley) PLB220002 37471.8[37] pomorskie
Pobrzeże Słowińskie PLB220003 21819.4[38] pomorskie
Ujście Wisły (Vistula River Delta) PLB220004 1748.1[39] pomorskie, Baltic Sea
Zatoka Pucka (Bay of Puck) PLB220005 62430.4[40] pomorskie, Baltic Sea
Dolina Górnej Wisły (Upper Vistula Valley) PLB240001 24740.2[41] śląskie
Dolina Nidy (Nida River Valley) PLB260001 19956.1[42] świętokrzyskie
Bagna Nietlickie PLB280001 4080.8[43] warmińsko-mazurskie
Dolina Pasłęki (Pasłęka River Valley) PLB280002 20669.9[44] warmińsko-mazurskie
Jezioro Łuknajno (Łuknajno Lake) PLB280003 1380.3[45] warmińsko-mazurskie
Jezioro Oświn i Okolice (Oświn Seven Island Lake) PLB280004 2501.6[46] warmińsko-mazurskie
Lasy Iławskie (Iława Lakeland Forests) PLB280005 25218.5[47] warmińsko-mazurskie, pomorskie
Puszcza Borecka PLB280006 116604.7[48] warmińsko-mazurskie
Puszcza Napiwodzko-Ramucka PLB280007 116604.7[49] warmińsko-mazurskie
Puszcza Piska (Pisz Forest) PLB280008 172802.2[50] warmińsko-mazurskie, mazowieckie, podlaskie
Warmińskie Bociany[citation needed] PLB280009 107937.8 warmińsko-mazurskie
Zalew Wiślany (Vistula Lagoon) PLB280010 32224.1[51] warmińsko-mazurskie, pomorskie, Zalew Wiślany
Jezioro Drużno (Drużno Lake)[citation needed] PLC280001 3175.8 warmińsko-mazurskie
Dolina Środkowej Noteci i Kanału Bydgoskiego PLB300001 32672.1[52] wielkopolskie | kujawsko-pomorskie
Dolina Środkowej Warty PLB300002 57104.4[53] wielkopolskie
Nadnoteckie Łęgi PLB300003 16058.1[54] wielkopolskie
Wielki Łęg Obrzański PLB300004 7540.0[55] wielkopolskie
Zbiornik Wonieść PLB300005 2802.1[56] wielkopolskie
Bagna Rozwarowskie PLB320001 4249.7[57] zachodniopomorskie
Delta Świny PLB320002 11008.5[58] zachodniopomorskie
Dolina Dolnej Odry (Lower Odra Valley) PLB320003 61605.4[59] zachodniopomorskie, lubuskie
Jeziora Wełtyńskie (Wełtyń Lakes)[citation needed] PLB320004 1306.2 zachodniopomorskie
Jezioro Miedwie i Okolice (Miedwie Lake and Area) PLB320005 16511.0[60] zachodniopomorskie
Jezioro Świdwie (Świdwie Lake) PLB320006 7196.2[61] zachodniopomorskie
Łąki Skoszewskie PLB320007 9083.4[62] zachodniopomorskie
Ostoja Ińska PLB320008 87710.9[63] zachodniopomorskie
Zalew Szczeciński (Szczecin Lagoon) PLB320009 47194.6[64] zachodniopomorskie
Ławica Słupska[citation needed] PLB990001 76594.0 Baltic Sea
Przybrzeżne Wody Bałtyku PLB990002 194626.7[65] zachodniopomorskie, pomorskie, Baltic Sea
Zatoka Pomorska (Bay of Pomerania) PLB990003 309154.9[66] zachodniopomorskie, Baltic Sea

See also[edit]


  1. ^ "(PLB020001)". Natura 2000. European Environment Agency. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  2. ^ "(PLB020002)". Natura 2000. European Environment Agency. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  3. ^ "(PLB020003)". Natura 2000. European Environment Agency. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  4. ^ "(PLB040001)". Natura 2000. European Environment Agency. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  5. ^ "(PLB040002)". Natura 2000. European Environment Agency. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  6. ^ "(PLB040003)". Natura 2000. European Environment Agency. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  7. ^ "(PLB040004)". Natura 2000. European Environment Agency. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  8. ^ "(PLB060001)". Natura 2000. European Environment Agency. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  9. ^ "(PLB060002)". Natura 2000. European Environment Agency. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  10. ^ "(PLB060003)". Natura 2000. European Environment Agency. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  11. ^ "(PLB060004)". Natura 2000. European Environment Agency. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  12. ^ "(PLB060005)". Natura 2000. European Environment Agency. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  13. ^ "(PLB060006)". Natura 2000. European Environment Agency. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  14. ^ "(PLB060007)". Natura 2000. European Environment Agency. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  15. ^ "(PLB060008)". Natura 2000. European Environment Agency. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  16. ^ "(PLB080001)". Natura 2000. European Environment Agency. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  17. ^ "(PLC080001)". Natura 2000. European Environment Agency. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  18. ^ "(PLB100001)". Natura 2000. European Environment Agency. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  19. ^ "(PLB120001)". Natura 2000. European Environment Agency. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  20. ^ "(PLB120002)". Natura 2000. European Environment Agency. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  21. ^ "(PLC120001)". Natura 2000. European Environment Agency. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  22. ^ "(PLB140001)". Natura 2000. European Environment Agency. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  23. ^ "(PLB140002)". Natura 2000. European Environment Agency. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  24. ^ "(PLB140003)". Natura 2000. European Environment Agency. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  25. ^ "(PLB140004)". Natura 2000. European Environment Agency. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  26. ^ "(PLB140005)". Natura 2000. European Environment Agency. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  27. ^ "(PLB140006)". Natura 2000. European Environment Agency. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  28. ^ "(PLB140007)". Natura 2000. European Environment Agency. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  29. ^ "(PLC140001)". Natura 2000. European Environment Agency. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  30. ^ "(PLB180001)". Natura 2000. European Environment Agency. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  31. ^ "(PLC180001)". Natura 2000. European Environment Agency. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  32. ^ "(PLB200001)". Natura 2000. European Environment Agency. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  33. ^ "(PLB200002)". Natura 2000. European Environment Agency. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  34. ^ "(PLB200003)". Natura 2000. European Environment Agency. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  35. ^ "(PLC200004)". Natura 2000. European Environment Agency. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  36. ^ "(PLB220001)". Natura 2000. European Environment Agency. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  37. ^ "(PLB220002)". Natura 2000. European Environment Agency. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  38. ^ "(PLB220003)". Natura 2000. European Environment Agency. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  39. ^ "(PLB220004)". Natura 2000. European Environment Agency. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  40. ^ "(PLB220005)". Natura 2000. European Environment Agency. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  41. ^ "(PLB240001)". Natura 2000. European Environment Agency. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  42. ^ "(PLB260001)". Natura 2000. European Environment Agency. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  43. ^ "(PLB280001)". Natura 2000. European Environment Agency. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  44. ^ "(PLB280002)". Natura 2000. European Environment Agency. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  45. ^ "(PLB280003)". Natura 2000. European Environment Agency. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  46. ^ "(PLB280004)". Natura 2000. European Environment Agency. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  47. ^ "(PLB280005)". Natura 2000. European Environment Agency. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  48. ^ "(PLB280006)". Natura 2000. European Environment Agency. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  49. ^ "(PLB280007)". Natura 2000. European Environment Agency. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  50. ^ "(PLB280008)". Natura 2000. European Environment Agency. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  51. ^ "(PLB280010)". Natura 2000. European Environment Agency. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  52. ^ "(PLB300001)". Natura 2000. European Environment Agency. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  53. ^ "(PLB300002)". Natura 2000. European Environment Agency. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  54. ^ "(PLB300003)". Natura 2000. European Environment Agency. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  55. ^ "(PLB300004)". Natura 2000. European Environment Agency. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  56. ^ "(PLB300005)". Natura 2000. European Environment Agency. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  57. ^ "(PLB320001)". Natura 2000. European Environment Agency. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  58. ^ "(PLB320002)". Natura 2000. European Environment Agency. Retrieved 9 October 2022.
  59. ^ "(PLB320003)". Natura 2000. European Environment Agency. Retrieved 10 October 2022.
  60. ^ "(PLB320005)". Natura 2000. European Environment Agency. Retrieved 10 October 2022.
  61. ^ "(PLB320006)". Natura 2000. European Environment Agency. Retrieved 10 October 2022.
  62. ^ "(PLB320007)". Natura 2000. European Environment Agency. Retrieved 10 October 2022.
  63. ^ "(PLB320008)". Natura 2000. European Environment Agency. Retrieved 10 October 2022.
  64. ^ "(PLB320009)". Natura 2000. European Environment Agency. Retrieved 10 October 2022.
  65. ^ "(PLB990002)". Natura 2000. European Environment Agency. Retrieved 10 October 2022.
  66. ^ "(PLB990003)". Natura 2000. European Environment Agency. Retrieved 10 October 2022.

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