Textual variants in the Book of Genesis

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Textual variants in the Book of Genesis concerns textual variants in the Hebrew Bible found in the Book of Genesis.


Diagram of relationships between manuscripts
Purported inter-relationship between significant ancient Old Testament manuscripts (some identified by their siglum).

Frequently used sigla (symbols and abbreviations) of Hebrew Bible manuscripts and editions include:[1]

א: Codex Sinaiticus
A: Codex Alexandrinus
B: Codex Vaticanus (Roman Septuagint)
C: Codex Ephraemi Rescriptus
ABP: Apostolic Bible Polyglot
AC: Aleppo Codex
BHS: Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia
Brenton: Brenton's Septuagint Translation 1879
LC: Leningrad Codex
LXX: Septuagint (list)
LXXRahlfs: Rahlfs' Septuagint 1935
LXXSwete: Swete's Septuagint 1930
K: ketiv
Kennicottx: Kennicott's Vetus Test. Hebraicum
MAM: Miqra according to the Masorah
m.: Mishna
MT or 𝕸: Masoretic Text
MTGinsburg: C.D. Ginsburg's Masoretic Text
OL or : Old Latin / Vetus Latina (list)
Q: qere
xQx: Dead Sea Scrolls (list)
S: Peshitta
SP: Samaritan Pentateuch
Tg: Targum
TgBe: Targum Berlin Orientalis 1213
TgJ: Targum Jonathan
TgO: Targum Onqelos
TgN: Targum Neofiti
TgPJ: Targum Pseudo-Jonathan
Vg: Vulgate (list)
VgClement: Clementine Vulgate 1592
VgColunga&Turrado: A. Colunga & L. Turrado's Vulgata 1946
Vgneo: Nova Vulgata 1979
WLC: Westminster Leningrad Codex



This list provides examples of known textual variants, and contains the following parameters: Hebrew texts written right to left, the Hebrew text romanised left to right, an approximate English translation, and which Hebrew manuscripts or critical editions of the Hebrew Bible this textual variant can be found in. Greek (Septuagint) and Latin (Vulgate) texts are written left to right, and not romanised. Sometimes additional translation or interpretation notes are added, with references to similar verses elsewhere, or in-depth articles on the topic in question.

Genesis 1:1, see also In the beginning (phrase)

בראשית, bə-rê-šîṯ, 'In [the] beginning' – MT 4QGenb (4QGeng) SP[2]
ברשית֯, bršîṯ – 4QGenh[2]
ἐν ἀρχῇ, 'In [the] beginning' – LXX[2] LXXRahlfs[3] ABP[4]
In principio, 'In [the] beginning' – VgColunga&Turrado[5]

Genesis 1:1, see also Elohim and Names of God in Judaism § Elohim

אֱלֹהִ֑ים, 'ĕ-lō-hîm ('[the] gods' or 'God') – MT (4QGenb) 4QGeng SP.[2] Grammatically speaking, the word elohim is a masculine plural noun meaning "gods", but it is often translated as singular and capitalised as Elohim, meaning "God".
ο θεός, 'the god' – ABP[4]
Deus, 'God' – VgColunga&Turrado[5]

Genesis 1:1, see also Heaven in Judaism

הַשָּׁמַיִם, haš-šā-ma-yim, 'the heavens' – MT 4QGeng SP[2]
τὸν οὐρανὸν, 'the heaven' – LXX[2] ABP[4]
caelum, '(the) heaven' – VgColunga&Turrado[5]

Genesis 1:2, see also Tohu wa-bohu

וְהָאָ֗רֶץ הָיְתָ֥ה תֹ֙הוּ֙ וָבֹ֔הוּ, wə·hā·'ā·reṣ hā·yə·ṯāh ṯō·hū wā·ḇō·hū, 'and the earth was formless and void,' – MT (4QGenb) SP[6][7]
ἡ δὲ γῆ ἦν ἀόρατος καὶ ἀκατασκεύαστος, 'but the earth was unseeable and unfashioned' – LXX[6] ABP[4]
Terra autem erat inanis et vacua, 'But the earth was lifeless and empty' – VgColunga&Turrado[5]

Genesis 1:7

ויבדל, way·yaḇ·dêl, 'and [he] divided' – MT (4QGenb) 4QGeng SP Damascus Pent. Codex[8]
καὶ διεχώρισεν ὁ θεὸς, 'and the god parted' – LXX[8] ABP[4]
divisitque, 'and [he] divided' – VgColunga&Turrado[5]

Genesis 1:7

וַֽיְהִי־כֵֽן, way·hî-ḵên., 'and it was so.' – MT 4QGenb 4QGeng SP Damascus Pent. Codex[8]
Et factum est ita., 'And so it was done.' – VgColunga&Turrado[5]
omitted – LXX[8] ABP[4]

Genesis 1:9

מָקֹ֣ום, mā·qō·wm, 'place' – MT 4QGenb Damascus Pent. Codex SP.[9] The Yiddish word Mokum ("city") is derived from Makom.
מקוה, mikvé, 'ritual bath' – 4QGen.h[9] A mikveh is a ritual bath in modern Judaism.
συναγωγην, 'gathering' – LXX[9] ABP.[4] The English word "synagogue" is derived from συναγωγή.
locum, 'place' – VgColunga&Turrado[5] The English word "location" is derived from locus.

Genesis 1:9

και συνηχθη το νδωρ το υποκατω του ουρανου εις τας συναγωγας αυτών και ωφθη η ζηρα, 'And the water underneath the heaven gathered together into their gatherings, and the dry [land] appeared.' – LXX[9] ABP.[4] Compare Book of Jubilees 2:6.[9]
omitted – 4QGenbg MT SP Damascus Pent. Codex[9] VgColunga&Turrado[5]

Genesis 2:4, see also toledot

אֵ֣לֶּה תֹולְדֹ֧ות, 'êl-leh ṯō-wl-ḏō-wṯ, 'These [are] the generations' – MT[10][11]
תולדת, '[This is] the outcome' – SP Kennicott6 18 75 80 89 108 155 227 244 282[11]
Αὕτη ἡ βίβλος γενέσεως, 'This is the book of the origin' – LXXSwete[12] ABP[13]
Istae sunt generationes, 'Those are (the) generations' – VgColunga&Turrado[14]

Genesis 2:4

עֲשֹׂ֛ות יְהוָ֥ה אֱלֹהִ֖ים, 'ă-śō-wṯ Yah-weh 'ĕ-lō-hîm, '[that] Yahweh the god made' – MT SP[11][10]
εποίησε ο θεός, '[that] the god made' – LXX[11] ABP[13]
ἐποίησεν Κύριος ὁ θεὸς, '[that] Lord the god made' – LXXSwete[12]
quo fecit Dominus Deus, 'which (the) Lord God made' – VgColunga&Turrado[14]

Genesis 2:4

אֶ֥רֶץ וְשָׁמָֽיִם, 'e-reṣ wə-šā-mā-yim., '[the] earth and [the] heavens' – MT[11]
שמימ וארץ, '[the] heavens and [the] earth' – SP[11]
τὸν οὐρανὸν καὶ τὴν γῆν, 'the heaven and the earth' – LXX[11] LXXSwete[12] ABP[13]
caelum et terram, '(the) heaven and (the) earth' – VgColunga&Turrado[14]

Genesis 2:5

יְהוָ֥ה אֱלֹהִ֖ים, Yah-weh 'ĕ-lō-hîm, 'Yahweh the god' – MT SP[15][10]
ὁ θεὸς, 'the god' – LXX[15] LXXSwete[12]
κύριος ο θεός, 'lord the god' – ABP[13]
Dominus Deus, '(the) Lord God' – VgColunga&Turrado[14]

Genesis 2:7, see also Soul in the Bible § Genesis 2:7

וַיִּיצֶר֩ יְהוָ֨ה אֱלֹהִ֜ים אֶת־ הָֽאָדָ֗ם עָפָר֙ מִן־ הָ֣אֲדָמָ֔ה, way-yî-ṣer Yah-weh 'ĕ-lō-hîm 'eṯ-hā-'ā-ḏām, 'ā-p̄ār min-hā-'ă-ḏā-māh,, 'And [the] god Yahweh formed [a/the] man [from] the dust of the ground/earth' – MT SP.[16][10]
There is a word play between אָדָם, ā-ḏām ("man", "human", later usually simply translated as the personal name "Adam") and אֲדָמָה, 'ă-ḏā-māh, 'ground, earth'.[16]
καὶ ἔπλασεν ὁ θεὸς τὸν ἄνθρωπον χοῦν ἀπὸ τῆς γῆς·, 'And the god shaped the dust man from the earth' – LXXSwete[12]
καὶ ἔπλασεν ὁ θεὸς τὸν ἄνθρωπον χοῦν λαβών ἀπὸ τῆς γῆς, 'And the god shaped the man taking dust from the earth' – ABP[13]
Formavit igitur Dominus Deus hominem de limo terrae, 'Therefore, (the) Lord God formed the human/man with the earth's mud/clay' – VgColunga&Turrado[14]

Genesis 2:8

יְהוָ֥ה אֱלֹהִ֖ים, Yah-weh 'ĕ-lō-hîm, 'Yahweh the god' – MT SP[17][10]
ὁ θεὸς, 'the god' – ABP[13]
κύριος ο θεός, 'lord the god' – LXX[17]
Κύριος ὁ θεὸς, 'Lord the god' – LXXSwete[12]
Dominus Deus, '(the) Lord God' – VgColunga&Turrado[14]

Genesis 2:8, see also Garden of Eden

גַּן־בְּעֵ֖דֶן מִקֶּ֑דֶם, gan- bə-‘ê-ḏen miq-qe-ḏem;, 'a garden in Eden in the east'
παράδεισον ἐν Ἔδεμ κατὰ ἀνατολάς, 'paradise in Edem according to the east' – LXXSwete[12]
παράδεισον ἐν Ἔδεν κατὰ ἀνατολάς, 'paradise in Eden according to the east' – ABP[13]
paradisum voluptatis a principio, 'paradise of pleasure from the beginning' – VgColunga&Turrado[14]

Genesis 2:9

יְהוָ֥ה אֱלֹהִ֖ים, Yah-weh 'ĕ-lō-hîm, 'Yahweh the god' – MT SP[18][10]
ὁ θεὸς, 'the god' – LXX[18] LXXSwete[12] ABP[13]
Dominus Deus, '(the) Lord God' – VgColunga&Turrado[14]

Genesis 2:9

omitted – MT[18]
את, et, 'with' – SP[18]

Genesis 2:13

אֶ֥רֶץ כּֽוּשׁ׃, 'e·reṣ kūš., '[the] land of Cush. or [the] black land.' – MT[10]
τὴν γῆν Αἰθιοπίας., 'the land of Ethiopia.' – LXXSwete[12] ABP[13]
terram AEthiopiae., 'the land of Ethiopia.' – VgColunga&Turrado[14]
See also Cush (Bible), Rivers of Paradise, and Gihon.

Genesis 2:16, see also Adam

עַל־הָֽאָדָ֖ם, ‘al-hā-’ā-ḏām, '(to) the man' – WLC[10]
τῷ Ἀδὰμ, 'to Adam' – LXXSwete[12] LXXRahlfs[3] ABP[13]
ei, 'to him' – VgColunga&Turrado[14]
Compare Genesis 2:18

Genesis 2:17, see also tree of the knowledge of good and evil

אֲכָלְךָ֥, ’ă-ḵā-lə-ḵā, 'that you eat [qal infinitive singular]' – WLC[10]
φάγησθε, '[you] should eat [active plural]' – LXXSwete[12]
φάγητε, '[you] should eat [middle plural]' – ABP[13]
comederis, '[you] shall/should eat [future active indicative/subjunctive singular)' – VgColunga&Turrado[14]

Genesis 2:18, see also Adam

הָֽאָדָ֖ם, hā-’ā-ḏām, 'the man' – WLC[10]
τὸν ἄνθρωπον, 'the man' – LXXSwete[12] LXXRahlfs[3] ABP[13]
hominem, '[the] man' – VgColunga&Turrado[14]
Compare Genesis 2:16

Genesis 2:18, see also Eve

אֶֽעֱשֶׂהּ־, ’e-‘ĕ-śeh-, 'I will make' – WLC[10]
ποιήσωμεν, 'let [us] make' – LXXSwete[12] LXXRahlfs[3] ABP[13]
faciamus, 'let [us] make' – VgColunga&Turrado[14]

Genesis 2:23, see also Eve

לְזֹאת֙ יִקָּרֵ֣א אִשָּׁ֔ה, lə-zōṯ yiq-qā-rê ’iš-šāh, 'this [one] shall be called woman' – WLC[10]
αὕτη κληθήσεται γυνή, 'she shall be called woman' – LXXRahlfs[3] ABP[13]
αὕτη κληθήσεται Γυνή, 'she shall be called Woman' – LXXSwete[12]
haec vocabitur Virago, 'she will be called [a warlike] Woman' – VgColunga&Turrado[14]

Genesis 2:23, see also Eve

αὐτῆς ἐλήμφθη αὕτη, 'she was taken her' – LXXSwete[12] LXXRahlfs[3] (Koine Greek spelling)
αυτής ελήφθη, 'she was taken' – ABP[13] (classical Greek spelling)

Genesis 2:24, see also Eve

אֶת־אָבִ֖יו וְאֶת־אִמֹּ֑ו, ’eṯ-’ā-ḇîw wə-’eṯ- ’im-mōw, 'his father and mother' – WLC[10]
τὸν πατέρα αὐτοῦ καὶ τὴν μητέρα αὐτοῦ, 'his father and his mother' – LXXSwete[12] LXXRahlfs[3]
τὸν πατέρα αὐτοῦ καὶ τὴν μητέρα, 'his father and mother' – ABP[13]
patrem suum, et matrem,, 'his father, and mother,' – VgColunga&Turrado[14]

Genesis 2:25

scilicet, 'of course' – VgColunga&Turrado[14]
omitted – WLC[10] LXXSwete[12] LXXRahlfs[3] ABP[13]

Genesis 3


Genesis 3:20, see also Eve

וַיִּקְרָ֧א הָֽאָדָ֛ם שֵׁ֥ם אִשְׁתֹּ֖ו חַוָּ֑ה, way-yiq-rā hā-’ā-ḏām šêm ’iš-tōw ḥaw-wāh, 'And the man called the name of his wife Hawwah' – WLC[19]
Καὶ ἐκάλεσεν Ἀδὰμ τὸ ὄνομα τῆς γυναικὸς Ζωή, 'And Adam called the name of the woman Zoë' – LXXSwete[20]
Καὶ ἐκάλεσεν Ἀδὰμ τὸ ὄνομα τῆς γυναικὸς αυτού Ζωή, 'And Adam called the name of his wife Zoë' – LXXRahlfs[3] ABP[21]
Et vocavit Adam nomen uxoris suae, Heva:, 'And Adam called [the] name of his wife, Heva:' – VgColunga&Turrado[22]
Compare Genesis 4:1

Genesis 4


Genesis 4:1, see also Eve, and Cain and Abel

וְהָ֣אָדָ֔ם יָדַ֖ע אֶת־חַוָּ֣ה אִשְׁתֹּ֑ו, wə-hā-’ā-ḏām yā-ḏa‘ ’eṯ- ḥaw-wāh ’iš-tōw, 'And the man knew Hawwah his wife' – WLC[23]
Ἀδὰμ δὲ ἔγνω Εὕαν τὴν γυναῖκα αὐτοῦ, 'And Adam knew Heva his wife' – LXXSwete[24]
Αδαμ δὲ ἔγνω Ευαν τὴν γυναῖκα αὐτοῦ, 'And Adam knew Eva his wife' – LXXRahlfs[3] ABP[25]
Adam vero cognovit uxorem suam Hevam,, 'Adam truly knew his wife Heva,' – VgColunga&Turrado[26]
Compare Genesis 3:20

Genesis 4:1

יְהוָֽה׃, Yah-weh., 'Yahweh.' – WLC[23]
τοῦ θεοῦ., 'the god.' – LXXSwete[24] LXXRahlfs[3] ABP[25]
Deum., '(the) God.' – VgColunga&Turrado[26]

Genesis 4:9

יְהוָֽ׃, Yah-weh, 'Yahweh' – WLC[23]
ὁ θεὸς, 'the god' – LXXSwete[24] LXXRahlfs[3]
κύριος ὁ θεὸς, 'the lord god' – ABP[25]
Dominus, '(the) Lord' – VgColunga&Turrado[26]

Genesis 4:10

ὁ θεὸς, 'the god' – LXXSwete[24] LXXRahlfs[3]
κύριος, '(the) lord' – ABP[25]
omitted – WLC[23] VgColunga&Turrado[26]

Genesis 4:12, see also Curse and mark of Cain

נָ֥ע וָנָ֖ד, nā‘ wā·nāḏ, 'a fugitive and a wanderer' – WLC[23]
στένων καὶ τρέμων, 'moaning and trembling' – LXXSwete[24] LXXRahlfs[3] ABP[25]
vagus et profugus, 'wandering and (a) fugitive' – VgColunga&Turrado[26]
Compare Genesis 4:14

Genesis 4:13, see also Curse and mark of Cain

וַיֹּ֥אמֶר קַ֖יִן אֶל־יְהוָ֑ה גָּדֹ֥ול עֲוֹנִ֖י מִנְּשֹֽׂא׃, way-yō-mer qa-yin ’el- Yah-weh; gā-ḏō-wl ‘ă-wō-nî min-nə-śō., 'And Cain said to Yahweh: Great is my punishment to bear.' – WLC[23]
καὶ εἶπεν Κάιν πρὸς τὸν κύριον Μείζων ἡ αἰτία μου τοῦ ἀφεθῆναί με., 'And Cain said to (the) lord: My fault is (too) great to forgive me.' – LXXSwete[24] LXXRahlfs[3] ABP[25]
Dixitque Cain ad Dominum: Major est iniquitas mea, quam ut veniam merear., 'And Cain said to (the) Lord: My iniquity is greater than that [I] deserve pardon.' – VgColunga&Turrado[26]

Genesis 4:14, see also Curse and mark of Cain

נָ֥ע וָנָ֖ד, nā‘ wā-nāḏ, 'a fugitive and a wanderer' – WLC[23]
στένων καὶ τρέμων, 'moaning and trembling' – LXXSwete[24] LXXRahlfs[3] ABP[25]
vagus et profugus, 'wandering and (a) fugitive' – VgColunga&Turrado[26]
Compare Genesis 4:12

Genesis 4:15

יְהוָ֗ה, Yah-weh, 'Yahweh' – WLC[23]
κύριος ὁ θεός, 'the lord god' – LXXSwete[24] LXXRahlfs[3] ABP[25]
Dominus, '(the) Lord' – VgColunga&Turrado[26]

Genesis 4:15, see also Curse and mark of Cain

שִׁבְעָתַ֖יִם יֻקָּ֑ם, šiḇ-‘ā-ṯa-yim yuq-qām, 'sevenfold vengeance shall be taken [on him] or suffer sevenfold vengeance' – WLC[23]
ἑπτὰ ἐκδικούμενα παραλύσει, 'will be disabled/paralysed seven [times] [by] punishing/avenging' – LXXSwete[24] LXXRahlfs[3] ABP[25]
The English verb "to paralyse" derives from the Greek verb παραλύω ("to loosen from the side, relax, enfeeble, weaken, disable, paralyse").
septuplum punietur, 'shall be punished sevenfold' – VgColunga&Turrado[26]

Genesis 4:16

יְהוָ֗ה, Yah-weh, 'Yahweh' – WLC[23]
τοῦ θεοῦ, 'of the god' – LXXSwete[24] LXXRahlfs[3] ABP[25]
Domini, 'of (the) Lord' – VgColunga&Turrado[26]

Genesis 4:16, see also Land of Nod

בְּאֶֽרֶץ־נֹ֖וד קִדְמַת־עֵֽדֶן׃, bə-’e-reṣ- nō-wḏ qiḏ-maṯ- ‘ê-ḏen., 'in [the] land (of) Nod east of Eden or [in] front [of] Eden.' – WLC[23]
H6925 קִדְמָהqidmah can mean both "east" and "over against" or "in front of".[27]
ἐν γῇ Ναὶδ κατέναντι Ἔδεμ., 'in [the] land (of) Naìd over against Edem.' – LXXSwete[24] LXXRahlfs[3]
εν γη Ναϊδ κατέναντι Εδέν, 'in [land] (of) Naïd over against Eden.' – ABP[25]
in terra ad orientalem plagam Eden., 'in (the) land to the eastern region (of) Eden.' – VgColunga&Turrado[26]

Genesis 4:18, see also Enoch (son of Cain), and Generations of Adam

חֲנֹוךְ֙ עִירָ֔ד מְחֽוּיָאֵ֑ל מְת֣וּשָׁאֵ֔ל לָֽמֶךְ׃, ḥă-nō-wḵ...‘î-rāḏ...mə-ḥū-yā-’êl...mə-ṯū-šā-’êl...lā-meḵ., 'Hanowk...Irad...Mehuyael...Methushael...Lamek.' – WLC[23]
Ἑνὼχ Γαιδάδ...Μαιήλ...Μαθουσαλά...Λάμεχ, 'Henoch Gaidad...Maiel...Mathousala...Lamech' – LXXSwete[24] LXXRahlfs[3] ABP[25]
Henoch...Irad...Maviael...Mathusael...Lamech – VgColunga&Turrado[26]
Compare Genesis 5:6–26

Genesis 4:20

וּמִקְנֶֽה׃, ū-miq-neh., 'and [raise] livestock.' – WLC[23]
κτηνοτρόφων, 'grazing cattle' – LXXSwete[24] LXXRahlfs[3] ABP[25]
atque pastorum., 'and of (the) shepherds.' – VgColunga&Turrado[26]

Genesis 5


Genesis 5:1, see also Generations of Adam and Toledot

זֶ֣ה סֵ֔פֶר תֹּולְדֹ֖ת אָדָ֑ם, zeh sê-p̄er tō-wl-ḏōṯ ’ā-ḏām, 'This [is] the book of the generations/genealogy (of) man or Adam' – WLC[28]
Αὕτη ἡ βίβλος γενέσεως ἀνθρώπων., 'This [is] the book of [the] origin/birth of men or humans' – LXXSwete[29] LXXRahlfs[3] ABP[30]
Hic est liber generationis Adam., 'This is [the] book of [the] generation/offspring (of) Adam.' – VgColunga&Turrado[31]

Genesis 5:2

בְּרֹ֤א אֱלֹהִים֙ אָדָ֔ם, bə-rō ’ĕ-lō-hîm ’ā-ḏām, '(the) god(s) created (the) man or Adam' – WLC[28]
ἐποίησεν ὁ θεὸς τὸν Ἀδάμ,, 'the god made Adam,' – LXXSwete[29] LXXRahlfs[3] ABP[30]
creavit Deus hominem,, 'God made (the) man or human (being)' – VgColunga&Turrado[31]

Genesis 5:6–26, see also Generations of Adam

אֱנֽוֹשׁ...קֵינָֽן...מַֽהֲלַלְאֵֽל...יָֽרֶד...חֲנֽוֹךְ...מְתוּשָֽׁלַח...לָֽמֶךְ, ’ĕ-nō-wōš...qê-nān...ma-hă-lal-’êl...yā-reḏ...ḥă-nō-wḵ...mə-ṯū-šā-laḥ...lā-meḵ, 'Enowosh...Qenan...Mahalalel...Yared...Hanowk...Methushalah...Lamek' – WLC[28]
Ενώς...Καϊναν...Μαλελεήλ...Ιάρεδ...Ενώχ/Ἑνώχ...Μαθουσάλα...Λάμεχ, 'Enós...Kaïnan...Malaleél...Iáred...Enoch/Henoch...Mathousála...Lámech' – LXXSwete[29] LXXRahlfs[3] ABP[30]
Enos...Cainan...Malaleel...Jared...Henoch...Mathusalam...Lamech – VgColunga&Turrado[31]
Compare Genesis 4:18

Genesis 6


Genesis 6:6, see also Genesis flood narrative

וַיִּנָּ֣חֶם יְהוָ֔ה כִּֽי־עָשָׂ֥ה אֶת־הָֽאָדָ֖ם, way-yin-nā-ḥem Yah-weh kî- ‘ā-śāh ’eṯ- hā-’ā-ḏām, 'and Yahweh regretted that [he] had made (the) man' – WLC[32]
καὶ ἐνεθυμήθη ὁ θεὸς ὅτι ἐποίησεν τὸν ἄνθρωπον, 'and the god reflected upon / pondered that [he] made the man' – LXXSwete[33] LXXRahlfs[3] ABP[34]
poenituit eum quod hominum fecisset, 'he regretted which/because/that/what [he] had made of men/humans' – VgColunga&Turrado[35]

Genesis 6:6, see also Genesis flood narrative

וַיִּתְעַצֵּ֖ב אֶל־לִבֹּֽו׃, way-yiṯ-‘aṣ-ṣêḇ ’el- lib-bōw., 'and [he] was grieved in his heart.' – WLC[32]
καὶ διενοήθη., 'and [he] considered it.' – LXXSwete[33] LXXRahlfs[3] ABP[34]
Et tactus dolore cordis intrinsecus,, 'And touched by [the] inner pain of [the] heart' – VgColunga&Turrado[35]

Genesis 6:7, see also Genesis flood narrative

וַיֹּ֣אמֶר יְהוָ֗ה אֶמְחֶ֨ה אֶת־הָאָדָ֤ם, way-yō-mer Yah-weh ’em-ḥeh ’eṯ- hā-’ā-ḏām, 'and/so Yahweh said: I will destroy (the) man' – WLC[32]
καὶ εἶπεν ὁ θεός Ἀπαλείψω τὸν ἄνθρωπον, 'And the god said: I will wipe off the man' – LXXSwete[33] LXXRahlfs[3] ABP[34]
Delebo, inquit, hominem,, '[I] will destroy, [he] said, [the] man,' – VgColunga&Turrado[35]

Genesis 6:14, see also Noah's Ark

עֲשֵׂ֤ה לְךָ֙ תֵּבַ֣ת עֲצֵי־גֹ֔פֶר, ‘ă-śêh lə-ḵā tê-ḇaṯ ‘ă-ṣê- ḡō-p̄er,, 'Make for yourself [a] box/basket of gopher wood' – WLC[32]
ποίησον οὖν σεαυτῷ κιβωτὸν ἐκ ξύλων τετραγώνων·, 'Then make for yourself [a] wooden box out of four-cornered wood!' – LXXSwete[33] LXXRahlfs[3] ABP[34]
Fac tibi arcam de lignis laevigatis;, 'Make for yourself [a] chest/box of polished wood;' – VgColunga&Turrado[35]
In other contexts, each of the Hebrew, Greek and Latin words are used to describe a (wooden) box, basket or chest for storage. The traditionally used English word ark derives from the Latin word arca (from the verb arceō, "to keep off/away/close"), which outside of the Bible never refers to any kind of ship, but always a relatively small object for keeping items. The same nouns are used for the Ark of the Covenant. The Hebrew noun H1613 גֹ֔פֶרgopher is a hapax legomenon.

Genesis 9


Genesis 9:20, see also Curse of Ham

אִ֣ישׁ הָֽאֲדָמָ֑ה, ’îš hā-’ă-ḏā-māh, '[a] man of the land/ground/earth/soil' – WLC[36]
ἄνθρωπος γεωργὸς γῆς, '[a] farmer-man of [the] land/earth/soil or [a] tilling/working/fertilising man of [the] land/earth/soil' – LXXSwete[37] LXXRahlfs[3] ABP[38]
vir agricola exercere terram, '[a] farmer-man to work at [the] land/earth/soil or [a] man working as [a] farmer on [the] land/earth/soil' – VgColunga&Turrado[39]

Genesis 15:17

וַעֲלָטָ֖ה הָיָ֑ה וְהִנֵּ֨ה תַנּ֤וּר עָשָׁן֙ וְלַפִּ֣יד אֵ֔שׁ, wa-‘ă-lā-ṭāh hā-yāh; wə-hin-nêh ṯan-nūr 'ā-šān wə-lap-pîḏ 'êš,, 'and it became dark, behold a firepot/oven smoking and a torch burning' – WLC[40]
φλὸξ ἐγένετο· καὶ ἰδοὺ κλίβανος καπνιζόμενος καὶ λαμπάδες πυρός,, 'a flame came/happened. And behold, an oven smoking and torches/lamps of fire' LXXSwete[41] Brenton[42] ABP[43]
facta est caligo tenebrosa, et apparuit clibanus fumans, et lampas ignis, 'a dark fog happened, and a smoking furnace appeared, and lamps of fire' – VgColunga&Turrado[44]
Genesis 34 in Brenton's Septuagint translation (1879)

Genesis 34:2

חֲמ֛וֹר הַֽחִוִּ֖י, ḥă-mō-wr ha-ḥiw-wî, 'Hamor the Hivite' – WLC[45]
Ἐμμὼρ ὁ Χορραῖος, 'Emmor the Hurrian' – A[46] LXXSwete[47]
Εμμώρ ο Ευαίος, 'Emmor the Evite' – Brenton[46] ABP[48]
Hemor Hevaei, 'Hemor of the Hevea' – VgColunga&Turrado[49]

Genesis 34:2, see also Rape in the Hebrew Bible § Genesis 34 § Linguistic analysis

וַיִּקַּ֥ח אֹתָ֛הּ וַיִּשְׁכַּ֥ב אֹתָ֖הּ וַיְעַנֶּֽהָ׃, way-yiq-qaḥ ’ō-ṯāh way-yiš-kaḇ ’ō-ṯāh way-‘an-ne-hā., 'and he took her, and he laid her, and he raped her.[50]' – WLC[45]
καὶ λαβὼν αὐτὴν ἐκοιμήθη μετ᾽ αὐτῆς, καὶ ἐταπείνωσεν αὐτήν., 'and taking her, [he] slept with her, and humiliated/humbled her.' LXXSwete[47] Brenton[46] ABP[48]
adamavit eam: et rapuit, et dormivit cum illa, vi opprimens virginem., '[he] fell in love with her: and [he] abducted [her], and slept with her, attacking/subduing/oppressing [the] virgin by force.' – VgColunga&Turrado[49]

Genesis 34:3, see also Rape in the Hebrew Bible § Genesis 34 § Linguistic analysis

וַתִּדְבַּ֣ק נַפְשֹׁ֔ו בְּדִינָ֖ה בַּֽת־יַעֲקֹ֑ב וַיֶּֽאֱהַב֙ אֶת־הַֽנַּעֲרָ֔ וַיְדַבֵּ֖ר עַל־לֵ֥ב הַֽנַּעֲרָֽ׃, wat-tiḏ-baq nap̄-šōw bə-ḏî-nāh baṯ- ya-‘ă-qōḇ; way-ye-’ĕ-haḇ ’eṯ- han-na-‘ă-rā, way-ḏab-bêr ‘al- lêḇ han-na-‘ă-rā., 'And he stayed with/kept Dinah, the daughter of Jacob, and he lusted after the young woman, and he tried to quiet the young woman.[50]' – WLC[45]
καὶ προσέσχεν τῇ ψυχῇ Δείνας τῆς θυγατρὸς Ἰακώβ, καὶ ἠγάπησεν τὴν παρθένον, καὶ ἐλάλησεν κατὰ τὴν διάνοιαν τῆς παρθένου αὐτῇ, 'and [he] clung to the breath/soul/mind/person of Dinah, the daughter of Jacob, and he took pleasure in the young woman, and he spoke against the mind of the young woman.' LXXSwete[47]
καὶ προσέσχε τῇ ψυχῇ Δείνας/Δίνας τῆς θυγατρὸς Ἰακώβ καὶ ἠγάπησε τὴν παρθένον καὶ ἐλάλησε κατὰ τὴν διάνοιαν τῆς παρθένου αὐτῇ, 'and [he] clung to the breath/soul/mind/person of Dinah, the daughter of Jacob, and he took pleasure in the young woman, and he spoke against the mind of the young woman.' Brenton[46] ABP[48]
Et conglutinata est anima ejus cum ea, tristemque delinivit blanditiis., 'And his soul was glued to her, and [he] soothed [the] sad one with blandishments.' – VgColunga&Turrado[49]

Genesis 34:3 (twice)

הנער, han-na-‘ar, 'the young man' [H5288] – MT[51]
הנערה, han-na-‘ă-rā,, 'the young woman' [H5291] – SP[51]
παρθένον/παρθένου, 'young woman or virgin' – LXXSwete[47] Brenton[46] ABP[48]
omitted – VgColunga&Turrado[49]

Genesis 34:3

על, ‘al-, 'to' [H5921] – MT[51]
אל, el, 'towards' [H413] – SP[51]
κατὰ, 'against/down/according to' – LXXSwete[47] Brenton[46] ABP[48]
omitted – VgColunga&Turrado[49]

Genesis 34:7, see also Rape in the Hebrew Bible § Genesis 34 § Historical-ethical analysis

וְכֵ֖ן לֹ֥א יֵעָשֶֽׂה׃, wə-ḵên lō yê-‘ā-śeh., 'and such [a thing] should not be done' – WLC[45]
καὶ οὐχ οὕτως ἔσται., 'And [it] shall not be thus.' LXXSwete[47] Brenton[46] ABP[48]
rem illicitam perpetrasset., '[he] had perpetrated/committed [an] illicit/unlawful act.' – VgColunga&Turrado[49]

Genesis 34:9, see also Rape in the Hebrew Bible § Genesis 34 § Historical-ethical analysis

תִּקְח֥וּ לָכֶֽם׃, tiq-ḥū lā-ḵem., 'take to/for yourselves.' – WLC[45]
λάβετε τοῖς υἱοῖς ὑμῶν., 'take for your sons.' – LXXSwete[47] Brenton[46] ABP[48]
accipite,, 'accept,' – VgColunga&Turrado[49]

Genesis 34:11

אֶתֵּֽן׃, ’et-tên., 'I will give.' – WLC[45]
ἡμῖν δώσομεν., 'we will give.' – LXXSwete[47]
δώσομεν., '[we] will give.' – Brenton[46] ABP[48]
dabo, '[I] will give' – VgColunga&Turrado[49]

Genesis 34:14

וַיֹּאמְר֣וּ אֲלֵיהֶ֗ם, way-yō-mə-rū ’ă-lê-hem,, 'And they said to them' – WLC[45]
καὶ εἶπαν αὐτοῖς Συμεὼν καὶ Λευὶ οἱ ἀδελφοὶ Δείνας υἱοὶ δὲ Λείας, 'And Simeon and Levi the brothers of Dinah sons of Leah said to them' – LXXSwete[47]
καὶ εἶπαν αὐτοῖς Συμεὼν καὶ Λευὶ οἱ ἀδελφοὶ Δείνας/Δίνας, 'And Simeon and Levi the brothers of Dinah said to them' – Brenton[46] ABP[48]
omitted – VgColunga&Turrado[49]

Genesis 34:14, see also Rape in the Hebrew Bible § Genesis 34 § Historical-ethical analysis

לְאִ֖ישׁ אֲשֶׁר־לֹ֣ו עָרְלָ֑ה, lə-’îš ’ă-šer- lōw ‘ā-rə-lāh;, 'to an uncircumcised man' – WLC[45]
ἀνθρώπῳ ὃς ἔχει ἀκροβυστίαν·, 'to a man who has [a] foreskin' – LXXSwete[47] Brenton[46] ABP[48]
homini incircumciso, 'to an uncircumcised man' – VgColunga&Turrado[49]

Genesis 49:4

כִּ֥י עָלִ֖יתָ מִשְׁכְּבֵ֣י אָבִ֑יךָ, kî 'ā-lî-ṯā miš-kə-ḇê 'ā-ḇî-ḵā;, 'because you went up on the beds of [your] father'[52]) – WLC[53]
ἀνέβης γὰρ ἐπὶ τὴν κοίτην τοῦ πατρός σου·, 'because you went up on the (marriage-)bed of your father;' – LXXSwete[54]
ανέβης γαρ επί την κοίτην του πατρός σου, 'because you went up on the (marriage-)bed of your father' – ABP[55]
quia ascendisti cubile patris tui – VgClement[56] VgColunga&Turrado[57]
Compare Leviticus 18:22; Leviticus 20:13.[52] See also Bilhah and Reuben (son of Jacob).

See also



  1. ^ J.P. van de Giessen (2003). "Legenda tekstkritische notities". bijbelaantekeningen.nl (in Dutch). Retrieved 5 November 2022.
  2. ^ a b c d e f J.P. van de Giessen (2003). "Genesis 1:1". bijbelaantekeningen.nl (in Dutch). Retrieved 10 May 2022.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad Rahlfs 1935, Γένεσις.
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h Charles Van der Pool (1996). "Apostolic Bible Polyglot Genesis 1". Biblehub.com. Retrieved 10 May 2022.
  5. ^ a b c d e f g h Colunga & Turrado, ed. (1946). "Genesis 1 VULGATE;NIV - Bible Gateway". biblegateway.com. Retrieved 25 October 2022.
  6. ^ a b J.P. van de Giessen (2003). "Genesis 1:2". bijbelaantekeningen.nl (in Dutch). Retrieved 10 May 2022.
  7. ^ Biblos.com & Helps Ministries (2011–2018). "Genesis 1 Interlinear Bible". Biblehub.com. Retrieved 10 May 2022.
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  12. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q "Genesis 2 Swete's Septuagint". Biblehub.com. 1930. Retrieved 13 May 2022.
  13. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q Charles Van der Pool (1996). "Genesis 2 Apostolic Bible Polyglot". Biblehub.com. Retrieved 13 May 2022.
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  15. ^ a b J.P. van de Giessen (2003). "Genesis 2:5". bijbelaantekeningen.nl (in Dutch). Retrieved 13 May 2022.
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  19. ^ Biblos.com & Helps Ministries (2011–2018). "Genesis 3 Interlinear Bible". Biblehub.com. Retrieved 1 December 2022.
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  21. ^ Charles Van der Pool (1996). "Genesis 3 Apostolic Bible Polyglot". Biblehub.com. Retrieved 1 December 2022.
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  28. ^ a b c Biblos.com & Helps Ministries (2011–2018). "Genesis 5 Interlinear Bible". Biblehub.com. Retrieved 1 December 2022.
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  30. ^ a b c Charles Van der Pool (1996). "Genesis 5 Apostolic Bible Polyglot". Biblehub.com. Retrieved 1 December 2022.
  31. ^ a b c Colunga & Turrado, ed. (1946). "Genesis 5 VULGATE;NIV - Bible Gateway". biblegateway.com. Retrieved 1 December 2022.
  32. ^ a b c d Biblos.com & Helps Ministries (2011–2018). "Genesis 6 Interlinear Bible". Biblehub.com. Retrieved 1 December 2022.
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  34. ^ a b c d Charles Van der Pool (1996). "Genesis 6 Apostolic Bible Polyglot". Biblehub.com. Retrieved 1 December 2022.
  35. ^ a b c d Colunga & Turrado, ed. (1946). "Genesis 6 VULGATE;NIV - Bible Gateway". biblegateway.com. Retrieved 1 December 2022.
  36. ^ Biblos.com & Helps Ministries (2011–2018). "Genesis 9 Interlinear Bible". Biblehub.com. Retrieved 2 December 2022.
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  38. ^ Charles Van der Pool (1996). "Genesis 9 Apostolic Bible Polyglot". Biblehub.com. Retrieved 2 December 2022.
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  40. ^ Biblos.com & Helps Ministries (2011–2018). "Genesis 15 Interlinear Bible". Biblehub.com. Retrieved 15 May 2022.
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  42. ^ Brenton 1879, p. 33.
  43. ^ Charles Van der Pool (1996). "Genesis 15 Apostolic Bible Polyglot". Biblehub.com. Retrieved 15 May 2022.
  44. ^ Colunga & Turrado, ed. (1946). "Genesis 15 VULGATE;NIV - Bible Gateway". biblegateway.com. Retrieved 25 October 2022.
  45. ^ a b c d e f g h Biblos.com & Helps Ministries (2011–2018). "Genesis 34 Interlinear Bible". Biblehub.com. Retrieved 26 October 2022.
  46. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k Brenton 1879, p. 61.
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  48. ^ a b c d e f g h i j Charles Van der Pool (1996). "Genesis 34 Apostolic Bible Polyglot". Biblehub.com. Retrieved 26 October 2022.
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  50. ^ a b Scholz 2021, p. 49–56.
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  52. ^ a b Wells 2020, p. 139.
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