The Russian scientist Mikhail Lomonosov in 1763 first describes the dangers of mining in his book The First Foundations of Metallurgy, or Ore Affairs (Russian: Первыя основанiя Металлургiи, или Рудныхъ Делъ).[2]
The history of human safety in the workplace began in 1802 with the Health and Morals of Apprentices Act. In 1893 in the United States, Railroad Safety Appliance Act was formed.[3] In 1911 were introduced Coal Mines Act.[4]
In 1947, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) was signed and published by a collaborative group of 23 countries working to establish smooth international trade. In the United States the first Federal Safety Standards for cars become effective 1 January 1968. These new standards help protect drivers against unreasonable risk of crashes occurring as a result of the design, construction or performance of motor vehicles.[5] In 2015 was created EFM scientist against EMF radiation. On 11 May 2015, Dr. Martin Blank in a three-minute video makes an appeal to pay attention for dangerous magnetic fields from our communication devices.[6]
United Nations International Non-Ionizing Radiation Committee (INIRC)[7]
United Nations International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA)
United States(USA) Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA). The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 mandates that all nongovernment employers provide a safe and healthful workplace for their employees.
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)[8]
United States(USA) National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP)
Bulgaria(BUL)Организация на дейността за осигуряване на Здраве и безопасност (Organization of Health and Safety Activities)[9]
Georgia(GEO)შრომის უსაფრთხოების, ჯანმრთელობისა და გარემოს დაცვის ასოციაციის (OSHE Georgia)[10]
Russia(RUS)Организация пропаганды по охране труда и безопасности[11]
Continuous exposure to high frequency or high intensity electromagnetic fields can lead to instantaneous health problems or over time to develop a variety of illnesses, such as nervous disorders and others. Low frequency fields with frequencies between 0 and 10 megahertz that are strong enough can stimulate sensory organs or nerves and cause magnetophosphenes (light flashes), vertigo, nausea or muscle twitches and pain.[24] The standards are drawn up with a set of rules for protection from to limit human exposure to electric fields, magnetic fields and electromagnetic fields. Frequency bands of danger EMF, Zones of danger EMF, types of risks, safety and shielding equipment are categorized in the standards.
Bulgaria(BUL)БДС EN 50664:2017 Общ стандарт за демонстриране на съответствието на устройства/съоръжения, използвани от работници при въвеждане в експлоатация или обслужване на място, с граничните стойности за облъчване от електромагнитни полета (0 Hz - 300 GHz)
EU 1999/519/CE Council Recommendation of 12 July 1999 on the limitation of exposure of the general public to electromagnetic fields (0 Hz to 300 GHz)
FRA NF EN 50360 Norme de produit pour la mesure de conformité des téléphones mobiles aux restrictions de base relatives à l'exposition des personnes aux champs électromagnétiques (300 MHz - 3 GHz)
GEOსაქართველოს მთავრობის დადგენილება No.340 2013 წლის 17 დეკემბერი ქ. თბილისი
POL PN-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Ogólne wymagania dotyczące kompetencji laboratoriów badawczych i wzorcujących
Russia(RUS)ГОСТ 12.4.306-2016 Система стандартов безопасности труда (ССБТ). Комплект экранирующий для защиты персонала от электромагнитных полей радиочастотного диапазона. Методы испытаний
United States(USA) ANSI/IEEE C95.1–1992 IEEE Standard for Safety Levels with Respect to Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields,
A high frequency electromagnetic field can cause negative effects on the nervous system. Also, high intensity fields can cause serious damage to some organs. The health of people with implanted pacemakers and other electronic devices can be seriously harmed. Such irradiation can lead to death.
Georgia(GEO)საქართველოს მთავრობის დადგენილება No.340 2013 წლის 17 დეკემბერი ქ. თბილისი
Great Britain(GBR) BS EN 45502-1: 1998 Active implantable medical devices Part 1. General requirements for safety, marking and information to be provided by the manufacturer
United States(USA) C95.1-2345-2014 IEEE Standard for Military Workplaces—Force Health Protection Regarding Personnel Exposure to Electric, Magnetic, and Electromagnetic Fields, 0 Hz to 300 GHz
Laser damage can be fatal to human vision. In the standards are defined the types of the laser equipment and its application. Safe distances from the laser equipment to the visual apparatus are also categorized.
Bulgaria(BUL)БДС EN 171:2005/Наредба No. 9 от 28 октомври 1986
These standards are set of rules and describe dangerous substances in machine oils, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in extender oils and other chemical materials used in workplace. The Russian standard describes the physical and chemical properties of dangerous oils.
The following standards include safety and sanitary regulations for welding, cutting, and surface machining, as well as industrial process steps and guidelines on hazardous aerosols or other airborne particulates generated in these processes.
Armenia(ARM)ԳՕՍՏ ԵՆ 439-2002 Գազեր պաշտպանական աղեղային եռակցման և կտրման համար. Դասակարգում
Poland(POL) 2002/44/WE Direktiwa w sprawie minimalnych wymagańw zakresie ochrony zdrowia i bezpieczeństwa dotyczącychnarażenia pracowników na ryzyko spowodowane czynnikami fizycznymi (wibracji)
Russia(RUS)ГОСТ 12.1.012-78 Система стандартов безопасности труда. Вибрация. Общие требования безопасности
United States(USA) AS2670 - 2001 Evaluation of human exposure to whole-body vibration.
United States(USA) AS ISO 5349.1-2013 Mechanical vibration - Measurement and evaluation of human exposure to hand-transmitted vibration - General requirements
France(FRA) NF EN 61310-1 Sécurité des machines - Indication, marquage et manoeuvre - Partie 1 : exigences pour les signaux visuels, acoustiques et tactiles
Germany(GER) DIN 4109 Normenübersicht Schallschutz (Bau- und Raumakustik)
These standards provide guidance on the use and maintenance of devices for determining concentrations of chemical and biological agents in the workplace air.
Bulgaria(BUL)БДС EN 14042:2005 Въздух на работното място. Ръководство за приложение и използване на процедури за оценяване излагането на въздействие на химични и биологични агенти
Great Britain(GBR) BS EN ISO 16017-1:2001, Indoor, ambient and workplace air
France(FRA) NF EN ISO 16017-2 Air intérieur, air ambiant et air des lieux de travail
Russia(RUS)ГОСТ 30494-2011. Здания жилые и общественные. Параметры микроклимата в помещениях
Russia(RUS)ГОСТ Р ИСО 7243-2007 Термальная среда. Расчет тепловой нагрузки на работающего человека, основанный на показателе WBGT (температура влажного шарика психрометра)
United States(USA) ISO 7726 Ergonomics of the thermal environment – Instruments for measuring physical
United States(USA) ISO 8896 Ergonomics of the thermal environment – Determination of metabolic rate
Germany(GER) DIN EN ISO 7730 Klima am Arbeitsplatz
Russia(RUS)ГОСТ Р 57933-2017 Нанотехнологии. Наноматериалы. Токсиколого-гигиеническая оценка безопасности. Общие требования к проведению испытаний на лабораторных животных
United States(USA) ISO/TS 12901-1:2012(en) Nanotechnologies - Occupational risk management applied to engineered nanomaterials - Part 1: Principles and approaches
The use of artificial light as the sole source of light or mixing artificial and daylight might cause ill-health effects, both physical and mental, such as eye strain, headaches, or fatigue. The standards address the types of light that negatively affect vision, angles of light in different environments, illumination standards per square meter, and protection methods such as the UGR method.[28]
There are thousands of software products today which can simulate workplace hazards.[citation needed]
Narda EFC-400EP – software for calculation dangerous magnetic fields
Sphera – software for Integrated Risk Management software and information services with a focus on Environmental Health & Safety (EHS)[29]
MY Compliance Management
ALOHA Software – details can be entered about a real or potential chemical release and it will generate threat zone estimates for various types of hazards[30]
WeldZone Simulator – simulates the effect of electromagnetic fields on welders, providing a 3D visual representation of exposure levels and highlighting the associated risks[31]
Congress and Conferences for health and safety work
Alexey Alexiev Influence of electromagnetic field on the human body
Маринела Йорданова Управление на трудовите условия и производствения риск
Georgi Tsurov Analysis of Workplace safety standards TU-GO,2016
Найден Йорданов,Божидар Кибаров,Анатоли Малев Правилник по безопасността на труда при експлоатацията на електрическите уредби и съоръжения,Държавно издателство "Техника"1986
Edvard Csanyi Dangerous magnetic field exposure near transformer substation in the building
Marinko Stojkov,Damir Šljivac,Damir ŠljivacLajos Jozsa Electric and Magnetic Field Computation of 35 kV Voltage Level of Transformer Substation 35/10 kV Using CDEGS Software
Binay Kumar Oil and Lubricant Hazard Effects on Human Health