The Yellow Expedition (French: Croisière Jaune) was a French trans-Asian expedition in 1931 and 1932. It was organized by Citroën in order to promote their P17 Kégresse track vehicles. The expedition started in Beirut and, the capital of French Lebanon and Beijing, the capital of China. One group traveled westward, the other eastward and both met along the route, where the eastbound group turned back allowing both groups to travel to Beijing along a different route. Georges-Marie Haardt and Louis Audouin-Dubreuil led the cruise. Haardt had already crossed the Sahara and the whole African continent in two ambitious expeditions.[1]
In 1934, a feature-length documentary of the expedition was released.[9]Claude Delvincourt composed the music for this film.[10]
In the early 1970s, a French-West German co-produced drama depicting the expedition was filmed. During shoots in Turkey, British actor Roger Delgado died. Nevertheless, filming continued. The series aired in France in 1974 and in West Germany in 1975.[11]
Ariane Audouin-Dubreuil: La Croisière jaune: Sur la route de la soie, Grenoble 2013. ISBN2-7234-3955-0.
M.-P. Bossard: Quer durch Asien über die alte Seidenstraße, Stuttgart/Zürich 1967. ISBN2-901795-39-0.
André Citroën/Fabien Sabates/Camille Cravan/Eric Baschet (eds.): Die Gelbe Expedition Beirut-Peking 1931–1932: Eine historische Foto-Reportage, Kehl am Rhein 1979. ISBN3-88230-201-1.
Georges Le Fèvre: La croisière jaune : expédition Citroën Centre-Asie Haardt, Paris 1991. ISBN2-901795-39-0.
Georges Le Fèvre: An Eastern Odyssey: The Third Expedition of Haardt and Audouin-Dubreuil, London, 1935. Translated by Major-GeneralErnest Swinton with a preface by André Citroën.
^Dirk Sasse: Franzosen, Briten und Deutsche im Rifkrieg 1921–1926: Spekulanten und Sympathisanten, Deserteure und Hasardeure im Dienste Abdelkrims, Berlin 2014, p. 195. Available here.
^Christoph Baumer: The History of Central Asia: The Age of Decline and Revival, London/New York (NY) 2018, p. 195. Available here.
^Dale A. Johnson: Lost Churches on the Silk Road, Raleigh (NC) 2014, p. 229. Available here.
^Ursula King: Spirit of Fire: The Life and Vision of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Maryknoll (NY) 2015, p. 207. Available here.
^Peter Modler: Das Phänomen des "Ekels vor dem Leben" bei Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Freiburg im Breisgau 1989, p. 44. Available here.
^Georges Le Fèvre: La Croisière jaune: Expédition Citroën Centre-Asie, Paris 2020, p. 332. Available here.
^Alexandre Iacovleff: The Trans-Asia Expedition, in: Nicholas Shoumatoff/Nina Shoumatoff (eds.): Around the Roof of the World, Ann Arbor (MA) 2000, p. 26. Available here.
^Francine Du Plessix Gray: Them: A Memoir of Parents, London 2006, p. 82. Available here.
^Cherchi Usai Paolo/Gutowski Alexa: La croisière jaune: Le film dans ses grandes lignes, in: 1895 – Revue d'Histoire du Cinéma, vol. 12 (1996), pp. 134–143. Available here.
^Colin Crisp: French Cinema—A Critical Filmography: Volume 1, 1929–1939, Bloomington (IN) 2016, p. 98. Available here.
^Alan Hayes/Richard McGinlay/Alys Hayes: Two Against the Underworld – The Collected Unauthorised Guide to the Avengers Series 1, Morrisville (NC) 2017, p. 147. Available here.