Klas Diederich

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Klas Diederich
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Born (1938-10-26) October 26, 1938 (age 85)
  • German Mathematician
  • Professor

Klas Diederich (born October 26, 1938 in Wuppertal) is a German mathematician and professor emeritus of the University of Wuppertal. He studied mathematics and physics at the University of Göttingen. He wrote his dissertation under Hans Grauert on "The boundary behavior of the Bergman kernel function and metric on strictly pseudoconvex domains.[1]" He taught at the University of Göttingen from 1967 to 1969, at the University of Münster from 1969 to 1978, and held a professorship at the University of Wuppertal from 1978. He published mathematical works with John Erik Fornæss, Reinhold Remmert, Nessim Sibony and others. He was friends with the painter and priest of the Christian Community Johannes Rath.

Selected publications[edit]


  • Diederich, K., Fornæss, J. E.: A strange bounded smooth domain of holomorphy. Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 82, 74-76 (1976)
  • Diederich, K., Fornæss, J. E.: Exhaustion functions and Stein neighborhoods for smooth pseudoconvex domains. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 72 , 3279-3280 (1975)
  • Diederich, K., Fornæss, J. E.: Pseudoconvex domains: Bounded strictly plurisubharmonic exhaustion functions. Inventiones math. 39, 129-141 (1977)
  • Diederich, K., Burns, D., Shnider, S.: Distinguished curves in pseudoconvex boundaries. Duke Math. J. 44, 407-431 (1977)
  • Diederich, K., Fornæss, J. E.: Complex submanifolds in real-analytic pseudoconvex hypersurfaces. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 74, 3126-3127 (1977)
  • Diederich, K., Sibony, N.: Strange complex structures on euclidean space.J. reine angew. Math. 311/312, 397-407 (1979)
  • Diederich, K., Fornæss, J. E.: Biholomorphic maps between certain real-analytic domains in C². Math. Ann. 245, 255-272 (1979)
  • Diederich, K., Pflug, P.: Necessary conditions for hypoellipticity of the -problem.Annals Math. Studies 100, 151-154 (1981)
  • Diederich, K., Webster, S.: A reflection principle for degenerate real hypersurfaces.Duke Math. J. 47, 835-843 (1980)
  • Diederich, K., Fornæss, J. E.: Thin complements of complete Kähler domains. Math. Ann. 259, 331-341 (1982)
  • Diederich, K., Fornæss, J. E.: Proper holomorphic images of strictly pseudoconvex domains.Math. Ann. 259, 279-286 (1982)
  • Diederich, K., Fornæss, J. E.: Smooth extendability of proper holomorphic mappings.Bulletin AMS 7, 264-268 (1982)
  • Diederich, K., Fornæss, J. E.: Smooth, but not complex-analytic pluripolar sets.manuscripta math. 37, 121-125 (1982)
  • Diederich, K., Fornæss, J. E.: Boundary regularity of proper holomorphic mappings. Invent. math. 67, 363-384 (1982)
  • Diederich, K., Ohsawa, K.: A Levi problem on two-dimensional complex manifolds. Math. Ann. 261, 255-261 (1982)
  • Diederich, K., Fornæss, J. E.: A smooth pseudoconvex domain without pseudoconvex exhaustion. manuscripta math. 38, 119-123 (1982)
  • Diederich, K., Fornæss, J. E.: A smooth curve in C², which is not a pluripolar set. Duke Math. J., vol. 49, 931-936 (1982)
  • Diederich, K., Fornæss, J. E.: Proper maps from strongly q-convex domains. Math. Ann. 264, 335-359 (1983)
  • Diederich, K., Fornæss, J. E., Herbort, G.: Boundary behavior of the Bergman metric. Proc. Symp. Pure Math., vol. 41, 59-67 (1984)
  • Diederich, K., Fornæss, J. E.: On the nature of thin complements of completeKähler metrics. Math. Ann. 268, 475-495 (1984)
  • Diederich, K., Fornæss, J. E.: Stein neighborhoods for finite preimages of regular domains. manuscripta math. 50, 11-27 (1985)
  • Diederich, K., Ohsawa, T.: Harmonic mappings and disc bundles over compact Kähler manifolds. Publ. RIMS Kyoto Univ. 21, 819-833 (1985)
  • Diederich, K., Herbort, G., Ohsawa, T.: The Bergman kernel on uniformly extendable pseudoconvex domains. Math. Ann. 273, 471-478 (1986)
  • Diederich, K., Fornæss, J. E., Wiegerinck, J.: Sharp Hölder estimates for d on ellipsoids. manuscripta math. 56, 399-417 (1986)
  • Diederich, K.: Holomorphic functions and integral representations in several complex variables. Bulletin AMS, 20, 132-139 (1989)
  • Diederich, K., Bonneau, P.: Integral solution operators for the Cauchy-Riemann-equations on pseudo-convex domains. Math. Ann. 286, 77-100 (1990)
  • Diederich, K., Ohsawa, T.: On the parameter dependence of solutions to the del-bar equation.Math. Ann. 289, 581-587 (1991)
  • Diederich, K., Herbort, G.: Local extension of holomorphic L²-functions with weights. Complex Analysis. Proceedings of the International Workshop Wuppertal 1990. Aspects of Mathematics, Vieweg 1991.
  • Diederich, K., Herbort, G.: Extension of holomorphic L²-functions with weighted growth conditions. Nagoya Math. J. 126, 141-157 (1992).
  • Diederich, K., Ohsawa, T.: A continuity principle for the Bergman kernel function.Publ. R.I.M.S., Kyoto University 28, 495-501 (1992).
  • Diederich, K., Pinchuk, S.: The inverse of a CR-homeomorphism is CR. Intern. J. Math. 4, 237-267 (1993).
  • Diederich, K., Herbort, G.: Geometric and analytic boundary invariants on pseudoconvex domains. Comparison results. J. Geom. Analysis 3, 237-267 (1993).
  • Coltoiu, M., Diederich, K.: Existence of 2-complete neighborhoods for pseudoconvex domains. J. Geom. Analysis 8, 21-25 (1998)
  • Diederich, K., Ohsawa, T.: General continuity principles for the Bergman kernel. Intern. J. Math. 5, 189-199 (1994).
  • Diederich, K., Fornæss, J. E., Ye, Z.: Biholomorphisms in dimension 2. J. Geom. Analysis, 4, 539-552 (1994).
  • Diederich, K., Ohsawa, T.: Une caractérisation des points de stricte pseudoconvexité par la métrique de Bergman. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 317, 555-558 (1993).
  • Diederich, K., Ohsawa, T.: An estimate for the Bergman distance on pseudoconvex domains. Annals of Mathematics 141, 181-190 (1995).
  • Coltoiu, M., Diederich, K.: Convexity properties of analytic complements in Stein spaces. Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications, Kahane Special Issue, 153-160 (1995).
  • Diederich, K., Herbort, G.: Pseudoconvex domains of semiregular type. Contributions to Complex Analysis and Analytic Geometry. Aspects of Mathematics E26, Vieweg 1994.
  • Diederich, K.: Some Aspects of the Levi Problem: Recent developments. In:"Geometric Complex Analysis. Proceedings of the International Research Institute of the Mathematical Society of Japan 1995 , 163-181.
  • Diederich, K., Pinchuk, S.: Proper holomorphic maps in dimension 2 extend. Indiana Univ. Math. J. 44, 1089-1126 (1995)
  • Diederich, K., Herbort, G.: An alternative proof of a theorem of Boas-Straube-Yu. In: Complex Analysis and Geometry. Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics Series, vol. 366 (1997), 112-118.
  • Diederich, K., Mazzilli, E.: Extension and restriction of holomorphic functions. Annales de l'Institut Fourier 47 (1997), 1079-1099
  • Diederich, K.: Recent developments in extension theory. Chûbu Forum fo Mathematical Sciences 2, 17-28 (1997).
  • Diederich, K., Herbort, G., Michel, V.: Weights of holomorphic extension and restriction. J. Math. Pures Appl. 77, 697-719 (1998)
  • Diederich, K., Fornæss, J. E.: Support functions for convex domains of finite type. Math. Z. 230 (1999), 145-164
  • Diederich, K., Ohsawa, T.: Moment Problems for weighted Bergman kernels.Proceedings of the Conference on "Complex Analysis and Geometry" (in honour of Pierre Lelong), Paris 1997, Progress in Math., 188 (2000), 111-122
  • Diederich, K., Pinchuk, S.: Reflection Principle in Higher Dimensions. Documenta Mathematica, Extra Volume ICM 1998, Berlin
  • Diederich, K., Herbort, G.: An alternative proof of an extension theorem of T. Ohsawa. Michigan Math. J. 46, 347-359 (1999)
  • Diederich, K., Herbort, G.: On discontinuity of the Bergman kernel function. Int. J. Math. 10, 825-832 (1999)
  • Diederich, K., Fischer, B., Fornæss, J. E.: Hölder estimates on convex domains of finite type.Math. Z. 232, 43-62 (1999)
  • Diederich, K., Mazzilli, E.: Zero varieties for the Nevanlinna class on all convex domains of finite type. Nagoya Math. J. 163, 215-227 (2001).
  • Coltoiu, M., Diederich, K.: On Levi's problem on complex spaces and envelopes of holomorphy. Math. Ann. 316 (2000), 185-199.
  • Diederich, K., McNeal, J.: Pointwise nonisotropic support functions on convex domains.Proceedings of the Conference on "Complex Analysis and Geometry" (in honour of Pierre Lelong), Paris 1997, Progress in Math., 188 (2000), 183-192.
  • Diederich, K., Mazzilli, E.: Extension of bounded holomorphic functions in convex domains. manuscripta math. 105 (2001), 1-12
  • Diederich, K., Herbort, G.: A Green function associated to a divisor and applications to the mapping theory. Preprint 1999.
  • Diederich, K., Herbort, G.: The Bergman metric in the normal direction: a counterexample. Michigan Math. J. 47 (2000), 515-528.
  • Coltoiu, M., Diederich, K.: On the coverings of proper families of 1-dimensional complex spaces. Michigan Math. J. 47 (2000), 369-375.
  • Diederich, K., Fornæss, J. E., Vassiliadou, S.: Local L2-results for del-bar on a singular surface. Math. Scand. 92 (2003), 269
  • Diederich, K., Mazzilli, E.: A remark on the theorem of Ohsawa-Takegoshi. Nagoya Math. J. 158 (2000), 185-189.
  • Diederich, K., Pinchuk, S.: Regularity of continuous CR-maps in arbitrary dimension. Mich. Math. J. 51 (2003), 111-140
  • Coltoiu, M., Diederich, K.: A remark on non-Hausdorff cohomology groups of analytic complements. Math. Ann. 323 (2002), 485-489
  • Diederich, K., Fornæss, J. E.: Lineally convex domains of finite type:holomorphic support functions. manuscripta math. 112, 403-431 (2003)
  • Diederich, K., Pinchuk, S.: Analytic sets extending the graphs of holomorphic mappings. J. Geometric Analysis 14, 231-239 (2004)
  • Diederich, K., Fischer, B.: Hölder estimates on lineally convex domains of finite type. MichiganMath. J. 54, 341-352 (2006)
  • Diederich, K., Ohsawa, T.: On the displacement rigidity of Levi flat hypersurfaces – The case of boundaries of disc bundles over compact Riemann surfaces. (ESI-Preprint No. 1737 (2005) ) Publ. RIMS 43 (2007), 171-180
  • Diederich, K., Sukhov, A.: Diffeomorphisms of Stein structures. J. Geometric Analysis 16, 499-505 (2006)
  • Diederich, K., Sukhov, A.: Extension of CR maps into hermitian quadrics. Preprint 2005.
  • Diederich; K., Sukhov, A.: Plurisubharmonic exhaustion functions and almost complex Stein structures. Preprint 2006.
  • Diederich, K., Fornaess, J. E.: Global smoothly varying support surfaces. Prepint 2012

Medicinal plants[edit]

  • Diederich K. Die Arnika. Der Merkurstab. Published online 2003. doi:10.14271/DMS-18261-DE
  • Diederich K. Iris germanica - ein beachtenswerter Sonderling. Der Merkurstab. Published online 2013. doi:10.14271/DMS-20124-DE
  • Diederich K. Der Wacholder. Der Merkurstab. Published online 2014. doi:10.14271/DMS-20353-DE
  • Diederich K. Peucedanum officinale, der gemeine Haarstrang. Mit Krankengeschichten aus den Praxen von Holger Antropius und Ulrich Geyer. Der Merkurstab. Published online 2012. doi:10.14271/DMS-20025-DE
  • Diederich K. Paris quadrifolia - Eine Heilpflanze, die gesehen werden will. Der Merkurstab. Published online 2007. doi:10.14271/DMS-19088-DE Diederich K.
  • Primula farinosa - Ein mächtiger Winzling. Der Merkurstab. Published online 2007. doi:10.14271/DMS-19053-DE
  • Diederich K. Der Bergahorn. Der Merkurstab. Published online 2013. doi:10.14271/DMS-20182-DE Diederich K.
  • Die Wegwarte. Der Merkurstab. Published online 2006. doi:10.14271/DMS-18863-DE
  • Diederich K. Taraxacum officinalis. Der Merkurstab. Published online 2007. doi:10.14271/DMS-19177-DE

Contributions in works by Johannes Rath[edit]

  • Im delischen Kreis. Aufzeichnungen über Verweigerung, Entzug, Verzicht und Können. Hrsg. und mit einem Beitrag von Klas Diederich. Urachhaus, Stuttgart 1990. ISBN 3-87838-654-0.
  • Der Rabbi und die Rose. Literarische Miniaturen. Mit einem Nachwort von Klas Diederich. Urachhaus, Stuttgart 2010. ISBN 978-3-8251-7734-8.


  1. Diederich, Klas (March 1970). "Das Randverhalten der Bergmanschen Kernfunktion und Metrik in streng pseudo-konvexen Gebieten". Mathematische Annalen (in Deutsch). 187 (1): 9–36. doi:10.1007/BF01368157. ISSN 0025-5831. S2CID 120258559.

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