  • 1975 births
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    Michael Briguglio

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    Michael Briguglio
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    Born1975 (age 49–50)
    • Doctors
    • Lecturers

    Dr. Michael Briguglio (1975 - ) is a doctor in Sociology and senior lecturer in Sociology at the University of Malta.He is a founding member of the Malta Sociological Association where he served as Public Relations Officer and was also founding member of Moviment Graffiti (founded in 1994), an NGO interested in environmental matters in Malta. Since than he has shown interest and has been a popular opinionist in environmental matters in Malta organizing and attending protests aimed to counter-act large building projects such as large hotels and flats in the few green spaces in Malta. He also appeared on various television and radio programs to discuss sociological themes such as the impact of Social Media on current culture[1] Formerly he was the leader of the Alternattiva Demokratika party between the years of 2009 and 2013. He was also elected as councillor in Sliema on the party's ticket in 2003, 2006, 2012 and 2013. [2] Dr. Briguglio also unsuccessfully contested the European Parliament elections in Malta in 2019 where he got 3,134 first preference votes. [3]


    1. "University of Malta". Retrieved 2023-03-25.
    2. "Alternattiva Demokratika". Retrieved 2023-03-25.
    3. "Malta Election Results". Retrieved 2023-03-25.

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