Ultimate Physics Equation

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In physics, the Ultimate Physics Equation (UPE) also known as master equation, God equation, is an equation that explains the universe in general. The equation is described to be the missing piece as the root of physics where all physics equations, constants emerges from. As the root of physics, it is indeed the “Theory of Everything” which has been missing for decades. The equation/theory was discovered and proposed by a 23year old Prince Jessii who began educating the world about this missing piece through his research findings in theoretical physics since 2018. The Ultimate Physics Equation is a theoretical framework in which the fundamental/physical constants represents entities used in the creation of the universe. By simply inserting one or combining two or more fundamental constants into the UPE as a way of determining the solution to a problem in physics, a result could be gotten as another fundamental constant or a value that could be the same if a different set of constants are combined. Thus, interpreting the result solves the problem and forms a related theory. With the UPE introduced in 2021 and being studied in schools already, it is now revealed as the missing “Theory of Everything.” To showcase the power of the UPE, Prince Jessii solved the issue of the inaccuracy of the fundamental/physical constants to aid accurate results for the best understanding in order to unleash secrets in physics.


The concept of the UPE is based around the major fact from general relativity as space-time. Prince Jessii revealed the only way to explain anything about the universe in general is from a simple fact that space-time is everywhere as the universe structure itself in which every other entity exist in/on or through it. Hence, revealing a space-time parameter as its default density, this space-time parameter interacts with the fundamental constants to unify the forces of nature and the pillars of physics through the UPE.

Prince Jessii’s quote on general relativity; Speaking of relativity in general, if its actual meaning isn’t known, it simply reveals that everything in the universe are related with the presence of space-time. In the view from the fundamental constants, it reveals that all constants are related with the presence of the space-time parameter. With this knowledge of the relationships was how the Ultimate Physics Equation (UPE) was formed with only the space-time parameter in its form.

The Ultimate Physics equation is in three forms:

UPE Equation 1;
S/[P1 ·P2 ·P3………..Pn] = Px

UPE Equation 2;
S·[P1 ·P2 ·P3………..Pn] = Px

UPE Equation 3;
[P1 ·P2 ·P3………..Pn]/S = Px

Where S is the space-time parameter as S =1.50 ×1010MeV/c this value was revealed in the first paper of the “Theory of Everything” discovery titled “space equations”

P1, P2,P3…..Pn represents the fundamental constants to be inserted. (Px) is the result.


Prince Chimobi Igboejesi known as Prince Jessii, is an author and young scientist who has revealed the “Ultimate Physics Equation” in May 2021 emerging through his theory of everything discovery in 2018, publishing his first paper “space equations” in 2019.

Accurate values of the fundamental constants/physical constants;[edit]

In his recent paper, Prince Jessii revealed that the values of the fundamental constants are strictly gotten theoretically through the theory of everything as the UPE, the universe will seem inappropriate if the values of the fundamental constants are random values without a pattern or sequence within. He also stated that the values of the fundamental constants emerges from a root as the space-time parameter and they all follow a pattern meaning that one will be similar to another, and the values from CODATA should be disregarded as they are experimental values with errors and inaccuracy. In UPE formulas and already established formulas where the actual result is supposed to be gotten, an inaccurate result is produced due to inaccurate CODATA values from experiments and approximation.

An example of inaccuracy using CODATA approx values;

In the formula, (µ0 · ε0 · c2), if the CODATA (experimental) values are used and inserted in a calculator, 1 as the exact result won’t be gotten due to slight errors in these values.
(12.56×10-7)×(8.85×10-12)×(3×108)2=1.00404 (inaccurate)

Accuracy by Prince Jessii

Constant Value Accuracy Checkbox
Space-time parameter(MeV/c) 1.5×1010
Dark Energy Photon (MeV) 4.5×1018
Energy Photon (MeV) 4.5×1016
Dark Matter Mass (MeV/c2) 50
Matter Mass (MeV/c2) 0.5                    
Speed of light (ms-1) 3×108
Electric Constant(F/m) 8.8888888889×10-12
Magnetic Constant(H/m) 12.5×10-7
Wavelength of 1eV/c particle 1.25×10-6
Gravitational Constant (c/MeV) 6.6666666667×10-11
Planck Constant(eV.s) 6.6666666667×10-16
Planck Constant(J.s) 6.6666666667×10-34
Reduced Planck Constant (J.s) 1.0666666667×10-34
Planck Constant (MeV.s) 6.6666666667×10-22
Quantum/charge Ratio(J/A) 4.1666666667×10-15
Coulomb Constant (N.m2/c2) 9×109
Fine Structure Constant 0.0072
Elementary charge (C) 1.6×10-19
Nuclear Magneton(MeVT-1) 3.2×10-14
Pi 3.125
Faraday constant (C.mol-1) 96000
Proton Cyclotron Frequency(rads-1T -1) 9.6×107
Gas constant (J.K-1.mol-1) 8
Avogadro constant(mol-1) 6×1023
Bohr Magneton(MeVT-1) 6×10-11
Boltzmann constant (J.K-1) 1.3333333333×10-23
Stefan Boltzmann constant(W.m-2.K-4) 5.3333333333×10-8
Magnetic flux quantum(Wb) 2.0833333333×10-15
Electron Molar Mass(kg.mol-1) 5.3333333333×10-7
Universe field value (c-1) 3.3333333333×10-9
Rydberg constant(m-1) 10368000
Quantum of circulation( m2.s) 3.75×10-4
1st Radiation Constant(W.m2) 3.75×10-16
Impedance of vacuum (Ω) 375
2nd Radiation constant(m.K) 0.015
Compton Wavelength(m) 4×10-13
Molar Planck constant(J.s/mol) 4×10-10
Charge/Quantum ratio(J/A) 2.4×1014
Josephson constant(Hz/V) 4.8×1014
Electron Cyclotron Frequency(rads-1T-1) 1.8×1011 T -1
Electron Radius(m)   2.88×10-15
Bohr Radius(m) 5.5555555556×10-11

(12.5 × 10-7) × (8.8888888889 × 10-12) × (3 × 108)2 = 1 (accurate)

All other tests can be seen in the recent paper “Ultimate Physics Equation: The Last Revolution in Physics” published in International Journal of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics (October 9th 2021)

Pi value[edit]

In his recent paper, Prince Jessii revealed that a false information has been circulating in physics and mathematics as a known fact that pi is an irrational number. The surprising fact which was unknown and now revealed which is clear that pi is very well a rational value with 3.125 (25/8) as its real and exact value.

ħ = h/2π

π = h/2ħ

π = 6.6666666667 × 10-34 / [2 × 1.0666666667 × 10-34] = 3.125

Pi is a constant used in general (physics and mathematics). Its real and actual value is 3.125 (25/8)

Pi value from CODATA reads otherwise as 3.141592653589793.

The formula behind the coulomb constant, k is;


Using CODATA values;

1/[4×(3.141592653569793)×(8.854×10-12) = 8987742438 (inaccurate)

Using the theory of everything (exact) Pi value and electric constant value; 1/4πε0
1/[4×(3.125)×(8.8888888889×10-12) = 9000000000 (accurate)

The value (3.125) was first used by the Babylonians (c. 2000 BCE) to approximate pi, a value which they obtained by calculating the perimeter of a hexagon inscribed within a circle and assuming that the ratio of the hexagon’s perimeter to the circle’s circumference was 24/25, they got 3.125 as the approximate value of pi but never realized that the value “3.125” was its exact value. The truth behind facts like these can only be revealed through the “Theory of Everything”. Revealing the truth behind the value as stated by Prince Jessii; the “Theory of Everything” as the UPE is the root of physics and the only theory that can tell what is right and wrong in physics, else students will be studying the wrongs and wouldn’t know. Pi value in a combination with different numbers are like cheat codes in video games, but for the universe in this description. It has a secret actual name called “The assist value”, essential in the creation of the universe, function as everything about the word “assist”- [to ease]. The most important extension of pi is in the order; (2,4,8,16,32). They produce the results that conforms to the (Universe) Theory of Everything.

2π = 6.25
2×3.125 = 6.25
4π = 12.5
4×3.125 = 12.5
8π = 25
8×3.125 = 25
16π = 50
16×3.125 = 50
32π = 100
32×3.125 = 100

They are essential in the formation of physics and math formulas and the reason behind formulas like 4πε0, 8πr2
, 2πhc2 etc. Scientists used pi to create their formulas from an unknown secret fact that all constants using the UPE represent entities used in creation of the universe, the constants are secretly justified by pi and its extension values. Pi connects these constants (everything) together as well as connecting the entities together in their respective areas during the creation of the universe. It’s also the reason behind the fact that planetary bodies/planets are spherical/circular, it all happened due to pi’s involvement in creation as the assist value. Hence, the related formulas with pi can be expressed in another form but using pi makes the expression easier and shorter.

π = 3.125
2π = 6.25
3π = 9.375
4π = 12.5
5π = 15.625
6π = 18.75
7π = 21.875
8π = 25
9π = 28.125
10π = 31.25
11π = 34.375
12π = 37.5

The values of pi in a combination with different numbers is similar to the values of certain fundamental constants including the accurate values of the mass of subatomic particles.

Accurate mass value of subatomic particles[edit]

From a major fact that experiments yield values that are inaccurate doesn’t mean the values are not close to the exact. To reveal any secret within the subatomic particles, their exact mass values are needed which can only be gotten theoretically using the UPE.

Accuracy by Prince Jessii

Particle Experimental Value(MeV/c2) Theoretical Value(exact) MeV/c2 Theoretical Value (exact) kg
Up quark 2.2+0.5
1.875 3.3333333333×10-30
Down quark 4.7+0.5
5 8.8888888889×10-30
Charm quark 1275+25
1250 2.2222222222×10-27
Strange quark 93+3
93.75 1.6666666667×10-28
Top quark 172760+300
187500 3.3333333333×10-25
Bottom quark 4650+30
5000 8.8888888889×10-27
Electron 0.510 0.5 8.8888888889×10-31
Muon 105.66 100 1.7777777778×10-28
Tau 1776.86+12
1875 3.3333333333×10-27
Electron neutrino <1.1×10-6 1×10-6 1.7777777778×10-36
Muon neutrino 0.19 0.1875 3.3333333333×10-31
Tau neutrino 18.2 18.75 3.3333333333×10-29
Proton 938.27 937.5 1.6666666667×10-27
Neutron 939.56 937.5 1.6666666667×10-27
W boson 80379+12
93750 1.6666666667×10-25
Z boson 91188+21
93750 1.6666666667×10-25
Higgs Boson 125100+14
125000 2.2222222222×10-25

Particle Tree

Prince Jessii also revealed an important missing theory in particle physics known as “particle tree,” introducing a secret which reveals that the mass of two certain particles can be combined mathematically to result to the mass of another particle.


W Boson 1.6666666667×10-25/1.6666666667×10-27 (Proton) = 100 (Muon)

1.6666666667×10-25/3.3333333333×10-25 (Top quark) = 0.5 (Electron)

1.6666666667×10-25/3.3333333333×10-29 (Tau neutrino) = 5000(Bottom quark)

Strange Quark 1.6666666667×10-28/3.3333333333×10-29 (Tau neutrino) = 5(Down quark)

1.6666666667×10-28/1.6666666667×10-30 (Unknown) = 100 (Muon)

Most of combinations resulted into the mass of muon, revealing a hidden fact that muons are the root of the standard model as shown in a constructed particle tree from the results using an arranged sequence of construction as revealed in his recent paper. Without the exact mass values, secrets like the particle tree cannot be known. Other combinations can be seen in the recent paper. Centre

Similarity in values[edit]


1/[Md×G] = c

To show pi’s presence, the above equation can be written as;

1/[16π×G] = c

1/ (16×3.125×6.6666666667×10-11) = 3×108

In a case where the connection between the planck constant and the electric constant through pi is to be revealed as in;

h = ε0

6.6666666667×10-16 = 8.8888888889×10-12

With pi as the assist (ease) value;


6.6666666667×10-16/(24×3.125) = 8.8888888889×10-18

The planck constant in use is in eV.s, multiplying by 1M;

8.8888888889×10-18 × 1000000 = 8.8888888889×10-12

The result is the electric constant. 1M can also be written as (32π)3

With this revelation, Prince Jessii described the accurate values of the subatomic particles and their similarity with pi extension values.

Mass value pi codes

Particle Experimental Value(MeV/c2) Theoretical Value(exact) MeV/c2 Pi code similarity
Up quark 2.2+0.5
1.875 6π=18.75
Down quark 4.7+0.5
5 16π=50
Charm quark 1275+25
1250 4π=12.5
Strange quark 93+3
93.75 3π=9.375
Top quark 172760+300
187500 6π=18.75
Bottom quark 4650+30
5000 16π=50
Electron 0.510 0.5 16π=50
Muon 105.66 100 32π=100
Tau 1776.86+12
1875 6π=18.75
Electron neutrino <1.1×10-6 1×10-6 32π=100
Muon neutrino 0.19 0.1875 6π=18.75
Tau neutrino 18.2 18.75 6π=18.75
Proton 938.27 937.5 3π=9.375
Neutron 939.56 937.5 3π=9.375
W boson 80379+12
93750 3π=9.375
Z boson 91188+21
93750 3π=9.375
Higgs Boson 125100+14
125000 4π=12.5

Besides the fact that the constants are justified by pi, by revealing the accurate values of the fundamental/physical constants, there exists clearly seen similarity between two or more constants.

Similarity 1

Constant Value Accuracy Checkbox
Planck Constant(J.s) 6.6666666667×10-34
Gravitational Constant (c/MeV) 6.6666666667×10-11

Similarity 2

Constant Value Accuracy Checkbox
Electric Constant 8.8888888889×10-12
Electron mass (kg) 8.8888888889×10-31

The bottom quark, down quark also have similar values with the electric constant (negative charge)

Similarity 3

Constant Value Accuracy Checkbox
Magnetic Constant 12.5×10-7
Wavelength of 1eV/c particle 1.25×10-6
4 pi 12.5

Similarity 4

Constant Value Accuracy Checkbox
Dark Energy Photon (default) 4.5×1018
Energy Photon (default) 4.5×1016

Similarity 5

Constant Value Accuracy Checkbox
Quantum of circulation 3.75×10-4
1st Radiation Constant 3.75×10-16
Impedance of vacuum Z0 375
12 Pi 37.5

Similarity 6

Constant Value Accuracy Checkbox
Faraday constant (C.mol-1) 96000
Proton Cyclotron Frequency 9.6×107

Similarity 7

Constant Value Accuracy Checkbox
Molar Planck constant 4×10-10
Compton Wavelength 4×10-13

Similarity 8

Constant Value Accuracy Checkbox
Avogadro constant 6×1023
Bohr Magneton 6×10-11

Other similarities can be seen in the concluding paper (Ultimate Physics Equation: The Last Revolution in Physics).

Some UPE Models[edit]

Gravity Model

Prince Jessii revealed a fact after discovering the space-time parameter, he found it to be the inverse of the gravitational constant and stated that neither Newton nor Einstein deviated completely from the actual gravity model, the issue was that Newton didn’t recognize space-time as an entity yet but was right on one half of the gravity math and Einstein coined the word space-time and was right about the gravity description but not the math, revealing that Einstein’s math was complicated from the angle of space-time’s geometry meanwhile the actual math relating space-time to gravity is as simple as;

1/S = G

Gravity Model.JPG

The root (space-time) exist with a phenomenon that occurs when a mass rests on itself, it is called gravity. Gravity occurs from space-time, it is an effect from space-time whenever masses (dark matter and matter) are in/on space-time. Space-time and gravity are one. Gravity is an effect from space-time but in the view from the mass of matter, gravity is simply the curvature of space-time.

Inserting G in UPE 1;

S·[P1·P2·P3…………..Pn] = Px

S·[G] = Px

1.50×1010 · [6.6666666667×10-11] = 1

S·[G] = 1

The above calculation explains the situation of space-time and gravity together, when a mass of matter applies pressure on space-time, it releases its alternate form as gravity;


Thus 1/S is the mathematical representation of “curvature of space-time” i.e. space-time at the denominator. This curvature on space-time as gravity (space-time at the denominator) can only happen when matter is involved and it’s also dependent on the density of space-time. The gravitational effect from dark entities is similar to its version from visible entities but isn’t called “curvature” (see recent paper). With gravity as the curvature of space-time, the relations from Newton’s gravitational theory can be presented in terms of space-time displaying the presence of a curvature due to the pressure from the matter mass.

M/Sr2 =g (Curvature present)

M1M2/Sr2 = F (Curvature present)

Dark Energy and Dark Matter Model

From UPE calculations, energy and matter is a form of dark energy and dark matter respectively. Prince Jessii hinted the difference using “in” and “on”. The dark entities (dark energy and dark matter) exist as an attachment in space-time. Dark energy and energy are the same as well as dark matter and matter, the only difference is that energy existing “in” space-time is dark energy. Hence, dark energy and dark matter are the energy and matter of space-time respectively, they exist “in” space-time while the normal energy and matter exists “on” space-time. Thus, the fact that we can’t see space-time is the same way we won’t see the dark entities. Hence, there are two major dimensions in the universe (Visible dimension as energy and matter) and (Dark dimension as dark energy and dark matter). However, dark energy is superior to energy.

Dark Energy and Dark Matter Model.JPG


Dark Energy Photon (default) 4.5×1018
Energy Photon (default) 4.5×1016

Both photon values (MeV/c) are both connected to the space-time parameter through the speed of light, their difference is 100. Using Albert Einstein’s E=mc2, the dark matter and matter default mass value (MeV/c2) is gotten as dark electron and electron (electron is the official particle of the universe for unification).

Using E=Mc2 for energy to matter conversion;

4.5×1016/(3×108)2 = 0.5 (matter – electron)

Using the same relation for dark energy to dark matter;

4.5×1018/(3×108)2 = 50 (dark matter – dark electron)

As revealed that gravity and space-time are one, if dark energy and dark matter are attached to space-time, it means that the four entities are one as;

S/[Md× G] = Ed

1.50×1010/ 50 × 6.6666666667×10-11 = 4.5 × 1018 (Dark Energy)

However, space-time at the numerator is the universe structure itself without inserting constants. The result is dark energy but the producer is a combination as

Md × G = 3.333333333×10-9

[50 × 6.6666666667 × 10-11] = 3.3333333333 × 10-9

Prince Jessii described (3.333333333×10-9) as the universe energy field value indicating that dark energy exist in a dark matter-gravitational field as Md × G. This also implies that electromagnetic field (energy) will produce the same value as;

µ0ε0c = 3.333333333×10-9

(12.5×10-7) × (8.8888888889×10-12) × (3×108) = 3.333333333×10-9

The above result is the prove that dark energy and energy are the same. Perhaps, the only difference between both is the fact that if the value (3.333333333×10-9) is inserted into the UPE equation with space-time as an energy being attached to space-time, the result is dark energy.

Regardless of the combination of parameters as (3.333333333 x 10-9)), if the field value is inserted in the UPE;

1.50×1010/3.333333333×10-9 = 4.5 × 1018 (Dark Energy)

Dark Energy is the result and the explanation says that space-time will only identify the field value as the superior form which is its attached form of energy (dark energy). Whereas, the other (electromagnetic radiation - energy) rests “on” space-time and not “in”, the tweaking formula representing the “on” has to be used to get energy through space-time as;

S/2[µ0ε0S] = Px

1.50×1010/2[12.5×10-7× 8.8888888889×10-12 × 1.50×1010] = 4.5 × 1016 (Energy)

The prove that both energies are the same is the resulting field value as;

The prove that both energies are the same is the resulting field value as;

Md × G = 3.333333333×10-9 (Dark Energy)


µ0ε0c = 3.333333333×10-9 (Energy)

Therefore, the speed of light represents the speed of both energies and the field value can also be gotten through it as the general way for both dimensions.

1/c = 1/[3×108] = 3.3333333333 × 10-9

Other models can be found in the related papers.

UPE Contributions in Physics[edit]

  • Mathematical Model of the Universe
  • Dark Energy and Dark Matter Mathematical Model
  • Gravity Mathematical Model
  • Energy and Matter Mathematical Model
  • Quantum Gravity Mathematical Model
  • Time Mathematical Model
  • Black-hole Mathematical Model
  • Expansion of the Universe Model
  • Accurate values of the fundamental/physical constants
  • Accurate mass value of subatomic particles
  • Unification of Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity

UPE Unlocked Physics Secrets[edit]

  • Space-time as the universe structure
  • Dark energy and dark matter are space-time’s energy and matter respectively
  • Dark Energy the same as Energy (with space-time as the difference)
  • Dark Matter the same as Matter (with space-time as the difference)
  • Gravity the inverse of space-time (curvature of space-time)
  • Muon as the root of the standard model (Muon gave birth to the subatomic particles)
  • Electron as the official particle of the universe for unification (pillar of the standard model)
  • Energy changes to Dark energy through a black hole
  • Pi is a rational number (25/8)
  • Pi’s importance in creation
  • Mass of electron value similar to the electric constant
  • The rays of the electromagnetic spectrum originates from a pack-photon as related to the fine structure constant
  • Black-hole/dark star at the center of a galaxy
  • Unknown particle having a predicted charge of 0 yet to be found
  • Expansion of the universe caused by increase in dark energy, dark matter amount at a stable level (not increasing)
  • Einstein’s forgotten flip side equation

UPE equations/formulas[edit]

Description Main Alternative Individual (1) Individual (2)
Space-time(S) 1/G = S Md×Ed×G = S Md×c =S Ed/c = S
Gravity (G) 1/S = G S/[Md×Ed] = G GM/r2 = g

By Isaac Newton

Dark-Energy (Ed) S·c = Ed S/[µ0ε0c] = Ed Ed = Mdc2 c/[G] = Ed
Energy (E) S×c/100 = E S/2[µ0ε0S] = E E = mec2

By Albert Einstein

me/[µ0ε0] = E
Dark-Matter (Md) S/c = Md S·[µ0ε0c] = Md Ed/c2 = Md 1/G×c = Md
Matter (me) S/100×c = me S·[µ0ε0c2]/2S = me E/c2 = me

By Albert Einstein

meµ0ε0 c2 = me
Quantum gravity 1/2[me × S] = G S/2[GS2mparticle]=me/mparticle
Fine Structure (α) S·c·e/100 = α [k/hc]× e =α meec2 = α
Black Hole 2(S/c)
Mass Conversion S3e4c/α3 = Px 1MeV/c2

Main and Alternative columns includes formulas representing the description from space-time, individual formulas are without space-time. Other equations can be seen in related papers.

Discovery Quotes by Prince Jessii[edit]

  • I’m sorry, I arrived late. Theoretical Physics has become a mess with individuals complicating physics with false theories. Science/Physics is straightforward, you don’t have to use complex methods except dealing with observations and experiments. Once it’s theoretical, it has to be straightforward but in this era we wake up and we hear that someone used music to define a theoretical aspect, that someone used programs/algorithms to try to define a theoretical aspect, that someone is using unknowns, calculus etc to define a theoretical aspect. Perhaps, I have to fix this by dropping the UPE.
  • Speaking of relativity in general; if its actual meaning isn’t known, it simply reveals that everything in the universe are related with the presence of space-time. In the view from the fundamental constants, it reveals that all constants are related with the presence of the space-time parameter. With this knowledge of the relationships was how the Ultimate Physics Equation (UPE) was formed with only the space-time parameter in its form.
  • In recent years before the arrival of the UPE, theoretical physics has been seriously behind. Theoretical Physics is like a manual/guide in physics. While experimental and observational physics do the actual discovery in reality, theoretical physics already knows the discovery using mathematics. Hence, they both need each other as; one can look at the guide/manual (theoretical physics) and know the discovery links, processes and also how to do the discovery in reality (experimental and observational physics). Perhaps, it hasn’t been like this. Besides the predictions of relativity by Albert Einstein, in most cases, observations and experiments are done before the idea of the related theory is formed.
  • The reason for the lack of progress in theoretical physics all these years was due to the absence of its infinity stone (Theory of Everything/Mathematical Model of Everything/Ultimate Physics Equation).
  • Regardless of whichever instrument and method/technique used in a discovery, if an electron can be seen/discovered on space-time in reality, an electron can be presented on space-time theoretically/mathematically, same with other entities/phenomenon. This is what the “Ultimate Physics Equation” exist for.
  • The first entity that was placed in the formation of the universe is space-time i.e. space-time is the universe structure/form itself.
  • Dark energy and dark matter exists around us, in the streets, in the houses etc.
  • This is to say that the other one (energy) is a duplicate and a scam. I know it, the reader now is aware, it’s clear and I always say that the life we are living is a scam from the actual life we are supposed to be living. “In” is the supposed and not “on”. Things don’t last here in this dimension, maybe at a point people will begin to take the game seriously.
  • Once energy/matter enters or passes through the hole, they become their superior form (dark matter and dark energy), we don’t see this but the math reveals the truth.
  • Due to the release of the results from the muon g-2 experiment, I decided to release the subatomic section of the “Theory of Everything”. Getting the accurate (exact) result from measurement as regards to microscopic particles is very hard if not impossible but UPE to the rescue.
  • The particle tree is simply the relation between the existence of subatomic particles by their masses on space-time. There exist an unknown fact that If the mass of two particles are combined mathematically, the result is the mass of another particle in MeV/c2 which aligns with space-time (role played by the conversion constant), this can only happen for specific combination of masses and the reason is key to interpretation for the purpose of constructing the particle tree.
  • From the particle tree, If the results are traced, it leads to a root particle as the muon which forms the stem structure itself. It is observed clearly that the electron which is the official particle for unification of the universe forms the inner stem. So, it can be said that the electron and muon are the pillar and foundation (root) of the standard model respectively.
  • This electron neutrino territory formed directly on the electron’s section, strange quark line extends to meet the Up quark line produced from an unknown particle (this unknown particle is most likely to have a charge of 0).
  • To reveal the truth behind the value, Pi value is like a cheat code in video games, but for the universe in this description. It has a secret nickname called “The assist value”, essential in creation of the universe, function as everything about the word “assist”- [to ease] and pi is very well a rational value, don’t follow the false information.
  • Any calculation done in previous papers with the approximate values of the constants from CODATA, I did it to not disregard the efforts of the scientists behind them but the actual values of these constants from the Theory of Everything should be used to get exact results. Corrections should be effected on all data platforms immediately.
  • The UPE reveals the links of the universe. Everything is related and unified with the presence of space-time, every fundamental/physical constant is related with the presence of the space-time parameter.
  • All individuals complicating physics can now stop, follow the UPE and get any answer needed.
  • My aim is to solve problems generally in science, humanity, technology etc. Therefore, a unification theory and a mathematical model of everything is one of the least discoveries or contributions I intend to do.

See more discovery quotes in related papers.

Further reading[edit]

  1. Prince Jessii., 137: An Answer from God (2020) Amazon Books.
  2. Prince Jessii, A Step Forward Progress in Physics and Cosmology with an Alternative Approach to General Relativity., Global Journal of Science Frontier Research (A) Volume XX Issue III Version 1 (2020). Retrieved from https://journalofscience.org
  3. Prince Jessii, Detection of a Pack-Photon., Global Journal of Science Frontier Research (A) Volume XX Issue IV Version 1 (2020). Retrieved from https://journalofscience.org
  4. Prince Jessii, Space Equations, International Journal of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, Vol. 9 No 2, 2019, pp. 41-44. doi: 10.5923/j.ijtmp.20190902.03.
  5. Prince Jessii, Physics of the Universe. Global Journal of Science Frontier Research (A) Volume XX Issue IV Version 1 (2020). Retrieved from https://journalofscience.org
  6. Prince Jessii, The God Equation: Theory of Everything, International Journal of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, Vol. 11 No. 3, 2021, pp. 77-98. Doi:10.5923/j.ijtmp.20211103.01.
  7. Prince Jessii, Ultimate Physics Equation: The Last Revolution in Physics (Deluxe), International Journal of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, Vol. 11 No. 3, 2021, pp. 106-133. Doi:10.5923/j.ijtmp.20211103.03.

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