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Action + Circumstances → Reaction: A possible real explanation of the evolution of the universe, including life.

What is ACR

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ACR is a principle. A principle which says that whenever an action happens then this action will, depending on the circumstances in which it has happened, provoke a reaction.

ACR in the present

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In order to find out how something works is to observe it while it is working. When we look out of the window then we see a very diverse, and surly complicated moving environment created by nature. To figure out all the details within a lifespan of a human seem to be impossible. But what a human can do is to find some repetitions, which happen during the time he is observing, which give him some indications on what principles this world is based on. And the first surprise would be: there are not many! And the second is that this few principles, used repetitiously, are able to keep a world as complicated, as known today, evolving (make even more complicated). The observation, done to find repetitions reveal that anything can be explained with the occurrence of an action, which happens within circumstances and will provoke a reaction. E.g. if a moving matter makes contact with a stationary matter (action) then it will pass on some of its energy to set the stationary matter in motion (reaction). Or if a living species wanders into a situation in its environment (action) than it is able, apparently by remembering something (circumstances), to decide what it will do next (reaction). This kind of principle, which is a combination of an action, circumstances and a following reaction, can be observed at anything which happens in a “living” environment (world). The ACRs which happens all the time in a “living” environment can be roughly divided into simple repetitions (where the action, circumstances and therefore the reaction are the same), or into evolutionary happenings (where the action and circumstances lead to the destruction of the old and the build-up of something new). If an evolutionary ACR has happened than it can be observed that this ACR has also followed other principles which seem to be identical for every ACR performed. This principles would be that first, what ever was created through the reaction is a build-up (growth, adaptation) of what has been existing at the time of the action. And second that it will usually be bigger, more complicated than what has been before. Which leads to the conclusion that everything, which is evolved through this principles is somehow remembered. Otherwise no follow through could be possible.

The connection to the past

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One of the biggest task is to find out what was before. With other words what existed before the ACR happend. If conditions before are basically known then the actual ACR can be reconstructed. This works within the knowledge/technology we have. But what about the evolutionary steps which happend on matter which we can only guess on? The principle of ACR could help here by figuring a start situation out of what is known and apply the principle to build up to the situation in question. This is possible because if a world has been build, like the one on earth, through ACR steps then the happenings every day are a copy of steps which have happen in the past. Just on a different scale. Like complicated matter had to be build up through ACR of single matter. We can compare what is happening in the visible world with the happenings of the world which is too small to be seen. And the similarities tell us that nothing new is introduced in the way evolutions happen. Everything is build up from something which has evolved before. This knowledge, and the principle of ACR, should make it possible to recreate the cosmic evolution step by step from the right assumed start. Which would unravel the mysteries of today in a faster way than the top down approach science is taking. This process is followed through at The cosmic evolution.

Other explanations of ACR and its functions

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A principle which can be the foundation of a chain reaction (sequence). Because after the reaction has happen the circumstances are not the same any more and the reaction, which has become an action, provokes a new reaction according to the new circumstances. And when there is a chain reaction of ACRs going on then there is a continuous evolvement of the circumstances. Where each occurrence of an ACR is the step to whatever evolves, depending on how long the chain reaction goes on. Since each ACR creates circumstances which was build on the circumstances created by the ACR before makes ACR the principle of a growing evolution.
The action
Anything which constitutes a change, physical and/or non-physical, can be termed an action. In a physical world this is usually an occurrence of movement of physical matter. Which also produces the energy to provoke a reaction (movement) in other matter.
The circumstances
The circumstances are everything which has a physical effect within this action. Which includes the matter which acts and the environment in which it acts.
The reaction
The reaction can be many physical or non-physical happenings of changes. Which are provoked/allowed by the circumstances present. Since the circumstances can consist of physical and/or non-physical matter the reaction of an ACR step can be physical and/or non-physical.

ACR also fits all the requirments a long time growing evolution needs to be truly long time and growing. It can handle simple basic matter (low intelligence) over galaxies (complicated low intelligence) to living creatures which evolve on their own (high intelligence). Its universal ability is provided by handling everything in a sequential way. Either by processing one evolutionary step after the other one (lowest intelligence) or by following a sequence of ACRs which leads to the possible solution. If ACRs are automatically stored (see "The application of ACR through nature" below)then they can be replayed with the same end-product. Any set of action-circumstances will provoke a reaction - there are no mistakes. If the product survives/fits into the environment than it is stored and can be adapted to new circumstances. Which is perfect for nature which does not 'know' what has happend and what will happen.
Since this basic system is a very low level of intelligence its rules have to be as well very simple. It requires that there is only one reaction to every action or action+circumstances. Therefore whatever stores this ACRs has to be very flexible in size to handle any quantities of ACRs data. This is always provided by the matter which is the medium through which the ACRs are played out. Therefore, if the ACR happens on a low level, where the amount of data is small, then the storage needed, matter, is small. If the ACR happens on a higher level than the amount of matter involved is also bigger and therefore the storage is bigger.

Reality and Fiction

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The ACRs are evidently there wherever ‘life’ occurs. But happen in two different ways which are synonymous to the intelligence level on which this life occurs: physical (real) and fictional (envisioned). Until the development of a brain in living creatures all ACRs function on a real level.
Real ACRs happen only in an physical environment. And the reaction is usually the next action of the next ACR. They are low level intelligence because whatever action is about to happen, what circumstances are provided by the environment, are all a functionality of chance. The circumstances are there because they are reactions of ACRs which have happened but have no relation to the one which is about to happen except that they have to be taken into consideration. Therefore, what the reaction will be and what is produced by this reaction cannot be known because this exact ACR has not happened before. Which makes every real ACR technically a fictional ACR because its reaction is never 'known' before. And while fictional ACRs can be discarded because they were a ‘mistake’ and no physical product was created by the reaction, there are no ‘mistakes’ in the real world and the physical product has to be destroyd. Physical (real) ACRs can be set in motion through an higher intelligence (living creature) but then they are usually conscious repetition of well known ACRs.
The ‘fictional’ ACRs serve the purpose to produce reactions which have not been achieved physically and which would liked to be ‘tested’ first before making them real. This could be to find actions and circumstances which have the desired reaction or just to pair any random action with any random circumstances to find out or speculate what reaction this would produce (fantasizing). They differ to that ‘unknown by chance’ ACRs, which happen with physical matter, by the facts that they are consciously controlled and do not happen physically. To be able to ‘fantasize’ there has to be a special constructed place, the brain, a stored amount of ACRs to choose from and to compare to, and the tool to convert what is manipulated and achieved into meanings to make sense – a language.

When this kind of connectivity of happening and circumstances become obvious than it can be found in anything what happens ‘naturally’. And since any living creature from the most simple amoeba to the most intelligent human are stages of the ongoing natural production (evolution) they are in fact included in the term ‘nature’. And the more different creatures evolve the more branches of the evolution exist. And the more sophisticated the creatures become the more specific is their ‘evolution’. But the occurrence of evolution is based on the ability to perform an ACR sequence.

How the observations of a natural environment leads to ACR

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The first observations of nature, straigt out of the window, lead to the, not new, conclusion that in order that something is happening something has to happen first. In other words

  • there has to be an action to have a reaction.

Where action and reaction means some form of movement (energy). The next observation was that

  • for every action there can only be one reaction.

Which means that every action will always have the same reaction. So what makes the same action evoke different reactions? The circumstances in which the action happens. Therefore

  • Action + Circumstances → Reaction

But how can the same action always start the same reaction? There has to be a memory which enables the same action from the same matter and one which makes the matter react always in the same way to the same action. Therefore

  • Action and Reaction need to be memorized to enable repetition

Which leaves the circumstances. This is the variable part of the function which can come from different sources. They could have been memorized (recalled) or are just circumstantial of the present environment, in which the action-reaction occures. Since an action cannot happen without movement and since an acting matter never exist alone

  • There are always circumstances to every action

Which means that every time a reaction follows an action it always reacts to the

  • Action + Circumstances = Action → Reaction

Which means, that the reaction is at the same time the action for the next ACR function. When memorized actions are placed into different circumstances then the reaction is an adaption of the action. Which can be interpreted as a form of intelligence. Therefore

  • Action+Circumstances → Intelligence

ACR and Sequence

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Another observation leads to the importance of the sequence. Nature cannot create at different levels at once. First, since it cannot switch its way of operation throughout the evolution it needs to be flexible enough to work on any kind of product which will be produced, simple and complicated. Therefore the data needs to be in a form which can accommodate simplicity and complicity – the sequence. But in order to provide the meaning in a sequence, besides the needed data, it has to have more than the data stored in each step of the sequence. Like where the next part of the sequence can be found. In that way, when it is finished following the sequence, the end point is always the same and very specific to this sequence. Which can be used to differentiate between meanings, make selections or provide whatever the purpose of the sequence was.

Sequence and Rules

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When there are sequences of elements, like in a language (letters), then there can be made rules by comparing the sequences of the elements. E.g. when a part of a sequence occures in another sequence then it can be observed (compared) what effect (reaction) this part has in each sequence. If the reactions are the same then a rule can be constructed from it. Similar to the rule that each specific action leads to a specific reaction if the circumstances are the same. With other words an ACR is a rule by itself. This can be in stages. If rules are placed in sequence than together they will form a more encompassing rule. Or are simply a more complicated ACR. For which a language is a very good example. First the letters have to be learned, then the letters need to be placed in sequences (words) to form a meaning. Therefore this sequence of letters form a rule which has to be followed if this meaning needs to be communicated. The same is true with sentences, paragraphs and whole stories.

The application of ACRs

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The application of an ACR is unlimited because it can be used once or many times in sequence. The application can be of building something up or to figure how something was build up.

Learning through ACR

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If there is something complicated but it cannot be traced to its start (top to bottom approach) then the ACR can be used to try to build up the complicated something by guessing the start conditions (fantasizing) and follow the course of actions which ensue. If this leads to the complicated something then the problem is solved.

Outcomes of the use of ACR

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What observations lead to is that everything what happens through the natural evolution is a reaction to what has happened before. Which opens the possibility to explain almost everything what is naturally happening in this universe. Therefore, everything what is happening naturally, since it follows principles which do not change over time, like the principle which is called here ACR, can be used to answer how things evolved in the past, are evolving in the present and will evolve in the future. Therefore ACR can be used to provide explanations which might, or not, have been thought of but are not considered. They are basically answers which are follow throughs like described above.

Here are some of the not considered answers:

See also

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