The following list of references is only the starting point for an extensive anotated bibliography to be developed.
Tracey, Hugh. (1961). The evolution of African music and its function in the present day. Johannesburg: Institute for the Study of Man in Africa.
Lomax, Alan: Folk song style and culture. American Association for the Advancement of Science, Publication No. 88, Washingthon 1968.
Lomax, Alan, Bertenieff, Irmgaard, Paulay, Forrestine: Choreometrics: a method for the study or cross-cultural pattern in film. Research Film, Vol 6, No. 6, Göttingen 1969.
Koetting, James (1992). "Africa/Ghana". Worlds of Music: An Introduction to the Music of the World's Peoples (Second ed.). New York: Schirmer Books. pp. 67-104. ISBN0-02-872602-2.