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From Wikiversity - Reading time: 23 min

Naturality - A Natural Path of Awakening
1. Naturality Story
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The Most Beautiful Book

A teacher asked five students to find the most beautiful book in the world. After one year they returned and displayed their books.

The first student showed a holy book of scripture, and said that it was the most beautiful book in the world because it contained knowledge about God.

The second student showed a book of science and said that it was the most beautiful book because it contained the knowledge on how to make us safe, comfortable and live longer.

The third student displayed a book on art and philosophy and said that it was the most beautiful book because it revealed the depth and beauty of life.

The fourth student showed a book of ethics and said that it was the most beautiful book because it helped us to live in harmony.

The fifth student had no book to show. She was asked, “Where is your book?”

She pointed in all directions and then towards herself and said,

“I have the book of life all around and inside me. That is the most beautiful book. All other books come from the book of life.”

She received the award for the most beautiful book.

2. Naturality: Right Care all the Way

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Dharma Daham, Dharma Manas, Dharma Buddhi-Atman

Right care to body, feelings, intellect and natural self

Dharma Priya Jan, Dharma Serva Jan, Dharma Desh, Dharma Dhara

Right care to family, community, country and the earth

Dharma Neham, Dharma Ekam, Dharma Hee Gatisheelta

Let love, oneness  and movement sustain right care

Dharma Jeevan, Dharma Chetan, Dharma Hee Ananda Param.

Let right care bring the bliss of conscious living.

Sahajam Asti Asti Asti - I affirm this, affirm this, affirm this

3. What is Naturality?

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Jivasu the founder of Naturality movement.

Naturality is a process of understanding the natural order and rhythms of our body, mind, and feelings and align our lives with those laws. The learning expands to the natural order and rhythms of the world and universe around us. Then we are not only the individual person but also the part of the cosmic flow.

Many of us have enough knowledge and experiences but they remain fragmented. In Naturality we learn to integrate our fragmented knowledge and experiences and weave them into a harmonious whole. The drops of our experiences and knowledge merge to form a trickle; these trickles become a stream of insights; these streams a river of ever-widening consciousness; and the river flows between the two shores of passion and peace towards the sea, its destination to become free from fear and guilt.

4. Why Naturality?

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We are living in an exciting era of transition, turbulence and transformation. For the first time in human history, a world culture is emerging. Old cultural, religious and racial boundaries are disappearing and the world is becoming a global village.

Three unique features define this young world culture are – the pervasive influence of science and technology, the desire for material well-being, and the emphasis on individuality. Old faiths, religions ideologies and spiritual authorities are either being questioned or rejected. Young people are refusing to submit to old traditions, rules and rituals. As a result, many are sensing a void in their lives and searching for new paths. There is an interest in self-inquiry and an aspiration for self-knowledge that connects us to our daily lives.

Naturality is a response to this yearning of the young world culture. Naturality is to live according our nature and walk our own path. Naturality doesn’t belong to any specific culture, religion or spiritual tradition. On the path of Naturality, anything relevant to human life including religion, spirituality, science, arts, business, politics and sports become a door to understanding the fullness of life.

The foundation of Naturality is science because science is the language through which this new world culture communicates and the lens through which it sees. Science is the foundational myth and the epic story of this world culture. Science has the ability to connect us, regardless of race, color, language or culture. It pervades all aspects of global life.

The goal of Naturality is not to create a revolution, another religion or a new system of philosophy. Naturality is born out of awareness that revolution is already happening in the world. Naturality simply articulates and expresses this revolution’s essence and form. Naturality’s aim is to create a platform where many can gather, connect, experience and express themselves in creative way irrespective of their background.

Naturality points towards the source that compels us to live more naturally; this source is the natural self within all of us. Without consciously connecting to the natural self and living according to it, the current natural movements remain incomplete, and our actions are merely rituals rather than a force, which could transform our life in radical way.

5. Naturality is a natural path of four awakenings

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1. Awakening to the Problems

Fear and guilt are the two core problems of human life.

Fear is the fear of death of the body and also fear of death of the ‘I’ or personal self.

Guilt is the guilt of not living to our full potential; the guilt of feeling selfish if we are trying to live up to our full potential and the guilt of not fulfilling our responsibilities.

2. Awakening to the Cause of the Problems

Emergence of ‘I’ or sense of personal self  

3. Awakening to our Response to the Problems

Escape into the world to avoid fear and guilt; which results in alienation from life; which then results in life-energy being blocked

4. Awakening to the Solution to the Problems

Path of Naturality – Our unique natural path

Naturality is a natural path of awakening innate to us.

On Naturality path we understand the natural laws and rhythms of our body, mind, and feelings and align our lives with those laws.

Many of us have enough knowledge and experiences but they remain fragmented. In Naturality we learn to integrate our fragmented knowledge and experiences and weave them into a harmonious whole. The drops of our experiences and knowledge merge to form a trickle; these trickles become a stream of insights; these streams a river of ever-widening consciousness; and the river flows between the two shores of passion and peace towards the sea, its destination to become free from fear and guilt.

Naturality starts with building a healthy identity if we don`t have one. We need to have a stable source of self-esteem to find our place in the world, which then prepares the ground to enter into our natural personality with which we were born. Knowing our natural personality is to read the book of our own life. It helps us in healing our emotional scars, cleans us from the burdens of the past and allows us to arrive at the Natural Self.

The Natural Self is the essence of our life. Without our natural self we merely become the reflection

and shadows of our family, society and culture. Family, society and culture are essential for rooting in early life, but later on we have to go beyond their ways to find who we are.

By realizing our Natural Self we discover five natural virtues inherent in us. The first virtue is our inner power, to become an independent and creative person; the second is the meaning of our life which comes from within; the third is the experience of self-love through which we accept who we are; the fourth is the inner happiness which is not dependent on the world and the fifth is realizing our destiny, knowing what we are supposed to do in the world.

Beyond Natural Self, we experience expansive mind, expansive stillness and expansive fullness to arrive at unconditional love and freedom.

6. Many doors to Naturality

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Anything positive or negative, good or bad can become the starting point on the path of Naturality. On Naturality path everything is an opportunity for self discovery including:

-         Religion and spirituality

-         Science and arts

-         Adventures and sports

-         Politics and business

Trauma and losses, sufferings, pain, and Illnesses

7. Preparing for the journey

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Three prong action of prepare us to walk on Naturality path.

  • Building a healthy identity
  • Knowing our natural personality
  • Naturality practice

a. Building a Healthy Identity: Finding our place in the world

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A healthy identity roots us in a family, society and culture and helps us to survive and function efficiently within the world. If we are not well adjusted, an unhealthy identity forms, which leads to many physical, emotional and mental health problem. Naturality guides us to build a healthy identity.

Healthy identity has five features:


Care of others




b. Knowing our Natural Personality: Enter into the door to freedom

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Identity buries the nature but it can’t hide it completely. Unique nature expresses itself as natural personalities. If we become aware and follow natural personality, the doors to freedom open. This awareness is key for nurturing the relationship with the world and ourselves.

We are the combination of three personalities

1. Earth

2. Fire

3. Wind

c. Naturality Practice: Cultivating Calm Awareness

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Without practice Naturality path remains incomplete. But practice without passion and patience wouldn’t take us far.

The Naturality Practice is a combination of body poses, breathing techniques and meditation, which can be completed in less than an hour.

Naturality poses are called Point Poses as they activate some of the major energy points in the body. They bring greater vitality and relieve stress and pain, particularly in the head and face area. For those who experience pain, disability and/or old age, Naturality poses are particularly effective. In Naturality, any pose that the body naturally takes can become an effective Yoga pose as long as:

-         The body part involved in the pose is gently stretched

-         The pose is sustained for more than forty seconds

-         Breathing is normal

-         Awareness of the pose maintained.

The “Breath of Dissolution” follows a set of poses. This is a breathing technique that can be practiced either lying down or sitting comfortably in a chair. The Naturality Practice ends with Expansiveness Meditation.Way of Naturality: Living According to one’s Nature, walking one’s own path

Naturality can be seen as a process of metamorphosis in which mind’s habitual patterns are shattered, releasing individuals into an ever- expanding freedom to live according to their own nature and walk their own path. This process includes intimate knowledge of one’s innate intelligence and leads to the full expression of one’s nature in the world; this is the state of Becoming. Naturality is also a state of Being; in this state, stillness roars with energy, peace meets passion, and living and dying are movements of life.

8. Experiences on the Path

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a. Natural Crisis: Diving into the unknown

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In order for us to progress further beyond the bounds of the identity’s structure and natural personality, we have to face our subconscious. Conscious life is only a small part of our total existence. It’s like the tip of the iceberg, while hidden underneath is a vast ocean of human experience. Here lie feelings of guilt, anger, and fear; memories of trauma, failure and despair; wounds and scars from painful events of the past. But this mysterious ocean of human experience also includes light, insight, creativity and joy—the most precious gifts of the subconscious. These treasures can be discovered when we enter the dark world of the subconscious and illuminate it with the light of consciousness. We can then transform its energy and integrate it into our daily lives.

So we see that a shattering experience of disillusionment can actually become the catalyst for great natural growth. We become vulnerable and receptive, acquiring the sensitivity required for change. When we reach this level of sensitivity, then the distraction and protection provided by the identity is no longer effective. If this process is allowed to take its own course, it leads to the experience of natural self. A second birth occurs within us as we are born into the wholeness of natural self. We become creators and recreate ourselves. Rebirth is the result of this mind-body union.

b. Natural Self: Discovering the Destiny

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A major milestone on the Naturality path is the discovery of our inner guru, which is when our natural self completely awakens. It is a feeling of being centered within and being at home wherever we are. It is the inner GPS that guides us through the complexities of the world with clarity, calmness and full awareness.

Our inner guru brings a natural discipline to life and allows us to express our creativity fearlessly, effortlessly, and with joy. It allows us to feel deeply and completely healed from within, as our body functions with ease and natural balance, our emotions is vibrant and smooth as they connect our inner and outer worlds, while our thoughts flow, articulate and communicate with their natural rhythm. In essence, our inner guru helps us to fulfill the natural purpose of our life. We become like a river and experience flow.

Flow is the feeling of gliding through the world with ease and energy. In flow, we are fully aligned with our surroundings. The body is relaxed, the senses are sharp, and the mind is calm, open and focused. We touch new peaks of creativity and become pioneers. These are the moments when our natural self finds its true and full expression.

By realizing our Natural Self we discover five natural virtues inherent in us. The first virtue is our inner power, to become an independent and creative person; the second is the meaning of our life which comes from within; the third is the experience of self-love through which we accept who we are; the fourth is the inner happiness which is not dependent on the world and the fifth is realizing our destiny, knowing what we are supposed to do in the world.

Natural self is also the celebration of body and the earth where inner nature meets the outer nature. Body gets reconnected with the earth. The individual live in harmony with the nature.

c. Expansive Mind: I am the world

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As we move beyond the natural self we enter into  Expansive Mind and feel a sense of oneness with the world, and the world becomes the expression of the one conscious force. It brings the experience of universal love, a love that is not selective or limited. In Expansive Mind, death and life become lover and beloved and can’t be separated. This brings further freedom from the fear of death because we realize that there is no death, and that when our body dies, the something lives on in Expansive Mind.

d. Expansive Stillness: The nameless silence

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When God, mystery, creator, creation, time and space are all emptied out, then only pure consciousness is left. This consciousness is without name, form, time or space. It is stillness, tranquility and silence. The brain has no ripples of thoughts and becomes a clean mirror, reflecting what goes on within and outside. In Expansive Stillness all events, states, thoughts and feelings are experienced as impermanent. Life moves and changes on its own without an absolute self or mover. All is experienced as oneness.

e. Expansive Fullness: This is full, that is full

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In expansive fullness, the gap between absolute, timeless consciousness and the time bound relative world disappears. They merge into each other as one movement of life. Body, feelings, thoughts, living and non-living beings are filled with their inherent fullness. There is no deficiency in this state and so there are no desires. There is total silence exploding with energy and complete action. Nothing is illusion. All is truth without a beginning or end. One arrives at the very source of existence.

9. Conclusion

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The journey of Naturality begins with our birth. We are born as a body just like the body of any other living being on earth. We are part of nature and fully embedded in it. Although the body is conscious, its consciousness is reflexive. Within the body, life and death occur simultaneously and are not separated from each other. There is a perfect balance. It is the state of peace and pleasure and without any mental boundaries. This state of peace is disturbed when biological survival is at stake, although it is regained when survival is assured.

This state of perfect balance and harmony in the body comes to an end with the growth of the brain as we experience moments of consciousness. As we become more conscious of ourselves and the world around us, we develop a fear of both death and life and suffer from guilt. In order to escape this fear and guilt, we build an identity as protection. This identity is constructed using elements borrowed from family, society and culture. Identity is vital to live in the world. But identity impinges on the body and brain, compromising its balance, peace and pleasure. And so our quest begins to regain that lost, peaceful state. Our life becomes more and more complex and takes many detours on this search. Many of us are lost.

During this search, we may experience a natural crisis where our identity is dismantled and its protective thoughts, concepts and dreams crumble. The experience leads us to our natural self which was always there, but hidden beneath the smoke screen of identity. We develop witnessing consciousness and the body is freed from identity. It wakes from its slumber and begins to express and regulate itself more naturally, which brings peace and natural pleasure back into daily living. We are effortlessly connected with nature and accept our mortality.

The process continues and we proceed from the natural self into expansive consciousness where we experience an intimate connection with the world and nature and feel at one with it. In this state, the body feels more freed and is at ease with nature. Death and life become intimate companions and there is no fear of death anymore and guilt comes to an end. As this process continues, we move into expansive stillness. Now the body functions with its natural rhythm just like when it was born. Life and death again become two sides of one experience. Pleasure and peace reign in the body and we experience a state of perfect balance and harmony within and with the world around.

At this stage, consciousness is not reflexive but rather a pure witness with stillness. This stillness is dynamic. In this primal dynamic stillness, the body functions at its peak, the senses are open and alert but the mind is silent. The process comes full circle. Naturality begins with the body and eventually comes back to the body. At the beginning the consciousness is reflexive. By the end, it is in a pure witnessing state.

This is the pinnacle of human life. Here, not only is conscious stillness experienced but the body also functions at its zenith. While conscious stillness takes us to our highest potential, the body connects us to the earth and all of nature.

10. The essence of Naturality

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-         Fear of death of body and personal self and guilt are the twin problems of human life

-         Naturality is not a goal but a process, and each point and experience in the process is part of the Naturality. Naturality is in the beginning, in the middle and in the end

-         A healthy identity is the first milestone on Naturality path

-         Biology and the body are the  underpinning of all experiences on the Naturality path

-         Naturality is an education. Education means realizing what is already there within us

-         The Naturality teachings are like scaffolding. They help us to build our life and live it fully. Once life is built, the scaffolding is no longer necessary

11. Six Elements or Yogas of Naturality

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Six Yogas of Naturality form a comprehensive and clear framework that can help us to deal with the problems as they arise at various aspects and stages of our life.  

a. Yoga of Love and Relationships

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We seek love and relationships to fulfil our desire for security, pleasure and attention. In our search for love, we try to live our life through others.  When we make others the objects of our desire, we become tempted to try to mould them to fill our needs and to share our world view. However, this misguided approach brings an end to love. Love can only exist between two individuals who are equal and are not trying to change each other.  When this relationship of equality does not exist, love is bound to wither and die. That is why so few people experience an enduring love, and instead keep on seeking new relationships.

Once connected with our natural self, we experience love within, a love that illuminates others with its glow. In this love, there is no search for security or desire to change others. Such love paves the path for universal love and eventually unconditional love.

b. Yoga of Emotional and Mental Health

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Emotions and feelings form the core of our natural personality, without which we can’t function in the world. Knowing and understanding our emotions and feelings are the essence of living. Naturality begins with building a healthy identity or ego, which can protect against emotional and mental illnesses.  Although we may still experience turbulent emotion, a strong identity prevents the progression to serious mental illness. Later, by discovering our natural personality we learn to live in a state of love, well-being and creativity.

c. Yoga of Aging and Old Age

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Many feel burdened as old age approaches. Our minds can’t accept the fact we are aging and we can’t do the same things that we did in the past. We don’t realize that aging brings many blessings.  We have to know how to use those blessings rather than remaining stuck in the patterns of our youth.

In Naturality, aging and old age is the time for adventure, for exploring the outer world as well as the world within. It’s a time to fulfil our dreams and discover our natural self. That process brings delight to our daily living as well as an outpouring of creativity that we’ve never experienced before.

d. Yoga of Death and Dying

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Life and death are two sides of the same coin; they are both complementary sides of nature. We cannot live fully without accepting death, and we cannot die in peace if we have not lived fully. However, our minds hold life and death as two separate and mutually exclusive concepts, instead of accepting that they are as closely integrated as light and dark, night and day. Our mind urges us to cling to life and to escape death, but in truth, our fear of death becomes a mental prison. Our fear and anxiety prevents us from living a fulfilled life. Yet when it is finally time for death, we are anxious that we have not lived fully enough and so we don’t want to die.

As we live according to our natural self, the cycle of fear and escape comes to an end. We accept our mortality, and as a result we start living with increased vitality. Naturality explores the causes of the fear of death, the physical process of dying, and answers a most haunting question: what happens when we die?

e. Yoga of Digital Culture and Artificial Intelligence

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In our times digital culture of computers, automation, genetic engineering, nano-technology and artificial intelligence is rapidly progressing. Many are worried that it will take over our world and reduce us to the inferior and subservient place.

Yes that is possible if we go along with it and not counter it with ever increasing awakening within us. It happened in the past also with industrial and information revolutions upto some extent. Many started serving the machines rather than remain the masters of the matter.

Awareness is always supreme if we let it grow constantly to keep pace with the material developments of science and technology. Without increasing awareness we will be diminished to mere biological patterns or algorithms that can be measured, calculated, dominated and manipulated.

f. Yoga of Complete Beauty

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In the emerging world culture, old definitions of beauty are outdated. We can't define the beauty on the basis of our height, skin colr or the shape of our facial features. Beauty has to include the inner qualities of a person rather than merely the beauty of the body.

Naturality defines beauty as the experience of delight and well-being brought by the harmonious functioning of the mind and the body. It's reflected in radiant skin, lustrous eyes, erect posture and energetic movements, also in becoming loving, attentive, patient and calm. Then we are living in complete beauty.

12. Naturality: Where science meets the sacred

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All Naturality teachings and experiences have an underpinning in human biology and body with special connection to the brain and nervous system. In Naturality, ancient insights seamlessly unite with contemporary science.

However what is described below doesn’t indicate precise differences between three functional parts of the brain and also the divisions between left and right brain. All brain functions overlap and we can’t assign them to only one anatomical location. They are described to give approximate idea of relationships with the various consciousness states. Some of the explanations are theories, based on personal experiences and inference from scientific research.

Universal nature is the source of all that exists. From the most primitive life forms, a process of evolution towards greater and greater complexity began. It took billions of years for the human brain to evolve into its present form, the most marvellous instrument of perception in the universe. Because our brain was fashioned by Nature, the brain is capable of revealing Nature’s secrets and intelligence. This is why it is sometimes referred to as the “three-pound universe.”

Primal consciousness is infinite and contains all possible forms and levels of consciousness. What is experienced depends on how developed the brain is. As our brain develops more and vibrates at a particular frequency, we experience a specific level of consciousness. As self-aware human beings, we can change the structure and physiology of our brain and become conscious of those experiences that are not available to other living beings. This is conscious evolution.

Within us, all possible levels of consciousness are already there, so consciousness itself does not evolve. Rather, the brain evolves and gains more access to different levels of consciousness. All Naturality practices are about changing the structure and physiology of the brain in order to tune into more conscious experience. The natural ability of brain to change is called neuroplasticity.

On the path of Naturality, neuroplasticity is of great significance. As we learn to live according to our nature, our brain becomes freer from the past conditioning. As we experience the process of becoming more natural, the brain is changed radically. It begins to function as a harmonious and integrated unit, filled with peace, passion and bliss.

Below are the various levels of consciousness depending on which part of the brain is involved in perception.

a. Physical Consciousness: Unicellular and Multi-cellular Organisms

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The first active expression of consciousness is in the form of a single cell, which represents the consciousness of the body in its most rudimentary form. The entire cell functions as a brain because nothing is differentiated. However, this single cell is the seed of the fully differentiated human body and brain.

From a functional point of view, the brain has three components: the Reptilian brain, Mammalian brain and the Neo-cortex or human brain. These three components interpenetrate each other and their functions overlap. There is no precise location for the various functions carried out by our brains.

b. Physical Consciousness: The Reptilian Brain

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The brain stem is the reptilian brain. This is where consciousness emerges but without the element of self-awareness or self-reflection.

At this level, the organism lives in survival and reproduction mode with all systems controlled by nature in a predictable pattern. There is no sense of time and space. The organism lives in an unconscious eternity. To become aware of this state is the ‘Expansive Stillness’. We can also call the experience of “Natural Non-Duality”, as there is complete sense of oneness without the other.

c. Emotional Consciousness: The Mammalian Brain

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Emotional consciousness occurs in the limbic system or mammalian brain. This is where the pleasure centers and the centres for the autonomic nervous system, vital for homeostasis and mind-body interface, are located. Experience is based on emotions, not reason.

It is possible for us to become aware of emotional consciousness, which leads to living in the present moment and the experience of the natural self.

d. Intellectual Consciousness: The Human Brain

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With the development of the neo-cortex and prefrontal cortex in humans, the size and weight of the brain increase. At this stage of evolution, humans develop logic, rationality, language and the ability to plan for the future. Linear time emerges at this part of the brain.

e. Existential Consciousness:  The Experience of Dissolution

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Here, the prefrontal and neo-cortex lose their dominance and the turbulent energy of the mammalian and reptilian components of the brain take over. This results in mental chaos, a loss of cognitive control and a loss of a sense of self and identity. In existential consciousness, social and cultural customs, rewards and achievements are stripped of their meaning and we are left psychologically naked and exposed.

f. Witnessing Consciousness: Integration and Wholeness

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This stage follows existential consciousness. In the state of integration and wholeness, we become a fully functional individual. We develop a natural and spontaneous witnessing consciousness. The reptilian, mammalian and neo-cortex complexes work in harmony. This is experienced as “flow,” or bliss.

The brain functions as one and as an integral part of the body. This is experienced as oneness of mind and body. The brain is awakened and dormancy is over. This leads to persistent activation of pleasure centers, bringing a sense of well-being.

Increased connectivity and communication exist between various parts of the brain and the body. This results in a feeling of wholeness. This is also felt in the form of tingling sensations in the body and a fountain of energy intermittently pouring into the brain.

The prefrontal cortex thickens and increased “mirroring” properties of neurons are activated, resulting in witnessing consciousness.

Right and Left Brain

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The Western concept of the Identity or self differs from the Eastern concept. In the West, the identity or self is primarily a sense of “I” while in the East it is the feeling of “I Am.” “I” is achieved when intellectual consciousness is added to emotional and physical consciousness but they don’t function in unison and harmony. “I Am” contains all three types of consciousness working in harmony, which results in mind-body integration. “I” belongs to the left-brain and is primarily connected with linear time. “Amness” is related to the right brain, which is being aware of one’s existence in the here and now. “I” has sense of time and bound by it, while “Amness” goes beyond time but retains a sense of space.

13. Naturality's other elements

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  • Science and Arts
  • Economics
  • Politics
  • Education
  • Environment

On the spectrum of human experience and knowledge, the arts belong to one end and science to the other. The arts provide exploration into the personal, physical, mental and mystical world; the explorations of science delve into the material and mental realm which can verified, observed, and confirmed by many.


The word Science comes from the Latin: scientia meaning "knowledge". According to Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary, the definition of science is "knowledge attained through study or practice," or "knowledge covering general truths of the operation of general laws, esp. as obtained and tested through scientific method [and] concerned with the physical world."

Science can affirm and confirm the path and process of Naturality and make it more democratic and available to the majority. That is the true contribution of science in human life. Whatever is happening in humans at the physical, mental and mystical level is all reflected in the body and brain. We now know for certain that any happening from within or without brings changes in the electrical, biochemical and energetic composition of the brain and body.


Britannica Online defines art as "the use of skill and imagination in the creation of aesthetic objects, environments, or experiences that can be shared with others."

Middle English art from Old French art from Latin artem, accusative of ars "art". Displaced native Middle English liste "art" (from Old English list).

Human effort to imitate, supplement, alter, or counteract the work of nature.

Creativity’s biggest challenge lies in the process of recreating ourselves. A true artist’s life itself becomes an art. Fragments of life come together, fuse and become whole and living through the creation of a symphony, painting or a poem.

Art is a rebellion to the mass and mundane way of life. It’s an effort to discover one’s unique way of being in the world and express it fully - a realm between ego and soul. As a dissatisfied person, the artist wants to interpret the world and nature in a unique way, becoming both creative and the creator. For this reason, art can be a step towards discovering one’s naturalness on the path of Naturality.


The English words "economy" and "economics" can be traced back to the Greek words οἰκονόμος "one who manages a household" (derived from οἴκος "house", and νέμω "distribute (especially, manage)"), οἰκονομία "household management", and οἰκονομικός "of a household or family".

Money is indeed sacred if it doesn’t accumulate and become stagnant. The movement of money is a sacred movement and if it remains a means and not an end, it helps a person to be fully functional, moving towards wholeness and well-being. Money takes away the worries of basic survival in the beginning and later on helps individuals discover and express the destiny for which they were born, which is also the goal of Naturality


The word politics comes from the Greek word Πολιτικά (politika), modeled on Aristotle's "affairs of the city", the name of his book on governing and governments, which was rendered in English mid-15 century as latinized "Polettiques".

The purpose of politics is to find consensus within a group, community, nation or the world. Politics has the responsibility to make daily living safe and manageable for the people, providing them with equal opportunity and recognizing the inequities with which they are born. Such movement of politics helps people to walk the path of Naturality.


Etymologically, the word education is derived from educare (Latin) "bring up", which is related to educere "bring out", "bring forth what is within", "bring out potential" and ducere, "to lead".

What is education? Education is a process of bringing forth what is within.

We all are born with an innate intelligence. The purpose of education is not to impose a specific mode of knowledge on children and students but to find out what their innate intelligence and then offer an education according to that. Then only education becomes a process which brings out what is embedded in a child as potential. Such education doesn’t neglect skill building to learn one’s livelihood but it goes also beyond to discover and express what is there within. If education takes that route, a child will remain in touch with his/her true nature and will live in harmony and flow with it. This is the essential condition of wellness and well- being.


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Further Readings

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  • J Krishnamurti – a Biography by Pupul Jayakar Penguin Books 2003, ISBN 9780140103434
  • The ending of time, J Krishnamurti, David Bohm, London : Gollancz, 1985 ISBN 0060647965
  • Krishnamurti's notebook, J Krishnamurti, Bramdean, Hampshire, Krishnamurti Foundation Trust Ltd, 2003. ISBN 9781888004632
  • The Other Side of Belief : Interpreting U.G. Krishnamurti, Penguin, Rao, Mukunda ISBN 0144000350, Year: 2005
  • Meditation: First and Last Freedom, Osho Publisher: St. Martins Press, USA ISBN 0312336632
  • Self-Realization: The Life and Teachings of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi, by B.V. Narasimha Swami ISBN 81-88225-74-6
  • Sri Aurobindo, or, The adventure of consciousness, 2nd ed. Satprem. Published 1984 by Institute for Evolutionary Research in Mount Vernon, ISBN 0938710044
  • The Mind of the Cells by Satprem(1982) Institute for Evolutionary Research, New York, NY ISBN 0-938710-06-0
  • Molecules of Emotion by Candace Pert - Publisher: SIMON & SCHUSTER ISBN 0684846349
  • Sex, Ecology, Spirituality: The Spirit of Evolution, 1st ed. 1995, 2nd rev. ed. 2001: ISBN 1-57062-744-4
  • Buddha's Brain: Neuroplasticity and Meditation, Richard Davidson: ISBN 0618378294
  • How God Changes Your Brain: Andrew Newberg, (coauthored with Mark Robert Waldman), Ballantine Books, 2009,ISBN 978-0-345-50341-1
  • Descartes' Error: Emotion, Reason, and the Human Brain, Antonio Damasio, revised Penguin edition, 2005 ISBN 1-56170-885-2
  • The Feeling of What Happens: Body and Emotion in the Making of Consciousness, Antonio Damasio, 1999 ISBN 9780151003693
  • The Strange Order of Things: Antonio Damasio, 2018 ISBN 9780307908766
  • The Birth and Death of Meaning, Ernest Becker 1971. ISBN 0-02-902190-1
  • The Denial of Death, Ernest Becker Collier-Mac, 1973. ISBN 0-02-902310-6
  • Escape from Evil, Ernest Becker Free Press, 1975. ISBN 0-02-902340-8
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About Naturality

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Founder: Jivasu
Inspiration: UG Krishnamurti, JKrishnamurti, Osho, Sri Aurobindo, Mother of Pondicherry.
Path: A Natural Path of Four Awakenings and Six Yogas
Core Learning:

  • Preparing for the path: Healthy Identity, Natural Personality and Three Fold Naturality Practice
  • Experiences on the path: Natural Crisis, Natural Self, Expansive Mind, Expansive Stillness and Expansive Fullness

Goal: To live in our Natural Self and go beyond
Experience: Freedom from Fear and Guilt and living in Peace, Passion and Bliss
Specific practices:
. Naturality poses and Pooja Yoga or prayer yoga

  • Kalajayi breath or breath of Dissolution
  • Expansive or Brahamn meditation

Headquarters in Hamilton - Canada and Rishikesh - India

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