This is an undergraduate/graduate engineering course originally developed and taught by Dr. Joshua M. Pearce, to teach students everything they need to know about open source 3-D printing in the RepRap tradition. When taught at Michigan Tech there is a $500 course fee for this course. This fee is used to purchase a MOST Delta RepRap 2 kit for students to build in the course, use in the course and then keep afterwards. Other universities that have adopted a variant of this course have either made a 3-D printer lab the students could use for the course, loaned out 3-D printers to students (e.g. Lulzbot Taz commercial RepRaps) or had students build a JellyBox RepRap that students assemble with zip ties and then disassemble for the next class. It is better if the students can build and hack their own systems, but that may be economically prohibitive in which the other methods are good substitutes. The difference between the undergraduate and graduate versions of the course is that the graduate students must do everything the undergraduates do, but also make a significant improvement on the RepRap printers and publish their mods.
Educators - you are free to take all or any part of this course and adapt it at your school including the videos. If you want access to the slides please email
The course is built around a selection of progressively more challenging exercises use to teach students OpenSCAD, FreeCAD and Blender so they can solve just about any 3-D printing design challenges. Here are the projects and a brief description.
Why 3-D Printing? A recent report from data company Wanted Analytics found that in one month 35 percent of engineering job listings from a variety of fields, including biomedical, software, and transportation industries, required applicants familiar with 3-D printing.[1] Forbes explains why 3D printing is such a big deal.
Why open source? You will make more money, because OS is more valuable. Recent analysis shows that jobs with the keywords "Microsoft Windows" have an average salary of $64,000, while jobs with the keyword "Linux" have an average salary of $99,000. [2]
This course provides an introduction to distributed additive manufacturing using open-source 3-D printing. First this course will provide an overview of open-source hardware and technological development in theory and practice. Both the use of software and user communities will be highlighted and demonstrated. Next, the course will detail the design, use and maintenance of the open-source electronics behind the development of self-replicating rapid prototypers. Then the technological evolution of the open-source 3-D printing technology will be covered with a focus on developing innovation for improved performance and materials selection. Each student will build a customized RepRap and the course will cover hardware, firmware, slicing and printer controller software for operating and maintaining the device. Finally the material properties, applications and ramifications of RepRap technology will be discussed.
The course is meant for advanced undergraduate and graduate students in engineering or science. Graduate students are expected to complete all coursework assigned to the undergraduates and an in depth project.
Textbook: J.M. Pearce, The Open-Source Lab (Elsevier,2014). Other reading will be handouts in class, on-line reading, and emailed pdfs. See hyperlinks in schedule.
An open source 3-D printer kit of the RepRap type available from many commercial vendors.
Free and open source software needed:
Laptop computer to be brought to class.
This course will be run as an intense seminar meeting as a group. Students will be expected to read the course material before class and actively participate in discussions. The majority of class time will be spent on projects in a flipped class format. Each student will be responsible for building a RepRap 3-D printer to use to complete the projects. Students will be responsible for giving short presentations on their projects on each sub-topic in front of the class at the end of the semester.
Graduate students will take the same lecture and projects as the undergraduates, however, they will also be expected to complete a significant improvement to the RepRap design by the end of the semester. They will demonstrate their mods for the class.
Grades will be based on the following:
RepRap build | 50 |
Appropedia user page, 4x mini projects | 50 |
Arthritis Aide Project | 200 |
Science Equipment Project | 250 |
OSAT Project | 250 |
Big Money Project or Science Equipment Advanced | 200 |
Total Points | 1000 |
Deduct 10% per day, up to 5 working days, then 0 grade. Only exception is for documented illness. Missed projects are penalized by the negative square of the percent total.
Appropriate behavior, attendance, participation and collaboration with your peers on group assignments is expected. Collaboration/Plagiarism Rules: Collaboration is encouraged on the group project but the individual project must be completed alone.
OSL= Open-Source Lab textbook
All course videos are housed on the open science framework - you can watch them there or download them.
Class# and video | Class description | Assignment |
Video 1 | Intro to class, build, big money, grad and mod, assigned | Syllabus, Schedule, M0.1 |
Video 2 | Get kits - Start Building Your 3D Printer! | Bring bags/boxes for large part and a sealed container for small parts. Safety, Start building, M0.2 |
Video 3 | RepRap software chain | M0.3,M0.4 |
Video 4 | OSH definitions, development, business | M1.1 |
Video 5 | OS licenses, legal discussion | M1.2 |
Video 6 | RepRap show and tell (monster build) (lecture on RepRap background) | RepRap built, BRING IT TO CLASS |
Video 7 | RepRap community, Printing tricks, Intro to wiki- Appropedia | M2.1-3, Create and populate Appropedia user page |
Video 8 | OpenSCAD Tutorial part 1/ in class micro project Rock wall project | M3.3, M3.4, |
Video 9 | OpenSCAD Tutorial part 2/ in class micro project - parametric script - Solve Everyone's Problems Customizer project | M3.3, M3.4, |
Video 10 | FreeCAD Tutorial/in class micro project lens cover | M3.5 |
Video 11 | Viking Mashup Project Blender Tutorial/in class micro project lamp shade | M3.2, M0.4 |
xx | Microproject show and tell | Bring microprojects printed |
Video 12 | Mechanical properties of 3-D printed parts | M3.0 Adaptive Aid assigned |
Video 13 | Arduino and automating your prints | M1.3 |
xx | Adaptive Aid show and tell | Open_Source_3-D_Printing/Adaptive_Aid due |
Video 14 | OS scientific hardware – lab partners | M4.1, M4.2, Scientific hardware project assigned |
Video 15 | Science Teams, OSH Sci Policy | Post lab partners-projects, M4.3 |
Video 16 | Science Teams - academic life | Science prototype due (online post) |
xx | Test prototype, revise, trouble shoot | Graduate students - choose project and list it on MOST Delta mods or Automated 3D printable scientific equipment |
xx | Science Show and Tell | Science revisions due, with data posted NIH/Github/Appropedia Gallery |
Video 17 | Open source appropriate technology | OSAT project M5.1 |
Video 18 | OSAT project | OSAT project chosen, M5.2 |
Video 19 | OSAT Project/Big Money Project-Sci+ | Big $ project Assigned |
Video 20 | Inventive thinking/OSAT Project/ Big Money Project-Sci+ | mech properties ninjaflex, Why the world needs deep generalists, not specialists |
xx | Inventive thinking/OSAT Project/ Big Money Project-Sci+ | TRIZ 3D printers creative genius |
xx | OSAT Show and Tell | OSAT final due |
xx | Finish final projects | Return Loaner Printers |
xx | Last day – The Future, Money Project-Sci+ and Grad | Big Money Project, Graduate Project Due: MOST Delta mods or Automated 3D printable scientific equipment |
OSL= Open-Source Lab textbook
Other good watching:
First International Workshop on "Low-cost 3D Printing for Science, Education and Sustainable Development, 25. Hopes and Fears, 27. Open Hardware and Arduino, 31. Prehistoric Collections: Digitizing the Leaky collection and interesting perspectives on digital rights and proprietary museum collections, 33. Bringing a CAD model into a physical object: Ranelucci video, 54. The future of 3D printing: Another Ranelucci video.
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Educational level: this is a tertiary (university) resource. |
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Type classification: this resource is a course. |
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Subject classification: this is an engineering resource. |