Tarot Reading

From Wikiversity - Reading time: 41 min

How to interpret the Tarot cards and read them in a spread.

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Things To Look For In A Reading

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When you start to read the cards of course it is important to know the meaning of each card. Most people buy a book of some kind, usually the one that goes with the deck they have bought and learn each card as they go along.

Remember that reversed cards have an altered or weakened meaning. Most books will also detail what this is.

That is just the beginning. Although you can read the cards literally this will cut down on the amount of information you can give to a client.

Intuition is a vital ingredient in Tarot reading. Very often a client will sit there trying to give nothing away which is up to them. Naturally, it is easier with a client who has something to ask so that you can approach the reading from that angle. However, you can still read a person from the vibes they give off and body language; a natural reader will do this without thinking about it.

Now, when it comes to the cards themselves I would say that when you know the meanings you have to see which comes foremost into your mind. The books often give a string of almost unrelated words; this is to encourage you to see what fits in each circumstance.

One of the words or phrases will stand out in your mind – this is the place to start. As you go along a narrative will come together and the reading will make sense.

Also look for connections. Does any suit occur often within the spread (are there a lot of cups around)? What might this mean as part of the full picture? I often look at this once I have initially read each of the cards for the client, I try to give them an atmosphere of what is most significant in their lives at this time.

Are there any shapes or forms within the cards themselves that re-occur? Does this strike you as significant?

Of course, you learn as you go along and the more readings you do, the better you get at making the connections.

If you’re new or fairly inexperienced at readings then have a go at doing a spread with no-one there just to practise making these connections and seeing what pops into your head. It might help to picture an imaginary person you might be doing the reading for. Look at it as coursework. It does no harm and helps you to become more fluent.

How Sensitive Do You Need To Be?

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This is a question which raises itself from time to time when doing a Tarot reading. Often you do not need to censor what you are saying, but there are times when you have to judge just how wise it is not to say too much.

Some people would say that you must always tell exactly what you see no matter what the consequences. I would argue that this is not true. Sometimes it is wiser to temper a reading a little. Be true to what the cards are telling you, but circumnavigate a hurtful core if you feel the person you are reading for is not going to be able to deal with it well.

The vocabulary you use may need to be modified; you may need to discuss the card meaning in a more circumspect manner in order for the client to comprehend what it may contain before tackling the subject directly; you may need to use warning and possibility. Being a “sensitive” has two interpretations: being sensitive to the cards, what they are telling you and what is emanating from your client. On a more mundane level you have to be sensitive to peoples’ feelings.

If someone comes to you for a reading, or advice, they are often vulnerable. They may be waiting to hear what they want to hear and this will make itself clear through conversation or a direct question that they ask.

It is the tarot reader’s responsibility to act according to what they feel about the person before them.

No one wants bad news, but sometimes it has to be told. If, like myself, you get images and feelings entering your mind as a consequence of the reading, but not directly part of it, this is often a sign that warning needs to be given and acted upon. For example, during a reading I once had a very strong impression of discomfort in the stomach area and said as much to the client who responded that she was having medical exploration to determine what was causing stomach problems which she had not previously mentioned. I had identified something that was on her mind but only tangentially on the cards. As a result we were able to discuss it and I was able to give her assurance that tackling the issue now was going to have a beneficial outcome and it was no real problem.

Sometimes it is just a card that is giving a message and has no strongly associated psychic response. The Tower reversed: this cropped up recently and while I knew what it signified, the person I was reading for was in no state to take the news well. Instead I issued a warning in guarded terms and talked around the issue giving care advice in general which also related to the specific subject.

It is a mistake which new and inexperienced readers make that they will go hell for leather into interpretation and give out dire warnings and forecasts for the pleasure of being right, rather than taking time to consider how to couch bad news. The element of drama is rarely necessary and taking the time to think and consider in a reading how you are going to put things across will pay greater dividends.

Exercise – Getting to Know the Cards

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It is important that you let the cards become part of your consciousness. Some people recommend sleeping with them under your pillow to allow them to tune into your subconscious. Do so, if you wish, but it is not essential.

The following exercise will help you to absorb information and foster familiarity:

• Select a pack that appeals to you and keep it by you as much as possible.

• Look through the cards on a regular basis, taking in the pictures on them. You do not need to learn the meanings at this stage. Simply let the images take root in your mind and imagination.

• Pick a card and look at it for a minute or so. Close your eyes and see how accurately you can picture the card in your head.

• Do this regularly until you feel you are familiar with the pictures.

• You may get certain feelings from seeing the images in your mind; note them, but do not write them down at this stage.

• Sometimes your imagination will make the characters move or you might imagine them speaking; again, note this, but do not write it down.

The point is to get used to the tools before you begin working with them. It frees up your own mind and imagination in readiness for the work you will need to do to learn the meanings of the cards.

The images need time to settle into your subconscious. It is a relaxing thing to do and informative. The images will work in their own way just as your mind will.

NB DO NOT let others handle your cards. They are your tools and, just as in any other trade, you need them to work for you. Only hand cards to other people when you are going to do a reading for them and then only to shuffle.

There is no need to keep a sense of mystery, just explain why you do not want people to play with them. Keep another set by, if you like, for people to look at – a curiosity pack.

INTERPRETATIONS - The Rider/Waite pack

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I worked on these interpretations over about a year, picking cards at random after shuffling and writing down what they made me think on that day. I have a thirty-year acquaintance with the pack and so the meanings spring from the original stated meanings in the literature that accompanies the pack, from the illustrations, and from my own psyche in response to them.

They are meant as a guide and are not definitive.

The Major Arcana

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0 The Fool

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Hang onto your hat and once more unto the breach! Time to take a risk and step into the unknown. You’ve been itching to do it for a while, but have lacked the courage. Now is the time. Get onto that top diving board and jump. Your life is in need of a radical shake up and what can you lose? Everything, or nothing.

0 The Fool (reversed)

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You seem to have some kind of death-wish as far as your personal development and career go. You take unreasonable risks and expect others to deal with the consequences. Some friends like to come along for the ride, but only because they are as reckless as you are. Others avoid you like the plague and would never employ you. Risk can be good, constant heedless risk is asking for trouble.

I The Magician

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You have achieved a level of knowledge and control in a skill which is to be admired. Sometimes you may feel the need to show off about this – it is not there so you can lord it over people, but you must make the choice how to use what you have learnt. If you admire a person of similar skill watch them and learn. You are in a good place.

I The Magician (reversed)

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Things are not what they seem. You are in contact with a trickster. Be careful of the influence this person will try to have; they have their own interests at heart. They love to blind you with science. Listen carefully and think about what might be true and what not.

II The High Priestess

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Still waters run deep; you've been hiding something of yourself and now you know it is time to share it with everyone. They think you are so easy to understand, but this new revelation will make them respect you more. Share.

II The High Priestess (reversed)

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You’ve been keeping a few things hidden and feeling superior about it. You indulge in your knowledge. People feel you look down on them – and you do! They find you intimidating and will tend to keep their distance. What is hidden can come to the surface when you least expect it and then you’re in for trouble.

III The Empress

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Fertility is the name of the game here in all aspects. This card brings the blessings of abundance to those that surround it. Of course, this may be the sign that a new child is on its way. Alternatively, as a creative you will begin to produce what your public will appreciate; in business you may be about to make a breakthrough; in your personal life it is the sign of a time when you can achieve a happiness you have dreamed of.

III The Empress (reversed)

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You have reached a position of stagnation. Your creative flow has ceased because you have become stuck in a repetitive cycle of behaviour. You must find a way to break out and take a new direction. Start to consider the alternatives in life: what can you do differently? Look around you for inspiration, talk to others, research – and then DO!

IV The Emperor

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You respect this man in both opinions and actions. He is fair and just, but can be inflexible. Take advantage of his strengths while remembering he is no sensitive flower.

IV The Emperor (reversed)

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This man has authority over you and he is a bigot. He looks down on you. No matter how hard you try, you cannot change his opinions. Do not be influenced by him. Move away before he erodes your self-worth.

V The Hierophant

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Things are starting to get a bit spiritual, but make sure you are approaching with an open mind. Don't get blinded by dogma; your way forward requires discussion, but beware of a person who dominates. Pros and cons are important.

V The Hierophant (reversed)

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This person is ruled by dogma. They know only the rule of what they believe, and they believe they are right. If you are on the wrong side of them, take care. Or it may be you who are too hidebound; make an effort to widen your horizons or you will suffer for it.

VI The Lovers

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Life presents you with two choices now: you can remain as you are or move forward into a new relationship. The signs are positive in either direction. If you decide to move on with a relationship you should ensure that everything is secure. If you remain where you are, personal growth lies ahead of you.

VI The Lovers (reversed)

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You are tied into a relationship that isn’t working any more. You see all the negatives, but daren’t move out of it. Pluck up your courage and move on. Conversely, you may be too attached to your way of life to get into a relationship. Grow up, leave your parents or your routine behind and move towards the maturity of bonding with someone you like. It may be scary, but it is what you need.

VII The Chariot

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You have gained control over various parts of your life that have been pulling you in different directions. All this has taken its toll on your psychological health, but that is now also becoming less of a problem as you gain confidence. People respect you for the sense of direction you have found. They will follow your lead if you need them to.

VII The Chariot (reversed)

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You’ve spread yourself so thin that you’re practically being pulled in half! You have been trying to control too many situations. Either your ego needs to always to take control, or you are too timid to say no. This must stop because you are heading for a meltdown. Prioritize and pull out before it is too late.

VIII Strength

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People are wondering how you can be so serene and yet manage the things you do. You can’t see what’s so special about it. You are more about getting on with things than “coping”. You don’t see most things as a challenge, but when you do want a challenge you will attempt the impossible and probably achieve it. Remember to recharge your batteries from time to time.

VIII Strength (reversed)

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Well, aren’t you the passive-aggressive one? It is no good putting your opinions out there and not backing them up with action. A little sniding behind peoples’ backs is not the way to go. You need to get some backbone and fight for what you believe in. Go take some assertiveness classes and then stand by what you say. Earn some respect.

IX The Hermit

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Proceed with caution and look at every step ahead. A new situation requires careful planning. You have the experience, but are not confident in yourself. Don’t be afraid to ask advice, then act on your own reaction to it.

IX The Hermit (reversed)

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Do you really want to keep yourself so much to yourself? You are becoming too isolated from friends. You are becoming too timid to get on with life and this is not good for you. Make the decision to go out one day this week and do something you used to do, but have given up on. You need to see that the world is not as frightening as you think.

X Wheel of Fortune

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Aren’t you the lucky one? Luck is right on your side at the moment, but make the most of it because it will turn. Be prepared for things to get a little harder now in whatever direction you turn. If you don’t you will be in for a big shock. It is too easy to be complacent; plan for the harder times and it won’t be so bad. You can still be successful, you will just have to think more creatively about how you approach life.

X Wheel of Fortune (reversed)

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You have reached a nadir; luck has not been on your side. You may have been trying to fight it and this just wasn’t the time. From now things should start to improve. Don’t expect a massive lottery win, just an easing of the situation. Now you should put effort into what you want to achieve.

XI Justice

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Remember to keep perspective. You have to sort out this situation and mustn’t be blinded by prejudice. If friends are asking you to help arbitrate then you need to look at both sides and make a rational decision. The result may be crucial for your life or someone else’s.

XI Justice (reversed)

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You are looking in the wrong place for a fair hearing. You keep asking people to back you who only have their own ends in view. You will suffer more if you carry on. It is time to look elsewhere, to those who believe in you. Change your situation, you can’t win.

XII The Hanged Man

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Some things have to be got through and that’s the point you’re at. You will see the situation clearer afterwards, but for now you have to bear with whatever you are feeling. Know that your present situation will end and mend; it is a positive experience even if it doesn’t yet feel that way.

XII The Hanged Man (reversed)

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Is it really worth all the suffering? You are going through a bad situation, but you have sought it yourself to some extent. Now you will have to put up with the experience and it won’t be a pleasant one. Once it is over at least you will have learnt a lesson. Ensure that you know what the end is going to be before you subject yourself to the means!

XIII Death

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There is an inevitability about what is going to happen to you. Your life will be completely transformed and you are about to make a completely fresh start. You were not expecting this and it is all the more powerful because of that. Remember this is a positive time even though you are leaving behind all that has gone before. You will be so much better for the change.

XIII Death (reversed)

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Far more positive than it looks, but the same is true as when the card is upright: a complete change of your life is about to occur. You will not welcome it, but you have to come to terms with it. It is what you need, not what you want. The universe has decided to alter your direction. Go with the flow and embrace the change, if you don’t then much heartache will follow. Allow yourself to adapt, it will be better.

XIV Temperance

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It’s time to concentrate on making a situation appropriately fit for development. You are working towards an important goal and you know the circumstances need to be just right, but you’re a little unconfident. Don’t worry, you have the intuition to work out what needs to be done. You can combine the circumstances and people to get where you want to.

XIV Temperance (reversed)

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You cannot do one thing instead of another, there has to be a balance. You are trying to force your life into a certain path even though you really know that you should be following a middle way. Temper what you don’t want to do with what you do. If you keep forcing the issue you will become stressed. Sit back and think, make notes, work it out or you will pay the price.

XV The Devil

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You are attached to a particular way of living and thinking. You remain blinkered to any life choice other than the one you have made. Those around you support you in this attitude. You wonder why you feel frustrated. It is time you asked yourself a few pertinent questions about where you are heading and did something about your stagnation. Your views on others need updating, too.

XV The Devil (reversed)

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If you sup with the Devil you will need a long spoon; you’ve made your bed and now you must lie in it. You have wilfully been making choices which you knew weren’t for the best, but have done it to spite others. You’ve had your enjoyment, but now you will have to pay for it. Maybe financially, emotionally or professionally, but you have only yourself to blame.

XVI The Tower

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A sudden and dramatic event that shatters your world. It is a clearing out of the old ready for the foundations of the new. You will have a period of shock, then readjustment, but it is all for the good. If you have an injury, it will make you reassess your life; be assured it will pass and you will be renewed, but with a different perspective on things.

XVI The Tower (reversed)

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Unexpectedly catastrophic. An event you weren’t expecting changes your life. You have believed in something with foundations of sand which you couldn’t see. Maybe the end of a business or it could be a personal injury. It is time to start building again when you regain your strength.

XVII The Star

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Ever the optimist, you are hoping that things will turn out right. You have the ability to create the proper circumstances. Take a measured view of what you are beginning and look to blend the elements you need to make it work. You are a great support to so many people because you always have faith.

XVII The Star (reversed)

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You spend too much time hoping that things will turn out for the best. You need to put some effort into shaping your destiny. You can’t keep blaming other people and fate for what is not right in your life. Find a way to become more active – exercise, set goals and do what you need to achieve them. Stay as you are and depression is your only friend.

XVIII The Moon

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Start relying on your intuition; it's working well at the moment. Add to it a bit of common sense and you'll be a force to be reckoned with. Ward off any tendency to melancholy with a shot of what makes you feel good.

XVIII The Moon (reversed)

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You're out of balance just now and your head doesn't feel like it belongs to you. Worry is your constant companion. Try meditation or just relaxation techniques, but don't focus on what's bothering you. Wait for this time to pass - it will.

XIX The Sun

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And it all comes together. You’ve been striving for a while and all that work finally pays off. Remember, this isn’t the end; it is just the beginning of something new and better. You can bask for a little while though.

XIX The Sun (reversed)

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Try as you might you can’t get to the level of expertise you need. You’ve been trying hard for a long time, but it isn’t working. Time to change tack. You have other skills and your brain is ready for new challenges. Carry on as you are and you will fail again.

XX Judgement

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Wake up and smell the coffee! It's time to get out and do something; you've been lazy for too long. Somehow you've got into a rut and you know you need to do something about it. You've got the energy and the ability and now is the time to use it!

XX Judgement (reversed)

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Don’t just sit around giving your opinion, get out and do something about it. You pontificate and bluster, telling people how to live their lives while yours is slowly stagnating. You need to give yourself a good kick and move onto a more positive outlook and get active. You have a lot to offer, if you can offer it in a more motivating way.

XXI The World

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Now is the time when everything comes together; you can meld your achievements. Take stock of what you have in your store. Soon it will be time to move into a new cycle of life and you must take what you have learnt and challenge yourself once again.

XXI The World (reversed)

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Sealing yourself away and feeling you know it all is not the way forward. Do you really think you have reached your full potential? Get real and get out there. You may have reached a point of conclusion, but this is also a point of departure in another direction. Get over yourself!

The Minor Arcana

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Ace of Wands

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Get ready for the start of a new enterprise. You’ve got the push to do it, you’ve got the ideas. Now is the time. Don’t lose confidence. Bring in positive people that you know can help you; they will respond to firm leadership. Go for it.

Ace of Wands (reversed)

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Now is not the time to be starting a new venture. You’ve got all the ideas, but are not quite prepared. Someone who is offering to help out is not reliable; they mean well yet are not committed. Make sure you do more groundwork and then start when you are sure you are ready.

Two of Wands

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You’ve worked hard to get to where you are and now you are faced with the choice of moving to another place. There is a promotion for you, but you will have to make a change. Are you prepared to leave your present life and move a fair distance? Weigh up the pros and cons. This is what you have been working for, be brave and make that step.

Two of Wands (reversed)

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You spend too much time thinking about travelling the world, but never do it. You keep waiting for work to lessen and say "one day" will be right to do it. Get on with it, or that "one day" will never come.

Three of Wands

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You’ve got a longing to move further afield, but are wary about what that may mean. You are secure enough to be able to move on. Don’t be afraid to leave your work behind: a new job in a new place is what you need. It is time.

Three of Wands (reversed)

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It’s no good thinking what would have happened if you lived further afield. You get lost in wondering about wandering, but let work keep you fixed to the spot. Now is the time when you need to break loose. Only your mind ties you to this place.

Four of Wands

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You feel a celebration approaching: it’s time to take some reward for all your work. This may be in your career, study, or an achievement you’ve been working towards. You deserve to be praised for what you have done. Others will be happy to join in, even if you don’t realise how much they appreciate you. Party!

Four of Wands (reversed)

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The harvest is over and it is time to start preparing for the next one. You have a few foundations to lay for the next part of your career, but you seem to be hesitating. Take some time to think, or make a list of what appeals, then pick one and get on with it.

Five of Wands

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Fight the good fight – that’s the way to do it! You know when something is fundamentally wrong and you are prepared to put yourself on the line to say so. Other people appreciate this in you. You state your case well and don’t go shouting the odds. You know how to succeed, but also when to back down. Just make sure you keep the others backing you when you need them, don’t let them shirk it.

Five of Wands (reversed)

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Things are getting nasty at work: too many people are struggling to dominate a situation. You need to take a step back and honestly assess what is going on. Stress will be the result otherwise. Is it time for a change?

Six of Wands

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What you have achieved is by your own hard work. Enjoy the position you’ve reached, but don’t let it go to your head. You have a responsibility to others. Ensure they are working with you as well as, possibly, for you. Help them do their best.

Six of Wands (reversed)

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You have reached a certain position at work and now you think you are so far above everyone else. Remember you are part of a team; you may lead or manage them, but you would have no work without them. You are not popular with your colleagues just now. Think about what you can do to change that.

Seven of Wands

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You have to defend your position, make sure it is the right one. You feel as if you’ve been backed into a corner and you have to fight for the weakest. Make sure the fight is worth it and that you get recognition. Try to ensure you keep things calm.

Seven of Wands (reversed) Why battle with your workmates? There's no point as it only drains your energy more. People make so many demands on you - are you a soft touch? Take stock and do something about it.

Eight of Wands

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You’ve been so efficient lately that everyone wants you to do some work for them. You are full of confidence and your prioritising skills are working well. Don’t take on more than you can handle, though; you want your reputation for efficiency to stay intact.

Eight of Wands (reversed)

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It never rains but it pours. Everyone wants your attention and your help and you just don't have the physical resources at the moment. Take care of yourself; they can help themselves if you leave them to it. Don't take phone calls from work.

Nine of Wands

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You are feeling totally isolated and overwhelmed by your work. How did you get into this position? You kept accepting a bigger workload. Learn how to say no. It is making you aggressive and unpleasant to be around at work and at home. Find a better work-life balance.

Nine of Wands (reversed)

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You are feeling intimidated by circumstances at work. It feels as if everyone is against you. Work to find out who your allies are, you are not alone, but don’t realise it. Maybe it is time to change your job, or to alter the conditions. Speak out about it.

Ten of Wands

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You are at the point where you have the strength to take on more tasks at work. Could be that a promotion is being offered. You have the experience and the stamina, so take it. If working for yourself; now is the time to stretch yourself. There are new challenges to be faced. Just make sure you know when to cut back and always include plans for breaks and holidays for your well-being.

Ten of Wands (reversed)

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You will keep taking things on. Remember you work to live not live to work. Hand over some of those jobs you don't have to do. Delegate is the word of the moment.

Page of Wands

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If you can get past this person’s “know-it-all” persona about work they are quite nice to know. They can’t help how they are and maybe need more social contact. You might be the one to make a difference. This person can be single-minded, but they also have potential to be fascinated by the world outside of work, they just don’t realise that – yet.

Page of Wands (reversed)

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Beware, there’s an office sneak around. This person seems to be nice and friendly, but they’ve got ambition and they will do anything to get ahead. They watch and they tell tales to make themselves look better. Not a liar, but someone not to be trusted. If you’re in a relationship with this person remember they will keep nothing to themselves.

Knight of Wands

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He’s a big, solid hero. So what if he isn’t that bright? He’ll be as faithful as a hound with eyes to match, especially if you hurt him. He is sincere and honourable. He’ll do most things to make you happy, and if you are happy, he is happy. He won’t go down the line of intellectual conversation and games of chess, but if you’re happy with that, go for it!

Knight of Wands (reversed)

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He’s not the sharpest knife in the drawer; bigger on brawn than brains and that is going to be a drawback. He does not do sympathy or empathy. “Charging in like a bull at a gate” is the phrase made for him. Quick physical relationship – yes, long-term partner – no.

Queen of Wands

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It’s true she can be a little aloof, but she’s nice really. If she is your boss, you are a lucky person. She understands business and how to motivate staff, and she is always open to ideas and discussion. She is no pushover, though. If you are in a relationship with her then you might find her more driven by her career than passion.

Queen of Wands (reversed)

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A harsh disciplinarian, she rules with a rod of iron. Do not expect this woman to take excuses. She expects you to do your job to the best of your ability. She is never off sick and expects her co-workers to be the same. At times she will demand too much. Be firm with her and don’t let her exploit you. If she sees you are weak she will take advantage. You must be prepared to deal with her or get yourself another job for your own sake.

King of Wands

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A boss-type who can be relied on. If he’s your boss you need never fear asking his advice, it will please him, but don’t let him down by inefficiency. If you are in a relationship with him you may find that he sometimes has more mind on his work than on you. He’s basically decent, so this might be worth putting up with.

King of Wands (reversed)

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Your boss is really putting the pressure on you just now, but you don't have to take it. Put your foot down no matter how hard it may be. Let them know you're not a wage slave. Learn to work hard, but don't overdo it.

Ace of Cups

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At last a relationship that’s going somewhere. It’s just the start of a good match and everything is blissful. Don’t get completely lost in the relationship; it is part of a wider life. Make the most of where you match and learn to respect your differences.

Ace of Cups (reversed)

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You’re wasting so much emotional energy, take some time out. You need to be alone to reconsider and recover. You have so much to give yet you don’t give to the right people. Shed the ones who drain you and give nothing back.

Two of Cups

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Sharing is a good thing, mutual sharing is even better. Now is the time to examine a potential partnership and ask if you understand each other. It’s time to talk, find common ground, where you differ and discover how to make it work.

Two of Cups (reversed)

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Remember that bargaining in relationships is a two-way thing, be sure the other person understands what you want and don't just take it for granted. Listen to what they want. You are in danger of not putting enough effort into your current partnership.

Three of Cups

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Raise a glass to the party season. It’s time to enjoy yourself because you’ve earnt it. You’ve been supportive to your friends and they have decided to reward you. No false modesty – you should make the most of the opportunity. There will be time to come back to earth afterwards. You are a good and loyal friend and that isn’t going to change. Be thankful that you are appreciated.

Three of Cups (reversed)

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You're feeling closed out of the love at the moment. You've been trying to get into that crowd and, while they accept you, they don't really think of you as one of them. Maybe it is time to move on, find others who are more likeminded, and leave those "good timers" to themselves.

Four of Cups

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The good things keep coming at the moment and you do right to enjoy them; you have done your best to achieve. Good things come to those who wait. This may be a time when you get to choose a relationship from a few who are looking at you. Or it could be that the good feeling and support you have given to others is returning home three-fold.

Four of Cups (reversed)

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You cannot be an emotional sponge and expect people to worship at your feet, or satisfy your whims. You need to give out more. Have a good look at yourself and ask what you can do to empathise with others. Work on giving more emotional support.

Five of Cups

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You are upset because you seem to have wasted your time, but it’s not true. You’ve lost some of what you achieved yet there is some good feeling stored for you. Look to progress in a different direction. What you have done will be useful. There is a way forward.

Five of Cups (reversed)

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You have withdrawn so far into yourself considering your "wrongs"; you really think other people have done badly to you. Pay more attention! You have unfulfilled potential and you're just not looking in the right direction to see it!

Six of Cups

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A little bit of specialness is coming your way. People are going to show their appreciation for your care and concern. It is time to enjoy things coming your way which you didn’t expect or ask for. Take a bit of time to be happy, relax in the respect and love of your friends and family; you can get back to looking after them later.

Six of Cups (reversed)

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You feel unappreciated and maybe people are not taking enough notice of the things you do for them. Don’t be afraid to drop some hints, they are maybe just being a bit thoughtless. You do tend to brood about these things and makes you a less generous person. Don’t let this affect who you are. After all, you know you are a considerate and helpful person and, sometimes, that should be its own reward.

Seven of Cups

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It's party time! But don't just go for the sake of it, decide why you need this. You spend too much time dreaming. Make things happen.

Seven of Cups (reversed)

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You spend too much time thinking about what you deserve and not enough going out to get it. If you want something you've got to work for it. Get your head out, and your hands working - you can do it!

Eight of Cups

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Now is the time to start exploring the unknown. You've enough resources to do it, and if it doesn't work out there are no worries for when you get back. It may be time for that venture you never dared. Remember those close to you care.

Eight of Cups (reversed)

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Oh, you just love walking away, don’t you? This tendency to turn your back on the good things and go searching for another goal is damaging your life. You must make yourself turn round now and again, take stock and see the good things for what they are. People don’t trust you enough to involve you because they are afraid you will leave them at a crucial time.

Nine of Cups

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You are not the guardian of emotions, you are merely an advisor. Share what you have learnt and help others to learn from what you know. You would make a good agony aunt, but don’t be tempted to take the high moral ground. People like you and trust you and this will pay back dividends of love and devotion.

Nine of Cups (reversed)

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A bit too self-satisfied at the moment. You sit there giving your opinion and advising others on their love lives without much justification. You must stop bullying people into taking your advice. Spend some time observing people and learning. You do have an intuitive understanding of emotion, but must learn to develop it more deeply and use it in a much more positive way.

Ten of Cups

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Talk about “everything’s coming up roses” – and it is! A time to be thankful for the good things in your life. Make sure you share them with others. In fact, it’s not a bad time to have a party. Throw one just for the sake of it and get all your friends together, it will be one of the best you’ve ever had.

Ten of Cups (reversed)

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You still have a way to go before you can celebrate. Your family may be pressuring you to hold a great party; if they want one, let them throw one. You have business to sort out, either work or some matter relating to those closest to you. Once you have settled that you will be able to do your own celebrating in your own time.

Page of Cups

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What a cute little love-bundle! Fallen on your feet here with someone who is so affectionate. Beware, though, they’re easily hurt. This person likes to have fun and do quirky things on days off. Interesting in conversation and very outgoing. They are loyal and just a little bit clingy. Check the cards around this one to gauge more about personality.

Page of Cups (reversed)

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This one’s a sneaky one. Will definitely lead you on because they thrive on people who fall for them. A kind of emotional sponge. Male or female, they like to whip up a sense that a relationship with them is about to happen, then they disappear without committing at a crucial moment.

Knight of Cups

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He’s cool, calm and collected; he has a practical and caring approach to life; he is honest about what he has to offer. This might be just what you need. However, if you’re looking for passion and excitement, you’ll have to discuss it with him first. As a friend, this is someone who you can talk to at length and who will always give good advice about relationships of all kinds.

Knight of Cups (reversed)

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This one can be the classic love rat. He is so confident and makes you believe that you are the one, but that’s what he does to them all. He can hold conversation, he can be attentive, but once he is bored there will be someone else on the horizon. You are probably too sensitive to take him for what he is. It may be difficult, but tear yourself away and wait for someone who responds to you.

Queen of Cups

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Cool, calm and collected, she carries a soothing atmosphere about with her. You go to her for quiet chats over tea. It is not so much that she shares wisdom than that she encourages wisdom to emerge from those around her. You respond to the flow of spirituality from her that helps you see other perspectives.

Queen of Cups (reversed)

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Oh, she loves to give advice about love and relationships, but she is clueless! She just wants to be involved. Don’t take advice or trust her with your innermost emotional secrets. She is probably a fan of online dating and runs an advice column in her parish magazine. Amusing enough in her own way as long as you don’t take her seriously. Couldn’t keep a relationship of her own going to save her life!

King of Cups

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Firm, but fair – that’s how to describe him. He has a clear mind when it comes to affairs of the heart and is someone to go to for advice. To some he can seem a bit stern, but he’s a softie, really. He has a sense of fairness when dealing with people. A bit of a stay-at-home, though. He probably makes a good cup of tea.

King of Cups (reversed)

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He's very generous of heart, but not what you need right now. His advice is too sentimental and while you may admire his qualities, he is not the person to look up to. You ought to be giving him advice rather than vice versa.

Ace of Pentacles

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Success beckons and you have the know-how to achieve it. Do not be over-confident because there is still work to do. You know you will help others when you get where you want to be, but don’t tell them yet. A little more effort is required and the rewards will be yours to do with as you please. Of course, you have to work out how to remain successful once you get there, and yes there is some wealth here.

Ace of Pentacles (reversed)

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You’ve been too preoccupied with money and now you’re paying the price. People think you are money-orientated and selfish. You are hoping to set yourself up for the future, but you have been using some pretty dubious methods. Re-think your strategy; there are more straightforward ways to make money. There is also more to life.

Two of Pentacles

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Yes, you are very good at balancing, but at the moment you need to put away something for the future because there's a big travel opportunity coming and you've been too busy spending on other things. You can do it; set your mind to it.

Two of Pentacles (reversed)

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You have spent so much time weighing up your options that it has become a hobby! You cannot procrastinate forever; you need to make a decision. It is probably time to move on, but you lack the courage to do so. The world would be your oyster if you dared to open it. Also, people are getting fed up of hearing you discuss whether to move on or not.

Three of Pentacles

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It is time to consider charitable giving. Choose your cause well, after all it is your hard-earned cash you’ll be donating. Perhaps there is a skill you can use to help a charity or good cause – this can be worth more than money. Follow your instincts and you will feel the glow of generosity that does not draw attention to itself.

Three of Pentacles (reversed)

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Don’t get too involved in a project you are currently working on. You need to keep an eye on the finances. Someone is making money out of it in a way you haven’t seen. You have been too generous with your skills. Pay attention to those who got you involved, ask a few questions and make sure they are paying you what you are worth.

Four of Pentacles

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You are very sensibly keeping your money by you or investing it wisely. You have some ideas about how to attract more. Be warned, though, you could do to spend some of it just to spread the love a little. Could you endow a charity? Don’t be mean to yourself, and don’t be seen as a miser. You could give a little help here and there.

Four of Pentacles (reversed)

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What good is just sitting on your cash and being scared to spend anything? You are giving yourself a really hard time and people are calling you a skinflint. Even spending on basics is becoming a problem. You must get a grip on this situation. Look at it rationally: money has to be spent to live and you are not poor just now. Budget, by all means, but get over the problem you have with spending!

Five of Pentacles

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Your endeavours are a beacon of hope to some people. You have been involved in fundraising or charitable work and are beginning to see the fruits of your labour. You still feel there is lots to be done and have the knowledge and strength to do it. You can persuade others to join you and they will, willingly. Keep it going while you have the drive, and prepare a network to help you.

Five of Pentacles (reversed)

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You seem to be feeling left out, marginalised. You must ask yourself what makes you feel like this. Is it true and what is your way forward? You have been injured by circumstances, but there is hope. Your forward path will be hard and ultimately rewarding if you take it. Now is not the time to stay as your are or wallow in self-pity. Take small steps, but take them.

Six of Pentacles

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Not only are you being generous with money at the moment, you are also helping others to sort out their finances. Plenty will come to you for advice – don’t let this go too far. Keep a perspective and help those who you feel really need it. It could be time to work with one charity or good cause that you really empathize with. You have a wonderful talent for helping others; make the most of it, but don’t squander it. Enjoy what you’re doing just now.

Six of Pentacles (reversed)

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It is no good giving away money you have not got. You like to be seen as a charitable person, there is your fault. Charity should be done out of sight if it is personal; don’t look for praise from others for doing it. You can turn this around, organise a fundraiser and get others to enjoy themselves while donating their money, then everyone will be happy.

Seven of Pentacles

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Take satisfaction in what you have achieved; it has been through your own hard work. Remember it is a sign of what is possible. Continue the hard work and don’t rest on your laurels. Encourage others to take inspiration from your actions.

Seven of Pentacles (reversed)

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You feel that you aren’t getting rewarded enough for all your hard work. You seem to have been toiling for ages and yet the returns are pretty poor. Try not to dwell on it and maybe look for another way to earn what you need. If people don’t value you, then perhaps you need to change the people you work for, or the way you work. Conversely, are you, perhaps, overestimating your worth?

Eight of Pentacles

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Now is the time to put your back into things. You have the skills to make some money out of your craft, but you can’t just sit back and expect it to happen. You have to market yourself and make sure you can deliver the goods. Keep those skills up to speed.

Eight of Pentacles (reversed)

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You’ve been working hard and not getting your just rewards. Maybe you feel too obliged to work above and beyond the call of duty. If you don’t feel confident enough to stand up for the proper reward then look for someone to help you. Carry on as you are and you will be worn out and poorer, financially and spiritually.

Nine of Pentacles

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You can take it easy for a while; investments you've been making in time or money are paying off and allow you some relaxation. It won't last forever, but make the most of it and use some of the time to plan ahead once more.

Nine of Pentacles (reversed)

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You have been drifting along in a world of your own thinking spending doesn’t matter and now you’ve found out it does. Re-organise your finances and start making savings. You need your money to work for you if you want security in the future. A useful lesson to be learnt here.

Ten of Pentacles

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You are in a place where money is all around you. Think carefully about what you do with yours. You may be tempted to spend what you do not have. Watch, listen and learn: you will know where to spend sensibly. Is this a time to give charity?

Ten of Pentacles (reversed)

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You keep thinking that your life should be all easy living and plenty of money; this is going to get you into financial trouble because you aren’t earning enough to keep you. You need to start working a lot harder and playing a lot less. You might be able to fool those who want to live off you in the good times, but those closest can see what is happening. You might be needing them shortly.

Page of Pentacles

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Someone you can trust with financial control on a business level, or as a salesperson because they know how to get people to spend. Probably not very good on a social level, but likeable enough. You’re more likely to have a coffee and a chat with them than a relationship.

Page of Pentacles (reversed)

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This person does go on and on about money. They may be good at investments, but are pretty poor at conversation. You need to take them aside and have a word about socialising. They mean well and are quite pleasant. You seem to have taken them under your wing; be sure you know what you’ve taken on because your other friends aren’t likely to want him or her around much.

Knight of Pentacles

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It’s true he’s not the most interesting man in the world, but he’s nice and he’s good with money. He is the sort to spoil you from time to time. He is also the sort to help you sort out your investments. Practical, reliable, and probably quite good fun at the seaside.

Knight of Pentacles (reversed)

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You know how to pick them, don’t you? Money obsessed, this one, won’t spend a pound if he can get it for a penny. You’re in for some “interesting” nights out – fixed menu rather than à la carte and youth hostels rather than country house hotels. He tends to attract friends like himself so make sure you have your own social circle to fall back on. He means well and probably has those “city man” looks. You could do worse.

Queen of Pentacles

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It's time to consult this woman about the way you manage your financial life. She's an expert without being a professional. Your earning potential is good now, so make sure you don't squander. Whatever, she's a warm, sociable person you should spend a little time talking to now.

Queen of Pentacles (reversed)

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She isn’t one to take shopping unless you want your card maxed out. If she’s a friend then she will constantly be encouraging you to spend on things you don’t need or can’t afford – and you let her! Get a grip. She’s a nice person, but keep her in the “just meet for coffee” bracket. Also, she knows nothing about finances yet will constantly give advice about managing money. Let her do it, you ignore her advice as you smile sweetly.

King of Pentacles

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You might feel he’s looking down on you, but that is just his way. He is a pleasant person, a little slow in speaking. You could never describe him a dynamic. He is wealthy and a good person to pick the brains of about investment. If he is your boss, he will be just and fair though not one to share his money. He gives rewards where they are due. If he is your partner, remember he is not into buying presents and you will need to make a good case for new things about the house.

King of Pentacles (reversed)

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He’s a slow and deliberate person who appears to be giving things a lot of thought. It is his way of covering his disinterest. You think he’s got depths of wisdom; he might have, but he’s not going to share them with you. He likes the idea of you following all he says, especially when it comes to financial matters, but he wouldn’t give a damn if you were suddenly penniless tomorrow.

Ace of Swords

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Now is the time to show your strength of mind. You must apply your skills to whatever you want to press forward with. Maybe people will be asking for your views and help – they trust your vision and pragmatism. Don’t let your ego become too dominant, though; remain humble yet helpful and strong. Quietly enjoy the satisfaction all this brings.

Ace of Swords (reversed)

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You are being to combative. You can’t beat people into submission with your wily ways just to get them to agree with you. Rethink your strategy because you will make more enemies than friends if you keep trying to browbeat them. You have something you want to achieve – fine, but get your friends onside.

Two of Swords

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You have to make a decision and are trying to be impartial. You are right to use your common sense rather than be guided by your heart. Your friends value you for this ability. At present it is your strongest asset.

Two of Swords (reversed)

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You have backed yourself into a corner and cannot see a way out. You need to cultivate an open mind and approach your problem anew. Speak to others; you have been silent and relying on your own resources for too long.

Three of Swords

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You couldn’t be at a lower ebb emotionally than now. You’ve given a relationship all you’ve got and it hasn’t worked out, or you’ve been wasting your love on an unworthy object. Remember, this is something you have to go through to learn more about yourself. It will end and you will be more resilient. Don’t let this spoil the love you have to give.

Three of Swords (reversed)

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It is no good moaning about your broken heart because you knew what you were getting into when you started. Friends warned you, so only the odd one will be sympathetic. You have got to get over the hurt and start again, but learn the lessons from last time. You need to go into an uncomplicated relationship; take your time, make sure it’s the right person!

Four of Swords

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You have to work against a feeling of gloom. You fear responsibility and yet you are well able to handle it. Now is the time to work on your confidence. You have the inner strength to deal with what life throws at you just now.

Four of Swords (reversed) You're losing too much sleep and the things you're worried about are better sorted out in the light of day. Set your mind to a plan of action; ask friends to help. You can't sort this out alone, but it is do-able.

Five of Swords

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You have a gift for dealing with the messes other people make of their lives. You thrive on sorting it out, but preserve yourself by not getting personally involved. Your skills are needed now. Be careful not to alienate yourself though, you will need those friends one day.

Five of Swords (reversed)

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You’re inviting bad karma because of your behind-the-back attitude to others. You cannot take other people’s achievements and use them for your own glory, you will get found out. Look at your own life; you are resourceful, but you must use that positively. Carry on as you are and you will lose friends and the trust of colleagues.

Six of Swords

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There’s nothing wrong with voyaging into the unknown and you’ve picked the right time to do it. It was an impulse when you received the offer, but it is all to the good. You will have a few sleepless nights, but once you arrive it will be worth it. Take your courage in both hands, get packed, say your goodbyes and off you go!

Six of Swords (reversed)

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You’re being intimidated or forced in a direction you don’t want to go, but you feel powerless. You must talk to friends and enlist their help. Now is not the time to go with the flow. Stop blaming yourself for this, though, it has come about because of others. You do have a choice.

Seven of Swords

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Don’t think you’ve got away with it, you haven’t. Take what you need from your present situation and be honest about it. You might need to be skilful in how to put things; otherwise your conscience will get the better of you.

Seven of Swords (reversed)

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Watch out to see who’s talking behind your back. Someone is being especially malicious and, if you’re not careful, you will keep hearing about it second hand. They are smearing your reputation. You are in for a difficult time psychologically; the worry will be as much about where the rumours are coming from and what they are. Remember to keep your integrity; it isn’t true and you know it isn’t. Keep your ear to the ground to help avoid this.

Eight of Swords

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Keep calm and you can find your way out of this. You have to think laterally as the solution isn’t the obvious one. If you have a problem with other people then you have to work out their motivation. Tread carefully and think. If you panic matters will get worse, but with patience you will find the solution you are looking for, just not in the obvious place.

Eight of Swords (reversed)

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You don’t know which way to turn and everything is confusing you. You are in need of a trustworthy friend who can advise you. No matter what you do, nothing you can think of will get you out of this situation. You are struggling hard, no one involved is making life any easier. There is a way out, you just need someone to show you it.

Nine of Swords

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You keep being seized by dread; this is something working its way out of your system. It is a cleansing process, not pleasant, but something your mind needs. You’ve been through some bad stuff. It is over now although recovery takes time. Bear with it, your night’s will not always be filled with lack of sleep. Keep telling yourself there is light at the end of the tunnel.

Ten of Swords

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Things are the worst they can be which means they can only get better. You are feeling lost and friendless. Look around, make the effort no matter how hard it is, and you will see that there is light at the end of the tunnel. All the clichés count now because you can move on to better things.

Ten of Swords (reversed)

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Depression may hit you like a ton of bricks. For too long you have been struggling on your own to cope with a situation where you needed help and support. This means you have alienated some of the people around you who could help. Now is the time to seek them out. Be honest about how you’re feeling and what’s going on.

Page of Swords

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This one’s a combative one. You’ll have plenty of healthy disagreements. Just because they’re strong-minded doesn’t mean you two aren’t a good mix. You should spark each other off and have a whale of a time. Others will enjoy being around you two.

Page of Swords (reversed)

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Like a bull in a china shop, this one. Ham-fisted and clumsy, but never with malice, they make their way blithely through life with barely a care. They are good fun to be around, but can be an annoyance to your friends. They do get upset if they think they’ve upset someone and you will need to be supportive; they would be equally supportive of you. You might need a safety helmet when you go out with them; you’d have a good time anyway.

Knight of Swords

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What a whirlwind! He’ll whisk you off your feet, and no mistake. This is a real man of action. Be careful, though, he does have a tendency to mess with your head. He is very proud of himself and anyone he partners with is supposed to feel lucky to get him. Work out how he ticks before you commit. It could be a very fire-y relationship. If he’s just a friend or colleague then keep an eye on his rash decisions, they might need reigning in.

Knight of Swords (reversed)

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And he seemed such a dynamo at first! Watch out for this one, he seems as if he's going to sweep you off your feet, but all that energy is also masking someone who likes to be in control and doesn't want to discuss it!

Queen of Swords

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Firm, but fair - you need this woman to advise you at the moment. She's older and wiser and she will give you her unbiased opinion. You could learn a few lessons from her as well because you can be the same if you try.

Queen of Swords (reversed)

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Backbiting is this woman’s favourite passtime. She doesn’t miss a thing and she’s prepared to talk about it. She will try to make you do what she wants and will talk and talk to get her own way. She will want to come between any close relationship.

King of Swords

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He’s there for a purpose, reliable and steely. Common sense and a sharp mind are what he brings to the table. Personally, you’ll need to be yielding, but not soft. Professionally, he’s a good ally and won’t play dirty. A very intellectual and precise man.

King of Swords (reversed)

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You know he’s not going to be pleased; he is never pleased. This man likes to twist the psychological knife. When you can avoid him, do. There is only one way to live life as far as he is concerned. Be careful if he is on your side; if not – beware.


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