What Is a Teaching Portfolio?
Portfolios provide documented evidence of teaching from a variety of sources—not just student ratings—and provide context for that evidence. The process of selecting and organizing material for a portfolio can help one reflect on and improve one’s teaching. Portfolios are a step toward a more public, professional view of teaching as a scholarly activity. Portfolios can offer a look at development over time, helping one see teaching as on ongoing process of inquiry, experimentation, and reflection. Teaching portfolios capture evidence of one’s entire teaching career, in contrast to what are called course portfolios that capture evidence related to a single course.
Why Assemble a Teaching Portfolio?
Portfolios can serve any of the following purposes.
· Job applicants for faculty positions can use teaching portfolios to document their teaching effectiveness.
· Faculty members up for promotion or tenure can also use teaching portfolios to document their teaching effectiveness.
· Faculty members and teaching assistants can use teaching portfolios to reflect on and refine their teaching skills and philosophies.
· Faculty members and teaching assistants can use teaching portfolios, particularly ones shared online, to “go public” with their teaching to invite comments from their peers and to share teaching successes so that their peers can build on them. For more on going public with one’s teaching, see the CFT’s Teaching Guide on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.
General Guidelines for Teaching Portfolio
Start now: Many of the possible components of a teaching portfolio are difficult, if not impossible, to obtain after you have finished teaching a course. Collecting these components as you go will make assembling your final portfolio much easier.
Give a fair and accurate presentation: Don’t try to present yourself as the absolutely perfect teacher. Highlight the positive, of course, but don’t completely omit the negative.
Be selective in materials including: A relatively small set of well-chosen documents is more effective than a large, unfiltered collection of all your teaching documents.
Making organization explicit to the reader. Use a table of contents at the beginning and tabs to separate the various components of your portfolio.
Accompanied by context: Every piece of evidence in the portfolio should be accompanied by some sort of context and explanation. For instance, if you include a sample lesson plan, make sure to describe the course, the students, and, if you have actually used the lesson plan, a reflection on how well it worked.
Some components of a Teaching Portfolio
How do electronic portfolios differ from print portfolios?
Increased Accessibility: Teaching portfolios are intended, in part, to make teaching public. Distributing a portfolio on the web makes it even more accessible to peers and others.
Multimedia Documents: Technology allows for inclusion of more than just printed documents. For example, you can include video footage of yourself teaching, an audio voiceover providing context and reflection on the portfolio, or instructional computer programs or code you have written.
Nonlinear Thinking: The web facilitates nonlinear relationships between the components of your teaching portfolio. The process of creating a portfolio in this nonlinear environment can help you think about your teaching in new ways. For example, since readers can explore an e-portfolio in many different ways, constructing an e-portfolio gives you an opportunity to consider how different audiences might encounter and understand your work.
Copyright and Privacy Issues: While examples of student work can be compelling evidence of your teaching effectiveness, publishing these examples online presents legal copyright and privacy issues. Talk to someone at the VU Compliance Program before doing so.