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The Holy Quran

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All Muslims believe in the holy Quran as the last and complete book of Allah, the Almighty. This book was revealed upon the last holy prophet of Allah, Muhammad. There are other holy books of Allah, the Almighty which were revealed upon earlier prophets of Allah for example the holy Bible as revealed upon Isa, holy Taurat as revealed upon Musa and the holy Zabur as revealed upon Dawood. The revelation of holy Quran started in the month of Ramadan when Muhammad was in ghar-e-hira for meditation at the age of 40 years and it was completed verse by verse after 23 years. The holy Quran contains 30 parts (parahs) comprising of 114 chapters (Surahs). The total number of verses in the holy Quran is 6,236[1] as shown below:

Surah No. Surah Meaning Number of verses
1 الفاتحة Al-Fatihah, the Opening 7
2 اﻟﺒﻘﺮﺓ Al-Baqarah, the Cow 286
3 اۤل عمران Aali Imran, the Family of Imran 200
4 النساء An-Nisa’ , the Women 176
5 المائدة Al-Ma’idah, the Table 120
6 الأنعام Al-An’am, the Cattle 165
7 الأعراف Al-A’raf, the Heights 206
8 الأنفال Al-Anfal, the Spoils of War 75
9 التوبة At-Taubah, the Repentance 129
10 يونس Yunus, Yunus 109
11 هود Hud, Hud 123
12 يوسف Yusuf, Yusuf 111
13 الرعد Ar-Ra’d, the Thunder 43
14 إبراهيم Ibrahim, Ibrahim 52
15 الحجر Al-Hijr, the Rocky Tract 99
16 النحل An-Nahl, the Bees 128
17 الإسراء Al-Isra’, the Night Journey 111
18 الكهف Al-Kahf, the Cave 110
19 مريم Maryam, Maryam 98
20 طه Ta-Ha, Ta-Ha 135
21 الأنبياء Al-Anbiya’, the Prophets 112
22 الحج Al-Haj, the Pilgrimage 78
23 المؤمنون Al-Mu’minun, the Believers 118
24 النور An-Nur, the Light 64
25 الفرقان Al-Furqan, the Criterion 77
26 الشعراء Ash-Shu’ara’, the Poets 227
27 النمل An-Naml, the Ants 93
28 القصص Al-Qasas, the Stories 88
29 العنكبوت Al-Ankabut, the Spider 69
30 الروم Ar-Rum, the Romans 60
31 لقمان Luqman, Luqman 34
32 السجدة As-Sajdah, the Prostration 30
33 الأحزاب Al-Ahzab, the Combined Forces 73
34 ﺳﺒﺄ Saba’, the Sabeans 54
35 الفاطر Al-Fatir, the Originator 45
36 يس Ya-Sin, Ya-Sin 83
37 الصافات As-Saffah, Those Ranges in Ranks 182
38 صۤ Sad, Sad 88
39 الزمر Az-Zumar, the Groups 75
40 غافر Ghafar, the Forgiver 85
41 فصلت Fusilat, Distinguished 54
42 الشورى Ash-Shura, the Consultation 53
43 الزخرف Az-Zukhruf, the Gold 89
44 الدخان Ad-Dukhan, the Smoke 59
45 الجاثية Al-Jathiyah, the Kneeling 37
46 الأحقاف Al-Ahqaf, the Valley 35
47 محمد Muhammad, Muhammad 38
48 الفتح Al-Fat’h, the Victory 29
49 الحجرات Al-Hujurat, the Dwellings 18
50 ق Qaf, Qaf 45
51 الذاريات Adz-Dzariyah, the Scatterers 60
52 الطور At-Tur, the Mount 49
53 النجم An-Najm, the Star 62
54 القمر Al-Qamar, the Moon 55
55 الرحمن Ar-Rahman, the Most Gracious 78
56 الواقعة Al-Waqi’ah, the Event 96
57 الحديد Al-Hadid, the Iron 29
58 المجادلة Al-Mujadilah, the Reasoning 22
59 الحشر Al-Hashr, the Gathering 24
60 الممتحنة Al-Mumtahanah, the Tested 13
61 الصف As-Saf, the Row 14
62 الجمعة Al-Jum’ah, Friday 11
63 المنافقون Al-Munafiqun, the Hypocrites 11
64 التغابن At-Taghabun, the Loss & Gain 18
65 الطلاق At-Talaq, the Divorce 12
66 التحريم At-Tahrim, the Prohibition 12
67 الملك Al-Mulk – , the Kingdom 30
68 القلم Al-Qalam, the Pen 52
69 الحاقة Al-Haqqah, the Inevitable 52
70 المعارج Al-Ma’arij, the Elevated Passages 44
71 نوح Nuh, Nuh 28
72 الجن Al-Jinn, the Jinn 28
73 المزمل Al-Muzammil, the Wrapped 20
74 المدثر Al-Mudaththir, the Cloaked 56
75 القيامة Al-Qiyamah, the Resurrection 40
76 الإنسان Al-Insan, the Human 31
77 المرسلات Al-Mursalat, Those Sent Forth 50
78 النبأ An-Naba’, the Great News 40
79 النازعات An-Nazi’at, Those Who Pull Out 46
80 عبس ‘Abasa, He Frowned 42
81 التكوير At-Takwir, the Overthrowing 29
82 الانفطار Al-Infitar, the Cleaving 19
83 المطففين Al-Mutaffifin, Those Who Deal in Fraud 36
84 اﻹنشقاق Al-Inshiqaq, the Splitting Asunder 25
85 البروج Al-Buruj, the Stars 22
86 الطارق At-Tariq, the Nightcomer 17
87 الأعلى Al-A’la, the Most High 19
88 الغاشية Al-Ghashiyah, the Overwhelming 26
89 الفجر Al-Fajr, the Dawn 30
90 البلد Al-Balad, the City 20
91 الشمس Ash-Shams, the Sun 15
92 الليل Al-Layl, the Night 21
93 الضحى Adh-Dhuha, the Forenoon 11
94 الشرح Al-Inshirah, the Opening Forth 8
95 التين At-Tin, the Fig 8
96 العلق Al-‘Alaq, the Clot 19
97 القدر Al-Qadar, the Night of Decree 5
98 البينة Al-Bayinah, the Proof 8
99 الزلزلة Az-Zalzalah, the Earthquake 8
100 العاديات Al-‘Adiyah, the Runners 11
101 القارعة Al-Qari’ah, the Striking Hour 11
102 التكاثر At-Takathur, the Piling Up 8
103 العصر Al-‘Asr, the Time 3
104 الهمزة Al-Humazah, the Slanderer 9
105 الفيل Al-Fil, the Elephant 5
106 قريش Quraish, Quraish 4
107 الماعون Al-Ma’un, the Assistance 7
108 الكوثر Al-Kauthar, the River of Abundance 3
109 الكافرون Al-Kafirun, the Disbelievers 6
110 النصر An-Nasr, the Help 3
111 المسد Al-Masad, the Palm Fiber 5
112 الإخلاص Al-Ikhlas, the Sincerity 4
113 الفلق Al-Falaq, the Daybreak 5
114 الناس An-Nas, Mankind 6


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