The Torah is the central and most important document of Judaism revered by Jews through the ages. As the Torah is a religious text and open to interpretation by individuals, the Department of Torah study functions in discussion format.
Important Note: For the purposes of this department the term "Judaism" is non-denominational and does not refer to any particular movement of the Jewish religion.
The Torah is divided into a series of five books: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. The books are further divided into a series of portions called parshahs.
All projects offered by this Department will focus on one particular parshah. The format of a project is that of a discussion. The objective of this department is not to tell the individual how to interpret the text, but rather to foster a dialogue of potential interpretations. Discussions will be moderated according to Wikiversity policies regarding civility and relevance.
Torah is a religious concept. All individuals, regardless of religion are permitted and encouraged to contribute to this discussion. However, there is an expectation that all contributions will conform to a Jewish worldview and would be compatible with the religion Judaism. Contributions that do not satisfy this requirement will be considered vandalism. This is not a comparative religion forum nor is it a forum for the debate of different religions. If that is what you are looking for, please look elsewhere.
Book | Parshah Discussion | Summary on Wikipedia | Parshah Text |
Deuteronomy | Study of Devarim | Summary | Deut. 1:1-3:22 |
Study of Va'etchanan | Summary | 3:23-7:11 | |
Study of Eikev | Summary | 7:12-11:25 | |
Study of Re'eh | Summary | 11:26-16:17 | |
Study of Shoftim | Summary | 16:18-21:9 | |
Study of Ki Teitzei | Summary | 21:10-25:19 | |
Study of Ki Tavo | Summary | 26:1-29:8 | |
Study of Nitzavim | Summary | 29:9-30:20 | |
Study of Vayelech | Summary | 31:1-31:30 | |
Study of Haazinu | Summary | 32:1-32:52 | |
Study of V'Zot HaBerachah | Summary | 33:1-34:12 |