Web Design → Web design qualifications
Can you demonstrate your skills in Web Design to gain a qualification? Learning more about the requirements of the qualification in your country may help you to focus your learning, gather evidence of your learning (or, if you are the facilitator of a Web Design course, it may help you plan your activities and assessments).
Eventually you will find below a list of links to information about Web Design qualifications in different countries. At the moment there is only information about Web design qualifications in Australia.
See also Learning towards a qualification for tips and strategies on managing your learning and gathering evidence towards an official qualification.
Each qualification page will list all the units of competency that you require for the qualification (and possible electives) together with:
- a link to the official Unit of Competency document (or your country's equivalent) so you can read the official document yourself!
- a short description of how these skills will help you (just in case the official document hasn't motivated you to learn!)
- user-contributed ideas for how you might demonstrate the required skills for each unit (you can verify these with your facilitator if you are learning as part of a formal course).
- a link to an Evidence Sheet for each unit that you can use to document where you can demonstrate your skills.
Subject matter = https://nationalcareersservice.direct.gov.uk/advice/planning/jobprofiles/Pages/webdesigner.aspx
HTML: What is HTML, Advanced HTML Tutorial, HTML Challenges, Lists and Tables, The Structure of HTML, Pen and Paper HTML activities
CSS: Learning Basic HTML and CSS, CSS challenges, Embedded CSS, Basic HTML and CSS Tutorial, Inline CSS, Develop cascading style sheets, CSS3 Animations
PHP: Simple functions in PHP, Dynamic websites, PHP challenges, Dynamic websites with PHP, Generating a receipt with PHP, Responding to HTML forms with PHP,
JavaScript: An Introduction to Programming with JavaScript, JavaScript Challenges, Getting to know JavaScript events, Getting to know the Document Object Model with JavaScript, JavaScript pen-n-paper activities, Web Programming Intro, Produce basic client side script for dynamic web pages
XML: XML challenges
Databases: Creating Database Tables
Projects: A small website project, A step-by-step web design project, Build a basic web page, Build a small website
Challenges: Web design, HTML, AJAX, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, XML, Information Architecture, Algorithms
Activities: Web design group learning activities, Pen and Paper HTML activities, A Web Design Quiz show, Ordering Tasks for a Web Project, Paired Bio Pages, Scoping a Small Project, Emerging Technologies Research Activities
Project management: An introduction to Project Management, Developing a Client Project
Design: Accessibility, Design Principles for Web Design, Design Suggestions, Generating resource identifier strings.
Testing: Testing Website performance, Website Performance Test Plan
Publishing: Getting Your Site On the Web
Certification and standards: Cert IV Website Qualifications in Australia, Australian Qualifications, Web design qualifications
Professional development: Contribute to personal skill development and learning, Useful Applications, Useful Books, Emerging Technologies, Using the Internet as a Learning Tool
Course meta-information: Web Design, About the web design learning project, New Structure, Sample Timetable