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XML Programming Language

From Wikiversity - Reading time: 2 min

Educational level: this is a research resource.
Educational level: this is a tertiary (university) resource.

This research project in applied computer science aims to write a specification to develop a Turing-complete macro language of XML format (XMLPL).

Operators and other building blocks of XMLPL are pertaining to a certain namespace (temporarily we will use We will assume through this specification that this namespace is bound to prog XML prefix.

Every XML file without elements and attributes of this namespace is a valid XMLPL program whose output is itself (that is the XML file without changes).

XMLPL provides a "macro" facility for XML, for tasks ranging from eliminating repetitive typing to full featured programming.

Macroses[edit | edit source]

A fundamental construct of XMLPL are macroses. Macroses are defined like this:

<prog:macro name="f">
    <prog:argument name="x"/>
    <prog:argument name="y"/>
    <prog:value name="x"/> then <prog:value name="y"/>

A macro can be defined before or after use.

I propose to allow macroses inside other macroses. (This way enclosed macroses may server like a temporary variable.)

Quoting[edit | edit source]

Tag <prog:quote> preserves its content verbatim (used to include <prog:*> tags into the output).

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