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Gnosticism (after gnôsis, the Greek word for "knowledge" or "insight") is the name given to a loosely organized religious and philosophical movement that flourished in the first and second centuries A.D. Though the exact origins of this school of thought cannot be traced with any certainty, it is possible to infer that certain non-canonical sources dating from the first and second centuries A.D. were used to develop it. It had been considered a heresy by church fathers and so is by most modern Christians. Most Gnostic writings are exceedingly obscure and tedious.[1]

Literary critic Harold Bloom distinguishes Gnosticism from Christianity and Judaism in his book Agon:[2]

"Gnosticism polemically is decidedly not a faith, whether in the Christian sense, pistis, a believing that something was, is, and will be so; or in the Hebraic sense, emunah, a trusting in the Covenant. If religion is a binding, then Gnosticism is an unbinding, but not for the sake of things or persons merely as they are. Gnostic freedom is a freedom for knowledge, knowledge of what in the self, not in the psyche or soul, is Godlike, and knowledge of God beyond the cosmos. But also it is a freedom to be known, to be known by God, by what is alien to everything created, by what is alien to and beyond the stars and the cosmic system and our earth."

Generally, Gnostics believed that the Abrahamic God was in fact two separate and independent entities. They believed that the Demiurge was the God of the Israelites and the Old Testament. He created the world and man imperfectly, and was malevolent. This belief largely stemmed from accounts of the highly interventionist God in the Old Testament directly and indirectly killing large numbers of people. The Gnostics believed that the second god was a good, benevolent god who is embodied in Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ came to save humanity from sin and suffering, the evils of the material world.

Today, Gnostic traits and Gnostic culture are declared to be a present-day phenomena, inherent in, for example, the Anthropological Revolution.[3] M.A. Smith claims that similarities between Gnostic heresies and some modern cults might be noted at the very minimum in cases of Mormonism (having secret writing in addition to the Bible) and Jehovah's Witnesses (special and very strange interpretations of the actual Scriptures based on a non-biblical system).[1] Martin Buber refers to the psychology of C.G. Jung as to a "new pseudoreligious gnosticism."[4]

Gnostic Manuscripts[edit]

Until the 1945 discovery of the Nag Hammadi texts near Luxor in Egypt, the only evidence about the existence of Gnostic groups and sects came from anti-Gnostic church fathers[5] who occasionally quoted large fragments of Gnostic writings or sometimes whole works in their rebuttals attacking and refuting the Gnostic heresy in defence of their Christian faith.[1][6] Those Gnostic heretical texts where Christ is conceived as a teacher and revealer of mysterious gnosis, i.e. a secret knowledge aiming to save people from ignorance and material world rather than sin, exhibit following characteristics in contrast to canonical Gospels:[1][6]

The Fundamentals and Traits of Gnostic Doctrine[edit]

Gnostic Elitism[edit]

One of the characteristics of gnostic heresy was that it had to do with making people feel significant. The Gnostics did not present their message as something destined for a layman, but rather as something that only an exclusive and highly elevated group of people should hear and could grasp. They considered themselves to belong to the elect part of humanity with extraordinary access to spiritual secret knowledge. From this perspective, Gnosticism was never meant to be, and probably never became, a mass movement. It may primarily have appealed to intelligentsia in the Roman cities. Gnosticism threatened to invade the leaders of the Church. The typical Gnostic community was a circle of initiates adhering to a charismatic teacher, rapidly dissolving with the disappearance of the leader. Irenaeus ironically remarked about them that everybody had ambition of being a teacher of others and establishing his own group. Due to their elite character, the Gnostics, with one significant exception of Manichaeism from the third century onward, never established a church of any duration.[6]

Gnosticism and Bible[edit]

John's first epistle records an example of false prophets and false teachers, who, in effort to seduce the faithful, formed a kind of esoteric group, believing also that they had superior knowledge to ordinary Christians. They are considered to be forerunners of the later heretics generally known as "Gnostics" who claimed a special knowledge of God and of theology. On the basis of their new doctrine they appear to have denied that Jesus was the Christ, the pre-existent Son of God who had come in the flesh to provide salvation for men.[8] Paul's Letter to the Colossians is an outstanding rejection of Gnostic doctrine, Greek and Roman mystery religions and pagan philosophy.

Gnostic Groups[edit]

Gnostic and Gnosticism are used as blanket terms to cover a variety of sects:[1]

who, though they claim the name of Christ, are in reality "atheists, impious, unrighteous, and sinful, and confessors of Jesus in name only."[5] At the end of the second century AD (ca 170-190), Philip, a bishop of Gortyn, was a staunch defender of Christian church in Crete in the face of the early Church gnostic heresies incl. Marcionism and Montanism.[10]

Gnosticism Today[edit]

Although there are no explicit declarations of any direct connections, it is still of great curiosity to find parallels of gnostic attitudes and traits, i.e. of what can be labeled as gnostic culture, in the modern history and society[note 2]:

Gnostic traits in Nazism[edit]

Examples from Nazi's Die Botschaft Gottes edited New Testament:[12]
Part of John 4 from Die Botschaft Gottes; v. 22 “salvation is from the Jews” was omitted.
In v. 25 “Messiah (called Christ)” was changed to “Promised one”.
Reference to Jesus being “a Jew” in v. 9 was changed to “who comes from Judea”.

When Hitler was fighting for power, he published a program of his Nazi Party. There, in the article 24, it was declared: "We are all for positive Christianity."[note 3] Many genuine Christians got hooked for it. But when Hitler finally had acquired the full power in the country, it was suddenly disclosed what many had overlooked: The 'Positive Christianity' has been just disguised Nazism. At the same time, the fight against the Bible triggered its ramp. Especially the Old Testament was taken under the heavy fire. Everywhere you could hear and read: Well, the New Testament can be allowed to circulate for some time, because the teaching there in is about the God of love. Just one thing, the letters of Jew Paul must be eliminated from there, they smack too much of the Spirit of the Old Testament. As for the Old Testament itself - oh, that’s a terrible book, a dirty book, a horrifying book! There in, a voice of the Judeo-Syrian God of desert and revenge can be heard.

In 1936, Der Stürmer, anti-Semitic Nazi newspaper published by Julius Streicher, brought up the following anti-Old-Testament propagandistic slogan:

Den Geist, der aus dem Buche spricht, Versteht die deutsche Jugend nicht.[note 4]

Later Nazist forbade the study of "Jewish book" which was their reference to the Old Testament and its scholarship disappeared from German seminaries and journals. In 1940 Dietrich Bonhoeffer was fined for defiantly publishing a book on Psalms.[16]

Gnostic traits in New Atheism[edit]

"The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully."[note 5]

Gnostic traits in LGBT Ideology[edit]

The QJV reinterprets several biblical verses in an effort to impose and advocate a foreign homosexual agenda on the original indigenous biblical data[note 6]:
In Leviticus 18:22 and Leviticus 20:13, there is the superfluous sentence "in the temple of Molech" read into the levitical texts.[19] These texts originally did not mention the temple of Molech at all. The revisionism tries to make impression that the only reason why the text condemned homosexual behaviour was that it was practised in pagan temple. Authors of the QJV translation are trying to remove the condemnation of homosexuality out of Scripture entirely.[17]
Tampering with Romans 1:26-27 in the New Testament where the QJV changes the sense of original meaning referring to homosexual behaviour in general to pagan worship; also a new add-on expression “ritual lust” was introduced to eliminate the obvious universal condemnation of lesbian behaviour.

The QJV translation was denounced as spurious where every single change made was an inexcusable bastardization of the text violating translation principles.[17]

Gnostic traits in Liberal Media[edit]

Gnostic traits in Liberal Theology[edit]

"Thus, on the basis of the age of the papyrus, the placement and absorption of the ink on the page, the type of the handwriting, and the Coptic grammar and spelling, it was concluded that it is highly probable[note 8] that the fragment is an ancient text. Although a final conclusion about the parchment's authenticity remains open to further examination by colleagues and to further testing, especially of the chemical composition of the ink, these assurances were sufficient for work on the analysis and interpretation of the fragment to begin in earnest."[26] One cannot establish the age of papyrus and base on it anything if the scientific test has not been performed first. Damning alternatives such as opinions of Coptologists who pointed out serious problems with the paleography, the syntax, and the very troubling fact that almost all of the text has been extracted from the Gospel of Thomas (principally from logia 30, 101, and 114).[27] Trying to make sensational declarations but then fail to make proper follow up and present the papers with scientific results[note 9] after these claims served its purpose to promote the Gnostic agenda leading to devastating consequence of heretical teaching to the genuine Christian belief.[28]

"Karen King says, we must first disentangle modern historiography from the Christian discourse of orthodoxy and heresy that has pervaded--and distorted--the story. King shows how historians have been misled by ancient Christian polemicists who attacked Gnostic beliefs as a "dark double" against which the new faith could define itself. to offer a new and clarifying definition of Gnosticism"[31]

Gnostic traits in Evolutionism and scientism[edit]

The partisans of evolutionsim and scientism, respectively, keep trying to attack the biblical chronology in effort to replace the dating of historical world events - which has been always in the Judeo-Christian tradition expressed in terms of B.C.[33] and A.D. - with reference to gnostic aeons[note 11] as representants of their own belief system on origin of the world. For example, they introduced the abbreviation AE for naming the time of billion of years[34] and accertain that the Earth is "4.55 AE" old.

Gnostic traits in Feminism[edit]

Feminist leader Elizabeth Cady Stanton welcomed Darwinism as a means to undermine what she perceived as biblically based arguments for the subordination of woman. Through biblical reinterpretation and radical rhetoric designed to remove all "theological support" for "women's 'natural' inferiority," she asserted, in her 1895 radical text The Woman's Bible, that "the real difficulty in woman's case" is that the whole foundation of the Christianity "rests on her temptation and man's fall." In her solution she proposed so construct "a more rational religion for the nineteenth century" that would "exonerate the snake" and "emancipate the woman." This should be possible in her view if humankind would accept the Darwinian theory which is based on idea that the race has been a gradual growth from the lower to a higher form of life, and consider the story of the fall to be a mere myth.[35] Invoking Darwin, Stanton also proposed that the serpent in the Garden of Eden may have, in fact, be an ape.[36]

See also[edit]


  1. cf. Syncretism
  2. cf."[Gnosticism] is by no means an outdated phenomenon of only historical interest"[6]
  3. cf.NSDAP Party Program (February 24, 1920) Point 24:"We demand freedom of religion for all religious denominations within the state so long as they do not endanger its existence or oppose the moral senses of the Germanic race. The Party as such advocates the standpoint of a positive Christianity without binding itself confessionally to any one denomination. It combats the Jewish-materialistic spirit within and around us, and is convinced that a lasting recovery of our nation can only succeed from within on the framework: The good of the state before the good of the individual." [14]
  4. Translation from German: The Spirit that speaks out of Book cannot be grasped by German Youth (meaning: The German Youth cannot understand the Spirit of Old Testament).[15]
  5. cf."To the faithful you show yourself faithful, to the blameless you show yourself blameless, to the pure you show yourself pure, but to the devious you show yourself shrewd." Bible, 2 Samuel 22: 26-27 (NIV)
  6. cf. False appropriation
  7. cf. "Nothing is known about the circumstances of its original discovery or early ownership, but there are some clues about its modern history"
  8. cf. Logic of possibility
  9. cf. "The chemical composition of the manuscript's ink will be tested at Harvard in mid-October [2012]" ... "As of late October, the results of a radiocarbon dating test and ink analysis were still pending."
  10. cf."In fact, it is only through the New Testament that we can learn just what Christian faith is. ... Open your Bible at any page you like, there is nothing about solving religious problems. Bible testifies that God exists and that he revealed himself through Jesus Christ. It shows too that the man who lives without God is not living right. ... All religions are human attempts to find God. But they all have this in common: they have all gone astray in the fog and have not been able to discover God." Wilhelm Busch, member of Confessing Church in the era of Nazism[32]
  11. cf. “time itself performs miracles” in Age of the Earth


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 M.A.Smith (1971). From Christ to Constantine. London: Inter-Varsity Press, 48, 69, 187, 191. ISBN 0-85110-570-X. 
  2. Harold Bloom (1982). Agon: towards a theory of revisionism. Oxford University Press, 24. ISBN 978-0195029451. 
  3. Vladimír Palko (2012). Levy prichdzajú (Lions are coming) (in Slovak). Prešov, Slovakia: Vydavateľstvo Michala Vaška, 248. ISBN 978-80-7165-870-2. 
  4. Gabriele Kuby (2015). The Global Sexual Revolution: Destruction of Freedom in the Name of Freedom. Angelico Press, 52. “page reference is from Slovak translation” 
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 David G. Dunbar et al. (1986 (Zondervan), 2005). "Nine: The Biblical Canon", in D.A. Carson and J.D. Woodbridge: Hermeneutics, Authority, and Canon. Eugene, Oregon: Wipf and Stock Publishers, 331–333. ISBN 1-59752-118-3. 
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 Oskar Skarsaune (2002). "12:Orthodoxy and Heresy", In the Shadow of the Temple: Jewish Influence on Early Christianity. Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 246, 251–253. ISBN 978-0-8308-2844-9. 
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 David Bentley Hart (2010). Atheist Delusions: The Christian Revolution and Its Fashionable Enemies. YALE University Press, 134–143. ISBN 978-03-0016-4299. 
  8. Jack Kuhatschek. "3.Undestanding the original situation", Applying the Bible. Zondervan Publishing House, 41. ISBN 0-310-20838-6. 
  9. Frederick Fyvie Bruce (1982). The New Testament documents, are they reliable?. 
  10. Theocharēs Eustratiou Detorakēs. "V.The Arrival of Christianity in Crete", History of Crete. Mystis Editions, 123. ISBN 978-618-5024-36-9. 
  11. John Stott (2014 (First Ed. 1996)). The Message of 1 Timothy & Titus. InterVarsity Press, 113. ISBN 978-0-8308-1247-9. 
  12. 12.0 12.1 Russell Grigg. Did Hitler rewrite the Bible?. Creation Ministries International. Retrieved on 2012-10-27.
  13. Kritik ohne Kenntnis? (Busch) (German). Christlichen Medienverbreitungsmission (1. October 2009). “Wilhelm Busch erzählt: Als Hitler um die Macht kämpfte, veröffentlichte er ein Parteiprogramm. In dem stand als Punkt 24: “Wir sind für positives Christentum.” Viele treue Christen sind darauf hereingefallen. Als aber Hitler an der Macht war, erfuhr man, was viele vorausgesehen hatten: Positives Christentum ist dasselbe wie Nationalsozialismus. Zu gleicher Zeit begann der Kampf gegen die Bibel. Namentlich das Alte Testament wurde unter Trommelfeuer genommen. Überall konnte man hören und lesen: Nun ja, das Neue Testament könne man noch einige Zeit gelten lassen; denn da werde der Gott der Liebe gelehrt. Nur die Briefe des Juden Paulus müsse man ausmerzen. In denen sei der Geist des Alten Testaments zu spüren. Das Alte Testament aber – oh, das sei ein fürchterliches Buch, ein schmutziges Buch, ein grauenvolles Buch! Da rede der jüdisch-syrische Wüsten-Rache-Gott.”
  14. Robert Michael and Philip Rosen (2007). Dictionary of Antisemitism: From the Earliest Times to the Present. The Scarecrow Press. ISBN 978-08-1085-8688. 
  15. Katholische Schulen im NS-Staat:Unterdrückung bis zum Ende, Karikaturen aus dem FORUM - Sonderheft 31 (German). Schulstiftung der Erzdiözese Freiburg (Educational Foundation of the Archdiocese of Freiburg) (March 2001). Retrieved on 24-May-2013.
  16. Philip Yancey (2002). Bible Jesus Read. Michigan: Zondervan, 24. ISBN 978-0-310-245-667. 
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 Lita Cosner (21 February 2013). A ‘Wicked Bible’ for the 21st century? The Queen James Bible. CMI. Retrieved on 24 February 2013.
  18. New 'Queen James' Bible offers gay-friendly Scripture. (12/18/2012). Retrieved on 24/02/2013. “According to the editors, King James I, the man behind the popular Bible translation, was a bisexual "known amongst friends and courtiers as 'Queen James' because of his many gay lovers." This new version, named in his honor, aims "to prevent homophobic interpretations," with several controversial verses strategically tweaked. "We wanted to make a book filled with the word of God that nobody could use to incorrectly condemn God’s LGBT children," the editors explain.”
  19. Meredith Bennett-Smith (12/18/2012). Queen James Bible Claims To Be First-Ever 'Gay Bible,' But Some Say It Rewrites Scripture. Retrieved on 24/02/2013. “This new version updates several passages from the original version that address homosexuality, including this passage from Leviticus 18:22: KJV: Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is an abomination. QJV: Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind in the temple of Molech: it is an abomination. (Page 75)”
  20. William R. Rice, Urban Friberg and Sergey Gavrilets (December 2012). Homosexuality as a Consequence of Epigenetically Canalized Sexual Development. Retrieved on 24-Feb-2013. “This paper argues that sexually antagonistic selection can also be involved in epigenetic effects and explain the enigmatic high prevalence of several fitness-reducing human characters. ... Homosexuality is frequently considered to be an unusual phenotype because it represents an evolutionary enigma —a trait that is expected to reduce Darwinian fitness, yet it persists at substantial frequency across many different (possibly all) human populations.”
  21. Michal Piško (8 June 2012). Schlesinger: Prestaňme sa točiť okolo hriechu (Slovak). SME.SK. Retrieved on 24 Feb 2013. “„Na Slovensku, žiaľ, neexistuje iný názor cirkvi na túto tému. V zahraničí je tento názor cirkví podstatne progresívnejší, žila som v USA, mám priateľov zo škandinávskych krajín a tam sa nevylučuje byť gejom a dobrým veriacim. Nie je to univerzálny názor každého cirkevného spoločenstva na svete.“”
  22. Michael W. Chapman (December 24, 2008). Gays Unable to Accept Pope’s Defense of Environment and Nature’s ‘Law,’ Says Top Theologian. Retrieved on 26-May-2013.
  23. David Van Biema (Apr. 08, 1996). The Gospel of Truth?. Time Magazine.
  24. Lee Strobel (1998, 2008). "6. section: Jesus and the "Mystery religions"", The Case for Christ: A Journalist's Personal Investigation of the Evidence for Jesus. Zondervan, 120–125. ISBN 0-310-29604-8. 
  25. Gregory A. Boyd (1996, 2010). Cynic Sage or Son of God? - Recovering the Real Jesus in an Age of Revisionist Replies. Wipf & Stock Pub.. ISBN 978-1-6089-9953-8. 
  26. Karen L. King. The Gospel of Jesus's Wife: A New Coptic Gospel Papyru. Harvard Divinity School. Retrieved on July 26, 2013.
  27. Leroy Huizenga (September 26, 2012). Harvard Theological Review Rejects "Jesus’ Wife". First Things. Retrieved on June 26, 2013.
  28. 28.0 28.1 28.2 Ariel Sabar (November 2012). UPDATE: The Reaction to Karen King’s Gospel Discovery. smithsonian. Retrieved on June 26, 2013.
  29. Karen L. King. "Jesus said to them, ‘My wife…’" A New Coptic Gospel Papyrus. Retrieved on June 26, 2013.
  30. Laurie Goodstein (September 18, 2012). A Faded Piece of Papyrus Refers to Jesus’ Wife. NYTimes. Retrieved on June 26, 2013.
  31. Karen L. King (2005). What Is Gnosticism?. Harvard University Press. ISBN 9780674017627. Retrieved on June 26, 2013. “Quote from the cover of the book” 
  32. Wilhelm Busch (2001). Jesus Our Destiny. Inter Publishing Services, 11. ISBN 0-86347-024-6. 
  33. Encyclopaedia Britannica: supporting a young earth!. Retrieved on November 8, 2014. “Under the heading ‘Astronomy’ on page 493, the 1771 Encyclopædia Britannica has a table of world events that begins with the creation of the world in the year 0, i.e. at the beginning of creation, which they dated at 4007 years before Christ...The concept of billions of years for the age of the earth was unknown to science (or to the church[4]) before the rise of uniformitarianism in the 19th century. This is strong evidence that modern long-age views of creation do not originate in Genesis, but are a misguided attempt by some Christian leaders to try to reconcile what God has said with the atheistic pronouncements of evolutionary ‘science’.”
  34. David Roger Oldroyd. David Roger Oldroyd. Geological Society of London, 43. “Time: Ae 10


    years BP”
  35. E.J. Larson (2006). Evolution: The Remarkable History of a Scientific Theory. New York: Modern Library, 136. ISBN 0-8129-6849-2. 
  36. Kathi Kern (2001). Mrs. Stanton's Bible. Cornell University Press, 158. ISBN 9780801482885. 

Categories: [Christian History] [Heresies] [Theology]

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