
From Conservapedia
دولة قطر
Dawlat Qatar
Qatar rel95.jpg
Flag of Qatar.png
Arms of Qatar.png
Flag Coat of Arms
Capital Doha
Government Constitutional monarchy
Language Arabic (official)
Monarch Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani (emir)
Prime minister Abdullah bin Nasser bin Khalifa Al Thani
Area 4,416 sq mi 11,437 KM2
Population 2,880,000 (2020)
GDP 2005 $180,000,000,000 (2020)
GDP per capita $62,500 (2020)
Currency Riyal

The State of Qatar is an Islamic emirate on the Arabian peninsula to the west of the Persian Gulf, with a population of over 900,000, although one quarter of that population are foreign workers and their families. The official language is Arabic and the capital is Doha. English is a commonly used second language. It is the host of the 2022 FIFA World Cup (men's soccer championship).

Qatar is known as the main financial sponsor for many radical Islamic groups like Al-Qaeda(including their affiliates AQAP and Al-Nusra)[1][2][3],the Taliban, Hamas, and the Muslim Brotherhood. A high ranking Qatari alleged financier of 911 was Khalifa Mohammed, who is a U.S.-, EU-, and U.N.-designated international terrorist for his role in financing al-Qaeda.

In Qatar, there are three buckets: Terror financing by the government; terror financing done in Qatar through their own citizens that their government may not know about; and terror financing in Qatar that the government knows about but does nothing to stop.[4]

Qatari officials intimidated claimants in terror case. The claimants fled after their lives and homes were destroyed by al-Nusra Front jihadist organisation.[5]

Qatar is the owner of Anti-Semitic and Anti-American Al-Jazeera media network, and main supporter of many far-left media sites like The Young Turks network.[6] Or .[7][8][9]

Among the tricks to use the 2022 FIFA World Cup, in its efforts to spread radical Islamism, among other things, it invited radical preacher Dr. Zakir Naik to teach FIFA fans about Islam.[10] Pro-Taliban Urdu-Language daily revealed Qatar's plans to Invite FIFA World Cup attendees to Islam: 'Training of 2,000 volunteers for invitation of the religion at the mega event has been completed who will deliver the message of "truth"[sic] to the spectators.[11]

The West has turned a blind eye on its terrible human rights abuses. [12]

Gulf Arabs[13] have been known to be practicing modern day slavery on the largest scales with racism and worse-than-just apartheid .

Qatar's case came into public eye also for its use of migrants on horrific conditions to prepare for the 2022 FIFA World Cup.[14][15] The exact number of fatal victims of the 'Stadiums of Shame' will never be known [16] in this Arab Islamic non-free regime.

2022 FIFA World Cup

FIFA Officials were bribed to award World Cups to Russia and Qatar,[17][18] and it has been surrounded by many controversies.[19] Including modern day slavery, racist exploitation, thousands of migrants deaths,[20] cruel limitaion of water drinking while working in the heat.[21][22]

The Taliban invested heavily in the World Cup construction and the tournament was a golden duck. They were paid millions. The Taliban officials lucrative salaries tied to peace talks to buy and then subcontract heavy machinery for tournament infrastructure over the past decade, a source from the Taliban's Doha office revealed.[23]

Qatar in cahoots with Iran stifle voices of dissent during World Cup, [24] And IRGC man said, Qatar is helping Iran silence dissidents in World Cup.[25]

The "Palestinian" flags were part of an orchestrated campaign pushed by "Palestine" activists, backed by Qataris, to make it look like "spontaneous."[26]

One of Arab racism's instances, the brutal attack on an Egyptian mistakenly believed he was Israeli.

The Qataris were embarrassed because their officials hadn't believed the poor Egyptian when he insisted he was one of them. And so, they stood by as the mob gave him the "Israeli treatment."[27]
.. an Egyptian television reporter covering the World Cup tournament in Doha, Qatar was assaulted by an angry mob and forced to leave the games to avoid being lynched. The mob assaulted him because they mistook him for an Israeli reporter.

German media exposed expressed Arab racism, (masked under supposed worry for "Palestinians"), backed by the gangs of "Qatari dynasty want to use to secure their power."[28]

Encouraging Jihadi massacres

On the racist-Arab Islamic-fascistic butcher's 2023 Sabbath Jerusalem Synagogue Massacre, Al-Jazeera presenters, Journalists In Qatari Press, Qatar-Backed Muslim Clerics: Terrorist Attack: "'brave act' of 'legitimate resistance [sic],' its perpetrator is a 'hero.'"[29]


Qatar people.jpg

Natives of the Arabian Peninsula, many Qataris are descended from a number of migratory tribes that came to Qatar in the 18th century from the neighboring areas of Nejd and Al-Hasa. Some came from neighboring Gulf emirates and others are descended from Persian merchants. Most of Qatar's 907,229 inhabitants live in Doha, the capital. Foreigners with temporary residence status make up about three-fourths of the population. Foreign workers comprise 52% of the total population and make up about 89% of the total labor force. Most are South and Southeast Asians, Egyptians, "Palestinians", Jordanians, and Iranians. About 8,000 U.S. citizens reside in Qatar.

Ethnic groups: Arab 40%, Pakistani 18%, Indian 18%, Iranian 10%, other 14%.

The various ethnic groups of the country are Arab, Indian, Pakistani, Iranian and so on. Arabic is the official language of Qatar. However, English and Urdu are also spoken widely in various corners of the country.[30]

For centuries, the main sources of wealth were pearling, fishing, and trade. At one time, Qataris owned nearly one-third of the Persian Gulf fishing fleet. With the Great Depression and the introduction of Japan's cultured-pearl industry, pearling in Qatar declined drastically.

The Qataris are mainly Sunni Muslims. Salafi Islam is the official religion, and Islamic jurisprudence is the basis of Qatar's legal system, although civil courts have jurisdiction over commercial law. Education is compulsory and free for all Arab residents 6–16 years old. Qatar has an increasingly high literacy rate. 85% of the people are educated.

Government and Political Conditions[edit]

See also: Muslim agenda of the Obama administration
Doha Palace.

The ruling Al Thani family continued to hold power following the declaration of independence in 1971. The head of state is the Amir, and the right to rule Qatar is passed on within the Al Thani family. Politically, Qatar is evolving from a traditional society to one based on more formal and democratic institutions to meet the requirements of social and economic progress. The country's constitution formalizes the hereditary rule of the Al Thani family, but it also establishes an elected legislative body and makes government ministers accountable to the legislature. In current practice, the Amir's role is influenced by continuing traditions of consultation, rule by consensus, and the citizen's right to appeal personally to the Amir. The Amir, while directly accountable to no one, cannot violate the Shari'a (Islamic law) and, in practice, must consider the opinions of leading families and the religious establishment.

The opinions of the people are institutionalized in the Advisory Council, an appointed body that assists the Amir in formulating policy. However, it is possible that the first elections for this body will occured in 2008. Elections in 1999, in which both men and women participated, resulted in the formation of a municipal council. One woman candidate was elected to the municipal council in 2003.[31] Municipal elections were held for the third time in April 2007.

There has been no serious challenge to Al Thani rule. As the most visible sign of the move toward openness, the Al Jazeera satellite television station based in Qatar is considered the most free and unfettered broadcast source in the Arab world. In practice, however, Al Jazeera rarely criticizes the ruling Al Thani family.

Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al-Thani, one of the richest man in the world, is the ruling Emir of the State of Qatar since 1995. He rose to that position on June 26, 1995, after deposing his father Khalifa bin Hamad Al Thani who was on vacation in Switzerland at the time.[32]

At present there is not direct election in the electoral system. Since 1992, Sheikh Hamad has selected Qatar's cabinet as in an absolute monarchy.

Hamad Bin Khalifa Al-Thani and wife with Obamas.

In April 2011, USAToday quoted Obama:

President Obama met with the emir of Qatar, praising his help in Libya and his leadership "when it comes to democracy in the Middle East."

That night, Obama provided political donors in Chicago with a somewhat different view of the emir and Qatar.

"Pretty influential guy," Obama said of Emir Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani, noting that he basically owns the Al Jazeera television network. "He is a big booster, big promoter of democracy all throughout the Middle East. Reform, reform, reform -- you're seeing it on Al Jazeera."

But Obama: "Now, he himself is not reforming significantly. There's no big move towards democracy in Qatar.[33]

Days later an editorial in the Doha daily newspaper The Peninsula responded:

"Mr. President, we have often written about U.S. foreign policy having double standards and being unmindful of the process of change in the Middle East. We do not want U.S. to export democracy to us because we do not want to repeat the Iraq experience."[34]

Principal Government Officials[edit]

Foreign Relations[edit]

Qatar achieved full independence in an atmosphere of cooperation with the U.K. and friendship with neighboring states. Most Arab states, the U.K., and the U.S. were among the first countries to recognize Qatar, and the state promptly gained admittance to the United Nations and the Arab League. Qatar established diplomatic relations with the U.S.S.R. and China in 1988. It was an early member of OPEC and a founding member of the GCC.

In September 1992, tensions arose with Saudi Arabia when Saudi forces allegedly attacked a Qatari border post, resulting in two deaths. Relations have since improved, and a joint commission has been set up to demarcate the border as agreed between the two governments. Most, but not all, of the border issues have been resolved.

For years, both Qatar and Bahrain claimed ownership of the Hawar Islands. The case was eventually referred to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague. The ICJ issued a ruling in June 2001, which both sides accepted. In the agreement Bahrain kept the main Hawar Island but dropped claims to parts of mainland Qatar, while Qatar retained significant maritime areas and their resources.

Qatar is aligned in ideological purpose with the Muslim Brotherhood – the political umbrella organization of authentic Islam (Taliban, al-Qaeda, ISIS, etc). The Qatari government previously assisted the U.S. State Department with covert weapons distribution during the Obama/Clinton era.[35][36] Qatar is aligned with the geopolitical interests of the Peoples Republic of China including the Belt and Road Initiative for broad global communist Chinese influence. Qatar, is ideologically aligned with extremist Islam and naturally aligned with Turkey and Pakistan. Qatar was the host to many Gitmo detainees that were removed from U.S. custody.[37] Qatar is where the leadership of the Taliban came from, when they returned to Afghanistan in 2021 to take control of advanced weapon technology abandoned by U.S. Democrat socialist leader Joe Biden.[38]

Libyan and Syrian wars and the Islamic State[edit]

See also: Arab Spring and Obama war crimes

Hillary Clinton's emails boast of Hillary Clinton engaging with UAE, Qatar, and Jordan between March 18–30, 2011 to seek their participation in coalition operations. Over the course of several days, all three devote aircraft to the mission.

After Muammar Gaddafi shut down Libya's Internet system in early March,[39] Qatar had given the rebel jihadis access to its satellites.[40]

A week after Gaddafi's murder, Qatar took credit for sending hundreds of troops into Libya to provide training, communications and strategy. Qatar "acted as the link between the rebels and Nato forces." Guardian adds,[41]

Some, however, express concern at the emirate's support for Islamist elements such as the 17 February Martyrs Brigade, one of the most influential rebel formations, led by Abdel-Hakim Belhaj.

On December 6, 2012 the New York Times confirmed

"Qataris provided weapons, money and training to various rebel groups in Libya [destined for Syria]. One militia that received aid was controlled by [Abdelhakim Belhadj], then leader of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, who was held by the C.I.A. in 2004..."[42]

On January 3, 2013 an arms flight was reported from Qatar to Istanbul destined for Islamic State rebels.

On May 16 the Financial Times reported Qatar had spent $3 billion over the past two years bankrolling the jihadi rebels in Syria.

Aid to the Islamic State and the Benghazi massacre[edit]

See also: Benghazi massacre
CIA pipeline of arms from Qatar to groups in Turkey which became the Islamic State.[43] Illustration: New York Times

In early 2012, President Barack Obama signed a Presidential Finding authorizing transfer of captured weapons from Libya to groups that became the Islamic State.[44] Reuters reported

under provisions of the presidential finding, the United States was collaborating with a secret command center operated by Turkey and its allies.

Last week, Reuters reported that, along with Saudi Arabia and Qatar, Turkey had established a secret base near the Syrian border to help direct vital military and communications support to Assad’s opponents.

This “nerve center” is in Adana, a city in southern Turkey about 60 miles (100 km) from the Syrian border, which is also home to Incirlik, a U.S. air base where U.S. military and intelligence agencies maintain a substantial presence.

Turkey’s moderate Islamist government has been demanding Assad’s departure with growing vehemence. Turkish authorities are said by current and former U.S. government officials to be increasingly involved in providing Syrian rebels with training and possibly equipment.

European government sources said wealthy families in Saudi Arabia and Qatar were providing significant financing to the rebels. Senior officials of the Saudi and Qatari governments have publicly called for Assad’s departure.[45]

Amb. Christopher Stevens was put in charge of the covert operation.[46] The aim was to arm jihadist groups which then transformed themselves into the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria with the goal of overthrowing Bashar al Assad.[47]

The New York Times reported David Petraeus had been instrumental in helping to get an aviation network moving to supply ISIS rebels and prodded various countries to work together on it. Three Royal Jordanian Air Force C-130s landed in Esenboga, Turkey in a hint at what would become a stepped-up Jordanian and Saudi role.[48] "As the Jordanian flights were under way, the Qatari flights continued and the Royal Saudi Air Force began a busy schedule, too — making at least 30 C-130 flights into Esenboga from mid-February 2013 to early March 2013, according to flight data provided by a regional air traffic control official.” American officials have confirmed that senior White House officials were regularly briefed on the shipments.”[49]

Edward Snowden leaked details of a program that trained approximately 10,000 jihadi fighters at a cost of $1 billion a year.[50]

2021 Gaza War[edit]

See also: Guardian of Walls

The building demolished by the Israeli Defense Forces housed anti-Israel Al Jazeera which is owned by Qatar, a supporter of Hamas.[51]

After the ceasefire in May/2021, Al Jazeera was applauded in Gaza rally.[52]

Taliban takeover August-2021[edit]

See also: Fall of Kabul

In August 2021, Qatar's managed Al-Jazeera celebrated the Taliban take over as a fanatical-religious win for the entire Islamic nation. The Ummah.[53] It joined other Islamic infamous group such as Islamist organizations such as Hamas, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad. As Qatar is aligned in ideological purpose with the Muslim Brotherhood.

Unsurprisingly, Al-Jazeera channel received from Taliban exclusive access to the presidential palace in Kabul.[54]

In fact, ond of the big gainers at Taliban's rise is the "tiny Qatar", capable of disproportionate intervention in their affairs not hers.[55]

The French magazine Charlie Hebdo publicized a cartoon exposing Qatar's hypocrisy: On the one hand, there is the transfer of Messi to Paris Saint-Germain And on the other hand host and fund the Taliban. [56]

Immediately after the Kabul airport suicide bombing killing 170, and the withdrawal of American troops, the Taliban requested assistance from Qatar to run the airport.[57]

CCP United Front Work Department[edit]

See also: United Front Work Department

The Brookings Institution Doha Center, the think tank’s hub in Qatar, signed a memorandum of understanding with the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences in January 2018. The partnership piqued the FBI's interest about potential Chinese Communist Party (CCP) espionage activities at the think tank, which employed nearly two dozen foreign policy advisers to the Joe Biden 2020 presidential campaign.[58]

Clinton Foundation[edit]

The Clinton Foundation accepted multimillion-dollar donations from Saudi Arabia and Qatar, two Gulf Arab states that also financed the Islamic State.[59]

Marc Bennett[edit]

The 'Jamal Khashoggi vs. Marc Bennett' exposed iberal hypocrisy, criminal Qatar / Islamist supremacy on non-Muslims.

While Khashoggi passion play coincides with information about Qatar’s murder of Marc Bennett, a British citizen who was brutally tortured without a word of protest from the West.[60]
Unlike Khashoggi’s death, Bennett’s death was not political. He was just one of the many foreign workers whom Qatar’s slave masters considered their personal property. When Bennett tried to leave Qatar Airlines, he was treated like any of the other foreign workers, mostly Indian, Asian and African, who are routinely beaten, tortured and worked to death in the Islamic tyranny.

The only difference between the thousands of foreign workers who have died to erect the glittering towers of Doha, who prepare for the World Cup, and who attend to the needs of the slave masters of Qatar, is that Bennett was a westerner. But to the Islamic slave masters of Qatar and others in the region, all non-Arabs and non-Muslims are inferior subhuman slaves.

Apartheid and racism[edit]

Arab Apartheid, such as anti Asian racism, is rampant in Qatar.[61] And Qatar can't explain the thousands of deaths in a decade.[62]


In a classic example. When in Jan 2020, in a historic visit by the Secretary General of the Islamic World League, Dr. Muhammad al-Issa, to the Auschwitz extermination camp in Poland, led by a delegation of 25 senior Muslim clerics, a few days before International Holocaust Remembrance Day - it had support for it in Saudi Arabia, but it was condemned in Qatar.[63]


Qatar's defense expenditures are estimated to be in the range of 10% of GDP. Qatar maintains a military force of about 12,000 men, including an army, navy, and air force. The country has a public security force of about 8,000 men, including a coast guard, national firefighting force, air wing, marine police, and an internal security force. Qatar also has signed defense pacts with the U.S., U.K., and France. Qatar plays an active role in the collective defense efforts of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC—the regional organization of the Arab states in the Gulf; the other five members are Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, the U.A.E., and Oman). Qatari forces played an important role in the first Gulf War, and Qatar has supported U.S. military operations critical to the success of Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom. Al Udeid, one of America's largest Air Force bases, remains a critical asset to operations in both Iraq and Afghanistan.[64] Qatar hosts CENTCOM Forward Headquarters.


Oil formed the cornerstone of Qatar's economy well into the 1990s and still accounts for about 62% of total government revenue. In 1973, oil production and revenues increased sizably, moving Qatar out of the rank of the world's poorest countries and providing it with one of the highest per capita incomes. In 2006, Qatar's per capita income of nearly $62,000 was the fifth-highest in the world.

Industrial Gas Oil Qatar.jpg

Qatar's economy suffered a downturn from in the mid-1990s. Lower Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) oil production quotas, a fall in oil prices, and the generally unpromising outlook on international markets reduced oil earnings. In turn, the Qatari Government cut spending plans to match lower income. The resulting recessionary local business climate caused many firms to lay off expatriate staff. With the economy recovering in the late 1990s, expatriate populations have grown again.

Oil production is currently around 835,000 barrels a day (bpd), and is expected to reach 1.1 million bpd by 2009. At the current production pace, oil reserves are expected to last more than 40 years. Moreover, Qatar's proven reserves of gas are the third-largest in the world, exceeding 900 trillion cubic feet (14% of the world's total proven gas reserves). Qatar shares with Iran the largest single non-associated gas field in the world, the North Field. Qatar is now the world's largest producer of liquefied natural gas (LNG), with a capacity of more than 31 million metric tons per annum (mmta), and it expects to reach 77.5 mmta of LNG exports by 2010. By 2010, Qatar will account for one-third of the world's LNG supply.

The 1991 completion of the $1.5-billion Phase I of the North Field gas development project strongly boosted the economy. In 1996, Qatar began exporting liquefied natural gas to Japan. Further phases of North Field gas development costing billions of dollars are in various stages of planning and development, and Qatar has concluded agreements with the U.A.E. to export gas via pipelines and to Spain, Turkey, Italy, the U.S., France, South Korea, India, China, Taiwan, and the U.K. via ship. However, the government has halted any further expansion of gas production until 2010, as it assesses its plans for future exploitation of the field.

Qatar's natural gas liquefaction facilities and related industries are located in Ras Laffan Industrial City, site of the world's largest LNG exports of more than 31 million metric tons per year. Qatar's heavy industrial base, located in Messaieed, includes a refinery with a 140,000 bpd capacity, a fertilizer plant for urea and ammonia, a steel plant, and a petrochemical plant, and several new petrochemical plants will be built in the coming years. All these industries use gas for fuel. Most are joint ventures between U.S., European, and Japanese firms and the state-owned Qatar Petroleum (QP). The U.S. is the major equipment supplier for Qatar's oil and gas industry, and U.S. companies are playing a major role in the development of the oil and gas sector and petrochemicals.

The country's economic growth has been stunning. Qatar's nominal GDP, currently around $52.7 billion, has grown an average of 15% over the past five years. GDP is expected to grow approximately 8.3% in 2007. Qatar's per capita GDP is more than $60,000, and projected to soon be the highest in the world. The Qatari Government's strategy is to utilize its wealth to generate more wealth by diversifying the economic base of the country beyond hydrocarbons.

Qatar pursues a vigorous program of "Qatarization," under which all joint venture industries and government departments strive to move Qatari nationals into positions of greater authority. Growing numbers of foreign-educated Qataris, including many educated in the U.S., are returning home to assume key positions formerly occupied by expatriates. In order to control the influx of expatriate workers, Qatar has tightened the administration of its foreign manpower programs over the past several years. Security is the principal basis for Qatar's strict entry and immigration rules and regulations.

For 2011, despite the global financial crisis, Qatar has maintained its economic growth of the last several years. Qatari authorities throughout the crisis sought to protect the local banking sector with direct investments into domestic banks. GDP rebounded in 2010 largely due to the increase in oil prices. Economic policy is focused on developing Qatar's nonassociated natural gas reserves and increasing private and foreign investment in non-energy sectors, but oil and gas still account for more than 50% of GDP, roughly 85% of export earnings, and 70% of government revenues. Oil and gas have made Qatar the second highest per-capita income country - following Liechtenstein - and the world's second fastest growing - following Macau. Proved oil reserves of 15 billion barrels should enable continued output at current levels for 37 years. Qatar's proved reserves of natural gas exceed 25 trillion cubic meters, about 14% of the world total and third largest in the world. Qatar's successful 2022 world cup bid will likely accelerate large-scale infrastructure projects such as Qatar's metro system and the Qatar-Bahrain causeway. GDP - per capita: $145,300 (2010 est.); Country comparison to the world: 1; GDP (official exchange rate): $126.5 billion (2009 est.). Agriculture - products: fruits, vegetables; poultry, dairy products, beef; fish; Industries: liquefied natural gas, crude oil production and refining, ammonia, fertilizers, petrochemicals, steel reinforcing bars, cement, commercial ship repair. Oil - proved reserves: 25.41 billion bbl (1 January 2010 est.) country comparison to the world: 12 [65]


Map of Persia - Arabia, with the adjacent countries, 1855, (detail).

Qatar has been inhabited for millennia. The Al Khalifa family of Bahrain dominated the area until 1868 when, at the request of Qatari nobles, the British negotiated the termination of the Bahraini claim, except for the payment of tribute. The tribute ended when the Ottoman Empire occupied Qatar in 1872.

When the Ottomans left at the beginning of World War I, the British recognized Sheikh Abdullah bin Jassim Al Thani as ruler. The Al Thani family had lived in Qatar for 200 years. The 1916 treaty between the United Kingdom and Sheikh Abdullah was similar to those entered into by the British with other Gulf principalities. Under it, the ruler agreed not to dispose of any of his territory except to the U.K. and not to enter into relationships with any other foreign government without British consent. In return, the British promised to protect Qatar from all aggression by sea and to lend their good offices in case of a land attack. A 1934 treaty granted more extensive British protection.

In 1935, a 75-year oil concession was granted to the Qatar Petroleum Company, a subsidiary of the Iraq Petroleum Company, which was owned by Anglo-Dutch, French, and U.S. interests. High-quality oil was discovered in 1940 at Dukhan, on the western side of the Qatari peninsula. However, the start of WWII delayed exploitation of Qatar's oil resources, and oil exports did not begin until 1949.

Doha Mosque.

During the 1950s and 1960s gradually increasing oil revenues brought prosperity, rapid immigration, substantial social progress, and the beginnings of Qatar's modern history. When the U.K. announced a policy in 1968 (reaffirmed in March 1971) of ending the treaty relationships with the Gulf sheikdoms, Qatar joined the other eight states then under British protection (the seven trucial sheikdoms—the present United Arab Emirates—and Bahrain) in a plan to form a union of Arab emirates. By mid-1971, as the termination date of the British treaty relationship (end of 1971) approached, the nine still had not agreed on terms of union. Accordingly, Qatar declared independence as a separate entity and became the fully independent State of Qatar on September 3, 1971.

In February 1972, the Heir Apparent, Sheikh Khalifa bin Hamad, deposed his cousin, Amir Ahmad, and assumed power. Key members of the Al Thani family supported this move, which took place without violence or signs of political unrest.

On June 27, 1995, the Deputy Amir, Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa, deposed his father Amir Khalifa in a bloodless coup. An unsuccessful counter-coup was staged in 1996. The Amir and his father are now reconciled, though some supporters of the counter-coup remain in prison. The Amir announced his intention for Qatar to move toward democracy and has permitted a freer and more open press and municipal elections as a precursor to expected parliamentary elections. Qatari citizens approved a new constitution via public referendum in April 2003, which came into force in June 2005.

In 1996 Al Jazeera launches the first independent Arab satellite news channel, breaking the monopoly of state controlled media in the region and in 2006 Qatar becomes the world's largest exporter of liquefied natural gas (LNG) and acts as the first Arab host of the Asian Games. [2]

External links[edit]



    [House Hearing, 115 Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] ASSESSING THE U.S.-QATAR RELATIONSHIP


    JULY 26, 2017 Serial No. 115-55

    Qatar has been known to be a permissive environment for terror financing, reportedly funding U.S. designated foreign terrorist organizations, such as Hamas, as well as several extremist groups operating in Syria.

    In 2014, the former deputy director of CIA, David Cohen, called out Qatar publicly along with the Kuwaitis, because according to him, "The private engagement with these countries had not achieved what we were trying to achieve. In fact, Qatar has openly housed Hamas leaders, Taliban leaders, and has several individuals who have been sanctioned by our U.S. Treasury Department, and it has failed to prosecute them.

    At least one high-ranking Qatari official provided support to the mastermind of the 9/11 terror attacks against our country, Khalid Sheikh Mohammad.

    Then, of course, there is Khalifa Mohammed, who is a U.S.-, EU-, and U.N.-designated international terrorist for his role in financing al-Qaeda and the 9/11 mastermind. In 2008, he was tried and convicted in absentia by Bahrain for his terrorist activity, and arrested later that year by Qatar only to be released by the Qataris 6 months later, and then openly financed by Doha. Can anyone guess what Khalifa Mohammed has been up to these days? He was implicated in terror financing activities in 2012, but more recently, he has been alleged to be financing and supporting terror in both Iraq and Syria with no response from the Qatari Government.

    Hamas leader, Khaled Meshaal, also made Doha his headquarters for years while the Qatari's--with the Qatari's Government support and even the Muslim Brotherhood has received significant support from Qatar.

    Of course, not all of this is supported by the government in Doha. Many individuals and charities in Qatar have been known to raise large sums of money for al-Qaeda, the Nusra front, Hamas, and even ISIS.

    In Qatar, there are three buckets: Terror financing by the government; terror financing done in Qatar through their own citizens that their government may not know about; and terror financing in Qatar that the government knows about but does nothing to stop. According to the 2015 country reports on terrorism, the State Department stated, "Entities and individuals within Qatar continue to serve as a source of financial support for terrorists and violent extremist groups, particularly regional al-Qaeda affiliates such as the Nusra front.

    There is no excuse for openly harboring terrorist and supporting groups that seek to harm our allies, and the excuse by Qatar that it is harboring these nefarious actors is because the U.S. asked them to no longer stands up.

    Qatar should not be continuing this reckless policy due to past mistakes from previous Republican and Democratic administrations. We must not allow for our air base to be used as a means to justify this sort of behavior, and a lack of a more appropriate response. Doha's behavior must change the status quo, and if it does not, it risks losing our cooperation on the air base. The truth of the matter is that none of the Gulf countries--none of the Gulf countries are without their issues. All of the nations have been involved in funding different groups at some point that we would not approve of. But it seems like Saudi Arabia and the UAE are making progress at a faster rate while Qatar is making some progress but still is lagging slowly behind. According to the Congressional Research Service, "In October 2016, Daniel Glaser, then Assistant Secretary for Terrorist Financing in the Office for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence, told the Washington, DC, Research Institute that over the past decade, Qatar has made less progress in countering terrorism financing than had Saudi Arabia. We must analyze the totality of our relationship with these Gulf countries.

    While Qatar only helps to facilitate our operations at our air base, the UAE, for example, has spent 12 years with us fighting alongside in Afghanistan and has been involved in counterterrorism operations with the U.S. in Libya. So moving forward, one outcome that I hope comes out of this dispute is for the Gulf countries to work closely with our Treasury Department's Financial Action Task Force to root out and disrupt terror financing streams. This uneasy time may just be an opportunity for us to take a long hard look at how, and for some, if, we can effectively address and stop terror financing in the region, and ultimately defeat the extremism that threatens the security of us all. And with that, I turn to my friend, the ranking member, Mr. Deutch, for his statement.

    Mr. Deutch.

    Thank you, Madam Chairwoman.

    Thanks to the witnesses for being back before our committee. I thank the chairman for convening today's timely hearing to explore our relationship with Qatar at a moment of great instability in the region. The ongoing diplomatic rift between Qatar and its Gulf neighbors is not good for the parties of the conflict; it is not good for the region; and it is not good for American interests. It is a distraction from today's most pressing challenges, Iran's destabilizing activities, the conflict in Syria, and the spread of terrorism.

    For most Americans who expect conflict in the Middle East to fall along sectarian lines, or between competing regional hegemons, it is confusing to see Sunni Arab neighbors in conflict. But this is a dispute over longstanding grievances, over Qatar's support financially, and through its state-owned Al Jazeera news station, for actors and groups that Qatar's neighbors and, in many cases, the United States, see as deeply problematic. This feud, like others in the region, is a nuanced and deeply complex matter, and our relationship with Qatar is no less complex. A tiny but immensely wealthy nation pursues an ambitious foreign policy of close relations with all actors in the region. Unfortunately, this includes terror groups like Hamas and the Afghan Taliban. Qatar has served as a financial and political lifeline for Hamas' devastating rule in Gaza since the terror group took over more than a decade ago. Qatar has sent hundreds of millions of dollars into the Gaza strip, provides safe haven in Doha for Hamas leader, Khaled Meshaal, and helped legitimize Hamas rule in 2012 when the Emir became the first international leader to visit Hamas- led territory. Qatar has also supported other dangerous groups in the region, including sending advanced weaponry and financing to extremist elements in Syria and Libya, and Al Jazeera has given voice to clerics calling for suicide attacks against Americans and Israelis...

    Dr. Schanzer, we will begin with you for your opening statement. STATEMENT OF JONATHAN SCHANZER, PH.D., SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT, FOUNDATION FOR DEFENSE OF DEMOCRACIES Mr. Schanzer. Madam Chairman, Ranking Member Deutch, and members of the subcommittee, on behalf of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, thank you for the opportunity to testify. As many of you know, FDD has been producing research and analysis on Qatar since the eruption of the Arab Spring in 2011. Our critique has been consistent. We have pointed to Qatari support for Hamas, the Taliban, jihadists in Syria, jihadists in Libya and the Muslim Brotherhood. We have been critical of Qatar for the invective broadcast on state-owned Al Jazeera. We have tracked the many reports suggesting that Qatar paid ransom to terrorism groups, and we have noted through the work of my colleague, David Andrew Weinberg, that Qatar has failed to take action against U.S. and U.N.-designated terrorist financiers. In my written testimony, I document these problems, and I am happy to discuss them further. But for a moment, I would like to address how Qatar has responded to the allegations against it...
  5. Qatari officials intimidated claimants in terror case, high court told, The Guardian, Nov 11, 2020.
     The claimants say they fled to Holland after their lives and homes were destroyed by al-Nusra Front, a jihadist organisation.
  6. Report: YouTube to Fund Far-Left Young Turks Journalism ‘Academy’
  7. Reporting Bias, WSJ, Jan 2, 2002.
  8. Militant Islam Monitor - Al Qaeda tape 'given' to 'Al Jihadzeera' shows Bin Laden 'lieutenant' Al Zawahiri threatening attacks on UK and US, August 5, 2005.
    Al Qaeda tape 'given' to 'Al Jihadzeera' shows Bin Laden 'lieutenant' Al Zawahiri threatening attacks on UK and US.
  9. Al Jihadzeera' Reporters Charged With Belonging To A Terrorist Group, Feb 1, 2014.
  10. Qatar invites radical preacher Dr. Zakir Naik to teach FIFA fans about Islam, Milli Chronicle, Nov 19, 2022.

    Doha — Qatar has invited the radical preacher Dr. Zakir Naik, infamous for his endorsing views on suicide bombings, to teach the FIFA fans about Islam.

    The famous ScreenMix entertainment magazine tweeted on Saturday, “Qatar invited the famous Islamic preacher Dr. Zakir Naik to deliver religious lectures during the 2022 World Cup.
  11. Pro-Taliban Urdu-Language Daily Reveals Qatar's Plans To Invite FIFA World Cup Attendees To Islam: 'Training Of 2,000 Volunteers For Invitation Of The Religion At The Mega Event Has Been Completed Who Will Deliver The Message Of (so called) Truth(sic) To The Spectators', Memri, November 18, 2022.

    In a recent article, the Pakistan-based Urdu-language pro-Taliban daily Roznama Ummat examined the Qatari government's preparations for da'wa ("preaching," "invitation to Islam") at the FIFA World Cup beginning on November 20, 2022. Da'wa is an important part of Islam whereby Muslims are expected to invite non-Muslims to embrace the religion. The article, titled "FIFA World Cup And Da'wa Of The Religion," and written by Islamic religious scholar Zia Chitrali, explains various media activities and events planned to explain Islam to non-Muslim spectators and to try to persuade them to convert. As part of these events planned by Qatari officials, thousands of volunteers will engage in da'wa and free books and pamphlets highlighting Islamic teachings will be distributed among the spectators. In a recent article, the Pakistan-based Urdu-language pro-Taliban daily Roznama Ummat examined the Qatari government's preparations for da'wa ("preaching," "invitation to Islam") at the FIFA World Cup beginning on November 20, 2022. Da'wa is an important part of Islam whereby Muslims are expected to invite non-Muslims to embrace the religion. The article, titled "FIFA World Cup And Da'wa Of The Religion," and written by Islamic religious scholar Zia Chitrali, explains various media activities and events planned to explain Islam to non-Muslim spectators and to try to persuade them to convert.

    As part of these events planned by Qatari officials, thousands of volunteers will engage in da'wa and free books and pamphlets highlighting Islamic teachings will be distributed among the spectators. [1].
  12. Joshua S. Block Op-Ed: Qatar is a financier of terrorism. Why does the U.S. tolerate it?, LA Times Jun 9, 2017.
  13. How are Gulf countries coming to terms with their history of slavery?, DW, 08.02.2022.

    Despite having officially outlawed slavery, Arab states in the Gulf region have downplayed the legacy of repression and racism faced by minorities...

    Modern slavery is still widespread in the Arab states of the Gulf region, where millions of migrant workers are forced to work under grueling conditions with little or no pay.
  14. QATAR WORLD CUP OF SHAME, Amnesty, Mar 2016.
    Migrants building a state-of-the-art stadium for the 2022 football World Cup in Qatar are abused and exploited – while FIFA makes huge profits.

    Tell FIFA and its sponsors to act now to protect migrant workers in Qatar from abuse. Migrants from Bangladesh, India and Nepal working on the refurbishment of the showcase Khalifa Stadium and landscaping the surrounding gardens and sporting facilities known as the “Aspire Zone” are being exploited. Some are being subjected to forced labour. They can’t change jobs, they can’t leave the country and they often wait months to get paid. Meanwhile, FIFA (football’s global governing body), its sponsors and the construction companies involved are set to make massive financial gains from the tournament. 


    Deepak, metal worker on the Khalifa Stadium
  15. Matt Sullivan, A World Cup Built on Modern Slavery': Stadium Workers Blow the Whistle on Qatar’s ‘Coverup’ of Migrant Deaths and Suffering, Rolling Stone, Nov 9, 2022.

     — “This,” says Equidem executive director Mustafa Qadri, “is a World Cup built on modern slavery.” In a statement to Rolling Stone, a spokesperson..

    Anish Adhikari awoke at the Qatari labor camp at 4 a.m. to diarrhea from last night’s rotten fish. His tonsils were swollen from the limited water made available by his employer while working 14 hours a day in 125-degree heat. But he remained hopeful that building air conditioners for 80,000 ticket-holders could provide the equivalent of $8,000 over three years to support his family in Nepal. That he could pay back the loan shark who’d secured Adhikari a job beginning in 2019 with the Hamad Bin Khalid Contracting Co. (HBK), the contracting firm owned by the the highest echelons of Qatar’s ruling Al Thani family. He thought of his father and sickly mother living with his six brothers, their four wives, and their eight children in a hurricane-ravaged farmhouse, using an animal shed for a kitchen. But the 23-year-old soccer fan was helping to construct the site of this year’s World Cup final; some days, when he arrived at Lusail Iconic Stadium before dawn, Adhikari forgot how exhausted he was.
  16. Sean Ingle, Stadiums of shame: the numbers World Cup hosts Qatar don’t want to be seen, The Guardian, Mon 14 Nov 2022.
    As the world’s media and teams start to arrive the facts and figures behind workers’ and human rights in Qatar remain hard to uncover.
  17. U.S. Says FIFA Officials Were Bribed to Award World Cups to Russia and Qatar, The New York Times, Apr 6, 2020.
    For nearly a decade, Russia and Qatar have been suspected of buying votes to win hosting rights for the 2018 and 2022 World Cups. On Monday, for the first time, the Department of Justice put things in black and white.
  18. 'Sport is political,' says World Cup podcaster, CNN, Nov 18, 2022. (Roger Bennett in interview).
  19. Ian Ward, The many, many controversies surrounding the 2022 World Cup, explained, Vox, November 19, 2022.
    Since FIFA awarded the 2022 World Cup to Qatar in 2010, the tournament has been ensnared in a tangled web of scandals.
  20. QATAR Over 6,500 migrant workers have died all for 2022 soccer world cup,, Feb 25, 2021
  21. Migrant workers recount abuse while building stadiums for World Cup in Qatar, PBS, Nov 18, 2022
     The water we got was almost 90 percent ice. We asked why they did that and told them it was impossible to drink water like that....
  22. Aimee Lewis, Pramod Acharya and Sugam Pokharel, Our dreams never came true.' These men helped build Qatar's World Cup, now they are struggling to survive, CNN, November 17, 2022.
  23. Joe Wallen, How the Taliban helped build the stadiums for the Qatar World Cup, Daily Telegraph, Nov 25, 2022.

    Exclusive: Construction firms allegedly paid ‘millions’ to buy and lease machinery from the Taliban for infrastructure, according to sources

    The Taliban made millions from the World Cup by providing construction equipment to build stadiums in Qatar, The Telegraph understands. Senior Taliban officials used lucrative salaries tied to peace talks to buy and then subcontract heavy machinery for tournament infrastructure over the past decade, a source from the Taliban's Doha office revealed. A large contingent of the Taliban leadership lived in Doha, the capital of Qatar, from 2013 onward where they were engaged in long-running peace talks with the US and UN. “The Taliban invested heavily in the World Cup construction and the tournament was a golden duck. They were paid millions,” claimed the source, who lived in Doha in the decade running up to the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan in 2021. “Some Taliban members had between six and ten pieces of heavy machinery each in Doha and would earn up to £10,000 per machine per month.” Two separate senior Taliban sources described how officials were given lucrative allowances to live in the country during the peace negotiations, which was then invested in heavy construction machinery.

  24. Qatar In Cahoots With Iran To Stifle Voices Of Dissent During World Cup, Iran Intl, 11/25/2022.

    Iran’s soccer team blanked 10-man Wales Friday as World Cup host Qatar prevented Iranian fans from expressing their support for the ongoing protests in their the country. 

    Iranian fans, who wanted to take flags other than the official one approved by the Islamic Republic to the Al Rayyan’s Ahmad bin Ali Stadium, were stopped by security officers. Many people were barred from carrying or waving Iran’s ancient flag with the Lion and Sun emblem or a simple three-color flag with the main motto of the current wave of protests – Woman, Life, Liberty.
  25. IRGC Man Says Qatar Helping Iran Silence Dissidents In World Cup, IranIntl, Nov 27, 2022.

    Documents obtained by Iran International show Iran was coordinating secret efforts with Qatar to control who attends the World Cup and restrict any signs of dissent.

    Black Reward, a hactivist group that found access to Fars News Agency files this week provided an audio tape of a meeting between a Revolutionary Guard general and a group of media managers or representatives from outfits affiliated with the IRGC about plans to use the sporting event to the benefit of the regime in Tehran. A six-minute audio segment of a tape features General Ghasem Ghoreyshi (Qasem Qoreyshi), deputy commander of the paramilitary Basij and a group of reporters including the one from Fars News who met with him possible in the presence of other trusted reporters to discuss the latest developments including plans for the World Cup. The meeting took place on Tuesday 15th of November. Ghoreyshi starts by saying that “anti-revolutionaries” have bought “5,330 tickets” to the tournament and adds that “our boys have checked the list of the ticket holders and at least 500 people” are known opponents of the Iranian regime.

    This is the first piece of evidence of collaboration with Qatar, showing that Iran obtained the list of ticket buyers most probably from Qatari authorities.
  26. Pal Media Watch @palwatch Dec 5, 2022.
    Although seemingly spontaneous, #FreePalestine flags at #WorldCup2022 are propaganda props organized by #Palestinian organizations. Palestinian activists hand out flags to be smuggled into the stadiums and be raised at the 48th minute each game.
  27. C. Glick, Cultural appropriation and the Jews, Dec 2, 2022.
  28. Martin Krauss, German media: Orchestrated hostility toward Israel: Morocco is not in Palestine, Taz, 2022-12-10.

    You just have to like World Cup outsiders Morocco – don't you? Adding an anti-Semitic touch to the joy makes things difficult.

    Palestine plays along: Morocco's team after reaching the quarter-finals

    How could we not be happy that Morocco has one of the eight best football teams in the world ! Finally a team that doesn't come from Europe or South America! In addition - and now follows an interpretation that is surprisingly seldom read at present - a North African team that has gradually chased one colonial power after the other off the football field: Belgium in the preliminary round, Spain in the round of 16; now another nation is waiting with Portugal, which owes its wealth largely to its colonial past. Next, France and the Netherlands could be decolonized in terms of football.

    Instead of this, I think, obvious interpretation, the Moroccan success is overlaid with a lot of Palestine symbolism. The Moroccan team held up a Palestine flag after defeating Spain. Tunisian fans did something similar in the preliminary round. And some Qataris are now wearing a "pro-Palestine" armband in response to the Europeans' "One Love" armband, which they see as an impertinence.

    At first, that seems childishly defiant: ugh, we have our protest too! From a political point of view, however, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is used here to assert an alleged Arab unity. As if fans from Maghreb countries were in the same boat as the Qatari ruling families! In order to prevent protests, which could not least come from Palestinian migrant workers in Qatar, ruling families from the emirate and other regimes are building a bugbear called "Palestine Solidarity". It is not without reason that Qatar has been financially supporting the terror that the Islamist Hamas is waging against Israel for years.

    There is a historical precedent for the transparent pro-Palestine propaganda that so characterizes the World Cup. In 1963, a counter-Olympics were held in Jakarta. Ganefo called it "Games of the New Emerging Forces". What was supposed to look like a sympathetic rebellion from the then so-called Third World countries was the project of the Indonesian President Sukarno. It was explicitly directed against Israel's participation in world sport.

    Anti-racism is still necessary, it can be expressed, for example, in joy at Moroccan soccer successes. But giving that joy an anti-Semitic touch is the twist that gangs like the Qatari dynasty want to use to secure their power.
  29. Al-Jazeera Presenters, Journalists In Qatari Press, Qatar-Backed Muslim Clerics: Terrorist Attack Near Jerusalem Synagogue Was 'Brave Act' Of 'Legitimate Resistance,' Its Perpetrator Is A 'Hero' Memri, February 1, 2023.
  33. Obama: "No big move toward democracy in Qatar".
  36. On July 25, 2012 a US Chinook helicopter was shot down by the Taliban in Afghanistan by the latest generation of the Stinger available for export. A serial number from the missile casing was recovered, tracing the Stinger's origin to a lot entrusted to the CIA which was delivered to Qatar. Under Obama's covert action finding the Stinger was intended for Libya and Syrian jihadis. Hillary Clinton's State Dept. and John Brennan's CIA jointly ran the covert weapons supply program, leaving the Pentagon and Gen.Michael Flynn's Defense Intelligence Agency out of the loop.
  37. Qatar's Protégés – Hamas Officials, Muslim Brotherhood, Al-Jazeera Reporters – Praise Taliban's 'Jihad' And 'Victory'; Journalists, Liberals In Response: They Should Move To Kabul, Memri, August 19, 2021
  44. Mark Hosenball, Obama Secret Syria Order Authorizes Support For Rebels, Reuters via HuffPost, 08/01/2012
  45. The Guardian reported,
    these were not average members of the Free Syrian Army. Abu Khuder and his men fight for al-Qaida. They call themselves the ghuraba’a, or “strangers”, after a famous jihadi poem celebrating Osama bin Laden’s time with his followers in the Afghan mountains, and they are one of a number of jihadi organisations establishing a foothold in the east of the country now that the conflict in Syria has stretched well into its second bloody year.

    They try to hide their presence. “Some people are worried about carrying the [black] flags” ...

    ...[they] are working closely with the military council that commands the Free Syrian Army brigades in the region. “We meet almost every day,” he said. “We have clear instructions from our [al-Qaida] leadership that if the FSA need our help we should give it. We help them with IEDs and car bombs. Our main talent is in the bombing operations” ...

    “The FSA lacks the ability to plan and lacks military experience. That is what [al-Qaida] can bring. ...

    “In the beginning there were very few. Now, mashallah, there are immigrants joining us and bringing their experience,” he told the gathered people. “Men from Yemen, Saudi, Iraq and Jordan...

    “[Al-Qaida’s] goal is establishing an Islamic state and not a Syrian state,” he replied. “Those who fear the organisation fear the implementation of Allah’s jurisdiction...

  48. “Within three weeks, two other Jordanian cargo planes began making a round-trip run between Amman, the capital of Jordan, and Zagreb, the capital of Croatia, where, officials from several countries said, the aircraft were picking up a large Saudi purchase of infantry arms from a Croatian-controlled stockpile." Two Jordanian Ilyushins bearing the logo of the Jordanian International Air Cargo firm but flying under Jordanian military call signs made a combined 36 round-trip flights between Amman and Croatia from December 2012 through February 2013. The same two planes made five flights between Amman and Turkey in January 2013.
  51. Spencer S. Hsu: "Lawsuits by U.S. victims accuse top Qatar banks and charity of financing terrorism in Israel." Washington Post, Dec. 15, 2020.
  52. WATCH: Gazans Applaud Al-Jazeera Correspondent During Hamas ‘Victory’ Celebrations Joshua Klein, May 24, 2021
  53. Al-Jazeera Reporters Celebrate 'Taliban Victory', 'U.S. Defeat' As Historic Triumph For Islamic Ummah, Memri, August 18, 2021.

    Qatar | Special Dispatch No. 9503

    The U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan and the Taliban's takeover of the country sparked many reactions worldwide, including in the Arab world. Conspicuous among these reactions were expressions of joy by Islamist organizations such as Hamas, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad,the International Union of Muslim Scholars and various elements identified with the Muslim Brotherhood.
  54. roi kais (@kaisos1987) Tweeted: The Qatari Al-Jazeera channel receives from Taliban exclusive access to the presidential palace in Kabul. No need to be surprised Aug 15, 2021
  55. Ilan Zalayat @ilanzalayat Tweeted:
    While everyone is talking about the effects of the turbulent upheaval in Afghanistan on neighbors like China or Iran, it is becoming clear that one of the big gainers is actually the tiny Qatar capable of disproportionate intervention in their affairs not hers.

    Aug 19, 2021

  56. For Qatar lovers and interested people, French 'Charlie Hebdo' On the hypocrisy and Qatari bipolarity On the one hand, there is the transfer of Messi to Paris Saint-Germain And on the other hand it hosts and funds the Taliban. Aug 23, 2021 (It reads "It's worse than what we thought")
  57. Taliban Ask Qatar For Technical Assistance Running Kabul Airport, Conservative Tree House, Aug 27, 2021.
  59. "Saudi Arabia and Qatar bankroll ISIS -- and the Clinton Foundation," Frontpage Mag.
  60. Daniel Greenfield, Jamal Khashoggi vs. Marc Bennett: Whose Life Matters?, FPM, Oct 5, 2022 .

    One British man’s death in Qatar reveals the dirty truth about the traitors within.

    In an annual propaganda ritual, the heads of foreign governments and media operatives marked the anniversary of Jamal Khashoggi’s death by tweeting condemnations of the killing of the old friend of Osama bin Laden who had been recruited by an Al Qaeda financier to promote Jihad.

    It is a testament to the unchallenged power of the Islamic tyranny of Qatar that everyone in Washington D.C. unquestioningly takes a knee and pays tribute to its martyred operative.

    “Jamal Khashoggi’s murder 4 years ago was also an attack on freedom of expression everywhere,” Secretary of State Blinken tweeted. There’s no such thing as “freedom of expression” among Khashoggi’s Qatari employees. Khashoggi was not fighting for any kind of freedom, but for an Islamist tyranny of the kind practiced by Qatar’s fellow Islamists in Iran. Had he gotten his way, liberals in Saudi Arabia would be the ones being brutally murdered. As they are in Iran.

    Western elites have spent far less time expressing outrage about the torture and mass murder by Iran’s Islamic regime of thousands of dissidents and protesters than they have over the death of an Islamist whose death equally outraged Al Qaeda and ISIS as it did Washington D.C.

    The Washington Post was much less exercised about one of its own reporters, Jason Rezaian, being held hostage in Iran for over a year than over Jamal Khashoggi, a foreign operative running press releases from the Qatari Foundation in its digital pages at the behest of Qatar.

    This year the annual Khashoggi passion play coincides with information about Qatar’s murder of Marc Bennett, a British citizen who was brutally tortured without a word of protest from the West.

    If Blinken has expressed a word of concern about Bennett’s killing by Khashoggi’s backers, I have yet to find it. The British government closed the case and has shown no interest. The Washington Post has never allowed Bennett’s name to appear in its pages. That might offend its Qatari masters. Despite having been killed a year after Khashoggi, there is still virtually no mention of Bennett by the politicians, influencers and media operatives who claim that they only care about the Qatari terrorist agenda because they are so deeply moved by human rights.

    Unlike Khashoggi’s death, Bennett’s death was not political. He was just one of the many foreign workers whom Qatar’s slave masters considered their personal property. When Bennett tried to leave Qatar Airlines, he was treated like any of the other foreign workers, mostly Indian, Asian and African, who are routinely beaten, tortured and worked to death in the Islamic tyranny. The only difference between the thousands of foreign workers who have died to erect the glittering towers of Doha, who prepare for the World Cup, and who attend to the needs of the slave masters of Qatar, is that Bennett was a westerner. But to the Islamic slave masters of Qatar and others in the region, all non-Arabs and non-Muslims are inferior subhuman slaves.

    According to the most recent report in The London Times, “Bennett had been taken blindfolded and handcuffed to a state security detention centre. Bennett later described how he was stripped naked, blasted with high-pressure hoses, slammed against walls.”

    His alleged crime was trying to leave Qatar Airways which, like most of the major organizations, including Al Jazeera, is controlled by Qatar’s ruling family.  According to the Qataris, Bennett later “committed suicide” in a hotel room in Doha on Christmas Day. The timing must have amused his Islamist killers. According to his wife, his clothes had been laid in his hotel room as if he were preparing to go out and the circumstances of the crime scene don’t comport with those of a suicide. British investigators noted, “no specific evidence of suicidal intent”.

    The British government has issued multiple statements about Khashoggi’s death even though the Bin Laden pal was never a British citizen or related to the UK in any meaningful way. It has shrugged at Bennett’s death and then gotten on with the business of asking Qatar for cash. The BBC has one mention of Bennett. It has hundreds of results for Khashoggi. Last year, the British government declared that it continues to raise the “terrible crime” of Khashoggi’s death with Saudi Arabia. No such efforts have been made to raise the death of Marc Bennett, a Briton who was not an associate of Islamic terrorists or an enemy agent.

    The relative silence over Bennett’s death and the hysterical fury over Khashoggi’s demise reveal more than a double standard, but the deep level of political control Qatar wields over the West.

    Westerners don’t need to be physically within the boundaries of Qatar, for the Islamic terror state to have almost as much control over their lives as it did over that of Marc Bennett.

    The oil-glutted Islamic terrorist state has not only escaped the consequences for its crimes, but it sets the political agenda for Washington D.C. and much of the western world. Between Al Jazeera, which sets the media’s agenda for the region, and Brookings, the powerful Democrat think tank whose associates fill the ranks of the Biden administration, Qatar rules over us. The Muslim Brotherhood, which Qatar backs, continues to enjoy safe harbor in America. Its various affiliates have not only been immunized from prosecution, but have been deeply embedded in our government, our political system and our culture. To understand not only our failure to stop Islamic terrorism after 9/11, but the disastrous surrender to the Taliban, overseen by Qatar, which played godfather to the Taliban talks, you have to recognize its influence.

    Khashoggi’s omnipresence in our culture and Bennett’s nonexistence is a testimony of the far darker truths about how our governments have sold us out to be killed by Islamic terrorists and their state sponsors while blasting us with propaganda that turns the terrorists into victims. “We were hoping to establish an Islamic state anywhere,” Khashoggi reminisced about his time together with Osama bin Laden in the Muslim Brotherhood. “We believed that the first one would lead to another, and that would have a domino effect which could reverse the history of mankind.”

    You can find that Islamic state in Washington D.C. now where everyone from Tim Kaine to Mitt Romney pushes Khashoggi propaganda. Lindsay Graham tried to hold up a bill for Osama bin Laden’s old pal. Bernie Sanders attacked Biden for not holding gas prices in this country hostage to the Qatari agent. While our political class may differ on so many issues, when it comes to what Qatar wants, they are all in agreement. And they are all betraying us. Khashoggi’s death was indeed revealing. And what it revealed is that our countries are rotten with politicians and media outlets who willingly serve as the tools of an Islamic terrorist state. That is why they won’t talk about Bennett’s death.

    During the Cold War, when a Communist ran into trouble anywhere, human rights organizations, journalists and politicians would rush to his defense in the name of humanity. But when countless people were tortured, starved and killed in Communist prisons, they were silent. What was true of the USSR is still true of China and of Qatar. Every time you hear about Jamal Khashoggi, you are seeing Qatar’s influence at work and you are witnessing traitors out themselves. Listen carefully. And remember Bennett’s Qatar,

    Khashoggi was an agent of the foreign Islamist powers that rule over us. Bennett is us.
  61. Asian Town, Qatar's mall for migrants: 'You can't ignore the racial undertones', Pete Pattisson and Naveen Nair in Doha, The Guardian, Oct 9, 2018.
    The new Asian Town mall was designed to cater to Qatar’s roughly 2 million migrant workers – but critics say it is simply a way to segregate them... The Gulf countries take deliberate measures to dissuade migrants bringing their families with them, and then justify the ghettos and zoning regulations under the pretext of security,” Saraswathi said. “Time and again, Asian male migrants are kept away because they are ‘bachelors’, while the same wouldn’t apply to western or Arab single men. One can’t ignore the racial undertones.”
  62. Pete Pattisson, "Qatar has failed to explain up to 70% of migrant worker deaths in past 10 years – Amnesty," The Guardian , Aug 26, 2021.

    World Cup host has not properly investigated fatalities, rights group says, citing concerns over heat stress and safety

    World Cup host Qatar has failed to investigate the deaths of thousands of migrant workers in the past decade, according to a new report by Amnesty International.

    The human rights organisation said the majority of migrant worker deaths in Qatar are attributed to “natural causes”, cardiac or respiratory failure; classifications which are “meaningless” without the underlying cause of death explained, according to one expert cited.

    As a result, as many as 70% of deaths may be unexplained. “In a well resourced health system, it should be possible to identify the exact cause of death in all but 1% of cases,” the report said.... In February the Guardian revealed that more than 6,500 migrant workers from south Asia had died in Qatar in the past decade...

    In February the Guardian revealed that more than 6,500 migrant workers from south Asia had died in Qatar in the past decade.
  63. Historic visit of the head of the Islamic World League to the Auschwitz camp - support for in Saudi Arabia, condemnations in Qatar, Memri, 3/2/2020.
    On January 23, the visit of the Secretary General of the Islamic World League, Dr. Muhammad al-Issa, to the Auschwitz extermination camp in Poland, led by a delegation of 25 senior Muslim clerics, a few days before International Holocaust Remembrance Day, was a historic precedent for his first visit. A senior Muslim delegation in an extermination camp commemorating the Holocaust of the Jews of Europe. Thus, and following al-Issa's statements during the visit in condemnation of the Holocaust, the visit provoked many different reactions in the Arab and Islamic world...
  64. Michael R. Gordon With Eric Schmitt, AFTEREFFECTS: BASES; U.S. Will Move Air Operations To Qatar Base, The New York Times, April 28, 2003
  65. Qatar Economy 2011, CIA World Factbook.

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