Boycott, Divestment And Sanctions

From Conservapedia

Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions, (BDS) are the triple threat, typically by liberal politicians, academia and businesses, against the State of Israel. It opposes Israel's existence as a whole.[1] Its aim is to "bring down the state of Israel."[2][3] The 'immediate' aim is to delegitimize Israel.[4]

Its tactics are based on the steps taken to address actual racial segregation policies in South Africa in the 1970s, but BDS is proposed as a punishment for Israel not caving to "Palestinian" demands. In general, the "BDS movement" has politicized the debate within the United States regarding the United States' role in bringing peace to that region.

Obama ordered labeling of Israel products made in the West Bank as not made in Israel, a move welcomed by BDS activists and which follows similar moves by European leftists.

The ADL explains: [5]

In championing Palestinian nationhood, BDS literally denies Jews the same right. It ignores Israel’s repeated initiatives for peace over the last two decades, and the real Israeli security concerns that cannot be dismissed.  Nor does BDS seek to create conditions for Israeli-Palestinian rapprochement – it does not support negotiations, reconciliation or a two-state solution. It bars Israeli-Palestinian engagement on the professional, academic or cultural level and prevents “normalization” activity with others of differing opinions (such as engaging in dialogue with supporters of Israel). Oftentimes, BDS campaigns give rise to tensions in communities – particularly on college campuses – that can result in harassment or intimidation of Jews and Israel supporters, including overt anti-Semitic expression and acts. This isn't some abstraction. We consistently see this play out again and again across the country.

Prof. Deborah Lipstadt, a world-renowned expert on Holocaust denial research, said today in an interview: BDS is an antisemitic movement "with absolute certainty."[6]

Activists explain BDS intimidation tactics: Because BDS is a fundamentally radical and anti-peace movement at heart, its supporters are often prone to displays of violence and intimidation designed to bully others into compliance or silence. The activists have tracked examples of BDS proponents using intimidation and threats, both on the Internet and in the real world, to pursue their goals. BDS intimidation can often include committing crimes as well.[7]

It has been described and proved to be Anti-Semitic.[8][9][10][11][12] The BDS movement fuels intolerance and hate.[13]

Some pointed to Nazi comparison to BDS.[14]

Germany, who, due to its history, knows a thing or two about Anti-Semitism, its government condemned BDS as Anti-Semitic in 2019.[15]

Realising for long the destructive BDS, as driving bigotry and discrimination, in May 2022, the Queen's 'BDS bill’ - planned UK government bill to stop public bodies targeting Israel.[16]

In Oct 2022, Spain's Supreme Court ruled that BDS is discriminatory. In addition, Spain's parliament is considering legislation that bars antisemitic organizations (based on the IHRA definition) from receiving public funding.[17]

Dubbed: BDS = Bigoted Double Standards; antisemitism is not a bug, but a feature of BDS.[18]

Omar Barghouti, a co-founder of the BDS movement had denounced the two-state solution.[18]


It has been accused of economic terrorism.[19] Asides from that, it systematically terrorize who do not toe its hate line.


The amazing thing is that this movement does not conceal its objectives or actions: It is a movement that opposes Israel's existence within any borders, whose supporters wave signs with Nazi symbols, and promotes conspiracy theories on every issue on the agenda, accusing Israel of anything and everything from the September 11 attacks to the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic. On campuses, BDS terrorizes any lecturer who merely contemplates teaching a course that offers a balanced view of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Not only will doing so put any future promotions at risk but their physical safety and ability to get through a seminar will also be threatened, ultimately leading to their firing.

The BDS movement seeks to remove the Jewish or Zionist voice from the non-Israeli space by any means necessary, regardless of whether that requires connecting to radical leftist or radical right-wing cells.

Terror ties[edit]

BDS has been tied with terror group PFLP,[20] and it has raised more eyebrows in 2019 with revelations of wider ties to various terror groups and clear goal of annihilation of Israel.[21]

In 2020, a BDS Palestinian activist, Dr. Issam Hijjawi was arrested for allegedly committing preparatory acts of terrorism in connection with the New Irish Republican Army.[22]

BDS and Neo-Nazis, Hitlerism[edit]

In 2015, swastikas followed BDS resolution at Cal Davis[23].

Memri[10] has documented massive Incitement Against Jews Within BDS And Pro-Palestinian Facebook Groups.[24]

Neo-Nazi parties are supporting Palestinian and Hezbollah terrorism, as well as BDS.[25]

Writer pointed out how German neo-Nazis unmask BDS in supporting it[26].

In 2019, PayPal closed Nazi party account linked to Hezbollah, Assad, BDS.[27]

In April 2020, a group of vicious anti-Israel activists in Germany disrupted an online Holocaust memorial by posting Nazi imagery and pornographic content during a conversation with the survivors of the genocide[28]

In 2021, a South African BDS advocate told students, 'Hitler committed no crime.'[29]

Some infamous BDS supporters[edit]

Neve Gordon[edit]

One of the earlier (2009) BDS pushers via complete falsehoods is Neve Gordon. Even the lefty Ben Gurion Uni condemned his 'apartheid slur' and his BDS call:[30] "We strongly reject the destructive views of Gordon, who cynically uses the existing freedom of expression in Israel and at Ben-Gurion University."

And in an email to "progressives": [31] "The university … NEVER EVER threatened him with dismissal … as a tenured faculty member, his job is protected by law. … However, the University feels that a call for a boycott is not an issue of freedom of speech. [I]t is the equivalent of screaming fire in a crowded theater as an academic boycott undercuts every single value that the University stands for, and were such a boycott to succeed, it would cause great damage to both the University and to the State of Israel."

Yet, BGU's anti-Israel staff has been exposed as it let him still on campus.[32]

949 a.jpg

An extremist,[33] hugging, shielding Arafat in the height of 2002 Intifadah massacres,[34] lying as if he "doesn't" know who is responsible for the terror massacres.[35]

"Gordon is so anti-Israel that his columns have been published on the neo-Nazi Zundelsite website operated by Ernst Zundel, the Nazi whom Canada recently deported to Germany, and on Islamic fundamentalist pro-terror web sites." He was "arrested for illegally trying to interfere with the Israeli army's anti-terror activities by serving as a human shield for Arafat and the wanted terrorists being hidden in PLO offices."[36] "Neve Gordon has gotten into bed with neo-Nazis, Holocaust justice deniers, and anti-Semites. He is a despicable example of a self-hating Jew and a self-hating Israeli."

Accused[37] of 'racist Judeophobic rhetoric.'
Taken from an article by a senior Israeli academic, this excerpt typifies the racist Judeophobic rhetoric that has come to dominate the public discourse on the Israeli- Palestinian conflict.

Accused of inciting anti-Semitism in Arab press by invoking old libels.[38] Described as kind of a fascist type, [39] and who has been chastising, punishing his students for daring to challenge him on his distortion,[40] inciting vengeful treatment against a student who dared challenged his gross lie of his defining a road of all Israelis, Israelis-roads, both Arab and Jewish, as supposedly "just" Jewish. Thus inciting hatred,[41] as well as lying that parts of the fence were electrified, while they were just electric monitors.[42]

(With a former al-Jazeera guy, he co-authored a "book"[40] whereby in reality he identifies with Hamas[43] --pushed on Wiki by decades old radicals,[44]-- both "co-authors" wrote earlier against denouncing Hamas for its routine method of using its people as human shields. As well as against Amnesty's report: [11] 26 March 2015, Index number: MDE 21/1178/2015: During the Gaza/Israel conflict in July and August 2014, Palestinian armed groups fired thousands of rockets and mortars at Israel, in many cases directed towards Israeli civilians and civilian objects, in violation of international law. The conduct of Palestinian armed groups, including firing from residential areas and using indiscriminate munitions that cannot be accurately directed at a military target, also endangered civilians in Gaza.)

Ilan Pappé[edit]

Anti-Israel BDS pusher Ilan Pappe, belittled the Holocaust in 1993.[45] It appears, his dangerous envisioned end game for Israel is elimination. [46] Even at radical lefty Haaretz, he was exposed. As per Pappe's own words (Haaretz, 27.4.2005), behind the boycott group ideological motives, or at least of those who lead it proudly, hides a tone of extortion towards academia. [47] He bases his twisted theories purely on "Palestinian" propaganda "sources." He admitted in 1999:[48]

There is no objective historian in the world. I care less about what happened from the way people see it.'

'I admit that my ideology influences my historical articles.'

'The struggle is based on ideology and not on facts. Who knows what facts are? We try to convince as many people as possible that our interpretation of the facts is the correct interpretation, and we do it because we are ideologues and not truth-seekers.'

A fake "historian," an outright Liar.[49]

He has a record of making inflammatory statements including against fighting Anti-semitism.[50]

Lara Collab[edit]

Lara Collab, a former doctor, radical racist Arab anti-Semite from Ohio, who has posted for long, against Jews [Yahoodi in Arabic] and who has declared she'd give Jews the wrong medicine, in her words purposely give all the yahood the wrong meds, has been a BDS supporter. Her liscence was revoked.[51][52][53]

Aysegul Gurbuz[edit]

Muslim Labour Councillor who lauded Hitler as ‘Greatest Man in History,’ [54] and had resigned over tweet,[55] this Hitler-loving councilor led university BDS push.[56]


In 2020, lecturer Jew-hater Stavit Sinai was convicted for violent assault. Berlin daily B.Z. titled its article about the BDS activists at the trial "Disgusting hatred of Jews in and in front of the Berlin courtroom."[57]


Wits University SRC president Mcebo-Dlamini (2015) praised Adolf Hitler[58] for killing white people as opposed to other leaders, who he said had killed only black people.[59]

Dlamini even defended his comments following outcry from, he went in to make that outrageous diabolical Hitler's historical action comparisons.[60] He's a BDSer.[61]

Lwazi Lushaba[edit]

South African BDS supporter at UCT: 'Hitler committed no crime.' The UCT lecturer Lwazi Lushaba told freshman political science students during his lecture. "All Hitler did was to do to white people what white people had normally reserved for black people.” (2021)[62]

Sarah Wilkinson[edit]

Sarah Wilkinson, the Holocaust denying star of anti-Israel activism,[63] has posted most vile anti-Semitic lines.

Despite her denying of postings, playing "victim," digital proof[63] is all over the place. Activist[63] lamented:
In a normal world, someone who has shared hard-core antisemitic ideology would be shunned, but that is not the case in anti-Israel activism. Wilkinson has value and so whether what she says is or is not true- ceases to matter. Just like holding up a fake photo from Syria and claiming it is Gaza.

Firas Al Najim[edit]

So-called "activist," Firas Al Najim, BDSr, he calls his groups "Human rights."

-On Aug 6, 2022, he elittled the Holocaust with his banner. Politicians say they were pictured with the banner without knowledge.[64]

-In 2019, he berated a man in an electronic wheelchair with his "politics."[65]

-In May 2020 he recycled the old canard about loyalty.[66]

-July 2020 "pro-Palestine" protest, racist chants Arabic, "Palestine is our country, and the Jews are our dogs,"[67] was linked to his activities.[68]

-He has continuously spread Antisemitic conspiracy theories.[69]

-In Jan 2022, he was caught praising the terrorist groups Hamas and Hezbollah, Qasem Soleimani and chanting "Death to America."[70][71]

-In July 2022, he, his guys, came to a Jewish neighborhood to harass. They were screaming free Palestine, yelling anti-Semitic slurs and intimidating Jews in Thornhill outside a plaza of mainly kosher establishments. [72][73]

-On Sep 12, 2022, he viciously harassed a Holocaust survivor.[73]


Infamous Muhammad El-Kurd[74] gloated in May 2022 about Harvard Crimson, finally putting out a piece, adding, it's just the beginning.

In light of Raquel Coronell Uribe of Harvard Crimson giving in to anti-Israel Arab "Palestinian" push for BDS and had refused to publish Crimson's former president letter against sudden breaking with the paper's longstanding editorial position, the letter was publicized:[75]
Dear Raquel:

For sure I made my share of mistakes as president of the Crimson. The content of the paper should be up to the undergraduates, not the alumni.

Even so, I wanted to write to express my fury, dismay, and disgust with the staff editorial today backing the effort to boycott, divest, and sanction Israel. It makes me embarrassed to be associated with the Crimson.

The editorial says you "unambiguously oppose and condemn antisemitism in every and all forms." Actually, it is an example of antisemitism to single out Israel for boycott, divestment, and sanction while giving a free pass to the many countries with far worse human rights records, countries like Communist China, Saudi Arabia, and Iran. A boycott of Israel would mean Harvard scholars could not collaborate with Israeli academics in advancing life-saving technologies, and that no Israeli students—no matter their background or political views—could study at Harvard.

The editorial goes on about "privilege" and "power imbalance." That struck me as particularly tone-deaf this week. Thursday was Yom Hashoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day.

My father's family was from the Town of Wlodowa in Poland. The Encyclopedia Judaica entry on Wlodowa reports that "In June 1942 all the children up to the age of ten were taken to Sobibor and murdered. On Oct. 24, 1942 the entire Jewish population was sent to death in the Sobibor gas chambers. During these deportations hundreds of Jews fled to the forests and organized partisan units. … In the late autumn of 1942 the Germans ordered the establishment of a special ghetto in Wlodowa for all Jews who voluntarily left their hiding places in the forests of the northeastern Lublin province. They were promised that no further deportations would take place. Several thousand Jews who had taken refuge in the forests, but who lacked arms and food supplies and could not survive the winter there, trusted the German promise, and settled in the new Wlodowa ghetto. On April 20, 1943 all were deported to Sobibor and murdered." Feel free to publish or share this letter if you wish. Or maybe just think of it the next time an institution you lead wants to lecture the Jews about privilege and a power imbalance. Cordially, Ira Stoll

Former Crimson President
Around 70 Harvard faculty members slammed the elite college's newspaper, the Crimson, for its endorsement of the anti-Semitic movement to boycott Israel.[76]
The anti-BDS Harvard faculty members state in the letter that the BDS movement is anti-Semitic and fuels hatred of Jews.

See also[edit]

Blood libels[edit]

BDS supporters who have signed petitions, have produced fake "stories" into films.[77] One scene for instance, "shows IDF soldiers practicing shooting at Palestinian women's target targets, and as if one of the targets was resurrected, and the commander shouts at the soldiers who shot her." Delusional things, blood libels of the craziest kind.

BDS & genocide[edit]

While BDS propagstes false myths of so called "ethnic cleansing" and "genocide"[78], the BDS campaign is rather in fact a prelude to real genocide [79].

Maher destroys Tlaib[edit]

In August 2019, Rashida Tlaib called to boycott Bill Maher for exposing BDS.[80]

Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) called for a boycott of Bill Maher and his HBO show on Aug. 17 after the comedian called the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement “a bull—- purity test.” Maher made his remarks on “Real Time With Bill Maher,” on Aug. 16, saying that BDS supporters “want to appear woke but actually slept through history class. It’s predicated on this notion — I think it’s very shallow thinking — that the Jews in Israel are mostly white and the Palestinians are brown, so they must be innocent and correct and the Jews must be wrong.” He added that BDS supporters believe “the [Israeli] occupation came right out of the blue” and ignore “the Intifadas and the suicide bombings and the rockets,” pointing out that BDS co-founder Omar Barghouti said in 2013, “No Palestinian, rational Palestinian, not a sell-out Palestinian, will ever accept a Jewish state in Palestine.”

“Somehow this side never gets presented in the America media,” Maher said. “It’s very odd.”
Bill Maher responded to Tlaib: ‘Does She Want to Boycott 93% of Her Party?’[81]
Maher also said during his Aug. 16 show that BDS supporters routinely criticize Israel but fail to acknowledge "the Intifadas and the suicide bombings and the rockets." He also pointed out that BDS co-founder Omar Barghouti has openly stated that no "rational Palestinian" would "ever accept a Jewish state in Palestine." "Somehow this side never gets presented in the media," Maher said.


In 2016, an Arab wrote a public letter to a radical who supports BDS, stating The demise of Israel as a Jewish state would extinguish the only hope remaining for progressive Arabs like him.[82]

An ardent BDS promoter, was one of the first demagogues using the BLM protests end of May/2020 hijacking it and taking advantage of frustration to incite against Israel.

She has been terming rock-throwers and molotov-cocktails throwers as "peaceful" and as "martyrs". In 2015 she arranged kids meeting with accused terrorist.

In Nov. 2019 she offered a prayer for slain Islamic-Jihad top arch-terrorist Abu al-Ata, but the sincere-activist removed tweet after exposed, but screenshot captured.

In December 29, 2019 she posted against adding police to safeguard Jews after anti Jewish murders. Because supposedly her "argument" was, it's going to be on the expense of defending blacks. But by June-2020 with BLM, she called for defunding police [83].

Ben & Jerry's[edit]

Racist Arab-Muslim Linda Sarsour a hard promoter of BDS, in 2018 Ben & Jerry's radical terrorists Hamas, Hezbollah supporter "activist," Anuradha Mittal, linked with Sarsour[84] and after May-2021 Guardian of Walls being pressured by anti-Israel tweeters (led by such popular Arab-Palestinian anti-Semitic tweeter who dehumanized Israelis as non-humans[85]), in July 2021 the company annouced they will stop selling in "territories" after revealing they were about to stop all sales to all of Israel. [86][87][88][89] While in fact, Ben & Jerry’s bid to punish the so-called “occupier” nation of Israel will hurt the very people the company claimed it wanted to help: the Arab-Palestinians. Costing their jobs.[90]

The company's Anuradha Mittal has been publishing columns defending Hezbollah and supporting U.S. funding to Hamas.[84]

It was also revealed that Ben & Jerry's "board" AKA chaired by afromentioned Mittal invited Omar Shakir, a professional BDS activist, to advise them, rejected calls to hear experts on other side. Expert concludes: This ain't about the settlements.[91]

After its ridiculous piece in NYTimes, it turns out Ben & Jerry's board know really nothing about what it terms "occupation" or/and history of the area.[92]

In response to the ban:[93]
Susannah Levin, an Albany, NY graphic designer whose company served Ben & Jerry sine 2000, posted on her Facebook page this week: “Effective immediately, I have quit my job of 21 years at Ben & Jerry’s, over the statement on Israel. If you want to get an idea of why, please watch this wonderful video by the great Rabbi Jonathon Sacks, z”l. He explains how anti-Zionism IS the new anti-Semitism. My company’s response is part of this despicable trend and I will have no part of it.”

Responding, Florida, Texas [94] NJ and IL[95] [96] threatened Ben & Jerry's with anti-BDS.

A writer wrote:[2]

... anyone who opposes racism, lies, incitement, human rights abuses should boycott your ice cream.

For even if you did not have racist or anti-Semitic intentions – which is actually the same thing - your boycott is another success story for the racist and anti-Semitic campaign that opposes the very existence of just one state in the whole world: the Jewish state.

This is what you should know about with campaign, which is led by the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement (BDS).

This campaign has no interest in peace nor in ending the occupation.

Yes, there are pure-hearted and honest people who support a peaceful, violence-free solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and who also support this campaign. But they have been deceived.

They do not know the facts. And in order to know the facts, you should listen to what the creators and leaders of this campaign have to say.

Omar Barghouti also openly declared that "no Palestinian will agree to a Jewish state." Similar remarks have come from Ali Abunimah, who pronounced that the two-state solution has "no chance of being implemented."

The same is true of Prof. As'ad AbuKhalil, who wrote that he agreed that "the real aim of BDS is to bring down the state of Israel" and that this "should be stated as an unambiguous goal."

In fact, there is not a single key activist in the boycott campaign that supports a fair solution of two states for two peoples.

Here and there, the leaders of the campaign are content with a boycott solely of the territories.

But every boycott serves their campaign, spreading tales and perpetuating the conflict and suffering for both peoples.

Is this the struggle you support?

We need peace based on the compromises that have been proposed since the conflict began.

In fact, allow me to give you a brief review of the history:

As early as 1937, the Peel Commission proposed a solution that gave Jews just 4% of the original Palestine. The leader of the Palestinian Arabs at the time was the Nazi Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini.

He said no. And when a decade later this became the United Nations Partition Plan, the mufti was there again to lead the refusals.

This same refusal led to both the Palestinian Nakba, when 715,000 people became what are today known as Palestinians, and a Jewish Nakba, when 850,000 Jews were forced to leave or be deported from Arab nations where they lived.

There have also been compromise proposals in recent decades. In 2000, Bill Clinton offered the Palestinians a state on about 96% of the territories, with additional land from Israel to make up the shortfall.

The Palestinians again said no. Several years passed, and in 2008 they said no again to a similar proposal by then-prime minister Ehud Olmert.

They said no again in 2014 to a proposal by John Kerry and Barack Obama.

It may have been possible to achieve peace. There were indeed here and there Palestinian leaders who were inclined to compromise. But the leaders of the boycott campaign continued in the path of the mufti, standing up to oppose any compromise.

So I must ask again: Is this the campaign you support?

You can visit Israel. In fact, you should.

Israel is a vibrant democracy. Israel itself has a majority who support a historic compromise to end the conflict.

There is also strong criticism among some members of the population, including some people who sit in Knesset, over the continuation of the settlement project.

But the settlements were never the obstacle to peace. Remember the settlements in the Gaza Strip that were all evacuated by the Israeli government?

In fact, even today the settlements take up just a tiny percentage of the Palestinian territories.

Anyone who supports a solution of two states for two peoples knows that Arabs will continue to live in Israel, where they comprise 20% of the population, and a small percentage of Jews will be able to keep living in the Palestinian state.

As such, your boycott decision does not serve human rights or peace or reconciliation or compromise.

Your decision only serves the campaign of incitement against the existence of one country out of all the countries of the world: The State of Israel.

Your decision is also contrary to the winds that are blowing today in most Arab countries, where they know all too well that Palestinian refusal is the real problem and not Israel.

According to a survey conducted by the Zogby Institute a few months ago, most residents of Arab countries support normalization with Israel.

And what about you? To which side do you belong? Are you on the side of those who want peace and normalization or for those who cultivate boycotts and hatred?

Activists flew Anti-BDS banner flown over Ben & Jerry's headquarters reading: 'Serve Ice Cream, Not Hate - #BDSisHATE'.[97]

Unilever CEO Said he rejects BDS But Jewish groups said It’s Not Enough.[98]

Arab-Palestinian human rights activist replied to Anuradha Mittal: [99]

As a Palestinian peace activist who has worked and lived in the West Bank my whole life, I can tell you that you’re doing it all wrong. Your political stunt does nothing to help us and actually harms Palestinian workers. BDS is the opposite of peace! Shame on you.


In a 'Car-crash interview' on Oct 2021, Ben & Jerry’s co-founders stumped on why ice cream brand singles out Israel, continues to serve red states.[100] It exposed the blind anti-Israrlism form of bigotry.

Twisted propaganda[edit]

In mid June-2022, it was exported that Ben & Jerry’s employees were required to view anti-Israel lectures on Israeli-Arab conflict.[101]


On June 29, 2022, Ben & Jerry's finally folded and reversed its intolerance decision and will sell in Judea Samaria too. Lapid: "The victory today is for all those who know that the fight against BDS is first and foremost for the promotion of partnership and dialogue and an ongoing fight against discrimination and hatred."[102][103]

See also[edit]

A BDS-er, Profile of Hezbollah supporter: racist Ben Norton


  1. 1.0 1.1 Prof. Udi Lebel, " Yes, BDS is a terrorist group", ILH, July 25, 2021. President Herzog was right to call BDS a terrorist' organization. After all, it seeks to exclude Jewish or Zionist voices from the non-Israeli space by any means necessary. Yet for some reason, in Israel, the issue has been downplayed.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Ben-Dror Yemini, "Ben & Jerry's handed a victory to the campaign of hate." The directors of the ice cream company have fallen prey to a mendacious campaign whose leaders openly declare that they want to eradicate Israel, the only Jewish state in the world; in truth, it is the Palestinians who have consistently rejected every proposal for peace. YNet, July 20, 2021.
  3. In Their Own Words Stop BDS
  4. BDS: The Global Campaign to Delegitimize Israel
  5. Letter to the New York Times Magazine Regarding BDS and Politics, Anti-Defamation League (April, 2019)
  6. Amir (@amirayelet) Tweeted (Feb 15, 2019):
    Prof. Deborah Lipstadt, a world-renowned expert on Holocaust denial research, said today in an interview with Ofer Aderet (Haaretz): BDS is an antisemitic movement "with absolute certainty."
  7. BDS Intimidation
  8. CAMERA: BACKGROUNDER: The Intrinsic Antisemitism of BDS. May 12, 2020
  9. "Germany labels Israel boycott movement BDS anti-Semitic". BBC, May 17, 2019
  10. Talia Kaplan, "Anti-Semitism in US linked to BDS movement, new NGO-backed report finds". Fox News, December, 2019
  11. BDS is Antisemitic, AJC Sep 23, 2019.
  12. Eradicating the Anti-Semitic BDS Movement, A. Milstein, April 7, 2020
  13. P. Miller, "Swastikas on Campus: Anti-Semitism Blamed on Anti-Israel Academics" The Observer, March 10, 2016. The BDS movement fuels intolerance and hate on campuses across the country.
  14. When a Nazi comparison makes sense: The BDS movement against Israel Romirowski, The Hill, Aug 22, 2018
  15. German parliament condemns 'anti-Semitic' BDS movement, DW, May 17, 2019.
    A cross-party alliance in the German parliament on Friday passed a resolution condemning the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) campaign...
  16. Lee Harpin, Queen’s Speech includes ‘BDS bill’ to stop public bodies targeting Israel, Jewish News (UK), May 10, 2022.
    Planned government bill aims to prevent boycotts which 'may legitimise and drive antisemitism'.
  17. Bassem Eid @realbassemeid ([ Oct 7, 2022[):

    In a huge blow to the @BDSmovement, Spain's Supreme Court ruled this week that BDS is discriminatory. Also, Spain's parliament is considering legislation that bars antisemitic organizations (based on the IHRA definition) from receiving public funding. #BDSisBS #BDSFail.

  18. 18.0 18.1 Why BDS stands for Bigoted Double Standards,, August 1, 2015.

    ...when the BDS movement was still being organized – the eminent antisemitism expert Robert Wistrich concluded in an article published in fall 2004 that "Anti-Zionism has become the most dangerous and effective form of anti- Semitism in our time, through its systematic delegitimization, defamation, and demonization of Israel."

    Earlier in the same year, the "Elec. Intifada had published a programmatic essay by Omar Barghouti, a co-founder of the BDS movement, in which Barghouti denounced the two-state solution as an "immoral" [sic] ploy ...
  19. Yori Yalon and Ariel Kahana, Herzog calls boycotts of Israel a 'new form of terrorism' President says BDS movement does not seek peace, is taking aim at Israel's economy. ILH, June 21, 2021
  20. Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement attracting groups with terrorist ties. Jonathan Schanzer. November 2, 2016 | The Hill
  21. Sixth BDS national conference sheds light on movement’s intentions and terrorist affiliates. By Eliana Rudee. JNS, April 25, 2019 Raising eyebrows within the Jewish and international community, the conference was supported and promoted by the terror-affiliated Palestinian National and Islamic Forces, and attended by leaders of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and the Palestinian Liberation Front.
  22. Benjamin Weisenthal, "UK police arrest Pro-BDS Palestinian activist on terrorism charge." The Jerusalem Post, August 31, 2020 The paper said that Hijjawi was arrested at Heathrow airport and the 62-year-old's house in the Blackhall area of Edinburgh was searched by Scottish police. British authorities arrested the former chairman of the Association of Palestinian Communities in Scotland  Dr. Issam Hijjawi on Saturday for allegedly committing preparatory acts of terrorism in connection with the New Irish Republican Army. He was the 10th person to be charged in a joint Police Service of Northern Ireland and MI5 investigation called Operation Arbacia, The Irish News reported Tuesday.
  23. At Cal Davis, swastikas at Jewish frat house follow BDS resolution. Feb. 1, 2015
  24. [2] [3] Incitement Against Jews Within BDS And Pro-Palestinian Facebook Groups – Part II By C.R. Rublin October 29, 2019 Source: MEMRI The Facebook groups examined in this report are focused on promoting the Palestinian cause and Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel. In this report we present posts that appeared in eight BDS groups between January 2016 and July 2019, with explicit and blatant antisemitic incitement against Jews and Judaism without any context linking them to Israel or its policies
  25. Neo-Nazi parties are supporting Palestinian and Hezbollah terrorism, as well as BDS. By United with Israel Staff Nov.24.2019
  26. German neo-Nazis unmask BDS By Petra Marquardt-Bigman May 31, 2019, 5:23 AM This is just one illustration that the party’s claim to represent “the anti-Israel original” doesn’t prevent it from enthusiastically supporting the copycats on the opposite end of the political spectrum. The previously mentioned post complaining about the undemocratic “incitement” against the “Israel-critical campaign poster” includes a suggestion to turn the taking down of one of the posters into a fundraising opportunity for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement that targets Israel
  27. Benjamin Weinthal, "Exclusive: PayPal closes Nazi party account linked to Hezbollah, Assad, BDS". Jerusalem Post, Jan 7, 2019 A range of German and American politicians over the years have urged PayPal to terminate the The Third Way.
  28. BDS activists disrupt Holocaust event with Hitler imagery. Itamar Eichner. Published: 04.21.20. Ynet During an online memorial in honor of the Holocaust Remembrance Day in Berlin, pro-Palestinian protesters interrupted a Zoom chat with survivors by posting pornography, Nazi images and shouting anti-Semitic slogans A group of pro-Palestinian activists in Germany disrupted an online Holocaust memorial by posting Nazi imagery and pornographic content during a conversation with the survivors of the genocide
  29. Outrage as South African BDS Advocate Tells Students, 'Hitler Committed No Crime', Algemeiner, April 8, 2021
  30. Ben-Gurion University condemns the lecturer: his words are destructive, Uri Binder, Maariv, Aug 23, 2009.
  31. Quoted by anti-Israel Mererz propagandist R. Seliger Oct 12, 2009; The hypocrisy of BGU - part 2 B. Cohen,  (04.07.10): Here's what BGU had to say about Neve Gordon, a vile, anti-Israel pro-terrorism member of the BGU faculty: "The university … NEVER EVER threatened him with dismissal … as a tenured faculty member, his job is protected by law. … However, the University feels that a call for a boycott is not an issue of freedom of speech. [I]t is the equivalent of screaming fire in a crowded theater as an academic boycott undercuts every single value that the University stands for, and were such a boycott to succeed, it would cause great damage to both the University and to the State of Israel." Yet BGU easily dismissed Leavitt for a relatively mild comment about his opinion regarding same-sex parenting. This is from the same university that said "Ben-Gurion University sanctifies freedom of thought and expression, but the lecturer blatantly crossed the line." Wow. Talk about two-faced hypocritical policies!
  32. BGU's Anti Israel Staff Exposed In a Hebrew article entitled "A Lesson in Politics", well-known muckraking Israeli journalist takes on BGU coverup of its post- Zionist faculty. Kalman Leibskind, INN, Jan 11 , 2011
  33. "Let Hagai Elad speak." Neve Dromi, Haaretz, Jan 20, 2021. This is what happened to me: The solid right-wing position I hold today was formed when I was a student of Prof. Niv [Neve] Gordon, an extreme leftist. The discussions with him made me realize that he represents a completely wrong position. B'Tselem is an organization that arouses disgust...
  34. Murderer of 'Ghandi' Jailed, but Protectors still Free, INN, Sep. 23, 2008. Gordon as human shield for murderers [4], "Beyond Chutzpah: A Tale of Slander, Plagiarism, and Holocaust Revisionism," TI, Dec 2006. By Susan L. Rosenbluth
  35. E. Weiss, Ynet, Feb.3.2002 Niv [Neve] Gordon, in the photo with Arafat, tells Ynet: "I do not know who is responsible for the attacks..." Asked if he felt comfortable embracing the chairman of the Palestinian Authority, who is responsible for terrorism in Israel..
  36. Neve Gordon: Is He Anti-Israel? HNN, Mar 7, 2005.
    Gordon was arrested for his illegal interference with IDf anti-terror operations.  Prof. Alan Dershowitz last year described Gordon thus: "It is my opinion that Neve Gordon has gotten into bed with neo-Nazis, Holocaust justice deniers, and anti-Semites. He is a despicable example of a self-hating Jew and a self-hating Israeli."  Officials at Ben Gurion University have long backed Gordon's anti-Israel and Solidarity-with-Terrorists activism
  37. "The real racism: Expecting Jews to die meekly", Martin Sherman, The Jerusalem Post, Oct 28, 2011
  38. Prof. Niv [Neve] Gordon of Ben-Gurion University, wrote an article for the Al Jazeera network ... Liran Levy 01/04/18. Current affairs and news, political. The head of the policy department at the "If You Will" movement and a graduate of the Department of Politics and Government at Ben-Gurion University, Alon Schwartzer, responded to the publication, saying: "The use of the term 'Passover massacre' by Niv [Neve] Gordon is not accidental. Its purpose is to direct the world of connotations to the most horrific anti-Semitic blood libels against the Jews who have falsely held that Jews practice killing children on Passover to prepare matzah. "Thousands of Jews have been murdered for these lies over the generations and a professor belonging to the Israeli academy is now dancing for it. Gordon is also known for calling for a boycott of Israel. We call on outgoing university president Rebecca Carmi to make amends for her personal career There is only one thing worse than anti-Semitism and that is the Jews who feed it." [5][6]
  39. Hypocrites at their worst, A. Roll, September 4, 2009.

    The debates surrounding the wrongful act of a lecturer at Ben-Gurion University are not forgotten. Niv Gordon, a left-wing extremist from the fascist genre, infamous as the human shield of "The Man with the Hair on His Face" Yasser Arafat, in a Muqata in Ramallah during "Operation Defensive Shield", did so again and published an article in the Los Angeles Times calling for a boycott.. This is not about academic freedom, as they call for a boycott of the State of Israel and the academic institutions in it, first and foremost, thus constraining the existence of the Israeli academy and the destruction of the academy and the freedom of speech in it as a result.

    This action by Gordon joins the actions of (many) .. to exert dictatorial-fascist pressure on Israel because their arguments no longer stand up to public logic. For the past 20 years, hundreds and thousands of organizations have been working to fund anti-Semitic anti-Israelis overseas in order to bring the State of Israel to its knees and eliminate it as a sovereign, Jewish, independent entity.
  40. 40.0 40.1 'Nicola Perugini, distorter, typical inciter.' Aug 9, 2020.
  41. Studying with Prof. Neve Gordon at the University of Michigan, Jacob Shrybman, Israel Behind the News, August 25, 2009.
  42. Shlomo Saran, "Our Inner Scourge: The Catastrophe of Israel Academics", Ariel Center for Policy Research Policy Paper No, 171. (Sep-2007 - Tishrei-5768)

    Student Complaint about Ben Gurion University’s Neve Gordon.

    The lecture began smoothly, with Neve Gordon giving a theoretical explanation of human rights (including the fundamental human right of free speech). It soon, however, turned very political. He presented a slideshow about the "Separation Wall" and the injustices it causes to the Palestinians. He made many mentions of land being “confiscated” by the Israelis and the “humiliation” caused to the Palestinians due to lack of movement throughout the territories. On his PowerPoint presentation, he mentioned that parts of the fence were electrified. However, I then corrected him that they were just electric monitors. He conceded on this point.

    My fellow students and I challenged him on his accusations and he became frustrated and lashed back due to the questions. He said he was more Zionist then any of us on the basis that he lives in Israel (although some in the class, including myself, are currently making Aliya). He condescendingly remarked that we were just full of American propaganda. He then requested that we stop asking questions and try to learn something. I made a comment that Israel is in a war and fences and separation are necessary. He then made a comment about how during war millions of Jews were thrown in ovens. I asked him if he was comparing the situation in Israel to Nazi Germany and he did not answer. He then made another comparison of fenced in Palestinians and ghettos in Germany. He also claimed that when Jordan took control of the West Bank it was legal, but when the Israelis won the territory in war, it was illegal. At the end, I was able to approach him. I asked how he could possibly justify standing in solidarity with Arafat after the Passover Seder massacre. He became agitated and admitted that the picture has caused him troubles. I then asked how he could sue another professor (at the University of Haifa – SS) for exercising his right to freedom of speech. He responded that we as Americans don’t understand that in Israel it is acceptable to sue in such a case for libel and that in Israel his case is reasonable...

    He left in a huff, seeming very frustrated, annoyed, and agitated.
  43. promoted by two known hateful over-a-decade-propagandists How Neve Gordon Identifies with HamasIsrael Academia Monitor, Nov 19, 2020
  45. The "New" Jewish Time. Jerusalem: Lamda (Assoc. for Modern Jewish Culture), 2007, 305.

    Ilan Pappe links in one breath the Holocaust denial with what he calls the "Nakba [sic] denial" (interview with Yedioth Ahronoth, August 27, 1993). He goes so far as to claim that the Palestinians, like the Jews, are victims of the H... in Europe. His supposedly egalitarian attitude demeans the Holocaust by comparing it to a handful of atrocities committed by both sides during and after the mutual fighting in Palestine in 1948, and thus is very close to Holocaust denial ...

    The suffering of an individual is suffering in any situation and in any place, but it has no resemblance to the Holocaust or a contribution to its understanding. The Holocaust was not only the suffering of individuals (others also suffered and suffer in wars and persecutions) but mainly the destruction of culture and an attempt to completely destroy a people after being denounced and taken out of the human race - and there is no parallel and precedent.
  46. The Nation, Issues 159-161, Israel: Nation & Society, 2005. 25.

    The goal of Dr. Ilan Pappe's work is to turn Israel into a "leper state", that is, a country to which the wider world will impose an economic, cultural, and perhaps even political-security boycott, similar to what was done to South Africa in the "apartheid" era. As such, he has publicly stated, Israel will not be able to withstand Arab terrorism when its hands are tied due to the international boycott and the threat of sanctions by the Security Committee, so Israel will have to succumb to Arab demands and agree to the 1948 refugee return to Israel.

    Dr. Pappe is well aware that achieving this goal will lead to the destruction of all the life systems of the State of Israel, the evacuation of millions of Israelis from their homes, the expropriation of property on a huge scale and the creation of a new political regime, based on an Arab majority The State of Israel as the pinnacle of the resurrection enterprise of the Jewish people will be eliminated and with it an end will finally be put in place! And if anyone thinks for a moment that these were hollow statements, the thinker will remember that the Palestinian Arabs were headed by a Nazi leader, al-Haj Amin al-Husseini, who came as early as 1933, immediately after the appointment of Adolf Hitler as German Chancellor. To the German Consul in Jerusalem, Wolf, congratulated him on this appointment and expressed his hope that the Nazi regime would spread throughout the world ...
  47. Avirama Golan, 'Boycott by invitation,' Haaretz, Apr 28, 2005.

    The Israelis should be interested in another group. The one that aroused and provoked the boycott from the Israeli academy and managed to create the impression that it was a clear ideological boycott and a pure struggle against the occupation. A study of what Pappe himself says (Haaretz, 27.4) reinforces the fear that behind the group's ideological motives, or at least of those who lead it proudly, hides a tone of extortion towards academia. "The union's decision can be easily reversed," Pepe said, "to give Teddy Katz back the title that was illegally stolen from him, and everything will be forgotten."... One can also guess that the ideology of socio-cultural privatization, which dismantled Israeli society, and even more so the left, from the exclusive ethos, made them superfluous. Some understood the change. Others got stuck.

    The Stuck tried to force the academy and the left to accept their one-valued version. Since they failed to do so, and even the whitest pigeons did not respond, they turned to the old Jewish system: calling the Gentiles. And why now? Because any chance of ending the conflict is bad news for them. If the occupation ends, what will be their excuse then?
  48. Ricky Hollander, Background on Professor Ilan Pepe: When ideology prevails over education, Presspectiva, 05.05.09.

    Some of Israel's biggest slanderers are Israelis themselves. Israeli anti-Israel and anti-Zionist academics are accepted as heroes among elements who hate Israel who constitute the oil on the wheels of the anti-Israel hate and propaganda train. Prof. Ilan Pepe is without a doubt one of the leaders.

    The inspiration and motive behind the proposal for an academic boycott of Israeli institutions is a full professor at the University of Haifa who seems to be the opposite of anything intelligent. Ilan Pepe is a native of Israel, a professor of political science and a historian who is at the center of the efforts of the British University Lecturers' Association, which has about 40,000 members, to boycott Israeli universities. As an activist in Israel's Communist Marginal Party, he is the most radical of the historians trying to rewrite the history of the country in order to present Israel as a country born of crime.

    Pappe has long admitted that he is not objective and that his eyes are not subject to factual accuracy. He is willing to admit that his historical articles and statements are driven by the power of ideology, and it is a very simple ideology: Israel has no right to exist, and the international community must impose sanctions on it until its Jewish character disappears.

    Pappe expresses his opinion on historical inquiry and academic objectivity:

    'There is no objective historian in the world. I care less about what happened from the way people see it.' ("Interview with Ilan Pepe," Baudouin Loos. Brussels, 29 November 1999).

    'I admit that my ideology influences my historical articles.' (same as above)

    'The struggle is based on ideology and not on facts. Who knows what facts are? We try to convince as many people as possible that our interpretation of the facts is the correct interpretation, and we do it because we are ideologues and not truth-seekers.' (same as above)

    The debate between us is on one level between hysterics who believe they are completely objective in rebuilding the past, like [my] Morris, and between people like me, who claim to be subjective people trying to tell their version of the past. ("Benny Morris 'Lies About My Book," Ilan Pappe's Response to Morris' Review of Pappe's Book, "History of Palestine" in the New Republic, March 22, 2004, Historical News Network, April 5, 2004)

    [Historical] narratives, written by historians who are deeply immersed in the subject they are writing about - like Israeli historians writing about the conflict with the Palestinians - also prevent serious involvement in the subject and a desire to emphasize a point. This point is called ideology or politics. (same as above)

    'Yes, I use Palestinian sources on the subject of the Intifada. They seem more reliable to me, I admit.' (same as above)

    Pappe bases his accusations against Israel not on proven facts, but on a Palestinian narrative. He freely distorts the truth so that it "aligns" with his ideology, thus testifying to massacres that the IDF allegedly committed, while such acts never took place. The information, and it continues to spread the lie that Israel committed a massacre in Jenin in 2002 despite much evidence (including a UN report) proving that this claim is false. As in the story of Tantura, he suggests that there is a conspiracy to cover up the "massacre" in Jenin:

    More than a year has passed since the IDF invaded the Jenin refugee camp, demolishing houses, killing many of its residents and committing one of the most horrific war crimes in the current intifada, the al-Aqsa Intifada. With the help of the United States, to hide from the world the atrocities that took place in Jenin, and even worse, he also managed to intimidate anyone who dares to tell the truth about what happened there. As can be seen from this book [of Palestinian testimonies], Jenin was not just a massacre, it was an inhuman act of unbelievable barbarism. " Book Review by Ilan Pappe, Counterpunch, May 3, 2003)

    Pappe is also trying to spread his distorted message among the international community, through books, articles, speeches, ideas, and letters. His deceptions are so exaggerated and uninformed that even Benny Morris, who himself is considered a "new historian" and accused of distorting the facts to fit them with his theory of the birth of the State of Israel, distinguished himself from Papa. Morris criticized Pepe's 2004 book, The History of Modern Palestine: One Land, Two Peoples over the Pages of the New Republic. Morris' article, entitled "Ilan Pepe's new book is shocking," highlights the problem:

    Pappe is a proud postmodernist. He believes that there is no historical truth, but only a collection of many narratives as the number of participants in each event or process; And every point of view or narrative is matter-of-fact, legitimate and true.

    About the book Morris writes:

    'Unfortunately, much of what Pappe is trying to sell to his readers is completely fake.

    According to Pappe, the Palestinians who attacked the Zionist initiative frequently should not be blamed […] The Palestinians are always the victims, and the Zionists are always the "brutal settlers".

    The multiplicity of errors on each and every page is a product of Papa's working methods, as well as of his political leanings.

    For those fascinated by subjectivity and captivating historical relativity, fact is not a fact, and accuracy is not achievable. Why grope for the truth? The narrative is everything. It will come as no surprise to any reader to find out that according to Pappe…' [here Morris provides a partial list of Pappe's many lies].

    Anyone interested in the true history of Israel / Palestine and the conflict between them would do well to run in the opposite direction soon.

    The fact that there are people in the world who eagerly embrace Pappe and his claims, even though he himself admits that facts are irrelevant, indicates that the truth will not stop the opponents of the Jewish state.

    Even more disturbing is that the Haaretz newspaper, whose English-language edition.., published a long article on Pepe and gave him a platform to present his distorted claims about the academic boycott. The article, by Miron Rapaport, was published on May 6, 2005 under the heading "Assigned," and presents Pappe as a victim:

    'At least a dozen threats on his life are recorded on the electronic answering machine ... Pappe was not a popular member of the faculty of the University of Haifa even before the decision, and now even less. The president of the university, Prof. Aharon Ben Zeev, calls on him to leave the university and "implement the boycott himself" that he is behind. Lecturers in the faculty are organizing to boycott him in the corridors, not to talk to him ... Off campus there was someone who described Pepe as a real traitor, the enemy of the public…'

    The story of the boycott, the debate over the allegations of a Tantura massacre and its consequences are presented mainly from Pappe's point of "view". Although his opponents' claims are mentioned in the article, he is mostly based on a personal interview with Pepe, and Rapaport allows him to describe his position at length. He asks soft questions and barely challenges Papa. (For example, Pappe was asked: What is the essence of [the conflict] in your eyes?

    No wonder the article appears on dozens of pro-Palestinian websites that support the academic boycott, and like Pappe, they also support the removal of the Jewish state.
  49. The Liar as Hero, New Republic, Benny Morris/March 16, 2011.
    [The Rise and Fall of a Palestinian Dynasty: The Husaynis, 1700-1948 By Ilan Pappe]

    I. At best, Ilan Pappe must be one of the world’s sloppiest historians; at worst, one of the most dishonest. In truth, he probably merits a place somewhere between the two.

    Here is a clear and typical example—in detail, which is where the devil resides—of Pappe’s handiwork. I take this example from The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine. On February 2, 1948, a young Jewish scientist named Aharon...
  50. CAA urges Birkbeck University to stop Ilan Pappé lecture on why anti-Zionism is not anti-Semitism, Anti-, Nov 13, 2019.

    Ilan Pappe has made several inflammatory comments, claiming accusations of antisemitism have been used “to stifle debate on Palestine” and to “depose” politicians supportive of Palestine as well as ridiculing concerns that the Labour Party has a problem with institutional antisemitism. He has also said that Jeremy Corbyn should not “be afraid” after laying a wreath at the grave of the Black September terrorists who tortured and murdered Israeli Olympians, saying: “as an Israeli Jew I was there [at the same graveyard]…and I paid respect for the freedom fighters of Palestine.” He also defended Chris Williamson’s claim that the Labour Party is “too apologetic” about antisemitism, arguing that “you can’t satisfy these beasts.” Mr Pappe has also defended Jeremy Corbyn’s connection to Holocaust denier Paul Eisen and other antisemites as well as his links to terror groups. Many of these comments have come while delivering speeches of the same title at previous events, making it likely that they could be repeated this weekend. To add insult to injury, the event attempting to whitewash antisemitism is set to take place on a Saturday, the Jewish sabbath. This severely limits the Jewish community’s ability to participate in an event designed to define their own oppression. The SWP has form on this front, having previously been involved in an event featuring the antisemitism-denial group and sham Jewish representative organisation, Jewish Voice for Labour (JVL), hosted by their front organisation Stand Up to Racism on the holiest night of the Jewish calendar, Kol Nidrei, the night of Yom Kippur. Birkbeck has previously come under scrutiny over an antisemitic demonstrator at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) in London, who was filmed claiming that the Holocaust happened because Jews are “cowards”. He was later reportedly sighted being escorted off campus by security staff at Birkbeck, University of London. The man had been filmed by students and a member of Campaign Against Antisemitism’s Demonstration and Event Monitoring Unit at a demonstration at SOAS.

    Campaign Against Antisemitism will be approaching Birkbeck to urge the university to reconsider this event and its overtly inflammatory speaker.
  51. Lara Kollab - Canary Mission Overview - Lara Kollab stated she would give Jews the “wrong meds" and that supporters of Israel should have their “immune cells killed." She has called for violence against Jews, spread anti-Semitism, trivialized the Holocaust, defended the terror organization Hamas and expressed support for terrorists on Twitter. She has also compared Israel to Nazi Germany, spread anti-Semitic conspiracy theories and hatred of Israel, and accused Israel of exploiting the Holocaust. In December 2018, Kollab’s LinkedIn said she graduated from the Touro College Of Osteopathic Medicine (Touro) with a D.O. in 2018. She received a bachelor’s degree from John Carroll University (JCU) in 2013. Kollab was removed from medical residencies in 2018 and 2019, due to the revelation of her past anti-Semitic tweets and her subsequent conduct. In August 2020, the State Medical Board of Ohio “permanently revoked" Kollab’s medical training certificate following an investigation into violations of conduct that included “a failure...of good moral character" and “[m]aking a false, fraudulent, deceptive, or misleading relation to the practice of medicine." Kollab’s LinkedIn said that she was a Biology tutor “to high school and college kids in her hometown" since 2013, a Mentor to “1st, 2nd, and 3rd year medical students" since 2015, and a “Big Sister" at Big Brothers Big Sisters of America since 2016. On October 8, 2017, Kollab said on Facebook she was working at Loyola University Medical Center in Chicago as part of her fourth year of medical school. Kollab is a supporter of the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement and a supporter of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP). Kollab is also affiliated with the anti-Israel organization Al Awda and with its co-founder, Abbas Hamideh. Kollab is connected to other social media users, whose feeds are replete with anti-Jewish posts. These connections are detailed at the bottom of this profile....
  52. Rachel Wolf, Marcy Oster, "Ex-Cleveland Clinic resident makes antisemitic posts, has license revoked". JTA, JPost, August 22, 2020 “hahha ewww.. ill purposely give all the yahood [Jews] the wrong meds…,” Kollab tweeted in January 2012. When she was accepted to Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine, a private Jewish university in New York City, she deleted the tweets and comments, but some were already preserved as screenshots. In an August 2013 post, Kollab wrote in Arabic, “May Allah take back [end the lives] of the Jews so we stop being forced to go to those unclean ones.” in December 2018, after the posts were discovered, Kollab was fired.
  53. "Cleveland hospital denounces anti-Semitic comments made by former resident." By Diana Stancy Correll. Washington Examiner, January 02, 2019 The comments made by Lara Kollab ... In one tweet from 2012, she said she would “purposely give all the yahood the wrong meds,” using an Arabic reference for Jews. She also claimed that same year that the Holocaust was “exaggerated and the victimization of the jews (ignoring the others killed) is overdone.” “I don't mean to sound insensitive but I have a REALLY hard time feeling bad about Holocaust seeing as the ppl who were in it now kill my ppl," she tweeted in 2012.
  54. UK Muslim Labour Councillor Lauds Hitler as ‘Greatest Man in History’, The Sun, April 8, 2016.
  55. Luton councillor Aysegul Gurbuz resigns over Hitler tweet, BBC News, Apr 11, 2016.
    A Labour councillor suspended from the party over anti-Semitic comments on her Twitter account has resigned. Luton councillor Aysegul Gurbuz... Another tweet suggested Iran could develop a nuclear weapon to "wipe Israel off the map".
  56. Ari Soffer, Hitler-loving councilor led university BDS push, INN, 11.04.16.

    Aysegul Gurbuz resigns as Labour Party councilor following revelations about anti-Semitic tweets, after being suspended.

    Meanwhile, more information continues to surface about Gurbuz, a final-year student at Warwick University who served for a year as head of the university's Friends of Palestine Society.
  57. Benjamin Weinthal, "BDS ‘Jew-hater’ convicted for violent assault in Germany." The Jerusalem Post, August 5, 2020 Conviction appears to be the first criminal penalty for violent BDS activity. In a dramatic setback to the claim of the BDS campaign that it is a nonviolent initiative targeting the Jewish state, the Berlin court declared Stavit Sinai guilty for her violent conduct. The Berlin daily B.Z. titled its article about the BDS activists at the trial: “It is so shameful. Disgusting hatred of Jews in and in front of the Berlin courtroom.” Sinai’s conviction appears to be the first criminal penalty for violent BDS activity in Germany. The paper reported about the anti-Israel extremist: “Lecturer Stavit S. is guilty. She hit the door of the hall ‘wildly’ from the outside, injuring two people... Either she pays €450, or sits in prison for 30 days.”
  58. Gary Selikow, History of Palestinian admiration for Hitler", May 2, 2015.

    While I’m disgusted by the praise for Hitler by Wits SRC President Mcebo Dlamini, one should not be surprised, because the Palestinian relationship with the Nazis goes back a long way.

    A set of particularly bloody pogroms spread across “Palestine” from 1936 to 1939, known as the Arab Revolt in which hundreds of Jews were murdered and the Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin also liquidated many of his Arab political opponents. Haj Amin was aided at this time by fascist Italy and Nazi Germany.

    In exile in Lebanon, Haj Amin deepened his association with Germany and Italy, receiving large amounts of money and arms from them.

    The French news weekly, Marianne, quoted several examples of Nazi ideological influence among the Palestinian Arabs: “At Nablus, the Arab population recently received the British troops with shouts of ‘Heil Hitler!’”

    A certain German garage in Jerusalem employed only Arab Nazis, who were made to wear the swastika over their buttonholes. The Arab journals Falastin and Al Difa’a published every week articles with a racial tendency and frequently reproduced large portraits of various leaders of the Third Reich. They did not even try to conceal the fact that they had become pupils of the ministry of propaganda in Berlin, according to Marianne.

    Hitler invited Arabs to Germany as honoured guests and in the 1938 Nuremberg address he spoke about “the defenceless Arabs in Palestine, left in the lurch”.

    An Arab spokesman in Jerusalem reacted promptly by declaring: “Now we are not without friends in Europe; our ultimate success as a nation lies in the hands of Hitler and Mussolini.”

    Hitler was regarded by many Arabs across the Middle East as a popular hero and Arab movements based on Nazism were founded in Egypt, Syria, Iraq and Lebanon. Hitler went to Rome, where he received an assurance from Count Ciano, promising to abolish the Jewish national home in “Palestine”.

    From there Hitler was set up as an honoured guest in Berlin, where he was installed as “Grossmufti” or “Grand Mufti”. Haj Amin set up an Arab Legion, to fight as part of the Nazi war effort and organised Muslim Wehrmacht units and a Muslim SS unit in Yugoslavia that was responsible for the genocide of hundreds of thousands of Serbs, Jews and Gypsies, and also Nazi Muslim units, alongside German forces in the Soviet Union.

    His major role was to intercede with Axis governments to prevent the evacuation of thousands of Jewish children to “Palestine”, and redirect them instead to the death camps.

    Dieter Wisliceny ... I heard him say that accompanied by Eichmann, he had visited incognito the gas chambers of Auschwitz.”

    In a 1974 conversation between Syrian President Hafez Assad and Druze politician Walid Jumblatt, Assad stated that the Arabs “remembered Hitler in a positive way” after which Jumblatt agreed: “At least he saved us from the Zionists… National Socialism should be revered a bit.”
  59. Ziyanda Ngcobo and Kgothatso Mogale. ""SRC president's suspension: Wits students speak out". EWN spoke to students from the University of Witwatersrand (Wits) to get their reaction around the recent suspension of SRC president Mcebo Dlamini. (May 5, 2015)
  60. "SRC president unapologetic about love for Hitler". News24, 28 Apr 2015.
  61. David Saks, "BDS campaign.Israel: BDS campaign is both divisive and malicious – NEWS & ANALYSIS | Politicsweb". 04 July 2015.
  62. South African BDS supporter at UCT: 'Hitler committed no crime', Jerusalem Post Staff, Apr 9, 2021.
    The University of Cape Town (UCT) is currently investigating a BDS activist who "defended Adolf Hitler" while lecturing students, the Algemeiner reported. “Hitler committed no crime," UCT lecturer Lwazi Lushaba told freshman political science students during his lecture, according to the report.

    "All Hitler did was to do to white people what white people had normally reserved for black people.”

    UCT said that the matter was of "grave concern" and that they will be investigating the incident.“We are verifying all the facts,” a UCT spokesperson said, according to the Algemeiner.

    “In the meantime, the university is clear that all brutalities of genocide constitute both formal crimes against humanity and ongoing sources of pain. We distance ourselves very strongly from any other view.”

    The comments were brought to light on Holocaust Remembrance Day. One student, who's grandfather perished in the Holocaust, described the events as a bit much to handle. “Hitler didn’t just persecute Jews," the anonymous student said. "He also persecuted black people, [Roma] and disabled people." "Six million people died in the Holocaust and the annual Holocaust Remembrance Day has been a part of my life,” he added. “To think that the comment that Hitler committed no crime would ever fly and not become an issue is insane.”

    Other students noted that Lushaba has been known for hate speech "since he got his doctorate." He is also known to be a loose cannon, with violent public outbursts following the election of the UCT Dean of Humanities.
  63. 63.0 63.1 63.2 David Collier, Sarah Wilkinson, the Holocaust denying star of anti-Israel activism,  February 3, 2021

    Sarah Wilkinson is a Holocaust denier and rabid antisemitic conspiracy theorist. She is also a star of UK anti-Israel activism. Sarah Wilkinson was one of the three people recently charged over an attack on an Elbit factory, and has appeared in ‘Palestine Action‘ videos boasting about the feat.

    Yesterday she posted an absurd statement of denial about her antisemitism. Why is the Sarah Wilkinson case important? Because it highlights why those on our side that expect goodwill from more ‘moderate’ voices are badly mistaken...
  64. Steve Cornwell, Mississauga MP and Mayor Crombie say they were pictured with controversial Israel-Palestine banner without their knowledge, The Star, Aug. 11, 2022.

    A video obtained by The Mississauga News appears to shows Firas Al Najim, an organizer with Canadians Defenders for Human Rights, who was holding the sign in the photo, standing next to Khalid and Crombie with the banner open for around 20 seconds.

    In an interview with The Mississauga News, Al Najim says he didn’t sneak up on the two politicians and stands by the use of the word "Holocaust"...
  65. B’nai Brith Denounces Antisemitic Harassment in North York, B’nai Brith Canada, July 15, 2019.

    Advocacy, Press Releases

    B’nai Brith Canada TORONTO – B’nai Brith Canada has filed a complaint with Toronto Police after a man was filmed harassing a member of the Jewish community in a North York park on Sunday. In the uploaded confrontation at G. Ross Lord Park, Firas al-Najim berates a man in an electronic wheelchair for supporting Israel...
  66. Lt. Col. (ret.) Jonathan D. Halevi, Firas Al Najim says Jewish politicians are more loyal to Israel than to Canada, Canada Docs, May 25, 2020.
    Firas Al Najim, a co-manager of the pro-Palestinian Canadian Defenders For Human Rights (CD4HR), accuses Jewish politicians of being serving the interests of Israel...
  67. Benjamin Kerstein, Top Canadian Jewish Group Files Hate Crimes Complaint After High School Protesters Shout 'Jews Are Our Dogs', Allgemeiner, July 9, 2020.

    ... A video of the event revealed that protesters shouted in Arabic, "Palestine is our country, and the Jews are our dogs." They also pledged to "sacrifice our soul and blood for Palestine" and urged "martyrs by the millions" to "march to Jerusalem." Mississauga has seen such incidents before. In 2017, demonstrators there chanted, “Remember Khaybar, oh you Jews, the Army of Muhammad will return.” The chant refers to a 7th-century massacre of Jews in the Hijaz by Muslims.

    Michael Mostyn — chief executive officer of B’nai Brith Canada — said in a statement, "The display of antisemitism in Canada’s public squares is totally unacceptable. Opposition to Israeli policy can never be used as an excuse to demean Jews as 'dogs' or to threaten violence against them."
  68. "Jews Are Our (sic) Dogs",, Jul 8, 2020.
     3 members of the Peel Regional Police are seen posing with CD4HR manager Firas Al Najim during the "Day of Rage" protest... ("Palestine is our country and the Jews are our dogs." July 4, 2020 [7]).
  69. WATCH: Anti-Israel Activist Firas Al-Najim Continues to Spread Antisemitic Conspiracy Theories, HR Canada, May 24, 2022.
  70. Canadian Jewish groups call for action against hateful rhetoric against Israel, Jews, JNS, Jan 10, 2022.
    Firas al-Najim, was caught on film in Arabic praising the terrorist groups Hamas and Hezbollah, and chanting "Death to America."
  71. Canadian Human Rights Activist Firas Al-Najim At Vigil For Qasem Soleimani Outside U.S. Consulate In Toronto: We Will Set Out To Defend Islam In The Martyrdom-Seeking Style Of Karbala, At The Behest Of Khamenei, Sistani; Death To America! Down, Down Biden!, Memri, Jan 03, 2022.
  72. [Member of Parliament for Thornhill] Melissa Lantsman @MelissaLantsman:

    Happening now: Protesters screaming free Palestine, yelling anti-Semitic slurs and intimidating Jews in #Thornhill outside a plaza of mainly kosher establishments. This is NOT anti Zionism —it’s a blatant act of #antisemitic hate which must be condemned by everyone. #cdnpoli. [8].

    You don't come to a Jewish neighborhood and yell anti-Semitic tropes if it isn’t about hating Jews. I hope @YRP and police forces across the country start treating these events for the hate crimes they are — so open Jew hatred in our streets ends, today. #cdnpoli.

    (Jul 1, 2022).

  73. 73.0 73.1 Michael Starr, Toronto "activist" dressed as Jew harasses Holocaust survivor about Israel, JPost, Sept 16, 2022.

    ...Canadian Holocaust survivor was harassed with queries about her support of Israel by a leader of an anti-Israel organization who had dressed as an orthodox Jew, at a United Jewish Appeal (UJA) Federation of Greater Toronto event on Monday that featured guest speakers former US president George Bush and former Canadian prime minister Stephen Harper. ... Canadian Defenders for "Human Rights" (CD4HR) leader Firas al Najim demanded of the elderly woman in videos he published on his social media... Najim has been involved in similar altercations with the Toronto Jewish community. In July, he was part of a group that had gone to protest at a shopping plaza with Kosher businesses after finding that no one had come to demonstrate against the 2022 Muslim Association of Canada Convention...

    Protestors waved Palestinian flags and yelled "free Palestine" and in one instance "Shabbat shalom b*****s" at Jewish shoppers.
  74. Muhamnad El-Kurd, Canary
  75. Read the Letter the Harvard Crimson Won’t Publish, Washington Free Beacon, May 2, 2022.

    A former Crimson president wanted to blast the paper's decision to endorse BDS. Crimson president Raquel Coronell Uribe won't publish his letter.

    The Harvard Crimson on Friday broke with the paper's longstanding editorial position to endorse—in a lengthy but borderline illiterate editorial—the anti-Semitic Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement that aims to economically isolate the Jewish state of Israel. The endorsement came at the tail end of an "Israeli Apartheid Week" hosted by the Ivy League school's Palestinian Solidarity Committee, replete with an art show that equated Zionism with "racism" and "white supremacy." (The Crimson editorial characterized this as "a colorful, multi-panel ‘Wall of Resistance' in favor of Palestinian freedom and sovereignty.")

    The former Crimson president, author, and columnist Ira Stoll wrote a letter to the paper's editor blasting the decision. Crimson president Raquel Coronell Uribe is declining to publish that letter, which the Washington Free Beacon is publishing below, edited lightly for clarity.

    Dear Raquel:

    For sure I made my share of mistakes as president of the Crimson. The content of the paper should be up to the undergraduates, not the alumni.

    Even so, I wanted to write to express my fury, dismay, and disgust with the staff editorial today backing the effort to boycott, divest, and sanction Israel. It makes me embarrassed to be associated with the Crimson.

    The editorial says you "unambiguously oppose and condemn antisemitism in every and all forms." Actually, it is an example of antisemitism to single out Israel for boycott, divestment, and sanction while giving a free pass to the many countries with far worse human rights records, countries like Communist China, Saudi Arabia, and Iran. A boycott of Israel would mean Harvard scholars could not collaborate with Israeli academics in advancing life-saving technologies, and that no Israeli students—no matter their background or political views—could study at Harvard.

    The editorial goes on about "privilege" and "power imbalance." That struck me as particularly tone-deaf this week. Thursday was Yom Hashoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day.

    My father's family was from the Town of Wlodowa in Poland. The Encyclopedia Judaica entry on Wlodowa reports that "In June 1942 all the children up to the age of ten were taken to Sobibor and murdered. On Oct. 24, 1942 the entire Jewish population was sent to death in the Sobibor gas chambers. During these deportations hundreds of Jews fled to the forests and organized partisan units. … In the late autumn of 1942 the Germans ordered the establishment of a special ghetto in Wlodowa for all Jews who voluntarily left their hiding places in the forests of the northeastern Lublin province. They were promised that no further deportations would take place. Several thousand Jews who had taken refuge in the forests, but who lacked arms and food supplies and could not survive the winter there, trusted the German promise, and settled in the new Wlodowa ghetto. On April 20, 1943 all were deported to Sobibor and murdered." Feel free to publish or share this letter if you wish. Or maybe just think of it the next time an institution you lead wants to lecture the Jews about privilege and a power imbalance. Cordially, Ira Stoll

    Former Crimson President
  76. Adam Kredo, Harvard Faculty Slam Crimson’s BDS Endorsement, Washington Free Beacon, May 9, 2022.
  77. "These are blood libels": Have Palestinian propaganda films been uploaded to Netflix?, 103FM - 20/10/2021.

    "Palestine Stories" is a track that went up in the international streaming service and contains a significant number of films that present Israel in a negative light. Matan Peleg, CEO of 'ImTirtzu' (If You Will), on 103FM: "We must shout against this."

    "Netflix has just launched a roll of 32 films called "Palestine Stories." The producers and directors (of the films) 90 percent of them are BDS supporters who have signed petitions, and Netflix in this regard. It is unprecedented. (Netflix) is raising a roll of films accusing the country of war crimes," The remarks of the association's director general.

    "A scene that I thought was crazy," Peleg said, "which shows IDF soldiers practicing shooting at Palestinian women's target targets, and as if one of the targets was resurrected, and the commander shouts at the soldiers who shot her. Delusional things, blood libels of the craziest kind.
  78. BDS Myth: Israel Commits Ethnic Cleansing and Genocide. By Maccabee Task Force July 19, 2016 Yes, they actually go there. The BDSers accuse the greatest victims of ethnic cleansing of committing ethnic cleansing. And they accuse the greatest victims of genocide of perpetrating genocide. You sure can’t blame BDS for lacking nerve. Both accusations are disgusting lies. Let’s start with ethnic cleansing. The crux of the complaint is that after Israel declared its independence in 1948 it went to work expelling its Arabs residents in order to create an exclusively Jewish state. In the process, 700,000 Arabs were forced from their homes. The truth is the exact opposite. In 1947, the United Nations voted to partition Palestine into two states, one Jewish and one Arab. This Jewish state was to have a sizeable Arab minority. Palestine’s Jews enthusiastically accepted this compromise. They actually danced in the streets to celebrate. The Arabs had a different reaction. The leaders of Palestine’s Arabs and the surrounding Arab states all rejected the partition of Palestine into two states. Instead, they vowed to destroy the Jewish state. The day after the UN vote, Palestinian Arabs launched a sustained series of guerilla attacks against their Jewish neighbors. And when the British officially departed Palestine in May of 1948, five neighboring Arab states invaded Israel. Before the Arabs launched this war to destroy Israel, there were no Palestinian refugees – not one. The Palestinian refugee crisis was the direct result of this Arab aggression. Wars are terrifying, and the large majority of Palestinian refugees simply fled the fighting as it approached their villages. In the limited cases where Israel expelled Arabs, it did so because of a clear military necessity created by this war. Having to flee one’s home is a terrible tragedy. No one should deny the human suffering experienced by these hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refugees. But recognizing their suffering does not require us to blindly blame Israel for it. The ultimate responsibility for the Palestinian refugee crisis rests with those Arab leaders who rejected Israel’s creation and launched a war to destroy it. The claim of genocide is just as easily disproven. Simply out, Israel has never had a policy of intentionally harming Palestinian civilians. Quite to the contrary, even during wartime Israel goes to extraordinary measures to protect Palestinian civilians. These efforts to safeguard Palestinian lives – efforts that expose Israeli soldiers to far greater risk – are the exact opposite of genocide. These are the policies of a government that values all human life. The math could not be clearer. Genocides – the intentional mass murder of certain groups of people – shrink the population of the targeted group. Hitler’s Holocaust, for example, reduced Europe’s Jewish population from 9.5 million in 1933 to 3.5 million in 1950. How much has the Palestinian population shrunk as the result of Israeli policies? It hasn’t shrunk at all. Quite to the contrary, since the birth of Israel there has been a sustained Palestinian population boom. In 1947, there were approximately 1.2 million Arabs living in the British Mandate for Palestine. Today — despite the fact that many hundreds of thousands have left this territory — that original number has grown to approximately 6 million (4.4 million Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza plus 1.8 million Arab citizens of the Israel). There are actually more Arabs living in Israel today than were living in all of Palestine when the state of Israel was created. Simply put, if Israel is trying to commit genocide against the Palestinians, it’s doing a terrible job of it.
  79. BDS campaign a prelude to genocide. By Devin Sper. JewishAZ, May 14, 2014 ... certainly unaware of the ultimate goal of the movement’s Palestinian organizers, for whom the campaign to delegitimize Israel is not an end unto itself. As Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu wrote: “Slander is the prelude to murder.” Israel’s enemies demonize Israel as a necessary prelude to her annihilation. Stated simply, their goal is genocide. What, after all, does Hamas intend in calling for the “obliteration” of Israel, in its charter? Aren’t the continual chants of “Death to Israel” by Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah and his supporters a call for genocide? What else does former Iranian President Ahmedinijad’s call for Israel to be “wiped off the map” mean if not genocide against its Jewish inhabitants? Unmasking the Palestinian goal of genocide is the key to preventing its actualization... That the Palestinians have not succeeded in their ultimate goal of exterminating the Jews of Israel does not make their attempts any less heinous. Every time Israel’s enemies call for her destruction, we need to point out that they are in essence calling for genocide.  Nor should we accept the characterization of such calls for genocide against the Jews of Israel as mere hyperbole. Israel’s enemies have gone well beyond advocating genocide against Israel. Palestinian Arabs have murdered 3,000 Israeli civilians and wounded 25,000 in a campaign of terror lasting well over a century. Since 1948, the armies of their Arab supporters have killed 20,000 and wounded 100,000 Israeli soldiers. Is there any doubt that every Jew in Israel would have been murdered had Israel lost the war in 1948, 1956 or 1967, or any of the wars of annihilation launched against her? There is no question but that the Palestinians and their allies would have fulfilled their vows of genocide against the Jews, as they in fact did on overrunning Hebron in 1929 and Gush Etzion in 1948. Every future Palestinian atrocity against Israel hands us an opportunity to point out that mass murder of Jews is not merely their tactic, but their goal. Not only do the Palestinians practice and preach genocide against the Jews but, in a demonically cleaver twist, they also accuse the Jews of genocide whenever we defend ourselves against them. Many, especially in endemically anti-Semitic Europe, have proven all too ready to accept such transparent Palestinian slander against Israel at face value... A Palestinian movement identified with its genocidal goal will not be so readily embraced by misguided intellectuals in the media, academia and the arts. In doing so, European elites would no longer assuage their guilt over the Holocaust, but compound it. Their self-righteous hectoring of Israel would be replaced by the extreme discomfort of having to explain their support of a movement bent on genocide and they would soon find themselves a new cause célèbre. The campaign to delegitimize Israel has succeeded until now because it follows the cardinal rules of propaganda: Boil the essence of your idea down to a simple, powerful, memorable slogan (in this case a single word: “occupation”), stay on message and repeat it at every opportunity. I once observed Yasser Arafat’s response to an uncharacteristically difficult question in a TV interview. Ignoring the question completely, Arafat turned directly to the camera and simply said, “Occupation, occupation, occupation!” This slogan had nothing to do with the question nor is “occupation” the root cause of the conflict, but the consistent repetition of this slogan by Palestinian spokesmen over decades has been an extremely effective tool in demonizing Israel. Occupation has become the lens through which most of the world now views the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the root cause of Israel’s pariah status and ever-increasing isolation. Acceptance of the false portrayal of Jews as foreign occupiers in their ancient homeland is the reason that Jewish settlements there are viewed as a violation of international law. Occupation is the original sin justifying every Palestinian atrocity, in the minds of their apologists, as the understandable rage of an occupied people.  ... Palestinian enemy’s campaign against Israel and boil our message down to a single, but in our case true, and even more emotionally powerful word, and repeat it at every opportunity. The answer to “Occupation, occupation, occupation” is “Genocide, genocide, genocide!”
  80. Aaron Bandler, Rep. Tlaib Calls for Boycott of Bill Maher, Jewish Journal, August 21, 2019.
  81. Aaron Bandler, Bill Maher Responds to Tlaib: ‘Does She Want to Boycott 93% of Her Party?’, ], Jewish Journal, August 21, 2019.

    Maher responded in an Aug. 21 tweet, “Some people have one move only: boycott. Cancel. Make-go-away. But here’s the thing, the house voted 318 to 17 to condemn the #BDS movement, including 93% of Dems. Does Tlaib want to boycott 93% of her own party?” Maher later followed up: “Hey I got my number of rep.s who voted to condemn BDS wrong – it’s actually even more, not 318, it’s 398.” Maher also said during his Aug. 16 show that BDS supporters routinely criticize Israel but fail to acknowledge "the Intifadas and the suicide bombings and the rockets.” He also pointed out that BDS co-founder Omar Barghouti has openly stated that no "rational Palestinian" would “ever accept a Jewish state in Palestine."

    "Somehow this side never gets presented in the media," Maher said.
  82. Letter from an Arab to a Jew who supports BDS. The demise of Israel as a Jewish state would extinguish the only hope remaining for progressive Arabs like him. Apr. 8, 2016, 8:29 PM
  83. Profile of BDS promoter (dangerously pro racist anti-Jewish terror; ridiculously contradictory). Aug 3, 2020
  84. 84.0 84.1 Meet Ben & Jerry’s Board Chair: Anti-Israel Activist Has Published Defenses of Hezbollah, Hamas Alana Goodman, Free Beacon, July 23, 2021.

    Anuradha Mittal founded nonprofit that accused Israel of human rights abuses and defended Hezbollah

    (Ben and Jerry's board chairwoman Anuradha Mittal /

    Ben & Jerry's board chairwoman isn't your average corporate suit. A social justice warrior who's now under increased scrutiny in the wake of the company's announcement that it will boycott Israel's West Bank and East Jerusalem, she has a lengthy history of left-wing activism that includes publishing columns defending Hezbollah and supporting U.S. funding to Hamas.

    Anuradha Mittal, the leading force behind the ice cream company's decision to stop selling its products in parts of Israel, founded the Oakland Institute, which describes itself as an "independent policy think tank," in 2004 and serves as its executive director. The group has published articles defending Hezbollah and Hamas, terrorist groups that seek the destruction of the Jewish state....

    Ben & Jerry's is under increased scrutiny for its decision to join the anti-Israel boycott movement, which follows criticism over the ice cream maker's partnership with anti-Semitic figures during the Women's March in 2018. At the time, the company defended its work with Linda Sarsour, one of the march leaders who was ousted for anti-Semitism...
  85. BDS-er Typical Veiled Anti-Semite, DP, July 23, 2021. Anti-Israel tweeter (@princessmlokhia) that has 15k and mentioned in JTA article ( On July 3, 2021 tweeted: [Did you count 7 donkeys in these pictures??]عديت ٧ حمير بهالصور؟؟ (And has retweeted from a raw anti-Semite, including on July 11 about K. Roth article in the NYtimes).
  86. Ben & Jerry’s wanted to boycott all of Israel Soon after the announcement that it was boycotting the “Occupied Palestinian Territories”, Anuradha Mittal, a member of its Board of Directors, flipped out on Twitter. The board wanted to boycott Israel in its entirety, but Unilever refused to countenance such a move. “It is stunning that they (Unilever) can say that…” Mittal fumed. Mittal also serves as the Executive Director of the Oakland Institute, a California-based organization that has published reports calling all of present-day Israel, including within its pre-1967 borders, “occupied Palestine”. According to Ms. Mittal, it seems that none of Israel has a right to exist. The board wanted to boycott Israel in its entirety. According to one member, none of Israel has a right to exist.
  87. Arsen Ostrovsky (@Ostrov_A) Tweeted: Just to be clear, @benandjerrys won’t serve ice cream to Jews in Judea & Samaria, but they will enthusiastically endorse avowed racist and antisemite Linda Sarsour? Ok gotcha. Is ok, plenty of great local made ice-creams in Israel! July 19, 2021
  88. (@StopAntisemites) Tweeted: Palestinian workers have lost their jobs thanks to the decision by @benandjerrys today.  What sort of activist would be happy about this? Someone who hates Jews SO much they’re willing to have their own brethren unemployed.  SICKO - #LindaSarsour [9] July 19, 2021
  89. Racist Arab-Muslim Linda Sarsour and Ben & Jerry's Mittal, DP, July 21, 2021
  90. Ben & Jerry's Anti-Israel Stunt Backfires as Distributor Likely Forced to Fire Palestinian Workers. Randy DeSoto, The Western Journal, July 22, 2021
  91. Eugene Kontorovich (@EVKontorovich) Tweeted: SCOOP (on @benandjerrys): I've been told by @benandjerrys insider that company's board invited @OmarSShakir, a professional BDS activist, to advise them, rejected calls to hear experts on other side. This ain't about the settlements. July 22, 2021
  92. Ben & Jerry: Malicious, maybe; clueless, definitely, Lev Tsitrin, American Thinker, July 29, 2021
  93. Ben & Jerry’s Graphic Designer Quits after 21 Years over Boycott, Texas & Oklahoma to Follow David Israel, JP, 14 Av 5781 – July 23, 2021.
  94. Florida and Texas threaten Ben & Jerry's with anti-BDS laws over West Bank pullout, Yahoo News, July 23, 2021
  95. (@kann_news) Tweeted: Ben & Jerry's Storm: The state of Texas has announced it will stop investing in Unilever - Illinois, New Jersey and Florida is considering joining the move. The report of @ AmichaiStein1 In #EveningNews @AmichaiStein1 July 22, 2021
  96. NY, NJ & IL: 3 More States May Divest From Ben & Jerry’s, Unilever, YWN, July 24, 2021
  97. Anti-BDS banner flown over Ben & Jerry's headquarters Arutz Sheva Staff , Jul 26 , 2021. Israeli-American Council flies banner reading 'Serve Ice Cream, Not Hate' over Vermont headquarters of Ben & Jerry's.
  98. Unilever CEO Says He Rejects BDS But Jewish Groups Say It’s Not Enough, YWN, July 29, 2021
  99. Bassem Eid (@eid_bassem) Tweeted: As a Palestinian peace activist who has worked and lived in the West Bank my whole life, I can tell you that you’re doing it all wrong. Your political stunt does nothing to help us and actually harms Palestinian workers. BDS is the opposite of peace! Shame on you. Juky 28, 2021
  100. Brian Flood, Ben & Jerry’s co-founders stumped on why ice cream brand singles out Israel, continues to serve red states - 'Car-crash interview', Fox News, Oct 11, 2021.

    Ben & Jerry’s co-founders Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield are under fire after they failed to come up with a reason why they refuse to sell their ice cream in parts of Israel over political disagreements but do business in areas of the United States where they disagree with laws and policies. 

  101. Ben & Jerry’s employees required to view anti-Israel lectures on Israeli-Palestinian conflict, WIN, June 14, 2022.
  102. "Victory over anti-Semitism": Ben & Jerry's will continue to sell ice cream in Israel, N12 Mako, June 29, 2022.
    An agreement signed with Unilever Global stipulates that Ben & Jerry's franchisee in Israel can continue to sell ice cream all over Israel, including in Judea and Samaria - Foreign Minister Yair Lapid and Economy Minister Orna Barbibai welcomed the decision: "An important value victory against discrimination and anti-Semitism at the heart of the boycott campaign on Israel" - CEO of Israel Avi Singer:" It was a long and complex struggle, crossing borders and sectors."
  103. Sweet victory: Ben & Jerrys folded and will continue to sell in Judea and Samaria, ow 14, June 29, 2022.
    Lapid:... The victory today is for all those who know that the fight against BDS is first and foremost for the promotion of partnership and dialogue and an ongoing fight against discrimination and hatred.

See also[edit]

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