Nazism At Arab Palestinians

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Nazism at Arab Palestinians

النازة من قبل العرب الفلسطينيين [النازيون والفلسطينيون] נאציות של ערבים פלסטינים (ערבים נאציים, פשיזם בפלסטין [العرب النازيون ، الفاشية في فلسطين])


The Holocaust was a European crime. However, this page is about what has happened among the Arabs linked to the land of Eretz Israel—Palestine.

This article addresses the historical relationship between Arab Palestinians and Nazi ideas and practices, admiration (ideology, sentiments), ’common ground’ with Nazis. It is often also accompanied with Holocaust denial,[1][2][3][4][5][6] belittling the Holocaust;[7][8] Holocaust inversion,[9][10] hijacking Holocaust terminology to perpetuate falsities and demonize;[11] fake comparisons - knowingly lying,[12] And even perversion.[13][7][14][15][16]

Note. This is in no way taking away, even tiniest part, from the real perpetrators of the Holocaust: Nazi Germany and their European helpers.

This is not about politically motivated calling someone a "Nazi" in a shallow matter (worse are the insidious ones[17]). But about the real, original, 'authentic,' unique in its historic evil - Nazism.

(It includes Arabs born in other areas but became "Palestinian" icons, Arabs who have or/and prefer democratic Israel's citizenship. Those among the Arabs in Israel, who are haters, by default, also define themselves as "Palestinians," [among many others]. In any case, it is about the Arabs in/from the area, associated with it.
[Though radical Islamic Antisemitism incorporating Nazism, Arab-Islamists cooperating with Nazis, then with Neo Nazis - all that is a larger issue]).

Hitler on the Arabs[edit]

Note, Hitler was clear about his disdain for the Arabs, as inferiors.[18][19][20] Hitler loathed Arabs, he once described them as "lacquered half-apes who ought to be whipped."[21][22][23][24][25] And the Grand Mufti al-Husseini himself has actually said 'that after the Jews, the Germans would destroy the Arabs,' "he knew this," says his granddaughter.[26] [Yet, he "cherished" the Nazis' ‘racial’ hatred.[27]]

It's why the Mufti's chasing caused Nazis discomfort at least in the beginning.[28]

Which is why Hitler, the Nazis just had to convince themselves, from 1941 onward, the Mufti is, supposedly "not" pure Arab in blood...[29] And as Hitler came (expressed on July 1, 1942[29]) to dwell on an idea that the mufti is: "a man with more than one Aryan among his ancestors."[30] [The possibility of one or more "Ayans" in the Mufti's ancestors "sufficed," in their ridiculous Aryanism flag waving, those so called three quarters Aryans were not "enough" for Hitler/Nazis (the vierteljude)].

In 1937,[31]
Baldur von Schirach, the leader of the Hitler Youth, visited Damascus, Baghdad and Tehran. In Damascus, von Schirach, was asked by journalists how Nazi propaganda in Arab countries could be reconciled with [its] racial theory, which places Arabs at the …th rank. The Arab press then noted that Von Shirach had evaded and refrained from giving a logical answer to this question.

The Mein Kampf edition placed on sale in Palestine, in 1938, with many distributed free, "carefully purged the passage in which the Arabs are graded fourteenth on the racial scale."[32]

1938: Syrian and Egyptian paper, (which had a wide readership among Arabs in Palestine[33]) realize, Arabs are as an "inferior race" as Africans, per Hitler's view:[34]
The Arabs are "inferior," according to Hitler

The Cairo and Damascus newspapers open their readers' eyes to the true meaning of Nazi doctrine

Damascus, (Palcor). Under the headline "Arabs are of an inferior race - says Hitler" the Damascus newspaper 'Alif-Ba' [Alif bāʼ ال باء] published the scathing article of the Egyptian weekly, "Rose al-Yussef" [روز اليوسف; Rose al-Yousef] on the Arabic translation 'My war' ["Mein Kampf"] by Hitler.

In the introduction, 'Alif-Ba' writes that few are the Arabs, who know that Hitler sees the Arab people as an inferior nation that does not deserve self-government and to stand on the same cultural and social level with the "Aryan" peoples. He places her in his book on a par with the black peoples of Africa.

After that, the newspaper tells, in short, about the noise made in Egypt by the Arabic translation of the book 'My war' ['Mein Kampf'], which omitted, with the intention of misleading the readers, all the passages that speak in condemnation of the Egyptians, and brings the article 'Rose al-Yusuf' in its entirety.

An August 1939 warning:[35]

BELGRADE (Palcor). — A warning to the Moslem world in general, and to Arabs of the Near East in particular, has been issued by the Yugoslav Moslem daily Senana, against Nazi and Fascist-propaganda. There are 1,500,000 Moslems in Yugoslavia. The paper states that Dr. Goebbels is spending enormous sums on propaganda in Egypt, Iraq and Palestine in order to incite the local population against the Jews and so distract attention from the real aims of Nazi policy. The hope was expressed that these efforts would be fruitless.

Remember the ruthless conquest of Albania, the merciless treatment of the Arabs in Libya, and the dangers threatening Egypt as a result of Axis policy, the article concludes.

At a 1940 review of a Syrian author's 1939 book, writer said:[36]

The Nazi movement was above all an imperialistic one and the Arabs realised this. Had not the Haifa air raids proved Hitler's intentions?

Even Falastin realized and noted in 1940:[37] "Hitler who invented the theory of race and who made the Arabs fourteenth level."

Yeni Sabah in July 1942 decried:[38]
Don't believe the "Axis" propaganda In connection with the Axis propaganda and its broadcasts to the Arab world, H. Yalçın writes in the Turkish "Yeni Sabah": Will Germany and Italy reveal their true intentions to the Arab world? After all, if they do so, all the Arabs in the world will immediately join the British in the "Axis" uniform. No one believes this propaganda, because it is known that Germany and Italy think Asia and Africa are backward compared to the rest of the world. It is inconceivable that the Axis, which attacked European countries, would not harm the independence and freedom of Egypt, the Land of Israel, Syria, Iraq and Iran.

The Nazis in fact played the Arabs, all the way, despite treating them so badly, as for instance, 10,000 Muslim Arabs were tormented by them. Oct 1942 report in Iraq:[39]

10,000 Moslem Arabs Tormented By Nazis

BAGHDAD, Tuesday (ANA). —

The "Al Alam el-Arabi" newspaper publishes an article under the heading Nazi Cruelty to Arabs, describing the hardships Arabs are suffering in forced work for Hitler.

"All these things are being done," says the and newspaper, "and still the Axis, headed by the Nazis, boasts unceasingly that they sympathize with the Arabs. Hitler has ordered 10,000 Moslem Arabs who fell into the hand of the Nazis to be tormented by the unbearable cruelty of the Nazi nightmare.

They are begging and protesting but nobody hears their cries or pities or helps them, in their suffering. This is another proof that the Axis lies to the Arabs and mocks their self-respect, honour and rights."

Notorious PFLP hijacker and admitted terrorist[40] who has been still promoting violence 2014-16[41] Laila Khaled: "At first, I admired Hitler because I thought he was the enemy of the Jews. Later I found out he classified Arabs as sub-humans, only slightly above the gypsies and the Jews."[42]

Paper research (2017):[43]
In 1941 Hitler set aside racial purity restrictions for the Wehrmacht to form the German-Arab Training Unit. New sources reveal Arab recruitment was self-serving, meant to bolster Nazi propaganda and foment anti-Allied Arab violence. Racism towards Arabs was pervasive throughout the Nazi regime and the Wehrmacht, stemming from Nazi ideology and older colonial attitudes. Consequently, the unit's two-year history from May 1941 to May 1943 was defined by tension between retaining racial segregation and feigning collaboration. The results were command indecision, neglect, reticence to deploy into combat, and reluctant expansion, which together created dysfunction and disorder in the unit.



Goebbels, Rosenberg, Himmler, all in their turn, discovered the im- passes created by the word antisemitism when confronted with alleged Semites, not only in the Middle East, but in the Soviet Union or in Germany... the Mufti of Jerusalem and Rosenberg in Mai 1943 Hans Hage- mayer, the director of the department 'Überstaatliche Mächte‹m' in Rosenberg's ministry recommended in a letter to Werner Koeppen, Rosenberg's man in Hitler's headquarters, that the German Press should avoid  the use of the word antisemitism because the enemy abroad is made to believe that 'we make no distinction between Arabs and the Jews'.

May 1943 meeting Alfred Rosenberg with the Palestinian Mufti and beyond:[45]

A secret Nazi order, dated May 17, 1943, reads as follows: "When the Grand Mufti visited Reichsleiter Rosenberg, the Reichsleiter promised to instruct the press that the word antisemitism was henceforth to be abandoned."

[Not that Hitler himself was "true" to or even "consistent" at his twisted "belief."[46][47][48][49] White Russians were not included in his "theory"... which neo-fascists in Russia are upset about.[50] But that isn't the point, of course].

[This is not about those who without ideology served the Nazis to survive or to protect their family from death. Or others, per selfishness.]

Nazi era[edit]


Arabs writings of Swastikas and support for Hitler in the 1930s anti-British revolt, anti-Jewish rampage

With barely two months of Hitler rise to power, the Mufti rushed already to forge contact with the Nazi regime, March 31, 1933.[51][52]

During subsequent secret contacts between the Consul-General and the Mufti, Husayni asked for assistance in establishing in Palestine an Arab Nazi party.[53] But the Nazis, at least initially, refused.[54]

In April 1933, Joseph Francis, the Palestine correspondent of al' ahram, wrote on behalf of a group of Palestinian Arabs to Heinrich Wolff, the German consul in Jerusalem (1933–35), asking for his aid in forming a local Arab Nazi party.[54][55][56][57]

June 1933, another attempt to establish an Arab-Nazi Party in Palestine.[58][59]

Indeed, the fact that no Arab Nazi party was ever formed in Palestine was not because there was no local demand.[60]

Nevertheless, there were Arab Nazi organizations, including in April 1934, June 1934, June 1935 as reported at the time, cited further.

In March 1932, ahead of the German elections between Hindenburg and Hitler, the Jamia al Arabia [الجامعة العربية] (was banned in 1930,[61] and cautioned in 1931 with the Al Hayat paper) the organ of the Grand Mufti, declared: 'Palestine Arabs are with Hitler in his enmity to Jews' but want Hindenburg to win because Hitler's win means Jews flocking out of Germany to Palestine as a result of persecution. It apologizes to Hitler for Arabs for putting own interests first.[62] Yet, soon after Hitler's rise to power, the Mufti rushed to forge alliance with him. Enthusiastically.

... there was little recognition that the new Germany they admired so much was directly responsible for the dramatic increase in Jewish immigration to Palestine after 1933.

Palestinian Arab leaders lost little time in making known their positive

The Mufti informed Wolff that Muslims in Palestine and elsewhere were enthusiastic about the new regime in Germany and looked forward to the spread of Fascism throughout the region.

Already in July 1932, some greeted the Mufti with "Long Live the Hitler of Palestine."[64] (Encapsulating sentiments for both).

(Apparently the venomous racist atmosphere spread among Arabs -- mostly of Palestine, immigrants -- in central America too. As in 1932 report.[65])

Reported in 1932, Cuba:[66]
Tells "La Voz" from Monday that the local Arabs sent a greeting telegram to Hitler, which says that Hitler is a great idealist[sic], and that he is doing a "monumental job" with the fact that he wants to expel the Jews from Germany.

["Lebanese and palestinians emigrated to the island in two waves in 1902–1912 and 1920–1931."[67]]

Already in Apr 1933, "Palestinian" Arab editor in Chile, Jorge Sabaj Zurob glorified Hitler.[68][69]

In the US: Habib Ibrahim Katibeh (1892 - 1951) [كاتبة، حبيب ابراهيم] Syrian born "activist" for Arab Palestine. Habib Ibrahim Katibeh was the author of the lead article on pro-Hitler propaganda monthly published in Boston, Mass., in 1933.[70] Katibeh was the director of the prewar Arab organization in the United States that was associated with the Nazi Bund. Just as the bund was supposed to make German-Americans into Nazis, so the Arab National League, of which this man was director, was supposed to make Americans of near eastern extraction into Nazis. Not long after Pearl Harbor, the leading Arabic newspaper in America, Al-Hoda, openly admitted this Arab-Nazi connection, and urged Arab -Americans no longer to follow the false leadership of the German affiliated agitators.[71] An editor of the monthly Bulletin, and of other publications of the Institute for Arab-American Affairs, Inc., was "one of the original incorporators and most active workers in the notorious Arab National League, founded shortly after Hitler seized the German chancellorship and incorporated at New York in 1938, and used to disseminate totalitarian propaganda among Americans of Near Eastern antecedents." The Arab National League operated in close association with the German-American Bund, then under the leadership of Fritz Kuhn, and its activities were regularly reported in the Nazi newspaper, Deutscher Weckruf und Beobachter, until that publication was sealed up by the FBI after the attack on Pearl Harbor. In addition to Katibah, whose name appears near the top of the institute's letterhead, it is significant that both the original bund-associated body and the present institute were formed under New York corporate charters containing much identical language and written by the same lawyers.[72]

After Hitler's ascent to power, he received praise, as in the following July 1933 letter from Sheikh Rahal Scheiban in Jerusalem:[73][74]

"May God preserve you. Every day I bring my prayers for you to God. The news of Your Highness's patriotism spreads the best fragrances in the whole world," wrote a sheikh from Palestine. "I am ready at any time to serve your regime with 100 soldiers on horseback. I am waiting for Your Highness's signal. [...] May you always remain my Lord."

Reported on Sep 16, 1933, that[75] Eissa Bendak, editor of the radical bi-weekly Sawt Al Shaab [صوت الشعب] published in Bethlehem, has left for Paris where he will receive instructions from a group of Germans and Arabs on "conducting Nazi propaganda" in Palestine. Bendak was instrumental in organizing the Arab Fascist Party at Bethlehem whose object is to harass the Jews.

By this time, pro-German, anti-Jewish pot also bubbled in cafés.[76]

In Oct. 1933, Nazis claimed credit for Palestine Arab rioting. England, ridiculed. Der Angriff, newspaper popularly associated with Dr. Goebbels, Nazi propaganda chief, editorially comments tonight on the so-called Arab revolt and attempts to justify it. Blames, of course, the Jews.[77]

In Nov. 1933, it was reported, a direct contact between the German Nazis and the Palestinian Arabs, Arab Riot Leaders, revealed by Nazis. And that "Eissa el Bendak, newly appointed members of the Arab Executive's administrative bureau, will direct a propaganda in Palestine in the interests of the Nazi party."[78]

By Dec. 1933, Nazism spread by young Arabs, some painted the swastika on a glass and various utensils in Arab cafes in Jaffa. When a young Arab drank a toast for Arab Nazism and Jews protested it, Azmi Nashashibi, the deputy governor of Jaffa, intervened against preventing these acts.[79]

Nazi Anti-Jewish propaganda picked up greater speed in Arab Palestine since 1934, especially in boycotting Jews.[80] At the same time, walls in Jerusalem and Haifa were placarded with the Arabic swastika posters.[81]

Soon, the swastika is seen more and more on Arab houses, on Arab cars, and even shoe polishers near the Jaffa Gate in Jerusalem adorned crates in this painting.[82]

An Arab exporting firm, wrapped his oranges marked "Saint Elijah, Jaffa," in paper bearing a picture of the Muhammad surrounded by swastikas.[83]

In March 1934, Arab Palestinian newspapers criticized procession in Tel Aviv. The Falastin especially came out in defense of Hitler who was mocked at the procession.[84] [In 1935, the German consul protested this protesting Purim procession to Jerusalem mayor who didn't hold back in replying. [85]]

Reported in April 1934, with the radical change after Hitler's ascend to power and propaganda infiltration, affecting feelings towards Jews by the Templars, there is also Hitlerite propaganda by the Germans among the Arabs. And there is: 'a Nazi organization among the Arab youth, which is led by the German Hitlerites in the country.'[86]

In spring of 1934, extremist Arab nationalists intended to form the Palestinian Nazi Party, which aimed to fight Jews in coordination with the Nazi Party in Germany, in Israel, many swastikas began to appear on Arab homes and their cars.[87] Arab Palestinian students returning from studying in Europe were determined to found the Arab Nazi party in Palestine.[88]

In May 1934, local German Nazis in Haifa organized propaganda meeting with open Hitlerist propaganda. Foreign Germans come as "tourists" join in. The British authorities knows about it, but chooses to ignore.[89]

Colonel Josiah Wedgwood on pro-Nazism in Palestine. May 29, 1934

Colonel Josiah Wedgwood speaking out, on May 29, 1934 in the House of Commons:[90]

We have made the world safe for the English, not by police, not by armies, but by arming the people themselves. The worst thing we have ever done in Palestine, worse even than our emigration distinctions, was when the Jews were being massacred and we, at the request of the Grand Mufti, almost at his orders, lined the Jews all up and disarmed them because they were Jews. That is the sort of thing which people remember. It was not under this Government, it is true, but you cannot expect that anybody in that country will look for justice or hope for better things as long as you have that spirit ruling there. I sometimes think that the feeling has now become pro-Nazi. Hitler's "Mein Kampf" goes to Palestine, and is sold freely. The whole book is a denunciation of the Jew—all lies and abuse. At the same time there is a book published in this country called "The Brown Book of the Hitler Terror." When that got out to Palestine it was banned. It is allowed in this country, but there it is legal to abuse the Jews but not legal to abuse the abusers.

On June 8, 1934, the Mukkattam (Al-Muqattam) [المقطم], Arab daily, reported that a Palestine Arab Nazi youth organization has been formed with a three-point movement hostile to the Jews. The Arab Nazi program calls for the development in Palestine of a movement similar to German Nazism; a determined fight against Zionism and the maintaining of friendly contacts with Germany.[91]

From a Sept 1934 report:[92]
The Nazi Party in Germany has decided to launch a propaganda campaign in Arab countries, report Greek papers. Sixty books in Arabic have been printed and distributed in Syria, Palestine, Egypt, Iraq and other lands. The amount of 360,000 marks has been assigned for the purpose.

Kamel Mrowa ([كامل مروّه] Kaamel Mruwweh) - "The career of Kamil Muruwwa provides a good example of how veteran pro-Nazis shaped public thinking." With Hitler's rise to power in Germany, Muruwwa, as the editor of the Beirut paper An-Nida, wrote to Von Ribbentrop the German foreign minister in Berlin: "The whole Arab youth is enthused by Adolf Hitler." And in 1934, a year after Hitler came to power, Muruwwa translated Mein Kampf from into Arabic and published it in daily installments in An-Nida. At the Mufti al-Husseini's "recommendation.. the Shiite Muruwwa was posted to Sofia to run a listening post that analyzed Arabic."[93]

An Apr 25, 1935 report:[94]
From time to time, anti-Jewish slogans written in Arabic and German, and embellished with the swastika, appear on vacant walls and boardings in different Palestine towns, enjoining a boycott of Jewish goods and enterprises. Their effect has been nil except to leave a great deal of annoyance among young and ardent Jews, who endeavor to trace the perpetrators of such nuisances. According to well-informed local quarters , the origin of these throwaways is in a central Nazi propaganda ascent for Palestine who, it is believed, works through Arab Fascists. An attempt at Fascism was started some eighteen months ago as the only hope of Arab salvation in the present state of the Arab nationalist cause, as one young leader said. The object was to introduce an ultra-nationalistic spirit among the Arab youth. But it was more closely modelled on the National-Socialist brand of Fascism than the Italian, because the German politics embodied anti-Semitism as the central motive.

From 1934:[95]

A large number of Nazi agitators have been stirring up the Palestinian Arabs much to the discomfort of Great Britain. Recently three German agents were arrested by British authorities in Haifa and deported for anti-Semitic and anti-British propaganda.

Palestine Istiqlal, 1932- Ahmad Shukeiri, 'Ajaj Nuwayhid, Fahmi al-Abboushi, Subhi al-Khadra, Majid al-Qutub, Salim Salamah, Rashid al-Hajj Ibrahim, Muhammad Izzat Darwaza, Akram Zu'aytir

Nazi propaganda in Arabic floods the market in Palestine. Hitler admiration is spread, his Mein Kampf especially draws Arabs' "attention," Ahmad Shukeiri and others' Istiqlal Party (fans of fascism[96]) its newspaper al-Difa'a appearing on scene in 1934, founded by a Muslim a-Shanti (whose family got rich including by business with Jews) competed with ‘’Falastin’’ paper and gained reaction because he was more Islamic, more for pan-Arabism, pan-Islamism and he followed more steadily the Mufti’s fascist-Nazi line,[33] and became in fact a Nazi propaganda pamphlet.[97]

Ibrahim Chanti / al-Shanti, Muslim owner and chief editor of al-Difa',[98] was an active Nazi agent - revealed.[99]

Author: [100]
Eichmann and Hagen also mentioned Ibrahim Chanti (Shanti), the owner of the most prominent Palestinian newspaper in the 1930s. Shanti was an important Nazi agent and Eichmann wanted to help him financially. He even proposed to pay off Shanti’s mortgage. The Nazi Propaganda Ministry supplied printing paper to Shanti. (Shanti is still revered in the Palestinian media.)

Al-Shanti was more active than any other senior journalist in his support of the Arab youth in Palestine. He adopted Nazi and fascist symbols for his enterprise.[98]

Published in 1947:[101]

The Istiqlal Party. The Istiqlal, which had become quiescent after the death of Faisal in 1933, was revived at this time, still under the leadership of Auni Abdul Hadi. His collaborators consisted mostly of professional people and intellectuals , including Izzat Darwazeh, an associate of the Mufti and director of the Moslem Waqfs, Ajaj Nuwaihed, a Druse newspaper man, owner of the Istiqlal's organ, El Arab, and Nabih Bey Admeh, called the "Arab leader of Damascus." An important member, particularly from the point of view of financial support, was Ahmed Hilmi Pasha, a Director of the Arab Bank. The party was the Palestine branch of the Pan-Arab Istiqlal movement and represented a point of view rather than a cohesive organization.

From the outset, the Palestine Istiqlal took the position that Great Britain was the main foe of Arab aspirations, and demanded that the method of resort to violence which had been successful in Iraq and Egypt should be followed in Palestine. From 1933 on, this anti-British outlook began to turn into a pro-Axis orientation, accompanies by a growing anti-Jewish feeling along Occidental anti-Semitic lines.

Ad-Difa, the paper which expressed the Istiqlal view point, was edited by Ibrahim Shanti, who had presided over Arab Student Congresses in Europe and who had admiringly studied Nazi theory and practice. The paper was transparently pro-Nazi; its illustrated section was devoted mainly to the achievements of the new Germany, and was largely composed of material supplied by the German Propaganda Ministry.

Since Istiqlal began to reorganize, it has adopted Nazi ideas - reported Templars' paper: "This party's publication shows a clear sympathy for Nazism and fights fiercely against the Jewish boycott of Germany."[102] The Templars' Die Warte des Tempels wrote March 15, 1935, that many Arabs saw Hitler as the most important man of the 20th century and almost every Arab knew his name. Fascism and National Socialism with its anti-Jewish attitude were accepted positively by many Arabs.[103]

Already in 1933/4, the al-Difa' (Ad-Difaa) الدفاع was dubbed: The Arab-Nazi newspaper.[104][105]

This paper's enthusiastic coverage for Hitler, despite realizing openly, writing in 1934: "[Hitlerism] is an ideology full of disrespect of all peoples."[106]

In 1935 ad-Difa’e got so bad that the British had to ban it for a month.[107]

Author, published in 1947:[108]
In the last years before the war, the Nazis began also to become active in being interested in causing unrest in the Land of Israel. Calling out and supporting anti-Jewish movements all over the world. They could not ignore the possibilities that the Arab hatred against the Jewish aspirations in the Land of Israel gives them. Arab students were therefore recruited to Germany, where they were imbued with an Asian version of Nazism, cunningly adapted to their fierce sensitivity, and the Arabic newspapers in E. Israel printed diligently collected excerpts from Hitler's "Mein Kampf", especially the parts that deal with the Jewish question.

All parties were dragged along by the extremists of the Istiqlal, whose newspaper al-Difa'a became a Nazi propaganda pamphlet.

They made efforts to attract the masses with national recommendations, strong hatred of Jews and extreme demands from the authorities. The fascist regimes in Germany and Italy were a source of inspiration and imitation to the national Arab movement. As early as 1932, the newspaper Al-Carmel wrote: "The Nazi movement is a symbol, it is a source of hope - Arab nationalism must adopt the methods of its leaders in their pursuit of independence and freedom."

The Mufti's bulletin al-Jamaa al-Arabiya's continued to incite the public against the government, expressing its support for fascist Italy, which the newspaper said had adopted sympathetic treatment of Arabs and the Muslim world "and supported their national aspirations."

[At least by 1929, Falastin was controlled by the Mufti. (He offered the NYT women if it will propagate for his favor).[109]]

In Jan 1935:[110]

The Germans in the country in Hitler's chariot

Germans and Arabs welcome "Heil Hitler"

The Arab newspapers report that in German circles in the country, joy was felt yesterday about the results of the referendum in the Saar district [Saarland]. The German churches in Jaffa rang the bells. The Wagner factory in Jaffa closed on Tuesday, as a holiday, and the workers received their wages. Arabs who met German friends greeted each other with the greeting "Heil Hitler."

"When will the dear Palestine return to the lap of the 'Arab nation'? - Al-Farouqi asks to know in a main article, regarding the results of the referendum in the Saar, in al-Islamiyya [الاسلامية] :

The Arab expresses joy at the results of the referendum, as "the German people were oppressed and oppressed. Now we must rejoice that the oppressor has passed."
Sheikh al-Taji


Regarding this Islamist, Sheikh Suleiman al-Taji al-Faruqi [سليمان التاجي] (1882 - 1958), (called by some "the Maari of Palestine" [معري فلسطين]) was a member of the Ottoman Patriotic Party in Jaffa, had contributed to the written exchange with the Jews over land he owned in the area of Tel Aviv.

At the end of August 1913, al-Taji addressed an open letter to the mutasarrif and the prosecutor general in Jerusalem, which was published in Filastin under the banner "Freedom or Slavery: Justice or Tyranny?" He warned that the Jews had almost "conquered" Palestine, and that Jewish settlers near Zarnuqa despised the village and had waited for an opportunity to destroy it, which, in the event, was provided by nothing more than a dispute over a bunch of grapes on the vineyard.

In October 1913, Taji addressed another open letter to the mutasarrif that was distributed in the form of a leaflet, and in November he published a vile poem, entitled "the Zionist danger" in Filastin. In his poem, he combined Islamic motifs from the Qur'an and hadith to support his nationalist view, as well as tapping into classic European anti-Semitic tropes.[111][112][113][114][115] It is such racist pieces that caused the Ottoman authorities to ban the paper. In 1914-15, periodical 'Falastin' was banned for its anti-Jewish racism, hatred by Ottoman authorities.[116][117]]

In March 1935 the Husseinis formed a party, called the Palestinian Arab Party. It was, as its president Jamal Husseini freely boasted, inspired by German Nazism.[118] It included a 'youth troop', modelled on the Hitler Youth[119] and for a while actually called, the 'Nazi Scouts'.[118] The young people swore that "Palestine is my homeland, and there is no place for anyone who is not an Arab." Jamal Husseini quoted Hitler: "I started with six, then we were 600 and then 60 million."[120]

In July 1935 the following was sent to the Third Reich from Jerusalem:[121]
"The Arab youth of Palestine respectfully ask the only Führer of Germany to prevent the sale of the German Schneller School and its land to the Jews, so that this sale does not contribute to the Jewification of the Holy Land."

Hitler enjoying great popularity was evident by an episode in April 1936, immediately after the Arab uprising. Newly appointed Walter Döhle, who had already been greeted by an Arab with the cry 'Hoch Deutschland', reported to Germany:[122]
When I stopped on the road to mount a highly visible swastika flag on the radiator of my car, in addition to the official flag attached to the flag stand, a car with Arabs came from the direction of Nablus. I spoke to the Arabs. They agreed to assist me during the passage through Jenin. The transit through Jenin went slowly, with stops about every five metres. My car was constantly surrounded by an excited crowd equipped with sticks and sabres (old German weapons). Five to six Arabs stood on the footboard of my car in a permanent parley, in which I only intervened with the Arabic words 'Konsul Almani' and the German greeting 'Heil Hitler'. The response from the Arab side followed likewise with 'Heil Hitler' and applause so that the trip bore comparison to a triumphal procession. Among the Arabs, the German greeting 'Heil Hitler', symbolic of the Führer's and the Reich Chancellor's popularity, had the strongest impact on this frenzied mob.

From an account of April 1936:[123]
Unhindered, the Arab press beat a loud tattoo for murder and revolt. Gramophone records made their appearance in the shops, calling on the Arabs to annihilate the Jews. Nazi flags and pictures of Hitler were prominently displayed in store windows. Booklets explaining Nazi methods of forcing Jews from the Reich were distributed freely...

In April 1936, the hand of the Nazi reached into Palestine itself. The Mufti of Jerusalem, Hitler's friend, instigated riots, telling his followers that Jewish immigration would bring in people who would destroy the Arab population . The riots started in Jaffa. 

The Arabs cried, "The government is with us," thinking that the British restrictions on Jewish immigration meant they favored the Arabs. Nazi-inspired slogans were shouted in the streets: "Heil Hitler" and "The J... are a gang of swindlers, a menace to all mankind."

Pictures of Hitler were placed in the windows of Arab shops, and phonographs blared "Kill the Jews!"

On April 21, 1936, 'a man in western attire managed to spare himself a beating (or worse) at the hands of an Arab mob in Tulkarm only by shouting "Heil Hitler" and giving the Nazi salute.'[125][126]

Until the rise of the Nazi party in Germany, the Templars had good ties with their Jewish neighbors. Then things changed drastically since 1933. They then spread anti-Semitic propaganda and planned to import weapons from Germany for use by Arabs against the Jews. Yet, not all Templars were pro Nazi. The opponents were pressured. As a German with a swastika band around his arm, the Arabs he passed "saluted him with admiration."[127] On Feb 5, 1936:[128]

A delegation of eighty Nazis who live in Palestine returned today from a visit to Germany bringing with them three large swastika flags. They said they had received the emblems from Reichsfuehrer Hitler himself.

The swastikas will be unfurled by Nazi units at Jerusalem, Haifa and Darona.

Admiration of Nazism among the Arabs, expressed its urge also through groups, the Najjadah, like the Futuwwa and other groups, trying to emulate Nazism or fascism.[129]


... the Husseinis in March 1935 formed the Palestinian Arab Party, whose platform for resistance to the establishment of a Jewish National Home. It set up its own youth corps. al-Futuwwa (the name of an association of Arab knights during the Middle Ages). which resembled Germany’s Hitler Youth and was officially designated the “Nazi Scouts.”

At the founding meeting on February 11, 1936, Jamal al- Husseini, a principal aide of Hajj Amin, declared that Hitler had stalled out with only six followers and now had sixty million. The first seventy al-Futuwwa recruits took the following oath: “Life — my right: independence — my aspiration: Arabism — my principle: Palestine — my country, and there is no room in it for any but Arabs. In this I believe and Allah is my witness.” The Husseini-Nazi connection… through the 1930s and early 1940s. Indeed, as early as March 31, 1933, two months after Hitler's assumption of power, Amin alHusseini told the German consul in Jerusalem that "the Muslims inside and outside Palestine welcome the new German regime and hope for the extension of the fascist anti-democratic, governmental system to other countries." In the name of the Arabs, Husseini expressed a desire to join in the Nazis' anti-Jewish boycott.


Relations between the Arab National Movement and the Nazi regime in Germany began to take shape as early as 1933. In the various Arab countries, local parties and organizations began to emulate the Nazi party's methods of operation and to adopt its principles. In the summer of 1933, an attempt was made to establish an Arab Nazi movement in Palestine as well, and the Nazi propaganda ministry provided financial assistance to the Arab national press of a zealous anti-Zionist nature in Israel. However, if until the outbreak of World War II the Nazi regime was still careful to support the Arab national movement, then after the world war began, ties between Nazi Germany and the leaders of the Arab national movement, especially with the Jerusalem Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini, became stronger.

News article on Jan 1, 1935:[131]

Nazi Arabs ... The Nazi idea is spreading among the Arabs in the Land of Israel.

A member of the Executive Committee of the Arab organization from Haifa said at the last Executive Committee meeting that the Arab national youth in Haifa likes the Nazi principles, and believed that the best way to save the Land of Israel from the Jews was to follow these principles.

In April 1935, around the time of Emir Shakib Arslan's pro Fascist Italy propaganda among the Arabs, Rumors close to the truth tell of Nazi cells existing among the Arabs, which are currently working to expand the anti-Jewish and even anti-English action, and perhaps also against the interests of other powers.[132]

About Shakib Arslan [شكيب أرسلان‎]:[133]
At that time, the Arab movement leaned towards the fascist forces in Europe, which became very strong when the Nazis seized power in Germany. The main fascist-Nazi Arab agent was the Druze emir Shakib Arslan, who left his narrow religious sect and joined the pan-Arab Syrian "Istiqlal" movement in 1919/20, and since then his close relations with Arab leaders in the Land of Israel and especially with the Husseinis have persisted.

He was one of the key figures of Arab nationalist thought and pan-Arab and -Muslim activism in the interwar period. [134]

Arabic Mein Kampf

Involved in the Arabic translation of Mein Kampf in 1938.[135][136]

He was basically "the chief Islamist in Europe was previously held by Shakib Arslan, the kaiser's and the Nazis' most consistent Arab ally who up to 1945 had been subsidized by Hitler's regime."[137]

After heading a Syrian nationalist propaganda service in Geneva for a few years, and after refusing at first, finally in October 1939, it was reported that Hitler granted Arslan a so-called "honorary aryan" status.[138]

This pan-Islamist Shakib Arslan was a contributor to the Nazi Arabic Barid al-Sharq, an Arabic-Nazi propaganda newspaper published in Berlin.[139]

In May 1935, as delegates returned from an Arab youth conference in Haifa, their train to Afula bore a swastika chalked on one of the coaches with an Arabic inscription beneath it reading "Germany over All."[140][141]

In 1935, the Federation of Arab Youth in Palestine petitioned Hitler to help them prevent the Jews from obtaining additional land in Palestine.[142]

In summer of 1935, Arabs in Haifa founded Nazi club, The Red Moon. (Red Crescent) [ريد مون ، نادي النازي]. Well financed.[142] They wore 'brown shirts' too.[143] By then, groups of brown-clad Arab youths were organized in the larger cities.[142]

In June 1935, Palestine Arabs asked Hitler for a ban of land sales to Jews.[144]

'Swastika, with the inscription "Long live [sic] Hitler" on the Jerusalem Gate. Jerusalem, July 17. - A swastika sign, with the inscription "Viva Hitler!" [sic], appeared today on the cemetery, opposite the tombs of the Jewish kings. Apparently, the Arabs painted the Hitlerite swastika there.' (July 18, 1935 report)
Seen on July 17, 1935 in Jerusalem:[145]

Swastika, with the inscription "Long live (sic) Hitler" on the Jerusalem Gate

Jerusalem, July 17. - A swastika sign, with the inscription "Viva Hitler!" [sic], appeared today on the cemetery, opposite the tombs of the Jewish kings. Apparently, the Arabs painted the Hitlerite swastika there.

Sep 1935 – 'Nuremberg Laws’ & on

When Hitler proclaimed the Nuremberg Race Laws in September 1935, a number of Palestinian Arabs sent telegrams congratulating him.[52][146]

From the Palestine Arabs, were more than from other Arabs.[147]

Author with original documentations: [148]

Signs of sympathy for Hitler and Nazism grew on the Arab street. The swastika flag was also hoisted over Arab homes, Arab cars, and even Arab shoe polishers adorned their crates with the Nazi emblem. Dr. Franz Reichert, a writer for the German News Agency (DNB) in Jerusalem, provided free money to the Arab press, propaganda and photographs about the life of the renewed Germany, and these would devote entire pages to this material. The British saw Dr. Reichert as the main puller In the Nazi spy network in the country, but no action was taken against him. In May 1935, the Palestine-Israeli police learned that extremist Arab nationalists were preparing to form the "Palestinian Nazi Party" in order to fight the Jews in coordination with the sister party in the Reich.

The great momentum of Nazi propaganda in the Middle East occurred in September 1935. When the "Nuremberg Laws" against the Jews were discovered and published, Hitler received greetings from all Arab countries and Islam. The largest number came from Palestine, where Nazi propaganda was strongest.


Al-Husseini's Arab Revolt of 1936 took place against the background of the swastika: Arab leaflets and posters prominently displayed the Nazi symbol; the youth organization of the Mufti's political party paraded as "Nazi-scouts," and Arab children greeted each other with the Nazi salute.[149]

From a film collection, Paramount Diary of January 1, 1936: The alleys of the Old City of Jerusalem :[150]
The Old City of Jerusalem… passersby looking at a graffiti of a swastika and the inscription Hitler in English on a stone wall, the alleys of the Old City, policemen patrolling the place.

In Nov 1936, the AP reported that ‘Arabs read Hitler.’ Arabs joining Nazi Germany, read the "Mein Kampf," and it is 'a best seller in Palestine,' as it became a "best seller among the Anti-Semitics."[151] And reported by the NYT on Apr 4, 1937:[152][153] "Hitler's Mein Kampf once banned in Palestine is now reported to be a Best seller among the Arabs who have joined with Nazi Germany in antagonism to the Jews."

Professor, Author:[88]

…The shrill calls to take up extremist politics invoked a symbolism that glorified youth, violence, and death. By 1936 Al Difaa, the paper of the Istiqlal movement and the most widely read paper in the Arab community, proclaimed, in clearly fascist tones, that "youth must go out to the field of battle as soldiers of the Fatherland." Others argued that the "Land is in need of a youth, healthy in body and soul like Nazi youth in Germany and the fascist youth in Italy which stands ready for the orders of its leaders and ready to sacrifice its life for the honor of its people and freedom of its fatherland." …Nationalist rhetoric accompanied major efforts to build fascist-style youth organizations by recruiting young men to serve as the strike force of the nationalist movement. Throughout the 1930s the children of wealthy Palestinians returned home from European universities having witnessed the emergence of fascist paramilitary forces. Palestinian students educated in Germany returned to Palestine determined to found the Arab Nazi Party. The Husseinis used the Palestinian Arab Party to establish the al-Futuwwa youth corps, which was named after an association of Arab Nazi Scouts. By 1936 the Palestinian Arab Party was sponsoring the developments of storm troops patterned on the German model. These storm troops, all children and youth, were to be outfitted in black trousers and red shirts… The young recruits took the following oath: "Life — my right; independence — my aspiration; Arabism — my country, and there is no room in it for any but Arabs. In this I believe and Allah is my witness." […]

The al-Futuwwa youth groups connected Palestinian youth to fascist youth movements elsewhere in the Middle East. While the Mufti was establishing youth groups in Palestine, al-Futuwwa groups were established in Iraq...

By the time the Palestinian uprising began in 1936, the Nazi hatred of the Jew had been incorporated into the existing Muslim narrative.[154] There was an overall relentless, unrestrained anti-Jewish incitement.[155]

In an example of increased inciting hatred, the Arabic Radio Station in Jerusalem on Sep 20, 1936 (between 7:45-8pm) had broadcasted a venomous antisemitic lecture, an added interpretation twist and "explanation" onto an Arab legend.[156]

During the 1936-1939 Palestinian revolt, the swastika was used as a mark of identity: Arabic leaflets and graffiti were liberally decorated with it, Arab children welcomed each other with the Hitler salute and vast numbers of German flags and pictures of Hitler were displayed even at celebrations of Mohammed's birthday.

The pro Nazi identification was so strong, that those obliged to travel through areas involved in the Palestinian revolt soon learned, that it was prudent to attach a swastika to their vehicle to gain immunity from Arab snipers.[158]

The commander of the Arab-Palestinian "volunteers", Fawzi al-Qawuqji (Arabic: فوزي القاوقجي;‎ 19 January 1890 – 5 June 1977), in a Wehrmacht-style uniform that includes the Iron Cross decoration.

In 1936, months after Hitler's Nuremberg Laws stripped Jews in Nazi domains of citizenship rights, and branded them as genetic undesirables, Fawzi al-Qawuqji was not squeamish about baiting Jews.[159] This pro-Nazi,[160] had been in charge of broadcasting Nazi propaganda in the Arab world during Second World War.[161] In their Arab propaganda broadcasts from Berlin and Rome, Husseini, Kawkaji and Khilani adopted Nazi terms, frequently using antisemitic profanity.[162][163]

Arabs in Nazi Germany boycott Jews (June 1936)
While in Germany, the Arabs (many of then from Mandatory Palestine) 'did' their part:[164]

Assembly of Arabs in Germany

Berlin. 16, at the assembly of Arabs and Orientals in Berlin, a resolution was passed against Jewish immigration to the Land of Israel [Palestine]. Those gathered decided to deny the reports published in the Jewish press that Italy and Germany were helping the [Arab] national movement in Palestine. They also decided to boycott the shops of the Jews, not to live with Jewish families and not to come into contact with them.

The Mufti cultivated in open imitation of his hero, Adolf Hitler.[165]

In April of 1936, he asked the Italians for help in poisoning the drinking water of Tel Aviv. In the same year he received assistance from the German government in organizing anti-Jewish riots in Jaffa and Jerusalem.

Decried in 1936:[167]

the government permitted the Mufti's journal, "A Liva", to create the impression that all elements friendly to Zionism in England were in the pay of Jews. "The old Empire bows its head before Jews, because Jews [sic] have [sic] money," or further the Mandate is only apparently in English hands because Jews have purchased it long ago."

Another Arab paper "Falastin" agitated openly for an alliance between the nationalist movement and Sir Oswald Mosley.

The government seemed incapable of understanding that though it might be possible to treat fascist agitation humorously in London, amusement was out of place in Jaffa. The entire German population of Palestine numbers barely three thousand. Assuming that every one of them is a Nazi, they are still unable to publish a daily newspaper without assistance. The fact that a Nazi paper began to appear in Jerusalem, was in itself evidence enough that well-financed Hitler agents were in the country striving to establish contact with the Arab population. The government saw fit to ignore this.

Now it need not be surprised that the words "Heil Hitler" should be a magic pass-word, protecting the speaker from Arab attack.

The most prominent Falastin in 1937 sided openly with Fascist Italy.[168]

In Jan 1937, noted Muslim Awni Abd al-Hadi [Auni Bey Abdel Hadi] [عوني عبد الهادي] (leader of the Arab Independence Party and member of the Arab High Committee in Palestine) stated: ‘Arabs Like Nazis.’[169]

Arabs Like Nazis, Says Moslem

Berlin, Feb. 23 (WNS) — The Arab national movement has much in common with Nazism, the Voelkische Beobachter reports Auni Bey Hadi , leader of the Arab Independence Party and member of the Arab High Committee in Palestine, as having told its correspondent. The Nazi paper says that the Arab leader made a thorough study of Hitler's Mein Kampf while he was in a... camp in Palestine. He is also quoted as advising Germany to study the Arab market in Palestine because the Arabs are boycotting all goods made or sold by Jews.
Months later, on July 18, 1937, his political instigation led to bloody violence in Baghdad, 30 Jews were injured, shops looted.[170] And: [171]
In the interview, he admitted proudly that while he was interned by the British he had thoroughly worked through the English translation of Mein Kampf.

Months later, on July 18, 1937, his political instigation led to bloody violence in Baghdad, 30 Jews were injured, shops looted.[172]

A March 1937 report, Arab apprentices Admire Hitler.[173]

A March 1937 report:[174]

The agent of the well-known German company "Knoll" has been staying in Jerusalem for two weeks. While visiting an Arab pharmacy, an Arab patient came in with a prescription and asked for medicine. The owner of the pharmacy sent the wholesaler to fetch the medicine, the agent saw the packaging and found out that the medicine was made in Israel, approached the 'patient' and began preaching Nazi-style morals about buying "Jewish products from Tel Aviv." By the way, he took the prescription from him and saw that the doctor was also a Jew, he could not resist and told the Arab "Not only are you as an Arab should be ashamed to buy the Zionist products, you also go to a Jewish doctor and this is a danger for you, the Jewish doctor and the Jewish factory [sic] can poison you." This was said in the presence of an agent of a well-known English factory, who considered him an Englishman.

It is worth noting that this Nazi agent arranges large orders among the Jews.
Swastikas Fly as Arabs Mark Mohammed's Birthday (May/1937)

By May 1937, "All Arabs" celebrated Muhammad's birthday "Hitler and Duce Cheered." - NY Times.[175] Described at the time in JTA[176] May, 1937: "Swastikas Fly As Arabs Mark Mohammed’s Birthday."

Arab children thronged the teeming section’s narrow, winding streets, shouting: “Death to the High Commissioner (Sir Arthur Grenfell Wauchope)! Death to the Jews!” Booklets explaining Nazi methods of forcing Jews from the Reich are being distributed freely. Arabs in Haifa and Jaffa prepared for the birthday celebrations, scheduled for today and tomorrow, by proclaiming a work stoppage and organizing demonstrations.

The Government Education Department issued orders prohibiting Arab pupils to participate in the demonstrations. Arabs newspapers, however, are urging the pupils to disobey.

"Requests to the Italian consulate for Italian flags and pictures of Mussolini exceeded supply. In Haifa market, these were to be found alongside images of Hitler and King Ghazi of Iraq."[177]

The Italian press reported Arab admiration for "the head of fascism for his humane comprehension of Islam, and his courage for having dared to rise before anybody else against the myth of British might."[178]

Nazi Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels praised the Arabs' "national .. conscience," noting that "Nazi flags fly in Palestine and they adorn their houses with Swastikas and portraits of Hitler.[179] All Arab newspapers devoted almost all their pages for that day. Falastin particularly emphasizes the participation of Christians in the Muslim holiday. The newspaper states that two Nazi flags were hoisted on Bustros Street and the swastika was painted on the entrance gates of the Arab Workers' Association. Many Arabs painted the swastika on the blank part of the Arab flag. Pictures of Mussolini, Hitler and Kaukji were hung in various places and in the store entrances.[180]

These special Hitler / Mussolini decorations were seen already days before, ahead and in preparation of the Muslim holiday.[181]

The Times of London reported on 22 May 1937 that an Arab café in the Old City of Jerusalem was prominently displaying a picture of Hitler, alongside images of King Ghazi and Mussolini. The article related, "The Arabs explain that they naturally acclaim ... Herr Hitler because he dislikes the Jews."[125]

In 1937, a Nazi official wrote a letter from Palestine to Berlin which said that Palestinian Arabs showed "a great sympathy for new Germany and its Fuhrer…based on a purely ideological foundation."[182][183]

German documents photographed and sent to Whitehall by an American spy revealed that in 1937, German officials had calculated that "Palestine under Arab rule would… become one of the few countries where we could count on a strong sympathy for the new Germany."

On July 15, 1937, the Mufti met with Walter Döhle German consul in Jerusalem, and offered to send an Arab delegate to Berlin.[184][185] Döhle reported back to Germany that the plan would be that Germany will put out anti-Jewish declarations but not being pro-Arab.[184] The Mufti was disappointed and tried in November 1937 sending another delegate to Berlin. [186] Walter Doehle, wrote:[187]:

"Palestinian Arabs in all social strata have great sympathies for the new Germany and its Führer … If a person identified himself as a German when faced with threats from an Arab crowd, this alone generally allowed him to pass freely. But when some identified themselves by making the ‘Heil Hitler’ salute, in most cases the Arabs’ attitude became expressions of open enthusiasm, and the German gave ovations, to which the Arabs responded loudly."
Unveiled documents:[182][122]
‘Arabs admire our Fuhrer’ - "The Palestinian Arabs show on all levels a great sympathy for the new Germany and its Fuhrer, a sympathy whose value is particularly high as it is based on a purely ideological foundation," a Nazi official in Palestine wrote in a letter to Berlin in 1937. He added: "Most important for the sympathies which Arabs now feel towards Germany is their admiration for our Fuhrer, especially during the unrests, I often had an opportunity to see how far these sympathies extend. When faced with a dangerous behaviour of an Arab mass, when one said that one was German, this was already generally a free pass."

Since around 1936-7, Fracois Genoud and the Mufti met several times. Nazi Genoud was later to be infamous as 'financier of fascism', and helper of Nazis escape. The Mufti "would consider [Genoud] a confidant until his death in 1974."[188]

Said Fattah al-Imam, founder of the al-Nadi al-Arabi (The Arab Club), later to be vehicle for advancing Nazi goals in Syria, educated in Berlin, in 1936, Imam travelled twice to Germany, once even meeting personally with Hitler to try to talk him in to shipping arms to the Palestinians and Syrians so they could use them to fight off the British and the French.[189]

After failing first in getting a statement from Hitler, the mufti did not give up, and had sent Imam in December 1937, who brought a letter to the Goebbels Propaganda Office a recommendation by the mufti, which ended with the words "Heil Hitler!".[190][191]

In 1937, Adolf Eichmann and two SS officers carried out a mission to the Middle East accompanied by the head of the Hitler Youth, Baldur von Schirach who later funded an "Arab Club" in Damascus where German Nazis trained recruits for the mufti's growing army of insurgents.[154] He was quickly expelled by the British.[192] "Eichmann reported from his visit to Israel: The creation of a Jewish State must be prevented."[193]

Heinrich[194] Himmler, in 1937 gave to the Haifa branch at the request of Eichmann (through his superiors), as a token of gratitude to the Haifa Nazis - his anti Jewish twisted book, whereby he evoked, aligned himself with Hamman[195] of the book of Esther.
Himmler does not specify what the proposed solution was. But the Bible itself teaches that the solution will be through the destruction of peoples, the physical extermination of the Jews throughout the empire. The mighty Persian, from India to Kush: "And books were sent by the hand of the runners into all the king's lands, To destroy, kill and lose all the Jews, from youth to old age, children and women, in one day ... and loot despise."... the wording of this book proves that the seed of extermination lay in the very essence of the Nazi racist conception, and that this was its consistent conclusion, the conception designers did not even think of it in the first place, in full consciousness. Anti-Semitic racism was at the heart of the Nazi worldview. And the extermination of the Jews was the core of the antisemitic conception.

Eichmann's 1937 trip project included a friendly[158] visit with the mufti in Egypt.[193] It was after this visit, in fact, that Haj Amin went on the Nazi payroll as an agent and propagandist.[158]

[Worth mentioning: Among the collaborators with Hitler was the Mufti, a small fish. The Norwegians had Vidkun Quisling, the Belgians had Leon Degrelle, the Dutch the Waffen-SS unit, the largest outside Germany, the Ukrainians Stepan Bandera, the Russians General Andrey Andreyevich Vlasov and Azov Battalion, and more and more (or Vichy France). Each of these names was a much more "respectable" collaborator with the Third Reich and its plans than the Mufti.[196][197]]

[Example of the far reaching Mufti's influence: inspiring overseas:

Sufi Abdul Hamid, called the 'Black Hitler',[198][199] called so by both the black and white press[200][201] who incited the blacks in NY to drive out Italians and Jews in the 1930s,[198] was inspired by the Mufti.[202][203]]

The Arab rebels often displayed the swastika.[204]

Nazi backing Arab violent riots against the Brits and Jews

Suspicion of Nazi involvement was already at the beginning, in 1936, with Germans arrested and German made rifles at Arab rioters.[205] Arabs were captured with smuggled Nazi Arms.[206]

In 1937, French paper Marianne exposed Nazi armament of Arab Terrorists.[207]

More evidence seen on the ground in 1938.[208]

In Sep 1938, as Arabs murder 10 in a day of terror, the Forward quotes from the New York Times reporter Joseph Levy:[209] Hitler and Mussolini Send More Money to Terrorists... The Arab terror on Palestine is financed by Hitler and Mussolini.

Indeed, Nazis 'shipped arms to Palestinians,' British National Archives unveiled presence of Nazi S.S. agents in Mandatory Palestine, working closely with Palestinian leaders, at least since 1937.[182][183]

Widely known:[210] The role of foreigners in .. riots is known, that in the days of the events of 1936-39 the help of German and Italian guides to the Arab gangs was widespread, and only thanks to it was it possible for the Arab gangs to last for a long time...

In March 1938, the Time, reported,[211] that there have been "respectable sales among Palestine Arabs" of Hitler's 'Mein Kampf.'

On July 24, 1938, the NYT reported that 'Anti-Jewish' campaign stirs neighboring lands, moderate Arabs swayed, more terrorism expected.[212]

The 1938 Arab-Nazi Palestine ball at the Berlin Arab club. Reported in Aug 1938:[213]
Arab-Nazi ball in Berlin. London (Palcor.) The Berlin writer of the "Daily Telegraph" announces that a Palestine ball was held at the Arab club in Berlin, in which, in addition to the Arab activists, who are now staying in Berlin, some of the leaders of the Nazi party also participated. In their speeches at the ball, they spoke of the solidarity between the Germans and the Arabs, directed against the Jews and against England.

This was weeks before Hitler mentioned the Arabs of Palestine in his speech.

Following Hitler's Sep 12, 1938 speech in Nuremberg, in which he said Arabs in Palestine were "defenseless and left in the lurch," Arabs in the Holy Land hailed it. And: An Arab spokesman greeted Hitler's statement with this declaration: "Now we are not without friends in Europe; our ultimate success as a nation lies in the hands of Hitler and Mussolini and not Britain and France." [214][215]

And: 'Arabs Hail Hitler As Liberator… Arabs Look to Hitler.’[216]

Commenting (Sep.13.38) on Hitler's speech (mentioning Palestine's Arabs), while casting doubts on Hitler's sincere "concern" for them, it still, without being convinced Hitler would be of benefit, boasted Nazi anti-Semitism in the same breath defined what is a dictatorship, Falastin: a dictatorship was really a State which had freed itself of Jewish influence, while democracies were countries which still bore that onus."[217][218]

In Sep 1938, a hundred Palestine Arabs visited the Nazi party conference in Nuremberg.[219][168] How the Time reported it:[220]
Announced as Adolf Hitler's "honor guests" this week in Nürnberg were 100 certified Jew-baiting Arabs brought especially from Palestine and Africa...

Inside Asia's John Gunther in 1939:[221]
Hitler is tremendously popular with the Arabs. The reason is not far to seek — he is the enemy of the Jews, whom the Arabs consider their enemy in Palestine, and of Great Britain. Hitler pointedly invited Arabs to Germany as honored guests, and in the Nuremberg speech in 1938 he talked about the "defenseless Arabs in Palestine, left in the lurch." An Arab spokesman in Jerusalem replied promptly, "Now we are not without friends in Europe; our ultimate success as a nation lies in the hands of Hitler and Mussolini." The greatest contemporary Arab hero is — Adolf Hitler.

Shop windows displayed Hitler's photo in Jenin (Palestine) in 1938.[222]

In Oct 1938,[223] The Scotsman in a leading article on the Palestine question, stated: "No British Government can impose a scheme which would ultimately make it possible for the Arabs to massacre the Jews. Such a solution breathes the spirit of Hitler, not of England."

In Sep 1938, ‘’a hundred Palestine Arabs visited the Nazi party conference in Nuremberg.’’[224][168]

How the Time reported it:[225]
Announced as Adolf Hitler's "honor guests" this week in Nürnberg were 100 certified Jew-baiting Arabs brought especially from Palestine and Africa...

Published in 1939:[226]

The disturbances in Palestine, too, were exploited by Nazi propagandists, not only with the object of creating difficulties for Great Britain, but also to stir up anti-Jewish feeling in all the Arab countries.

A suspiciously large number of Nazi leaders took their holidays in Arab countries. The German Press was full of articles expressing sympathy with the Arab cause and fiercely attacking both the British and the Jews. The Nazi short-wave broadcasts adopted the same attitude. A Berlin club was used as Arab headquarters. Ostensibly the club was merely a cultural society for the benefit of Arab students in Germany, but, as the Daily Telegraph revealed, the printed notepaper used by this club bears the inscription in Arabic and German: "Permanent Defence Committee for Palestine in Europe - Berlin headquarters."

A hundred Arabs, their fares paid by the Nazis, attended the Nazi Party Congress in Nuremberg in 1938.

At the time, Ahmad Shukeiri said, he was invited by the Germans to attend the Nuremberg Rally.[227]

[In Latin America, Palestine born Jorge Sabaj Zurob, published a piece lumping debunked myth of "the Protocols" with his admiration of Hitler, justifying Hitler's argument, in an all out 'salad word' tirade.[228]]

From (noted[229]) author:[230]

The Mufti of Jerusalem, encouraged by Axis successes in Abyssinia and Central Europe, had seized power among the Palestine Arabs... Passing an Arab shop one might hear a record chanting in Arabic, "Slaughter the Jews!" Photographs of Hitler began to spring up in Arab barber shops and cafés, side by side with those of the Mufti. Youngsters in Arab villages marched about waving small swastika flags.

Author in 1947:[168]

Needless to say, how great was the effect of the German victories, in the first period of the war, on the Arabs of the country, and how difficult was then the impression of their defeat: an Egyptian, who visited the country in the days after the conquest of Berlin wrote: "The people cry in the morning and sob in the evening. And blow to their cheek between morning and evening."

At (بيرزيت) Bir Zeit most of the students wrote ‘A. Hitler,’ in answer to 'a great man,' when explained as 'a man who influences the spirits of his contemporaries.' [231]

Oct 1938 report from Jerusalem:[32]

Arabic translation of Adolf Hitler's "Mein Kampf" was put on sale here today at the modest price of three piastres (about 21 cents). Many copies are being distributed among the Arabs free of charge. It was noted that the edition placed on sale here carefully purged the passage in which the Arabs are graded fourteenth on the racial scale.

In 1938 alone, Germany has spent 60,000 pounds on propaganda amongst the Arabs in the land. It was estimated that the mufti's cousin Daud al-Husseini, in 1939 was the link between him and the Nazis at the time.[232]

A book published in the summer of 1939[233] reports "it has been decided to "convert" 25,000 Nazis to Mohammedanism. They will be organised in a newly-formed Moslem association, Jamait-e-Muslimin, which already has an understanding with the Mufti, a leader of the Palestinian Arabs."

It states:

As was reported in the House of Commons in February 16, 1938, in Palestine, "Italian women were disguised as charity workers and nuns and they supplied Arabs with faked pictures of Jewish atrocities and told the Arabs that their poverty was due to British mis-management. Travelling cinema vans showed the Arabs faked pictures of Jews killing Arabs . . . The Italian broadcast from Bari was picked up in Palestine and interspersed in an attractive programme was a series of slogans like ‘Palestine belongs to the Arabs’, ‘Kill the Jews' 'Let Palestine Arabs re-arm'."

Author, in 1938:[123]

If one may judge from the tone of the Arab press, the lot of the Jew under the coming 'National Government' will be anything but pleasant. El Jamiyah Arabiyah snarls that "the English can stand the pride and impudence of the Jews, but the Arabs know what kind of vermin[sic] the J.. are and will know how to silence them." Another ready example is the editorial in Islamia on October 4, 1936, appealing to foreign Arabs not to confine themselves to mere boycott of Jews but to drink their blood. It may be seen again in the inflammatory circulars systematically scattered in Jerusalem, reading: "Kill the J..s until not one of them remains. Gird yourselves and satiate your souls that thirst for blood, souls that cannot be sated but with the blood of the . . . alien and loathsome J.."

Farago found that "Arab agitators visit the peasants and promise them that at the end of the struggle the land and wives of the Jews will be distributed amongst them. With this expectation the peasant digs up his money and buys rifles and ammunition from wandering gunrunners."

Like many other informed men, Duff gave blunt warning that "as soon as the Palestinian leaders understood that Great Britain had really left them to their own devices... a general massacre of the Jews and the destruction of their colonies would occur." It need occasion no surprise that the words 'Heil Hitler' proved a magic pass- word during the recent rebellion, protecting Europeans against attack... All over Palestine groups of brown-clad storm troops were marching, shouting 'Heil Hitler.' At Nablus, boldly operating in the open, was a military training school for the Arab Scouts, prime leaders in the disturbances. Late in March a meeting of influential Arabs, practically all of them Government employees, was held at Safed to plan the uprising...
On April 17, 1936 the funeral of a murdered Jew was made the occasion of a protest demonstration. In an ugly mood, the police fired into the crowd, wounding thirty persons. Immediately after, steelhelmeted officers invaded Tel Aviv, dragging out householders on suspicion of having been connected with the protest. Bearers of black-bordered Zionist flags of mourning were beaten into unconsciousness. Sullen, angry apprehension once more made the air of the Holy Land a tinder box. It was in the midst of this charged condition that the explosion was touched off. The actual lighting of the fuse took place on the nineteenth of April when a blood-curdling tale was circulated in Jaffa that four Arab men and women had been beheaded by Jews in Tel Aviv. Instead of counteracting these wild rumors, the Government added fuel to the fire by dispatching enlarged police units to Tel Aviv, obviously to protect Arabs from Jewish attack. The outbreaks were swiftly and shrewdly plotted. On the scheduled day not a single Arab was to be seen in Tel Aviv though they generally offer their vegetables for sale as early as five in the morning. Jews visiting Jaffa were irritably told by the Chief Officer there that he "really did not understand why they had come . . . since everybody had already known yesterday that anti-Jewish attacks were to take place." Not a finger was lifted by the Authorities. On the entire road from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem only one policeman was posted though the roads were almost bursting with armed and threatening men. Jaffa burst into flames with the familiar cry "the Government is with us" urging the demented horde on. By midday the streets were running with Jewish blood. Many were slaughtered and mutilated past identification, right under the eyes of the police who made no effort to interfere. The contagion spread to all parts of the country like wildfire. Little boys of six carried automatics, shooting them off on the streets of Jerusalem as if they were toy pistols.
Unhindered, the Arab press beat a loud tattoo for murder and revolt. Gramophone records made their appearance in the shops, calling on the Arabs to annihilate the Jews. Nazi flags and pictures of Hitler were prominently displayed in store windows. Booklets explaining Nazi methods of forcing Jews from the Reich were distributed freely... Far more potent than any interference by Italian or Papist has been the German intervention, which the English studiously ignore. It has been shown that agitators now active in the Near East have been trained in a special school in the Brown House in Munich; that pamphlets in Arabic are printed in Berlin and Hamburg for distribution in Palestine. On October 22, 1933, it was announced that Eissael Bendek, member of the Arab Executive's Administrative Bureau, would direct a propaganda campaign in the interests of the Nazi Party. On June 8, 1934 the Jerusalem Arab daily, Mukkattam, reported the formation of an Arab Nazi Youth Organization. The French Weekly, Marianne, reported in 1937 that a great part of the arms employed in the rebellion were supplied by the Suhl and Erfurter Gewehrfabrik of Germany, which sent, in particular, many rifles and machine-guns.

The Arab journals Falastin and Al Difa[h] published regularly articles of a racial nature, together with large portraits of the various leaders of the Third Reich. They did not even attempt to conceal the fact that they had become tools of the Ministry of Propaganda in Berlin. The shout of 'Heil Hitler' became a catchword which rang insolently over all Palestine.

Asides from espousing a fanatic Pan-Arabism, the Iraqi Futuwwa[234] (which was coincided with the Mufti's Futuwwa in Palestine[88]) adopted a frankly totalitarian ideology, and, as though in recognition of kinship, in 1938 sent a delegation to a Hitler Youth rally in Berlin,[234] to the Nuremberg rally, and soon afterwards hosted the leader of the Hitler Youth[235] Baldur von Schirach in Baghdad.[236]

The first Arabic-language edition of portions of Mein Kampf was published in Egypt in 1939 by Nassiri Nasser, the brother of Gamal Abdul Nasser who admired Hitler as "the strongest man in Europe."[237][238]

On Jan 26, 1939, a large shipment of Hitler’s "Mein Kampf" in Arab translation arrived in Palestine from Egypt.[239]

In early 1939, London newspapers have often reported on the increased activities of the German and Italian fascists in the Near and Middle East, and in (Mandatory) Palestine in particular. The newspapers relied on 'facts.'[240]

Barid al-Sharq
Mufti Amin al-Husseini in the Berlin Mosque - from Barid al Sharq 1943

Barid Al Sharq ([بريد الشرق]: Orient Post) was an Arabic Nazi propaganda publication published in Berlin, in the period 1939–1944. It was distributed in the Arab countries and Mandatory Palestine. "Articles in Barid al-Sharq, dominated by the usual anti-British, anti-Communist, and anti-Jewish agitation, also drew on religious themes... Contributors included the Lebanese pan-Islamist Shakib Arslan and Abdurreshid Ibrahim, who, after his service for Germany during the First World War, had now become imam of the Tokyo Mosque, giving the paper a further pan-Islamic tinge." The journal also published several speeches by members of the Nazi elite, by the Mufti al-Husayni (including his calls for Jihad). And its editors also published an Arabic- language brochure with the title Islam and the Jews (al-Islam wa-l-Yahud), based on a series of articles that the journal had run earlier under the same title. Numerous copies were distributed in Tunis. In spring 1942, the German consulate in Tangier reported the "confiscation" of several boxes of the brochure by Spanish officials. Thre distribution of Barid al-Sharq in the Tangier zone repeatedly caused friction between German officials and the local Spanish administration during the North African campaign. [139]

Arslan, one of the key figures of Arab nationalist thought and pan-Arab and - Muslim activism in the interwar period,[134] very tight with the Arab leadership in Mandatory Palestine, especially with the Husseinis, as he, Arab movements in general, clung to fascism.[133]

Yunus Bahri of the (Nazi propaganda in Arabic on the) radio Here is berlin (greeting to the Arabs) also contributed to the journal.[57]

Nazism at Arabs: Ideology too, not just "practical" allies.


Arab admiration for Nazism in the 1930s, after Hitler came to power, should be seen against the backdrop of such an identity of values. The explanation usually given for such admiration, namely, that a common antipathy toward France and Britain pushed the Arabs into Hitler's arms, is only a partial explanation. Furthermore, as a fundamental explanation, it is overly simplistic to the point of being a perversion of history.

While Hitler's violation of the Versailles Treaty was a crude slap in the face of Britain and France, it came much later in 1936, with German rearmament, and in 1938, with the Anschluss of Austria. From 1933 at least until the German attack on Poland in September 1939, there were no grounds for assuming that Hitler, an Anglophile who based his long-term strategy, as outlined in Mein Kampf, on Anglo-German cooperation, would be the one to save the Arabs from British colonialism. As the Middle East was mostly under the British sphere of influence, Hitler viewed it at the time of his accession largely as secondary to his overall plans; German attitudes then could be summed up by Bismarck's aphorism, "The entire Eastern question is not worth the bones of a single Pomeranian grandier."

Furthermore, while Jews were the victims of Mazi Anti-Semitism, that anti-Semitism included all Semites, at least at the "anthropological" level. Nazi contempt for Arabs is amply reflected in expressions of racist revulsion toward them, and of the embarrassment engendered among the Nazi leadership by the courtship toward them by Haj Amin al-Husseini, at least prior to the outbreak of the Second World War.

Immediately upon Hitler's accession to power, parties emulating National Socialism were formed throughout the Arab world. One such party, established in Syria by Anton Sa'ada, adopted all the outer forms of Nazism with alacrity. Sa'ada, who presented himself to the world as "Fuehrer of the Syrian Nation", included in his party's platform the claim that "Syrians are a 'master race' by their very nature".

Hitler himself was Islamized, acquiring the new appellation of "Abu Ali" (and in Egypt, for some reason, "Mohamed Heidar").

Similar parties were also established in Iraq, Tunisia, and Morocco. However , the one party on the Nazi model in the Arab world whose impact transcended the period of the 1930s and which , to a considerable extent, fashioned the regime in the principal Arab land subsequent to the Second World War, was the Green-Shirted Young Egypt, which specifically copied the forms of the Hitler Youth and the Brown Shirts of the SA. The party was founded by Ahmed Hussein in October 1933 on the German model, replete with raised-armed greetings, a general staff, storm troopers, torch - light parades, and Nazi slogans (including a literal translation into Arabic of "One Nation, One Party, One Leader", and "Egypt über alles"). Gang of strong-arms to deal with opponents, and, needless to say , the status of "Fuehrer" for Ahmed Hussein. Nazi anti-Semitism was also incorporated into Young Egypt, including a boycott of Jewish businesses , physical harassment , and incitement to violence. As Dafna Alon has stated, "Nazi anti-Semitism – theory, practice, and policy – fitted the needs of Arab nationalism [in the 1930s] like a glove."

During the war, Young Egyptians supplied Rommel with intelligence...

the relations between the Arab and Nazi leaders were based on something more than a quid pro quo, i.e., Arab help in the Nazi war effort in exchange for Nazi help in the struggle against the Jews and British. They also shared certain values, if bloodthirstiness and all-consuming Jew-hatred can be called "values."

The Falastin since 1932/3 was ‘excited’ about Nazi Germany.[242]

Falastin (Filastin) praises Hitler 1933/04/04

It glorified Hitler, comparing him to their ideal leaders.[243] Hitler glorification included his war against the Jews, calling him "noble" for that.[244]

During some period of time, it openly carried pro Hitlerism. During other periods, for example to avoid discipline, censorship and or penalties, it, for a while, used sneaky tricky ways, that is, to glorify Nazis by carefully selected "reports" elaborating on Axis advances and 'excite' its readers on Hitler while cherry picking negative or critical of the Allies steps citing sources from Western countries, so the investigators wouldn't act. In addition, often inserting "news" as a subtitle under those articles, as if its source is the same... [129][82] In all, Falastin, as well as almost all other Arab newspapers in Palestine cheered for Hitler[245]


In September 1933, al-Difa' called the struggle against the Zionists a jihad (holy war), and warned that anyone who did not take a part in this war was committing a sin. The Arabic press also featured cartoon caricatures of the Jews, in the best tradition of Der Stürmer, the Nazi anti-Semitic weekly.

For instance, in September 1932, Filastin printed a cartoon depicting Zionism as an intimidating crocodile, opening its mouth wide to swallow two Arab peasants, while an armed British soldier stood by calmly.

Mir'at al-Sharq (Mirror of the World) was the only Arab newspaper that dared to go against the trend. In April 1935 it urged Arab-Jewish co-operation, arguing that the Arabs and the Jews were cousins, and Palestine was the only safe haven for them.

The paper was denounced by the rest of the Arabic press, and accused of collaborating with the Jews.

(In running from the Brits, in 1937, the Mufti also used such tricks as "escaped into the Temple Area."[247])

André Palert, the Marianne French (active 1930-40 noted) magazine's special correspondent in Jerusalem, reported at least since 1937 how Mussolini woos the Arabs and about the Mufti's extremism. And that:[248]
The Mufti has also become one of the most eminent personages of the Moslem world, a leader whose moral prestige as defender of the Arabs was so well established that he was in a position to arbitrate in the war between Saudi Arabia and the Yemen, and ultimately to bring about peace between the two Arab States.

He interviewed the Mufti at the Haram al-Sharif and was informed that Italian arms and funds were reaching the Holy Land[249]

Weeks after the Mufti and other Arab terror leaders have escaped into neighbouring areas, it was reported on Nov 6, 1937, "Arabs demand money and arms from Hitler and Mussolini," they chose delegates who will travel to Rome and Berlin, with the aim of gaining support from Mussolini and Hitler in their fight against the Brits and the Zionists, seeking money as well as weapons.[250]

In 1938, Marianne:[251][252]

Arab journals Falastin and Al Difa'a publish every week articles with a racial tendency and frequently reproduce large portraits of various leaders of the Third Reich. They do not even try to conceal the fact that they have become pupils of the Ministry of Propaganda in Berlin.

Publicized in 1938, the editor of the extremist Arab daily "Ad-Difaa" visited Cairo to meet a "prominent German personage" and returned suddenly to expand its pages and greatly extend its news and pictorial services. The swastika has appeared in Arab leaflets and German rifles have been captured more than once from Arab terrorists.[253]

Documented at the time and quoted in a May 22, 1939, session:[254]

Already in 1935—I am quoting the editor of the "Quarterly Review,"— 50 German agents were sent to Africa and the Near East. Their destinations, among others, were Haifa and Jaffa.

They were given instructions to carry on the most intensive propaganda efforts among the natives. In 1936 — I am quoting the "Daily Telegraph" —the Jerusalem police intercepted documents proving that the Arab raiders received £ 50,000 from Germany and £ 20,000 from Italy for the purpose of strengthening their resistance.

We know that British officers in Palestine talk freely of the German and Italian arms and money that the terrorists have received. We know that the land mines by which British soldiers have been murdered could not be made and could not be operated by the Arabs. We know that on one occasion the bloodhounds followed the trail from a land mine to a blacksmith's shop in the German colony of Waldenheim. We know that Dr. Goebbels has established a propaganda school for Arabs in Berlin.

Reported by the Time, in July 1939:[255]
In Germany hand-picked Arabs are invited as honor guests to the Nazi Party's annual Congress at Nürnberg, where they usually hear Nazi orators bait the Jews. Both Nazi and Fascist newspapers, moreover, rarely miss a chance to fight the battle of the Arab in Palestine and Syria.

In Sep 1939:[256]

Hitler's speech was repeatedly broadcast in Arabic from Berlin on Friday and yesterday. The Berlin Station also broadcast attacks in Arabic on Great Britain for alleged ill treatment of Arabs in Palestine and elsewhere.

Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem[257] (who chose to "believe" the old bloodlibel canard of ritual murder, since his youth,[258][259][260] (his secretary, Mar'uf al-Dawilibi still reiterated it in 1984, at the UN.[261]), and was directly involved in organizing the 1920 violence[262] and the 1929 riots that destroyed the 3,000-year-old Jewish community of Hebron[158] - brutal 1929 Hebron massacre[263][264]) He "was recognized as the sole leader of the Arabs of the country after the role he played in the events of August 1929."[126]

His Nazi style hatred was manifested already in 1937. As a venomous brochure, dubbed the Arab Nein Kampf[265] was distributed at the Bludan conference, attended by over 400 Arabs in Sep. 1937, entitled "Islam and Jewry." It has been described as history's "first text that propagated sheer Jew-hatred in an Islamic context by mixing selected anti-Jewish episodes of Mohammed’s life with the so-called wickedness [sic] of Jews in the 20th century."[266] Ahmad Shukeiri also helped spread his message which he described as a European Crusade against Islam, and declared that the Arab people would rise and fight world Jewry...[267] At that conference the Mufti was elected pan Arab president. The speech has been translated into German in 1938,[268] The brochure was also translated into Croatian during World War II and distributed to the Bosnian Muslim SS soldiers - the SS Division. The 13th mountain "Handschar".[265] Ahead of the Bludan Conference, the Arab Higher Committee published a 'warning' to Lebanon and any Arab nation that will open its doors to the Jews. The AHC called this, a "danger."[269]

A highlight of the 1936-9 Arab riots’ atrocities is the Tiberias 1938 massacre.[270][271]

Report at the time: The Jewish neighborhood never had issues with its Arab neighbors. In-between their atrocious acts, the Arab attackers sat down and ate calmly at a house they invaded. Their "heroic" acts was aimed at defenseless. Brother and sister were found held together. People were burned, some while alive. Witnesses said orders were given over in a European language and an Arab official translated into Arabic to the large gang. There were screams to kill the Jews in Arabic and 'Allah Akbar.'[272] Author:[273]

Arabs stormed a Jewish neighborhood in Tiberias, killing 19 people, including 11 children.

The truck driver Alex Morrison arrived in town shortly after the attackers left. "They left behind one of the most horrible sights I have ever seen in my life," he later wrote: the place was littered with corpses, men, women and children. "The women's naked bodies testified that the assailants made the most horrific use of their knives," Morrison wrote.

In one building, probably a baby house, the scorched bodies of children were still burning; It was obvious that fuel had been poured on them before they were set on fire.

(There is a version that there was some Nazi link to the Arab gang as well.[274][275])

April 24, 1939 Falastin issue publishes Hitler's speech and calls him 'the leader.'

Islamischer Kulturbund - Berlin. From a Dec 1939 report:[276]

Headquarters of the Union of Islamic and Christian Arabs, the organization said to be behind much of the terrorism in North Africa, have been shifted to Berlin, and the name has been changed to Islamischer Kulturbund . . . That the so-called escape of the Grand Mufti from Jerusalem was not an escape at all, but due to the deliberate laxity of the British authorities, who wanted him out of the country . . .

The story is that with the Mufti outside of Palestine the British could legally get control of the funds of the Moslem religious bodies, of which the Mufti was the boss . . . With these funds, it is said, he financed the campaign of terrorism . . .

Istaqlal's nationalist Awni Abd Al-Hadi, who mentored, employed Ahmad Shukeiri,[277], as Istiqlal's president, he visited Germany in 1939, meeting Nazi officials.[278]

On June 8, 1939, King Ibn Saud's adviser, Khalid al-Hud al-Qarqani, met with German Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop, and then with Hitler himself on June 17.[279] According to [bragging of] the Mufti in his 1954 book:[280] Hitler cited the Jihad of the Arabs of Palestine as an example at an official reception held in 1938 for Khaled al-Qarqani, the adviser of.. the King Abd al-Aziz to the House of Saud, Hitler said, that he was full of admiration for the struggle of the Palestinian Arabs and their heroism...

Palestine Jews mobilize for national service these are seen reporting at a recruiting office in the Jewish city of Tel Aviv, Israel on Nov. 2, 1939. (AP Photo)
Front page of the October 19, 1944 issue of 'Lahayal,' the daily newspaper for Jewish soldiers in Europe published in Italy. Top headlines are about the progress of the Allies in Europe.(Courtesy of the National Library of Israel) There is a trove of publications by WWII Jewish soldiers from Palestine, newspapers, journals, and other periodicals produced by Jewish units from Palestine in British Army reveal rich intellectual and emotional lives of soldiers fighting in Europe.[281]

(Jews paid Arabs to join British army,[282] a large portion of Arabs that did fight in Palestine came from across the Jordan, Syria and Lebanon, to the recruitment bureaus in Palestine, and many of them enlisted with the intention of acquiring weapons for themselves.[283] Author Yoni Rainey, in [284] his books - "Closed Case" and "The Hidden Side of Nazism and the Holocaust" - he claims that about 9,000 Palestinian and Jordanian Arabs did enlist to the British Army during the war (in comparison with about 27,000 Jews). But, from the moment it became evident the Germans may pass through Egypt and reach Palestine in spring 1942, Palestinian Arabs switched sides. About 78% of the Arab volunteers deserted the British army, often times stealing weapons for the purpose of helping the Germans fight the Jews when the time came. Additionally, a survey conducted in 1941 shows that 88% of Palestinian Arabs supported Nazi Germany, while only 9% backed the British mandate. And then there is that Shukairy's testimony[285] in his book about almost no one agreeing in 1940 to help in British war efforts).

The February 1941 poll[286] showed Palestine Arabs overwhelmingly supported the Nazis.

In 1940, the Mufti attempted to open up communication with Hitler through contacting Franz Von Papen, Nazi representative in Ankara. His letter via N. Shawkat, was given to von Papen on July 5, 1940.[287] on this day, congratulating the Germans for their victory over France and soliciting further German support for the Arab cause.[288]

From captured German archives:[289]
One "top secret" document revealed that in 1940 an agreement on Palestine was formulated. In it "Germany and Italy

recognize the right of the Arab countries to solve the question of the Jewish elements in Palestine and the other Arab countries in a manner that conforms to the national and ethnic interests of the Arabs, and to the solution of the Jewish question in the countries of Germany and Italy." On Aug. 6, 1940, Franz von Papen, German Ambassador in Turkey, cabled Berlin of his meeting with the Grand Mufti. The cable made known that the pro-Nazi Arab clique that included the present Saudi Arabian Secretary of State wished to cooperate with Hitler by organizing a revolt in Palestine. Von Papen reported that an understanding was reached with Saudi Arabia on the removal of pro-British King Abdullah of Transjordan and the annexation of that territory to Palestine.

The Grand Mufti wrote Hitler on June 21, 1940, that Arab Palestine which had been "fighting the democracies and international Jewry, is ready at any time to assume an active role" in collusion with Germany.

A Nov. 1940 report from Cairo on Axis’ efforts to incite Arabs against Britain and Jews, while Egypt under Britain tried to counter it.[290] A Nov 1 report:[291]

Broadcasts Appeal To Arabs

In a new effort to arouse the Arabs against Britain, the Zeesen radio broadcast on its Arabic program an official German declaration pledging complete German sympathy in the Arab struggle for independence. The Fascist radio, in a highly colored version of the London Zionist conference asserted that it proved the alliance between Britain and the Jews is working satisfactorily against the Palestine Arabs. Replying to the German declaration, the Egyptian radio broadcast a statement to the Arab world reminding Arabs that Hitler had called them a savage people living in the dark ages.

The statement pointed out that while Hitler promised the Arabs independence, his Italian ally had stolen the rights and freedom of the Arabs of Tripoli and the independence of Islamic Albania.
There were efforts also from the US, in 1942, to counter Nazi propaganda:[292][293]
To counteract Axis propaganda to the Arabs, with accent on the legend that Hitler is a Moslem and a direct descendant of Mohammed, short-wave station WRUL in Boston has begun a regular program directed at Arab sources. WRUL has also undertaken to short-wave a weekly Hebrew period, intended for listeners in Palestine and elsewhere.

Reported in June 1942:[294]

Nazi embassy in Turkey Fosters revolt among Palestine Arabs.

Through their led massacre on Iraqi Jews in 1941, al-Kailani and al-Husseini wanted to signal, there in a 2,500-year-old community, how Arabia’s Jews should be treated.[295]

During the days of the 1941 uprising in Iraq, preparations were made in Palestine for the resumption of the uprising. Posters with a swastika on their heads were distributed among the Arabs and called for an alliance with the Germans.[296]


From the way of nature came the struggle for the Land of Israel and instilled a great deal of venom and power in all those elements of Islam that were hostile to Jews and Judaism. Although it is quite clear that these foundations intensified in the Middle East for many years before the establishment of the State of Israel. The status of the Jewish minorities in the Arab world, as well as the status of Christians and non-Arab groups, became increasingly intolerable (and unrelated to Zionism) in the face of pan-Arabism, unique nationalism, overt anti-Semitism, and the resurgence of Muslim fanaticism.

All these trends, which have omitted the ground beneath the feet of the old Jewish communities in Arab countries, drew their power out of a common disgrace to the West and its emancipatory heritage. For it was not Islam but the hated colonialists who granted equal rights to the Jewish and Christian minorities in the Middle East. Against this background it is easy to understand why there was Nazism (and especially its anti-Jewish elements) to arouse such enthusiasm and admiration among the Arabs in the 1930s and 1940s. The words written by Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Mufti of Jerusalem and the leader of the Arabs of Israel, to Adolf Hitler on January 20, 1941, did not in any way contradict the general tone of the Arab nationalism of the period. "Arab nationalism owes Your Excellency a debt of gratitude and of recognition for having repeatedly [again and again] brought up in ringing speeches the 'question of Palestine.'"

In fact, the "question of Palestine" was intended only a marginal place in Hitler's policy and German policy until the outbreak of the war, although the Mufti did not err in seeing Hitler and German leaders as 'anti-Zionists', as opposed to the Stalinist, Trotskyist and leftist fabrications.

Taha Pasha al Hashimi and the Mufti

Noted in 1946:[298]

Iraqi Palestine Defense Society. This Society has been responsible for making the Mufti's propaganda in 'Iraq, they issued their own paper, and wrote articles and fabricated news items for other newspapers, and prepared Arabic broadcasts for the German Minisrer to cable to Germany for broadcasting in the Berlin Arabic broadcasts.

This work threw Taha Pasha into close touch with the German Legation staff who naturally were highly desirous of making contacts with this anti-British body.

This was not Taha Pasha's only contact with the Germans and Palestinians and perhaps his most important contact was his close friendship for Dr. Amin Ruwaiha - Germany's No. 1 Arab agent.

Dr. Amin's wife's sister became Taha Pasha's mistress and a close friendship was established between these two. Amin Ruwaiha had been closely connected with Fawzi al Qaoukji and had assisted him to get arms and to gang to Palestine in the summer of 1936.

Noted in 1947:[299]
A key person in the Mufti's organization was Taha Pasha al-Hashimi, who had become Iraqi Defense Minister in 1938. Before that, he had been president of the Iraqi Palestine Defense Society in charge of the Mufti's propaganda and responsible for the preparation of the for the Nazi program broadcasts... Taha Pasha was in close contact with Germany's "number one" Arab agent, Dr. Amin Ruwaiha, and through him, with the German Legation.

From British Record:[300]

Taha was the co-founder of the Pan Arab Nazi Club Al-Muthanna in Baghdad in 1935. He was co-founder and President of the Iraqi Society for the Society for the Defense of Palestine which prepared Arabic broadcasts for the Berlin radio. This work brought Taha in close This work brought Taha in close touch with the German Embassy and the Nazi agent , Dr. Amin Rawaiha. The latter was interned in Rhodesia by the British, together with Jamal Husseini. Taha also was close to the Golden Square, a pro-Fascist group of army officers who were the chief backers of the Rashid Ali revolt. As Minister of Defense, Taha made every effort to prevent Iraq from breaking off relations with Nazi Germany if war broke out.

He put active pro-Nazis in key positions and played a very significant role in the interference in political affairs of Iraqi army officers.

Nazi views on Palestine had their roots in Hitler's pathological "fear" of 'International Jewry' [sic] in his mein kampf and his "belief" that the Zionists are not sincere and that the Jews do not really aim to establish a State in Palestine. Claiming: "They have no thought of building up a Jewish state in Palestine." He Only referenced to Palestine issue that once in his "book."[301] As Hitler, so did the other infamous, Alfred Rosenberg, as publicized by the Nazis from his Jan 15, 1938 speech.[302]

(And when some Zionists,[303][304][305] controversially, were involved in ad hoc Haavara[306] transfer to save Jews, whom Nazi Germany did not want to have at all,[307][193] Zionist Haavara saved some 80,000 Jewish lives from the hands of the Nazis.[308][309] Moreover, the Nazis saw emigrating Jews as a propaganda tool to be used against Jews.[310] Yet, by late 1937 an anti-Nazi German official involved in administering the agreement suggested that fear in Nazi circles that it might lead to a Jewish state, to which Hitler was implacably opposed, was leading to suggestions "it should be terminated."[307]

Despite Nazis' distaste for the Arabs, their attitude toward Zionism was hateful and hostile. They claimed to be believing that only “Aryans” were entitled to and/or capable of political sovereignty.[311]

It ended in 1939 / outbreak of WW2. Later on, Eichmann became the appointee on Jews.

Thomas Williams (Tom Williams, Baron Williams of Barnburgh) in the House of Commons on May 22, 1939:[312]
The only persons that the Arabs need fear—the Arabs for whom I have any thought—are the Arab terrorists encouraged by the ex-Mufti, who have been responsible for killing about 3,000 of them during the last year or two. It is ridiculous to talk about the fear of Jewish domination, with Arabs States all around Palestine where not only could they come to the aid of their fellow Arabs, but where no body of Jews would dare to dispose of the safeguards that have been provided for them. This fear argument is a mere excuse. It is another victory for Hitler and Mussolini and those who think as they think, and those who have been guiding the terrorists activities during the past three years.

Massacres of Jews began systematically in 1941. And the Jan 29, 1942 Wannsee Conference on the "Final Solution" intensified the plan of total extermination.[313])

With Syria's Shukri al-Quwatli [6 May 1891 – 30 June 1967] and (Syrian born Saudi Arabian official) Sheikh Yusuf Yasin [Yousuf Yassin, 1888−19 April 1962]

German documents recalled in 1957:[314]

Saudi Arabian King Saud's Secretary of State has been revealed by captured German archives to have been a leader of a pro-Nazi Arab collaboration committee. He is Sheikh Yusuf Yasin who this year obtained renewed agreement of Washington to the barring of American personnel of Jewish faith from the U. S. Air Force base at Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.

A search of previously secret German documents captured by the U. S. Army in Berlin reveals a memorandum on Arab collaboration with Hitler. It was submitted to the German Foreign Ministry on August 27, 1940, by Nazi Minister Fritz Grobba. The memorandum pertains to negotiations with Hitler's leading Arab supporter, the so-called Grand Mufti, Haj Amin el Husseini.

Not only does the document expose the membership of the present Saudi Arabian official on the Arab committee for pro-Nazi collaboration but it shows that the current President of Syria was also a member. He is Shukri Kuwatli.


According to the German records, the Grand Mufti, Sheikh Yusuf, Kuwatli, and others worked with the Nazis against the Allies.

They backed the pro-Hitler revolt of Rashid Ali al-Gailani in Iraq. A general uprising in Palestine was envisaged. Arrangements were discussed for provision of munitions through Axis channels for use against the British forces and Jewish inhabitants.

At the time, he represented Saudi Arabia on the pro-German Committee of Collaboration under the chairmanship of the Grand Mufti, Sheikh Yusuf was private secretary to the present King Saud's father. Today Sheikh Yusuf continues his interest in the Jewish problem by seeking to persuade Secretary of State Dulles to keep Israeli shipping out of the Gulf of Akaba. Although the world-wide Nazi movement was thought to have collapsed with the fall of Germany in 1945, Arabs organized by the Hitler apparatus are still striving to complete the Nazi blueprint against world Jewry. Syrian President Kuwatli is today collaborating with another totalitarianism—Communism.

The German records raise serious questions about the reliability of the Arabs as friends of the West An August 20, 1940 directive from the German Foreign Ministry to its ambassadors abroad reported that leading Arab personalities have in recent times repeatedly approached our foreign missions to advance collaboration and collusion. Berlin recommended that the Arabs be assured of "Germany's full sympathy in their people's fight for liberation." German propagandists were instructed to champion the "liberation of the Arab world from imperialism."


Today the Soviet Union is operating under almost precisely the same strategy in its campaign of collusion with Arab extremists The Soviet goal is the same as Hitler's.

Domination of the Middle East is seen by Khrushchev as strategically vital.

One top secret document revealed that in 1940 an agreement on Palestine was formulated. In it Germany and Italy recognize the right of the Arab countries to solve the question of the Jewish elements in Palestine and the other Arab countries in a manner that conforms to the national and ethnic interests of the Arabs, and to the solution of the Jewish question in the countries of Germany and Italy.

On August 6, 1940, Franz von Papen, German Ambassador in Turkey, cabled Berlin of his meeting with the Grand Mufti. The cable made known that the pro-Nazi Arab clique that included the present Saudi Arabian Secretary of State wished to cooperate with Hitler by organizing a revolt in Palestine.

Von Papen reported that an understanding was reached with Saudi Arabia on the removal of pro-British King Abdullah of Transjordan and the annexation of that territory to Palestine. The Grand Mufti wrote Hitler on June 21, 1940, that Arab Palestine which had been "fighting the democracies and international Jewry, is ready at any time to assume an active role."


In Iraq, its rulers extended open aid to the Arabs of Israel [Palestine] by supporting the Germans.

In Jaffa, Nablus and Tulkarm there were many attending gatherings with Arab and Italian agents, who organized the young people to shout cheers: 'Viva Italia! Viva Duce! And Heil Hitler!’

In a proclamation distributed, signed by Hitler, they called on their audience to fight the English.

In Acre, courses for instructors were organized in military cells. An Arab was apprehended by the Jordan Guard on May 19, 1940, with a letter and a considerable sum of money in his hand intended to act as the commander of the Arab Revolt in the Near East, who was required to begin terrorist acts. Hitler was called by the conspiratorial name - Abu Ali. In Baghdad, Arab leaders gathered and discussed the question of disturbances against the Jews of Israel [Palestine], according to the instructions of German agents. In return, Germany promised the Arabs, the deportation of the Jews ... The Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, who moved to Syria, demanded immediate terrorist attacks. Subhi Zivan and his brother Rostor Zivan from Tira were appointed to manage the Arab gang operations in the Haifa district. Abu Ali, head of the Arab al-Wahab tribe, located between Rosh Pina and Yesod HaMaala, was given the role of managing the fifth column in Israel [Palestine].

Said Shakid, one of the gang leaders, returned to Israel. In a proclamation distributed in Ramallah he warned the British that he would fight alongside Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini (he was caught after a shootout in Beitunia). Most of the gang members who fled to Iraq, after the events of 1936-1939, returned to Syria to prepare for riots in Israel.

In May 1941, in neighboring Syria, Arabs talked of 'Mohammed Hitler.'[316]

In May 1941, The NYT ran the following:[317]


Within five days after the fall of Athens, war has begun in a still older cradle of civilization. The first shots in this war were fired yesterday when Iraqi artillery in the historic valley of the Euphrates opened fire on a British air base. The government that took this action is a pro-Axis government which seized power less than a month ago by a coup d'etat.

News report of June 1, 1941: Nazis run guns to the Arabs in Palestine. In addition, Nazi war planes taking off from Iraq dropped leaflets inciting the Arabs for a 'holy war' against the British and the Jews. The intensive anti-Jewish propaganda campaign conducted by the Nazis is becoming increasingly effective among certain sections of the Arab population.[318]

"the extent of fascination and admiration for Hitler and his armies."
Arab author explains:[319]
At all, the speed of the German advance was in their view a kind of miracle, for example the pioneers of a cafe in Nazareth were listening to the news from Cairo radio, and during the short pause one of those present shouted that the broadcaster had gone to the window in the studio to see if Hitler had entered Cairo or not. This indicates the extent of fascination and admiration for Hitler and his armies. Ahmad Al-Shukairi mentions that the Arabs of Palestine were: "Their sympathies and calls were directed to the Axis, headed by Hitler leading them from victory to victory," in 1941.. Posters were hung on the walls of Hebron, anti-British and supportive of Hitler.

June 1941, four Nazi Arabs visited the prototype for future death camps:[320]

In May, Himmler ordered the killing of 250 Jews in the camp as a test run. The system worked flawlessly. And so, in June 1941, four special Arab guests visited the prototype for future death camps. Their interest had a very practical purpose.

One day, they planned to create their own Station Z's in the Middle East near Tunis, Baghdad, and Jericho to eliminate all the Jews in the region. That goal had been set in a January 1941 letter that Amin al-Husaini, the Palestine Arab political and religious leader, sent German Chancellor Adolf Hitler. Al-Husaini asked Hitler to help Arabs solve the Jewish question in their lands the way it was being done in Germany. To succeed they must learn the Nazis' techniques and obtain their technology. This was why four officials from Germany's Arab allies were at Sachsenhausen in June 1942, preparing for the day they would return home behind Hitler's army.

We Arabs Supported Hitler during WWII because he hated the Jews, recalled in a 2019 interview, former Jordanian health minister Dr. Zaid Hamzeh: That he had supported Adolf Hitler during World War II like other Arabs, and that in fourth grade his school had participated in demonstrations and chanted "Long live Abu Ali." He was exactly nine years old. Saying: "We took to the streets to support him when the Rashid Ali Al-Gailani revolution broke out in Iraq. We supported the revolution, and, of course, [we supported] Hitler, because he hated the Jews, and we have been mad at the Jews ever since those days."[321][322]

Arab-Nazi pogrom: Farhud

Farhoud - 1941 Arab-Nazi pogrom

Perpetrators: Futuwwa[323] organized Kata’ib al-Shabab, whose members 'imbibed Nazism from the Palestinians and the Syrians,'[324] mob, and some Arab soldiers and policemen.[325]

The Mufti's led instigation, Futuwah Arab Hitler-youth gang's agitation, prelude to the brutal Farhud (al-Farhoud) massacre in June-1941 Baghdad,[326][327] the particularly gruesome attack,[328][329][330] where as many as 1,000 Jews could have died.[331][328] Four days before the Farhud, the infamous [Younis] Yunus Bahri, recruited by Grobba, incited via his broadcast.[332]

It was: the emissaries of the Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, and Grobba, the political attaché of Nazi Germany in Baghdad, who provoked incitement against Iraqi Jews.[333]

Leading up to the pogrom:[334]
Iraqi and Palestinian nationalists increased their pro-Nazi activities, forming the quasi-military organization Al-Futuwwa and the nationalist Al-Muthanna Club that incited violence against Jews...

Jewish teachers from Palestine were expelled.  Palestinian leaders were given hospitality, support, and the freedom of political activity in Iraq. They included the Mufti of Jerusalem, Hajj Amin al-Husayni, who had been expelled from Jerusalem by the British; Jamal al-Husayni, head of the Arab Party; Abd al-Qadir al-Husayni, a Nazi supporter who studied in Germany;

Musa al-'Alami (1897–1984)...; and the Palestinian nationalist activist and poet Buhan al Din Al-Abbushi, who called for the people and the government of Iraq to expel or massacre the Iraq's Jews. The activities of these Palestinian nationalists and of Dr. Fritz Grobba, Germany's consul in Baghdad, led to the establishment of the pro-Nazi government headed by Rashid 'Aali al-Gilani in April, 1941.

Some 400 Mufti's linked Palestine-Arabs assisted in incitement and 4 days before the attack, Younus Bakhri viciously railed against the Jews.[335]

Younis al-Sabawi plotted an even greater massacre

Standing out in contributing beforehand, were also two other Palestine Arabs agitators, teacher Darwish al-Miqdadi [درويش المقدادي] (1891-1961) and Nablus born Akram Zuaiter [أكرم زعيتر אכרם זועיתר] (1909-1996), the 'Farhud' pogrom was carried out with extraordinary brutality of throwing babies into the water in front of parents, mass rape in front of the men before torturing and murdering, etc. Yunis al-Sabawi played a major role in the Farhoud pogrom and planned an even greater massacre. Yunis A. Sabawi invited the head of the Jewish community in Baghdad to him and demanded that he tell the Jews not to leave their homes for the three days: Saturday, Sunday and Monday, which are the two days of Shavuot. That morning, Yunis sent a call to the masses through the broadcasting service, to carry out a massacre of the Jews; However, this call was delayed by the head of the security committee, who was able to ban Sabawi]and transport him across the border.[336]

About the Palestine Arab there Darwish Miqdadi.[337]
…Darwish Miqdadi, born in Tul-Karem. In 1929 he was expelled to Iraq after taking part in the disturbances of that year. After a spell he returned to Palestine and was re-arrested during the Arab Rebellion. When released, he fled once more to Iraq. In Iraq he did not abandon his nationalist activity; while working as a teacher and education inspector, he published his ideas. He participated in a delegation to Nazi Germany and collaborated with Rashid Ali. He was allowed to return to Palestine in October 1945, and in the summer of 1946 he succeeded Ahmad Shuaqyri as the Director of the Arab Office in Jerusalem.

Author writes:[338]

[In the 1930s and 40s], resident Gestapo agents such as Fritz Grobba . . . employed such tactics as dispensing [large amounts] of cash among [Iraqi] politicians and deploying seductive German women among ranking members of the army. From 1933, Radio Berlin began broadcasting hate messages in Arabic, including fallacious reports about non-existent Jewish outrages in Palestine. Grobba cultivated many Iraqis as Nazi surrogates. Iraqi Arab Hitler-style youth marched in Nuremberg torch-light parades hosted by their Berlin counterparts. German was taught in Iraqi schools. When World War II broke out in 1939, Nazism became a fervent cause among many Iraqis. In May 1941, Iraqi fascists backed by popular support tried to overthrow the pro-Western monarchy and seize British oil fields in Iraq to facilitate the oil-dependent German [plan to invade] Russia. That failed. The Iraqi coup plotters in Baghdad decided to do the next best thing: exterminate its Jews in a single blow. Jews were ordered to stay in their homes, and their doors were marked with a red hamsa.

At the last minute, the extermination plot fell apart. But as the coup leaders fled, in that momentarily power vacuum on June 1-2, 1941, dejected swarms of soldiers, in concert with police, common criminals, and nondescript mobs rampaged through Baghdad hunting for Jews. They were easily found. Hundreds of Jews were cut down by sword and rifle, some decapitated. Babies were sliced in half and thrown into the Tigris. Girls were raped in front of their parents. Parents were mercilessly killed in front of their children. Hundreds of Jewish homes and businesses were looted, then burned. . . .

A secret Arab Nazi party was founded in Iraq by the Palestinian wartime Mufti.[339]

There was a direct link between Nazi influences and the crimes of the Farhud and the influence by the Mufti's dominant figure in Iraq:[340]

For two days.. Jews were murdered by Arabs in severe riots. Thousands of Jews were beaten, women were raped and hundreds of children were orphaned by fathers who were murdered or disappeared on their way to police investigations. Homes and shops of 50,000 Jews were looted in the capital, Baghdad. The riots that took place in Iraq were called the Farhud - the robbery or looting in Hebrew. They were carried out against an anti-Semitic background encouraged by the pro-Nazi Iraqi regime... During the British Mandate in Iraq, the situation of the Jews was very good. They were businessmen and economists who were very successful personally and brought Iraq to economic prosperity. After the Arab uprising in Israel, the flourishing of Arab nationalism in Iraq and the rise of Nazism in Iraq, the status of the Jews began to deteriorate and they suffered harassment. The German ambassador to Iraq, Fritz Grobba, has been launching poisonous propaganda against Iraqi Jews since 1933. "He bought the local al-'Alam al-'Arabi ("The Arab World") newspaper, and through it began brainwashing the Jews, publishing Hitler's book Mein Kampf translated into Arabic," says Dr. Nissim Kazzaz, an Orientalist, historian and expert on Iraq in modern times. "Nazi propaganda penetrated various sections of the Iraqi population including educators and military personnel. He convinced the Iraqis that the Jews were driving the British regime and therefore should be killed. "A pro-Nazi was appointed on the recommendation of Ambassador Grobba."

In 1939, Haj Amin al-Husseini, who was in contact with Adolf Hitler, arrived in Iraq. He became a dominant figure in Iraq and managed to establish a secret society headed by him. The association included two former Iraqi prime ministers, a Mein Kampf translator, and senior pro-Nazi officers. This association revolutionized in April 1941, with German support and assistance. That same year a war broke out between the Iraqi army and the British army. Baghdad Radio reported victories at the front, the people took to the streets of Baghdad and shots were fired in the air as a sign of joy. The Iraqi broadcasting station turned to the Iraqis and made it clear to them that after the victory over the British, the internal enemy - that is, the Jews - would be next in line. Rashid Ali, an Iraqi leader backed by the Nazis and Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini, ruled the capital for two months, but the coup eventually failed. After the Iraqi army failed against the British army senior government officials fled Iraq. Yunis al-Sab'awi, translator of the book Mein Kampf declared himself governor and distributed 400 rifles to the youth organizations that obeyed his order. His intention was to massacre Jews, but his plan was thwarted by an internal security committee set up in Baghdad. However, his men took part in operations against the Jews in Farhud.

Hard evidence At the Farhud riots, Orientalist Dr. Kazzaz was an 11-year-old boy. The day the riots opened was also the last day he saw his father. The first thing they did was start attacking the Jews. They caught Jews in the streets and accused them of signaling to British planes where to shell. Jews were murdered or beaten in the streets, others were taken for police interrogation on false pretenses, some disappeared and did not return to their families and the others were released by the Jewish community by paying bribes to police officers. As the harassment escalated, my father ordered us to shut ourselves in the house like many Jews in Baghdad. For a month we were in houses and did not go out anywhere that was not necessary. "The announcement on official Iraqi radio that the fighting was over was a calming siren for the Jews, who left their homes and hurried to visit their relatives and get back to normal. My father sold silk and gold threads and also bought trained horses for competitions. And his brother to the horse stables that was in an Arab neighborhood. Towards dark we wanted to go home. We got on an eight-passenger minibus and started driving. After a few minutes we saw a crowd of people. The driver stopped and the crowd noticed us.

"My father's partner who was sitting in the front seat and was dressed in holiday clothes, was identified as a Jew and marked as a target. The mob attacked him, pulled him out of the vehicle and started beating him to death. My father who saw the situation got out of the car and apparently went to call for help. "He resumed the trip and Dad disappeared. We did not sit well with Dad because we were sure he found shelter. Charlatans who asked for money testified that they saw him in rural areas of Bedouin tribes demanding ransom for him. Others claimed to have seen him in northern Iraq and that also turned out to be false." [...]

For two days, Iraqis, who were full of Nazi hatred, beat Iraqi Jews. "We went back to fortifying the houses and heard the screams from the nearby houses. Families who tried to identify their dead loved ones were unsuccessful because their faces were mutilated. Some of the Jews were buried in a mass grave."

Inspired by the ghettos in Europe during the Holocaust in 1941, fascist Rashid Ali set up a Nazi-like ghetto for over 600 Jews in the small city of Diwaniya: Forced labor, starvation and beatings.[341][327][342]

The hotbed of Nazi intrigue[343] pan-Arabism Al-Muthanna Club's Yunis al-Sabawi planned even a much larger slaughter of Jews but it was avoided due to him being deported.[344][345]

Needs to be mentioned: The Jews were an enduring presence in the Middle East and North Africa before the advent of Islam and Arabian conquests.[346]

Cables to Hitler & Mussolini on behalf of Arab institutions in Chile - June 1941 (2).PNG

In June 1941, (not long after the Farhud pogrom) Palestine born Jorge Sabaj Zurob of La Reforma [al-Islah], sends cables to Hitler and Moussolini, on behalf of the Arab institutions in Chile, authorized by various institutions of the Arab community and numerous compatriots.[347]

Interesting analysis at the time (1941):[348]

Nazi Campaign on Russ Same as Jewish Attack

PHILADELPHIA (JPS)—The Nazi attack upon Russia was a scheme , aimed at dividing the Christian world, which had been planned as coolly by the Nazis as their earlier campaign in which Jews were the principal pawns, according to Demaree Bess, chief foreign correspondent of the Saturday Evening Post.

Mr. Bess, writing under the title of Hitler Bids for Christian Allies, expresses the view that Hitler’s drive against Russia was calculated to divide and bewilder Catholic countries in Europe, France, Spain, Portugal, Hungary, Italy, Ireland and Catholic communities in South America, Canada and the United States.

In the course of his article Mr. Bess said: It took outsiders a long time to discover all the objectives aimed at by the Nazi anti-Jewish movement. It wasn’t appreciated at first that Hitler was using the Jews, in part, to persuade the Moslem world that he was the defender of the Arabs against the Jews, to maneuver the British Empire into the appearance of championing the Jews against the Arabs.

And now in this latest psychological campaign Hitler plotted to use Red Russians as similar pawns. He assumed the post of defender of Christian Europe against Atheist Russia, seeking thus to paralyze opposition to his imperialist schemes in large sections of the Christian world by maneuvering the British Empire and the United States into the role of accomplices of Bolshevism.
Freies Arabien in Nazi salute

"Free Arabia." Deutsch-Arabische Lehrabteilung' (DAL)

"The Nazis began recruiting Arabs to the Wehrmacht as early as the summer of 1941 when the starting point was the coup in Iraq, after the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem was exiled to Iraq from Beirut and tried to establish pro - Nazi rule with Iraq's former prime minister, Rashid al-Khilani," explains Dr. Stefan Patka, a doctoral student and researcher at the Berlin University of Technology, who discovered rare documentation showing North African Muslim soldiers trained during World War II. and fought in the service of the Wehrmacht.[349] "Palestinian" Arabs also served in the Mufti's "Free Arabia."[350][351]

1941 Operation Barbarossa & on[edit]

Operation Barbarossa marked the beginning of wholesale massacres on Jews. Einsatzgruppen squads began to carry out mass shootings during the last week of June 1941.[352]

Yad Vashem Prof.:[353]
After the invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941 the SS Einsatzgruppen began the mass murders of the 1.5 million Jews in Lithuania, Russia, and the Ukraine.

Hitler was obsessed against the Jews at least since 1920. He didn’t need any "help" from the Mufti in his annihilation plan which was ‘understood’ among his Nazi top hierarchy as the scheme already in 1939.[353]

On his arrival in Rome on October 11, the Mufti presented himself to his hosts, the Italian Military Intelligence, as the "head of the the secret organization, 'The Arab Nation,'" which, he claimed, had branches in every Arab country.

Two days later, on October 13, he presented a kind of working paper in which he detailed his plans and future ambitions. "The organization" that he led would be willing to cooperate with the Axis powers in their war against the common enemy, Britain, "on the sole condition that they recognize in principle the unity, independence and sovereignty of an Arab state of a Fascist nature, including Iraq, Syria, Palestine and Transjordan."

The Mufti's proposal was submitted to the Department for European and Mediterranean Affairs at the Foreign Ministry, which, on November 22, prepared a memorandum for the Prime Minister with the recommendation that the Mufti be given a positive response, that he be granted an initial sum of money and that he be escorted in his travels by a liaison officer.

Mussolini read the memorandum, agreed with its contents and, on the basis of his agreement in principle, a meeting was arranged between the two men.[354]

From Mussolini, the Mufti went on to Berlin, first meeting with Ribbentrop, then on November 28, with Hitler himself.

”Palestinian" pan-Arab pan-Islamic leader, Grand Mufti, with Hitler Nov.28.41

Mufti Husseini met Hitler[355] on 28 Nov, 1941 whereby the Nazi leader also made clear his extermination plan.[295][356]

In addition, Hitler told Mr. Husseini that the Afrika Corps and German troops deployed from the Caucasus region would liberate Arabs in the Middle East and that "Germany’s only objective there would be the destruction of the Jews."[357]

In addition to meeting Hitler, the Mufti also secretly corresponded with Hitler.[358]

Full Mufti’s conversation with Hitler has been published.[359]

Weeks prior to the meeting, the NYT already reported that in Berlin: "Nazis receive 'Great Man' [sic] with 'warmth.'[360]

Among documents detailing Husseini’s petitions and meeting with Hitler found in the mufti’s villa in Germany in 1945 was his diary, with his handwritten entry after meeting Hitler. And:[361]
in one of the French-language drafts, annotated in Arabic in the mufti’s handwriting, he urged inclusion of the following statement: "Germany and Italy recognize the illegality of the ‘Jewish Home in Palestine.’

"They accord to Palestine and to other Arab countries the right to solve the problem of the Jewish elements in Palestine and other Arab countries, in accordance with the interest of the Arabs and, by the same method, that the question is now being settled in the Axis countries. “Under this agreement, no Jewish immigration into the Arab countries should be permitted.” 'Fighting The Jews Without Respite'

At that time, the extermination of the Jews was already in full swing in the conquered Soviet territories, so there is little doubt what the mufti meant by solving the Jewish problem "by the same methods" employed by the Axis...

This religious unholy Mufti was surrounded by various "Aryan" women. His greed infamous.[362]

Al-Husseini received a rifle from Hitler, with a swastika on it.[363]

Shukairy cooperated with the Palestinian Communist Party, led by Moscow ahead of the Second World War. However, after Hitler attacked Russia and communists around the world changed positions, the fierce and unpredictable Shukairy aligned himself with Hitler for his anti-Jewish programs

Ahmad Shukeiri and the Mufti's gang, who worked first with the Communists against the Allies, yet, since Russia joined the Allies in 1941, Shukairy and gang went to Hitler's side all the way, to help him in his programs against the Jews.[364][365]

Shukairy and Mufti's gang went for Hitler all the way

"Shukeiri is a former Nazi"

Before the "Palestinian" Islamists propagandists tried to refute (by quoting from Shukeiri's book about it) his call to throw 'the Jews into the sea' - without washing away Shukeiri's Nazism, it quotes[366] the argument - well-known at the time:

Al-Shugairi is a former Nazi.. He cooperated with Haj Amin Al-Husseini, who is known for his links with Hitler.. He represents no one but the extremist Arab elements that want to throw the Jews into the sea.. "

(Nevertheless, Shukeiri's genocidal 'assertion' ahead of the 1967 Six-Day War - that 'none of them wil survive,' is not disputed.[367][368] [369][370][371])

"Through his radio broadcasts and other work during World War II.. instilled Nazi images of the Jew,"[372] and called to kill the Jews wherever they are. He had at least six stations - Berlin, Zeissen, Bari, Rome, Tokyo and Athens.[373] During his "Holy War," he encouraged his followers to display the swastika on their posters and fliers, vehicles flying the swastika flag were ensured protection when driving through neighborhoods that the grand mufti's followers controlled, they taught children mobilized to back the revolt to give the stiff-armed Nazi salute in greeting.[374]

A particularly vile broadcast was also recorded at the time, in Jan 1942, orchestrated by the Mufti. He evoked the 1840 Damascus blood libel, though it was debunked even at the time, but the Mufti claimed it as if some "fact." Adding, that those Arabs who are willing to work with the Jews are supposedly "descendants" of those (falsely) accused in that blood libel. And the verbatim: "Moslem converts who aim to enslave the Arab people."[259]

On Mar. 19, 1942, the Mufti spoke to the Arab world by Rome radio and said:[375]
If, God forbid, America and her allies are victorious in this war . . . then the world will become hell, God forbid. But Allah is too just and merciful to grant such murderous violators any victory."

Hitler presented confiscated Jewish villa in Berlin to the Ex-mufti "for the duration of the war," the Voelkischer Beobechter states. A number of Arabs residing in Germany have been assigned by the Nazi Ministry of Propaganda to act as staff members to the ex-Mufti in his pro-Nazi propaganda broadcasts over the German radio to Arab countries.[376]

The Mufti was paid "an absolute fortune" of 50,000 marks a month (when a German field marshal was making 25,000 marks a year).[357] He was promised that he would be installed as the leader of Palestine after German troops drove out the British and exterminated more than 350,000 Jews there.[357]

In Eretz-Israel Palestine:

Author (on the situation in Mandatory Palestine):[377] There was great sympathy among the Arabs for the 'Axis' powers... There was a lot of sympathetic listening to the radio broadcasts of the 'Axis' and in particular to the speeches of Hajj Amin al-Husseini and his assistants from among the Arab businessmen living in Germany... At the beginning of the war, there were also certain sabotage attempts, and according to the enemy's broadcasts, it was evident that the news service from the country for the espionage service and the propaganda of the 'Axis' were working correctly.

In 1942, around the 200 days of dread, the Arabs roamed the Jewish neighborhoods that year, dividing the houses of the Jews they were murderers into, and which of them would get their wives raped and then murdered in cold or hot blood.[378]

May 7, 1942 letter from Manya Shochat (1880–1961) [Some 12 years after she and others founded the League for Arab-Jewish Friendship and some 19 years after she joined Brit Shalom, a Jewish group that advocated a bi-national state in Palestine.[379]] to Rose Gell Jacobs (1888-1975):[380]
...I consulted with all my Jewish friends who have been in contact with Arabs for many years, and with all my Arab friends. The rest of the letter summarizes what I have to say on the subject after I re-examined the situation after returning to Palestine.

The vast majority of Arabs in Palestine and throughout the Middle East believe that Hitler will conquer the whole world. The current Arab leaders, who all support Hitler, believe he will win because they want him to win. The Arab masses also believe that Hitler is the most powerful force in the entire world, and therefore he is obliged to come out with the upper hand.

However, there are a number of Arab intellectuals, merchants, workers, and farmers who are not sure of Hitler's victory, and therefore try to imagine what the situation of Palestine and the Arabs would be in the event of a British victory. Under the existing conditions, it is not possible to reach an understanding with the Arab leaders before the defeat of Hitler...

The relations of Hitler and Haj Amin determined the trends on Arab Street. Worst of all were the news about what was happening on Arab Street who did not hide its admiration for Hitler and the Third Reich. Hitler was portrayed in the minds of the Arabs as the greatest friend of the Arab nation. They admired him for his hatred of the Jews and for the fact that he despised them and decided to exterminate them from the face of the earth. They "analyzed gloating the difficult situation of the empire, worshiped Haj Amin al-Husseini who lived a life of luxury and comfort in Germany surrounded by young German hostesses, receiving 10,000 marks every month from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and a similar amount from the S. S." Arab spy networks were operating in the Land of Israel with full vigor. And Rommel became a legend in the Arab street.[381]

In June 1942, after axis capture of Tobruk, Arabs rejoiced.[382] And:[383]

Since it became known from the 'Axis' broadcasts about the capture of the fortress by the Germans, the Arab street "felt festive": the cafes were filled with guests; In the markets, in the bazaars and in front of the shops, Arabs congregate loudly discussing the meaning of the victory of the revered "Abu Ali".

In July 1942, the Mufti congratulates (on behalf of the Arab nation) Hitler, in a telegram, on victory in Africa, vows, they will to stay on his side against the "common enemy", to which Hitler replied with thanks.[384][385]

In 1942, several swastikas were found at the Jehoshaphat Cave in the Kidron Valley.[386]

1942, from research file:[387]
... [Walter] Schellenberg also reported on the influence of German radio propaganda: "The Arabs believe with all their heart that Germany will win. Although only a few listen to the German radio station on short waves, what is said on it - with oriental exaggerations and so many embellishments that the original text is unrecognizable - spreads quickly among the Arabs." Evidence of the fervor of the spirits in the summer of 1942 as part of the expectation of the Germans can be found in the report of the liaison officer who reported that, despite the dire military situation, parts of the British Ninth Brigade remained in the Land of Israel to protect the Jewish population from the attacks of the Arabs. It seems that these defense measures were indeed urgently needed at that time, since during the German advance thousands of Arab soldiers defected from the British army. No less than 8,000 Arabs, 7,000 of them from the Land of Israel, fled on their weapons until 1943 and went underground to join Rommel's army after his invasion of the region.

In a Dec 21, 1942 letter, representatives of the Reich and the NSDAP in Palestine described the Arabs' hope for a great Arab state:[388][103]

Arabs in Palestine were waiting for Hitler to come to Palestine and expel all the Jews. They hoped for a German intervention to solve their conflict with consideration of their needs. Rommel was their legendary hero. Many Arabs truly believed in the Germans' victory. Some of them even listened to the short-wave German broadcast, the Kurzwellensender.

"Allah in heaven; on earth, Hitler!" - was WWII-era Arabic saying.[373]

From the chapter 'Hitler's (Palestinian) Arabs':[166]

Hitler's (Palestinian) Arabs... Haj Amin el-Husseini, the universally recognized leader ("Grand Mufti," as he called himself) of Palestinian Arabs and, in the eyes of of Hitler, who called him "the Moslem Pope," of the whole Muslim world, was negotiating amiably with the Nazi leadership.

He offered, with typical bravado, to destroy the 30,000—40,000 British soldiers stationed in Palestine. In return, he wanted Hitler's commitment to "solve" the problem of Jewish minorities in all Arab countries by applying the same racial ideology and methods being used to "solve" the problem in the territories controlled by the Nazis...

Islamisches Zentral-Institut's invitation for event on its opening, on Friday, Dec 18, 1942

Arab Legion

(The Deutsch-Arabische Lehrabteilung [German Arab Training Detachment], in Arabic was referred to as al-Mafraza al-'arabiya sl-Hurra.[389])

Arab soldiers in Palestinian units were integrated into the Axis forces (Deutsch - Arabische Lehrabteilung) and a Nazi Arab legion.[390]

The Nazi DAL - German Arab Legion, had: Syrians, Palestinian, Iraqis and North African Arabs.[391]

Author, scholar:[392]

As noted already, the Mufti had first raised the idea of mobilizing an Arab legion at his meeting with Mussolini and Ciano in Rome, in October 1941. Hitler agreed to the idea in December. In fact, the nucleus of an Arab military unit already existed prior to the Mufti's arrival in Berlin. It comprised Arab students resident in Germany who had volunteered for service in the Wehrmacht at the time of the Iraqi rebellion in May 1941...

The DAL attracted not only Arab students already in Europe but Arab prisoners-of-war – mainly Palestinians, from the battles of Greece and Crete – as well as refugees from Iraq and Syria. One prominent recruit was Fawzi el-Kaukji, a Syrian-born Arab who in 1936 had commanded a 200-man guerilla band against the British in Palestine. Kaukji had risen to the rank of major in the Iraqi army but he spent most of the war in Berlin, where he married a German woman and enjoyed a life of indolent luxury.

At Concentration Camp/s

”Palestinian" pan-Arab pan-Islamic leader, Grand Mufti, ‘touring’ concentration camp[393] in 1943
The image[393]
displayed Grand Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini, Iraq's former prime minister Ali al-Kailani, Mile Budak from Croatia and India's leader Subhas Chandra Bose, with officials in Germany's Trebbin camp, some 30km south of Berlin.

In his book, on one hand, the Mufti lied about facts, such as denying his knowledge about the Holocaust at it happened as well as in his 1961 ‘press conference,’[394] or/and visiting concentration camps as photos showed him wrong,[295] or his statements in his book he quoted as "facts" what Himmler told him. Yet, he couldn’t hide his hatred, writing, “Hitler hated the Jews ... Hitler is now avenging this accursed [sic] race …”[27] And his resounding statement:[395][396][394] "The answer I got [from Hitler] was: 'The Jews are yours!'"

It was:[397]

Upon request, the Reich Central Office for Security hosted members of the entourage of al-Husayni and al-Kailani for an elaborate, but insubstantial tour of the Oranienburg concentration camp in early July 1942. The commandant lectured the Arabs on the "educational" value of the camp experience for the prisoners; the visitors inspected household appliances and equipment made by the prisoners. While there, the Arabs expressed interest in Jewish prisoners.

In addition (to the 2017 publicized[398] photos of showing the Mufti and others at the Trebbin concentration camp), the Mufti also visited Monowitz, also known as Auschwitz III.[399][400][100][401]

Page 126 of al-Husaini 1999 Damascus memoirs reveals Himmler’s remarks of having up to now liquidated about three million Jews

In 1943, Himmler told the Mufti, they have murdered 3 million Jews.[402][403] Author:[404]

The Mufti met Himmler on July 4, 1943 at his field quarters. They spent a day with SS men, all known Jew-hunters. Two years prior, the local Jews had been killed by SS-commandos. Hitler tasked Himmler to steer the shooting of Jewish civilians "as partisans" in occupied Eastern Europe and to round others up for labor and death camps. Al-Husaini praised his meeting with Himmler thereafter as a solid base of mutual trust.

On that summer day, Himmler told the Mufti of having so far killed three million Jews. He confided to him other top secrets. The German nuclear research advanced: In three years, Berlin will have an atomic weapon that would secure the "final victory." The same word on a "final victory" was in Himmler’s cable modified by "certain," perhaps betraying some uncertainty.

Of course, in 1945, the total fatalities via different method were summed at: 6 Million victims, as also Eichmann stated.[405]

Mufti with Himmler
Himmler's letter of praise to Mufti (1943)
Himmler's letter of praise to Mufti (1943)

In 1943, SS Chief Heinrich Himmler sent warm wishes to Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini. It includes a promise by Heinrich Himmler – one of the architects of the “final solution” – that “Nazi Germany will stand by the Arab people in Palestine in their struggle against the ‘miserable’ Balfour Declaration. Another document that attests to a connection between Nazi Germany and Mufti Hajj Amin al-Husseini.[406][407][408]

The telegram is said to have been sent on 2 November, 1943.[409][410][411] Historian on the rediscovery of the original telegram:[412]

It confirms that there was a partnership between Nazi-Germany, the Arabs of Palestine and the Arab World. This alliance was based on their mutual support for the destruction of “world Jewry,” which both sides openly declared to be a shared interest and the basis of their friendship. The purpose of this telegram was to reaffirm publicly the existence of this partnership and the transaction it represented.

Islamisches Zentral-Institut about Mufti's event, commemorating Balfour declarations, on 2.11.1943, at 4PM

Written in 1942:

Out of a population of a Million and a half, over five hundred thousands are Jews, chiefly of European origin and wholeheartedly dedicated to the democratic cause. The notorious Mufti Haj Amin el-Husseini, was in exile and the power of his terrorists followers had been broken. Arch conspirator, now an honorary member of the Nazi party, still has his network of agents and associates -- a dangerous Fifth Column -- who eagerly await his messages from abroad and secretly hope and work for "the day" when they may join hands openly with the Axis powers and be reunited with their own fuehrer-in-exile.

Palestinian-Arab scholar Edward Said, has conceded that Husseini "represented the Palestinian Arab national consensus." He had "the backing of political parties that functioned in Palestine," and was "recognised in some form by Arab governments as the voice of the Palestinian people."[414][415][52][416]

Despite the Mufti's destructive help and causing thousands of deaths, the Nazi-Arab units per se failed because of Nazi racism and its treatment of Arabs.[43]

Aforementioned Mufti’s then[417][418] henchman Ahmad Shukeiri [Al-Shukairy, Shukairy, shuqayri] helped Hitler,[364] (who even rationalized the Holocaust in 1946;[419] had for some time a friendship with former Wehrmacht guy Hans Rechenberg;[420] had spread vile Nazi type of propaganda at the UN[421] and had promoted neo-Nazi stormtroop gang,[422][423][424][425][426] who guarded monsters: Adolf Eichmann, 'Dr. Death' - J. Mengele,[427] he promoted them after the world was shocked to hear these Nazis tortured, carved on a Jewish girl swastika as revenge for killing Eichmann), as well as other Arab icons[146] including: Nimr el-Hattab, Amin el-Khouri, Subhi el-Hadra,[428] Rasem Khalidi,[429] Emil Ghouri, Wasef Kamal,[430][431] helped Hitler at least from 1941 on.

Exiled initially by the Brits, Arab Palestinians from the mufti's camp, who were working actively for the Germans against the British -- asides from Jamal Husseini his principle aide[130] (continuing to act under his direction in 1946[432][433]) -- included: Akram Zuaiter,[434] Fawzi al-Qawuqji,[163][435] Amin Tamimi,[436][413][437] Mu'in al-Madi, 'Abd al-Qader al-Husseini,[438][439] Al-Aboushi [العبوشي‎‎], the poet, wrote 'religiously' against selling land to Jews, admired Hitler,[440] and escaped with the Mufti to Iraq and participated in Rashid Ali al-Gaylani 1941 pro Nazi coup,[441] Hassan Abou Seoud [حسن أبو السعود] Mufti of Shafi and aide to Haj Amin el Husseini,[442] a leader in the 1939 Arab revolt and the 1941 Iraqi uprising and spent the war in Berlin,[443] [Younis] Yunus Bahri (Arabic Voice of Hitler),[444][57][445] known for his virulent anti-Semitism, Bahri stated proudly in a memoir he wrote after the war, "I was the first Arab to collaborate with the Nazis."[332]

The Arabic Voice of Hitler During WWII, Younis Bahri

Author recalls:[446]
By the mid-1990s, the only survivor of the hothouse world of Arab wartime Berlin society still alive was eighty-seven-year-old Wassef Kamal, who had been a supporter of Haj Amin in Baghdad and had made his own way to Nazi Germany via Vichy Syria, Turkey and Bulgaria in 1941: "Most of the Palestinians and Arabs in Germany gathered round Haj Amin and Rashid al-Gaylani, who had also reached Berlin," he recalled for me in 1994..."
Mufti, Mohammed Amin al-Husseini [محمد أمين الحسيني] and Rashid Ali al-Gaylani [رشيد عالي الگيلاني] in 1941, Iraq Arab-Nazi coup. (Younis Bahri first from the left)

Arabs from other areas assisting the Mufti Nazi campaign, asides from Iraqis, include: - Tunisian born Hussein Triki.[447][448]

- Moroccan al-Hilali used to review speeches and proofread them linguistically.[449] In 1942, the Mufti sent him to Morocco to organize covert operations.[450]

In 1942, many Arabs in Palestine reacted with 'open joy' upon hearing Jews' fate in Europe.[451]

CIA Report Aug 1942:[452][453]

majority of the Arabs in Palestine Palestinian Arabs are fiercely 'anti-Jewish'… the radicals, who form a majority, see in the approach of Rommel an ideal opportunity to murder all Jews their seize their property.

Professor, historian:[285]

Shuqayri was expressing the attitudes and feelings of his countrymen... He describes the great excitement with which they used to listen to German and Italian broadcasts, how he would follow during the night the military communiqués, marking on a map the places being occupied by the victorious Germans and meet his friends the following morning to discuss triumphs exceeding those of the previous day: Our sympathies were with the Axis powers being led by Hitler from victory to victory, and with our sympathies went our prayers for the victory of Germany and her allies, and defeat for Britain... When the British government announced the formation of a Palestine force to help the war effort, our young men received the directive: do not join the Palestine force, and the response was quasi-unanimous.

The Mufti had an entire group of "Palestinian" Arabs working for the Nazis. A number of Arab doctors, who were members of a Palestinian and Syrian nationalists group, even served in the Nazi army, at least one of them in an extermination camp.[454]

After the end of the war in Europe, there was still a sizable amount of Palestine Arabs in Berlin, which is why, "several Arab personalities and organizations have contacted Allied authorities for information concerning Palestine Arabs in Berlin." Calling them as the now "vanquished," meaning, they were on the side of the Nazis. (Reported days after the war, in May 1945).[455]

On November 2, 1942 , in a broadcast from Berlin, the Mufti praised the Germans for "knowing how to get rid of the Jews and eventually solving the Jewish problem."[456]

Famed historian J. Herf in 2022:[457]

With the benefit of access to previously closed archives, the scholarship of the past three decades has confirmed the arguments of Zionists and liberals in the late 1940s. Haj Amin el-Husseini’s collaboration with the Nazi regime and its anti-Jewish policies was deep and consequential. Though Husseini was not a key decision-maker during the Holocaust, he was an enthusiastic collaborator, shared Nazi hatreds, did what he could to prevent Jewish emigration from Europe to Palestine during the Holocaust, and fanned the flames of Jew-hatred both in Europe and on the radio in the Middle East. Recent scholarship has also confirmed that the ideas which emerged in the fusion of Nazism and Islamism in the Nazi years persisted in elements of Arab and Palestinian nationalism and in the core of the Islamist movements after 1945.

Not necessarily related to the Mufti, some 60 Arabs from Palestine stayed during the war. One of the Nashashibi family, who studied medicine in Vienna, served as a doctor in death camps. Mostly in Mauthausen and no doubt murdered hundreds of people. Another Arab young man from Jaffa, who also studied medicine in Austria, was engaged in "medical experiments" in a labor camp for Jewish women in Silesia.[458]

(Arab or Arabs serving in Nazi extermination camp in Europe is apart from nazi camps in Arab lands,[459] where THE torturers of Jews were Arab, [460] or the special cruelty of an Arab gang torturers and killers under a fascist policeman in Vichy France[461]).

Among the many various Arab pro-Nazi, fascist groups - listed after the war:[462][463][464][465]

-The Iron Shirts (led by Fakhri al-Barudi of the National Bloc). -The League for National Action (headed by Abdu al-Huda al-Yab, Dr. Zaki al-Jabi and others). -The An-Nadi al-Arabi Club of Damascus (headed by Dr. Said Abd Al-Fattah al-Imam). -The Councils for the Defense of Arab Palestine (head by well known pro-Nazi leaders, such as Nabi al-Azmah, Adil Arslan and others) -The Syrian People's Party. -The Istiqlal. -The Muthanna Club. -Moslem Guidance Society. -The Palestine Defense Society. -The Tajaddad Club. -The Arab Rover Society. -Arab High Committee (Haj Amin el Husseini’s). -Najjada [Najjadah] in Lebanon (pan-Islamic, pan-Arab). -The Futuwwah in Iraq (Hitler-youth type). -The Blue Shirts and Green Shirts in Egypt. -League of National Action. -The Lion Cubs of Arabism. -The Syrian Social Nationalist Party (led by Antun Sa’ada with Nazi imitated symbols and hymm of ‘Syria, Syria Uber alles). -The Arab Club. -The Steel Shirts. -The early Ba’ath movement. -The White Shirts (in Lebanon).

Mufti - preventing children escaping the Holocaust

The far reaching destruction by the Mufti includes: interference against thousands of Jewish children who were about to escape deaths.[466][467] He had intervened several times to prevent the emigration of Jewish children, especially from Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary, countries that were under German influence.[468]

The Mufti only ever criticized Nazi policy when he feared that Jews might escape the Holocaust. He was on friendly terms with Heinrich Himmler, whom he admired. Their friendship was, however, strained when in 1943 Himmler wanted (as a propaganda stunt and in return for the release of 20,000 German prisoners) to permit 5,000 Jewish children to emigrate - and therefore survive. The Mufti , who , according to a German government official, "would prefer all of them (the Jews) to be killed," fought tirelessly against this plan with success! The children were dispatched to the gas chambers. The mufti showed special interest in reacting to decisions by the governments of Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary to allow some thousands of Jewish children accompanied by responsible adults to leave for Palestine. It would be “appropriate and more expedient” he wrote promptly to the Bulgarian Foreign Minister, “to prevent the Jews from emigrating from your country and send them somewhere where they will be under strict control, for example to Poland." Another success! Already issued emigration permits were withdrawn and the salvation of the Jewish children prevented.

There is no doubt that the Mufti, with his close contact with highest ranking Nazis, knew exactly what awaited the children.[470] That was certain even prior to the 2017 well publicized photos of Mufti touring concentration camp.

Intervening against rescuing Hungarian Jews

June 28, 1943-the Mufti asks Hungary to send Jews to Poland

June 28, 1943: the Mufti asks Hungary to send Jews to Poland.[471]

July 25, 1944: Hungary promises to end Jewish problem.[472]

July 25, 1944: the Mufti Communicates Anger to Ribbentrop for the Germans' release of Egyptian Jews

July 25, 1944: The Mufti Communicates Anger to Ribbentrop for the Germans' release of Egyptian Jews.[473]

Inciting Arab immigrants to the U.S. to sabotage the American war effor in America

On March 19, 1943, on the traditional date for celebrating Mohammed's birthday, the Mufti broadcast over the Rome wireless, not only that Jews had continuing designs on the Al Aqsa Mosque, but that Arab immigrants to the U.S. should try to sabotage the American war effort.[474] Excerpts:[475]

The Arabs and Moslems will not be deceived by Britain once again because not only have they known its true intentions but they have also known those of Britain’s allies—America—and I want to draw the attention of the Arab emigrants in America to this fact, reminding them of their glorious past when they supported the National movement. I would also like to remind them that their efforts will be wasted if, God forbid[sic], America and her Allies may be victorious in this War because at such a time the Arabs will never rise again. I therefore know that those Arab emigrants in America will refrain from helping Roosevelt or taking part in a war which he brought on to his country.

If those Allies win this war the Jewish influence will be the arbiter in the world resources and one can thus imagine the future of the Arabs and Moslems, and the dangers which they are exposed to in their fatherlands and beliefs if the Jews and their Allies dominate them and spread the latent hatred on to them.

Then the world will become Hell—God forbid:

But Allah is too just and merciful to grant such murderous violators any victory. We are sure that victory will be ours and that of our friends. We have not the slightest doubt about that, we shall not slacken our struggle nor will we be deterred or quietened. Do not be deceived by the allegations of your enemies, because you know full well about their intrigues, and be sure that the nation which fights, sacrifices and awaits will be the victorious one in the end.

Mufti's SS Muslim division

The Mufti is also responsible for thousands of deaths through his linked Muslim SS troops, (where Imams played a major role in morale of the soldiers),[476] the Handschar. He organized the killing of 12,600 Bosnian Jews by Muslims whom he recruited.[187] The organizing of Muslim SS-units in the Balkan, was also helped by Fawzi Kaukji and Wasef Kamal.[477] Condition for formation of Islamic units at Waffen-SS were placed in Feb 1943 and the Mufti flew to Croatia and Bosnia on an official visit late Mar 1943.[478]

The dead Muslim SS were marked as "shehids" ("shahids" - Muslim so-called "martyrs").[479]

Muslim leaders were initially quite sceptical about the Ustasa until the intervention of the grand mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin el-Husseini, who persuaded many of them to support the Third Reich.

At a November 1943 rally in Berlin, the Mufti Husseini said admiringly: "The Germans know how to get rid of the Jews."[480][481]

For months, the Mufti had repeatedly urged the Nazis to bomb Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. Between Nov 2, 1943 and April 1, 1944.[482][483][484]

Worth mentioning Mufti's failed plan of establishing crematoria in the Dothan Valley.[485][362][486][487][488][489]

Dec 1943, the Mufti brags that he was assured by Ribbentrop that Palestine Will be "Judenrein."[490]
BERNE (JPS) . —The Nazis have assured their Arab pet-Quislings that they will continue to support their struggle for independence and will make Palestine Judenrein, according to a broadcast heard here. This assurance was given in a message by Juoachim Von Ribbentrop, German Foreign Minister, to a celebration in Berlin of the Moslem holiday... The celebration was addressed by the Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin el Husseini.

And there was his Operation Atlas in 1944, where according to some versions it included a plan to poison a quarter of a Million Jews in Tel Aviv - failed.[27] Captured,[397] the commandos claimed under interrogation that al-Husayni had briefed each one of them personally before departure, had compared Islam with National Socialism, and had promised them that the Arab struggle in Palestine would help Nazi Germany.

Around 1942, there was a secret Nazi squad, headed by a kind of German "Lawrence of Arabia." The entire formation battalion contained Arabs across the Jordan, Syria and Palestine [Israel] - all of whom had lived in Germany for a long time. The squad had to follow in the footsteps of von Kleist's army to the Caucasus Mountains and after the defeat of the Russians would move to Persia as a political and military nucleus of the attack against the British. (Source doesn't name the Mufti being connected to this particular squad).[491]

In Feb 1944, in the village of Sarafand (Arabic: الصرفند‎), an Arab named Suleiman Abdullah was shot dead for espionage. He was arrested a month earlier while handing over plans to one of the enemy agents.[492]

Nazis' planned 'extermination of the Jews in Palestine,'[356] stopped with El Alamein defeat, relied on help that they awaited from many local Arabs ready to serve as willing accomplices of the Germans in the Middle East.[493]

Nor was the Mufti really "for" his people, and his anti-black racism is less known. As per facts:[494]
Indeed, el-Husseini was so enamored of Hitler and his program for the "Final Solution" that he was, on occasion, willing to sacrifice the cause of Arab independence in order to keep the Arabs loyal to the Nazis. At the same time (1943-44) that he was calling for North African Arab soldiers to defect from the Allied armies, he obscured the fact that the Allies openly had guaranteed future Arab independence, while the Germans kept silent on the matter. Instead, he kept telling his fellow Arabs that the Allies planned to turn North Africa into "a second Jewish Homeland" to which they would bring not only the remainder of European Jewry, but also "some of the Jews and Negroes from America."

Mufti influence & Mohamed El-Maadi (El Madi) in Algeria

Mohammed El Maadi, the head of the fascist leaning La Cagoule for French Algeria, began the anti-Semitic newspaper Er Rachid.[495]

One of the main instigators of the Aug 1934 Constantine Pogrom -- scene of utter desolation and horror, of Jewish girls with their breasts cut off, of little children with numerous knife wounds and of whole families locked in their homes and burned to death,[496] men, women and children, butchered and tortured to death, in horrible fashion,[497] -- per author J. Cole was: Mohamed El Maadi (1902-1954), who became an enthusiastic supporter of fascistic France’s Vichy regime in World War II, and finished his career in the Nazi SS.[498] Though one should add the wider context of pan-Islamic and pan-Arab nationalism.[499]

El-Maadi organised the North-African Brigade, nicknamed SS-Mohammed.[500]

From Jews in Arab Countries: The Great Uprooting:[501]

Despite some discordant notes, the first German detachments sent to Tunisia following the Allied landings were greeted with enthusiasm, and the convoys of British prisoners were jeered.

A press favorable to Germany deliberately created a stream of false news reports in order to throw fuel on the fire. The press depicted the “slavery” of the Muslim population, and the iniquity of “the Jews.” Er-Rachid reproduces a call by the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem in favor of Lebanese independence: “Why has North Africa not been liberated from the cruel oppression of the British, Americans, Gaullists and the Jews?”

In July 1944, a month after the D-Day invasion, the brigade was dissolved, and El Maadi fled east to Berlin, where he became a part of the .. circle around .. Hajj Amin al-Husayni, the former mufti of Jerusalem... By that time, the French state that Mohamed El Maadi served had deported 75,721 Jews to concentration camps...[502][503]

July 1944

The Nazi-German government convened two conferences that dealt with so-called "solutions" to what they chose to term the "Jewish question."[504]

The second international anti-Semitic conference was held in Krakow in July 1944, and was organized by Alfred Rosenberg. The participants included many in the hierarchy of the Third Reich, among them Heinrich Himmler, Joseph Goebbels, Hans Frank, Martin Bormann, and Ernst Kaltenbrunner. Also attending the conference was the exiled pro-Nazi Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Hajj Amin al-Husseini.

The Mufti was one of the organizers.[505] Ribbentrop, had been one of the initial organizers and was to be appointed honorary member of the International Anti-Jewish Congress.[506]

The Mufti's knowledge in real time ? of the 6 Million Jews exterminated - noted

Before WW2, the Germans published record on world Jewish population to be of 17 Million. Such as Nazi German book in 1938,[507] and Nazi Germany's book in 1939.[508]

By September 1944 -- after 6 Million were exterminated by the German Nazis and their European helpers -- the Mufti, incited the Arab world against the remaining 11 million.[509][510][511][512][513][514]

The 7,000-8,000 moderates, the Mufti had eliminated[edit]


He was fascist in nature and feudal in his social composition. He never cared about the broad strata of the people not being represented in the leadership and became the franchise of the rich and aggressive.

Arab nationalism in Palestine was for the Arabs what Hitler was for the German people. While Nazism destroyed the socialists, liberals, communists, democrats, who had an independent opinion within his Reich, Haj Amin al-Husseini waged a brutal campaign of extermination against any opposition among his people.

Since he was unable to set up ... where his opponents would be tortured, he simply ordered their elimination. During the three years of the uprising under his leadership, between 7,000 and 8,000 Palestinian Arabs were killed by his mercenaries: party leaders, clerics, police and officers, teachers, journalists, mayors and city councilors, intelligence chiefs, and muhtar of villages. Many were exterminated along with their families. Arab nationalism "borrowed" from the dictatorial regimes the most horrific method of taking over the psyche of the people: terrorism.

Safe to conclude the Mufti's victims’ stand, had their lives been spared.

Asides from the moderate clan - the Nashashibi,[438][439] Gilbert MacKereth, threatened by the Mufti's gang,[516], citing the murder (within a three-month period) of seven Palestinian village chiefs who had dared express moderate attitudes towards possible co- existence with the Jews,[517] there were even Arabs like Young (29) Acre Dr. Anwar Shukeiri, murdered by Mufti's gang on May 8, 1939,[518][519][520] with help of his own brother Ahmad Shukeiri, for being, according to the gangs, not only Nashashibi but also a friend of the Jews.[417]

Recalled in 1946:[521] Fortified by money from Hitler and from Mussolini, the Arabs, led by the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, started a campaign of violence against the Jews. It is interesting to notice that during this campaign Arab terrorists murdered more of their own people who refused co-operation than they did of the Jews.

Gilbert Ashcar – fallacy[edit]

The sugar coating of the oldest bigotry - antisemitism, agenda-driven "author," Gilbert Achcar in his writing: hiding, distorting the awful true Goliath Arab nazism.[522] Just another bogus scholar (who lied about B. Gurion too, such as with an out of context "quote").[523]

Authors have put it: The Arab Palestinians supporters of Hamas are 'damned to play the role of the oppressed for whom intellectuals such as Gilbert Achcar tirelessly seek excuses.'

Muslims' antisemitism and holocaust denial: Muslim, as oppose to others, are expected to uphold "appalling views", which some have defined as racism.[524]

Professors conclude:[525] "This is a book in which an author from the political left seeks to protect the dogmas of Western anti-Zionism from the reality of Arab anti-Semitism."

In his book: He sugar-coates the sheer Jew-hater ex-Mufti with a blanket "anti immigration to Palestine" theme, and the calls to the Muslim world during the war to "kill the Jews," "wherever you find them" was about "immigration" or the Mufti's own account in his memoires reiterating debunked blood libels, for example?

In page 44 he quotes from O.A. Najjar about Filastin paper. But those quotes are really mainly an anti Zionist argumentative reply. Not a word regarding the overwhelming support and wide enthusiasm for Hitler, in and of itself.

In fact, historian Haggai Erlich ["The Middle East Between the Two Wars," Volume 2; Volume 5, Open University of Israel, 2002, p.81]: 'Even the newspaper Filastin ("Palestine"), which criticized Mussolini, supported Hitler, as did almost all other newspapers.'

The sheer public display of saluting Hitler in Arab Palestine (including 1934 and 1937) speaks volume. Or Ahmad Shukeiri's testimony in his book of him and his surrounding praying for Hitler's victory 1940. (Before he joined to fight for Hitler as reported in US Congress 1961). Or the poll in 1941 where some 80% of Arab Palestine supported the Nazi victory.[522]

Reviewing Achcar's book, as A Remorseless Apology, historian decries, how Achcar bends over backward when explaining the conduct of Hitler's Mufti as well as another present-day Islamist, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.[526]

Noted historian:[527]

Achcar takes aim at the scholars... who have written major works on Nazi policy toward the Middle East in World War II and on the Arab response to those policies. He criticizes these historians of Nazi-Arab collaboration for contributing to a “hegemonic narrative” according to which a majority of Arabs are portrayed by these authors of “anti-Arab propaganda” as having supported Nazism in the 1930s. For anyone who has read the works that he is referring to, The Arabs and the Holocaust is a frustrating book to read. Achcar criticizes texts without fairly presenting their arguments and their evidence. From reading Achcar, the reader would be unaware that in fact none of these scholars engages in generalizations about all Arabs. None of them assumes that opposition to Zionism was, in and of itself, tantamount to sympathy for Nazism, or that it was only the product of anti-Semitism. And much of what they discovered and examined forms the empirical foundation for Achcar’s own study...

The Arabs and the Holocaust has elements of candor and courage. It is a salutary development that someone with Achcar’s political views acknowledges the realities of the Nazi-Islamist wartime collaboration. It is important to be reminded of the history of a secular Arab leftism and liberalism that opposed fascism, Nazism, as well as Zionism. Achcar undermines these virtues of his book with superficial, unfair, and unreliable readings of those with whom he disagrees, above all those who fought fascism and Nazism on the basis of secular, liberal, and even leftist values yet still support Zionism. His attack on these scholars is neither a contribution to scholarship nor a contribution to moderation.

Professor in left-wing intellectual magazine criticizes heavily Achcar's treatment of Arab anti-Semitism, his attempts to rationalize, the excuse of ignorance, his ignoring such sweeping factors in Arab Palestine such as the poll of over 80% supporting Germany.[528]

[Once in a while, Falastin, for practical and appeasing the Brits, especially in face of threats of censoring it, it proclaimed a supposed "pro Allied" piece (as in June 1934) stating that Arabs were anti Zionists before Nazism, diminishes not the factor: the paper’s overall underline, Hitler glorification. Just over a year prior to this weak reply, Falastin wrote (May/1933): "Noble Hitler," justifying his persecution of the Jews. It also dragged into its piece, the favorite Nazi tool, the fake "Protocols." Well, of course Hitler admiration derived from anti-Jewish bigotry. That is the entire point. Despite Arab-anti-Semitism-apologist Achcar's pathetically celebratory quoting this "reply" to criticism, by Falastin, which proves nothing, as its main "exhibit" - knows fully well he can not wash Falastin's Nazism away. Though, Istiqlal's al-Difa'a was worse and more openly so].

Achcar also attempts to whitewash al-Qawuqji,[529] who baited Jews months after Nuremberg Laws.[159]

Not surprising, agenda driven Gilbert Achcar, who runs the Center for Palestine “Studies” at SOAS, he bullied out a British academic from their meetings, the academic was also smeared and banned from filming what really is going on at those lectures - brainwashing students, since he was first present at the infamous Abdel Bari Atwan (who declared in June, 2007, "If Iranian missiles hit Israel, I will dance in Trafalgar Square"), lectured there in May 2012.[530]

"Arabs bear no responsibility for Holocaust [sic]" the attempted-rewriter has been brainwashing students. While of course, the Arabs had a significant enough role in the Holocaust which makes Gilbert Achcar an Arab-role-in-the-Holocaust-denier.[531]

In a BBC 2 documentary hosted by comedian David Baddiel in Jan. 2021, Gilbert Achcar overtly excused the presence of Holocaust denial among "Palestinians."[532]

Conclusion on sweeping pro Nazism in Arab Palestine[edit]


  • H. Erlich on major newspapers supporting Hitler.[245] (And Falastin since 1932/3[242][244]).

  • Author - (on el-Carmel stating in 1932 its fascists' inspiration and) “All parties were dragged along by the extremists of the Istiqlal, whose newspaper al-Difa'a became a Nazi propaganda pamphlet.”[97]

  • Kamel Mrowa ([كامل مروّه] Kaamel Mruwweh, Kamil Muruwa), as the editor of the Beirut paper An-Nida, wrote to Von Ribbentrop the German foreign minister in Berlin: "The whole Arab youth is enthused by Adolf Hitler." (1933).[93] (In neighboring Levant - a blanket statement about Arabs in the area).

  • The Templars' Die Warte des Tempels wrote March 15, 1935, that many Arabs saw Hitler as the most important man of the 20th century and almost every Arab knew his name. Fascism and National Socialism with its anti-Jewish attitude were accepted positively by many Arabs.

  • Nuremberg effect in rousing Arabs of Palestine: The great momentum of Nazi propaganda in the Middle East occurred in September 1935. When the "Nuremberg Laws" against the Jews were discovered and published, Hitler received greetings from all Arab countries and Islam. The largest number came from Palestine, where Nazi propaganda was strongest.[148]

  • 1936-8: "Nazi flags and pictures of Hitler were prominently displayed in store windows. Booklets explaining Nazi methods of forcing Jews from the Reich were distributed freely...

The shout of 'Heil Hitler' became a catchword which rang insolently over all Palestine."[123]

  • NYT May 1937, how 'All' of Palestine celebrated Muhamnad's birthday with flying Nazi swastika and pictures of Hitler.[175]

  • Arabs' newspapers, urging the pupils to disobey Government Education Department issued orders prohibiting Arab pupils to participate in the May 1937 demonstrations.[176]

  • 1937, Doehle, German consul in Jerusalem: "Palestinian Arabs in all social strata have great sympathies for the new Germany and its Führer…"[187] Unveiled documents of Nazi official in Palestine writing to Berlin in 1937:[182]
    ‘Arabs admire our Fuhrer’ - “The Palestinian Arabs show on all levels a great sympathy for the new Germany and its Fuhrer, a sympathy whose value is particularly high as it is based on a purely ideological foundation,” a Nazi official in Palestine wrote in a letter to Berlin in 1937. He added: “Most important for the sympathies which Arabs now feel towards Germany is their admiration for our Fuhrer, especially during the unrests, I often had an opportunity to see how far these sympathies extend. When faced with a dangerous behaviour of an Arab mass, when one said that one was German, this was already generally a free pass.”

  • Awni Abd al-Hadi (leader of the Istiqlal Arab Independence Party and member of the Arab High Committee in Palestine, Ahmad Shukeiri’s employer), Jan 1937 general statement: 'Arabs Like Nazis.'[169]

  • Journalist J. Gunther in 1939: "The greatest contemporary Arab hero is — Adolf Hitler." (Elaborating on the Palestine link about it).[221]

  • Ahmad [Shukairy] Shukeiri's testimony in his book about 1940, on all - sympathizing with the Nazis.[285]

  • Some 88% in Feb. 1941 poll - favoring the Axis: Arab-Palestine.[286]

  • We Arabs supported Hitler during WWII because he hated the Jews, recalled in a 2019 interview, former Jordanian health minister Dr. Zaid Hamzeh who was nine years old at the 1941 Rashid Ali coup days.[321] (A general statement on Arabs, especially by witness in the very area).

  • That the pro-Nazi Mufti represented the consensus of Palestine Arabs and had major backing of parties there. Per (anti-Israel author) Said's concession.[414][415][52][416]

  • A founder of the League for Arab-Jewish Friendship, after consulting with all her Jewish friends who have been in contact with Arabs for many years, and with all her Arab friends, in May 1942: "The vast majority of Arabs in Palestine and throughout the Middle East believe that Hitler will conquer the whole world. The current Arab leaders, who all support Hitler, believe he will win because they want him to win. The Arab masses also believe that Hitler is the most powerful force in the entire world, and therefore he is obliged to come out with the upper hand.

However, there are a number of Arab intellectuals, merchants, workers, and farmers who are not sure of Hitler's victory..."[379]

  • In June 1942, as the British bastion 'Tobruk' fell to the Nazis, Palestinian Arabs (as well as other Arabs), rejoiced.[382]

majority of the Arabs in Palestine Palestinian Arabs are fiercely 'anti-Jewish'… the radicals, who form a majority, see in the approach of Rommel an ideal opportunity to murder all Jews their seize their property.

  • Dec 21, 1942 letter, representatives of the Reich and the NSDAP in Palestine described the Arabs' hope for a great Arab state:[533] "Arabs in Palestine were waiting for Hitler to come to Palestine and expel all the Jews. They hoped for a German intervention to solve their conflict with consideration of their needs. Rommel was their legendary hero. Many Arabs truly believed in the Germans' victory. Some of them even listened to the short-wave German broadcast, the Kurzwellensender."

  • Nazis' planned 'extermination of the Jews in Palestine,' (stopped by Desert Rats), relied on help that they awaited from many local Arabs ready to serve as willing accomplices of the Germans in the Middle East.[493]

  • An Egyptian, who visited the country in the days after the conquest of Berlin wrote: "The people cry in the morning and sob in the evening. And blow to their cheek between morning and evening."[168]

  • Reaction of most Arabs that heard of the fate of the Jews in Europe, 1942 - 'open joy.'[451]

If one Communist or two wrote something against Zionism and Fascism at the same time, or that there were Arab soldiers who were paid by Jews (who were the ones mobilized en masse) to join the Brits - do not change the overwhelming facts. Though Falastin & Ad-Difa changed tunes according to power, etc.[96] Yet, enough was the glorification of Hitler in 1932, in 1933 after Hitler assumed power and in 1934 to plant the seeds of venom, nor have they become less anti-Jewish while changing ("strategic") tunes. The trend in Arab press such as Ad-Difa still even a week before the end of WW2, because the Arab street applauds that;[534] the alarming of pro-Hitlerism "fresh" after the war, such as in Ad-Difa[535] and Alwahda[536] in 1946, proves this too - the hatred - unrelated to the winning side.

Naturally, Arab-Palestinian Leader Farouq Qaddoumi stated: We Supported The Nazis In WWII - as a general description.[537]

Prof. / author:[538]
The vast majority of the Palestinian (and all-Arab) national movement identified, whether openly or tacitly, with the position of their Mufti al-Husseini World War II leader, a loyal partner of Hitler, Himmler and Eichmann in the decision to physically eliminate the Jewish people.

As it was put in 1949:[539]
There is hardly a single Arab leader today who in those days was not an ally of Nazi Germany. The Nazi-Arab partnership flourished at a time when the war was close to the gates of our country, and names such as Rashid Ali, Amin al-Husseini, etc. still symbolize the "glorious" period of this idyll. The ending, as recalled, was not so glorious.

Post Nazi period, recent[edit]


Nazism admiration never ceased.[540]

After the war, The Mufti and al-Kailani, reminds researcher:[295]
both Arab leaders continued their anti-Jewish and Islamist policies unimpeded after the end of the war: al-Kailani until 1965 and al-Husseini until 1974. Outside of Israel, Nazism had hardly been delegitimized in the Middle East, and its adherents often came to power after the war ended. The Iraqi al-Kailani staged a coup in Baghdad but failed. He was sentenced to death, then exiled to Beirut. Al-Husseini also found himself in Beirut, where he was active in the World Islamic Congress, which he founded in Jerusalem in 1931 (he opened a Berlin branch a year later). With robust backing, he rose to become the first "Global Grand Mufti." A mufti is a religious and legal authority who hands down rulings on everyday issues to believers in his jurisdiction. His late half-brother Kamil was the previous grand mufti of Jerusalem. Al-Husseini received the title in 1921, and in order to preserve and expand his transregional "Mideast-Europe" legacy after 1945, he chose as his representatives Said Ramadan for Europe, in Switzerland, and Yasser Arafat in the Middle East. The Mufti advised Arafat in 1968 to take over the Palestine Liberation Organization (which he headed until 2004) and "to liberate Palestine," operating out of Gaza with Fatah troops.

After the war, pro-Nazi agent Kamel Mrowa ([كامل مروّه] Kaamel Mruwweh, Muruwa), at his Al Hayat, which became very influential, he lied about the Mufti's Nazism and had justified the Nazis' crimes, a line prelevant in the Arab world in the 1950s. His hateful line continued at the paper till 1990.[93]

On Jan 10, 1946, the NYT reported, that "all-Inclusive gathering Palestine Arabs called for boycotting Jews-- wants Mufti's return."[541]

The UPI reported on June 8, 1946, that the 'Pro-Nazi Grand Mufti of Jerusalem,' had "escaped" from France,' that the 'ruthless leader expected to reappear in troubled Middle East.'[542]

From the Time, June 24, 1946, the Mufti was 'revered' by Palestine Arabs and his Nazi activities known:[543]
The 53-year-old Mufti (whose claim to the aristocratic "El-Husseini" is dubious) is revered as a spiritual leader by Palestine's Arabs. He has been a fanatical anti-Zionist ever since the British appointed him as Mufti in 1921. In 1937, after a murder, he was wafted out of Palestine, where a warrant still exists for his arrest. During the war, he was accused of trafficking with Hitler and Mussolini, of fomenting the Iraq revolt of 1941, and of urging on Germany a systematic policy of exterminating Jews.

Even the Arab communists in (Mandatory Palestine) joined in rejoicing the Nazi Mufti's return, for they knew all too well what the Arab street wants:[544]

The Council of the League in Bloudan, which was preceded -- in May 1946 -- by a conference of Arab kings and presidents in Egypt (in Inshas, King Farouk's estate), discussed the matter of the Eretz Israel while knowing that the Mufti fled France and came to the East, his presence in the East even as a refugee enjoying refuge with King Farouk, strengthens the Arab movement in Israel, which has been made recently, is completely subordinate to the Arab League. If the Mufti's presence in the East restores to the Arab movement in Israel some of its previous independence for future solutions. In the meantime, efforts were made in Inshas and Bloudan and renewed efforts to tighten the alliance between the Arab countries and England. At the same council in Bloudan, a chapter in the struggle of the Arab Communist Party for its participation in the leadership of the national movement in the country will end. The council eliminated the efforts of the communists to share in the leadership -- complete and total elimination. After all, in recent times the countries of the League - in Egypt, Iraq and Syria - have started the work of "purging" towards the communists. However, the Arab communists in the country do not despair: they shared, after the slap in the face in Bloudan, they joined in the joy of the Arabs of the country for the return of the Mufti, Hitler's successor from Europe. It is only, because they know very well the 'soul' of the Arab public in Israel and there is no other way before them, but flattery and pandering to the nationalistic tendencies of the Arabs.

The Mufti party provoked and forced the Arabs of the country to celebrate loudly in honor of his escape from France.

Socialist-Arab Al-Ittihad praises celebrates Nazi Mufti, June-23-1946

On July 23, 1946, the Arab-Socialist Al-Ittihad [الاتحاد] (the Union), the Arab Stalinist weekly, in honor of the Mufti’s arrival in Egypt, praising the mufti after his escape from war crimes prosecution in Europe, reported approvingly that Arab Palestine "from end to end" had celebrated his triumphal return to Egypt.[545][546]

In June 1946, Bartley C. Crum, American member of the Anglo-American Inquiry Committee on Palestine, had warned the State Department on Release of Ex-mufti, linked him with Gestapo leaders Eichmann.[547] In 1947,[548] quoted "a Nazi War criminal, the grand Mufti had repeatedly suggested to Hitler Himmler and von Ribbentrop the extermination of European Jewry as a solution to the Palestine problem:[549] "the Mufti visited the Gas Chambers at Auschwitz where millions of Jews were exterminated and that Hitler instructed that in any ransoming of Concentration Camp inmates no Jews were to be included because of an agreement with the Mufti... letters from the Mufti showing that he encouraged the deportation of thousands of European Jews including children to Polish extermination Camps."

As the Mufti escaped, it was alerted by such as the Associated Press Foreign Affairs Analyst, as: "dangerous man," "on the Loose again. That "his influence extends into Trans-Jordan, Iraq, Arabia, Egypt, Iran and Syria, for he is gifted with leadership."[550]

British non-fiction writer and documentary producer, Christopher Hale:[551]

Haj Amin el-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, left behind a more menacing and malign legacy. Germanproduced Arabic radio broadcasts had saturated the Muslim world with hysterical warnings about Jews and global conspiracies, and at the end of the war, the Mufti's renown in Palestine and Egypt was undimmed. He would have a profound and malicious impact on the development of Islamic radicalism following the foundation of the state of Israel in 1948. By the winter of 1944, Berlin was no longer a safe haven for men like the Grand Mufti. He had never been a brave man and was often found cowering under tables as the great armadas of Allied bombers pounded the capital of the Reich. His allies in the Foreign Office, like Erwin Ettel, did what they could to protect their esteemed Muslim guest and tried to coax him to escape Germany to whatever safe haven he chose by U-boat. The Mufti was simply too timid to contemplate such a journey and held on in Berlin to the very end. At the beginning of May 1945, the Grand Mufti and his entourage at last packed up and fled. He knew that once the British reached Berlin they would waste little time tracking him down. After many tribulations, they managed to reach Constance in the French zone of occupation. Recalling how well he had been treated after his flight from Palestine, when he escaped to French Beirut from British Palestine, the Grand Mufti surrendered to the French authorities. He was soon relaxing in an opulent villa near Paris. The British urgently petitioned the French authorities to hand over the fugitive Muslim cleric who had slipped out of their hands so many times. But General de Gaulle was in no mood to oblige his ally and personally issued instructions that el-Husseini should be permitted to remain in France and resume, without interference, his political activities on behalf of the Palestinian Arabs. For the French, who blamed the British for the catastrophe of 1940, the Mufti offered a delicious opportunity to spite perfidious Albion. Since the French had reasserted their presence in North Africa, they had good reason not to wound Arab public opinion. The Mufti had little time to enjoy French hospitality. His protectors discovered that an 'Irgun' assassination squad had arrived in France. On 28 May 1945, el-Husseini bolted to Italy, then secretly boarded a British ship, the SS Devonshire, bound for the Egyptian port of Alexandria.

The return of the Grand Mufti electrified the Arab world. At a rally at Heliopolis in Cairo exultant crowds swamped his convoy – and King Farouk offered him appropriately sumptuous accommodation at his 'Inshas Palace'. The leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, Hassan al-Banna breathlessly declared: 'The hearts of the Arabs palpitated with joy at hearing that the Mufti had succeeded in reaching an Arab country ... The lion is free at last and will roam the Arabian jungle to clear it if wolves. The great leader is back.'

In 1936, Haj Amin el-Husseini had embarked on an epic journey that had led him from Iran and Iraq to the hub of Hitler's Reich... The Mufti's hatred of Jews provided a poisonous bond with Hitler and his fanatical elite, above all Heinrich Himmler. In Berlin, the Nufti's loathing had been deepened... Faced with chronic unrest in Palestine, the British decided to leave the Grand Mufti in peace. Arrest would only enhance his reputation and they had nothing to gain from his martyrdom. An American agent stationed in Cairo reported that 'it was unlikely that any strong action will now be taken... against former Axis collaborators.'

... In November 1945 the reinvigorated Akhwan el Muslemin, the Muslim Brotherhood, incited attacks on Jewish homes and property in Alexandria. In the post-war period, Arab fantasies about the 'Jewish enemy' would be reinforced as the West German government reappointed many of the Mufti's Foreign Office supporters and stationed them at embassies in Baghdad and Cairo.

In Oct 1947, the NYT reported[552] that it was denounced reported troop movements by Arab states as "bluff and bluster" and that, under the leadership of the exiled Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin el-Husseini, the Arabs were "brazenly emulating Hitler's tactics."

Author in 1969:[553]

Nazi anti-Semitism – theory, practice and policy – fitted the needs of the Arab nationalist movement like a glove. Over the years it was to become a shirt of Nessus, a poisonous garment enveloping the movement with a spreading rash of maddening fears and delusions, a garment which it cannot shake off and which is eating it away, body and soul.

High-ranking Nazis escaped from Germany to become advisers to anti-Israeli Arab leaders and "were able to carry on and transmit to others Nazi racial-ideological anti-Semitism."[357]

Writer,[554] author, in his famed 1979 book,[555] wrote:[556]

Considering that Arab leaders, such as Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, backed the Nazis in World War II, and in the postwar period provided havens for fleeing war criminals, this is not strange. Interest in Hitler and the possibility that he might yet return was a recurring subject of discussion in the Arab press of the 1950's. Arab leaders followed Nazi propaganda methods diligently and came to rely on the Goebbels technique of the Big Lie and the repetition of the most outrageous libels. It is difficult to determine whether Arab propagandists were apt pupils or inept practitioners who actually believed their own fabrications. David Hirst of the Manchester Guardian, reporting on a 1972 interview with King Faisal of Saudi Arabia, found him "apparently carried away" with the "blood libel" myth that Jews killed Gentile children for ritual purposes in the preparation of Passover matzoth.

It was "an extraordinary outpouring of anti - Semitic prejudices," Hirst wrote. Extraordinary or not, Faisal repeated the story to the Cairo weekly, Al Mussarrat...

Journalist:[557] In the end, despite Hitler's best efforts, a grand Nazi-Islamic alliance wasn't to be... Yet the Nazis did succeed in one thing: poisoning the mind of many a Muslim against Jews. Anti-Semitic tropes propagated by the Third Reich, from medieval Christian blood libels to virulent conspiracy theories, have been grafted seamlessly onto old Islamic anti-Jewish prejudices, thereby gaining a new lease on life in the Muslim world.

Prof. B. Lewis:[558]
Since 1945, certain Arab countries have been the only places in the world where hard-core, Nazi-style anti-Semitism is publicly and officially endorsed and propagated.

Nazi Criminals were in Arab Countries immediately at the end of the war.[559]

Recalled in 1967:[560]

the Mufti was returned to his role after the war as leader of the Palestine question. He directed policy from a lavish and fortified home in Cairo and, as one of the Arab delegates to the United Nations in 1947 said, "the Mufti is the irrefutable leader of the Holy Land Arabs."

From Massuah, in 1974:[561]:

Antisemitic propaganda in Arab countries sowed hatred not only for the State of Israel but for Jews in general... Arab journalists praised Adolf Hitler 'the "hero" [as if] who fell in a "holy" war.'

In the last 25 years, since the establishment of the State of Israel, extensive literature has been published in Egypt and Lebanon that copied the racial theory and called for genocide against the Zionists and Israelis.

These books have often been published by official and government publishers. Racism has even been instilled in the textbooks of children of Arab countries. It is no coincidence that we were forced to disqualify parts of the textbooks that were accepted in Jordan and the Gaza Strip, under the Jordanian and Egyptian occupation. The "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" were published under the auspices of the Egyptian government and at its expense.

Since Nazi times, Cairo has been the only place where these "protocols" were published and widely distributed. Nasser himself recommended to visitors to him this book "which allows one to see inside the tricks [sic] of the Jews." Let us remember that important leaders of Arab countries of today were among those expecting a Nazi victory in World War II and some of them are admirers of Hitler, his entourage allies.

The Allied headquarters in Cairo, during World War II, forcibly prevented a development similar in Egypt to that which occurred with the Rashid Ali revolt in Baghdad.

The Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, made an alliance with Hitler and hoped for the destruction of the Jewish community in the country. "Mein Kampf", the protocols of the "Elders of Zion" and similar propaganda pamphlets are not invalid literature today in Arab countries. While there are now Arab leaders, writers and journalists who are ashamed of these publications, no order has yet been given to destroy this horrific propaganda literature. When the Arabs met in the territories with our soldiers and the citizens of Israel, they were surprised to see a humane attitude towards them and did not believe what they saw and said: "Jews do not hate us and you can live with Israelis" ... The Arabs thanked us today. We would have been treated differently, and who knows what kind of massacres and atrocities the world would have witnessed in such a case."

Writer Alexandre Del Valle[562] cites the Gud Magazine of the extreme right in France which, in association with the Islamists, praised the Nazi-Palestinian alliance of World War II; this had been geared to eliminate the Jews of Palestine and facilitate the rise of a totally Arab state in Palestine, headed by the Mufti of Jerusalem, on their ashes.[563]


Husayni escaped indictment as a war criminal by shel­ter­ing in Egypt and the Le­banon. He died in 1974. But his legacy is very much alive to­day. We see it in the wide­spread sale of vis­ceral anti-Jewish (and not just antiZionist) literature in the Muslim world, and in the way in which Jews are por­trayed on Arab media. Collaboration between the Arab and Nazi worlds was in fact wide­spread in the mid-20th century. Arabs colluded with Nazis in the whole­sale demonisation of the Jewish people, and applauded and assisted in its whole­sale destruction Nazi fugitives from allied justice found safe havens in Arab lands. No amount of political correctness today — no amount of not-wishing to offend Muslim-sensitivities — can wipe away this past.

The truth is that, internally, the Arab world, and especially the Palestinians, have never hidden their sympathy for Nazism... But for foreign purposes, the Palestinian Arab movement and its supporters in the West present the opposite view.[564]

Holocaust survivor, longtime Congressman, the late Tom Lantos writing in 2002:[565]
Writing in 1986, Middle East scholar Bernard Lewis explained contemporary Arab antisemitism as a reaction to the sense of humiliation Arabs feel at repeated military defeats at Israel's hands, blows made all the more painful because they were inflicted by a people, Jews, long presumed to be inferior.

According to Lewis, Arabs were accustomed to viewing Jews as no better than "a tolerated subject minority, and ... by appearing as conquerors and rulers the Jews [in Arab reckoning] have subverted God's [sic] order for the universe."

Whatever its cause, the cancer of antisemitism has metastasized and spread throughout the Arab world. Jews, both as Israelis and simply as Jews, are demonized daily in the Arab press, electronic media, and textbooks, often with ugly illustrations and "political" cartoons on a par with the worst of Julius Streicher's Die Sturmer. Indeed, Nazi-style imagery and conspiracy-thinking abound in the Arab world, and all the ills of the world are attributed to "the Jews." As.. article in the New York Times noted, "Stay in a five-star hotel anywhere from Jordan to Iran, and you can buy the infamous forgery Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Pick up a newspaper in any part of the Arab world and you regularly see a swastika superimposed on the Israeli flag."

This worsening problem carries dire implications for the Arab-Israeli conflict, adding a racist and religious-warfare dimension to an already exceedingly difficult political problem. Moreover, in an obscenely bizarre twist, the Middle East may now be exporting to Europe the antisemitism it originally imported from there. Since the latest phase of Arab violence against Israel began in September 2000, there have been hundreds of antisemitic incidents reported in Europe, particularly in France.

Some of the ugliest examples of Arab antisemitism came in the wake of the September 11 attacks on the United States, as detailed in this important publication. The Arab media reaction to the September 11 horror reflected all the elements of Nazi-style defamation, particularly, Jewish [sic] conspiracy.

Here we can read the now-famous claims that Mossad organized the September 11 attacks; that 4,000 Jewish employees, forewarned, avoided work at the World Trade Center that day; and that Jews [sic] exploited their foreknowledge of the tragedy to profit from the stock market.

We observe the shocking sense of cultural inferiority self-serving but nonetheless real of Arab commentators who "prove" Jewish [sic] complicity in the September 11 murders by pointing out that "only the Jews are capable of planning such an incident, because it was planned with great precision of which Osama bin Laden or any other Islamic organization or intelligence apparatus is incapable." And we learn of the grisly, Nazi-type punishment one Egyptian cleric wishes on the Jews of America.

But the totality of what is presented in the following pages also reflects a sad reality: the Arab world's inability, first, to come to terms with the fact that Arabs planned and carried out the evil deeds and, second, to reflect productively on how and why that happened. Such is the classic utility the antisemite finds in his antisemitism: scape-goating Jews for problems of his own making.

The niece of one of Fatah's founders Yahya Sakher Habash (صخر حبش‎) Sakher Habash (1939-1970), growing up on the West Bank in the 1980s tells of being taught anti-Jewish hatred and to praise Hitler. Visiting in 2017 where she grew up, she says, the same hatred continues.[566]

Writer in 2006:[567]
...the point isn't to dredge up ancient history about Muslims and Nazis. Many Swedes got along swimmingly with the Nazis but who worries about the Swedes today? The Muslim world is another matter. And unlike the Swedes, the similarities between Nazism and Islamic fascism are not all in the past.

Author (in 2008):[568]
A comparison of murderous Nazi ideology with the jihadist ideology that dominates headlines today... early Palestinian nationalism was influenced heavily by Nazism. While other nations have disavowed fascism (Germany and Italy, for example) and have since developed into thriving democracies, the Palestinians have never reconciled with their past...

Hitler's fraud book Mein Kampf,[569] has been a best seller in the "Palestinian territories."[570][571] And researchers from the University of Hamburg revealed, Hitler is a popular figure, idol, among "Palestinian" youth.[572]

Author published in 2014 interaction with Arab "Palestinians":[573]
Samir asked me my opinion of Hitler. Not knowing how to react, I said nothing and just shook my head. He continued to explain: "Here many people like Hitler" and showed me a picture of Hitler on his mobile phone.

A noted Orientalist, conducting a poll in Arabic, in 2019: "If Adolf Hitler was alive today and was tried, what do you think is the sentence that the leader of the German Third Reich deserves...??" - most found him "innocent."[574]

Not unrelated. From the other side. An Oct/2021 report:[575]
Neo-Nazis, White Supremacists Attempt To Revive WWII-Era Nazi-Palestinian Alliance: Gaza Conflict Provides Opportunity For Them To Promote And Actualize 'Final Solution,' With Online And On-The-Ground Efforts, Emerging Support For Terror Groups Hamas And Hizbullah And For Their Shared Mission Of Attacking Jews Worldwide.

Hitler’s Mein Kampf book was a hit as soon as it was published in 1999 - in 2000 the fifth edition was printed. According to British historian, Hitler's admiration for the Arab world stems first and foremost from the ease with which he succeeded in exterminating Jews.

A study by the German government among Arab youth in the State of Israel revealed that Hitler is at the top of the list of young boys' figures they admire.[576]

There is an "intersection between the mufti and his Nazi camp visits and today's hatred of Israel and Jewish symbols."[577]

Indeed Nazi symbolism, is never uncommon[578][579][580] at Arab Palestinians. And "too many Palestinians continue to play the Nazi card over and over again in some creatively destructive ways in the media, mosques and madrassas."[581]

That, in addition to, using Nazi propaganda to indoctrinate hate at children[582][583] and belittling the Holocaust.[584][585][586]

As late as 2022, "Palestinian" schoolbooks deny Holocaust, legitimize Munich massacre. It also incites against, lies about the Jewish faith, slander Jews as a whole.[587]


Although the Allies destroyed the Third Reich, what has lived on is the Nazi spirit. This spirit of hatred festered through the relationship between Amin Al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, and Hitler.

Post WW2 Arab Nazi alliances[edit]

Note: Though western entities made use of former Nazis, in Arabia it is uniquely different as the hatred ideology plays the role.

Such as, Von Leers serving as propagandist for nasser - engaged by the Egyptians as an "expert anti-Jewish propagandist,"[588][589][590] converted to Islam, changed his name to Omar Amin. And the former Nazis, then Neo Nazis: Otto Remer & Ernst-Wilhelm Springer (S.R.P) – elaborated further.

Of the first noted 'beginners' Arabs, continuing Mufti's legacy of Arab-Nazi cooperation, post WW2, are:

  • The Arab Office in Washington, particularly via Arab “Palestinian” Anwar Nashashibi, already in 1946. At least.[591]

  • Habib Ibrahim Katibah, active in Nazi pro Hitler propaganda since Hitler's rise to power, at his founded Arab group,[70][71], in 1946, "the names of several of the other top officers of the institute, including the present chairman of its executive committee, are to be found among the names of the eight original incorporators of the old bund-associated Arab National League."

Katibah, "on May 2, 1946, and again on May 9, 1946, was the signer of full-page paid advertisement appearing in a number of principal newspapers, advancing the propaganda cause of the Arab League, and attributed to a high nebulous source called the League for peace with justice in Palestine."[72]

  • A 1947 report about Syrian Arab Adnan al-Ard who came after the war to help Nazi Arabs (eliminating files, providing escape, etc.):[458]

There are even rumors that some of the directors of the extermination operation of the Jews in Europe, including Eichmann, are in contact with this office and some of them have already been transferred to "jobs" in Syria and Iraq.

What is still forbidden about the Germans is allowed to Dr. Ard and his Arab friends.

They conduct open and wild incitement against the Jews at all kinds of parties and meetings. Dr. Ard himself lectures to various German circles and spices up his lectures with insults and ridicule to the Jews, which were very pleasant to the palates of the Nazis.

A few months ago he lectured on the question of Israel to American officers and almost all of his remarks were devoted to an attack on "international Jewry."

Some Nazi fugitives to whom Arabs provided haven, even tried to come into Palestine at influx of illegal Arabs in 1947.[592]

  • Asides from Nazis training, fighting with Arabs 1947/8 - elaborated further.

  • Syrian Arab Akram Tabara, was at a SS division during the war,[593] who gave his name as Dr. John Homsi, recruited Nazis for 1948 War with Israel.[593][594]

  • The Mufti, Kaukji and Salim Idris:

From a 1951 report:[595] The ex-Mufti al-Husseini and Salim Idris سلیم ادریس - Secretary General of the Permanent Office of Palestine in Beirut are the link between the Nazi center in Cairo and the court of Farouk and the Arab League.

Nazi agents and former German generals sit in all the capitals of Arab countries working tightly with Fawzi Qauakji, who in Nov-1951 had visited Latin America and the Nazi "colonies" in those countries, and other Arab personalities, from former Hitler's associate. German-Nazi advisers in the training of Arab armies. Hundreds of Nazis, SS men, formerly German generals and colonels, recruited by Kaukji and Nazi spy Miller in Germany and transferred via Rome to Damascus and Cairo. German pilots work as experts and instructors in Egypt.

Already in 1950, Mein Kampf in Arabic was republished, reappeared, in Egypt.[596]

By 1953, the Nazis’ expertise expanded, and with it, admiration of Hitler grew, resurfaced. [597]

British author, historian, and journalist:[598]

Partners In a Evil

... Unlike Brunner, Remer was itinerant, and spent much time in that other nest of postwar Nazis—Cairo. If anything, the Egyptian capital was even more appealing than Damascus, and had been playing host to Nazis immediately after the war, when King Farouk opened his arms to scores of former SS and Gestapo officers.

That hospitality continued even after Farouk was deposed by the Free Officers Movement in 1952, as Nasser regarded German scientific and intelligence expertise as being an essential component of his regime. No less a figure than Joachim Daumling, the former head of the Gestapo in Düsseldorf, was tasked with establishing Nasser’s secret service. In fact, the list of some habitués of Cairo in the 1950s and the 1960s reads like a who’s who of Nazi Germany, featuring as it did the rescuer of Mussolini, Otto Skorzeny; the ace Stuka pilot Hans-Ulrich Rudel; the leader of a notorious SS penal unit, Oskar Dirlewanger; and the particularly odious and violently anti-Semitic stooge of Goebbels, Johannes von Leers. What made the relationship between these former Nazis and the Egyptians and Syrians so successful was that it was a genuinely two-way deal. The Arabs offered the Nazis a haven, as well as a market for all their nefarious dealings in arms and black market currency. The Nazis, meanwhile, were able to provide technical and military experts, as well as the knowhow of establishing the instruments of repression. However, below the back scratching lay a deep and dark underpinning to the relationship between the crescent and the swastika. That was, of course, a hatred of the Jews, and in particular, a desire to see the eradication of Israel.

That shared exterminationist desire had been born during the war itself, when the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husayni, had made his home in the luxurious Hotel Adlon in Berlin in 1941, and had impressed Hitler with his hatred of the Jews. The Mufti lobbied the Nazis hard to kick the British out of the Middle East, and he was instrumental in raising recruits for a largely Muslim unit of the SS called the 13th Armed Mountain Division of the SS Handschar.

In addition, throughout the war in North Africa, German intelligence had worked closely with the Egyptians, and the Mufti is thought to have been a key intermediary between King Farouk and Hitler himself. If further evidence were needed that the roots of the Nazi-Arab affair were required, then it is worth considering the fact that both Nasser and his successor, Anwar Sadat, had been wartime agents for the Germans.

... in Colombia anti-Semitism is spread mainly by Arabs from Syria, out of envy of the commercial talents of the new Jewish immigrants in this country. The Arabs are acting in collaboration with Nazis who have been released from detention. In recent months, there have been two cases of blood libel in Colombia.

  • The Arabic Voice of Hitler During WWII, [Younis] Yunus Bahri,[444] who stated proudly in a memoir he wrote after the war, "I was the first Arab to collaborate with the Nazis,"[332] Mufti's associate, in 1948[445] he continued on 'Voice of the Arabs' in Egypt, [600] and in the 1950s' had relationship with Nasser and Saadat.[445]

  • As of Jan 1949, amidst recruitment of Nazi generals to Arab army, two Arab officers who served in the Moslem Legion of Hitler during the war now occupy high army posts: Prince Mancour Daud, a former lieutenant colonel of the Moslem Legion, who is now a commander of an Iraqi division. Colonel Suleiman Bey, brother-in-law of the former Iraqi Foreign Minister Raschid Ali, fled to Germany after the unsuccessful 1941 coup a etat. He commanded as an SS Sturmführer, a battalion of the Moslem Legion. He is now in command of an Iraqi brigade.[601]
  • Pan-Arabist nationalist, Nasser was a Hitler admirer,[602] [603] and of the Mufti's,[604] had a slew of former SS Nazis,[605][606] not just as military helpers but in ideology too: some as political advisers and experts on 'Jewish affairs.'[607][602]

When Nasser took on the Muslim Brotherhood in the 1950s': During this period, the Grand Mufti maintained close relations with the burgeoning Nazi exile community in Cairo, while cultivating ties to right-wing extremists in the United States and other countries.[608]

- 1956, Mivtza Kadesh (Operation Kadesh - Suez Crisis):[609][610] Documents found in the offices of the Egyptian commanders called on the Egyptian army to prepare for the campaign to destroy Israel in a most cruel way. The army officers gave an Arabic translation of "Mein Kampf" by Hitler, so that they would draw "inspiration" from it.[609] This phenomenon was also recalled by Golda Meir Dec 5, 1956's speech.[611][612][613]

- Mufti's disciple, Von Leer "Omar" activities at least in 1959 and the 1960s with the United Arab Republic.[614][615]

In fact, Egypt,[595][560][598] then Nasserism - UAR[614] became a center for Arab ex-Nazi link, after WW2.

  • Erwin Schönborn, in the 1950s' was West Berlin’s most active Jew-baiter.

Distributed Nazi propaganda, primarily in Arabic in 1976 Innsbruk Olympics and held Nazi-Arab events.[616] He was chairman of various neo-Nazi splinter groups and of a 'German-Arab Society.'[617] played the "anti-imperialism" spiel.[618] He was chairman of various neo-Nazi splinter groups and of a 'German-Arab Society.'[617]

  • The neo-Nazi "German Social Movement," had relations with the Arab League. Among other things, it held a convention in 1957 in Freudenstadt. It featured numerous addresses, most of them marked by anti-Semitic innuendoes, delivered by a number of open devoteees of Hitler. Chief among these was, Karl Priester, former Hitler Youth and S.S. leader who heads now the movement and edits its anti-Semitic monthly magazine.[617]

  • 1950s.

Jorge Zurob Sabaj's, Central Arab Committee of Chile's weekly journal Mundo Arabe presented itself as a faithful follower of the ex-Mufti Haj Amin el Husseini whose portrait appeared on the front page on March 17, 1950, adding: "the spiritual and political leader of the Palestinian Arabs." [619]

  • 1960s.

Neo-Nazi Franz Heinz Pfeiffer Richter's publication Cruz Gamada (swastika), was another example of cooperation between pro-Nazi groups and the Arabs, most of which was devoted to "Palestine, Arab land" and "Communist[sic] Jewish [sic] infiltration," or "Capitalist ... " (Nazis never had a problem with contradiction, of course).[620]

  • 1950s-1960s.

Otto Remer & Ernst-Wilhelm Springer: Otto Remer,[621] a former Wehrmacht officer who squashed the July 1944 military coup against Hitler.[622] His partner, Ernst-Wilhelm Springer, who had helped the Grand Mufti organize the Muslim SS division during the war.[623] Springer was a leading member of the banned Social Reich Party. At his trial for arms dealing to Arabs, Springer: "The political attitude of the Arabs," [AKA anti-Jewish sentiments], "and their misery prompted me to become active for the North African freedom movement."[624] Fleeing Germany for his activities at the Social Reich Party, reportedly, Springer was helped by the Mufti to find refuge among the Arabs. With Springer assuming an Arab name.[625]

  • In 1958, it was reported that: ‘Nazi-Arab organizations operate in West Germany under 18 names.’[626]

  • In Jan 1960, French Minister Jacques Soustelle at a protest rally organized by the Committee for the Defense of Democracy, stated that the source of anti-Semitism needs to be searched in the Arab League and Pan-Arabism. Indeed, observers pointed out at the time: in Arab countries, there are now roots of Nazism from which Arab nationalists now draw their ideas, some of whom hold key positions in the Arab political arena.

Swastikas in Lebanon, Jan/1960, shocked the Jewish community and showed signs of Nazi influence. Observers mentioned: The influential official newspaper Al-Hayat الحياة, in which the newspaper acknowledged the existence of a serious anti-Semitic movement in the world and called on the Arabs to join this movement, in order to act against the Jews and the State of Israel.

German economic experts help Nasser solve his economic problems. German officers serve as instructors in the Egyptian army. German propagandists are engaged in training and directing anti-Jewish propaganda over the waves of the Sawt al-Arab صوت العرب station and the other propaganda trumpets.[627]

  • Top Nazis directed from Cairo Neo-nazi activities throughout the world.

Reported in 1960:[628]

  • Mar 10, 1960.

At Ben Gurion's visit to the White House, a small demonstration: neo Nazis and Arabs side by side shown on TV in the US.[633]

  • Mufti's ally, Issa Nakhleh, his Palestine Arab Delegation and beyond, in the years: 1960s - through the early 1980s.

  • The neo-Nazi umbrella group 'Malmoe International', in contact with the Arab Union, and the Scandinavian-Arab Friendship League. (1960s).[634]

  • Neo-Nazi leader Bjorn Lundahl's agreement and dangerous plots with UAR - Egypt, through Kamel Hamad. (1960s).[635][636][637][638]

  • An early 1964 report:[639]
Arabs distribute Nazi material in West Germany. One of the pamphlets justifies the persecution of the Jews throughout history and by Hitler...

  • Argentina/Chile

Hussein Triki 1960s in Argentina.[640]

Palestine born Jorge Sabaj Zurob in Chile via his pro- Hitler[641]La Reforma / Mundo Arabe (- editor of both[642]) reprinted, elaborated on the old fraudulent "Protocols,"[69] and (Palestine born) Issa Nakhleh in the 1950s in Argentina. Recorded about 1955/6-1961/2 in Argentina:[643]

Nazi activity in Latin America - is the Arab League, which by supporting the anti-Semitic work wanted to weaken the sympathies of the governments and intellectuals towards Israel. They helped in every aspect and in every direction.

Earlier, the Arab agitators helped their Nazi followers in the propaganda that Jews are communists on the one hand and imperialists on the other. Zionism has become the solution for this propaganda...

Then Arab League's attaché Hussein Triki's publication and activities with Tacuara there in the 1960s, the cocktail of Nazi fugitives and (radicals among) Arab immigrants have brought about, what was described in 1975, as the Jews sitting on the opening of a volcano:[644] Argentine Jewry sits on the opening of a volcano, say emissaries who have been there these days. According to them, the earth is burning beneath the feet of the Jews not only in Argentina but in other extensive parts of the South American continent. The greenhouse, where Nazi refugees and tens of thousands of Arab immigrants found refuge, began to bear rotten fruits.

  • In 1967, there was a list of some 200 Nazi War Criminals Living In Arab Countries.[645]

Nazi Mufti today[edit]

In 1985, Arafat extolled his memory and emphasized that "the PLO is continuing the path set by the Mufti".[646] He told Edward Said that year, on the Mufti: "He was always right."[647]

In an Aug 2, 2002 interview, Arafat called the Mufti "our hero". And that he was of his 1948 troops.[648][649]

The Grand Mufti is still glorified, such as by "moderate" Arab Palestinian Mahmoud Abbas in 2013,[650][651] in 2016 at National Security Forces of - PA,[652] an event under his picture in 2018,[650] and in 2019 a PA official:Nazi-collaborator Mufti is leader and 'role model.'[653] Though, for political purposes, the Palestinian Authority has been -generally- downplaying "its Nazi orientation."[654] Especially to the outside world.[564]

The PA has named at least one school after the Nazi collaborator - the Amin Al-Husseini Elementary School in El-Bireh, the current PA Mufti has honored his predecessor by laying a wreath on his grave, and the PA National Security Forces have highlighted Al-Husseini on Facebook and in 2019 on the anniversary of his death, Abbas’ advisor praised Nazi collaborator as “role model”.[655]

Still, more often, while the PLO chose trying to deal with Mufti true Nazi record by pushing a vicious blame lie on the Holocaust, Hamas is more expressing the line that the Mufti's war was "just."[268]

(Whereas in the wider Arab world, the Mufti chapter has been largely silenced,[656] some like biographer, at Mohammed El Taher on the Mufti, have been rewriting history and white washing and sugarcoating.[657])

Fact is, that even regarding Palestine, which some apologetic Arab writers try to sugar coat him with, the Mufti was never "for the Arabs," but exclusively 'against' the Jews. In 1952 he explained to an interviewer: "This land... had belonged to the non‐Jewish peoples of Palestine..."[658]

Contradictory anti-Semitism[edit]

Islamic Anti-Semitism today: denies and or diminishes the Holocaust while contradictory using Nazi symbols which proves that the Holocaust did happen, then at times attaching the label on its enemy - is all motivated by hatred and an all out frustration that the Mufti’s support for extermination became a disappointment in history as Nazism became associated with evil.[659][576]

Noted in 2002:[660]
...the Israelis face virulent hostility from both the Arabs who condemn them as Nazis and from those who privately idolize Hitler’s achievements.
Historian: [661]
...the PA and its media have gone out of their way to minimize the genocide, if not deny it altogether. At the same time, the Palestinians are portrayed as the Holocaust's real victims...
There's no doubt that Hamas and Fatah are concerned that the curriculum would generate sympathy for Jews among Palestinian youth. But it's also likely that the two parties are worried about something else — that these lesson plans will unravel the lie that modern-day Israel is comparable to Nazi Germany.

The classic, Anti Semitic posters at Durban 2001, accusing of supposed Nazism while glorifying Hitler.[662]


Outrageously rotten to the core, as (late as 2021) the official “moderate” PA flatters a three generation family of terrorists who adopted the name Eichmann, inspired by that arch Nazi butcher.[663][664]

  • Fawzi Salem al-Mahdi [فوزي سالم المهدي] known as "Abu Hitler,” [ابو هتلر] a senior commander in Arafat's bodyguard unit, "Force 17," whose two sons bear the first names Hitler and Eichmann.[665][666][667][668][646]

  • Known in Mar 2022:[669]
    A report is presented by an official PA TV female reporter whose name is Benazir Eichmann, named after Nazi SS leader Adolf Eichmann.

Nazi display[edit]

The outrage at Nazi display is greater when official "Palestinians" cheer to it or in almost all cases don't intervene. Far worse is when "Palestinian" official police are the ones perpetrating it. Such as on its official media, and "Palestinian" police,[670] security.[671] Unlike one isolated rare incident by a loner on the opposite side in 1997, with a drawing that offended Muslims, when she was condemned across the board in Israel and incarcerated for three years.[672][673] At times the Palestinian Authority for example promoted Nazi symbolism events, without directly commenting on it.[674]

At the same time, Arab-Palestinian moderates' perversion of the Holocaust is alarming at least since the 1980s.[675]

An Arab-Palestinian writer: "Hamas uses Hitler-like methods that Will doom the Palestinian People."[676]

At the end of WW2[edit]

March 1945.
Though the Mufti was arrested, his entourage, his followers Arab feudal lords ... continue to pursue their Fascist policy. Interviews given at the ... Pan-Arab congress by prominent "advisers" of the Arab rulers, reveal a perturbing picture of the mentality of these Arab overlords. King Ibn Saud's adviser, Sheik Youssef Yussin was quoted in a fascistic statement on that March 1945 congress. Which proved to be but an example of the entire group.[677]


A week before the end of the war in Europe, the editor of Al-Ittihad [الإتحاد‎] asked an 'important activist' about the meaning of the current trend in some newspapers (his intention was probably for Difa'e [الدفاع], but Falastin [فلسطين‎] had to adapt to its rival in order not to lose circulation) to highlight the speeches of Hitler and Himmler and the Warwolf, to deceive the reader as if Nazism still has hope to win, and to weaken confidence in the unity of the Western allies and SSSR. The important activist replied that this trend satisfies the will of the people and increases the distribution.

Shortly after WW2[edit]

  • Nov 1945.

Noted in Dec 1, 1945:[678]

the Palestine Arabic newspaper Falastin, for instance, attacked the Nuremberg trials, asserting that the Allies had no right to try nazis and nazism since this was a political ideology just as democracy and socialism are.

  • Dec 20, 1945.

Some 3 months after WW2, the racist pseudo "analogies" were already there. The Falastin wrote 'that the decision of the American Senate in favor of Zionism is a [sic] crime against democracy that transcends the crimes of Hitler and Mussolini, Genghis Khan and Timurlan.'[679]

Ad Difaa, Jan 1, 1946: glorifies Hitler
  • Jan 1, 1946.

New Year of 1946, Arab newspapers in Jaffa published the "will" of Hitler with great prominence. The Islamic[33] Ad-Difaa (Al Difa) الدفاع, in honor of the Christian holiday has put at the top of the issue a picture of the "Fuhrer."[535]

  • Apr 1946.

Months after WW2, the Jaffa based Arab newspaper Al-Sirat (Originally: As-Sirat) - الصراط publishes Nazi-style anti-Jewish incitement, rationalizing European persecution of Jewry.[680]

  • May 1946.

The 'Anti-Nazi League' in US had presented evidence based on 'original documents' of Arab Office in Washington working with Neo Nazis in the US in propagating hatred. In particular correspondence by Arab "Palestinian" Anwar Nashashibi [النشاشيبي، أنور 1913-2005].[591]

  • May 1946.

Arab guards who passed via a van through Bnei Brak, stopped and began to paint swastikas on the walls of the Jewish houses. The police forced them to clean the walls with their bear hands.[681]

  • 1946.

The Arabic الوحدة al-Wahda - Newspaper in Jerusalem, as quoted in June 1946, glorified Hitler.[536]

  • June 1946.

Three Arab women swastikas cause brawl on Jaffa Street in Jerusalem. [682]

  • Jamal Husseini & Ahmad Shukeiri, in 1946, rationalize the genocide of 6,000,000 Jews

Both, Jamal Husseini and Ahmad Shukeiri had reiterated Goebbels ideology and had justified the Holocaust of systematically massacring 6,000,000 Jews.[419]

Laying the cornerstone for contradictory nightmare kingdom of propaganda, in which the principle of non-contradiction is suspended in favor of a rather malicious target,[576] (that continues strongly today[683][684]) months earlier, Shukeiri casted President Truman's stand, as Nazis on trial in Nuremberg. After Truman upon hearing about refugees' plight's, in Nov-1945 sent a letter to Attlee concerning resettlement of Jewish refugees in Palestine [162], Shukeiri as Director of the Jerusalem Arab Office, commented: "I regard President Truman's repeated declarations in favor of Zionism as a sign of the decline of American democracy. Capitalistic tyranny and angling for the vote of the five million Jews are the direct cause of this... I would have thought that this latest declaration was made by one of the great Nazi leaders who had escaped prosecution at Nuremberg..."[685]

  • 1946.

Jamal Husseini and Ahmad Shukeiri, declare at the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry that the Mufti is Arabs' "only" leader, and there's no substitute. While Hitler's atrocities still vivid on everyone's mind.
Description of the 1946 Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry: Hourani's testimony seemed to the Arabs too moderate, at least in its style if not in its context. And Ahmad Shukeiri, who spoke after him, tried to "correct" that impression. His fiery speech, full of threats, overt and covert, and full of eagerness to battle, did blur the impression of Hourani's testimony, but it is highly doubtful that this blurring might have brought any benefit to the Arabs.

To the hearts of a dozen people near and far at the scholars' table, Hourani's remarks penetrated and left a sevenfold strong impression from the fiery fire of hatred and the zealous war spirit of Ahmad Shukeiri, to the ridiculously bordering grotesque which brought his style.

The blind zeal and flaming hatred in Jamal Husseini and Ahmad Shukairy's words and their extremism, gave the impression that here and there in the blink of an eye they would pull knives out of the folds of their clothes and open with a real slaughter. The style of their remarks certainly did not strengthen the hands of the committee to leave the fate of the Jewish minority in their hands.

The clinging of the Arabs to the Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, did not add much strength and power to them. The year was 1946. The memory of Hitler and his atrocities was still alive in the heart of everything, and aroused disgust. Thus they all found reason to flaw in the Arabs' statement that the Mufti is "their only leader who has no substitute." The bad impression due to the Arabs' adherence to the Mufti is strengthened when Crossman asks them whether the Arabs fought for democracy. Receiving a positive answer he repeatedly asked: Do you think the Nazis are a democratic movement! After being denied, Kram also intervened and posed a question on the same matter and was answered with an unreserved declaration of allegiance to the Mufti. Crossman then released the famous photograph in which the Mufti was seen surveying companies of Muslim volunteers in Serbia, who had enlisted in the Hitler Army on the Mufti's initiative. The Arabs were embarrassment.[686] This was repeated by Arab representative in UN in 1947, stating: "the Mufti is the irrefutable leader of the Holy Land Arabs."[560]

  • 1946.

Glorification of cooperation with Hitler at Arab villages.
An Intelligence 1946 report: [428]

Arab leaders who had fled the country during the war and cooperated with Hitler, began to return to Palestine with the full consent of the British authorities.

Among those who returned were Nimr el-Hattab, Amin el-Khouri, Subhi el-Hadra, and Jamal el-Husseini. Only the Mufti himself, Haj Amin el-Husseini, was not granted an entry visa, since even the British realized that that it would be carrying the policy of appeasement to impossible lengths. It was nevertheless made possible for him to "escape" from confinement, cross the country under an assumed name, and reach Egypt, where he was taken under the protection of King Farouk. Not many days passed before the Mufti, chief inciter of the anti-Jewish riots and close friend and collaborator of Hitler, began to make his influence felt throughout the country. News reaching the intelligence section said:

"The Mufti's agents are appearing in Arab villages, making speeches, and inciting to violence." — "Cash from the Mufti's treasury in Egypt is coming in for the purchase of arms for the coming 'Holy War.'" — "The Mufti is becoming almost legendary among the Arabs. Wonderful stories are being told of his meetings with Hitler and Mussolini." — "Arabs arriving from neighboring countries tell of widespread volunteering to the Syrian army in preparation for the day when it will invade Palestine and drive out the Jews."


After World War II, Haj Amin was accepted as a hero in Egypt and Palestine. In 1946, Hassan al-Banna, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, called Husseini "a hero who challenged the empire and Zionism with the help of Hitler and Germany. Germany and Hitler are no more, but Amin al-Husseini will continue the struggle." A similar attitude of admiration was shown by the Arab Supreme Council and the Palestinian People's Party, which elected him their leader in 1945. In 1948, Amin al-Husseini was the commander of the Palestinian forces during the War of Independence, whose goal was to occupy and destroy the Jewish community.

  • 1946/7.

In Arabs' search for ex-Nazi officers to train units to fight the Jews, by the end of 1946, beginning of 1947, Nazi officers were "liberated" and have been smuggled into Palestine, where they were employed as instructors by "Futuwa" and "Nejada."[687]


1947 Palestine Partition Plan

  • Nov-Dec 1947.

As the United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine was declared on 29 November 1947, Arab Higher Committee demanded from the British that they refrain from intervening in the violence which Arab gangs unleashed with 5 hours of the Partition plan. In its leaflet it wrote: "The Arabs have taken the final solution to the Jewish problem," The overt reference to a "final solution" - Hitler's code name for the extermination of European Jews - was not accidental, as the Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini, declared a jihad and had: Army of Sacred Jihad and the Rescue Army. Plus, as the supreme religious leader of the Palestinian Arabs, he called for the recruitment of every Arab city and village into its ranks.[688]

Pre- and duration of the 1948 war

  • Boasting of Hitler "inspiration" and the "Palestine" Arab Salvation Army (ALA)

In December 1947:[689]
"The spirit of Hitler fights Zionism in Israel [Palestine]" - this is the headline of a long article that appeared today, in the Egyptian 'Al-Asas' [الأساس] close to the government. This article summarizes the decisions of the Arab prime ministers and recent developments.

The very fact is that the Prime Minister of Syria - Jamil Mardam - has received a message from the Syrian millionaire Arida who bought Hitler's cruise ship, that he is making it available to the [Arab] "Salvation Army" [جيش الإنقاذ] of Palestine to help preserve the Arab shores and prevent "Zionist infiltration" to the Land of Palestine [E"Y].

The "Salvation Army" headquarters will equip the ship and will make a nucleus for the first Arab fleet.


cartoon, May 16, 1948, the grand Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini with large swastika: (Jewish Palestine asks him:) 'Not like Dachau Herr Mufti?'

An epic cartoon appeared in The New York Times, on May 16, 1948: "Not like Dachau, Is it Herr Mufti?" Mufti wears a large swastika on his back.[690]

  • 1947/8.

Nazi mobilization, including former Muslim SS:
Muslim Bosnians trained by the Nazis later volunteered to fight against Israel in 1948. Some 890 volunteers from Yugoslavia and Albania were in the Middle East by April 1948, before Israel's declaration of independence on May 15, 1948.[691][539][435]

Arabs feverishly recruited foreign legion: [692]

Pro-Nazi Refugees In Italy Approached

Arab agents are at present recruiting mercenaries to fight agaonst the Jews in Palestine from among the Yugoslav Ustashi and Chetniks and the Ukrainians, Albanians, Circassians (former inhabit ants of the north-western area of the Caucasus) and other groups in Italy who were on Hitler’s side during the war, and are now under the care of the International Refugee Organisation. Able-bodied men both inside and outside the IRO camps, who are between 22 and 32 years of age, and who accept the Arab terms of payment—their fares to the Middle East and maintenance of their families in exchange for their pledge to serve in the Arab forces for at least one year—are being given visas by the Governments of Egypt, Syria and Transjordan.

Where the mercenaries are of Moslem origin, they are being officially “resettled” by formal negotiations between the Governments concerned and the IRO which, however, disclaims any knowledge of what use the indivuals are put to on arriving in the Middle East.

By the beginning of 1948, Black International - an army of 30,000 veterans of fascist military forces. Some were in action already in attack against Jewish settlements, others are undergoing rapid special training in Syria.

The army is composed of former Nazi soldiers, remnants of Gen. Vlassov's renegade Soviet battalion, remnants of Gen. Anders Polish army, as well as pro-Nazi Poles, Yugoslavs and Moslems whom the Mufti originally organized into a Moslem brigade to fight alongside the Germans. Furthermore, the bodies of pro-Nazi Poles have already been found among the attackers of our colonies whom we killed. What's more, the Haifa commander of the so-called Arab revolt is a German.

Commenting, source said: "These Poles, Russians, Germans and Yugoslavs... are the Arabs fighting for national liberation," he said bitterly. "Actually their cynical joy is unbounded at the double gift which has been handed them—the opportunity to butcher Jews, and get paid for it."

And a meeting of Black International was observed being held in Syria.[693] By Dec 1947, it's confirmed that various European guides, Nazi prisoners of war, former soldiers at Nazi Wehrmacht as well those in the 'Afrika Korps’, and other foreigners are already participating in the training of the Arab gangs.[210] Per a Jan 13, 1948 report, about 30 POW Nazis are participating in the battles of the Arab gangs, 15 of them as instructors in the Hebron area. Four Nazis command a gang of 200 Arabs in the Jerusalem area.[694] Three of the five Egyptian pilots who were shot down on May 22 in the Haifa area were neither Egyptians nor Arabs. They are believed to be Nazi Germans.[695]

-German advisers working with Arab troops. A letter intercepted in the fall of 1948, written by a German who was now serving the Arab cause. According to this letter, there were twenty escaped German POWs in Beirut, and most of them were "working on the Grille, the Führer's private yacht." -Nazi trained Fawzi [Fauzi] al-Qutb [فوزي نامق القطب] - had prepared the truck bomb: detonated on February 22, 1948, the 'Ben Yehuda Street bombing.'[696]

- On Jan 1, 1948:[697] Two Germans, one of them known to be a member of the Nazi Party, were killed by the Haganah.

- January 1948:[698]

Nazi Experts Training Arab Combat Units. About 15 Germans who were smuggled into Palestine from Egypt by the Arab Higher Executive are training Arab combat units, according to Arab sources quoted by Haboker.

Some of them are experts in explosives , it is reported, and were selected for that reason from prisoner-of-war camps in Egypt . Contact with them was established by Arabs who served in Germany during the war.

- On Jan 8, 1948, a Ukrainian Polish Nazi, Vladislav Zhidek, A.K.A. Michael Kliszczuk, was eliminated:[699]

UKRAINIAN SHOT DEAD IN CAFE Palestine Fost Staff A 37-year-old Ukrainian Pole Vladislav Zhidek, was shot dead While he was sitting in the Sichel Cafe in Ben Yehuda Road in Jerusalem about 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon. When a Red Shield ambulance arrived, the crew found Zhidek had been killed by a number of bullets in the head. He was attacked by one of two young men who walked into the cafe, fired a revolver at point-blank range and then left. A girl who was reported to be sitting with Zhidek was unhurt. Zhidek was also known as Michael Kliszczuk. Pictures found in his pockets showed him with other men near a Gestapo building decorated with swastikas. Later, it was learned that he had been shot by the Stern gang. A former SS Sturmbann-fuhrer, he had also been a high-ranking official in one of the districts of German-occupied Poland. He came to Palestine in 1941 and was arrested as a Nazi spy and was sent to Mezra, Latrun and, then Wilhelmina .

He was reportedly in contact with Arab gangs and was due to go to Syria to train Arabs. He had been employed for some time at Allenby Barracks. It was officially reported that no witnesses to the shooting had come forward.

- Jan 1948, two Nazi escapees, sentenced and executed as Mufti agents:[700]
JERUSALEM (Palcor) . — Two escaped Nazi prisoners of war, one of them a former Wehrmacht officer and the other a Volksdeutsch Pole (a Pole of German descent) were executed by Haganah, Jewish defense force, in Jerusalem yesterday after they were found in possession of documents implicating them with the Mufti-controlled Palestine Arab Higher Committee. The two Nazis, wearing civilian clothes, were arrested by Haganah seouts. They were interrogated and carefully searched before being sentenced and executed as Mufti agents. Government authorities later identified them as escapees from a PW camp near Cairo.

- Reported in February 1948, how Arab Agents are recruiting Pro-nazi refugees in Italy to fight against Jews:[701]

Feb. 20. (JTA) --

Arab agents are today recruiting mercenaries to fight against the Jews in Palestine from among the Yugoslav Ustashi and Chetniks and the Ukrainians, Albanians, Circassians (former inhabitants of the northwestern area of the Caucasus) and other groups here who were on Hitler’s side during the war, and are now under the care of the International Refugee Organization.

Able-bodied men, both inside and outside the I.R.O. camps, who are between 22 and 32 years of age, and who accept the Arab terms of payment–their fares to the middle East and maintenance of their families in exchange for their pledge to serve in the Arab forces for at least one year–are being given visas by the governments of Egypt, Syria and Transjordan. Where the mercenaries are of Moslem origin they are being officially "resettled" by formal negotiations between the governments concerned and the I.R.O. which, however, disclaims any knowledge of what use the individuals are put to on arriving in the Middle East.

- February 22, 1948: International News Service correspondent Kenneth Dixon wrote, how he witnessed evidence of the Palmach from papers on captured Nazis as well as German-style fighting techniques from Arab soldiers.[702]

-German advisers working with Arab troops. A letter intercepted in the fall of 1948, written by a German who was now serving the Arab cause. According to this letter, there were twenty escaped German POWs in Beirut, and most of them were "working on the Grille, the Führer's private yacht." -Nazi trained Fawzi [Fauzi] al-Qutb [فوزي نامق القطب] - had prepared the truck bomb: detonated on February 22, 1948, the 'Ben Yehuda Street bombing.'[703]

-March/1948 report: Some among non-Jewish Poles who came to Palestine during WW2 were actual Nazis, who took part in the extermination acts against the Jews, and who didn’t even speak Polish but claimed to general W. Anders to be Poles and he let them go. These experienced soldiers helped the Arabs against the Jews in 1947/8, despite being welcomed politely by the local Jews.[704]

-March 1948:[705]

In March 1948, Iraqi fighters arrived in the village of Bayt Dajan to reinforce the forces of gang leader Hassan Salameh. According to the testimonies of the defenders of the JNF, they participated in repeated attacks on the compound and during the battle, orders were even heard in German. It was assumed that Nazi officers had arrived in the area after the crash of Nazi Germany. As the struggle for the road and its surroundings intensified, the British evacuated the villagers to the Arab city of Ramla during April.

- April 1948, two hundred Nazi Yugoslav Moslems recruited for the Arab Liberation Forces arrive in Beirut.[706]

Nazi Fighting Forces To Support Arabs. Two hundred Yugoslav Moslems who were recruited for the Arab Liberation Forces arrived in Beirut this week on the s. s. Augustina, the Lebanese press reported yesterday.

They are former members of the Bosnia troops who were organised during the war by the Chairman of the Arab Higher Committee to fight for the Nazis in the Balkans.

- In April 1948, Saadie Basbusi (Basbousi بسبوسي), formerly employed at the Mufti's

al-Jami'a al-Islamiyya⁩ - ⁨الجامعة الاسلامية, former announcer on the Nazi "Free Arab broadcasting station" in Athens, is broadcasting for the 'Liberation Army's' secret transmitter in Palestine, according to "Ad-Difa'a."[707]
A former Announcer on the Nazi "Free Arab broadcasting station" in Athens during the German occupation 8s now broadcasting for the 'Liberation Army's' secret transmitter in Palestine, according to "Ad-Difa'a." He is Saadie Basbusi.

The station is directed by Ali Naser Ed-Din, a Syrian nationalist who was once employ the now defunct Husseini paper "El Jamieh el Islamieh" (Moslem Unity).

Basbusi is the chief announcer.

- July 1948 report:[708]

Several hundred former members of the Nazi Prinz Eugen SS Division, recruited by Egyptian authorities in Austria as farm workers, immediately upon their arrival in Egypt Joined the Arab Legion of Transjordan and departed for the Palestine front to fight against the Jews, the Socialist newspaper Well Am Abend reported today.

The newspaper charged that Dr. Ismail Hassan, Egyptian representative in Austria, toured the U.S. zone several weeks ago and succeeded in obtaining exit visas for the several hundred, most of whom were Bosnian Moslems and held the rank of major to the Prinz Eugen Division. The disclosure of the identity of the men followed the capture of several of them by the Israeli forces, Welt Am Abend stated.

- In September 1948, it was reported:[709]

Former members of Nazi Storm Troop units --from detention camps-- are being recruited for the Arab forces, according to reports in the American zone in Austria, in the Hungarian press... Three youths arrested while trying to cross the Austrian border into Hungary told the Budapest police that at their camp, No. 318, groups were being allowed to leave after signing undertaking that they would leave to Palestine to join the Arabs. They wwee also given rifle instruction in the hills near the camp.

The three youths said they had been induced to sign such an undertaking by two Hungarian officers, Col. Arno Zabosh and Captain Ziga Yozef. They left their group as it was about to leave for Palestine, they said.

At the UN, in Nov 1948, it was voiced that there were "many Nazi officers in the Arab army."[710]

  • 1947-8.

Al-Husseini's 'Army of the "holy" war'.
Historians:[711] "Al-Husaini's top military commanders in the new war against the Jews—al-Qawuqji, Abd al-Qadir al-Husaini, and Salama—had all been Nazi collaborators." And "Abd al-Qadir had fought alongside the other two men on defense of Iraq's pro-Nazi regime."

  • Regarding Issa Basil Bandak (عيسى باسل البندك; 1891 – May 1984) and his media 'Sawt al- Sha'b:

He defended YMMA despite its anti-Christian tendencies were supported by such conservative (and anti- SMC) leaders as Sulaiman al-Taji al-Faruqi, he had out nationalism above anything else and promoted Muslims' rights even on the expense of Christians.' [712]

In October 1933, it was announced that Eissael Bendek [Bandak], member of the Arab Executive's Administrative Bureau, would direct a propaganda campaign in the interests of the Nazi Party.[123]

Bandak inserted the Mufti's propaganda at his paper and in 1948 renewed his alliance with him.[713]

Reported in 1949-50: El-Bandak had close contacts with anti-Semites and pro -fascists (Mohamed Maher in Egypt and Merwin K. Hart in America); accepted funds from Hart; the anti-Semitic press in America has given him and his message complere exsuport.[714]

Related: In 1947, the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith cited Merwin K. Hart's National Economic Council along with Gerald L. K. Smith's Christian Nationalist Crusade and the Ku Klux Klan as organized anti-Jewish organizations... which had significant influence, resources and membership."[715]

  • April 1948.

Nazis propaganda at attackers.

-At Operation Hametz April 1948, eyewitness' description at the time:[716]

Nazi poetry books are scattered on the floor, with the swastika hovering over their hair and the first verse of the Horst Wessel poem being published; Telephone wires connect the place to the various positions. On both sides of the rioters' headquarters - the ammunition room, which is full of boxes of various kinds, from which the occupiers took the spoils of war; And the Yugoslav rioters' room, which in panic had left their mats and utensils in place. A light blue and white flag now hangs on the building. In the corner of the room is a black plaque with chalk written on it: "The village of Salama was occupied by the Jews on the seventh of Pesach." The main house of the village, built in plazas, and housed in a large courtyard, belonged to a German family from Sharona. Here they found important documents, testifying to the connection that existed between the Germans in Palestine and gang leaders and the Nazis. The hand of the first enemy number one, the accursed German Nazi, stirred in the vortex of Palestine. And even today German officers stand at the head of the gangs and train them how to fight the Jews.

The information officer, who tells us about the documents, mechanically contains the book of a Nazi ideologue, in which he abolishes ... the Bible as the dust of the earth. In the same house remained tables, armchairs, chairs, pictures of Hitler and the Mufti, Arab propaganda pamphlets—, the natural fusion between the German Nazis and the local Nazis...

-On April 25, 1948, at Operation Yevusi, at the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, a building's occupants had hastily abandoned it, and a German flag with a black swastika in the center was found.[717]

-When the forces conquered Katamon, in the south of Jerusalem, they found inside a house Nazi flags that the Arabs were provided by their Nazi friends with the Mufti's endeavor. The flags were ready for "in due course." This is how the Arabs imagined the end of the war with the Jews.[718]

  • Oct 1948.

Pro-Nazi general Fawzi al-Qawuqji (who was at the pro-Nazi coup d'etat in 1941 Baghdad,[719][720] who had been in charge of broadcasting Nazi propaganda in the Arab world during Second World War II[163][721]), under his leadership/battle, in the Galilee, in a room next to a mosque built on remains of an ancient wall of a Hebrew synagogue, there was a shocking painting: an Arab battle plane with a swastika on its wings bombing a Hebrew Magen David Adom ambulance, and the wounds of the passengers bleeding: in front of the ambulance and behind it two Arab armored vehicles with large swastikas. Lethal fire was fired at the ambulance from the Arab plane.[722] [His genocidal plan was to "drive the Jews into the sea."[723]]

1950’ and on

  • 1950s.

In 1960, it was revealed by a weekly popular German magazine,[724] that Eichmann helped the "Palestinian" terrorists Fedayeen with weapons.

Adolf Eichmann continued his war against Jews at the end of World War II with the help of zealous Arabs - writes the widely circulated West German weekly "Bunte Deutsche Illustrierte".

The weekly illustrated publishes a message, given to his correspondent Bruno Arnold, in the Sinai desert, by "Sheikh Ahmad," whose identity has not been disclosed. "Eichmann, who exterminated more Jews than all of us together, provided us with the weapons we are fighting against Israel. We swore to die and not leave Palestine in the hands of the Jews. We will kill them wherever they are," the Sheikh said.

The weekly's correspondent adds that after the Sinai War, Fedayeen operations against Israeli farmers in the Negev decreased, but "new assassinations, on a larger scale, are being prepared." "These operations," the reporter stresses, "are organized by former Nazis who found refuge in the Near East."

Eichmann's link was already noted in Dec 1956.[725] Von Leers, working for the UAR, had visited Eichmann in Buenos Aires in 1955, and stated that the Gestapo leader refused to give him information about the number of Jews who died in the concentration camps.[726]

More on the Fedayeen:

Otto Remer, Nazi Officer who helped foil Anti-Hitler Plot; "active from 1950 until his death in neo-Nazi movements;" in 1994 fled to Spain to escape a 22-month jail term in Germany for inciting hate, violence and racism by publicly denying that Nazi gas chambers ever existed or that the Holocaust occurred[727] - "headed the Egyptian training program which created the fedayeen 'guerrilla fighters.'"[728][729] The Fedayeen activities up to February 1955 were sponsored by local Egyptian command posts in the Gaza Strip, in conjunction with the ex-mufti of Jerusalem, Hajj Amin al-Husayni, then living in Cairo.[730]

Reported at the time, in 1955: "Most of them are followers of the former Mufti of Jerusalem."[731] And in 1956: "Palestinian Arabs consider him the spiritual godfather of the present Egyptian 'fedayeen' suicide squads."[732]

  • 1950s.

There was a period of friendship between Ahmad Shukeiri and Hans Rechenberg, a former Wehrmacht officer who had previously served as a senior official in the Nazi Interior Ministry of Wilhelm Frick. For about ten years, Rechenberg has been working closely with François Genoud who also aided "Palestinian" terror organizations.[420]

Though born into a Christian family, Arab Palestinian Issa Nakhleh was a fan of Islam - his book about Islam advertised on one of his linked neo Nazi groups.
  • 1950s, 1972, 1980s

Issa Nakhleh:
Palestine born Arab Issa Nakhleh, Mufti linked,[733] was part of emissaries [teamed with Nazi collaborator[438] Akram Zuaiter] to Latin America, "Arab propagandists appealed to anti-Semitic sentiments to raise sympathy for their cause" - sent by Arab League programs which began in 1947.[734]

- He glorified the Hitler regime, in the 1950s through his publication in Argentina.[735]

[At the time, Nov 1953, he invited Ahmad Shukeiri for propaganda and fund raising in S. America.[736] (That would be some 8 years before Shukeiri would endorse the Neo-Nazi Tacuara from that country Argentina, at the UN).].

- At those years, Nazi-Arab cooperation in South America grew dangerously. One of the most important centers for the publication of pro-Nazi newspapers and antisemitic literature were there in Argentina. But also in many other Latin American countries.[737]

- Under his activity in the "Palestinian delegation", its postage meter was used to mail material for neo-Nazi advertising that had previously carried the headline: "Adolf Hitler: the George Washington of Europe."[738]

- Long articles by the "delegation" have been reprinted in Common Sense, The Cross and the Flag. The 'Palestine Arab Delegation' also maintained relations with the Neo-Nazi National Renaissance Party.[738]

- On December 30, 1963, Nakhleh wrote to infamous fascist "Canadian Fuhrer" Adrien Arcand.[739] Oblivious, or unaware, this Arcand referred in derogatory terms to Arab Palestinian restaurants.[740]

- Nakhleh was featured speaker at the March 7, 1969 Arab propaganda meeting, Invitations to the meeting were sent to persons on the mailing lists of prominent neo Nazis, supremacists.[733]

- In March 1971, Nakhleh peddled a so-called Jewish supposed "plot" at a meeting.[741]

- As head of 'Palestine Arab Delegation,' on Nov 14, 1972 Nakhleh denied the Holocaust, flat out, publicly.[742] In his cruelty also to hurt millions of survivors just 27 years after, he uttered the words "the millions are alive."[743]

- He worked with Neo Nazis and revisionists in the 1980s[744][745] including as: "Legal Adviser to the World Muslim Conference."[746][747][748]

- At a convention of the Federation of Islamic Associations in the United States and Canada Inc. (FIA), on July 29, 1984 in Detroit, Hajji Abdullah Ahmad of Philadelphia distributed literature denying that six million Jews were killed during the Holocaust. Nakhleh delivered a speech in which he praised the anti-Semitic father Charles Coughlin (1891-1979) who worked in the area as well as the anti-Semitic propaganda that Henry Ford distributed there in his anti-Semitic book. (Lamented the few participants in the conference and the lack of members of Congress compared to what happens at conferences of Israeli supporters). He praised Farrakhan.[749]

  • 1957.

Swastika by some Arabs in Nazareth, influenced by and against the backdrop of Nasser's threat to annihilate Israel. (It appears, this was not out in the open).[750]

  • Jan 1959.

Desecration of Jewish holy sites. Rachel's Tomb covered also with swastikas.[751] [752]

  • Oct 1959.

Arab drawing swastikas in Haifa, fined.[753]


  • 1959-1960.

In the late 1959 and early 1960, the eruption of anti-Jewish vandalism is known as the swastika wave or epidemic. It began in Cologne. A Jan 1960 report elaborated on United Arab Republic with help from Communists in East Germany were behind swastikas in Cologne. Mufti's disciple who converged to Islam, Von Leers, is a chief instigator. It is believed also that the UAR helps out in Nazi hate activity in the US.[614][754][755]

The Ex-mufti brought Von Leers to Egypt, German Authorities believed.[756] Goebbels' Johannes “Omar Amin” von Leers (d. 1965), was a Nazi disciple of Hajj Amin el-Husseini.[757][615]

  • 1960.

Alarm at a growing phenomenon by certain circles of Arabs in Israel caught up in Nazi ideology. Some publicly express their sorrow that the Nazis did not turn all the Jews into soap.[758]

  • 1960s.

"Palestinian" Arab, Antoine F. Albina in contact with notorious top Swedish Nazi Einar Gustav Wilhelm Aberg[635] and has been recycling his poisonous material.[759]

  • Mar 5, 1965.

The Palestinian delegation in New York, (Issa Nakhleh and others) put out a statement blaming the Jews, who it claims started [sic. Supposedly] Hitler's war; it doubts the Holocaust calling it "alleged," then the message compared this number to 45 million non-Jews whose lives were cut short, blurring between peoples who fought and defenseless Jews who were slaughtered.[760][761]

  • 1960s-1970s.

Nazi link with “Palestinian” terrorists.
François Genoud [Genaud] was one of the founders of the Nazi party in Switzerland during the Hitler era; ally of Ibrahim Hafid - commander of the Arab Legion who fought in the service of Hitler. Motivated by Jew-hatred he became a passionate supporter of Arab "liberation" causes.[762]

He travelled to Berlin frequently during the war "to see his friend the grand mufti," and visited him afterward many times in Beirut, who'd consider him a "confidant until his death in 1974,"[188] and an Arab of Tunisian descent, Ibrahim Hafid, who was the commander of the Arab Legion fighting in the service of the Germans.[762][763]

After the war, his close contact was Ibrahim Hafid's man, Abdul Yousufi. Genaud was very active in Die Spinne (German for "The Spider")[762] helping Nazi war criminals escape justice. The "Arab Commercial Bank" - mostly of a dubious and illegal nature - was established by: François Genoud in partnership with Hans Reichenberg - former S.S. Officers - and with various factors in the Arab world. Genoud began to finance in Switzerland the activities of the "Friends of the Palestinians Organization" founded in Lausanne by neo-Nazi circles who saw helping the Palestinians as a way of expressing their anti-Jewish feelings.[762] In the 1960s he began supplying arms for various "Palestinian" causes. His co founded Lausanne-based New European Order organisation, met in Barcelona in April 1969, there "Palestinian" groups received financial support and Genoud placed them in contact with former Nazis who would assist their military training, as well as pledged support designated for the PLO.

Genoud was a close associate of George Habash and Jacques Vergès. In September 1969 he contributed finances for the legal expenses of three Palestinians from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) following their attack on an El Al flight in Zurich, present at trial.[764][762] Including among the prisoners to be exchanged for the Achille Lauro hostages was one of West Germany's top neo Nazis.[764]

George Habbash was also close with former Belgian Nazi collaborator Jean Thiriart.[765] He gave money to Thiriart's publication La Nation Européenne, which in return supported Habbash in this magazine. Pro-Arab and anti-Jewish themes were explicit in La Nation Européenne, which included ads for The International Jew, the infamous anti-Semitic screed by Henry Ford. La Nation Européenne also eulogized Roger Courdroy, a Belgian Waffen SS veteran who was killed fighting for the Palestinians in June 1968. Courdroy was a close collaborator with Thiriart.

German Wehrmacht officer in World War II, Otto Ernst Remer was in contact with Yasser Arafat, "I know Mr. Arafat quite well, natürlich," he asserted. "I saw him many times. He invited me to eat at his headquarters. I knew all his people. They wanted many things from us." For Remer, anyone who was an enemy of Israel was his friend, particularly when a profit could be turned. He claimed to have brokered several business deals between West German companies and the PLO.[766]

-The W German neo-Nazi Karl von Kyna, fighting for "Palestinians" against Israel, fell in a commando raid on the Suez front in September 1967.[608]

-A handful of W Germans subsequently joined the Hilfskorp Arabien (Auxiliary Corps Arabia), which had been advertised in Gerhard Frey's Deutsche National-Zeitung in 1968.

-Two years later, West German police arrested Udo Albrecht, founder and leader of the Freikorps Adolf Hitler, who was founded carrying an identification card linking him to El Fatah, the largest PLO faction, led by Yasser Arafat. Albrecht and twelve other neo-Nazi militants had fought alongside the Palestinians against Jordan's King Hussein during the battle of Black September, 1970.[766][767][768]

Albrecht, who boasted of direct access to PLO Chairman Yasir Arafat, is believed to have used PLO facilities in Lebanon to train West German neo-Nazis.[769] An alarming report was given over already in March 1970: Nazis and neo-Nazis aid "Front for the Liberation of Palestine" operations.[770]

-Per report in April 1969:[771] Fatah terrorists conducted training camps in the Venezuelan mountains, where young people are training in urban guerrilla warfare. The terrorists are in contact with former Nazis living in Venezuela.

-In 1977 Fatah made a deal with the French Work (L'Oeuvre Francaise), a neo-Nazi group, to train its members in terrorist operations on behalf of Fatah.[772][773]

-It has been confirmed that an unspecified number of German neo-Nazis received PLO military training in an Al Fatah camp near Beirut and that this information had been available to West German authorities since the start of 1980.[774]

-Karl-Heinz Hoffmann, "Fuherer" of the neo-Nazi Military Sports Group,[775] his links with Palestinian terror.[776] The link was publicized at the trial of Karl-Heinz Hoffmann responsible for the Dec 19, 1980 murder of Jewish publisher Shlomo Lewin and his friend.[777][778][779]

  • Jan 8, 1960.

Arabs draw swastika on the office of the m. Governor in Gush Halav.[780]

  • April-Oct 1961.

Some of Arab "Palestinian" press reaction to the Eichmann trial:

- April 1961.
Al-Jihad Daily, (in the old City of Jerusalem, at the time under Jordanian occupation - Same owner as The Jerusalem Times[781] - goaded the Christians to pit against the Jews): "In the person of Eichmann the Jews are not trying Nazi Germany alone, but also the Christian world. They will try Eichmann on the soil which they usurped 13 years ago with their own crimes. If the Jewish authorities have the right to try Eichmann, the Arabs have more right to try Ben-Gurion and his gang..."[782]

- April 13, 1961:
The Ad-Difaa (al-Difa) [الدفاع], (Islamic "Palestinian," in the old City of Jerusalem, at the time under Jordanian occupation[781]) newspaper, wrote on April 13th: "We do not deny that the Nazis committed many mistakes... But why should Eichmann be judged for his part in having purged Europe from the plague (sic) whose name is (sic. Al-Difaa) the Jews?"[783]

- April 24, 1961: The Arab "Palestinian" Jerusalem Times (in the old City of Jerusalem, at the time under Jordanian occupation - Same owner as al-Jihad[781]) published an "Open Letter to Eichmann," in it: "Find consolation in the fact that this trial will one day lead to the liquidation of the remaining six million."[784][785]

- April 1961:
The magazine Al-Difaa [الدفاع], "explains" why Eichmann is in a glass cage. This is not to protect him from bullets, but to enable them to turn off the microphone, should he start saying things the Zionists "do not like."[786]

- Oct 17, 1961:
Ahmad Shukeiri, in his duatribe at UN, objected to the trial.[787][788]

(See also Arab reactions to the Eichmann trial).

  • October 1961.

The Palestine Liberation Delegation - PAD, under Issa Nakhleh and Omar Azouni,[789] sent to all U.N. delegations a formal statement by the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem declaring: "The enmity of Nazis to Jews was based [sic] on well-documented research and studies..."[790][791]

  • May 1962.

Arab from the village of Deir al-Asad, employed as a mechanic drew swastikas on the main road between Haifa and Acre. He tried to claim he drew chickens. However, photos presented by the prosecution showed the "chicken" were in fact swastikas.[792]

  • Nov 30, 1962.

Ahmad Shuekiri [Al-Shukairy, Shukairy, shuqayri] has spread vile Nazi type of propaganda at the UN[421] and on November 30, 1962 had promoted neo-Nazi stormtroop gang[422][423][424][426][793][632][10] who guarded monsters: Adolf Eichmann, 'Dr. Death' - J. Mengele,[427] and months earlier, had kidnapped, tortured a 19-year-old Jewish girl and carved swastika on her body,[794][795] telling her it was avenge for eliminating Eichmann.[796] After being called out by Latin American officials, realizing there is shame in the UN that, he tried to rewrite his action to switch it around. But no one bought his act. His hateful record was already witnessed and his mentioning the NYT article,[422] there the NYT clearly states the gang's nazi nature.[797] Weeks after the storm about it, Saudi Arabia's Faisal removed Shukairy from his UN post.[798][799][425]

  • 1963.

Two Haifa area Arabs were arrested, suspects in painting swastikas on the walls of houses in the Jezreelia housing complex in Neve Sha'anan.[800]

  • Sep 1963.

Young Arab arrested for drawing swastikas on houses in Bnei Brak.[801]

  • June 1964.

After a dispute between a Haifa resident and an Arab (23) from Nazareth, the Arab began with derogatory cries against the Jewish people accompanied by shouts of "Heil Hitler," at the street Shivat Tzion in Haifa, where many Holocaust survivors resided.[802]

  • May 1965.

After the Syrians hanged Eli Cohen, Arabs drew swastikas in Tarshiha.[803]

  • 1965.

A Jewish girl fell victim of violence by Arabs from Tarshiha who drew swastikas on the window of a Kupat Cholim clinic where she worked. She reported this to the police and since then she has been harassed and more than once threatened with death.[804]

  • 1966/7.

Pre 1967 war, at schools in Khan Yunis, Gaza, Nazi propaganda version: An Arab soldier in a German steel helmet breaks into Israeli territory. Dubbed ‘Hate schools.’[805]

  • 1968-1970s.

Once Arafat became head of the PLO in 1968, he continued the mufti's methods and approach. ‘Mein Kampf’ was required reading in some Fatah training camps.[604] - Arafat characteristically bought Hitler's Mein Kampf in bulk and distributed it to his followers in Arab translation under the title My jihad.[806] - In 1978, an Arabic translation of Adolf Hitler's "Mein Kampf" with a foreword by Yasir Arafat, chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization, fount at Fatah facilities in Lebanon.[807][808]

  • 1972.

PLO's code-named "Hitler" - in operation of murdering 13 Arabs who cooperated with the Israelis.[809]

  • 1972.

Neo-Nazi, Willi Pohl, aided Palestinian perpetrators of 1972 Munich massacre.[810] There was a further Neo Nazis plan proposed to kidnap German politicians in an operation code named “Mosque.” [811]

1973-2009. The racist Islamic Movement's inciting Sheikh Raed Salah who also made references to the medieval blood-libel,[812] reminisced about a 1973 highschool swastika drawing. While laughing he was telling the story of the drawing a big swastika on the board to await the one Jewish teacher he had. As the teacher didn't noticed it at first, the students directed the teacher to the board and to see his response.[813]

[Related on Raed Salah:

-In June 2002, Salah dehumainzed using his religion, wrote about "loser monkeys" "condemned" by Allah.

-On February 16, 2007, he recycled the ancient canard ritual blood-lible.[814]

-Though he did not utterly deny the Holocaust, he intentionally belittled it, including by inventing a similar specific figure on something else.[815]]

  • Nov 1974.

At Arab demonstrations for PLO, at Qalandiya, a flag was raised embracing a swastika.[816]

  • Apr 1976.

Erwin Schönborn, founder of the ‘German-Arab community’ in Heidelberg and editor of ‘Nation Europa,’ the leading West German neo-Nazi publication. Under the guise of anti-imperialism, he sang the praises of nonaligned movements in the Third World. Typical was this spiel by him.[618] In the 1950s' was West Berlin’s most active Jew-baiter. In 1956 had issued a call for formation of a "German-Arab Community" the purpose of which will be the "coordination of the political battles for freedom of the German people and of the Arab nations."[817]

He was chairman of various neo-Nazi splinter groups and of a 'German-Arab Society.'[617]

In Feb 1976, in a report titled 'Nazis incite in Arabic,' it was reported that Erwin Schoenborn distributed to attendees of Innsbruck 1976 Winter Olympics, leaflets in 8 languages but the first was in Arabic, denying the Holocaust, protesting hunting former Nazis and announcing on upcoming so-called "Euro-Arab sympathy conference" setting a certain date "to mark the anniversary" of a Palestinian-Arab battle pre State of Israel in April.[616]

He publicly, repeatedly, denied the Holocaust. In 1979, he was sentenced to 18 months' jail for defamation, libel and coercion arising from his propaganda attacks against trials of former Nazis.[818]

  • 1976.

On Jerusalem campus, at days of clashes between Arab and Jewish students, candles lit in memory of the victims of the Holocaust were removed, on Holocaust and Heroism Memorial Day, Swastikas were drawn in different places in the dormitories, and as well as on the door of the dormitory manager's room.[819]

  • July-1976.

The horrific separation between Jews and non-Jews at "Palestinian" hijacking July 1976, Entebee,[820][821] was so outrageous that it prompted Hans-Joachim Klein to abandon RZ (Revolutionary Cells) as this reminded WW2.[822] Though nothing can really compare to unique Auschwitz. But the separation brought up associations to when the trains left.[822] True, the separating Jews from others was a pattern at PFLP, in this case it stood out even more, Arabs using Germans to help in that.

Related on PFLP separating Jews from non-Jews:

-El Al Flight 426 hijacking - July 23, 1968.[823]

-El Al Flight 253 attack - Dec 26, 1968, Athens.[824]

-Dawson's Field hijackings, September 1970.[825][826][827][828]

  • 1977.

Arafat's Fatah made a deal with the French Work (L'Oeuvre Francaise), a neo-Nazi group, to train its members in terrorist operations. L'Oeuvre Francaise agreed to conduct terrorist operations on behalf of Fatah.[829][830]

  • Sep 26, 1980.

Links between PLO and Neo Nazi group seen at the 1980 Oktoberfest bombing in Germany.[831][767]

  • Dec 19, 1980.

Neo-Nazi murder of Shlomo Lewin and his friend,[767] in order to impress Palestinian associates, partners - training together.[777]

Hoffmann's girlfriend, Franziska Birkmannis, is accused of being an accessory to the killings, which are alleged to have been carried out by a now dead member of Hoffmann's group to 'impress' Hoffmann's Palestinian associates.

  • May-June 1980.

Slogans and abusive graffiti were painted, such as "Death to the J--s," and even swastikas on the walls and windows of the Technion buildings in Haifa. On May 19, it was discussed in Knesset.[832]

On June 4th, some 150 Arab students marched through the university buildings, interrupted lectures and chanted slogans. Three days later, a swastika and the words "Death to the J..s" were painted on the doors of the Technion buildings.

  • 1981-2.

An Arabic translated versions of Hitler’s "Mein Kampf" being sold clandestinely in Cairo suburbs. The inscription, signed by the "Vanguards of the Palestine Revolution," warned Egyptians not to continue the peace process as their Israeli partners were "subhuman [sic] Marxist-spreading capitalist, exploiters.”[773]

  • Early 1980s

At the PLO headquarters, found at drawer, a pistol Parabellum (Luger). The eagle and the swastika were stamped on the pistol.[833]

  • 1982.

A picture of Arafat and the Nazi swastika are among the wall decorations of a room in the UNRWA school in Siblin (Seblin) - South Lebanon, which was turned into a terrorist training center by the PLO.[834][835]

  • 1983 / 2013.

Abu Mazen, at the age of 48, has a book out, where he has his own "theories" out about the Holocaust and who he blames, including his denial of the numbers.[836][837] It's full of "bizarre and sickening Nazi-type conspiracy theories,"[654] trending, propagandistic and saturated with antisemitic messages, one by one reminiscent of Adolf Eichmann's venomous propaganda.[838][487] He reiterated his nonsense in Jan 2013 in interview to the Lebanese Iran/Hezbollah’s allied Television station Al Mayadeen.[839]

  • Apr 1985.

In 1985, at a conference marking the thirtieth anniversary of the Bandung Conference, Arafat praised the Mufti and paid him great respect, saying he would be endlessly proud following in his footsteps; he stressed that the PLO continues to follow the path paved by the Mufti.[840]

  • 1985.

The 25 September 1985 "Palestinian " Arafat's Fatah's Force-17 attackers of a group of Israeli tourists in Cyprus, included an open neo-Nazi. [841][842]

  • Oct 1985.

Swastikas and slogans — “We're all PLO , all Palestinians, Jews out” – were painted on the doors of Jewish-owned shops in the Old City of Acre.[843]

  • 1987.

Arab nationalist graffiti and the drawing of swastikas on machines have become routine at shoe factory. "$100,000 in damage was caused," as a result of systematically and permanently damaging the machines and equipment. About 100 suspected Arab workers were let go.[844]

  • Jan 1988.

Swastikas and PLO flags on Jewish shops in Acre old city.[845]

  • Jan-Mar 1988.

Two incidents of swastikas drawing in an Arab school. In Jan, the identity of the Arab student was known.[846]

  • Feb 1988.

After incitement, swastikas and abusive graffiti on the walls as well as waving PLO. [847]

  • Mar 1988.

Dozens of swastikas were discovered in the toilets, in the general exhibition of Safed artists.[848]

  • April 1988.

A swastika and PLO slogans were painted at the tomb of Yehoshua Ben-Nun in the village of Kifl Haris near Ariel.[849]

  • Apr 23, 1988

At Arab disturbances, a painting of a swastika was discovered on the remains of the ancient synagogue in Shefar'am.[850][851]

  • April 29, 1988.

Abu Iyad [Salah Khalaf صلاح مصباح خلف] trivializes the Holocaust.[852]

  • June 18, 1988.

Intifadah days, Arabs set fire to a kiosk on the corner of Allenby and Yona Hanavi streets in Tel Aviv. The kiosk, belonging to Bnei Avishav, burned down completely. Police investigators discovered an Arabic inscription in the kiosk, which read: "Abu Jihad is dead. We are all a Palestinian struggle. We will burn the Jews." Next to the inscription was a drawing of a swastika and next to it was inscribed the name Hitler.[853]

  • June 1988.

At a wave of graffiti in support for PLO and against the State, about 20 swastikas were once again painted yesterday with black spray on walls in Tel Aviv, in Jaffa and Bat Yam, as well as on cars.[854]

  • July 20, 1988.

Abusive graffiti and swastikas appeared all over Tel Aviv Metropolitan Area.[855][856]

  • Aug 13, 1988.

Six residents of Kiryat Moshe in Jerusalem complained that of engraved swastikas on their cars. (Days of Arab raging intifadah).[857]

  • Aug 18, 1988.

At a string of Arab intifadah violence, also swastikas were discovered in several places in Tel Aviv and Gush Dan, on sidewalks and house walls.[858]

  • Aug 17, 1988.

About 15 swastikas were discovered on the sidewalks on Sharett, Zeitlin, Leonardo da Vinci, Emanuel, Ibn Gvirol and more streets. In one place it read "Arafat in power, the PLO security forces." Swastikas were also discovered on Hamtun Street in front of the Herzliya Gymnasium and on King David Boulevard in front of Ichilov Hospital. All linked to the events of the intifada.[859]

  • Aug 21, 1988.

During Arab riots, swastikas were painted and abusive graffiti was written on walls in Tel Aviv.[860]

  • Aug 30, 1988.

The Halle memorial monument (Monument in Netiv HaLamed-Heh, Israel), desecrated with swastikas and the PLO flag, as well as on the tombstone for French Jews who perished in the Holocaust near Moshav Rogalit. Swastikas and PLO Inscriptions in English were also drawn along a direction sign on the way from Gush Etzion to the Elah Valley.[861]

  • Oct 11, 1988.

Among a series of sabotage, for months, at hospital by Arab workers, also insults and drawing of swastikas in public toilets. The sabotage includes the insertion of urine into a bottle that was intended to be injected into one of the patients, which could have killed him.[853]

  • Dec 8, 1988.

Around intifada anniversary. Two Arab residents of Ramallah were arrested yesterday by the Rishon LeZion police after drawing swastikas on about 20 cars in the city. They drew the crosses on the dew formed on the cars.[862]

  • Dec 1988.

In the village of Tarshiha in the Galilee, three swastikas were painted in black on the front of a Jewish owned shop. Around the anniversary of the (first) intifada.[863]

  • Jan 1989.

Slogans in the Arab village of Daburiyya: "Death to J-ws and traitors." Slogans: "Long Live [sic] Hitler" and "Death to the Dogs" were painted in Ma'alot.[864]

  • May 1989.

On May 12, 1989, on a construction site in Jatt, six PLO flags, spray-painted and swastikas, were discovered, as a hostile organization of young Arabs from the village of Jatt in Wadi Ara was exposed.[865]

  • May 1989.

A group of Arabs drew abusive graffiti and swastikas, threw stones and waved PLO flags in an area in Haifa.[866]

  • May 1989.

Arab terrorists placed, at the entrance of Har Bracha, an explosive device attached to an Israeli flag that they had damaged by painting a swastika. It severely injured a resident when he tried to pull off the flag.[867]

  • June 1989.

On the night between June 12-13 1989: At the entrance to the village of I'billin (إعبلين), in the Western Galilee, slogans were painted l with black spray paint condemning the state and "Palestine of the Arabs" and a number of swastikas.[868]

  • June 1989.

4 Arab youths from Baqa al-Gharbiyye (باقة الغربية) arrested as suspects in desecrating gravestones in the cemetery in Moshav Maor in the Iron District. PLO flags, swastikas and abusive graffiti were painted on the tombstones. On one of the tombs is written in Hebrew, "Death [sic] to all the Jews."[869]

  • June 1989.

In a July 2, 1989 report about a wide 'Intifada in the hospitals,' on sabotage at hospitals by Arabs, there were also swastikas drawing on public restrooms in Haifa. [870]

  • Nov 1989.

Against the backdrop of violence by Arabs on nationalist background, swastikas were discovered on the walls of villas being built in the Neve Nof neighborhood of Lod.[871]

  • 1990s-2000s.

School books.
In 2001, a German MEP has reignited the controversy over European funding for anti-Semitic textbooks used in Palestinian schools by comparing them to Nazi propaganda.[872] "These school books remind me of those published under the Nazi regime in 1930s Germany," he said. “They contain terrible anti-Jewish racism, not just in history books, but also in grammar and maths books." Adding that "when the children of six or seven years learn today that their enemy is the Jews, then you will have the conflict continuing for another 50 years."

  • May 22, 1990.

At Kfar Qasim, young Arabs, bare upper bodies, and heads wrapped in keffiyehs كوفية, throwing stones at policemen who were standing about 200 meters away. "Maniacs." The protesters shouted, "We'll fu_ck you! Hitler! where is Hitler? "[873]

  • May 21-23 1990.

Seen on May 21, 1990.
A swastika and slogans in support of the PLO on a wall (in a building near Ahad Ha'am Street, 15), in Haifa.[874]

-After Arab demonstrations in Haifa, PLO flags in Wadi Nisnas and on the Al-Pasha Club in downtown. The neighborhoods of the Carmel were painted swastikas.[875]

  • May 1990.
In the Negev:[876]
The secretary of the Communist Council in Rahat, 33-year-old Ali Abu Ziyad, and 24-year-old Salem Abu Mdiam, were arrested for a week by order of the Be'er Sheva Magistrate's Court. They are suspected of painting Palestinian inscriptions, a swastika and a PLO flag on the walls of the Barclays-Discount Bank in Rahat.

  • July 1990.

The PLO-affiliated Palestinian Red Crescent published an article in its magazine, Balsam, which advanced the now de rigueur claim that Jews [sic] concocted "the lie [sic] concerning the gas chambers" to gain support for the establishment of Israel. The article also suggested that the Nuremberg trials of Nazi war criminals were set up by "Jews and their friends" for the purpose of establishing the Holocaust as historical fact. In addition, similar articles appeared in the Cyprus-based PLO journal, El Istiqlal.[877]

  • 1990+.

Neo-Nazis linked Holocaust denier group. IHR Joint efforts with Arab and Moslem forces reached a peak in the 90's. In 1990, the PLO weekly Al-Istiqlal, printed in Cyprus, published an article by Khaled El-Chamali an "expert [sic] on Crematoria." [خالد الشمالي].[878][879]

  • Summer-1994.

"Palestinian" American, Nihad Awad, prior to heading CAIR, at IAP (Islamic Association for Palestine) propaganda group he where he served as 'public relations director,' in 1994, it published and distributed a monograph referred to by Fingerhut, a shockingly anti-Semitic pamphlet containing the work of a noted Holocaust denier, bearing the group’s logo on its cover.[880]

  • 1995.

In the 1999s, Ranat Eshkol neighborhood in Lod became predominantly Arab, as a Jewish family moved, they described: "after we moved [in], they spray-painted a swastika on the ceiling of the foyer of the building, broke the mezuzah and tried to break into the apartment."[881]

  • Aug 1995.

In the closing ceremony of a "police course" (that is, the future army nucleus), which was held in Jericho in August 1995, the graduates swore with (Nazi salute) raising hand.[665][882]

  • Early 1996.

The Palestinians established youth camps, "which are under the model of the Nazi youth organization Hitler Yugend, which provide a well-planned mixture of Ideological indoctrination and military training for thousands of young Palestinians every year."[883][884]

  • 1996 +.

With Palestinian Authority taking over control of areas, holy places became frequent target for desecration. Swastikas were painted on the tombstones, abusive slogans and nationalist inscriptions were written, PLO flags were hoisted and even tombstones smashed.[885]

Author in 2000:[886]
Systematic desecration of .. Jewish holy places, especially graves, became a routine practice that continues to this day, especially in places adjacent to Arab neighborhoods or settlements: smashing tombstones, painting swastikas, nationalist inscriptions and hateful slogans, and waving PLO flags.

  • May 10, 1997.

Yasir Arafat belittled the Holocaust.[887]

  • Aug 25, 1997.

Hassan al-Agha, professor at the Islamic University in Gaza City, declared on a PA cultural affairs television program spewed that "they inflate the number if victins," and mixed in the "Merchant of Venice" imaginary Idea.[888][889]

  • Sep 3, 1997.

A featured article in the official Palestine Authority newspaper Al-Hayat al-Jadida [الحياة الجديدة], by Palestinian author Nabil Salam, referred to the Holocaust as the "forged [sic] claims of the Zionists regarding the alleged [sic] acts of slaughter perpetrated against the Jews."[890][891]

  • Jul 2, 1998.

A rambling of a salad: denial of the Holocaust mixed with self contradictory of pinning on the Jews in the largest daily in the Palestinian Authority, Al-Hayat Al-Jadida.[892][893][890][894] 

  • Dec 6, 1998.

A highlighted twisted indoctrination and inciting feature at the official Palestinian Authority. The view of Hitler and more:
.... example, from the Palestinian daily Al-Hayat al-Jadida from 1998, presents Zionism as a European defense program designed to get rid of the presence of Jews in Europe. According to the researchers, this historical "fact" is part of the official curriculum in the PA.
The section from the newspaper compares Hitler to Balfour: "The difference between the two was simple: the first (Hitler) had no colonies to send the Jews to, so he destroyed them, while Balfour made Palestine one of his colonies and sent the Jews there. Balfour is Hitler of the colonies, while Hitler is Balfour without colonies. Both wanted to get rid of the Jews ... Zionism was critical to defending the interests of the West in the region, while Europe got rid of its Jewish burden."

  • 1999.

The Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) reported on a crossword puzzle defining Israel's official memorial to the Jewish victims of the Holocaust, Yad Vashem, as a "Jewish center for commemorating the Holocaust and the Lies." [sic]. The report led to widespread international condemnation of the PA.[897]

  • June 1999.

Hebron: Desecration of holy Jewish books, swastikas, and inscriptions in Arabic threats against Jews.[898]

  • May 3, 1999.
    Gas chamber denial in the Palestinian Media.[899]

  • 1999+.

Mein Kampf was rated 6th on the best-seller list among Palestinians in a survey conducted and reported in PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida.[900]
Hitler's Mein Kampf In East Jerusalem And PA Territories began to appear in 1999. The book, previously banned by Israel, has been allowed by the PA and is sixth on the Palestinian best-seller list.[901][902] Book was a hit as soon as it was published - in 2000 the fifth edition was printed.[576] In 2015, it was pictured being sold on Ramallah streets.[903] Arafat had encouraged the publication of Mein Kampf in Ramallah.[904]


Nazism at Arab Palestinians: 2000s

See also[edit]


  1. Dan Williams, "Survey finds 28 pct of Israeli Arabs deny Holocaust," Reuters, Mar 20, 2007.
  2. "Israeli Arabs between Palestinanization and Islamism." Barak M. Seener, JCPA, 1 January 2008 [1].
    Fadi Eradat, "Poll: Over 25% of Israeli Arabs Say Holocaust Never Happened," Haaretz and AP, March 18, 2007.
    With 721 Arabs interviewed, the margin of error is 3.7 percent.
  3. Moran Katz, "40 percent of Israeli Arabs: (as if) never happened," Mako, May 17, 2009.
    A significant radicalization of the attitudes of Israel's Arabs: a new study conducted at the University of Haifa shows that denial of the Holocaust is very widespread, it turns out, even among the country's Arab citizens. Fewer and fewer of Israel's Arabs recognize the state's right to exist as an independent state, only 41% of Israel's Arabs recognize Israel's right to exist as a Jewish state.
    -Fadi Eyadat, "Poll: 40% of Israeli Arabs believe Holocaust never happened", Haaretz May 17, 2009.
    Survey also finds that only 41% of Israeli Arabs recognize Israel's right to exist as Jewish state.
  4. ADL. / Global 100.
    West Bank and Gaza 2020:
    93% Index Score, 93%. 1,900,000 People in this country harbor anti-Semitic attitudes.
    2,030,259 Adult population.
  5. Palestinian Holocaust Denial, Washington Institute, Apr 21, 2000.
  6. Seif Husseini, Emily Schrader, Holocaust Denial in the Arab World, JPost, May 9, 2018
  7. 7.0 7.1 search at PalWatch
  8. David Israel, Jason Greenblatt: PLO Official Rajoub Must Apologize to Jewish Holocaust Survivors, JP, Feb 22, 2019.
    On Thursday night, Jason Greenblatt, President Donald Trump’s Special Representative for International Negotiations tweeted: “Jibril Rajoub, a Senior Fatah Palestinian official says: ‘Since the 1967 [war], we have been living in camps similar to Nazi camps…’ My reply: Those Jews who were slaughtered in the Nazi death camps & those who survived actual Nazi camps, deserve an apology for this outrageous comment” “There is no comparison whatsoever,” Greenblatt added. “The shamefulness of his rhetoric is only eclipsed by the deafening silence resulting from the lack of condemnation from the PA and from others.”
  9. Martin Kramer, "Gaza Equals..." Aug 26, 2014. [2] [3].

    ... British novelist Howard Jacobson explained [4] why “call[ing] the Israelis Nazis and liken[ing] Gaza to the Warsaw Ghetto” goes far beyond mere “criticism” of Israel: Berating Jews with their own history, disinheriting them of pity, as though pity is negotiable or has a sell-by date, is the latest species of Holocaust denial. . . . Instead of saying the Holocaust didn’t happen, the modern sophisticated denier accepts the event in all its terrible enormity, only to accuse the Jews of trying to profit from it, either in the form of moral blackmail or downright territorial theft. According to this thinking, the Jews have betrayed the Holocaust and become unworthy of it, the true heirs to their suffering being the Palestinians.

    No Auschwitz or Warsaw ghetto for Abu El-Haj. But Dresden and Tokyo—why not? So what if Israel, unlike the Allies in World War II, warns civilians of impending strikes and, again unlike the Allies, eschews area bombardment and incendiary bombs? So what if one night of bombing over Tokyo killed 50 times as many as Israel’s month-long campaign in Gaza? When you see four boys dead on a Gaza beach, Abu El-Haj wants you to “recall,” with her, the 40,000 civilians killed in Hamburg. (Sorry, the actual figure was 42,000—but what’s another 2,000 here or there? Either way, the entire toll in Gaza fits into the margin of error of one firebombing in World War II.) Might the Israelis, in their targeting, ever commit something as human as a mistake, even a negligent one? No, they’re far too inhuman for that: when they kill, it’s always “premeditated.” “Nothing Unintentional” is the delicate title of Abu El-Haj’s article, which might as well have been called “Baby-Killers.”

    There is such a thing as legitimate criticism of Israel, and there is such a thing as crossing the line into demonization and, to put it plainly, Jew-baiting. The analogies spewed by Columbia’s tenured professors are of the latter kind, and are obscene. Jew-baiting covers a wider range than anti-Semitism, and Holocaust inversion is its favorite technique. Jew-baiting is the demand that Israel and its supporters explain [5] why Gaza isn’t like a Nazi extermination camp or a starved ghetto for the doomed, or why a targeted air campaign isn’t just like the incineration of Dresden.
  10. 10.0 10.1 Canadian Jewish review, January 4, 1963, page 1.

    Israel At U. N. Says Arabs Link with Nazis in Anti-Semitism.

    Israel accused Arab representatives of cooperating with Neo Nazi and Fascist groups in the United States, Latin America and elsewhere, to exploit Anti-Semitism as a political weapon. The charges by Michael S. Comay, Israel's parliament representative were made in reply to United Arab speeches... "It would be a sad day for the United Nations if it were to become indifferent or insensitive to any renewal of the Nazi spirit," he said... Mr. Comay's strongest protests were leveled at speeches by Ahmad Shuqairy, of Saydi Arabia and Hussein Zulficar Sabri, of the United Arab Republic. Minister of State for United Nations Affairs in the Saudi Government 'saluted' the 'Tacuara' movement in Argentina, which is regarded as a Nazi like association promoting anti-Semitic views. His speech was assailed by both Argentinian and Chilean delegates. "This episode in the debate has serious implications," Mr. S. Comay said, reports the New York Times. "We would hope that Mr. Shukairy's blessing bestowed upon the Tacuara group will serve to focus attention on this phenomenon and produce a backwash of public sentiment inside and outside the United Nations." The Israeli delegate said Mr. Sabri's technique was a "little less clumsy." It consisted, he said, of "trying to pin the Nazi label onto Israel and Zionism, in the hope that the public mind may be confused as between Hitlerism and those to whom it has caused such untold suffering. "The public mind will draw its own conclusions," he said. Mr. Comay remarked that the activities of known Nazis in the Cairo Government had become well-known. He specifically mentioned Johannes Von Leers, a propaganda expert in Hitler's Government, who, Mr. Comay said, has become "Cairo's top adviser" on anti-Semitism. He also mentioned Maj. Leopold Gleim and Maj. Bernard Bender as former Gestapo officers now holding high posts in "the secret police in the United Arab Republic. Mr. Comay expressed surprise that a spokesman had been a close associate of the former Mufti of Jerusalem, a Hitler collaborator.

    Of the 12,000,000 civilians murdered in Nazi-occupied Europe, half were Jews, Mr. Comay declared, and thousands of Jewish survivors found their way to Israel after the war, says the New York Times. "These are among people whom Mr. Sabri and Mr. Shukairy and their friends have the monumental indecency to smear as Nazis and Fascists," he said.
  11. Maurice Hirsch, Adv., "Hijacking Holocaust terminology to perpetuate falsities and demonize Israel," PMW, Apr 7, 2021.
  12. 12.0 12.1 Alana Goodman, Hamas and Fatah Team Up to Oppose Holocaust History in Palestinian Schools, Commentary Magazine, March 1, 2011.
  13. Leon Wieseltier, Palestinian Perversion of the Holocaust, The New York Times, June 12, 1988
  14. The Swastika Returns, WSJ, April 9, 2002.

    For most people, the Nazi swastika means one thing -- the Holocaust. So strong is this vile association with the Nazi slaughter of 12 million people, including six million Jews, that in some European countries, its display or sale can be a crime. So it is nothing short of shocking that in the past two weeks, posters, graffiti and placards have proliferated across the Continent displaying variations on the same theme: star of david and a swastika linked with an equals sign. Which is to say, the Israelis are now (supposedly) Nazis.

    The attempt to compare the 2,000 or so Palestinian deaths over the last 18 months -- most of them the result of armed combat with Israelis -- to Hitler's systematic massacre of millions of Jews in gas chambers and death camps would be absurd if it were not so insidious. But the analogy is not merely inaccurate.

    Tying the Jews to the Holocaust in this way has a special resonance that is as old and evil as anti-Semitism itself. For it is not simply that the Jewish state is being falsely accused of genocide, but specifically of the same genocide of which they were themselves the victims. Tying Israel to Hitler and his crimes has a way of appearing to excuse the real Holocaust. Binding together Israel and Nazi Germany in this way thus has the benefit of relieving Europe's lingering, deep-seated guilt over the Holocaust.
  15. Allegation: Israel’s Actions Against the Palestinians Can be Compared to the Nazis, ADL.

    The murder of six million Jews and millions of others carried out by the Nazis and their collaborators was the largest recorded genocide in modern history. Absolutely no comparison can be made between the complex Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the atrocities committed by the Nazis against the Jews.

    While one can criticize Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians, in contrast to the Holocaust, there is not now, nor has there been, a significant Israeli ideology, movement, policy or plan to exterminate the Palestinian population.

    The Nazis’ “final solution” to the “Jewish problem” was the deliberate, systematic and mechanized extermination of European Jewry. Hitler’s final solution led to the calculated, premeditated murder of six million Jews and the destruction of thriving Jewish communities across Europe.

    Israel says that its policies towards the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip are based on security concerns and the need to defend its population in the face of terrorist acts. But while these policies can certainly be scrutinized and criticized, they are in no way akin to the policies and actions of the Nazis and the Third Reich.

    By comparing Israel to Nazis, some seek to label Israel as a singularly, uniquely evil state on earth, playing upon old antisemitic stereotypes that treat Jews as demonic and uniquely evil.

    Moreover, it can be argued that those that make the comparison between the Jewish state and the Nazis and Hitler – who perpetrated the greatest and largest act of antisemitism in world history – have not chosen this comparison innocently or dispassionately. It is a charge that is purposefully directed at Jews in an effort to associate the victims of Nazi crimes with the Nazi perpetrators and serves to diminish the significance and uniqueness of the Holocaust.

    To make such a comparison is antisemitic and constitutes blatant hostility toward Jews, Jewish history and the legitimacy of the Jewish State of Israel.
  16. Shraga Blum, The warm ties between the swastika and the crescent, April 29 2014. I24 News.
    -'The warm ties between the swastika and the crescent' [Holocaust perversion and Palestinian Nazi links
  17. The Swastika Retuns, WSJ, April 9, 2002.
  18. Jeffrey Herf, "Nazi Propaganda for the Arab World," (Yale University, 2009), pp.15-16.
  19. Robert S. Wistrich, "Holocaust Denial: The Politics of Perfidy," (De Gruyter, 2012), p.219.
  20. Motadel, David. 2015. "The Swastika and the Crescent." Wilson Quarterly (Winter).
    Whereas he perceived Islam to be a superior religion, Hitler saw its Arab adherents as an inferior race
  21. National Alliance, Holocaust Deniers React to 9/11 Attacks | Southern Poverty Law Center, SPLC, Mar 5, 2002.
  22. Rothwell, Victor. War Aims in the Second World War: The War Aims of the Key Belligerents 1939-1945. United Kingdom: Edinburgh University Press, 2019. 41.
    However, the Nazis were clear in their minds that the Arabs were racially inferior, and there would, therefore, be no pleasure to be had from helping them in anything except for the extermination of Jews in their region.
  23. Martin A. Lee, "The Beast Reawakens," Taylor & Francis, 2000, p. 122; Martin A. Lee, "The Swastika and the Crescent," Aijac, May 2002.
  24. Pan Arabism Arabism = racism
  25. Erlich, Haggai, The Middle East Between the World Wars, The Open University Press, Tel Aviv, 1992, p. 46:

    Hitler spoke about the Arabs being "lacquered half-apes". Disparaging statements regarding the Arabs were also made by senior employees of the German Foreign Ministry, such as Fritz Grobba, the German ambassador to Iraq, who called the Arabs "a tyrannical and barbaric Oriental people."

    Rudolf Rahn, the envoy of the German Foreign Ministry to Syria, underestimated Arab nationalism: "There is no Arab national movement in Syria. The Syrian tribes are a wild and ugly group of races and religions, corrupted by greed, intrigue and jealousy, and for generations hunted down by the rival powers to accept bribes These tribes do not know the national sentiment [...] Their pursuit of so-called independence is nothing more than a means of incessant corruption. Under the guise of the desire for freedom, there is unrestrained exploitation of the workers by the ruling class. Even the racially better part, the Bedouins, are infected by the general corruption, and they are flocking after the power in power like jackals after animals of prey."
  26. Fisk, Robert, "The Great War for Civilisation: The Conquest of the Middle East," (Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, 2007), Chapter 11.
  27. 27.0 27.1 27.2 Ofer Regev, "Hitler, al-Husseini, and 71 years to Operation Atlas", Mida, Oct 9, 2015.
    In 1944, laden with heavy equipment and barrels of deadly poison, Germans and Arabs in the vicinity of Jerusalem secretly landed for a joint operation against the Jewish community. He visited Auschwitz, recruited thousands of Muslims to serve the Reich, and even pushed for the establishment of an extermination camp in Israel.
    Husseini himself, in his book The Truth About the Palestine Problem, wrote:

    "Hitler hated the Jews ... Hitler is now avenging this accursed [sic] race ..." Operation Atlas.

    Following the defeat of the Nazis in the third battle of El Alamein (November 1942), the idea of 'Operation Atlas' took shape. The planning of the operation included the secret parachuting of a group of fighters consisting of Muslims, members of the Nazi pioneering training program, and Germans from the Templar colonies in Israel, who would be equipped with ten large containers of deadly poison. According to Prof. Yossi Ben-Artzi, the cell was supposed to rekindle the Arab uprising and create a new front in the Nazi campaign, and according to Prof. Yoav Gelber, the cell was intended for an intelligence purpose of recruiting and training aides. According to the accepted version, the members of the cell sought to poison the springs of Rosh HaAyin and bring about the death of a quarter of a million Jews in the Land of Israel.
  28. 28.0 28.1 Stav, Arie. Peace—Arab Caricature: A Study in Antisemitic Image. Tel Aviv: Zmora-Bitan, 1995, pp. 95-6. Stav, Arie. Peace : the Arabian caricature : a study of anti-semitic imagery. Israel: Gefen Publishing House, 1999. pp. 118-120. [6]. [7].

    Arab admiration for Nazism in the 1930s , after Hitler came to power, should be seen against the backdrop of such an identity of values. The explanation usually given for such admiration, namely, that a common antipathy toward France and Britain pushed the Arabs into Hitler's arms, is only a partial explanation. Furthermore, as a fundamental explanation, it is overly simplistic to the point of being a perversion of history.

    While Hitler's violation of the Versailles Treaty was a crude slap in the face of Britain and France, it came much later in 1936, with German rearmament, and in 1938, with the Anschluss of Austria. From 1933 at least until the German attack on Poland in September 1939, there were no grounds for assuming that Hitler, an Anglophile who based his long-term strategy, as outlined in Mein Kampf, on Anglo-German cooperation, would be the one to save the Arabs from British colonialism. As the Middle East was mostly under the British sphere of influence, Hitler viewed it at the time of his accession largely as secondary to his overall plans; German attitudes then could be summed up by Bismarck's aphorism, "The entire Eastern question is not worth the bones of a single Pomeranian grandier."

    Furthermore, while Jews were the victims of Mazi Anti-Semitism, that anti-Semitism included all Semites, at least at the "anthropological" level. Nazi contempt for Arabs is amply reflected in expressions of racist revulsion toward them, and of the embarrassment engendered among the Nazi leadership by the courtship toward them by Haj Amin al-Husseini, at least prior to the outbreak of the Second World War.

    Immediately upon Hitler's accession to power, parties emulating National Socialism were formed throughout the Arab world. One such party, established in Syria by Anton Sa'ada, adopted all the outer forms of Nazism with alacrity. Sa'ada, who presented himself to the world as "Fuehrer of the Syrian Nation", included in his party's platform the claim that "Syrians are a 'master race' by their very nature".

    Hitler himself was Islamized, acquiring the new appellation of "Abu Ali" (and in Egypt, for some reason, "Mohamed Heidar").

    Similar parties were also established in Iraq, Tunisia, and Morocco. However , the one party on the Nazi model in the Arab world whose impact transcended the period of the 1930s and which , to a considerable extent, fashioned the regime in the principal Arab land subsequent to the Second World War, was the Green-Shirted Young Egypt, which specifically copied the forms of the Hitler Youth and the Brown Shirts of the SA. The party was founded by Ahmed Hussein in October 1933 on the German model, replete with raised-armed greetings, a general staff, storm troopers, torch - light parades, and Nazi slogans (including a literal translation into Arabic of "One Nation, One Party, One Leader", and "Egypt über alles"). Gang of strong-arms to deal with opponents, and, needless to say , the status of "Fuehrer" for Ahmed Hussein. Nazi anti-Semitism was also incorporated into Young Egypt, including a boycott of Jewish businesses , physical harassment , and incitement to violence. As Dafna Alon has stated, "Nazi anti-Semitism – theory, practice, and policy – fitted the needs of Arab nationalism [in the 1930s] like a glove."

    During the war, Young Egyptians supplied Rommel with intelligence, and some, including a young lieutenant named Anwar Sadat, were courtmartialed for high treason and sent to jail. In time, Sadat and his fellow Young Egyptian Gamal Abd al-Nasser became part of the nucleus of the officers' movement that seized power in Egypt in 1952. Sadat expressed his admiration for Hitler in an open letter to him in the Egyptian daily Al-Mussawar, on September 18, 1953: "Dear Hitler..."

    The year was, as mentioned, 1953, only a short time after the revelation of the horrors of Nazism at the Nüremberg trials. Such open adulation for Hitler, such total obliviousness to Nazi war crimes and open yearning for Hitler's reappearance , are not considered morally perverse in Egypt. They are a true indication of the degree of identification with Nazism felt by Sadat, who was a faithful embodiment of the Free Officers' revolution. Indeed, the first act of the new regime after taking power on the night of July 22, 1952, was the banning of all political parties (including the one founded in October 1933 on the Nazi model)....

    Arab adulation for Nazism in the 1930s has been given faithful, and somewhat nostalgic , expression by Sami al-Jundi, one of the founders of the Syrian Ba'ath party, thus: . . 'We were racists, we admired the Nazis. We used to be steeped in Nazi books and of (books that served) as a source for the spirit of Nazism ... We were the first who thought of translating Mein Kampf. Anyone who lived in Damascus at the time was a witness of the inclination of the Arabs toward Nazism.'

    Needless to say, there was implicit Arab identification with Hitler's definition of Zionism in Mein Kampf: 'It doesn't even enter their (Zionists) heads to build up a Jewish state in Palestine for the purpose of living there; all they want is a ...'
  29. 29.0 29.1 Various. Routledge Library Editions: History of the Middle East. N.p.: Taylor & Francis, 2021. 263; Hirszowicz, Łukasz. The Third Reich and the Arab East. United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis, 1966.
  30. Trevor-Roper, Hugh Redwald., Hitler, Adolf. Table Talk, 1941-1944. United Kingdom: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1953. 547. Cited in: Melka, Robert Lewis. The Axis and the Arab Middle East, 1930-1945. United States: University of Minnesota., 1966. 72, Wistrich, Robert S.. Hitler's Apocalypse: Jews and the Nazi Legacy. United Kingdom: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1985. 164.
  31. Haj Amin and Berlin [Ḥag' Amin u-Berlin / G'eni Lebel]. 1996. 33.
    בשנת 1937 ביקר בדמשק , בבגדאד ובטהראן באלדור פון שיראך (Baldur von Schirach), מנהיג הנוער ההיטלראי, בדמשק נשאל פון שיראך על־ידי עיתונאים, כיצד אפשר להשלים בין התעמולה הנאצית בארצות ערב לבין תורת הגזע, המעמידה את הערבים בדרגה י"ב במעלת הגזעים. העיתונות הערבית ציינה אז שפון שיראך התחמק ונמנע מלתת תשובה הגיונית לשאלה זו.
  32. 32.0 32.1 Arab "mein Kampf" on Sale, JTA, October 31, 1938 [8] [9].

    Jerusalem, Oct. 30, (JTA)

    Arabic translation of Adolf Hitler’s "Mein Kampf" was put on sale here today at the modest price of three piastres (about 21 cents). Many copies are being distributed among the Arabs free of charge. It was noted that the edition placed on sale here carefully purged the passage in which the Arabs are graded fourteenth on the racial scale.
  33. 33.0 33.1 33.2 Assaf, Michael. The Arab Awakening and Flight [Toldoth Hith'oreruth Ha'aravim Webrihatam]. Vol. 3. Pt 2. Tel Aviv: Hinuch Vetarbut, 1970. 284-5.

    1934. With the appearance of the daily newspaper A-Difa'a (Defense) in Jaffa, which was edited by a Muslim, a race and competition began, and the decision was finally in favor of the Arab-Muslim press. In 1935, a partisan daily newspaper of the Husseins also began to appear, edited by Jamal al-Husseini - "Al-Liwa" (The Flag), which was discontinued in 1937. The great competition between "Falastin" and "A-Difa" caused a front-line improvement - Professional in terms of speed in delivering news, disclosure, expansion and revelation, the Egyptian newspaper, large and rich, which had many readers in the country, and especially as the air connection between the two countries tightened was not the model and example for newspapers such as "Falastin" and "Difa'e," but Lebanese and Syrian newspapers, which were limited and had many shortcomings from a professional journalistic point of view ...

    He was a young Muslim, Ibrahim a-Shanti, a member of the Qalqilya who became rich (also from business with - the Jews, brokering the sale of land and more). He grew up and was educated in the British period, that is, in the period of the Arab national tide on the one hand and the nationalist, fascist-Nazi tide on the other. The newspaper was founded in 1934, that is - in fact Mussolini's preparations for an attack on Abyssinia and the beginning of the explorations of Nazi Germany in the Middle East. Although this newspaper served very carefully, it followed the policy of the fascist-Nazi axis in Palestine, as it was encapsulated in a venomous, aggressive and comprehensive pan-Arab propaganda (ie, continuous pan-Islamism as well)...

    אסף‬‎, ‫מיכאל‬‎. ‫תולדות התעוררות הערבים בארץ־ישראל ובריחתם‬‎. Israel: Tarbut ṿe-ḥinukh, 1970. 284-5‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

    1934, עם הופעת העתון היומי "א־דיפאע" (ההגנה) ביפו, שעורכו מוסלם היה, החלו מרוץ ותחרות, וההכרעה היתה לבסוף לטובת העתונות הערבית-מוסלמית. בשנת 1935 החל להופיע גם עתון יומי מפלגתי של החוסיינים, בעריכת ג'מאל אל-חוסייני - "אל־ליוא" (הדגל), שהופסק בשנת 1937. ההתחרות הגדולה בין "פלסטין" ו"א-דיפאע" גרמה בשורה הראשונה - שיפור עתונאי מקצועי בכל הנוגע למהירות במסירת ידיעות, לגילויין, להרחבתן ולריבויין, העתונות היומית המצרית, הגדולה והעשירה, שהיו לה קוראים רבים בארץ, וביחוד עם התהדק החיבור האוירי בין שתי הארצות לא היתה המופת והדוגמה לעתונים כ"פלסטין" ו"א־דיפאע", אלא עתוני לבנון וסוריה, שהיו מצומצמים ולקויים בחסרונות רבים מבחינה עתונאית מקצועית... היה צעיר מוסלם, אבראהים א-שאנטי, בן פלחים מקלקיליה שהתעשרו (גם מעסקים עם - היהודים, תיווך במכירת קרקעות ועוד). הוא גדל והתחנך בתקופה הבריטית, כלומר - בתקופת הגיאות הלאומית הערבית מזה והגיאות הלאומנית, הפאשית־נאצית מזה. העתון נוסד בשנת 1934, דהיינו - בעצם ההכנות של מוסוליני להתקפה על חבש והתחלת הגישושים של גרמניה הנאצית במזרח התיכון. ואמנם שירת עתון זה בצורה זהירה מאוד, אולם עקיבה, קולעת ומצליחה, את המדיניות של הציר הפאשי־נאצי בארץ-ישראל, כשהיא מובלעת בתעמולה פאן-ערבית ארסית, תקיפה וכוללת (כלומר הרצופה גם פּאַן־איסלאמיות)...

  34. ha-Arets - הארץ, 29 November 1938.

    הערבים "נחותי־גזע", לפי היטלר

    עתוני קהיר ודמשק פוקחים את עיני קוראיהם על משמעותה האמיתית של תורת הנאצים

    דמשק, (פלקור). תחת הכותרת "הערבים הם מגזע נחות — אומר היטלר" פרסם העתון הדמשקאי 'אלף־בא' את מאמרו החריף של השבועון המצרי, 'רוז אל־יוסף' על התרגום הערבי "של מלחמתי" של היטלר. בהקדמה כותב 'אלף־בא' שמעטים הם הערבים, היודעים "שהיטלר רואה בעם הערבי אומה נחותה שאיננה ראויה לשלטון עצמי ולעמוד בדרגה תרבותית וחברתית אחת עם העמים ה"אריים". הוא מעמיד אותה בספרו בדרגה אחת עם העמים השחורים של אפריקה. אחרי זה מספר העתון, בקיצור, על הרעש שהקים במצרים התרגום הערבי של ספר 'מלחמתי' שהשמיט, מתוך כוונה להטעות את הקוראים, את כל הקטעים שמדברים בגנותם של המצרים, ומביא את מאמרו של 'רוז אל־יוסף' במלואו.

  35. The Palestine Post, 14 August 1939 —BELGRADE MOSLEMS WARN ARABS
  36. Palestine Post, 4 August 1940.

    "National Awakening," a new book by C. Zureiq, a promising young professor at the American University of Beirut, was reviewed by Nicolas Eff. Ziyadi yesterday. The writer advocates a thorough study of the Arab heritage, the establishing of links with the past and also a search for guidance by means of a study of Western methods. He urrges that the Arab people must examine themselves honestly and remedy their weeknesses.

    Dr. Salwa Khouri, whose medical talks have proved to be very popular, spoke on dietetics for babies, and their general care.

    A talk by an Arab Officer who had served in the Turkish Army was read yesterday. After referring to the ill nature of the arrogance German officers, the writer said that Germany had exploited her earlier friendship with Turkey to the latter's detriment . Now she was trying to repeat this experiment with the

    Arab and Moslem world. Hitler really believed that the Arabs were stupid enough to believe his honeyed words of friendship and independence. The Nazi movement was above all an imperialistic one and the Arabs realised this. Had not the Haifa air raids proved Hitler's intentions? —B
  37. Ha-Tzofeh, Dec 25, 1940
  38. ha-Arets⁩ - ⁨הארץ⁩, 8 July 1942.

    אין להאמין לתעמולת ה"ציר" בקשר עם תעמולת הציר ושידוריו לעולם הערבי כותב ה' יאלצ'ין ב"יאני סבאח" הטורקי: כלום יגלו גרמניה ואיטליה את כוונותיהן האמתיות לעולם הערבי? הרי אם יעשו כן, יצטרפו מיד כל הערבים בעולם לבריטים נגד ה"ציר". אין איש מאמין לתעמולה זו, כי ידוע שגרמניה ואיטליה חושבים את אסיה ואפריקה לנחשלים לגבי שאר חלקי העולם. אין להעלות על הדעת שהציר, שהתנפל על ארצות אירופה לא יפגע בעצמאותן וחופשתן של מצרים ארץ־ישראל, סוריה, עיראק ואיראן.

    Don't believe the "Axis" propaganda

    In connection with the Axis propaganda and its broadcasts to the Arab world, H. Yalçın writes in the Turkish "Yeni Sabah": Will Germany and Italy reveal their true intentions to the Arab world? After all, if they do so, all the Arabs in the world will immediately join the British in the "Axis" uniform. No one believes this propaganda, because it is known that Germany and Italy think Asia and Africa are backward compared to the rest of the world. It is inconceivable that the Axis, which attacked European countries, would not harm the independence and freedom of Egypt, the Land of Israel, Syria, Iraq and Iran.
  39. The Palestine Post, 14 October 1942 10,000 MOSLEM ARABS TORMENTED BY NAZIS
  40. Leila Khaled at SFSU, ADL. September 3, 2020.
  41. Leila Khaled: In Her Own Words, ADL, October 2, 2020.
  42. Autobiography of Leila Khaled, edited by George Hajjar, 1973.
  43. 43.0 43.1 Kehoe, T. J., & Greenhalgh, E. M. (2017). Living Propaganda and Self-Serving Recruitment: The Nazi Rationale for the German-Arab Training Unit, May 1941 to May 1943. War in History, 24(4), 520–543.
  44. Hund, ‎Wulf Dietmar. Koller, ‎Christian. Zimmermann, Moshe.  Racisms Made in Germany. Austria: Lit, 2011. p.52.
  45. Jamison, Albert Leland. Tradition and Change in Jewish Experience. United States: Department of Religion, Syracuse University, 1978, p. 243.
  46. Haaretz, Nov 07, 1941

    The zeal of a follower of racial theory

    One of the doctors at a hospital in the north of England recounted an act in which a young German pilot was brought to the hospital seriously injured and suffering from heavy blood loss.

    It became clear to the doctor that if they did not make a blood transfusion to the pilot, he would die, and this was explained to him. This one vehemently opposed the offer of transfusion, saying he could not bear the contamination of his Aryan blood. By canceling his prejudices, the doctor promised him that they would use only the blood of a volunteer from the Aryan Blondie type. The pilot stood his ground.

    The hospital register had many volunteers and in the hope that he would remove the fears from the pilot's heart, the doctor selected six of the tallest, pinkest and blondest blood donors, who were brought to the wounded man to see with his own eyes that no "dark" blood would go to his "northern" veins. But in vain. He said that death is better for him than to be turned over to the blood infection. And indeed he died in his fight against generous hands who prepared the injection of sedatives.

    הארץ, 7 בנובמבר, 1941.

    קנאותו של חסיד תורת הגזע

    אחד הרופאים בבית חולים בצפון אנגליה סיפר מעשה שהיה בטייס גרמני צעיר, שהובא לבית החולים פצוע קשה וסובל מאיבוד דם רב.

    נתברר לו לרופא, שאם לא יעשו ערוי־דם לטייס מות ימות, ודבר זה הוסבר לו. הלה התנגד בתוקף להצעת הערוי, באמרו שלא יוכל לשאת את זיהום דמו הארי. אגב ביטול דעותיו הקדומות הבטיח לו הרופא שישתמשו רק בדמו של מתנדב מטפוס ארי בלונדי. הטייס עמד בסרובו. בפנקס בית החולים היו רשומים מתנדבים רבים ומתוך תקווה שיסיר את החששות מלבו של הטייס, בחר הרופא בששה נותני דם מן הגבוהים, הוורודים והבלונדים ביותר, שהובאו בפני הפצוע כדי שיראה במו עיניו כי לא יערו דם "כהה" לורידיו ה"צפוניים". אך לשוא. "הוא אמר כי טוב לו המות מאשר להמסר לזיהום הדם". ואמנם מת בלחמו נגד ידים נדיבות שהכינו את הזרקת סמים מרדימים.

  47. This World [HaOlam HaZeh], Nov 7, 1962. [10][11].
    Was Joseph Vissarionovich Djugashvili, Known as Stalin, a Jew?

    It turns out that this question greatly troubled Adolf Hitler.

    This week, British journalist Sefton Delmer published his memoirs, revealing that Hitler's personal photographer had told him that Hitler had personally instructed him to inquire into the matter.

    The photographer was sent with the Nazi foreign minister to Moscow at the time of signing the famous Soviet-German agreement.

    Hitler told him: "Listen, I want you to get as close to Stalin as possible and take a picture of his earlobe. I want to know if the earlobe is close to the face, meaning that he is Jewish, or that he is free, meaning that he is Aryan. It's very important for me to know that."

    The photographer returned to Hitler with a photograph of his ear proving that Stalin was not a Jew.

    גליון 1313 - 7 בנובמבר 1962

    האם היה יוסף ואסיריונוביץ דג׳וגאשווילי, המכונה סטאלין, יהודי?

    מסתבר כי שאלה זו הטרידה מאד את אדולף היטלר.

    השבוע פירסם העתונאי הבריטי ספטון דלמר את זכרונותיו, גילה כי צלמו הפרטי של היטלר סיפר לו, שהיטלר הטיל עליו אישית לברר את העניין. הצלם נשלח יחד עם שר־החוץ הנאצי למוסקבה בשעת חתימת ההסכם הסובייטי־הגרמני המפורסם. אמר לו היטלר :״שמע, אני רוצה שתתקרב עד כמה שאפשר אל סטאלין ותצלם את תנוך־האוזן שלו. אני רוצה לדעת אם התנוך צמוד לפנים, כלומר שהוא יהודי, או שהוא חופשי, כלומר ארי. חשוב לי מאד לדעת זאת.״

    הצלם חזר להיטלר, כשבידו תצלום של האוזן, שהוכיח כי סטאלין אינו יהודי.

    EIN PHOTO VON STALINS OHRLÄPPCHEN - DER SPIEGEL. 30.10.1962, 13.00 Uhr - aus DER SPIEGEL 44/1962.;

    Bullock, Alan. Hitler and Stalin: Parallel Lives. United Kingdom: HarperCollins, 1991. 685.
    Hitler was particularly interested in the photographs of the historic occasion. He had insisted that his personal photographer, Hoffmann, should accompany Ribbentrop, and before leaving had instructed him to be sure to obtain a close-up of Stalin's earlobes. He believed these would show whether Stalin had Jewish blood - whether the earlobes were 'ingrown and Jewish, or separate and Aryan'. He was relieved to see that Stalin passed the test and was not a Jew.
    Russel Watson, "Eerie Echoes Of Evil Genius", Newsweek, Apr 5, 1992.
    Until almost the end, Hitler was haunted by a question that could have occurred only to someone like him: was Stalin a Jew? He sent his personal photographer to the negotiations in Moscow for a close-up to see whether they were "ingrown and Jewish, or separate and Aryan." Stalin passed the earlobe test and the cynical treaty was concluded, enabling the two dictators to invade Poland and split it between them. Said an admiring Stalin: "Hitler knows his business."
    When Hitler wanted a photo of Joseph Stalin’s ear lobe during World War II.
    It was a crucial moment in the history of World War II. The signing of the Non-Aggression {act between the USSR and Nazi Germany was happening in Moscow in 1939. German Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop and Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov signed the treaty. Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin was also present. Interestingly, Adolph Hitler sent a personal delegate with a specific mission to the conference. Incredibly, the Fuhrer's delegate’s mission was to photograph the ears of Joseph Stalin. The delegate was Heinrich Hoffmann, Hitler’s official photographer.
  48. The Palestine Post 28 August 1938 —A NAZI TRIPPER'S PALESTINE.
    Of course the author is 'pro Arab.' To read him you would never guess that the Arabs are Semites and therefore sub-human. If the Italians are "Aryans" and the Japanese "Honorary Aryans," why shouldn’t the Arabs be people acceptable by Nazi standards, worthy of Germany's friendship?
  49. Terrence McCoy, The "Perfect Aryan" Child Used in Nazi Propaganda was Actually Jewish, The Washington Post, July 7, 2014.
    A photo of a baby that adorned a Nazi magazine for a contest to find the "perfect" Aryan baby is revealed to be a Jewish girl.
  50. Iyunim bitkumat Yisrael, 1997, p. 254
    The yellow race and the black race are the most "dangerous" of our time for the Aryan race, according to Russian neo-fascist racism (in this matter they have a grievance against their leader Adolf Hitler for some reason removing the Russians from the respected family of Aryan nations).
  51. David Patterson, A Genealogy of Evil: Anti-Semitism from Nazism to Islamic Jihad (Cambridge, UK; Cambridge University Press, 2010), 111
  52. 52.0 52.1 52.2 52.3 R. Mather, "Hitler's war against Jews continues in 'Palestine'", JPost, Mar 16, 2015.

    When Hitler proclaimed the Nuremberg Race Laws in 1935, a number of Palestinian Arabs sent telegrams congratulating him... It was as early as 1933 that Husseini was in contact with the new regime in Germany. Within weeks of Hitler’s rise to power, the German consul-general in Palestine sent a telegram to Berlin reporting Husseini’s enthusiasm for Nazism and for the spread of fascism in the Middle East. When Husseini and several Arab sheiks met with the consul-general a few weeks later, he expressed his approval of the anti-Jewish boycott in Germany.

    Very soon, the Husseini family had set up the Palestinian Arab Party, which was nicknamed the “Nazi Scouts.” Husseini’s brother, Jamal, was chairman of the Palestine Arab Party and a delegate to his brother’s Arab Higher Committee. It was this committee that led a led a campaign of boycotts and terror against Jews, and the bombings of British offices between 1936 and 1939.

    In 1937, Husseini visited the Jerusalem German Consul, where he met with Eichmann to discuss “the Jewish question.” This meeting resulted in the Nazis agreeing to finance Husseini’s pogroms against the Jews in Palestine. Hitler publicly expressed his support for the Palestinian Arabs. This support was motivated by anti-Semitism and a suspicion of Britain’s colonial rule in the Middle East. In a speech made before the Reichstag in 1939, Hitler opined that Palestine is “occupied not by German troops but by the English,” and he accused British troops of oppressing the Arabs for “the benefit of J... interlopers.”… Palestinian scholar Edward Said, who is no friend of Israel, has conceded that Husseini “represented the Palestinian Arab national consensus.” He had ”the backing of political parties that functioned in Palestine,” and was “recognised in some form by Arab governments as the voice of the Palestinian people.”
  53. 53.0 53.1 G Alderman, How Arabs conspired in the Shoah The JC, Nov 10, 2006
  54. 54.0 54.1 Nicosia, Francis R., Nazi Germany and the Arab World. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 2015. 77-8
  55. Aboul-Enein, Basil H.., Aboul-Enein, Youssef. The Secret War for the Middle East: The Influence of Axis and Allied Intelligence Operations During World War II. United States: Naval Institute Press, 2013.Ch.2.
  56. Lewis, Bernard. Semites and Anti-Semites: An Inquiry Into Conflict and Prejudice. United States: W. W. Norton, 1999. p.47.
  57. 57.0 57.1 57.2 Wild, Stefan. "National Socialism in the Arab near East between 1933 and 1939." Die Welt Des Islams, vol. 25, no. 1/4, 1985, pp. 126–73. JSTOR. Die Welt des Islams. (1985). Germany: D. Reimer. Vols. 25-27, pp. 143-6.

    The German Consulate in Jerusalem reported much stronger sympathies — for the Germans in general and for the "Führer" in particular.

    'Ausschlaggebend für die bei den Arabern Deutschland gegenüber jetzt bestehenden Sympathien ist aber die Bewunderung, welche unser Führer genießt. Gerade die Unruhezeiten boten mir öfter Gelegenheit festzustellen, wie weit diese Sympathie verbreitet ist. Wenn man sich bei einer bedrohlichen Haltung einer arabischen Volksmenge als Deutscher zu erkennen gab, war dies im Allgemeinen schon ein Freibrief für ungehindertes passieren.
    Wenn man sich aber durch den deutschen Gruss "Heil Hitler," auswies, schlug die Haltung der Araber meist in Begeisterung um und der Deutsche kam zu Ovationen, bei denen die Araber den deutschen Gruss stürmisch erwiderten.

    Die Begeisterung für unsren Führer und das neue Deutschland ist wohl deshalb so verbreitet, weil die palästinensischen Araber in ihrem Kampf um ihre Existenz einen arabischen "Führer" ersehnen und weil sie sich im Kampf gegen die Juden in einer Front mit den Deutschen fühlen.'

    ['The decisive factor for the sympathy that the Arabs now have towards Germany is the admiration our leader enjoys. The times of unrest in particular often gave me the opportunity to determine how widespread this sympathy is.

    If one identified oneself as a German in a threatening attitude of an Arab crowd, this was generally a license to pass unhindered. But if you identified yourself with the German salute "Heil Hitler," the attitude of the Arabs usually turned to enthusiasm and the German received an ovation, during which the Arabs returned the German salute stormily. Enthusiasm for our leader and the new Germany is probably so widespread because the Palestinian Arabs long for an Arab "leader" in their struggle for their existence and because they feel they are on a front with the Germans in the fight against the Jews'].

    After Hitler's victory in 1933 elections, there were at least two attempts to establish with German help Arab off-shoots of the NSDAP in Arab countries.

    In April 1933 the German Consul General in Jerusalem, Heinrich Wolff was contacted by the Palestine correspondent of the Egyptian newspaper al-Ahrām, Joseph Francis, who acted as a spokesman for a group of Palestinian Arabs. In the same month, the German envoy in Baghdad, Fritz Grobba, was approached by 'Abdalghaffūr al-Badrī, an anti-sharifian ex-officer and editor of the Baghdad newspaper al-Istiqlāl. Both requested German assistance in establishing such a party. In both cases the answer was negative.

    The Auswärtiges Amt stated in the case of the Palestinian group:

    'A direct connection between Mr. Francis and members of the Ortsgruppen of the. NSDAP in Palestine would be regrettable. As German citizens then would be suspected of interfering in the domestic affairs of Palestine.'

    Thus, paradoxically enough, it was the German side which effectively stopped all efforts to create Arab cells of National Socialists parties. As far as the Near East was concerned, the overriding idea behind this policy was the wish not to encroach on the British position in the Bear East.

    For the same reason, not all demonstrations of sympathy towards Hitler's Germany were viewed favorably by the German side. When at the maulid-celebrations in Jerusalem in 1937 German and Italian flags were flown and in some cases also portraits of Fauzi Qawuqdjī, Mussolini and Hitler were shown, the reaction of the German Consulate was reticent:

    'Ich betrachte diesen arabischen Versuch , durch Hissung deutscher Flaggen und Ausstellen von Bildern des Führers ihren Unwillen über die Engländer und die Juden zum Ausdruck zu bringen, als wenig erfreulich und als einen gewissen Missbrauch. Die Engländer dürften sich aber darüber im Klaren sein, dass man von deutscher Seite zu der Durchführung dieser Demonstration nicht beigetragen hat und dass es sich um eine von langer Hand vorbereitete rein arabische Aktion handelt. Die jüdische Presse hat diese Demonstration ausführlich behandelt und unter anderem darauf hingewiesen, dass die Begeisterung der Araber für den Führer widersinnig wäre, weil dieser alle Semiten, also auch die Araber, hasse. Die arabische Presse hat hierauf nicht reagiert. Von deutscher Seite sind arabische Anfragen auf Überlassung deutscher Flaggen abschlägig beschieden worden. Von einer Einwirkung auf die Araber, eine Benutzung der deutschen Bilder und Flaggen zu unterlassen, habe ich vorerst abgesehen.'

    ['I look at this Arab attempt by hoisting German flags and exhibiting pictures of the Führer expressing their displeasure with the English and the Jews as unpleasant and a certain abuse. However, the English should be aware that one has not contributed to the implementation of this demonstration from the German side and that it is a long-hand prepared purely Arab action. The Jewish press has discussed this demonstration in detail and, among other things, pointed out that the enthusiasm of the Arabs for the Führer would be absurd because he hates all Semites, including the Arabs. The Arab press did not react to this. From a German side, Arab inquiries on transfer of German flags have been decided. From an action to the Arabs, to refrain from using German pictures and flags, I have for now'].

    The Palestinian paper al-Jāmi'a al-Islāmiyya wrote on January 1, 1938:

    'Many Arabs consider that Germany is a friend of the Arabs. This friendship is perhaps the result of the German hatred of Jews. Germany's anti-Jewish policy has caused a strong outflow of emigrants to Palestine - German Jews. This is the good that Germany did us.'

    [...] However, the Haavara agreement which regulated Jewish emigration from Germany to Palestine was never commented on, let alone criticised in the Palestinian Press. And the image of Hitler's personality remained positive : his short cut to military power had - according to the Palestinian paper al - Kirmil — its only precedent in the military achievements of the [their] "Prophet."

    The man who dominated Palestinian resistance to Zionism and who during the Second World War became an unhappy symbol of close collaboration between National Socialism and the Arabs, Hajj Amin al-Husaini, made clear that he welcomed the new regime in Germany and hoped for the spread of "fascist, antidemocratic leadership to other countries" and also approved of the anti -Jewish measures of the new regime. It is true that the Mufti also appealed "for a German-Jewish policy which would direct German Jews away from, not towards Palestine."

    The German Consul General in Jerusalem Wolff observed "that the Arabs were too primitive politically to fully appreciate the fact that Germany and German Jewish policy were greatly intensifying their problem."

    Francis Nicosia has shown in detail that Germany refused consistently in this period to become involved in anti-British policy in the Near East. When Fauzī al - Qāwuqjī approached the German envoy in Baghdad, Fritz Grobba, to obtain arms for the Arab rebellion in Palestine, he answered that relations with Great Britain were more important to the Hitler-government than possible gains of sympathy in the Arab world. The Arabs were given general sympathy for plans of self-determination — not more.

    The channels of transmission of National-Socialist and Fascist ideas to the Arab Near East were manifold.

    There was the deliberate attempt to spread these ideas via the usual diplomatic channels and the media.

    Broadcasts in Arabic from Germany started relatively late - in April 1939. The program consisted of recital of passages from the Koran, Arabic music, Arabic literary texts and political commentaries.

    One of the Arab speakers was Yūnus al-Bahri, who later wrote his memoirs about his time in Berlin under the title Hunā Berlin. Hayyi l - 'arab (Here is Berlin. Greetings to the Arabs) which was the customary start of the broadcasts  Here is berlin (greeting to the Arabs) which was the customary start of broadcasts.

    Approximately at the same time Radio Berlin edited an Arab bulletin Barid al-Sharq (Orient - Post), which regularly carried extracts from Hitler's speeches and political commentaries.

    There were the activities of the German embassies and legations, one of the most active diplomats being certainly the German envoy in Iraq, Fritz Grobba.

    These diplomats worked closely together with the local groups (Ortsgruppen) of the NSDAP, as far as they existed. There were a variety of contacts between the diplomatic missions and writers, politicians, journalists of different persuasions in Iraq, Egypt, Syria , Lebanon and Palestine. There were the Arab Clubs in Germany which were under the close supervision of the Gestapo. And there were free-lance journalists and politicians, Arabs who resided in neutral countries, who were influenced and sometimes paid by German money but were not under complete controle, like the Druze -Lebanese Emir Shakib Arslan (1869-1946), an Arab intellectual who resided in Switzerland, where he published his political journal La Nation Arabe...
  58. Helmreich, William. The Third Reich and the Palestine Question. N.p.: Taylor & Francis, 2017. [12].
  59. 59.0 59.1 Yehoshafat Harkabi, Fateful decisions, Am Oved, 1986, p. 9 יהושפט הרכבי, הכרעות גורליות, עם עובד, 1986, עמ' 9.
    הקשרים בין התנועה הלאומית הערבית לבין המשטר הנאצי בגרמניה החלו להירקם כבר בשנת 1933. במדינות הערביות השונות החלו מפלגות וארגונים מקומיים לחקות את שיטות הפעולה של המפלגה הנאצית ולאמץ את עקרונותיה. בקיץ 1933 נעשה ניסיון להקים תנועה נאצית ערבית גם בארץ־ישראל, ומשרד התעמולה הנאצי הגיש סיוע כספי לעיתונות הלאומית הערבית בעלת האופי האנטי-ציוני הקנאי בארץ-ישראל. אולם, אם עד פרוץ מלחמת־העולם השנייה עדיין נזהר המשטר הנאצי מלתמוך בתנועה הלאומית הערבית, הרי לאחר שהחלה המלחמה העולמית התהדקו הקשרים בין גרמניה הנאצית לבין מנהיגיה של התנועה הלאומית הערבית, ובעיקר עם חאג' אמין אל-חוסייני המופתי הירושלמי.
  60. Cohen, Michael J. Britain's Moment in Palestine: Retrospect and Perspectives, 1917-1948. United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis, 2014. p.404.
  61. "Jamea Al Arabia" Still Banned, "al Hayat" Appears. JTA, August 26, 1930. [13].
  62. Palestine Arabs Are with Hitler in His Enmity to Jews Says Grand Mufti’s Organ but Want Hindenburg to Win Because Hitler's Win Means Jews Flocking Out of Germany to Palestine: A Thousand Apologies Mr. Hitler but You Can't Blame Arabs for Putting Own Interests First. [14]. Jerusalem, Mar. 30th. (Jewish Telegraphic Agency). April 1, 1932.

    Should we Palestine Arabs be on Hindenburg’s side or on Hitler’s side in the German presidential elections, the "Jamea el Arabia", the organ of the Grand Mufti, asks in an article discussing the German elections. Some people may wonder, it says, of what particular significance it is to Palestine Arabs which of the two wins, but the fact is that we have a very considerable interest in the matter. Hitler and his Party are enemies of the Jews. They maintain that it is the Jews who are responsible for all the calamities that have befallen Germany since the war. If Hitler wins, the Jews in Germany will naturally have a bad time of it, and therefore the Jews support Hindenburg, not so much because they like Hindenburg, as because they are afraid of Hitler. We Arabs, although we are not German citizens, stand to gain or lose very considerably according to whether Hindenburg or Hitler wins. It would be only natural that we should be in favour of Hitler winning, because, as the Arab proverb puts it – "the enemy of my enemy is my friend". Unfortunately, however, though our inclinations are all with Hitler, it is not to our advantage that he should win, because if Hitler wins he will persecute the Jews who will then flock out of Germany, and naturally, for the most part, into Palestine. While if Hindenburg wins, the Jews will stay in Germany. In spite of all our sympathies for Hitler, therefore, we must wish success to Hindenburg, for whatever difficulties Germany may suffer because of the presence of the Jews, Germany can bear them better than can a poor country like Palestine.

    We offer thousands of apologies to you, Mr. Hitler, the paper concludes, but you cannot blame the Arabs, if, after all, they consider their own interests first.
  63. Nicosia, F. R. (2017). The Third Reich and the Palestine Question. United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis. 85.
  64. Haynt - היינט, 20 July 1934.

    "Long live the Hitler of Palestine" Jerusalem (ITA). The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, has already returned from Saudi Arabia and Yemen...

    During his return trip to Palestine [E.Y.], the Grand Mufti was enthusiastically welcomed by large crowds of Arabs at the various train stations between Egypt and Palestine [E.Y.]. An enthusiastic Arab shouted during the reception at the train station in Ramla: "Long live Hajj Amin al-Husseini - the Hitler of the Land of Palestine".
  65. The cry of the Jews of Central America.

    A letter of outcry from the Jews of Guatemala and San Salvador (Central America) was published in the New York "Tog." The letter states that several Jewish merchants were expelled for no wrongdoing. Their only fault: their Jewishness (Judaism). One of the deportees is the chairman of the Zionist Organization in Guatemala. He has been accused of being a communist, and for the sake of this snitching, he has been persecuted and impoverished. In San Salvador, trade is concentrated in the hands of Arabs. And in their war against the Jews (60 in number) will stop at nothing. They "proved" to the government that all Jews are communists. One Jew was shot dead, 12 were arrested, and after severe torture were deported from the country.

    The senders of the letter seek to publish it and arouse public opinion in America, because their lives hang in the balance (by a thread).
    Davar, 27 July 1932.
  66. [‫האװאנער לעבן‬‎]. Cuba: n.p., 1932. Havana Life, p. 12.
  67. Bureš, Jaroslav. Main Characteristic and Development Trends of Migration in the Arab World. Czechia: Institute of International Relations, 2008, p.90
  68. Editor-Propietario: Jorge Sabaj Z. La Reforma [Al-Islah]. Santiago, 13 de abril, 1933. "La política anti sionista en Alemania."
  69. 69.0 69.1 Mundo Árabe, la-Reforma - Jorge Sabaj Zurob: 'Arab world' magazine, excerpts from its vile racism and propaganda, DP, Jul 29, 2020
  70. 70.0 70.1 Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the ... Congress. United States: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1948. 4570.

    Arab Racist Propaganda Rebuked by Judge

    Extension of Remarks by Hon. Arthur G. Klein June 19, 1948

    ... The most conspicuous Arab publicist in the United States, H.I. Katibah, was revealed as the author of the lead article on pro-Hitler propaganda monthly published in Boston, Mass., in 1933.
  71. 71.0 71.1 Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the ... Congress. United States: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1946. pp.4938-4940.
    [British Treatment of Jews in Palestine Cries to Heaven While Arab Office Turns Out Propaganda Extension of Remarks by Adolph J. Sabath August 12, 1946].

    Let me, then, read a single inflammatory statement from a letter dated June 21 , 1946, on the letterhead of the League for Peace With Justice in Palestine, 420 Lexington Avenue, New York 17, and signed by R. M. Schoendorf, Habib I. Katibeh, and Ben H. Freedman.

    The first paragraph of this letter reads:

    World War III may burst upon the world if an attempt is made to transplant into Palestine, against the wishes of the Arabs, 100,000 displaced European Jews and using for this purpose the armed forces of the United States and Great Britain. [...] The chief propagandist and editor for the Institute for Arab-Anerican affairs is a man named H. I. Katibah, and he is the very same man who was director of the prewar Arab organization in the United States that was associated with the Nazi Bund. Just as the bund was supposed to make German-Americans into Nazis, so the Arab National League, of which this man was director, was supposed to make Americans of near eastern extraction into Nazis.

    As a matter of fact, not long after Pearl Harbor, the leading Arabic newspaper in America, Al-Hoda, openly admitted this Arab-Nazi connection, and urged Arab -Americans no longer to follow the false leadership of the German affiliated agitators.
  72. 72.0 72.1 Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the ... Congress, Volume 92, Part 11. United States. Congress. U.S. Government Printing Office, 1946 pp. 2634-5.

    Arab office Linked with Fascist Jew Baters -- President Truman Is Asked to Investigate Arab Propaganda in the United States

    EXTENTION OF REMARKS OF HON. EMANUEL CELLER OF NEW YORK IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES [...] Outstanding publicist for the various Arab groups involved is H. I. Katibah, editor of the monthly Bulletin, and of other publications of the Institute for Arab-American Affairs, Inc. Katibah, the Anti-Nazi League charges, was one of the original incorporators and most active workers in the notorious Arab National League, founded shortly after Hitler seized the German chancellorship and incorporated at New York in 1938, and used to disseminate totalitarian propaganda among Americans of Near Eastern antecedents. The Arab National League operated in close association with the German-American Bund, then under the leadership of Fritz Kuhn, and its activities were regularly reported in the Nazi newspaper, Deutscher Weckruf und Beobachter, until that publication was sealed up by the FBI after the attack on Pearl Harbor. In addition to Katibah, whose name appears near the top of the institute's letterhead, it is significant that both the original bund-associated body and the present institute were formed under New York corporate charters containing much identical language and written by the same lawyers. Furthermore, the names of several of the other top officers of the institute, including the present chairman of its executive committee, are to be found among the names of the eight original incorporators of the old bund-associated Arab National League.

    This same H. I. Katibah, on May 2, 1946, and again on May 9, 1946, was the signer of full-page paid advertisement appearing in a number of principal newspapers, advancing the propaganda cause of the Arab League, and attributed to a high nebulous source called the League for peace with justice in Palestine. The original announcement address of the latter organization is merely the address of an advertising agency located at 345 Madison Avenue, New York City.
  73. Rahal Scheiban to Hitler. July 18, 1933, BAB, R 43 II /1420. Cited in Mallmann, Klaus-Michael., Cüppers, Martin. Nazi Palestine: The Plans for the Extermination of the Jews in Palestine. United Kingdom: Enigma Books, 2013. 30.
  74. Bestand R 43, Reichskanzlei: Einleitung, Serien Arbeit-Geschäftsgang (S. I - LXXII, 1-610). Germany: Bundesarchiv, 1984. 212.
  75. From Bethlehem To Paris Arab-Christian Editor Goes to Get Nazi Instruction, JTA, Oct 8, 1933. [15]. [16].
    (J. T. A Special Correspondent) Sept 16.--
    Eissa Bendak, editor of the radical Christian-Arabic bi-weekly "Sowt Es-Shaab" published in Bethlehem, has left for Paris where he will receive instructions from a group of Germans and Arabs on "conducting Nazi propaganda" in Palestine. Bendak was recently instrumental in organizing the Arab Fascist Party at Bethlehem whose object is to harass the Jews.
  76. Haddad, San Charles. The Origins of the Munich Massacre. United States: Post Hill Press, 2020. Chapter 7, "Rise of the Reich". From: Waldo H. Heinrichs, "Diary Entry, March 9," 115, Waldo Huntley Heinrichs Papers. (Waldo Huntley Heinrichs Papers (RG 115), Special Collections, Yale Divinity School Library. [17]).
    This pro-German, anti-Jewish pot also bubbled in Jerusalem cafés. Heinrichs would overhear pro-German, anti-Jewish conversations at places like Haddad's, a confectionary shop close to his residence.
  77. Nazis Claim Credit for Palestine Arab Rioting; England is Ridiculed, JTA, October 30, 1933. [18].
    The disturbances in Palestine are a direct consequence of Nazi agitation, according to the declaration of the Nazi leader, Schopman, addressing a meeting of Nazis in the municipal theatre in Koepeneck.

    "The Hitler achievement is not confined to Germany," Schopman told his audience,” but it has succeeded in stimulating national self-consciousness in other countries which is best testified to by the events in Palestine.” Der Angriff, newspaper popularly associated with Dr. Goebbels, Nazi propaganda chief, editorially comments tonight on the so-called Arab revolt and attempts to justify it. It remarks sarcastically on the efforts of England, the mandatory power, to protect the Jewish population in Palestine ...

    The remainder of the German press, while reporting Palestine developments, refrains from commenting on them. Enormous interest is shown by the Jewish people here who are besieging the Jewish Telegraphic Agency offices for the latest news from Palestine. The tremendous interest shown by them in this case is a remarkable instance of how, in recent months, Palestine has grown to occupy an important place in German Jewish considerations.
  78. Jewish Daily Bulletin (JTA), Nov 23, 1933.

    Nazis Reveal Contacts with Arab Riot Leaders; Goebbels Gets Reports

    Berlin, Nov 22.– A direct contact between the German Nazis and the Palestinian Arabs is revealed today in the Reichswarte, organ of the all-European Nazi organization, which is edited by the reactionary leader, Count Ernest von Reventlow.

    An emissary from Palestine has reached Berlin, it was learned today, and reported to the Minister for Propaganda, Dr. Paul Joseph Goebbels, and other Nazi governmental authorities on the recent disturbances in Palestine.

    The Munich edition of the Voelkischer Beobachter, which is not sold abroad, carries an article today glorifying the German settlers in Palestine, particularly those who settled in Sarona... Nazi Propaganda Drive in (Land of) Zion

    Jerusalem, 22.– Eissa el Bendak, newly appointed members of the Arab Executive's administrative bureau, will direct a propaganda in Palestine in the interests of the Nazi party. He recently interviewed several Arabs living in France and Germany in connection with the best possible means of adapting the Nazi program to the Holy Land.

    The arrested Arab leaders, Aouni Abdul Hadi, Jamal Al Husein and Izzat Darwaza, have been replaced on the Executive by el Bendak, Ishac Darwish, a nephew of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, and Omar Saleh el Barguthy, a Moslem attorney.

    El Bendak is the editor of Sowt Es-Shaab...

    The Arab Executive has issued a proclamation complimenting the Palestinian Arabs on their bravery and for their resistance to the British government by declaring a general strike. A reply is being formulated to the statement issued by the Colonial Secretary in England demanding peace.

    The moderate Arab leader, Boulos Effendi Shehadeh, editor of the anti-reactionary "Meraat Al Sherk", has resigned from the Arab Executive because of the manner in which the "Arab Executive fled like cowards from the scene" of the rioting in the Holy City recently.

    He deplored the fact that the Arabs have surrendered so readily to pressure of British government military forces.
  79. Do'ar Hayom, December 11, 1933

    The Nazi spirit in Jaffa.

    The author of "El Blug" in Jaffa tells of the strengthening of Nazi spirit among the young Arabs in the country. Unknowns painted the swastika on a glass and various utensils in Arab cafes in Jaffa.

    The author tells of an incident that happened in the German cafe "Lawrence" located on the Jaffa-Tel Aviv border: A young Arab man sitting with his friends in the same cafe spread a Nazi flag on the table and drank with the patrons a toast to the 'well being' of the Arab Nazism. This upset the Jewish critics. However, Azmi Nashashibi, the deputy governor of Jaffa, intervened and said that here is a public place and if he does not like what he does, he has the authority to leave the place.

    So the Jews left the place.

    דאר היום, 11 דצמבר 1933

    הרוח הנאצית ביפו סופרו של "אל בלאג" מספר על תגבורת הרוח הנאצית בין הצעירים הערבים בארץ. נעלמים ציירו את צלב הקרס על כוסית וכלים שונים בבתי קפה ערבים ביפו. הכותב מספר על מקרה שקרה בבית הקפה הגרמני "לורנס" הנמצא על גבול יפו־ת"א צעיר ערבי שישב עם חבריו באותו בית קפה פרש דגל נאצי על השלחן ושתה עם המסובים לחיי הנאציות הערבית. הדבר הרגיז את המבקרים היהודים. אולם עזמי נשאשיבי, סגן מושל יפו, התערב בענין ואמר, שכאן מקום צבורי ואם מה שהוא אינו מוצא חן בעיני מי־שהוא—הרשות בידו לעזוב את המקום. אז עזבו היהודים את המקום.

  80. NAZI HAND SEEN IN HAIFA. The Palestine Post, 13 August 1934.

    ANTI-JEWISH POSTERS. (From Our Correspondent) Haifa , Sunday . — Evidence of Nazi propaganda and its penetration into Arab quarters is furnished in placards which have appeared on walls here urging Arabs to boycott cinema houses. "Keep away from Jewish cinema houses which are contemptible," reads the Arabic announcement. "The Jews' gain is the Arabs' loss." To the right of the letter-press the Swastika appears.

    The Police have confiscated the posters.
  81. Arabs Use Swastika in Fight for Trade of Jews in Holy Land, JTA, Aug 14, 1934.

    Arabic posters with the swastika prominently displayed and advocating a boycott of all Jewish stores have suddenly appeared in Arab shop windows in Jerusalem and Haifa. At the same time walls in the two cities were placarded with the Arabic swastika posters.

    The anti-Jewish boycott movement, believed to be inspired by the Nazis, has as slogans: "The Jew's gain is the Arab's loss" and "Don’t go near Jewish shops."
  82. 82.0 82.1 Blum, Sasson. The attitude of the Arabs of the Land of Israel towards the Jewish settlement and its Zionist enterprise between the events of Av 1939 (August 1939) and the outbreak of the events of 1936-1936 (April 1936)‬‎ [Yaḥasam shel ʼArviye Erets-Yiśraʼel el ha-Yishuv ha-Yehudi u-mifʻalo ha-Tsiyoni ben meʼoraʻot Av-5689 (Ogusṭ 1939) le-ven p'rots meʼoraʻot 5696-5699 (April 1939)]. Israel: Universiṭat Tel-Aviv, 1971. [19].
    Haifa based Al-Karmil (al-Karmal, El-carmel الكرمل, El-carmel, Jarīdat al-Karmal) asks in its issue of May 24, 1933:

    "Will there rise among us an Arab Hitler who will awaken the Arabs, gather their dispersed, and lead them so that they will do what is necessary ...?" A reader wrote in the July 1, 1934 issue of Falastin: "Hitler was liked by the Arabs, the Orientals, because that is the way of the world: the enemy of my enemies is my friend and ally." On the great and growing influence of the Nazi ideology among the Arabs of the land in droves, because they conform to the anti-Jewish mindsets prevalent among them ... There were soon growing signs of sympathy in the Arab street for Hitler and Nazism.

    The swastika is seen more and more on Arab houses, on Arab cars, and even shoe polishers near the Jaffa Gate in Jerusalem adorned crates in this painting.

    Berlin (JTA)—Official circles here are protesting against the use of the swastika, official Nazi emblem, printed on the wrappers of Palestine oranges intended for export to Germany...

    Oranges marked "Saint Elijah, Jaffa," were wrapped in paper bearing a picture of the "prophet" surrounded by swastikas.

    The wrappers were found to have been used by an Arab exporting firm.
  84. ha-Arets - הארץ, 8 March 1934.

    "פלשתין" להגנת היטלר. 'פלשתין' נתקנא כנראה ב"אל אסלמייה" וב"אל ג'אמעה", שפרסמו מאמרים נגד תהלוכת העדלידע בתל־אביב. ופרסם מאמר, שבו הוא מפנה את תשומת " לב הממשלה לתמונות הקריקטוריות שהיו בתהלוכת העדלידע... Falastin in Defense of Hitler.

    'Falastin' was apparently jealous of Al-Islamiyah and Al-Jama'ah, which published articles against the Adloyada procession in Tel Aviv. And published an article, in which he draws the government's attention to the cartoonish images that were in the Adloyada procession...
  85. When Nazi Swastikas Were Paraded in Downtown Tel Aviv. Tel Aviv's Purim parades between 1933 and 1935 evolved from joyous celebrations into full-on protests against Nazi Germany. Nati Gabbay,, 16.03.2022. [20]

    ...The German Consulate heard of the stunt and sent a sharp letter of rebuke to Tel Aviv Mayor Meir Dizengoff, written in English. The Consul was most perturbed: [21] “Besides being of opinion that the person of a leading statesman on such an occasion should never be made the object of presentation whatever the intention might have been, I find myself in the necessity to protest most urgently against the tendencious [sic] manner in which Herr Hitler was publicly represented in this special case…I sincerely hope that they will think it right to apologize.”

    The letter sent to Mayor Dizengoff, the Tel Aviv Municipality Archives Dizengoff refused to apologize, responding:

    "It is clear that this display is nothing but a spontaneous reaction reflecting a public view that is unwilling to accept the fate of the Jews of Germany. In fact, one wonders why the protest was not even sharper…"

    The truth is, there was room to doubt the "spontaneous" nature of the exhibit, as it had been pre-approved by the municipality, which even rewarded the designers with a cash prize.

    The Hitler exhibit won sixth place and a cash prize of two Palestine Pounds, according to a Hebrew report in Davar, March 17th, 1933.

    By 1934, fear of the Nazis was even more grounded in reality. Hitler was consolidating his power, and anti-Jewish measures were on the rise. That year’s Purim parade in Tel Aviv was marked by full-on protests against the Nazis, featuring clear demands to boycott German goods and stand up to the National-Socialist party.

    This time around, the main attraction was a massive three-headed, swastika-emblazoned dragon, with an effigy of Hitler mounted on its back.
  86. Batog – באטאג, 10 April 1934. [22].

    Hitler agitation in Palestine. Formed in E.Y. a center for Hitlerist propaganda in the Near East.

    A Palestinian correspondent of Jewish newspapers abroad writes:

    Recently, the relations between the Jewish settlement in the Land of Israel [Eretz-Yisrael - E.Y.] and the German colonists in the country have become very strained.

    In the Land there are a few thousand Germans / 'Templars', who have their own colonies. Before the Hitlerite revolution in the country... the relations between the Germans and Jews in the country were friendly.

    As soon as the Hitlerites came to power in Germany, the relationship between the Germans and these Jews soon changed.

    The Germans in the country, which is true, never wanted to employ any Jewish workers in their colonies. Although the main consumers of their agricultural products are almost exclusively Jews.

    As soon as Hitler ascended the throne, Nazis = propagandists began to appear, who began to conduct anti-Semitism propaganda among the Germans in E.Y..

    The agitation really soon bore fruit, the Germans became very aggressive and show full hatred towards the Jews in the country.

    Some time ago, the Germans in E.Y. had invited to visit them, the Austrian Nazi-leader Herr Walter Riehl, he should hold a report cycle there on the essence of National-Socialism.

    Walter Riehl used his visit to E.Y. for anti-Semitic propaganda and created in E.Y. a Nazi center for the entire East.

    The German Hitlerites in Israel are already conducting a twisted Hitlerite propaganda among the Arab youth.

    Among the Arab youth there is also a Nazi organization, which is led by the German Hitlerites in the country.

    Recently, with every German ship that arrives in Jaffa or Haifa, literature is brought in, which is then distributed among the Arabs in the country. The danger of the Hitlerites in the Land of Israel is still not great for the time being, but the Jewish community must start thinking about how to fight the guys.

    היטלעריאגיטאציע אין פּאלעסטינע.! געשאפן און א"י א צענטראלע פֿאר היטלעריסטישע פּראפאגאנדע אין נאענטן מזרח.

    אַ פֿאַלעסטינער קאָרעספּאָנדענט פון אידישע צייטונגען אין אויסלאַנד שרייבט:

    דו לעצטע צייט האָבן זיך זייער פאַרשאַרפט די באַציאונגען צווישן דעם אידישן ישוב אין ארץ-ישראל און די דייטשע קאָלאָניסטן אין לאַנד.

    און לאַנד געפונען זיך אַ פּאָר טויזנט דייטשן /"טעמפלער", וועלכע האָבן אייגענע קאָלאָניעס. פאר דער היטלעריסטישער איבערקערעניש אין דײטשלאַנד... זיינען די באַציאונגען צווישן די דייטשן און אידן אין לאַנד געווען פריינטלעכע.

    װי נאָר אָבער די היטלעריסטן זײַגען געקומען צו דער מאַכט אין דײטשלאַנר, האָבן זיך באַלד געענדערט די באַציאונג פון צי א"י דייטשן צו די דאָזיקע אידן.

    די דייטשן אין לאַנד האָבן, װאָס אמת איז, קײִנמאָל נישט געװואָלט באַשעפטיקן קײַן אידישע אַרְבֶעטֶער אין זײערע קאָלאָניעס. כאָטשׁ די הווִפּט פן קאָנסומענטן פון זייערע לאַנדװירטשאַפטלעכע פּראָדוקציעס זײנען כמעט אֹױסשליסלעך אידן.

    װי נאָר היטלער איז אַרוף אַפֿן בענקל האָבֿן זיך אָנגעהויבן באַװײזן נאַצי = פֿראָפּאַגאַגדיסטן, וועלכע האָבן אָנגעהױבן צו פֿירן אַנטיסעטיטישע פראָפּאַגאַנדע צווישן די דייטשן אין א"י.

    די אַגיטאציע האָט טאַקע באַלד געבראַכט פְרוכטן, די דייטשן זייגנען געוואָרן זייער אַגרעסיוו און װײַזן אַרױיס אַ פולע שנאה צו די אידן אין לאַנד.

    מיט אַ צייט צוריק האָבן די דייטשן אין א"י אינגעלאַדן צו זיך אַף אַ באַזוך דעם עסטרייכישן נאַצי - פורער הר. װאַלטער רילער, ער זאָל דאָרטן האלטן אַ ציקל רעפּעראַטן וועגן דעם מהות פון נאַציאָנאַל ‏ סאָציאַלֿיזם. הַר װאַלטער רילער האָט אויסגענוצט זיין באַזוך אין א"י פֿאַר אַנטיסעמיטֿישער פֿראָפֿאַגאַנדע און האָט געשאַפן אין א"י אַ נאַצי צענטראַלץ פאַרן גאַנצן מזרח.

    די - דייטשע היטלעריסטן אין ‏ א"י פֿירן שוין אויך אַ פֿאַרצװײנטע היטלעריסטישע פֿראָפּאַגאַנדע צווישן די אראבישע יוגנט.

    צווישן די אַראַבישע יוגנטלעכע געפֿינט זיך אויך אַ נאַצי אָרגאַניזאַציע, וועלכע ווערט אָנגעפירט דורך די דייטשע היטלעריסטן אין לאַנד.

    לעצטנס װערט אויך מֿיט יעדער דייטשער שיף, װאָס קומט אָן קיין יפוֹ אָדער חיפה, אַריינגעפֿירט ליטעראַטור, װעלכע ווערט דערנאָך פאַרשפּרײיט צווישן די אַראַבער אין לֿאַנד. די סכנה פון היטלעריסטן אין ארץ ישראל איז נאָך לעת עתה נישט גרויס, אָבֿער רער אידישער ישוב מוז שׁוין באצייטנס אָנהױיבן טראַכטן, װי אַזױ צו באַקעמפן די חברה-לייט.

  87. Misgav, Tel. Latrun Days: The story of the Latrun detention camps during the British Mandate 1941-1948. [Yemei Latrun: sipuram shel machnot hama'atzar bitkufat hamandat haBriti]. Ariav, 2007, p. 27.
    In May 1934, the Jerusalem police learned that extremist Arab nationalists intended to form the Palestinian Nazi Party, which aimed to fight Jews in coordination with the Nazi Party in Germany. In Israel, many swastikas began to appear on Arab homes and their cars. At the end of 1935 the number of members of the Nazi party in Israel was two hundred and eighty.
  88. 88.0 88.1 88.2 David M. Rosen, "Armies of the young: child soldiers in war and terrorism," (Rutgers University Press, 2005), p. 106.

    …The shrill calls to take up extremist politics invoked a symbolism that glorified youth, violence, and death. By 1936 Al Difaa, the paper of the Istiqlal movement and the most widely read paper in the Arab community, proclaimed, in clearly fascist tones, that "youth must go out to the field of battle as soldiers of the Fatherland." Others argued that the "Land is in need of a youth, healthy in body and soul like Nazi youth in Germany and the fascist youth in Italy which stands ready for the orders of its leaders and ready to sacrifice its life for the honor of its people and freedom of its fatherland." …Nationalist rhetoric accompanied major efforts to build fascist-style youth organizations by recruiting young men to serve as the strike force of the nationalist movement. Throughout the 1930s the children of wealthy Palestinians returned home from European universities having witnessed the emergence of fascist paramilitary forces. Palestinian students educated in Germany returned to Palestine determined to found the Arab Nazi Party. The Husseinis used the Palestinian Arab Party to establish the al-Futuwwa youth corps, which was named after an association of Arab Nazi Scouts. By 1936 the Palestinian Arab Party was sponsoring the developments of storm troops patterned on the German model. These storm troops, all children and youth, were to be outfitted in black trousers and red shirts… The young recruits took the following oath: "Life — my right; independence — my aspiration; Arabism — my country, and there is no room in it for any but Arabs. In this I believe and Allah is my witness." […]

    The al-Futuwwa youth groups connected Palestinian youth to fascist youth movements elsewhere in the Middle East. While the Mufti was establishing youth groups in Palestine, al-Futuwwa groups were established in Iraq.
  89. Der Moment - דער מאָמענט, 4 May 1934 —נאציס ארגאניזירען פאליטישע מיטינגען אין א"י [Nazis organize political rallies in E"Y (Palestine)].
  90. [ PALESTINE LOAN BILL. (Hansard, 29 May 1934). Parliamentary Debates (Hansard).: House of Commons Official report. (1934). United Kingdom: H.M. Stationery Office, p. 115.
    I must give one other illustration—from Transjordan. The Amir wants to have the Jews there, and the Jews want to go there, but the Government will not let them go because, they say, it is not safe for the Jews in Transjordan. I think they might have invented a better excuse than that. In what country is it safe for the Jews if you take that line of argument? It is not safe for them on Clap-ham Common. It is safe enough for the English, and the whole world is safe for us. Why? Because we can hit back. We have made the world safe for the English, not by police, not by armies, but by arming the people themselves. The worst thing we have ever done in Palestine, worse even than our emigration distinctions, was when the Jews were being massacred and we, at the request of the Grand Mufti, almost at his orders, lined the Jews all up and disarmed them because they were Jews. That is the sort of thing which people remember. It was not under this Government, it is true, but you cannot expect that anybody in that country will look for justice or hope for better things as long as you have that spirit ruling there. I sometimes think that the feeling has now become pro-Nazi. Hitler's "Mein Kampf" goes to Palestine, and is sold freely. The whole book is a denunciation of the Jew—all lies and abuse. At the same time there is a book published in this country called "The Brown Book of the Hitler Terror." When that got out to Palestine it was banned. It is allowed in this country, but there it is legal to abuse the Jews but not legal to abuse the abusers. Then they were visited by Herr Frick. He stands among the half-dozen best Jew-baiters in the world. He goes to Palestine by the permission of this Government and sees everybody there. I wonder if he paid £60 as a tourist before he was allowed into that country.
  91. Palestine Arabian Nazi Unit Reported Formed, JTA, June 8, 1934. [23].

    Mukkattam, Arab daily, reports today that a Palestine Arab Nazi youth organization has been formed with a three-point movement hostile to the Jews. Reports to this effect were denied recently in the House of Commons by Sir Philip Conifer-Lister, British Colonial Secretary.

    The Arab Nazi program calls for the development in Palestine of a movement similar to German Nazism; a determined fight against Zionism and the maintaining of friendly contacts with Germany.
  92. The Palestine Post, 17 September 1934.
    News in Brief
  93. 93.0 93.1 93.2 Rubin, Barry., Schwanitz, Wolfgang G.. Nazis, Islamists, and the Making of the Modern Middle East. United Kingdom: Yale University Press, 2014. 247.
    From time to time, anti-Jewish slogans written in Arabic and German, and embellished with the swastika, appear on vacant walls and boardings in different Palestine towns, enjoining a boycott of Jewish goods and enterprises… According to well-informed local quarters , the origin of these throwaways is in a central Nazi propaganda ascent for Palestine who, it is believed, works through Arab Fascists. An attempt at Fascism was started some eighteen months ago as the only hope of Arab salvation in the present state of the Arab nationalist cause, as one young leader said. The object was to introduce an ultra-nationalistic spirit among the Arab youth. But it was more closely modelled on the National-Socialist brand of Fascism than the Italian, because the German politics embodied anti-Semitism as the central motive.
  95. Nazis Blamed For Arab Anti-Jewish Riots in Algeria.

    Nazis Blamed For Arab Anti-Jewish Riots in Algeria Dr. Coralnik Charges Hitler Agents Fomented Outbreak in Constantine

    New York —(Special)—Moslem attacks on Jews in Algiers are the direct result of activities of Hitler agents in the French colonies, it was charged here by Dr . Abraham Coralnik, associate editor of the Day and vice president of the Non-Sectarian Anti-Nazi League to Champion Human Rights. The Nazis, Dr. Coralnik declared in a radio address, are particularly active in the French colonies, where they eagerly seek to create situations and disorders that will prove embarrassing to France. Hitler talks peace and prepares for war, Dr. Coralnik said. In order to fan the flames of war, he is doing everything to spread racial and religious hatreds everywhere. His object is not merely the annihilation of the Jews. It is a plot to keep the world in a state of perpetual unrest and to hit France wherever, and whenever, possible. The Nazi agents have been concentrating their activities among the Arabs and other Moslems in the French colonies, and they have been the chief cause of the bloody outbreak in Algiers. France is well aware of it.

    Nor is such activity limited to French territory. A large number of Nazi agitators have been stirring up the Palestinian Arabs much to the discomfort of Great Britain. Recently three German agents were arrested by British authorities in Haifa and deported for anti-Semitic and anti-British propaganda.

    I discovered on my recent trip through Central America and Mexico that these countries are overrun by Nazi agents. Happily their activities there have not proved as successful as in Algiers. The half-Indian, half-white population of Latin America cannot comprehend the ridiculous theory of Aryan supremacy. Hitler eagerly adapted and greatly expanded the ruthless methods of German warfare and the idea of fomenting war between Mexico and the United States. He is using that policy successfully in stirring up the native Moslem populations of Asia Minor and Northern Africa.
  96. 96.0 96.1 Yaakov Shimoni, Arviyei Eretz Yisrael (The Arabs of Palestine), (Tel-Aviv, Palestine: Am Oved), 1947, p. 407.
    "Al Difa" changed its flavor several times: at the time of its founding it was considered the mouthpiece of the Istiqlal circles, who were then extremists and fans of fascism; Stories of direct ties formed then between its editors and Germans.
  97. 97.0 97.1 97.2 Shteigman, Yitzhak. Shelaḥ Daṿid : ha-yishuv ha-Yehudi el mul ha-hitnagdut ha-ʻArvit le-mifʻal ha-Tsiyoni be-Erets-Yiśraʼel, 1918-1948. Tel-Aviv : Mekhon Z'aboṭinsḳi be-Yiśraʼel, 1997. 142.

    The multiplicity of parties led to an awakening in the Arab street. All parties were dragged along by the extremists of the Istiqlal, whose newspaper al-Difa'a became a Nazi propaganda pamphlet. They made efforts to attract the masses with national recommendations, strong hatred of Jews and extreme demands from the authorities. The fascist regimes in Germany and Italy were a source of inspiration and imitation to the national Arab movement. As early as 1932, the newspaper Al-Carmel wrote: "The Nazi movement is a symbol, it is a source of hope - Arab nationalism must adopt the methods of its leaders in their pursuit of independence and freedom."

    The Mufti's bulletin al-Jamaa al-Arabiya's continued to incite the public against the government, expressing its support for fascist Italy, which the newspaper said had adopted sympathetic treatment of Arabs and the Muslim world "and supported their national aspirations."

    שטייגמן, יצחק. שלח דוד: הישוב היהודי אל מול ההתנגדות הערבית למפעל הציוני בארץ־ישראל, 1918־1948. תל־אביב: מכון ז׳בוטינסקי בישראל, 1997. 142.

    ריבוי המפלגות הביא להתעוררות ברחוב הערבי . כל המפלגות נגררו אחרי הקיצוניות של האיסתיקלאל, שעיתונה אל־דיפאע הפך לעלון תעמולה נאצי.

    הם עשו מאמצים למשוך את ההמון במליצות לאומיות, בשנאה עזה ליהודים ובתביעות קיצוניות מהשלטונות. המשטרים הפשיסטיים בגרמניה ובאיטליה היו מקור השראה וחיקוי לתנועה הערבית הלאומית. כבר ב־1932 כותב העיתון אל־כרמל: "התנועה הנאצית היא סמל, היא מקור התקוה - על הלאומיות הערבית לאמץ את שיטות מנהיגיה בשאיפתם לעצמאות ולחופש". ביטאונו של המופתי אל - ג'אמעה אל־ערביה המשיך כל אותה עת להסית את הציבור נגד הממשלה, ולהביע את תמיכתו באיטליה הפשיסטית, שלדברי העיתון אימצה יחס אוהד כלפי הערבים והעולם המוסלמי " ותומכת בשאיפותיהם הלאומיות." ...

    חבורת עז א-דין אל-קסאם בראשית שנות השלושים החלו להתארגן באזורים שונים בארץ אגודות ערביות חשאיות, ששמו להן למטרה לפעול בדרכי טרור, להטיל אימה על הציבור היהודי, ולקיים מתיחות בלתי פוסקת. בהנהגת עבד אל־קאדר אל - חוסייני בנו של מוסא כאזם, קם בקיץ 1931 באזור ירושלים ארגון שקרא לעצמו " אל-ג'יהאד אל מקדס" ( הג'יהאד ה"קדוש"). הוא התפתח מהר , חבריו קנו רובים ועברו הדרכה צבאית...

  98. 98.0 98.1 Mustafa Kabaha, "The Palestinian Press as Shaper of Public Opinion 1929-39: Writing Up a Storm," Vallentine Mitchell, 2007, p. 192.

    Ibrahim al-Shanti, owner and chief editor of al-Difa', was more active than any other senior journalist in his support of the youth corps. He took advantage of his many contacts in Palestine and started establishing a non-political national organization. He held the founding assembly of this organization at the home of Yusuf abu Badra in Jaffa. Al - Shanti wrote in an article in his paper after the assembly:

    'This assembly is the first step in organizing the Arab youth who have awakened and have decided to save the nation's honour. The next step will be quick to arrive, so that people will not say that the Arab youth in Palestine is ailing. In a few months this youth will appear in all its strength in order to form stronger foundations for the Palestinian issue, and it will demonstrate dedicated action for the glory of Arab Palestine.'

    Al-Shanti's extensive involvement in this field and the adoption of Nazi and fascist symbols for his enterprise caused many historians to accuse him of Nazi propaganda and even of accepting large sums of money in return for spreading Nazi propaganda amongst Palestinian Arabs, veiled by forceful and comprehensive venomous pan-Arab propaganda.
  99. Robert Lewis Melka, "The Axis and the Arab Middle East, 1930-1945," University of Minnesota, 1966, p. 49.
    One of Reichert's leading Arab informants and propagandists, a certain Ibrahim Chanti, whose value he also underscored in his talks with Eichmann, was a swindler who had gone over to the Allies "with flags flying" when the war broke out. Hentig wrote this in March 1941, by which time Reichert had given other evidences of his indiscretion and poor judgement in posts on Rhodes and in Rome.
  100. 100.0 100.1 [Adolf Eichmann: Technocraat van de Holocaust] Adolf Eichmann: Technocrat of the Holocaust [24], Emerson Vermaat.

    It was at the end of August 1944 that Eichmann confided to his fellow SS-officer Wilhelm Höttl that about four million Jews had been killed in the various death camps, and an additional two million had been executed by ‘SS Einsatzgruppen units’ during the invasion of Russia. Recent research has shown that these figures are correct. Eichmann was one of the very few who knew the total number of murdered Jews and Jews who perished.

    In Hungary alone, 434,351 Jews were deported, according to accurate figures kept by the Hungarian gendarmerie or national police. Most of them were gassed to death at Auschwitz. This occurred between May 15 and July 9, 1944 – a very short period indeed. Eichmann even ignored an order from Hungarian leader Miklos Horthy to stop the deportations. He called him an ‘old fool.’

    Hitler publicly predicted in January 1938 that the ‘Jewish race in Europe’ would be eradicated. Only seven years later, by January 1945, that is, the Nazis had actually murdered six million Jews.

    Eichmann started his career in the SS in 1932. He later began to take a keen interest in ‘Jewish affairs’ and ‘zionism’ and even read Theodor Herzl’s book on the Jewish State. Together with fellow SS officer Herbert Hagen Eichmann visited Palestine and Egypt in 1937. Palestine was a British mandate at the time. Back then Eichmann and Hagen were agents of the SS Security Service (SD) and posed as journalists as they travelled to the Middle East. They reported to their superiors in Berlin that Arabs and Egyptians did not like the Jews. (Things have not changed since 1937.) When ‘ordinary Arabs’ hear the name of Hitler they are elated. Their secret report was read by SD chief Reinhard Heydrich who had personally authorized the whole trip. (In 1939 Heydrich would become RSHA chief and play a key role in initiating the Holocaust – he died in June 1942, after an attack on his life.)

    Eichmann and Hagen also mentioned Ibrahim Chanti (Shanti), the owner of the most prominent Palestinian newspaper in the 1930s. Shanti was an important Nazi agent and Eichmann wanted to help him financially. He even proposed to pay off Shanti’s mortgage. The Nazi Propaganda Ministry supplied printing paper to Shanti. (Shanti is still revered in the Palestinian media.)

    Eichmann failed to meet Haj Amin Al-Husseini, the Palestinian Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and a notorious Jew hater. But Eichmann and the Mufti did shake hands a few months after the latter had fled to Berlin. (He arrived there in November 1941.) Both of them would become very close friends indeed.

    The Mufti was very anxious to meet Hitler, and he succeeded in doing so in November 1941. Hitler told the Mufti: ‘The road from Rostov (southern Russia, EV) to Iran and Iraq is shorter than the distance from Berlin and Rostov.’ ‘When we shall have arrived in the southern Caucasus, then the time of the liberation of the Arabs will have arrived.’ By the summer of 1942, the Nazis planted their ‘swastika flag’ on the 18,510 feet high Mount Elbrus – deep into the Caucasus. At the same time Marshall Erwin Rommel’s German Africa Corps was only 70 miles away from Alexandria, Egypt’s strategic port city, which is not very far from Palestine. The Nazis wanted to end British rule in the Middle East and Palestine and they nearly succeeded in doing so. Thanks to successful Russian counter offensives and the able British commander Bernard Montgomery, these Nazi plans were thwarted – but only just.

    Had the Nazis indeed succeeded in conquering Palestine and the Middle East, then the Mufti would quickly have returned to Palestine with Hitler’s solemn promise that he would be proclaimed leader of the Arab world.

    Moreover, Eichmann would have sent one of his best and most experienced SS officers to assist the Mufti in murdering all the Jews who lived in Palestine – another Holocaust, but now in Palestine.

    It was at the Eichmann Trial in Jerusalem that Gideon Hausner, the excellent Israeli public prosecutor, said: ‘After the victory, which was coming, as they (the Nazis, EV) hoped, these people were planning the same bloody work in the whole world, which would fall at their feet. And the Mufti, who had spilled the blood of the Jews in Hebron, Jaffa and in Jerusalem, in the riots of 1921, 1936 and 1939, was looking for a man like himself who would help him finish the job. He saw that they did it better there.’ ‘There’ refers to the death camps in Nazi occupied Poland. When he was still in Berlin, the Mufti wrote letters to several Foreign Ministers advising them to send Jewish children ‘to Poland, where they are under active supervision.’ Being ‘under active supervision’ meant, of course, being murdered en masse in Auschwitz and other infamous camps. (Defenseless children and their mothers were invariably ‘selected’ for ‘special treatment’ – ‘Sonderbehandlung’ –, the Nazi code word for death in the gas chambers, that is.)

    There is little doubt about it that the Mufti visited the death camp of Auschwitz in 1944. Consequently, he knew quite well what ‘under active supervision’ meant. Dutch Holocaust survivor Ernst Verduin claims that he saw ‘men with strange clothes’ in the camp on a very hot day in the summer of 1944. A German SS-officer assured him that what he witnessed was a visit by the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and his entourage. The book contains the text of the author’s exclusive interview with Ernst Verduin on this issue.
  101. Esco Foundation for Palestine, inc., "Palestine: A Study of Jewish, Arab, and British Policies," Yale University Press, 1947, 778
  102. Kanaan, Haviv. The fifth Column: the Germans (Templars) in Palestine in years 1933-1948. Hakibutz Hameuchad, 1968. pp. 52-53.
    Cultivating the "Fifth Column"

    In an issue of March 15, 1935, "Die Warte Des Tempels," discusses ... The newspaper noted that fascism and Nazism had become a flag in the eyes of the Arabs in their political war. Adolf Hitler - continued "Die Warte" - is portrayed in the consciousness of the Arabs as the great personality of the 20th century. The popularity of our Fuhrer is so great that no Arab is present in Palestine today Even he is just a simple peasant that Adolf Hitler's hearing had not reached his ears. There are reports of attempts to form fascist and Nazi parties in the Arab public. Although these parties are secretly established, the influence of Nazi ideas on the way of thinking and behaving of the new organizations is no secret. The education of the younger Arab generation is today founded on the foundations of Nazi education; The Istiqlal Party, which began to reorganize, also adopted Nazi ideas. "This party's publication shows a clear sympathy for Nazism and fights fiercely against the Jewish boycott of Germany." At the same time, Nazi literature in Arabic was sold on the streets of Jerusalem and in other cities of Palestine. This literature, which dealt extensively with Jews, came to Palestine from Germany; Reich printing houses printed magazines and books in Arabic in millions of copies, and the Arab audience here read them eagerly. A special interest was aroused by Hitler's "Mein Kampf" in Arabic translation. It goes without saying that the British authorities were well aware of the contents of the registered mail bundles received from party activists. Important propaganda centers were used by German hotels and boarding houses, which used to be hosted The Nazi agents who came as tourists from the Reich.

    It was not difficult to gain the hearts of the Arabs in Nazi propaganda...
  103. 103.0 103.1 Wawrzyn, Heidemarie. Nazis in the Holy Land 1933-1948. Germany: De Gruyter, 2013. 95.
  104. Do'ar ha-Yom, 11 December, 1933.

    Open incitement in the Arab press. Despite the warning sent to the editor of "al-Difa'" (Ad-Difaa الدفاع) by the government - the Arab-Nazi newspaper continues to flood the pages of its newspaper with insults and incitement.

    דאר היום, דצמבר 11, 1933.

    הסתה גלויה בעתונות הערבית. למרות האזהרה שנשלחה לעורך "אדיפאע" על ידי הממשלה — מוסיף העתון הערבי־הנאצי להציף אח עמודי עתונו בדברי שסוי והסתה

  105. Do'ar ha-yom, 24 October, 1934

    Open incitement in the Arab press "Ad-Difaa'" (Al-Difa الدفاع) calls on the Arabs to keep the Jewish "danger" away in their hands Despite the warning sent to the editor of "Ad-Difaa" by the government, the Arab-Nazi newspaper continues to flood its pages with insults and incitement. In yesterday's issue, he publishes a kind of proclamation for the "Arab press and for every Arab man and Arab woman in Israel [palestine]... "The proclamation states:" The rising wave of immigration ... Let every Arab man and Arab woman know that they are the masters of this land and the others are strangers in it ... " דאר היום, אוקטובר 24,1934 הסתה גלויה בעתונות הערבית "אדיפאע" קורא לערבים להרחיק את "הסכנה" היהודית בידיהם למרות האזהרה שנשלחה לעורך "אדיפאע" על ידי הממשלה — מוסיף העתון הערבי־הנאצי להציף את עמודי עתונו בדברי שסוי והסתה. בגליון של יום אתמול, הוא מפרסם מעין כרוז ל"עתונות הערבית ולכל ערבי וערביה בא"י‭...‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ "בכרוז נאמר: "נחשול העליה ההולך... שיכירו כל ערבי וערביה כי הם הנם אדוני הארץ הזו והאחרים הם זרים בה..."

  106. Israel Gershoni, "Arab Responses to Fascism and Nazism..." University of Texas Press, 2014, p. 108.

    'The German Jews are rich industrials and they will be the first, who will take the land from our hands.' Arab newspapers in Palestine covered all aspects of Nazi rule in Germany. Articles on Hitler were driven by curiosity about his character and often exhibited a blatant sympathy during the 1930s...

    As early as 1934, the newspaper warned, "Europe will see no peace if it will not keep distance from the spirit of the swastika [ruh al-swastika] that dominates Germany today. . . . [Hitlerism] is an ideology full of disrespect of all peoples; it glorifies the German.."
  107. Davar, December 23, 1935.

    A new Arab newspaper began to appear in Jaffa, called "Al-Kafaàt" (The Battle). It is published by the Arab Youth Organization.. Telegrams by Wapd, in connection with the restoration of the constitution in Egypt - sent by Jamal Husseini, head of the "Palestinian Arab Party" (Mufti Party). A-Difae reappears. The government stopped the Arab newspaper for a few days, because of its incitement articles, now "a-Sirat", which appeared in place of a-Difa'e has stopped. [...]

    In memory of the "martyrs" - members of the terrorist group, the Arab newspapers continue to dedicate poems and greetings...
  108. Spizman, Leib, Revusky, Abraham. Yidn in Erets-Yiʹsroʾel. United States: Sharon, 1947. p. 325. Spizman, Leib, Revusky, Abraham. Yidn in Erets-Yiʹsroʾel. United States: Sharon, 1949. p. 325.
  109. Jerusalem Grand Mufti Makes Sensational Attack on American Press, JTA, October 17, 1929.

    October 17, 1929 5:00 am The Arab newspaper "Felestin," controlled by the Jerusalem Grand Mufti, made a sensational onslaught on American newspapers yesterday, singling out the "New York Times." … Of his interview with Mr. Van Paassen, the Mufti wrote in the English edition of the "Felestin" that it was merely an informal talk.

    Mr. Van Paassen stated before his departure that when he called on the Mufti for the interview, the head of the Moslem Supreme Council offered him inducements, including women, if he would take the Mufti’s side and color the news according to his personal views and ambitions.
  110. Ha-Yarden - הירדן, 17 January 1935 —The Germans in the country in Hitler's chariot .
    הגרמנים בארץ במרכבתו של היטלר
  111. Sulaiman, K. A. (1984). Palestine and Modern Arab Poetry. United Kingdom: Zed. p.11.
  112. Wistrich, Robert S.. A Lethal Obsession: Anti-Semitism from Antiquity to the Global Jihad. United Kingdom: Random House Publishing Group, 2010. Ch.21 'The "Liberation" of Palestine.'

    The Arab case against Zionism during the late Ottoman period was tainted by an anti-Jewishness that had become part of the "daily bread in Palestine," to quote one prescient observer. In November 1913,

    a prominent leader of the Palestinian anti-Zionist campaign, Sheikh Sulayman al-Taji from Acre, published a poem entitled "The Zionist Danger" in Filastin. It related to Jews as [supposedly] "the weakest [sic. al-Taji] of all peoples and the least of them" who were constantly haggling with Arabs to obtain their land.
  113. Morris, Benny. Righteous Victims: A History of the Zionist-Arab Conflict, 1881-1999. United Kingdom: Knopf, 1999. p.65.
  114. Bartov, Omer. Israel-Palestine: Lands and Peoples. Germany: Berghahn Books, 2021. p. 270.
    In 1913 the influential Jaffa daily Filastin published a poem by a local Palestinian leader that included the lines ...
  115. Gilbert, Martin. In Ishmael's House: A History of Jews in Muslim Lands. United Kingdom: Yale University Press, 2010. Ch.9.
  116. Janrense Boonstra, "Antisemitism, a History Portrayed", SDU, Anne Frank Foundation 1989, p. 101.
  117. Elie Kedourie, Sylvia G. Haim: 'Zionism and Arabism in Palestine and Israel' (RLE Israel and Palestine), Taylor & Francis, 2015. p. 8 [25].
    Two other incidents in April added to Yishuv anxiety. In Jaffa, citrus-owner. Samuel Tolkowsky complained that Government permission for the reappearance of Falastin, which had been closed down by the Turks for incitement to race-hatred in April 1914, could only be a source of discouragement to 'moderate' Arabs and an official invitation to 'extremists'.
  118. 118.0 118.1 Jillian Becker, "The PLO: the rise and fall of the Palestine Liberation Organization", Volume 1984, Part 2. (Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1984). p. 21
    In March 1935 the Husseinis also formed a party, called the Palestinian Arab Party. It was, as its president Jamal Husseini freely boasted, inspired by German Nazism. It included a 'youth troop', modelled on the Hitler Youth, for a while actually called, the 'Nazi Scouts'.
  119. Morris, Research Fellow Truman Institute Benny., Morris, Benny. The birth of the Palestinian refugee problem revisited. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 2004. 28.

    Three small jihadiyya (fighting societies ) were established: Al Kaff al Khadra (the Green Palm) in the Hebron area, al Jihad al Muqaddas (the Holy War), led by Amin al Husseini's nephew, 'Abd al Qadir al Husseini, in the Jerusalem area, and al Shabab al Tha'ir (the Rebellious Youth) in the Tulkarm-Qalqilya area. All three planned or carried out anti-British attacks, albeit in a small way. More dramatic were the brief activities of Sheikh 'Izz al Din al Qassam around Haifa and in northern Samaria. After killing several Jewish settlers and a policeman, the band was cornered and Qassam was killed by the British in late 1935.

    More important in the 'militarisation' of Arab Palestine was the establishment by the Husseinis of the Futuwa (youth companies), in which youngsters were trained in military drill and the use of weapons. The movement, modelled after the Nazi youths organizations...
  120. Waschitz, J., Ha'aravim Be-erez Israel (The Arabs in Palestine), Tel-Aviv: 1947. 229.

    At a gathering of the Hussein Party's youth squads, green shirts following the example of the Egyptian fascists, the young people swore that "Palestine is my homeland, and there is no place for anyone who is not an Arab." Jamal Husseini quoted Hitler: "I started with six, then we were 600 and then 60 million."

    ושיץ‬‎, ‫יוסף‬‎. ‫הערבים בארץ־ישראל: כלכלה וחברה, תרבות ומדיניות‬‎. Israel: ‫הוצאת הקיבוץ הארצי השומר הצעיר‬‎229, 1947.‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

    במלחמה נגד מכירות קרקע, במשמרות נגד מעפילים ונגד פועלים יהודים במקומות ערבים. בכינוס פלוגות הנוער של מפלגת החוסיינים, חולצות ירוקות לפי דוגמת הפאשיסטים המצרים, נשבעו הצעירים כי "פאלאשתין מולדתי, ואין בה מקום למי שאינו ערבי". ג'מאל חוסייני ציטט את היטלר: "התחלתי עם ששה, אחר כך היינו 600 ואחר כך 60 מיליונים".

  121. AA Memorandum, July 27, 1935, BAB, R 43 II /1420. Cited in Mallmann, Klaus-Michael., Cüppers, Martin. Nazi Palestine: The Plans for the Extermination of the Jews in Palestine. United Kingdom: Enigma Books, 2013. 30.
  122. 122.0 122.1 Steininger, Rolf. Germany and the Middle East: From Kaiser Wilhelm II to Angela Merkel. United States: Berghahn Books, 2018. 38-40.

    Hitler enjoyed great popularity in the Arab world, as shown by an episode in 1936, immediately after the Arab uprising against the British broke out in Palestine. The newly appointed consul general, Walter Döhle, reported that a caravan trip with colleagues from Jerusalem to Jenin had been cancelled. Döhle – who had already been greeted by an Arab with the cry 'Hoch Deutschland' (esteemed Germany) – continued the trip on his own and later reported to Berlin: When I stopped on the road to mount a highly visible swastika flag on the radiator of my car, in addition to the official flag attached to the flag stand, a car with Arabs came from the direction of Nablus. I spoke to the Arabs. They agreed to assist me during the passage through Jenin. The transit through Jenin went slowly, with stops about every five metres. My car was constantly surrounded by an excited crowd equipped with sticks and sabres (old German weapons). Five to six Arabs stood on the footboard of my car in a permanent parley, in which I only intervened with the Arabic words 'Konsul Almani' and the German greeting 'Heil Hitler'. The response from the Arab side followed likewise with 'Heil Hitler' and applause so that the trip bore comparison to a triumphal procession. Among the Arabs, the German greeting 'Heil Hitler', symbolic of the Führer's and the Reich Chancellor's popularity, had the strongest impact on this frenzied mob.

    [From: 'Zwischenfall in Dschenin'. Walter Döhle (Jerusalem) to AA, 28 April 1936. Palästina, Doc. 99.]

    On every level, the Palestinian Arabs show great affection for the new Germany and its leader, a support that is worth all the more as it is based on purely idealistic concepts.... However, what is decisive for the affection that now exists towards Germany among the Arabs is the admiration which our Führer enjoys. Especially at times of unrest, there have been more opportunities to determine how deep this liking extends. If you made yourself known as a German when threatened by an Arab crowd, this was generally a free pass for unobstructed passage. If you identified yourself with the German greeting 'Heil Hitler', the attitude changed suddenly into admiration and the Germans received an ovation, in which the Arabs responded vigorously to the German greeting. The enthusiasm for our Führer and the new Germany is probably so widespread because the Palestinian Arabs, in their struggle for their existence, have longed for an Arab 'Führer' and because they felt united with the Germans in the struggle against the Jews...

    [From: Walter Döhle (Jerusalem) to AA, 22 March 1937. 17 pages; facsimile in Palästina, 426–43.]
  123. 123.0 123.1 123.2 123.3 Ziff, William Bernard. The Rape of Palestine. New York: Longmans, Green And Co., 1938. Full text of "The Rape Of Palestine By William B. Ziff (1938) (with Page Links For The Table Of Contents)". The rape of Palestine / William B. Ziff. HathiTrust Digital Library. pp. 404, 413, 417-8, 430.
  124. Krantz, Hazel. Daughter of my people: Henrietta Szold and Hadassah. United States: Jason Aronson, 1995. 112.
  125. 125.0 125.1 Kelly, Matthew. The Crime of Nationalism: Britain, Palestine, and Nation-Building on the Fringe of Empire. United States: University of California Press, 2017.
    (p. 96).
    The Times reported in May that an Arab café in the Old City of Jerusalem was prominently displaying a picture of Hitler, alongside images of King Ghazi and Mussolini. The article related, "The Arabs explain that they naturally acclaim ... Herr Hitler because he dislikes the Jews."
    (p. 210).
    "The Prophet's birthday in Palestine: Arab Nationalist displays," 22 May 1937, Times of London. This was not the first display of popular Arab sympathy for the Nazis. As early as 21 April 1936, a man in western attire managed to spare himself a beating (or worse) at the hands of an Arab mob in Tulkarm only by shouting "Heil Hitler" and giving the Nazi salute.
  126. 126.0 126.1 Kabha, Mustafa. Journalism in the eye of the storm: the Palestinian press as an instrument for shaping public opinion 1929-1939. Israel: Yad Yitzhak Ben Zvi, 2004. 32:
    Al-Husseini... The lively and unrestrained young leader was recognized as the sole leader of the Arabs of the country after the role he played in the events of August 1929.

    Page 74:

    When the events of August 1929 broke out, the British High Commissioner Chancellor was on leave. Upon his return, he published a statement about the events in which he very harshly attacked the Arabs and called them "barbarians, cruel and murderers".

    The statement came out on September 1 and was distributed all over the country. In the remote villages the announcer was dropped from airplanes.

    Page 151:

    The newspapers wanted their leaders to be similar to Germany's leaders, as al-Karmel [Al-Karmil - الكرمل] asked: "Will an Arab Hitler rise up among us to stir up the Arabs, gather their scattered people and lead them to fight and defend their rights and their homeland?"

    They also wanted to educate and nurture the Palestinian youth like the education of the German and Italian youth, as Emil al-Houri [Ghuri إميل الغوري] wrote in the first issue of his al-Shabaab [الشباب] newspaper: "O Arab youth! Wake up from your slumber and see what the aggressive enemies have done to you."
    Page 186:

    This can be learned by the story that Akram Zuaiter brings in his memoirs:

    On April 21, 1936, I was informed by telephone from Tulkarm that the city was closed and a national committee would be established today. There was a big demonstration in the streets of the city. During the demonstration, a car drove by and the driver was wearing a western hat. When the protesters started attacking the car, the driver shouted "Heil Hitler", hung the Nazi flag on his car and waved goodbye to the Nazi movement. So the crowd greeted him, took his hat and replaced it with a turban. This story can teach about the Nazi influence among the crowds in the Palestinian street.
  127. ”Swastikas in Jerusalem,” Dalia Karpel, Haaretz, Feb. 28, 2008. Updated: Feb. 29, 2008.

    In 1933, a branch of the Nazi party opened in Jerusalem's German Colony. Members greeted each other with the straight-armed salute, waved flags emblazoned with swastikas and cut off business ties with their Jewish neighbors. In a new book, architect David Kroyanker tells of anti-Semitic propaganda and plans to import weapons from Germany for use by Arabs against the Jews. Kroyanker, an architect and researcher who worked on this project with his wife Leora, devotes a chapter of the book to the Nazi period: "In the Shadow of the Swastika: 1933-1939." In addition to previously published materials, like the writings of journalist and author Haviv Canaan, Kroyanker relies on new, compelling sources from private archives, such as manuscripts and Templars' memoirs published in Australia in German, and adds rare photographs that are being publicized for the first time. Kroyanker was intrigued by the human side of the German Colony's history. His book describes the customs and ways of life of this group of people whose arrival here from south Germany was akin to "landing on the moon." They settled on rocky farmland that was purchased from the Arab village of Beit Safafa and built a "model settlement." "Look at the family photos and you'll see that they look like they stepped out of a late 19th-century magazine," he says. "They were photographed in Jerusalem dressed in their finest clothes in order to represent a European way of life in the heart of the baksheesh [a tip or bribe] wilderness. In some of the memoirs, you see their contemptuous attitude toward the Arabs... Kroyanker stresses in his book that until Hitler came to power, the Templers and their Jewish neighbors enjoyed good relations. The Germans patronized the Jews' shops and went to Jewish doctors, while Jewish business owners stocked products from Germany and the cinemas screened German films. There were also partnerships between businessmen and merchants from the two communities. Not all the Templers were swept up in the nationalist fervor after the Nazis' rise to power in Germany. There were some, primarily from the older generation, who worried about Nazi ideology taking precedence over the Templar ideology of messianic longings and the striving to create a Christian religious utopia. Kroyanker quotes an article from the Templar journal Das Warte, which criticizes Nazi ideology, saying "It ought not to be viewed as Christian, since it is founded on an Indo-German faith that leads to idol worship." But that didn't stop the growing support for Nazism. Heil (sic) Hitler The founder of the Nazi organization in Palestine in 1933 was the architect Karl Ruff, from Haifa. Nazi party branches were established in Haifa, Jaffa and Jerusalem and in several other Templer colonies. The Jerusalem branch was the largest; in April 1934, it had 67 registered members (the Haifa branch had 48). Ludwig Buchhalter, a teacher in the Templar school in the German Colony, was appointed head of the branch; he received instructions from Berlin and worked in coordination with the German consulate. In April 1934, Buchhalter hosted a party for local residents at the party headquarters in Jerusalem to celebrate Hitler's birthday. The event began with a performance by the boys choir from the Schneller orphanage. "After that, Buchhalter, the branch leader, called for everyone to honor the 45-year-old fuehrer with a triple Sieg Heil salute. Of all the fuehrer's qualities, he emphasized the man's humility." Buchhalter also read aloud a chapter from the book "With Hitler on the Road to Power." On May 1, 1934, the consulate hosted a festive reception and "it was decided that the members were now obliged to greet one another with a Heil Hitler greeting and straight-armed salute on the street, too, on condition that the greeting would not be interpreted as a provocation to others." Buchhalter summoned the party members to the Sport Club in Katamon, for a meeting with the chairman of the Nazi party in Stuttgart, who had come for a visit. That location was also used for lectures by professional Nazi propagandists, who promised their listeners that victory was assured and that they need only be patient. Until 1934, a British branch of the Scouts operated in the German Colony and held varied activities, for boys and girls separately. The youths went on hikes and erected tent camps in the Wilhelma Templer colony, learned Morse code, knot-tying and first aid, and sang British songs. In 1934, the club was converted to a branch of the Nazi youth movement, the Hitler Jugend. Haviv Canaan, who was an officer in the Mandate police at the time, described in his writings what Kroyanker calls "a typical National Socialist street scene in the second half of the 1930s": "Visible through the open windows of the mostly one-story houses was old but distinguished furniture, and the walls were adorned with pictures of leaders of the Reich. On the sides of the balconies, under the roof, swastika flags lay folded." The architect and builder Hermann Imberger used to stroll down the Colony's main street every Sunday, with a swastika band around his arm, and the Arabs he passed "saluted him with admiration."... Kroyanker also tells about the resistance that existed within the community to the Nazi activity: Philip Vorst, head of the Templer Association, banned the Nazi salute from the schools in 1935... Ban versus ban During the Arab revolt against the British, which began in April 1936 with a general strike that lasted six months, some Arabs saw the Templars as prospective allies in their struggle, and hoped that Nazi Germany would conquer Palestine from the British. Buchhalter told the German journalist Ralf Balke, whose book about the Nazi party in Palestine was published in 2001, how he would travel without any problem in his car, which had a Nazi flag attached, through areas that were under Arab control. And that once, when he forgot to remove the flag from the car, he "entered an area under Jewish control and came under fire from Jewish vehicles." Sakakini writes that the German children were sympathetic to the Arabs and, during recess, would throw stones at the Jewish buses that passed the school. But the school principal, Wilhelm Eppinger, refused to join the Nazi party. In October 1937, when it was decided that the school was to be merged with the school of the city's German Evangelical community, Eppinger was dismissed and replaced by Philip Vorst, who by this point was going along with the Nazis. Vorst exhorted the parents, students and teachers who assembled for the school's grand opening to cooperate with one another in keeping with the lofty spirit of Adolf Hitler.. The German Ministry of Information and Propaganda encouraged Palestinian students to attend the German school in order to create a cadre of pro-German leadership that would govern an independent Palestinian state in the future, reports Kroyanker, quoting from a document in the state archives. Palestinian pupils made up about a quarter of the student population and were also able to study Arabic there. Buchhalter, the head of the local Nazi branch, used to threaten residents of the Colony who didn't adhere to the Third Reich's anti-Semitic demands. Because of the attacks on Jews in Germany, the Jews in Palestine declared a ban on German businesses... Beginning in 1935, the Nazi party branches in Palestine instructed the Germans not to employ Jewish workers, and also recommended dissolving any business partnerships with Jews. ... Enemy property Ludwig Buchhalter reported to the Nazi leadership in Berlin about the possibility of selling two German properties to Jews - ... Ernst Schneller, the founder's grandson, represented the Augusta Victoria Foundation here at that time, which worked to promote German nationalism. The Schneller printing house produced the Nazi party stationery and party members were entitled to a 10 percent discount. Because of the Schneller family's Nazi ties, the British secret police eavesdropped on their telephone conversations, and monitored their movements."

    From secret police documents from 1936 to 1939, Kroyanker learned that the Schneller institution attempted to import weapons and ammunition from Germany, in order to train Arabs. In 1938, a booklet published by the Schneller institution included an article by Ludwig Schneller describing the feeling of suffocation at the German institution due to the proximity of Jews in the surrounding area, and expressing some blatantly anti-Semitic views...
  128. 80 Nazis Return to Palestine with Swastikas from Hitler, JTA, February 5, 1936.
  129. 129.0 129.1 Studies in the Restoration of Israel: A Collection of the Problems of Zionism, the Yishuv and the State of Israel. 1992 [Iyunim Bitkumat Israel 2, 1992]. pp. 260-267. Moshe Shemesh: The position of the Jaffa (based) newspaper, Falastin, towards the Axis Powers and the democracies. p. 260

    It is not clear whether Falastin received assistance from Nazi Germany or Fascist Italy during the period under review. According to the newspaper's positive attitude towards these two countries, it is likely that it did indeed benefit from both or one of them. The Arabs got hooked at Nazi racism and Aryan supremacy and especially by the principle of language as a unifying nationalist factor, such as the Arabic language that unites the Arab world. This admiration of the Arab world was expressed, among other things, in political bodies that tried to emulate Nazi or fascist organizations, such as Al-Futuwwah and Al-Najjada in Palestine, the Mistr Al-Fatah in Egypt, or the Syrian National Party. The Palestinian nationalists, including the Husseinis, showed great sympathy for the Nazis. The Husseinis saw the Nazis as natural allies in their struggle against the Jews. This is also evidenced by the Mufti's personal connections.. The position of the Falastin newspaper towards the two camps - the dictatorships and the democracies - in the period reviewed until the outbreak of the war, will be examined in two areas: The formal position of the paper, as expressed in the main articles; The position of the newspaper as expressed in the manner in which the information was provided current events in Europe.

    p. 261

    The formal position in the main articles... In general, it can be noted that during the years 1939-1938, there was a constant drift in the position of the newspaper and in the position of the Arab world in general towards democracies. This process stemmed from the aggravation of the global crisis and the prominence of Nazi Germany as the most powerful power, as well as the intensification of the struggle in the country.

    The first half of 1938: During this period the paper tried to be "balanced" between the two camps, but in fact tended more towards the Axis countries. In general, the newspaper raised allegations against the democratic nature of Western regimes and implicitly implied some sympathy for the dictatorial regimes. "There is not a single person who understands the spirit of the time who would agree that Italian fascism or German Hitlerism would take over Europe or the whole world, after the real English democracy had disappeared. But what man is not inclined to sympathize with this fascism or this Hitlerism, if there is in this sympathy to help the hundreds of millions remove from their hearts the bitterness for the sake of saving the world from a war that could lead to the end of human culture?" Following this line and the hidden sympathy for Germany ...

    p. 266

    At the same time, in order not to completely burn the bridges with the English, the editor tried to 'balance' these sharp articles in major articles that also criticized the dictatorial countries, though not on issues directly related to the Arabs but on issues related to Europe and tensions in the international arena. Due to the nature of this review. Its influence on Palestinian public opinion was minimal. The Palestinians were only slightly interested in what was happening in Europe, and most of their attention was focused on what was happening in Palestine and the struggle against the Jewish community and against Britain. This 'balance' did not, therefore, harm the positive image of the Axis powers, which prevailed in Arab public opinion at the time. Moreover, in the publication of the current information on what is happening in Europe, as will be seen later, the clear and sharp tendency to side with Germany stood...

    p. 267

    Censorship and the penalties imposed on the newspaper required its editors to use an elusive technique in publishing the news, which on the one hand would not give a reason to the mandate or censorship authorities to punish it and on the other hand would allow the newspaper to express its views against Britain and the West. This method of publication makes it difficult for the researcher and requires him to decipher it in order to recreate the true position of the newspaper. Understanding the method of publication will undoubtedly help to understand the trends of the newspaper in the period under review. It is possible to summarize in this way the measures taken by Palestine to overcome the obstacles of censorship and the position of the Mandatory authorities when it comes to expressing its positions by providing the information:

    A. The dominant method that stands out in reading the newspaper is a quote from a foreign press including the British, French, German and Italian press. In most cases the paper used to quote a British press. He frequently quoted from it news items, commentaries, and articles that included criticism of the administration and its policies and especially articles of sympathy for the Axis powers and articles that demonstrated tendencies toward conciliation toward them. In this context, the newspaper published commentaries and articles from the German or Italian press which criticized the West or tended to the position of the Arabs.

    B. Falastin contented itself with mentioning the cities of London, Rome, Paris or Berlin as the source of its information and refrained from mentioning the news agency that sent them. In sensitive news, the city of London has often been mentioned as a clear source that such a score was intended to train the news in the eyes of the censor, especially when the news is based on a quote from a British newspaper.

    C. An interesting phenomenon that I encountered a lot in the newspaper: a certain article, which London is excellent as a source, starts with giving details related to the headline, but then the newspaper moves to other news under subheadings unrelated to the headline and still continues to be based on the same source. This gives the impression that London is the source of further knowledge.

    p. 270

    "An important speech that Hitler is about to deliver with very important statements on German foreign policy.'" - He did not do so with Chamberlain's speeches. It should be emphasized that it is not the news itself that is important here, but the proportions in delivering and emphasizing the news from Germany compared to similar news from the evening that were very few.

    p. 271

    About Hitler comparing him to Napoleon. Similarly to his treatment of Mussolini in early 1938, Falastin (March, April and May 1939) published extensively information about Hitler's actions and his character and influence. These reports were the mainstay of the foreign news page of the paper and may even be said to be more central than the reports on Mussolini in early 1938. Although the descriptions were factual, the headlines given to them were positive in tone or so-called neutral and attention-grabbing. In presenting Germany's positive stance on the Arab issue, the Islamic-religious element was also overemphasized, in order to highlight Hitler's sympathy for Islam and the Muslim world. Hitler is also interested in following Mussolini and getting the title of Muslim defender. Characteristically, Hitler's reference to the Palestinian problem was emphasized in his April 1, 1939, speech. The role of Palestine and the Arabs in the Fuhrer speech; We will not interfere in the affairs of others and we do not want them to interfere in our affairs: we have never asked the British about the affairs of Palestine and what is happening in it and what they want.

    The shift towards a pro-German orientation was expressed in a broader report on Germany and in the emphasis on Germany's aggressive, rigid and 'bold' position in Europe ...
  130. 130.0 130.1 Morris, Benni, "Righteous Victims: A History of the Zionist-Arab Conflict, 1881-1999", (Knopf, 1999), pp 124-5.
  131. Haaretz, Jan 1, 1935.

    Nazi Arabs The author of "El Blag" writes: The Nazi idea is spreading among the Arabs in the Land of Israel.

    A member of the Executive Committee of the Arab organization from Haifa said at the last Executive Committee meeting that the Arab national youth in Haifa likes the Nazi principles, and believed that the best way to save the Land of Israel from the Jews was to follow these principles.

    הארץ, 1 ינואר 1935. ערבים נאצים

    סופרו של "אל בלאג" כותב: הרעיון הנאצי הולך ונתפשט בין הערבים בארץ ישראל. חבר הועה"פ של ארגון הנוער הערבי מחיפה אמר באספה האחרונה של הועה"פ שהנוער הערבי הלאומי בחיפה חובב את הפרינציפים הנאציים, וסבור, שהדרך הטובה ביותר להציל את ארץ ישראל מידי היהודים היא לנהוג על פי פרינציפים אלה.

  132. Ha-Yarden - הירדן, 25 April 1935.

    התעמולה הפרו־איטלקית בין הערבים על מכתבו של האמיר שאקיב ארסלאן מאת א. אבידן שמועות הקרובות לאמת מספרות על תאים נאצים הקימים בין הערבים, הפועלים כיום לשם הרחבת הפעולה האנטי יהודית ואף האנטי אנגלית, ואולי גם נגד האינטרסים של מעצמות אחרות. The pro-Italian propaganda among the Arabs On the letter of Emir Shakib Arslan By A. Avidan

    Rumors close to the truth tell of Nazi cells existing among the Arabs, which are currently working to expand the anti-Jewish and even anti-English action, and perhaps also against the interests of other powers.
  133. 133.0 133.1 Asaf, Michael. The history of the awakening of the Arabs in Palestine and their escape [תולדות התעוררות הערבים בארץ־ישראל ובריחתם]. Israel: Publisher Culture and Education: in collaboration with Davar Publishing House, 1967. p. 129.
    בתקופה ההיא נטתה התנועה הערבית אל הכוחות הפאשיסטיים באירופה, שהתחזקו מאוד עם תפוס הנאצים את השלטון בגרמניה. הסוכן הערבי הפאשיסטי-נאצי הראשי היה האמיר הדרוזי שכיב ארסלאן, שעזב את עדתו הדתית הצרה והצטרף ב־1919/ 20 לתנועת ה"איסתיקלאל" הסורית הפאן-ערבית, ומאז התמידו יחסיו ההדוקים עם מנהיגים ערבים בארץ-ישראל וביחוד עם החוסיינים.
  134. 134.0 134.1 Wien, Peter. Arab Nationalism: The Politics of History and Culture in the Modern Middle East. United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis, 2017. p. 63.
    As seen, Shakib Arslan, one of the key figures of Arab nationalist thought and pan-Arab and -Muslim activism in the interwar period, published his book al-Hulal al-sundusiyya only a few years later and dedicated it to "paradise lost."
  135. Hagay Hacohen, Arabic translation of ‘Mein Kampf’ sold in Israel, JPost, Oct 22, 2019.
    The history of how the German publication ended up in Arabic is a fascinating one. After several false starts that contained mistakes such as Hitler stating he "became a socialist" and not a nationalist, the job fell to Shakib Arslan who used a French translation.
  136. Borders, Boundaries and Belonging in Post-Ottoman Space in the Interwar Period. Netherlands: Brill, 2022. p. 143.
    In 1938, the Arab nationalist and Nazi interlocutor Shakib Arslan, at the time in exile in Geneva, recommended al-'Urabi to the foreign office's Middle East division and the propaganda ministry as a possible translator...
  137. Rubin, Barry., Schwanitz, Wolfgang G.. Nazis, Islamists, and the Making of the Modern Middle East. United Kingdom: Yale University Press, 2014. p. 248.
    The Syrian Islamist and former Nazi collaborationist agent Maruf ad-Dawalibi became al-Husaini's successor as the group's leader. In 1984, as Saudi Arabia's delegate at a UN seminar on religious tolerance and freedom in Geneva, ad-Dawalibi  explained: "Why did Hitler want to exterminate them?. . . It is because they call themselves...

    Islamism's successful remaking of its image and its sweeping under the rug its old participation in the German-Ottoman and Nazi-Islamist alliances was demonstrated by the continuity of institutions, ideology, and personnel. Al-Husaini's personal heir in the global Islamist movement was Muhammad Said Ramadan...

    In 1958, when Syria merged temporarily with Egypt and Abd an- Nasir extended his repression of the Muslim Brotherhood there, Ramadan fled to Geneva where he became the Muslim Brotherhood's and al-Husaini's European representative. That post as the chief Islamist in Europe was previously held by Shakib Arslan, the kaiser's and the Nazis' most consistent Arab ally who up to 1945 had been subsidized by Hitler's regime.
  138. The Palestine Post⁩, 16 October 1939⁩.


    BEIRUT. — A full account has now appeared in the local of press of the visit paid to Germany by the Emir Shakib Arslan, who for the past few years has headed a Syrian nationalist propaganda service in Geneva. The visit was described by the German broadcasting stations as evidence of Arab sympathy for Germany.

    According to reliable Swiss newspaper reports quoted in the local press the Emir met only some of the minor Nazi leaders. It is reported that Hitler at first refused to authorise the grant to him of the honorary German citizenship on the grounds that he was a Semite. In Berlin, the Emir met another honorary aryan the notorious Baron von Oppenheim who managed the German espionage service in Arab countries during the World War.

    Local comment is highly newspaper is unflattering to Shakib Arslan who is thought to have traded in what remains of his political integrity for a cash grant calculated to make it easier for him to maintain an expensive establishment in Geneva, where sympathizers have lately been few and far between.
  139. 139.0 139.1 Motadel, David. Islam and Nazi Germany’s War. United Kingdom: Harvard University Press, 2014. p. 88.
    Articles in Barid al-Sharq, dominated by the usual anti-British, anti-Communist, and anti-Jewish agitation, also drew on religious themes...

    Contributors included the Lebanese pan-Islamist Shakib Arslan and Abdurreshid Ibrahim, who, after his service for Germany during the First World War, had now become imam of the Tokyo Mosque, giving the paper a further pan-Islamic tinge... The journal also published several speeches by members of the Nazi elite, by al-Husayni (including his calls for Jihad)...

    The editors of Barid al-Sharq also published an Arabic- language brochure with the title Islam and the Jews (al-Islam wa-l-Yahud), based on a series of articles that the journal had run earlier under the same title. Numerous copies were distributed in Tunis. In spring 1942, the German consulate in Tangier reported the "confiscation" of several boxes of the brochure by Spanish officials. Files stored in the archives of the Foreign Office in Berlin indicate that the distribution of Barid al-Sharq in the Tangier zone repeatedly caused friction between German officials and the local Spanish administration during the North African campaign. The SS played only a small role in Germany's propaganda efforts targeting the Middle East and North Africa. Perhaps the most significant example was the attempt by SS officers to portray Hitler as a religious figure.
  140. Palestine Post, 13 May, 1935, 7.

    Nazi Propaganda In Palestine Swastika Chalked on Train That a train arriving at Afuleh from Haifa, en route for Samakh, bore a swastika chalked up on one of the coaches, with an Arabic inscription beneath "Germany Over All" ("Deutcshland Uber Alles"), is a report in "Davar," Labour daily.

    When the train, which was carrying delegates returning from the Arab youth conference at Haifa, reached Afuleh station, the station-master ordered the signs to be removed, the paper adds.
  141. Palestine Train Flies Swastika, The New York Times, May 13, 1935
  142. 142.0 142.1 142.2 Arabs in Haifa Form Nazi Club; Well Financed, JTA July 1, 1935.
    Arab youths here have organized a Nazi club, it was learned today.

    The club has already established headquarters and goes under the name of “The Red Moon.” Apparently the organization has strong backers, for all of its deficits are promptly met, and it seems able to draw upon unlimited financial resources. This is viewed as another manifestation of an intensive Nazi anti-Semitic activity sponsored by the Hitler government, and which has broken out throughout Palestine and the Near East. Nazi agents have appeared in various parts of the country in an attempt to incite the Arabs against the Jews. They have been particularly successful among Arab nationalist youth. Groups of brown-clad Arab youths are now organized in the larger cities.

    Recently the Federation of Arab Youth in Palestine petitioned Hitler to help them prevent the Jews from obtaining additional land in Palestine.
  143. The Week in Review. ‘’The Sentinel’’, 11 July 1935.

    In Haifa , shades of Hitler, it was learned that Arab youths have organized a Nazi club that goes under the name of Red Moon.

    They wear brown shirts too and seem to be well-financed.
  144. [⁨⁨ The Chronicler-Spokesman⁩, 14 June 1935⁩].


    JAFFA (JTA)—-The Federation of Arab Youth in Palestine sent a cable to Adolf Hitler asking him to forbid selling to Jews the land on which the German orphanage in Palestine is located. A telegram to the same effect was also sent by the Arab Youth Federation to the German Consul General in Jerusalem.
  145. ⁨⁨Der Tog⁩ - ⁨דער טאג⁩, 18 July 1935. [27].

    סװאסטיקא, מיט אױפשריפט "זאל [ח"ו] לעבן היטלר" אויף ירושלימ'ער טויער

    ירושלים, יולי 17 (איטא). — א סװאסטיקא־צײכען, מיט דער אויפשריפט "וױװא היטלער!", האט זיך דא הײנט באװיזען אויף דעם צימטויער, קעגענאיבער די קברים פון די אידישע מלכים. עס וױיסט אויס, אז דאס האבען אראבער דארט אויסגעמאלען דעם היטלעריסטישען האקענ־קרייץ.

  146. 146.0 146.1 Israeli, Raphael. The Death Camps of Croatia: Visions and Revisions, 1941-1945. N.p.: Taylor & Francis, 2017. p. 119
    Delegations from the Arab world participated in the Nuremberg marches of the Nazis, during the 1930s, and expressed their common disgust toward the Jews and their joint accusations of the Jews... Upon the publication of the racist Nuremberg Laws in 1935, Hitler received greetings from the entire Arab world, from Morocco to Palestine, where Nazi propaganda had taken root.
  147. Küntzel, Matthias. Jihad and Jew-hatred : Islamism, Nazism and the roots of 9/11. New York: Telos Press Pub., 2007, p. 28.

    Moreover, al-Banna was far too religious a man to accept a non-Muslim leader such

    When Hitler promulgated the Nuremberg race laws in 1935, he received telegrams of congratulation from throughout the Arab and Islamic worlds, but in particular from Palestine, where German propaganda had been most active.
  148. 148.0 148.1 Lebl, Ženi. Haj Amin and Berlin [Ḥag' Amin u-Berlin / G'eni Lebel]. 1996. 31

    Signs of sympathy for Hitler and Nazism grew on the Arab street. The swastika flag was also hoisted over Arab homes, Arab cars, and even Arab shoe polishers adorned their crates with the Nazi emblem. Dr. Franz Reichert, a writer for the German News Agency (DNB) in Jerusalem, provided free money to the Arab press, propaganda and photographs about the life of the renewed Germany, and these would devote entire pages to this material. The British saw Dr. Reichert as the main puller In the Nazi spy network in the country, but no action was taken against him. In May 1935, the Palestine-Israeli police learned that extremist Arab nationalists were preparing to form the "Palestinian Nazi Party" in order to fight the Jews in coordination with the sister party in the Reich.

    The great momentum of Nazi propaganda in the Middle East occurred in September 1935. When the "Nuremberg Laws" against the Jews were discovered and published, Hitler received greetings from all Arab countries and Islam. The largest number came from Palestine, where Nazi propaganda was strongest.

    לבל, ג׳ני. חאג׳ אמין וברלין. ישראל: 1996. 31.

    [סימני אהדה להיטלר ולנאציזם הלכו ורבו ברחוב הערבי. דגל צלב הקרס הונף גם על בתי הערבים, על מכוניות ערביות, ואפילו מצחצחי נעליים ערבים קישטו את ארגזיהם בסמל הנאצי. ד"ר פראנץ רייכרט (Franz Reichert), סופר סוכנות הידיעות הגרמנית (DNB) בירושלים, סיפק חינם אין כסף לעיתונות הערבית תעמולה ותצלומים על חיי גרמניה המתחדשת, ואלה היו מקדישים עמודים שלמים לחומר זה. הבריטים ראו בד"ר רייכרט את מושך החוטים העיקרי ברשת הריגול הנאצית בארץ, אך לא פעלו נגדו. במאי 1935 נודע למשטרת פלסטינה - א"י כי לאומנים ערבים קיצונים מתכוננים להקים את "המפלגה הנאצית הפלסטינית", כדי להילחם ביהודים תוך תיאום עם המפלגה־האחות ברייך. התנופה הגדולה בתעמולה הנאצית במזרח התיכון חלה בספטמבר 1935. כאשר נתגלו ופורסמו "חוקי נירנברג" נגד היהודים, הגיעו להיטלר מברקי ברכה מכל ארצות ערב והאיסלאם. המספר הגדול ביותר הגיע ומפלסטינה, שם היתה התעמולה הנאצית החזקה ביותר.]

  149. Antisemitism International: An Annual Research Journal of the Vidal Sassoon International Center for the Study of Antisemitism. (2004). Israel: Vidal Sassoon Inernational Center for the Study of Antisemitism. p. 46.
  150. Graffiti with a swastika in the Old City of Jerusalem.

    Paramount Diary of January 1, 1936: The alleys of the Old City of Jerusalem. 1936

    The Old City of Jerusalem… passersby looking at a graffiti of a swastika and the inscription Hitler in English on a stone wall, the alleys of the Old City, policemen patrolling the place. (From the Sherman Greenberg Film Collection).
    ([28] Beneath is seen a deleted star of David while the Nazi sign is up).
  151. Arabs Read Hitler

    "My Struggle" Becomes Best Seller Among Anti-Semitics.

    BERLIN. November 26 (AP). -- Arabs, who join with Nazi Germany in antagonism to Jews, are reading Adolf Hitler's book "My Struggle." The Fuehrer's autobiography, with its Antisemitic theroies, has been translated into Arabic and already is a best seller in Palestine, German newspapers say.

    The German edition once was barred in Palestine during the high point of Jewish immigration there, but Arabs who fought the Jewish influx, are reported much interested in the new translation.
    AP, Nov 26, 1936. Nebraska State Journal Archives, Nov 26, 1936, p. 2 - NewspaperArchive
  152. Books and Authors; FORTHCOMING BOOKS. The New York Times, April 4, 1937. [29]. [30].

    Hitler's “Mein Kampf” once banned in Palestine is now reported to be a Best seller among the Arabs who have joined with Nazi Germany in antagonism to the Jews.

    Houghton Mifflin company have recently issued a popular priced edition of the Book under the title "My Battle."
  153. Mein kampf among the Arabs

    Under its standing heading 'Books and Authors' the New York Times last sunday published the following paragraph:

    Hitler's Mein Kampf once banned in Palestine is now reported to be a Best seller among the Arabs who have joined with Nazi Germany in antagonism to the Jews. Houghton Mifflin company have recently issued a popular priced edition of the Book under the title 'My Battle.'

    One is at a loss to explain this bit of news.

    Was it the purpose of the item to call attention to the fact that the Nazis are sowing their seeds of venue even among the Arabs of Palestine? This is not news. Nor Are the Nazis alone in this nefarious activity. The Russian communists have not remained Idle either. Or perhaps the emphasis should be placed on the fact that American publisher Houghton Mifflin company is furnishing the sinews of hate indeed is making a substantial contribution towards the spread of the nazi maniacal race doctrine among the primitive peoples of the Orient. A rather intriguing paragraph to say the least.
    [Philadelphia Jewish Exponent Archives, Apr 9, 1937, p. 4 - NewspaperArchive [31].
  154. 154.0 154.1 Fatah, Tarek. The Jew is Not My Enemy: Unveiling the Myths that Fuel Muslim Anti-Semitism. Canada: McClelland & Stewart, 2011. 60

    By the time the Palestinian uprising began in 1936, the Nazi hatred of the Jew had been incorporated into the existing Muslim narrative...

    In September 1937, Adolf Eichmann.. carried out a mission to the Middle East accompanied by the head of the Hitler Youth, Baldur von Schirach, who later funded an "Arab Club" in Damascus where German Nazis trained recruits for the mufti's growing army of insurgents. In his seminal study on the mufti, Klaus Gensicke writes, "The Mufti himself acknowledged that at that time it was only due to German funds he received that it had been possible to carry through the uprising in Palestine. From the outset, he made high financial demands which the Nazis to a great extent met."
  155. Doʼar ha-yom - דאר היום, 4 May 1936.
    Jabotinsky and Patterson's serious difficulties with the Government of Palestine and the Ministry of the Colonies

    At a large public meeting of the Z.CH [New Zionist Organization [הסתדרות ציונית חדשה] in London. They demand that the High Commissioner withdraw from the Legislative Council's program and offer him to renew the Hebrew Legion. Had England understood, it could have "established a new Gibraltar in the Near East" London 28 ... Jabotinsky... I say to the British government: 'Let us build Israel as we can. And it will be able to absorb millions of Jews. Without causing any harm to the Arab populations"...

    The assembly notes its recognition of the service "made by the new Zionist Organization by drawing the attention of the High Commissioner and the Ministry of the Colonies, as early as April 5 and 6, twelve days before the riots, to the urgent danger in Israel of unrestrained anti-Jewish incitement."

    קושיותיהם החמורות של ז'אבוטינסקי ופטרסון אל משלת ארץ־ישראל ואל משרד המושבות באסיפת־עם גדולה של הצ"ת בלונדון הם דורשים מן הנציב העליון לתזור בו מתכנית המועצה המחוקקת ומציעים לו לחדש את הלגיון העברי‭-. ‬ אילו הבינה אנגליה, יכלה "להקים לה גיברלטר חדשה במזרח הקרוב"‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ לונדון‭28,. ‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ ז'אבוטינסקי... אני אומר לממשלה הבריטית: "תנו לנו לבנות את א"י כפי שאנו יכולים. והיא תוכל לקלוט מיליוני יהודים. מבלי לגרום כל רעה לאוכלוסים הערבים"... האספה מציינת את הכרתה בשרות " שעשתה ההסתדרות הציונית החדשה בזה שהעירה את תשומת לבם של הנציב העליון ומשרד המושבות, עוד ב־5 לאפריל וב־6 בו, שנים עשר יום לפני המהומות, לסכנה הדחופה הקיימת בא"י בתוצאות ההסתה האנטי־יהודית הבלתי מרוסנות.

  156. Davar - דבר, 21 September 1936.

    תאוות הבצע ([כך - שידר האנטישמי]) של היהודי היא שגרמה להקרבת בנו - כך "מסביר" מנהל התכנית הערבית ברדיו ירושלים את האגדה הערבית על נאמנותו של שמואל בן עדיה ב"חופש הדיבור" בארץ כבר הגענו לידי כך שתחנת הרדיו בירושלים שידרה לשומעים אמש בין ‭7.45‬ ו־8 ‬‬‬‬‬ הרצאה אנטישמית – והמרצה — שמי, והשנאה לישראל נמסרה בלשון שמית. השמי הזה אינו אדם פשוט, פקיד מדרגא א' הוא ושמו: אברהים אפנדי טוקאן, הסגן הערבי של מנהל תחנת השידור הא"יית‭.‬‬‬‬‬

    It was the greed ([sic - broadcasted the antisemite - editor]) of the Jew that caused his son to be sacrificed -

    This is how the director of the Arab program on Radio Jerusalem "explains" the Arab legend about the loyalty of Shmuel Ben-Adia

    In "Freedom of Speech" in the country, we have already reached the point where the radio station in Jerusalem broadcast to listeners last night between 7:45 and 8 a.m. an antisemitic lecture - and the lecturer - a Semite, and hatred of Jews was conveyed in Semitic language. This Semite is not a simple person, he is a first-rate official and his name is: Ibrahim Effendi Toucan, the Arab deputy director of the Broadcasting Station.
  157. Telos, Issues 128-130. Telos Press, 2004, p. 58.

    [M. Kuntzel:]

    During the 1936-1939 Palestinian revolt, the swastika was used as a mark of identity: Arabic leaflets and graffiti were liberally decorated with it, Arab children welcomed each other with the Hitler salute and vast numbers of German flags and pictures of Hitler were displayed even at celebrations of Mohammed's birthday.
  158. 158.0 158.1 158.2 158.3 Meir-Levi, David. History Upside Down: The Roots of Palestinian Fascism and the Myth of Israeli Aggression: Easyread Large Edition. Canada: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010. 8-9.

    He was directly involved in organizing the 1929 riots that destroyed the 3,000-year-old Jewish community of Hebron. And he was quick to see that he had a natural ally in Hitler and in the rising star of Nazi Germany... In September 1937, Adolf Eichmann and another SS officer carried out an exploratory mission in the Middle East lasting several weeks, and including a friendly visit with the mufti. It was after this visit, in fact, that Haj Amin went on the Nazi payroll as an agent and propagandist. During the "Great Arab revolt" of 1936–1939, the war against the Jews of Palestine and against the British enforcement of the Mandate, which Haj Amin helped organize and which Germany funded, the swastika was used as a mark of identity on Arabic leaflets and graffiti.

    Arab children welcomed each other with the Hitler salute, and a sea of German flags and pictures of Hitler were displayed at celebrations. The identification was so strong that those obliged to travel through areas involved in the Palestinian revolt soon learned that it was prudent to attach a swastika to their vehicle to gain immunity from Arab snipers.
  159. 159.0 159.1 M. M. Silver, "The History of Galilee, 1538–1949: Mysticism, Modernization, and War," (Rowman & Littlefield, 2022), p. 296.
    In 1936, months after Hitler's Nuremberg Laws stripped Jews in Nazi domains of citizenship rights, and branded them as genetic undesirables, Qawuqji was not squeamish about baiting Jews as spineless cowards and opportunists.
  160. Leslie Stein, "The Making of Modern Israel: 1948-1967," (John Wiley & Sons, 2013), p. 110.
    By June 6, the Israelis had been outclassed by a joint force of Syrians, Lebanese, and the mainly foreign volunteer Arab Liberation Army (ALA) led by Fawzi alQawuqji, a Lebanese-born Arab with pro-Nazi sympathies who had been in Germany during World War Two.
  161. Emmanuel Navon, "The Star and the Scepter: A Diplomatic History of Israel." (U of Nebraska Press, 2020), p. 131.
    In September 1947, the Arab League established an Arab Liberation Army. It was led by Fawzi al-Qawuqji, who had been in charge of broadcasting Nazi propaganda in the Arab world during Second World War. Al-Husseini's chief bomb-maker, Fawzi al-Kutub, had learned bomb construction in an SS course in Nazi Germany.
  162. Pappe, I., " Atzulat Haaretz...", (Bialik, 2002), pp. 340-1
  163. 163.0 163.1 163.2 The Sydney Jewish News, 2 May 1947

    The Arab Killer - Nazi and the General

    By Our Special Correspondent SOLOMON ITZHAKI (Jerusalem)

    A few days after General Barker's departure from Palestine, there was a new ! guest at the Lydda airfield darned Fawzi Kawkadji..

    His activities during the war years are well known, he was the aide-de-camp of the ex-Mufti of Jerusalem, he went to Yugoslavia and Bulgaria to mobilize Moslem citizens of these countries against Russia and Great Britain, he spoke tens of times on the Nazi radio calling the Arab world to rise up against "British Imperialism and Bolshevist [sic] Judaism”; he became a bemedalled SS-man and got even a Nazi wife. What’s going on behind that international story the hero of which is Fawzi Kawkadji?

    Whom will he serve at present? The Russians, the French, the British? In any case, with the arrival of Kawkadji in the neighbourhood of Palestine the list of the Arab leaders who, during the war, were engaged in hostile activities against the Allied Nations, has been completed... The British could easily arrest him. There is no doubt, that he IS one of the great war-criminals, but—the official communique of the Palestine Government naively stated today: “Fawzi Kawkadji regretfully escaped the vigilance of the Palestine Frontier Control...”
  164. Davar⁩ - דבר⁩, 18 June 1936.

    אספת ערבים בגרמניה

    ברלין. 16, ‬באסיפת ערבים ובני המזרח בברלין נתקבלו החלטת נגד העליה היהודית לארץ־ישראל. הנאספים החליטו להכחיש אה הידיעות, המתפרסמות בעתונות היהודית כאילו איטליה וגרמניה עוזרות לתנועה הלאומית בארץ־ישראל. הם החליטו גם להחרים את החנויות של היהודים, לא לגור אצל משפחות יהודיות ולא לבוא אתן במגע.

  165. Sachar, Howard Morley. A History of Israel: From the Rise of Zionism to Our Time. New York: A.A. Knopf, 1996. p. 200. [32]; 2007 ed. [33] [34].
    "...By midsummer 1936 the intensity of the fighting mounted as Arab irregulars poured into the hill country around Jerusalem, into Galilee and Samaria. A majority of them at first were local Palestinians recruited by Haj Amin’s agents. But soon 'Committees for the Defense of Palestine’ were established in neighboring Arab lands. Syrian and Iraqi volunteers began arriving in Palestine at the rate of two or three hundred a month. Their leader, Fawzi al-Qawukji, played a vital role in the ensuing civil war... He was a compact, sandy-haired man in his early forties when the civil war began, gruff, vigorous, and endowed with an unquestionable dynamism that he cultivated in open imitation of his hero, Adolf Hitler. During the summer of 1936 it was Qawukji who organized military training among the Arab nationalists, imposing a single, unified command over the disparate rebel forces and helping smuggle in Axis [i.e. Nazi German and fascist Italian] weapons. His guerilla technique rarely varied. It took the form of night assaults on Jewish farms, the destruction of cattle and crops, the murder of civilians."
  166. 166.0 166.1 Alexander, Edward. The State of the Jews : A Critical Appraisal. New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction, 2012. 71.
    -Alexander, Edward. The State of the Jews: A Critical Appraisal. United Kingdom: Routledge, 2017. 71.
    -Edward Alexander, "Exploring Nazi-Palestinian Arab collaborations," JHV, May 08, 2008.
  167. Jewish Frontier. United States: Labor Zionist Letters, Incorporated, 1936. 8.

    [An Editorial... Though we realize that the crushing of the terrorists is no light task,] we feel that the government did not take sufficiently stringent measures at the right time in order to weaken their influence. Had the government expended the time, energy and money that it devotes to tracking down a few "illegal" Jewish immigrants, to discovering the identities of those "legal" residents who endanger the peace of the whole country through their criminal assaults, the situation would now be less serious. But the government displayed no special vigor in this regard. It tolerated incendiary propaganda in the Arab press. It permitted demonstrations in Nablus which shouted the slogan "Long live Al-Kassam's spirit" (Al-Kassam was one of the terrorist murderers slain by the police, who has now been canonized by Arab leaders as a national hero.) After the debate in the English parliament concerning the Legislative Council—a debate which—showed a sympathetic and understanding attitude toward Zionist aspirations, the government permitted the Mufti's journal, "A Liva" (Liwa), to create the impression that all elements friendly to Zionism in England were in the pay of Jews. "The old Empire bows its head before Jews, because Jews [sic] have [sic] money," or further the Mandate is only apparently in English hands because Jews have purchased it long ago." Another Arab paper "Falastin" agitated openly for an alliance between the nationalist movement and Sir Oswald Mosley. The government seemed incapable of understanding that though it might be possible to treat fascist agitation humorously in London, amusement was out of place in Jaffa. The entire German population of Palestine numbers barely three thousand. Assuming that every one of them is a Nazi, they are still unable to publish a daily newspaper without assistance. The fact that a Nazi paper began to appear in Jerusalem, was in itself evidence enough that well-financed Hitler agents were in the country striving to establish contact with the Arab population. The government saw fit to ignore this.

    Now it need not be surprised that the words "Heil Hitler" should be a magic pass-word, protecting the speaker from Arab attack.
  168. 168.0 168.1 168.2 168.3 168.4 Waschitz, Joseph. The Arab in Erets Israel [Ha-Aravim be-Eretz Yisrael. Israel: hotsa'at ha-ḳibuts ha-artsi ha-Shomer ha-Tsa'ir] (Palestinian Arabs), 1947. pp. 329-330.

    In terms of the external form, the Arab movement approached the glistening world of Fascism... In April 1934, the Husseinis' "Al Jamia Al Arabia" (on the occasion of the opening of the Bari broadcast) wrote that Italy was the only power that had only economic and cultural trends and sought to move closer to the East. In the same newspaper (35.4.4) Shakib Arslan wrote that Mussolini is a huge personality. The leader of European policy and that the Arabs should not be moved by the Abyssinian government that persecutes Muslims. During the Abyssinian War, the Husseinist newspapers in Italy and the opposition newspapers supported the Abyssinians. (In 1937, "Falastin" also became pro-Italian). Along the Italian side, Nazi Germany also began to raise its profile among the Arabs and succeeded in doing so, especially during the days of the events. May 22, 1937, a holiday. Large Nazi flags fluttered in Jaffa. The front of the workers' association's house was adorned with swastikas. In many houses swastikas and pictures of the Fuhrer, the Duce and the leaders of the revolt were seen. In 1938, one hundred Palestine Arabs visited the Nazi party conference in Nuremberg. Needless to say, how great was the effect of the German victories, in the first period of the war, on the Arabs of the country, and how difficult was then the impression of their defeat: an Egyptian, who visited the country in the days after the conquest of Berlin wrote: "The people cry in the morning and sob in the evening. And blow to their cheek between morning and evening."
    [מבחינת הצורה החיצונית התקרבה התנועה הערבית לעולם־המליצות של הפאשיזם... באפריל 1934 כתב "אל ג'אמיעה אל-ערביה" של החוסיינים (בהזדמנות פתיחת שידור בארי), שאיטליה היא המעצמה היחידה שיש לה מגמות כלכליות ותרבותיות בלבד והשואפת להתקרב אל המזרח. באותו עתון כתב (35.4.4) שכיב ארסלאן, שמוסוליני הוא אישיות עצומה. מנהיג המדיניות האירופית ושאין הערבים צריכים לרגוש מחמת הממשלה החבשית הרודפת את המוסלמים. בימי מלחמת-חבש תמכו עתוני החוסיינים באיטליה, ועתוני האופוזיציה בחבשים. (בשנת 1937 הפך גם "פאלשתין" פרו - איטלקי). בצד איטליה התחילה גם גרמניה הנאצית להרים את קרנה בין הערבים והצליחה בכך, ביחוד בימי המאורעות. ביום 22 במאי 1937, יום חג. התנפנפו דגלים נאציים גדולים ביפו. חזית הבית של אגודת הפועלים היתה מקושטת צלבי קרס. בבתים רבים נראו צלבי קרס ותמונות הפיהרר, הדוצ'ה ומנהיגי המרד. בשנת 1938 ביקרו מאה ערבים ארצישראליים בוועידת המפלגה הנאצית בנירנברג. אין צורך לתאר, מה גדולה היתה השפעת הנצחונות הגרמניים, בתקופה הראשונה של המלחמה, על ערביי הארץ, ומה קשה היה אחר כך רושם מפלתם: מצרי, שביקר בארץ בימים שלאחר כיבוש ברלין כתב: "העם בוכה בבוקר ומתייפח בערב. ומכה על לחיו בין בוקר וערב."]

  169. 169.0 169.1 The Sentinel, 25 February 1937 — Arabs Like Nazis , Says Moslem
  170. Scores of Jews Reported Injured, Shops Looted After Baghdad Arab Demonstrations, JTA, July 18, 1937.

    Jerusalem, July 18. (JTA) -- Scores of Jews were injured in Baghdad, Capital of Iraq, thirty so seriously they were sent to hospitals, and many Jewish shops were pillaged, after mass demonstrations against Zionism, according to reports received here today.

    All Jewish shops in the city had been closed throughout the day because of the demonstration, called to protest Partitioning of Palestine and led by Auni Bey Abdul Hadi, Militant Palestinian Arab Nationalist.
  171. Mallmann, Klaus-Michael., Cüppers, Martin. Nazi Palestine: The Plans for the Extermination of the Jews in Palestine. United Kingdom: Enigma Books, 2010. 38-39.
    According to the German consul in Jaffa, Timotheus Wurst, in late March 1936 the Muslim Palestinians were "deeply impressed by fascist, particularly National Socialist, teachings and views. National Socialism, with its anti-Jewish notions, has struck a chord among the Arabs of Palestine... battle against Zionism. Among the Arabs, fascism and National Socialism have in many cases become the standards against which all other political systems and teachings are measured, and, in the eyes of many Arabs, Adolf Hitler is without a doubt simply the most important man of the 20th century. Our Führer's popularity is so great that there can hardly be a single Arab, even the lowliest peasant, who doesn't know the name of Hitler."

    Like the Boy Scouts, the Istiqlal Party in particular has "embraced the National Socialist theses to the greatest extent. The Istiqlal Party organ, The Defense, has a markedly National Socialist orientation." One year later, the Völkischer Beobachter printed an interview with the party's president, Auni Abd el-Hadi.

    In the interview, he admitted proudly that while he was interned by the British he had thoroughly worked through the English translation of Mein Kampf.
  172. Scores of Jews Reported Injured, Shops Looted After Baghdad Arab Demonstrations, JTA, July 18, 1937.

    Jerusalem, July 18. (JTA) -- Scores of Jews were injured in Baghdad, Capital of Iraq, thirty so seriously they were sent to hospitals, and many Jewish shops were pillaged, after mass demonstrations against Zionism, according to reports received here today.

    All Jewish shops in the city had been closed throughout the day because of the demonstration, called to protest Partitioning of Palestine and led by Auni Bey Abdul Hadi, Militant Palestinian Arab Nationalist.
  173. Arab apprentices Admire Hitler, Davar, March 10, 1937.
  174. Davar - דבר, 18 March 1937.

    Nazi poison The Association for Made in Israel submits: The agent of the well-known German company "Knoll" has been staying in Jerusalem for two weeks. While visiting an Arab pharmacy, an Arab patient came in with a prescription and asked for medicine. The owner of the pharmacy sent the wholesaler to fetch the medicine, the agent saw the packaging and found out that the medicine was made in Israel, approached the 'patient' and began preaching Nazi-style morals about buying "Jewish products from Tel Aviv." By the way, he took the prescription from him and saw that the doctor was also a Jew, he could not resist and told the Arab "Not only are you as an Arab should be ashamed to buy the Zionist products, you also go to a Jewish doctor and this is a danger for you, the Jewish doctor and the Jewish factory [sic] can poison you." This was said in the presence of an agent of a well-known English factory, who considered him an Englishman. It is worth noting that this Nazi agent arranges large orders among the Jews.

    רעל נאצי האגוד למען תוצרת הארץ מוסר: זה שבועיים שוהה בירושלים הסוכן של החברה הגרמנית הידועה "קנולל"‭ . ‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ בשעת בקורו בבית מרקחת ערבי נכנס חולה ערבי עם רצפט ובקש תרופה. בעל בית המרקחת שלח לסיטונאי להביא את התרופה, בראות הסוכן את האריזה והוברר לו שהתרופה היא מתוצרת הארץ, נגש ל"פאציאנט" והתחיל להטיף לו מוסר בסגנון נאצי על שהוא קונה "תוצרת היהודים מתל־אביב". אגב לקח מידו את הרצפט וראה שגם הרופא הוא יהודי, לא יכול להתאפק ואמר לו לערבי "לא בלבד שאתה בתור ערבי צריך להתבייש לקנות תוצרת הציונים, הנך גם הולך לרופא יהודי וזוהי סכנה בשבילך, הרופא היהודי ובית החרושת היהודי יכולים גם להרעיל אותך" זה נאמר בנוכחותו של סוכן של בית חרושת אנגלי ידוע, שחשבוהו לאנגלי. כדאי להעיר שהסוכן הנאצי הזה מסדר הזמנות גדולות אצל היהודים.

  175. 175.0 175.1 "ALL ARABS CELEBRATE PROPHET'S BIRTHDAY; Christians Join Moslems in Fete Unprecedented in Palestine--Hitler and Duce Cheered". Wireless to The New York Times. May 23, 1937, Section General, Page 31.
  176. 176.0 176.1 Swastikas Fly As Arabs Mark Mohammed’s Birthday, JTA, May 23, 1937.
  177. Simon, Reeva S.. The Jews of the Middle East and North Africa: The Impact of World War II. United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis, 2019. [35].
  178. Arielli, N.. Fascist Italy and the Middle East, 1933–40. United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2010; Arielli, N.. Italian Involvement in the Arab Revolt in Palestine, 1936-1939. 2008. [36].
  179. Julián Schvindlerman, "When Hitler Became Abu Ali," The Miami Herald, Friday, June 9, 2002, p. 39. [37] [38] Arabs Admirers of Nazism...
    Nazi Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels praised the Arabs' "national .. conscience," noting that "Nazi flags fly in Palestine and they adorn their houses with Swastikas and portraits of Hitler.
  180. ha-Arets - הארץ, 23 May 1937

    The Arab press on the processions The Arab newspapers from Shabbat ... devoted almost all their pages in honor of this day ... and enthusiastically describe the ornaments in the various cities in honor of holiday. 'Falastin' particularly emphasizes the participation of Christians in the day of remembrance of the Arab "prophet". The newspaper announces that two Nazi flags were hoisted on Bustros Street and the swastika was painted on the entrance gates of the Arab Workers' Association. Many Arabs painted the swastika on the blank part of the Arab flag. Pictures of Mussolini, Hitler and Kaukji were hung in various places and in the store entrances.

    ... 'Falastin' notes in a special way that the Italian and German business and office owners in Haifa decorated their shops and offices and participated in the "holiday"...
  181. ha-Arets - הארץ 21 May 1937 —Arab demonstrations in Haifa and Jerusalem [הפגנות ערבים בחיפה ובירושלם]

    Arab demonstrations in Haifa and Jerusalem... As early as Thursday, hundreds of Arabs gathered near the Jerini Mosque and the Eastern Gate (Bab Sharqiya الشرقيّة), singing national songs to the sound of drums and dances, wielding swords and raising fireworks. Arabs raised on their shoulders shouted for the lives of Arab kings, the Mufti of Jerusalem, Advocate Wadia al-Bustani (who handles the release of Acre prisoners) and in memory of the well-known Sheikh Izz Din Qassam... Last night, at about 8 o'clock, the number of Arab congregations in the east of the city increased. And their number reached thousands of people. These tried to pass through Kings Street to the end of the old shopping center and from there wanted to return through Hamra Square and Market Street to the Istiqlal Mosque. During the procession, cries were heard for the life of Fawzi Kawkaji, Arab kings, Sheikh Qassam. When the news was delivered late in the evening, cheers continued near this mosque.

    Pictures of Hitler and Mussolini ahead of the "Prophet" holiday In preparation for the ... holiday, which will be on Shabbat, many preparations are being made in Jerusalem on behalf of the perfect to glorify and decorate the holiday. Arab houses were hoisted on many houses and the streets were decorated.

    At the entrance to the Old City on David Street, a large gate of honor decorated with large Arab flags was erected.

    It is worth noting that the Arab cafe 'Khwat al-Maraf' near the Jaffa Gate was decorated with large Arab flags ... and two large pictures of Mussolini and Hitler.

    Dozens of Arabs crowded to see this special "decoration" in honor of the perfect religious holiday.

    Yesterday evening, about 200-300 Arab brats gathered, most of them schoolchildren, and held a demonstration in the streets of the Old City. They chanted slogans against the government and sang inciting songs of the well-known kind ...
  182. 182.0 182.1 182.2 182.3 182.4 Yaakov Lappin, Nazis 'shipped arms to Palestinians', YNet, May 7, 2006.
    Historical documents in Britain’s National Archives in London show that Nazi Germany attempted to ship arms to Palestinian forces in the 1930s.

      A British Foreign Office report from 1939 reports of “news of a consignment of arms from Germany, sent via Turkey and addressed to Ibn Saud (king of Saudi Arabia), but really intended for the Palestine insurgents.” Britain’s chief military officer in Mandatory Palestine also noted reports “regarding import of German arms at intervals for some years now.”   British documents from the same period, and German records photographed by an American spy and sent to the British government, said that a number of Nazi agents were sent to Mandatory Palestine, in order to forge alliances with Palestinian leaders, and urge them to reject a partition of the land between the Jewish and Arab populations.   One Nazi agent, Adam Vollhardt, arrived in Palestine in July 1938, and was reported to have gained strong influence with Arab leaders, meeting with Palestinian leaders throughout 1938. Vollhardt held several meetings with leading Arab politicians and told them “that the Palestine question would be settled to the satisfaction of the Arabs within a few weeks,” adding that “it would be fatal to their (Palestinians’) cause if at this juncture they showed any signs of weakness or exhaustion.”   “Germany was interested in the settlement of the (Palestine) question on the basis of the Arabs obtaining their full demands,” Vollhardt was reported to say to Palestinian leaders, according to a report by the British War Office. Vollhardt also assured Arab leaders that “the Germans could continue to support the Palestinian Arab cause by means of propaganda.”   German documents photographed and sent to Whitehall by an American spy revealed that in 1937, German officials had calculated that “Palestine under Arab rule would… become one of the few countries where we could count on a strong sympathy for the new Germany.”   ‘Arabs admire our Fuhrer’   “The Palestinian Arabs show on all levels a great sympathy for the new Germany and its Fuhrer, a sympathy whose value is particularly high as it is based on a purely ideological foundation,” a Nazi official in Palestine wrote in a letter to Berlin in 1937. He added: “Most important for the sympathies which Arabs now feel towards Germany is their admiration for our Fuhrer, especially during the unrests, I often had an opportunity to see how far these sympathies extend. When faced with a dangerous behaviour of an Arab mass, when one said that one was German, this was already generally a free pass.”   A second Nazi agent, Dr. Franz Reichart, was reported to be actively working with Palestinian Arabs by the British Criminal Investigation Division “to help coordinate Arab and German propaganda.” Reichart was also head of the German Telegraphic Agency in Jerusalem.   German records show that the Nazis viewed the establishment of a Jewish state with great concern. A 1937 report from German General Consulate in Palestine said: “The formation of a Jewish state… is not in Germany’s interest because a (Jewish) Palestinian state would create additional national power bases for international Jewry such as for example the Vatican State for political Catholicism or Moscow for the Communists. Therefore, there is a German interest in strengthening the Arabs as a counter weight against such possible power growth of the Jews.”   Jewish refugees abandoned   The records also show that the news of increased Nazi-Arab cooperation panicked the British government, and caused it to cancel a plan in 1938 to bring to Palestine 20,000 German Jewish refugees, half of them children, facing danger from the Nazis.   Documents show that after deciding that the move would upset Arab opinion, Britain decided to abandon the Jewish refugees to their fate.   “His Majesty’s Government asked His Majesty’s Representatives in Cairo, Baghdad and Jeddah whether so far as they could judge, feelings in Egypt, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia against the admission of, say 5,000 Jewish children for adoption… would be so strong as to lead to a refusal to send representatives to the London discussions. All three replies were strongly against the proposal, which was not proceeded with,” a Foreign Office report said.  

    "If war were to break out, no trouble that the Jews could occasion us, in Palestine or elsewhere, could weigh for a moment against the importance of winning Muslim opinion to our side," Britain’s Minister for Coordination of Defence, Lord Chatfield, told the British cabinet in 1939, shortly before Britain reversed its decision to partition its mandate, promising instead all of the land to the Palestinian Arabs.
  183. 183.0 183.1 Nazi Agents Infiltrated Mandatory Palestine Prior to World War II. By David Krusch, JVL.
    Smuggled photographs of documents from Nazi Germany prior to World War II offer insight into a secret alliance between Nazi agents and Palestinian leaders. These German documents, photographed by an American spy in 1937 and sent to British intelligence, are now housed in the British National Archives in London. The documents show, among other things, that the Nazis attempted to send a shipment of arms "via Turkey and addressed to Ibn Saud, but really intended for the Palestinian insurgents."

    According to British documents and photographed Nazi records, several Nazi agents were sent to Mandatory Palestine to meet with Palestinian leaders, and influence them into rejecting a proposed partition plan which would divide the Jewish and Arab populations. Adam Vollhardt, a Nazi agent, was sent to Palestine in July 1938, and held several meetings with Arab leaders. He told Palestinian leaders that “Germany was interested in the settlement of the question on the basis of the Arabs obtaining their full demands,” and the "Germans could continue to support the Palestinian Arab cause by means of propaganda." Germany believed that Palestine under Arab control would be one of the few countries that would give "strong sympathy" to the new Germany under Nazi rule. A report from German General Consulate in Palestine in 1937 stated, "The formation of a Jewish state…is not in Germany's interest because a (Jewish) Palestinian state would create additional national power bases for international Jewry such as for example the Vatican State political Catholicism or Moscow for the Communists." The Nazis attempted to boost the power of Palestinian leaders in order to counter Jewish national aspirations for a state in Palestine. In 1937, a Nazi official wrote a letter from Palestine to Berlin which said that Palestinian Arabs showed "a great sympathy for new Germany and its Fuhrer…based on a purely ideological foundation." Another agent, Dr. Franz Reichart was working in conjunction with Palestinians "to help coordinate Arab and German propaganda."

    The documents also show that due to increased Nazi-Arab alliances, the British government cancelled a plan in 1938 to bring 20,000 German Jewish refugees to Palestine so it would not upset Arab opinion. A British Foreign Office report said that when British representatives in Arab countries were asked if Arab governments would support a proposal to bring 5,000 Jewish children to Palestine for adoption, they said the reaction would be so strongly negative that the Arabs would probably refuse to even send delegates to London to discuss such a proposal. Lord Chatfield, Minister for Coordination of Defence, was quoted as saying, "If war were to break out, no trouble that the Jews could occasion us…could weigh for the a moment against the importance of winning Muslim opinion to our side." Therefore, 20,000 Jewish refugees, many of them children, were abandoned and left in Nazi Germany to face the horrors of the Holocaust.
  184. 184.0 184.1 Documents on German Foreign Policy, 1918-1945: Poland; The Balkans; Latin America; the smaller powers, June 1937-March 1939. United States: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1953. 755-6; Document on German Foreign Policy, 1918-1945: series D.. United States: n.p., 1953. [39]
  185. Ben-'Ezer, Ehud. Anshe Sedom. Israel: ʻAm 'oved, 1968. 219.
    ...In his place was appointed Consul Walter Dohle, who had been a loyal Nazi since the 1920s in Germany. In July 1937, during the events, which were in fact an armed Arab uprising directed against the Jews and the British Mandate alike, the Mufti, who was now the leader of the country's Arabs, visited Dohle and proposed cooperation between the Arabs and the Axis powers against England, France and the Jews.

    ...במקומו נתמנה לקונסול ולטר דֶהלה שהיה נאצי נאמן עוד משנות העשרים בגרמניה. ביולי 1937, בתקופת המאורעות, שהיו למעשה מרד ערבי מזוין המכוון נגד היהודים והמנדט הבריטי כאחד, ביקר המופתי, שהיה עתה מנהיגם של ערביי הארץ, אצל דהלה והציע שיתוף-פעולה בין הערבים לבין מעצמות הציר נגד אנגליה, צרפת והיהודים.

  186. Steininger, Rolf. Germany and the Middle East: From Kaiser Wilhelm II to Angela Merkel. United States: Berghahn Books, 2018. 43-4
  187. 187.0 187.1 187.2 Lyn Julius, "Arab anti-Semitism, and the Nazis", Jewish Journal, February 8, 2018.

    In 1937, Walter Doehle, German consul in Jerusalem, wrote: “Palestinian Arabs in all social strata have great sympathies for the new Germany and its Führer … If a person identified himself as a German when faced with threats from an Arab crowd, this alone generally allowed him to pass freely. But when some identified themselves by making the ‘Heil Hitler’ salute, in most cases the Arabs’ attitude became expressions of open enthusiasm, and the German gave ovations, to which the Arabs responded loudly.” [...] The Mufti was personally responsible for the deaths of 20,000 European Jews murdered in the Nazi Holocaust. He organized the killing of 12,600 Bosnian Jews by Muslims, whom he recruited to the Waffen-SS Nazi-Bosnian division. He personally stopped 4,000 children, accompanied by 500 adults, from leaving Europe and had them sent to Auschwitz and gassed; he prevented another 2,000 Jews from leaving Romania and 1000 from leaving Hungary for Palestine – they too were sent to death camps...

    The ghost of Nazi-inspired, anti-Jewish bigotry was never exorcised from the Arab world. In fact Arabs became its torch-bearers. On Jan. 14, Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas, whose university thesis was an exercise in Holocaust denial, shocked all right-thinking individuals with a speech dripping with anti-Semitism, and blaming the Jews for their own deaths in the Holocaust.
  188. 188.0 188.1 David Lee Preston, Hitler's Swiss Connection, The Philadelphia Inquirer, Jan. 5, 1997.

    He was an unrepentant Nazi who devoted his life to aiding Adolf Hitler's surviving henchman and those he saw as Hitler's natural anti-Jewish successors: Arab terrorists. He was a financier of fascism, and a manager of the hidden Swiss treasure of third Reich. A shadowy figure in six decades of international intrigue, he masterminded an airplane hijacking, underwrote attacks on Israel and paid for the defense of Adolf Eichmann, Klaus Barbie and "Carlos the Jackal." An anti Jewish propagandist, he made a fortune publishing Nazi tracts...

    In 1934, back in Switzerland, the 19 year old Genoud joined the pro-Nazi National Front, and two years later he began to forge the other political links that would prove so valuable. He traveled to Palestine. There he met the grand mufti of Jerusalem, the pro-Nazi religious and political leader of Palestinian Muslims, Amin el-Husseini, who was to spend most of World War II in Germany, and who, according to British author Gitta Sereny, "would consider [Genoud] a confidant until his death in 1974."

    Genoud traveled to Berlin frequently during the war "to see his friend the grand mufti," and visited him afterward many times in Beirut, according to Le Monde correspondent Jean-Claude Buhrer. The grand mufti "entrusted Genoud with the management of his enormous financial affairs," according to Sereny. Working for both Swiss and German intelligence agencies, Genoud traveled extensively in the Middle East.
  189. Moubayed, Sami. Syria and the USA: Washington's Relations with Damascus from Wilson to Eisenhower. United Kingdom: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2012. 42-43. [40]

    Nazi influence in Syria The Second World War had an immediate and direct effect on Syria, because of the French mandate. At a grassroots level, the people of Syria were enchanted with Adolf Hitler, united in a desire to defeat the French. Crowds gathered in the old cafes of Damascus to listen to Hitler's inflammatory speeches while his autobiography Mein Kampf became a national bestseller in Syrian bookstores, after being translated into Arabic. The Syrians even provided transit facilities for German planes being sent to the East through Damascus, Aleppo and Palmyra. True, the Third Reich was a dictatorship – no different perhaps from what France had brought to Syria in 1920 – but so long as it was willing to help the Syrians achieve independence, they did not really care what kind of system it imposed on Europe. Prominent nationalists in Syria took up Hitler's cause, notably the youth leader Fakhri al-Barudi, and the Damascus, notable Shukri al-Quwatli, aided by King Farouk of Egypt who was also vehemently pro-Nazi. One vehicle for advancing Nazi goals in Syria was al-Nadi al-Arabi (The Arab Club) a secular organization that preached Arab nationalism and emancipation from European control. It was founded by Said Fattah al-Imam, a young Syrian educated in Berlin during the inter-war years, who was close to both Quwatli and Barudi.

    In 1936, Imam travelled twice to Germany, once even meeting personally with Hitler to try to talk him in to shipping arms to the Palestinians and Syrians so they could use them to fight off the British and the French.
  190. Lebl, Ženi. Haj Amin and Berlin. 1996. p. 41.

    המופתי לא ויתר, ושליחו השני יצא בדצמבר 1937. היה זה ד"ר סעיד עבד אל-פתח אל- אימאם, סורי לאומני, מייסד "המועדון הערבי" בדמשק ואגודת הערבים הלומדים בגרמניה. ד"ר אל־אימאם הביא למשרד התעמולה של גבלס איגרת המלצה של המופתי, אשר הסתיימה במלים "הייל היטלר!".

    The mufti did not give up, and his second emissary left in December 1937. It was Dr. Said Abd al-Fattah al-Imam, a Syrian nationalist, the founder of the "Arab Club" in Damascus and the association of Arabs studying in Germany. Dr. al-Imam brought a letter to the Goebbels Propaganda Office a recommendation by the mufti, which ended with the words "Heil Hitler!".
  191. Documents on German Foreign Policy, 1918-1945, from the Archives of the German Foreign Ministry. United States: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1953.(No.576). p.777.

    The Propaganda Ministry to the Foreign Ministry... BERLIN, November 24, 1937. MY DEAR HERR KNOTHE: 

    Having been unsuccessful, despite several attempts, in reaching you by telephone today, I should like in this letter to ask if I may trouble you for an appointment. I come from Damascus on behalf of the Grand Mufti of Palestine, His Excellency Haj Amin al-Husayni, who at the present time is in Beirut, and also on behalf of the Great Arabian Club in Damascus and the Administrative Board of the National Bureau for Propaganda and Public Enlightenmen and I am planning to return to Damascus after our conference. Herr Geiger, the Chief of the Ortsgruppe of the NSDAP in Beirut, with whom you are very well acquainted, gave me a letter to you at the time of our first conversation, and he will get in touch with you as soon as he has assumed his new post in the German Embassy in Paris. I should be very grateful if you would have a message sent me at telephone number 664403 as to when I may call on you in person. H-il Hitler!

    DR . IMAM.

    [These documents were also sent to the War Ministry and to the Dienststelle Ribbentrop.]
  192. Anabda Dorschel-Dan, Secret file reveals Haganah feared Eichmann infiltration post-WWII, TOI, Aug 25, 2015
  193. 193.0 193.1 193.2 Chen Malul, Adolf Eichmann’s Secret Visit to Palestine, The Librarians [בלוג הספרייה הלאומית], Nov 6, 2017.

    Years before Eichmann was brought to Israel to stand trial, the notorious mass-murderer visited Mandatory Palestine in 1937 while disguised as a journalist... "Eichmann reported from his visit to Israel: The creation of a Jewish State must be prevented", Maariv, 28th of April, 1961...

    On 2 October 1937 the Romania docked at the port of Haifa, carrying the two Nazi officials who travelled incognito as a German journalist and a student. Their application to enter Mandatory Palestine was denied by the Mandatory authorities. It is not clear whether the two had been identified or whether their entry permits had aroused the suspicion of the customs officials. In any event, they were given a temporary entry permit for one night only. Disappointed by the failure of their mission, the two toured Haifa and spent the night on Mount Carmel. After the time they were allotted was up, they sailed for Egypt where they met with Mufti Amin al-Husseini and...

    Even though the two Nazi representatives had been within the borders of Palestine for less than a day, Adolf Eichmann considered himself a qualified expert on the future of the state-in-the-making. In a detailed report to his superiors, Eichmann wrote that the economic situation of the Jewish settlement was dire, and it did not appear that it would improve any time soon. He did not tie the difficult situation to either geopolitical or material conditions but (as befitting a good Nazi) blamed it on the Jews’ ...

    Eichmann’s great fear was that the expulsion of the Jews from Germany would contribute in the future to the establishment of a stronger and prosperous Jewish entity that would rely on the great wealth which the deportees would bring with them to Palestine...
  194. Heinrich Himmler | Holocaust Encyclopedia.

    It was Himmler whom Hitler entrusted with the planning and implementation of the "Final Solution." In his most quoted speech, that of October 4, 1943, in Poznan to a gathering of SS generals, Himmler explicitly justified the mass murder of the European Jews in the following words:

    "In front of you here, I want to refer explicitly to a very serious matter….I mean here…the annihilation of the Jewish people…. Most of you will know what it means when 100 corpses lie side by side, or 500 or 1,000…. This page of glory in our history has never been written and will never be written….We had the moral right, we were obligated to our people to kill this people which wanted to kill us."
  195. העולם הזה, גליון 1235 - 17 במאי 1961. This World. Issue 1235 - May 17, 1961.
    Heydrich - Commander of the Security Lines at SS

    Among the tens of thousands of books by the National Library in Jerusalem, this week I found a forgotten book that no one has touched in years. He is one of a kind. Name of the book: 'SS - Combat Organization To the War on...', by Heinrich Himmler. The first page of this book is decorated with a rubber stamp, bearing a swastika and the words: "Party The German National Socialist Workers - Haifa Branch. "

    Under the stamp, a personal dedication in this language: "Dedicated cordially to the party branch in Haifa - Berlin, November 2, 1937 The National Commander of the SS

    Below that, his personal signature by Heinrich Himmler, in blue ink.

    The date is not accidental. A month earlier, on October 2, 1937, the SS sergeant Adolf Eichmann had visited in Haifa. He stayed in the city for a few hours, met with the local Nazis and got into a taxi on Mount Carmel, before continuing on his way to Cairo, due to lack of permission to stay in the country. And Eichmann's report on this trip bears the date - 4.11.37 and there is no doubt that Himmler sent the book as a gift to the Haifa branch at the request of Eichmann (through his superiors), as a token of gratitude to the Haifa Nazis.

    The first chapter of the book is dedicated to Jews... Haman was the prime minister of the Persian nation, which is an Aryan nation. He understood the Jewish....

    These "wisdom" words of Heinrich Himmler are not important in themselves. They prove, at most, That the chief commander of the SS. Suffering, in addition to its racist madness, is also historiosophical. However, there is one detail in this description, which is extremely important. Himmler notes that Haman decided to "resolve the problem of the Jews."

    Himmler does not specify what the proposed solution was. But the Bible itself teaches that the solution will be through the destruction of peoples, the physical extermination of the Jews throughout the empire The mighty Persian, from India to Kush: "And books were sent by the hand of the runners into all the king's lands, To destroy, kill and lose all the Jews, from youth to old age, children and women, in one day ... and loot despise."

    It is probable that in writing this book, Heinrich Himmler did not yet dream of the physical extermination of the Jews of the world... Yet the wording of this book proves that the seed of extermination lay in the very essence of the Nazi racist conception, and that this was its consistent conclusion, the conception designers did not even think of it in the first place, in full consciousness. Anti-Semitic racism was at the heart of the Nazi worldview. And the extermination of the Jews was the core of the antisemitic conception.

    Such was the case when Himmler wrote this book - and when Corporal SS. In 1935, Adolf Eichmann reported for the first time to work in the 112th, 2nd Department of the Jewish Department of the Chief Bureau of the Security Service.
  196. Prof. Moshe Zimmerman, Globes, 25.10.2015
  197. Danny Dayan of Yad Vashem, Maariv, Feb 19, 2022
  198. 198.0 198.1 'BLACK HITLER' JAILED TO AWAIT SENTENCE; Gorgeous Array of Sufi Abdul Hamid Avails Nought -- Found Guilty in Pamphlet Sale., The New York Times, January 16, 1935, Page 7.
    A ... dusky-skinned man stood before Magistrate Thomas Aurelio yesterday in Harlem Court. His name, he said, was Sufi Abdul Hamid. A year ago he was acquitted in the same court when the police accused him of urging his Negro followers to drive the Jews and Italians out of Harlem.
  199. BLACK HITLER BEATS DEPORTATION MOVE. Times Union. Brooklyn, New York. 21 Jun 1935, Page 1.
    Proves He Entered U. S. From Egypt Legally. Harlem's Black Hitler, as the followers of the picturesque, white-turbaned Sufi Abdul Hamid call him, was purged of violating the immigration laws today after he had convinced Ellis Island officials that he came into this country from Egypt legally.
  200. Mark Christian Thompson, "Black Fascisms: African American Literature and Culture Between the Wars," (University of Virginia Press, 2007), p.10.

    With this explosion of interest in the war came frequent, violent assaults on Italians in Harlem..

    The Harlem soapboxer and putative "Black Hitler" Sufi Abdul Hamid and his "Don't Buy Where You Can't Work" boycott campaign were... in the speeches of the popular soapboxer Sufi Abdul Hamid that both the black and white presses referred to him as the "Black Hitler"...
  201. Cary D. Wintz, ‎Paul Finkelman, Encyclopedia of the Harlem Renaissance", (Routledge, 2012).
    ... the appellation "black Hitler" in both the black and the white press with his rhetoric of black nationalism and virulent anti-Semitism.
  202. Farrakhan In Top Echelon of America's Blacks, The Jewish Floridian, January 10, 1986, p. 12-A.

    ... Yet Nazi Germany in 1935 had no monopoly on anti-Semitism, nor was black America immune. The Louis Farrakhan of that era was Sufi Abdul Hamid. New York's self-styled - Black Hitler."

    Born plain Eugene Brown in Philadelphia. Sufi as a youth went to sea, where he picked up a smattering of exotic languages, and then landed in Chicago where during the late 1920's he caused a sensation by draping his massive frame in a combination of jackboots, diamond-studded belt, flowing cape, and fez. First posing as a Bhuddist mystic, he soon claimed to be an African disciple of Mohammed, divinely ordained to redeem the South Side from Jewish merchants. His "Don't Buy Where You Can't Work Campaign shook loose few jobs in the depressed economy of the 1930's; but the shakedown payments he extracted from frightened businessmen financed his pur- chase of the private plane that flew him to New York in 1933.

    IDENTIFYING himself from a soapbox on Harlem streetcorners as "the man that Jews fear, and arescared to death of." Sufi ranted against "Zionist colonialists" in Palestine, as well as "them Jews in Washington who rule us all."

    An admirer of Haj Amin el Husseini, the notorious Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Sufi also courted both the German-American Bund and the Christian Front. His tirades hurt rather than helped efforts to win more and better jobs for blacks in Harlem's white-owned department stores. On the other hand, he could claim some credit for helping spark the Harlem Riot of 1935. If one knows about Sufi's antics in the 1930s, it is hard to escape a sense of history repeating itself in Farrakhan's rise during the 1980's. However, there are important differences between "then" and "now."

    These explain why Sufi's decline came swiftly, while Farrakhan's isn't yet on the horizon. For one thing, that was a time when group libel wasn't necessarily considered protected free speech. Jewish organizations did more than damn Sufi 'in the court of public opinion'; they were able to put him on the defensive by repeatedly having him hailed before police magistrates for incitement to violence and disturbing the peace. FOR ANOTHER thing, black organizations forthnghtly condemned Sufi at the same time as they sought reconciliation with the Jewish community. By the late 1930s. New York's blacks and Jews were cooperating in an ambitious drive for equal employment opportunity.

    Amidst wartime social tensions Harlem again erupted in the 1943 riot, but no anti-Semitic demagogue emerged, and the developing black-Jewish civil rights alliance worked to contain the damage to intergroup relations. Why is it unlikely that Louis Farrakhan our contemporary Sufi will quickly go the way of his predecessor, who was a spent force politically several years before his death in a plane crash in 1938? The overriding reason is that the current generation of black leaders is legitimizing him through their indifference to and sometimes tolerance of anti-Semitism. TAKE THE case of Mayor Marion Barry of Washington. D.C. Despite being implored to speak out, he waited seven weeks before he delivered one word of criticism of Farrakhan's July 22 anti-Semitic tirade in the Capitol. Fear has something to do with this silence but, I fear, cynicism also plays a role. The kind of cynicism that Molotov voiced about fascism in justifying the Hitler-Stalin pact of 1939: "It's just a matter of taste."

    The most troubling finding of the Wiesenthal Center's public opinion poll taken over the past 20 years is not the significant incidence of anti-Semitism in the ghetto; it's the surprisingly high levels among younger, better-educated blacks on college cam- puses and in the professional world. The current generation of black leaders came of age during the 1970's, when their youthful mood of radical expectation often made them impatient with, and suspicious of Jews associated with the traditional or "moderate" civil rights agenda. Now, these leaders have carried this negative attitude into the 1980's...

    Dr. Harold Brackman is visiting Assistant Professor in the History Department of the University of Kansas.

    He is a special consultant on black- Jewish Relations for the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles.
  203. Murray Friedman, "What Went Wrong? : The Creation & Collapse of the Black-Jewish Alliance," (Simon and Schuster, Sep 11, 2007), pp.92-93.

    One of the most radical was a turbaned Muslim from Chicago named Sufi Abdul Hamid. In Chicago Sufi's exotic dress and his claim to have been divinely ordained by Muhammad to redeem the city's south side from Jewish merchants... New York his racist message lost none of its punch. Identifying himself as the black Hitler... even though many tenements owners were not Jewish. Indeed... blacks owned 75 percent of Harlem real estate in 1936 and that "Daddy" Browning, John D Rockefeller and the estate of John J. Astor were among the largest single property owners in the area. ... An admirer of Haj Amin el-Husseini, an Arab ally of Hitler and grand mufti of Jerusalem, Sufi openly courted the German-American Bund and the Nazi-like Christian Front...

    Ultimately, however, Sufi's anti-Semitism backfired.
  204. Jorda, Iwo. Araber-Aufstand. Wien: 1943. pp. 156, 187f, 257.
    qted in Mallmann, Klaus-Michael., Cüppers, Martin. Nazi Palestine: The Plans for the Extermination of the Jews in Palestine. United Kingdom: Enigma Books, 2010. 39
  205. The Sentinel, 4 June 1936.

    Suspect Nazis in Palestine Uprising

    Jerusalem, June 1 (JTA)— Suspicion of Nazi complicity in the Arab revolt increased when numerous German citizens from Tanganyika, speaking Arabic fluently, were arrested in Jaffa on suspicion of being connected with harbor disturbances.

    The belief that Germany might be involved was strengthened when it was discovered that many of the rifles found with Arab rebels after uprisings at Nablus, Tulkarem and Jaffa, were of German make. Observers had previously inferred from that fact the Arabs were using new rifles that some foreign power might be implicated.

    Arabs in lighters attempted to set Jewish boats in the temporary Tel Aviv harbor on fire by throwing tins of burning gasoline on board. Newspapers expressed the belief that Nazis were involved...
  206. The Sentinel, 4 June 1936. Arabs Captured with Smuggled Nazi Arms
  207. French Paper Exposes Nazi Armament of Arab Terrorists, The Sentinel, 9 December 1937
  208. The American Jewish World, 9 September 1938 —Arab Terror Grows; Evidence of Fascist, Nazi Backing Seen

    Arab Terror Grows; Evidence of Fascist, Nazi Backing Seen

    JERUSALEM (Special)—Arab terrorists grow bolder and violence continues unabated in Palestine.

    Evidence has become more concrete that Nazi and Fascist influence and money is backing the terrorist group as a means of embarrassing Britain.

    While other banks have posted heavy guards against recurring holdups, the German and Italian banks continue business unguarded and their managers freely say they need no protection in an Arab country.

    Notices are appearing calling for volunteers for the Arab rebellion, signed with the name of Youssef Abu Dura, rebel commander – in-chief.

    While Arab policemen looked on indifferently an Arab crier went through Jaffa calling on Arab youth to enlist for expulsion of all infidels from Palestine and establishment of an Arab kingdom.

    The Arab population appears to be more in fear of the vengeance of the terrorists than of punishment by the authorities.

    A demand from rebel headquarters to Falastin, Arab daily, that it disobey the government order against publishing terrorist news , sent Falastin representatives into the hills for conference with the rebel authorities , and there are indications that Falastin, caught between prohibitory orders from the government and mandatory orders from the terrorists may suspend publication.

    Terrorism mounts daily in the Tel Aviv-Jaffa area, and the Jewish community of Tel Aviv appealed to the government to permit enlistment of a Jewish defense corps and to erect a fence between the Arab and Jewish municipalities.

    The appeal was made after a bomb explosion in which nine Jews were wounded, three seriously and destruction of a synagogue by incendiary fire.

    Near the Damascus gate terrorist murdered a Christian Arab for giving information to the police.

    Arab constable was murdered on the Jerusalem-Jaffa highway. Terrorist even destroyed a police post at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem.

    An appeal by Moslem religious leaders for abstinence from violence during the three-month penitentia period of Shehur Al Haram was angrily rejected by the terrorists.

    According to figures published here by the Palestine Post 266 deaths by violence occurred in August. Include in this total were 48 Jews, 193 Arabs and 19 British soldiers or officials.
  209. Forverts - פארװערטס, 15 September 1938.

    Arabs Murder 10 Jews in Bloody Day of Terror. Hitler and Mussolini Send More Money to Terrorists. Jerusalem, Sep 15 - The Arab terror on Palestine is financed by Hitler and Mussolini. A report about it had sent in wire the well-informed correspondent of the 'New York Times', by Joseph Levy.
    אראבער טויטע ‭10‬ אידען אין בלוטיגען טאג פון טעראר. היטלער און מוסאליני שיקען נאך געלד צו טעראריסטען. ירושלים, סעפט 15 - דער אראבישער טעראר און פאלעסטינא ווערט פינאנצירט פון היטלער'ן און מאסאליני'ען. א באריכט וועגן דעם האט צוגעשיקט אין א קעיבעל דעס גוט-אינפארמיטער קארעספאנדענט פון דער "נוא יארק טיימז", פונעם דזשאזעף מ. ליווי.

  210. 210.0 210.1 HaMashkif - המשקיף, 11 December 1947.

    European guides for the Arab gangs

    Nazi prisoners of war who fled Egypt and anti-Semites from England

    By our political writer

    The Arab League announced yesterday in Cairo (Reuters affirms) that Germans from the Wehrmacht, and especially members of the African Corps, had announced their desire to volunteer for the Arab troops for the war in E"Y [Palestine] ...

    Various European guides, Nazi prisoners of war and other foreigners are already participating in the training of the Arab gangs. The role of foreigners in previous riots is known, that in the days of the events of 1936-39 the help of German and Italian guides to the Arab gangs was widespread, and only thanks to it was it possible for the Arab gangs to last for a long time ...

    Nazis and English offered their service to the Arabs

    Cairo - more than 5,000 people, many of whom were soldiers in the First and Second World Wars, ran telegrams and letters from various parts of the British Empire, America and Europe to the Arab League headquarters, and offered their service to the Arab League -, it was reported yesterday ... Proposals from the French, and Germans who served in the Nazi Wehrmacht as well as in the 'Afrika Korps' were reported. [...] ... and the 'Haganah' rejects requests from Irish volunteers

    'U P.' Brings an amendment to an article published yesterday on the desire of 6,500 American Irish to enlist in the Haganah (defense) of the Jewish community in Eretz Israel. David Wohl, a representative of the Americans for Haganah, said that their requests were rejected, first of all - because the 'Haganah' in Israel has between 60,000 and 80,000 members. And second, because the 'Haganah' does not want to endanger the lives of American citizens. מדריכים אירופיים לכנופיות הערביות שבויים נאציים שברחו ממצרים ואנטישמים מאנגליה מאת סופרנו המדיני הליגה הערבית מסרה אתמול בקהיר (כך מאשר רויט'רס‭,‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ (‬כי גרמנים מן הוורמכט, ובמיוחד אנשי הקורפוס האפריקאי הודיעה על רצונם להתנדב לחילות הערבים למלחמה בארץ־ישראל... מדריכים אירופיים שונים גרמנים נאצים שבויי המלחמה וכן זרים אחרים משתתפים כבר באימון הכנופיות הערביות. תפקיד הזרים במהומות הקודמות ידוע, כי בימי המאורעות של 39־1936 היתה העזרה של המדריכים הגרמניים והאיטלקיים לכנופיות הערביות רבת־משקל, ורק הודות לה אופשר לכנופיות הערביות להחזיק מעמד במשך תקופה ארוכה...

    נאצים ואנגלים הציעו שרותם לערבים

    קהיר (ר) — למעלה מ־5,000 איש, שרבים מהם היו חיילים במלחמת העולם הראשונה והשניה, הריצו מברקים ומכתבים מחלקים שונים של האימפריה הבריטית, אמריקה ואירופה למפקדת הליגה הערבית, והציעו את שירותם לליגה הערבית כן נמסר אתמול... כן נמסר על הצעות מצרפתים, וגרמנים ששירתו בוורמכט הנאצי וכן ב'קורפוס האפריקני.' ‭[...]‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ ... ‬וה'הגנה' דוחה בקשות מתנדבים אירים 'יו. פי.' מביאה תיקון לידיעה, שפורסמה אתמול, על רצונם של 6,500 אירים אמריקניים להתגייס להגנת הישוב העברי בארץ־ישראל. דוד ווהל, נציג 'אמריקאים למען ההגנה' אמר שבקשותיהם נדחו, ראשית - משום של'הגנה' בארץ-ישראל יש מ-60 עד 80 אלף חבר. ושנית- מפני שה'הגנה' אינה רוצה לסכן את חייהם של אזרחים אמריקניים.

  211. Foreign News: Best Seller, Time, Monday, Mar. 13, 1939.
    Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf has earned its author an estimated $3,120,000 in royalties. Some $3,000,000 has come from Germany, where the volume is a "must" for every bookshelf, but there have also been respectable sales among Palestine Arabs...
  212. Joseph M. Levy, PALESTINE OUTLOOK CONTINUES GLOOMY; Nazi Anti-Jewish Campaign Stirs Neighboring Lands--Moderate Arabs Swayed REVISIONISTS ARE FACTOR Moderate Arabs Swayed - More Terrorism Expected, The New York Times, July 24, 1938.
    The strife in Palestine continues unabated and hopes for an improvement of conditions seem scant. One need not be a confirmed pessimist to despair of a possible return to normalcy in the near future.
  213. נשף ערבי־נאצי בברלין — ha-Tsofeh (Tel Aviv - הצפה, 3 August 1938.

    נשף ערבי־נאצי בברלין. לונדון(פאלקור‭—. (‬ סופרו הברלני של "דיילי טלגראף" מודיע כי בקלוב הערבי בברלין התקיים נשף ארצישראלי, שבו השתתפו מלבד העסקנים הערביים, השוהים עתה בברלין, גם כמה מראשי המפלגה הנאצית. בנאומיהם שנשאו בנשף דובר על הסולידאריות בין הגרמנים והערבים, המכוונה נגד היהודים ונגד אנגליה.

    Arab-Nazi ball in Berlin. London (Palcor.) The Berlin writer of the "Daily Telegraph" announces that a Palestine ball was held at the Arab club in Berlin, in which, in addition to the Arab activists, who are now staying in Berlin, some of the leaders of the Nazi party also participated. In their speeches at the ball, they spoke of the solidarity between the Germans and the Arabs, directed against the Jews and against England.
  214. Statesman Journal from Salem, Oregon on September 16, 1938 - Page 1.

    Hitler and Mussolini were brought to the fore in Palestine following the fuehrer's Nurnberg speech last Tuesday in which he said Arabs in the Holy Land were "Defenseless and left in the lurch."

    Arabs greeted the statement Jubilantly, one spokesman declaring: "Now we are not without friends in Europe; our ultimate success as a nation lies in the hands of Hitler and Mussolini and not in Britain and France."
  215. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on October 10 1938 - Page 2.

    Arabs in the Holy Land were hailing Adolf Hitler of Germany and Premier Benito Mussolini of Italy as their "hope" in the Arab-Jewish dispute. The Italian premier and the German Fuehrer were brought into Palestine's troubled picture following Hitler's Nuremberg speech of September -12 in which he said Arabs-in the Holy Land were "defenseless and left in the lurch."

    Pin Hope to Hitler

    An Arab spokesman greeted Hitler's: statement with this declaration: "Now we are not without friends in Europe; our ultimate success as a nation lies in the hands of Hitler and Mussolini and not Britain and France."
  216. St. Petersburg Times - Sep 16, 1938.

    Arabs Hail Hitler As Liberator; In Spain Franco Is Worried London. –(AP)– A broad scale of British reinforcements to troubled Palestine was announced here yesterday simultaneous with reports that Egypt was taking defense precautions in North Africa… Although the officials declined to disclose the exact number of troops going to Palestine, it was estimated 8,000 men were involved in the transfer to the Holy Land where many Arabs are hailing Reichsfuehrer Hitler of Germany and Premier Benito Mussolini of Italy as their "hope" in the Arab-Jewish dispute... Arabs Look to Hitler

    Hitler and Mussolini were brought to the fore in Palestine following the fuehrer’s Nurnberg speech last Tuesday I which he said, Arabs in the Hoy Land were “defenseless and left in the lurch.”
  217. The Palestine Post, 16 September 1938 — Page 2. [43]. [44].

    FALASTIN DEFINES DICTATORSHIP PAPER DOUBTS HITLER'S SINCERE CONCERN Writing in its Tuesday's issue, Falastin devoted a leading article to the theory that Palestine was in the forefront of world affairs, and that the position in Palestine had become more grave in view of Herr Hitler's speech at Nuremberg. The paper expressed doubts as to whether the German Fuehrer was really and sincerely concerned with Arab rights or merely championed them in order to annoy the Democracies. The reference to Palestine in Herr Hitler's speech showed, the paper added, how parlous the situation here really was.

    'Falastin' then explained that a dictatorship was really a State which had freed itself of Jewish influence, while democracies were countries which still bore that onus.
  218. The Advocate: America's Jewish Journal. Vol. 94. United States: n.p., 1938. 20.
    Falastin, commenting on Hitler's speech at Nuremburg, declared that a Dictatorship was really a state which had freed itself from Jewish influence, while democracies countries which still bore that onus.
  219. The Australian Jewish News. 23 September 1938.


    A party of one hundred Arabs embarked for Germany today on the liner Galilee at Haifa, to attend the Nazi Party Congress at Nuremberg.
  220. GERMANY: Centre (sic) Of The World!,, Monday, Sept. 12, 1938.
    Time. United States: Time Incorporated, 1938. [ "Jew-baiting" arabs p. 32].
    Announced as Adolf Hitler's "honor guests" this week in Nürnberg were 100 certified Jew-baiting Arabs brought especially from Palestine and Africa...
  221. 221.0 221.1 Gunther, John. Inside Asia. United States: Harper & Brothers, 1939. 528. [45] [46].
  222. Bensoussan, Georges. Jews in Arab Countries: The Great Uprooting. United States: Indiana University Press, 2019. 313.
    The Reich multiplies its pamphlets and newspapers in Arabic, aimed at the 60,000 Muslim prisoners of war from the ... Nazi influence was such, that in July 1944 a Tunisian Francophile could still write: "cut open the heart of an Arab and you will find a little Hitler inside." ... "The sole man present in Germany"—this was the headline, under Hitler's portrait, in an Iraqi newspaper. Shop windows displayed his photo. This was the case in Jenin (in Palestine) in 1938 as well as in Baghdad in May 1941.
  223. Palestine Post, 21 October 1938.


    The 'Scotsman' in a leading article on the Palestine question, states: "No British Government can impose a scheme which would ultimately make it possible for the Arabs to massacre the Jews. Such a solution breathes the spirit of Hitler, not of England."
  224. The Australian Jewish News. 23 September 1938.



    A party of one hundred Arabs embarked for Germany today on the liner Galilee at Haifa, to attend the Nazi Party Congress at Nuremberg.
  225. GERMANY: Centre (sic) Of The World!,, Monday, Sept. 12, 1938.
    Announced as Adolf Hitler's "honor guests" this week in Nürnberg were 100 certified Jew-baiting Arabs brought especially from Palestine and Africa...
  226. Warburg, Gustav Otto., Warburg, Gustav., Laski, Neville. Six Years of Hitler: The Jews Under the Nazi Regime. Germany: G.Allen & Unwin, 1939, (Chapter: Spreading the Poison), p. 279. Jones, Frederick Elwyn. The Attack from Within: The Modern Technique of Aggression. United Kingdom: Penguin Books, 1939, p.45.
  227. Y. Getz, "Shuk [Market] Shukeiri," ⁨⁨Ma'ariv⁩, 2 December 1966.
    "Haj Amin fled from the British to Lebanon... Ahmad Shukeiri approached the German Consulate in Jerusalem... he told at the time, he was invited as a guest at the ceremony of the Nazi racial laws in Nuremberg..."
  228. La Reforma [Al-Islah]. Santiago, 28 de agosto, 1938.
  229. Gerold Frank Is Dead at 91; Author of Celebrity Memoirs. By Dinitia Smith. New York Times. Sept. 19, 1998
  230. Frank, Gerold. The Deed. N.p.: Valmy Publishing, 2017. [47]

    For the next three and a half years—1936 until September, 1939, when World War II broke out—the Arabs were to loot, terrorize, shoot, rape, attack Jewish settlements and lay waste to farms. The Mufti of Jerusalem, encouraged by Axis successes in Abyssinia and Central Europe, had seized power among the Palestine Arabs. What began as a six-month strike against increased Jewish immigration turned into a guerrilla war in which Arab extremists did not hesitate to attack their own moderates and even the British. The British Administration, hoping to appease the Arabs, met this challenge half-heartedly. It became unsafe for Jews to venture outside the Jewish quarters of the cities, or to travel in the country without armed guard.

    Passing an Arab shop one might hear a record chanting in Arabic, "Slaughter the Jews!" Photographs of Hitler began to spring up in Arab barber shops and cafés, side by side with those of the Mufti. Youngsters in Arab villages marched about waving small swastika flags.
  231. Yeme ha-kalaniyot: Erets Yisrael bi-tekufat ha-Mandat by Segev, Tom. Keter, 1999 [Page 341: Hilda Wilson the teacher from Bir Zeit ...] Page 335: … Wilson foresaw: "But he was a Jew!" They protested. Wilson tried to divert the discussion to the question of who a great man is: he is a man who influences the spirits of his contemporaries, Wilson said. Most of the students, she wrote, mentioned Adolf Hitler at the top of every list.
  232. Davar - דבר, 12 May 1939.

    מוסקבה על יחסי חג' אמין — נאצים מוסקבה, 11. ‭‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ השלטונות הארצי-ישראליים מודאגים מטיסתו הפתאומית לברלין של דאוד אל־חוסייני, בן-דודו של המופתי. בחוגים יודעי דבר סבורים, כי דאוד חוסייני זה משמש כמקשר בין המופתי לשעבר והממשלה הגרמנית‭.‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ בשנה האחרונה בלבד הוציאה גרמניה על תעמולה בין ערבים בארץ ישראל ‭60,000‬ לי"ש.‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ Moscow on Relations Hajj Amin - Nazis Moscow, 11. The authorities in Israel [Palestine] are concerned about the sudden flight to Berlin of the Mufti's cousin. Knowledgeable circles believe that this Daoud Husseini serves as a liaison between the former Mufti and the German government.

    In the past year alone, Germany has spent 60,000 pounds on propaganda amongst the Arabs in Israel [Palestine].
  233. Jones, Frederick Elwyn. The Attack from Within: The Modern Technique of Aggression. United Kingdom: Penguin Books, 1939, pp. 36-37, 43-44.; Brian of London, Nazi Pallywood 1938 And Fake Italian Charity Workers, IC, Mar 5, 2012. E. Weatherwax, The Attack Within by Elwyn Jones – the parallels with Hitler and Islam(ism), and 1939 and 2012, (March 2012).
  234. 234.0 234.1 Melka, Robert Lewis. The Axis and the Arab Middle East, 1930-1945. United States: University of Minnesota., 1966. 62.
    Besides espousing a fanatic Pan-Arabism, the Futuwwa adopted a frankly totalitarian ideology, and, as though in recognition of kinship, in 1938 sent a delegation to a Hitler Youth rally in Berlin..
  235. Gunitsky, Seva. Aftershocks: Great Powers and Domestic Reforms in the Twentieth Century. United Kingdom: Princeton University Press, 2017. 132.
    Iraq's radical youth movement al-Futuwwa was explicitly based on the Hitler Jugend; in 1938 the movement sent a representative to the Nuremberg rally, and soon afterwards hosted the leader of the Hitler Youth.
  236. The Jewish community of ancient Babylonia - whose territory was part of what is now Iraq - Yad Vashem [48].
    May 30, 2022.
    In 1938 the Al-Futuwwa youth organization sent a delegate to the Nuremberg Nazi party rally, and in turn hosted the Hitler Youth leader Baldur von Schirach in Baghdad.
  237. Goodrick-Clarke, Nicholas. Hitler's Priestess: Savitri Devi, the Hindu-Aryan Myth, and Neo-Nazism. New York: University Press, 1998. p. 174
    Hitler had enjoyed quite a following among the nationalist youth of Egypt during the war, after Nassiri Nasser, the later president's brother, had published an Arab edition of Mein Kampf in 1939...
  238. Patterson, David. A Genealogy of Evil: Anti-Semitism from Nazism to Islamic Jihad. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 2010. p. 104.
    The first Arabic-language edition of portions of Mein Kampf was published in Egypt in 1939 by Nassiri Nasser, the brother of Gamal Abdul Nasser who admired Hitler as the strongest man in Europe.
  239. Arab "mein Kampf," Shipped from Egypt, Put on Sale in Palestine, JTA, January 26, 1939.
    A large shipment of Hitler’s "Mein Kampf" in Arab translation arrived here from Egypt today and were immediately put on sale at one shilling (25 cents) each. The Egyptian firm that published the translation was reportedly financed by the Nazi Propaganda Ministry.
  240. Davar - דבר, 19 February 1939.

    [קאהיר מרכז לתעמולה נאצית בכל המזרח תעמלנים וחומר-הסתה נשלחים מקאהיר לארץ-ישראל, לסוריה, לסעודיה ולעיראק—. ארגון צבאי של הגרמנים בקאהיר‭—. עתוני לונדון מרבים לספר בשבועות האחרונים על הגברת פעולותיהם של הפאישיסטים הגרמניים והאיטלקיים במזרח הקרוב והתיכון, ובארץ ישראל בפרט. העתונים מסתמכים על עובדות ומעשים. המרכז הראשי לתעמולה הנאצית בכל המזרח הקרוב — כותב "דיילי האראלד" בגליון מ־3 בפברואר — הוא בקאהיר. למעלה. מ־3000 לירות לחודש! מוציא המרכז הזה לצרכי תעמולה במצרים בלבד.] Cairo the center for Nazi propaganda throughout the East Agitators and incendiary material are sent from Cairo to [Mandatory Palestine] Eretz-Israel, Syria, Saudi Arabia and Iraq. Military organization of the Germans in Cairo—. Franco's emissaries in Syria.

    In recent weeks, the London newspapers have often reported on the increased activities of the German and Italian fascists in the Near and Middle East, and in [Mandatory Palestine] Eretz-Israel in particular. The newspapers rely on facts and deeds. The main center of Nazi propaganda in the entire Near East - writes the "Daily Herald" in the issue of February 3 - is in Cairo. Over 3000 lira per month! is being spent by this center for propaganda purposes in Egypt alone...
  241. Alexander, Edward. The State of the Jews : A Critical Appraisal. New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction, 2012. 73.
    -Alexander, Edward. The State of the Jews: A Critical Appraisal. United Kingdom: Routledge, 2017. 73.
    -Edward Alexander, "Exploring Nazi-Palestinian Arab collaborations," JHV, May 08, 2008.
    Lebel suggests that the relations between the Arab and Nazi leaders were based on something more than a quid pro quo, i.e., Arab help in the Nazi war effort in exchange for Nazi help in the struggle against the Jews and British. the Jews and British. They also shared certain values, if bloodthirstiness and all-consuming Jew-hatred can be called "values."
  242. 242.0 242.1 Zmanim. (1998). Israel: Zemorah, Bitan, Modan. p. 2.
    In February 1932 the newspaper Falastin published an extensive article about Adolf Hitler; The thrilled writer enthusiastically and admiringly described the personality of Hitler, whom he called one of the greats of the New World or the "Iron Man of Germany."
  243. Kabahā, Muṣṭafá. The Palestinian Press as Shaper of Public Opinion 1929-39: Writing Up a Storm. United Kingdom: Vallentine Mitchell, 2007. p.142.

    Filastin expressed appreciation for Nazi leader Adolf Hitler and compared him to Palestinian leaders, saying: Hitler, who has proven himself a remarkable [sic] leader striving to redeem his people, did not rely on personal or family influence or on social, scientific and economic status.

    He based his acts on the sincerity of his mission, while in Palestine the leaders are corrupt, liars, robbers, servants of the Mandate government, who prefer this government to the homeland and to the future of its sons.
  244. 244.0 244.1 The Palestine Post, May 22, 1933.
    "Noble Hitler" — Says "Falastin"

    "Falastin" considers the Jews to be quite in the wrong in their criticism of anti-Jewish acts in Germany. Hitler is [sic[ Innocent and Noble, strong and beloved by his people and has succeeded in saving [sic] his country from the vile (sic) Jews."

    The Elders of Zion are also dragged into Falastin's article . They rule the world and do not like Hitler and are doing all they can to overthrow him, writes the Jaffa paper
  245. 245.0 245.1 Haggai Erlich, The Middle East Between the World Wars," vol.2; vol.5, Open University of Israel, 2002, p.81.

    ...But Falastin also reflected the overall view of fascism as a national and organizational prescription, for example the writer the physician and communist (and who was close to the 'Husseini' camp) Khalil al-Budeiri in Falastin, January 5, 1936: It is very easy to explain our youth's sympathy for the fascist idea. All the news passed on to us about this movement illustrates it as a new human revival that promises hope and prosperity. We, too, who are at the beginning of our national revival, should strive to achieve similar goals and communicate with the movements that aspire to them, this and more, adolescence tends to admire power and heroism ... No comprehensive research has yet been conducted on the mood of the Palestinians, but the journalism of the time (the same study by the historian Dr. Mustafa Kabha) shows a great deal of admiration for the power and solidity of Nazi Germany's achievements. May 14, 1933 The first months of the reign of the German dictator and exclaimed: "Will an Arab Hitler appear among us to awaken, unite and lead us to lead us to fight and defend our rights?" Al-Difa's newspaper had long published translated excerpts from Hitler's Mein Kampf's book. He kept a regular correspondent in Berlin who persisted in sending sympathetic articles about the achievements of the Nazi regime. The paper's editor, Ibrahim al-Shanti, called on Arab youth (in an article from June 1, 1934) to "learn from Hitler's actions and imitate them in order to achieve similar national achievements." The Jaffa-based Falastin, which criticized Mussolini, supported Hitler, as did almost all the other newspapers... The first page of the Jaffa-based Falastin issue dated April 29, 1939. The headline announces "Hitler's historic speech," in which he rejects the Roosevelt letter, the cancellation of the naval agreement with Britain and the cancellation of the nonaggression pact on Poland. In the center of the page, around the image of the brazened face of the Nazi ruler.. the body of the report, the subtitle summarizes other parts of Hitler's speech...

    This speech of Hitler was accepted by many in the world as an act of a madman who consciously degenerates humanity into the abyss. In this way, for example, even the leader of the "Young Egypt", Ahmed Hussein, responded to these words, but the Jaffa-based 'Falastin' does not hide its sympathy. The title he chose is a quote from the Fuhrer "I have built in peaceful [ways] what others have destroyed by force."
  246. Michael J Cohen, "Britain's Moment in Palestine: Retrospect and Perspectives, 1917-1948," Taylor & Francis, 2014, p. 398
  247. Gunther, John. Inside Asia. United States: Harper & Brothers, 1939. 558
  248. The Living Age ... ,(Littell, Son and Company, 1937), vol. 353, p. 304-5; In the Troubled Mediterranean. Italy Woos the Arabs, by Andre Palert. The Living Age, December 1, 1937, pp. 304-305.
    Italy Woos The Arabs

    By ANDRÉ PALERT Translated from Marianne, Paris Liberal Weekly. PREMIER MUSSOLINI'S attempts

    to influence the Arab world against Britain, really date back a decade...
  249. Howard Morley Sachar, "Europe Leaves the Middle East, 1936-1954," (Allen Lane, 1974), p. 50.
    Similar accounts were published in October, 1938, by the respected French weekly Marianne. André Palert, the paper's special correspondent in Jerusalem, interviewed the Mufti at the latter's office in the Haram al-Sharif and was informed that Italian arms and funds were reaching the Holy Land, although in limited...
  250. ⁨⁨Der Tog⁩ - ⁨דער טאג⁩⁩, ⁨ 6 November 1937⁩. [49] [50].

    Arabs demand money and arms from Hitler and Mussolini

    Fugitive Arab leaders send intelligence to Rome and Berlin. - Two English soldiers killed in Jerusalem. - Head of Arab village near Haifa seriously injured. High commissioner cancels trip to Israel.

    Jerusalem, Nov. 5 (Palcor). - The Palestinian Arab leaders, who fled to the neighboring countries, have chosen delegates who will travel to Rome and Berlin, with the aim of gaining support from Mussolini and Hitler in their fight against the English and the Zionists - this was reported in local Arab circles.

    It is further reported that the Arab emissaries, apart from money, are also looking to get weapons for the Arab terrorist gangs in the Land of Israel.

    Last night, individual shootings took place in different parts of the country. A mukhtar (chief) of an Arab village in Haifa was seriously wounded by a bullet fired at him by an Arab terrorist.

    In Beit She'an, terrorists shot at the house of a local Arab leader. No one was found...

    אראבער פארלאנגען געלט און געווער פון היטלער און מוסאליני

    אנטלאפענע אראבישע פיהרער שיקען פארשטעהער קײן רױם און בערלין. — צװײ ענגלישע סאלדאטען דער'הרג'עט אין ירושלים. — הױפט פון אראבישען דארף לעבן חיפה ערנסט פארוואונדעט.—האי-קאמישאנער לײגט אפ רײזע קײן ארץ-ישראל.

    ירושלים, נאװ. 5 (פאלקאר). — די פאלעסטינער אראבישע פיהרער, װעלכע זײנען אנטלאפען פוז דאנען אין די שכנות'דינע לענדער, האבען אויסגעקליבען דעלעגאטען װאס װעלען אינגיכען אפפארען קיין רױם און בערלין, מיט'ן צװעק צו קריגען שטיצע ביי מוסאליני'ן און היטלער'ן פאך זייער קאמף געגען די ענגלענדערי און די ציוניסטען — איז דא תיעט באריכטעט געװארען אין היגע אראבישע קרייזען.

    עס װערט װייטער באריכטעט, אז די אראבישע שליחים װילען, אחוץ געלט, אויך זוכען צו באקומען געװעהר פאר די אראבישע טעראריסטישע באנדעס אין ארץ-ישראל.

    נעכטען ביינאכט זיינען פארגעקומען איינצעלנע שיסערייען אין פארשדענע טיילען פון לאנד. א מוכטאר (הויפט) פון אן אראבישען דארף לעבען חיפה איז ערנסט פארװאונדעט געװארען פון א קויל, װאס אן אראבישער טעראריסט האט אוף איהם געפייערט.

    אין בית־שאן האבען טעראריסטען אויסגעשאסען אויף דעם הױז פון א דארטיגען אראב'ישען פירער. קיינער איז ניט געטראפען געװארן...

  251. Jeff Jacoby (@Jeff_Jacoby) Tweeted (12 May, 2019)
    In 1938, the French journal Marianne reported that Arabs in Palestine were enthusiastically pro-Nazi: “At Nablus, the Arab population [gives] shouts of ‘Heil Hitler’.… the Arab journals Falastin & Al Difa’a … reproduce large portraits of various leaders of the Third Reich.
  252. Richard Mather, Hitler's war against Jews continues in 'Palestine', JPost, March 16, 2015.
    In 1929, Husseini distributed pamphlets saying: “O Arabs, do not forget that the Jew is your worst enemy and has been the enemy of your forefathers.” He also announced that the Jews had “violated the honour of Islam.” This led to a pogrom in Jerusalem and a massacre in Hebron, where 60 Jews were killed and the town ethnically cleansed. The British attributed the attacks to "racial animosity on the part of the Arabs."
  253. The Quarterly Review. United Kingdom: John Murray, 1938. 209; "Friends of Europe" Publications. United Kingdom: Friends of Europe., 1938. 26.
    According to the Palestine Post , 'the editor of the extremist Arab daily "Ad-Difaa" visited Cairo to meet a "prominent German personage" and returned suddenly to expand its pages and greatly extend its news and pictorial services.' The swastika has appeared in Arab leaflets and German rifles have been captured more than once from Arab terrorists. In Damascus there is a club called El Nadi el Arrabi' (The Arab Club), which is generally known to be maintained from German sources.
  254. [Philip J. Noel-Baker M.P. House of Commons, May 22nd, 1939] Parliamentary Debates (Hansard).: House of Commons official report, Vol. 347. Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons. H.M. Stationery Office, 1938. Contains the 4th session of the 28th Parliament through the session of the Parliament., pp. 2045-6 Palestine 22 May 1939.
    • Hearings, United States. Congress. House. U.S. Government Printing Office, 1943, pp. 456-7
    • The Jewish National Home in Palestine: Hearings Before the Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives, Seventy-eighth Congress, Second Session, on H. Res. 418 and H. Res. 419, Resolutions Relative to the Jewish National Home in Palestine. February 8, 9, 15, and 16, 1944, Volume 1.United States. Congress. House. Committee on Foreign Affairs. U.S. Government Printing Office, 1944, pp. 456-7 [51].
  255. "POWER POLITICS: Semitic Friends," Times, Monday, July 03, 1939.
    In Germany hand-picked Arabs are invited as honor guests to the Nazi Party's annual Congress at Nürnberg, where they usually hear Nazi orators bait the Jews. Both Nazi and Fascist newspapers, moreover, rarely miss a chance to fight the battle of the Arab in Palestine and Syria. Last week they found some choice items to report...
  256. The Palestine Post, 3 September 1939 — HITLER IN ARABIC FROM BERLIN
  257. Hajj Amin al-Husayni: The Mufti of Jerusalem Holocaust Encyclopedia
  258. Dalin, David. Icon of Evil: Hitler's Mufti and the Rise of Radical Islam, (Taylor & Francis, 2017), chapter 6.
    'From his youth, al-Husseini believed in the credibility of these accusation of... ritual murder.'
  259. 259.0 259.1 Axis Radio Stations Intensify Anti-jewish Broadcasts to Arabs in Palestine. Syria, JTA, January 21, 1942.

    Paving the way for a possible attack on Turkey and for an invasion through Turkey into Syria and Palestine, both Germany and Italy today loosed a barrage of anti-Jewish propaganda in Arabic from their broadcasting stations in Zeesen, Athens and Bari. The Axis broadcasts were all directed to the Arabs in Syria and Palestine. They alleged that England intends to incorporate Syria in a Jewish State and to provide preferential treatment for Jewish traders both in Syria and in Palestine. The Athens station went so far as to revive the Damascus blood libel of 1840 in order "to prove the criminal tendencies of the Jews and their love for bloodshed." Announcing that today’s broadcast “is the first of a series on Jewish criminal activities,” the Athens radio station went into great details concerning the notorious Damascus Affair and stated that some of the Arab leaders in Palestine who support England in the present war are descendants of the Jewish families who were involved in the Damascus case. It warned the Arabs in Palestine and Syria not to permit themselves to be influenced by these "Moslem converts who aim to enslave the Arab people."

    The belief was expressed here today that the new note of anti-Jewish incitement in the Axis broadcasts to the Arabs is a result of a wide propaganda program for the Arab world now prepared by the Jerusalem ex-Mufti in Berlin. Further intensification of anti-Jewish talks to the Arabs from German and Italian radio stations is expected. It is thought that some of these talks may be delivered by the ex-Mufti himself, it was said here today. The Germans believe, it was asserted, that the voice of the ex-Mufti over the radio will greatly impress the Arabs in Palestine, Syria and Transjordan where listening to Axis broadcasts is not prohibited.
  260. Shaw Pyle, Markham. Fools, Drunks, and the United States: August 12 1941. N.p.: Bapton Literary Trust No 1, 2011. 72.
    The blood libel had hardly been heard of in America in 1941, certainly among Gentiles. It is only recently that newer immigrants have brought that evil belief to America, immigrants whose embrace of the blood libel descends from Hitler's engagement, and contrariwise, with the Jew-hating Grand Mufti of Jerusalem from 1921–1948, the Nazi ally Mohammad Amin al-Husayni, der Großmufti. In America in 1941, only a few Gentiles, most of them scholars, and the Jews, had heard of the ancient canard: for that wicked slander to have taken root, too few manure-shoveling Central European peasants of the stock whence Hitler, had come to America.
  261. Israeli, Raphael. Poison: modern manifestations of a blood libel. United Kingdom: Lexington Books, 2002. 170.
    Of course, who would dare reprimand the representative of Saudi Arabia? Even if he is found to have been the secretary of the Jerusalem Mufti, Haj Amin al-Husseini, who had collaborated with the Nazis during the war?
  262. Brog, David. Reclaiming Israel's History: Roots, Rights, and the Struggle for Peace. United States: Simon & Schuster, 2017. [52].

    THE RIOTS OF 1920 AND 1921

    On March 7, 1920, the Syrian Arab Congress declared Syrian independence under the reign of King Feisal. Less than a month later, on April 4, tens of thousands of Arabs streamed into Jerusalem for the annual Nebi Musa festival. This religious celebration provided a perfect opportunity for Palestine's Arab nationalists to send a strong message to their British overlords.

    They took to the streets carrying photos of King Feisal and demanding that the British cede Palestine cede Palestine—which they called "Southern Syria"—to the new monarch.

    When the procession reached Jerusalem's Arab Club, a number of nationalist leaders appeared on the balcony to address the crowd below. Speaker after speaker demanded independence and unity with Syria.

    They also called for violence against the Jews. Observers recalled hearing the crowd chant," Slaughter the Jews," "We will drink the blood of the Jews," and “Palestine is our land, the Jews are our dogs." In Arabic, this last phrase forms a rhyming couplet. 

    Thus incited, Arabs wielding knives, clubs, and stones burst into the Jewish quarter. They ransacked Jewish homes and looted Jewish stores. They raided synagogues and yeshivas and ripped up Torah scrolls. And they attacked any Jews they found. 

    By the time the riots finally ended several days later, 5 Jews had been killed and 211 had been wounded. Many of the female victims had been raped.

    The British police quickly concluded that a young nationalist leader (and future Mufti), Amin al-Husseini, was responsible for the violence. A court found Husseini guilty of inciting the riots and sentenced him to ten years in prison. He evaded jail by fleeing to Damascus.

    A year later, on May 1, 1921, Palestine's Arabs launched another round of violence against their Jewish neighbors. This time the Arabs of Jaffa went on the attack. Author... describes what followed: 

    "Arab men broke into Jewish buildings and murdered the occupants; women came afterward and looted. Bearing clubs, knives, swords, and in some cases pistols, Arabs attacked Jewish pedestrians and destroyed Jewish homes and stores. They beat and killed Jews, children included, in their homes; in some cases they split the victims' skulls open."

    The attacks quickly spread from Jaffa to neighboring villages and beyond.

    On the morning of May 5, two to three thousand Arab villagers and Bedouin attacked the Jewish town of Petach Tikvah. This time, however, the British intervened. British infantry, aided by armored cars and air support, turned back the Arab assault.

    Two more attacks followed the next day. Several thousand Arabs from Ramle attacked the neighboring Jewish town of Rehovot, shouting, "Slaughter the Jews." Rehovot's residents successfully repelled the offensive. Further north, hundreds of Arabs from Tulkarem and its surrounding villages attacked the Jewish town of Hadera. Here the British intervened with infantry and air power to rout the invaders.

    By the time the British had quelled the 1921 riots, 47 Jews had been killed and another 146 had been wounded.
  263. Jewish Encyclopedia Daat - Riots 1929. פרעות תרפ"ט.

    Riots 1929, in which many Jews were killed throughout the country. Content: The origin of the massacre in Hebron, Har Tov, Kibbutz Hulda. Riots 1929 Riots raged by the Arabs among the Jews, in 1929, in which many Jews were killed throughout the country. After a week of incitement, the Arabs began organized riots in Jerusalem on Friday, August 23, 1929. Crowds of Arabs who came to pray on the Temple Mount burst in the direction of Jewish Jerusalem, hitting knives and clubs with every Jew who happened to be on their way and destroying the shops. The villages near Jerusalem took an active part in the riots; The village of Deir Yassin, which dominated the western neighborhoods of the city and was close to the Givat Shaul neighborhood, played a key role. The neighborhoods in the south of the city were also attacked by the Arabs of the area - Kibbutz Ramat Rachel was completely destroyed after its residents were abandoned and part of the Talpiot neighborhood was destroyed, including the house of the writer S. Agnon. . Origin At the exit near Jerusalem, about 30 Arabs from the nearby Arab village (Colonia) attacked the extreme house in the neighborhood, the Maklef family home, one of the neighborhood's founders. In a few moments, the members of the Maklef family and two guests who were at home were slaughtered with knives, together seven people. The women were abused before the murder, they were raped and then murdered. After the murder and looting set the house on fire. One son, Mordechai, survived (later became IDF Chief of Staff). Among the killers was the shepherd of the Maklef family as well as the Arab policeman who was the only one to use a firearm. After completing the massacre at a peeling house, the killers moved into the home of Broza, also one of the neighborhood's founders. The Broza family barricaded themselves in their home and the Arab attackers were unable to break in, so they turned to nearby houses. Two hours after the murder, three police cars arrived at the scene and took most of the locals to Jerusalem, and the houses of the colony were robbed by the Arab neighbors. The massacre in Hebron But the worst of all happened in Hebron; The Jews lived in Hebron for hundreds of years and lived in peace with their Arab neighbors. But all this did not prevent the Arabs from storming the houses of the Jews on Saturday morning, August 24, 1929, and killing anyone who happened to be in their way. The murder was brutal and the abuse of women was horrible. Out of a settlement of 600 Jews, 67 men, women and children were murdered in cold blood that morning and many dozens were injured. Told an eyewitness: The rioters attacked the Jewish baker and burned his head in the fire of Primus, who set him on fire, and when they saw that he was still alive, his intestines were beaten with daggers ... She begged the murderers to kill her and when they "felt sorry for her" they rattled her stomach and burned her intestines. (Book of Hebron, page 418) A memorandum sent by the Hebron Refugee Committee to the High Commissioner states, among other things: That day all the Jews were expelled from Hebron, and returned to the city only 40 years later, after the Six Day War. (Some of the Jews returned after the riots of 1929, but were expelled from there in 1936). In Tel Aviv and Haifa, too, the Arabs rioted against the Jews (13 people were killed in both places), but the more difficult problem was in the small and isolated localities, far from large centers. Har-Tov, 130 people, was attacked by local Arabs. All the residents were fortified in one of the houses with 5 rifles in their possession. Each time the rioters approached the house, rifle fire was opened on them and they retreated. One of the settlers dressed up as an Arab and in the evening managed to get to the train station and call for help. Meanwhile, the rioters raided the farm and the settlers' houses and looted everything nearby (cows, horses, grain, furniture and more). Towards midnight, soldiers arrived at the scene in two armored cars, and a number of shots were fired by the rioters. All the residents were transferred by train to Tel Aviv and the small settlement was completely destroyed by the Arabs. A fate similar to that of Har Tov befell both the nearby village of Uriah and the small settlement of Beer Tuvia in the south of the country. Kibbutz Hulda On the evening of August 26, the agricultural farm that was later Kibbutz Hulda was attacked by thousands of Arabs from the area. After a heavy battle, in which the commander of the place, Ephraim Chizik, was killed, a military force arrived at night and evacuated the residents of the kibbutz. The Arab rioters looted everything nearby, and then set the kibbutz on fire. Safed Disruptions did not pass over the north of the country, and many localities were attacked, but the most severe happened to the Jews of Safed. Nearly 3,000 Jews lived in Safed and lived on good terms with their Arab neighbors (about 10,000 in number). Indeed, there was silence in Safed, while disturbances raged throughout the country. However, on the fifth day of the riots, when the police and the army seemed to be in control of the situation, there was a bloodbath in Safed. On Thursday afternoon, August 29, 1929, Arab rioters broke into the Jewish Quarter, stabbing and killing Jews mercilessly. The rioters set fire to a fuel depot and the fire soon spread to all parts of the Jewish Quarter. Within half an hour, 18 people were killed, most of them women and the elderly, and 80 were injured and treated at Hadassah Hospital. The defense organization showed utter incompetence, and only police intervention prevented a greater disaster. In the evening, 10 army cars arrived and by order of the governor, the soldiers gathered the city's Jews into the government yard. The Jews stayed in the government yard for two days and watched as their houses caught fire. On the second night, the Arabs also attacked the government yard and two Jews were killed in the shootings, one of them a boy who was wounded and later died of his wounds. On Saturday morning, the refugees left the government yard and returned to the plundered and destroyed Jewish quarter, and only on Sunday did material aid arrive from Tiberias and Haifa. "There is no doubt that a small and organized defense force could have prevented the disaster. However, that force was not present." (History of the Haganah, II, p. 339) The small Jewish settlement in Ein Zeitim, near Safed, was also attacked. 3 Jews were killed and the rest fled to Safed. Documentation of disturbances according to the newspapers of the period, in the book "The Attack" by Israel Amikam.

    Source of the entry: Prof. Yehuda Lapidot
  264. Erel Segal, When Ra'ed Salah writes poetry, Mida, 11/22/2014.

    On August 24, 1929, dozens of Arabs broke into the home of the pharmacist Gershon Ben Zion in Hebron. Even though for years Ben Zion provided free treatment and medicine to hundreds of Arabs and even though he was not a Zionist it did not help him. Ben Zion was brutally murdered. Not before the bloodthirsty rioters, some of them perhaps even the ones Ben Zion was taking care of, gouged out his eyes. The rioters did not spare the members of his household. They raped and murdered his daughter and wife. Thousands of rioters raided the homes of the Jews and carried out a campaign of robbery, rape and murder unparalleled in its horrors. The blood washed the alleys of Hebron. The sights were shocking in their cruelty. Mutilated bodies, children who were burned alive, babies whose heads were smashed against walls, women who were raped and dismembered, and hundreds of amputees.

    The British watched in horror and did not lift a finger. The cry was the same cry, "Allah Akbar".
  265. 265.0 265.1 Edy Cohen, The Arab Mein Kampf, News1, Feb 16, 2014.

    "Islam and the Jews" - the Mufti's essay - The hatred [sic] of the Jews towards the [sic] Arabs and Islam is ancient, which has taken root in the souls of the Jews since the beginning of Muhammad, the blessing of Allah... in the call to Islam. Enmity between the two peoples Haj Amin al-Husseini: "Some people may also think that if the Palestinian problem is solved in a way that satisfies the Arabs, and the Jews leave the Arab lands, then there will be no more reason for hostility between the two peoples - the Islamic Arab and the Jew. This is a misconception." From 1937, a small Arabic booklet called "Islam and Judaism" began to appear in the Middle East, written by the Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini. As noted in "The Nazi Palestine," the pamphlet appeared without mentioning a company name. A year later, the Muslim Brotherhood in Cairo published an identical pamphlet stating that it had been written by a cleric and a great sage from Palestine. The pamphlet was translated into German and Croatian during World War II and distributed to the Bosnian Muslim SS soldiers - the SS Division. The 13th mountain "Handschar".

    This is a clearly anti-Semitic racist booklet, full of anti-Jewish expressions - the Arab Mein-Kampf. Mufti Amin al-Husseini presents the Jews in this pamphlet as [sic] enemies of Islam, as an irreparable race and as responsible not only for the killing of the Prophet Muhammad, but for all the troubles that befell the Muslims from the beginning of Islam to the present day.
  266. "Matthias Küntzel: Islamic Antisemitism: How It Originated and Spread," July 3, 2018.

    Islamic antisemitism did not develop spontaneously but was invented and used as a means to an end. This process began about 80 years ago in the context of Arab attempts to stop the Zionist immigration to Palestine which considerably increased in the 1930s. The first text that propagated sheer Jew-hatred in an Islamic context by mixing selected anti-Jewish episodes of Mohammed’s life with the so-called wickedness [sic] of Jews in the 20th century was a 31-page brochure in the Arabic language with the title Islam and Jewry, published on August 18, 1937 in Cairo. In September 1937, this pamphlet achieved significance through its distribution at the “National Arab Congress” in Bludan, a health resort in Syria, 30 miles (50 kilometres) northwest of Damascus... While historians have still to answer important questions about Islam and Jewry and Bludan, the political context which facilitated the emergence of Islamic antisemitism is quite clear....

    The brochure itself culminates in the following call: “Do not tolerate the partition plan, for Palestine has been an Arab country for centuries and shall remain Arabic forever.”
  267. The Palestine Post, 12 September 1937. Page 4.

    Bludan Congress Against Partition Ahmed Shukeiri of Acre. The Mufti's Message Palestine Arabic have newspapers published the full text of the Mufti of Jerusalem's lengthy message to the Bludan Congress, in which he portrayed the danger to Arab countries of the Zionist-Jewish movement, which he described as a European Crusade against Islam, and declared that the Arab people would rise and fight world Jewry... Lebanese Attitude According to the Beirut correspondent of "Al Islamia," a rift has arisen between the Lebanese Premier and the Minister of Interior over the latter's desire, following a visit by Mouin el Maadi , the Mufti of Jerusalem's to envoy, to secure Lebanese Government support for the Palestine Arab question. L'Orient , of Beirut , regarded as the unofficial organ of the Lebanese Government , has indicated in a leading article that there can be no other attitude than that of friendly relations with the population of Palestine , no matter whether they were Arabs or Jews. Lebanon's best policy was one of complete neutrality, it was affirmed. "Nothing advantageous would have emerged from Lebanon's official participation in the Bludan Congress, and on the other hand, Lebanon would have lost an important asset—the extensive summer traffic in its mountain resorts in which Jewish visitors have an important share."

    Friday's issue of "Ad Difa'a" was severely critical of the Lebanese authorities.
  268. 268.0 268.1 268.2 A credible story..., M. Uziel, Maariv, May 1, 2016.

    … "A 90-minute meeting with Hitler is not a trivial matter," says Oholy. "It promised that the only German interest in the Middle East would be the extermination of Jews. The Mufti wrote in his diary in Arabic that Hitler had told him that he was fighting Jews uncompromisingly and without respite. He added, 'I decided to find a solution to the Jewish problem in stages and without a break. I will direct the necessary and appropriate reading to all the peoples of Europe, and then to the countries outside Europe.' In other words, there is in fact justice in Netanyahu's claim, at least in that one of the first secret partners in the extermination plan was the Mufti. " ... the Mufti wrote on May 6, 1943 to the Bulgarian Foreign Minister, in a letter requesting that Jews be sent to rescue: "And there will be a good deed of gratitude to the Arab people." ... Canaan was not just a journalist. "A trusted professional and impartial historian in his pioneering research, he was personally a great authority on Nazi-Palestinian activity in Palestine, as he was in charge of the issue as a senior officer in the British police and was involved in the entire investigation."... Bureau 06, the police unit that prepared the evidence file for the Eichmann trial, found a very strong connection between the Mufti and Eichmann. " It is very easy to find evidence of Eichmann and the Mufti's connections. Bureau 06 found, for example, a record of the Mufti in his personal diary on a page dated November 9, 1944, "And the good (or the faithful) in the Arab friends Eichmann." This is not only a random proof of the connection between the Mufti and Eichmann, but of the Mufti's involvement in the final solution, and of the Mufti's scale of values, according to which the extermination of the Jewish people is an act of friendship for the Arab cause. Herf attaches importance to the fact that al-Husseini was a Nazi-style extremist Jew-hater even before he arrived in Berlin. In his article, he quotes a speech delivered by the Mufti in 1937, before the outbreak of World War II and the Holocaust. The speech was delivered in Syria and when I read it I was amazed to find that it had been translated into German by the Nazi leadership at the time, published in a Nazi - controlled press and that all Nazi leaders knew it as early as 1938. At the same conference in Syria, Husseini was elected by the 400 deputies as the honorary president of the pan-Arab organization. After World War II, Haj Amin was accepted as a hero in Egypt and Palestine. In 1946, Hassan al-Banna, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, called Husseini "a hero who challenged the empire and Zionism with the help of Hitler and Germany. Germany and Hitler are no more, but Amin al-Husseini will continue the struggle." A similar attitude of admiration was shown by the Arab Supreme Council and the Palestinian People's Party, which elected him their leader in 1945. In 1948, Amin al-Husseini was the commander of the Palestinian forces during the War of Independence, whose goal was to occupy and destroy the Jewish community. Prof. Meir Litvak, who co-authored the book "Empathy for Denial, Arab Reactions to the Holocaust," explains that al-Husseini's status among Palestinians is not excited today. "Mainly because they see him as primarily responsible for their defeat in the War of Independence," explains Prof. Litvak. "Some see him as responsible for the failure of Palestinian society to build political infrastructure and institutions as the Zionist movement did. Most writers on his activities in Germany try to downplay his actions, trying to justify his move to Germany by the British leaving him no choice, which is not true. "The Arab, and no one wants to be identified with her, despite the attempt to downplay the significance of the Holocaust. The Palestinian encyclopedia, for example, skips the years during which the Mufti stayed in Germany with the value written about him."

    To a large extent, the PLO developed the lie of Zionist-Nazi cooperation in the extermination of the Jews, in order to counter the Mufti's real cooperation with the Nazis, Prof. Litvak claims. "Hamas and Islamic circles in Palestinian society, on the other hand, take a different approach," it praises the Mufti for his uncompromising stance in his struggle against Zionism, praising him for understanding the centrality of religion in the struggle against Zionism and the need to harness Islam for the war against the Jews. They have no problem with being in Nazi Germany. According to them, he did what was necessary to help the Palestinian cause. For them, the British and Americans were no better than the Germans. It would have been convenient for the Palestinians if the Germans had won the war...
  269. ha-Arets - הארץ 8 September 1937. The Arab Higher Committee warns Lebanon about the "danger" (sic) faced by that country that will open its doors to the Jews.

    The office of the Arab Higher Committee published a notice under these headings: "From the damaged Palestine to the healthy Lebanon. Who is wise? Everyone who learns from his peers."

    In the message, which contains five large pages, it is about the "Jewish danger [sic] facing all Arab countries, economically, socially and agriculturally". At the end of the message it was said that Lebanon or any other Arab country, which opens its doors to Jews, will end up being damaged.
  270. The Forgotten Tiberias Pogrom of 1938, JVL.

    (October 2, 1938). The year 1938 was especially violent in the Holy Land. It was the midst of a violent three-year nationalist uprising known as the Arab Revolt. Led by the father of Arab nationalism in Palestine, Jerusalem Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Arabs founded the Arab High Committee and set three key demands for ending the violence: ending all Jewish immigration, banning land sales to Jews, and giving Arabs control of Mandatory Palestine, leaving them to deal with the Jews. A steady stream of incitement in schools, the Arab press, and houses of worship ensued, along with a call to boycott Jewish products. In April 1936, Arab terrorists attacked a Jewish bus and killed two. This event unleashed a cycle of tit-for-tat violence which saw the death of many Jews and Arabs. One area that saw many violent attacks on Jews was Tiberias. In May 1938, a Jew was killed by an explosion and, in September, three Jews were murdered, and a Jew and an Arab were wounded by four Arab terrorists. Tiberias was a poorly defended city .... On October 2, an Arab terrorist cell occupied the hills surrounding Tiberias. They waited for the cover of darkness to begin their well-planned operation. At 9 p.m., the terrorists cut the telephone lines into Tiberias so the victims could not call for assistance. Two terrorist cells hiding in the hills entered city from the north and south. Five minutes later, the terrorists remaining in the hills sounded a shrill whistle loud enough so both cells could hear it. This signaled the beginning of the attack. The small local police force was taken by surprise. The terrorists first hit the office of the British district commissioner, the police station, and the quarters where British police were housed hoping to weaken or eliminate any defenses. The attackers then went to the central synagogue and set it on fire. The caretaker of the synagogue Ezekiel Katz, 42, was trapped inside and burned to death.

    The terrorists also burned down the local post office before making their way to the Jewish neighborhood of Kiryat Shmuel, north of the old city, armed with bombs, rifles, daggers, and torches. That is when the “systematically organized and savagely executed” carnage began.

    The terrorists set fire to several Jewish wooden homes. They entered the house of Joshua Ben-Arieh where he, his wife Shoshanna, and one of their sons, Arieh, were stabbed to death and then set on fire. There younger son Moshe, only 18 months old, was shot to death. Visiting the Ben-Arieh family were three siblings – Chaim age 12, Rivkah age 10, and Ezra age 8. The terrorists stabbed and burned to death all three children. While Shimon Yochanan Mizrahi was on patrol in another part of town, terrorists stormed his house and killed his wife Rachel, 26, and all five of their children ages 12, 5, 3, 2, and 1. The Arabs also attacked a third house, the home of Menachem Kabni, 60, and his wife Dora, 40. Both were American citizens. Mr. Kabni had been the beadle of a synagogue in New York for 30 years. Rabbi Asha Werner, who had been visiting Tiberias at the time, reported that the infiltrators stabbed the couple to death and burned their bodies. Miraculously, Mr. Kabni’s sister Esther managed to escape the execution.

    In total, the terrorists set six Jewish houses on fire and savagely murdered anyone they could find inside. Two supernumerary Jewish constables, Israel Bookman and Zvi Chatzkeleviz, and an additional Jewish man, Jacob Gross, died in a gun fight valiantly trying to stop the attacks. Several other Jews were seriously injured. All but four of the victims were stabbed to death and set on fire...
  271. Haboker - הבקר, 4 October 1938.
    20 Martyrs of Tiberias - The blood of a mother was mixed with the blood of her six children.

    ‬ 20 חללי טבריה - נתערבו דמה של אם בדם ששת ילדה

  272. ha-Tsofeh - הצפה, 9 October 1938.


    What happened on the night of the horrors, on the eve of Tishrei, in Tiberias is not one of the events we are used to during the three years of horrors that befell the Jewish community in the country. This is not at all what the government has been calling the "Arab uprising" lately, but riots by gangs of murderers, who came and attacked a quiet and safe neighborhood, veteran residents of the Tiberias suburb.

    And as evidence, the attackers were not gangs of murderers from outside, but neighbors of Tiberias from the nearby villages to the north and south, the villages of Lubia and Tebgha and adjacent to them. And not out of excitement and resentment came this cruel scoundrel act. Out of peace of mind, crowds descended on Kiryat Shmuel, which never angered the residents of the Arab neighbors.

    This gang of murderers went up in the suburbs at the beginning of the evening at 9 o'clock and concentrated on one street called D [Dalet] Street and did their cruel acts quietly and peacefully without any disturbance for two hours and after they finished their actions they left the neighborhood not out of panic and persecution. Eyewitnesses, peeking through the crackers of the windows in the dark, saw that they had entered a house that had a kind of restaurant and taken the food out of the refrigerator and ate dinner in peace of mind.

    In the middle of their savage acts they also went out in a "Debke" dance in the middle of the street. And there were also chants of "Allah Akbar" "Alayhum-al-Yehud"! Itbachum."

    These eyewitnesses report that all the work was done on the orders of a commander, who gave his orders in a European language and an Arabic translator translated the orders into the Arab masses in Arabic. Their savage work was done with a few shots and mostly used incendiary bombs. The people who were murdered were also burned, some while alive.

    Among those killed and burned are ten children from three families. Two of them, brother and sister were found held and glued to each other and some burnt. There are many signs that the killers' actions were intentional, knowing in advance that there are mostly elderly Jews on D. Street who are unable to defend themselves ...

    All this is known from eyewitnesses, who peeked out of their windows. On this street there is a house with a man, who has a weapon in the government license, and when the rioters realized, they did not dare to go to this house. Their "heroism" was reduced to elders, women and children, in the court on the main street. Who guarded the place. Wildly they pushed the mother of the three children, who were burned in the basement, into the fire...

    All this is known from eyewitnesses, who peeked out of their windows. On this street there is a house with a man, who has a weapon in the government license, and when the rioters felt they did not dare to go to this house, their "heroism" was reduced to elders, women and children. In the courthouse on the main street, nothing bad happened thanks to the brave defense of two Jewish guards (Jewish Settlement Police) who guarded the place.. Wildly they pushed the mother of the three children, who were burned in the basement, into the fire.

    Monday evening: When we returned from the funeral we found another pile of burning coals in the synagogue that had been destroyed and burned... טבריה. מה שקרה בליל הזוועות, אור ליום ח' תשרי, בטבריה אינו ממאורעות, שאנו רגילים בהם בשלוש שנות האימים העוברות על היישוב היהודי בארץ. אין זה כלל מה שקוראת הממשלה בזמן האחרון "המרד הערבי" אלא פרעות ממש על־ידי כנופיות מרצחים, שבאו והתנפלו על שכונה שוקטת ובוטחת, תושבים וותיקים בפרוור טבריה. וכפי ההוכחות לא היו המתנפלים כנופיות מרצחים מבחוץ, אלא שכני טבריה מהכפרים הסמוכים מצפון ומדרום, כפרי לוביה וטבחה והסמוכים אליהם. ולא מתוך התרגשות והתרגזות באו לידי מעשה נבלה אכזרי זה. מתוך מנוחת הנפש עלו המונים על קרית־שמואל, שמעולם לא הרגיזו תושבי קריה זו את השכנים הערבים. כנופית־מרצחים זו עלתה על הפרוור בראשית הערב בשעה9 והתרכזו ברחוב אחד הנקרא רחוב ד' ועשו את מעשיהם האכזריים בשקט ובמנוחת-הנפש בלא שום הפרעה במשך שעתיים ואחרי שגמרו את מעשיהם עזבו את השכונה לא מתוך בהלה ורדיפה אחריהם. עדי-ראיה, שהציצו דרך סדקי החלונות מתוך חשכה, ראו, שנכנסו לתוך בית שיש בו מעין מסעדה והוציאו את האוכל מתוך המקרר ואכלו סעודת-הערב במנוחת־הנפש. באמצע מעשיהם הפראיים יצאו גם בריקוד "דבקה" באמצע הרחוב. והיו גם קריאות "אלה אכבר" "עליהום־ על יהוד‭"!‬ םוחבטא !‭. "‬ ‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ עדי־ראיה־אלה מוסרים, שכל העבודה נעשתה מתוך פקודות של מפקד, שנתן את פקודותיו בשפה אירופית ותורגמן ערבי תירגם את הפקודות להמון הערבי בערבית. עבודתם הפראית נעשתה ביריות מועטות ובעיקר השתמשו בפצצות הצתה. גם את האנשים שרצחו שרפו אותם, מהם חיים. בין הנהרגים והנשרפים נמצאים עשרה ילדים משלוש משפחות. שנים מהם, אח ואחות נמצאו אחוזים ודבוקים זה בזה ובחלקם שרופים. יש הרבה סימנים שמעשי המרצחים היו מכוונים בידיעה מראש שברחוב ד' יושבים בעיקר יהודים קשישים שאין ביכולתם להתגונן... כל זה ידוע מפי עדי־ראיה, שהציצו מחלונותיהם. ברחוב זה יש בית שנמצא בו אדם, שברשיון הממשלה יש לו נשק, וכשהפורעים הרגישו בדבר לא העיזו לגשת לבית הזה, "גבורתם" הצטמצמה בזקנים, נשים וילדים, בבית־המשפט הנמצא ברחוב הראשי לא אונה כל רע הודות להגנה אמיצה של שני גפירים יהודים ששמרו על המקום. בפראות דחפו את אמם של שלושת הילדים, שנשרפו במרתף, לתוך המדורה. ביום שני לפנות ערב :כשחזרנו מהלוויה עוד מצאנו ערמת גחלים בוערות בבית־הכנסת שנחרב ונשרף‭...‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

  273. Yeme ha-kalaniyot: Erets Yisrael bi-tekufat ha-Mandat by Segev, Tom. Keter, 1999, p. 336. [53]
  274. ha-Arets - הארץ, 6 January 1939.
    Nazi propaganda in [Palestine] E.Y. Propaganda centers in the Near East, Cairo and Baghdad. - Who is behind the terrorists - The Tiberias massacre was prepared by the Nazis.
    התעמולה הנאצית... מרכזי התעמולה במזרח הקרוב, קהיר ובגדאד. — מי עומד מאחורי הטרוריסטים — טבח טבריה הוכן על ידי נאצים
  275. Tiberias night - the massacre that was forgotten Cafe The Marker, Apr 22, 2015.
  276. The Sentinel⁩, 2 December 1937⁩.

    Strictly Confidential. By Phineas J. Biron. True Story Peter Shmidik, eleven-year-old Jewish youngster from Budapest, is being hailed throughout Hungary as the little Jewish boy who stood up to Streicher . . . One of a group of 500 Hungarian boys invited to Germany by the Nazi regime to see the joys of childhood in Hitlerland, Shmidik went with his friends to visit Nuremberg . . . Outside the beautiful city hall the kids were lined up for an address by Julius Streicher. . . Beaming good will, Streicher welcomed them and expressed his joy at seeing them. . . But, he added, I hope there are no little Jews among you ... At this a little voice piped up : Oh, yes, there are. I am a Jew For Peter, not . . . quite understanding , thought he was being singled out for special honors And so he came forward, bowed . . . deeply and paid his respects to the arch Judenfresser . . . Streicher was so stunned that he abbreviated his address and left the youngsters to enjoy a sightseeing trip . . . And as for Peter—when he got back to Hungary he found his picture plastered over the front page of every newspaper . . . A Columbia University undergraduate by the name of Robert Wood is reported to us as one of the most active Nazi propagandists in the East . . . We wonder why Victor Spirodovitch , son of a leading White Russian anti-Semite who is a collaborator of Count Vensiatzky, has suddenly taken up residence in the Jewish quarter of New York's East Side . . . Congressman Weaver of North Carolina is fathering a bill which provides for revoking the citizenship of naturalized aliens engaged in publishing and printing propaganda literature subsidized from foreign sources . . . Official Washington circles are keenly interested in the report that one of the objectives of the American visit of Captain Fritz Weidemann, Hitler's one yes-man , is to win over some of our big-shot anti-New Deal industrialists to the support of Hitler’s aims . . . A friend of ours who has just come back from Brazil tells us that the Dupe—pardon , we meant the Duke— of Windsor has written an article praising Hitler for a Brazilian newspaper . . . They don't want any publicity about it , but the Italian and German consulates in this country have received orders to ban the shipments of the current issue of Photo-History, which says some pretty plain things about Fascism and war . . . The same ruling, we presume, will be applied to the November 27 Saturday Evening Post when the official gentlemen get around to reading John Gunther's article in it . . . Last weeks scoop about the Congressional record publishing a list of 100 names of Nazis on the Pacific coast linked to Killinger and that a Nazi ball was held on board the U . S . S . Illinois , a govt. training ship anchored in the Hudson was so hot that it crashed the nation's front pages 72 hours before you read it although we had written it a week previous . Berlin Buzzes The right wing of the Nazi Party is rumored to be ready to liquidate the Nazi wild men by agreeing to a war within the next eighteen months, and then having the Reichswehr place Hitler and his yes-men in some comfortable concentration camp and declare to the enemy that the war is over . . . Among those said to be privy to the scheme are Foreign Minister von Neurath, General Goering and Hjalmar Schacht, financial wizard . . . Incidentally, the latter is reliably reported to be virtually a prisoner. . . Though he has resigned from the post of Finance Minister he can't leave the country . . . The only reason he isn't made the victim of a one-man blood purge is that his death would be rightly interpreted as indicating the bankruptcy of Naziism . . . Goering will soon be a papa, his non-Aryan wife, the former Emmy Sonnemann, expecting an heir any week now . . . Headquarters of the Union of Islamic and Christian Arabs, the organization said to be behind much of the terrorism in North Africa, have been shifted to Berlin, and the name has been changed to Islamischer Kulturbund . . . London Hears That the so-called escape of the Grand Mufti from Jerusalem was not an escape at all, but due to the deliberate laxity of the British authorities, who wanted him out of the country . . . The story is that with the Mufti outside of Palestine the British could legally get control of the funds of the Moslem religious bodies, of which the Mufti was the boss . . . With these funds, it is said, he financed the campaign of terrorism . . .

    The grand Duke George of Hesse, who was killed in that Belgian plane crash together with most of his family, was not too popular with the Nazis, for he was the great-grandson of Prince Albert, Queen Victorias consort, reputed to have been a half-Jew. . .
  277. Mattar, Philip. Ency. of the (Arab) Palestinians. Facts on File, 2005, p. 447:
  278. Hirszowicz, Lukasz. "Nazi Germany and the Palestine Partition Plan." Middle Eastern Studies 1, no. 1 (1964): 40–65. [54]; Hirszowicz, Łukasz. The Third Reich and the Arab East. United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis, 2016. [55]; Various. Routledge Library Editions: History of the Middle East. United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis, 2021. 34.

    On July 15th, 1937, Dr. Grobba, German envoy at Baghdad, met the then Premier of Iraq, Hikmet Suleiman, who expressed the hope that the Germans would do everything in their power to frustrate the plans of the Royal Commission. This step by a leader who was attacked for being cool to Arab unity was probably meant to prepare the ground for more concrete negotiations. For on the following day Grobba was visited by members of the Palestinian Arab Higher Committee: Awni-bey Abd el-Hadi and Muin el-Madhi. They urged that the Reich Government should interest itself in the Palestine question and support the Palestinian Arabs; while Abd el-Hadi expressed a desire to visit Berlin soon.

    Auni 'Abd al-Hadi visited Germany in 1939 after the London conference, on Palestine. He was most probably the guest of A.P.A.
  279. Herf, Jeffrey. Nazi Propaganda for the Arab World. Ukraine: Yale University Press, 2009. 34.
  280. Elpeleg, Zvi. Through the Eyes of the Mufti. The Essays of Haj Amin, Translated and Annotated. (Heb.). Israel: Tel Aviv University, 1995, p. 27.
    Accusation B: The Palestinians' defense of their land The second claim was that the Arabs of Palestine did not defend their land... Hitler cited the Jihad of the Arabs of Palestine as an example at an official reception held in 1938 for Khaled al-Qarqani, the adviser of His Majesty the King Abd al-Aziz to the House of Saud, Hitler said, that he was full of admiration for the struggle of the Palestinian Arabs and their heroism...
  281. Renee Ghert-Zand, Trove of publications by WWII Jewish soldiers from Palestine gets new home at NLI, TOI, 18 Nov 2022.
    Newspapers, journals, and other periodicals produced by Jewish units from Palestine in British Army reveal rich intellectual and emotional lives of soldiers fighting in Europe
  282. Col (Res.) Dr. Raphael G. Bouchnik-chen, "Palestinian Arab Volunteers in the British Army in WWII: A Reality Check", Besa, December 9, 2019.

    Notwithstanding Abbasi’s claim to have based his research on a variety of primary and secondary sources, he seems to have chosen his sources selectively, presumably to service the theory of a significant degree of Palestinian Arab resistance to the Nazis. Neither the quantitative nor the qualitative aspect of this theory is supported by the evidence.

    Gen. Archibald Wavell, commander of the British forces in the Middle East, opposed the formation of a Jewish regiment in the British army. According to historian Marcel Roubicek, the British High Commissioner for Palestine also feared that Jewish enlistment would inflame Arab anger. To solve that problem, he made it a condition that Jews wishing to join up find an equivalent number of Palestinian Arab volunteers to join up as well.

    To accomplish this, the Jews of the Yishuv offered financial compensation to Palestinian Arabs to enlist. They ultimately succeeded in raising enough manpower from both communities to permit the formation of a Jewish regiment.

    The opportunity for Palestinian Arabs to join the ranks of the British Army was thus a direct outcome of the Jewish desire to render its utmost assistance to Britain in every sphere of war activity, a point Abbasi ignores.

    He is similarly fuzzy on Palestinian Arab motivation. He states, “Most of the [Palestinian Arab] volunteers were villagers and of the urban lower class, and…the economic motive played a central role in volunteering,” noting that these “motives…differed from [that of] their Jewish friends, who enlisted in the army mainly because of opposition to Nazi Germany and its racial policy toward their people, besides other motives such as the revival of a Jewish army, and the serious employment situation in the country at the beginning of the war.”

    Compensation as the prevailing motivation for Palestinian Arab enlistment is supported by the evidence, but Abbasi claims their motives were in fact manifold and varied. Some Palestinian Arabs, he states, enlisted for ideological reasons, to express their opposition to Nazi ideology and loyalty to the British and their values. This motive was especially true of the urban elite and the intellectuals, he alleges, who were highly influenced by British education and culture. He does not substantiate this point sufficiently and ignores available evidence documenting contemporary Palestinian contempt for the British Army (see, for example, Prof. Kimberly Katz’s A Young Palestinian’s Diary 1941-1945, The Life of Sami Amr).

    Abbasi laments that “there is hardly any reference to the thousands of Palestinian volunteers, some of whom fell in battle, while others are still listed as missing in action, and no commemoration of the fallen can be found anywhere.” He suggests this “evil” is explained by “what the Palestinian people experienced during the Nakba and its aftermath, the destruction of archives and records in addition to the loss of personal documents, and the fact that no organization was established to commemorate the volunteers and their deeds.” He thus accuses Israel of covering up the Palestinian Arab role in defeating the Nazis.

    It should be noted that Abbasi persistently uses the term “Palestinians” rather than “Palestinian Arabs” in his article, starting with the title. This manipulation services the popular narrative denying any linkage between the Jewish People and Palestine. In her book World War II – The Story of a Jewish Soldier, Jewish Women of Mandatory Palestine Serving in the British Army, Esther Herlitz (later an Israeli diplomat and politician who served as a member of the Knesset) wrote, “As far as the British were concerned, we from the Jewish Yishuv, and some Arabs, were Palestinians.”
  283. Kirshenbaum, S. L. ‫History of the people of Israel in our generation [Toldot Am Yisrael Bedorenu‬‎], vol. 2. Israel: 1965. [רבים+מהם התגייסו+מתוך+כוונה+לרכוש+להם+נשק p.

    A total of 9,000 Arabs enlisted in the British Army here. Among them are many from across the Jordan, Syria and Lebanon, who came to the recruitment bureaus in Palestine. Many of them enlisted with the intention of acquiring weapons for themselves: indeed, by the end of the war only about half of the Arab soldiers remained, as the rest defected with their weapons from the army. Arab leaders who moved to Germany, led by Haj Amin al-Husseini, a former Mufti of Jerusalem, incited on German radio the Arabs to defect from the British army. Amin al-Husseini actively assisted in the establishment of Arab and Muslim battalions in the German army. It was only after the Allied victory over Al-Alamein that it became clear to the Arab statesmen that their orientation on the Axis victory in the war had disappointed, and then they changed their position and declared their full support for the Allies.

    Following this turning point, many Arab prisoners were released, who were imprisoned by the British, including organizers of riots in Palestine, and given permission to return to their homeland. Here they once again stood at the head of the Arab parties, even though they signed a letter of commitment not to be active in life ...
  284. B. D. Yemini, Nakba was result of "Palestinians" backing Nazis during WWII, YNet, May 15, 2022.

    ... does the fact that thousands of Palestinian Arabs enlisted to the British Army proves that only a tiny minority of Palestinian backed the Nazis? Israeli researcher and author Yoni Rainey claims it doesn't. In his books - "Closed Case" and "The Hidden Side of Nazism and the Holocaust" - he claims that about 9,000 Palestinian and Jordanian Arabs did enlist to the British Army during the war (in comparison with about 27,000 Jews). But, from the moment it became evident the Germans may pass through Egypt and reach Palestine in spring 1942, Palestinian Arabs switched sides. About 78% of the Arab volunteers deserted the British army, often times stealing weapons for the purpose of helping the Germans fight the Jews when the time came. Additionally, a survey conducted in 1941 shows that 88% of Palestinian Arabs supported Nazi Germany, while only 9% backed the British mandate. These are facts!... Likewise, the Arab side needs to take responsibility for their collective support of the Nazis. The Mufti and Qawuqji faithfully represented the Arab people. And if, God forbid, the war would've ended with a German victory, no Nakba would've taken place. Rather, the extermination of all Jews in Mideast would have commenced. So no, there is no reason to apologize. And for anyone still wondering, the aggressor which refused any form of a partition plan and plotted to wipe out a nation, has no right to restitution or compensation, and certainly no right of return.

    However, the Jews who were displaced from the Arab countries, whose property and possessions were confiscated, should have the right to get it back.
  285. 285.0 285.1 285.2 Elie Kedourie (Professor of Politics Emeritus), "Arabic Political Memoirs and Other Studies," (Cass books on the Middle East, Psychology Press, 1964), pp. 189-190; Elie Kedourie, "Arabic Political Memoirs and Other Studies," (Routledge, 2012), pp.189-190.

    Shuqayri began to be active in Palestinian Arab politics in the early 1930s ... whether or not they were politically wise—Shuqayri was expressing the attitudes and feelings of his countrymen... He describes the great excitement with which they used to listen to German and Italian broadcasts, how he would follow during the night the military communiqués, marking on a map the places being occupied by the victorious Germans and meet his friends the following morning to discuss triumphs exceeding those of the previous day:

    Our sympathies were with the Axis powers being led by Hitler from victory to victory, and with our sympathies went our prayers for the victory of Germany and her allies, and defeat for Britain and her confederates. . . . When the British government announced the formation of a Palestine force to help the war effort, our young men received the directive: do not join the Palestine force, and the response was quasi-unanimous. . . . The activities of the Italian and German airforce extended to Palestine, and in September 1940 their airplanes bombed certain targets in Tel-Aviv and Haifa. The joy and excitement produced in our circles was indescribable.
  286. 286.0 286.1 'Poll,' [February 1941], CZA S25/ 9226; qtd in: Hillel Cohen, "Army of Shadows: Palestinian Collaboration with Zionism, 1917–1948", (2008) p.175.
  287. Lyman, Robert. First Victory: Britain's Forgotten Struggle in the Middle East, 1941. United Kingdom: Constable, 2006. 24.
  288. Mallmann, Klaus-Michael., Cüppers, Martin. Nazi Palestine: The Plans for the Extermination of the Jews in Palestine. United Kingdom: Enigma Books, 2010. 63.
  289. The Detroit Jewish News Digital Archives - August 02, 1957 - Image 1.

    Egypt-Syria-USSR Military Conclave Stirs Anxiety in U.S. Mastermind of U. S.-Saudi Deal for Dhahran Extension Revealed as Nazi Associate By Milton Friedman WASHINGTON -- Saudi Arabian Kind Saud's Secretary of State has been revealed by captured German archives to have been a leadear of a pro-Nazi Arab collaboration committee. He is Sheikh Yusuf Yasin who this year obtained renewed agreement of Washington to the barring of American personnel of Jewish faith from the U.S. Air Force base at Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. One "top secret" document revealed that in 1940 an agreement on Palestine was formulated. In it "Germany and Italy recognize the right of the Arab countries to solve the question of the Jewish elements in Palestine and the other Arab countries in a manner that conforms to the national and ethnic interests of the Arabs, and to the solution of the Jewish question in the countries of Germany and Italy." On Aug. 6, 1940, Franz von Papen, German Ambassador in Turkey, cabled Berlin of his meeting with the Grand Mufti. The cable made known that the pro-Nazi Arab clique that included the present Saudi Arabian Secretary of State wished to cooperate with Hitler by organizing a revolt in Palestine. Von Papen reported that an understanding was reached with Saudi Arabia on the removal of pro-British King Abdullah of Transjordan and the annexation of that territory to Palestine.

    The Grand Mufti wrote Hitler on June 21, 1940, that Arab Palestine which had been "fighting the democracies and international Jewry, is ready at any time to assume an active role" in collusion with Germany...
  290. The Australian Jewish News, 27 December 1940 — Axis Attempt to Incite Arabs Against Britain and Jews
  291. The Reform Advocate, 1 November 1940 — Broadcasts Appeal To Arabs
  292. The Sentinel, 29 January 1942 —U. S. A. Counteracts Jap Talks to Arabs.
    Boston, Jan. 25 (JPS )—To counteract Japanese and other Axis propaganda to the Arabs... Fuad Mufarij has been assigned the announcer's job of telling the news from the side of truth...
  293. B'nai B'rith Messenger, 30 January 1942.
  294. Atlanta Southern Israelite Archives, Jun 26, 1942, p. 1 - NewspaperArchive.
  295. 295.0 295.1 295.2 295.3 W. G. Schwanitz, "Photographic Evidence Shows Palestinian Leader Amin al-Husseini at a Nazi Concentration Camp, Tablet Magazine, April 7, 2021.
  296. Shmuel Dotan, HaMaavak al Eretz Israel [The struggle for Palestine] (Tel Aviv, Ministry for Defence, 1981), p. 206.
    During the days of the uprising in Iraq, preparations were made in the country for the resumption of the uprising. Posters with a swastika on their heads were distributed among the Arabs and called for an alliance with the Germans. Although he failed in Iraq, Haj Amin did not believe that he had made a mistake. He was honorably received in Europe, intended with Hitler and Mussolini; In these meetings he argued for the representation of the Arab and Muslim world.

    שמואל דותן, המאבק על ארץ ישראל, 1981, עמ' 206.

    בעצם ימי ההתקוממות בעיראק נעשו הכנות בארץ לחידוש המרד. כרוזים עם צלב-הקרס בראשם, הופצו בין הערבים וקראו לברית עם הגרמנים. אף כי נכשל בעיראק לא סבר חאג' אמין כי מקח טעות בידו. הוא התקבל בכבוד באירופה , נועד עם היטלר ומוסוליני; בפגישות אלו טען לייצוג העולם הערבי והמוסלמי.

  297. Gesher. Israel: ha-Hanhalah ha-Yiśreʼelit shel ha-Ḳongres ha-Yehudi ha-ʻolami, 1986. Vols. 32-33. 18.

    From the way of nature came the struggle for the Land of Israel and instilled a great deal of venom and power in all those elements of Islam that were hostile to Jews and Judaism. Although it is quite clear that these foundations intensified in the Middle East for many years before the establishment of the State of Israel. The status of the Jewish minorities in the Arab world, as well as the status of Christians and non-Arab groups, became increasingly intolerable (and unrelated to Zionism) in the face of pan-Arabism, unique nationalism, overt anti-Semitism, and the resurgence of Muslim fanaticism. All these trends, which have omitted the ground beneath the feet of the old Jewish communities in Arab countries, drew their power out of a common disgrace to the West and its emancipatory heritage. For it was not Islam but the hated colonialists who granted equal rights to the Jewish and Christian minorities in the Middle East. Against this background it is easy to understand why there was Nazism (and especially its anti-Jewish elements) to arouse such enthusiasm and admiration among the Arabs in the 1930s and 1940s. The words written by Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Mufti of Jerusalem and the leader of the Arabs of Israel, to Adolf Hitler on January 20, 1941, did not in any way contradict the general tone of the Arab nationalism of the period. "Arab nationalism owes Your Excellency a debt of gratitude and of recognition for having repeatedly [again and again] brought up in ringing speeches the 'question of Palestine.'"

    In fact, the "question of Palestine" was intended only a marginal place in Hitler's policy and German policy until the outbreak of the war, although the Mufti did not err in seeing Hitler and German leaders as 'anti-Zionists', as opposed to the Stalinist, Trotskyist and leftist fabrications.

    Gesher. Israel: ha-Hanhalah ha-Yiśreʼelit shel ha-Ḳongres ha-Yehudi ha-ʻolami, 1986. Vols. 32-33. pp. 17-18.

    אף-על-פי שהאנטישמיות הסוביטית לא הגיעה מעולם לאותה רמה של אידיאולוגיה טוטלית או אותה דינמיקה אסקטולוגית שאיפיינה את האידיאולוגיה של היטלר, אי אפשר להגזים בחומרת התוצאות שיש למורשה רוסית ... אבל לעומת זאת אנו מוצאים בעולם הנוצרי של ימינו הוקרה ליהודים, התפעלות ורצון לכפר על הרדיפות של העבר - דבר הנעדר מן האיסלם כמעט לגמרי, אף שזה האחרון רשם לחובתו רשימה ארוכה של פוגרומים ביהודים ושל אפליה חוקית ממוסדת. מדרך הטבע בא המאבק על ארץ- ישראל והחדיר מידה גדושה של ארס ועוצמה בכול אותם יסודות של האיסלם שהיו עויינים ליהודים וליהדות. אם כי ברור לחלוטין שיסודות אלה הלכו והתעצמו במזרח התיכון כבר שנים רבות בטרם קמה מדינת ישראל. מעמדם של המיעוטים היהודיים בעולם הערבי - כמוהו כמעמדם של הנוצרים ושל קבוצות לא־ערביות נעשה לא נסבל יותר ויותר (ובלי שום קשר לציונות) נוכח הפאן-ערביות, הלאומנות הייחודית, האנטישמיות הגלויה ותחייתה של הפנטיות המוסלמית. כול המגמות הללו, שהשמיטו את הקרקע מתחת לרגליהן של הקהילות היהודיות הוותיקות בארצות ערב, משכו את כוחן מתוך משטמה משותפת למערב ולמורשתו האמנציפטורית. שכן, לא האיסלם אלא הקולוניאליסטים השנואים הם שהעניקו שווי זכויות למיעוטים היהודיים והנוצריים במזרח התיכון. על רקע זה נקל להבין מדוע היה בנאציזם (ובמיוחד במרכיביו האנטי-יהודיים) כדי לעורר התפעלות והערצה כה נלהבת בקרב הערבים בשנות השלושים והארבעים. הדברים שכתב חאג' אמין אל חוסייני, המופתי של ירושלים ומנהיג ערביי ארץ-ישראל, לאדולף היטלר ב־20 בינואר 1941, לא עמדו בשום פנים בסתירה לטוֹן הכללי של הלאומנות הערבית של התקופה. "הנאציונליזם הערבי חייב להוד מעלתך חוב של הכרת טובה ושל הוקרה על שהעלית שוב ושוב בקול מהדהד את שאלת פלסטין'." למען האמת, ל'שאלת פלסטין' נועד רק מקום שולי במדיניותו של היטלר ובמדיניות הגרמנית עד פרוץ המלחמה, אף־על־פי שהמופתי לא שגה כשראה את היטלר ואת המנהיגים הגרמנים כ'אנטי־ציונים', בניגוד לפבריקציות הסטאליניסטיות, הטרוצקיסטיות והשמאלניות של ימינו.

  298. American Christian Palestine Committee, "The Arab War Effort: A Documented Account," 1946, p. 37
  299. Esco Foundation for Palestine, inc, "Palestine: A Study of Jewish, Arab, and British Policies", 1947, p. 978. [56][57]
  300. The British Record on Partition as Revealed by British Military Intelligence and Other Official Sources. United States: Author, 1948. p. 47
  301. R. Melka (1969) Nazi Germany and the Palestine question, Middle Eastern Studies, 5:3, 221-233, DOI: 10.1080/00263206908700130 [58]
  302. Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression ...: Office of United States Chief of Counsel for Prosecution of Axis Criminality. United States: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1946. 93.
  303. Zvi Lavi, "When Eichman was looking for Jewish capital on a secret visit to Haifa", Maariv, Apr 22, 2017.
    Even before Adolf Eichmann was appointed the head of the Jews in Gestapo and sent millions of Jews to the extermination camps, he visited Israel in the guise to recognize the first source of the settlement economy.

    Zvi Lavi returns to the days before the inferno, and the people who tried to save as many people as possible...

    Reichert claimed he was not Nazi, but he also admitted that he was not pro Zionism. He wanted to sell Eichmann and Hagen a plan to stimulate immigration for 50,000 German Jews who did not have the means, and saw it as a Nazi alternative to the agreement that was customary until then, a "transfer" agreement, with the aim of increasing the rate of German cleansing of Jews.

    In fact, he translated an idea that he had the head of the Agency's political department, Haim Arlosoroff, but did not sign him. It seems that because of him, he was murdered in the summer of 1933, as a spring of spring up against each cooperation with the Nazis...

    He only agreed to spread the 50,000 increase over 5 years, and demanded a 25% fee to be shared with his partners in Germany. Reichert invited Volks to Berlin to talk to the partners. The agency thought he was getting involved in a crazy business, but approved his trip on the condition that he appear as a private individual.

    The meeting took place at the Berlin Zoo in February 1937. The partners came in SS uniforms and did not speak business. He recalled how "they again blamed world Jewry for the plight of German Jews," and said he slammed them that "there is no world Jewry. Only you will get rid of the problem if you release 50,000 Jews with their property." Polkes did not recover from the oppressive conflict, and in Israel it was reported that "the business is not really serious," but Reichert did not give up. He pressured him to participate at least in the said secret discussion, which was planned in Haifa between the Mufti and Eichmann and Hagen that would come from Germany.

    The meeting with the leader of the Arab uprising lit a red light for him. Without remorse, he broke his promise to Reichert to keep the secret, and reported to the defense of the identity of the guests and the day they arrived in Haifa. The meeting must be thwarted immediately. He also hid his role in counterterrorism for 30 years until Eichmann's second and final time in Israel.

    Polkes admitted in an interview: "In 1937, I paid out of pocket 20 pounds a bribe to a British officer in the port of Haifa who would deport Eichmann when he arrived in Israel." But the thwarting of the visit only postponed the discussion, which was intended, among other things, to examine the country's economic ability to absorb German Jews. It was held two weeks later at a .. cafe in Cairo, but was interrupted as stated and ended with nothing until it faded. A month later, in November 1937, Polkes severed ties with Reichert and the man disappeared from his life...

    Eichmann thought that he alone would be able to harass the "Haavara" if his superiors understood that the boycott of German products concealed that German Jews were not wanted in Israel. It is therefore justified to stop their migration and confiscate their property.

    To advance the cause, in 1937 he fabricated a false report for them, as if he had seen in Israel with his own eyes "an economic chaos in which the Jews are [supposedly] cheating..."
  304. ha-Tsofeh, 26 December 1966.
    Obviously, says Polkes, I was just an ordinary man, who stumbled upon this delicate and complicated affair... Mr. Polkes ponders in the past and mutters to himself: Now, as I review my activities, I see that my trip to Berlin in those days, to discuss the immigration of 50,000 Jews, was an entrance to the lion's mouth. I did not receive and could not receive in those days, no guarantee for my personal safety. Just promised to take care of my family in case of any trouble. Today it seems to me that I might not have done so, but in those days I was also prepared for such operations, hoping to save Jews, who did not take care of rescuing themselves, because they did not seriously believe the intentions of the oppressor.
  305. Maariv, December 21, 1966.
    Response of the former Haganah man to the article in Der Spiegel: I paid 20 NIS to a British policeman to deport Eichmann from Haifa.
  306. Y Weiss, "The Transfer Agreement and the Boycott Movement: A Jewish Dilemma on the eve of the Holocaust," YadVashem
  307. 307.0 307.1 Peter Beaumont, "Ken Livingstone muddies history to support claims on Hitler and Zionism The Guardian, May 1, 2016.
    Former London mayor confuses agency with intention, with fatal consequences for his garbled argument.
    The interest of some in the Zionist movement was to flee the rampant and increasingly dangerous antisemitism of the National Socialists, but the German interest in the Haavara agreement was both fear that the Jewish boycott of Germany might have wider economic effects - ultimately a misplaced anxiety - and a desire to push German Jews to flee.

    The Haavara agreement was designed to encourage the emigration of Jews from Germany in line with National Socialist policies, but it did not have in mind the foundation of a Jewish state in Palestine, a key tenet of Zionism.

    Indeed, by late 1937 an anti-Nazi German official involved in administering the agreement suggested that fear in Nazi circles that it might lead to a Jewish state, to which Hitler was implacably opposed, was leading to suggestions "it should be terminated." Fatally for his garbled argument, in the final analysis Livingstone confuses agency and intention. Hitler wanted neither Jews in Germany nor in their own state. The Nazi vision was for the Jews to be removed from any kind of political influence. He facilitated some emigration in pursuit of a policy of ethnic cleansing to "concentrate" German Jews elsewhere.

    None of which amounts "to Hitler’s support for Zionism”, no matter how complex the history.

    As the Haaretz columnist Anshel Pfeffer summed up Livingstone’s three days of interventions: "His historical version of the Holocaust was only slightly more bizarre than his contention that someone who only hates Jews living in Israel – but not outside it – cannot be considered an anti-Semite."
  308. Ken Livingstone and the myth of Zionist ‘collaboration’. by Paul Bogdanor, Spring/2017.

    ... It is hard to know where to begin when refuting such a tissue of falsehoods. Hitler’s policy was never to send ‘all’ of Germany’s Jews to ‘Israel’ (i.e., Palestine under the British Mandate) but to terrorise them into leaving the Reich, irrespective of the destination. The negotiations between the Labour Zionists and Hitler’s government were not private, but were fiercely debated within the Zionist movement. The purpose of the Ha’avara or Transfer Agreement was not ‘to sell Nazi goods,’ but to rescue German Jews and to preserve a fraction of their property from being stolen by the Nazi regime. The boycott of Germany was not just ‘organised by trade unionists and communists,’ but was championed by Jews in the free world, including many Zionists. And so on.

    This is not to defend the Transfer Agreement. It is legitimate to argue that negotiating with the Third Reich was a mistake, and that it would have been better to maintain the boycott. But German Jews snatched from the claws of Nazism could hardly have been expected to agree. The Zionist movement undoubtedly saved scores of thousands of lives during the years before the Holocaust. According to Francis Nicosia, the Raul Hilberg Distinguished Professor of Holocaust Studies at the University of Vermont, ‘The approximately 80,000 German, Austrian, and Czech Jews who were able to immigrate legally and illegally to Palestine between 1933 and 1941 represent 80,000 potential victims of the Nazi genocide who were saved.’ (Nicosia, 2008: 288) This is a major embarrassment to anti-Zionist ideologues, which is another reason for their aspersions on Zionist motives and their manufactured charges of ‘collaboration.’

    Livingstone himself recently claimed that he had never meant to condemn the Labour Zionists for the arrangement with Germany. ‘I neither criticised the transfer agreement or [sic] the section of Zionism that participated in the agreement,’ he wrote in his submission to the Labour Party inquiry (Livingstone, 2017a: 11). This would be a strange position to take if he really did see something sinister or ‘collaborationist’ in this Zionist policy...

    Poale Zion was a movement advocating Zionism and socialism. Livingstone is claiming that Nazi Germany ‘supported’ Jews who were not only Zionists but also socialists.

    In 1933, during the first months after Hitler’s takeover, Nazi policy on the ‘Jewish Question’ was in flux. The Zionist Federation of Germany asked Kurt Tuchler to identify moderate Nazi officials and win them over. Tuchler contacted SS official Baron Leopold von Mildenstein and accompanied him to Palestine. Von Mildenstein wrote a 12-part series about the trip for the Goebbels newspaper Der Angriff, which ran the series from September 26 to October 9, 1934 (Boas, 1980).

    To commemorate von Mildenstein’s articles, Der Angriff struck a coin-shaped medal with a swastika on one side and a Star of David on the other. The inscription on the medal read: ‘Ein Nazi fährt nach Palästina und erzählt davon im Angriff’ (‘A Nazi travels to Palestine and tells about it in Angriff’). (Boas, 1980: 38)

    The medal was pure propaganda, created by the Nazis to pretend that they wanted an ‘honourable’ solution to the ‘Jewish Question’ and that Jews were their equal partners in finding such a solution. In citing this medal as proof of ‘collaboration,’ Livingstone is giving credence to a propaganda ruse by Goebbels...

    The SS did not set up the training camps for German Jews. Livingstone is referring to the hachschara farms, which Zionists set up even before Hitler’s takeover in order to retrain German Jews for life in Palestine. A thorough study of the hachschara farms has been made by Francis Nicosia (Nicosia, 2005; Nicosia, 2008). Nicosia makes it clear that Zionist and non-Zionist Jews alike, realising the urgency of extricating as many Jews as possible from Nazi Germany, used occupational retraining centres to prepare Jews for a new life abroad. The Zionist centres prepared Jews for Palestine; the non-Zionist centres prepared Jews for other destinations (Nicosia, 2005: 368; Nicosia, 2008: 211, 221, 225-6, 242).

    Occupational retraining won the support of the SS in the 1930s, but Nicosia records how the centres were strictly monitored and regulated: ‘Nazi authorities also imposed specific rules that prohibited singing, whistling, smoking, and any undue noise in work areas; mandated absolute cleanliness in washrooms and in toilets; and prohibited unauthorized visits from friends and relatives. The rules required strict work schedules and provided for breaks, vacation times, and the promise of harsh punishment, including expulsion from the program, for breaking the rules.’ (Nicosia, 2008: 229)

    When the war began, ‘the regime used Jewish trainees to help meet its labor shortage by folding the occupational retraining programs and the young Jews engaged in them into its forced labor programs.’ (Nicosia, 2005: 382) Finally, ‘As emigration faded from Nazi policy and gave way to genocide, untold thousands of Jewish workers, including those from the Zionist Hachschara programs, would become part of Nazi Germany’s wartime “labor force” prior to their mass murder.’ (Nicosia, 2008: 244)

    In short, Livingstone’s claim that ‘the SS set up training camps’ for German Jews is a fabrication. It was Jews, not the SS, who founded the vocational retraining centres for those hoping to emigrate...
  309. Yoav Karni, The Zionists and the Devil - So what did Hitler really think of the Jewish state?, Globes, May 5, 2016.

    He hated the Zionists, and thought their country was meant to be a refuge for crooks and thieves...

    Livingstone, that he came across an unequivocal reference some 30 years ago in the book by a Trotskyist.. historian,...

    Nazi Germany did make a deal with the Zionist movement to encourage Jewish immigration. The Zionists did agree to the partial transfer of Jewish property from Germany to Mandatory Palestine through the purchase of German goods. So what. Should the Zionists apologize for succeeding in rescuing several tens of thousands of Jews from the gas chambers?

    The question of whether Hitler was a "Zionist" is, of course, fundamentally stupid. All you have to do is read 'Mein Kampf' to know what he thought of the grades. They disgusted him when he encountered them, or their opinions, in early 20th-century Vienna. In his view, the Jewish state they envisioned was intended only to grant sovereignty to their multi-continental conspiracy. It is not a state that interests them, but a territorial base, where all Jewish [sic] criminals, [sic] swindlers and thieves can hide from the terror of the law.

    The only immigration solutions he was willing to consider in the future were the repulsion of the Jews beyond the Ural Mountains, to Siberia and to the Russian Far East; Or sent to Madagascar, to set up for them a huge concentration camp under the close supervision of the SS. But both solutions would require a huge-scale logistical effort, incompatible with war needs. First the European side of Russia had to be conquered, or the US and British war fleets eliminated. Wholesale destruction 500 km from Berlin was much more practical.

    We do not know in what Nazi minds the idea of extermination drilled years before Auschwitz. Hitler alluded to it even before "Mein Kampf", when he described the Jews as a "problem of public health".
  310. Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression ...: Office of United States Chief of Counsel for Prosecution of Axis Criminality. United States: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1946. 88.
  311. Lewis, Bernard. Semites and Anti-Semites: An Inquiry into Conflict and Prejudice. United States: W. Norton & Company, 1999. 142.
  312. PALESTINE. (Hansard, 22 May 1939).

    On page 9 of the White Paper the right hon. Gentleman talks about intense Arab apprehension and widespread fear of immigration. If there is this apprehension and this widespread fear of immigration, how is it that the population has increased during the past few years from 600,000 to over 1,000,000? How is it that none of these terrified Arabs have gone to Iraq and Transjordan, if it is true that they are all in fear and trembling? How is it, if these Arabs are terrified, they have not raced across the border to Transjordan and Iraq? Why do these terrified Arabs want to remain in this Jewish chamber of horrors? It simply is not true, and the fear referred to by the right hon. Gentleman does not exist. The only persons that the Arabs need fear—the Arabs for whom I have any thought—are the Arab terrorists encouraged by the ex-Mufti, who have been responsible for killing about 3,000 of them during the last year or two. It is ridiculous to talk about the fear of Jewish domination, with Arabs States all around Palestine where not only could they come to the aid of their fellow Arabs, but where no body of Jews would dare to dispose of the safeguards that have been provided for them. This fear argument is a mere excuse. It is another victory for Hitler and Mussolini and those who think as they think, and those who have been guiding the terrorists activities during the past three years.

    We have watched the rise and fall of this Palestine problem. In 1917 Jewish hopes were raised in all parts of the world. It was thought that at long last here was the Jewish Magna Charta. By 1921 Transjordan was lopped off; in 1922 free immigration became immigration on the basis of economic absorptive capacity and very properly; in 1930 land sales were restricted; in 1937 partition was accepted by the Government; in 1938 partition was rejected by the Government; and in 1939 we see the funeral of the Mandate. That is not a very proud record either for this, or for any other Government that has gone before. I hope that the hon. Member for Stretford (Mr. Crossley), when he makes his statement, will not forget the fact that, while we have dealt with the Jewish problem in a very delicate and half-hearted manner, we were not nearly so delicate or half-hearted when dealing with the Arabs. Since the War they have established independent States in Iraq, Saudi Arabia Yemen, Syria and Transjordan, an area as big as Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy and Spain combined. Whereas the latter countries have 300,000,000, in the Arab State they have a mere 12,000,000 or 13,000,000. To talk about these landless Arabs is not only special pleading, but has no relation to the facts at all.
  313. Wannsee Conference and the "Final Solution", ‘’Holocaust Encyclopedia’’.
    The SS and police had already negotiated agreements with the German Army High Command on the murder of civilians, including Soviet Jews, in the spring of 1941, prior to the invasion of the Soviet Union. In late September 1941, Hitler had authorized the Reich Railroads to transport German, Austrian, and Czech Jews to locations in German-occupied Poland and the German-occupied Soviet Union, where German authorities would kill the overwhelming majority of them...
    By Milton Friedman, Chief J. T. A. Washington Bureau.
  315. Avishay, Shaul. Propaganda in the Underground (Jerusalem: Reuven Mess, 2008), p. 132.
    תעמולה במחתרת (ירושלים : ראובן מס, תשס"ט 2008) עמ' 132.

    בעיראק הושיטו שליטיה עזרה גלויה לערביי ארץ ישראל בתמיכתם בגרמנים. ביפו, בשכם ובטול-כארם היו התכנסויות רבות משתתפים עם סוכנים ערבים ואיטלקים, שארגנו את הצעירים לקריאות הידד: 'ויווה איטליה ! ויווה דוצ'ה! והייל היטלר!' בכרוז שהפיצו בחתימת היטלר, קראו לקהלם להלחם באנגלים.

    בעכו, התארגנו בתאים צבאיים קורסים למדריכים. על יד משמר הירדן נתפס ב-19 מאי 1940 ערבי, כשבידו מכתב וסכום כסף ניכר שנועד לממלא מקום מפקד המרד הערבי במזרח הקרוב, שנדרש להתחיל בפעולות טרור. את היטלר כינו בשם הקונספירטיבי - אבו עלי. בבגדאד התכנסו מנהיגים ערבים ודנו בשאלת הפרעות ביהודי ארץ ישראל, לפי הוראות סוכנים גרמנים. בתמורה הבטיחה גרמניה לערבים, גרוש היהודים ומדינה עצמאית . המופתי הירושלמי, חאג' אמין אל-חוסייני, שעבר לסוריה דרש לבצע פעולות טרור מיד. סובחי זיבן ואחיו רוסטור זיבן מטירה, נתמנו לנהל במחוז חיפה את פעולות הכנופיות הערביות. אבו עלי, ראש שבט ערב אל והב, השוכן בין ראש פינה ויסוד המעלה קיבל עליו את תפקיד ניהול הגייס החמישי בארץ ישראל.

    סעיד שקיד, מראשי הכנופיות, חזר לארץ ישראל . בכרוז שהפיץ ברמאללה הזהיר את הבריטים, כי ילחם לצד אדולף היטלר ובניטו מוסוליני (הוא נתפש לאחר קרב יריות בביתוניה). רוב אנשי הכנופיות שברחו לעיראק, לאחר מאורעות 1939-1936, שבו לסוריה להכנת הפרעות בארץ ישראל.

  316. "GERMAN SEES SYRIA AIDING DRIVE TO INDIA; Von Hentig Says Arabs There Talk of 'Mohammed Hitler'." By Telephone To the New York Times, May 8, 1941.
    Influence in anti-Brit Pan-Arab movement in Syria discussed. ... Von Hentig Says Arabs There Talk of 'Mohammed Hitler'...
  317. HITLER'S JIHAD, The New York Times, May 3, 1941, Page 14.
  318. The Sentinel, June 5, 1941, p. 27. 'Nazi Gun-Running To Arabs Endanger Unarmed Jews on Palestine Soil.'

    Ankara, June 1 (WNS) - The 550,000 Jews in Palestine must be armed immediately to remove the threat of anti-Jewish and anti-British uprisings in Palestine by insurgent Arab bands, equipped with machine guns and rifles by Nazi agents, it was reported here. Reports spread here that Axis agents stationed in Syria and Iraq have been smuggling large quantities of weapons and ammunition to renegade Arab tribes in the desert and mountains of Palestine. The intensive anti-Jewish propaganda campaign conducted by the Nazis is becoming increasingly effective among certain sections of the Arab population, these reports said, and guns now furnished to the Jewish community may soon mean the difference between life and death. Nazi planes, taking off from air-fields in Iraq, have dropped leaflets on Palestine telling the Arabs that the time has come for the "holy war" against the British and Jews, and urging Arabs to take up arms immediately against their British and Jewish oppressors. The Nazis are still getting guns to the Arabs in Palestine, it was reported, despite the precautions taken by the British and the recent seizure by British patrols of several camel caravans loaded down with munitions. A number of secret munitions stores in the desert have been recently discovered. Military quarters here estimated that the Jewish home defense units in Palestine must be given at least fifty thousand rifles and ammunition, machine guns and hand grenades, in order to be in a position to beat back possible Arab and Nazi attacks. Particular stress was laid on the necessity of affording adequate protection to Jews in the smaller communities.

    Given the necessary arms and ammunition the Jewish communities of Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and Haifa would be able to protect themselves from Arab uprisings.
  319. Maha Muhammad bin Saud Al-Rasheed, 'The Palestinian national movement during the Second World War, 1939-1945.' Syria: Dar Al-Nameer, 2003. p.83.
  320. Barry Rubin, ‎Wolfgang G. Schwanitz, "Nazis, Islamists, and the Making of the Modern Middle East," Yale University Press, 2014, p. 2. [59]. [60]
  321. 321.0 321.1 Former Jordanian Health Minister Dr. Zaid Hamzeh: We Arabs Supported Hitler During WWII Because He Hated The Jews, Memri, Nov 8, 2019.

    Former Jordanian Health Minister Dr. Zaid Hamzeh said in an October 9, 2019 interview on A One TV (Jordan) that nations oftentimes only progress after having suffered for centuries and that future Arab generations must suffer before progressing. In addition, he said that he had supported Adolf Hitler during World War II like other Arabs, and recalled that in fourth grade his school had participated in demonstrations and chanted "Long live Abu Ali," which he said had been a reference to Hitler. Dr. Hamzeh said that the Arabs supported Hitler because he hated the Jews, although he added the Arabs have a general tendency to admire dictators... Interviewer: "It was the Soviet Union at the time. Do you remember WWII?" Zaid Hamzeh: "Of course." "I Was Exactly Nine Years Old... [The Slogan Was:] 'Down With X, But Long Live Abu Ali!' Abu Ali Was A Reference To Hitler, But We Didn't Know That" Interviewer: "Did you support Hitler, like all the Arabs?" Zaid Hamzeh: "Yes." [...] "[We Supported] Hitler, Because He Hated The Jews, And We Have Been Mad At The Jews Ever Since Those Days" "We took to the streets to support him when the Rashid Ali Al-Gailani revolution broke out in Iraq. We supported the revolution, and, of course, [we supported] Hitler, because he hated the Jews, and we have been mad at the Jews ever since those days."

  322. Donna Rachel Edmunds, Jordanian ex-minister: Arabs supported Hitler because he hated Jews, JPost, November 12, 2019.
    His comments came days before a Jordanian researcher claimed just 400,000 Jews had been killed by the Nazis.
  323. Tabby Refael, Have You Ever Heard of the Farhud?, JJ, June 8, 2022.
  324. Rejwan, Nissim. The Jews of Iraq: 3000 Years of History and Culture. United States: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1985. p. 223.
  325. "Operation Grandma - Iraq." R' Dori, Apr 10, 2019. [62].
  326. E. Black, "When Baghdad Burned – the June 1941 Farhud Massacre", TOI, May 28, 2015.
    As Arab Nationalism and Hitlerism fused, numerous Nazi-style youth clubs began springing up in Iraq. One pivotal group known as Futuwwa was nothing less than a clone of the Hitler Youth. In 1938, Futuwwa members were required to attend a candlelight Nazi Party rally in Nuremberg. When the delegation came back from Germany, a common chant in Arabic was, “Long live Hitler, the killer of insects and J...”
  327. 327.0 327.1 Maya Buenos, "Mom closed my eyes, but I saw. It was the Farhud, you can not forget it", Maariv, 05/06/2021.

    Outside Baghdad, in the city of Diwaniyah, one night the large home of the Sasson family became a ghetto that centralized the city's Jews, from whom they were sent daily to forced labor. In his memoir, Daniel Sasson wrote: "The story of the Diwaniyah ghetto has not yet been told. "Because of the congestion of the difficult events of those days, which left the Jewish community of Diwaniyah surprised, struck by astonishment, pain and anxiety, and whether because of its desire to repress the event in its collective memory."

    Sasson describes that the two-story house was divided into three wings: the men were concentrated in the front, the women and children were concentrated in the middle part, and the back part was converted into a police station that managed and guarded the ghetto. According to Sasson, 670 Jews were housed in a ghetto that covered an area of 750 square meters. Around the house, police were stationed in four hotspots, and the guards were armed with rifles and bayonets.

    But in the early morning hours of May 31, 1941, just a day before the riots broke out, Sasson noticed that the guards were gone. "I went downstairs and saw that the guards were gone, and with them the police van with the automatic weapon and the long chain of bullets dangling from it downstairs," he says. "At that stage we did not know that Rashid Ali's revolt had failed, and the men decided to stay inside the house, because they were afraid that it was a police ploy, that we would go out and they would shoot us, say we tried to escape."

    Among the men in the ghetto, another decision was immediately made, to gather everyone at 10:00 in the house plaza and try to understand what it was all about. In the hours that have passed, they have already learned through the radio that the uprising has indeed failed and its leaders have fled Iraq.

    What did the failure of the revolt mean to you? 'We thought it was our release day, Rashid Ali's failure. Today when I think of the ghettos that Rashid Ali established and that he intended to establish more ghettos, I can only imagine what would have happened if he had not lost in the revolution. He would execute all Iraqi Jews. ' With teary eyes, Sasson continues his story: "But I remember watching men from the sidelines, after hearing on the radio about the failure of the revolt, reading 'Hear Israel' and singing traditional songs of Babylonian Jewry. They were bearded, their clothes were tattered and most of all, despite the excitement of knowing, they had sadness on their faces. It hurt me to look at them. '

    On the same day, Sasson and his family traveled to the city of Shmaya, 35 kilometers from Diwania. There they reunited with their relatives from Baghdad, not knowing that the Farhud would persecute them all the way there. The next day, on Pentecost, Sasson sat by the window and saw his uncle, Menashe Khalashi, coming out of the door of the house and before his eyes he was shot dead by an Arab assassin. 5-year-old Sasson ran outside, saw the terrible horror, returned home and burst into tears and shouting. "A great commotion broke out in the house, and my father said, 'Let us flee to the city of Hila,'" says Sasson ...
  328. 328.0 328.1 Yaara Zered, "78 Years to Farhud: The Forgotten Massacre of Iraqi Jewry", Srugim, 02-06-2019.
    Iraqi Jews were slaughtered on the streets, beaten, stabbed and run over to death, women raped, children and the elderly dismembered.. children were thrown into the water in front of the parents. Jews climbed on the roofs of houses and fled from roof to roof... according to authoritative evidence, there are about 1,000 murdered...
  329. Joseph Samuels, "When the Mob Came for the Jews of Baghdad", WSJ, May 28, 2021.

    We heard screams all through the night. Today only four known Jews remain in Iraq. I was 10 when mobs attacked the Jewish community of Baghdad, my community, with cruel and unimaginable violence. Rioters maimed, raped, killed and robbed the unsuspecting Jews...

    The seeds of the Farhud had been sown two months earlier. On April 1, a pro-Nazi coup d’état overthrew the pro-British Iraqi government and seized power. The coup was staged by Rashid Ali al Gaylani, an Arab nationalist and former Iraqi prime minister, supported by four army generals, and aided by Fritz Grobba, a former German ambassador to Iraq. This dangerous group was further stoked by the grand mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al Husseini, who deeply hated the Jews. Anti-Semitic propaganda began to appear in the daily newspapers and in broadcasts on Radio Baghdad. It was intended to inflame the Muslim population and rally support for the new regime.
  330. Remembering the Farhud massacre of June 1941, E. Black/Guest columnist, Winston-Salem Journal Now, May 31, 2015.

    Women were raped as their horrified families looked on. Infants were killed in front of their parents. Home and stores were emptied and then burned. Gunshots and screams electrified the city for hours upon hours. Beheadings, torsos sliced open, babies dismembered, horrid tortures, and mutilations were widespread. Severed limbs were waved here and there as hideous trophies. In home after home, furniture was moved up against the door to create a barricade. As Arabs breached the entrances, many families escaped to the roof, one step ahead. Fleeing Jews jumped from one roof to another. In some instances, parents and siblings threw children down from roofs to waiting blankets below.

    Women were defiled everywhere. Arabs broke into the girl’s school and the students were raped — endlessly. Young or old, Jewish females were set upon and mercilessly gang raped and often mutilated.

    -E. Black, "When Baghdad Burned: The June 1941 Farhud Massacre", Israel National News, 27/05/15.
    The fusion of Nazism and Arab nationalism in the Middle East spelled unimaginable horror for Iraq's ancient Jewish community.
    -Black, Edwin. The Farhud: Roots of the Arab-Nazi Alliance in the Holocaust. N.p.: Dialog Press, 2018.

  331. As many as 1,000 Jews could have died in the Farhud, Jewish Refugees, June 3, 2021.
  332. 332.0 332.1 332.2 Edy Cohen, "The Farhoud Remembered," BESA Center Perspectives Paper No. 484, June 2, 2017.

    EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Seventy-six years after the mass massacre of the Baghdad Jews, in which the then-leader of the Palestinian Arabs, Hajj Amin Husseini, was deeply involved, his heirs to the Palestinian leadership still sustain an anti-Israel and anti-Jewish campaign of racial and political incitement unparalleled in scope and intensity since Nazi Germany... In an attempt to win Arab and Muslim hearts and minds, the first Arab-language Nazi radio station was launched in Berlin prior to the outbreak of the Second World War, broadcasting anti-British, anti-American, anti-Soviet, and particularly anti-Semitic propaganda. It thus helped spread radical anti-Semitism in the Middle East, where it found common ground with the anti-Jewish tendencies in Islam. The messages in the propaganda broadcasts were designed to achieve certain goals, such as winning the Arab population’s sympathy for the Nazis and the Führer; inciting against the British and French presence in the Middle East; stoking Arab national sentiments; and, last but not least, wildly inciting against the Jews, who were accused inter alia of stealing the Arabs’ money and being behind all the Arab world’s woes. This propaganda mill employed many teams of both civilian and military personnel, including writers, translators, academics, and Middle East experts. Among others, the broadcasts featured Arab immigrants and leaders. The mythic broadcaster and director of the Arabic station was the journalist Yunus Bahri, who reached Berlin after fleeing his native Iraq, where he had been sentenced to death for pro-Nazi activity. He was recruited by Grobba and opened his broadcasts with his famous line, “The Arab Lord Haw-Haw, this is Berlin, greetings to the Arabs.” Known for his virulent anti-Semitism, Bahri stated proudly in a memoir he wrote after the war, "I was the first Arab to collaborate with the Nazis." His hatred towards Jews was so intense that he was summoned for a reprimand in Propaganda Minister Goebbels’s office because of his excessively vitriolic attacks on Jews and especially his constant use of the term “Jewish [sic] criminals.”

    Four days before the Farhoud, Bahri stated on Radio Berlin...
  333. Nili Gabay, The Jewish Woman in Baghdad: Processes of Change in Social Status in the First Half of the Twentieth Century, Association of Iraqi Academics in Israel, 2006, p. 22. נילי גבאי, האשה היהודיה בבגדאד: תהליכי שינוי במעמדה החברתי במחצית הראשונה של המאה העשרים, אגודת האקדמאים יוצאי עיראק בישראל, 2006, עמ' 22.

    ... ובעיקר שליחיו של המופתי הירושלמי, חאג' אמין אל-חוסייני, וגרובה, הנספח המדיני של גרמניה הנאצית בבגדאד, שעוררו הסתה נגד יהודי עיראק על רקע המאורעות שפרצו בארץ-ישראל בשנת 1936.

  334. Morad, T.., Shasha, D.. Iraq’s Last Jews: Stories of Daily Life, Upheaval, and Escape from Modern Babylon. United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan US, 2008. p. 6.
  335. Lyn Julius, Why we need to remember the Farhud, JNS, June 1, 2022.

    "On the first night of Shavu’ot we usually go to synagogue and stay up all night studying Torah," said Heskel Haddad, now a veteran ophthalmologist in New York. "Suddenly we heard screams: ‘Allah Allah!’ and shots were fired. We went out to the roof to see what was happening, we saw fires, we saw people on the roofs in the Jewish quarter screaming, begging God to help them."

    The violence continued through the night. Jewish homes were targeted by a red handprint, or hamsa, painted on their walls. Haddad remembers that the mob came down his street at dawn, and he watched them from the roof as they looted his neighbor’s house.

    "My father had a dagger in his hand and a pipe to prevent people from attacking us on the roof," he recounted. "An idea came to me and I took some bricks from breaking the walls and started throwing them. Other kids came with me and began throwing rocks on these people. And when we hit somebody and they began to bleed, they began screaming 'Allah!' and they left. And they left the loot behind them."

    Some families bribed policemen to guard them, paying half a dinar for each bullet fired. Others owe their lives to Muslims who risked their lives to protect their Jewish neighbors.

    The Farhud was caused by a toxic mix of Nazi influence and propaganda, anti-colonialism that scapegoated the Jews as a fifth column and militaristic nationalism. Many blame the pro-Nazi Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, who together with 400 Palestinian and Syrian exiles incited anti-Jewish hatred during the two years he spent in Baghdad. But some argue that the shadowy figure of Yunis Bahri did more harm than the Mufti. Bahri broadcast radio propaganda from Berlin. In coffee shops, Iraqis huddled around shortwave radios to hear his broadcasts. They always started with the call Huna Berlin. Hayii al Arab—"This is Berlin. Arab greetings."

    The power of Bahri's broadcasts cannot be discounted. Four days before the Farhud broke out, he took to the airwaves to incite Arab listeners to violence. "The biggest enemies of mankind," he declared, "are those who believe the Jews.”

    The Farhud was unprecedented in the recent history of the Jews of Iraq, the world’s oldest Diaspora community. It had such a traumatic effect that within 10 years after the regime began to persecute its Jewish citizens in revenge for its failure to defeat Israel in 1948, most of the community fled as soon as they were able. Today, only three Jews remain in Iraq out of a 1948 population of 150,000. Most of those who were pushed out have resettled in Israel.

    The name Farhud means “forced dispossession.” It is a euphemism for brutal murder, mutilation, drowning, poisoning and looting. It was the first of several lethal riots that preceded the establishment of Israel in 1948. These outbreaks of violence, together with a raft of anti-Jewish laws passed in Arab League countries, reminiscent of the Nazi Nuremberg laws, convinced Jews in the Arab world that they had no future in the independent Arab states that emerged from the colonial era.
  336. Ben-Jacob, Abraham. A history of the Jews in Iraq : From the end of the Gaonic period [1038 C.e.] to the present time [Yehudei Bavel: mi-sof tkufat ha-ge'onim 'ad yamenu : 1038-1960]. Israel: Kiryat Sefer, 1979. pp.249-52.

    In the year 5696 (c. 1936), the riots broke out in the Land of Israel. Every minor agitation and every exaggerated news that reached Iraq by the Arab newspapers from the Land of Israel made wings to the detriment of the Jews there. From the day the riots began in Israel, Iraqi Jews avoided walking in the streets in the evening, even in the Jewish neighborhoods. Every Jewish institution and Jewish club was seen by the Arabs as "Zionist" and therefore it was permissible to burn and destroy it. The war against Zionism was officially waged. Systematically and persistently, the Ministry of Education in Iraq filled the government schools with national Arab teachers from Israel, who incited the Arab youth to hate Israel and Zionism by all the means at their disposal - orally, in writing, and in the study books they authored. The mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini; the radio, the newspaper and the book in Iraq - they were all directed against the Jews and Zionism alike.

    In the years 5696-7 (1936-7), ten Jews were murdered in Baghdad and Basra. There were many cases of robbery and looting by the Muslim mob. Bombs were dropped on Jewish clubs. The Jewish community closed for two days in 1937 to protest this inhumane treatment; and while the head of the community ("rayiys altaayifa"), Sasson Kaduri, appealed to the authorities to punish the rioters, we were asked to officially declare that the Jews of Iraq have nothing to do with their brothers in E.Y. [Palestine].

    In Cheshvan 5697 (October 1936) there was a military revolution in Iraq under the leadership of General Bakr Sidqi al-Askari [بكر صدقي العسكري] The roots of the coup were rooted in the religious, racial and political differences that left their mark on the country from the day it was founded. All the previous ministers were dismissed and left the country.

    Yasin (Faha) al-Hashimi [ياسين الهاشمي], the previous prime minister (who at the time worked out extensive plans to undermine the existence of the Jews in Iraq and even prepared to go to Israel and catarize the Jews before the Peel Commission), also fled and found his death in Syria.

    The members of the new cabinet headed by Hikmat Sulayman did not show an overly negative attitude towards the Jews, although they did not show sympathy for them either. The revolution brought in its wake a change that was in favor of the Jews for a very short period of time. It distracted them from the Jews for a while and they were more interested in the results of the revolution and the new power relations.

    Bakr Sidqi, the initiator of the coup, was inclined to fascism. He carried out the massacre of the Assyrians and was called by the people of Iraq the "Conqueror of the Assyrians". At the time he married a Nazi German woman. A considerable number of Nazi girls were deliberately sent from Germany to Iraq for espionage and propaganda purposes and would socialize with the high-ranking army officers and some members of the government. In Baghdad, an Arab Nazi association was created under the name "Al-Muthanna" [نادي المثنى], headed by the Arab Nazi Dr. Saib Shawkat [صائب شوكت], director of the government hospital in Baghdad. This party had a special club whose members were among the educated and the officers, and where all the conspiracies against the Jews were hatched.

    The Jews, pressed between a rock and a hard place, did everything in their power to show their loyalty to the government of their country. The Jews donated tens of thousands of pounds to various national causes, to aviation and the Iraqi Red Crescent, while the government spared no opportunity to extort additional funds from them.

    Haj Amin Al Husseini, who was the mufti of Jerusalem, and some of his assistants from the Arabs of Eretz Israel ["Palestinians"] (such as: Akram Zuaiter [أكرم زعيتر] and Darwish Miqdadi [درويش مقدادي]) organized the anti-Jewish propaganda. With threats of death and by vile means, they extorted money from the Jews of Iraq for the terrorist fund that managed the disturbances in Palestine.

    The Jews of Babylon who never harmed their government and Iraqi nationalism in any way, bore their suffering and insult in silence and worried about their fate and their future. They put on the "sidara" (Iraqi national hat) on their heads and sent their sons to serve in the Iraqi army. Hundreds of young men served in this army and gave themselves up for their country. Instead of the Hebrew songs they used to sing in the previous years - they now started singing national Iraqi Arab songs. All this was of no use when the days of disturbances came.

    Shavuot Riots 1941 (June 1-2, 1941)

    Self-government in Iraq has never been stable. Between the years 1932-1950 it was ruled by three kings, 31 governments (compared to 14 in the years of the British mandate in 1921-1932); 9 houses of parliament (compared to 3 during the mandate period), of which only two (the one elected in 1939 and the last one) completed During their four years in office, there were also six coups, starting with the Bakr Sidki coup until the coup of 1941. The Second World War broke out on September 3, 1939, when the government in Iraq was in the hands of Nuri al-Said, known as pro-British.

    He fulfilled the terms of the 1930 treaty with Britain and severed Iraq's diplomatic relations with Nazi Germany and German subjects were imprisoned in Habaniah. His actions infuriated the pro-Nazis who were looking for an opportunity to overthrow the existing government. On October 16, 1939, the Jerusalem mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini arrived in Iraq (Masuria). Magnificent receptions were held in his honor, which were used for propaganda against both the Jews and the British. He established a special bureau for the war against the Jews and the British. And in this he was helped by some of the Palestinian exiles who were with him: his relative Jamal al-Husseini, Musa al-Alami, Akram Zuaiter, Emil Ghori, Darwish al-Miqdadi, Kaukaji, Amin Ruiha and others. On January 31, 1941, Rashid Ali al-Gaylani [al-Kilani] resigned as the head of the Iraqi government as a protest against the pro-British policy of Foreign Minister Nouri al-Said and the Iraqi curfew. Two months later, he managed to carry out a military rebellion and establish a military dictatorship in the country.

    The curfew, Nouri al-Said and their supporters fled towards Jordan and from there to Palestine. Iraq betrayed England, only because of which it gained independence, and gave its hand to Nazi Germany. Among those who voted for rape in the Iraqi parliament in favor of Rashid Ali were also the Jewish deputies. All British subjects found in Iraq were placed in detention camps. The British army that landed in Basra at the beginning of the rebellion started marching towards Baghdad. A pro-Nazi Iraqi army was sent to hold up the advance.

    The Iraqi government at the time had less than fifty obsolete model aircraft.

    Rashid Ali turned to Hitler for help, German planes appeared in the skies of Iraq, and the war between Great Britain and Little Iraq began. Ostensibly it was a huge war in Nance, a war of a great power against a small powerless power, but in fact it was not like that. England, which at that time was able to return the situation to normal for several hours, acted with great slowness and great patience. The British army that organized in the Land of Israel an invasion force for Iraq arrived in Baghdad only after a few weeks.

    This slowness was in the minds and souls of the Jews.

    Immediately after the rise of Rashid Ali, the Iraqi Jews realized that their fate was sealed. The Muslims awaited for a day of "revenge" and divided among themselves the property of the Jews: the house of so-and-so to so-and-so, so-and-so's daughter and so-and-so's wife to so-and-so. They threatened the Jews that they would leave no survivor.

    The investigation proved that already at the beginning of May, with the outbreak of the rebellion, feverish preparations were made for a wild attack on the Jews. At the head of the mob was Younis A-Sabawi - a member of the Ministry and the leader of the national organization "Youth Squad" [Futuwwa]. The abominable propaganda was carried out in public meetings, in newspapers and on radio broadcasts day and night. He distributed weapons to the "youth squad", gathered the entire mob around him and put them in a "ready" state to carry out his plan.

    With the escape of Rashid Ali to Berlin, a provisional government was established in Baghdad.

    One of the representatives of the provisional government spoke on the radio on Shabbat, the eve of Shavuot, and announced that the next day (Sunday, 6 Sivan 5701) a legal government would be established and the blackout in the city would be abolished. The Jews believed in these promises and breathed a sigh of relief. The masses who were preparing to plunder and rob the Jews were disappointed by this news, regretted the fall of Rashid Ali and were angry with the Jews who were looking forward with joy to the pro-British rule of the curate Abd al-Ila. Many Iraqi soldiers and officers, who fled the battlefield, walked the streets disgruntled and hungry with weapons in hand. The curfew entered the palace of Sad al-Karrah, which is located a few kilometers from Baghdad, at noon on May 30. On that day, Younis A-Sabawi declared himself the military governor of the country. A special security committee headed by Mayor Arshad Al-Omari and the Chief of Police signed a cease-fire agreement on May 31. Yunis A. Sabawi invited the head of the Jewish community in Baghdad to him and demanded that he tell the Jews not to leave their homes for the three days: Saturday, Sunday and Monday, which are the two days of Shavuot. That morning, Yunis sent a call to the masses through the broadcasting service, to carry out a massacre of the Jews; However, this call was delayed by the head of the security committee, who was able to ban Yunis A. Sabaoui and transport him across the border.

    On Sunday 6 Sivan, the curfew arrived at the Baghdad airport (about two kilometers from the city).

    The wild massacre began on Shavuot, Sunday and Monday, 6-7 in Sivan 5701 (June 1-2, 1941).

    On the first day before noon, the Jewish dignitaries went together with the other "dignitaries" to welcome the curfew. The uplifted mood of the Jews was not pleasant for the soldiers and civilian policemen; And on their return, together with the Muslim mob, they attacked the Jews in the main streets and massacred them.

    Jews sitting in cars and buses were taken out by force, beaten to death, slaughtered with swords and daggers in front of everyone. The bus drivers trampled over the bodies of the dead without any sense of morality. The mob was immediately joined by Muslim "respectables", school students, government officials, a large part of the civil and military police, policemen and officers. They divided the city into areas and began robbery and murder, from which they equipped themselves with rifles and pistols, and from which they killed with swords, daggers, knives, hatchets, bayonets and all destructive tools.

    The mass slaughter surrounded all the Jewish neighborhoods and especially the main streets of Baghdad, Al Rashid Street and Ghazi Street, which are inhabited by many Jews, and the Abu Sifan neighborhood.

    The rioters were not satisfied with only murder, they also resorted to severe torture. With great cruelty and savagery that cannot be described with a human pen. They abused, tortured and murdered every Jew who came near them: man and woman, old man and child; toddlers and suckling babies were murdered in the arms of their parents. They also attacked girls and women and raped them in front of the men and then abused them, cut them to pieces and spread their organs all over.

    On the second day, an order was given to the mob to go to the police headquarters and take weapons from there. The rioters also used machine guns.

    Along with the murder, robbery and looting began in the city. Most of the houses and shops of the Jews were destroyed.

    The Jewish shops were marked with a red sign even earlier and because of that no non-Jewish shops were broken into. At the head of the robbers marched military and police personnel and they encouraged the mob to their heinous acts. Senior police officers brought trucks and loaded them with the property they looted from Jewish homes and shops. In several cases, the robbers opened the taps and filled the Jewish homes with water. The Muslim women took off the clothes of the dead bodies and put them on on themselves.

    In the places close to the river and in the houses where wells were found - they threw the children and babies into the waters in front of their parents. The rioters also ran amok in the synagogues of the Jews and desecrated them. The 'Farha' synagogue was completely looted. The Torah scrolls were thrown out, the bags that were coated with silver and gold - were robbed.

    There is some truth to the widespread rumor that all the patients who were transferred to the government hospital under the management of Israel's torturer Dr. Saib Shawkat - were killed by poison.

    The Jews could not defend themselves against the wild crowd equipped with weapons. In individual houses, one Jew who possessed a weapon managed to save their lives. Other Jews, they used cold weapons to kill and be killed. The rest of the Jews got on the roofs of the houses and started running from one house roof to another.

    In the morning of the second day, while riots were raging outside Baghdad, the curfew was busy assembling the new government, and Jamil al-Madfai was appointed prime minister. At the same time at 10:45 a curfew order was broadcast on the radio. Around noon, a new Iraqi army entered the city from the north, which had vowed curfew training and was mostly made up of Kurds. This army was ordered to disperse the rioters. After a few shots the mob dispersed. Dozens of rioters were killed. In the afternoon there was silence in the killing town.
  337. Levenberg. Haim. Military preparations of the Arab community in Palestine, 1945-1948 United Kingdom: Psychology Press, 1993. p. 149.
  338. The Demise of Iraqi Jewry, '"Mosaic, June 2, 2016.
  339. Australian radio explores issue of Jews from Arab lands, Jewish Refugees, July 21, 2019.
    The Israel Connexion [64] is a weekly radio podcast by David Schulberg of Melbourne. Recently David recorded two interviews to illustrate the issue of Jews from Arab lands. Researching documents in the Arabic original, Dr Edy Cohen found evidence of a secret Arab Nazi party founded in Iraq by the Palestinian wartime Mufti. Lyn Julius is the author of the book Uprooted: how 3,000 years of Jewish civilisation in the Arab world vanished overnight'.
  340. Assaf Gibor, "Iraqi historian: There is a direct link between Nazi influences and the crimes of the Farhud," Makor Rishon, May 2, 2019.
  341. Lynette Hacopian, 85-year-old Israeli testifies to Nazi-inspired pogrom that massacred Iraqi Jewry, ILH, March 3, 2021.
    Interview, 'We Knew That If Hitler Won, There Would Be More To Come'

    Iraqi-born Daniel Sasson recounts firsthand how in the early 1940s, Hitler-emulating dictator Rashid Ali al-Gaylani sent Jews to ghettos and firing squads in the Middle East.

    Holocaust narratives of European Jewry are well-documented, but far less is published about how Germany’s influence decimated Jewish communities in the Middle East during and after World War II.

    Born Riad Izzat Al-Sassoon Mualem in Diwaniya, Iraq, Daniel Sasson says, “there is a need for this story to be known, with an emphasis on the connection between Nazi ghettos in Europe and the ghetto in Iraq.” The 85-year-old Sasson spoke to The Times of Israel from his home in the Tel Aviv suburb of Ramat Gan with the desire to shine light on the fading history of what he and countless other Iraqi Jews endured. Sasson also recently documented his experiences in a book titled “The Untold Story: The First and Last Ghetto in Iraq,” available in Hebrew. In it, he describes his childhood in Iraq and how an alliance between Hitler and Iraqi prime minister Rashid Ali al-Gaylani temporarily shifted the balance of power in the country.

    Due to this alliance, Iraq subjected its roughly 150,000 Jews to German-imported anti-Semitism. The Jews were forced to live in a ghetto and eventually massacred in a Nazi-inspired pogrom called the Farhud.

    While Iraq’s royal family supported the British, who earlier had maintained a mandate in Iraq, the ardently nationalist al-Gaylani instead aligned himself with the Axis powers, seeking to minimize British influence in his country even as the United Kingdom levied harsh economic sanctions in retaliation. The relationship between al-Gaylani and Hitler produced a ripple-effect of anti-Semitism which led to a 1941 pogrom called the Farhud, and the eventual exodus of the 2,500-year-old community — including Sasson’s own family, who fled to Israel.

    His family was a prominent one, but far from sparing them the atrocities, this brought them all the closer when al-Gaylani gave orders for the establishment of a Jewish ghetto in Diwaniya, a small city 158 kilometers (98 miles) south of Baghdad.

    ‘An untold story’

    Sasson’s grandfather’s house was a prime choice for the location of the ghetto. A mansion some 750 meters (2,460 feet) wide, it was the largest private home in Diwaniya. The mansion housed the city’s 600 Jews, plus another 70 who came from Baghdad and other cities, throughout the entire month of May in 1941. “I was five years old,” says Sasson, “but I remember everything like it was yesterday.” In 1937 Sasson’s father built a house in Diwaniya. The new mayor, a known anti-Semite by the name of Khalil Azmi, declared its construction illegal under bogus pretenses and bulldozed it to the ground. Not deterred, the family temporarily moved to Baghdad and Sasson’s father hired a top lawyer to sue the Diwaniya municipality. They won the case in 1941, and the government was forced to underwrite the home’s rebuilding. “After that event, we understood that there’s no future for us in Iraq,” says Sasson.

    No sooner had the family returned to Diwaniya than they were greeted by a group of armed policemen. Fear gripped Sasson when the police recognized his father, who was a man of status. They stopped the family, grabbed them from the car, and “tossed them like sacks of flour” into the mansion owned by Sasson’s grandfather. Behavior of this kind towards a reputable man was highly unusual, says Sasson. There was police surveillance around the entire property, and eventually it became clear that it would serve as a prison for the town’s Jewish population.

    Inside the Diwaniya ghetto

    Sasson explains that creating a larger ghetto in the town would have inconvenienced the Muslim population living there, and so the al-Gaylani government instead placed all of the Jews under one roof and kept them under house arrest. “Inside the ghetto there were difficulties. There was hunger. The police were armed with spears when we arrived, and it was very hard, this month,” he says. The people lived off of a few olives one day, stale bread another day, slowly starving to death. Women were given space in the back rooms and the men were confined to the front. Communication between the two groups was restricted. All of the men were put to forced labor from 7 a.m. until 7 p.m., watering trees along the river.

    A childhood friend of Sasson’s, Khaled Musa, was Jewish but bore an Arabic name. Musa was spared from the ghetto along with his mother when a Muslim family took the two of them in. “The river separated us, Khaled Musa’s family and ours. Opposite the balcony area from our home we could see their house. It was a matter of only 200 meters [656 feet], just the river between us and their house. Arab-Muslim neighbors hid Khaled Musa and his mother for one month, but his dad and uncles were thrown in the ghetto,” says Sasson. “And no one knew how long the ghetto was going to last.” Sasson’s grandfather, who had often acted as a judge and arbitrator between tribes in Diwaniya, discovered from the police that pro-Nazi prime minister al-Gaylani intended to create additional ghettos between Baghdad and Basra in the south. According to the police, this would be the first of many ghettos to come, an extension of Hitler’s aspirations for Jews outside of Europe.

    The ghetto was divided into three sections. In the first and largest area were the men; in the middle area were women and children; and the final section served as a base of operations for the police stationed there. An army tank sat in the corner of the courtyard, conducting 24-hour surveillance. The police also stationed a patrol between the men’s and women’s camps, prohibiting any contact between the two groups. But Sasson, being a young child, was able to move between them with relative ease.

    One day, Sasson saw a woman crying and asked how he could help. She wanted to send a message to her husband on the other side of the house, so Sasson offered to go as a messenger. Just as he was about to cross over to the men’s side, he was stopped by the police chief. “This is my house,” Sasson remembers saying. “You can’t tell me what to do. My mother is here and my father is there, and I want to be able to see them both.” And so the chief let him through. Sasson also recalls intense hunger, especially at night. The police didn’t allow the Jews into the kitchen to cook the sacks of potatoes lying in the corner, he says, so he ate them raw. Other children didn’t even fare that well, he says, and he often heard them crying out in hunger overnight. Being a mischievous child, Sasson says he would climb the walls to reach the rooftop terrace. He would see rooms full of children crying from hunger, unable to sleep. He went up to the roof most days and watched the men work, carrying pails of water to and from the nearby river. With each passing day, the people became weaker and sicker. The nights were all the same, with the continuous wailing of children echoing throughout the mansion.

    Out of the frying pan and into the fire

    The Jews’ release came suddenly and without warning. Sasson remembers being asleep one night and dreaming that Hitler had caught hold of him and was dragging him away. He woke up in a cold sweat and climbed up onto the roof to calm himself.

    Looking out over the river, Sasson saw the fishermen drifting by in their boats, but something felt different. Looking around the compound, he realized that the round-the-clock security patrols were gone. He went downstairs to notify the men, and passing the place where the police would usually sit, he saw that they were gone, too.

    The Jews would later learn that British troops had overrun the country and al-Gaylani had been deposed. At mid-morning on May 31, 1941, the entire group sang the Shema prayer in unison and walked out together, each to their own home. As the people exited, Sasson saw their faces — they looked worn, the men’s beards had grown, and their clothing didn’t fit the same. That same day, Sasson’s family decided to travel to their uncle’s house in the city of Shaamiya, 35 kilometers (22 miles) away. The following day, June 1, 1941, was the Jewish holiday of Shavuot. Sasson sat by the window to observe his new surroundings. Suddenly an ear-splitting shot rang out and Sasson’s uncle, who had been standing just feet from the window, crumpled to the ground, dead. Over 200 Jews were slaughtered in Iraq that day, with thousands more injured and raped. Their businesses were demolished, their property plundered, shops set on fire and ransacked. The attacking mob used whatever weapons they could get their hands on, also running people over with vehicles. Some Jews were sheltered by their Muslim neighbors, who put themselves at great risk. The event is considered a turning point for Jewish life in Iraq. The Farhud is one of the most traumatic events in the collective memory of Iraqi Jewry. Similar to the Kristallnacht pogroms in Germany and Austria in November of 1938, the Jews were hunted by attackers motivated by pro-Nazi ideology. The first incident of its kind to normalize Jewish persecution in Iraq, the Farhud was a turning point in the country’s Jewish history and a wakeup call for many who realized there was no future for them there.

    After Sasson’s uncle was killed in Shaamiya, the family packed their bags and returned to Baghdad, where they lived for the next six years. His father set up a brick-making factory that employed several hundred people. Then, in 1951, Sasson and his brother left for Israel.
  342. Ezra Morad, "The story that was not told", News1, 12/11/2018.

    Bringing the ghetto story that has so far not been told in public is the first virtue of the book. After all, the Farhud pogrom of 1941 took place not only in Baghdad, but also in other cities. Milestones in the history of Iraqi Jewry. A surprising and renewed Daniel, who as a five-year-old boy, with the outbreak of the Rashid Ali al-Khilani uprising in Iraq in 1941, 670 of the city's Jews were concentrated in a closed ghetto. He testifies that in his adulthood he became interested in and tried to question his family members about the same trauma he experienced and so he writes: "Support for the Nazi government, which has already established an ideological base in Iraq, among circles and members of the government."

    Bringing the ghetto story that has so far not been told in public is the first virtue of the book. After all, the Farhud pogrom of 1941 took place not only in Baghdad, but also in other cities, such as: Basrah, Diwaniya, Amara. And I also remember how the masses rioted and beat my father, the late Ezekiel Yeshayahu. The conclusion is that the Farhud pogrom took place not only in Baghdad, although its Jews suffered the most injuries and killing.

    "The Untold Story" by Daniel Sasson, about the ghetto on the banks of the Euphrates River established in 1941.
  343. O'Sullivan, Adrian. The Baghdad Set: Iraq Through the Eyes of British Intelligence, 1941–45. Germany: Springer International Publishing, 2019. 33.
    Iraq's most prominent physician, Dr. Saib Shawkat, principal of the Royal Hospital, visited Germany in 1937, where he was presented with a full-dress Nazi uniform and engaged a German governess to educate his children. In January 1939, he became president of the Nadi al-Muthanna (Muthanna Club), a hotbed of Nazi intrigue.
  344. mbih. "The Farhud (Farhoud). MIDRASH ben ish hai lecture".
  345. "The Iraq coup of Raschid Ali in 1941, the Mufti Husseini and the Farhud (Farhoud)".
  346. Matt Lebovic, Ignored by the UN, Mizrahi Jews survived pogroms and expulsions, too, TOI, Dec 1, 2021.

    Ignored by the UN, Mizrahi Jews survived pogroms and expulsions, too. Persecution of Middle Eastern Jewry 'has been denied for a lengthy period,' according to historians advocating for 'more inclusive' Jewish memory...

    Jews were an enduring presence in the Middle East and North Africa before the advent of Islam and Arabian conquests, yet today fewer than 4,000 Jews live in the region.
  347. La Reforma, June 21, 1941.

    Cables a Hitler y Mussolini A última hora y autorizado por diversas instituciones de nuestra colectividad en el país y numerosas compatriotas, nuestro Director ha enviado el cable que transcribimos más abajo a los jefes de gobierno de Alemania y Italia.

    Con ésto se acrecienta la tenaz y franca labor nacionalista que ha venido desarrollando desde "La Reforma" su Director Don Jorge Sabaj Z.

    Adolfo Hitler. Berlin, Alemania. y Benito Mussolini, Roma, Italia.

    En nombre instituciones árabes Chile que repudiar ambiciones imperialistas Gran Bretaña condenamos nuevos atropellos derechos soberanía pueblos árabes.

    Incrédulos recientes promesas británicas sobre futura autonomía pueblos árabes desmentidas por actitud favorable pretensiones sionistas Palestina invocamos espíritu justicia vuestra gran nación contribuir librarnos intrigas Inglaterra.

    Sentimineno patriótico árabe, anhela libertad y derecho gobernarse independientemente solidarizando conclusiones Congreso Arabe realizado últimamente Buenos Aires.

    Jorge SABAJ ZUROB director periódico árabe "La Reforma"
  348. The American Jewish World, 15 August 1941 — Nazi Campaign on Russ Same as Jewish Attack
  349. Rafaela Goichman and Attila Shumpelby, "Rare documentation: The Muslims who fought with the Nazis," YNet, Apr 11, 2015.
    During World War II, the Germans recruited units of local inhabitants in North Africa. Interview in the Ynet studio with the researcher who revealed a video that documented them saluting with raised hand

    The Nazis tried to recruit the Arabs in North Africa through propaganda. The intention was to declare the special units involved as a liberating force, to be the starting point of an Arab army that would liberate the Arab states," said Stefan Patka, a doctoral student and researcher at the Berlin University of Technology, who discovered rare documentation showing North African Muslim soldiers trained during World War II. and fought in the service of the Wehrmacht. The film documents the results of Muslim cooperation with the Nazis and with the French Vichy regime that ruled the region. The documentation includes instruction booklets for the use of German weapons and unit badges carried by Muslim soldiers that read "Free Arabian [Legion] Forces." [Freies Arabien].

    "The Nazis began recruiting Arabs to the Wehrmacht as early as the summer of 1941 when the starting point was the coup in Iraq, after the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem was exiled to Iraq from Beirut and tried to establish pro - Nazi rule with Iraq's former prime minister, Rashid al-Khilani," explains Dr. Petka.
  350. Tillmann, Heinz, Deutschlands Araberpolitik im Zweiten Weltkrieg. Germany: Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, 1965. pp. 401-414.
  351. Rössel, Karl. "Unsere Opfer zählen nicht": die Dritte Welt im Zweiten Weltkrieg. Germany: Assoziation A, 2005. 200.
    "...also the DAL, which now included 400 Palestinians and 800 Arabs from North Africa..."
  352. Operation Barbarossa, ‘’Holocaust Encyclopedia’’.
    June 22, 1941.

    Nazi Germany invades the Soviet Union in "Operation Barbarossa."

    In accordance with previous agreements between SS and police and Wehrmacht representatives, German mobile units of Security Police and SD officials, called Einsatzgruppen, followed the frontline troops into the Soviet Union. RSHA chief Heydrich had tasked the Einsatzgruppen commanders with identifying, concentrating, and killing Jews, Soviet officials and other persons deemed potentially hostile to German rule in the east. Einsatzgruppen squads began to carry out mass shootings during the last week of June 1941.
  353. 353.0 353.1 Prof. Dina Porat, Setting the Record Straight, Yad Vashem, 21 October 2015
  354. Carpi, Daniel. The Axis of Antisemitism. Canada: Dawn Publishing Company, 1985. pp. 6-7. Carpi, Daniel. The Mufti of Jerusalem: Amin El-Husseini, and His Diplomatic Activity During World War II, October 1941-July 1943. Israel: n.p., 1983. p.105.

    The Mufti's First Visit to Rome

    (October 11 - November 5 , 1941)

    At the outbreak of World War II, the Mufti of Jerusalem was living in Beirut where he had found refuge after escaping from the British who had driven him out of the Old City of Jerusalem in October 1937.

    The closer ties between Britain and France after the start of war and the coordination of intelligence operations between them, made his stay in Lebanon , then ruled by the French, unsafe. Therefore, on October 15, 1939, he fled to Baghdad and thence , after Rashid 'Ali el-Kilani's unsuccessful rebellion in May 1941, to Teheran, together with Kilani himself and about eighty others.

    When Iran too became unsafe for Axis supporters, the Italians decided to send a special emissary, Mellini, to Teheran to maintain contact with the Mufti and to provide for his personal safety. On August 26, 1941, "as the Russian threat approached Tehran," Mellini , according to his own account, arrived at the Mufti's residence in the middle of the night, "a few minutes before the Iranian police surrounded his house," and took him to the Japanese Legation.

    The Mufti found refuge there until the beginning of October when Mellini transferred him to the Italian Legation, with the authorization of Minister Luigi Petrucci, but without the knowledge of the other officials. There, he hid him away from prying eyes, "in a small room in the garden." The Mufti shaved off his beard, dyed his hair and left on October 8, 1941, carrying an Italian service passport, together with the rest of the staff of the Italian Legation. He passed through the Iranian and British checkpoints with no difficulty, and it was only when he arrived at the Turkish border that he aroused the suspicions of the Russian security men, mainly because of his new passport. They detained him for a few hours but finally released him. Amin el-Husseini reached Istanbul and then proceeded, via Bulgaria, to Italy.

    On his arrival in Rome on October 11, he presented himself to his hosts, the Italian Military Intelligence, as the "head of the the secret organization, 'The Arab Nation,'" which, he claimed, had branches in every Arab country.

    Two days later, on October 13, he presented a kind of working paper in which he detailed his plans and future ambitions. "The organization" that he led would be willing to cooperate with the Axis powers in their war against the common enemy, Britain, "on the sole condition that they recognize in principle the unity, independence and sovereignty of an Arab state of a Fascist nature, including Iraq, Syria, Palestine and Transjordan."

    Should this condition be met, the Arabs would be quite willing to discuss all the political and military issues of interest to the Axis powers and to Italy in particular, such as "the Holy Places, Lebanon, the Suez Canal, Akaba." The Mufti's proposal was submitted to the Department for European and Mediterranean Affairs (AEM III) at the Foreign Ministry, which, on November 22, prepared a memorandum for the Prime Minister with the recommendation that the Mufti be given a positive response, that he be granted the initial sum of a million lira (then approximately equivalent to ten thousand pounds Sterling), and that he be escorted in his travels by a liaison officer – Mellini.

    Mussolini read the memorandum, agreed with its contents and, on the basis of his agreement in principle, a meeting was arranged between the two men.
  355. Video footage shows Grand Mufti of Jerusalem doing Nazi salute with Hitler, JPost, May 24, 2019.
    The comments were widely slammed by the Jewish community, arguing that they misconstrued the historical facts by insinuating the Arab population in Palestine at the time were friendly to the Jewish immigrants who had survived the Holocaust.
  356. 356.0 356.1 Allan Hall, "'Hitler's holocaust plan for Jews in Palestine stopped by Desert Rats', The Independent, April 1, 2009.
  357. 357.0 357.1 357.2 357.3 Sam Roberts, Declassified Papers Show U.S. Recruited Ex-Nazis, The New York Times, Dec. 11, 2010.

    In chilling detail, the report also elaborates on the close working relationship between Nazi leaders and the grand mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, who later claimed that he sought refuge in wartime Germany only to avoid arrest by the British.

    In fact, the report says, the Muslim leader was paid "an absolute fortune" of 50,000 marks a month (when a German field marshal was making 25,000 marks a year). It also said he energetically recruited Muslims for the SS, the Nazi Party’s elite military command, and was promised that he would be installed as the leader of Palestine after German troops drove out the British and exterminated more than 350,000 Jews there.

    On Nov. 28, 1941, the authors say, Hitler told Mr. Husseini that the Afrika Corps and German troops deployed from the Caucasus region would liberate Arabs in the Middle East and that "Germany’s only objective there would be the destruction of the Jews." The report details how Mr. Husseini himself was allowed to flee after the war to Syria — he was in the custody of the French, who did not want to alienate Middle East regimes — and how high-ranking Nazis escaped from Germany to become advisers to anti-Israeli Arab leaders and "were able to carry on and transmit to others Nazi racial-ideological anti-Semitism."

    "You have an actual contract between officials of the Nazi Foreign Ministry with Arab leaders, including Husseini, extending after the war because they saw a cause they believed in," Dr. Breitman said. “And after the war, you have real Nazi war criminals — Wilhelm Beisner, Franz Rademacher and Alois Brunner — who were quite influential in Arab countries."

    In October 1945, the report says, the British head of Palestine's Criminal Investigation Division told the assistant American military attaché in Cairo that the mufti might be the only force able to unite the Palestine Arabs and "cool off the Zionists. Of course, we can’t do it, but it might not be such a damn bad idea at that."

    "We have more detailed scholarly accounts today of Husseini’s wartime activities, but Husseini’s C.I.A. file indicates that wartime Allied intelligence organizations gathered a healthy portion of this incriminating evidence," the report says. "This evidence is significant in light of Husseini’s lenient postwar treatment." He died in Beirut in 1974.

    The report, "Hitler’s Shadow: Nazi War Criminals, U.S. Intelligence and the Cold War," grew out of an interagency group created by Congress to identify, declassify and release federal records on Nazi war crimes and on Allied efforts to hold war criminals accountable. It is drawn from a sampling of 1,100 C.I.A files and 1.2 million Army counterintelligence files that were not declassified until after the group issued its final report in 2007.
  358. Bare Hitler-Mufti Wires, The New York Times, Sept. 25, 1945.
    Amer Z. Emergency Council spokesman reveals that Husseine secretly corresponded with Hitler; opposes Arab campaign to free Husseine...
  359. Documents on German Foreign Policy, 1918-1945, from the Archives of the German Foreign Ministry. United States: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1949. 881-5. (No. 515). qtd in: Full official record: What the mufti said to Hitler, TOI Staff, 21 October 2015.; Holocaust: The Mufti’s Conversation with Hitler (November 28, 1941), JVL.
  360. "MUFTI IN BERLIN FOR STAY; Nazis Receive 'Great Man' With 'Warmth' -- Silent on Plans." By Telephone To the New York Times. Nov. 7, 1941.
  361. Grand Mufti Husseini Asked Hitler to Help with Arab 'final Solution', JTA, July 23, 1991
  362. 362.0 362.1 Haviv Kanaan, Haretz newspaper, March 2, 1970, p. 16. [65]. [66]. [67].

    The Mufti planned crematoriums for Jews in the Dotan Valley On the anniversary of the Balfour Declaration on November 2, 1943, "His Holiness(sic)" organized a mass protest rally in Berlin with the participation of Muslim and Arab exiles from Morocco, Israel, Lebanon, Yemen, Mahjaz, India and Iran. Thousands of SS representatives from government ministries and branches of the Nazi party also took part in this rally, which was held in the Luftwaffe Hall and was broadcast on Radio Berlin, Athens and Belgrade. The Mufti was the keynote speaker and he said, among other things: "The Treaty of Versailles was a disaster for both the Germans and the Arabs. But the Germans know how to get rid of the Jews, and the reason that brings us so close to Germany, and places us in their camp, is that the Germans never harmed any Muslim. And they are once again fighting our common enemy, which has persecuted Arabs and Muslims. But above all they completely solved the Jewish problem. Oh Arabs! You never fought the Jews without that they will not lose. Time works against them, even when the Allies help them. I am happy to announce this historic day I received a telegram from the German Foreign Ministry declaring its recognition of the complete independence of the Arab states and the abolition of the Jewish national home." This telegram was signed by von Ribbentrop. The assembly also read a telegram from SS leader Heinrich Himmler to the Mufti: "The National Socialist Party has engraved on its banner the slogan of the extermination of world Jewry. Our party supports the Arab war and especially the Palestinian Arabs on foreign Jews. Success in your war." In 1968, 25 years after these declarations of the unclean alliance, an old Arab nobleman, who had previously been a direct friend to me, revealed to me at his home in Jericho that in that year the British authorities in Israel received information about the exemplary preparations for the entry of Rommel and North German armies. Russia to the Holy Land. "A chill runs through my body," said Faiz Bey Idrisi, a senior Arab officer in the Mandate Police and commander of the Jerusalem District Village District. "I remember what was said in the police circles and among the Mufti's supporters in those months in case of the German occupation of the country. Haj Amin was about to enter Jerusalem at the head of his aides and soldiers of the Arab Legion, organized within the German army. His big plan was to build huge crematoria in the Dotan Valley near Nablus, such as Auschwitz, to which they were to be brought. "The Jews of Israel ('Palestine'), as well as the Jews of Iraq, Egypt, Yemen, Syria, Lebanon and even North Africa, are being brought in to be exterminated by the SS in the extermination camps in Europe." I have thoroughly researched this topic on several trips to Germany. I met Germans, who were in the Mufti's entourage during the war years, but they all filled their mouths with water. "We do not know about it," they said. Only an old German diplomat, who during the Third Reich had the courage to refuse to join the Nazi party, told me: "I can not say for sure what was expected of the Jews of the Land of Israel, but I knew that their fate must have been bitter and terrible." Even when the British victory at Al-Alamein and the Western Allies landed forces on the coast of North Africa, and Haj Amin felt that the plans for the crematoria had faded, he continued to shout from Berlin to his brother: "O Arabs, stand up as one man and fight for your sacred rights. It causes pleasure to Allah. It saves our honor. Allah is with you."

    Women of the "Upper(sic) Race" Around His "Holiness(sic)" Meanwhile the devil in the black cloak continued to amass money in Germany and sought solace in the arms of the upper race. This fact was revealed when I asked Dr. Fritz Grobba, who was the German ambassador to Iraq, if there was a Haj Amin during his years of residence in Germany and family life, if his wife was with him. Gromba: "No. He lived here alone, but of course we made sure he did not feel lonely. Very young and beautiful German women served as his hosts. "Was he related to one woman in particular in those years? No. They would take turns to diversify the difficult life of the "great" exiled. Each of these two bodies: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the SS constantly tried to pull him by their side, each constantly making sure to remind Haj Amin that his political status depended only on her.

    Received 80 thousand marks a month Grobba: "Ribbentrop and Himmler competed with each other in supplying money to Haj Amin. I would pay him 40,000 marks (more than $ 10,000) each month; a similar amount would be paid to him by Himmler for the maintenance of the Muslim priesthood in Dresden. The Mufti saw himself as a spiritual father in the school (Madrassa) which is under the direction of Professor Idris from Saudi Arabia." Himmler sought to train young Muslim shepherds in this institution for their tenure in the Muslim-populated territories, which would fall to Germany. In particular, the head of the SS dreamed of establishing independent Turkestan under the auspices of the Third Reich on the occupied territory of the Soviet Union.

    Lust for Money In fact for all the years of his public career, the Mufti showed a lust for money, and always knew how to pour huge sums into his pockets. In the 1920s and 1930s, he was paid an annual salary of 1440 pounds of Palestine by the British, and the other half came from the Waqf fund. His salary was the highest, reached by a non-British official in the service of the Mandatory government. In addition to his control over the vast property of Muslim endowments, Haj Amin used to declare from time to time collections in the Muslim world: these collections were supposedly intended for the repair of the ... mosques in Jerusalem. From time to time he would go on tours in Muslim countries, the Near East and Southeast Asia, collecting very large sums in them, but never being held accountable for the use of these funds. It is true that some of this money was used by the Mufti to ignite in 1936 the revolt of the Palestinian Arabs against the British and the Jews. But when they sided with him at the end of the first phase of the uprising (autumn 1936), Mussolini's Italy and Hitler's Germany, his coffers enjoyed a fascist-Nazi grant of 60,000 Israeli pounds. The Mufti was imposing "rebellion taxes" on the inhabitants of the country: On the rich, peasants and the middle class. However, he refused to support the widows and orphans of his warriors, and bitter was the plight of these bereaved families, who were left without means. When he fled Jerusalem in the fall of 1937 and settled in Lebanon, he could afford a prince's life in the fancy resort places. When he arrived in Baghdad in 1939, he made sure that the Iraqi parliament decided to allocate 20,000 pounds to finance his needs; almost all of that money went into his pocket.

    "I suppose, feeling that the collapse of the Reich was approaching, Haj Amin transferred large sums of money to Swiss banks. This assumption can be reinforced by the fact that before the end of the war he tried to find refuge in Switzerland, but was caught on his way to the Swiss border by the French."
  363. 'They want to preserve the honor of the dead, also of the other side.' Nir Hasson, Haaretz, 02 June 2012. [69].
    The geographer Yehuda Ziv investigated and revealed the true story of Mount Pilots, and cleared the Arab residents of the nearby village of the guilt that stuck to them. Now he works to protect their cemetery.

    Three months after the crash... a delegation of Palmach personnel arrived at the scene led by Isser Halamish, the patrol officer of the 6th Battalion in the brigade and Ziv's commander, and Shraga Yanovsky of the Air Force. The delegation was also joined by Binyamin Sheinboim, the father of Yariv Sheinboim, one of the pilots who were killed. They were looking for information that would help them trace the fate of the pilots. The delegation first arrived at the agricultural school located in Eitanim, now a hospital, where they arrested the director of the hospital, Ahmed Khaladi, the last one left in the place Halamish promised Khaladi that he would be released in exchange for information about the fate of the pilots.

    Khaladi directed them to the Al-Elyan family, who were already staying in Abu Ghosh. Before his release, Haladi had time to give Halamish a gift to strengthen the deal. "He went to the barn at the school and pulled out a rifle, it was the rifle that Haj Amin Al Husseini received from Hitler," says Ziv. The rifle, with a swastika on it, is today housed in the IDF Museum in Tel Aviv. The members of the delegation located the family members and with their help the bodies were finally brought to a mass grave in the military cemetery in Kiryat Anavim.
  364. 364.0 364.1 Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the ..., Volume 107, Part 24, United States Congress 1961, p.5735.
    Warmongering in the U.N. Extension of Remarks Of Hon. Lester Holtzman Of New York. In the House of Representatives. Wednesday, July 26, 1961... Shukairy joined the Arab Higher Committee which was also headed by the ex Mufti. Shukairy got his start in politics in the early 1930s when he belonged to a group of fanatical extremists led by the ex-Mufti. This gang cooperated with the Communists and prior to the Hitler-Stalin Pact sought in every possible way to sabotage the Allied war effort against the Nazis in the Middle East. However, when Soviet Russia joined the Allies, Shukairy's group split with the Communists, and went all out for Hitler.
  365. Ahora, Issue 95; Issue 101; Issue 119; Issue 124; Issue 133; Issue 136; Issue 143; Issue 162; Issue 186 - Publicaciones !Ahora!, 1967. p.9

    '[Las Noticias Tras Bastidores]

    RAU árabes daves confrontan crisis

    La guerra o la paz en el Medio Este puede depender en gran parte de éstos dos árabes: El Presidente Nasser, de la República Árabe Unida, y de Ahmad Shukairy, quien no encabeza a ningún país pero... dirigir a una fuerza de guerilla... Shukairy cooperó con el Partido Comunista de Palestina, dirigido por Moscú antes de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Sin embargo, después que Hitler atacó a Rusia y a los comunistas en todo el mundo cambió posiciones, el feroz e impredecible Shukairy se alineo con Hitler por sus programas contra los judios.' [Translated: War or peace in the Middle East may depend largely on these two Arabs: President Nasser of the United Arab Republic and Ahmad Shukairy, who does not lead any country but... (can) lead a guerilla force...

    Shukairy cooperated with the Palestinian Communist Party, led by Moscow ahead of the Second World War. However, after Hitler attacked Russia and communists around the world changed positions, the fierce and unpredictable Shukairy aligned himself with Hitler for his anti-Jewish programs.
  366. 'al-Quds al-Sharif,' 1992.
  367. Rubenstein, Richard L.. Jihad and Genocide. Ukraine: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2010, p.121.
  368. Lipstadt, Deborah E.. Holocaust: An American Understanding. United Kingdom: Rutgers University Press, 2016,p. 77.
  369. Gilbert, Martin. Israel: A History. Germany: RosettaBooks, 2014.[70].
  370. Stein, Leslie. The Making of Modern Israel: 1948-1967. Germany: Polity Press, 2013. [71].
  371. Sachar, Howard M.. A History of Israel: From the Rise of Zionism to Our Time. United States: Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, 2013.. [72].
  372. "Muslim Anti-Semitism: Historical Background." Breitman, Richard. Current Psychology: Research and Reviews; New York Vol. 26, Iss. 3-4, (Dec 2007): 213-222. DOI:10.1007/s12144-007-9015-5 [73]
  373. 373.0 373.1 373.2 Shelomo Alfassa, "Nazi Hatred Survives in the Arab World", INN, March 4, 2007.
    The Nazi influence in Arab reaction to Israel.

    The virulent hatred that resonates today throughout the modern world, that ever-agonizing disgust felt for the Jewish people, is not an old-time Arab feeling toward the Jews. This hatred is a result of the Nazi influence, which never died. Although the Allies destroyed the Third Reich, what has lived on is the Nazi spirit. This spirit of hatred festered through the relationship between Amin Al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, and Hitler.

    The Mufti's radio broadcasts were some of the most violent pro-Axis broadcasts ever produced. He had at least six stations - Berlin, Zeissen, Bari, Rome, Tokyo and Athens. He used these radio broadcasts to tell Muslims across the world to commit acts of sabotage and kill the Jews.
  374. Küntzel, "Islamic Antisemitism," 46; Stephen H. Norwood, "Antisemitism and the American Far Left," (Cambridge University Press, 2013), p.121.
  375. Ex-Mufti, Criminal Ally - State Dept. Conceals Promised White Paper Book; Uses Whitewash Instead, New York Post, Feb 23, 1948.
    On Mar. 19, 1942, the ex-Mufti of Jerusalem spoke to the Arab world by Rome radio and said: "If, God forbid, America and her allies are victorious in this war . . . then the world will become hell, God forbid. But Allah is too just and merciful to grant such murderous violators any victory."
  376. Hitler Presents Confiscated Jewish Villa in Berlin to Ex-mufti of Jerusalem, JTA, January 2, 1942. [74].

    The German press reaching here today reports that Hitler has ordered that one of the confiscated Jewish villas in a fashionable Berlin suburb be assigned to the ex-Mufti of Jerusalem as a permanent residence. The ex-Mufti is to make his home in the villa "for the duration of the war," the Voelkischer Beobechter states. A number of Arabs residing in Germany have been assigned by the Nazi Ministry of Propaganda to act as staff members to the ex-Mufti in his pro-Nazi propaganda broadcasts over the German radio to Arab countries. An Arab doctor, Abu Ganima, has been assigned to the ex-Mufti to attend to his health which is reported to be much impaired ever since he made his flight from the British in Iraq.

    The German radio reported last night that the ex-Mufti received in his home in Berlin a number of Japanese correspondents whom he informed of his activities aimed at provoking an Arab revolt "against the British and the Jews."
  377. Cohen, Aharon. Israel and the Arab World. Israel: Sifriat Po'alim, 1964. pp. 261-2.

    The increase in employment and the economic tide that was marked by the war as well as the return of Arab-Jewish relations to their previous course, in which, as we know, there were many elements of economic contact and even friendly contacts worked to calm the spirits and heal the wounds. Although, from a political point of view there was great sympathy among the Arabs for the "Axis" powers, the whip of rage for the hated Britain and France. The call for a war effort against the "Axis" did not find any echo in the Arab public. The members of the "Fifth Column" found fertile ground in it for their propaganda. There was a lot of sympathetic listening to the radio broadcasts of the "Axis" and in particular to the speeches of Hajj Amin al-Husseini and his assistants from among the Arab businessmen living in Germany. Here and there anti-British proclamations were distributed, among them proclamations against the recruitment into military units under the command of British officers.

    At the beginning of the war, there were also certain sabotage attempts, and according to the enemy's broadcasts, it was evident that the news service from the country for the espionage service and the propaganda of the "Axis" were working correctly. Quite a few among the Arabs understood the lies and demagoguery of the "Axis" propaganda, and the fate of the Arabs in Libya under the rule of Fascist Italy served as an exemplary lesson...
  378. Jacques Cory, Masada lesson on the Carmel, News1, 11/01/2022.

    In Mordechai Naor's book, he describes how the Arabs roamed the Jewish neighborhoods that year, dividing the houses of the Jews they were murderers into, and which of them would get their wives raped and then murdered in cold or hot blood. Today I heard an excellent lecture by Idit Perry, a lecturer on the Holocaust, which reads: "Masada on the Carmel." I wonder how events that happened right on the site of our house and nearby houses and were commemorated in the garden and a monument near the house, were not clear to me, or at least not in the detail that Idit Perry brought. During the 200 days of dread in 1942 from April to November, the Jewish community in Israel feared that the Germans would defeat the British and invade Israel. It turns out that there were two schools, all according to Idit Perry, one of Ben-Gurion and the leadership of the settlement who believed that if the Nazis won, half a million Jews, along with thousands of Britons, would be evacuated to India and the colonies. There was only a small problem - the British did not even dream of evacuating the Jews and intended to leave them to their fate. They did not even bomb Auschwitz, so why invest millions to save Jews? Edith Perry also told us in her lecture on Kasztner that the British outright rejected Eichmann's offer of thousands of trucks in exchange for a million Hungarian Jews, because they said 'what will be done with the million Jews', they closed the gates of Israel before the war. The Jewish community felt threatened from the outbreak of the war, both because of the bombing of Haifa and Tel Aviv, also because of the Nazi fortification in Syria and Lebanon which were French colonies that came under Nazi rule from mid-1940 to mid-1941, when the British occupied them, with the help of the Palmach. ...) with Yigal Alon and Moshe Dayan, who lost his eye there. But the peak of anxiety was in mid-1942 when it was feared that Rommel's forces would break out of El Alamein into Cairo, the canal and Israel. Compared to this "pragmatic" school, there was another school of Tabenkin and the activists (moderate hawks) who also founded the Palmach at that time, to fortify the Galilee, "Masada on the Carmel", right where my house is now in the Danya neighborhood, and to hold out as partisans in the Carmel Mountains and the Galilee against the Germans, or to the bitter end as Masada fighters two thousand years earlier, or as ghetto fighters. Here is an overwhelming majority, who were with Hitler and the Nazis, led by Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini, who lived in Berlin and was a personal friend of Hitler (how an Aryan like him socialized with my name as Mufti I really do not understand). What I also do not understand is why the Arabs were with the Germans, Not only in the land of Israel but also in Iraq (with the revolt that broke out there) and even in Egypt.

    Empathy for their fate If the British were completely on the side of the Arabs, why did the Arabs support the Nazis? Perhaps because there was a binding agreement with Hitler that if the Nazis conquered Israel they would annihilate all the Jews together, which the Arabs wanted most of all. It would also make their candy industry prosperous, because imagine - if today they distribute hundreds of candies to every Jew killed by a terrorist, tens of millions of candies would be distributed if the entire settlement of half a million Jews were destroyed here. Not to mention the prosperity of the soap industry, as the Nazis did from the fat murdered in the crematoria, and the business cycle of their Alte Zachen ["old things"] men, who would market the victims' thousands of glasses, shoes and used clothes. Idit Perry said that in Mordechai Naor's book he describes how the Arabs roamed the Jewish neighborhoods that year, dividing the houses of the Jews they were murdering and which of them would get their wives raped and then murdered in cold or hot blood. I have no idea what is taught today in homeland classes - whether about the Nakba and the property in order to identify with the pain of the defeated and the refugees, the songs of Mahmoud Darwish the man who wants to eat our guts and throw us to hell, or Masada about the Carmel and how the Arabs cooperated with the Nazis and that they caused the War of Independence and the six days intended to annihilate and murder the entire Jewish settlement. History must not be rewritten in order to be politically correct... hatred .. must also not be encouraged. Reality should be described as its being. Just as no one will demand that the children of Israel empathize with the fate of the Nazis (including Hitler and his new wife and the Goebbels family for suicide who committed suicide in Hitler's bunker) and not even with the fate of the hundreds of thousands of civilian victims killed in the Berlin and Dresden bombings, the poor Germans who were expelled from the Sudetenland in the Czech Republic, from Danzig in Poland and from Königsberg in Russia, so too, our children should not be asked to empathize with the Nakba and its property and the fate of the Palestinian refugees. There is no need to gloat on pains, but there is also no need to hold rallies, but together with them on the eve of Remembrance Day and to give moral speeches that our homes in Israel will not be complete until we build a home for the destroyers of our homes, to Thousands will be killed and tens of thousands of rockets will be fired at us to destroy the country...

    We must preserve the memory of the Holocaust, the memory of Masada on the Carmel, the truth about the Israeli wars, if we love life!
  379. 379.0 379.1 The Jewish Connection. N.p.: Graystone Enterprises LLC, 2013. [75].
  380. Reinharz, Jehuda, Golani, Motti, Shochat, Manya Wilbushewitz, Reinharz Shulamit. With the flow and against it: letters and documents 1960-1906. Israel: Yad Yitzhak Ben-Zvi, 2005. 478-9.

    To Rose Jacobs May 7, 1942

    Dear Mrs. Jacobs, the reason why I did not write to you sooner was that I first wanted to find out for sure what can and cannot be done regarding Arab-Jewish relations in Palestine itself at the present time.

    I also wanted to wait until the Histadrut convention in order to see what will be decided there. In the meantime, I consulted with all my Jewish friends who have been in contact with Arabs for many years, and with all my Arab friends. The rest of the letter summarizes what I have to say on the subject after I re-examined the situation after returning to Palestine.

    The vast majority of Arabs in Palestine and throughout the Middle East believe that Hitler will conquer the whole world. The current Arab leaders, who all support Hitler, believe he will win because they want him to win. The Arab masses also believe that Hitler is the most powerful force in the entire world, and therefore he is obliged to come out with the upper hand. However, there are a number of Arab intellectuals, merchants, workers, and farmers who are not sure of Hitler's victory, and therefore try to imagine what the situation of Palestine and the Arabs would be in the event of a British victory. Under the existing conditions, it is not possible to reach an understanding with the Arab leaders before the defeat of Hitler.

    The Arabs who do not share the views of their leaders lack any power or influence, and therefore lack any authority to sign any agreement on behalf of anyone. Because of this there have never been such suitable conditions for developing honest personal relations with the Arabs and bringing about social, cultural and economic cooperation with them in order to achieve our goals at the end of the war, we must act now according to the following lines:

    A. Make every possible effort to reach rapprochement in the fields of culture, society and economy with both rural and urban Arabs.

    B. To try to organize meetings and discussions with some of those few Arabs who are perhaps able to take the place of leadership of their people after the fall of Hitler, and who are now interested in reaching an informal understanding with the Jews on the subject of the future political relations of the two peoples...
  381. Maasuah Institute, Israel: Massuah, 1976. p. 143.
    Haviv Kanaan, "The Jewish Yishuv in Israel during World War II."

    The relations of Hitler and Haj Amin determine the trends on Arab Street.

    Worst of all were the news about what was happening on Arab Street. Although the Land of Israel was a hinterland and lived in relative peace, the Arab street did not hide its admiration for Hitler and the Third Reich. Hitler was portrayed in the minds of the Arabs as the greatest friend of the Arab nation. They admired him for his hatred of the Jews and for the fact that he despised them and decided to exterminate them from the face of the earth. Hitler symbolized bravery and wisdom, leadership ability and certain victory. That is why the Arabs openly mocked British soldiers, analyzed gloating the difficult situation of the empire, worshiped Haj Amin al-Husseini who lived a life of luxury and comfort in Germany surrounded by young German hostesses, receiving 10,000 marks every month from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and a similar amount from the S. S. The Arabs of Palestine were sure that Hitler and Mussolini would be willing to grant them independence and abolish the Jewish National Home... Arab spy networks were operating in the Land of Israel with full vigor and it was difficult for the police to lay a hand on them. Rommel became a legend in the Arab street after defeating the generals Sir Archibald Wavell and Sir Richard O'Connor who penetrated 500 miles deep into Italian Libya, subdued four armies...

    Tons of leaflets and propaganda material in Arabic were smuggled from the center in Berlin, headed by Haj Amin Al Husseini, to all Arab countries as well as to the Land of Israel. About 30% of the Arab recruits for the British army deserted from the service or surrendered to German captivity during the battles in the Western Desert; Many of these prisoners asked to be included in the "Arab Legion" established by the mufti as part of the Axis armies. In the Land of Israel, some of these Arab defectors organized themselves into robber gangs that were scattered over the land and engaged in looting military equipment in order to prepare an Arab force that would emerge from hiding when Rommel's army entered the Land of Israel.

    The Mufti acted in Germany on the basis of a promise given to him by Hitler back in November 1941, that one of the goals of his war was a campaign against the Jews and the Jewish National Home in the Land of Israel, while finding a solution to the "Jewish problem"... He also stated that the mufti would be the master of the entire Arab world and the man who would guide the Arab power. Italy also committed to the mufti in a letter from Foreign Minister Count Tsiano to provide the Arab countries with all assistance in their war of liberation, to recognize their sovereignty and independence, to agree to a federation, if the interested parties so desire, and to abolish the Jewish National Home.
  382. 382.0 382.1 Khalil Sakakini, his diary on July 27, 1942. Benny Morris, War on History, Jewish Review of Books, Spring 2020. Morris, Benny. 1948: A History of the First Arab-Israeli War. United States: Yale University Press, 2008. p.21
  383. Kanaan, Haviv. 200 Anxious Days: Eretz Israel Opposite Rommel's Army [Matayim yeme haradah: Erets-Yisrael mul tseva Romel]. Israel: Mol-art, 1973. p. 120.
  384. The Sydney Jewish News⁩, 23 November 1945. [⁨⁨] ⁩

    Exchange of Telegrams Between Hitler and Mufti Estimated


    NEW YORK.—An exchange of telegrams between Adolf Hitler and the notorious ex-Mufti of Jerusalem, Amin el Husseini, discovered among the secret correspondence of the Feuhrer, was disclosed, recently by the American Zionist Emergency Council The ex-Mufti’s telegram, sent at the time when Field-Marshal Rommel’s victories threatened the entire Middle East, congratulated Hitler "on the occasion of the Axis victory in North Africa,” and declared that "the Arab people will further continue to fight on your side against the common enemy up to ultimate victory."

    Hitler’s message of thanks was transmitted to Amin el Husseini by German Staatsminister Dr. Meissner, and reads as follows: "The Fuehrer ordered me to transmit to your Eminence his heartiest thanks for your friendlv congratulations, of which the Fuehrer took notice with satisfaction." The exchange of telegrams was found in Germany filed under the heading, "Volume 13, Letters and Telegrams from Foreign Heads of State." Amin el Husseini’s telegram to Hitler, dated July 2, 1942, reads:— "Allow me, Fuehrer, to express to you the sincere joy of the Arabian people, and my best wishes on the occasion of the Axis victory in North Africa. These successes were crowned by the solemn declarations of the German and Italian Governments, in which the sovereignty and independence of Egypt were recognised and assured. These wise policies of the Axis Powers, which guided the German Italian armies from victory to victory, will produce a very good echo not only in Egypt, but also in all the other Arab lands and in the entire Orient, for they offer the best proof of the noble aims of the Axis Governments and assure the other Arab lands of their liberty and independence. The Arab people will further continue to fight on your side against the common enemy up to ultimate victory." In releasing the text of the ex Mufti’s telegram, the American Zionist Emergency Council stated: This revelation is most timely, in view of the Arab campaign of pres sure aiming at the release of the ex-Mufti from his present detention in France, where he is under house arrest. Spokesmen of the Arab League in Cairo, as well as of the nationalistic Arab groups in Palestine, have recently re peatedly demanded that Amin el Husseini be exonerated of any responsibility for his anti-Allied activities during the war, and that he be allowed to return to Palestine, presumably to resume his violent anti-British, anti-Jewish and anti-democatic activities.

    Amin el Husseini was placed on the list of war criminals by the Yugoslav Government, for in addition to his well-remembered pro Axis actions in Palestine and Iraq, he was also the organiser of the Wehrmacht's Moslem Divisions in the Balkans.
  385. Herf, Jeffrey. Israel's Moment: International Support for and Opposition to Establishing the Jewish State, 1945–1949. United Kindom: Cambridge University Press, 2022. 44.
  386. ha-Arets – הארץ, 23 November 1942.
    Jerusalem notebook.

    Gershon Swett [Swet]

    A new association is currently being established in Jerusalem, with the main goal, to preserve the ancient monuments within and around the city. Initiator of the Association — A young student of the Department of Archeology at the Hebrew University, b. Kennel. For the time being, several Jerusalem public activists and some scholars have joined the association. Accompanied by Mr. K. These days I toured around the Old City, in the Kidron Valley, Yad Avshalom [Absalom's Tomb], Zechariah's Tomb, Beit Hezir tombs, the City of David and more. . . Here: Jehoshaphat Cave, with 8 halls. On its walls I found several swastikas, which visitors from our enemy camp engraved here ... פנקס ירושלמי גרשון סוואט בימים אלה נוסדה בירושלים אגודה חדשה, שמטרתה העיקרית. היא לשמור על המונומאנטים העתיקים בתוך העיר ובסביבתה. יוזם האגודה—צעיר, תלמיד המחלקה לארכיאולוגיה של האוניברסיטה העברית, ב. קנל. לפי שעה הצטרפו אל האגודה כמה עסקני־צבור ירושלמיים וגם כמה מלומדים. בלווית מר ק. סיירתי בימים אלה בסביבת עיר העתיקה, בנחל קדרון, על־יד אבשלום, קבר זכריה, קברי בית חזיר, בעיר דוד ועוד. . . הנה: מערת יהושפט, ובה 8 אולמים. על קירותיה מצאתי כמה וכמה צלבי קרס, שמבקרים ממחנה שונאינו חרתו כאן...

    HaMashkif – המשקיף, 26 November 1942

    במספריים על פני העתונות חילול זכרונות־העבר! מר ג. סווט, שסייר בימים אלה בעיר העתיקה ובסביבתה פרסם ב"הארץ" מיום ב' רשימה רבת־ענין על ההזנחה הפושעת של עתיקות־ירושלים ועל יחס הזלזול אליהן. הננו מעתיקים רשימה זו בהשמטות קלות: ...הנה מערת יהושפט ובה 8 אולמים. על קירותיה מצאתי כמה וכמה צלבי קרס, שמבקרים ממחנה שונאינו חרתו כאן...

    With scissors Across the press Desecration of past memories! Mr. G. Swett, who is currently touring the Old City and its surroundings, published in Haaretz from Monday a very interesting list about the nefarious neglect of Jerusalem antiquities and the treatment of contempt for them. We copy this list with slight omissions:

    ... Here is the Cave of Jehoshaphat with 8 halls. On its walls I found several swastikas, which visitors from our enemy camp engraved here...
  387. Yad Vashem: Research file. Vols. 35-36, 2007, p.111.
  388. Letter and special report, Chef der Sicherheitspolizei to Reichsführer SS, 21 Dec. 1942, BArch,. NS 19/186.
  389. Aboul-Enein, Youssef. The Secret War for the Middle East: The Influence of Axis and Allied Intelligence Operations During World War II. United States: Naval Institute Press, 2013. [76]
  390. Bat Ye'or, "Islam and Dhimmitude...", (Fairleigh Dickinson Univ Press, 2002), p. 294
  391. Heinz Tillmann, "Deutschlands Araberpolitik im Zweiten Weltkrieg," Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften, 1965, p. 401.

    In der DAL befanden sich 24 Iraker, 112 Syrer und Palästinenser sowie 107 nordwestafrikanische Araber.

    [There were 24 Iraqis, 112 Syrians and Palestinians and 107 Northwest African Arabs in the DAL.]
  392. Michael J Cohen, "Britain's Moment in Palestine: Retrospect and Perspectives, 1917-1948," Taylor & Francis, 2014, p. 422
  393. 393.0 393.1 Hadassah Brenner, Grand Mufti, leaders in photo with Nazi officials at concentration camp, JPost, Apr 8, 2021
  394. 394.0 394.1 Sean Durns, "When Hitler’s Mufti Gave a Press Conference," Algemeiner, Aug 9, 2021.

    Husseini's press conference was replete with lies. Husseini was well aware of Hitler’s plans for European Jewry. Indeed, he hoped to replicate them in the Middle East. In his own memoirs, the Mufti recorded [77] a November 28, 1941, meeting with Hitler: “Our fundamental condition for cooperating with Germany was a free hand to eradicate every last Jew from Palestine and the Arab world. I asked Hitler for an explicit undertaking to allow us to solve the Jewish problem in a manner befitting our national and racial aspirations and according to the scientific methods innovated by Germany in the handling of its Jews.” “The answer I got was: ‘The Jews are yours.’”

    Many apologists, journalists, and academics spent decades denying that Husseini visited concentration camps, but in 2017, conclusive photographic evidence emerged showing Husseini touring the Trebbin camp near Berlin.
  395. Sarah Honig, Another Tack: The unbroken link, Part I. 'The Jews are yours'!, The Jerusalem Post, Jan 4, 2007.
    It serves Islamo-fascist purposes to claim Arabs were blameless bystanders during the Holocaust-that-maybe-never-was.
  396. Fischel, Jack R. Historical Dictionary of the Holocaust. United States: Rowman & Littlefield, 2020. 159.
  397. 397.0 397.1 Hajj Amin al-Husayni: Wartime Propagandist | Holocaust Encyclopedia.

    Upon request, the Reich Central Office for Security hosted members of the entourage of al-Husayni and al-Kailani for an elaborate, but insubstantial tour of the Oranienburg concentration camp in early July 1942. The commandant lectured the Arabs on the "educational" value of the camp experience for the prisoners; the visitors inspected household appliances and equipment made by the prisoners. While there, the Arabs expressed interest in Jewish prisoners.

    Al-Husayni's first significant contacts with the SS as an institution developed in the spring of 1943. Prior to this time, his major institutional contacts in Germany were with the Foreign Office and the Abwehr. On March 24, 1943, the chief of the SS Main Office, Gottlob Berger, invited al-Husayni to attend a meeting held in preparation for an SS recruiting drive among the Muslim residents of Bosnia...

    Captured by the British before they could do any harm, the commandos claimed under interrogation that al-Husayni had briefed each one of them personally before departure, had compared Islam with National Socialism, and had promised them that the Arab struggle in Palestine would help Nazi Germany.
  398. Israel Price, [ Never-Before-Seen Photos of Mufti of Yerushalayim Visiting Nazi Camp Go on Auction[,, 2 Tammuz, 5777, June 26, 2017.
  399. Ernst Verduin, March of the Living.
    One memory of his time in Auschwitz remains particularly distinctive: “It was a very hot day in June or July 1944 when I was at work in Monowitz, also known as Auschwitz III. And then I suddenly noticed a group of people who looked like actors. They were wearing long robes and strange headgear. Occasionally internees did perform a play in the camp. I wanted to find out myself and as I walked towards that group I was stopped by a high ranking SS-officer whom I didn’t know. He was from the main camp (Auschwitz I) or Birkenau (Auschwitz II). The officer asked me, ‘what do you want?’. ‘I just wanted to know whether these people are actors or not. Is there going to be a stage performance tonight?’ ‘These people aren’t actors,’ the SS-officer told me. ‘They are the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and his retinue.’ I then asked him, ‘what is he doing here?’ ‘He is paying a visit to the camp,’ the SS-officer said. ‘He lives in Berlin where he enjoys Hitler’s personal protection. He is now paying a visit to Monowitz to see how Jews are working themselves to death in factories. He is also in Auschwitz to see the gas chambers. When we have won the war he will return to Palestine to build gas chambers and kill the Jews who are living over there.'”

    When Haj Amin Al-Husseini visited Auschwitz and Monowitz in the summer of 1944, hundreds of thousands of Hungarian Jews were being exterminated. The SS-officer who told Verduin about the Mufti’s visit threatened him that if he would not resume work immediately he would leave Monowitz entirely. Verduin, of course, had no intention of being killed in the gas chambers of Birkenau, so he did as he was told. But he informed some of his trusted camp mates of what he had seen.

    Verduin claims that few people believed him when he said that he saw how the Mufti of Jerusalem paid a visit to Auschwitz-Monowitz. Only Simon Wiesenthal wrote a book back in 1947 in which he claims that the Mufti and his staff “paid visits to the concentration camps of Auschwitz and Majdanek to convince themselves of the capacity of the crematoria… Haj Amin was introduced to the SS-guards and expressed his appreciation for those SS-men who were very capable.”
  400. "Ik zag de Palestijnse moefti in Auschwitz", CIDI, May 19, 2006.

    I saw the Palestinian mufti in Auschwitz. In the second half of 1943, the Palestinian Mufti Amin al-Husseini visited the Nazi labor camp Monowitz, part of the Auschwitz complex. That stated the Gelderland economist Ernst Verduin (79) to CIDI last week. Verduin responded to an article by Wim Kortenoeven in the previous CIDI newsletter, about German plans inspired by the Mufti to also gas the Jews in North Africa and Palestine. Al-Husseini, a relative of Jasser Arafat, lived in Berlin from 1941 to 1945 and maintained good relations with Hitler and the Holocaust architects Heinrich Himmler and Adolf Eichmann. A Mufti normally has a religious task, but in the former British Mandate of Palestine, Al-Husseini was also the main political leader of the Palestinian Arabs. He was chairman of the Arab High Committee and the Supreme Islamic Council. In 1920, 1929 and 1936 successively, Al-Husseini incited the Arab population of the area against the Jews and the British. The violence killed hundreds of people. In 1936 he also called for an anti-Jewish boycott and demanded from the British administration an end to all Jewish immigration and a ban on the sale of land to Jews. In April 1941, the Mufti was in Baghdad, inciting the population to a pogrom that killed 120 Jews and participating in a failed uprising against British rule. He then fled to Berlin.

    From Vught to Monowitz Ernst Verduin and his family members were arrested in early 1943 and detained in Vught concentration camp. Later that year they were transported to the death camps in Poland. According to Verduin, it was already known in the spring of 1943 in camp Vught that Jews were being gassed in Auschwitz-Birkenau. The source was an SS man who had been transferred from Auschwitz to Vught. Knowing the likely fate that awaited him, Verduin was able to save his life when he himself ended up in Auschwitz shortly afterwards. He was assigned to the "gas chamber group" by an SS selection officer, but managed to escape from the line and join a "work commando" formed a little further away. Verduin got the number 150811 tattooed on his arm and was eventually put to work in Monowitz ('Auschwitz-3'). There, on a warm day, he saw "some five men in long snow-white burnoose, with gold belts and with white headscarves surrounded by thick gold bands and a lot of gold on their hands, accompanied by a number of high SS men from the Stammlager Auschwitz. walk the Lagerstrasze. I wanted to see what kind of play that was, not familiar with the clothes of these people, but was stopped by an ordinary SS man from my own camp. When I asked hi what kind of people they were, he said it was not a game at all, but the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and his retinue, who came to see how the Germans let the Jews work themselves to death, so that he could do the same in Palestine with all those Jews who lived there."

    Al-Husseini was known to have made "working visits" to the Auschwitz-Birkenau and Majdanek extermination camps. ...
  401. Emerson Vermaat, Dutch Holocaust Survivor - "I Saw How The Mufti Of Jerusalem Paid A Visit To Auschwitz-Monowitz", Pipeline News, March 5, 2012.

    "It was a very hot day in June or July 1944 when I was at work in Monowitz, also known as Auschwitz III...

    Ernst Verduin, a Dutch Jew from Amsterdam born in 1927, was deported to Auschwitz in September 1943.
  402. Schwanitz, Wolfgang G.., Rubin, Barry. Nazis, Islamists, and the Making of the Modern Middle East. United Kingdom: Yale University Press, 2014. 185.
  403. Atallah Mansour, "A single leader even after his death," Haaretz May 21, 2001

    Mudhakkirat al-Haj Amin Muhammad al-Husayni [مذكرات الحاج محمد أمين الحسيني edited] Brought to print by: al-'Omar, 'Abdel Karim. Publisher: Al Ahali, Damascus 1999, pp.554.

    During my childhood days in the Galilee, we Arab children used to sing loudly on school trips, like our parents at weddings, a rhyme of a single line. A kind of national slogan: "[Seif] Sayf al-Din, Hajj Amin (ie: the sword of religion) is the Mufti Hajj (Amin)". The term mufti in the hierarchy of the Muslim clerical establishment.. like an "arbiter," meaning the man who interprets and rules in matters of religious law.

    But Amin al-Husseini was not satisfied with the role of a teacher of religious law. At the beginning of his public career, he tried to head the activities of the anti-Jewish Arab youth in Jerusalem, and surprisingly won the first prize when he captured - with the help of the first British High Commissioner, Herbert Samuel - the political and religious leadership of all the Palestinian Arabs. He was not elected to his position following a vote in an election held by some body. His promotion path until he won the "first million" was paved and short: he reached his high position, the position of mufti of Jerusalem, in 1921, following a decision by the British Mandate authorities.

    He made the surprising Nachshonite jump with record speed: only one year after he was sentenced by the British government in Israel (in his absence) to ten years in prison with hard labor for his part in organizing violent activity against Jews. He was pardoned by the same commissioner... Herbert Samuel, and it was he who appointed the fugitive criminal to the high position, who paved his way to the status of absolute heir to the Arab public's crown and its undisputed leader.

    The young junior officer from the defeated Turkish Sultan's army, only 24 years old, overnight became a position of decisive influence on the course of affairs in the country, and not only from a religious point of view. His high office included the management of the Muslim religious services, including the appointment of thousands of teachers and clergy, and supervision of the property manager of the Muslim Waqf which covered hundreds of thousands of dunams, and thousands of economic assets in all the cities of the country. There were Palestinians who resisted - and paid the full price for it - but the absolute majority enthusiastically followed the mufti until the days of the "Nakba"[sic - edited] - or the tragedy - of 1948.

    The disaster of the Palestinians was also a partial disaster for the mufti. He continued to head the "Higher Arab Committee," but the Arab League, which used to finance the activities of this committee, and allocated it an annual budget and the status of a member state, decided to dry up the "all-Palestine government" that the Mufti and Egypt had taken pains to establish in Gaza.

    The mufti himself succeeded, thanks to his extensive connections with conservative Muslim regimes such as Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Yemen, to add and raise funds to finance his personal existence and the minimal activity of the Higher Arab Committee - including participation in international conferences - until his death in Beirut in 1974. But his position in the general public weakened, and many blamed him, and the extreme line he led throughout his political life, for the downfall of the Palestinians. He tried until the end of his life to defend and stubbornly preach his views that rejected any compromise, mainly through a small monthly, under the name "Falastin", which he published in Beirut.

    The mufti's memoirs, which appeared in the summer of 1999 in Damascus, 25 years after his death, is an attempt by his secretary, Abdel Karim al-Nasser, to lay a hand on his memory. There is no reference in the book to the decision of the British-Zionist High Commissioner; Here, another member of the Husseini family served as the mufti of Jerusalem before Haj Amin, and was appointed to the position as his successor. But while the mystery of the close relationship between the High Commissioner and the Mufti remains unsolved, this thick book, on its 544 pages, reveals much about the activities of the Palestinian leader throughout the British Mandate period, including the period when he found refuge in Nazi Germany and aided its war effort.

    The chapter on his relations with Nazi Germany opens with an apologetic introduction by the mufti, in which he claims that the Arabs' sympathy for the Germans was due to the fact that they were not partners in the European colonialism campaigns in the Muslim countries, and that the Germans were allies of the Ottoman sultans in the First World War. The Mufti tells the readers of his daily that the general public in Iraq gave Adolf Hitler the revered name of the Prophet of Islam Muhammad, and added to him the badge of honor of Hajj (pilgrimage) which all Muslim dignitaries boast about when they return from visiting their holy places in Mecca and Medinah. According to the mufti, the Iraqi crowd at the beginning of World War II used to repeat and memorize the slogan: 'Allah hai, Allah hai, Hajj Muhammad Hitler jai,' [i.e. 'Allah lives, Allah lives, Hajj Muhammad Hitler Live," p.73). He even tells us that the Nazi Minister of the Interior, Heinrich Himmler, personally apologized for the participation of the German soldiers in repelling the invasions of the Muslim armies at the gates of Vienna in the east, and in the south of France in the west, which prevented Germany from benefiting from the penetration of Muslim spirituality and culture into Europe (p. 126).

    ... The German ambassador in Ankara maintained close ties with the Iraqi government (and with the mufti who was exiled in this country), and hence the appeal of the government of Rashid Ali al-Gaylani to Germany with a request to supply the Iraqis with the weapons that the English and Americans refused to supply. The Germans accepted the offer and a large arms deal was signed between Iraq and Nazi Germany "under favorable conditions", notes the Mufti. But the German planes were unable to participate in the defense of the Iraqi government in its attempts to block England's retake of the country, in May 1941, due to a lack of fuel. The heads of government in Iraq were forced to flee their country, and with them the Palestinian exile, the mufti. He fled to Iran, where he lodged in the Japanese embassy, ​​and when the British took over Tehran, he was smuggled to Turkey, and through it to Italy and Germany. Upon his arrival in Rome, the mufti was received by Mussolini (October 1941), and in Berlin he met with the heads of the Nazi regime, including Hitler (January 21, 1941).

    The mufti and the exiled Iraqi Prime Minister Rashid Ali al-Gaylani worked together to convince their hosts in Berlin to issue a statement recognizing the Arabs' rights to independence - but it was not until April 1942 that the Germans were ready to sign a secret document signed by Foreign Minister Ribbentrop, which refers only to the countries of the Middle East. The Nazis refused to consider African countries due to the control of their ally Italy in Libya and of France in the Maghreb countries. They also kept their recognition of Syria's rights to independence a secret, so as not to provoke anger in Turkey.

    But the mufti was not deterred. Even after getting to know the Germans closely, he tried to act in their service in Israel. He selected from among the Muslim prisoners in the Allied armies and from among the Arab exiles who joined the Axis countries young people suitable for sabotage courses and commando operations - and later in the summer of 1944, in the Jericho area, a lot of military equipment and five Arab and German saboteurs - under the command of Hassan Salama - were dropped in order to store the weapons and to train commando units "to prepare for the battle that will take place at the end of the war". This operation was done under the command of a Nazi officer named Schellenberg ("Himmler's right hand"). But the operation failed and ten thousand rifles, machine guns, small arms and much ammunition fell into the hands of the British. The Germans also stored large quantities of weapons for the benefit of the Palestinians in Rhodes, and thirty thousand rifles and small arms in Libya, but the use of these warehouses failed with the fall of Rommel.

    There was complete agreement between the mufti and his hosts in only one area: the pathological hatred of the Jews. He "believes" that the famous anti-Semitic book, "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion", contains the practical plan [he wrote] of the Zionist movement (p. 94) and that the United Nations established its seat in New York, near the largest Jewish concentration in the world... He blames the Jews in every disaster that befell Turkey (in whose army he was an officer) and in every cause he sympathized with.

    ... In a conversation, out of many, that he had with Himmler, in the summer of 1943, he heard about the massacre that the Nazis were conducting against the Jews. Himmler probably admired the Mufti as the Mufti admired him, Hitler, and Nazi Germany in general, and used to sweeten a secret with him. For example, he told the mufti that the Nazis were going to acquire the nuclear weapons necessary to end the war in a short time, and that they had managed to eliminate three million Jews, because "the Jews have a regular practice of igniting the fires of wars... We have so far managed to destroy three million Jews."

    The mufti tells a lot in his book about the conversations he had with the leaders of the Nazis and their hatred for the Jews, and also about the actions of the Nazis to exterminate them. But in only one case does he tell of a "great trait" that existed among the Jews in 1944, more than two years after he arrived in Berlin. He writes about a mass movement of Jewish immigration from the countries of the Nazi occupation and Germany, and these things aroused his concern. When he addressed his hosts with a question, he learned from them that the international pressure on Germany forced the Nazis to allow the Jews to leave, but they reassured him that they intended to plant spies among the immigrants (p. 189). These things did not calm the mufti, and on July 25, 1944 he wrote an angry letter to the German Foreign Minister von Ribbentrop, and other letters to all the foreign ministers of the Nazi-occupied countries, including Hungary, which was about to sign a deal with the Jews for the release of 400,000 Jews in exchange for receiving equipment and vehicles.

    The mufti does not tell us what happened to these transactions, but his intervention in the matter put him personally at risk at the end of the war. Jewish organizations demanded that he be prosecuted as a war criminal, but he managed to escape from France to Egypt - and from there, by remote control, he tried to lead the struggle of the Arabs in Israel against the establishment of Israel. The mufti does not shed tears over the fall of Germany, and he describes the last days of the Reich in a dry matter-of-fact tone while showing admiration for German resilience and suffering. He consoles himself with the fact that the Germans lost only 8-10% of their people in this war, while the common enemy of Mufti and the Nazis - the Jews - lost 30% of all their people (p. 162).

    Another surprising position of the mufti is his testimony regarding the power of the Vatican and its influence in World War II. Pope Pius XII, according to the mufti, knew Hitler and had debates with him, and came to the conclusion that Nazism was a danger to the Catholic Church. Hence the Holy See fought Nazism, and helped the "fifth column" who allowed the sinking of supply ships to Rommel's African Corps in North Africa. The mufti, as part of his travels in the Muslim areas of the Nazi occupation (Bosnia, Albania and POW camps in Greece and France) for the purpose of recruiting Muslim volunteers to the side of the Nazis (travels which, according to him, yielded 200,000 fighters), noticed a burning hatred of Nazism among the Catholics (for example, in Croatia)...

    He also reveals to the readers of his diary that he was involved in the connection between the Nazis and the Egyptian king. According to him, in the period leading up to the Battle of El Alamein, King Farouk agreed to encourage an anti-British uprising in Egypt, and to welcome the Nazi armies when they appeared near the Egyptian border.

    He was supposed to hear three calls on Berlin radio that were agreed upon with him through the Egyptian embassy in Ankara, and immediately after the third signal he was supposed to act. The Mufti himself sounded the signals twice, but refused to sound them a third time, with the news of the fall of the Germans in the battle against General Montgomery in El Alamein, even though he was required to do so. King Farouk was grateful to the mufti and hosted him in Egypt after the fall of the Nazis.

    And in general, the mufti does not regret any action he did. He puts all the blame for the actions that led to the disaster of the Palestinians on the English, the Jews and the Arab League...

    The mufti's book describes the 1948 war up to the "occupation" of Safed only, by the way praising local commanders and describing their plight in the face of the treachery of his opponents. He takes out most of his anger against the Arab League, which handed over the command of its forces to British General John Bagot Glubb - Chief of Staff of the Jordanian Army, among his army officers was a British officer whose brother served in the ranks of the Israeli army (!).

    The main part of the book was written by the mufti, apparently, immediately after 1948, but he did not put the book down. He later returned to add, complete and renovate it - including mentioning various events after the Six Day War in 1967. But there is not even one line in this book, in a footnote, that mentions Yasser Arafat, or the Fatah movement, which was founded and operated before the Six Day War (and some say that it contributed greatly to the outbreak of this war).

    Ahmad Shukeiri, the first chairman of the PLO, and his replacement, attorney Yahya Hamouda, are also given a two-line footnote in the mufti's book (p. 322). He also completely ignores all PLO organizations. The Mufti saw himself in his lifetime as the sole leader of the Palestinians. His personal secretary signs the book with a typical sentence: "Hajj Muhammad Amin went to Husseini and his memory remains. He said 'no' throughout fifty years of holy war. 'No' to bargaining, 'no' to taking lightly the rights of the homeland and the citizen."
  404. Himmler’s Boost for al-Husaini, ISGAP Flashpoint, May 9, 2017. Flashpoint 45.
  405. American prosecutors presented and discussed an affidavit by Wilhelm Höttl, who said Eichmann had told him that the Nazis killed approximately six million Jews—the first time this statistic had appeared. A major article in the New York Times brought the name Adolf Eichmann to millions of people.
    "Trial Data Reveal 6,000,000 Jews Died," New York Times, December 15, 1945, p. 8. .
  406. Chen Malul, Revealed: SS Chief Heinrich Himmler’s Warm Wishes to Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini, The Librarians, 06.11.2017
  407. Letter written to Grand Mufti from Himmler uncovered, YNet, 03.30.17.

    The document in question is a letter of praise sent by head of the SS, Heinrich Himmler, to Palestinian leader Amin al-Husseini in the autumn of 1943 at the height of the extermination of Jews in Europe.

    The archives of the National Library of Israel have revealed another document that attests to a connection between Nazi Germany and Mufti Hajj Amin al-Husseini.
  408. Joy Bernard, Never-before-seen document penned by Nazi leader Himmler uncovered in Israel, Mar 29, 2017.

    The National Library has uncovered a telegram written by Heinrich Himmler and sent to Mufti al-Husseini, in which the Nazi leader expressed his support for the Arabs of Palestine...

    Despite the firm bond that the Mufti succeeded to forge with the German leadership, many believe that he failed to achieve most of his diplomatic goals. Dr. Esther Webman, an historian from the Tel Aviv University, says that "at the end of the day, the Mufti failed in achieving the majority of his goals: Nazi Germany didn't declare its support of Arab independence and the Nazi leadership used him to realize its own goals."

    "His attempt to incite Middle Eastern Arabs against the colonial authorities during WWII didn't succeed either," Dr. Webman added. "His only significant accomplishment was his success in preventing a number of cases of Jews leaving for Palestine during the war."

    As most of the Nazi leadership was quick to eliminate all evidence of its participation in the horrors executed during World War II, any new documents written by high-ranking officials in the regime serve as a welcome insight into the depths of the dark and atrocious mechanisms of a regime that has left a tragic mark on world history.

    As recently as August 2016, more documents written by Himmler were revealed. The Nazi leader's office diaries, which were believed to have been lost for 71 years, were found at the archives of the Russian military and contained gory descriptions of the Nazi leader's first-hand experiences during his visits to the extermination camps he oversaw and in which approximately six million Jews had perished.
  409. Tribüne. Germany: n.p., 1986. 171.
  410. Gensicke, Klaus. Der Mufti von Jerusalem, Amin el-Husseini, und die Nationalsozialisten. Germany: P. Lang, 1988. 162.
  411. Weingardt, Markus A.. Deutsche Israel- und Nahostpolitik: die Geschichte einer Gratwanderung seit 1949. Germany: Campus, 2002. 57.
  412. Joel Fishman, The Recent Discovery of Heinrich Himmler’s Telegram of November 2, 1943, the Anniversary of the Balfour Declaration, to Amin al-Husseini, Mufti of Jerusalem, April 13, 2017.
  413. 413.0 413.1 Free World. United States: Free World, Incorporated, 1942. 221.

    Arab Alignments [in the Near East by Emanuel Neuman]
    The assassination of Fakri Nashashibi ...their complicity in the Iraq uprising, among them such well-known figures as Musa el Alami, Amin Tamini, and others... the inability of the English to protect their friends... Out of a population of a Million and a half, over five hundred thousands are Jews, chiefly of European origin and wholeheartedly dedicated to the democratic cause. The notorious Mufti Haj Amin el-Husseini, was in exile and the power of his terrorists followers had been broken.

    Arch conspirator, now an honorary member of the Nazi party, still has his network of agents and associates -- a dangerous Fifth Column -- who eagerly await his messages from abroad and secretly hope and work for "the day" when they may join hands openly with the Axis powers and be reunited with their own fuehrer-in-exile.
  414. 414.0 414.1 Said, Edward, "A Profile...", 1983, p. 7
  415. 415.0 415.1 A. Dershowitz, 'Ahmadinejad Holocaust's Myths,' HuffPost, Oct 1, 2007
  416. 416.0 416.1 Mati David, "What is the source of Palestinian hatred towards us?"
    Is the occupation? Are the settlements? Is the Nakba from 48? And perhaps especially the very Jewish presence in the country? News1, October 21, 2015.

    The renowned scholar, Prof. Edward Said, wrote: "In the Mufti's call for the extermination of the Jewish people, he represented the consensus of the Palestinian Arabs and served as the mouthpiece of the people. The Mufti's political successor was PLO leader Yasser Arafat" ...

    In Palestinian schools, children are taught to hate Jews not because of the lack of a "political horizon." In mosques, clergy preach to hate and murder Jews not because of the lack of a "political process." Palestinian television and radio are inciting the murder of Jews not because of a "political stalemate."

    The calls for the murder and extermination of the Jews are a permanent matter in the propaganda of jihad. The Palestinian leadership of both Hamas and the PA are partners in spreading hatred against Jews. All those young people who go out to stab with occasional Jewish knives do so because of the fanatical hatred and not because of the checkpoints. Palestinian boys who try to murder Jews their age do so out of hatred of Jews and not because there is a lack of budgets for schools in the West Bank.

    Hatred, knife and murder of Jews is the hallmark of Palestinian and Muslim "culture." Palestinian hatred of Jews has its roots in the Muslim religion and Nazi ideology.
  417. 417.0 417.1 A. Disenchik, 'Night at Shukeiri's Home in Acre', Maariv, Friday, October 21, 1949, pp. 2,11.

    In these two pictures lies the history of this house - said the Arab. The old man is the head of the family, Assad Shukieri Bey, and the other is his youngest son, the doctor Dr. Anwar, who was murdered by the gangs in 1938 [1939], in the Acre market, for -- according to the gangs, not only Nashashibi but also a friend of the Jews and therefore -- a traitor. "...

    The sheikh took for a woman one of the beautiful and rich from Turkey, and on his return to Acre he took another wife, an Arab, from Acre. The Turk gave birth to four children: Dr. Anwar Shukeiri, who was murdered, the eldest son and two daughters, who are now in exile in Lebanon. The Arab woman brought him one son, he is the attorney Ahmad Shukeiri. The old sheikh and his descendants from the Turkish woman were among the "moderate Arabs", collaborated with Raghib Bey Nashashibi and King Abdullah and even preached for agreement with the Jews. The son Ahmad of the Arab woman, however, joined the Mufti and Jamal Husseini camp, and later served for two years as head of the Arab bureau in Washington, D.C., ever since the Shukeiri peace was disturbed, and the two camps did not talk to each other and became real enemies.

    Mutual hatred reached its peak when the youngest member of the family, Dr. Anwar Shukeiri, was murdered in the Acre market by two gangs of gang emissaries. He was on his way home from a hospital visit when he was shot and killed on the spot. The two murderers were apprehended and at trial confessed that they had been sent by the Mufti to murder the young Shukeiri.

    Further investigation revealed that the hand of his brother, Ahmad Shukeiri, was involved in the murder of Dr. Anwar Shukeiri. The murdered man was brought for burial in the city's Moslem cemetery. But those responsible for the murder did not have enough, even after the murderers were sentenced to death and hanged in Acre prison.

    One day it was reported to the old sheikh, who could not recover from the blow inflicted with the murder of his beloved son, that the members of the Mufti gang were plotting to abuse his son's grave the next night: they would take him out of his grave, abuse his body and scatter his bones. You have no harder insult than that. When darkness came, the old man, his family, his servants and a friend went down to the cemetery, took out the body of Dr. Anwar Shukeiri and reburied him in the garden of his house.

    My interlocutor, from the Shukeiri family, even took the trouble the next morning to bring me to the garden, and showed me the tomb surrounded by plants and flowers. "Here we also buried the old sheikh, who died less than a year after the death of his beloved son, because he could not bear the grief"...

    Ahmed Shukeiri fled to Cairo and there re-entered the "politics" circle. Was on the Mufti's mission here and there ...

    אריה דיסנצ'יק, 'לילה בבית שוקיירי בעכו' , מעריב, יום ו' כ"ח תשרי תש"י, 21 באוקטובר 1949

    "...בשתי תמונות אלו טמונה ההיסטוריה של הבית הזה - אמר הערבי. הזקן הוא ראש המשפחה, השייך עסד שוקיירי ביי, והשני הוא בנו הצעיר, הרופא ד"ר אנוור שוקיירי, שנרצח בידי הכנופיות בשנת 1938 [1939], בשוק עכו, על -- היותו לדברי הכנופיות, לא רק איש נאשאשיבי, אלא גם ידיד היהודים ולכן -- בוגד." ...

    השייך לקח לאשה אחת מבנות תורכיה היפות והעשירות, ושובו לעכו לקח לו אשה שנייה, ערבייה, מבנות עכו. התורכי ילדה ארבעה ילדים: ד"ר אנוור שוקיירי, שנרצח, הבן הבכור ושתי בנות, הנמצאים עכשיו בגלות לבנון. האשה הערבייה הביאה לו בן אחד, הוא עוה"ד אחמד שוקיירי. השייך הזקן וצאצאיו מאשה בתורכיה נמנו על ה"ערבים המתונים", שיתפו פעולה עם ראגב ביי נאשאשיבי ועם המלך עבדאללה ואף הטיפו להסכם עם היהודים. אולם הבן אחמד מהאשה הערביה, הצטרף למחנה המופתי וג'ימאל חוסייני, ואחר כך שימש במשך שנתיים ראש הלשכה הערבית בוואשינגטון, מאז הושבת השלום בבית שוקיירי, ובני שני המחנות לא דיברו איש עם רעהו והיו לאויבים ממש.

    השנאה ההדדית הגיעה לשיאה עת נרצח צעיר המשפחה, הד"ר אנוור שוקיירי, בשוק עכו ע"י שני פלחים שליחי הכנופיות. הוא היה בדרכו הביתה מביקור חולים כשנורה ונהרג במקום. שני הרוצחים נתפסו ובעת המשפט הודו, כי נשלחו בידי המופתי לרצוח את שוקיירי הצעיר.

    חקירה נוספת העלתה, כי יד אחיו, אחמד שוקיירי, ברצח הד"ר אנוור שוקיירי. הנרצח הובא לקבורות בבית הקברות המושלימי בעיר. אך האחראים לרצח לא אמרו די. מה גם לאחר שהרוצחים נידונו למוות וניתלו בכלא עכו.

    יום אחד נמסר לשייך הזקן, שלא יכול היה להתאושש מהמכה שהוכה עם הרצח בנו-אהובו, כי אנשי כנופיות המופתי זוממים להתעלל בקבר בנו עוד בלילה הסמוך: הם יוציאוהו מקברו, ויתעללו בגופתו ויפזרו עצמותיו לכל רוח. אין לך עלבון קשה מזה. עם בוא החשכה ירדו השייך הזקן, בני ביתו, משרתיו וחבר ידידים לבית הקברות, הוציאו את גופת ד"ר אנוור שוקיירי וקברוהו מחדש בגן ביתו.

    איש שיחי, ממשפחת שוקיירי, אף טרח למחרת בבוקר, להביאני לגן, והראה לי את הקבר מוקף צמחים ופרחים. "כאן קברנו גם את השייך הזקן, שמת פחות משנה אחרי מות בנו-אהובו, כי לא יכול היה לשאת בצער"...

    אחמד שוקיירי נמלט לקאהיר ושם נכנס שוב למעגל ה"פוליטיקה". היה בשליחות המופתי פה ושם...

  418. Palestine, Vols.1-5. The Council, 1943, p.2; (Palestine - Volumes 1-5 - Page v) Vol.2, No. 9, 10. [78].
    November-December, 1945

    [...] Seeing that all those pogromists, rebels and Axis agents are now allowed to sit on the Arab Higher Committee, that one of them, Mr. Shukeiri, who fled from Palestine with the Mufti, represents the Arab League in Washington, that all of them are treated with the greatest respect and reverence by the leaders of the democratic world, one must feel that the last six years were a dream, a very bad dream which has not yet ended.

    The Husseinis, the family of the Jerusalem ex-Mufti, have overpowered the Nashashibis and the more moderate elements among the Arab notables.

    In the process of forcing the moderates to their knees, a few of the latter were killed by the Mufti's bandits, others were intimidated, and thus "unity" among the Arabs of Palestine was achieved and widely proclaimed. The ruling families have made a deal between them, and the masses of the people will be ordered to abide by that deal or intimidated into doing so...
  419. 419.0 419.1 B. Lerner, “Behind the British Conspiracy," B'nai B'rith Messenger, 12 July 1946, p.6.
    I met Achmed Shukeiri, chief of the Arab Office, who reiterated in his conversation the words of Goebbels justified the murder of six million Jews of Europe "because Hitler could not have been all wrong," and warned that his side was ready to "play along with Moscow." They always play along, the Husseini-Shukeiri mob. Outside the Young Men's Christian Association building in Jerusalem, where the hearings of the Anglo-American Inquiry Committee were being held at the time, I met Jamal el Husseini; he issued the same warning as Shukeiri (he being Shukeiri's chief) of playing along with Moscow, and reiterated his justification of the mass murder of six million Jews "for Hitler couldn't be all wrong... you have got to see both sides of a question, my man, both sides of a question..." Jamal Husseini saw both sides so well that he joined in igniting, at a time most critical for the Allies, the Iraq coup d'etat to gauleiter the Middle East for Hitler...
  420. 420.0 420.1 ha-Arets - הארץ, 19 April 1963.

    18 years after Hitler

    The Egyptians funded Eichmann's defense

    By Naftali Lavi [...] Nazism Activized From the Outside

    "Nazi movement will not win followers in Germany today, but Nazi activists have, and they are looking for a way out of their ambitions," says the electronics engineer at one of their sign factories, which supplies important materials and even finished equipment for the Egyptian missile program. In the absence of a greenhouse in the house, the Nazi activists turn to outside allies.

    One of the active cells of this type I discovered at Beichstraße 8 in Munich, in the private apartment of Hans Rechenberg, a Wehrmacht officer who had fallen in Crete and had previously served as a senior official in the Nazi Interior Ministry of [Wilhelm] Frick.

    For about ten years, Mr. Rechenberg has been working closely with the publisher of medical literature in Lausanne, Mr. [François] Genoud, in close collaboration with Arab nationalist movements.

    There was a period of friendship with Ahmed Shukeiri, Saudi Arabia's representative at the UN and one of the venomous incitement enhancers against Israel. 18 שנה אחרי היטלר המצרים מימנו את הגנת אייכמן מאת נפתלי לביא [...] הנאציזם מופעל מבחוץ "תנועה נאצית לא תזכה היום לחסידים בגרמניה, אך פעילים נאציים יש, והם מחפשים מוצא לשאיפותיהם", אומר המהנדס לאלקטרוניקה באחד ממפעלי סימנם, המספק חמרים חשובים, ואף ציוד מוגמר לתכנית הטילים המצרית. באין חממה בבית פונים הפעילים הנאציים לבעלי ברית מבחוץ. אחד התאים הפעילים מסוג זה גליתי בבייכשטראסה 8 במינכן, בדירתו הפרטית של האנס ראכנברג, קצין וארמאכט שצנח בכרתים וקודם לכן שירת כפקיד בכיר במיניסטריון הפנים הנאצי של פריק. כעשר שנים פועל מר ראכנברג, יחד עם המו"ל של ספרות רפואית בלוזאן, מר ז'אנו, בשיתוף הדוק עם תנועות ערביות לאומניות. היתה תקופה של ידידות עם אחמד שוקיירי, נציגה של ערב הסעודית באו"ם ואחד משופרות ההסתה הארסיים נגד ישראל.

  421. 421.0 421.1 "Looking Back: December 14, 2012", The Forward. December 5, 2012.
    50 Years Ago. 1962 More and more evidence is coming to light that a number of Arab countries are actively courting former Nazis and bringing them over... Ahmed Shukairy, Saudi Arabia's current representative to the U.N., was a close collaborator with the mufti. He continues to spread Nazi-style hatred of Jews, even in the United Nations.
  422. 422.0 422.1 422.2 Facts, Vols. 15-17, Anti-defamation League of B'nai B'rith, 1963, p.424.
    In 1962 at the U.N., Shukairy even went so far as to praise the militant, anti-Jewish and neo-Nazi storm troop gang in Argentina known as Tacuara.
    He said: "Recently in Argentina, as was reported in The New York Times...
  423. 423.0 423.1 Look Who's Apeing Hitler. The Sentinel, 20 December 1962 .

    A recent recommendation Ahmad Shukairy

    Saudi Arabia United Nations delegate, that the United Nations endorse and spread the propaganda the anti-Semitic Tacuara neo-Nazi youth movement in Argentina is "shocking and reprehensible," Labor Zionist Executive Officers declared in a pointed statement last week. "To attempt to enlist United Nations in Anti-Semitic activity is not only an insult to intelligence of the U.N. delegates but a brazen desecration of the Declaration of Human Rights."

    Pointing to the fact that Shukairy's outburst was promptly rebuked by the Argentinian Lucio Garcia del Sol, who disavowed and that similar denouncements came from the Chilean and other Latin-American sources, the Labor Zionist leaders stated that "The time has come for leaders of all faiths and political parties as well as men of good will to United in condemning the attempt by Arab spokesmen to revive Hitlerism's abominable use of anti-Semitism as a political tool.

    "Such irresponsible mendacious talk is an affront to the memory of millions of Jewish and non-Jewish victims of Hitler's madness. It besmirches the struggle which the Free World made to eradicate the evils of Hitlerism.

    "It is time for devotees of peace to say plainly to Arab leaders: 'You deceive no one by seeking to equate Israel and Zionism with Nazism or Fascism, for it is common knowledge that the Grand Mufti and other Arab leaders openly supported the Nazi and Fascist cause during World War II.' And even today Egypt employs well-known former leaders of Hitler's government such as Johannes Von Leers as advisors on its anti-Semitic activities. The Nazis in Cairo are aided by former Gestapo officers including the notorious Maj. Leopold Gleim and Maj. Bernard Bender who hold high posts in the secret police of the United Arab Republic."

    Once again the Arab leadership stands exposed before the world as the inheritors of Hitler's racist mantle. In their insane desire to destroy the Jewish State, they are his anti-Semitic theories which almost destroyed the human race. What rational person can possible defend such actions?

    To their friends in the West, we ask: is this the way to achieve "Peace on Earth Goodwill towards Men?"
  424. 424.0 424.1 'This World' ['Haolam Hazeh'], Issue 1318, December 12, 1962:

    Argentina's Nazis have been in the news again for the past week. At the UN General Assembly, Saudi Arabia's representative Ahmad Shukeiri welcomed the Tacuara organization and demanded that the UN take it under its wing. In Buenos Aires itself, 500 Nazis, in the brown uniform of

    Hitler's stormtroopers, marching downtown. While news came from New York that the American Fuhrer, Lincoln Rockwell, organizes an International Nazi convention, to be held in Buenos Aires, 1963.

    [79] (PDF) [העולם הזה, גליון 1318 מתאריך 12 בדצמבר 1962

    הנאצים של ארגנטינה היו שוב בחדשות בשבוע האחרון. בעצרת האו"ם העז נציג סעודיה, אחמד שוקיירי, לברך את ארגון טקוארה ולדרוש כי האו"ם יקח אותו תחת חסותו. בבואנוס־איירס עצמה, ערכו 500 נאצים, במדים החומים של קלגסי היטלר, מיצעד במרכז העיר. ואילו מניו־יורק הגיעה ידיעה, כי הפיהרר האמריקאי, לינקולן רוקוול, מארגן כינוס נאצי בינלאומי, שייערך בבואנוס־איירס, ב־.1963]

  425. 425.0 425.1 The Detroit Jewish News. December 07, 1962 Page 1.

    Worldwide Expose of Anti-Semitism: Bigotry's Internationalization Leads to Tests in UN, Appeal to World to Avoid Resurgence

    Dramatic exposes of attempts to internationalize the anti-Semitic movement, an Arab spokesman's brazen appeal to bigotry at the United Nations and the revelations of the extent of the worldwide movement of hate contained in current studies of the issue marked the Week's development in many spheres.

    A two-day conference of the World Jewish Congress, held in London last week-end, attended by representatives of 15 European countries, issued an appeal to the United Nations, all democratic governments and religious groups of all denominations to join "in energetic measures to halt increasing activities by Nazi-Fascist organizations which stir up anti-Semitic and racial hatreds in order to destroy human liberty."

    Proof that "the heirs and successors" of Hitler Nazism are attempting to form a worldwide anti-Semitic organization under the temporary leadership of George Lincoln Rockwell, and planning to hold a world congress of Nazi-Fascists in Argentina, was submitted at the United Nations to Sir Muhammad Zafrulla Khan, president of the General Assembly, in the form of a photo-copy letter from Rockwell, leader of the American Nazi Party, by Dr. Maurice L. Perlzweig, head of the World Jewish Congress department of international affairs.

    The Rockwell letter, dated last Oct. 3, written on swastika-emblazoned stationery of the American Nazi Party, and concluded with "Heil Hitler," was addressed to three persons in Buenos Aires, identified as Ferreyra, Dubrow and Muller, of the Argentine National Socialist Front.

    Rockwell took over world leadership of the Nazi movement this fall, when Colin Jordan, British leader of the movement, was jailed for a nine-month term after being convicted of violating Britain's Public Order Act through the holding of anti-Semitic demonstrations.

    While these revelations were taking place, there was a shocking demonstration of bigotry at a session of the Special Political Committee of the General Assembly of the United Nations, at which an Arab spokesman resorted to the vilest type of venom against the Jews. So revolting was his speech that even delegates from other Arab nations have begun to favor a move for that bigot's expulsion from the international body.

    The move for the recall by Saudi Arabia of its permanent representative to the UN, Ahmad Shukairy, appeared to be under way with Arab diplomats heading the drive. The desire for Shukairy's removal from the UN scene, long contemplated by more moderate Arabs here, gained heavy impetus after the official Saudi Arabian spokesman declared openly a "salute" to the anti-Semitic Tacuara movement in Argentina and proposed that the UN "adopt" the Tacuara movement.

    Shukairy's salute to the "Tacuara" movement was voiced Friday before the General Assembly's Special Political Committee which is currently debating the Arab issue. Lucio Garcia del Solar, Argentine representative in the committee, immediately objected to the Shukairy "salute," telling the United Nations that his people and government reject everything that Tacuara advocates.

    Embarrassed Arab diplomats, annoyed for many years by Shukairy's intemperate attacks against Israel and Jews, let it be known that they are asking the Saudi government to take Shukairy away from the UN. Some of the Arab diplomats apologized personally not only to Argentinians here but also to other Latin Americans, volubly assuring all that they felt Shukairy had gone much too far in his anti-Israeli drive by endorsing an open neo-Nazi movement like Tacuara.

    A sharp protest - against Shukairy's endorsement of Tacuara was received by Dr. Leopoldo Benites of Ecuador, chairman of the committee in which Shukairy called for the "adoption" of Tacuara, from Label A. Katz, president of Bnai Brith, who visited Argentina last summer and probed into the neo-Nazi movement there.

    The World Jewish Congress conference in London at which the appeal was issued for worldwide action was summoned to examine the revival of Nazi-Fascist anti-Semitism in various parts of the world.

    The conference also mapped an action program, including legislative, educational and similar actions in cooperation with church groups and humanitarian organizations "to curb Nazi-Fascist activities." ...
  426. 426.0 426.1 Activities of Nondiplomatic Representatives of Foreign Principals in the U.S.: Hearings Before the United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, Eighty-Eighth Congress, First Session. United States: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1963. 1353.


    The General Assembly recently completed its annual debate on the Arab refugee question. As usual, the Arabs consumed the time in the Special Political Committee, where the debate took place, in making attacks rather than in discussing the issues involved.

    This year they reached a new low in the viciousness of their anti-Israel and anti-Jewish tirades. Particularly vitriolic were the outbursts of Ahmed Shukairy, of Saudi Arabia, who had high praise for the anti-Semitic Tacuara movement in Argentina, and of Hussein Sebri, of Egypt, who referred to Israel as "a Nazi [sic] state." In protest the Argentine delegate indignantly denied the significance of the Tacuara organization; Don Raymon Huidobro, of Chile, rejected the movement as violating humanitarian principles, and Hermod Lannung, of Denmark, lashed out "in the name of decency" at the comparison of Israel with the Nazis. Israel's Permanent Representative, Ambassador Michael Comay, gave expression to the bitter anger of Israel against this shameful equating of Israel with Nazism. On the contrary, he indicated that a close link exists between some Arab representatives and propagandists , and neo-Nazi and neo-Fascist groups.
  427. 427.0 427.1 Bezymenskiĭ. Lev, "Tracing Martin Bormann," 1966. pp.149-150.
    This brutal act focussed the limelight on an armed underground nazi organisation in Argentina which called itself Tacuara... a terrorist organisation... It does not require much investigation to see that this organisation's activities bear the stamp of the German nazis. Indeed, many of its instructors are former SS officers. Eichmann was under Tacuara protection. Dr. Mengele, before he left for Paraguay, lived on the outskirts of Buenos Aires in a house guarded by Tacuara members.
  428. 428.0 428.1 Dekel, Efrayim. Shai: The Exploits of Hagana Intelligence. Netherlands: T. Yoseloff, 1959. 108. [80][81].

    Arab leaders who had fled the country during the war and cooperated with Hitler, began to return to Palestine with the full consent of the British authorities. Among those who returned were Nimr el-Hattab, Amin el-Khouri, Subhi el-Hadra, and Jamal el-Husseini. Only the Mufti himself, Haj Amin el-Husseini, was not granted an entry visa, since even the British realized that that it would be carrying the policy of appeasement to impossible lengths. It was nevertheless made possible for him to "escape" from confinement, cross the country under an assumed name, and reach Egypt, where he was taken under the protection of King Farouk. Not many days passed before the Mufti, chief inciter of the anti-Jewish riots and close friend and collaborator of Hitler, began to make his influence felt throughout the country. News reaching the intelligence section said:

    "The Mufti's agents are appearing in Arab villages, making speeches, and inciting to violence." — "Cash from the Mufti's treasury in Egypt is coming in for the purchase of arms for the coming 'Holy War.'" — "The Mufti is becoming almost legendary among the Arabs. Wonderful stories are being told of his meetings with Hitler and Mussolini." — "Arabs arriving from neighboring countries tell of widespread volunteering to the Syrian army in preparation for the day when it will invade Palestine and drive out the Jews."

    Dekel, Efrayim. ‫עלילות ש״י: מפעולות שירות־ידיעות של ה״הגנה״‬‎. Israel: ‫מערכות‬‎, 1965. 85.

    יחס סלחני גילו הבריטים גם כלפי ערבים, אויביהם מאתמול. מנהיגים ערביים שגורשו מן הארץ, מנהיגים שברחו מהארץ בשנות המלחמה ושיתפו פעולה עם היטלר, החלו חוזרים לארץ-ישראל בהסכמתה המלאה של הממשלה. רק המופתי ששיתף-פעולה עם היטלר באופן אישי, לא זכה לקבל היתר-כניסה לארץ. גם הפייסנים שבין הבריטים הבינו, שהפעם יגדישו את הסאה... אך ניתן לו כנראה לב־רוח "ממקום מעצרו, ולהגיע מצרימה, שם הפך בן חסותו של המלך פארוק. לא יצאו ימים רבים, והשפעתו של המופתי החלה שוב לתת את אותותיה ברחבי הארץ. הידיעות שהגיעו אל הש"י מספרות: "שליחי המופתי מופיעים בכפרים הערביים , נואמים ומסיתים נגד הישוב העברי". "מקופת המופתי במצרים הגיעו כספים לקנית נשק לצרכי 'מלחמת הקודש' (ג'האד) הממשמשת ובאה". "המופתי נערץ על-ידי הישוב הערבי. בכפרים ערביים מספרים נפלאות על פגישותיו עם היטלר ועם מוסוליני ועל חלקו בהשמדת יהדות אירופה". "ערבים, שבאים מן הארצות השכנות, מספרים על תנועת התנדבות לצבא הסורי, לקראת היום בו יעלו לכבוש את פלשתינה ולגרש ממנה את היהודים."

  429. How to Fly. United States. Civil Aeronautics Administration, 1947. THE PICTORIAL RECORD OF RASEM KHALIDI'S COLLABORATION WITH AXIS. The Mufti and the Iraq Quisling, Rashid Ali Kailani. Between them, Rasem Khalidi, being "heiled" in Italy. Rasem Khalidi is member of Arab Higher Committee's...
  430. Stephen H. Norwood, "Antisemitism and the American Far Left," (2013), pp.120-121.

    The Nations Associates...

    It ranked the four men among the “worst of the Axis war criminals.” The Nations Associates attached to the memorandum thirty-five photographs of the grand mufti and other Arab leaders with Adolf Hitler, SS chief Heinrich Himmler, and Dino Alfieri, Mussolini's ambassador to Nazi Germany. The Memorandum identified the grand mufti as a "full partner" of Hitler's "before and during World War II" and as "an escaped prisoner who has found asylum in the Palace of the King of Egypt."

    In addition to the grand mufti, the accused men included the delegation's head, Emil Ghouri; Wasef Kamal, and Rasem Khalidi, a former radio announcer on an Axis-Arab station. The latter two "were notorious for their long-term association with the Mufti and his Axis activities." The U.S. consul in Egypt had refused to grant Khalidi a visa to the United States because of his wartime collaboration with the Nazis in Germany.
  431. Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates... Volume 93, Part 11, United States Congress, 1947, pp. 2819- 2821.
    Extension of Remarks of Hon. Adolph J. Sabath of Illinois in the House of Representatives, Monday, June 9, 1947:


    Wasef Kamal, member of a well-known Nablus family and a teacher by profession, is notorious for his extremist propaganda among his students and for his association with the Istakiil Party during the disturbances in Palestine in and after 1936. He was a member of the National Committee in Nablus and played a role in the organization of the 1936 riots. Arrested in that year, he soon escaped to Transjordan and later to Iraq. An ally of the Mufti, he played an important role in the Iraqi rebellion of 1941 against the British. From Iraq, he escaped to Turkey. During the first part of the war he remained in Turkey as an agent of the German Secret Service from which he received a salary. In 1943 he went to Italy and Germany where he served as one of the closest collaborators of the Mufti. He returned to Syria in April 1946. He was one of the few Arab leaders excluded from the amnesty of November 1946, because he is regarded as dangerous. In April 1947, Wasef Kamal was appointed by the Arab Higher Committee as a member of a propaganda delegation to the United States. Having arrived in this country, he is in attendance at the sessions of the United Nations.


    Rasem Khalidi, member of a well-known Jerusalem family and a former Palestine Government official, has been one of the closest collaborators of the Husseini family, and particularly of the Mufti. In 1936. at the outbreak of the Axis-sponsored Palestinian Arab uprisings, he was a member of the most intimate inner circle of Haj Amin el-Husseini.

    In 1937, after the dissolution of the Arab Higher Committee, he was a member of an underground committee which directed Arab terrorism in Palestine. After his arrest in 1938, he fled to Syria and then to Iraq, where he joined the Mufti in organizing the Iraqi rebellion of 1941. After its failure he fled to Ankara and thence to Italy and Germany. In the midst of the war, in 1943, he served as an announcer on the Axis-Arabic radio station in Athens. Since 1944 he has been a member of the Mufti's personal entourage, first in Berlin and later in Paris. In July 1945, he returned to Egypt and in November 1946 was included in the Palestine Government's amnesty. Although permitted to return to Palestine, he preferred to remain in Egypt. Most recently, the United States Consul refused to grant him a visa to the United States because of his activities in Nazi Germany.
  432. Meyer, Joseph. Middle East Happenings, Colloquies, Images, Mythologies: A Response in Perspective to Some Current Positions. United States: American Academic Association for Peace in the Middle East, 1971. 18.
    On April 16, 1948, Jamal Husseini, spokesman for the Higher Committee of Palestine (under the general direction of the Mufti, who was now in Damascus), told the U.N. Security Council, "The representative of the Jewish Agency told us yesterday that they were not the attackers, that the Arabs had begun the fighting. We did not deny this. We told the whole world that we were going to fight."
  433. Howard Morley Sachar, "A History of Israel: From the rise of Zionism to our time," vol. 1, Knopf, 1976, p. 260
  434. HaMashkif - המשקיף, 14 March 1946.

    This is how they prepare the testimony of the Jews of the Arab countries ... An Arab from Palestine, a Nazi agent - teaches Syrian Jews what to say to the committee They are commanded to declare that they are happy under Arab rule and that only Zionism is interfering with their happiness Damascus ...

    By order of the Syrian government, Akram Zu'aitar, an Arab from Palestine, of Nazi agents, who had recently returned from exile in Turkey, invited the leaders of the Jewish community in Damascus. Zua'itar ordered them to visit the members of the Anglo-American Commission of Inquiry when they come to Damascus next week and declare to them that they were happy under Arab rule, but that Zionism was interfering with their happiness and could lead to a disaster. He was also strictly forbidding them to reveal that he had approached them with this demand.

    כך מכינים את עדותם של יהודי הארצות הערביות‭...‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ ערבי מארץ־ישראל סוכן נאצי - מלמד יהודי סוריה מה לומר לועדה מצווה עליהם להודיע כי הם מאושרים תחת שלטון ערבי וכי רק הציונות מפריע לאשרם דמשק 13 (פאלקור) לפי הוראת הממשלה הסורית הזמין אליו אכרם זועיתר, ערבי ארצישראלי מסוכני הנאצים שחזר לא מכבר מגלות תורכיה, את ראשי העדה היהודית בדמשק. זועיתר ציוה עליהם לבקר אצל חברי ועדת החקירה האנגלו־אמריקאית לכשיבואו לדמשק בשבוע הבא ולהצהיר בפניהם שהם מאושרים תחת השלטון הערבי ואך הציונות מפריעה לאשרם ועלולה להמיט עליהם שואה. כן אסר איסור חמור לגלות כי פנה אליהם בדרישה זו.

  435. 435.0 435.1 Richard Pollock, 'A Will to Survive' recalls Arab ethnic cleansing of Jerusalem's Jews, JNS, August 12, 2021.

    A “Life” magazine photojournalist rekindles the 1948 Arab destruction of the city’s Jewish Quarter, along with the eviction of its residents.

    I recently stumbled upon a photography book shot by the acclaimed Life magazine wartime photographer John Phillips. The large, innocuous-looking book was simply titled, A Will to Survive. After flipping through the pages, I realized I entered a time capsule that memorializes the Arab destruction of Jerusalem’s ancient Jewish Quarter in 1948.

    Not only is it a dramatic firsthand account of the fall of the Jewish Quarter in 1948, but it documents the Arab Legion’s scorched-earth tactics that razed and burned to the ground every structure there, including all its synagogues and yeshivahs. The Arabs expelled all of the city’s residents, mainly defenseless, old Orthodox Jews. They were given about an hour to vacate homes that most extended families had lived in for centuries.

    And there never has been a reckoning by any international body about the Arab Legion’s barbaric actions after it captured the Quarter. To get his shots in May 1948, Phillips posed undercover in Jerusalem as a British officer in the Arab Legion. He also smuggled out his photos to avoid Arab censors who were eager to keep the sacking of the Jewish Quarter secret.

    Much Israeli history, including these atrocities, has been airbrushed out by Western media and political leaders. But since the Trump presidency, the status of Jerusalem has undergone a major historical revision.

    In 2017, the Palestinians loudly claimed “ownership” of the eastern half of Jerusalem when President Donald Trump proposed to move the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. The Palestinians asserted it’s their “capital.”

    Lost in the frenzy was the fact that the ancient and sacred Jewish Quarter itself is in the eastern half of Jerusalem. It’s where the Western Wall, also known as the “Wailing Wall” or the Kotel, sits....

    [Jerusalem Mayor Mordechai Weingarten is accompanied by Arab fighters at the end of May 1948 to sign surrender documents to the city, specifically to the Jewish Quarter, where generations of Jewish families had lived and were forced to evacuate. It would remain restricted to Jews until June 1967, as a result of the Six-Day War, May 1948. Courtesy: John Phillips, “Life” magazine, as reprinted in his book, “A Will to Survive.”]

    The battle for the Old Quarter occurred in another month of May—from May 18-28, 1948. Philips recalled his time in the Old City then: “In the next eleven days, recording the destruction of the Jewish Quarter was to be my life.”

    He served as one of Life magazine’s top photographers for 50 years. Britain’s National Portrait Gallery called him “the ‘Grandgodfather (sic) of photojournalism.’ ”

    Phillips faced personal danger to do the shoot. He entered the Middle East undercover and wore the uniform of the Arab Legion, a British-created Arab army led by British officers, many of whom stayed on with their units to fight the Jews. “Mistaking me for a British officer, the Arab populace left me alone,” he wrote.

    He was appalled about the Arab censorship. “Aware that the sack of the Jewish Quarter would shock the western world, Arab authorities across the Middle East tried to prevent the news from leaking out. Jerusalem could not be mentioned under any circumstances,” he wrote.

    “I knew my pictures of the agony of the Jewish Quarter would end up in a censor’s wastepaper basket. I did not want this to happen and decided to smuggle them out of the Middle East.”

    Phillips first job was to meet the pro-Nazi Arab fanatic, Fawzi al-Qawuqji, the field commander of the so-called Arab Liberation Army—a separate, brutal volunteer force specifically created to battle the Jews.

    During the Second World War, Fawzi lived in Nazi Germany alongside Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, and held the official rank of colonel in the Wehrmacht, the German army. The Nazis awarded Fawzi a chauffeured car and an apartment, along with other privileges. Impulsively, Fawzi invited Phillips to lunch. He wrote that he was offended by what he saw. “There was a brutishness about the way they roared with laughter and slapped their thighs in delight at the prospect of wallowing in Jewish blood,” he wrote. Afterwards, Philips ran into a Yugoslav mercenary who had witnessed their lunch meeting. “What rabble,” Phillips wrote, quoting the mercenary. “They have no idea what a real fighting outfit is like. I do. I was with the Waffen S.S.”

    In fact, that soldier was not alone. The ranks of Arab Liberation Army included demobilized Nazi Wehrmacht Army soldiers, including the brutal SS, along with pro-Nazi mercenary forces from across Europe.

    Phillips admired the Jewish defiance. “While the Old Quarter might well be indefensible, they would defend it. This was the Jerusalem that Jewish people around the world asked to return to in their prayers.” The pre-war atmospherics shocked Phillips, a veteran World War II photographer. “Weapons were peddled on Arab street corners as they were Jaffa oranges. British deserters, German S.S., Polish and Yugoslav mercenaries hired by the Arabs performed acts of sabotage.”

    Phillips traveled the city with a British deserter. He was astonished by the destruction of its synagogues. “Whenever we paused to catch our breath, all I seemed to see were damaged synagogues,” he wrote.

    He also saw the destruction of the famed Pirate Josef Synagogue. “From a spot near the Wailing Wall I could see Porat Josef synagogue rising in the distance across no-man’s-land. The synagogue, with its adjoining Talmudic schools and academy, was disintegrating behind billows of smoke. The massive walls were coming down in a rising torrent of stone debris. Stunned by this spectacle of wanton destruction, I wondered how many tons of TNT the Arab Liberation Army would squander to reduce this seat of learning to dust.”

    For 11 days and nights, the battle raged. On May 28, Jerusalem fell to the Arabs. “By day the Arabs blasted their way into the Jewish Quarter with their artillery,” wrote Phillips. “On May 28 the exhausted Israeli fighters surrendered.”

    Eventually, Jerusalem Mayor Mordechai Weingarten walked in to sign the surrender documents.

    The surrender of the Jewish Quarter now was official. But the city’s tragedy was only beginning. “Had any Jews decided to remain in the Old City he would have been homeless within hours and probably dead by nightfall. Most of the civilians were Orthodox Jews. The men wore beards and side curls, wide-brimmed black felt hats and long black coats. The women wore babushkas. They were descendants of families that had lived in the Jewish Quarter for centuries. Now they were given just one hour to pack and get ready to leave.” He describes the stunned civilians. “Dazed by the shelling, the civilians gathered up their belongings and trudged off to Ashkenazi Square.”

    After the Jews fled, Phillips walked back to witness wild Arab looting and arson. “Arab civilians … had come leaping over the rooftops like a swarm of locusts to loot. In their frenzied path fires sprang up. Black smoke billowed out of windows, while bright yellow flames licked wooden balconies. The entire quarter was now afire. The smell of burning mingled with the stench of death.”

    Phillips continued to follow the fires. “Outside the Jewish Quarter burned like a pyre. On May 29 the Jewish Quarter was charred and a burned-out shell. Down Beit El a proud Moslem led the way, followed by his barefoot wife carrying three wooden containers of Sephardic scrolls from a nearby synagogue.”

    Thirty years later, in 1976, Phillips published Survive. Many of his photos were unveiled at Jerusalem’s Israel Museum. Former Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir wrote a short introduction to the book. With the help of then-Jerusalem Mayor Teddy Kollek, he was able to meet with 51 of the survivors he had photographed. What Phillips said affected him was the Jews’ complete lack of self-pity. “What struck me most while talking to these people, from the Chief Rabbi of Haifa to a Jerusalem housekeeper, was that none indulged in self-pity.”

    Today’s Jews still don’t seek pity, but they should demand justice. The sacredness of the Old Jewish Quarter and its brutal destruction by the Arabs need to be widely republicized. There needs to be an international historical reckoning of their 1948 ethnic cleansing. Most importantly, the Jewish community must stand up for historical truths and strongly denounce the Palestinians’ baseless claims for the eastern part of the city.
  436. Jeffrey Herf, "Nazi Propaganda for the Arab World," Yale University Press, 2009, p. 37.
    In October 1939, Haj Amin el-Husseini and his entourage (Jamal Huseini, Amin Tamimi, Fawzi el-Qawuqji, Aref Abd er-Razeq, and Sheikh Hasan Salama) had to leave French-controlled Beirut.They went to Baghdad,where Husseini played a key role in the pro-Axis coup of March 1941...
  437. American Zionists Protest Return of Jamal Husseini, JTA, February 7, 1946.

    Great Britain's action in returning Jamal el Husseini, Arab terrorist leader, to Palestine was denounced as "another step in British imperialistic intrigue in the Middle East," in a statement issued today by the American Zionist Emergency Council. After reviewing Jamal el Husseini’s record of "organized brigandry, anti-Jewish and anti-British terror, and pro-Axis alignment and activity before and during World War II," the Council's statement declared: "Despite this record of crime and treason, Jamal el Husseini has now been allowed to resume his political agitation in Palestine. There can be little doubt as to the character of his future activities. The way is open for him again to embark on a campaign of terror, directed both against Palestine Jewry and the moderates among the Arabs who do not share the extreme views of the Husseini Party." Britain's reason for re-importing Jamal el Husseini, Amin Tamini and other agents of the ex-Mufti at this particular juncture is clear, the Council said. "The British Colonial Office is now engaged in bolstering Pan-Arabism and the Arab League, which are meant to be instrumental in the perpetuation of Britain’s sole control over the Middle East. This may provide sufficient ground for Britain’s willingness to forget the anti-British character and activities of the Mufti clique. Britain also seems willing to offer into the bargain the sacrifice of Zionism and Jewish rights in Palestine.”

    In registering its protest against “the pro-fascist intrigues of the British Colonial Office in the Middle East," the Council said it wishes to draw the attention of American public opinion "to the dangerous implications of this policy, which must not remain unchallenged."
  438. 438.0 438.1 438.2 Cohen, Hillel. Army of Shadows: Palestinian Collaboration with Zionism, 1917–1948. Ukraine: University of California Press, 2008. 203.

    ... haven for Palestinian exiles from the mufti's camp — among them Akram Zu'itar, 'Abd al-Qader al-Husseini, and Mu'in al-Madi — who were working actively for the Germans against the British. The mufti himself had been in Iraq just before Nashashibi's arrival but had to flee after the abortive al-Kilani revolution. He arrived in Berlin a day before the murder, welcomed by Germany's Arabic-language radio station, while Nashashibi had been meeting with pro-British Iraqis. Between Nashashibi's official meetings, many Palestinians came up to his room and asked for his help obtaining British permission to return to Palestine in exchange for abandoning their hostile activities. Young Nusseibah, who had been involved in political murders in Palestine and underground activity in Iraq, was one of these petitioners. A few days before the murder he had told Nashashibi that he wanted to abandon terror, and Nashashibi believed he was sincere. Nusseibah took advantage of this trust to get close enough to kill Nashashibi, who had survived at least two previous assassination attempts.

    Nashashibi's murder was more than just a painful reminder of the hostility between the two Palestinian camps. It was also a severe moral and organizational blow to the mufti's opponents ...
  439. 439.0 439.1 M Hasdai, Jerusalem of Gold, INN, Dec 10, 2017.

    Arab Knesset members and families [those] involved in terrorism, together with Hanin Zoabi.., will be sent back to their countries of origin: Al-Masri and Al-Fiumi - to Egypt. Al-Khorani - to Syria. Al-Iraqi - to Iraq. Al-Tsurani - to Tyre. One family has a different law. The al-Husseini family and the Palestinian national movement that came out of it will be prosecuted, according to the law on the prosecution of Nazis and their aides. Together with 'Abd al-Qader Husseini, Rasem Khalidi, Jamal Husseini, and Tzafi Kamal and others, they are accused of founding a Nazi youth movement of Palestine Arabs, the' Nazi Scouts'. They are accused of inciting and initiating the massacre of the Jews of Eretz Israel in 1938 and the massacre of Jews and Arabs during the Arab uprising of 1936-1939, funded by Nazi Germany.

    They are accused of planning and implementing a plan to exterminate the Jews of Israel and Arab countries. They are accused of setting up an SS unit called the "Iron Group Egypt" for the extermination of the Jews of Israel, led by Walter Rauf. They are accused of establishing a Bosnian Muslim SS division, named the 13th Mountain Division, which fought against Tito's partisan forces. They are guilty of planning and implementing 'Operation Atlas', to poison the water sources of the Land of Israel. They are accused of murdering the Jews of Hungary, including 900 Jewish children ... We have respect for the families of Nashashibi, Khalidi and Dajani, and for all those who have always been the enemies of the Arab Nazis, led by the serial killer of the Arabs and Jews Amin al-Husseini, his name and family will be erased and his path and memory will last forever… The disaster of the Jews of the Arab countries, riots accompanied by rapes, massacres, robberies and looting of hundreds of thousands of Jews. In all five universities in Israel, only one doctoral dissertation has been written in the last decade on the destruction of Jewish communities in Arab countries. Despite this, it is a proven historical fact that hundreds of thousands of Jews fell victim to systematic persecution and harassment throughout the Middle East.

    The massacres and deportations were carried out on the Jews of Arab countries without being a party to the war and without declaring war on Arab countries. They were loyal citizens who fell victim to murderous, religious, racist hatred. Only during the period of colonial rule did the Jews breathe a sigh of relief.

    ... the massacre of Jewish tribes of the Kenyukae, the Bnei Nadir tribe, the Bnei Kurita tribe, the Bnei Khyber tribe. Muslims will be honored to apologize for the massacre of Spanish Jews in Cordoba in 1011, the massacre of the Jews of Granada in 1066, the massacre of Algerian Jews in 1805; 1815; 1830, the massacre of Libyan Jews in 1785, the massacre of Tripoli Jews in 1945 and 1948 1776, Farhud massacre in Iraq in 1941, Syrian Jewish massacre in 1840, Syrian Jewish massacre in Aleppo in 1850 and 1875, Aleppo Jewish massacre in 1945, Damascus Jewish massacre in 1848 and 1890, Beirut Jewish massacre in 1862 And in 1874, the massacre of Deir Alkmaar in 1847, the massacre and exile of a sweater in Yemen in 1676 and the decree of orphans, the Holocaust of the Jews of Eden in Yemen in 1947, the massacre of Martian Jews in Iran in 1839, the massacre of Shiraz Jews in 1910, the massacre of Egyptian Jews. 1844, 1890, 1901-1902, and in Alexandria 1870, 1882, 1901-1907, Egyptian Jewish massacre in Cairo in 1945, 1948. Massacre of Moroccan Jews by King Idris I, Passover Jewish massacre in 1033, Passover Jewish massacre in 1465, Jewish massacre and rape Tetuan in 1790 and also in 1792, massacre of the Jews of Marrakesh between the years 1864-1860, massacre of the Jews of Teza and Test in 1903, massacre and rape of the Jews of Casablanca in 1907, massacre of the Jews of Fes in 1916, massacre of Oujda and Jerada in June 1948, massacre of Casablanca Jews, Mazagan and Safi in 1954-1955…
  440. ‫היינו כחולמים... עמ' 396. (1985). Israel: ‫מסדה‬‎. We Were Like Dreamers... (1985). Israel: Masada. p. 396. [82].
  441. ‫The New East/המזרח החדש: Vol. 35/כרך ל"ה‬‎. (1996). (n.p.): ‫אילמ"א‬‎. [83].
  442. AIDE OF MUFTI RETURNS; Sheik Hassan Abou El Seoud Ends Palestine Exile, The New York Times, June 28, 1947.
  443. Facts on File. United States: Facts on File News Services, 1947. 199.
    Sheik Hassan Abou el Seoud, Mufti of Shafi and aide to Haj Amin el Husseini, returns from Cairo to Jerusalem with Govt. permission. He was a leader in the 1939 Arab revolt and the 1941 Iraqi uprising and spent the war in Berlin.
  444. 444.0 444.1 Gilbert, Martin. In Ishmael's House: A History of Jews in Muslim Lands. Canada: McClelland & Stewart, 2011. 194.
    The Hitler regime in Germany had also given 'an additional and greater stimulus to the embryonic anti Jewish movement. ... formidable German propaganda machine led by the Mufti and assisted by the Iraqi pro-Nazi broadcaster Younis Bahri...
  445. 445.0 445.1 445.2 Hussein Aboubakr Mansour @HusseinAboubak Tweeted (Jan 10, 2022):

    The Arabic Voice of Hitler During WWII, Younis Bahri, an Iraqi-born journalist, became the most familiar voice to the Arab masses from Morocco to Iraq. It is common to find him mentioned in memoirs of leaders alive during the period. The Arabic Nazi broadcast service...

    ...on May 9, 1940, a few hours before the Germans invaded our country." During that period, Bahri worked in Berlin with Goebbels, Alfred Rosenberg, and Haj Amin Al Husseini on the Arabic broadcast. He asked Goebbels to let him broadcast Quran at the beginning of the broadcast to get the attention of Muslim listeners. Goebbels was very hesitant and agreed only after he obtained the approval of Hitler. This innovative move would force the BBC to start doing the same and start its broadcasts with Quran in order to compete... Bahri's broadcasts were popular and succeeded in mobilizing the most politically inclined Arabs and Muslims against Jews... the close similarity between the Nasser propaganda outlet "Voice of the Arabs" and the Voice of Berlin are suggestive. At the time, Voice of the Arabs was also employing Leopold von Mildenstein, Goebbels's man for Arabic propaganda and whom Bahri undoubtedly knew from his time in Berlin. Bahri would have many jobs and posts during his lifetimes, such as a mufti in Indonesia and an Imam in European mosques. Bahri's life of infatuation with European women, alcoholism, Nazism, Arab nationalism, and Islamic piety... Bahri would later become close to many officials and politicians all over the region. A picture of Yunis Bahri with Anwar Sadat in Beirut 1955...


  446. Fisk, Robert. The Great War for Civilisation: The Conquest of the Middle East. United States: Vintage, 2007. p. 360. Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, 2007. Ch. 11..
  447. Rein, Raanan. Argentina, Israel, and the Jews : Perón, the Eichmann capture, and after. United States: University Press of Maryland, 2003. 204.

    Throughout the 1960s, Tacuara drew additional inspiration for its antiSemitic and anti-Israel views from contacts both with neo-Nazi organizations in other countries and with Hussein Triki, the Arab League's representative in Buenos Aires, who promoted anti-Semitism under cover of anti-Zionism and as part of the anti-colonialist, anti-imperialist struggle. Triki told Catholic circles in Argentina that the Christian holy places in Israel were being desecrated and that the Catholic Church was persecuted there. During the years of World War II, Triki had been a member of the nationalist movement in Tunis that operated under the protection of the German occupation administration. After the Allied victory in El Alamein, Triki

    escaped to Nazi-controlled territory where he disseminated propaganda against the Allies, collaborating with the Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin El-Husseini, who at the time was directing Nazi propaganda...
  448. Litvinoff, Barnet. A peculiar people : inside the Jewish world today. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1969. 217.
    ... Hussein Triki, who was appointed director of the Arab League's office in Buenos Aires, with responsibility for the entire sub-continent. Triki had worked in Berlin during the war on the staff of the exiled Mufti of Jerusalem.
  449. "Berlin Arab Radio" .. When Hitler addressed the Arab peoples with the voice of the Iraqi Younis Bahri. Arabic Post, 08/18/2022.

    ... Motivating songs and sermons in Arabic and verses from the H... Quran from the heart of Berlin.

    Younis Bahri settled in Berlin, and because of his previous relations, he was able to approach the Nazi Minister of Propaganda, "Goebbels" and meet the Nazi leader Hitler, until Younes attended Nazi rallies and celebrations while wearing a military uniform and a Nazi insignia in his arm.

    And only 3 days after he left Baghdad, the Arabs heard for the first time the voice of Younos Bahri saying: “Here is Berlin, the neighborhood of the Arabs” on April 7, 1939. As for the reason for choosing this particular phrase, Yunus Bahri says in his memoirs that he wanted To greet the Arabs in the manner of the Nazi salute, but in Arabic.

    According to Younis Bahri's memoirs, he asked Goebbels to agree to broadcast the .. Qur'an on "Berlin Arab Radio", in order to attract Arab listeners, so that he would start sending the radio. Goebbels hesitated at first and conveyed the proposal to Hitler, who approved it.

    After Younis Bahri explained to him that broadcasting the .. Qur’an would attract the attention of Arab listeners, and push them to refrain from listening to the BBC, which was not broadcasting the Qur’an, the result was that the "Berlin Arab Radio" became the favorite among Arabs to hear news of war and battles. Germany against the Allies.

    The radio station received the support of many Arab personalities, such as the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, and the Moroccan preacher, Taqi al-Din al-Hilali, who used to review speeches and proofread them linguistically. Many of those personalities supported the radio, because for them it was a lifeline to get rid of British and French colonialism in the Arab countries.

    Amin al-Husseini was sending appeals to the Palestinians via the "Arab Berlin" radio, and inciting them to resist the British, but there was no one as famous as Younis Bahri on that radio, and soon Younis Bahri became the semi-official spokesman for Hitler and his Nazi forces, and he delivered speeches signed by Hitler and addressed to the people Arabic. But Yunus often deviated from the approach of the station by cursing the kings of Egypt and Iraq and accusing them of employment and slavery, and the guardian of the throne in Iraq, Prince "Abdul-Ilah", was the largest part of his insults, as well as the Iraqi Prime Minister at the time, "Nuri al-Saeed" and King "Abdullah" in Jordan .

    After he was the main factor in the success of the radio, and captured the ears of Arab listeners everywhere, the Mufti of Jerusalem, Amin al-Husseini, who had a relationship with the Nazi regime, decided to remove Younis Bahri from the radio.

    Because he did not abide by the texts of the statements and comments that the Arab Bureau in Jerusalem prepared and sent to the radio, Yunus Bahri was agitated and added harsh phrases that were not written in the text.

    With the fall of Germany in the hands of the Allied forces, that broadcast ended forever, but there are still many clips published on the Internet, recorded in the voice of Younis Bahri and his speeches from the "Arab Berlin Radio", as Younis Bahri documented all of them in his book "Here Berlin is the Arab neighborhood" which was published in thw year 1956 with eight parts.
  450. Schwanitz, Wolfgang G.., Rubin, Barry. Nazis, Islamists, and the Making of the Modern Middle East. United Kingdom: Yale University Press, 2014. 137.
    How, then, could al-Husaini bring German victory? On the North Af- rican front he was relatively weak, but he did have some useful agents. Chief among them was the Moroccan Taqi ad-Din al-Hilali.

    Born in Casablanca, al-Hilali became an Islamist while studying in Cairo and living in Saudi Arabia. After six years in India and Iraq, the well-traveled al-Hilali was hired to teach Arabic at Bonn University in 1936. Obtaining his doctorate at Berlin University in 1941, the forty-five-year-old al-Hilali became head of the culture section of al-Husaini's Central Islam Institute and a Radio Berlin broadcaster.

    In 1942, al-Husaini sent him home to organize covert operations. One of al-Hilali's ideas was to persuade Vichy France to release some North African Arab nationalists if they agreed to join the Axis. The French did so, one of those let go being Tunisia's future president, al-Habib Burqiba, though he never actually helped the Germans. Those willing to collaborate were sent for training at the German commando base at Nizza, Italy.

  451. 451.0 451.1 Michael J Cohen, "Britain's Moment in Palestine: Retrospect and Perspectives, 1917-1948," (Routledge, 2014).
    On 2 July 1942, the second day of the first battle of El Alamein, the Mufti's supporters organized a public meeting in Nablus, in order to congratulate each other on the approaching victory and to wish the Mufti a long life. Cohen reported that the Mufti's supporters in Haifa had visited the local villages of Kabatia and Yabed, where they had met with his followers in order to plan the pillaging of Jewish villages in the Jezre'el valley, after the British retreat... On the same day in July, Cohen reported that the Arabs had received news about the fate of the Jews in Europe with “open joy”. They expressed the hope that the Germans would conquer Palestine and “liberate” them from their Jews. Some of the moderate minority refused to believe the news, arguing that it was merely Jewish propaganda designed to capture the sympathy of the world, that it was inconceivable that a country of Germany's cultural level could commit atrocities such as those being reported.
  452. 452.0 452.1 Michael J Cohen, "Britain's Moment in Palestine: Retrospect and Perspectives, 1917-1948," Routledge, 2014, p.429.
    In August 1942, two American intelligence officers stationed in Egypt drew up an assessment of the impact of Axis propaganda in the Middle East ... the report continued that a majority of the Palestinian Arabs was fiercely "anti-Jewish" and saw in the approach of Rommel an ideal opportunity to murder all Jews their seize their property.
  453. 453.0 453.1 Herf, Jeffrey. Nazi Propaganda for the Arab World. Ukraine: Yale University Press, 2009, p.139.
  454. Hananel, Moshe. Jerusalemites: A journey in the Mandatory phone book 1946 [ha-Yerushalmim: masa besefer ha-telefon ha-mandatori 1946], (Erets va-Teva, 2007), pp. 277-8.

    Mofid Bey, the son of Amin Bey, traveled to Germany, where he stayed during Nazi rule and joined other Palestinians who worked with the Nazis under the auspices of the Mufti of Jerusalem. In Germany, he joined hundreds of members of the Palestinian aristocratic family, who worked with the Nazis under the auspices of the Mufti of Jerusalem. Mofid was in constant contact with the Mufti and visited him frequently at his residence in Berlin.

    During his stay in Berlin, a group of Syrian and Palestinian nationalists, who sided with Greater Syria, organized there. The group symbol was an inverted swastika. A number of Arab doctors, who were members of the group, even served in the Nazi army, at least one of them in an extermination camp. British intelligence closely monitored this group, some of whose members did not return to Palestine after the war...

    [משה חננאל, "הירושלמים: מסע בספר הטלפון המנדטורי 1946", ארץ וטבע, 2007, עמ' 277-278.

    עבדול האדי אל-עלמי משפחת עבדול האדי / Abdul Hadi , Dr. Burham מופיד ביי, בנו של אמין ביי, נסע לגרמניה, שם שהה בתקופת השלטון הנאצי והצטרף לפלסטינים אחרים שפעלו עם הנאצים בחסות קשריו של המופתי הירושלמי. בגרמניה הצטרף למאות בני משפחות האצולה הפלסטיניות, שפעלו עם הנאצים בחסות קשריו של המופתי הירושלמי. מופיד עמד בקשר קבוע עם המופתי וביקר אותו תדירות במעונו בברלין. בזמן שהותו בברלין התארגנה שם קבוצת לאומנים סורים ופלסטינים, שצידדו בסוריה הגדולה. סמל הקבוצה היה צלב קרס הפוך. מספר רופאים ערבים, שהיו חברים בקבוצה, אף שירתו בצבא הנאצי, לפחות אחד מהם במחנה השמדה. המודיעין הבריטי ניהל מעקב צמוד אחרי הקבוצה הזו, שחלק מחבריה לא חזר לארץ ישראל לאחר המלחמה.

  455. Arab Notables Reported Interceding with Allies for Palestine Arabs in Berlin JTA, May 13, 1945. Daily News Bulletin. United States: Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 1945. 7.

    The Arab newspaper Falastin reports today that several Arab personalities and organizations have contacted Allied authorities for information concerning Palestine Arabs in Berlin. The paper carries an editorial asking human treatment for the defected, since "victors and vanquished are alike."

    (In Washington today, the Hebrew Committee of National Liberation issued a demand that the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem be placed on the list of war criminals compiled by the United Nations War Crimes Commission.)...
  456. The Palestine Problem and Proposals for Its Solution. United States: Nation Associates, 1947. 52.
  457. The Nazi Roots of Islamist Hate, Tablet Magazine, Jul 5, 2022.
    A review of recent scholarship on the shaping of the modern Middle East in the aftermath of the Holocaust.
  458. 458.0 458.1 Haboker - הבקר, 21 November 1947.

    Dr. Adnan al-Ard throws around dollars in Germany

    Letter from Berlin from Ahi-Hulda 'Hadoar'

    Much has been written about Arab leaders' activities who worked in the service of the Nazis during the war years in the last three years.

    If there are also many more tevers to discover this affair of Nazi-Arab cooperation, however, the intent of the following is to reveal a bit, to some extent the Arab activity that has been going on in Germany and Austria since the end of the war.

    In addition to Arab leaders from all Arab countries found in Germany at the end of the war, more than three hundred Arabs sat in it. About sixty of them are [E.Y.] "Palestinians", some of them young people who went to Germany to study and remained stuck there with the outbreak of the war, then were demanded to cooperate in the German propaganda efforts. Others were mostly rebellious and exiled "activists" who found refuge in the shadow of Nazi Germany and served it in various ways in its plans to occupy the Middle East.

    One of the Nashashibi family for example, who studied medicine in Vienna, served as a doctor in death camps. Mostly in Mauthausen and no doubt murdered hundreds of people

    Another Arab young man from Jaffa, who also studied medicine in Austria, was engaged in "medical experiments" in a labor camp for Jewish women in Silesia.

    Many Arabs were busy with the German broadcasting services to the Muslim world. While others served as spies and advisers to Middle East affairs. Only a few of the Arabs found in Germany at the outbreak of the war maintained their duty as citizens of their countries of origin and were not defiled by Nazi antics.

    With the eradication of the Nazis, some of the Arab collaborators managed to escape to Switzerland, Sweden and other countries and return from there to their country. Some openly and some in secret. The majority of German Arabs moved to underground life. The traces of most of them were soon discovered by the British and American military authorities...

    An emissary from Syria

    A new chapter in Arab activity in Germany and Austria opened in the summer of 1946, when a special envoy arrived in Germany from Syria, whose job was to take care of all Arab affairs in Germany and gather their dispersals.

    Dr. Adnan al-Ard, a Syrian lawyer, a member of a privileged family, came to Vienna in July 1946 as a military correspondent for a tiny Syrian newspaper.

    The officers of the British Army's press service informed me in August this year that since his arrival, for a whole year, he had not sent a single line to the newspaper in whose name he appears nor to any other newspaper. It is clear, therefore, that Dr. Ard's journalism is nothing but a cover for another activity.

    Dr. Ard brought with him important recommendations from the American delegation in Cairo and from the heads of British diplomatic and military agents in several capitals in the Middle East.

    He often openly violated various military regulations and laws, and no one rebuked him. Dr. Ard's pockets were full of pounds and dollars, gold coins and valuables. For no British or American officer and journalist were the laws of the currency removed, and they had to hand over their money to the military authorities and receive in return the military banknotes customary in the various occupied territories. Not so when it comes to Dr. Ard.

    In a mysterious way his dollar treasure was always filling up, and even growing. Dr. Ard could always be seen in the company of high-ranking British and American officers, German women and Arab collaborators.

    While representatives of the British press would deal with all sorts of guilt of exchanging money on the Jewish thirds and imagining the remains of the massacre with pockets full of dollars,

    While representatives of the British press would falsely come up with all sorts of accusations of smuggling money on Jews.. and imagined the survivors of the massacre with pockets full of dollars, none of them dared to put on the pages of his newspaper a brief account of the actions of the Arab agent

    SS officers - To the east

    Near his arrival in Vienna, Dr. Ard launched a wide-ranging operation to contact all Arab exiles and to purchase all documents relating to the activities of Arabs in Germany.

    It was evident that the Arabs knew of the reality of valuable archives, not yet fallen into the hands that might use them to their detriment, and had given instructions to their agent to purchase whatever else could be saved.

    In Nuremberg, Dr. Ard made great efforts to eliminate the accusation that was in the hands of the Americans on an Arab personality and failed. But other documents apparently fell to him.

    In Berlin he had open connections with Kawkaji and he is the one who arranged for him all the papers and travel documents that transported Kawkaji from his hiding place in Germany to Syria.

    He also recently opened an office in Berlin for him, called the "Arab Intelligence Office", through which he reconnected with Nazi agents operating in the Middle East and their pals and friends in Arab countries.

    There are basis to the news that he is now engaged in recruiting SS officers, and the Gestapo for all sorts of roles in Arab countries. And there is no need to speculate much about the roles intended for these Nazi thugs in the Middle East.

    There are even rumors that some of the directors of the extermination operation of the Jews in Europe, including Eichmann, are in contact with this office and some of them have already been transferred to "jobs" in Syria and Iraq.

    What is still forbidden about the Germans is allowed to Dr. Ard and his Arab friends.

    They conduct open and wild incitement against the Jews at all kinds of parties and meetings. Dr. Ard himself lectures to various German circles and spices up his lectures with insults and ridicule to the Jews, which were very pleasant to the palates of the Nazis.

    A few months ago he lectured on the question of Israel to American officers and almost all of his remarks were devoted to an attack on "international Jewry."

    There is no doubt that the much-felt feature of the Arab camp in connection with the solution of the Palestine problem is largely related to the actions of the Arab agents in Germany and Austria.

    [عدنان الارض]

    ד"ר עדנאן אל-ערד מפזר דולרים בגרמניה

    מכתב מברלין מאת אחי-חולדה 'הדואר'

    על פעילות מנהיגים ערבים שעבדו בשירות הנאצים בשנות המלחמה כבר נכתב הרבה בשלש השנים האחרונות.

    אם גם יש עוד טפחים רבים לגלות בפרשה זו של שיתוף פעולה נאצי-ערבי. אולם כוונת הדברים הבאים היא לחשוף במקצת את הפעילות הערבית המתנהלת בגרמניחףה ובאוסטריה מאז נסתיימה המלחמה.

    נוסף למנהיגים ערבים מכל מדינות ערב שנמצאו בגרמניה עם תום המלחבה ישבו בה למעלה משלש מאות ערבים. מהם כששים ארצישראלים, כמה מהם היו צעירים שנסעו לגרמניה להשתלם בלימודים ונשארו תקועים בה

    עם פרוץ המלחמה, ואז נתבעו לשתף פעולה במאמצי התעמולה של הגרמנים, אחרים היו בעיקר מרדנים ו"עסקנים" גולים שמצאו מחסה בצל גרמניה הנאצית ושימשו אותה בדרכים שתות בתוכניותיה לכבוש את המזרח התיכון.

    אחד מבני משפחת נאששיבי למשל, שהשתלם ברפואה בוינה, שימש רופא במחנות-מות. בעיקר במאוטהאוזן ורצח בלי ספק מאות אנשים

    צעיר ערבי אחר מיפו, שגם הוא למד רפואה באוסטריה, עסק ב"נסיונות רפואיים" במחנה עבודה לנשים יהודיות בשלזיה. ערבים רבים היו עסוקים בשירותי השידור של הגרמנים לעולם המוסלמי. בעוד שאחרים שימשו כמרגלים ויועצים לעניני המזרח התיכון. רק מעטים מבין הערבים שנמצאו בגרמניה בעת פרוץ המלחמה שמרו על חובתם כאזרחי מדינות מוצאם ולא נטמאו בתעלולי הנאצים.

    עם מיגור הנאצים הצליח חלק ממשתפי-הפעולה הערבים לחמוק לשוויץ. שבדיה וארצות אחרות ולחזור משם לארצם. מי בגלוי ומי בהחבא. חלק הארי של ערביי גרמניה עבר לחיי מחתרת. עד מהרה נתגלו עקבות רובם לשלטונות הצבאיים הבריטיים והאמריקאיים..

    שליח מסוריה

    פרק חדש בפעילות הערבים בגרמניה ובאוסטריה נפתח בקיץ 1946, משהגיע לגרמניה מסוריה שליח מיוחד, שתפקידו היה לטפל בכל עניני הערבים בגרמניה ולקבל את פזוריהם. , דיר עדנאן אל-ערר. עורך-דין סורי, בן למשפחה מיוחסת, בא ביולי ‭1946‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ לוינה ככתב צבאי של עחון סורי זעיר.

    קציני ספיקת העתונות של הצבא הבריטי באוסטריה מסרו לי באוגוסט שנה זו, כי מאז בואו, במשך שנה שלמה, לא שלח אפילו שורה אחת לעתון שבשמה הוא מופיע ולא לשום עתון אחר. ברור על כן, כי עתונאותו של ד"ר ערד אינה אלא כסות-עינים לפעילות אחרת.

    ד"ר ערר הביא עמו המלצות חשובות מצירות האמריקאית בקאהיר ומראשי הסוכנים הדיפלומטיים והצבאיים הבריטיים בכמה מבירות במזרח התיכון. בוינה נתנו לו לד"ר ערד מטעם השלטונות הצבאיים הבריטיים והאמריקאיים רשיונות, תעודות ואפשרויות תנועה ועבודה בשירותי התחבורה הצבאיים שלא זכה עד כה שום עתונאי.

    היא עבר פעמים רבות בגלוי על הוראות וחוקים צבאיים שונים, ולא נזף בו איש. כיסיו של ד"ר ערד היו מלאים לירות ודולרים, מטבעות-זהב וחפצי-ערך. לגבי שום קצין ועתונאי בריטי או אמריקאי לא הוסרו חוקי הוואלוטה, והיה עליהם למסור את כספם לשלטונות הצבאיים ולקבל תמורתו את שטרי הכסף הצבאיים הנהוגים בשטחי הכבוש השונים. לא כן ביחס לד"ר ערד.

    בדרך מסתורית היה אוצר הדולארים של מתמלא תמיד, ואף הולך וגדל. תמיד אפשר היה לראות את ד"ר ערד בחברת קצינים בריטיים ואמריקאיים גבוהים, נשים גרמניות ומשתפי-פעולה ערבים. בעוד שנציגי העתונות הבריטים היו טופלים כל מיני אשמות של הברחת כספים על השלישים היהודים וראו בדמיונם את שרידי הטבח עם כיסים מלאים דולארים, לא העז איש מהם להעלות על דפי עתונו ידיעה קצרה על מעשיו של הסוכן הערבי.

    קציני ס.ס. - למזרח

    סמוך לבואו לווינה, פתח ד"ר ערד בפעולה רחבה ליצירת קשר עם כל הגולים הערבים ולרכישת כל המסמכים הנוגעים לפעילותם של ערבים בגרמניה. ניכר היה כי הערבים ידעו על מציאותם של ארכיונים בעלי ערך, טרם נפלו לידים העשויות להשתמש בהם לרעתם, ונתנו הוראות לסוכנם לרכוש כל מה שניתן עוד להציל.

    בנירנברג עשה ד"ר ערד מאמצים גדולים לסלק את חומר האשמה שהיה ביד האמריקאים על אישיות ערבית ולא הצליח. אבל מסמכים אחרים נפלו כנראה לידו.

    בברלין היו לו קשרים גלויים עם קאוקאג'י והוא-הוא שסידר בשבילו את כל התעודות ומסמכי הנסיעה שהעבירו את קאוקאג'י ממקום מחבואו בגרמניה לסוריה.

    הוא גם פתח לו בזמן האחרון משרד בברלין "משרד מודיעין ערבי", ובאמצעותו הוא מחדש את הקשרים בין סוכנים נאציים שפעלו במזרח התיכון לבין אנשי שלומם וחבריהם בארצות ערב.

    יש גם רגלים לידיעות כי הוא עוסק עתה בגיוס קציני ס.ס. וגסטאפו לכל מיני תפקידים בארצות ערב, ואיו צורך להרבות בניחושים על התפקידים המיועדים לבריונים נאצים אלה במזרח התיכון. מהלכות אפילו שמועות, כי כמה ממנהלי פעולת ההשמדה של היהודים באירופה, ובהם אייכמאן, נמצאים בקשר עם משרד זה וחלק מהם כבר הועבר ל"משרות" בסוריה ובעיראק.

    דבר האסור עוד על הגרמנים מותר לד"ר ערד וידידיו הערבים.

    אלה מנהלים בכל מיני מסיבות ופגישות הסתה גלויה ופרועה נגד היהודים. ד"ר ערד עצמו מרצה בפני חוגים גרמנים שונים ומתבל הרצאותיו בדברי משטמה ולעג ליהודים, הנעימו מאד לחיכם של הנאצים.

    לפני כמה חדשים הרצה על שאלת ארץ-ישראל בפני קצינים אמריקאים וכמעט כל דבריו היו מוקדשים להתקפה על "היהדות הבינלאומית".

    אין ספק כי התכונה הרבה המורגשת במחנה הערבי בקשר לפתרון בעית ארץ-ישראל קשורה במידה מרובה בפעולות הסוכנים הערבים בגרמניה ובאוסטריה.

  459. Tartakower, Aryeh., Grossmann, Kurt Richard. The Jewish refugee. Germany: Institute of Jewish Affairs of the American Jewish Congress and World Jewish Congress, 1944. 209-211
  460. Robert Satloff, "Among the Righteous," (PublicAffairs, 2007), pp. 80-87.

    the Nazi, Fascist, and Vichy persecution of Jews offered an opportunity to participate in the Europeans' .... Wherever torture occurred, Arabs played a role. Arab guards, for example, routinely flogged prisoners at “punishment camps” in the Sahara. An Algerian account of brutality at Colomb-Béchar, one of the largest Vichy labor camps, tells the story of one internee who jumped through a barracks window and escaped into the desert, only to be tracked down “by Arab soldiers on horseback who dragged him back to camp tied to their horses." The captured man was then sent to a particular hellish spot called Hadjerat M'Guil where he was tortured and died eight days later. At Djenien BouRezg, another infamous Vichy concentration camp, the sadistic commandant, Lieutenant Pierre de Ricko, had at his side a team of subordinates that included a pro-fascist Alsatian, a German who moonlighted as head ofa local gang of anti-Semitic hooligans, and an Arab policeman named Ali Guesni. At Djelfa, in the Algerian desert, the commanding officer was an- other sadist, J. Caboche, who liked to strip all the clothes off prisoners and then horsewhip them. Caboche forbade his prisoners to light any fires to keep warm. On especially cold desert nights, Caboche's loyal Arab adjutant—a man known to posterity only as Ahmed—reportedly took particular pleasure in making sure his charges froze. An Arab served as camp overseer of the Dumergue-Fretiha farm labor camp near the northern Tunisian town of Mateur. Accounts attest to the daily regimen of gratuitous pain and torture that he meted out to the forty Jews unlucky enough to be dispatched to work under his supervision.

    A British officer who served on the Allied commission to investigate and eventually liberate, Vichy labor camps, described the role of goumiers—local Arab soldiers—at a small punishment camp not far from the mining and railroad town of Bou Arfa, in southeastern Morocco...
  461. Ashnav - אשנב, 20 March 1945.

    מצב היהודים בצרפת המשוחררת תעלולי כנופיה ערבית בתקופת הכיבוש הנאצי

    ל"מארגען ז'ורנאל" מודיעים מפריס:

    במשפט נגד ‭13‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ ‬ חברי משטרת ווישי , העידו עדים יהודים על כנופיה של ערבים, שהובאה מאפריקה הצפונית כדי לענות ולהרוג יהודים. היהודים סיפרו שהתנהגותה של כנופיה זו, בהנהלתו של איש משטרת ווישי, ויליאל פלגה, היתה גרועה מזו של הגיסטאפו. הערבים היו פורצים בחצות לילה לדירות של יהודים אונסים נשים וילדות, סוחבים אתם את הגברים ומחטטים בכל פינה בחפשם זהב וחפצי-ערך. הנערה איבט, שבן משפחתה נרצח בידי הערבים, אמרה: "ראיתי את מעשי הגיסטאפו, אולם הערבים עלו עליהם באכזריותם".

    The situation of the Jews in liberated France

    Arab gang antics during the Nazi occupation

    To "Morgen Journal" informed from Paris:

    In a trial against 13 members of the Vichy police, Jewish witnesses testified about a gang of Arabs brought in from North Africa to torture and kill Jews.

    The Jews said that the behavior of this gang, led by Vichy police officer W.P.... was worse than that of the Gestapo. The Arabs would break into the apartments of Jews raping women and girls at midnight, dragging the men with them and rummaging around every corner in search of gold and valuables. The girl Ivette, whose family member was murdered by the Arabs, said: "I saw the acts of the Gestapo, but the Arabs brutally attacked them."
  462. "The Arab war effort: a documented account." American Christian Palestine Committee, 1946.
    p. 7:
    IN SYRIA AND THE LEBANON connections between certain groups of Syrian leaders and the Axis States were of long standing…. the Iron Shirts (led by Fakhri al-Barudi of the National Bloc, still a member of the Syrian parliament in 1946); the League for National Action (headed by Abdu al-Huda al-Yab, Dr. Zaki al-Jabi and others); the An-Nadi al-Arabi Club of Damascus (headed by Dr. Said Abd Al-Fattah al-Imam); the Councils for the Defense of Arab Palestine (head by well known pro-Nazi leaders, such as Nabi al-Azmah, Adil Arslan and others); the Syrian People’s Party…
    p. 33:
    With the stimulus that the ex-Mufti exerted and with the German armies sweeping victoriously over the Continent of Europe, the Muthana Club, Moslem Guidance Society, the Palestine Defense Society, the Tajaddad Club, and the Arab Rover Society, to quote the names of but a few bodies and societies, intensified their pro-Nazi subversive activities in the hopes that by so doing they would eventually, through enemy assistance, realize their Pan-Arab aspirations.
  463. Rolbant, Samuel. The Arabs: Politics and People. Amal Publications, 1948.
  464. Jankowski, James., Gershoni, Israel. Confronting Fascism in Egypt: Dictatorship Versus Democracy in the 1930s. United States: Stanford University Press, 2009. [273]-274.
    The activities of the radical youth organization al-Futuwwa are considered a manifestation of Nazi youth indoctrination practices, and speeches supporting Nazism delivered in Baghdad's Pan-Arab al- Muthanna Club perceived as reflecting popular support for Nazi Germany among the Iraqi effendiyya. In Syria, studies analyzing the process of radicalization in the 1930s often highlight pro-fascist tendencies among various newly created nationalist organizations. These tendencies are seen as having manifested themselves particularly in the mushrooming of new radical youth organizations such as the League of National Action, the Lion Cubs of Arabism, the Syrian Social Nationalist Party led ny Antun Sa'ada, the Arab Club, the Steel Shirts, the early Ba'ath movement, and various radical Islamic organizations. In Lebanon, the White Shirts, the najjada...
  465. Cuadernos de Historia Mundial. France: Unesco., 1959.240.

    The years of the Second World War saw the struggle of democracy against Nazi-Fascist totalitarianism, with Arab sympathies tipped in favour of the latter, not because of any dissatisfaction with the representatives of democracy...

    The National Syrian Party in Syria and Lebanon, the Kata'ib al-Lubnaniyyah (The Lebanese Phalanges), and the Najjadah in Lebanon, the Futuwwah in Iraq, and the Blue Shirts and Green Shirts in Egypt, were among the most conspicuous of these organizations--all appeared in the fourth decade of the century. The peninsula continued to be isolated and immune to such currents, though enjoying its own theocratic totalitarianism, Islam.
  466. Yehuda Bauer: "Jews for Sale?: Nazi-Jewish Negotiations, 1933-1945" (Yale University Press, 1994), p. 88.
  467. Sergio Minerbi, "The Eichmann Trial Diary: A Chronicle of the Holocaust," (Enigma Books, 2011), p. 114.

    The prosecution introduced a few documents regarding the Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin el-Husseini.

    In a letter dated May 13, 1943, to Foreign Minister von Ribbentrop, the Mufti requested that the emigration of 5,000 Jewish children from Bulgaria, Romania, and Hungary be prevented. Similar letters were also sent to the governments of the countries involved. To the Romanian foreign minister the Mufti wrote

    To the Romanian foreign minister the Mufti wrote: ― "The Jews should be sent to a country like Poland, where they can do no harm." The letters were mailed from Rome since the Mufti was a guest of the Fascist government at the time.
  468. Klaus Gensicke, "The Mufti of Jerusalem and the Nazis: The Berlin Years," (Mitchell, 2011], p. 251. Cited in: Rolf Steininger, "Germany and the Middle East: From Kaiser Wilhelm II to Angela Merkel," (Berghahn Books, 2018), p. 56.
    He had intervened several times to prevent the emigration of Jewish children, especially from Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary, countries that were under German influence...
  469. Matthias Küntzel, "Jihad and Jew-hatred: Islamism, Nazism and the Roots of 9/11," (Telos Press Pub., 2007), p. 36
  470. Fisk, Robert. The Great War for Civilisation: The Conquest of the Middle East. United States: Vintage, 2007. pp. 362-3. Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, 2007. Ch. 11..
    Did Haj Amin know about the Jewish Holocaust? According to his most meticulous biographer, Zvi Elpeleg—a former Israeli military governor of Gaza who is respected as a historian even by Haj Amin's surviving family—“his frequent, close contacts with leaders of the Nazi regime cannot have left Haj Amin with any doubt as to the fate which awaited the Jews whose emigration was prevented by his efforts." In July 1943, when the extermination camps were already in operation in Poland, Haj Amin was complaining to Joachim von Ribbentrop, the German foreign minister, about Jewish emigration from Europe to Palestine in the following words: “If there are reasons which make their removal necessary, it would be essential and infinitely preferable to send them to other countries where they would find themselves under active control as, for example, Poland. . ." Before his death, Haj Amin was to write that "the Germans settled their accounts with the Jews well before my arrival in Germany," a statement that is factually and historical untrue...
  471. [86]. How to Fly. United States: Progress Press, 1947. [87]; The Canadian Forum. Canada: Canadian Forum, 1948. 80-81. [88] [89]; Baron Russell of Liverpool, Edward Frederick Langley Russell. The Record: The Trial of Adolf Eichmann for His Crimes Against the Jewish People and Against Humanity. United States: Knopf, 1963. 41; Reference Guide to the Nazis and Arabs During the Holocaust: A Concise Guide to the Relationship and Conspiracy of the Nazis and the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem in North Africa and the Middle East During the Era of the Holocaust. United States: International Sephardic Leadership Council, 2006. pp. 87-92.

    An a Sequel to This Request 400,000 Jews Were Subsequently Killed

    Rome June 28, 1943 His Excellency The Minister of Foreign Affairs for Hungary Your Excellency: You no doubt know of the struggle between the Arabs and Jews of Palestine, that It has been and what it Is, a long and bloody fight, brought about by the desire of the Jews to create a national home, a Jewish State in the Near East, with the help and protection of England and the United States. In fact, behind it lies the hope which the Jews have never relinquished, namely, the domination of the whole world through this Important, strategic center, Palestine, In effect their program has, among other purposes, always aimed at the encouragement of Jewish migration to Palestine and the other countries of the Near East. However, the war, as well as the understanding which the members of the Three-Power Pact have of the responsibility of the Jews for its outbreak and finally their evil Intentions towards these countries which protected them until now - all these are reasons for placing them under such vigilant control an will definitely stop their emigration to Palestine or elsewhere. Lately I have been informed of the uninterrupted efforts made by the English and the Jews to obtain permission for the Jews living in your country to leave for Palestine via Bulgaria and Turkey. I have also learned that these negotiations were successful since some of the Jews of Hungary have had the satisfaction of emigrating to Palestine via Bulgaria and Turkey and that a group of these Jaws arrived In Palestine towards the end of last March. The Jewish Agency. which supervises the execution of the Jewish program, has published a bulletin which contains Important information on the current negotiations between the Uglish Goverment and the governments of other interested states to send the Jews of Balkan countries to Palestine. The Jewish Agency quoted, among other things, its receipt of a sufficient number of immigration certificates for 900 Jewish children to be transported from Hungary, accompanied by 100 adults. To authorize these Jews to leave your country under the above circumstances and in this way, would by no means solve the Jewish problem and would certainly not protect your country against their evil influence - far from it! - for this escape would make It possible for them to communicate and combine freely with their racial brethren in enemy countries in order to strengthen their position and to exert a more dangerous influence on the outcome of the war, especially since, as a consequence of their long stay in your country. they are necessarily in a position to know many of your secrets and also about your war effort. All this comes on top of the terrible damage done to the friendly Arab nation which has taken its place at your side in this war and which cherishes for your country the most sincere feelings and the very best wishes. This is the reason why I ask your excellency to permit me to draw your attention to the necessity of preventing the Jews from leaving your country for Palestine: and If there are reasons which make their removal necessary, it would be indispensable and Infinitely preferable to send them to other countries where they would find themselves under active control, for example, in Poland, in order thereby to protect oneself from their menace and avoid the consequent damages.

    Yours, ...
  472. [90][91]. The Arab Higher Committee. Its Origins, Personnel and Purposes. Documentary Record Submitted to the United Nations, May 1947, by the Nation Associate. [Le Haut Comité arabe, ses origines, ses membres, ses buts: documents d'archives soumis aux Nations Unies en mai 1947. United States: Paris, les Editions de la "Terre retrouvée", 1947]. 88; How to Fly. United States: Progress Press, 1947. [92].
  473. [93]. The Arab Higher Committee. Its Origins, Personnel and Purposes. Documentary Record Submitted to the United Nations, May 1947, by the Nation Associate. [Le Haut Comité arabe, ses origines, ses membres, ses buts: documents d'archives soumis aux Nations Unies en mai 1947. United States: Paris, les Editions de la "Terre retrouvée", 1947]. 83.

    Berlin July 25, 1944. To His Excellency The Minister for Foreign Affairs, Berlin Your Excellency: I have previously called the attention of your Excellency to the constant attempts of the Jews to emigrate from Europe in order to reach Palestine, and asked your Excellency to undertake the necessary steps so as to prevent the Jews from emigrating. I had also sent you a letter, under date of June 5, 1944, in regard to the plan for an exchange of Egyptians living in Germany with Palestinian Germans, in which I asked you to exclude the Jews from this plan of exchange. I have, however, learned that the Jews did depart on July 2, 1944, and I am afraid that further groups of Jews will leave for Palestine from Germany and France to be exchanged for Palestinian Germans. This exchange on the part of the Germans would encourage the Balkan countries likewise to send their Jews to Palestine. This step would be incomprehensible to the Arabs and Moslems after your Excellency's declaration of November 2, 1943 that "the destruction of the so-called Jewish national home in Palestine is an immutable part of the policy of the greater German Reich" and it would create in them a feeling of keen disappointment. It is for this reason that I ask your Excellency to do all that is necessary to prohibit the emigration of Jews to Palestine, and in this way your Excellency would give a new practical example of the policy of the naturally allied and friendly Germany towards the Arab Nation.

  474. Harold Brackman, The Mufti and America, Jewish Journal, November 3, 2015.
  475. The Arab War Effort: A Documented Account. New York: ACPC, 1946. p.42].
  476. Israeli, Raphael. Political, Social and Religious Studies of the Balkans - Volume I - The Suffering of the Serbs in Sarajevo During the Bosnia War (1992-5). N.p.: Strategic Book Publishing & Rights Agency, LLC, 2021. 108
  477. Mati Alon, "Holocaust and Redemption." (United States: Trafford, 2003). p. 207.
    ...together with Fawzi Kaukji and Wasef Kamal, helped organize Muslim SS-units in the Balkan...
  478. Mallmann, Klaus-Michael., Cüppers, Martin. Nazi Palestine: The Plans for the Extermination of the Jews in Palestine. United Kingdom: Enigma Books, 2010. 189
  479. 479.0 479.1 Carmichael, Cathie. A Concise History of Bosnia. N.p.: Cambridge University Press, 2015, p. 78.
  480. Isaiah L. Kenen, "Near East Report," Vols. 18-20, (1974), p. 24.
    Haj el Amin Husseini, who openly collaborated with Hitler in Berlin during World War II, in the Fuehrer's "final solution." "The Germans," Husseini had said admiringly at a November 1943 rally in Berlin, "know how to get rid of the Jews."
  481. The Palestine Problem and Proposals for Its Solution. United States: Nation Associates, 1947. 49.
  482. Mallmann, Klaus-Michael., Cüppers, Martin. Nazi Palestine: The Plans for the Extermination of the Jews in Palestine. United Kingdom: Enigma Books, 2010. 199.
    He also frequently asked too much of the Luftwaffe, which was facing an increasing shortage of aircraft and a disastrous fuel situation.

    "An air attack on Tel Aviv, the citadel of the Palestinian Jews and their emigration, has been repeatedly suggested by the Arabs, particularly the Grand Mufti, in the last six months," noted the Luftwaffe command staff in the fall of 1943. Although Göring had personally rejected the plan on July 17, el-Husseini was not satisfied with this decision and suggested bombing Jewish targets on November 2, the anniversary of the Balfour Declaration.

    When he again requested an air strike for April 1, 1944, the Germans pointed out that the Mufti had "already repeatedly proposed bomb attacks against Tel Aviv and Jerusalem in order to harm the Palestinian Jews and achieve a propagandistic effect in the Arab world with these attacks. Thus far, we have never agreed to these suggestions."

    [Conversation note by LFSt/Ic, Oct. 29, 1943, telephone conversation with 1st Lt. Zetsche regarding air attacks in the Palestinian area, BA-MA, RL 2 II/496.., Mar. 30, 1944, proposal by the Grand Mufti for a bomb attack on Tel Aviv on April 1, BA-MA, RL 2 II/496.]

  483. The Record of Collaboration of King Farouk of Egypt with the Nazis and Their Ally, the Mufti: The Official Nazi Records of the King's Alliance and the Mufti's Plans for Bombing Jerusalem and Tel Aviv : Memorandum Submitted to the United Nations, June, 1948. United States: Nation Associates, 1948.
    -Reference Guide to the Nazis and Arabs During the Holocaust: A Concise Guide to the Relationship and Conspiracy of the Nazis and the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem in North Africa and the Middle East During the Era of the Holocaust. United States: International Sephardic Leadership Council, 2006. 16-17.
  484. Carol, Steven. Understanding the Volatile and Dangerous Middle East: A Comprehensive Analysis. United Kingdom: iUniverse, 2015.
  485. Haviv Kanaan, "Matayim yeme ḥaradah: Erets-Yisrael mul tseva Romel," (Mul-eret, 1973), p. 12 (p.240) [94].
    A few years later, it became known that Arab figures in Israel knew about the Mufti's plan to establish Auschwitz-style crematoria in the Dotan Valley, to which the Jews of Israel and the rest of the Near East, as well as the Jews of North Africa, were to be taken.
  486. Shiryn Ghermezian, "Report: Jerusalem’s Grand Mufti Planned Construction of ‘Auschwitz-Like’ Crematorium in Israel", Algemeiner, Oct 27, 2015.
    -"The Mufti wanted to build crematoria in the Dotan Valley", ILH, Oct 23, 2015.
    An Arab officer in the British police said in 1970: "His model was Auschwitz" - "Jews from Israel and Arab countries were to be brought to the crematoria"
  487. 487.0 487.1 Itamar Tzur, "In the Syrian arena, too, the Palestinians are making poor choices, INN, Jan 4, 2017.

    Since the Mufti has chosen to side with Hitler, the Palestinians have taken care to stand to the right of the problematic sides of humanity. The same is true in Syria. ..

    Those Israeli Arabs, whose national consciousness began only in the 1940s due to the extensive activities of Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini, against the national activities of the Zionist movement in Palestine of the time.

    It can be seen that throughout the "many years" history of the Palestinian people - even before they called themselves by that name - there was actually support for states and powers that opposed the principles of democracy, freedom of expression and other principles of the free world. So the words of MK Ahmad Tibi about the fact that "the Palestinian people need funding not for the establishment of an air force but for the purchase of computers and the establishment of universities" is a statement that is detached from reality. .

    The beginning of the national consciousness of the Arab population in the area, was as stated due to the activities of Haj Amin. The same person that even the leaders of the Palestinian leadership are afraid to mention his name lest the West remember the antisemitic activities of the Mufti. Haj Amin worried at the accumulation of power of the Zionist movement both nationally pan-Arab and religiously - for the Jews could not receive any sovereignty but only live as protégés under the wings of Islam.

    During this period of British rule that guaranteed the Jews a national home in Palestine in 1917 and both its role in fulfilling the vision under the San Remo Conference of 1920, the Mufti turned to the bitter enemies of Britain and the free world - the Nazi Party. The Mufti was fascinated by the anti-Semitism of Adolf Hitler and his comrades and turned to its realization in practice throughout Mandatory Palestine.

    He worked to establish an Arab army to assist German forces in the occupation of the Middle East, established an SS unit that worked to exterminate the Jews of the Balkans, worked to massacre Tel Aviv residents by poisoning water wells, planned an extermination camp to eliminate Middle Eastern Jews and even received a budget and office in Berlin from the Nazi Party for the purpose of spreading antisemitic propaganda in the Arabic language.

    All this without mentioning his activity against the Jews in the Arab uprising, in the events of 1929, in Farhud in Iraq and more. All this out of an aspiration to be the ruler of the Arab world after the German occupation of the region.

    Luckily for us, the forces of the free world migrated the Nazi occupation across Europe and North Africa and the Mufti himself was forced to flee in the skin of his teeth and spend the rest of his life in hiding in Beirut.

    During the years of Jordanian occupation of Judea and Samaria, the Palestinians and Arab states continued to express open support for the Soviet Union, which had great hegemony in Europe as well. The support included of course the supply of weapons and the transfer of technological information.

    Our acquaintant Mahmoud Abbas for example completed his doctorate in the USSR. His doctoral dissertation is already well known and is a Holocaust denial for all intents and purposes - something that the countries of the free world could not accept.

    Everyone also remembers the historic visit of the then PLO leader, Yasser Arafat, to Moscow in the early 1970s. Arafat, who was then another leader of an assigned organization around the world, was welcomed with open arms in the Kremlin. And repeated by the Soviets for Arab recognition of the State of Israel and sitting at the negotiating table encountered a sweeping refusal of all Arab states.

    About a year before the total disintegration of the Soviet Union, the Iraqi army invaded Kuwait. The PLO leader has expressed unreserved support for President Saddam Hussein and for Iraq's right to take control of the Persian Gulf's vast oil fields. The victory of the United States-led forces and the liberation of Kuwait from the yoke of the Iraqi dictator dropped Yasser Arafat under the rug, especially with the expulsion of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from liberated Kuwait.

    Subsequently, with the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Arafat was left without adequate funding and was considered by the world as "Persona non grata". His status weakened significantly, but he received a lifeline from the State of Israel. An exchange of letters between Yasser Arafat and the late Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin has led the world to recognize Yasser Arafat and the PLO as the representatives of the Palestinian people.

    The years have passed, and today the bad boy of the world is nothing but the Syrian government slaughtering its own citizens. Europe is inundated with refugees, including terrorists who are exploiting the freedom of the European bloc to carry out bloody attacks. The world is shocked by the horror images that arrive in the morning news, but despite condemnations here and there, most of them remain neutral. The Alawite regime in Syria, which is inherently illegitimate in the eyes of the Arab world, has managed to survive for nearly six years, mainly thanks to Russia's support in recent years and thanks to the support of many Palestinians. Although Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas does not express one position or another, Palestinian support for the Syrian government is alive and well. The first and foremost supporters were BALAD MK Said Nafa at a conference held in Haifa in which he condemned the Arab states intervening in the conflict in favor of the rebels. Palestinian support for the Assad regime does not end with statements. As recently reported by orientalist Dr. Edy Cohen, there is widespread intelligence and military support from senior Palestinian officials, even though a large proportion of those killed and refugees are themselves Palestinians (for example, in the Yarmouk refugee camp). Jibril, based in Damascus; Al-Quds Brigade, headed by Muhammad a-Said, in the Aleppo region... under the kind protection of the Russians; And the Palestinian Return Youth Movement, which is recruiting Palestinian mercenaries to save Bashar Assad's regime. Thus we learn that throughout the "many years" history of the Palestinian people, their leaders have always known how to choose the radical and dictatorial side of the world-political map. The support for countries that have all been accused of committing genocide on their own citizens is not mentioned in either the Israeli discourse or the global discourse that has worked day and night for the Palestinian people's national aspirations to live in peace among the peoples.

    The massacre in Syria also takes place as of this writing and the presentation of the culprits in the current genocide - must be declared in a wavy bristle - whether they are Syrians, Iranians, Lebanese and also Palestinians.
  488. Kol, Moshe. In the struggle for Jewish-Arab cooperation in Israel. (1979). Israel: The liberal seminary of Dr. Yeshayahu Foerder. 18-9. [95].

    For the soul-searching of the Arabs of Israel Opening remarks at a seminar for Arab activists in the Independent Liberal Party, held at the Foerder Seminary, on February 11, 1977. Even when I was a student in high school, I was interested in the Golden Age of the Jews in Spain, which developed during the Muslim rule.. After that I did research on those great days when Hebrew literature and poetry reached a wonderful flowering and the influence of Jewish personalities in Spain was also very noticeable in the states. As a young man, I dreamed in those days that when a Jewish state is re-established in the Land of Israel, we will have a blessed cooperation between Jews and Arabs in our country, and the Golden Age in Spain will be an example and a symbol for us. When the news arrived about Dr. Chaim Weizmann's meeting with King Faisal and the exchange of fees between Faisal and the Jewish leadership at the Peace Conference in Versailles after the First World War, great hope arose in the entire Zionist camp in the world and a belief that foundations had been laid for Jewish-Arab cooperation, which would lead to the flourishing of the entire Middle East… The Arab leadership, which was then concentrated in the Arab Higher Committee headed by the Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin Al Husseini, incited the Arab public against the Hebrew settlement in Israel, organized riots and tried to revolt the Arabs of the Land of Israel against the Jewish settlement. When the Nazi and Fascist propaganda increased in Europe, the rulers of Germany and Italy incited the Arabs of the Land of Israel against the Jews and the British together, and in 1936 the Arab Revolt broke out, which lasted for a long period of time and received encouragement from Arab rulers in the neighboring countries. The Jewish community stood bravely in defense of our lives and the policy of extermination that we adopted was intended to prevent a total military confrontation between the Jews and the Arabs in the Land of Israel. The British government then began to surrender to extreme Arab nationalism and thought of implementing the Munich policy in our country and in our region as well, which led to the debauchery of Czechoslovakia and its destruction. However, the Jewish settlement in Israel proved that we are not Czechoslovakia and that we will not abandon our lives and our future for the sake of politics. In those days Haj Amin Al Husseini was in Berlin as a guest of Hitler and there he planned the establishment of extermination camps for Jews in the Land of Israel, such as Auschwitz.

    When I review today the sixty years that have passed since the Balfour Declaration in 1917 until the present day, I note with sadness the fact that the Arab leadership has conducted an unfortunate policy in terms of Arab interests and has brought quite a few disasters to the Arab people. Arab nationalist extremism led in 1948, after the establishment of the State of Israel, to the creation of the Arab refugee problem, as the heads of the Arab Higher Committee [AHC] called upon the Israeli Arabs to abandon their homes and flee to Arab countries, in order to return with the victorious Arab armies and throw the Jewish settlement into the sea. The Zionist leaders were always looking for dialogue with the Arab leaders but the outstretched hand remained hanging in the air.

    קול, משה. ‫במאבק לשיתוף יהודי־ערבי בישראל‬‎. (1979). Israel: ‫המדרשה הליברלית ע"ש ד"ר ישעיהו פורדר‬‎. עמ'. 16-19.‬‬

    לחשבון הנפש של ערביי ישראל דברי פתיחה ביום עיון לפעילים ערביים במפלגה הליברלית העצמאית, שנערך בי מדרשת פורדר, ב-11 בפברואר 1977. עוד בהיותי תלמיד בבית הספר התיכון, התעניינתי בתור הזהב של היהדות הספרדית, שהתפתח בתקופת השלטון המוסלמי בספרד. לאחר מכן ערכתי מחקר על הימים הגדולים ההם כאשר הספרות והשירה העברית הגיעו לפריחה מופלאה והשפעת אישים יהודיים בספרד היתה בולטת מאוד גם במדינאות . כצעיר חלמתי בימים ההם על כך שכאשר תקום מחדש מדינה יהודית בארץ ישראל נקיים בארצנו שיתוף פעולה מבורך בין יהודים וערבים, ותקופת תור הזהב בספרד תהיה לנו לדוגמא ולסמל. כאשר הגיעו הידיעות על פגישת ד"ר חיים וייצמן עם המלך פייסל ועל חילופי האגרות בין פייסל והמנהיגות היהודית בועידת השלום בוורסאי אחרי מלחמת העולם הראשונה, נתעוררה בכל המחנה הציוני בעולם תקוה גדולה ואמונה שהונחו יסודות לשיתוף פעולה יהודי ערבי, שיביא לפריחתו של כל המזרח התיכון... המנהיגות הערבית שהתרכזה אז בועד הערבי העליון בראשותו של מופתי ירושלים חג' אמין אל חוסייני, הסיתה את הציבור הערבי נגד הישוב העברי בארץ, אירגנה פרעות וניסתה להמריד את ערביי ארץ ישראל נגד הישוב היהודי. כאשר גברה התעמולה הנאצית והפאשיסטית באירופה הסיתו שליטי גרמניה ואיטליה את ערביי ארץ ישראל נגד היהודים והבריטים גם יחד וב-1936 פרץ המרד הערבי שנמשך תקופה ממושכת וקיבל עידוד משליטי ערב בארצות השכנות. הישוב העברי עמד בגבורה בהגנתו על חיינו ומדיניות ההבלגה שבה נקטנו היתה מיועדת למנוע עימות טוטאלי צבאי בין היהודים והערבים בארץ ישראל. ממשלת בריטניה החלה אז להיכנע ללאומנות הערבית הקיצונית וחשבה להגשים גם בארצנו ובאזורנו את מדיניות מינכן, שהביאה להפקרת צ'כוסלובקיה ולהריסתה. אולם הישוב העברי בארץ הוכיח שאין אנו צ'כוסלובקיה וכי לא נפקיר את חיינו ועתידנו לחסדי מדיניות. באותם הימים היה חג' אמין אל חוסייני בברלין כאורחו של היטלר ושם תיכנן את הקמתם של מחנות השמדה ליהודים בארץ ישראל, כדוגמת אושויץ. כאשר אני סוקר היום את שישים השנים שחלפו מאז הצהרת בלפור ב-1917 ועד ימינו אלה, אני מציין בצער את העובדה שהמנהיגות הערבית ניהלה מדיניות אומללה מבחינת האינטרסים הערביים והביאה לאסונות לא מעטים על העם הערבי. הקיצוניות הלאומנית הערבית הביאה ב-1948, לאחר הקמת מדינת ישראל, ליצירת בעיית הפליטים הערביים, באשר ראשי הועד הערבי העליון קראו לערביי ישראל לנטוש את בתיהם ולברוח לארצות ערב, כדי לשוב עם הצבאות הערבים המנצחים ולזרוק את הישוב היהודי אל הים. המנהיגים הציונים חיפשו תמיד את ההידברות עם המנהיגים הערביים אך היד המושטת נשארה תלויה באויר.

  489. Schvindlerman, Julián. Tierras por paz, tierras por guerra. Argentina: Ensayos Del Sud, 2002. 332-3.

    [Ya en 1939 era publicado en Berlín un periódico en lengua árabe, Barid alSharq, para ser distribuido en el Medio Oriente. Los cuarteles del mufti en Ginebra y Estambul le permitían propagar sus actividades de espionaje a lo а largo de todo el Medio Oriente, donde tenía agentes en Palestina, Siria e Iraq además de mantener contactos con agentes de inteligencia alemanas en Turquía. Hasta que punto ebullía la judeofobia en la sangre de al-Huseini quedó plasmado en el hecho de que el mufti diseñó un anteproyecto para la construcción de un campo de concentración al norte de Nablus donde los judíos del Medio Oriente serían exterminados. En este espíritu, en 1940 solicitó a Alemania que "resuelva la cuestión de elementos judíos en Palestina y otros países árabes en concordancia con los intereses nacionales y raciales de los árabes y en líneas similares a aquellas empleadas para resolver la cuestión judía en Alemania e Italia." (énfasis agregado). A un oficial nazi le dijo que los judíos debían irse de Palestina y acotó "están libres de irse al infierno." En varias oportunidades al-Huseini instó al Tercer Reich que bombardee Tel-Aviv y Jerusalén en un "ataque (que) debe ser efectuado con una gran fuerza para que tenga un efecto duradero" tal como sostiene un informe (por aquel entonces secreto) del Comando de la Fuerza Aérea Alemana del 29 de octubre de 1943.]

    As early as 1939, an Arabic-language newspaper, Barid al-Sharq, was published in Berlin for distribution in the Middle East. The mufti's headquarters in Geneva and Istanbul allowed him to spread his espionage activities throughout the Middle East, where he had agents in Palestine, Syria and Iraq as well as maintaining contacts with German intelligence agents in Turkey.

    The extent to which Judeophobia ran in al-Huseini's blood was shown by the fact that the mufti drew up a blueprint for the construction of a concentration camp north of Nablus where Jews from the Middle East would be exterminated. In this spirit, in 1940 he requested Germany to "resolve the question of Jewish elements in Palestine and other Arab countries in accordance with the national and racial interests of the Arabs and along similar lines to those used to resolve the Jewish question in Germany and Italy." (emphasis added).

    He told a Nazi official that the Jews should leave Palestine, adding "they are free to go to he-ll." On several occasions al-Huseini urged the Third Reich to bomb Tel-Aviv and Jerusalem in an "attack (which) must be carried out with great force to have a lasting effect" as a (then secret) report from the Command of the German Air Force of October 29, 1943...
  490. B'nai B'rith Messenger⁩, 17 December 1943. 'Palestine Will be "Judenrein" Quislings Told.'
  491. HaMashkif – המשקיף, 21 July 1946

    Arabs from Palestine [E"Y], Transjordan and Syria were in a Nazi army that was about to invade the Middle East - Moscow reveals.

    The Loyal Allies...

    Moscow 20 (R) - On the destruction of a secret Nazi army by the Russians during the war, an army headed by a kind of German "Lawrence of Arabia" and which had to cross the Caucasus Mountains and stand against the British in the Middle East - Told today in the Soviet newspaper "Izvestia".

    The "miniature army" was discovered when the Red Army captured a member of the former French Foreign Legion of German descent. He told his captors that he had been assigned to a special squad that had to follow in the footsteps of von Kleist's army to the Caucasus Mountains and after the defeat of the Russians move to Persia as a political and military nucleus of the attack against the British... The entire formation battalion contained Arabs across the Jordan, Syria and Palestine [E"Y] - all of whom had lived in Germany for a long time - the prisoner said.

    ערבים מא"י עבה"י וסוריה היו בצבא נאצי שעמד לפלוש למזרח התיכון - מגלה מוסקבה בני-הברית הנאמנים‭.. . ‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ מוסקבה 20 (ר) — על השמדת צבא נאצי סודי ע"י הרוסים בזמן המלחמה, צבא שבראשו עמד מעין "לורנס של ערב" גרמני ושהיה צריך לעבור את הרי הקאוקז ולהתיצב נגד הבריטים במזרח התיכון — מסופר היום בעתון הסובייטי "איזבסטיה".

    "‬הצבא המיניטורי" נתגלה כאשר הצבא האדום לקח בשבי חבר של לגיון הזרים הצרפתי לשעבר ממוצא גרמנים. הוא סיפר לשוביו שהוא הועמד לפלוגה מיוחדת שהיתה צריכה ללכת בעקבות הצבא של פון קלייסט להרי הקאוקז ולאחר מפלת הרוסים לעבור לפרס כגרעין פוליטי וצבאי של ההתקפה נגד הבריטים. מפקד האויריה ג'למי היה מומחה מזרחי וראש המטה, לויטננט קולונל מאיר שידיעותיו על המזרח לא נפלו מאלה של לורנס" — לפי השבוי הזה — שירת בתורכיה וביקר בירושלים, בגדד ואלג'יר. כל הגדוד של הפורמציה הכיל ערביים מעבר הירדן, סוריה וארץ ישראל — שכולם חיו זמן ממושך בגרמניה — אמר השבוי.

  492. Heruth - חרות - עתון חופשי, 6 February 1944.

    Assassinated an Arab-Nazi agent In Sarafand (Arabic: الصرفند‎), an Arab named Suleiman Abdullah was shot dead for espionage. He was arrested a month ago while handing over plans to one of the enemy agents. הומת ערבי-סוכן נאצי

    בסרפנד הומת ביריה ערבי בשם סולימן עבדאללה בעוון ריגול. הוא נאסר לפני חודש ימים בשעת מסירת תכניות לאחד מסוכני האויב.
  493. 493.0 493.1 Klaus-Michael Mallmann, ‎Martin Cüppers, "Nazi Palestine: The Plans for the Extermination of the Jews in Palestine," (Enigma Books, 2010), pp. 123-4

    In addition, the example of the Einsatzgruppen in Eastern Europe shows that the mass murders initiated by the Germans were often quickly supported by local collaborators and then smoothly implemented...

    Einsatzgruppen B and C, in their vast deployment territories, also routinely made use of local personnel, who proved indispensable in carrying out the mass murders. Collaboration in the annihilation of the Jews would have proceeded smoothly outside German-occupied Europe as well. As numerous reports had long attested, a vast number of Arabs, in some cases already well organized, were ready to serve as willing accomplices of the Germans in the Middle East. Immediately after the panzer army's arrival in Africa, the central task of Rauff's Einsatzkommando—the implementation of the Holocaust in Palestine—would have been quickly put into action with the help of those collaborators.
  494. Alexander, Edward. The State of the Jews : A Critical Appraisal. New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction, 2012. 74.
    -Alexander, Edward. The State of the Jews: A Critical Appraisal. United Kingdom: Routledge, 2017. 74.
    -Edward Alexander, "Exploring Nazi-Palestinian Arab collaborations," JHV, May 08, 2008.
  495. Ethan Katz, "The Burdens of Brotherhood: Jews and Muslims from North Africa to France," (Harvard University Press, 2015). [96]
  496. Algeria Riots Checked, The Jewish Telegraphic Agency Aug 8, 1934.

    Military in Control of Constantine; Witness Gives Slaughter Details

    Girls Mutilated, Many Burned, Report Shows List of Dead And Injured Runs Into Hundreds, Correspondent Says.

    CONSTANTINE Algeria, Aug. 7. --

    A scene of utter desolation and horror, of Jewish girls with their breasts cut off, of little children with numerous knife wounds and of whole families locked in their homes and burned to death, was described by a Jewish Telegraphic Agency correspondent, who succeeded in reaching this city today.

    “It will take days before the world will obtain a true picture of all the atrocities committed by the Arabs during the pogrom on the Jewish quarter,” the correspondent wired.

    “The only comparison I can think of is the Palestine riots of 1929. I found Jewish girls with their breasts cut off, greybearded Jews stabbed to death, little Jewish children dead of numerous knife wounds and whole families locked in their homes and burned to death by the rioters.

    “Just as in Palestine in 1929, the lists of the dead and injured run into the hundreds with no official estimates available. The hospitals are filled with Jewish victims and the doors of the hospitals are besieged with half-crazed wives and mothers seeking to ascertain whether their loved ones are among the dead or injured, or whether they succeeded in escaping the pogrom bands...

    "The Jewish printer Attali, whose children were all murdered by Arabs, and was severely injured, as was his wife, told me of the bestialities, practiced by the Arabs during the pogrom...

    "I myself saw two Jewish girls on the verge of death, owing to the fact that pogromists cut off their breasts...
  497. The Sentinel, 23 August 1934.

    The Constantine Pogroms. By Julius Mayer.

    The scene of Jewish suffering and trial has momentarily been transported from Nazi ridden Germany to the dark, narrow streets of Constantine, Algeria. The cobblestones in the Jewish quarter are stained with blood of men, women and children, butchered and tortured to death, in horrible Oriental fashion.

    ... We would have blamed it on Moslem fanaticism and let it go at that. But today, in the years of the swastika, bitter economic rivalry,... There is no denying that the Moslems are a fanatical people...

    Analyzing the causes of the recent pogroms, some observers have leaned strongly toward the the theory that Nazi propaganda was instrumental in precipitating the disorders.

    It is a favorite manoeuvre of a hostile power to undermine its rival's colonial possessions, provoke disturbances and thus distract the attention from the European scene. With the Nazi Internationale superseding the Red Internationale, there is no doubt that Nazi agitators got the ear of the Arab and Berber nationalist leaders and aroused them to strike at the French government through the Jewish community.

    The machinations of Hitlerite propagandists added to an aggravated economic situation... and Jewish blood stained the streets of Constantine, and Jewish women and children's bodies lay cut to pieces in the sun, and the Jews of the world forgot about Hitler and wondered what would descend upon them next.
  498. Histories of French Antisemitism in Colonial Algeria. Connell Press, 2019-09-04.
    Lethal Provocation uncovers evidence that as many as twenty of these murders may have been committed by a small group led by a soldier in the French army named Mohamed El Maadi. Later a member of a notorious French nationalist group that threatened insurrection in the late 1930s, El Maadi became an enthusiastic supporter of France’s Vichy regime in World War II, and finished his career in the German SS. Local police and authorities came to know about the role of provocation in the unrest and killings and purposely hid the truth during the investigation that followed. El Maadi’s participation in the riots and his connections to local French political figures were suppressed by the authorities, and the official report blamed the city’s Muslim population as a whole for the murders. This was El Maadi’s goal. He and his conspirators assumed that the riots would drive Muslims in Algeria to forge a bond with French extremists by encouraging a shared hatred of Jews. It also appears that El Maadi’s group hoped to discredit Muslim political leaders who sought expanded citizenship rights for Muslim colonial subjects in Algeria by tainting their constituency with the stain of murderous violence.
  499. Alma Heckman. Review of Cole, Joshua, Lethal Provocation: The Constantine Murders and the Politics of French Algeria. H-Judaic, H-Net Reviews. July, 2020. [97].
    However, this focus also partly excludes from view the wider context of pan-Islamic and pan-Arab nationalism, which crops up only in brief references to ongoing violence in British Mandate Palestine and the movements of the infamous Hajj Amin al-Husseini, the mufti of Jerusalem.
  500. François de LANNOY, De la Cagoule à la Brigade Nord-africaine, l’itinéraire de Mohamed El Maadi alias « SS Mohamed », in 39/45 Magazine n°80 (Heimdal, 1993); qtd in Satloff, Robert. Among the Righteous. United States: PublicAffairs, 2007. 229.
  501. Bensoussan, Georges. Jews in Arab Countries: The Great Uprooting. United States: Indiana University Press, 2019. 316
  502. Cole, Joshua. Lethal Provocation: The Constantine Murders and the Politics of French Algeria. United States: Cornell University Press, 2019. 226
  503. Algérie: Mohamed el-Maadi, le Nazi de Souk Ahras - Afrique L'Adulte Mohamed el-Maadi, the Nazi of Souk Ahras. (Feb 8, 2021)
  504. Fischel, Jack. Historical dictionary of the Holocaust. United Kingdom: Scarecrow Press, 1999. p. 36.; Fischel, Jack. Historical Dictionary of the Holocaust. United Kingdom: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2020. p. 31.

    The German government convened two conferences that dealt with solutions to the "Jewish question." The first was held in Frankfurt in March 1941 and included leading Nazi collaborators in countries under German occupation. Among those participating in the "scholarly" conference were Walter Gross, Alfred Rosenberg, Vidkun Quisling, and Sano Mach.

    The second international anti-Semitic conference was held in Krakow in July 1944, and was organized by Alfred Rosenberg. The participants included many in the hierarchy of the Third Reich, among them Heinrich Himmler, Joseph Goebbels, Hans Frank, Martin Bormann, and Ernst Kaltenbrunner. Also attending the conference was the exiled pro-Nazi Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Hajj Amin al-Husseini.
  505. Hirszowicz, Łukasz. The Third Reich and the Arab East. United Kingdom: Routledge & K. Paul, 1966. p. 313; Hirszowicz, Łukasz. The Third Reich and the Arab East. United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis, 2016.
  506. Trial of the Major War Criminals Before the International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg, 14 November 1945-1 October 1946: Proceedings. Germany: n.p., 1948. p. 590; Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression ...: Office of United States Chief of Counsel for Prosecution of Axis Criminality. United States: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1946. pp. 219-20; The Trial of German Major War Criminals by the International Military Tribunal Sitting at Nuremberg, Germany (commencing 20th November, 1945): Speeches of the Chief Prosecutors for the United States of America; the French Republic; the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics at the Close of the Case Against the Individual Defendants. United Kingdom: H.M. Stationery Office, 1946. p. 163.

    The defendant was compelled to admit that he had known the notes of the Public Commissar of Foreign Affairs V. M. Molotov concerning the atrocities of the Hitlerites in the temporarily occupied territories of the Soviet Union.

    He, as well as the other conspirators, had also known the other declarations of the Chiefs of the Allied Governments concerning the responsibility imposed upon the Nazi Government for committing the monstrous atrocities in the occupied countries. 

    Ribbentrop, as the witness for the Defense, Steengracht, former Secretary of State at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs has confirmed, had been one of the initial organizers and was to be appointed honorary member of the International Anti-Jewish Congress which the Germans hoped to convene in July, 1944, in Cracow.

    Ribbentrop himself admitted at the Trial that he had negotiated with the Governments of European countries about the banishment of the Jews...
  507. "Forschungen zur Judenfrage," Vol. 3, 1938, p. 156.
    Around 1937 there were a total of around 17 million Jews living on earth. Of these, more than 10 million or around three fifths are in Europe...
  508. Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei. Rassenpolitisches Amt. "Neues Volk." Vol. 7, Iss. 1-9, p. 40. Germany: n.p., 1939.
    Dr. [Friedrich] Burgdörfer gave a lecture at the University of Berlin on the numerical distribution of Jews in the world. He estimates 17 million Jews. Of this, 10 million are in Europe, 5 million in America, and almost 1 million...
  509. Livneh, Eliezer. "Israel and the crisis of Western civilization," (Tel-Aviv: Schocken Publishing House, 1972), pp. 46-47.

    The Arabs of the Land of Israel have never had a more familiar leader than Haj Amin, who was at the same time the head of the Higher Arab Committee, the president of the Palestinian Perfect Council and the leader of terrorist organizations with thousands of members. Haj Amin was helped by Rashid al Kaliani, the pro-Nazi Iraqi Prime Minister, who was deposed by British intervention in the spring of 1941, and also fled to Berlin. The Arab pressure was applied... also to prevent rescue options in the countries dependent on Germany... German Foreign Ministry official Wilhelm Melchers testified at the Nuremberg Trials on August 6, 1947 that Haj Amin opposed any easy permission for Jews to leave that the SS headquarters and the Foreign Ministry ever revealed... In a Polish study, which appeared in Warsaw in 1964 "The Third Reich and the Arab East", the intensity of Haj Amin action is detailed. And a new summary: "Among the documents published after the war are the Mufti's letters to the governments of Bulgaria (on May 6, 1943), Italy (on June 10, 1943), Romania (on June 28, 1943) and Hungary (on June 28, 1943), In them he demands that the immigration permits of the Jews be revoked and that they be deported to Poland, where they will be under "active supervision". The mufti knew very well what the results of his efforts for "active supervision" were. He was the first to summarize the dimensions of the Holocaust: six million. In his broadcast from Berlin on September 21, 1944, he announced to his listeners in the Arab world: "Is it not in your power, the Arabs, to overcome the Jews, who now number no more than eleven million?"

    Indeed, of seventeen million Jews in 1939, only eleven million remained at the end of the war.
  510. League for Labor Palestine, Jewish Frontier Association, "Jewish Frontier," (New York: Labor Zionist Letters, Incorporated, 1952), p.19.

    [The Mufti As Myth By Joel Carmichael]
    ...failed to take the primitive precaution of briefing himself on the ex-Mufti's notorious pro-Nazi activities before presenting him with these convenient trapdoors to escape responsibility remains enigmatic. The following letter addressed by the ex-Mufti to the Bulgarian Foreign Minister on May 6, 1943 is one among multitudinous testimonies to the way he "limited himself" to injustices Britain had done the Arabs "in general" and Palestinians "in particular": "The Jewish danger to the entire world, and especially to those countries where Jews are living, has become an established fact for most nations and has induced them to take measures in self-protection. The Axis powers and their allies are among the first who have recognized the vital national necessity of preventing these hostile elements from continuing their destructive activity by spying, undermining the morale of the people, disseminating Communist thought, and paralyzing economic life. Even before the full documentation of his activities was made available in the wake of the Nazi rout, this was betrayed by a slip of his tongue in one of his broadcasts from Berlin on September 21, 1944: "Is it not in your power, O Arabs, to repulse the Jews whose whose number does not exceed 11 millions?" ...

    England has even gone so far as to extract all these elements from the different countries on the Continent, and to concentrate them in one place, where, with their inborn viciousness and treachery, they can work against the Axis powers who are fighting for the liberation of the world from oppression and exploitation, and for the protection of European culture.
  511. "Midstream," (New York, 1994), p. 10.

    Another broadcast presented what was the first public notice from an Axis source as to the scope of the Holocaust.

    In a broadcast of 30 September 1944, the mufti asked the Arabs, rhetorically: "Is it not in your power to repulse the Jews whose number is not more than 11 million?" Before the war, the world Jewish population had been around 17 and 18 million which Husseini surely knew.
  512. Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the ... Congress. 1967. p. 4413. "The Israel Victory and Russian-Arab doublespeak" - Extention of Remarks by Hon. Theodor R. Kuppermam Of New York In the House of Representatives. Wednesday, August 30, 1967; The Israel Victory And Arab-Russian Double Talk - CIA; ADL Bulletin, September, 1967.

    'The Grand Mufti and His Friends

    The Grand Mufti spread his anti Jewish venom throughout the war over radio Berlin. He praised the Germans for "knowing how to get rid of Jews." He urged his Arab listeners to "kill the Jews wherever you find them." He gave the number of Jews "still to be dealt with" (in 1944) as 11 million, representing the Jewish populations of America, Russia and other countries beyond Hitler's reach. All this would signify no more than the ravings of one madman-except that the Mufti was returned to his role after the war as leader of the Palestine question. He directed policy from a lavish and fortified home in Cairo and, as one of the Arab delegates to the United Nations in 1947 said, "the Mufti is the irrefutable leader of the Holy Land Arabs." To THIS DAY none of the Arab leaders has repudiated the Grand Mufti, or his pro-nazi assistants who worked with him in Berlin during the war. Nor is this tolerance of a Nazi in their midst surprising. Egypt, ... has given sanctuary to hundreds of former Nazis, among them up to 100 of Hitler's rocket and missile experts. Also in Egypt, according to the latest information from the Anti-Defamation League, are the following: -Colonel Naam Al-Nashar, formerly Leopold Gleim, who was head of German security in Poland. He arrived in Egypt in 1955 and organized the Egyptian security service along Nazi lines. -Lt. Col. Ben Sala, formerly Bernard Bender, a storm trooper still on the Polish list of war criminals. He is head of the Jewish Department of the Egyptian security service. - Hassan Soliman, formerly Heinrich Sellmann, wanted by West Germany for crimes committed while he was Gestapo chief in Ulm. He now holds a senior position in the Secret Police in Cairo. -Col. Ahim Fahumi, formerly Dr. Heinrich Willermann, wanted by West Germany for sterilization experiments he conducted in several Nazi concentration camps. He now runs the Egyptian political prison at Samara, near Alexandria. - Louis Al-Haj, formerly Louis Heiden, director of a Nazi press agency in Berlin. He is now an adviser to President Nasser and it was he who prepared a pocket-sized Arabic translation of Mein Kampf for Egyptian officers. - Ibraham Mustafa, formerly Joachim Daemling, wanted by West Germany for crimes committed in Dusseldorf while a storm trooper there. He is an adviser to the Cairo police on concentration camps. - Ali Mohammed, formerly George Brunner, one of Eichmann's assistants, in charge of deportation of Jews from Greece. He now works in the Egyptian propaganda industry.l The list goes on and on. The Arabs, by raising a "Nazi issue," convict only themselves.

    IN WORLD WAR II, 1,300,000 Jews were in uniform in the Allied Armies. In Palestine, 85,800 Jewish men and 50,400 Jewish women volunteered for war service; 27,028 Palestine Jews served with the British forces in various Middle East, North African and European fronts, many in the most hazardous missions. What made a mockery of the United Nations "debate" was that the Communists and Arabs well know their respective roles in World War II.

    Their statements in the General Assembly would have made Joseph Goebbels proud. Dr. Goebbels, incidentally, was royally welcomed in Cairo on the eve of the war.
  513. Nimrod, Dan, "Auschwitz 1989: The Second Encounter," (Canada: Dawn Publishing Company, 1989), p. 112.

    Broadcasting from his office in Berlin in September 1944 the Mufti said: "O Arabs is it not in your power to repulse the Jews who number not more than 11 million?" He was trying to get Arabs, wherever they were, to attack Jews. At the outbreak of World War II there were little more than 17 million Jews in the world. With the increasing efforts to deny and / or belittle the Holocaust, we must ...

    keep reminding the world.
  514. Marher Richard, Hitler's war against Jews continues in 'Palestine', The Jerusalem Post, Mar 16, 2015.
    In this broadcast, Husseini urged the Arabs to give up 11 million Jews. The total number of Jews at the beginning of the war was 17 million...
  515. Bitsaron [Bitzaron] 1970, Iyar 5730, vol. 61, p. 198.

    He sold himself for arms and financial support to Moscow, to Rome. He was fascist in nature and feudal in his social composition. He never cared about the broad strata of the people not being represented in the leadership and became the franchise of the rich and aggressive.

    Arab nationalism in Palestine was for the Arabs what Hitler was for the German people. While Nazism destroyed the socialists, liberals, communists, democrats, who had an independent opinion within his Reich, Haj Amin al-Husseini waged a brutal campaign of extermination against any opposition among his people.

    Since he was unable to set up ... where his opponents would be tortured, he simply ordered their elimination. During the three years of the uprising under his leadership, between 7,000 and 8,000 Palestinian Arabs were killed by his mercenaries: party leaders, clerics, police and officers, teachers, journalists, mayors and city councilors, intelligence chiefs, and muhtar of villages. Many were exterminated along with their families. Arab nationalism "borrowed" from the dictatorial regimes the most horrific method of taking over the psyche of the people: terrorism.

    On the side of terror and an alliance with the destroyers of freedom, the entry of Palestinian nationalism...

    בצרון, אייר תש"ל, חוברת ס"א, [עמ' 198]
    הוא מכר עצמו תמורת נשק ותמיכה כספית למוסקבה, לרומה. הוא היה פאשיסטי במהותו ופיאודאלי בהרכבו הסוציאלי. הוא לא דאג מעולם לשכבות העם הרחבות שלא יוצגו במנהיגות והפך לזכיון של העשירים והתקיפים.

    הלאומנות הערבית בפלשתינה היתה בשביל הערבים מה שהיטלר היה בשביל העם הגרמני. בעוד שהנאציזם השמיד את הסוציאליסטים, הליבראלים הקומוניסטים, הדמוקראטים, בעלי דעה עצמאית בתוך הרייך שלו, ניהל חג' אמין אל חוסייני מסע השמדה אכזרי נגד כל אופוזיציה במקרב בני עמו.

    מכיוון שלא היה בכוחו להקים מחנות ריכוז בהם יעונו מתנגדיו, פקד פשוט על חיסולם. במשך שלוש שנות המרידה שהתנהלה בראשותו נרצחו בין 7000 ל -8000 ערביי פלשתינה בידי שכירי חרב שלו: ראשי מפלגות, כלי קודש, שוטרים וקצינים, מורים, עתונאים, ראשי עיריות וחברי מועצות עירוניות, ראשי האינטלגינציה , ומוכתרים של כפרים. רבים הושמדו ביחד עם בני משפחותיהם. הלאומנות הערבית "שאלה" מהמשטרים הרודניים את השיטה המחרידה ביותר להשתלטות על נפש העם: הטירור.

    בצד הטירור וברית עם הורסי החרות, הכניסה הלאומנות הפלשתינאית..

  516. Michael G. Fry, Gilbert MacKereth, Itamar Rabinovich, "Despatches from Damascus: Gilbert MacKereth and British Policy in the Levant, 1933-1939," Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies, Shiloah, 1985, p. 175.
  517. Timothy Foote, "Which Land Is Their Land?", Washington Post, June 24, 1984.
    ...the period when the British controlled Palestine after World War I, and under the Balfour Declaration were committed to create a Jewish independent state once "Jews were the majority of the country and had set up their governing apparatus," as well as to facilitate "immigration" and "close settlement" by Jews. But they soon gave away three-fourths of the mandated territory, eventually making the Arab nation of Transjordan (now simply Jordan). And, as Peters shows, the British all but abandoned the original project because of Arab nationalism (and terrorism) plus their own anti-Semitism and a growing fear of driving the racist Arabs entirely into the racist arms of Adolf Hitler.

    This policy reversal went largely unmarked, according to Peters, though Jewish leaders protested it, and a number of British officials in Palestine tried to correct it, sometimes at peril to their careers, and even lives. By 1937, for instance, when "displacement-by-Jews" was a hot Arab argument against any further Jewish immigration, Lewis Andrews, the British district commissioner in the Galilee country made a great effort to find actually "displaced" Palestinians so he could ease their plight by giving them land. Few, however, responded, and later Andrews went so far as to suggest publicly the reason so few applied was that "there were not so many people displaced as we imagined." Within a year, in an act which has grim resonance today, Andrews was stopped by Arab terrorists one Sunday morning coming out of church, and murdered. One of his contemporaries, Gilbert MacKereth, was British consul in Damascus. He kept embarrassing the British Colonial Office by repeated reports that armed Arabs were moving without restriction across the border into Israel, and cited the murder (within a three-month period) of seven Palestinian village chiefs who had dared express moderate attitudes towards possible co- existence with the Jews. He had long urged, too, that the British establish a system of identity cards, listing place of origin, in order to help control the terrorism and illegal entry as well. MacKereth's superiors in London, noting that he did not appreciate "the wider issues involved," shunted him off to an obscure post in Latin America. Not, however, until his life had been threatened three times for sustaining a "people whom all the world hates and whom Allah, the all powerful, also hates."

    When it came to catering to that hatred, British policy seems to have reached some sort of zenith (or nadir) in 1942, a year when Jews, denied entry into Israel, were dying by thousands in Hitler's camps. In the famous White Paper of 1939 the British, acceding to Arab agitation about "overcrowding," had agreed to keep Jewish immigration into Palestine down to 10,000 a year. But so stringent did His Majesty's financial and political standards become that in all of 1942 only 3,038 Jews managed to enter their homeland-to-be. In that same period… nearly 10,000 Arabs, mostly from Syria and Lebanon, but some from Egypt and the Sudan, were brought in.
  518. Palestine Post, 11 June 1939, "Funeral of Dr Anwar Shukeiri."
  519. Annotated Supreme Court Judgments [Palestine], vol.1. Palestine. Supreme Court, (S. Bursi, 1941), p. 52.
  520. Robert L. Jarman, “Political Diaries of the Arab World: 1939-1940,” (Jordan, Archive Editions, 2001), p. 489.
    On Sunday 18th the fortieth day after the death of Sheikh Asaad Shukeiri, a large memorial meeting was held in the Acre cinema to his memory and that of his son Dr. Anwar Shukeiri who was assassinated in Acre on June 8th 1939...
  521. The Westralian Judean, 1 October 1946.

    Bishop Pilcher's Penetrating Article on Palestine GIVING CHRISTIANS THE TRUTH

    The following is the text of an article written by the Rt. Rev. C. U. Pilcher, Bishop Coadjutor of Sydney, in the “Church Standard” of August 9th.

    The article gives a clear and accurate account of the real reasons which lie behind the terrorism in Palestine.

    “Those who read about the terrorism in Palestine in the newspapers probably condemn it unanimously, but without understanding the reasons for it,” Bishop Pilcher writes. “This article is not written to excuse it,” he declares. “Responsible Jews as well as ourselves condemn it; it is written to explain its reasons.

    (a) In 1917 the British Government approved the Balfour Declaration granting a National Home in Palestine to the Jews. This Declaration was subsequently approved by the United States of America and the League of Nations, including the Arabs. The Mandate over Palestine was granted to Great Britain in order that the Balfour Declaration might be implemented.

    (b) As a result of this Declaration, Jewish immigrants flowed into Palestine until the Jewish population reached a total of somewhat over half a million. The result of this immigration was to change the parts of Palestine where the Jews lived from desert to fertile country—all land being bought from the Arabs, often at exorbitant prices. The great city of Tel Aviv was founded on the coast near Joppa. The whole economic, cultural and scientific life of Palestine was raised to such a point that Arabs poured into the country, increasing the Arab population from about a half million to over one million. In other words, the Arabs were vastly benefited by the Jewish immigration.


    (c) This state of things was distasteful to the Arab landlords, who amass great sums of money to themselves by oppressing the Arab peasants. Fortified by money from Hitler and from Mussolini, the Arabs, led by the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, started a campaign of violence against the Jews. It is interesting to notice that during this campaign Arab terrorists murdered more of their own people who refused co-operation than they did of the Jews.

    (d) The Appeasement Government of Mr. Chamberlain was now in power in England, and it was determined! to appease not merely Hitler and Mussolini, but also the wealthy Arabs. The so-called White Paper was forced through Parliament in 1939 forbidding the entry of Jews into Palestine after the year 1944. Mr. Winston Churchill denounced this White Paper as a breach and repudiation of our pledges to the Jews, made in the Balfour Declaration.

    (e) It is well to remember that Mr. Churchill and Lawrence of Arabia both insisted that our pledges to the Arabs had been kept. They have now been granted the kingdoms of Arabia, Trans-Jordan, Iraq and Syria. It was always understood that little Palestine was excluded from the promises made to the Arabs.

    (f) When the war broke out, in spite of the White Paper, Jews of Palestine rallied to the British; Jewish troops gave magnificent service on all the various fronts. Well over one million Jews served in the Allied armies, while the Arabs stabbed Britain in the back at Iraq.

    (g) It was confidently expected that when the war was over the Allies would release the 100,000 Jews who had been held in Hitler’s concentration camps—the miserable remnants of about 5,000,000 who had been murdered by the Nazis. This act was confidently expected from the new Labour Government under Mr. Attlee, which when out of power had repeatedly passed resolutions favouring the entry of the Jews to Palestine.
  522. 522.0 522.1 Agenda-driven Gilbert Achcar: hiding, distorting the awful true Goliath Arab nazism, DP, Nov 23, 2020
  523. Gilbert Achcar - another bogus scholar
  524. Unity and Diversity in Contemporary Antisemitism: The Bristol–Sheffield Hallam Colloquium on Contemporary Antisemitism. United States: Academic Studies Press, 2019.
    Neither Palestinian or Arab people themselves nor the Hamas Charter (in which more than a few of such people believe) are taken seriously in such an approach. They are damned to play the role of the oppressed for whom intellectuals such as Gilbert Achcar tirelessly seek excuses. Maajid Nawaz calls this approach "patronizing, self-pity and mollycoddling."

    To infantilize the Arabs by strictly separating the West and the East when it comes to antisemitism and Holocaust denial is of course a kind of racism in itself—albeit an apparently benevolent type of racism in the eyes of its upholders. But some might call it a "racism of low expectations," as if a Muslim person is "supposed" to uphold appalling views, while others might call it "paternalistic racism."

    Another reason to neglect or downplay Arab antisemitism is the widespread bias against Israel. Achcar is a convinced anti-Zionist who has called the two-state solution, as recommended by the United Nations General Assembly in 1947, "a dishonorable surrender." He plays down the antisemitism of Hamas in order t delegitimize Israel and its defensive efforts. However, even in circumstances where prejudice against Israel is less evidently a factor, Arab Jew-hatred is still often ignored.
  525. In the Straightjacket of Anti-Zionism A critical review of Gilbert Achcar's The Arabs and the Holocaust by Matthias Küntzel and Colin Meade [98]
  526. Boaz Neumann, A Remorseless Apology, Azure Online, Autumn 5772 / 2011, no. 46]

    Indeed, the mufti was not satisfied merely with a request to close the gates of Palestine to European Jews. He also implored the Germans to send them to the death camps in Poland. Achcar is unable, and therefore does not try, to defend al-Husseini on this point. Indeed, he states explicitly that the Palestinian leader’s conduct was abhorrent. However, quoting from the mufti’s memoirs, he accepts the latter’s explanation that collaboration with Germany was carried out only in order to bring about the demise of Zionism. Haj Amin al-Husseini, Achcar writes, “was telling the truth when he said that he did not embrace National Socialist doctrine.” It remains unclear what Achcar is trying to achieve with this gratuitous interpretation. Even if there is something to it, and the mufti really wasn’t beguiled by Nazi ideology, but merely a loyal servant of Hitler’s regime—even then, what difference would it make?

    Likewise, Achcar bends over backward when explaining the conduct of another present-day Islamist, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad...
  527. Jeffrey Herf, "Not in Moderation," The New Republic, November 1, 2010.
  528. Fredrik Meiton, "Anti-Semitism and Ignorance", November 29, 2010.
    F. Meiton: The Arabs and the Holocaust.
    The Arabs and the Holocaust: The Arab-Israeli War of Narratives By Gilbert Achcar Metropolitan Books, 386 pp.

    ... But the book also suffers from some significant shortcomings. Its treatment of Arab anti-Semitism is incomplete, and the book is weighed down by a strong bias in favor of secular movements and a ferocious anti-Zionism that distracts from the main topic. More important, in his effort to counter the view that all Arabs are anti-Semites, Achcar goes too far in the other direction. He seems stubbornly insistent on contextualizing anti-Semitism out of existence, by a method that brings to mind the famous old dictionary definition of it as “hating Jews too much.”...

    Achcar does not give a clear picture of any popular support these anti-fascist groups enjoyed. For Palestine, he cites a Zionist intelligence report from December 1941, which estimated pro-Nazi sympathies among Palestinian Arabs at 60 percent, but claims the number is exaggerated. He does not mention the poll carried out by Sari al-Sakakini, which, in February 1941, put the figure at 88 percent. Achcar also neglects to mention the prominent Palestinian educator and liberal, Khalil al-Sakakini, Sari’s father, who, in his diary, expressed repeated support for the Nazis.

    IF, IN Achcar’s view, political self-interest makes up one of the missing pieces of contextualization of Arab pro-Nazi leanings, then the other is ignorance. Achcar repeatedly invokes pervasive “ideological poverty and confusion” and “sharply diverging levels of political education” in the Arab world. He laments “the alarmingly high proportion of ignorance and mindlessness among those who make public statements in the Arab world—a world governed, to its detriment, by regimes that generate just such ignorance and mindlessness.”

    This repeated use of ignorance as an explanatory—and exculpatory—factor is the book’s greatest flaw. Whenever Achcar encounters anti-Semitism alongside contradictory words or deeds, the former is automatically discounted. The presence of such contradictions, he assumes, proves that it is a matter of ignorance, and not of real anti-Semitism.

    In a telling section, Achcar recounts an incident that took place in 1936 during the Arab Revolt in Palestine. During a street demonstration in Tulkarm, a passing car was stopped, and one of its passengers, wearing a western-style hat, was assaulted. The man got out of the situation unscathed, however, by making the Nazi salute and shouting “Heil Hitler!” Having hoisted a Nazi flag over his car, the man drove off while the crowd cheered. Achcar does not deny that it was the man’s Nazi credentials that saved him. Nor would he deny, presumably, that had the man been Jewish, he would have been killed on the spot (as happened on numerous other occasions). Nevertheless, this does not qualify as anti-Semitism, according to Achcar. “The Arab population of Palestine would doubtless have detested Hitler had it known the real content of his doctrine,” he writes. The people acted out of simple “stupidity.”

    But Achcar’s argument fails to account for how anti-Semitism operates. By definition, anti-Semitism is ignorant. It is the mistaken view that Jews qua Jews possess certain characteristics. To reserve the label of anti-Semitism, a manifestly irrational idea, for those who profess it with intellectual consistency amounts to a circular reasoning by which hardly anyone qualifies.

    As Achcar’s own book makes evident, a fully fledged anti-Semitic ideology is by no means a prerequisite for violence directed specifically against Jews. One might also consult historian Christopher Browning’s book Ordinary Men about a German Ordnungspolizei Reserve Unit during the Second World War. Consisting mostly of middle-aged men of working-class background, the unit’s wartime charge was to round up Jews for transport to concentration camps in Poland. The Jews who did not fit onto the trains were to be shot. Despite having been given the option of transferring to other, less gruesome duties, most of the policemen performed their task diligently and without complaint. Browning’s point is that the Holocaust did not require personnel steeped in “eliminationist anti-Semitism,” but rather was made possible by the ready willingness of “ordinary men” without strong ideological proclivities one way or the other to commit atrocities. “If the men of Reserve Police Battalion 101 could become killers under such circumstances, what group of men cannot?” Browning concluded. Evil, it seems, remains as banal as when Hannah Arendt reported on it from Jerusalem in 1962.

    Achcar’s tendency to explain anti-Semitic incidents as the result of ignorance is present throughout the book, as are the problems that arise as a result. His discussion of the Farhud, the 1941 Baghdad pogrom, in which some 180 Jews were murdered, provides another example. Based on the highly questionable assumption that it is possible to extrapolate from that isolated incident, the Farhud has often been invoked as proof of a general pattern of anti-Semitic thought across the region. Achcar is right to reject this view, but here as elsewhere, his eagerness to counter the dominant narrative’s essentializing and reductionist tendencies causes him to present an equally reductionist mirror image.

    Achcar takes the prominent Middle East historian Bernard Lewis to task for inflating the numbers killed and for calling the Farhud “the first Axis-style attack on a Jewish community in an Arab land.” According to Achcar, this ignores the fact that a majority of Iraqis were opposed to the violence (a claim for which he offers no proof); that most of those who did participate were not motivated by anti-Semitism, but by the prospect of easy gain; and that many “unhesitatingly went to the Jews’ defense or provided them with aid, protection, and shelter.” Furthermore, he points out, the mob was violently suppressed (after two days) by the Iraqi Army, and many of the afflicted Jewish families subsequently received compensation from the Iraqi government.

    This is all well and good. But how does Achcar imagine this to be different from any of the European pogroms, whose anti-Semitic character is undisputed? Does he believe that they, in contrast to the Farhud, were all motivated by that curious brand of rational-irrational hatred of Jews for which Achcar insists on reserving the label “anti-Semitism”? If so, then his view differs sharply from most scholarship on the topic. This is perfectly legitimate, of course, but then he would do well to mount a case for why such scholarship is mistaken, rather than just assuming it to be so, and risk the reader’s mistaking his omission for ignorance.

    In another section with which one might take issue for similar reasons, Achcar reviews Nasser’s record of anti-Jewish statements. They too fail to meet the criteria of anti-Semitism, Achcar contends. Rather, Nasser was simply ignorant of the facts. In support of this view, Achcar points out that, for the most part, Nasser only uttered each claim once. Thus, only once did Nasser endorse the anti-Semitic canard The Protocols of the Elders of Zion (in 1958), only once did he refer to “the lie of the six million murdered Jews” (1964), only once did he make the claim that David Ben-Gurion had “killed as many Arabs as Hitler killed Jews” (1965), or that Israel “practiced forms of torture against the Palestinian Arab people worse than those Hitler practiced against the German Jews in the Second World War” (1970), and so on.

    Achcar goes on to speculate—“it is quite possible”—that Nasser’s advisors, each time, informed him of the factual inaccuracy of what he had said. Nasser, so informed, refrained from repeating the claim. This is certainly not beyond the realm of the possible. Other historians, however, might be forgiven for perceiving, where Achcar sees ignorance, a consistent pattern of anti-Semitic utterances running through the whole of Nasser’s presidency from 1954 to 1970.

    Achcar calls for paying greater attention to the distinction between anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism. For instance, the Protocols, which have gained widespread currency in the Arab world, need not necessarily be understood as an indication of anti-Semitism. Though an unequivocally anti-Semitic text on its continent of origin, in the Arab world, Achcar claims, the Protocols are understood to refer only to Zionists.

    Be that as it may, the claim raises another, more difficult question, which Achcar does not address. If, in the Arabic language, it is common practice to use “Jews” and “Israelis” interchangeably, and if the anti-Zionist rhetoric in the Middle East is itself based on anti-Semitic calumnies, such as the Protocols, and patently anti-Semitic Holocaust deniers, like Roger Garaudy, are celebrated across the region, how then are we to determine where anti-Zionism ends and anti-Semitism begins? Even if we accept that anti-Jewish stereotypes in the Arab world are understood to apply only to Israelis, does it stand to reason that people will be able to maintain the distinction? The increase in Europe of anti-Semitic violence committed by Muslims outraged by the Israeli occupation suggests otherwise.

    Achcar’s approach begs the question of what one hopes to accomplish by studying anti-Semitism. If it is to tease out various nuances in anti-Jewish thought, as an exercise of categorization and gradation, then Achcar’s approach makes perfect sense. But if the goal, rather, is to assess the presence and function of anti-Semitic modes of thought in the Arab world, then anti-Semitism of the indeterminate, inconsistent sort is crucially important. Indeed, to merely dismiss it as ignorance is to miss the point.

    ACHCAR’S BOOK offers a striking internal contradiction on a different score. In contrast to the great lengths to which Achcar is willing to go to attenuate the facts surrounding secular Arab anti-Semitism, he seems to have no qualms about laying into the Islamists.

    He does not mince words in his discussion of one of the founding fathers of contemporary Islamic fundamentalism, Rashid Rida, branding his late thought as “shameless borrowings from the most hackneyed commonplaces of the European anti-Semitism of the day.” In his treatment of Shakib Arslan, a prominent Islamist, Achcar offers abundant evidence of his anti-Semitism, calling scholars who have overlooked or downplayed it “indulgent.”

    Achcar even goes so far as to argue that the explanation for the link between Nazism and Islamism was a fundamental ideological affinity in their shared hatred of the Jews. This affinity and the cooperation it engendered prefigured all practical concerns. Writes Achcar, “The explanation [for Islamo-Nazi cooperation] lies in the hatred for the Jews that obsessed these two distinct worldviews, one religious and the other racial, both of which essentialized the enemy.” Achcar’s account thus amounts to a damning indictment of the entire Islamist movement that far outdoes most of the literature on the subject.

    Furthermore, the previous invocation of the logic of “my enemy’s enemy is my friend” as an extenuating circumstance cuts no ice with Achcar when the subject turns to Islamists. Talking about secular Arabs, Achcar writes, “while it may be necessary to strike an alliance with the devil under certain circumstances, it is never legitimate to become the devil’s advocate, and even less so to present the devil as an angel. Therein lies the difference between an alliance of convenience and full complicity.” But only a few pages on, this time in the context of discussing Islamists, Achcar asserts, “When ‘my enemy’s enemy’ is much worse than ‘my enemy’ from the standpoint of humanity as a whole, there can be no striking a pact, no matter what the pretext.”

    The latter view fits poorly with Achcar’s earlier praise of Palestinian liberals’ rejection of Nazism. If there can be no moral justification for supporting Nazism, even on pragmatic grounds, then the rejection of that ideology is hardly praiseworthy; it is merely upholding a baseline morality, like refraining from rape or murder.

    Achcar devotes a considerable portion of the book to the leader of the Palestinian national movement, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Hajj Amin al-Husseini. Spending the war years in Berlin, in close proximity to the Nazi top brass, Hajj Amin remained his “hosts’ Arab/Muslim collaborator par excellence.”

    While in Berlin, the Mufti did more than merely oppose Jewish immigration to Palestine. Hajj Amin actively participated in the war effort on behalf of the Nazis, including setting up an SS force of Bosnian Muslims. In a letter to the Hungarian minister, in June 1943, Hajj Amin urged him to prevent Jews from leaving for Palestine and went on to suggest that “it would be indispensable and infinitely preferable to send them to other countries where they would find themselves under active control, for example, in Poland, in order thereby to protect oneself from their menace and avoid the consequent damage.” He mentioned Poland, as Achcar points out, knowing full well about the concentration camps in operation there. Even after the war, Hajj Amin remained steadfast on the matter of his wartime support for the Germans. Had they won, he once lamented after the war, “no trace of the Zionists would have remained in Palestine and the Arab countries.”...

    IN THE final chapter of the book, Achcar discusses contemporary expressions of anti-Semitism in the Arab world. Like in previous chapters, Achcar points out that “the most important question” is the “real weight of anti-Semitism in today’s Arab world.” He poses the question, “Is the fantasy-based hatred of the Jews that was and still is typical of European racists…the equivalent of the hatred felt by Arabs enraged by the occupation and/or destruction of Arab lands?”

    Achcar, of course, thinks not. But saying that European anti-Semitism does not fully exhaust the meaning of its Middle Eastern analog is a truism. It does little but reiterate the obvious point that spatial and temporal contingencies shape all ideas as they manifest themselves in different historical contexts. Tracing an idea across space and time requires paying attention to the ways in which ideas adapt to and are transformed by different contexts. The challenge of any intellectual history is to determine what should be understood as a difference of degree and what of kind, and to decide when the operating assumption is continuity and when it is change. Achcar skirts this discussion. He often stresses in-kind differences and histories of change to acquit secular politicians and intellectuals, while identifying gradual differences and historical continuities in order to pass stern judgment on Islamic thinkers and movements...

    Considering the symbolic force of the Holocaust, it is crucial to maintain the distinction between a neo-Nazi shouting “Death to the Jews!” and a Palestinian shouting likewise, but who by “Jews” means “Israelis.” Context—political, cultural, or linguistic—matters. And while Palestinians have a legitimate gripe with Israel, the notion that they have one with world Jewry has to be rejected in the strongest possible terms. This requires an evenhanded approach to the issue. Mistakenly labeling something anti-Semitism that is not is as grave an error as failing to properly identify the real thing.

    Achcar’s book does not fully succeed in dealing with this problem. In addition to its unhelpfully narrow understanding of anti-Semitism, it suffers from a strident anti-Zionism that sits uneasily atop the book’s primary topic. As a result, one is left with the impression that Achcar succumbs to the very malady he purports to write against. And we continue playing politics with the Holocaust.
  529. Israel-Palestine: Lands and Peoples. United States: Berghahn Books, 2021. 279.
  530. Doron S. Ben-Atar, ‎Andrew Pessin, "Anti-Zionism on Campus: The University, Free Speech, and BDS," (Indiana University Press, 2018), pp. 184-5.

    In May 2012, I went to a Palestine society event at SOAS where the anti-Israel journalist Abdel Bari Atwan was due to speak. Atwan had once declared, "If Iranian missiles hit Israel, I will dance in Trafalgar Square," so I felt I had to be there to record what else he had to say about Israel's destruction to an audience of students. As soon as I started to film, I was pounced on by a group of students ordering me to stop filming. They tried to snatch my camera out of my hand, and one said to me, "You're a typical Israeli, you now that." I'm English. They wanted me to leave the auditorium, but I refused. It was my right to be there and to witness what was being said. It was a public event. They then removed my coat and bag from the seat next to me so I had no option but to leave and try to retrieve them.36 You won't be surprised to read that the statement released by the SOAS Student Union to defend the Palestine society had a paragraph about me, which read: "By now, we are well aware of his intentions. He first provokes, intimidates, and insults (including racially) speakers, organizers, or members of the audience and violates generally accepted conventions of public meetings." I then received an email from SOAS banning me from using my camera under threat of being banned from SOAS itself and possible legal action. I was informed that in the future I should ask in advance for permission to take photographs or film at any SOAS events, but I have been refused every time I have since asked. Similarly, a month before, I was also at SOAS to hear Amal Jamal, an Arab Israeli lecturer at Tel Aviv University, tell his student audience how downtrodden Arabs are within Israel. When it came to the Q&A after his talk, I asked Jamal how it was that he succeeded in Israel if Arabs were, in his view, so downtrodden.

    Professor Gilbert Achcar, who runs the Center for Palestine Studies at SOAS, immediately branded me a professional disrupter in front of everyone; announced that had he known I was attending the event, he would have barred my entry; and then told everyone that I had left insulting messages on his answering machine.
  531. Gilbert Achcar: "Arabs bear no responsibility (sic) for Holocaust", The JC, Nov 24, 2016.

    Gilbert Achcar is Professor of International Relations at SOAS and he has a new book out called The Arabs and the Holocaust: the Arab-Israeli War of Narratives. He gave a talk about his book on Tuesday to a very receptive audience of 200 students at SOAS...

    What hope is there when students applaud nonsense like this. If it wasn't bad enough having Ilan Pappe lecturing students full time at Exeter University his ideological twin is now doing the same at SOAS.

    The Arabs had a significant enough role in the Holocaust which makes Gilbert Achcar an Arab-role-in-the-Holocaust-denier.
  532. Adam Levick, On BBC, David Baddiel encounters SOAS professor excusing Palestinian Holocaust denial, Feb 19, 2021.; CAMERA On Campus UK Calls on British Universities to Address Ongoing Rise in Antisemitism, CAMERA, Feb 24, 2021.
    In a BBC 2 documentary hosted by comedian David Baddiel last month, SOAS professor Gilbert Achcar overtly excused the presence of Holocaust denial among Palestinians.
  533. Letter and special report, Chef der Sicherheitspolizei to Reichsführer SS, 21 Dec. 1942, BArch,. NS 19/186.
  534. 534.0 534.1 Sefer ha-shanah shel ha-'itona'im [Journalists' Yearbook]. Agudat ha-ʻitonaʾim be-Tel-Aviv, 1945. 319.
    The Arab press (published in and read in Israel [Palestine])

    In the West and the East, the press is an important factor in the awakening and unification of peoples. It arouses wider circles of public interest, raises the level of general education, helps to form public opinion, provides information on what is happening, brings East and West closer, broadens horizons. To some extent, the press also played this role. Many are its shortcomings, but quite a few of them depend on the public shortcomings for which it writes. Its social and political reduction. The Arab press knows how to stimulate the reader's feelings and passions. It is a nationalistic press - and knows how to safeguard national interests (as it interprets them). But it is also a business press and knows and its managers know their business, know how to turn internal and external events into a source of income. It also happens that a person pays the editorial for the right to publish an article. And the boundaries between awareness and the rest of the material are not always one hundred percent clear. There is a newspaper that publishes ads of Jewish companies accused on the same page of "[sic] sucking [sic] the blood of the Arab consumer." But as is well known, the contradiction between this conscience and business is not limited to the borders of the Arab press. The year of the birth of the Arab press in the country - if one turns a blind eye to the official newspaper - was 1908 the year of the revolution of the young Turks and the issuance of a constitution that untied the lines of supervision of the 'Abd al-Hamid regime. By 1914, there were 27 newspapers in the SS, most of them short-lived, and none of them were daily. As in the entire Arab East, the Arab Christians were pioneers of the newspapers in Israel as well.. Two were issued by the Histadrut (Union) and two by the Communists. After the events of 1929 and the political awakening that followed, the nature of the Arab press changed. The demand for the newspaper increased, the Muslims began to occupy an increasingly important place in the press, the daily press gained a more secure status. Accelerated development took place in the years of prosperity 1936-1933: the newspapers of the Hussein family, of the "Conference (i.e.: organization) of youth", of Sheikh al-Farouki, of the Istiqlal founded during this period reached their peak in the early days of the events. However, with the dissolution of the Arab Higher Committee and especially with the increase in internal terrorism, the newspapers disintegrated: As the general escape of the rich and educated Arab elite began to flee, the newspaper owners also fled. The war again caused many changes in the Arab press. Including difficulties in obtaining the paper and licenses. Censorship weighed heavily on newspapers with a democratic and anti-fascist tendency. The face of the 'surviving' press ("Falastin", "a-Difa", "a-Sirat") was determined by the factors of the time: the expansion of the world horizons by the news from the various slaughter fields, the tensions calming the crucial moments in the war. Israel), the attitude of the Arab public towards the "anti-Jewish" and pro-Jewish powers.

    A week before the end of the war in Europe, the editor of Al-Ittihad asked an 'important activist' about the meaning of the current trend in some newspapers (his intention was probably for 'Difa'e', but 'Falastin' had to adapt to its rival in order not to lose circulation) to highlight the speeches of Hitler and Himmler and the Warwolf, to deceive the reader as if Nazism still has hope to win, and to weaken confidence in the unity of the Western allies and SSSR. The important activist replied that this trend satisfies the will of the people and increases the distribution.

    ספר השנה של העתונאים. אגודת העיתונאים בתל-אביב, 1945. 319.

    העתונות הערבית (היוצאת בארץ והנקראת בה) במערב ובמזרח מהוה העתונות גורם חשוב להתעוררות עמים ולהתלכדותם. היא מעוררת חוגים רחבים יותר להתענינות ציבורית, מעלה את רמת ההשכלה הכללית, עוזרת להתהוות דעת קהל, מוסרת ידיעות על הנעשה, מקרבת מזרח ומערב, מרחיבה אפקים. במידת-מה מילאה העתונות גם את התפקיד הזה. ליקוייה רבים, אך לא מעטים מהם תלויים בליקויי הציבור שבשבילו היא כותבת. צמצומו החברתי והפוליטי. העתונות הערבית יודעת לגרות את הרגשות ואת היצרים של הקורא. היא עתונות לאומית - ויודעת לשמור על האינטרסים הלאומיים (כפי שהיא מפרשת אותם). אך היא גם עתונות עסקית ויודעת ומנהליה יודעים את עסקם, יודעים להפוך מאורעות פנימיים וחיצוניים למקור-הכנסה. קורה גם שאדם משלם למערכת בעד הזכות לפרסם מאמר. והגבולות בין המודעות ושאר החומר אינם תמיד ברורים במאה אחוז. יש שעתון מפרסם מודעות של חברות יהודיות הנאשמות באותו העמוד ב"מציצת דמו של הצרכן הערבי". אך כידוע הסתירה בזאת בין המצפון והעסק אינה מצטמצמת רק בגבולי העתונות הערבית. שנת הלידה של העתונות הערבית בארץ -- אם להעלים עין מהעתון הרשמי -- היתה 1908 שנת המהפכה של התורכים הצעירים ונתינת הקונסטיטוציה שהתירה את כבלי הפיקוחים של שלטון עבד אל-חמיד. עד 1914 הופיעו בס"ה 27 עתונים, רובם קצרי-נשימה, ואף אחד מהם לא היה יומי. כמו בכל המזרח הערבי, היו הנוצרים הערבים חלוצי העתונות גם בא"י. שניים הוצאו על ידי "ההסתדרות" ושניים על ידי הקומוניסטים. אחרי המאורעות של 1929 וההתעוררות הפוליטית שבאה אחריהם, נשתנה האופי של העתונות הערבית. הדרישה לעתון גברה, המוסלמים התחילו לתפוש מקום חשוב יותר ויותר בעתונות, העתונות היומית כבשה לעצמה מעמד בטוח יותר. התפתחות מזורזת חלה בשנות השיגשוג 1936-1933: העתונים של משפחת החוסיינים, של "ועידת (כלומר : ארגון) הנוער", של השיך אל־פארוקי, של האיסתיקלאליים שנוסדו בתקופה הזאת הגיעו לשיא פריחתם בראשית ימי המאורעות. אולם עם פיזור הועד הערבי העליון וביחוד עם התגברות הטרור הפנימי התפוררו העתונים: כשהתחילה הבריחה הכללית של הצמרת הערבית העשירה והמשכילה לחו"ל ברחוּ גם בעלי העתונים. המלחמה גרמה שוב שינויים רבים בעתונות הערבית. ובו קשיי השגת הנייר והרשיונות. הצנזורה הכבידה את עולה דוקא על עתונים בעלי מגמה דימוקרטית ואנטי־פשיסטית. פרצוף העתונות שנשארה לפליטה ("פלשתין", "א־דיפאע" , "א־סיראט") נקבע על ידי גורמי הזמן: הרחבת האפקים העולמית על ידי הידיעות משדות הקטל השונים, המתיחות שליותה את הרגעים המכריעים במלחמה (גם בחינת הפתרון של בעית ארץ־ ישראל), יחס הציבור הערבי כלפי המעצמות ה"אנטי - יהודיות" והפרו־יהודיות". שבוע לפני סיום המלחמה באירופה שאל עורך "אל־איתיחאד" ל"עסקן חשוב", על פשר המגמה הקיימת אצל עתונים אחדים (כוונתו היתה כנראה ל"א דיפאע" , אך "פלשתין" היה מוכרח להתאים את עצמו ליריבו כדי לא לרדת בתפוצה) להבליט את נאומי היטלר והימלר ואת הוורוולף, להשלות את הקורא כאילו לנאציזם עוד תקוה לנצח, ולהחליש את האמון באחדות בנות-הברית המערביות וססס"ר. העסקן החשוב ענה שהמגמה הזאת משביעה את רצון העם ומגדילה את התפוצה.

  535. 535.0 535.1 Hitler's will - a guiding light for them, ha-Tsofeh, Jan 2, 1946.
    Yesterday, on (civil) New Year the, Arab newspapers in Jaffa published the will of Hitler with great prominence. The Ad-Difaa (Al Difa) outdid itself in honor of the Christian holiday and brought at the top of the issue a picture of the "Fuhrer."
    - הצופה, כ"ט טבת, תש"ו] צוואת היטלר —‬ נר לדרכם. אתמול ראש השנה האזרחית, פירסמו העתונים הערבים ביפו בהבלטה יתירה את צוואתו של היטלר בהבלטה יתירה "אדיפאע" הגדיל לעשות לכבוד החג הנוצרי ‬‬‬‬ והביא בראש הגליון את תמונתו של ה"פיהרר"]
    -Ad Difaa, Jan 1, 1946:

    نص وصية هتلرالسياسية للشعب الالمانى والقائه مسئولية الحرب على اليهودية العالمية ...

    The text of Hitler's political will to the German people and his responsibility for the war on world Judaism ...
  536. 536.0 536.1 HaMashkif, June 4, 1946.
    An Arab newspaper about "Hitler the Great Leader". "Adolf Hitler, the lost European man" - an article of this name with a picture on "the greatest [sic] leader who rose in Germany" was published in the latest issue of "alwahda" (الوحدة) the Arab weekly in Jerusalem.

    [עיתון ערבי על "היטלר המנהיג הגדול". "אדולף היטלר, איש אירופה שאבד" — מאמר בשם זה עם תמונה על "המנהיג הגדול ביותר שקם בגרמניה" התפרסם בגליון האחרון של "אלויחדא" השבועון הערבי בירושלים.]
    [Note, the Alwahda weekly newspaper was founded on October 20, 1945 by 'Abd al-Salam al-Husseini, and published until December 12, 1947. Identified with the Arab Higher Committee.]

  537. Palestinian Leader Farouq Qaddoumi: We Supported The Nazis In WWII, Memri, December 18, 2013
    In an interview with Russia Today TV on December 7, 2013, Farouq Qaddoumi, former PLO political bureau head, said: "I don't think it would be wrong to say that we were enthusiastic supporters of Germany" in World War II.

    Former political bureau head of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) removes any doubt over Arab support for Nazi Germany. If anyone has had doubts about the Palestinian Authority’s (PA) support for the Nazis, recent remarks by one of its leaders should make things clearer. In an interview with Russia Today TV on December 7, Farouq Qaddoumi, the former political bureau head of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), said that Arabs were “enthusiastic supporters” of the Nazis during World War II. The remarks were translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).

    "I don't think it would be wrong to say that we were enthusiastic supporters of Germany," Qaddoumi said in the interview, when asked by the interviewer, "Were you sympathetic with Nazi Germany in WWII? " The interviewer, seeking to clarify, then said, "You supported Hitler and his people." Qaddoumi replied, "Germany, yes. This was common among the Palestinians, especially since our enemy was Zionism, and we saw that Zionism was hostile to Germany, and vice versa." These remarks are just the latest evidence of the Arab support for Nazis and for genocide of Jews. Recently, MEMRI posted clips from two separate rallies at Al-Quds University, in which Islamic Jihad members, cheered on by other students, take part in a live performance at which they brandish imitation assault rifles and black Islamist flags, and give Nazi salutes. The live "show" features terrorists killing Israeli soldiers and executing a "collaborator", who is denounced as a "traitor" and a "spy", and suggests that the initial pictures, which were first released by British journalist Tom Gross, were not from a one-off incident but evidence of a much wider phenomenon. Many Israelis point to the lionization of Nazi and other anti-Semitic figures as a reason to doubt the sincerity of the Palestinian Authority's commitment to any future peace agreement. Just this past October, for example, Jewish motorists were horrified to see a Nazi flag flying over a major road near the Arab town of Beit Umar. The flag had apparently been placed there by residents of the town, located near Hevron. That incident was in fact the second occasion in which Beit Umar residents had flown a Nazi flag over the same highway, in an apparent "gesture" to their Jewish neighbors. Later that same month, a youth magazine linked to the Palestinian Authority published a list of "famous quotes" from none other than Adolf Hitler, aimed at glorifying the Nazi leader. Also in October, reacting to ongoing incidents of incitement and anti-Semitism by the Palestinian Authority, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu noted the deep link between the Palestinian national movement and Germany's Nazi regime. Netanyahu noted that Haj Amin Al-Husseini, the founder of "Palestinian nationalism", was an admirer and supporter of Adolf Hitler, had met the Nazi Fuhrer on numerous occasions and was actively involved in encouraging Hitler and his henchmen in their project of annihilating the Jewish people.

    PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas has consistently said that any future Palestinian state would be free of Israelis and Jews. [99].
  538. "על הנכבה", גבריאל מוקד, הארץ, 08/06/2021. [100]. הרוב המוחלט של התנועה הלאומית פלסטינית (וכלל־ערבית) הזדהה, אם בגלוי ואם בשתיקה, עם עמדת מנהיגם מימי מלחמת עולם השנייה המופתי אל־חוסייני, שותף נאמן של היטלר, הימלר ואייכמן בהחלטה לחסל באופן פיסי את העם היהודי.
    "On the Nakba," Gabriel Moked, Haaretz, June 8, 2021.
    ... The vast majority of the Palestinian (and all-Arab) national movement identified, whether openly or tacitly, with the position of their Mufti al-Husseini World War II leader, a loyal partner of Hitler, Himmler and Eichmann in the decision to physically eliminate the Jewish people.
  539. 539.0 539.1 Maariv – מעריב, 29 April 1949

    Twice in the last few years we have witnessed joint operations of these two sides, and although they ended in failure, they have greatly helped to increase understanding and friendship between them. First, the Arabs extended a helping hand to the Nazis. This was during the war, when for some time it seemed that Germany's hand was on the top. There is hardly a single Arab leader today who in those days was not an ally of Nazi Germany. The Nazi-Arab partnership flourished at a time when the war was close to the gates of our country, and names such as Rashid Ali, Amin al-Husseini, etc. still symbolize the "glorious" period of this idyll. The ending, as recalled, was not so glorious. The Nazis were defeated, and the Arab leaders who casted their lot with Berlin were scattered everywhere: some to Moscow, some to Paris, some to Riyadh. Their process of denazification was very short. They changed the horse and everything was ready to forget the past. One by one, Kawkaji, Rashid Ali and the Mufti returned to the Middle East. And no one prevented them from returning to their previous positions. It was not long before the partnership was renewed. This time the Arabs were in distress, and the Nazis felt their help. They came from the captivity camps, from the "DPs" centers, from the conquered German cities — from everywhere from which it was possible to reach the Middle East. Have we already forgotten those days, when German and Yugoslav Nazis would cooperate with the Arab gangs and serve as advisers, experts and guides?

    This time the partnership was short and glorious the defeat ahead came. And it was the Nazi aides who were scattered everywhere. To this day it is not known what happened to them.

    מוסלי מהמבורג [נאצי מדמשק? ערבי מהאמבורג?] ... פעמיים במשך השנים האחרונות היינו עדים למיבצעים משותפים של שני הצדדים הללו, ואם כי הם נסתיימו בכשלון, הרי הם סייעו הרבה להגברת ההבנה והידידות ביניהם. תחילה הושיטו הערבים יד עוזרת לנאצים. זה היה בימי המלחמה, כאשר במשך כמה זמן נדמה היה כי ידה של גרמניה על העליונה. אין כמעט אף מנהיג ערבי אחד של ימינו שבאותם הימים לא היה בעל ברית לגרמניה הנאצית. השותפות הנאצית־ערבית שגשגה ביותר בשעה שהמלחמה היתה קרובה לשערי ארצנו, ושמות כגון ראשיד עלי, אמין אל־חוסייני וכו' מסמלים עד היום את תקופת "הזוהר" של האידיליה הזאת. הסוף, כזכור, לא היה כל כך מפואר. הנאצים נחלו תבוסה, והמנהיגים הערביים שהשליכו את יהבם על ברלין, נתפזרו לכל עבר: מי למוסקבה, מי לפאריס, מי לריאד. תהליך הדינאציפיקצה שלהם היה קצר מאד. הם החליפו את הסוס והכל היו מוכנים לשכוח את העבר. בזה אחר זה חזרו למזרח התיכון גם קאוקג'י, גם ראשיד עלי וגם המופתי. ואיש לא מנע מהם לחזור ולתפוס את עמדותיהם הקודמות. לא עבר זמן רב, והשותפות נתחדשה. הפעם הערבים היו במצוקה, והנאצים חשו לעזרתם. הם באו ממחנות השבי, ממרכזי "העקורים מערי גרמניה המנוצחת, מכל מקום‭ ‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ שממנו אפשר היה להגיע למזרח התיכון. האם כבר שכחנו את הימים ההם, שבהם נאצים גרמניים ויוגוסלביים היו משתפים פעולה עם הכנופיות הערביות ומשמשים להן יועצים, מומחים ומדריכים? הפעם הזאת היתה השותפות קצרה ובלתי מפוארת התבוסה הקדימה לבוא. והעוזרים הנאצים הם שנתפזרו לכל עבר. עד היום לא ידוע מה היה בגורלם.

  540. Voices from the Arab press: 'Haj Muhammad Hitler' The Media Line. The Jerusalem Post, December 10, 2020.
    The strange convergence between Nazism and Islamic jihad was most apparent during World War II, when Amin al-Husseini, the grand mufti of Jerusalem, traveled to Berlin to meet with Hitler, declaring jihad against the Allies, led by Britain. In fact, there were rumors floating throughout the Arab world that Husseini gave Hitler the title “Haj Muhammad Hitler” after teaching him the theory of Islamic martyrdom.

    Following World War II and the defeat of Nazism, the Western world finally rid itself of fascist movements that espoused radical ideologies. But in the East, and especially in the Arab world, the concept of political Islam continued to develop and grow into a destructive ideology. The West isolated itself against ideological extremism by uprooting Nazism, while in the Arab world, thousands of Hitler sympathizers grew up speaking Arabic and professing Islam.

    Unfortunately, while Europe escaped its problematic legacy with Nazism, the Middle East became a hotbed for many of its radical ideologies. While Europe turned its face toward freedom and democracy, many in the Arab world, inspired by “Haj Muhammad Hitler,” began openly adopting Islamic fascism.

    – Hussam al-Adli .. Translated by Asaf Zilberfarb.

  541. Gene Currivan, ARABS IN PALESTINE ASK MANDATE'S END; All-Inclusive Gathering Also Calls for Boycotting Jews-- Wants Mufti's Return, The New York Times, Jan. 10, 1946.
    JERUSALEM, Jan. 9--The last lingering hope that some semblance of peace might obtain in Palestine, at least during the discussions of the joint Anglo-American inqujry committee, was smashed today when the most representative gathering of Arabs in ...
  542. Pro-Nazi Arab Flees France; Talk Seethes Ruthless Leader Expected to Reappear In Troubled Middle East - French Vague - Long And Devious Criminal Trail Covers Most European Countries By Herbert C. King, United Press Staff Correspondent

    Paris. June 8. --UPI-- The Pro-Nazi Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin El Husseini, has secretly "escaped" from France, the French press agency reported tonight...

    UPI, June 8, 1946.

  543. THE MIDDLE EAST: L 'Affaire Mufti,], Monday, June 24, 1946.

    When a news sensation lasts longer than one day, the Paris press calls it an affaire. By last week the disappearance from France of Haj Amin El-Husseini, Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, was firmly established as I'affaire Mufti. The man himself was a character straight out of a cloak-&-dagger novel. The 53-year-old Mufti (whose claim to the aristocratic "El-Husseini" is dubious) is revered as a spiritual leader by Palestine's Arabs. He has been a fanatical anti-Zionist ever since the British appointed him as Mufti in 1921. In 1937, after a murder, he was wafted out of Palestine, where a warrant still exists for his arrest. During the war, he was accused of trafficking with Hitler and Mussolini, of fomenting the Iraq revolt of 1941, and of urging on Germany a systematic policy of exterminating Jews. Last year he entered France from Switzerland, and has been living luxuriously at a villa 13 miles from Paris under mild police surveillance which left his movements unhampered. Dressed in Western clothes, with his reddish beard shaved off, and equipped with a false passport, the Mufti apparently left France last fortnight on a T.W.A. plane for Egypt. In Cairo he disappeared. Next day a U.P. dispatch from Damascus said that the Mufti was in Syria, at a meeting of the Arab League called to resist the Anglo-U.S. plan for transferring 100,000 European Jews to Palestine. But the U.P. later admitted that the Mufti's whereabouts were uncertain, and the Syrian Government denied that he had entered by air or through any frontier post. The Arab world looked like a crafty hen sitting on an egg—an egg which they would disclose in due time. There was an immediate uproar from Zionists and their sympathizers all over the world. Both the British and French governments were accused of negligence and even of complicity. The British, it appeared, had not wanted to extradite and try the Mufti as a war criminal for fear of inflaming the Moslems; France had let him escape in order to pay the British off for past embarrassments in the Levant.

    There was a shakeup in the Paris police over I'affaire Mufti, and Britain's Foreign Minister Ernest Bevin was sufficiently disturbed by it to order an investigation of his intelligence service. Mr. Bevin was already disturbed by a howl of anger from the U.S. which followed a remark of his at Bournemouth: that the U.S. wanted the 100,000 Jews in Palestine "because they did not want too many of them in New York."
  544. אסף‬‎, ‫מיכאל‬‎. ‫התנועה הערבית בארץ־ישראל ומקורותיה‬‎. Israel: ‫הוצאת המשמרת הצעירה למפלגת פועלי ארץ־ישראל‬‎עמ' 65., 1947. [101]
    Assaf, Michael. The Arab movement in Palestine and its origins. Israel: Publishing the Young Shift for the Eretz Yisrael Workers' Party, 1947. p. 65.

    מועצת הליגה בבלודאן שקדמה לה -- במאי 1946 -- ועידת מלכים ונשיאים ערבים במצרים (באינשאס, אחוזת המלך פארוק), דנה בעניין הארצישראלי תוך ידיעה, כי המופתי ברח מצרפת והגיע למזרח, נוכחותו במזרח ולו גם כפליט הנהנה ממקלט אצל המלך פארוק, מחזקת את התנועה הערבית בארץ, שנעשתה בזמן האחרון כפופה לגמרי לליגה הערבית. אם נוכחותו של המופתי במזרח תחזיר לתנועה הערבית בארץ ישראל מקצת מעצמאותה הקודמת לעתיד פתרונים. בינתיים נעשו מאמצים באינשאס ובבלודאן מאמצים מחודשים להדק את הברית בין הארצות הערביות לבין אנגליה. באותה מועצה בבלודאן נסתיים פרק במאבק המפלגה הקומוניסטית הערבית על שיתופה בהנהגת התנועה הלאומית בארץ. המועצה סילקה את השתדלות הקומוניסטים לשיתופם בהנהגה -- סילוק גמור ומוחלט. הרי בתקופה האחרונה דוקא פתחו מדינות הליגה -- במצרים, עיראק וסוריה במלאכת "ביעור וטיהור" כלפי הקומוניסטים. אולם הקומוניסטים הערבים בארץ אינם אומרים נואש: הם שיתפו עצמם, אחרי סטירת הלחי בבלודאן, בשמחת ערביי הארץ לשוב המופתי, גרורו של היטלר מאירופה. אין זאת, כי יודעים הם היטב-היטב את נפש הציבור הערבי בארץ ואין לפניהם דרך אחרת, אלא חנופה והתרפסות לפני הנטיות הלאומוניות של הערבים. מפלגת המופתי עוררה וכפתה על ערבי הארץ חגיגות רועשות לכבוד בריחתו מצרפת.

  545. Norwood, Stephen H.. Antisemitism and the American Far Left. United States: Cambridge University Press, 2013. p. 121.
    The U.S. consul in Egypt had refused to grant Khalidi a visa to the United States because of his wartime collaboration with the Nazis in Germany...

    The Nations Associates also charged that the mufti and his "henchmen" Kamal, Khalidi, and Ghouri had been "directly responsible" for the 1941 anti-Jewish pogrom in Baghdad. It noted that the Arab pogromists had "stabbed or brutally clubbed to death in the streets of Baghdad" nearly 400 Jewish men, women, and children...

    The CP of Palestine adopted an aggressive Arab nationalist position, ignoring the grand mufti's rabid chauvinism and theocratic objectives. Its weekly Al-Ittihad, in an article praising the grand mufti after his escape from war crimes prosecution in Europe, reported approvingly that Arab Palestine "from end to end" had celebrated his triumphal return to Egypt.
  546. Al-Ittihad on June 23, 1946:

    سماحة المفتى الاكبر
    His Eminence, the Grand Mufti.

    Our struggling nation honors those who sacrifice themselves. The Arab nation in Palestine has shown vitality and faithfulness to its interests and those who work for them. Arab Palestine from end to end celebrated the good news ... Arab Palestine expressed its feelings in its celebrations and demonstrations for every man who it is sure served his country faithfully. In these expressions the nation provides us with a great lesson that it does not pay attention to words but honors deeds and glorifies and honors their doers. Our nation has proved that it has not forgotten nor will forget those who struggled, passed through trials and made sacrifices for their homeland."
  547. Crum Warns State Department on Release of Ex-mufti; Links Him with Gestapo Leaders, JTA, June 12, 1946. [102].
  548. Herf, Jeffrey. Israel's Moment: International Support for and Opposition to Establishing the Jewish State, 1945–1949. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 2022. 99.
  549. Winnipeg Free Press Newspaper Archives, Sep 13, 1947, p. 8.

    The memorandum titled the Palestine problem and proposals for its solution exposes the pro Nazi Arab role in world War Commission of Inquiry on Palestine quotes a Nazi War criminal, the grand Mufti had repeatedly suggested to Hitler Himmler and von Ribbentrop the extermination of European Jewry as a solution to the Palestine problem. Crum adds that the Mufti visited the Gas Chambers at Auschwitz where millions of Jews were exterminated and that Hitler instructed that in any ransoming of Concentration Camp inmates no Jews were to be included because of an agreement with the Mufti. Crum quotes letters from the Mufti showing that he encouraged the deportation of thousands of European Jews including children to Polish extermination Camps.

    It is very peculiar that at a time of so much tension in Palestine a War Criminal like the Mufti should be permitted to add to the trouble and incite the Arabs against the Jews. There can be no peace in Palestine until the Mufti and his aides are tried and imprisoned.
  550. The Evening Star, Bradford, Pa., Wednesday Evening:, June 12, 1946. Page Three
    MacKenzie Column 

    The Grand Mufti Is on the Loose Again 

    By Dewitt MacKenzie (Associated Press Foreign Affairs Analyst)

    Word that the powerful grand mufti of Jerusalem who is anti everything that is British or Jewish has evaded surveillance in France and again is at large somewhere among the Moslems of the Middle East, isn't calculated to ease the crisis which has arisen in Palestine over the fiery problem of Jewish immigration. 

    Dangerous Man 

    The highly educated grand mufti is a dangerous man to those against whom he conspires. For many years he has been leader of the Arab campaign for an independent Palestine and against the establishment of a Jewish national home as promised by the British. And it is an ironic circumstance that it was Sir Herbert Samuel, first British high commissioner of Palestine under the league of Nations mandate, who appointed him mufti. The 53-year-old Haj Amin El Husseini to give him his name not only is spiritual head of Palestine's some 1,000,000 Moslem Arabs but is political leader as well. 

    Moreover his influence extends into Trans-Jordan, Iraq, Arabia, Egypt, Iran and Syria, for he is gifted with leadership, has a strong personality and is as crafty as a fox.

    Most of his life. Husseini has made war on the Jews of Palestine. 

    Indeed in 1920, when his brother was grand mufti, he fled to Trans-Jordan after being sentenced to 10 years imprisonment for his part in anti-Jewish riots. 

    Next year the brother died and Haj Amin was granted amnesty, after which High Commissioner Samuel appointed him grand mufti, it being the custom for this high office to remain In the same family. 

    Banished in 1937 

    Finally in 1937 the British banished the grand mufti from Palestine. He took refuge first in Syria, and then in Iran and finally in Italy, keeping just ahead of the British forces as they occupied the Middle East in 1941.

    Of course the grand mufti was welcomed by Mussolini with open arms, for both Il Duce and Hitler were doing their utmost to inflame the Moslems of the Middle East against the Allies. 

    He carried on his anti-British activities from Italy until he again was forced to flee, this time to France where ultimately he came under Allied control. 

    Now the grand mufti is loose again and is reported to have gone by air to Syria, but his whereabouts is a mystery. 

    It scarcely can be mere coincidence that the grand mufti has made this spectacular get-away as the moment nears when a decision must be made whether the Anglo-American Committee recommendation shall be carried out. 

    June 20 is the time set for both Jews and Arabs to give formal reports of their reactions to the recommendation.
  551. Hale, Christopher. Hitler's Foreign Executioners: Europe's Dirty Secret. United Kingdom: History Press, 2011. 373-374.
  552. "ARAB TACTICS HELD EMULATING HITLER; Jewish Agency Aide Denounces Troop 'Bluff -- Arab Offers a Charter Justification." Special to The New Times. Oct. 11, 1947.
    LAKE SUCCESS, N.Y., Oct. 10 -- A spokesman for the Jewish Agency for Palestine today denounced reported troop movements by Arab states as "bluff and bluster" and said that, under the leadership of the exiled Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin el-Husseini, the Arabs were "brazenly emulating Hitler's tactics."
  553. Alon, Dafna. Arab Racialism. Jerusalem: Israel Economist, 1969.
    The Nazis established contacts with Arab nationalists in the Middle East in the 1930s. It was they who infected the Arab world with racist antisemitism; today, the antisemitism in the region has taken the form of hysteria. After World War II, many Nazi criminals took refuge in Arab countries, and some of them became "experts in Jewish affairs." "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" has gained popularity in the Arab world; Arab countries publish and spread this work...
    Nazi anti-Semitism – theory, practice and policy – fitted the needs of the Arab nationalist movement like a glove. Over the years it was to become a shirt of Nessus, a poisonous garment enveloping the movement with a spreading rash of maddening fears and delusions, a garment which it cannot shake off and which is eating it away, body and soul.
  554. Nathan Belth, 80, writer on Anti-Semitism, NYTimes, Mar 4, 1989.
  555. A Promise to Keep: A Narrative of the American Encounter with Anti-Semitism / Nathan C. Belth, US Holocaust Memorial Museum
  556. Belth, Nathan C.. A Promise to Keep: A Narrative of the American Encounter with Anti-Semitism. United States: Times Books, 1979. pp. 234-5. [103].
  557. Tibor Krausz, "The Swastika and the Crescent," The Jerusalem Report, June 1, 2015.
    The Nazis went out of their way to court the Muslim world with varying degrees of success, and the malignant legacy of their efforts remains with us

    In the end, despite Hitler's best efforts, a grand Nazi-Islamic alliance wasn't to be, not least because the Germans had underestimated the deep-seated ethnic and tribal differences among Muslims by mistaking them to be a homogenous group with a unified agenda. To the end, Hitler rued the Third Reich's failure in rousing Muslims en masse to his cause in plaintive laments to his private secretary Martin Bormann.

    Yet the Nazis did succeed in one thing: poisoning the mind of many a Muslim against Jews. Anti-Semitic tropes propagated by the Third Reich, from medieval Christian blood libels to virulent conspiracy theories, have been grafted seamlessly onto old Islamic anti-Jewish prejudices, thereby gaining a new lease on life in the Muslim world. That's why it's not only the Nazis' wartime dalliance with Islam that should hold our interest but also numerous surviving Nazi stalwarts' symbiotic postwar relationships with Middle Eastern regimes, under whose shelter they sought refuge from being held to account for war crimes.

    Arab states welcomed Nazi war criminals, some 4,000 of them, with open arms. "No Arab country ever expelled any of them," Rubin and Schwanitz point out, "but instead shielded [them] from prosecution" and employed them as military advisors, intelligence operatives and propagandists. Erstwhile Nazis like the rabidly anti-Jewish SS major Johann von Leers, who relocated to Cairo, converted to Islam and reinvented himself as Omar Amir von Leers, and Adolf Eichmann's right-hand man Alois Brunner, who found a new home in Damascus, proved themselves useful as avidly virulent anti-Zionist propagandists for their hosts. Others like Brunner's former boss, who was hiding out in Argentina, acted as cheerleaders for a united Arab offensive against Israel. With a book he was writing before his capture by the Mossad in 1960, Eichmann planned to lend succor to the ongoing demonization of the nascent Jewish state, as it has recently been revealed.

    "Israeli bayonets are now overrunning the Egyptian people... Israeli air squadrons are bombing peaceful Egyptian villages and towns," Eichmann opined in the unpublished manuscript in 1956 apropos the Suez Canal war that year. "Who are the aggressors here? Who are the war criminals? The victims are Egyptians, Arabs, Mohammedans ... [The Jews] are the main aggressor and perpetrator against humanity in the Middle East."

    That assessment has long since turned from a fringe opinion into a mainstream view on the Israeli-Arab conflict. If not for his genocidal record, Eichmann might well now be hailed by many self-styled "anti-Zionists" in the West as a prophetic voice on the Middle East. He may yet be hailed as such in spite of it.
  558. The Arab World Discovers Anti-Semitism - Bernard Lewis, Commentary Magazine, 1 May 1986.
  559. Nazi Criminals in Arab Countries. 1945. 4 pages.
  560. 560.0 560.1 560.2 Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the ... Congress. United States: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1967, p. 4413. The Israel Victory and Arab-Russian Doublespeak Extension of Remarks Hon. Theodore R. Kupperman Of New York To The House of Representatives Wednesday, August 30, 1967 -THE ISRAEL VICTORY AND ARAB-RUSSIAN DOUBLE TALK - CIA - ADL Bulletin, September, 1967. [104].
    ’The Grand Mufti and His Friends’ by Sid Goldberg

    Mr. Goldberg is editor of the North American Newspaper Alliance, a major newspaper syndicate.

    Grand Mufti. The irony of charging Israel with "Nazism" is revealed in the Arab record before, during, and after World War II.

    ON June 20 President Nureddin El Atassi of Syria cold the United Nations General Assembly that "The Arab people is indeed being subjected today to an operation of extermination surpassing in dimensions what the Nazis did." The day before, Premier Aleksei N. Kosygin of the Soviet Union cold the same group that Israel's behavior "brings to mind the [sic] heinous crimes perpetrated by the Fascists during World War II." Radio Cairo compared Israeli administrators in Gaza to [sic] "Nazi Gauleiters." Other Arab and Soviet propaganda mills referred to the "Hitlerite death merchants" of [sic] Israel, to "Moshe Dayan's [sic] storm troopers," and to what they charged were "Zionist plans for [sic] genocide."

    The irony, of course, is that thousands of Israelis are the sole survivors of families that vanished in the Nazi furnaces. But doubly ironic is the fact that the Soviet and Arab accusers of Israel stand guilty of their own charges. It was Soviet Russia that signed a nonaggression pact with Nazi Germany in 1939, a pact which was ultimately broken by Germany, not Russia. Some of the other communist countries which accused Israel of [sic] "walking the Hitlerite path" also know that route very well. Hungary, Rumania, Bulgaria, Albania and Slovakia not only were allies of Nazi Germany in World War II but had native Nazi movements that vied in viciousness with the German.

    What is less known is the record of the Arabs in World War II. President El-Atassi told the General Assembly, "the Arabs fought in both world wars and contributed to the liberation of Europe from Nazism and to the realization of allied victory."

    THE FACT is that Syria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Lebanon did not declare war on Germany until February, 1945, when the war was little more than a mopping up operation by the allies. The Arab declarations of war were made in late February because attendance at the forthcoming San Francisco conference, setting up the United Nations, required a declaration of war on Germany no later than March 1.

    The only Arab state that played any military role in the war was Transjordan, which declared war on Germany as early as Transjordan was totally dependent on British grants for its existence, and its army, the Arab legion, was in effect a part of the British Army, under British officers. Iraq declared war on Germany in 1943 after it was clear the Nazis were losing. Before that, pro-nazi sentiment was powerful in Baghdad, and a Nazi puppet government was installed there in 1941 under Rashid Ali, who went so far as to declare war on Britain. Rashid Ali received congratulations from Arab leaders in Egypt (including King Farouk), Lebanon, and Syria.

    The latter permitted German bombers and transports to land on its fields while the Nazi regime lasted in Baghdad. The whole temper of the Arab world before and during World War II was neutralist at best, pro-nazi at worst. When Italian troops in August, 1940, invaded Egyptian territory, Egypt did not consider this a cause for war. The fighting was left to the British. Even General Erwin Rommel's invasion of Egypt, in May, 1941, couldn't nudge the Egyptians into a declaration of war. And so strong was the pro-nazi sentiment in Egypt that when Premier Ahmed Maher did declare war-on February 24, he was assassinated while reading the Royal Decree. Arab fighting during World War II was on the side of the Nazis.

    Several thousand Arab volunteers were mobilized into Nazi units by the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Hitler's man in the Middle Ease. The Mufti, (Haj Amin El-Husseini), who operated out of Berlin from 1941 co 1945, organized his pro-nazi Arabs into sabotage squads, espionage cells and a fighting unit called the Arab legion. The Mufti also helped organize the Moslems of Bosnia and other Balkan areas into special SS Units called "The Black legions." He praised them as the "cream of Islam" and they were dispatched to the Eastern front in the Caucasus to stir Soviet Moslems into an anti-communist crusade. Some 3,000 of these Mufti troops were held prisoners of war as late as 1946 in Camp Opelika, Alabama.

    The Grand Mufti was among the most popular Arab leaders before, during and after the war. So effective was his hate sputtering oratory that few if any Arab leaders dared oppose him. As spiritual and political leader of the Palestine Arabs he had learned to hate Jews in the '20's and '30's as their numbers increased in the land of Zion.

    Now 71... the Mufti had been Hitler's chief advisor on Arab affairs and the friend and confidante of Adolf Eichmann. Gideon Hausner, chief prosecutor at the Eichmann trial in Israel, established that "the Mufti asked Gestapo chief Heinrich Himmler co provide him, after the war, when he planned co enter Jerusalem at the head of the axis troops, with a 'special adviser' from Eichmann's department to help him solve the Jewish question in the same way as it had been done in the axis countries. Eichmann offered the job co his assistant, Dieter Wisliceny."

    The Grand Mufti spread his anti Jewish venom throughout the war over radio Berlin. He praised the Germans for "knowing how to get rid of Jews." He urged his Arab listeners to "kill the Jews wherever you find them." He gave the number of Jews "still to be dealt with" (in 1944) as 11 million, representing the Jewish populations of America, Russia and other countries beyond Hitler's reach. All this would signify no more than the ravings of one madman-except that the Mufti was returned to his role after the war as leader of the Palestine question.

    He directed policy from a lavish and fortified home in Cairo and, as one of the Arab delegates to the United Nations in 1947 said, "the Mufti is the irrefutable leader of the Holy Land Arabs."

    To THIS DAY none of the Arab leaders has repudiated the Grand Mufti, or his pro-nazi assistants who worked with him in Berlin during the war. Nor is this tolerance of a Nazi in their midst surprising. Egypt, the chief victim of the "Hitlerite" Israelis, has given sanctuary to hundreds of former Nazis, among them up to 100 of Hitler's rocket and missile experts. Also in Egypt, according to the latest information from the Anti-Defamation League, are the following:

    -Colonel Naam Al-Nashar, formerly Leopold Gleim, who was head of German security in Poland. He arrived in Egypt in 1955 and organized the Egyptian security service along Nazi lines.

    -Lt. Col. Ben Sala, formerly Bernard Bender, a storm trooper still on the Polish list of war criminals. He is head of the Jewish Department of the Egyptian security service.

    - Hassan Soliman, formerly Heinrich Sellmann, wanted by West Germany for crimes committed while he was Gestapo chief in Ulm. He now holds a senior position in the Secret Police in Cairo.

    -Col. Ahim Fahumi, formerly Dr. Heinrich Willermann, wanted by West Germany for sterilization experiments he conducted in several Nazi concentration camps. He now runs the Egyptian political prison at Samara, near Alexandria.

    - Louis Al-Haj, formerly Louis Heiden, director of a Nazi press agency in Berlin. He is now an adviser to President Nasser and it was he who prepared a pocket-sized Arabic translation of Mein Kampf for Egyptian officers.

    - Ibraham Mustafa, formerly Joachim Daemling, wanted by West Germany for crimes committed in Dusseldorf while a storm trooper there. He is an adviser to the Cairo police on concentration camps.

    - Ali Mohammed, formerly George Brunner, one of Eichmann's assistants, in charge of deportation of Jews from Greece. He now works in the Egyptian propaganda industry. The list goes on and on. The Arabs, by raising a "Nazi issue," convict only themselves.

    IN WORLD WAR II, 1,300,000 Jews were in uniform in the Allied Armies. In Palestine, 85,800 Jewish men and 50,400 Jewish women volunteered for war service; 27,028 Palestine Jews served with the British forces in various Middle East, North African and European fronts, many in the most hazardous missions. What made a mockery of the United Nations "debate" was that the Communists and Arabs well know their respective roles in World War II.

    Their statements in the General Assembly would have made Joseph Goebbels proud. Dr. Goebbels, incidentally, was royally welcomed in Cairo on the eve of the war.
  561. Massuah, vols 1-3, (1973-5). [105]. לקחים היסטוריים תודעת השואה ובטחון ישראל קובץ ב' של "משואה" מופיע לאחר המבחנים הקשים בהם עמדנו מאז מלחמת יום-הכיפורים... אל נא נשכח שמטרותיהם המוצהרות של הקיצונים מבין הערבים דומות מאוד ולעתים אף זהות עם עקרונותיהם של הנאצים, מהם הם שואבים את רעיונותיהם השטניים ואת שיטותיהם הנפשעות. התעמולה האנטישמית בארצות ערב זרעה שנאה לא למדינת ישראל בלבד אלא ליהודים בכלל. על הציונים דיברו וכתבו בארצות ערב כמו על נאצים. עתונאים ערבים היללו את אדולף היטלר "הגבור [כאילו] שנפל במלחמה [כאילו] קדושה". ב-25 השנים האחרונות, מאז הקמת מדינת ישראל , פורסמה ספרות רחבה במצרים ובלבנון שהעתיקה את תורת הגזע וקראה לג'נוסייד נגד הציונים והישראלים. ספרים אלה פורסמו לא פעם ע"י הוצאות רשמיות וממשלתיות. הגזענות הוחדרה אפילו לספרי הלימוד של ילדי מדינות ערב. לא במקרה היינו נאלצים לפסול חלקים מספרי הלימוד שהיו מקובלים בירדן וברצועת עזה , תחת הכבוש הירדני והמצרי. "הפרוטוקולים של זקני ציון" פורסמו בחסות הממשלה המצרית ועל חשבונה. מאז ימי הנאצים היתה קהיר המקום היחיד שם פורסמו "פרוטוקולים" אלה והופצו ברבים. נאצר בעצמו המליץ בפני מבקרים אצלו על ספר זה "המאפשר לראות פנימה את תחבולות היהודים". הבה נזכור שמנהיגים חשובים של מדינות ערב דהיום היו בין המצפים לנצחון הנאצים במלחמת העולם השניה ואחדים מביניהם הם ממעריציו של היטלר, מפמליתו בני-בריתו. מפקדת בנות הברית בקהיר, בימי מלחמת העולם השניה, מנעה בכוח התפתחות דומה במצרים לזו שאירעה עם מרד רשיד עלי בבגדאד. המופתי הירושלמי חג' אמין אל חוסייני שכרת ברית עם היטלר וקיווה להשמדת הישוב העברי בארץ, לא התקשה למצוא לו עוזרים ותעמלנים בקרב מדינת ערב. "מיין קאמף" , הפרוטוקולים של "זקני ציון" וחוברות תעמולה דומות אינן ספרות פסולה כיום בארצות ערב. אמנם ישנם כיום מנהיגים ערבים, סופרים ועתונאים, המתביישים בפרסומים אלה, אולם טרם ניתנה הוראה להשמיד ספרות תעמולה זוועתית זו. כאשר נפגשו הערבים בשטחים עם חיילנו ועם אזרחי ישראל, הם הופתעו לראות יחס אנושי כלפיהם ולא האמינו למראה עיניהם ואמרו: "היהודים אינם שונאים אותנו ואפשר לחיות עם הישראלים"... הערבים הודו בפנינו ומודים גם היום כי לוא היו הם המנצחים במלחמת ששת הימים, היו נוהגים בנו אחרת, ומי יודע לאיזו שחיטות וזוועות היה העולם עד במקרה כזה".
  562. Alexandre Del Valle, 'Islamophobie ou reductio ad Hitlerum?' Le Figaro (Paris), 28 May 2002.
  563. Israeli, Raphael. Islamikaze: Manifestations of Islamic Martyrology. United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis, 2004. 364.
    Del Valle cites the Gud Magazine of the extreme right in France which, in association with the Islamists, praised the Nazi-Palestinian alliance of World War II; this had been geared to eliminate the Jews of Palestine and facilitate the rise of a totally Arab state in Palestine, headed by the Mufti of Jerusalem, on their ashes.
  564. 564.0 564.1 Gabriel Ben-Ami, "Look who's talking about Nazism," First Class News1, July 17, 2009.

    The truth is that, internally, the Arab world, and especially the Palestinians, have never hidden their sympathy for Nazism. After World War II, many Arab countries even opened their doors to fleeing Nazi war criminals, and some were drafted into the military effort to strike Israel (among them, Nasser's missile scientists). Giving the first name "Hitler" to Arab children is a legitimate phenomenon, and it is not uncommon to find names of Palestinians such as Hitler Saleh, Hitler Abu-Alrab or Hitler Mahmoud Abu-Libeda and more. Nazi literature, such as Hitler's book Mein Kampf, is also very popular throughout the Muslim world, including in the Palestinian Authority, which is ostensibly negotiating peace with Israel.

    Ties between neo-Nazi movements and Islamist movements such as al-Qaeda and Hamas are also documented. Joint training camps of neo-Nazis and PLO terrorists operated for years in Lebanon, before the PLO war, while in the period before the Second Gulf War, neo-Nazis from Western countries settled in Baghdad, in defense of Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein. Throughout the years and even today, neo-Nazi and racist militants in Europe and America maintain close ties with Palestinian and Islamist terrorist organizations. But for foreign purposes, the Palestinian Arab movement and its supporters in the West present the opposite view.
  565. A NEW ANTISEMITIC MYTH IN THE MIDDLE EAST MEDIA: The September 11 Attacks Were Perpetrated by the Jews - Foreword, Memri, May 1, 2002.
  566. A. Gibor, "I have to explain the danger ... because I lived there", nrg, 08/24/17.
  567. Jonah Goldberg, The swastika and the scimitar, LATimes, Aug. 17, 2006.
  568. Jonathan Schanzer, Hitler's 'Grossmufti von Jerusalem', JPost, Sep 4, 2008.
  569. David Price, 1. Mein Kampf: a fraud from start to finish Part 1 of series, JPost, Feb 1, 2016.
  570. Sean O'Neill and John Steele, Mein Kampf for sale, in Arabic, Daily Telegraph, 9 Mar 2002.

    AN Arabic translation of Hitler's Mein Kampf which has become a bestseller in the Palestinian territories is now on sale in Britain. The book, Hitler's account of his life and anti-Semitic ideology written while he was in prison in the 1920s, is normally found in Britain in academic or political bookshops. But The Telegraph found it on sale in three newsagents on Edgware Road, central London, an area with a large Arab population. The book, originally translated in the 1960s and revived by Bisan, a Lebanese publisher in the 1990s, has a picture of Hitler and a swastika on the cover and is selling for £10. Although the Bavarian state government, which claims copyright in the text, has tried to stop its publication around the world, Mein Kampf became the sixth best selling book in the Palestinian Authority area. Copies of the translation are understood to have been distributed to London shops towards the end of last year and have been selling well. In the preface, Luis al-Haj, the translator, states: "National Socialism did not die with the death of its herald. Rather, its seeds multiplied under each star." The book was on sale alongside newspapers, magazines, cigarettes and sweets at a newsagent's kiosk. "People are interested in it," said the shop assistant. "It is legal to sell it. London is a free city and, anyway, he has been dead a very long time."

    Andrew Dismore, Labour MP for Hendon, said the distribution of an Arabic version of Mein Kampf was "a very worrying trend" and he would be tabling questions to the Home Secretary.
  571. The Paranoid Apocalypse: A Hundred-Year Retrospective on The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. United States: NYU Press, 2012. 236.
    And today, Hitler's Mein Kampf is a Palestinian bestseller.
  572. "Hitler is a Youth Idol, Mein Kampf is a Bestseller." [106]. [107]. By Amos Nevo, Yediot Ahrono, March 10, 2000.

    Extremism in the Palestinian media: Holocaust denial, anti-Semitic cartoons, calls for a jihad

    A wave of seditious anti-Israel publications is flooding the Palestinian Authority. Newspapers and television broadcasts have been recruited for a propaganda campaign, historians on talk shows explain that the Western Wall was built by Arabs. "Nazi, fascist and racist" Israel is accused of injecting children with the AIDS virus, of pushing drugs and marketing poisoned food. Journalists who strayed from the official line were arrested by the Palestinian security services.

    Everybody in Gaza is talking about Israeli onions, of all things. A few weeks ago, as the Arab fantasy goes, Israel smuggled large quantities of spoiled onions to the Gaza Strip, onions that had been watered with unpurified sewage, with the goal of poisoning the residents. There was a minor panic, the goods were removed from the shelves, but nobody died and the onions went back to the salad.

    Rumors have come from various places in the "Autonomy" about settlers who poison beehives belonging to Palestinians and, abetted by the security services, sell them spoiled food that causes disease and death to people and animals. From time to time Israel is accused of pushing drugs and of injecting children with the AIDS virus. A few months ago, while Hilary Clinton was visiting Israel, Suha Arafat, wife of the "Ra'is," complained to her that Israel is deliberately polluting the Palestinians' water sources and is using carcinogenic tear gas. Now even Israeli Radio is dangerous: "It allocates the most dangerous part of its programs with the goals of capturing a significant portion of our young people," writes the Al-Hayat Al-Jedida newspaper, which is published in Ramallah. "It's time to appoint people to monitor the danger of these programs."

    A murky wave of anti-Semitic publications is flooding the lands of the Palestinian Authority. The official media has recruited the top newspaper reporters and television directors for this mission The sermonizers in the mosques call on the faithful to fight the Jews in every way. Textbooks in the Palestinian schools call on children to join the suicide bombers and annihilate Israel. The wording is harsh, sharp and extremist. The official TV station broadcasts movies in which children kill Israeli soldiers. Reports from summer camps show children training with weapons and singing bellicose songs and songs of praise for the "shahids" [suicide bombers].

    The map of Greater Palestine, which covers the area of the entire State of Israel, is often shown, and the name "Israel" is not mentioned. All of Israel's cities are presented as the cities of Palestine. The spokesmen nurture among viewers a longing and a love for these cities and a promise to return to them soon: Israel is a "racist country that uses the same method of ethnic cleansing that Nazi Germany used against the Jews." Israel is a temporary existence, and its end is decreed by the heavens.

    The Jews are presented as the enemies of Islam, "wild animals," "locusts," "swindlers," "traitors," "aggressive," "war-mongers," "robbers," "sly," "avaricious," "disloyal," "thieves," and their end, too, will come. A cartoon in one of the newspapers showed a dwarf with a Star of David, his face like the face of the Jew from the Nazi Stuermer, with the caption "The disease of the century." In another cartoon an Israeli soldier is barbecuing Arabs. One by one he takes them off the grill and eats them with relish. Z..., according to these harsh and seditious cartoons, is equivalent to Fascism and Nazism.

    "I remember this from somewhere," sighs Esti Vebman, an expert on anti-Semitism, from the Institute for the Study of Anti-Semitism and Racism at Tel Aviv University. Vebman leafs through a pile of Arab newspapers that are published within the boundaries of the Palestinian Authority, and is shocked time and again. She has been following anti-Semitism in the Arab world for the past eight years, and has seen no change with regard to Israel. "Back in the Middle Ages," says Vebman, "the Christians used this motif of poisoning wells. The Arabs are now adopting the Christian anti-Semitism of the Middle Ages and Nazi anti-Semitism; they are adding Islamic motifs and integrating it into their anti-Israel propaganda."

    "Everything is directed from above"

    Television stations and newspapers that voiced criticism of the Palestinian Authority have been shut down. Journalists who strayed from the official line have been fired or arrested, beaten and tortured by the Palestinian security services and, as a condition for their release, were required to sign a commitment to submit their articles to the police prior to their publication. "This is not journalism. Everything is propaganda for the Palestinian Authority, and woe to anyone who criticizes it. There is no independence and no freedom of expression," claims Palestinian journalist Mohammed Najib.

    "I have no doubt that it is Arafat's office that is encouraging articles denouncing Israel, or is at least turning a blind eye to them," says Bassam Id, general director of the Palestinian Human Rights Organization, who spent approximately one year studying what has been happening in the Palestinian media. "The journalists know it," says Id. "Others confessed to me that that on more than one occasion they have been forced to publish, faute de mieux, articles replete with hatred and lies against Israel, in order to hold on to their jobs."

    "Everything is directed from above," says Orientalist Professor Rafi Yisraeli of Hebrew University. "Some of the Palestinian media are controlled directly by the Palestinian Authority and serve as its mouthpiece. People from the Palestinian Authority and those who are closely connected with the Palestinian Authority work there. It is the leaders who pay the salaries and it is they who call the shots and dictate the style." There is tension in the Palestinian Authority. The negotiations are bogged down, the Palestinian people are desperate and Arafat is depressed. "This is a time when hatred breeds," explains Orientalist Dan Shiften of Haifa University. "Hatred is constantly in the air. It appears in waves in accordance with the progress of the negotiations with Israel and events in the region. Even when the Palestinians receive something in the negotiations, the frustration due to what they did not get is so great that even then, they cannot restrain themselves, and they broadcast hatred in all directions."

    The Holocaust used as a backlash

    Hitler is one of the heroes of Palestinian youth, reveal researchers from the University of Hamburg, who are conducting an international study on the perceptions of democracy among young people around the world. Booksellers in the territories report that Hitler's book Mein Kampf is one of the most popular there, a best-seller from their point of view.

    Palestinian journalists are in the habit of comparing Israel's actions in the territories with those of the Nazis. Alongside the anti-Semitic publications, Israeli leaders are portrayed as oppressors: Binyamin Netanyahu, while serving as prime minister, was portrayed as a Nazi and described as "a Zionist terrorist who is worse than Hitler." Now Ehud Barak, in Arafat's eyes, is worse than Netanyahu.

    Moreover, the Holocaust has become a tool for undermining in the hands of Palestinian Holocaust deniers: "It was a good day for the Jews, when the Nazi Hitler began his campaign of persecution against them," writes Sif Ali Algeruan of Al-Hayat Al-Jedida. "They began to disseminate, in a terrifying manner, pictures of mass shootings in directed at them, and to invent the shocking story about the gas ovens in which, according to them, Hitler used to burn them. The newspapers are filled with pictures of Jews who were mowed down by Hitler's machine guns, and of Jews being led to the gas ovens. In these pictures they concentrated on women, babies and old people, and they took advantage of it, in order to elicit sympathy towards them, when they demand financial reparations, contributions and grants from all over the world. The truth is that the persecution of the Jews is a myth, that the Jews dubbed "the tragedy of the Holocaust" and took advantage of, in order to elicit sympathy towards them."

    Even the crossword puzzles that appear in the newspapers contain definitions such as "a Jewish center for commemorating the Holocaust and the lie," as a definition for Yad Vashem. "Some of them go hand in glove with the Holocaust deniers," says Esti Vebman, researcher of anti-Semitism. "It is true that there have been of late intellectual circles that are willing to agree that such a historical incident, like the Holocaust, did indeed happen, but from the deniers' point of view there were no gas chambers and no six million who died."

    "History will not be distorted"

    The Palestinians are currently engaged in rewriting their history. "While constructing their national myths, they are erasing Jewish history, dispossessing the Jews from their status as a people, determining that the Jews are tribes and not a people and, therefore, do not deserve the land and that those who do are the Arabs who, in their opinion, are the descendants of the Canaanites," says Professor Yisraeli. The Palestinian media is full of fabrications of this type. The TV studios host Moslem historians who exchange views and answer viewers' phone-in questions. "We are the most ancient people, and the most ancient culture is the culture of Palestine," historian Professor Atzam Sisalam explains to the viewers. "The Hebrews are an Arab tribe. The land belongs to us and to our Christian brethren. As a historian I challenge any of their historians who claims that the ruins belong to them."

    The host: "Palestine went through many periods, and there are witnesses: our heritage, the history, the mosques, the archeological sites. The other side (the Israelis) has nothing to turn to and nothing that can prove its claims."

    Sisalam: "That's right. Everywhere you go you will find our ruins. History will not be distorted and will not be denied In the months ahead the final destiny of this land will be determined. Those who came from Arab countries, like the members of Gesher, David Levy and others, go back to Morocco that protected you and provided you with security. Go back to Algeria and to Tunis; you are part of the Arab fabricWe will die for our right to this land.

    With their verbal nonsense the Palestinian experts wipe out the days of the First and Second Temples, and determine that the Western Wall was built by Arabs. "All the excavations did not prove the location of the holy place that they invented," said Arafat in an interview on Palestinian Television in 1998. "For over thirty years they occupied the land, and they did not succeed in bringing one shred of proof with regard to the site of the temple."

    They invent and they fantasize, says Professor Yisraeli, and sometimes they cite sources that do not exist and present them as the absolute truth, and they conceal archeological findings. They reiterate their claim over and over again until it becomes a "fact."

    "In a situation like this," says Shiften, "it looks to me as if there will never be a change. The closer we get to a permanent settlement, if ever, the more obvious it will be to them that Israel cannot provide a solution to many of their hopes, like the Right of Return, and then their frustration will grow, and the hostility will not subside. "We can learn a lot from what happened with Egypt. We made peace with Egypt and gave in to their demands, but nevertheless the hatred there did not diminish. On the contrary. The explanation for this is rooted, inter alia, in the fact that the Egyptians feel that we imposed the agreement on them under conditions of weakness, and this humiliation is like a thorn in their side," says Shiften. "This helplessness, which stems from the fact that they were destined, according to the Koran, to emerge strong and now they are forced to stand - weak and miserable, as it were - before the strong Jews who were destined for a life of misery. This envy of successful and thriving Israel in contrast to their own weakness in the progressive world can offer a good explanation for the hatred whose end is not in sight."

    A Jewish character as depicted in Al-Hayat Al-Jedida [CARTOON CAPTION] A Israeli soldier barbecuing Arabs. The newspaper Al-Hayat Al-Jedida, after the riots in Um El-Fahem [CARTOON CAPTION]

    "Every student should yearn to die in a war against israel"

    The instruction books for teachers in the Palestinian Authority propose lesson plans on the subject of hatred of Israel. A discussion in the first grade: How to educate a person to become a "shahid." The seditious activity in the schools, and education geared towards hatred of Israel, take place with the explicit guidance of the Palestinian leadership. This was revealed in a new study conducted by the New York based "Center for Monitoring the Impact of Peace" and by the Jerusalem based "A View of the Palestinian Media Institute," headed by Itamar Marcus. Both are organizations with no political ties. The study examined 28 instruction books for teachers, published by the Ministry of Education of the Palestinian Authority.

    As early as the first grade lessons are devoted to the "shahids." The Palestinian Ministry of Education instructs teachers that "it is necessary to instill in the student's heart the desire to die the death of a martyr for the sake of Allah." Teachers must clarify "the significance of dying for the sake of Allah" in the classroom and must discuss, together with the class, "how to educate a person to become a "shahid"" The students learn that "death for the sake of Allah is the highest honor among the faithful." Third-grade teachers are asked to explain the word robber to the children: "a person who takes something from another against his will. In this case, a robber is the enemy who took away our homeland." The authors of the book suggest that the teacher asks the students during the lesson: "What will we do if the enemy tries to conquer part of our homeland? How will we seek vengeance on our enemies and defeat them? "Jihad," the students are supposed to answer out loud.

    In a sixth-grade grammar lesson the teacher is requested to "instill in the student's heart the values and the aims that appear in the text: The sensation of revenge vis-a-vis the foreign robber, who tore away parts of our homeland and scattered its inhabitants to the four winds."

    Seventh-grade teachers are requested to read and analyze the following poem together with the class: "Mother, the trip draws near, so prepare my shroud. / Mother, I am advancing towards death, I will not falter. / Mother, do not cry if I fall, limbless / because death does not frighten me, and it is my destiny to die like a "shahid."" Instructions for eleventh-grade teachers, in the book "The Modern History of the Arabs and the World": "The student will learn the following definitions: 1. Zionism is a racist and aggressive movement. 2. The sense of racial superiority is at the heart of Zionism and Fascism-Nazism. The student will acquire the following skills: (1) He will associate Zionism with racial discrimination; (2) He will trace the link between Zionism and modern terrorism; (3) he will compare the principles of Fascism and of Nazism with the principles of Zionism. The teacher will present the text entitled "The danger of the Jews in Palestine" in the form of a problem. After reading the text the teacher will ask for solutions on coping with this problem and group discussions will be held."

    "There is no incitement here"

    Ziad Abu-Ziad, the Minister for Jerusalem in the Palestinian Authority, said in response: "I do not believe this is incitement. There is no incitement and no anti-Semitism towards Israel here in the Palestinian Authority, not in the media nor in the textbooks. It's all a figment of the imagination of your people, who are trying to hurt us and harm the peace process. On the contrary, bring me examples and prove what you are saying, and if it's true, I, as a member of Parliament, promise to deal with the matter."
  573. Schwarz, Christoph H.. Adoleszenz in einem palästinensischen Flüchtlingscamp: Generationenverhältnisse, Möglichkeitsräume und das Narrativ der Rückkehr. Germany: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2014. p. 433-4.

    [Samir fragte mich nach meiner Meinung über Hitler. Da ich nicht wusste, wie ich reagieren sollte, schwieg ich und schüttelte lediglich den Kopf. Er fuhr erklärend fort: „Here many people like Hitler", und zeigte mir noch ein Bild von Hitler auf seinem Handy. „Some ideas Ilike, some I don't. I don't like the symbol", womit er offensichtlich das Hakenkreuz meinte. Ich fragte in dieser Situation nicht weiter, und sie zeigten mir weitere Fotos auf ihrem Computer, meist von Arafat: als Kind, als junger Kämpfer...] Samir asked me my opinion of Hitler. Not knowing how to react, I said nothing and just shook my head. He continued to explain: "Here many people like Hitler" and showed me a picture of Hitler on his mobile phone. "Some ideas I like, some I don't. I don't like the symbol”, by which he obviously meant the swastika.

    I didn't ask any more questions about this situation and they showed me more photos on their computer, mostly of Arafat: as a child, as a young fighter...
  574. Daniel Pen Tweeted (Feb 2, 2019):
    This answer should be published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs worldwide. A poll published by Edy Cohen in Arabic on Twitter. About 1,500 voters so far. 80 percent of them would have pardoned Adolf Hitler in an imaginary scenario in which he was alive and on trial. The Arab world is neo-Nazi in the full sense of the word.


    إيدي كوهين אדי כהן (@EdyCohen) Tweeted:

    If Adolf Hitler was alive today and was tried, what do you think is the sentence that the leader of the German Third Reich deserves..?? execution 22.6% innocence 77.4% 8,894 votes · Final results 10:16 AM Feb 2, 2019.

    [لو كان أدولف هتلر على قيد الحياة اليوم .. وتمت محاكمته ، ما هو برأيكم الحكم الذي يستحقه زعيم الرايخ الثالث الألماني .. ?؟

    22.6% اعدام

    77.4 براءة]

  575. Neo-Nazis, White Supremacists Attempt To Revive WWII-Era Nazi-Palestinian Alliance: Gaza Conflict Provides Opportunity For Them To Promote And Actualize 'Final Solution,' With Online And On-The-Ground Efforts, Emerging Support For Terror Groups Hamas And Hizbullah And For Their Shared Mission Of Attacking Jews Worldwide, Memri, Oct 6, 2021
  576. 576.0 576.1 576.2 576.3 "Nativ." (The Committee for the Publication of Nativ, 2003). Issues 1-3, p. 46.

    ... why did it turn into an anti-Semitic-Nazi-racial persecution that is now flooding the Muslim world? Main Kampf, from the first publications published in Ramallah after the territory was transferred to the Palestinian Authority. The book was a hit as soon as it was published - in 2000 the fifth edition was printed. According to the British historian David Price Jones, Hitler's admiration for the Arab world stems first and foremost from the ease with which he succeeded in exterminating Jews. A study by the German government among Arab youth in the State of Israel revealed that Hitler is at the top of the list of young boys' figures they admire... A historical description may begin at the dawn of the last century: it was around 1900, with the growing influence of Europeans in the Middle East, and with the active spread of anti-Semitism by European colonists, extreme anti-Semitism began - as an extreme orderly-doctrine - "to spread among both Christian Arabs and Muslims." The British themselves appointed the infamous anti-Semite, Haj Amin al-Husseini, as the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. Much of the Mufti's early material comes from the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion," a document that focuses on accusing J.. of being servants of Satan, which connects to democracy, capitalism, and socialism, and does not focus on racial categories. To find true racist anti-Semitism, we must look at the intrusions perpetrated by the Nazis in the Middle East before and during World War II, exploiting the feelings of Arab populations eager to get rid of British and French imperialism. This is a well-known story, and so is the collaboration of the Mufti of Jerusalem in deepening these intrusions. Sayyid Qutb, founder of the Muslim Brotherhood and his secular enemy, Egyptian President Abdel Nasser, both continued anti-Semitic propaganda after the war, combining accusations of "devilish work" taken from "protocols" with "racism." In displaying a thing and its opposite reserved for the nightmare kingdom of propaganda, in which the principle of non-contradiction is suspended in favor of a rather malicious target, some Arabs began accusing Isr.. of [sic] Nazi racism, as did the first chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization, Ahmad Shukeiri. The "logic" is something like this: Hitler was right in his attempt to exterminate the Jews; however, the Holocaust [sic] was not and was not created, although it should have existed; the Jews killed Muslims / Arabs - that is, the J..s are the real Nazis. (We assume the conclusion is that the Jews killed the wrong people and had to finish Hitler's job and kill... themselves).

    To complete the cycle, the current PLO chairman, Yasser Arafat, calls the grand mufti: 'our hero', claiming that he was "one of his soldiers" in the 1948 war.

    However, the presentation of an ideology is not enough to explain its spread. The explanation lies in its political benefit.

    The political benefits that the Arabs in the Middle East derived from Nazi racial propaganda in the 1930s and 1940s stood in contrast to the capitalist and democratic regimes that ruled the region. Although these regimes were in retreat, the commercial regimes of Israel and the United States, the "little satan" and the "Great satan," took their place as beneficial targets for the Muslim political elites in the region.

    בכל זאת, למרות ההודאה כי שנאת יהודים היא חלק בלתי נפרד מן האיסלאם, מדוע נתגלגלה לרדיפת־גזע אנטישמית־נאצית, המציפה עתה את העולם המוסלמי? أدول هتلر MEIN KAMPF ) بیسان מיין קאמפף , מן הפרסומים הראשונים שראו אור ברמאללה לאחר שהשטח הועבר לרשות הפלשתינית. הספר היה ללהיט מיד עם הופעתו - בשנת 2000 דווח על הדפסת המהדורה החמישית. על־פי ההיסטוריון הבריטי דיוויד פרייס ג'ונס, הערצת היטלר בעולם הערבי נובעת בראש וראשונה מן הקלות שבה עלה בידו להשמיד יהודים. מחקר של ממשלת גרמניה בקרב הנוער הערבי במדינת ישראל העלה שהיטלר נמצא בראש רשימת הדמויות הנערצות עליהם. תיאור היסטורי עשוי להתחיל בשחר המאה הקודמת: יהיה זה בשנת 1900 בערך, עם ההשפעה הגוברת של האירופים במזרח התיכון, ועם הפצת האנטישמיות באופן פעיל על־ידי קולוניסטים אירופיים, החלה אנטישמיות קיצונית - כמשנה סדורה קיצונית - "להתפשט הן בקרב ערבים נוצרים והן בקרב המוסלמים". הבריטים עצמם מינו את האנטישמי הנודע לשמצה, חאג' אמין אל-חוסייני, למופתי הגדול של ירושלים. חלק ניכר מן החומר המוקדם של המופתי מקורו ב"פרוטוקולים של זקני ציון", מסמך המתמקד בהאשמת היהודים כעובדי השטן, המתחברים אל הדמוקרטיה , הקפיטליזם והסוציאליזם, ואינו מתמקד בקטגוריות של גזע. כדי למצוא אנטישמיות גזענית אמיתית, עלינו להתבונן בחדירות שביצעו הנאצים במזרח התיכון לפני ובמשך מלחמת העולם השנייה, תוך שהם מנצלים את רגשותיהם של האוכלוסיות הערביות, הלהוטות להיפטר מן האימפריאליזם הבריטי והצרפתי. זהו סיפור ידוע היטב, וכמוהו גם שיתוף הפעולה של המופתי של ירושלים בהעמקתן של חדירות אלה. סייד קוטוב מייסד תנועת האחים המוסלמים ואויבו החילוני, נשיא מצרים - עבד אל נאצר שניהם המשיכו בתעמולה אנטישמית אחרי המלחמה, תוך שילוב האשמה ב"עבודת השטן" הלקוחה מן "הפרוטוקולים", עם "תורת הגזע". באחד ממופעי הראווה של דבר והיפוכו השמורים לממלכת הסיוטים של התעמולה, בה מושעה עקרון אי־הסתירה לטובת מטרה זדונית די צורכה, החלו מקצת הערבים להאשים את ישראל בגזענות נאצית, כפי שנהג לעשות היו"ר הראשון של הארגון לשחרור פלשתין, אחמד שוקיירי. ה"היגיון" הוא בערך כך: היטלר צדק בניסיונו להשמיד את היהודים; לעומת זאת , השואה לא היתה ולא נבראה, אם כי צריכה היתה להתקיים; היהודים הרגו מוסלמים / ערבים -משמע, היהודים הם הנאצים האמיתיים. (אנו מניחים שהמסקנה היא כי היהודים הרגו את האנשים הלא נכונים והיה עליהם לסיים את מלאכתו של היטלר ולהרוג את עצמם). כדי להשלים את המעגל, מכנה היו"ר הנוכחי של אש"פ, יאסר ערפאת, את המופתי הגדול : 'גיבורנו' , וטוען כי היה "אחד מחייליו" במלחמת 1948. אולם הצגתה של אידיאולוגיה אין די בה כדי להסביר את תפוצתה. ההסבר נעוץ בתועלתה הפוליטית. התועלת הפוליטית שהפיקו הערבים במזרח התיכון מתעמולת הגזע הנאצית בשנות ה -30 וה -40, עמדה בניגוד למשטרים הקפיטליסטיים והדמוקרטיים אשר שלטו באזור. למרות שמשטרים אלה נמצאו בנסיגה, הרי שהמשטרים המסחריים של ישראל וארה"ב, "השטן הקטן" ו"השטן הגדול", תפסו את מקומם כמטרות מועילות לאליטות הפוליטיות המוסלמיות באיזור.

  577. Seth J. Frantzman, "TERRA INCOGNITA - The Palestinian mufti's intersectionality with the Nazis", JPost, Jun 28, 2017
    There is an intersection between the mufti and his Nazi camp visits and today's hatred of Israel and Jewish symbols.
  578. Arab hate crime: Last night, Arabs spray-painted swastikas at the entrance to Avnei Hefetz in Samaria. Youths from the locality arrived at the scene and deleted the writings.
    0404, July 14, 2014.
    News 0404 has learned that there has recently been a significant increase in the spray-painting of swastikas and abusive graffiti against Jews throughout Israel. As will be recalled, as has been published many times here, swastikas and inscriptions against Jews have been known and have existed for years in Arab villages, but now it seems that there has been a significant increase in this issue as well, following recent events. (In the photos: swastikas at the entrance to objects, after an initial erasure attempt ).
  579. An Arab journalist admits: For over ten years, swastikas and abusive graffiti have been spray-painted against Jews 0404, May 21, 2014.

    Are you told "price tag"... Here is another proof that abusive graffiti against Jews has existed in the Arab sector for many years.

    For some reason, the Minister of Internal Security does not address the issue at all, the police have never acted to check who is behind the addresses, no one has thought of deleting them for all the years that have passed and beyond that, from time to time new addresses appear.

    The 0404 news staff regularly presents the truth, even if it hurts someone. A journalist from the Arab sector, a resident of Taybeh, did not like to see the news that came from News 0404, about the hate crimes, swastikas and, among other things, the "Hitler was [sic] right" inscription in his city - a city in Israel. He contacted another journalist, who also had the news item...
  580. 0404 - Arab hate crime: swastika and painting of a religious Jew spray-painted on a power pole in the Shuafat neighborhood of Jerusalem. May 8, 2014.
    The Arabs who spray-painted the swastika and face painting of a religious Jew did so deliberately in this location, as anyone passing by on the light rail in the area will encounter it. News system 0404 updated the Jerusalem police on the matter. This is not the first time that Arabs have spray-painted a swastika and a Jewish figure together and it seems that this is a new operation of combining the two. As you may recall, recently, hate crimes by Arabs across the country have increased. Just last night we reported on 0404 News about some events…
  581. A. Cooper, H. Brackman, "When your neighbor unfurls a Nazi flag," JPost, June 2, 2013.

    Palestinians must liberate themselves from their infatuation with the swastika and the dream of a Judenrein Palestine.

    Israelis live in a tough neighborhood on the verge of a complete meltdown. Most would very much like to reach a final peace deal with their Palestinian neighbors, but as the Jewish state is one-20th the size of California, there is literally no margin of error. The core issue is as much psychological as it is territorial. Do my neighbors want peace? Here is one answer, hoisted above the town of Beit Umar, adjacent to the Jewish communities of Gush Etzion: An oversized Nazi flag fluttering next to a local mosque.

    A Jewish neighbor put it this way: “I felt we were going back 75 years, losing our hold on the land. The Arabs no longer feel the need to hide their murderous tendencies, announcing out loud that they wish to annihilate us.”...

    The Nazi swastika: The ultimate symbol of hate and genocide. Illegal in Germany. Its use considered an actionable act of hate in most democracies. When young American neo-Nazis march with Nazi flags in Skokie, Illinois, people of all faiths rallied to back their Jewish neighbors.

    But not in the Holy Land, where too many Palestinians continue to play the Nazi card over and over again in some creatively destructive ways in the media, mosques and madrassas.

    Among the themes: “Six Million” is a hoax or gross exaggeration.

    • Israelis are today’s (supposedly) Nazis, their crimes worse that Hitler’s.

    • We are sorry Hitler didn’t finish the job, but we will... All this has been woven into a Palestinian pseudo-historical narrative, in which King David and both Solomon’s Temple and the Second Temple never existed. The Palestinian paper Al-Hayat Al-Jadida informed its readers, “members of the Jewish religion must awaken from the coma of historical distortion” because it was “the Zionist movement and world capitalists... who wheel and deal in the Nazi and Fascist slaughter of Jews during WWII.” Furthermore, Israelis were admonished that “what they are doing in Palestine against the Palestinian Arab people is more dangerous and criminal than what Hitler’s Holocaust brought on the Jews and the nations of the world of the 1940s.” Today, Arab and Muslim media, bookstores, and the Internet are rife with admiring references to Hitler’s Third Reich. The sad historical truth is that Hitler found a key ally in the Holy Land: the grand mufti of Jerusalem, Muhammad Amin al-Husseini. Glorified by the German press as “the fuhrer of the Middle East” when he visited Berlin in 1941, the grand mufti organized a Muslim SS Battalion that slaughtered 90 percent of Bosnia’s Jews and made broadcasts to the Middle East urging Muslims to honor Allah by implementing their own Final Solution. Yasser Arafat, the founder of the PLO, was the grand mufti’s ... admirer. Today, the Palestinian Authority, which controls the West Bank, and Hamas, which controls Gaza, are locked in a struggle for control of Palestinians’ destiny. They agree on precious little, but gleefully play their Nazi cards. PA President Mahmoud Abbas completed his doctoral dissertation in Russia, defended it at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and published it in 1984 under the title, The Other Side: the Secret Relationship Between Nazism and Zionism. Claiming that six million Jewish deaths at the hands of the Nazis is “a gross exaggeration,” the book also argued that Zionists collaborated with Nazis in planning the Holocaust. Though he has since admitted that six million Jews were murdered by the Nazis, the themes of Abbas’ book resonate throughout the PA’s educational and propaganda apparatuses, and according to the Center for Near East Policy Research Center “is the basis for Holocaust studies in the PA.” Hamas’ claims to Hitler bona fides are not inconsiderable. Hamas is an offshoot of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, founded in 1928 by schoolteacher Hassan al-Banna, who modeled his organization on both Mussolini’s sqaudristi and Hitler’s brownshirts. Hamas’ founder, Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, a disciple of Banna and admirer of Hitler, was also inspired by “the brigand sheikh” ’Izz al-Din al-Kassam whose followers killed Jews during the 1936-1939 Palestine Uprising and then joined the grand mufti in providing the Nazis with Middle Eastern operatives during World War II.

    Regarding Hamas’ 1988 founding charter, which relies heavily in the notorious Protocols of the Elders of Zion, historian Robert Wistrich concludes that it “could have been written by a committee of experts composed of Adolf Hitler, Joseph Goebbels, Henry Ford and a bevy of French, Austrian, Polish or Russian anti-Semites.”
  582. Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik, "Fatah posts Nazi children's book: Don’t trust a fox or a Jew." Palwatch, Oct 29, 2015
  583. Ari Yashar, "Abbas's Fatah posts Nazi German children's book", INN, Oct 29 , 2015.
    'Trust no fox on his green heath, and trust no J.. on his oath,' reads cover of anti-Semitic book from 1936 Germany Fatah chose to share.
  584. I. Marcus, "Abbas presents Holocaust as something Jews "say"," Palwatch, Aug 26, 2015.
  585. Elimination of all forms of religious intolerance : note / by the Secretary-General. A/74/358 General Assembly. Shaheed, Ahmed. 20 September 2019 [108][109] . Special Rapporteur report on antisemitism (excerpts)
  586. I. Marcus, J. Zilberdik, "PA Holocaust abuse: PA misrepresents photos of Holocaust victims as Arabs killed by Jews - again!" Palwatch, May 2, 2019.
    Official PA TV last month deceitfully broadcast pictures of bodies of Holocaust victims in a Nazi concentration camp presenting them as pictures of Arab victims killed by Jews in the village of Deir Yassin in 1948.
  587. Ariel Kahana, Palestinian schoolbooks deny Holocaust, legitimize Munich massacre, ILH, Sep 7, 2022.

    An Israel Hayom analysis reveals that despite promises to review its curriculum, the Palestinian Authority continues to use material that incites hatred against Jews and Israel. Children in the Palestinian Authority too began their school year on Sept. 1, only instead of the promised education reforms, their schools continue to use the same books that have been heavily criticized for inciting hatred against Jews and Israel. On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Munich Olympic massacre, Israel Hayom and the Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in School Education (IMPACT-se) – an NGO that that analyzes schoolbooks and curricula for compliance with UNESCO-defined standards on peace and tolerance – conducted an analysis of Palestinian school curriculum. It revealed that history books in PA and UNRWA schools laud and legitimize the tragedy, in which Palestinian terrorists murdered 11 Israeli athletes, describing it as "resistance" to Zionism, and "Zionist interests abroad." It also showed that textbooks on World War II omit the Holocaust entirely. They cover the main events in detail, such as the German invasion of Poland, the Battle of Britain, the attack on Pearl Harbor, and the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but not a word about the Wannsee Conference, concentration camps, or any other events related to the Holocaust. Surprisingly, the German government is the main funder of the Palestinian education system, including textbooks. The PA Education Ministry's budget for the implementation of their plan comes from Germany, as well as Norway, Finland, and Ireland. After international criticism, the PA and European authorities made changes to all textbooks for grades 1-12, but IMPACT-se officials say the content became more radicalized, "with hundreds of extreme examples that were introduced systematically that encourage harming civilians, jihad, violence, and incitement against Israel and Jews, in all classes and on all subjects." "Moreover, the new books deliberately omit all the previous attempts for peace with Israel since the Oslo Accords. Antisemitic messages were also found in the books," they said. Palestinian children are taught to believe that ... is a racist religion and that J control the media, politics, and finances... are depicted as liars, corrupt, and "enemies of Islam at all times and places," and as such should be eliminated. "Despite the European Union's repeated criticism of the Palestinian Authority, it did not make substantial changes to the textbooks for the 2022-2023 school year," CEO of IMPACT-se Marcus Sheff said. PA President Mahmoud and Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh "must be made aware that there is a price for this – from hearings in the Council of the European Union to condemnation from the European Commission responsible for their funding and the European Parliament." The German Embassy in Ramallah confirmed in a statement that the country "does support Palestinian education, but does not finance the development or printing of the textbooks.

    "We are in constant dialogue with the Palestinian side for further improvements in the education sector and the materials used in it," the statement said.
  588. Notorious Nazi Racist Working for Nasser’s Propaganda Ministry, JTA, August 29, 1956. [110].

    Dr. Johann von Leers, one of the leading racial theorists of the Nazi Party and a key figure in the Nazi anti-Semitic campaign, was revealed today to be holding a prominent position in the so-called Ministry of National Guidance in the Egyptian Government.

    William Stevenson, correspondent of the Toronto Star, who was expelled from Cairo yesterday, said he had located the notorious von Leers in Cairo, despite efforts of the Egyptian authorities to keep him from tracing the Nazi. He said he found von Leers employed in the “Israel Propaganda Department” of the ministry, and interviewed him there.

    The Canadian correspondent told newsmen in Rome that his expulsion from Cairo was because he had found von Leers and was going to publish the news of his employment by the Nasser regime.

    Von Leers, notorious as an anti-Semitic specialist and radio broadcaster under Nazi propaganda chief Joseph Goebbels, was "Professor of Racial Teaching" at the University of Jena during the Hitler regime. He was the author of the vicious anti-Semitic tract, "Jews Are Looking at You."

    Von Leers told him, Stevenson reported, that, after Hitler’s defeat, he had been captured by United States troops and had been imprisoned for 18 months. Then, according to Stevenson, Von Leers went Argentina where he worked for that country’s dictator, President Juan Peron. When Peron was ousted, Von Leers told Stevenson, he was engaged by the Egyptians as an "expert anti-Jewish propagandist."
  589. Jackson, John P.., Jackson, John P.. Science for Segregation: Race, Law, and the Case Against Brown V. Board of Education. United Kingdom: NYU Press, 2005. p. 43.
    Leers had worked directly under Joseph Goebbels editing the anti-Semitic Wille und Weg and writing twenty-seven books criticizing the Jews. After the war, he had escaped to Argentina and continued to publish Der Weg, which remained faithful to the most anti-Semitic aspects of Nazi ideology. Soon after this he immigrated to Egypt, converted to Islam, and continued to churn out anti-Semitic propaganda for Gamal Nasser. In the words of historian Kurt Tauber, von Leers was "[i]n the very front rank of those for whom the catastrophe of 1945 and the unspeakable vulgarity and savagery of the Hitler regime held absolutely no lesson at all."
  590. Farrell, Joseph P.. Nazi International: The Nazis’ Postwar Plan to Control Finance, Conflict, Physics and Space. United States: Adventures Unlimited Press, 2011. [111].
    ... a former member of Nazi Propaganda minister Josef Göbbhels' Propaganda Ministry was represented in the form of Johann Von Leers, a former assistant to Göbbels himself! Once in Egypt, Von Leers helped translate Mein Kampf into Arabic – one only need recall Saddam Hussein's copy in this regard – but also other Nazi "classics," such as the notorious Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. Additionally, Von Leers assisted Nasser's regime in churning out an endless stream of torrid anti-western and anti-Israeli propaganda.
  591. 591.0 591.1 Davar - דבר, 12 May 1946.

    The Arab propaganda ministries are partners with the fascists in America and are engaged in incitement against the Jews. The U.S. government was required to investigate the matter. משרדי־התעמולה הערבים שותפים לפאשיסטים באמריקה עוסקים בהסתה נגד היהודים - ‬ ממשלת ארה"ב נדרשה לחקור בענין.

  592. Haboker - הבקר, 28 July 1947.

    הבלתי חוקיים בארץ

    היום צריכים להגיע לאחד מחופי צרפת ארבעת אלפים וחמש מאות מעפילינו שגורשו ע"י ממשלת המנדט מחופי הארץ. יתכן. כי בשעה שיופיעו דברים אלה בדפוס כבר יוודע שם החלף הצרפתי שאליו הגיעו אניות־הגירוש הבריטיות וכמו כן נם התכסיס החדש של הקברניטים הבריטיים במקרה שיסרבו המעפילים לרדת מן האניות. אופייני הוא הדבר למאבקו של העם היהודי, כי באותו יום שגדלה הצפיה בצרפת לקראת בואם של המעפילים המגורשים הגיעה הידיעה לארץ על התקרבותן של אניות־מעפילים תדשות לחופיה. שלטון־הגירוש יווכח, כי כל תכסיסיו לא יועילו לבלימת השאיפה של המוני הנידחים היהודים לצאת ממחנות־הכלא לחיי דרור בארץ עתידם.

    אך אילוסטרציה קולעת למציאות, שהשתלטה בארץ הזאת תחת שלטון זר המראה את כוחו בגירוש יהודים, משמשת העובדה שהובאה אתמול בכל העתונים על המלחמה שהתנהלה שלשום לפנות בוקר בין גייס של מאה שוטרים ויותר עם מחנה בידואים שעלה על אדמות ערבים, תושבי הארץ סמוך לכפר תבור. מחנה זה עלה לפני חודש מעבר הירדן והתיישב לבטח בארץ. והיה ממשיך לשבת באין מפריע. כמו שלא הפריע לו איש בעברו את הגבול, ואולם מחמת החבלות שגרם לשדות הערבים וכן מחמת זה שהתנפל על משמר קציני משטרה, וקצין בריטי אחד נפצע, — באה לבסוף פלוגת שוטרים חזקה לגרש אותם מעל האדמה שתפסו. בתגרה זו השתמשו הבדואים גם בנשק חם ושני שוטרים בריטיים נפצעו קשה. סוף כל סוף נסוגו הבידואים "קצת מזרחה". לא נאמר אפילו, אם הס נסוגו חזרה לעבר־הירדן, לאותה המדינה העצמאית שמשם באו. יתכן, כי הם חונים עדיין בארץ זו, שאליה נכנסו. כמובן, בלי סרטיפיקטים ובלי מיקוח כל-שהוא על מכסה חדשית. ובלי מחנות־עצורים בארץ או מחוצה לה. אין זה דבר חדש בשבילנו, תושבי הארץ.

    מחנות של בלתי־חוקיים כאלה נכנסים לארץ מכל שלשת עבריה. מסוריה. מהלבנון, וממצרים, מעבר־הירדן זורמים אל הארץ הזאת, הנבנית בכסף יהודים, אלפי ערבים! בלי כל פיקוח והשגחה. ביניהם יש חבלנים ושודדים, המרגיזים את שלום הארץ וממלאים אותה חמס ורצח. ולא עוד, אלא שביניהם נמצאים גם לפעמים פליטים נאצים מגרמניה המוצאים חסות אצל שכנינו. לפני זמן־מה נתפסו, למשל שני מלחים גרמנים שהגיעו לארץ באופן בלתי חוקי ממצרים וישבו כאן כחצי שנה. על אלה אין עין הממשלה צופיה. אוירונים ואניות־מלחמה אינם תרים אחריהם. רק שרידי הטבח של העם היהודי, אשר לו הובטח הבית הלאומי בארץ זו, הם־הם עזובים להשגחה המיוחדת ולטיפול המיוחד מצד ממשלת המנדט. הם־הם מפירי החוק, גונבי הגבולות ומזייפי הויזות, שעל פשעיהם מכריז הרדיו הבריטי באזני העולם בקול גדול יום־יום. על המלחמה עם מחנה בידואים הפולשים לארץ ומתישבים בה בלי מפריע. לא ישמע העולם מאומה. אך על מלחמת המעפילים היהודים בצי הבריטי יוכרז אף ירועע. זאת היא מידת ההגינות והיושר מקדמת דנא.

    מצב אחינו בארצות ערב!

    תלמידי המנהיגים הערבים, ששיננו לעצמם תורת אסכולה נאצית. מתכוננים לעשות כמעשי רבותיהם ולהתחיל במסע של סחיטה נגד היהודים היושבים בארצות ערב, כדי להוציא מהם הצהרות וגילויי־דעת נגד הציוניות ותקוות ישראל. חכמת הסחיטה והסחטנות נקנתה בנקל ע"י כל המושלים החדשים האלה, שעלו בזכות הנפט לגדולה. הם מצטיינים בה בזירה הבינלאומית, ועל אחת כמה וכמה שיצליחו בה בביתם הם. ששם הם הבעלים והמושיים, המחליטים מהי דמוקרטיה ומהי חופש ושויון.

    נתבשרנו בימים האלה, כי בסוריה מתכוננים היהודים לפרסם הצהרה נגד הציוניות. כמובן. אחרי שייעשה הלחץ עליהם. במצרים כבר פועלת איזו אגודה יהודית, — שלא קשה לגלות את הגורמים שהכריחו את יצירתה. — בכיוון אנטי־ציוני בקרב הנוער. והנה יבוא בקרוב תורה של עיראק. אין זה סוד כי מדינה זו מהווה מחנה־ריכוז ענקי אחד לחמש־עשרה רבבות היהודים היושבים בה, מחנה־ריכוז אשר נוגשים ועריצים שולטים בו, וחיי תושביו הם בידיהם לשבט או לחסד. ההבדל בין מחנה־ריכוז זה ומחנות־הנאצים הוא רק בזה שעיראק דוגלת כלפי חוץ בסיסמת הדמוקרטיה ונמנית על ארגון האומות המאוחדות.

    יהודי עיראק. — בבל הקדומה. - ישבו באותה ארץ עוד לפני בוא הערבים אליה. ואולם מצבם היום הוא כמצב השבטים הטמאים בהודו. לפני זמן קצר היו בידיהם מפתחות הכלכלה. ומפאת השכלתם היו גם תופסים כהונות צבוריות וממשלתיות (כשהיתה עוד עיראק תחת שלטון המנדט). ואולם עכשיו הם נושלו מכל עמדה בעלת ערך. הם מופקרים להמונים המוסתים. הם מופלים לרעה בחיי הכלכלה ובשטח השרותים הממשלתיים, אין להם בתי־ספר עברים. אין להם עתון משלהם. ואחרי כל אלה אסורה עליהם היציאה מן המדינה, כלואים הם במחנה־ריכוז אחד בלי רשות להמלט ממנו, כאילו מתוך כוונה מחושבת לחסל אותם תוך ניוון ודלדול חמרי ורוחני.

    על פי האמת נוצר מצב טרגי כזה, שהמדינות הערביות הן תמיד המתקיפות עלינו, על העם היהודי, בגלל המטרה הציונית שהציב לעצמו. ותוך שטף ההתקפות האלה, כמעט הוסחה מן הדעת הנחיצות להתחיל בהתקפה עליהן בשל המשטר האנטי־יהודי הפרוע השורר בתוכן. לפני כשמונים-מאה שנה היתה היהדות העולמית מרעישה את מצפון העולם לרגל התנאים הפרועים שהיו קיימים בארצות האישלם ביחס ליהודים. גם היום לא השתנו התנאים האלה בנוגע ליהודים, אך המצב הוא כזה שאותן הארצות יושבות היום בארגון בינלאומי. והן־הן המתקיפות, הטוענות והמקטרגות, תחת אשר על פי האמת היו צריכות להיות נתבעות לפני בית־הדין הבינלאומי בשל הפרת העקרונות האלמנטריים של שויון אזרחי. אל נא נתעלם מן המצב הזה.
    The illegal in the country

    Today, four thousand five hundred of our illegal immigrants expelled from the country's shores by the Mandatory government should reach one of the shores of France.

    It is possible, that by the time these things appear in print, the name of the French replacement to which the British deportation ships arrived will already be known, as well as the new tactic of the British captains in case the illegal immigrants refuse to get off the ships. This is typical of the struggle of the Jewish people, because on the day that viewing in France increased in anticipation of the arrival of the deported illegal immigrants, news reached Israel that the illegal immigrant ships were approaching its shores. The deportation regime will realize that all its tactics will not be useful in curbing the desire of the remote Jewish masses to leave the prison camps for the life of freedom in the land of their future.

    But a striking illustration of reality, which has taken over this country under foreign rule showing its power in the expulsion of Jews, is used by the fact that it was reported yesterday in all the newspapers about the war that took place yesterday morning between a corps of hundreds of policemen and more.

    This camp arose a month ago across the Jordan and settled safely in the land. And would continue to sit unhindered. Just as no one had disturbed the border in the past, but because of the wounds he inflicted on the Arab fields and because he attacked a police officer guard, and one British officer was wounded, a strong company of policemen finally came to drive them out of the land they seized. In this melee, the Bedouin also used firearms and two British policemen were seriously injured. The Bedouins finally retreated "a little east." It was not even said, if Hess had retreated back to the Jordan, to the same independent state from which they had come. It is possible that they are still staying in this country, which they entered, of course, without certificates and without bargaining at all on quotas. And without detention camps in or outside the country. This is nothing new for us, the people of the country.

    Camps of such illegals enter the country from all three sides. From Syria. From Lebanon, and from Egypt, the Transjordan, thousands of Arabs flow into this land, built with money from Jews, without any supervision and supervision. Among them are terrorists and robbers, who shake the peace of the land and fill it with violence and murder. And Not only that, but among them are also sometimes Nazi refugees from Germany who find refuge with our neighbors. Some time ago, for example, two German sailors who had arrived in Israel illegally from Egypt and lived here for about six months were caught. The government has no eye on these. Aircraft and warships do not pick them up. Only the survivors of the massacre of the Jewish people, to whom the national home was promised in this country, are left to the special supervision and special care of the Mandatory government. They are "law-breakers, border-stealers and visa fraudsters," for whose "crimes" British radio announces to the world loudly every day. About the war with a Bedouin camp that invades the country and settles in it without hindrance. The world will hear nothing. But the war of Jewish immigrants in the British navy will be declared even worse. This is the degree of fairness and honesty promoted from time immemorial.

    The situation of our brothers in Arab countries! Students of the Arab leaders, who memorized for themselves a Nazi school theory. They are preparing to do as their masters do and begin a campaign of blackmail against the Jews living in Arab countries, in order to extract from them statements and opinions against Zionism and hopes. The 'art' of extortion and blackmail was easily acquired by all these new governors, who rose to greatness thanks to oil. They excel in the international arena, and all the more so when they succeed in their own home.

    We have been informed these days that in Syria the Jews are preparing to issue a statement against Zionism, of course. After the pressure is put on them. There is already a Jewish association operating in Egypt - it is not difficult to find out the factors that forced its creation. - In an anti-Zionist direction among the youth. And Behold, iraq's turn is coming soon. It is no secret that that country is one huge concentration camp for the tens of thousands of Jews who live in it, a concentration camp that is government by oppressors and ruled by tyrants, and the lives of its inhabitants are in their hands for better or worse.

    The only difference between this concentration camp and the Nazi camps is that Iraq outwardly espouses the slogan of democracy and is a member of the United Nations.

    Jews of Iraq. - Ancient Babylon. - They lived in the that country even before the Arabs came to it. Their condition today is like that of ... tribes in India. Not long ago they had the keys to the economy. And because of their education they would also occupy public and governmental offices (when Iraq was still under Mandate rule). But now they have been deprived of any valuable position. They are abandoned to the instigated masses. They are discriminated against in economic life and in the field of government services, they have no Hebrew schools. They have no newspaper of their own. And after all this they are forbidden to leave the country, they are imprisoned in one concentration camp without permission to escape from it, as if with a deliberate intention to eliminate them with material and spiritual degeneration and depletion.

    In truth, such a tragic situation has arisen, that the Arab states are always attacking us, the Jewish people, because of the Zionist goal it has set for himself. And in the midst of these attacks, the necessity of launching an attack on them is almost distracted by the prevailing wild anti-Jewish regimes. About eighty / one hundred years ago, world Jewry would have shaken the conscience of the world because of the wild conditions that existed in the lands of Islam in relation to the Jews. Even today, these conditions have not changed regarding the Jews, but the situation is such that the same countries are now sitting in an international organization. And they are both the aggressors, the claimants and the 'accusers', under whom, in truth, they should have been prosecuted before the International Court of Justice for violating the elementary principles of civil equality. Please, we should not ignore this situation.
  593. 593.0 593.1 Davar - דבר, 5 August 1949.

    על קשרים בין ערבים לבין גרמנים ועל פעולות מיוחדות שנעשו במינכן נגד צבא ההגנה לישראל לפני פחות משנה אחת, מספר לנו עתה בפרטות יתירה העתון 'די אבענד־צייטונג' היוצא לאור במינכן, ויש בהן בידיעות האלה כמה וכמה גילויים שראוי לעמוד עליהם. מקור הידיעות נראה מוסמך למדי וקרוב לגורמים המעורבים בדבר, ואם העובדות המובאות בסיפור המעשה נכונות הן, יש לנו על מה ליתן את הדעת גם עכשיו. 'ד"ר חומסי איש המסתורין' — זוהי הכותרת שהופיעה באחד הגליונות של אבענד-צייטונג בחודש יוני ולהלן — פרטים על ד"ר חומסי זה שמילא בגרמניה תפקיד של סוכן סורי, והוא שרצח אחר כך את יריבו של השליט הסורי זעים, קאמיל חוסיין אפנדי. מתברר כי הרוצח שהה במינכן בשנה שעברה מאוגוסט עד נובמבר ועשה כאן בגיוס קצינים גרמניים, מומחים ומדריכים לצבאות הערבים נגד צבא ישראל. 'אבענד־צייטונג, אגב מתגאה בכך שעוד בינואר 1948 היה הוא היחיד שהצביע על 'ועד גרמני' שהתארגן בבירות בראשותו של גראף הארדנברג, לאותה מטרה.

    מיהו בעצם ד"ר חומסי? שמו הערבי — לפי ‬'די אבענד־צייטונג' — הוא טאבארה. במשך שנים חי בגרמניה, מדבר גרמנית, צרפתית ואנגלית רהוטה. בשנות המלחמה השתייך לפלוגה מיוחדת של ס.ס., גרמנית, נפצע, ושכב בבית חולים בגארמיש־פארטנקירכן, אך עם כניסתם של האמריקאים לאחר הנצחון עלה בידו להימלט. עסק במינכן בשוק השחור, בסוף שנת 1946 חזר לסוריה ומכאן נשלח ביולי 1948 מטעם הממשלה הסורית לאירופה. תארו הרשמי של טאבארה חומסי היה אז: "שליח מיוחד — קוריאר דיפלומאטי — בין רומא ופאריס‭."‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ ואכן, כבר באיטליה פתח בפעולתו, ומכאן שלח גרמנים למזרח הקרוב. העתון המינכני עומד על כך כי ברומא נעזר הסוכן הערבי ע"י מנזר צרפתי־פראנציסקאני ‭')‬קולאג'יו גרמניקו')‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ ובבארן שבשויץ ע"י מוסד סורי מסויים. באיזו מידה היו עיניהם של שלטונות הכיבוש האמריקאיים "פקוחות" על הנעשה סביבם — ‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ אפשר ללמוד מן העובדה, שד"ר חומסי הגיע למינכן באוגוסט 1948‬, כשהוא מצוייד בויזה אמריקאית ליגלית‭...‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ הוא שכר לו במינכן חדר במלון בקרבת קורפירסטן־פלאץ (כל הפרטים הללו מעידים, שהכותב בקי בדברים) במשך עשרה-שבועות גייס עשרות קצינים גרמניים והעבירם לדמשק ובירות. באוקטובר חתמו על חוזה עם ד"ר חומסי גם שבעה קצינים גבוהים מחיל־האויר הגרמני: הגנרל לשעבר שלאמאר, האלוף פאול מילאר, גראזהיי, פון לוסבארג, פון ציצוויץ ופון הארדנברג. בנובמבר נפגש עמם ד"ר חומסי באינסברוק לאחר שעברו את-הגבול האוסטרי באורח בלתי ליגאלי. אולם צעד בלתי זהיר של הגנראל שלאמאר הסב אליהם את תשומה לבה של המשטרה האוסטרית וכל הקבוצה נאסרה ונמסרה לדין. בית דין של השלטונות הצרפתיים דן את האנשים לארבעה־ששה שבועות של מאסר "בשל הברחת הגבול‭, …‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ חוסני. לאחר מאסר של ארבעה ימים נמלט מבית הסוהר הצבאי והגיע דרך האלפים לאיטליה — ואחר כך באוירון לסוריה. קבלת פניו של טאבארה חומסי בסוריה היתה קרה למדי: האשימו אותו בקלות דעת, שהרי בכליון עינים חיכו הערבים לקצינים הגרמניים, והוא בא בגפו, אך שעה הכושר לא איחרה לבוא. חומסי התחבר עם חוסני זעים והיה אחד הקושרים והאישים הפעילים במהפכה הסורית, וכשהצליחה, קיבל עליו את התפקיד לרצוח את קאמיל חוסיין ומילא את תפקידו. הוא נתפס, אך גם מבית הסוהר בבירות היתה לו אפשרות—לפי "אבענד־ צייטונג" — לשלוח מכתבים לכלתו הגרמנית, בהם הודיע, כי הוא מקווה להיות חפשי בקרוב ולהגיע שוב למינכן‭... ‬ ‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

    כאן, איפוא, נתונים שמות מפורשים של אנשים ומקומות הפעולה מסויימים. הדרך בין סוריה וגרמניה, כפי הנראה, סלולה היא והגיוס נגדנו התנהל במינכן מכל מקום לעיני האמריקאים. ומה עכשיו? האם נפסקו הקשרים בין דמשק למינכן? על כל פנים יש עדיין צורך בשימת עין מיוחדת. About the ties between the Arabs and the Germans and the special actions taken in Munich against the Israel Defense Forces less than a year ago, the newspaper Di Abend-Zeitung, which is published in Munich, now tells us in more detail, and there are several revelations in these reports that are worth mentioning. The source of the information seems to be quite authoritative and close to the parties involved, and if the facts presented in the story of the act are true, we have something to think about even now.

    'Dr. Homsi the Mystery Man' - this is the headline that appeared in one of the issues of the 'Abend-Zeitung' in June and below - details of this Dr. Homsi who served as a Syrian agent in Germany, and who later murdered the rival of the Syrian ruler Za'im, Camille Hussein Effendi. It turns out that the killer stayed in Munich last year from August to November and did Here in the recruitment of German officers, experts and instructors for the Arab armies against the Israeli army.

    The Avend-Zeitung, by the way, is proud that in January 1948 he was the only one to vote for a German committee organized in the capital, headed by Count Hardenberg, for the same purpose.

    Who exactly is Dr. Homsi?

    His Arabic name - according to The Evening Newspaper - is Tabara. For years lived in Germany, speaking German, French and fluent English. During the war he belonged to a special company of German SS, was wounded, and lay in a hospital in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, but with the entry of the Americans after the victory he managed to escape.

    Traded in Munich on the black market, at the end of 1946 returned to Syria and from there was sent in July 1948 on behalf of the Syrian government to Europe. The official title of Tabara Homsi was then: "A special envoy - a diplomatic courier - between Rome and Paris." Indeed, already in Italy he began his operation, and from there sent Germans to the Near East. The Munich newspaper claims that in Rome the Arab agent was assisted by a French-Franciscan monastery (Collaggio Germanico). And in Bern, Switzerland, by a certain Syrian institution.

    To what extent were the eyes of the American occupation authorities "open" to what was happening around them - one can learn from the fact that Dr. Homsi arrived in Munich in August 1948, equipped with a legal American visa ...

    He rented a hotel room in Munich near Kurfürsten-Platz (all these details indicate that the writer is knowledgeable) For ten weeks he recruited dozens of German officers and transferred them to Damascus and Beirut. In October, seven high-ranking officers from the German Air Force also signed a contract with Dr. Homsi: former General Schlömer, Major General Paul Miller, G..., [Viktor] von Loßberg, (Major) von Zitzewitz and von Hardenberg.

    In November, Dr. Homsi met with them in Innsbruck after crossing the Austrian border illegally. But a careless move by General Schlamar drew the attention of the Austrian police and the whole group was arrested and put on trial. A tribunal of the French authorities is judging the people of imprisonment "for smuggling across the border," but the one who managed to escape before the trial was the same Dr. Hosni. After four days in prison, he escaped from the military prison and arrived via the Alps in Italy - and then by plane to Syria.

    Tabara Homsi's reception in Syria was quite cold: he was blamed for "recklessness," for the Arabs were anxiously awaiting the German officers, and he came alone, but the fitness hour was not long in coming. Homsi teamed up with Hussein Zaim and was one of the conspirators and active figures in the Syrian revolution, and when it succeeded, he was given the job of assassinating Kamil Hussein and fulfilled his role. He was caught, but also from the prison in Beirut he had the opportunity - according to the "Abend-Zeitung" - to send letters to his German bride, in which he announced that he hoped to be free soon and come to Munich again ...

    Here, therefore, are given the explicit names of certain people and places of action. The road between Syria and Germany is apparently paved and the recruitment against us was conducted in Munich from everywhere in the eyes of the Americans.

    And what now? Did the ties between Damascus and Munich end?

    In any case, special attention is still needed.
  594. Levenda, Peter. Ratline: Soviet Spies, Nazi Priests, and the Disappearance of Adolf Hitler. United States: Nicolas-Hays, Incorporated, 2012.

    One of the major war criminals to have made the Middle East a link in his own escape was SS-Standartenfiihrer Walter Rauff. We encountered Rauff earlier as the inventor of the mobile gas vans that were used to exterminate thousands of Jews in Poland and elsewhere during the war. Although Rauff eventually wound up in Chile, where he died peacefully after having successfully fought every extradition attempt, his first port of call after the war was Syria.

    Rauff already had experience in the Arab world. During the war, he made a trip to Nazi-occupied Tunisia where he oversaw the liquidation of more than 2,000 of that country's Jewish population. He then flew to Egypt to negotiate the annihilation of Cairo's Jewish population as well as Palestine's Jewish community—known as the Yishuv— with Field Marshall Erwin Rommel who opposed the project. The plan was to take effect once the Nazis had seized the Suez Canal and occupied Palestine, and seems to have been the result of a deal reached between the Mufti al-Husseini and Hitler. It is important to point out that—just as we saw with regard to the Gestapo in Java—the Nazis were intent on exterminating the Jews wherever in the world they could be found. This extended to the Jews of North Africa and Palestine as well as to the Jews of Southeast Asia. Holocaust deniers who claim that the concentration camps were not intended to kill Jews and that the Jews who died there were victims of illness, etc. have yet to respond to the mountain of documentation detailing the earnest efforts of SS commanders to exterminate the Jews of other countries and even of other continents. They have also not responded to the fact of Rauff's mobile gas vans and the only possible purpose they served: mass murder.

    In the last years of the war, Rauff was stationed in Northern Italy where he was in charge of Gestapo and SD operations in Turin, Genoa and Milan.

    He managed to escape the Rimini prisoner of war camp in December of 1946, and wound up in Damascus working for Captain Akram Tabara (alias Dr John Homsi) of the Syrian intelligence service. He worked in that capacity in Syria during the 1948 Arab-israeli war and in 1949 he was hired as an “advisor” to newly-elected Syrian President Husni Za'im, but lost his job when a coup against Za'im succeeded a few months later. Oddly, newly-declassified CIA documents show another side of Rauff

    Oddly, newly-declassified CIA documents show another side of Rauff (and of the Ratline)...
  595. 595.0 595.1 Davar⁩ - ⁨דבר⁩⁩ 30 November 1951.

    Nazi conspiracies - in the Middle East

    German statesmen are touring the Islamic countries. -

    Von Papen's near and "distant" past. -

    The Nazi Center in Cairo. -

    German agents and experts in Arab countries. -

    German penetration into markets in Islamic countries

    ...Papen met with King Farouk's associates. The former Jerusalem Mufti, Haj Amin Husseini and the Arab professor Salim Idris, are the link between the Nazi center in Cairo and the court of Farouk and the Arab League.

    Nazi agents and former German generals sit in all the capitals of Arab countries. With tight contact renewed their actions the Arab "General" Kawkaji, who in recent days has visited Latin America and the Nazi "colonies" in those countries, and other Arab personalities, from former Hitler's associates ...

    Special attention deserves the participation of German-Nazi advisers in the training of Arab armies. Hundreds of Nazis, SS men. Formerly German generals and colonels, recruited by Kaukji and Nazi spy Miller in Germany and transferred via Rome to Damascus and Cairo. German pilots work as experts and instructors in Egypt...

    מזימות נאציות — במזרח התיכון

    מדינאים גרמניים מסיירים בארצות האיסלם. ‭ ‭— ‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

    העבר הקרוב ו"הרחוק" של פון פאפן. ‭— ‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

    המרכז הנאצי בקאהיר. ‭— ‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

    סוכנים ומומחים גרמנים בארצות ערב. ‭— ‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

    חדירת הגרמנים לשווקים בארצות האיסלאם

    ... פאפן נפגש עם מקורביו של המלך פארוק. המופתי הירושלמי לשעבר, חג' אמין חוסייני והפרופ' הערבי סלים אידריס הם המקשרים בין המרכז הנאצי בקאהיר ובין חצר פארוק והליגה הערבית.

    סוכנים נאצים וגנרלים גרמנים לשעבר יושבים בכל הבירות של ארצות ערב. במגע אמיץ אתם מחדשים את פעולותיהם ה"גנרל" הערבי קאוקאג'י, שביקר בימים האחרונים באמריקה הלאטינית וב"קולוניות" הנאציות שבאותן ארצות, ואישים ערבים אחרים, ממקורביו של היטלר לשעבר...

    ראויה לתשומת לב מיוחדת השתתפות יועצים גרמנים-נאציים בהדרכת צבאות-ערב. מאות נאצים, אנשי ס.ס. לשעבר וביניהם כמה גנרלים וקולונלים גרמניים, גויסו ע"י קאוקג'י והמרגל הנאצי מילר בגרמניה והועברו דרך רומא לדמשק ולקאהיר. טייסים גרמנים עובדים כמומחים וכמדריכים במצרים. יודעי דבר מאשרים, שאירגונים צבאיים במצרים, העוסקים בטארור אנטי-בריטי באזור הסואץ, פועלים בפיקוד מדריכים גרמנים-נאצים...

  596. "You promised a dove" and "This is the last war" - who promised?, Zeev Galili, Sep 24, 2015.
    Mein Kamp in Arabic translation in Egypt [112]
  597. Edouard Sablier, VI. - La revanche de l'Afrika Korps, Le Monde, Sep 1, 1953.
    -Haboker - הבקר, 15 September 1953.

    "קציני רומל הגיעו לקהיר." פרטים על פעילות המומחים הגרמנים במצרים מאת ל. לנמן - סופר ה ב ו ק ר בפריס בזמן האחרון באו לקהיר שלושה מנהיגים לשעבר של הנוער הנאצי כדי להדריך את ארגוני הנוער במצרים - זאת מודיע העתונאי הצרפתי אדוארד סאבלייה, שביקר במצרים ופרסם בעתון "לה־מונד" את רשמיו. סאבלייה הוא יהודי מצרי והוא אחד המומחים למזרח התיכון. אחד מששת המאמרים שפרסם עכשיו על מצרים נקרא 'נקמת הקורפוס האפריקני' שבו הוא מוסר כמה פרטים חדשים על פעולת המומחים הגרמנים במצרים.
    "Rommel officers arrived in Cairo." Details of the activities of German experts in Egypt. By L. Lenman - Haboker writer in Paris

    Recently, three former leaders of the Nazi youth came to Cairo to guide the youth organizations in Egypt - this was announced by the French journalist Edouard Sablier, who visited Egypt and published his impressions in the 'Le Monde' newspaper. Sabalia is an Egyptian Jew and is one of the experts on the Middle East. One of the six articles he has now published on Egypt is called 'Revenge of the Afrika Korps' in which he gives some new details about the action of the German experts in Egypt.

    On October 23, 1942, he was abandoned 10 km from Alexandria at the Battle of El Alamein, which cut short the fate of the African Corps under Rommel. Only now have Rommel officers arrived in Cairo in uniform from "those days." This is how Edouard Sablier begins his story.

    According to him, all the journalists abroad in Egypt try to come to terms with the Germans, but the government makes it difficult to access them and it is difficult to know anything about them.

    In his conversation with Naguib, Sablier asked him: - Why are you afraid to tell about the action of the German experts in Egypt? The question aroused Naguib's cuff: - Egypt is not afraid of anything and I do not practice lying. I said, that there are only a few Germans in Egypt, and yes he is. But there are those who want to inflate the thing. .

    'Officers instruct the army.' But the day before the call, the head of the German colony in Egypt announced at a gathering of foreigners in Egypt, in the presence of the entire Egyptian Revolutionary Council: "Our officers are instructing the Egyptian army."

    And apparently: this is the truth. Although the number of German experts working at the headquarters is only forty, they contain scholars in all professions: whoever was General (Heinz) Guderian's assistant is a tank adviser for years, a paratrooper, one for submarines, 6 for navy and the like. In addition, 25 flight specialists work in place of the previous British experts. There are also experts in explosives, artillery and other weapons, working in the loan factories on loan.

    Some of these Germans were brought from Germany. But some of them hid in Egypt after the war. They receive a modest salary of 250 (Egyptian pound) a month and an apartment in Heliopolis. Most of them have no relationship with the West German delegation, which tried to wake them up to the bad impression their action might make about Bonn-England relations.

    Admiring Hitler. In the current Egyptian regime the influence of the Germans is great. The Minister of Hygiene of the Government of the Governor Nour El-Din Taraf said for example in a conversation with a journalist: 'Hitler is the [sic] essence of my life. He was an [sic] exemplary leader...'

    Naguib and his aides have repeatedly emphasized at press conferences the help the Egyptians allegedly gave to the Allies in World War II, but an article published on July 24 in 'Al-Ahram' [الأهرام] by Air Force Commander Hassan Ibrahim a member of the Revolutionary Council said: "When the Germans were in 1942 "In Al-Alamein we sent them an officer, who would inform them of the English forces. I was then the commander of the air force in Cairo and gave the officer my personal plane. We were kept in contact with the Germans by Officer Anwar Saadat, who would bring them secret information." Foreign Officer Anwar Saadat. He is currently one of the leaders of the 12th Command Committee of Egypt, with whom General Aziz [Ali] al-Misri worked, who was arrested by the British when he tried to board a plane to the Germans. This general is currently the Egyptian Axis in Moscow.

    The Egyptians claim, of course, that they wanted to fight only against the English occupier, but some were directly influenced by Nazi ideology. During the war, several Arabs and Muslims hid in Berlin. Today they have returned to their countries and occupy high positions ... and they remembered their Nazi friends and brought them to the Middle East for high positions.

    Grobba - works in Moscow. About these job holders, Sabalia recounts these details:

    The person who organized the entire network of Nazi agents in the Middle East was Dr. Fritz Grobba, who until 1939 took over from a delegation in Baghdad, Barao and Kabul. An anti-British conspiracy, which led to the Iraq uprising in 1941. Later he was in Berlin and set up three Arab offices there, one headed by the Mufti as head of the Arab Broadcasting Movement, the other headed by Iraqi Rashid Ali and the third office absorbing fleeing Arab leaders and sending them east to certain positions.

    For several years nothing has been heard about Grobba and now he is floating as the director of the Department of Arab and Muslim Affairs - as the Foreign Ministry of Moscow. All his aides from Berlin now work in the Middle East. Dr. Mindel, for example, who was the director of radio broadcasts in the Middle East on Wilhelm Street [Wilhelmstrasse] in Berlin, is now a political adviser in Baghdad; Who was the liaison between Berlin and the Mufti, is a consultant in the capitals. Dr. Groba's former representative in Baghdad and Berlin, Dr. Stefan, is now the secretary of the Egyptian delegation in Bonn. And the former director of von [Alfred] Rosenberg's office - Dr. von Harden - currently works in Cairo as a military adviser to the Military Council next to the Arab League.

    The Mufti is also now sitting in Cairo and next to it there is a council of former active Nazis. Rashid Ali is currently Ibn Saud's political adviser, and the well-known Fawzi Kawaji is the chief inspector of the Lebanese army.

    'Who was in Berlin'

    The entire former Arab broadcasting headquarters in Berlin has returned to work. Yunus Bahari is the director of the Press Department of the King of Libya. He often comes to Paris and actually edits the magazine 'Al-Arab' there. Bahram Shahraka is the Minister of Intelligence in Iran, Zafar Rifai is the Foreign Minister in Syria. Dr. Muhammad Hasan Salman, who was the director of Rashid Ali's Arab office, is the Minister of Health in Iraq. He invited 40 German doctors and firefighters to Iraq, his former assistant in Berlin, Ali Safi, is now a postmaster in Iraq.

    Editor of 'Al-Yom' in Lebanon and director of the press department of Prime Minister Afif Siabi, Deputy Foreign Minister of Libya and more and more - all of whom worked with the Nazis in Berlin.

    In every Arab country there is a club of 'those who were in Germany'. They influenced the Egyptian government to carry out the huge building plans, they mediated between Yemen and the West German government to hand over mine management to the Germans.
  598. 598.0 598.1 Guy Walters, Hitler’s Henchmen in Arabia, The Daily Beast, Dec 7, 2014
  599. ha-Tsofeh - הצפה, 5 August 1947.

    Arabs spread anti-Semitism in Colombia. New York, 3 (Palcor).

    The correspondent of the New York "Tag", Jacob Beller, who is currently touring South America, reports in his recent article that in Colombia anti-Semitism is spread mainly by Arabs from Syria, out of envy of the commercial talents of the new Jewish immigrants in this country. The Arabs are acting in collaboration with Nazis who have been released from detention. In recent months, there have been two cases of blood libel in Colombia.

    ערבים מפיצים אנטישמיות בקולומביה

    ניו יורק 3, (פאלקור) כתבו של "טאג" הניו-יורקי, יעקב בלר, המסייר עכשיו בארצות דרום-אמריקה, מוסר בכתבתו האחרונה, שבקולומביה מורגשת אנטישמיות המופצת בעיקר על ידי ערבים יוצאי סוריה, מתוך קנאה בכשרונות המסחריים שמגלים המהגרים היהודים החדשים במדינה זו. הערבים פועלים מתוך שיתוף עם נאצים ששוחררו ממעצר. בחדשים האחרונים אירעו בקולומביה שני מקרים של עלילת דם.

  600. Ahmad Said and Egypt in the Six Day War, June 1967. Dr. Yohai Sella, Mideast Forum, 01.10.2011.

    "Men to the sea - women for us" ... The London-based Al-Hayat newspaper published in December 2001 a lengthy response, by an American reader named Zohir Abdullah, to the role of the Arab media from a historical perspective. In Abdullah's view, the Arab media has gone through three main stages represented by three well-known Arab broadcasters. And so he chose to describe them:

    Younis al-Bahri - who broadcast Nazi propaganda from Berlin to the entire Arab world on Hai al-Arab radio during the 1940s.

    Ahmad Said - who broadcast demagogic and crude propaganda, against moderate Arab leaders and against the West. In Abdullah's view, Said helped overthrow moderate regimes in Iraq and Libya that were replaced by dictatorial and fascist regimes. Ahmad Said's broadcasts, in Abdullah's opinion, pushed the war against Israel when the Arabs were not yet ready for it, and that the wounds from this war had not yet healed. Abdullah noted that the best thing that emerged from the defeat in the Six-Day War was the removal of Ahmad Said along with the demagoguery that accompanied his broadcasts.

    Taysir Aloni - A reporter for Al-Jazeera who broadcast in 2001 from the city of Kabul in Afghanistan, but in fact Aloni represented the Taliban in his broadcasts. In Abdullah's view, this is proof that the current generation has learned nothing from the lesson of Younis al-Bahri and Ahmad Said.

    This means that the Arab media has remained as it was even though decades have passed since al-Bahri broadcasting Nazi propaganda from the city of Berlin.
  601. "Nazi Prisoners in Egypt's Army: A French Intelligence Report," The Nation, January 22, 1949, 89.

    Jan 22, 1949


    A French Intelligence Report

    How far the British may have gone in their last-minute attempt to strengthen the Arab invaders of Palestine is indicated by the document published below.

    This report by the French Intelligence service, which came to us from an absolutely trustworthy source, has been submitted by the Nation Associates to the Secretary General of the United Nations...

    The recruitment of generals has been undertaken exclusively in the British zone of Germany...

    In addition, two Arab officers who served in the Moslem Legion of Hitler during the war now occupy high army posts. They are: Prince Mancour Daud, a former lieutenant colonel of the Moslem Legion, who is now a commander of an Iraqi division. Colonel Suleiman Bey, brother-in-law of the former Iraqi Foreign Minister Raschid Ali, fled to Germany after the unsuccessful 1941 coup a etat. He commanded as an SS Sturmführer, a battalion of the Moslem Legion. He is now in command of an Iraqi brigade.

    All these officers arrived in Beirut aboard British military airplanes...
    -'Al ha-mishmar - על המשמר, 19 April 1949.

    צבא נאצי בשליחות ה'לייבור'

    משה ארם

    התעודה נתפרסמה בשבועון 'ניישן' האמריקני... יש בה משנה-משמעות אקטואלית מחודשת לאור הניסיונות והמאמצים לבצע את התכנית של "סוריה רבתי" ולארגן מחדש את צבאות ערב. דין וחשבון סודי של מחלקת הריגול הצרפתי...

    התוכנית לחידוש הצבא במזרח הקרוב

    "מבירות מוסרים לנו, שהחלו בריאורגניזציה רחבה של צבאות ערב, לאחר התבוסה בפלשתינה. בהתאם להחלטת הוועד הערבי פתחו בגיוס אינטנסיבי של זרים. מגייסים, במיוחד, חיילים גרמנים, בעזרת השלטונות הבריטיים. הגיוס מתקיים בשני כיוונים; חיילים וקצינים. פעולת הגיוס הראשונה נעשתה במצרים, מתוך 11 אלף השבויים הגרמנים של שארית צבא רומל.

    השלטונות הצבאיים הבריטיים שברשותם נמצאים השבויים, נתנו יד-חפשית למצרים לבצע פעולת גיוס רחב בתוך מחנות השבויים, בצירוף הבטחה של 100 לירות לכל מתנדב והתחייבות ליישב אותם במצרים, לאחר מסע־המלחמה בארץ־ישראל. הפנייה לשבויים נתנה תוצאות טובות, בייחוד לאחר שנודע לחיילים הגרמנים, שגם הפיקוד יהיה גרמני, התנדבו כ־‭6000‬ ‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ והוקמו 2 בריגדות א' וב'. כל בריגדה מורכבת משני בטליונים חיל רגלי, מצויידת בנשק כבד, כולל נשק אנטי־טאנקי ואנטי־אווירי וסוללת תותחים של 88 מ"מ. תחמושת כולה גרמנית, ממחסני רומל. הקצינים בדרגות הנמוכות גוייסו מתוך השבויים במצרים, ‬לבנון, עיראק ...אניות־המסחר, שנתפסו בזמנן, מספרם מגיע ל-5000 איש. את הגנראלים הגרמנים גייסו אך־ורק מתוך האיזור הבריטי בגרמניה. ואלה הם הגנראלים הגרמנים שנצטרפו לצבאות ערב: הגנראל־בריגאדיר זירלוואנגר, מפקד גדוד־של ס"ס. הוא צורף לצבא העיראקי, החונה בא"י. גנראל זה נמצא ברשימות שונות של פושעי המלחמה. בזמן המלחמה העולמית הוטל עליו תפקיד מיוחד לדכא את תנועות המחתרת בפולניה ובברית־המועצות.

    גנראל־מיג'ור וולף, מפקד חטיבה של ס"ס, משמש יועץ צבאי במטה הסורי. וולף פקד על הדיביזייה המשוריינת בחזית המערב. הגנראל־בריגאדיר קצ'מן, מפקד גדודי של ס"ס, הצטיין במיוחד באכזריותו בפולניה, שם ביצע את הגירוש היהודי. הוא נמצא עכשיו בבירות.

    הקולונל ביצנץ, מפקד הדגל של ס"ס, יושב בבאגדאד, בשעת המלחמה העולמית פקד על דיביזיה גאליצאית של ס"ס, שהורכבה מאוקראינים והיתה ממונה על מחנות הריכוז. שני קצינים ערבים מהגדוד המוסלימי של היטלר משמשים עכשיו בתפקידים גבוהים בצבא הערבי. האחד — נסיך מנסור דאוד, מפקד דיביזיה עיראקית.

    השני — סוליימן ביי, בן אחיו של ראשיד עאלי. הוא נמלט בשעתו לברלין, לאחר מיגור המרד בשנת ‭. 1941‬.‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ כל הקצינים הללו הגיעו מגרמניה למזרח הקרוב באווירוני קרב בריטיים. בואם אושר ע"י שירותי הבטחון הסובייטיים ושל מעצמות המערב. לפי הידיעות האחרונות עומדות להגיע לדמשק קבוצות חדשות של קצינים גבוהים. הבריגדות הגרמניות מתאמנות עכשיו במרסה־מטרוך ובסולום. הן צורפו לכוחות הריזרבה ומכשירות עצמן למקרה של התחדשות הקרבות בא"י‭. "‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

    Nazi army on Labor mission

    Moshe Aram

    The document was published in the American weekly Nation ... it has a renewed topical significance in light of the attempts and efforts to carry out the "Greater Syria" plan and reorganize the Arab armies. Confidential Account of the French Intelligence Department ...

    The plan to renew the army in the Near East

    "We are told from Beirut, which began with a wide-ranging reorganization of Arab armies, after the defeat in Palestine. In accordance with the decision of the Arab Committee, they began intensive recruitment of foreigners out of the 11,000 German POWs of the Remnant Army.

    The British military authorities in possession of the prisoners gave a free hand to Egypt to carry out a large-scale recruitment operation inside the prisoner-of-war camps, with a promise of £ 100 per volunteer and a commitment to settle them in Egypt, after the war in Palestine. The appeal to the prisoners gave good results, especially after the German soldiers learned that the command would also be German, about 6,000 people volunteered and two brigades A and B were established. Each brigade consists of two infantry battalions, equipped with heavy weapons, including anti-tank and anti-aircraft weapons and an 88 mm cannon battery. All ammunition is German, from Rommel warehouses.

    The lower-ranking officers were recruited from the captives in Egypt, Lebanon, and Iraq and from crews of merchant ships, seized at the time, numbered 5,000. The German generals were recruited from within the British area of Germany. And these are the German generals who joined the Arab armies:

    Brigadier General Dirlwanger, commander of an SS battalion, was drafted into the Iraqi army, which was stationed in Israel. This general is on various lists of war criminals. During World War II, he was given a special role in suppressing underground movements in Poland and the Soviet Union.

    Major-General Wolff, commander of an SS brigade, serves as a military adviser to the Syrian headquarters. Wolf commanded the (Panzer) Armored Division on the Western Front. General-Brigadier Katschmamn, commander of an SS battalion, excelled especially in his cruelty in Poland, where he carried out the Jewish deportation. He is now in Beirut.

    Colonel (Standartenführer Alfred) Bisanz, the SS flagship commander, was stationed in Baghdad, during World War II commanded a Galician division of the SS, which was composed of Ukrainians and was in charge of the concentration camps. Two Arab officers from Hitler's Muslim Battalion are now serving in high positions in the Arab army. One - Prince Mansour Daoud, Commander of the Iraqi Division.

    The other - Suleiman Bey, the nephew of Rashid Ali. He fled in time to Berlin, after the eradication of the uprising in 1941

    All of these officers came from Germany to the Near East in British combat aircraft. Their arrival has been confirmed by the Soviet security services and the Western powers. According to the latest news, new groups of high-ranking officers are about to arrive in Damascus. The German brigades are now training in Marsa-Matruh and Sollum. They joined the reserve forces and prepared themselves in case of a resumption of fighting in Israel.
  602. 602.0 602.1 Wistrich, Robert S.. Between Redemption & Perdition: Modern Antisemitism and Jewish Identity. United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis, 2020.

    Zionism with Nazism, though this did not become a central theme in the Arab war on Israel until fairly recently. ...

    Haj Amin el-Husseini, the leader of the Palestine Arabs (known as the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem) expressed his admiration for Hitler and Nazi Germany throughout the fascist era, and sought with extraordinary persistence to win German backing for his goal of wiping out the 'Jewish national home' in Palestine. On 28 November 1941, in Berlin, the Mufti formally declared his readiness to cooperate with the Third Reich, to form a Muslim SS legion, to encourage uprisings in the Arab world, and to instigate sabotage against Great Britain. Hitler in turn promised the Mufti that the moment the German armies reached the southern exit of the Caucasus, he would give the signal for Arab liberation.

    In their determination to liquidate the Jewish nucleus in Palestine, Hitler and the Mufti found a common language. Not only did the Mufti aid and abet Hitler's 'Final Solution' of the Jewish question in Europe, he even pressurized the SS leadership and allied satellite regimes in the Balkans into preventing the escape of any Jews from the inferno of the death camps.

    Indeed, Haj Amin el-Husseini's record of collaboration from 1933 to 1945 was so clear-cut that the Allies were obliged to classify him as a war criminal, though the British, in their anxiety to prevent more Arabs from going over the Axis, censored news of his wartime activities in Berlin.

    Nor was Haj Amin el-Husseini an exceptional case. The Nazi regime aroused a high degree of enthusiasm throughout the Arab world – in Egypt, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon as well as Palestine. Its nationalist fervour, militarism, fanatical antisemitism, and opposition to Anglo-French hegemony inspired many Arab nationalist leaders, intellectuals, and youth between the wars. Both Nasser and Sadat, among the Free Officers in Egypt, were admirers of Hitler and looked to Nazi Germany to free them from British rule. It is no accident, therefore, that in the 1950s a number of Arab countries, and especially Egypt and Syria, were to serve as havens for Nazi war criminals in hiding. Some of the most notorious of these, like Johann von Leers and Leopold Gleim, converted to Islam and continued to act as political advisers and experts on 'Jewish affairs' to the Arab regimes in war with Israel.

    Given the immense sympathy for Hitler and Nazism in the Arab world in the 1950s and early 1960s, it was unlikely that a theory of Zionist Nazism could take firm root. When a leading Arab intellectual like Sadat's intimate friend, Anis Mansour, could write that 'The world is now aware of the fact that Hitler was right', or when a paper like the Jordanian English-language daily, the Jerusalem Times, could console Eichmann that his trial would 'one day culminate in the liquidation of the remaining six million to avenge your blood', there was little sense in accusing Israel of pursuing Hitlerian policies. On the contrary, the trend was to identify with neo-Nazi forces all over the world; this was Nasser's policy as it is...
  603. Aboul-Enein, Youssef. The Secret War for the Middle East: The Influence of Axis and Allied Intelligence Operations During World War II. United States: Naval Institute Press, 2013. [113]

    Among the many that supported and sympathized with Nazi Germany were some familiar faces. Nasser expressed his disheartenment at the Third Reich's demise in 1945. Anwar Sadat was a voluntary cooperator in espionage on behalf of Germany ... In Sadat's autobiography referring to the Beer Hall Putsch, he stated, "When Hitler marched from Munich to Berlin, to wipe out the ... "I gathered my friends and told them we ought to follow Hitler's example."

    During the war, Nasser and Sadat established contact with agents of the Axis powers, particularly several Italians, and planned a couple to coincide with Axis offensives. Abdul-Aziz Ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia, Nuria al-Sa'id of Iraq, as well as Nahas Pasha of Egypt all tried on several occasions to make contact with Betlin. It was said that Nasser described the author of Mein Kampf in 1939 as the "strongest man in Europe."
  604. 604.0 604.1 Wistrich, Robert S.. A Lethal Obsession: Anti-Semitism from Antiquity to the Global Jihad. United Kingdom: Random House Publishing Group, 2010.

    Among Arafat's first instructors in guerrilla warfare was a former Nazi commando officer imported to Egypt by the mufti. Haj Amin himself encouraged Arafat to recruit adherents to his Fatah terror group during the late 1950s. Once Arafat became head of the PLO in 1968, he continued the mufti's methods and approach. Mein Kampf was required reading in some Fatah training camps; Nazis were recruited for Fatah and for the PLO, including Erich Altern, a key figure in the Jewish affairs section of the Gestapo, and Willy Berner, an SS officer in Mauthausen death camp. Among the neo- Nazis on the PLO payroll were the German Otto Albrecht and two Belgians, Karl van der Put and the secretary of the fascist La Nation Européene, Jean Tireault.

    But Arafat's continuation of the mufti's legacy went far beyond the use of former Nazis—a propensity he shared with Gamal Abdel Nasser, ardent admirer of Haj Amin...
  605. Ian Harvey, Patterns of Prejudice, Volume 1, 1967 - Issue 3. Nazis in Cairo. Pages 6-8 | Published online: 28 May 2010 [114].
  606. (1968) Neo‐Nazi pro‐Arab and Arab antisemites, Patterns of Prejudice, 2:2, 13-28, DOI: 10.1080/0031322X.1968.9968741.
    Evidence that German Nazis are, or at least recently have been, fighting with the Egyptians against Israel, is contained in a death notice published in a German neo-Nazi youth magazine, Der Neue Aufbruch. No. 9-10 November-December 1967...
  607. Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the ... Congress. United States. Congress, 1957. p. 4153.

    Nasser's Nazi advisers

    The dexterity and speed with which the Nasser government has moved against its Jewish population have been cited by many observers as indicating that practiced hands have been guiding this campaign. It is well known that Egypt employs many foreign advisers, including Communist technicians from Russia and her satellites. But the employment of German Nazis, former Wehrmacht officers and members of the Afrika Korps has been largely hidden from the world. At present, it is estimated that some 200 or more work in Egypt, including: SS Gen. Wilhelm Voss - in charge of Egypt's Central Planning Board and chief adviser to the War Minister. Dr. Johann von Leers, associate of Goebbels and notorious anti-Semite - advises on anti-Jewish propaganda. Indicative of Egypt's attempt to hide her Nazis is the fact that William Stevenson of the Toronto Star was expelled from the country 24 hours after filing the first interview with von Leers.

    Gen. Otto Remer - headed the Egyptian training program which created the fedayeen guerrilla fighters.
  608. 608.0 608.1 Intelligence Report: A Project of the Southern Poverty Law Center, Iss. 105-108, Klanwatch, 2002, p. 20
  609. 609.0 609.1 Braslavi, Joseph. Me-retsu'at 'Azah 'ad Yam-Suf. Israel: ha-Kibuts ha-Me'uhad, 1956. 24-25.

    [Our struggle for the Negev and the Sinai War]

    An English-French joint announcement announces the destruction of the Egyptian Air Force at its airports. On Nov 4, Israeli forces were busy clearing the Sinai Peninsula of the remnants of the Egyptian soldiers who had surrendered to the Hebrew army roaming the desert. The number of Egyptian prisoners reached 5,000. The Sinai Peninsula and the Gaza Strip have been placed under full Israeli supervision.

    On Nov 5, the Egyptian outpost of Ras Nasrani, in front of the island of Tiran and the Egyptian military camp in Sharm el-Sheikh, about 13 km north of Ras Muhammad, was captured. Sinai is over The Sinai War has surprisingly revealed and clarified how comprehensive and enormous the Egyptians' preparations for the forthcoming extermination campaign on Israel were: the many and huge fortifications, most of them nearby the Israel-Egypt border, and even in the demilitarized zone - halfway between Nitzana, Qusaima and Abu Ageila, which under the terms of the armistice with Egypt was prohibited from holding an army other than guards at road junctions; The underground bunkers made of reinforced concrete, the deep communication canals, surrounded by arched fences, the barbed wire fences for miles, the occupied communication roads, the tent warehouses, the fuel, the equipment, the ammunition, the food, the medicine, the bricks, the garments, the bedding and spare parts for the car and tanks, twelve thousand packages of Potassium-cyanide-Kali for poisoning wells and water pools, found in the Fadayeen Center in Gaza, the latest airports for jets, vehicles, tanks, cannons and other modern and sophisticated types of weapons - all of which were intended for a rapid and massive attack on Israel The little one is also surrounded by other, bloodthirsty enemies, who were ready for a decisive collaboration with Egypt.

    Documents found in the offices of the Egyptian commanders called on the Egyptian army to prepare for the campaign to destroy Israel in a most cruel way. The army officers gave an Arabic translation of "Mein Kampf" by Hitler, so that they would draw "inspiration" from it ...

    Braslavi, Joseph. ‫‏מרצועת עזה עד ים־סוף‬‎. Israel: ‫‏הקיבוץ המאוחד, ‏‬‎, 1956. 24-25.‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

    [מאבקנו על הנגב ומלחמת סיני] הודעה אנגלית - צרפתית משותפת הודיעה על השמדת חיל האויר המצרי בשדות התעופה שלו . ביום 11.4 היו כוחות ישראליים עסוקים בטיהור חצי האי סיני משארית החיילים המצריים שמסרו את עצמם לידי הצבא העברי המשוטט ברחבי המדבר. מספר השבויים המצריים הגיע ל-5000. חצי האי סיני ורצועת עזה הועמדו בפיקוח ישראלי מלא.

    ביום 11.5 נכבשו המוצב המצרי שבראס־נוצראני, מול האי תיראן והמחנה הצבאי המצרי בשרם א-שייח', כ-13 ק"מ צפונית מראס מוחמד. דובר צה"ל הודיע כי ישראל קיבלה את קריאת עצרת האו"ם והפסיקה את האש. מלחמת סיני נסתיימה. מלחמת סיני חשפה והבהירה במידה מפתיעה עד כמה מקיפות ועצומות היו הכנות המצרים לקראת מסע ההשמדה הקרוב על ישראל: הביצורים הרבים והענקיים, רובם בקרבת גבול ישראל-מצרים, ואפילו באזור המפורז - למחצה שבין ניצנה, קציימה ואבו-עוגיילה, שלפי תנאי שביתת הנשק עם מצרים אסור היה בהחזקת צבא זולת שומרים בצמתי הדרכים; הבונקרים התת-קרקעיים העשויים ביטון מזוין, תעלות הקשר העמוקות, המוקפות גדרות יקושות, גדרות התיל המסועפות לאורך קילומטרים, דרכי הקשר הכבושות, מחסני האהלים, הדלק, הציוד, התחמושת, המזון, הרפואות, הלבנים, המלבושים, כלי המטה וחלקי החילוף לרכב ולטנקים, שנים־עשר אלף מנות הפוטאסיום-ציאן-קאלי להרעלת בארות ובריכות מים , שנמצאו במרכז ה"פדאיין" בעזה, שדות התעופה החדישים למטוסי סילון, כלי הרכב, הטנקים, התותחים ושאר סוגי הנשק החדישים והמשוכללים – כל אלה היו מיועדים להסתערות מהירה ואדירה על ישראל הקטנה המוקפת גם אויבים אחרים, צמאי דם, שהיו דרוכים לקראת שיתוף פעולה מכריע עם מצרים.

    מסמכים שנמצאו במשרדי המפקדים המצריים קראו את הצבא המצרי להתכונן למערכה להשמדת ישראל בדרך אכזרית ביותר. בידי קציני הצבא ניתן תרגום ערבי של "מיין קאמפף" מאת היטלר, כדי שישאבו ממנו "השראה"...

  610. "The Second Round": In the shadow of the expectation of a repeat war, Kotar.

    From: A Look at MLM Issue 76 - "The Second Round": In the Shadow of the Expectation of a Return War

    ...The weakness of the Arabs was perceived as temporary in light of their clear advantages in the basic resources (land, population, support of the Muslim world, importance in the eyes of the powers and more). Israel, on the other hand, which faced immigration absorption and difficult social and economic challenges, was perceived as very weak. The heavy defeat, which was considered by the Arabs to be equivalent to the loss of Andalusia in Spain, put them on a path of drawing lessons and correcting the flaws. Israel, on the other hand, had to invest its resources in building the infrastructure, merging the communities and building the company. The Arabs, for their part, began preparations for further fighting as early as 1949. They set up an industry from the albums of the Sinai War (1956), in pictures: Hitler's "Mein Kampf" translation into Arabic; in the photos, an Israeli soldier in a post-occupation position. Below are soldiers with pictures of Nasser. Binyamin Geffner, Book of the Sinai-War, Le-dori, Tel Aviv (1957).
    -From the albums of the Sinai War (1956) in photos: Hitler's "Mein Kampf" translation into Arabic; in the photos, an Israeli soldier in a post-occupation position. Below are soldiers with pictures of Nasser. Binyamin Geffner, Book of the Sinai-War, Le-dori, Tel Aviv (1957).
  611. Golda Meir (1973). Marie Syrkin (ed.). A land of our own: an oral autobiography. Putnam. p. 96
  612. Francine Klagsbrun, "Lioness: Golda Meir and the Nation of Israel," (Schocken Books, 2017), p. 415
  613. Benyamin Korn, Golda Meir Was No J-Streeter, JNS via Algemeiner, Sep 8, 2015.
    ... "The concept of annihilating Israel is a legacy of Hitler's war against the Jewish people, and it is no coincidence that [Gamal Abdel] Nasser’s soldiers had an Arabic translation of Mein Kampf in their knapsacks."
  614. 614.0 614.1 614.2 Haboker - הבקר, 19 January 1960. ["סוכני קע"ם וגרמניה המזרחית ממלאים תפקיד חשוב בתקריות"] 'U.A R. Agents and East Germany play an important role in the incidents.'

    By the author of 'The Morning' in the USA New York. 18. - Agents of UAR, East Germany, play an important role in recent antisemitic incidents - writes the World Telegram today.

    Shortly after the swastikas appeared in Cologne, the Communists in East Germany felt that this was an opportunity to defame West Germany and damage its world-famous reputation. The UAR propaganda ministry immediately went into action, and many Nazi groups funded by it helped reduce anti-Semitism.

    Groups of Arab students from German universities staged antisemitic demonstrations and participated in swastika paintings. Goebbels' assistant, Dr. Johannes van Leers, who in recent years has served as Nasser's adviser on propaganda. He directed the system of hatred of Jews now spreading around the world.

    Von Leers took on the Muslim religion and adopted an Arab name. He even surrounded himself with Nazi experts on hostile propaganda.

    The newspaper also announces that researchers believe that the Arab propagandists are helping fund the antisemitic propaganda campaign in the US. In the meantime, the U.S. Subcommittee on Prevention of Discrimination against Minorities is expected to hold a hearing and issue a condemnation of anti-Semitism this weekend.
  615. 615.0 615.1 Berman, Paul. The Flight of the Intellectuals. United Kingdom: Melville House, 2010.
    One of the mufti's principle colleagues in Berlin was Johann von Leers, who was Goebbels's adjutant at the Ministry for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda. Von Leers made his way to Egypt after the war and was even able to resume his career. He worked as a propagandist for Nasser, who himself, as an old Greenshirt, went on clinging to his pro-Nazi enthusiasms well into the 1960s.
  616. 616.0 616.1 Maariv - מעריב, 29 February 1976.

    Nazis incite in Arabic

    Maariv service

    A Nazi organization from the "Fighting Union of German Soldiers" is currently distributing a proclamation in Western Europe in eight languages - the first of which is Arabic. The proclamation states: "Anyone who believes today, 30 years after World War II, that even one Jew was killed ..."

    The proclamation is also written in German (in the "second ranking" after Arabic ...), Spanish, French, Italian, Russian, Czech and English.

    Its composer is not hidden. His name appears on the announcer: Erwin Schoenborn of 45 Tale Street in Frankfurt, with a zip code also published the union's bank account number.

    These leaflets were recently distributed to everyone on the locked Winter Olympics island in Innsbruck Austria.

    It was also learned that the Nazi union would hold a conference in Ludwigsburg on March 27, at which it would protest the continued existence of trials against Nazi war criminals, and on April 9 organized a demonstration in Munich, attended by Arabs. This date was chosen - the union also announced - to "mark the anniversary of Deir Yassin". The demonstration was even given a name: "Euro-Arab sympathy conference" and its organizers announced that it intends to "demonstrate against Israel and Judaism." נאצים מסיתים בערבית

    שירות 'מעריב'

    ארגון נאצי מה"איגוד הלוחם של חיילים גרמניים" מפיץ בימים אלה במערב-אירופה כרוז בשמונה שפות — הראשונה בהן היא ערבית. בכרוז נאמר: "מי שמאמין כיום, .., שאפילו יהודי אחד הומת... " הכרוז כתוב גם בגרמנית (ב"דירוג שני" אחרי ערבית... ), ספרדית, צרפתית, איטלקית, רוסית, צ'כית ואנגלית.

    מנסחו אינו מסתתר. שמו מופיע על הכרוז: אדווין שנבארן מרחוב טאל 45 ‬ בפרנקפורט, עם מספר מיקוד פרסם גם את מספר חשבון הבאנק של האיגוד. כרוזים אלה הופצו לא מכבר לכל באי אולימפיאדת החורף שננעלה באינסברוק אוסטריה. כן נודע כי האיגוד הנאצי יקיים ב-27 במארס כנס בלודוויגסבורג בו ימחה על המשך קיומם של משפטים נגד פושעי המלחמה הנאציים ול-9 באפריל הועיד הפגנה במינכן, בהשתתפות ערבים. מועד זה נבחר

    -- כן הודיע האיגוד -- כדי "לציין את יום השנה לדיר יאסין". להפגנה ניתן אפילו שם: כנס אהדה אירו-ערבי" ומארגניו הודיעו כי הוא מכוון "להפגין נגד ישראל והיהדות" .
  617. 617.0 617.1 617.2 617.3 Jewish Telegraphic Agency. Friday, October 4, 1957 [115].

    Berlin's Most Rabid Anti-Semite Gets Eight Month Sentence

    Berlin, October 3. (JTA) — West Germany's continuing struggle with the remnants of the Hitler era was marked this week by a jail sentence for West Berlin's most rabid anti-Semite of the post war era. Erwin Schoenborn, 43, was sentenced to eight months in jail by the Goettingen district court which found him guilty of libeling Dr. Eugene Gerstenmaier, the Speaker of the last Bundestag.

    Schoenborn, who is chairman of various neo-Nazi splinter groups and of a 'German-Arab Society' which has chapters in several cities, was convicted of calling Dr. Gerstenmaier a vile traitor, during a series of small town political meetings.

    The epithet was used because Dr. Gerstenmaier, during the Hitler regime, had been sentenced by a People's Court for failing to betray an an anti-Nazi movement.

    Meanwhile, the "German Social Movement," which has also relations with the Arab League, held a convention this week in Freudenstadt and featured numerous addresses, most of them marked by anti-Semitic innuendoes, delivered by a number of open devoteees of Hitler. Chief among these was, Karl Priester, former Hitler Youth and S.S. leader who heads now the movement and edits its anti-Semitic monthly magazine.

    -The Sentinel, 17 October 1957.

  618. 618.0 618.1 Lee, Martin A.. The Beast Reawakens: Fascism's Resurgence from Hitler's Spymasters to Today's Neo-Nazi Groups and Right-Wing Extremists. United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis, 2013. 143.

    Under the guise of anti-imperialism, some German neo-Nazis sang the praises of nonaligned movements in the Third World. Typical was this spiel by Erwin Schönborn, founder of the German-Arab community in Heidelberg and editor of Nation Europa, the leading West German neo-Nazi publication:

    'We see in the struggle of the Arab peoples against colonialism and imperialism of both West and East a fatefull parallel to our own struggle for freedom from occupation by the enemy...'
  619. The Wiener Library bulletin. United Kingdom: 1961, p. 23. [116].

    A Youth Movement is to be launched, and gradually it is hoped the Arabs of both the Americas will be United into a single force.

    The initiative for this ambitious project comes from the most active Arab group in South America, the Central Arab Committee of Chile, whose weekly journal Mundo Arabe, 17/3/50, reports the details.

    This group boasts of prestige and influence both in Arab countries and in Chile. Its chairman is Sr. Juan Yarur, owner one of the largest Chilean textile concerns, with controlling interests in a number of other firms. He was reported to have negotiated, without success, the engagement as his financial adviser of Dr. Schacht, the former Nazi Minister of Economy... Mundo Arabe presents itself as a faithful follower of the ex-Mufti Haj Amin el Husseini whose portrait appears on the front page on March 17 with a statement that "the spiritual and political leader of the Palestinian Arabs repudiates the Jordanian elections and denounces the 'British conspiracy'."

    Supporters of Ex-Mufti

    The same issue carries the banner headline, "The Jews (sic. mundo Arabe) Plan the Destruction of the Nations."...
  620. Edy Kaufman, Edy. Shapira, Yoram. Barromi, Joel. Israeli-Latin American Relations. United States: Transaction Books, 1979, p. 87n167.

    Cooperation with Latin American antisemitic groups has long been an Arab tactic. A curious result of this policy occurred at the United Nations in 1962. Ahmed Shukairy, then head of the Saudi Arabian delegation, openly praised the Argentine Nazi group Tacuara. The Argentine delegate expressed dismay. 

    Another example of cooperation between pro-Nazi groups and the Arabs is the Chilean publication Cruz Gamada (swastika), most of which is devoted to "Palestine, Arab land" and "Communist[sic] Jewish [sic] infiltration," or "Capitalist ... 

    Another curious result of this sort of collusion took place in Buenos Aires in 1964. At a public meeting called to express solidarity with the Arab states , the Arab League delegate was greeted with the shout "Expel the Jews to Israel" and with the Nazi salute.
  621. Antisemitism and Xenophobia in Germany After Unification. United Kingdom: Oxford University Press, 1997. 275.
    October 22: The district court in Schweinfurt convicts the 80-year-old Nazi, Otto Ernst Remer, to 22 months in prison without probation for public incitement and instigation of racial hate.
  622. Atkins, Stephen E., Encyclopedia of Modern Worldwide Extremists and Extremist Groups. United States: Greenwood Publishing Group, 2004. 272-3.
  623. Lee, Martin A.. The Beast Reawakens: Fascism's Resurgence from Hitler's Spymasters to Today's Neo-Nazi Groups and Right-Wing Extremists. United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis, 2013. [117].
    Remer's principal partner in the weapons trade was Ernst-Wilhelm Springer, who had helped the Grand Mufti organize the Muslim SS division during the war. By the mid-1950s, Springer was running a successful import-export business from his office in Hanover ...
  624. Schrott in Kisten SPRINGER-PROZESS, Schrott in Kisten. Der Spiegel, 24.12.1963. [118]. Der Spiegel. Germany: Spiegel-Verlag, 1963. 22.
    Springer: „Die politische Haltung der Araber und ihr Elend veranlaßten mich, für die nordafrikanische Freiheitsbewegung tätig zu werden."
  625. Israel: un tema para la izquierda. Argentina: Editorial Nueva Sion, 1968. 205.


    Durante la guerra sirvió en los SS (capitán) en el departamento VI del R.S.H.A. Al finalizar la guerra fue diputado en el Parlamento de Baja Sajonia por el Partido S.R.P. 

    En 1953, recibió del ex general Otto Ernesto Remer la orden de encontrar un asilo para él y para los miembros activos del S.R.P., cuando su presencia en Alemania era juzgada indeseable.

    Durante el mismo año Springer llegó a Egipto bajo nombre árabe con la ayuda del Mufti Haj Amin El Husseini, conocido por su colaboración con Hitler durante la guerra. 


    During the war he served in the SS (captain) in department VI of the R.S.H.A. At the end of the war he was a deputy in the Parliament of Lower Saxony for the S.R.P.

    In 1953, he received from former General Otto Ernesto Remer the order to find asylum for himself and the active members of the S.R.P., when his presence in Germany was judged undesirable.

    During the same year Springer arrived in Egypt under an Arabic name with the help of Mufti Haj Amin El Husseini, known for his collaboration with Hitler during the war.]
  626. Haboker - הבקר, 21 October 1958.
    Nazi-Arab organizations operate in West Germany under 18 names.
    ...Arab Nazis and Communists...
    ארגונים נאציים־ערביים פועלים במערב גרמניה תחת 18 שמות נאצים ערבים וקומוניסטים...
  627. Heruth - חרות 18 January 1960.

    An increasing anti-Jewish campaign in Lebanon

    By Oded Raz, our writer on Arab affairs

    The Jewish community in Lebanon is the first victim to visit the world recently, which has given its signals in Arab countries as well. The appearance of swastikas on the walls of one of the commercial centers in the capital, Beirut, last week, is the first revelation of an increasing antisemitic campaign, endangering the lives of eight thousand Lebanese Jews.

    The vast majority of Lebanese Jews are concentrated in Beirut, in one neighborhood that is a kind of a closed ghetto, the neighborhood surrounds the Great Synagogue, which is the only one in Lebanon, Lebanese Jews are mainly engaged in trade and liberal professions.

    Hatred Against the Background of Commercial Competition

    Two major events that preceded the painting of the swastikas terrified Lebanese Jews:

    The first is the wave of hatred that has recently grown on the part of Muslim Arabs towards the Jews in the context of trade matters. These Muslims saw the Jews as a factor that pushed their feet away from the trade and nationalists with whom they incited against the Jews as "traitors who help Israel," especially after the recent "Zionist spies" trial in Beirut.

    The second event that had a significant effect on the encouragement of the new wave of anti-Semitism in Lebanon was the article published in the influential official newspaper Al-Hayat الحياة, in which the newspaper acknowledged the existence of a serious anti-Semitic movement in the world and called on the Arabs to join this movement, in order to act against the Jews and the State of Israel.

    Political observers view with grave concern the emergence of swastikas in Lebanon as a bad omen, indicating the existence of an antisemitic body that absorbs its actions from Nazi elements, this body could become a serious factor that would endanger the lives of Lebanese Jews.

    The roots of Nazism are found in Arab countries

    The announcement by French Minister Jacques Soustelle at a protest rally organized by the Committee for the Defense of Democracy last week that the source of anti-Semitism needs to be searched in the Arab League and Pan-Arabism - has serious implications: In Arab countries, there are now roots of Nazism from which Arab nationalists now draw their ideas, some of whom hold key positions in the Arab political arena.

    There are German Nazis in Egypt who are making their mark on the life of the economy, the military and the venomous propaganda against the Jews and the State of Israel. German economic experts help Nasser solve his economic problems. German officers serve as instructors in the Egyptian army. German propagandists are engaged in training and directing anti-Jewish propaganda over the waves of the Sawt al-Arab صوت العرب station and the other propaganda trumpets. These facts were also revealed by Baghdad Radio on its broadcast about a month ago, in which it listed a number of Nazi Germans operating on Arab broadcasting stations under false Arab names.

    Fear of an organized Nazi existence

    The reality of Nazi elements in Arab countries has a tradition. Iraq was famous for the pro-Nazi uprising of Rashid Ali al-Khilani, the man who did much at the end of the last military revolution. Al-Khilani's right-hand man, Sadiq Shanshal, has until recently served as Iraqi propaganda minister ...

    Political observers rely on the assumptions of Arab personalities of the Nazi past on the one hand and the Nazi German foundations found in Arab countries on the other, and express their concern for an organized Nazi body operating in Arab countries and centered in Cairo, where it receives political authority.

    In view of all this, the situation of the Jews still in the Arab lands must be seen as extremely serious. The swastikas that appeared in Beirut may also spread to other Arab countries and there is a serious danger to the lives and very existence of these Jews in the future.
    מסע אנטי-יהודי הולך וגובר בלבנון

    מאת עודד רז, סופרנו לענינים ערביים

    הקהילה היהודית בלבנון היא הקורבן הראשון הפוקד לאחרונה את העולם, אשר נתן את אותותיו גם במדינות ערב. הופעתם של צלבי קרס על קירות אחד המרכזים המסחריים בעיר הבירה ביירות, בשבוע שעבר, הוא הגילוי הראשון למסע אנטישמי ההולך וגובר, ומסכן את חייהם של שמונת אלפים יהודי לבנון.

    רוב רובם של יהודי לבנון מרוכזים בביירות, בשכונה אחת המהווה מעין גיטו סגור ומסוגר, השכונה סובבת את ביה הכנסת הגדול, שהוא היחידי בלבנון, יהודי לבנון עוסקים בעיקר במסחר ובמקצועות חפשיים.

    שנאה על רקע התחרות מסחרית

    שני מאורעות מרכזיים שקדמו לציור צלבי הקרס הפילו אימתם על יהודי לבנון.

    הראשון הוא גל השנאה שגבר לאחרונה מצד הערבים המוסלמים כלפי היהודים על רקע עניני המסחר. מוסלמים אלה ראו ביהודים גורם אשר דחק את רגליהם מהמסחר והלאומנים שבהם הסיתו נגד היהודים כ"בוגדים המסייעים לישראל", ביחוד לאחר משפט "המרגלים הציוניים" שנערך לאחרונה בביירות.

    המאורע השני שהשפיע לא במעט על עידודו של גל האנטישמיות החדש בלבנון היתה הכתבה שפורסמה בעתון הרשמי רב ההשפעה 'אל-חיאת' בה הודה העתון בקיום תנועה אנטישמית רצינית בעולם וקרא לערבים להצטרף לתנועה זו, כדי לפעול נגד היהודים ומדינת ישראל.

    משקיפים מדיניים רואים בדאגה חמורה את הופעת צלבי הקרס בלבנון כאות המבשר רעות, המעיד על קיום גוף אנטישמי שיונק את פעולותיו מיסודות נאציים, גוף זה עלול להפוך לגורם רציני שיסכן את חייהם של יהודי לבנון ויעודד פעולות פוגרום לא רק בלבנון אלא גם בארצות ערביות אחרות בהן מצויים יהודים.

    שרשי הנאציזם מצויים בארצות-ערב

    הכרזתו של המיניסטר הצרפתי ז'אק סוסטל באספת מחאה שאורגנה ע"י הועדה להגנת הדמוקרטיה בשבוע שעבר שיש לחפש את המקור לאנטישמיות בליגה הערבית והפאן ערביות, יש לה משמעות רצינית: בארצות ערב מצויים עתה שרשי הנאציזם מהם יונקים עתה את רעיונותיהם ערבים לאומנים, אשר חלק מהם מחזיק בתפקידים מרכזיים בזירת המדינית הערבית.

    במצרים נמצאים נאצים גרמניים המטביעים את חותמם על חיי הכלכלה, הצבא והתעמולה הארסית נגד היהודים ומדינת ישראל. מומחים כלכליים גרמניים מסייעים בידי נאצר לפתרון בעיותיו הכלכליות. קצינים גרמניים משמשים מדריכים בצבא המצרי. תעמלנים גרמניים עוסקים בהדרכה ובכיוון התעמולה האנטי יהודית מעל גלי תחנת "סַוְּת אל-ערבּ" ושופרות התעמולה האחרים. עובדות אלה גילה אף רדיו בגדד בשידורו לפני כחודש, בו מנה שורה של גרמנים נאצים הפועלים בתחנות השידור הערביות בשמות ערביים בדויים.

    חשש לקיום נאצי מאורגן

    מציאות יסודות נאציים במדינות ערב היא בעל מסורת. עיראק נתפרסמה במרד הפרו נאצי של רשירץד עאלי אל־כילאני, האיש שפעל רבות בשלהי המהפכה הצבאית האחרונה. יד ימינו של אל־כילאני, צַדֶיק שַנְשַל, שימש עד הזמן האחרון כשר התעמולה העיראקי.‭.. ‬ ‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

    משקיפים מדיניים מסתמכים בהנחותיהם על האישים הערביים בעלי העבר הנאצי מחד ועל היסודות הגרמניים הנאצים המצויים בארצות ערב מאידך, ומביעים את חששם לקיום גוף נאצי מאורגן הפועל במדינות ערב ומרכזו בקהיר, שם הוא מקבל את הסמכות המדינית לפעולותיו ולהתפתחותו.

    נוכח כל זה יש לראות את מצבם של היהודים המצויים עדיין בארצות ערב כחמור ביותר. צלבי הקרס שהופיעו בביירות עלול להתפשט גם על שאר מדינות ערב ויש בכך סכנה רצינית לחיים ולעצם קיומם של יהודים אלו בעתיד.

  628. Top Nazis Direct from Cairo Neo-nazi Activities Throughout the World, JTA, December 1, 1960. [119].
    Top Nazis who fled the collapsing Third Reich to Cairo to become advisers to President Nasser of the United Arab Republic have established a special headquarters in Cairo which directs neo-Nazi activities throughout the world...
  629. B'nai B'rith Messenger, 17 September 1965.

    World Press In A Nutshell


    Arab Links With Nazi Underworld

    LATELY European papers exposed Arab backing of global nazi and neo-nazi organizations.

    One of the periodicals, devoting several pages to this unsavory partnership was Paris La Terre Retrouvee.

    It contends that the first inkling of such a unison came in 1960. when the now deceased former SS-officer Karl-Heinz Priester invited 300 leaders of neo-nazi groups to come to Wiesbaden, West Germany, for an organizational meeting of a world-wide neo-nazi party.

    West German authorities, however, prohibited this assembly and seized the documents which Priester had brought with him.

    From these it was established that Priester, a co-founder of the Fascist Internationale at Malmo Sweden, was also one of the Arab League's top agents in Europe.

    Digging farther into the links between Arabs and nazis, the name of Mohammed Al-Shazli popped up. He was a colonel on the United Arab Republic's general staff, and a former military attache to London The Fuehrers of the English nazi party, Colin Jordan and John Tyndall, readily admitted to the London Daily Telegraph their intention of carrying on an anti-Semitic propaganda with the financial support of the United Arab Republic.

    ACTUALLY COL. AL-SHAZLI and the two nazi leaders formally agreed that the English nazi party would dissiminate Arab propaganda material against Israel. In exchange the U. A. R. would finance the anti-Jewish nazi campaign in England. The Arabs and nazis, however, made the mistake of putting their agreement Into writing which then came into the wrong hands.

    La Terre Retrouvee has published the entire text of the accord between the English nazi party and the UAR marked top secret. It stresses the need of a joint fight against the organized forces of Zionism and the World Jewry to be financed by the United Arab Republic.

    The agreement then enumerates the appropriations which the UAR would grant to the nazi party for specific services , for the publication of propaganda bulletins , leaflets and books, and for the distribution of already existing hate material against Israel and the Jews.

    Thus, says the French periodical, the myth that Arabs are not anti-Jewish, only anti-Zionist finally has been dispelled.
  630. Shazly Appointment Raises Storm, JTA, January 14, 1974.

    A storm is brewing here over the Foreign Office’s anticipated acceptance of Gen. Saad el-Shazly as the new Egyptian Ambassador to Britain. Informed sources told the Jewish. Telegraphic Agency yesterday that approval of Shazly’s appointment is expected next week despite the general’s known association with British neo-Nazis when he served in London as a military attache in 1963 and the recent revelation that he was the author of a pamphlet issued to Egyptian troops during the Yom Kippur War exhorting them to kill captured Israeli soldiers.

    The JTA was told that the Foreign Office wants to avoid what it describes as a major political row with Egypt even though it is “somewhat annoyed” with Cairo for having announced the designation of Shazly before his accreditation was confirmed, a move contrary to standard diplomatic practice. The Foreign Office had refused to confirm or deny that Shazly was the Egyptian Ambassador-designate even after the news was out in Cairo. But on Friday, a Foreign Office spokesman finally admitted that an application for accreditation of Shazly had been received from the Egyptian government.


    The announcement prompted Michael Fidler, a Conservative MP and past president of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, to send a letter of protest to Foreign Secretary Sir Alex Douglas-Home. The text of Fidler’s letter, made available to the JTA today, said in part: “It would be infamous if Gen. Shazly, with his record eleven years ago in London of close association with the National Socialist Movement and/or other fascist organizations in Britain should now be permitted to come here in such capacity. The entire British community would be shocked to think that a person who could act in this fashion should now be coming again in this capacity.”

    Fidler enclosed a copy of a news item from the Daily Express “which quotes more recent sentiments expressed by Shazly in connection with the killing of Jews–whether Israeli prisoners of war or other.”

    The notorious Shazly pamphlet was brought to the attention of members of Parliament of all parties and British veterans and student groups last week by Moshe Barneah, secretary of the Israeli branch of Amnesty international. He noted that thousands of them were distributed to Egyptian soldiers by the Army information Service with instructions signed by Shazly who was chief of staff of the Egyptian Army at the time of the Yom Kippur War.

    The instructions ordered Egyptian soldiers to “kill mercilessly” all Israeli POWs. “Hit them, kill them wherever you find them as they (the Jews) are a nation of [sic] treacherous character. They pretend to give up only to kill you in treacherous ways,” the pamphlets said.

    A spokesman for the Egyptian Embassy here “strongly denied” yesterday that the former Egyptian chief of staff had at any time given orders to kill Israeli POWs. The spokesman claimed that such orders bearing Shazly’s name were forged by Israeli veterans organizations.
  631. Reports on the Foreign Scene, vols. 4-17, Institute of Human Relations (American Jewish Committee), 1963, p. 3.
    In 1962, British papers reported an agreement between an Egyptian military attaché in London, Colonel Shazly, and British Nazis, Colin Jordan and John Tyndall, to distribute some £15,000 worth of anti-Semitic materials.
  632. 632.0 632.1 Harkabi, Yehoshafat. Arab Attitudes to Israel. United Kingdom: Routledge, 2016. [120].

    Regarding them as their allies, the Arabs have established contacts with the anti-Semitic movements. In a number of cases it has transpired that there are operative ties between such movements and the diplomatic missions of Arab countries especially those of Egypt and the Arab League, which have given them financial support, (e.g., there was the case of association between Col. al-Shazalī, the Egyptian Military Attaché in London, and Tyndall, one of the assistants of the British Nazi leader Jordan, which came into court in 1962 and was reported in the press.)

    The offices of the Arab League are used as a centre for the dissemination of anti-Jewish material.

    Arab publications issued abroad, especially in South America, contain incitement against the Jews. For example, virulent anti-Jewish material, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, has been published in Nacion Arabe, a periodical published in Argentina. Jose Baxter, leader of the Tacuara in Argentina, has visited Egypt as a guest of the League (Background Material on Jewish Activity in Latin America, Latin America, World Jewish Congress, July 1962).

    Shukairy defended the Tacuara at the UN, expressing the hope that it would spread to other Latin-American countries and that the UN would adopt its principles...
  633. ha-Tsofeh - הצפה, 21 March 1960.

    ביקורו של בן גוריון בארצות הברית

    ידועה האימרה: אמור לי מי הם ידידיך, ואומר לך מי אתה, בשעת ביקורו של בן גוריון בבית הלבן הפגינו ערבים ליד הבית הלבן. אמריקה היא ארץ החופש ולכל אחד הרשות להפגין כל עוד אינו מפריע את שלום הארץ או העיר. אבל בהפגנה זו — אף שהיתה קטנה — השתתפו בעיקר נאצים אמריקאניים שנשאו מודעות אנטי־ישראליות וגם את סמל צלב־הקרס. בטלביזיה הראו את המפגינים הערביים עם שותפיהם הנאצים. מובטחני שהרבה אזרחים אמריקאניים בכל רחבי הארץ הרהרו ברגע ההוא: מצא מין את מינו.

    Ben-Gurion's visit to the United States

    The saying is well known: Tell me who your friends are, and I will tell you who you are, during Ben-Gurion's visit to the White House, Arabs demonstrated near the White House. America is a land of freedom and everyone has the permission to demonstrate as long as it does not disturb the peace of the country or city. But this demonstration - although small - was attended mainly by American Nazis who carried anti-Israel ads and also the swastika emblem. On television they showed the Arab demonstrators with their Nazi accomplices. I'm sure a lot of American citizens all over the country were thinking at that moment: [Two of a kind] birds of a feather flock together.
  634. Eisenberg, Dennis. The re-emergence of fascism. London: MacGibbon & Kee, 1967. 23.

    At least sixteen movements were originally affiliated to the 'Malmoe International' and a secretariat was set up first in Rome, later moving to Trieste and back finally to Malmoe.

    It was also decided to maintain contact with the Association Argentina-Europa, at that time a co-ordinating body of some twenty neo-Nazi groups under the leadership of the Nazi airforce ace Hans Ulrich Rudel, as well as with the Arab Union, and the Scandinavian-Arab Friendship League.
  635. 635.0 635.1 Eisenberg, Dennis. The re-emergence of fascism. London: MacGibbon & Kee, 1967. 227.

    ...establish the truth (sic) that in no camps at any time did I come across such an installation (sic) as a gas chamber.' Copies of this pamphlet were widely distributed in Europe, the United States and in South Africa. Aberg has at various times been fined and sentenced to terms of imprisonment for infringing the Swedish press laws, but this punishment has not dampened his fascist enthusiasm. He maintains close contact with a Christian Arab Antoine F. Albina, who writes racialist literature from the Jordanian sector of Jerusalem. Despite Carlberg's death, the work of his movement went on, and in May 1965 thirty - year - old businessman, Bjorn Lundahl, was arrested with five fellow Nazis in a dawn swoop. It was the largest police operation for many years and two arsenals of illegal arms including machine-guns and grenades added weight to the evidence that the group had been planning to try and overthrow the Government. In the movement's headquarters resplendent with portraits of Hitler, Nazi flags and poison-gas canisters, documents revealed that Lundahl had appealed to Nasser for 'sabotage material and effective war gases with complete instructions concerning their use to be sent to us.' 'I apply for your consideration if it will be possible for us to send a small number of our men to Egypt in order to completely train them in secret agent work, sabotage and intelligence activity. This education must be communicated in English.' Lundahl signed the document 'Svea Rike (Swedish Reich) Legal Government of Sweden.' It was revealed that the group headed by the would-be dictator aimed at seizing Stockholm, overthrowing the Government and setting up close relations with Egypt. The Viking section of the movement had been busy for several months undergoing rifle and hand-grenade practice on an estate near Upsala. Norwegian police visited Stockholm after it was discovered that a branch of the group had been formed in Oslo. Also unearthed was evidence that the Egyptians had treated the venture with some interest, for a UAR embassy official held lengthy conversations with the Nazi group.

    Lundahl in return for help was going to send '5,000 troops to fight Israel'. He aimed at seizing all Jewish property in Sweden and to liquidate the country's key Jews by injecting poison into them...
  636. The Detroit Jewish News Digital Archives - May 21, 1965 - 8.

    Swedish Nazi Ringleader Is Charged by Prosecutor With High Treason ... Swedish newspapers published documents captured at the Nazi headquarters and transcripts of tape recordings showing that Lundahl had held at least 30 meetings with Kamel Hamed, former first secretary of the Egyptian embassy here. During one of those meetings, it was disclosed, Hamed had requested that the Swedish Nazis send an anti-Zionist, Swedish student to Israel, where the student would join a kibbutz as a cover for espionage operations through which he would spy on Israel's defense forces. The tape recordings also indicated that, at one meeting with Hamed, Lundahl told the Egyptian that 200 armed men could seize

    Stockholm. Another document was a signed pledge by Lundahl, apparently in reply to a question from the Egyptians, in which the Nazi promised to "help Egypt with a Swedish army of 5,000 infantry, c o m p l e t e l y equipped, against Israel."
  637. Plot to Kill Jews in Sweden Revealed; Premier Condemns Nazi Ring, JTA, May 14, 1965.[121].

    Police reported today that documents seized in a raid on an armed Nazi anti-Semitic sabotage and spy group included Nazi death sentences on Swedish Jewish leaders and detailed plans to annihilate Swedish Jewry. A statement expressing the Government’s reaction to the Nazi group, “deploring” its existence and terming the existence of a Nazi ring as “humiliating to all Swedes” was issued today by Prime Minister Tage Erlander. The number of arrests in the police action rose to six today, including Bjoern Lundahl, Sweden’s top Nazi. The Egyptian Embassy here denied contacts with the Nazi group which had been reported by police in announcing the uncovering of the Nazi group. The Embassy official involved in the charges is now in Cairo and probably will not return since he would be liable to expulsion by Swedish authorities. More arrests were indicated. The target of the death sentence was Bernard Tarschys, chairman of the Stockholm Board of Jewish Deputies, who was "convicted" of "Zionism, [sic] treacherous double [sic] loyalty, subversive propaganda and anti-Swedish activities," police said. They found two caches of arms in the raid.

    The plans for murdering all Swedish Jews provided for injections and burning of corpses on Stockholm refuse dumps. Other documents, including films and tape recordings indicated many years of systematic efforts at anti-Semitic indoctrination of Swedes, especially of youth. It appeared that a Hitler Jugend group directed by the Swedish Nazis operated as a sports club and thus received municipal subsidies.
  638. Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the ..., Volume 111, Part 20. By United States. Congress. October 13, 1965. 26946.
  639. Maariv - מעריב, 3 February 1964

    Arabs distribute Nazi material in West Germany

    One of the pamphlets justifies the persecution of the Jews throughout history and by Hitler and condemns the "Zionists" By I. [Inge] Deutschkron ([122]) 'Maariv' writer in Bonn Telegraphic ערבים מפיצים חומר נאצי במערב גרמניה באחת החוברות מצדיקים רדיפת היהודים במרוצת ההיסטוריה ועל-ידי היטלר ומוקיעים את ה"ציונים" מאת א. דויטשקרון סופרת 'מעריב' בבון טלגרפית

  640. Chairoff, Patrice. Dossier néo-nazisme. France: Ramsay, 1977. p. 395.

    gande contre les Alliés avec le Grand-Mufti de Jérusalem. Dans les années 60, président du bureau de la Ligue arabe à Buenos Aires, il a joué un rôle de premier plan dans le financement du groupe terroriste antisémite , « Tacuara », et diffusé Les Protocoles des Sages de Sion et un ouvrage de son fait, Le Sionisme démasqué .

    Hussein Tricki est très lié avec le criminel de guerre Wilhelm Pils , réfugié à Caracas, ainsi qu'avec le groupuscule terroriste « Svastika », responsable d'une trentaine d'attentats à la bombe en 1975-1976, et dont la trentaine de membres actifs bénéficient de la couverture de la DIGEPOL.

    ...great against the Allies with the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. In the 1960s, president of the Arab League office in Buenos Aires, he played a leading role in financing the anti-Semitic terrorist group, "Tacuara", and distributed The Protocols of the Elders of Zion and a work of his own, Zionism Unmasked .

    Hussein Tricki is closely linked with the war criminal Wilhelm Pils, a refugee in Caracas, as well as with the terrorist group "Svastika", responsible for around thirty bomb attacks in 1975-1976, and whose thirty members assets benefit from DIGEPOL coverage.
  641. Popular Chilean Newspaper Charges Arab Publication with Incitement Against Jews, JTA. August 1, 1949.
    A demand that the Chilean Government take action against the Chilean Arab newspaper Mundo Arabe if it continues its anti-Jewish campaign is voiced in the widely read Santiago newspaper Noticias de Ultima Hora, just received here... It adds that the Arabe Mundo served as a propaganda organ of the Nazis during the late war and as such was blacklisted by the Allies.
  642. Miscelánea de estudios árabes y hebraicos: Sección de árabe-Islam. Spain: Universidad de Granada, 2006. 339
  643. [פנקס פון דער קהילה אין בוענאס איירעס, תשט"ז־תשכ"ב] Pinkas fin der Kehileh in Buenos Aires 5716-5722 (1955/6-1961/2). Asociación Mutual Israelita Argentina. 1969, p. 462.
  644. Maariv - מעריב, 19 May 1975.

    In Argentina, the Holocaust rally was banned and Hitler's birthday was openly celebrated

    By Zvi Lavie, writer of 'Maariv' in London

    Argentine Jewry sits on the opening of a volcano, say emissaries who have been there these days. According to them, the earth is burning beneath the feet of the Jews not only in Argentina but in other extensive parts of the South American continent. The greenhouse, where Nazi refugees and tens of thousands of Arab immigrants found refuge, began to bear rotten fruits ...

    בארגנטינה נאסרה עצרת השואה ויום הולדת היטלר נחוג בגלוי

    מאת צבי לביא סופר "מעריב" בלונדון

    יהדות ארגנטינה יושבת על פיתחו של הר געש, מספרים שליחים ששהו שם בימים אלה. לדבריהם, בוערת האדמה תתת רגלי היהודים לא רק בארגנטינה כי אם בחלקים נרחבים אחרים של יבשת אמריקה הדרומית. החממה, בה מצאו מקלט פליטים נאצים ורבבות מהגרים ערבים, החלה מנביטה פירות באושים...

  645. List Nazi War Criminals Living In Arab Countries — The Sentinel 26 October 1967.
  646. 646.0 646.1 Bloom, Jack Brian. Out of Step: Life-story of a Politician : Politics and Religion in a World at War. South Africa: Jack Bloom, 2005. 333.
    In 1985, Arafat extolled his memory and emphasized that "the PLO is continuing the path set by the Mufti". A senior commander in Arafat's personal bodyguard is Fawzi Salem al-Mahdi (known as "Abu Hitler"), whose two sons bear the first names Hitler and Eichmann. The scholar Bernard Lewis notes that "Nazi" became a term of opprobrium in the Arab world only with the post-war Soviet influence...
  647. Fisk, Robert, "The Great War for Civilisation: The Conquest of the Middle East," (Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, 2007), Chapter 11, p. 358.
    Certainly, the name of Haj Amin rarely appeared in Yassir Arafat’s speeches in the last quarter of the twentieth century, and not only because of Haj Amin’s cooperation with the Nazis. Relaxing in a Beirut garden in July 1994, the Palestinian scholar Edward Said suggested to me another reason for this reticence. “I was sitting with Arafat in 1985 when he placed his hand on my knee, gripping it very tight. And Arafat said: ‘Edward, if there’s one thing I don’t want to be, it’s to be like Haj Amin. He was always right, and he got nothing and died in exile.’ ” But in 1990, Arafat was to follow a curiously similar destiny. Just as Haj Amin travelled to Baghdad and then to Berlin—believing that Hitler could guarantee Palestine’s independence from British rule and Jewish immigration—so the PLO leader travelled to Baghdad to embrace Saddam Hussein after Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait, convinced by Saddam’s promise to “liberate” the land he called Palestine. Little wonder, perhaps, that Haj Amin’s ghost sent a chill through the old retainers of the PLO. In 1948, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem even set up a short-lived Palestine government in what was left of his country—like Arafat’s rump administration, it met in the seedy confines of a Gaza hotel.
  648. Itamar Marcus, Nazi ally, Hajj Amin Al Husseini, is Arafat's "hero", PMW, Aug 5, 2002. [123].

    In an interview this week Arafat called the Arab leader and Nazi ally, Hajj Amin Al Husseini, "our hero". Arafat referred to "our hero Al Husseini" as a symbol of withstanding world pressure, having remained an Arab leader in spite of demands to have him replaced because of his Nazi ties. This he compared to Palestinian withstanding of world pressure for reform of the Palestinian Authority today, which includes the American demand to replace Arafat.


    "Hajj Amin Al Husseini (1895-1974) was the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem... He supported the Nazis, and especially their program for the mass murder of the Jews. He visited numerous death camps and encouraged Hitler to extend the "Final Solution" to the Jews of North Africa and Palestine. In 1946 he escaped to Egypt." [Simon Wiesenthal Center Web Site]

    The following is the text from the interview:

    Interviewer: "I have heard voices from within the [Palestinian] Authority in the past few weeks, saying that the reforms are coordinated according to American whims…"

    Arafat: "We are not Afghanistan…We are the Mighty People. Were they able to replace our hero Hajj Amin al-Husseini? ... There were a number of attempts to get rid of Hajj Amin, whom they considered an ally of the Nazis. But even so, he lived in Cairo, and participated in the 1948 war, and I was one of his troops."

    [Al Sharq al Awsat, a London Arabic daily, reprinted in the Palestinian daily Al Quds, Aug, 2, 2002].
  649. Cohen, Rich. Israel Is Real: An Obsessive Quest to Understand the Jewish Nation and Its History. United States: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2009. 189.

    Here's Arafat, quoted, after the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan, in the London-based Arabic newspaper Al Sharq al-Awsat. "We are not Afghanistan. We are the mighty people.

    Were they able to replace our hero Haj Amin al-Husseini? There were a number of attempts to get rid of Haj Amin, whom they considered an ally of the Nazis. But even so, he lived in Cairo, and participated in the 1948 war, and I was one of his troops."
  650. 650.0 650.1 Meir Uziel, "The ability to ignore Palestinian anti-Semitism has been impaired, and not just because of Abu Mazen's speech", Maariv, 06/05/2018.

    [Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini reviews an order in Germany (Photo: German Federal Archives)]

    I also very much want to believe that there is no connection between today's Palestinian thought and the murderous anti-Semitism of the Palestinian Mufti, but it will be difficult to accept the explanation that PLO Palestinians are renouncing their Nazi past.

    ... Another recent article raises the question again of the Palestinians' attitude towards the active participation of the leader and founder of the Palestinian movement in the Nazi leadership and in the extermination of the Jews during the four years he was in Nazi Berlin.

    The knowledge I am referring to is accompanied by an undeniable picture. It sees the mayor of Dublin, the Irish hating Israel, in Ramallah, at a conference of the Palestinian leadership, and a large image of Haj Amin al-Husseini is projected on the stage. This means that this Nazi Palestinian leader has not been so forgotten, nor pushed to the margins of Palestinian society. It is probably forgotten and pushed to the margins only by us, for reasons that are difficult to understand.

    The subject is so unknown that I must occasionally remind people, even the educated, of what is consistently hidden: Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini, the leader and founder of the Palestinian National Movement, and with him a team of other Palestinian figures, worked in Nazi Berlin throughout World War II for four years, and not just "met with Hitler" as we usually say. This gives the impression of some brief courtesy meeting with Hitler, and does not describe the long period of exemplary activity in Nazi Germany alongside Eichmann and the heads of the Nazi regime. The Mufti, whose picture was displayed in Ramallah, played an important role in German policy of exterminating the Jews.

    The Mufti was very diligent in his demands for the extermination of Jews. Another part of his activity and that of his staff was to recruit and educate tens of thousands of Muslim soldiers who fought in the Waffen-SS. The Mufti was their supreme commander. He and his team also broadcast regular Nazi hate speeches on Radio Berlin to the Middle East. In modern historical studies I have discovered the following astonishing fact: "The Mufti received a monthly payment of not less than 90,000 marks a month, and was given several buildings, for himself and his entourage."

    Some of the names that were with the Mufti in Nazi Berlin appear in the list of monthly payment recipients distributed by the Mufti in Germany, at least 15 people. A letter from the SS's headquarters to the German Foreign Ministry stated that the Mufti was demanding a six-room office for himself and the other Palestinians with him. He received this building and other buildings, as well as offices for Nazi Muslim branches headed by al-Husseini in other German cities. 90 thousand marks a month was a huge sum in those days. In Adam Touz's study of the Nazi economy he cites the following figure on German wages at the time: "62% of German taxpayers reported income of 1,500 marks a month, and only 17% earned 2,400 marks a month." A sum of 90,000 marks a month was intended to support both the luxury life of the Mufti, as a high-ranking figure in the Nazi array, and to fund the significant staff that was with him.

    I will mention that al-Husseini was the supreme Palestinian leader during British rule. He was the Mufti of Jerusalem, and under his leadership the 1947 riots were carried out on Jews and also the Great Arab Revolt. He came to Hitler's Berlin and remained there as an active Nazi until Berlin fell. Al-Husseini is, therefore, the founder and leader of the Palestinian national movement. His failure to exterminate the Jews of Israel in the war is what the Arabs call the "Nakba." After the Holocaust, in Arab forces, the Nazi part of their education and existence is more significant than we are willing to admit.

    I also very much want to believe that there is no connection between today's Palestinian thought and the murderous anti-Semitism of the Palestinian Nazi Mufti, but my ability to ignore was impaired, and I was even amazed, when I recently saw the picture of Nazi al-Husseini projected on the podium in Ramallah. It is difficult for me to accept the explanation that the PLO Palestinians renounce their Nazi past, even when I heard Abu Mazen greet the "martyr Amin al-Husseini" without any reservation or stuttering, on stage, in front of a large audience and in a filmed public, during his visit to Gaza in 2013.
  651. Shimon Cohen, "Abu Mazen praises Mufti Heritage of Hitler", INN, Jan 6, 2013.
    During a conference marking the day of the Fatah's establishment an address was given on Friday, by Abu Mazen, who acclaims the Mufti Heritage, Hitler's ally.
    -David Lev, "Abbas: 'Mufti is My Hero'", Israel National News, Jan 6 , 2013.
    Palestinian Authority chief Mahmoud Abbas spoke glowingly last Friday of the “legacy” of infamous Nazi collaborator Hajj Amin al-Husseini...
  652. PA National Security Forces lauds Nazi collaborator Haj Amin Al-Husseini, Palwatch, Jun 3, 2016.
    PA National Security Forces, Facebook.
  653. Hagay Hacohen, "PA official: Nazi-collaborator Mufti is leader and 'role model'", JPost, Jul 14, 2019
    Advisor to PA leader Abbas, Mahmoud Al-Habbash honored the passing of the former Mufti of Jerusalem Amin al-Husseini.
  654. 654.0 654.1 Chuck Morse, "The Nazism Of Abu Mazen," JP, May 21, 2003.
    Mahmoud Abbas, aka Abu Mazen, is now the prime minister designate of the Palestinian Authority. The so-called moderate is being touted as the future leader of a new potential Palestinian State that is scheduled to be carved out of Israel and ethnically cleansed of its Jews.

    Abu Mazen was one of the primary movers behind the Oslo debacle, but now Israel, after the bloody frenzy against Israeli Jews over these last several years, is once again being brass-knuckled by the international community to try again. This time, they say, it really will work; the "tough choices" really will bring about peace.

    Who is this so-called moderate, Abu Mazen? He was the author of a book, which at the present time seems to have slipped through an Orwellian memory hole, called "The Other Side...." In this book, as reported by Israeli editor Arie Stav in the 1995 issue of the Israeli journal Nativ, Abu Mazen refutes the Nazi Holocaust as "The Zionist fantasy, the fantastic lie that six million Jews were killed." Additionally, Abu Mazen writes that he believes that there were only about 890,000 Jewish victims in Nazi Germany and that these victims were actually the victims of a Zionist [sic]-Nazi plot [sic]. How many Arab leaders today embrace these bizarre and sickening Nazi-type conspiracy theories? An Arabic translation of "Mein Kampf" has been widely disseminated in the Arab world since shortly after World War II, and Adolf Hitler’s definition of Zionism is well known and often quoted...

    Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, is often referred to as the founder of the so-called Palestinian national movement. The Mufti spent World War II in Berlin, where he was the prime minister of a Nazi-Muslim government in exile. Hitler greeted the Mufti as a head of state and promised him that after he won the war in Europe he would conquer the Arab world and solve the Jewish problem in Palestine. Photos and testimony have the Mufti touring the death camps, and letters exist of the Mufti imploring Nazis and pro-Nazi heads of state to exterminate their Jews. The PLO maintained long and well-documented ties with Nazi and neo-Nazi organizations. Since the advent of Oslo, the PLO, now the Palestinian Authority, has downplayed its Nazi orientation so as to fool the useful idiots on the American and Israeli Jewish left.

    Nevertheless, in August of 1995, when the Israeli and Western-financed and -armed Palestinian Authority police force finished its training, the graduates were sworn in with the Nazi salute.

    The commander of Force 17, which serves as Yasir Arafat’s personal praetorian guard and which has been linked to some of the worst atrocities against Israeli Jews in the present Intifada, is Fawsi Salim el Mahdi, better known by his nome de guerre "Abu Hitler." El Mahdi acquired the nickname after naming his two sons Eichmann and Hitler.

    Europe underwent de-Nazification after the war and perhaps the same will be done in Iraq. Nazism, however, still maintains a lethal grip on the minds and souls of many Arabs, particularly the ruling classes. As Israelis know all too well, Nazism was exported to and took root in the Arab world.
  655. Nan Jacques Zilberdik and Itamar Marcus, Abbas’ advisor praises Nazi collaborator as “role model”, Palwatch, Jul 12, 2019.

    Abbas' advisor praises Nazi collaborator as "role model" - former Mufti of Palestine Haj Amin Al-Husseini

    ... on the anniversary of his death, Abbas' advisor posted Al-Husseini's photo and praised him as a "role model"... Known Nazi collaborator, the former Mufti of Palestine Haj Amin Al-Husseini, was openly honored by Abbas' Advisor on Religious Affairs and Islamic Relations, Mahmoud Al-Habbash.... Facebook page of Mahmoud Al-Habbash, July 4, 2019... But Al-Habbash's praise is not an isolated example. The PA has named at least one school [124] after the Nazi collaborator - the Amin Al-Husseini Elementary School in El-Bireh, the current PA Mufti has honored his predecessor by laying a wreath on his grave [125], and the PA National Security Forces have highlighted Al-Husseini on Facebook [126].
  656. Daniel Schwammenthal, The Mufti of Berlin, WSJ, Sept. 24, 2009.

    Arab-Nazi collaboration is a taboo topic in the West. Berlin.

    One widespread myth about the Mideast conflict is that the Arabs are paying the price for Germany's sins. The notion that the Palestinians are the "second victims" of the Holocaust contains two falsehoods: It suggests that without Auschwitz, there would be no justification for Israel, ignoring 3,000 years of Jewish history in the land. It also suggests Arab innocence in German crimes, ignoring especially the fascist past of Palestinian leader Haj Amin al Husseini, who was not only Grand Mufti of Jerusalem but also Waffen SS recruiter and Nazi propagandist in Berlin. When a German journalist recently tried to shed some light on this history, he encountered the wrath of the Arab collaborators' German apologists.
  657. White Washing and sugarcoating: Arab biographer, Mohammed El Taher and the Mufti, DP, Dec 3, 2021
  658. Haj Amin el‐Husseini Dies; Ex‐Palestine Grand Mufti, The New York Times, July 5, 1974.
    In 1952 the Mufti explained ... This land, he pointed out, had belonged to the non‐Jewish peoples of Palestine ...
  659. Toward a Critical Rhetoric on the Israel-Palestine Conflict. United States: Parlor Press, LLC, 2015. 70-1.

    One might ask why use the Nazi swastika that proves the Holocaust did exist while at the same time denying the Holocaust ever happened. Here, anti-Semitism's rhetorical grounding is front and center; seeking to deprive Israel of the Holocaust often understood in the Islamic world as justification for its creation but also, and relatedly, seeking to take away the Holocaust cover under which the Arab world sees Israel fighting its wars of defense and survival...

    The objective of associating Israel with Nazism is also motivated by the historical development that early Muslim supporters of Nazi Germany in the Middle East did not anticipate when they were first attracted to Nazi ideology in the 1930s. That things did not develop as planned, and that Nazi Germany became synonymous with evil has not helped the Islamic world and thus what better way to distance oneself from an evil than to attach it to one's enemy, especially when evidence exists that Haj Amin Al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, not only supported Hitler's “final solution” but also organized Muslim SS troops in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
  660. Duncan M. Currie, The Nazi Slander, The Crimson, May 17, 2002.
  661. Efraim Karsh, Arafat's Grand Strategy, Middle East Quarterly. Spring 2004, pp. 3-11.
  662. Manji, Irshad. The Trouble with Islam: A Muslim's Call for Reform in Her Faith. United States: St. Martin's Press, 2007. 108-110. [127].

    In a state practicing apartheid, would Arab Muslim legislators wield veto power over anything? At only 20 percent of the population, would Arabs even be eligible for election if they squirmed under the thumb of apartheid? Would an apartheid state extend voting rights to women and the poor in local elections , which Israel did for the first time in the history of Palestinian Arabs ? Would the vast majority of Arab Israeli citizens turn out to vote in national elections as they've usually done? Would an apartheid state have several Arab political parties, as Israel does? Would the judiciary be free of political interference? In the 2003 Israeli elections , two Arab parties found themselves disqualified for expressly supporting terrorism against the Jewish state . Israel's supreme court overturned both disqualifications. Would an apartheid state award its top literary prize to an Arab? Israel honored Emile Habibi in 1986, before any intifida might have made the choice politically shrewd. Would an apartheid state encourage Hebrew-speaking schoolchildren to learn Arabic? Would road signs throughout the land appear in both languages? (Even the proudly bilingual Canada doesn't meet that standard.) Would an apartheid state be home to universities where Arabs and Jews mingle at will, or apartment blocks where they live side by side? Would an apartheid state bestow benefits and legal protections on Palestinians who live outside of Israel but work inside its borders? Would human rights organizations operate openly in an apartheid state? They do in Israel. In fact, every year the prime minister responds on the record to the report of Israel's leading human rights groups. Above all, in an apartheid state, would the media debate the moral rectitude of national policies? Would a Hebrew newspaper in an apartheid state run an article by an Arab Israeli about why "the Zionist adventure has been a total failure"? Would it run that article on Israel's own independence day? Would an apartheid state ensure conditions for the freest Arabic press in the Middle East, a press so free that it can demonstrably abuse its liberties and keep on rolling? (To this day, the East Jerusalem daily Al-Quds hasn't retracted an anti-Israel letter supposedly penned by Nelson Mandela but proven to have been written by an Arab living in Holland.) Even the éminence grise of Palestinian nationalism, the late Edward Said. stated flat out that "Israel is not South Africa . . How could it be when an Israeli publisher has translated Said's seminal work. Orientalism, into Hebrew? I'll cap this point with a question that Said himself asked of Arabs: "Why don't we fight harder for freedom of opinions in our own societies, a freedom, no one needs to be told, that scarcely exists?" I disagree—some people still need to be told that Arab "freedoms" don't compare to those of Israel. The people who need reminding are those who now push the South Africa analogy a step further—equating Israel with Nazi Germany. To them, Zionists are committing (sic) hate crimes under the totalitarian nightmare that they dub "Zio(sic)Nazism.." The sworn enemies of Zio(sic)-Nazism made their debut on the international stage in August 2001. At forums leading up to the United Nations World Conference Against Racism in Durban. South Africa, the Arab Lawyers Union circulated cartoons depicting vampire - toothed Israeli soldiers with Nazi flags fluttering from their helmets One such soldier stood sentry at the boarded-up door of a Palestinian office. The boards formed a swastika. Another leaflet superimposed a swastika on the Star of David. The most malevolent poster distributed at Durban featured Hitler speculating, "What If I Had Won?" Under the heading "Good Things," this poster had the führer saying, "There would be NO Israel and NO Palestinian's blood shed. The rest is your guess."

    How, though, can one claim to be fighting Nazism while making common cause with Hitler? The answer is your guess. I'm revolted by how much more inspiration from Hitler these tacticians take. It's no coincidence that in the cartoons circulated at Durban, Israeli soldiers had dripping fangs. Too many Arab Muslim intellectuals, journalists, and politicians tell their audiences that J... are Nazis because they siphon the blood (sic) of non-Jewish(sic) children(sic) for religious observances. Known as the blood libel. this fiction was itself a favorite calumny against Jews in the Nazi publication Der Stürmer. In this way, too, some maligners of Israel hop into bed with Hitler. They copy the Nazis...
  663. Adv. Maurice Hirsch and Nan Jacques Zilberdick, "Followers: The father is called Eichmann, the son a terrorist," PMW. 24/06/2021.

    On the occasion of the hunger strike of prisoner al-'Dhanfar (Ghadanfar) Abu Atwan, who is being held in an Israeli prison, the PA's official newspaper decided to dedicate a flattering article to his family.

    According to the article, the prisoner's grandfather was a terrorist who was arrested and later deported. The grandfather decided to name his son Eichmann after and as a sign of identification with the Nazi tyrant Adolf Eichmann, the architect of the "Final Solution" who was executed at the time.

    The Palestinian Eichmann continued his father's path, and was arrested and imprisoned for his involvement in terrorism.

    Today, the son of the Palestinian Eichmann is also behind bars... Eichmann went the same way, and was arrested in 1989 ...

    Eichmann came out of prison and gave birth to Al-Achenfer, who continued on the same path of struggle. It is worth noting that he is the nephew of the prisoner Manif Abu Atwan, a prisoner sentenced to five life sentences ... "

    [The official newspaper of the PA, al-Hayat al-Jadida, 13/06/2021]
  664. Shiryn Ghermezian, PA Daily Praises Palestinian Family for Naming Son Eichmann 'to Anger Zionism', Algemeiner, Jun 24, 2021.
    The official daily publication of the Palestinian Authority applauded a Palestinian "fighting family" for naming one of its children "Eichmann" after Nazi leader Adolf Eichmann...
  665. 665.0 665.1 Nativ, 1995, Issues 4-6, p. 55.
    Therefore, in the closing ceremony of a "police course" (that is, the future army nucleus), which was held in Jericho in August 1995 (!), The graduates swore with raising hand. Fawzi Salim al-Mahdi, one of the commanders of Force 17, Arafat's Praetorian Guard, is known as "Abu Hitler" because he called his two sons "Eichmann" and "Hitler".

    ... ועל כן במסדר סיום של "קורס שוטרים" (כלומר גרעין הצבא לעתיד), שנערך ביריחו באוגוסט 1995 (!) נשבעו הבוגרים במועל־יד. פאוזי סלים אל - מהדי, אחד ממפקדי "כוח 17", המשמר הפרטוריאני של ערפאת , ידוע בכינויו "אבו היטלר" שכן קרא לשני בניו "אייכמן" ו"היטלר".

  666. Jeffrey Dunetz, Wake Up And Smell the Anti-Semitism, Israel Science and Technology Directory, Mar 10 [18], 2002.
    The tradition continues today. "Mein Kampf," previously banned by Israel, has been allowed by the PA and was sixth on the Palestinian best-seller list. A senior commander in Arafat's personal bodyguard is Fawzi Salem al-Mahdi (known as "Abu Hitler"), whose two sons bear the first names Hitler and Eichmann. The official Arab mouthpieces are among the ranks of the most stubborn Holocaust deniers. And American neo-Nazi and white supremacist parties have found in Muslims a new audience to advance theories discredited in the west for more than 50 years.
  667. Perdue, Jon B.., Johnson, Stephen. The War of All the People: The Nexus of Latin American Radicalism and Middle Eastern Terrorism. United Kingdom: Potomac Books, 2012. 82
  668. Netanyahu, B. ‫A place under the sun: the struggle of the people of Israel for independence, security and peace‬‎. Israel: Yediot Achronot, 1995. 193.‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

    This sympathy is expressed, among other things, in the adoption of underground nicknames such as "Hitler" and "Rommel" by PLO members. This phenomenon is common among Palestinian leaders from all factions of the organization, including the "Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine", The Marxist, and Arafat's Fatah.

    The best known is Fawzi Salem al-Mahdi ("Abu Hitler"), a senior commander in Arafat's bodyguard unit, "Force 17," whose two sons bear the first names Hitler and Eichmann.

    Netanyahu, Binyamin. ‫מקום תחת השמש: מאבקו של עם ישראל לעצמאות, לביטחון ולשלום‬‎. Israel: ‫ידיעות

    אהדה זו מוצאת את ביטויה, בין השאר, באימוץ כינויים מחתרתיים כמו " היטלר" ו"רומל " על - ידי אנשי אש"ף. תופעה זו נפוצה בקרב מנהיגים פלשתינאים מכל סיעות הארגון, ובכלל זה "החזית העממית לשחרור פלשתין", "החזית הדמוקרטית המרכסיסטית", וה"פת"ח" של ערפאת. הידוע ביותר הוא פאוזי סאלם אל-מהדי ("אבו היטלר"), מפקד בכיר ביחידת שומרי הראש של ערפאת, "כוח 17", ששני בניו נושאים את השמות הפרטיים היטלר ואייכמן.

  669. PA TV reporter is called Benazir Eichmann, named after the evil Nazi Adolf Eichmann, Palwatch, Mar 23, 2022.

    Official Palestinian Authority TV | Mar 23, 2022. Official PA TV News.

    A report is presented by an official PA TV female reporter whose name is Benazir Eichmann, named after Nazi SS leader Adolf Eichmann.
  670. E Weiss, "A sad journey to Joseph's tomb: a swastika on a shattered tombstone", YNet, April 23, 2009.

    Four months after the renovation of the tomb complex in Nablus and the arrangement of the entrances to the place, the 500 worshipers who went up to the tomb last night were shocked to discover that it was badly damaged - again.

    Swastikas, smashing of part of the tombstone and military shoe prints in concrete - this is how Jewish worshipers found Joseph's tomb in Nablus tonight (Thursday). "Woe to a nation that allows desecration in this way, time and time again, unhindered, its symbols and its most sacred places," says the head of the Samaria Council, Gershon Mesika, who was among the worshipers.

    Since the evacuation of Joseph's Tomb in October 2000, the tomb complex has been abandoned most of the time, vandalized and burned, with occasional groups of Jewish worshipers entering it. For long periods, the IDF completely blocked access to the site due to security warnings, but last December the tomb was renovated, and recently worshipers' visits have been held regularly, accompanied by heavy IDF security and only at night - once every few weeks.

    [Military shoe prints on the grave (courtesy of the People and Land Rescue Headquarters)]

    The group that entered Nablus tonight, on the occasion of Rosh Chodesh Iyar and Independence Day, had about 500 worshipers. When they reached the tomb, they discovered that it had been badly desecrated by the townspeople. Just one day after Holocaust Remembrance Day, worshipers and soldiers were shocked to find inscriptions of swastikas next to the tomb, as well as inscriptions of a sword raised on a Star of David, with drops of blood and a boot "stepped on" it, and other inscriptions.

    The tomb, according to the worshipers, was also badly desecrated. Throughout the tombstone, there are signs of military footprints - according to them, of Palestinian police. In two places, the tombstone was smashed and damaged.

    "Palestinian police terrorists lose humanity"

    "Only barbarians can do such terrible things," Mesika said this morning. "People who are so pathologically capable of desecrating such a sacred place ... Palestinian police terrorists have long since lost every humanity. The State of Israel must return to Joseph's tomb, as even under the Oslo Accords the threats should be."

    ... Yossi Dagan of the Chomesh First organization, who was also present at the scene, added: "Everywhere else in the country, if Jews had done a tenth of the horror to the grave of an Arab sheikh, or even thought of doing so, the whole world would have been shocked..."
  671. Yoav Zitun, "Palestinian security forces member charged with inciting violence," Ynet, Sep 5, 2017.

    Muhammad Jalal Naji al-Sawiti, who has a senior position in the Palestinian Preventive Security Service, writes 'We need Hitler' on a photo of the Nazi leader and calls to 'shed blood' for al-Aqsa in Facebook posts.

    A member of the Palestinian security forces was arrested last month on suspicion of incitement to violence against Jews and support for a hostile organization, it was cleared for publication on Tuesday.

    Muhammad Jalal Naji al-Sawiti, a resident of Beit Awwa, holds a senior position in the office of the Palestinian Preventive Security Service (PSS) head in Jenin.

    He has been posting extremist content on his Facebook page recently, including a direct call to carry out acts of violence against Jews and words of praise, admiration and support for acts of terrorism.

    Inciting post: Missing 'people like' Eichmann (Photo: Shin Bet)

    Among other things, he posted a photo of the al-Aqsa Mosque with the call to "shed blood" for it. In addition, he posted photos of Adolf Hitler, writing "We need Hitler," as well as a photo of Adolf Eichmann, noting he misses "people like him." Inciting post: Call to 'shed blood' for al Aqsa (Photo: Shin Bet)

    Al-Sawiti was indicted for incitement at the Judea Military Court on Monday.

    Suspect is a member of the Palestinian security forces
  672. Raphael Israeli, "War, Peace and Terror in the Middle East," Taylor & Francis, 2014, p. 205.

    One day of January 2001, at the height of the second Palestinian Intifada (2000-2003), the Israeli press carried the picture of a procession in Ramallah, which paraded a donkey wearing a Jewish prayer shawl and sporting on its forehead a Star of David in the shape of a swastika, with Palestinian police standing by and applauding the parade. The Israeli public was deeply shaken, regarding this act of profanation and abuse as a continuation of the torching of the Jewish synagogue in Jericho and Joseph's Tomb in Nablus during the initial stages of the current upheaval. In all those cases, what transpired was a Palestinian determination, born out of frustration and hatred, to take revenge on Jewish religious symbols, knowing full well the hurt and anguish they would cause among the Israeli public.

    The angered and disappointed readership of the papers was reminded that, when in 1997 a settler from Hebron held up a poster in public in which the .. Muhammad was reviled by the drawing of a pig in his proximity, she was arrested, tried for anti-religious incitement and incarcerated for three years. That event, which rightly caused Muslim outrage, was condemned across the board by Israeli politicians and clerics, who understood the sensitivity of such provocations. Israelis had therefore expected to see a similar reaction on the part of the Palestinian authorities and their religious hierarchies, but in vain.

    This phenomenon of poking the Jew in the eye in order to demean him by diminishing his national and religious symbols, has been repeatedly manifested...
  673. Nativ, (The Committee for the Publication of Nativ, 2001). Issues 1-3, p. 22
    …she was arrested, legally charged and imprisoned. The Muslims took the case for granted because their religion does not suffer harm from any state or specification. But this did not stop them, during the current intifada, from marching a donkey wearing a tallit and wearing a swastika on the streets of Ramallah, under the watchful eye of the Palestinian police, and there is nothing horrifying. This double standard of behavior towards religions and beliefs is repeated every day...

    היא נעצרה, הואשמה כדין ונכלאה. המוסלמים התייחסו למקרה כמובן מאליו, כי דתם איננה סובלת פגיעה ממדינה או מפרט כלשהו. אבל זה לא הפריע להם, בזמן האינתיפאדה הנוכחית, להצעיד חמור עטוי טלית וענוד צלב קרס בחוצות רמאללה, תחת עינם הפקוחה של השוטרים הפלשתינים, ואין מחריד. הכפילות הזו בסטנדרט ההתנהגות כלפי דתות ואמונות חוזר על עצמו מעשה יום ביומו ...

  674. Nazism in Palestinian society and the use of Nazi symbols, ITIC - Intelligence & Terrorism Information Center, Oct 28, 2021.
  675. Leon Wieseltier, "Palestinian Perversion of the Holocaust", The New York Times, June 12, 1988
  676. Palestinian Writer: Hamas Uses Hitler-Like Methods That Will Doom The Palestinian People Memri, Aug 26, 2015.
    Palestinian writer Majed Hadib published an article on the website, which is associated with the PLO and owned by former PA minister...
  677. The Australian Jewish News, 8 June 1945.

    ARAB PUPILS OF HITLER The capture of the ex-Mufti of Jerusalem has been announced recently. He is known as an arch enemy of democracy who has led the Arab rebellions of 1936 and 1938, and who was undoubtedly the inspirator of the stiffening of Arab resistance to the Jewish claims in Palestine. Up to the last minute, he has stayed with the Hitler gang in Berlin. Behind and apart from him exist the Arab feudal lords who continue to pe[u]rsue their Fascist policy. Interviews given at the recent Pan-Arab congress by prominent "advisers" of the Arab rulers, reveal a perturbing picture of the mentality of these Arab overlords.

    Thus King Ibn Saud's adviser, Sheik Youssef Yussin, openly accepted the Nazi line of argument when he declared, "Our attitude to wards the Jews is the same as Europe’s attitude, Ask any European what he thinks of the Jews. He is against them and so are we . . . The Nazis killed four million Jews in Poland. If the Jews of Palestine want room, there is plenty in Poland now." We have this statement on the good authority of New York PM's Special Correspondent, who has interviewed leading Arabs on the Palestine question at the recent Pan-Arab Conference at Cairo.

    -The Sydney Jewish News, 15 June 1945. (PM = PM (newspaper)])

  678. The Arab League: Tool or Power? Weinryb, Bernard D. Commentary; New York, N. Y. Vol. 1, (Dec 1, 1945): 50 [128]; Commentary Magazine, March 1946 Foreign Affairs.

    [....] Formed in March 1945, the Arab League—consisting of Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Transjordan, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Yemen—made its international debut at the UNO conference in San Francisco soon after, and went on to open offices in London and Washington in October. The object of these offices was officially stated to be to supply information on aspects of modem Arab life, but the Washington office registered with the State Department as a foreign propaganda office, and Mr. Ahmed Shukairy, its head, declared that he was here to counteract Zionist propaganda...

    Perhaps the most important motive for “playing to the gallery” is the widespread social unrest in the Middle East. The ruling groups, absorbed by political strife during the inter-war years, “forgot” the needs of the people and the social structure of Ottoman times remain unchanged. Because of the inflation and other economic developments during this war “the rich got richer while the poor got poorer.” Contrasts between the classes have become sharper, and have led to the demand for social reforms. The League, representing the ruling groups, will need to divert attention from social to political issues. And the techniques to be employed need not be invented.

    As a matter of fact, techniques taken over from Hitler and the Nazis are already in use. We have seen the method of putting up a show, threatening the use of non-existent strength and might, resorting to nonsense for propaganda purposes and repeating this nonsense with such vigorous certainty that it becomes accepted as truth.

    The “unity” ideal, in its “exclusivist” aspect, can be exploited for fascist purposes and the “unity” drive of the Arab League seems to be approaching that pan-Arab trend which Professor H. A. R. Gibb, of Oxford University, a friend of the Arabs, termed a few years ago “an ignorant, intolerant, explosive force; it substitutes wishing for thinking, fiercely resents not only Christian domination but anything that savors of Christian practice and ideas, dreams of driving European and Jew into the ocean and restoring the glorious empire of the caliphate.”

    We have already seen efforts to camouflage the movement’s own weakness by sowing hatred, inciting to murder and pogroms, and assailing as enemies all those who are not on the League’s side. We have seen anti-Jewish riots in Egypt and Libya, the murder of statesmen, student riots against Great Britain and the Egyptian government, the slurring attack of the Arab press in Palestine on President Truman. It is now only a short step to acknowledging Nazi and fascist theories openly: the Palestine Arabic newspaper Falastin, for instance, attacked the Nuremberg trials, asserting that the Allies had no right to try nazis and nazism since this was a political ideology just as democracy and socialism are.
  679. 'Al ha-mishmar - על המשמר, 21 December 1945.

    צעירי שכם מתמרדים

    יפו, יום ה'. — "פלשתין" כותב, שהחלטת הסינאט האמריקני לטובת הציונות היא פשע נגד הדימוקראטיה העולה על פשעי היטלר ומוסוליני, ג'ינגיס־חאן וטימורלן.

    The young people of Nablus are rebelling

    Jaffa, Thursday. 'Falestin' writes that the decision of the American Senate in favor of Zionism is a crime against democracy that transcends the crimes of Hitler and Mussolini, Genghis Khan and Timurlan.
  680. HaMashkif – המשקיף, 9 April 1946 'Nazi-style anti-Jewish incitement in an Arab newspaper.'

    A-Sirat turns his arrows not against "Zionism" but against the Jews in general "It is no wonder that the Jews were persecuted in Europe" [sic] " - The Arabs are their enemies"

    The Arab "a-Sirat" published in its latest issue an incitement article against the Jews ...

    הסתה אנטי־יהודת בנוסח נאצי בעתון ערבי

    א־סיראט מפנה חיציו לא נגד "הציונות" אלא נגד היהודים בכלל "אין פלא שהיהודים נרדפו באירופה" [sic] ‭"‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ -‬הערבים הם אויביהם" "א־סיראט" הערבי פירסם בגליונו האחרון מאמר־הסתה נגד היהודים...

  681. Lahayal - לחייל / החיל, 14 May 1946.

    Arab Guards and the Swastika. Jerusalem .. Arab guards who passed through a van through Bnei Brak, stopped and began to paint swastikas on the walls of the Jewish houses. After residents complained at the police station, the guards were returned and wee forced to clean the walls with their bear hands. נוטרים ערבים וצלב־הקרס ירושלים (סט"א) נוטרים ערבים שעברו בטנדר דרך בני־ברק, נעצרו והחלו לצייר צלבי קרס על קירות הבתים היהודים. אחר שהתלוננו תושבי המושבה בתחנת המשטרה, הוחזרו הנוטרים והוכרחו לנקות את הקירות במו ידיהם.

  682. HaMashkif - המשקיף, 18 June 1946

    ערבים עונדים צלב־קרס תגרה פרצה אתמול בשעת הצהרים בין יהודים וערבים ברחוב יפו בירושלים, כשכמה צעירים יהודיים ניסו להסיר צלבי־קרס מעל שלש נשים ערביות, המשטרה שנקראה למקום פיזרה את הנצים. לא היו מאסרים. Arabs wear a swastika

    A brawl broke out yesterday afternoon between Jews and Arabs on Jaffa Street in Jerusalem, when several Jewish youths tried to remove swastikas over three Arab women, and the police called to the scene scattered the hawks. There were no arrests.
  683. Perry, M.., Schweitzer, F.. Anti-Semitism: Myth and Hate from Antiquity to the Present. United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan US, 2005. p. 10.

    In Muslim lands antisemitism is pervasive and vicious, routinely employing Christian and Nazi myths, which most westerners now regard as repulsive. It needs to be remembered that the Arabs imported German antisemitism in the 1930s and during World War II, a development that was extended when numerous Nazi war criminals and officials found refuge after 1945 in Arab states. Numbers of them were employed in information and propaganda offices and busily disseminated Nazi antisemitic materials, including the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, a work forged by antisemites at the beginning of the twentieth century that purports to show...

    One predictable strand of Arab Islamic antisemitism is Holocaust denial, which "started in Arab writings much earlier than in Europe": "Did 6 million Jews die?” asked the Palestinian Authority's appointee, Sheik Ikrimeh Sabri, the mufti (a lay adviser on Muslim religious law) of Jerusalem; he answered in the accents of the neo-Nazi Holocaust denier Ernst Zündel: "Let's desist from this..." Illogically, on the other hand, the same deniers can wax lyrical in praise of Hitler, lamenting that he did "not finish the job" and left the historic task to the Arabs.
  684. Elyakim Hatzni, Lethal Weapon: The Lie, News1, Nov 24, 2015.

    These days the knife intifada is raging under the false flag "Al-Aqsa is in danger!" A short line connects the lies of the Nazi Haj Amin al-Husseini to the lies of Holocaust denier Mahmoud Abbas.

    In the Middle Ages the false blood libels were used as a stage of preparation for bringing the Jews to the stake. The character assassination brought about the murder of the body. We must internalize this simple truth today. Only 86 years ago, in 1929 in Hebron, the Jews were massacred under the false slogan "Jews desecrate al-Aqsa," and these days the intifada of knives is raging under the false flag "Al-Aqsa is in danger!" A short line connects the Nazi lies of Haj Amin Al-Husseini to the lies of Holocaust denier Mahmoud Abbas.

    We encounter these lies every day, but avoid connecting them to the whole picture that reveals the murderous intent.

    Here are some examples:

    The plot of the assassination of the Arab child Muhammad al-Dura in alleged IDF shootings; the fabrication that Israel distributes drugs among Palestinian youths; the slander that Israel [sic] harvests organs from Palestinian victims; the claim that Israel murdered Arafat; Spreading the fake "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" about a criminal [sic] Jewish connection to take over the world. Even the demolition of the "Twin Towers" in New York "the man on the street" in the Arab world attributes to the...

    To total "art," the Arabs have brought the malicious lie when dealing with their murders. Gershon Mesika, who saved the life of a Jewish girl from an Arab stabbing, is accused by the Palestinian Authority of stabbing and threatening his life.

    In Ramallah, the [Arab led] car bombings are presented as road accidents that the Jews use to kill [sic] the Arab drivers. Apparently, not for nothing do they have a proverb: "He hit me and he cries, he was first, he complaints," only instead of "Hit" - say: "Kills."

    The art of lying came to a peak following the abduction and murder of the three boys, Hy”d, in Gush Etzion, in a column in the official newspaper of the PA, which claimed that the "occupation" [sic] fabricated this crime to create a cause for "aggression" in Gaza. That is, we murdered our three children ...

    The knife attack is also the upside down: according to their report, Arab hands are killed "in cold blood" by police and settlers on the false claim that they attacked Jews with knives. The IDF [sic] planted the knives on the spot. Even when an Arab bypassed cars in a traffic jam in Gush Etzion, sprayed them with automatic fire and accidentally killed an Arab driver, their media claimed without blinking: the Jews [sic] murdered him, and staged a burial for him.

    And here is what happened: After a few stabbings, the authorities closed the Gilboa (Jalamah) crossing for a while, through which thousands of Arabs from Israel pass freely to support Jenin - from vegetable sellers to dentists. Out of anxiety to their livelihood, the governor of Jenin addressed his public, including schools in Qabatiya where most of the killers came from, calling for an end to the stabbings, because the victims are in vain.

    According to a reporter for the Voice of Israel who interviewed him, they responded. He also deployed his own security personnel, who stopped several terrorists along the way. And here I ask: If it was the IDF that planted the knives, what does it have for the governor of Jenin to go to the students of Qabatiya and send people to stop threats?

    Rather, in deep in their hearts the liars know the truth. There is, for example, nothing more acceptable in the Arab world than Holocaust denial. And yet Issa Krakra, a former "minister" of prisoners, writes: "Israel murdered [sic] more than two million Palestinian children ... The number of Jewish children murdered in the Holocaust ... the Nazi did not exceed one and a quarter million ..." Well? Was there or was there not a Holocaust?

    The slander of spreading toxins is attributed to Jews throughout the Arab world, and yet they flock to Jewish doctors and hospitals. The two systems, the real and the false, lie within them in a kind of coexistence, however, in their publicity - in the media, in educational institutions, on the street - only the false version is 'politically correct' (enjoys political correctness) and alas for those who dare to come out with the truth. Therefore, do not be surprised to hear a person passionately recite false plots and then, with common sense and based on verified facts, tell the truth.
  685. "Palestine", American Zionist Emergency Council, 1946, vols. 3-6, p. 135.

    Notes on the Palestine Situation An Arab View of Mr. Truman.

    At a conference for the foreign press Sayyid Ahmad Shukeiri, Director of the Jerusalem Arab Office, commenting on President Truman's last letter to Mr. Atlee with regard to Jewish immigration to Palestine, said: "I regard President Truman's repeated declarations in favor of Zionism as a sign of the decline of American democracy. Capitalistic tyranny and angling for the vote of the five million Jews are the direct cause of this... I would have thought that this latest declaration was made by one of the great Nazi leaders who had escaped prosecution at Nuremberg..."
  686. David Horowitz, State in the Making, Knopf, 1953, pp. 67-69. [129]

    Hourani studied the writings of Herzl, Ahad Ha'am... ... el Husseini also detracted from their case. It was the year 1946. The memory of Hitler's atrocities was still vivid and loathsome. Everyone who heard it could not but show distaste for the Arab declaration that "the Mufti is our only leader and has no substitute." Hourani's testimony must have seemed unduly moderate to the Arab side in style if not in context. But Ahmed Shukairi who followed made up for the "defect." His fiery and bellicose address, studded with overt and covert threat, did indeed erase the impression Albert Hourani made, but it is highly doubtful that it produced any advantage for the Arabs. Hourani's measured statement created a sevenfold strong impression... Crossman then produced the notorious photograph showing Haj Amin reviewing Moslem volunteer units in Bosnia who had enlisted in Hitler's forces at the Mufti's initiative.

    The Arab witnesses were flabbergasted. They tried vainly to wriggle out of the mess they had made...


    פרק יא / בסבך פתרונים

    עדותו של חורני נראתה בעיני הערבים מתונה מדי, לפחות בסגנונה אם לא בתכנה. ואחמד שוקרי, שדיבר אחריו, ניסה לתקן את הרושם הזה. נאומו החוצב להבות ושופע איומים, גלויים ונסתרים, ומלא להיטות-של-קרב, טשטש אמנם את רושם עדותו של חורני, אך ספק גדול אם טשטוש זה היה עשוי להביא לערבים תועלת כלשהי.

    ללב תריסר האנשים הקרובים והרחוקים שליד שולחן החוקרים, חדרו דברי תורני והשאירו רושם עז שבעתיים מאש השנאה היוקדת ורוח המלחמה הקנאית של אחמד שוקרי, עד לגרוטסקה הגובלת בגיחוך הביאו את הסגנון הזה כלי הקודש המוסלמים.

    הקנאות העיורת והשנאה האוכלת שבדבריהם וקיצוניותם הבלתי מתפשרת היה בהם כדי לעורר רושם שהנה הנה וכהרף-עין ישלפו סכינים מקפלי בגדיהם ויפתחו בשחיטה של ממש. סגנון דבריהם ודאי שלא חיזק את ידי הועדה להפקיר את גורל המיעוט היהודי בידם.

    ברם, כוחה של העדות הערבית היה במציאות הכבירה שמאחריה. כאשר דיבר ג'מאל חוסייני על העולם הערבי מהרי הטאורוס עד הרי האטלס נצטיירה לעיני הועדה תמונה רבת רושם של ים-אדם המלוכד סביב תכלית אחת ורעיון מדיני אחד, ואף-על-פי שהתמונה היתה כפי שהוכיחה אחר-כך המציאות, אחיזת עיניים, היה אותה שעה כמוס בה כח כביר.

    דביקותם של הערבים במופתי-ירושלים, חג' אמין אל חוסייני, לא הוסיפה להם רוב כח ועוצמה. השנה היתה שנת 1946. זכר היטלר ומעשי-זועותיו עוד חי בלב הכל, ועורר שאט-נפש. לפיכך מצאו הכל טעם לפגם בהצהרת הערבים, כי המופתי הוא "מנהיגם היחיד שאין לו תחליף". הרושם הרע עקב דבקות הערבים במופתי נתחזק מששאל אותם קרוסמן אם לחמו הערבים למען הדימוקרטיה. משקיבל תשובה חיובית חזר ושאל: האם אתם סבורים שהנאצים הם תנועה דמוקרטית! לאחר שנענה בשלילה התערב גם קראם והציג שאלה באותו ענין ונענה בהצהרת נאמנות בלתי מסויגת ולאלתר למופתי. אז הוציא קרוסמן את התצלום הנודע שבו נראה המופתי סוקר פלוגות מתנדבים מוסלמים בסרביה, שהתגייסו לצבא היטלר ביזמת המופתי. הערבים באו במבוכה ונסיונם להתחמק מן הפח שטמנו לעצמם במו ידיהם עלה בתוהו. מאורע זה עורר את חמת חלק מחברי הועדה המנדטורית על קרוסמן ו"חוסר הטאקט" שגילה לדבריהם, בהסירו את הלוט מעל קשרי המנהיגות הערבית עם הנאצים.
  687. The Australian Jewish News, 28 March 1947.


    The search for ex-Nazi officers to train the armies of the Arab states and the other Arab military units has given rise to the founding of a new organisation in Cairo. This organisation specialises in the "liberation" of high Nazi officers and military experts from the prisoner-of-war camps in return for a handsome payment offered freely by the governments and other parties interested in the services of, the “liberated” men.

    Within the last few days, thirteen high-ranking Nazi prisoners —including one general!—who had been freed from P.W. camps and accommodated in luxurious Cairo villas, were recaptured. Their hosts were for the most part influential Egyptians who had spent many years in Nazi Germany.

    All the prisoners had been provided with suitable identification papers. Many signs point to the fact that most of the Nazi officers that were "liberated" in recent months in this manner have been smuggled into Palestine, where they are employed as instructors by "Futuwa" and "Nejada."
  688. Yonai, Ehud. Air superiority. Israel: Keter, 1993. p. 12.

    ... whereas in the eyes of the Arabs in the Land of Israel and in the surrounding countries, the Partition was a bitter failure. For them, handing over only half of Palestine to Arab hands is the same as handing over the entire country to Jews. 'Abd al-Rahman Azzam Pasha, the general secretary of the Arab League - who only four days earlier had warned the assembly that the path of partition would lead only to blood and fire" - now angrily led his delegation out of the hall. The fort was cast. Instead of sharing their biblical legacy, Jews and Arabs will be forced to fight for it. Jews and Arabs fight for it. The war began five hours after the vote. The Arab of the generation in his clothes waved to a bus on its way from the small coastal city of Netanya to Jerusalem. When the bus slowed down, the Arab pulled a submachine gun under his coat and started firing, and was soon joined by other Arabs, who were lying in ambush on the side of the road. Five Jewish passengers - two men and three women - were killed. Half an hour later, the Arab gang attacked another bus and murdered two more Jews.

    On the same day, the Palestinian Arab Higher Committee declared a three-day general protest strike. Mass demonstrations by Arabs broke out across the country. In a circular distributed to British soldiers and police, the (Arab) committee demanded that they refrain from intervening. "The Arabs have taken the final solution to the Jewish problem," the leaflet said, "they will soon evacuate you. Your sisters, wives, loved ones and families are waiting for you. You have nothing in the Arab War. Why will you die?" The British soldiers seized the matter, and kept their distance when masses of Arabs surrounded the commercial district of Jerusalem on December 2 and set it on fire, an event that resulted in the death of one Jew and the injury of twenty.

    Violence spread rapidly throughout the country, penetrating even within the prison walls, where Arab prisoners rioted and attacked Jewish detainees.

    The overt reference to a "final solution" - Hitler's code name for the extermination of European Jews - was not accidental. Haj Amin al-Husseini, the great and charismatic Mufti of Jerusalem and head of the Palestinian Arab Higher Committee, who spent most of World War II in Berlin, broadcasted Nazi propaganda to the Middle East. Now, in Cairo, he has declared jihad for the liberation of Palestine.

    His "rescue army" included two units of about a thousand fighters. One operated in the Jerusalem area under the leadership of his cousin, 'Abd al-Qader al-Husseini. The other, under the command of Hassan Salameh, who was trained in Germany, was located in the area between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. In addition to these, the Mufti, the supreme religious leader of the Palestinian Arabs, called for the recruitment of every Arab city and village into its ranks.

    ... ואילו בעיני הערבים בארץ ישראל ובמדינות שסביבה, היתה החלוקה כישלון מר. בשבילם, מסירת מחצית בלבד מפלשתינה לידיים ערביות, כמוה כמסירת הארץ כולה ליהודים. עבד אל-רחמן עזאם פאשה, המזכיר הכללי של הליגה הערבית – שרק ארבעה ימים קודם לכן הזהיר את העצרת שיינתיב החלוקה יוביל אך ורק לדם ואש" - הוביל כעת בזעם את משלחתו מן האולם החוצה. הפור הוטל. במקום להתחלק בירושתם התנ"כית , ייאלצו יהודים וערבים להילחם עליה. המלחמה נפתחה כבר חמש שעות לאחר ההצבעה. ערבי הדור בלבושו נופף לאוטובוס שהיה בדרכו מעיר החוף הקטנה נתניה לירושלים. כשהאוטובוס האט, שלף הערבי תת־מקלע מתחת למעילו והחל לירות, ובמהרה הצטרפו אליו ערבים נוספים, ששכבו במארב בצד הכביש. חמישה נוסעים יהודים - שני גברים ושלוש נשים, נהרגו. חצי שעה לאחר מכן תקפה אותה כנופיה ערבית אוטובוס נוסף ורצחה עוד שני יהודים.

    באותו יום הכריז הוועד העליון של ערביי פלשתינה על שביתת מחאה כללית בת שלושה ימים. הפגנות המוניות של ערבים פרצו בכל הארץ. בחוזר שחולק לחיילים ולשוטרים בריטים, דרש מהם הוועד להימנע מהתערבות. "הערבים לקחו לידיהם את הפתרון הסופי לבעיה היהודית," נכתב בעלון , "בקרוב יפנו אתכם מכאן. אחיותיכם, נשיכם, אהובותיכם ובני משפחותיכם מחכים לכם. אין לכם דבר במלחמת הערבים. למה תמותו?" החיילים הבריטים תפסו את העניין, ושמרו מרחק כאשר המוני ערבים הקיפו ב־2 בדצמבר את הרובע המסחרי של ירושלים והעלו אותו באש, אירוע שהביא למותו של יהודי אחד ולפציעתם של עשרים.

    האלימות התפשטה במהירות בכל רחבי הארץ, וחדרה אפילו בינות לחומות בתי הסוהר, שם התפרעו אסירים ערבים ותקפו עצורים יהודים. ההתייחסות הגלויה ל"פתרון סופי" - שֵׁם הקוד של היטלר לחיסול יהודי אירופה - לא היתה מקרית. חאג' אמין אל חוסייני, המופתי הגדול והכריזמטי של ירושלים וראש ועד ערביי פלשתינה, שהה רוב מלחמת העולם השנייה בברלין, משדר תעמולה נאצית למזרח התיכון. כעת, בקהיר, הכריז על ג'יהאד לשחרור פלשתינה.

    צבא ההצלה שלו כלל שתי יחידות בנות כאלף לוחמים. האחת פעלה באזור ירושלים בהנהגת בן דודו, עבד אל־קאדר אל-חוסייני. האחרת, בפיקודו של חסן סלאמה, שהוכשר בגרמניה, התמקמה במרחב שבין תל אביב לירושלים. נוסף על אלו, קרא המופתי, המנהיג הדתי העליון של ערביי פלשתינה לגייס כל עיר וכפר ערביים לשורותיו.


  689. "Hitler's spirit fights Zionists" ha-Arets - Haaretz 16 December 1947.

    Cairo, 14 (Palcor). "The spirit of Hitler fights Zionists in Israel [Palestine]" - this is the headline of a long article that appeared today, in the Egyptian 'Al-Asas' [الأساس] close to the government. This article summarizes the decisions of the Arab prime ministers and recent developments. The very fact is that the Prime Minister of Syria - Jamil Mardam - has received a message from the Syrian millionaire Arida who bought Hitler's cruise ship, that he is making it available to the [Arab] "Salvation Army" [جيش الإنقاذ] of Palestine to help preserve the Arab shores and prevent "Zionist infiltration" to the Land of Palestine [E"Y]. The "Salvation Army" headquarters will equip the ship and will make a nucleus for the first Arab fleet.
    קאהיר, 14 פאלקור. "רוח היטלר נלחמת בציונים בא"י" -- זוהי כותרתה של כתבה ארוכה שהופיעה היום, ב'אל אסאס' המצרי הקרוב לממשלה. כתבה זו מסכמת את ההחלטות של מושב ראשי-הממשלות הערביות וההתפתחויות האחרונות. עצם הידיעה היא שראש הממשלה של סוריה -- ג'אמיל מארדאם -- קיבל הודעה מאת המיליונר הסורי ערידה שקנה את אנית-הטיול של היטלר, כי הוא מעמיד אותה לרשות "צבא ההצלה" של א"י כדי שתסייע לשמירת החופים הערביים ותמנע "הסתננות ציונית" לארץ ישראל מפקדת "צבא ההצלה" תצייד את האניה ותעשנה גרעין לצי ערבי הראשון.

  690. NOT LIKE DACHAU, IS IT, HERR MUFTI?", The New York Times, May 16, 1948.[131]
     ShipofTheseus @JewishSpaceLazr Tweeted (May 22, 2022):
    Epic cartoon from the New York Times in 1948. When everyone recognized that Palestine was Jewish and Arab leadership were aligned with Nazis. [132]
  691. Frantzman, Seth J, "Strange bedfellows," The Jerusalem Post, May 7, 2008.
    Muslim Bosnians trained by the Nazis later volunteered to fight against Israel in 1948.... 890 volunteers from Yugoslavia and Albania were in the Middle East by April 1948, before Israel's declaration of independence on May 15, 1948.
  692. The Sydney Jewish News, 19 March 1948.

    Arabs Feverishly Recruit Foreign Legion

    The following news items received from the J.T.A. make interesting reading when placed together.

    Pro-Nazi Refugees In Italy Approached

    Arab agents are at present recruiting mercenaries to fight agaonst the Jews in Palestine from among the Yugoslav Ustashi and Chetniks and the Ukrainians, Albanians, Circassians (former inhabit ants of the north-western area of the Caucasus) and other groups in Italy who were on Hitler’s side during the war, and are now under the care of the International Refugee Organisation. Able-bodied men both inside and outside the IRO camps, who are between 22 and 32 years of age, and who accept the Arab terms of payment—their fares to the Middle East and maintenance of their families in exchange for their pledge to serve in the Arab forces for at least one year—are being given visas by the Governments of Egypt, Syria and Transjordan. Where the mercenaries are of Moslem origin, they are being officially “resettled” by formal negotiations between the Governments concerned and the IRO which, however, disclaims any knowledge of what use the indivuals are put to on arriving in the Middle East.

    Expensive Activities In Paris

    French ex-servicemen are being offered 100 dollars weekly pay and all found for service with Arab forces fighting the Jews in Pales tine. the J.T.A. has been informed by a French ex-officer in Paris, who has just received such an offer from Arab recruiting agents. The informant said that recruits are being sent to Palestine through Egypt They are travelling on their regular passports with Egyptian visas. While the recruiting campaign had little success among Frenchmen thus far, about 200 Britons have volunteered, the informant was told by the agent. They are living in hotels at the expense of the recruiting office and draw 100 dollars weekly, Paris is intended to be the main European recruiting centre of the Arab “liberation army.”

    Co Operation With Chilean Anti-Semites

    Members of the Arab colony in Chile of the ACHA, Chilean reactionary and anti-Semitic organisation, are believed to be responsible for the recent bombing of the Israelite Club in Santiago, according to a report, from a reliable source in Chile.

    The report says that Arabs and ACHA members are co-operating closely in Chile, with the former providing funds for the, ACHA. Their position has recently become stronger due to a change of policy by President Gonzalez Yidela who, although he is not supporting anti Semitism, has made a complete about-face from his former pro Zionist position. President Yidela, the report emphasises, has not as yet made any attempt to ban the publication of numerous anti-Semitic sheets which have been springing up in Chile, Chilean Jews feel that the present situation is deteriorating.

    FOREIGN NEWS LETTER By Meyer Levin EDITORS NOTE: Meyer Levin, former JTA correspondent on the Western Front and a well-known novelist, has just left Palestine where he was arrested by the British authorities when he arrived at Haifa aboard the blockade-runner, 'You Can't Frighten Us.'

    PARIS , (By Wireless)—WHILE THE UNITED NATIONS IS DEBATING the question of organizing an international force to implement its decision on Palestine, another international force—The Black International—is already operating on Palestine's front, according to information made available to this correspondent by a high Haganah source.

    The Black International is an army of 30,000 veterans of fascist military forces. Some are in action already in attack against Jewish settlements, others are undergoing rapid special training in Syria.

    The army is composed of former Nazi soldiers, remnants of Gen. Vlassoy's renegade Soviet battalion.. as well as pro-Nazi Poles, Yugoslavs and Moslems whom the Mufti originally organized into a Moslem brigade to fight alongside the Germans. When I pointed out to the Haganah chief that I had heard such rumors before, he said: I wish it were only rumor, but the fact has been verified by our intelligence in Syria. Furthermore, the bodies of pro-Nazi Poles have already been found among the attackers of our colonies whom we killed. What's more , the Haifa commander of the so-called Arab revolt is a German.

    Scum of the Earth

    "These Poles, Russians, Germans and Yugoslavs are scum of the earth," the Haganah chief continued. "They are the Arabs fighting for national liberation," he said bitterly. Actually their cynical joy is unbounded at the double gift which has been handed them—the opportunity to butcher Jews, and get paid for it. They also feel, the Haganah man said, that they never actually lost the war, since the world permits them to complete Hitler's fantastic campaign for the destruction of the Jewish people. The existence of this army proves at least that one of Hitler's theories is valid—the contention that the most enormous crimes are possible because the human mind refuses to accept the fact that such horrors were really committed . Until the very end of the war, and even today , people refused to believe Hitler really exterminated six million Jews, and similarly at present the world refuses to believe the open boast of Syria that Palestine will be invaded and the remaining 600,000 Jews there will be massacred. Even a seasoned newspaperman remarked to me, You don't really believe that the world would let that happen do you?"

    The answer is—It is happening!

    Consistent with the formation of the Black International for the destruction of the last tenth of the Jews who escaped from Europe, is the British policy in Palestine—to stand by and watch the slaughter . Our long-resisted Jewish claim that the British in Palestine would let the Jews bleed to death—I resisted the notion as one of those things too horrible to believe — appears to be tragically accurate . Since my recent visit to Palestine , and following day-to-day reports piling up on the number of Jewish dead , while the British military always stands by or arrives too late , I am convinced that whatever policy or intentions the London executors in Palestine are pursuing , they mean to give the Mufti every chance to complete the job he started with Hitler. I fear that the British in Palestine are permitting easily preventable holocausts to occur. I declare that the source for this action can only be deliberate evil plan to destroy Jewish life. Last week, it was Hebron where 35 Jews, surrounded by 900 Arabs, were massacred while the British armed units stood by as referees. This week the same story was repeated at Yechiam. Yesterday it was again Jerusalem , where , on the Jerusalem - Tel-Aviv roads, seven Jews were slaughtered, in the absence of British military patrols. I recently participated in a convoy on this road in the total absence of any British patrol. I can testify that the oft-repeated British announcement that the road was patrolled and safe can almost be interpreted as a lure for the Jews to venture forth to their death. After such an announcement, high. Jewish leaders did venture out.

    Road Patrols Absent

    Hans Beyth, Youth Aliyah leader, was killed; Mrs. Goldie Meirson , head of the political department of the Jewish Agency in Jerusalem, barely escaped in a riddled automobile—testifying to the total absence of road patrols. This road is only one hour long. It could be safeguarded by half a dozen cars in the spots known to be bad . This road, the very life-line to the community in Jewish Jerusalem , is unprotected. This condition lends credence to Jewish accusations that the British are deliberately hurting the Palestine situation to prove that partition is unworkable. In Jerusalem itself, I was repeatedly warned by Jews not to work after dark because Arabs might shoot; but British troops, believed to belong to Mosley's anti-Semitic movement, frequently took pot shots at the passersby in Jerusalem's Jewish streets. The Jews accusations are feasible when one remembers the spectacle of Syria, a member of the United Nations, openly harboring Nazi-minded Arabs, who have told British reporters of their intention to annihilate the Jews. Even the Syrian Defense Minister has repeated the same intention. Haganah sources assert that the gathering of the Black International in Syria can be observed immediately, since every vessel stopping at Haifa with Britons, then proceeds to Beirut People say that it is impossible that such evils exist, which is exactly what

    they said about the gas chambers in Poland. Today in Palestine, Jews who escaped the gas chambers are being shot down by the same hands that turned the gas off.
  694. Davar - דבר, 14 January 1948.

    נאצים מפקדים על כנופיות לונדון, 13 (סי"צ). ‭‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ 'דיילי גראפיק' מודיע, כי שרותי המודיעין הבריטיים מתחקים על עקבות שבויי מלחמה גרמניים המשתתפים בכנופיות הערביות.

    לדברי העתון משתתפים בקרבות כ-30 נאצים, מהם 15 כמדריכים באזור חברון.

    ארבעת נאצים מפקדים על כנופיה 200 ערבים באזור ירושלים. London, 13. AFP (Agence France-Pres). The 'Daily Graphic' reports that the British intelligence services are tracking down German POWs participating in the Arab gangs.

    According to the newspaper, about 30 Nazis are participating in the battles, 15 of them as instructors in the Hebron area.

    Four Nazis command a gang of 200 Arabs in the Jerusalem area.
  695. ha-Tsofeh - הצפה, 25 May 1948.

    3 מן הטייסים שהופלו - גרמנים נאצים מחיפה מודיעים: נודע, ששלושה מבין חמשת הטייסים המצרים שהופלו ביום השבת באיזור חיפה, הם לא מצרים ואף לא ערבים. סבורים, שהם גרמנים נאציים. 3 of the pilots who were shot down - Nazi Germans

    From Haifa its announced: It was learned that three of the five Egyptian pilots who were shot down on Saturday in the Haifa area are neither Egyptians nor Arabs. They are believed to be Nazi Germans.
  696. Friedman, Matti. Spies of No Country: Israel's Secret Agents at the Birth of the Mossad. United States: Algonquin Books, 2020, pp.138-9.

    Evidence of Nazi fingerprints on the Arab side always drew special attention from the Jewish intelligence services. One file from July 1948, for example, includes a sighting of German Tiger tanks in the service of the Egyptian army in Gaza... There really were German advisers working with Arab troops, and the best explosives expert among the Palestinian Arabs, the one responsible for the deadliest truck bombs of 1948, had been trained in Nazi Germany. The Palestinian Arab leader himself, the Mufti of Jerusalem, had been a prominent accomplice of Hitler's regime throughout the Second World War, broadcasting propaganda aimed at the Arab world and enlisting Muslim soldiers in the Nazi cause.

    All of this supported the Jews' suspicion that links existed between the powerful forces arrayed against them. It is in this context that Israeli intelligence understood a letter intercepted that fall, written by a German who was now serving the Arab cause. According to this letter, there were twenty escaped German POWs in Beirut, and most of them were "working on the Grille, the Führer's private yacht."
  697. Haganah Kills Two Nazis, Palestine Post, January 2, 1948.

    Palestine Post Staff Two Germans, one of them known to be a member of the Nazi Party, were killed by the Haganah in Jerusalem yesterday, Jewish sources said last night. One of them was said to have been in touch with Arab terror bands and to have been an informer...

    The same sources reported that the attempts of the Arab villages of Jabaliya and Tel er-Rish to form peace pacts with their Jewish neighbours at Holon had been stopped by the Arab Higher Executive, which had also ordered the removal of posters in Arabic in Tulkarm condemning the attacks on trains.
  698. The Palestine Post, 6 January 1948,NAZI EXPERTS TRAINING ARAB COMBAT UNITS.
  699. [ Palestine Post⁩, 9 January 1948⁩.
  700. B'nai B'rith Messenger, 23 January 1948, "KILL TWO NAZI AIDES".
  701. Arab Agents Recruiting Pro-nazi Refugees in Italy to Fight Against Jews in Palestine, JTA, February 22, 1948. [133].
  702. Nazi Officers Leading Arabs Against Jewry, Reporter Says," International News Service, February 25. 1948. [134].

    Nazi Officers Leading Arabs Against Jewry, Reporter Says.

    (Kenneth Dixon, famous war correspondent, describes in the following exclusive International News Service story from Palestine, how Nazi officers have turned up in the Holy Land, where they are lead Arabs in their fight against the Jews. The account is based on official Jewish documents and Dixon's own impressions after a secret visit to a Jewish border outposts). by Kenneth Dixon I.N.S. Staff Correspondent ...1948.

    TEL Aviv, Feb. 25 - Jewish intelligence are claiming that former Nazi officers are training and leading Arabs in their war against Palestine Jewry. These officers told me that they had captured former Wehrmacht officers and that once again Jews are being forced to to fight Nazis in the struggle for existence.

    This war correspondent was visibly impressed too.

    During a secret trip to a lonely Jewish frontier post, I watched in amazement as Arabs deployed and attacked in a manner highly reminicent of German assaults I witnessed in Europe in World War II.

    But there is additional proof: Documentary evidence, provided in papers, taken from the bodies of former German soldiers, slain by Haganah fighters, backs up the Jewish claim. The Jewish officers I spoke to said that anywhere from 40[0?] to 500 German soldiers are serving with the Arabs. The Nazis are believed to have come mainly from North Africa after the defeat of Rommel's Afrika Corps. Others are said to have infiltrated into the Holy Land after V-E Day. The Jews say that some of these Germans may have been close associates of the Grand Mufti, the Arab spiritual leader who was extremely friendly with Adolf Hitler. Many of the Germans, the Jews told me, "very conveniently" managed to escape prisoner of war camps in the Middle East. Together with estimated 1,500 "volunteers" who have crossed into Palestine from neighboring Arab countries, the Germans are said to be awaiting the surrender of the British mandate next May, at which time they will start their all-out attack. Some of the Germans, the Jews claim, they captured still bear tattoo marks of the Nazi 'SS' - the dread Nazi elite guards.

    My visits to the Jewish border outpost was made in a company of members of Palmach, the shock troops of the Haganah, Jewish defense army.

    The Arabs made several attacks during the night. One large force directed their assault at the position I visited.

    I observed that they did not employ skirmishing tactics usually associated with Arab soldiers, but engaged the Jews in a high concentrated and coordinated actions. During a lull in the fighting, I turned to a young Haganah leader and said:

    - "They fight almost like the Germans."

    He laughed and replied:

    - "They should. They were trained by the Germans and are probably being led by Germans tonight."

    Shortly thereafter, the Palmach fighters met the Arabs head-on in another sector. The Jewish leaders reported they distinctly heard orders being shouted in German - "achtung" (attention) and "schwein" (swine).

    In Tel Aviv a few days ago, an Arab taxi driver noticed my blond, close-cropped hair and asked, "Are you German?"

    When I said no, he grinned, shrugged in disbelief and said it would be alright if I were German.

    Responsible Haganah officers, who earned innumerable decorations fighting with the Jewish Brigade in the British Army in North Africa and Italy, have cited seversl incidents of finding German army papers on captured Wehrmacht veterans.

    There is a difference of opinion among the Jews, however, as to whether the British are involved in the alleged infiltration of the Germans.

    Older Haganah leaders say the British could do nothing about the situation even if they knew about it. but the younger Palmach men insist the British are aiding the Germans.

    All are in agreement that the quality of the Arab fighting has improved tremendously wherever ex-Wehrmacht officers are known to be operating.

    The Palmach Patrol Commander said: "Even one experienced officer can improve the fighting tactics of thousands of men in a short while."

    But far worse than the immediate presence of Germans in the Holy Land, the Jews say, are the future dangers.

    The Jews fear that the hopes of a future peace between themselves and the Arabs will be greatly lessoned by the growing number of Nazis in Palestine.

    The seeds of the brutal Nazi ideology that once almost succeeded in destroying them, the Jews assert, are being sown in the land where its survivors sought refuge.
  703. Friedman, Matti. Spies of No Country: Israel's Secret Agents at the Birth of the Mossad. United States: Algonquin Books, 2020, pp.138-9.

    Evidence of Nazi fingerprints on the Arab side always drew special attention from the Jewish intelligence services. One file from July 1948, for example, includes a sighting of German Tiger tanks in the service of the Egyptian army in Gaza... There really were German advisers working with Arab troops, and the best explosives expert among the Palestinian Arabs, the one responsible for the deadliest truck bombs of 1948, had been trained in Nazi Germany. The Palestinian Arab leader himself, the Mufti of Jerusalem, had been a prominent accomplice of Hitler's regime throughout the Second World War, broadcasting propaganda aimed at the Arab world and enlisting Muslim soldiers in the Nazi cause.

    All of this supported the Jews' suspicion that links existed between the powerful forces arrayed against them. It is in this context that Israeli intelligence understood a letter intercepted that fall, written by a German who was now serving the Arab cause. According to this letter, there were twenty escaped German POWs in Beirut, and most of them were "working on the Grille, the Führer's private yacht."
  704. ha-Arets - הארץ, 3 March 1948.

    הפולנים בארץ-ישראל חביב קרומהולץ באור עגום מאד מופיעים כיום שרידי הגולה הפולנית. חוגים חשובים משמיעים נגדם האשמות כבדות על חתירותיהם נגד הישוב העברי העומד במערכה, ומאשימים אותם בשיתוף פעולה עם הכנופיות הערביות ובשירות בבולשת הבריטית. על יסוד עובדות שונות גם עוררו חששות, שרבים משרידי הגולה הפולנית כאן משתפים אמנם פעולה עם צרינו. מה הן העובדות הללו? מי הם הגולים הפולנים, שבגדו בהכנסת אורחים של הישוב? ...

    הישוב קיבל את הגולים יפה. היהודים, ובעיקר יוצאי פולין, שכחו לפולנים את העבר: מישהו כתב רק על שער "אגד" בירושלים בפולנית: "רציתם בפולין בלי יהודים, הרי לכם יהודים בלי פולין", ובזה תמה הפרשה העגומה של העבר... נאצים בצבא הפולני

    אנדארס שיחרר ממחנות השבויים הגרמנים את כל אלה שטענו, שהם ממוצא פולני. שוחררו אנשי ס, ס. , עובדי גאסטאפו ואנשי הדיוויזיה הרוסית של הגנרל וולאסלב, שעברה לצד הגרמני. רוב ה"פולנים" האלה לא ידעו מלה בפולנית. אבל כולם השתתפו בפעולות השמדה נגד היהודים. רבים מהם הועברו ל"בסיסים פולניים ב-מצרים וארץ־ישראל לשם "הקלטות בחיים הלאומיים"...
    The Poles in Israel Haviv Krumholtz In a very gloomy light, the remains of the Polish Diaspora now appear.

    Important circles make heavy accusations against them for their efforts against the Jewish community in the battle, and accuse them of collaborating with the Arab gangs and serving in the British police. On the basis of various facts, concerns were also raised that many of the remnants of the Polish Diaspora here are indeed cooperating with our needs. What are these facts? Who are the Polish exiles who betrayed the hospitality of the settlement? ...

    The settlement received the exiles well. The Jews, and especially the Poles, forgot the past of the Poles: someone wrote only about the Egged gate in Jerusalem in Polish: "You wanted Poland without Jews, you have Jews without Poland," and that ended the sad affair of the past ...

    Nazis in the Polish army

    Anders released from the German POW camps all those who claimed to be of Polish descent. S., S. men were released. , Gestapo workers and members of the Russian division of General Wlaslaw, who sided with the Germans. Most of these "Poles" did not know a word of Polish. But they all took part in the extermination acts against the Jews. Many of them were transferred to Polish "bases" in Egypt and Palestine.
  705. "On the way to the city" ["בדרך אל העיר"] Mekol Makom, Jun 2, 2019
  706. The Palestine Post, 9 April 1948. "Nazi Fighting Forces To Support Arabs."
  707. "Nazi Announcer for Arab Radio," JTA, April 1, 1948. [135].
    A former Announcer on the Nazi "Free Arab broadcasting station" in Athens during the German occupation is now broadcasting for the 'Liberation Army's' secret transmitter in Palestine, according to "Ad-Difa'a." He is Saadie Basbusi.

    The station is directed by Ali Naser Ed-Din, a Syrian nationalist who was once employed by the now defunct Husseini paper "El Jamieh el Islamieh" (Moslem Unity).

    Basbusi is the chief announcer.
  708. Former Moslem Members of S.S. Division Recruited by Egypt for Fighting in Palestine, JTA, July 28, 1948. [136].
  709. "Nazis Recruited for Arab Forces," JTA, September 5, 1948. [137].

    Nazis Recruited for Arab Forces. Former members of Nazi Storm Troop units are being recruited for the Arab forces, according to reports in the American zone in Austria, from detention camps in the Hungarian press quoted by the Communist Kol Ha'am. Three youths arrested while trying to cross the Austrian border into Hungary told the Budapest police that at their camp, No. 318, groups were being allowed to leave after signing undertaking that they would leave to Palestine to join the Arabs. They wwee also given rifle instruction in the hills near the camp.

    The three youths said they had been induced to sign such an undertaking by two Hungarian officers, Col. Arno Zabosh and Captain Ziga Yozef. They left their group as it was about to leave for Palestine, they said.
  710. ha-boker - הבקר, 25 November 1948

    נציג אוקראינה בועדה המדינית מאשים: בריטניה וארה"ב מעונינות רק בבסיסים ונפט

    הויכוח הכללי יתחדש היום. -בין הנואמים נציג רוסיה ובריטניה. -מצפים להצבעה היום

    ... נציג רוסיה הלבנה, קיסלב, טען כי בריטניה מנסה להפר את החלטת אונ"א מאשתקד, כי המתווך יצא מגדר סמכויותיו וכי בריטניה וארה"ב מציפים את א"י במשקיפים וקציני קשר לרוב. הוא ציין, כי בצבא הערבי נמצאים קצינים נאצים רבים ודרש מאונ"א לפקוד על הוצאת הצבאות הפולשים מהארץ.

    Ukraine's representative on the political committee blames: 'The UK and US are only interested in bases and oil.'

    The general debate will resume today. Among the speakers is a representative from Russia and the United Kingdom. - Looking forward to voting today

    ... The representative of Belarus, [K V] Kiselev, claimed that Britain was trying to violate the UN resolution last year, that the mediator had exceeded his powers... He noted that there were many Nazi officers in the Arab army and demanded that the UN order the expulsion of invading armies from the country.
  711. Barry Rubin, ‎Wolfgang G. Schwanitz, "Nazis, Islamists, and the Making of the Modern Middle East," Yale University Press, 2014. ISBN: 0300140908, 9780300140903], p. 200. Chapter 10, "The war after the war." [138].
  712. Haiduc-Dale, Noah. Arab Christians in British Mandate Palestine: Communalism and Nationalism, 1917-1948. United Kingdom: Edinburgh University Press, 2013. pp. 81, 82, 87.

    ...the Islamic reform movement founded by figures such as Jamal al- Din al- Afghani, Rashid Rida and Muhammad 'Abduh. The most famous and long- lasting organisation to emerge during that time period was the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, founded by Hasan al-Banna in 1928. The Brotherhood itself became directly involved in Palestine in the 1930s. The YMMA was ostensibly a social organisation and its branches were, according to Lesch, 'relatively independent' of the SMC and other Islamic institutions... while formally a nonpolitical organisation, many members of the YMMA took an active role in politics. In 1932, the government shut down the organisation's Acre branch 'owing to the Association's complete departure from its avowed social, non-political objects'. And despite officially standing outside the nationalist rift, Lesch asserts that 'their pan-Islamic anti-Christian tendencies were supported by such conservative (and anti- SMC) leaders as Sulaiman al-Taji al-Faruqi, former head of the National Party and editor of the newspaper al-Jami'a al-islamiyya'... Bandak took a different approach. Despite differences between the YMMA and the SMC, Bandak used similar arguments in defence of both Islamic institutions. As explained above, in his support of the SMC, Bandak accepted Islamic nationalism as a driving ideology for Palestinian Arabs of all religions. Bandak condemned what he called Filastin's 'disgusting attacks against the most important Islamic personalities in the country', and he supported YMMA communal organisation, arguing that the group was defending Islam rather than attacking Christianity. He argued, in effect, that the SMC should participate in leading the nationalist movement because of its religious standing...

    ... in an article in Sawt al- Shaʿb mirrored those found in Muslimowned papers. Bandak argued that 'Arab Christians should be the first to recognise the rights of their Moslem Brethren over public positions and support them with the Government [even] though some Christian officials might suffer from the grant[ing] if Moslem demands ...
  713. Forster, Arnold. A Measure of Freedom: An Anti-Defamation League Report. United States: Doubleday, 1950.. p.73.

    In the middle of 1949 , Yusif el Bandak , an Arab , arrived in the United States and called on Hart at the suggestion of Sir Frederick Morgan, a retired British Lieutenant-General. (In January 1946 General Morgan was ousted as UNRRA chief in Germany after a public indulgence in anti - Semitism.) Before the end of the year Hart was infected with the Arab's special anti-Israeli ideology. Bandak's background is of some interest: In the middle 1930s, he propounded the Grand Mufti's political philosophy as publisher and editor of Saud el Chaab. In In 1948 Bandak moved from Bethlehem to Cairo, where he renewed his association with Hitler's former Arab ally. (Strangely enough, for a time during World War II, the man worked for the British as an Arabic translator.)

    Two Economic Council Letters contained the evidence that its director had swallowed Bandak's "line."...
  714. Land Reborn. United States: American Christian Palestine Committee., 1950. p. 7.

    Concerning Yusif El-Bandak By William Lindsay Young William Lindsay Young, distinguished minister and educator, leader in the fight for brotherhood, was formerly president of Park College and is now vice-president of the National Conference of Christians and Jews. His impressions of El-Bandak substantiate the conclusions reached in our memorandum on El-Bandak of a year ago. After careful investigation we submitted the following facts:

    (1) EI-Bandak appears to have been a former collaborator with the ex-Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin el Husseini, cohort of Hitler during World War II; (2) El-Bandak has made close contacts with anti-Semites and pro -fascists (Mohamed Maher in Egypt and Merwin K. Hart in America); (3) he has accepted funds from Hart; (4) while claiming to represent the Christian Arabs of Bethlehem, his main purpose appears to be to attack Jews, Zionists and Israel; and

    (5) the anti-Semitic press in America has given him and his message complete support.
  715. Anti-Semitism in the United States in 1947 (PDF). Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, 1948. p. 15.
  716. ha-Tsofeh - הצפה, 4 May 1948.
    "כי נפל פחד היהודים עליהם"
    "For the fear of the Jews fell upon them"

    First fall - flight... ... The shootings ceased. Silence descended on the village of Lahar as a heavy Jewish mortar sent several "respectable" shells at Salama. At first they tried to guess that the Salmais were preparing for an attack and their silence was the one before the storm. A pioneer corps crawled closer to their positions. Approached and found them empty. Sniff, detect, listen, - the positions are vacant. This is how it worked day and night.

    Early in the morning, on the seventh of Pesach, the Jewish battle units infiltrated the village. They met silent streets. Doors open. Unlocked hookahs. Hot soup on plates, a socket of man's head in a pillow. The latter fled in a hurry, not having time to take their belongings. All their weapons. Left a heavy mortar. Left the German Spandau machine gun. Left multiple Italian hand grenades. An International Weaponry. And left excellent fortifications, made in the German style and in the hands of Germany. They fled because the Jewish arm surrounded them on three sides and in the open fourth, they found an opening. They ran away because they were cowards, that behind the fortifications and the hedgehogs and the Spandau there is no brave soul of a warrior.

    On the last day of Pesach, Jewish fighters sat at the rioters' headquarters and held a holiday meal. Here is the headquarters: Arab textbooks, Nazi poetry books are scattered on the floor, with the swastika hovering over their hair and the first verse of the Horst Wessel poem being published; Telephone wires connect the place to the various positions. On both sides of the rioters' headquarters - the ammunition room, which is full of boxes of various kinds, from which the occupiers took the spoils of war; And the Yugoslav rioters' room, which in panic had left their mats and utensils in place. A light blue and white flag now hangs on the building. In the corner of the room is a black plaque with chalk written on it: "The village of Salama was occupied by the Jews on the seventh of Pesach."

    The main house of the village, built in plazas, and housed in a large courtyard, belonged to a German family from Sharona. Here they found important documents, testifying to the connection that existed between the Germans in Palestine and gang leaders and the Nazis. The hand of the first enemy number one, the accursed German Nazi, stirred in the vortex of Palestine. And even today German officers stand at the head of the gangs and train them how to fight the Jews. The information officer, who tells us about the documents, mechanically contains the book of a Nazi ideologue, in which he abolishes ... the Bible as the dust of the earth. In the same house remained tables, armchairs, chairs, pictures of Hitler and the Mufti, Arab propaganda pamphlets—, the natural fusion between the German Nazis and the local Nazis...

    At the sight of the desolate village they are reminded: this is what they want to do to Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, tens and hundreds of our villages and our points — this is their plot, the plot of the Ishmaelites-Nazis, exemplified by Hitler. The Arabs fled and did not become extinct. And if they had not fled they would have been the unarmed, the non-combatants, we would have remained and continued their work under Jewish rule. Whereas they, the rioters, dreamed a different dream: to conquer and exterminate every soul, to despise and destroy. Standing inside Salama, sees the horror of the empty space. Here we see what Tel Aviv is fighting for, why the settlement was embarked on a marvelous war of heroism... We are advancing towards [Al-]Khayriyya and Saqiya. The same vision. - Empty space, open doors, blooming orchards, stray dogs, birds making love in the bright azure air. Complete silence in the surroundings. After five months of nightmares, Jewish villages and neighborhoods rest. Rest in Tel Aviv. The killers were chased away.

    In Salma's orchard we saw a primitive cannon self-made by the rioters, who would fill its pipe with explosives, light the fuse - and flee, when the material had to fly towards a Jewish settlement and hit it. In the manner of firing the cannon - the failed Arab force is revealed. They shoot and run away, shooting and fearing self-blame. The inferno fire that eats its owner.
  717. Kadish, Alon; Ehrnvald, Moshe, Yevusi Battles, 2008. 73.

    At 5:40 a.m., Arabs were reported ascending from Wadi Joz to the road, and in the early morning hours an Arab shooting attack began on a Nashashibi house from the buildings and courtyards next to it. It was a counterattack initiated by Hajat Abu Gharbiya, commander of the Bab al-Zahara neighborhood. An Arab squad placed a machine gun in a window of a roof room in a building opposite Beit Nashashibi and opened fire, until one of its men was hit by Palmach gunfire. The Arab shooting caused more casualties among the Palmach members. As a result, Zivi ordered Amitai's class and the sabotage squad to seize the building south of Nashashibi's house and blow it up so that it would not block the field of vision to the south.

    A search revealed that the building's occupants had hastily abandoned it, and a German flag with a black swastika in the center was found. The discovery of the flag shocked the Palmach and aroused the suspicion among them that Germans were among the Arab fighters of the neighborhood. The building was blown up and collapsed to the ground and a field of vision was created that made it possible to view the entire Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood. When Amitai returned with his class and the saboteurs, it became clear to him that Zivi was wounded in the abdomen.

    Since most of the company commanders were wounded, Zivi appointed platoon commander Uri Amitai as his successor. In the meantime, he coordinated and organized the evacuation of the wounded with the battalion headquarters.

    The dead and ten wounded were taken by ambulance to Hadassah Hospital on Mount Scopus. The ambulances brought food, water and ammunition to the force that remained in the Nashashibi house, which now numbered about 70-60 fighters. The stories of the wounded, who were in a good mood and confident in the results of the battle, aroused in some of the people of Hadassah an optimistic feeling that the end of the siege on Mount Scopus was near.

    בשעה 05:40 דווח על ערבים העולים מוואדי ג'וז לכביש, ובשעות הבוקר המוקדמות החלה מתקפת ירי ערבית על בית נשאשיבי מהבניינים והחצרות שלידו. הייתה זו התקפת-נגד שיזם בהג'ת אבו ע'רביה, מפקד שכונת באב אל-זהרה. חוליה ערבית הציבה מקלע בחלון בחדר גג בבניין ממול בית נשאשיבי ופתחה באש, עד שאחד מאנשיה נפגע מירי אנשי הפלמ"ח. גם חמשת הלוחמים הערביים, שהתבצרו על גג בית נשאשיבי ושלטו משם על המרפסת הדרומית של הבניין, הצטרפו ללחימה. עם זאת, הערבים הסתפקו בירי ולא הסתערו על הבניין. הירי הערבי גרם לנפגעים נוספים מבין אנשי הפלמ"ח. כתוצאה מכך, הורה זיוי לכיתה של אמתי ולחוליית החבלה לתפוס את הבניין שמדרום לבית נשאשיבי ולפוצצו, כדי שלא יחסום את שדה הראייה לכיוון דרום.

    בסריקה התברר, כי דיירי הבניין נטשו אותו בחופזה, ונמצא דגל גרמני עם צלב קרס שחור במרכזו. מציאת הדגל זעזעה את אנשי הפלמ"ח ועוררה בקרבם את החשד, שגרמנים נמצאים בין הלוחמים הערביים של השכונה. הבניין פוצץ וקרס עד היסוד ונוצר שדה ראייה שאיפשר לצפות על כל שכונת שייח' ג'ראח. כאשר חזר אמתי עם כיתתו והחבלנים, התברר לו כי זיוי נפצע בבטנו. מאחר ומרבית מפקדי הפלוגה נפצעו, מינה זיוי את מפקד הכיתה אורי אמיתי למחליפו, ובינתיים תיאם וארגן את פינוי הפצועים עם מפקדת הגדוד. הרוג ועשרה פצועים הובאו באמבולנסים לבית החולים "הדסה" בהר הצופים. האמבולנסים הביאו עמם מזון, מים ותחמושת לכוח שנותר בבית נשאשיבי, שמנה עתה כ־70-60 לוחמים. סיפורי הפצועים, שהיו במצב רוח טוב ובטוחים בתוצאות הקרב, עוררו בקרב חלק מאנשי "הדסה" תחושה אופטימית, שסיום המצור על הר הצופים קרוב.

  718. Kliersfeld, Joseph. Mi-mandaṭ li-medinah: yoman Milḥemet ha-Shiḥrur shel ʻam Yiśraʾel, 29 be-November 1947-be-Mai 1949. Israel: R. Mass, 1952. 2. [139]

    Nazi-Palestinian flag

    This is how the Arabs imagined the end of the war with the Jews. When our boys conquered Katamon, in the south of Jerusalem, they found inside a house these flags that the Arabs were provided by their Nazi friends with the Mufti's efforts. The flags were ready for "in due course."

    Kalir, Joseph. ‫ממנדט למדינה: יומן מלחמת השחרור של עם ישראל, 29 בנובמבר 1947־12 במאי 1949‬‎. 2.

    דגל נאצי־פלשתינאי כך תארו לעצמם הערבים בדמיונם סיום המלחמה עם היהודים. כשכבשו בחורינו את קטמון, בדרומה של ירושלים, מצאו בתוך בית את הדגלים האלה שספקו לערבים ידידיהם הנאצים בהשתדלות המופתי. הדגלים היו מוכנים ל"עת מצוא". (מאוסף הצילומים של הארכיון הציוני הכללי של ההסתדרות הציונית ירושלים).

  719. "British Shut Eyes to Arab Terrorist. Allow Rebel Chieftain to Pass Through Zion... Kawkaji turned up in Iraq during the pro-Nazi coup d'etat in 1941 and fled to Berlin with the Mufti when that abortive revolt was put down." The Detroit Jewish Chronicle and the Legal Chronicle March 07, 1947. Page 14.
  720. Mati Alon, "Holocaust and Redemption." (United States: Trafford, 2003). p. 207.
    ...together with Fawzi Kaukji and Wasef Kamal, helped organize Muslim SS-units in the Balkan.
  721. Emmanuel Navon, "The Star and the Scepter: A Diplomatic History of Israel." (U of Nebraska Press, 2020), p. 131.
    In September 1947, the Arab League established an Arab Liberation Army. It was led by Fawzi al-Qawuqji, who had been in charge of broadcasting Nazi propaganda in the Arab world during Second World War. Al-Husseini's chief bomb-maker, Fawzi al-Kutub, had learned bomb construction in an SS course in Nazi Germany.
  722. Talmi, Menachem., Talmi, Ephraim. The Book of Galilee: Notes, Stories and Poems. [Sefer haGalil]. Israel: Amichai, 1955, p. 218.

    The end of Tishrei 5709 ... Only a few hours ago, the exchange of gunfire between our soldiers and gangs of Kaukji volunteers ceased, and the wonderful Galilean peace has already won. We set out to tour the roads of the liberated Galilee ... The Israeli pioneer corps found sheep slaughtered .. in the Rashbi's yard, but the Kaukji men could not make their hearts rejoice in them ...

    We passed the tombs of the heads of the Sanhedrin Shemaiah and Avtalion in Gush Halav and approached Sasa. At the entrance - ancient caves of ancient righteous people.

    We entered the empty mosque. The mosque was built on the remains of an ancient wall of a Hebrew synagogue. In one room next to the mosque we saw a shocking painting: an Arab battle plane with a swastika on its wings bombing a Hebrew Magen David Adom ambulance, and the wounds of the passengers bleeding: in front of the ambulance and behind it two Arab armored vehicles with large swastikas. Lethal fire was fired at the ambulance from the Arab plane.

    And here my right foot came across a metal thing stuck in the clay floor. And how great was my surprise when I lowered the clay over it and I saw wonderfully delicate and beautiful developments, in semicircles and different sizes, in the string of semicircles I saw three similar cuts to ancient Torah scroll patterns. A shiver went through my flesh. They are an ancient menorah. Alongside the menorah were two protruding handles for the missing jugs of oil. . I pressed the menorah to my heart, and continued to look for the rest of its parts in the immediate vicinity. Unfortunately I did not find more than that. When I returned home I continued to clean the menorah.

    עמ' 218.

    סוף תשרי תש"ט... רק לפני שעות ספורות נשתתקו חילופי היריות בין חיילינו ובין כנופיות מתנדבי קאוקג'י, וכבר עתה ניצח השקט הגלילי הנפלא. יצאנו לסייר בדרכי הגליל המשוחרר... חיל החלוץ הישראלי מצא בחצרו של הרשב"י כבשים שחוטים ל'טביחה", אולם אנשי קאוקג'י לא הצליחו לשמח בהם את ליבם...

    עברנו את קברות ראשי הסנהדרין שמעיה ואבטליון בגוש חלב והתקרבנו לסאסא. בכניסה --מערות עתיקות של צדיקים קדמונים.

    נכנסנו למסגד הריק. המסגד נבנה על שרידי חומה עתיקה של בית כנסת עברי. בחדר אחד הסמוך למסגד נתגלה לעינינו ציור מזעזע: אוירון קרב ערבי עם צלב-הקרס על כנפיו מפציץ אמבולנס עברי של "מגן דוד אדום", ומפצעי הנוסעים שותת דם: מול האמבולנס ומאחוריו שני משוריינים ערביים עם צלבי קרס גדולים. על האמבולנס ניתכת אש קטלנית מהאוירון הערבי.

    והנה נתקלה רגלי הימנית בדבר־מתכת שהיה תקוע ברצפת־החמר. הרימותי ומה רבתה הפתעתי, כשהורדתי מעליו את הטיט ולעיני נתגלו פיתוחים עדינים ויפים להפליא, בחצאי עיגולים ובגדלים שונים, במחרוזת חצאי־העיגולים נתגלו לעיני שלושה חתכים דומים לתבניות ספרי תורה עתיקים. רעד עבר בבשרי. הן זו חנוכיה עתיקה. לצדי החנוכיה נמצאו בולטים שני קני־אחיזה לפכי השמן שנעלמו . . לחצתי את החנוכיה ללבי, והוספתי לחפש את יתר חלקיה בסביבה הקרובה. אולם לצערי לא מצאתי יותר מזה. עם שובי הביתה הוספתי לנקות את החנוכיה.

  723. New York Daily News, April 6, 1948.
    "Syrian Leader Blast Jews with French 75s." By Robert Conway.
    ...Fawzi Bey el Kaukji... force in his initial big scale action to "drive the Jews into the sea." Original sources of the Arab threat to "drive the Jews into the sea", EoZ, Aug 8, 2021. [140].
  724. 'Al ha-mishmar - על המשמר, 20 July 1960.

    A German Weekly Reveals: Eichmann helped Arabia against Israel Bonn, Tuesday. - Adolf Eichmann continued his war against Jews at the end of World War II with the help of zealous Arabs - writes the widely circulated West German weekly "Bunte Deutsche Illustrierte". The weekly illustrated publishes a message, given to his correspondent Bruno Arnold, in the Sinai desert, by "Sheikh Ahmad," whose identity has not been disclosed. "Eichmann, who exterminated more Jews than all of us together, provided us with the weapons we are fighting against Israel. We swore to die and not leave Palestine in the hands of the Jews. We will kill them wherever they are," the Sheikh said. The weekly's correspondent adds that after the Sinai War, Fedayeen operations against Israeli farmers in the Negev decreased, but "new assassinations, on a larger scale, are being prepared." "These operations," the reporter stresses, "are organized by former Nazis who found refuge in the Near East." (Y.R.) שבועון גרמני מגלה: אייכמן עזר לערב נגד ישראל בון, יום ג'. — אדולף אייכמן המשיך בתום מלחמת-העולם השנייה את מלחמתו ביהודים בעזרת ערבים קנאים — כותב היום השבועון המערב-גרמני רב התפוצה "בונטה דויטשה אילוסטרירטה". השבועון המצוייר מפרסם הודעה, שנמסרה לכתבו ברונו ארנולד, במדבר סיני , מפי "השיך אחמד", שזהותו לא פורשה. "אייכמן, שהשמיד יותר יהודים מאשר כולנו יחדיו, סיפק לנו את כלי־הנשק בהם אנו נלחמים נגד ישראל. נשבענו למות ולא להשאיר את פלשתינה בידי היהודים. נהרוג אותם באשר נמצאם" — אמר השיך. כתב השבועון מוסיף, כי לאחר מלחמת-סיני פחתו פעולות הפדאין נגד חוואים ישראליים בנגב, אולם "התנקשויות חדשות, בקנה־מידה נרחב יותר, נמצאות בהכנה". "פעולות אלו, מטעים הכתב, מאורגנות על־ידי נאצים לשעבר, שמצאו מקלט במזרח הקרוב. התפקיד של אימון יחידות הפדאין מוטל בעיקר על אנשי ס"ס לשעבר" — כותב השבועון. (ע"ץ)

    -Eichmann Supplied Weapons to the Fedayeen, LaMerchav, July 20, 1960

  725. The American Jewish World, 28 December 1956.
    Church Leaders Condemn Nasser’s Reign of Terror

    NEW YORK (JTA) -- Prominent churchmen , members of Congress and leaders in education, civic and communal affairs joined with the American Jewish Congress to protest the Egyptian Governments persecutions of Egyptian Jews. The protests were voiced at a public rally sponsored by the AJC , at the Hotel Statler. Dr. Harry Gideonse, president of Brooklyn College, condemned the lawless treatment of Jews, warning that never since the days of Munich have we been so near to another World War, or in such a complete state of chaos as to the policies or even the facts that are involved.

    Dr. Joachim Prinz , R. of Congregation Bnai Abraham in Newark, N. J., whose former Berlin synagogue was burned by the Nazis , charged Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser with collaborating with top Nazis in his terroristic program against Jews.

    He said Gen. Otto Remer headed the Egyptian training program which created the fedayeen and the Algerian guerilla fighters.

    He named Willy Beisner and Johan Van Leers, both Nazis, as Nasser collaborators.

    Citing French intelligence sources, Dr. Prinz named the infamous Karl Eichmann as the man behind Egypt's program of terror. Eichmann was the head of the Jewish Gestapo department in 1938. Together with Himmler, the rabbi charged, Eichmann was responsible for the murder of millions of Jews.

    The rally concluded with adoption of a resolution calling on President Eisenhower to instruct our UN delegation to place the facts of the persecution before the General Assembly. The resolution also urged that Egyptian Jews be admitted to the U.S. under the parole provisions of our permanent immigration laws and be granted the same opportunities given to Hungarian refugees.
  726. The Sentinel⁩⁩, 11 May 1961.

    Ex-Nazi Arab Propagandist Admits Visiting Eichmann In Argentina.

    STOCKHOLM (JTA)—Johannes von Leers, notorious Nazi propagandist now working for the United Arab Republic in Cairo, revealed in a letter to the Swedish weekly, Veckojournalen, this week that he met in Argentina with Adolf Eichmann in 1955.

    Von Leers stated that, when he met Eichmann at Buenos Aires, the Gestapo leader now on trial in Israel, refused to give me information about the number of Jews who died in the concentration camps.
  727. Otto Remer, 84, Nazi Officer; Helped Foil Anti-Hitler Plot, New York Times, Oct. 9, 1997.
  728. The Detroit Jewish News April 05, 1957,  Page 3.

    AJ Committee Fact Sheet Reveals High Nazis as Advisers to Nasser

    NEW YORK (AJP),— In its latest Fact Sheet, titled "The Plight of the Jews in Egypt," the American Jewish Committee which is now commemorating its 50th anniversary—lists two former Nazi generals and an associate of Gdebbels as close advisors of dictator Nasser.

    "The dexterity and steed with which the Nasser government has moved. against, its Jewish population," the Fact Sheet declares, "have been cited by many observers as indicating that practiced' hands have been guiding this campaign. "It is well known that Egypt employs many foreign advisors, including Communist technicians from Russia and her satellites. But," the report adds, "the employment of German Nazis, former Wehrmacht officers and members of the 'Afrika Korps' has been largely hidden from the world. "At present, it is estimated that some 200 or more work in Egypt, including SS General Wilhelm Voss—in charge of Egypt's Central Planning Board and chief advisor to the War Minister; Dr. Johann von Leers, associate of Goebbels and notorious anti-Semite—advises on anti-Jewish propaganda, and Gen. Otto Remer who headed the Egyptian training program which created the fedayeen "guerrilla fighters."

    Referring to the plight of Egyptian Jews as a tragic one...
  729. Farrell, Joseph P.. Nazi International: The Nazis’ Postwar Plan to Control Finance, Conflict, Physics and Space. United States: Adventures Unlimited Press, 2011.[141].
    The Nazi International had not only manipulated the conflict between Egypt and Israel, armed Egypt, arranged its alliance with the Soviet Union, trained the Grand Mufti's fedayeen, armed Arafat...
  730. Dann, Uriel. King Hussein and the Challenge of Arab Radicalism: Jordan 1955-1967. United Kingdom: Oxford University Press, 1989. 176.
    Fedayeen activities up to February 1955 were undoubtedly sponsored by local Egyptian command posts in the Gaza Strip, in conjunction with the ex-mufti of Jerusalem, Hajj Amin al-Husayni, then living in Cairo.
  731. MIDDLE EAST: Trouble In Gaza, The Time, Monday, Sept. 12, 1955.

    The Lord will roar from Zion And utter His voice from Jerusalem . . . For three transgressions of Gaza and for four, I will not turn away the punishment thereof. —Amos 1: 2, 6. Around Gaza, where Samson lost his eyes, transgressions multiplied past Biblical number last week... To the young Israeli farmers who labor, gun in hand, in nearby desert settlements, the Gaza strip is an intolerable threat to their lives and lands... Covert Offensive. The incident that touched off last week's Gaza flare-up might have happened any day. Israeli soldiers, their command cars stacked with small arms, sped on routine border patrol close to an Egyptian command post. Suddenly there was shooting. Caught in the open without cover, the Israelis, guns blazing, crossed the border and took the command post. When they retired, they left three Egyptians dead. As usual in such cases, the U.N. mediator, Canada's Major General Edson L. M. Burns, respected as much for his toughness as for his patience, tried to get both sides together: the familiar rhythm in these flare-ups is violence met with violence and followed by quiet. But this time the rhythm was broken. Small groups of Arab raiders carried the fight deep into Israel. Known as Al Fedayeen (Self-Sacrificers), the sneaker-shod guerrillas are recruited from Palestinian Arab... Most of them are followers of the former Mufti of Jerusalem, who used to recruit men to fight both the British and the Jews. The Mufti has been living in exile in Cairo.

    The Self-Sacrificers fanned out across Israel, mined roads, shot up army trucks, dynamited the Voice of Israel's radio tower, just 15 miles south of Tel Aviv. From the cover of citrus groves, they shot down four farmers. Two Yemenite Jews fell, attacked from behind as they bent over irrigation pipes. Another was killed by a burst of Sten-gun fire through the open door of a pumping station. A Jewish newcomer from Iraq was caught as he cycled home from work in a nearby orchard. Tracks showed that he had been dragged off his bicycle, stood up against a wall and shot. A grandfather was cut down as he walked, lantern in hand, with his family; his wife, daughter, son-in-law and grandson were wounded.
  732. The Detroit Jewish News Digital Archives, May 04, 1956, Page 12.

    Will Mufti Head State of Jordan? By Milton Friedman ... As British-appointed Moslem religious leader, the Mufti not only resumed anti-Zionist agitation but turned against his benefactors. He built an anti-British terrorist organization. Palestinian Arabs consider him the spiritual godfather of the present Egyptian "fedayeen" suicide squads. The Mufti was the evil genius of the Palestine strife of the 1930's. In 1941 he helped engineer the pro-Nazi revolt in Iraq...

    Today Nasser works closely with the Mufti. This cooperation was demonstrated at the Bandung Conference where the Mufti helped Nasser advance Arab links with Communism. The Mufti rides the coattails of Nasser's pursuit of a fantastic goal. That goal is Egyptian domination of the entire Moslem world and the African continent...
  733. 733.0 733.1 Facts, vols. 18-22, Anti-defamation League of B'nai B'rith., 1968, p. 482.

    The Organization of Arab Students (OAS) claims to represent all Arab students on American college and university campuses. Although it purports to function as a "cultural and educational" organization, OAS is, in fact, a major source of anti-Israel propaganda in the United States. On March 7, 1969, pro-Arab activists distributed copies of Free Palestine, the Fatah publication, along with subscription blanks, at a Los Angeles meeting sponsored by the Arab Higher Committee, headed by the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem supported Hitler in World War II.

    Featured speaker at the meeting was Issa Nakhleh, a representative in the U.S. of the Mufti group. Invitations to the meeting were sent to persons on the mailing lists of the Christian Nationalist Crusade, the orgnization headed by Gerald Smith, long-time anti- Jewish propagandist, and of Western Front, an organization headed by Walter White, husband of Mrs. Opal Tanner White, a long-time Smith aide.
  734. The Arab League’s Propaganda Campaign in the U.S. Against the Establishment of a Jewish State - 1944-1947. Rickenbacher Daniel. Israel Studies. Volume 25, Issue 1. Spring 2020.
    ... In 1944, the Arab League started planning a propaganda offensive in Western countries to prevent the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine. The League’s focus of attention was the United States, where, members believed, Palestine’s future would eventually be decided and where they deemed it imperative to counter the Zionist campaign. In 1945 and 1946, it opened offices in Washington, D.C. and New York. The efficiency of these offices in undermining support for Zionism in the US was, however, hampered by infighting between Musa Alami, head of the Arab Offices, and the leader of the Palestinian national movement Amin al-Husseini. When the British relegated the Palestine Question to the UN, the Arab League and the Arab Higher Committee (AHC) were therefore ill-prepared to meet the challenge. Omar Haliq, a member of the anti-Zionist Institute of Arab-American Affairs (IAAA), devised a strategy to mobilize Catholic anti-Semitism in Latin America and Europe for their cause. As a result of these recommendations, in April 1947, the AHC sent a team of senior members, many of them experienced in the field of propaganda, to the US. Moreover, a special committee staffed by the Arab representatives at the UN and functionaries of the AHC was set up to organize a propaganda campaign focusing on South America. The strategy, however, was not successful. Most of Latin America and Catholic Europe voted for UN resolution 181 on November 29, 1947, at the UN session in Lake Success... The Arab special committee had set aside $25,000 for its campaign in South America. To this purpose, it produced material in the local languages and established an Arab Office in Rio de Janeiro. Issa Nakhla and Akram Zuaiter acted as roving ambassadors in North and South America in 1947. Nakhla had already gathered experience in public diplomacy during his student years in London prior to WWII, where he worked at the Arab propaganda office under Izzat Tannous. Zuaiter was a committed nationalist and militant who had joined the Arab Revolt (1936-39). After fleeing Palestine, he allegedly worked as a liaison for the Mufti with the Germans and was involved in the 1941 pro-Nazi coup of Rashid Ali al-Gaylani in Iraq. The special committee also dispatched two delegations to Latin America, one chaired by Akram Zuaiter and the other by Mustafa Khalidi, a professor at the American University in Beirut. In Brazil, Zuaiter’s delegation attended the Pan-American Conference and met with notable members. They also held a rally for the Arab community in Brazil, where they promised to conserve the Arab character of Palestine.
  735. Anti-Jewish Activities of the Arabs in Argentine, Daia, April 1958. [142].

    The Arab League... under the disguise of other names, or by fronting through other Arab or Argentine bodies, it is intensely active. Its representative until lately was Issa Nakhle, who, inter alia, published under his editorship the journal "America y Oriente", starting from November 20, 1952, until he left the country in 1956. "AMERICA Y ORIENTE" was a very efficient arm of the Arab propaganda, and reached wide circulation among the leading Peronist circles, antisemitic nationalist groups, nazi elements and university circles. ... "Delegation of the League of Arab States" and of its head, Mr. Issa Nakhle, stressing that by a campaign of instigation to racial and religious hate an attempt is being made to create in the public opinion a feeling contrary to the friendly relations between Argentina and Israel. This poisonous agitation, carried out through ‘the dispatch of letters and pamphlets profusely distributed in the streets, propagates vicious slander, appealing to the most primitive instincts and attempts to convince the public of the existence of a "world Jewish plot whose objective is to throw out Christianity from the holy places in Palestine". This propaganda was a direct outgrowth of the one carried out in Nazi Germany...

    later he was the founder and editor of the journal "America y Oriente", known for its systematical anti-Jewish campaign and its glorification of the totalitarian regimes, particularly of the Nazi Germany. In August 1956 Issa Nakhle returned to Argentina, after a prolonged trip to the Soviet Union, this time in his character of head of the "Delegation of the League of Arab States", armed with a diplomatic passport as pleni-potentiary minister of the Syrian government.
  736. Herut, 29 November, 1953. [143].
    חרות | 29 נובמבר 1953. שוקיירי יוצא לארגן את המהגרים הערביים באמריקה הדרומית. Shukeiri sets out to organize the Arab immigrants in South America.

    New-York 28, (U.Pr.— ). The assistant secretary general of the Arab League, Mr. Ahmad Shukeiri, is about to conduct a journey, the tendency of which is to arouse the hearts of the five million Arab immigrants in the countries of South America for political and financial support for the Arabs of the Middle East.. ‬

    Mr. Shukeiri revealed here today that the invitation to travel to the Arab communities in South American countries was presented to him by Mr. Issa Nakhla, editor of "America [& the] Orient," a Spanish-language magazine devoted to Arab affairs. In the invitation, the Assistant Secretary General of the Arab League is requested, in addition to conducting a tour of the Arab communities, to also establish in various countries in South America committees of the local Arabs, which will serve as propaganda centers for the Arab cause and create public opinion among the residents. Mr. Shukeiri added that the five million Arab immigrants in South America live in twenty countries, they take economic positions that make them the rulers of the economy in those countries, but unfortunately the Arab countries are not organized.
  737. 'Nazi-Arab cooperation endangers the Jews of South America.' Shalom Yedidya. Haaretz, February 3, 1952, p. 2 (שלום ידידיה, "שיתוף פעולה נאצי־ערבי סכנה ליהודי דרום־אמריקה", הארץ 3 פברואר 1952, עמ' 2.).

    (From the Jewish press in the world)

    Jews in many Latin American countries are in danger from the growing cooperation between the Arabs living in the South American continent and Germany, who have been living in this part of the world and receiving incessant Nazi reinforcements for the past few years. The Arabs of South America awoke to anti-Jewish action during the War of Independence in Palestine, but the impact of their action was not very pronounced, since they were not organized and did not play a very important role in the life of the general public. What is not so, these Germans were very active during World War II and then established Nazi centers in most parts of the South American continent, but after Hitler's defeat they fell silent for a while. The changes that have taken place in world policy towards Germany in recent years and the reinforcement of the people that the Germans in South America are constantly receiving in the migration of German experts, most of them Nazis have again encouraged them to resume their efforts more vigorously. They are taking advantage of the anti-Jewish unrest among many Arab residents and trying to provoke an anti-Jewish movement. These dangers can no longer be ignored.

    Tensions among Bolivian Jews There is still a state of tension among Bolivian Jews, although some plots to assassinate their rights in this country have been thwarted. The revolutionary nationalist movement in Bolivia, many of whose leaders are outspoken Nazis and fascists, was about six months ago very close to the seizure of power in this country. The connection did not succeed thanks to the intervention of the army, but even today the situation there should not be seen as stable and the Jews of this country, who are economically successful, are very concerned about the developments that may occur in the future. Under the influence of nationalist circles, the previous Bolivian government drafted a series of laws aimed at reducing the economic activity of the Jews in the country. The Ministry of Finance has prepared a law, according to which importers without Bolivian citizenship or those who received their citizenship by way of naturalization were required to deposit with the government a deposit that exceeds ten times the deposit required by native importers. The law was directed against the Jews who play an important role in the state's foreign trade and could have harmed them. Thanks to the intervention of the World Jewish Congress, the decree was repealed but the minds of Bolivian Jews have not rested to this day. The Nazi experts who came from various European countries and managed to infiltrate many government offices continue in the intrigue.

    Centers for Antisemitic Literature and Press One of the most important centers for the publication of pro-Nazi newspapers and antisemitic literature exists in Argentina. But also in many other Latin American countries. The main danger lies in the fact that Nazi incitement penetrates through various channels into the Spanish public in the country. The Argentine Jewish Representation "Daia" has recently published a series of protests in the local press about the fact that the children's school staff in this country are writing in an antisemitic spirit... DAIA has launched an action to remove this textbook from schools. The same book was approved by the Argentine Minister of Education in 1951 for school-age children. 10-9. The German newspaper "Der Weg" continues to conduct antisemitic propaganda not only in Argentina but also in other countries of South America and in this matter there was even a demand for intervention of the "State Department" in Washington.

    The situation of the Jews of Brazil In Brazil, several German war criminals found refuge. Some of them even head large commercial enterprises and their presence provoked sharp protests as well as demonstrations ... but was not able to change the situation. The Germans have considerable influence in Brazil and from time to time they exploit this fact to expose their hostility to the Jews.

    There is concern among the Jews of Brazil about their future, but for the time being their economic situation in the country is well established, and from a social point of view, the Jewish public in the country is crystallizing...
  738. 738.0 738.1 Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the ..., Vol. 113, Pt 17. United States Congress, 1967, p. 22718.

    The Palestine Arab Delegation is in fact the local agency of the Arab Higher Committee for Palestine, an international Arab organization formed at Cairo in 1946, under the chairmanship of the ineffable Grand Mufti Mohammad Amin el-Husseini the same noisome personage who had earlier served as Hitler's advisor on 'the liquidation of the Jewish question.' The Mufti's committee maintains offices in Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq besides its overseas representatives in the United States... this "delegation" maintains relations with the most undesirable on the American political scene. Not long ago, its postage meter was used to distribute a mailing of James H. Madole's National Renaissance Party Bulletin—a publication of a group described in a staff report of the House Un-American Activities Committee as avowedly neo-nazi in character.

    (An earlier issue of the same publication carried the headline: "Adolf Hitler, the George Washington of Europe").

    Long articles by this "delegation" have been reprinted in Common Sense The Cross and the Flag. The Palestine Arab Delegation also maintains relations with the Neo-Nazi National Renaissance Party....
  739. Jean-Francois Nadeau , "The Canadian Fuhrer: The Life of Adrien Arcand," (Lorimer, 2011), p. 351.
    Issa Nakhleh, letter to Adrien Arcand, New York, 30 December 1963...
  740. Jean-Francois Nadeau , "The Canadian Fuhrer: The Life of Adrien Arcand," (Lorimer, 2011), p. 42. [144].
    Oriental grocers, nauseating Palestinian restaurants...
  741. The Palm Beach Post from West Palm Beach, Florida, Monday March 15, 1971, Page 45

    On the Mideast...

    The head of the Palestinian Arab delegation to the United Nations yesterday told a group in Palm Beach of an international "Jewish [sic] plot" to control [sic] both the Mideast and the United States. Issa Nakhleh, speaking at the home of Countess Francesco Guardabassi, 127 Dunbar Road...
    The Palm Beach Post, Wednesday, March 17, 1971, Page 3.

    Speaker Challenged Anti-Semites Criticized. Arthur Teitelbaum, director of the Florida regional office of the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith yesterday condemned "gutter-level anti-Semites" in Palm Beach. Referring to a meeting held Sunday at the Palm Beach home of Countess Francesco Guardabassi, which was reported in The Post.

    Teitelbaum challenged the qualifications and statements of the speaker Issa Nakhleh. Nakhleh, he said, is not connected with the United Nations. "The Palestine Arab delegation is a propaganda agency which has absolutely no official standing in or relationship to the United Nations. he said. "It is a creation of the Arab Higher Committee for Palestine, which is an organization of the ex-Grand Mufti ot Jerusalem, who had ties with the Nazis during the Second World War " Nakhleh told an audience of nearly 100 persons Sunday, "Zionists are working behind the scenes in this country to involve you in the Mideast war." "The shocking remarks made by Nakhleh." said Teitelbaum, "reflect the time-worn anti-Semitic propaganda positions which reveal nothing of the truth about the Middle East, but reveal a considerable amount about the speaker." Nakhleh made reference to the Rev. Billy Graham's support of Israel. Teitelbaum noted. "And I think this reflects the overwhelming support of Christians in America including the thousands of Protestant ministers whom Nakhleh condemns for the continuance of Israel as a viable nation a nation where Christian and Jew and Moslem alike enjoy a religious and cultural freedom which is exemplary for all the nations in the world."
  742. Jewish Observer and Middle East Review, Vol. 21, (William Samuel & Company Limited, 1972), p. 7.
  743. The Times from San Mateo, California, November 14, 1972. Page 10.

    Arab Says Hitler Didn't Kill Jews


    The extermination of six million Jews on orders of Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler was "a big [sic] lie" concocted by ...who are still "very much alive" in the United States and Israel, a Palestinian Arab told the United Nations Monday. Issa Nakhleh, head of the so - called "Palestine Arab delegation" addressed the General Assembly's special political committee. currently in the middle of its annual debate on Palestine Arab refugees.
  744. Shofar FTP Archive orgs/american/ihr//nakhleh
    One participant of the 1982 conference was Issa Nakhleh, head of the Palestine Arab Delegation, an extremist pro-PLO group originally formed by the notorious Grand Mufti of Jerusalem who broadcast from Nazi Germany to the Arabs in the Middle East. In the US, Nakhleh has associated in recent years with Western Front, an antisemitic organisation.

    This site is intended for educational purposes to teach about the Holocaust and to combat hatred. Any statements or excerpts found on this site are for educational purposes only.

    As part of these educational purposes, Nizkor may include on this website materials, such as excerpts from the writings of racists and antisemites. Far from approving these writings, Nizkor condemns them and provides them so that its readers can learn the nature and extent of hate and antisemitic discourse. Nizkor urges the readers of these pages to condemn racist and hate speech in all of its forms and manifestations.
  745. Ian Barnes, 'Propaganda Spurs Invitation to Join Rising "white army." ' The Jewish Floridian and Shofar of Greater Hollywood, October 29, 1982. p.7-b.
  746. The American Spectator, Vol. 19, p. 20, Saturday Evening Club, Publisher, American Spectator, 1986
    "One of the World Muslim Congress's representatives at the symposium was Issa Nakhleh"
  747. Gill Seidel, "The Holocaust denial: antisemitism, racism... ," 1986, p.28.
    The previous year the conference had been addressed by Mr Issah Nakhleh, who describes himself as "Legal Adviser to the World Muslim Conference"...
  748. Pierre-André Taguieff, Fayard, "Les Protocoles des sages de Sion: Faux et usages d'un faux", Oct 6, 2004.
    ... ainsi qu'à l'intervention très significative du président de la Délégation arabe palestinienne aux Nations Unies, également conseiller juridique au Congrès mondial musulman, Issa Nakhleh, auprès du procureur général de Stockholm, Thorsten Jonsson, et demandant à celui - ci par un télégramme officiel la mise en liberté de Ditlieb Felderer.
  749. Alan Abrams, "Lifting the Veil." Detroit Jewish News, Aug. 3, 1984, p.14.

    An Arab conference in Dearborn spews anti-Israel propaganda and reveals an Islamic mind-set on the Middle East. By Alan Abrams Special to The Jewish News ... His opening remarks made his stand crystal clear. "Dearborn has some historical connections with the problems of the Middle East," said Nakhleh. "It was in this city that Henry Ford wrote that important book, The International Jew. He exposed the international Zionist conspiracy in the world. And for this, Dearborn is a very historical city. "But not only that," continued Nakhleh. "During the 1940s and 1950s, there was an important [sic] Father Coughlin with his radio broadcasts. He was fighting the Israeli-Zionist... And he was a (major) voice until he died only several years ago. So it is fitting that we should meet in this important city to discuss Jerusalem and the Zionist lobby in the United States." That set the tone for Nakhleh's speech, a lengthy litany of accusations

    Issa Nakhleh makes his allegations... convention of the Federation of Islamic Associations in the United States and Canada Inc. (FIA) last weekend. (The organization, whose headquarters are in suburban Redford Township, claims a membership of 350,000). But in the words of Nakhleh, "here we should have 1,000 people, but we have maybe 150." Attendance at Sunday's events, culminated by a banquet, was considerably higher. Detroit City Council President Erma Henderson was among the non-Muslim personalities in attendance. Although invited, Rep. John Conyers Jr. was in Washington.

    Established in 1952, the FIA is as the name suggests, an umbrella organization of local Muslim communities in North America. The association places a heavy emphasis on the religious aspects of Islam and maintains an Islam anti-defamation office. It is considered to be a moderate voice in the Arab American political spectrum. The organization pulls heavy support from Iraqi small businessmen, many of whom live in the greater Detroit area. Nakhleh was scheduled to be one of two speakers on a panel dealing with Jerusalem... The U.S. came in for its share of abuse as well. Nakhleh called America "an accomplice to the "crime".. He defended Rev. Louis Farrakhan as "one of the greatest eloquent orators I have ever heard..."

    Hajji Abdullah Ahmad of Philadelphia distributed literature denying that six million Jews were killed during the Holocaust.
  750. Sulam, 1957, p.5.
    As long as Nasser succeeds in the global arena and promises to destroy Israel... No wonder then ... swastikas appeared.
  751. Nadav Shragai. The Story of Rachel's Tomb [Hebrew: 'Al em ha-derekh: Sipuro shel Kever Rachel]. Jerusalem: Gates for Jerusalem Studies, 2005, p. 163
  752. Knesset Protocols, Feb 19, 1959.

    הישיבה הארבע-מאות-ושבע-עשרה של הכנסת השלישית יום רביעי כ"ט שבט תשי"ח. (19 פברואר 1959)

    היו"ר י. שפרינצק: נעבור עתה להצעה לסדר-היום של חברת-הכנסת רזיאל-נאור.

    חילול המקומות הקדושים בשטחי המולדת.

    אסתר רזיאל-נאור (תנועת החירות): אדוני היושב-ראש, כנסת נכבדה. ביום ג', כ"ט בטבת תשי"ח, הופיעה ידיעה בעתונות: "צלבי-קרס וכתובות שיקוץ בערבית ובאנגלית חקוקים עתה בכתלי קבר רחל. שער הבנין נהרס, ופסולת ואשפה פזורים במקום".

    דברים אלה הושמעו בוועדת-משנה של האו"ם להגנת מיעוטים ונגד הפליה, מפיו של הרב יצחק לוין, נציג אגודת-ישראל העולמית. הוא הוסיף ואמר כי לפנינו "מקרה חילול שיטתי ומוחלט של מקום קדוש. זו הפליה לרעה של הדת היהודית, הפליה הזועקת השמימה ותובעת תיקון מיידי". אנו מציעים לכנסת לדון במקרה זה של חילול קבר רחל אמנו ושל חילול הקברים על הר הזיתים, מבחינה לאומית ומבחינה מדינית כאחד.

    קודם כל, זוהי פגיעה במקום קדוש, מבחינה דתית ומוסרית, לאומית, אנושית והיסטורית. אבל יש לה גם אסטקט מדיני מובהק.

    הכרה לאומית מהי? הכרה לאומית היא התגבשות מסך-הכל של זכרונות היסטוריים ושל כיסופינו היסטוריים. ערך חשוב ומכריע למקומות מקודשים בחיי העם, אשר בהם קשורים זכרונותיו ההיסטוריים. מקום מיוחד נועד לקבר רחל — דמות האהבה והרחמים בתולדות האומה; האם שזכתה בסבל ויגון טרם זכתה באושר אמהות. האם אשר לא הגיעה לשמחת גידול בנים, האם אשר מתה בחבלי ההתנחלות-מחדש בשוב יעקב וביתו מארץ גלותו ונדודיו, הפכה להיות סמל לאהבת עם ישראל, היא המתנה את מרי גורלו לפני הבורא, והיא הזוכה להבטחת הגאולה השלמה. "קול ברמה נשמע, נהי בכי תמרורים, רחל מבכה על בניה, מאנה להנחם על בניה, כי איננו. כה אמר ה': מנעי קולך מבכי ועיניך מדמעה, כי יש שכר לפעולתך, נאום ה', ושבו מארץ אויב. ויש תקוה לאחריתך, נאום ה', ושבו בנים לגבולם".

    תהפוכות הגורל והמדיניות של ממשלת ישראל הביאו לידי כך, שמאז הלך ישראל בגולה, זהו המקרה הראשון לעם ישראל שאין לו כל גישה אף לאחד מן המקומות ההיסטוריים הקדושים. הכותל המערבי, מערת המכפלה, קבר רחל, הר הזיתים, קברות המלכים — כולם בשבי צר ובידי זדים.

    עובדה זו עצמה מחייבת את ממשלת ישראל לחפש ולמצוא מוצא. כל שכן עתה, עם פרסום ידיעות אלו על המתרחש בהר הזיתים ואף בקבר רחל אמנו. אנו סבורים כי זו אחת הבעיות המובהקות, הראויות לפעולה בדעת-הקהל העולמית. בכל העולם התרבותי, אחד מסימני ההיכר בין בן-תרבות לפרא המדבר הוא היחס לקדשי הזולת. קדשינו נחמסו מאתנו בחזקת-יד. על כן חובתה של ממשלת ישראל, בין השאר לפנות באיגרת אל כל המדינות החברות באו"ם (להוציא את מדינות המחללים ומנאצי הקדשים) ולמסור את הדבר לפרסום באומות המאוחדות ובדעת-הקהל העולמית. זו דרך פעולה דיפלומאטית מדינית, אשר נוקטות מדינות שונות, ואף מעצמות גדולות.

    יש להעמיד את מחללי הקודש באור המתאים להם ובמקום הראוי להם, בדעת-הקהל העולמית. ההתקלסות וההתגרות באומה שרופה באש, בצל צלב-הקרס, בהופעת סמלי הזוועה, מבשרי תאוות הטבח והכליון — אינה רק פגיעה מוסרית-דתית, לאומית, אנושית. היא אות למזימות פוליטיות ולמגמות מדיניות מובהקות, וחובה על כן על ממשלת ישראל לפעול בדרכים מוסריות ומדיניות כאחת.

    היו״ר י. שפרינצק:

    רשות-הדיבור להצעה דומה לחבר-הכנסת רפאל. יצחק רפאל (המפלגה הדתית-לאומית, המזרחי—הפועל המזרחי):

    אדוני היושב-ראש, כנסת נכבדה. כבר נודעו ברבים התפרעויותיהם הגסות של הפורעים הירדניים בבית הקברות שעל הר-הזיתים בו טמונים צדיקים וקדושים, נאמני ציון, צמאי הגאולה ושומרי חומות ירושלים. מצבות עתיקות הושמדו, ציונים בעלי ערך היסטורי הושחתו ומצבות חדשות נעתקו ממקומותיהן ונמכרו כחומר לבנין ולריצוף מדרכות. שמועות מהימנות אחרונות מוסרות על פגיעות קשות בקבר-רחל, שבדרך לבית-לחם, המקודש בעיני עמנו זה מאות בשנים. מבקרים המגיעים מחלקה השני של ארצנו מעירים על התעללויות פראיות באתרים היסטוריים ובנכסים מקודשים שלנו — ומי ידע לאן עוד תישלח היד הטמאה הבלתי-מרוסנת...

    Chairman J. Sprintzak: We will now move on to the proposal for the agenda of MK Raziel-Naor.

    Desecration of the holy places in the homeland.

    Esther Raziel-Naor (Freedom Movement): Mr. Speaker, Distinguished Knesset. On Tuesday, 29 Tevet 5718, a news item appeared in the press: "Swastikas and inscriptions in Arabic and English are now engraved on the walls of Rachel's tomb. The building gate was destroyed, and debris and garbage are scattered on the site."

    These remarks were made at the UN Subcommittee on the Protection of Minorities and Against Discrimination, by Rabbi Yitzchak Levin, the representative of the World Agudas-Israel.

    "This is discrimination against the Jewish religion, discrimination that cries out to heaven and demands immediate correction."

    We propose to the Knesset to discuss in this case the desecration of the tomb of our mother Rachel and the desecration of the tombs on the Mount of Olives, both nationally and politically.

    First of all, it is a violation of a sacred place, religiously and morally, nationally, humanly and historically. But it also has a clear political instinct.

    What is national recognition?

    National recognition is the crystallization of the all-encompassing of historical memories and of our historical longings. An important and crucial value for sacred places in the life of the people, to which its historical memories are connected.

    A special place is dedicated to Rachel's tomb - the figure of love and mercy in the history of the nation; The mother who suffered grief and grief has not yet gained maternal happiness. The mother who did not come to the joy of raising sons, the mother who died in the ropes of re-settlement in Jacob and his house from the land of his exile and wanderings, became a symbol of love for the people of Israel, she is the one lamenting the bitter fate before the Creator,

    "Thus saith the LORD; A voice is heard at high [heavens], lamentation, and bitter weeping; Rachel weeps for her children, refuses to be comforted for her children, because they are not. Thus saith the LORD, Refrain thy voice from weeping, and thine eyes from tears; For there is a reward for your deed, the speech of the Lord, they shall return from the land of the enemy. And there is hope for your end, saith the LORD, and the children will return to their borders."

    The upheavals and policies of the Israeli government have led to the fact that since Israel went into exile, this is the first case for the people of Israel who have no access to any of the holy historical sites. The Western Wall, the Cave of the Patriarchs, the Tomb of Rachel, the Mount of Olives, the Tombs of the Kings - all in enemy captivity and in the hands of malicious.

    This fact itself obliges the Israeli government to seek and find a way out. All the more so now, with the publication of this news about what is happening on the Mount of Olives and even in the tomb of our mother Rachel. We believe that this is one of the significant problems, worthy of action in world public opinion. In the whole cultural world, one of the hallmarks of a civilized man and the savage desert is the attitude towards the sanctuaries of others. Our holy sites were snatched from us by hand. Therefore, it is the duty of the Israeli government, among other things, to address the letter to all member states of the United Nations (excluding the desecrating countries...) and to publish it in the United Nations and in world public opinion. It is a way of diplomatic diplomacy, taken by different countries, and even by great powers.

    The desecrators must be put in their proper place that deserves them, in world public opinion. The enslavement and provocation of a nation burned by fire, in the shadow of the swastika, in the appearance of symbols of horror, harbingers of lust for massacre and destruction - is not just a moral-religious, national, human injury. It is a sign of political conspiracies and clear policy trends, and the Israeli government must therefore act in both moral and political ways.

    Chairman J. Sprintzak: The speaking authority for a proposal similar to MK Rafael. Yitzhak Raphael (National Religious Party, Mizrahi — Hapoel Mizrahi): Mr. Speaker, Distinguished Knesset. The gross riots of the Jordanian rioters in the cemetery on the Mount of Olives, where the righteous and the holy, the faithful of Zion, the thirsty for redemption and the guardians of the walls of Jerusalem, are already known.

    Ancient tombstones were destroyed, scores of historical value were vandalized and new tombstones were removed from their places and sold as building material and pavement pavement.

    Recent credible rumors are circulating about severe damage to Rachel's tomb, on the way to Bethlehem, which has been sacred to our people for centuries. Visitors coming from the other part of our country comment on savage abuses at our historic sites and sacred properties - and who knows where else the unrestrained unclean hand will be sent ...
  753. LaMerhav - למרחב, 7 March 1960.

    קנס למצייר צלב קרס חיפה, יום א'. — שופט השלום ש. רזי , קנס היום במאה וחמישים ל"י, או מאסר של חודש ימים את גאבי טאויל, ערבי נוצרי בן ‭24‬ מחיפה שנמצא אשם בציור צלב קרס באוקטובר שעבר.‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ הנאשם צייר באוקטובר אשתקד צלב קרס על קיר מוסך בקרבת ככר פייצל בחיפה. השופט קבע בגזר-דינו כי מעשהו של הנאשם עלול היה לגרום לתוצאות רציניית ביותר.

    A fine for drawer of swastika Haifa, Sunday. - Justice of the Peace S. Razi, fined one hundred and fifty pounds today, or sentenced to one month in prison to Gabi Tawil, a 24-year-old.. Arab from Haifa who was found guilty of drawing a swastika last October.

    The defendant painted a swastika on a garage wall near Faisal Square in Haifa last October. The judge ruled in his sentence that the defendant's act could have resulted in extremely serious consequences.
  754. Davar - דבר, 19 January 1960.

    מועצת אירופה [...] "האנטישמיות מכוונת מקאהיר" העתון "וורלד טלגראם" מביא היום בעמודו הראשון ידיעה, מבלי לציין את מקורה, בה נאמר ש"מסע-השנאה" מנוהל מקאהיר על-ידי "קומוניסטים ונאצים לשעבר, העובדים עתה כשכירים בשירותה של הקהיליה הערבית המאוחדת‭. "‬ ‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ העתון מציין גם שנודע לו שהליגה הערבית מעורבת במסע זה, ושאגודות סטודנטים ערביים באוניברסיטאות מערב-גרמניות נטלו חלק בלכלוך קירות של מוסדות יהודיים‭.‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ העתון כותב שה'מוח המתכנן' שמאחורי המסע האנטישמי הוא ד"ר יוהנס ואן לירס, מי שהיה סגנו של יוזף גבלס. "ואן לירס בחר לעצמו שם ערבי, עבר לדת המוסלמית, והקיף את עצמו בתגרני-השטנה המרושעים ביותר בעולם, שרבים מהם היו קצינים נאציים לשעבר, כמוהו עצמו" — מוסיף העתון. Council of Europe [...] "Anti-Semitism Directed from Cairo" The World Telegram newspaper today carried a front-page article, without citing its source, stating that the "hate campaign" was run from Cairo by "Communists and former Nazis, now employed by the United Arab Republic."

    The newspaper also notes that he learned that the Arab League was involved in this campaign, and that Arab student associations at West German universities took part in dirt of walls of Jewish institutions.

    The paper writes that the 'planning mind' behind the antisemitic campaign is Dr. Johann von Leers, who was Joseph Goebbels' deputy.

    "Von Leers chose an Arab name for himself, converted to the Muslim religion, and surrounded himself with the most vicious pushers of hatred in the world, many of whom were former Nazi officers, like himself," the newspaper adds.
  755. LaMerhav - למרחב, 14 October 1960.

    Nazism in the Service of Nasserism By Eliezer Ben-Moshe ...apart of all of these, serve thousands of other Nazis in the UAR (United Arab Republic). That journalist told me that when it broke out last year, the Swastika epidemic in the world, there was great joy in the residence of the Nazis in Cairo, and they could be seen in public places in the city, rejoicing and raising a glass in honor of their "successes," of which they were no small part in their initiation. On the other hand, when it became known that Eichmann had been abducted and brought to trial in Israel, these moves seemed like gloomy shadows, and some of them turned to the UAR authorities and asked for a personal guard, for fear that "the long hand of the Israelis" would reach them.

    But not only in Cairo, the Nazis operate in the service of Nasserism. Even in their other centers, and in the scope in South America, they cooperate with the Embassy of the UAR in various fields, and in particular for Israel and Jews.
  756. Ex-mufti Brought Van Leers to Egypt, German Authorities Believe, JTA, Aug 30, 1956.

    Haj Amin el Husseini, the former Mufti of Jersalem, is believed in government circles here to have arranged for the hiring by the Egyptian government of the notorious anti-Semitic propagandist, Dr. Johannes von Leers. Von Leers was revealed this week to be working for Cairo’s Ministry of National Guidance, President Gamal Abdel Nasser’s propaganda department.

    The ex-Mufti had sent a greeting to Von Leers when the latter was editing “Der Weg,” a German-language monthly dedicated to perpetuation of the Nazi brand of anti-Semitism which Von Leers issued in Buenos Aires during the Peron regime. In his message to Von Leers, the ex-Mufti thanked the unreconstructed Nazi “for venturing to take up the battle against the power of darkness that has become incarnate in world Jewry.”

    When Perón was overthrown in Argentina, Von Leers wrote to friends here that he had been “invited by Egyptian authorities to deliver some lectures” in Cairo.
  757. Dr. Andrew G. Bostom, “Omar Amin” von Leers and the Islamization of Nazism, INN, 2019-06-10.

    Exclusive: How a Nazi disciple of the Mufti of Jerusalem converted to Islam and embraced the millenium-old Muslim ideology of destroying the West by Jihad.

    Johannes “Omar Amin” von Leers (d. 1965), was a Nazi disciple of Hajj Amin el-Husseini who converted to Islam, found a haven in Egypt, and embraced a 1300 year-old ideology to destroy the Judeo-Christian West—Islamic jihad.
  758. ha-Tsofeh - הצפה, 1 September 1960.

    Measures against defamatory Arabs

    The government's decision to take action against Arab citizens who defame the state and the Jewish people - it's about time. The Israeli democracy that gives freedom of expression to all citizens of the country is exploited by certain Arab circles for public speaking that would not be tolerated in any advanced country. At a press conference held yesterday, the Adviser on Arab Affairs in the Prime Minister's Office raised disgraceful examples of the form of anti-Jewish expression on the part of Arab citizens of the country.

    Had Nazi Germans expressed themselves in this way in Germany or any other advanced country they would have been severely punished. In West Germany and other European countries, in recent years, people who have expressed themselves in a much less extreme anti-Jewish way have been severely punished than the things that Arab citizens dare publicly in the State of Israel.

    After all, one must not continue to suffer a situation ... while in Israel itself, Arab citizens stand up and publicly express their sorrow that the Nazis did not turn all the Jews into soap [and no one says a word]. The phenomena of being caught up in Nazi moods by certain circles, though limited, of Arab citizens, needs to be dealt with effectively and with all the severity of the law.

    The same is true of all those appearances of undermining the security of the state and the peace of its citizens that some members of the Arab minority give their hand to. The Arab residents of State of Israel enjoy a broad degree of freedom. They are citizens with equal rights if not equal obligations. In fact, the situation of Israeli Arabs is better, in all respects, than that of their brethren living in Arab countries ... אמצעים נגד ערבים משמיצים החלטתה של הממשלה לנקוט אמצעים נגד אזרחים ערבים המשמיצים את המדינה ואת העם היהודי היא דבר בעתו. הדימוקראטיה הישראלית המעניקה חופש ביטוי לכל אזרחי המדינה מנוצלת על ידי חוגים ערבים מסויימים להתבטאות פומבית שלא היתה נסבלת בשום מדינה מתקדמת. במסיבת עתונאים שהתקיימה שלשום העלה היועץ לענינים ערבים במשרד ראש הממשלה דוגמאות מחפירות של צורת התבטאות אנטי־יהודית מצד ערבים אזרחי המדינה. אילו התבטאו בצורה זו גרמנים נאצים בגרמניה או בכל מדינה מתקדמת אחרת היו נענשים קשות. בגרמניה המערבית ובמדינות אחרות באירופה נענשו קשות, בשנים האחרונות, אנשים שהתבטאו בצורה אנטי-יהודית הרבה פחות קיצונית מהדברים שמעיזים אזרחים ערבים בפומבי במדינת ישראל. הרי אין להמשיך ולסבול מצב ... בעוד שבישראל עצמה קמים אזרחים ערבים ומביעים בפומבי את צערם על שהנאצים לא הפכו את כל היהודים לסבון ואין פוצה פה ומצפצף. התופעות של היתפסות להלכי רוח נאציים שלהם נתפסו חוגים מסויימים, אם גם מצומצמים, של אזרחים ערבים יש לטפל בהן ביעילות ובכל חומרת הדין. הוא הדין לגבי כל אותן ההופעות של חתירה תחת בטחון המדינה ושלום אזרחיה שכמה מבני המיעוט הערבי נותנים ידן להן. תושביה הערבים של מדינת ישראל נהנים ממדה רחבה של חופש. הם אזרחים שווי זכויות אם גם לא שווי חובות. למעשה מצבם של ערביי ישראל טוב, מכל הבחינות, מזה של אחיהם היושבים בארצות ערב...

  759. Landau, Julian J.. Israel and the Arabs: A Handbook of Basic Information. Israel: Israel Communications, 1971. 175.
    Antoine Albina... Arab formerly living in Jerusalem, maintained contact with the Swedish Nazi Einar Aberg and regularly quoted him in his violently antisemitic publications.
  760. Facts. United States: Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, 1965. p. 341; Congressional Records, Proceedings..., July 8, 1965, Nasser's anti-Jewish Propaganda... Exhibit 1 Arab Antisemitism.. pp. 15909-14; The Wiener Library Bulletin. United Kingdom: Wiener Library, 1963. 8.

    A press release dated March 5 , 1965 , issued by the Palestine Arab Delegation in New York, was quite in keeping with the official antiJewish propaganda abroad - charging that "Zionists" had started the Second World War in Europe in 1939 and had later "capitalized on the alleged [sic] destruction by Germany of 6,000,000 Jews." The release added: 'It is appropriate to point out that according to statistics published by European governments, it is estimated that more than 45,000,000 Gentiles [sic] lost their lives in the Second World War and yet no one hears about them, no one is capitalizing on their deaths, erecting monuments in their memory, or cashing in through blackmail on their misfortune.'

    ... the authors had confused the hapless victims of war with those of programmed murder. But such confusion fits the divisive purpose apparent in today's Arab propaganda throughout several continents.
  761. Briefings and arguments, Vol. 5, MFA, Research Department, Israel, 1968, pp. pp. 1-2, 16.

    Chapter 5: Arab anti-Semitism The Arab claim that anti-Semitism is not possible for them, since they themselves are from Shem, is nothing more than clinging to words. Anti-Semitism, as it developed in Europe, conceptually and practically, is directed against the Jews only. Such hatred, as hatred of Jews in the format developed by the Nazis in Germany, which was like a malignant disease - has also moved to the Arab world.

    The collaboration of the Arabs with Nazi Germany In past centuries, the attitude of the Arabs towards the Jews was conditioned by the religious attitude, which did not foster such hatred. In the worst case, the Jews were considered an inferior race, like the Christians. However, since the rise of Hitler in Germany and the increasing influence of fascism in the Middle East, the influence of the Nazi anti-Semitic ideology on the Arab world of thought has also increased. The direct influence of the Nazi youth leader Baldur von Schirach on the Arab youth in general and in Iraq in particular, when he stayed there in the 1930s and "helped" in organizing the Arab youth movements, is remembered. At the outbreak of the Second World War, sympathy for Germany prevailed in the Arab countries in the Middle East, which arose from admiration for its power and its army at the same time as distrust towards the mandated countries, France and Great Britain. The victories of the "Axis" in the first years of the war and the progress of Germany and Italy on the fronts increased the conviction among Arab statesmen and military personnel that the fall of the British Empire was imminent and that the time had come to take advantage of it to advance their interests, mainly national, with the rising power Germany... Iraq and Saudi Arabia for active German support in the Israel-Israel problem is fed by the anti-Jewish ideological platform of the Nazis... The newspapers and radio in Egypt, nationalist circles in Syria, Iraq and Lebanon, fascist organizations such as "Misr el-Fatah" [Young Egypt Party - حزب مصر الفتاة] in Egypt, the "Futuwwa" in Iraq, and the decisive influence of the Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Hussaini in exile in religious circles throughout the Arab world helped to create the pro-Nazi atmosphere. . .

    The Arabs and Hitler's holocaust The Arabs justified in their publications the murder of the Jews by Hitler, expressed admiration for Eichmann who was tried for his crimes in Israel and even awarded him the title "martyr". Or alternatively, as stated in a press release of the Palestinian delegation in New York, they blamed the Jews who started [sic] Hitler's war and after that took advantage of: "Alleged [sic] destruction of six million Jews." The message compared this number to 45 million non-Jews whose lives were cut short in the war and no one "takes advantage of this disaster or extorts money" because of it: "No one is capitalizing on their deaths or cashing in through blackmail on their misfortune." [sic] This blurring between peoples who fought and defenseless Jews who were slaughtered serves the global anti-Semitism in which the Arabs are active and often finance it. Anti-Semitism in Arab literature A particularly blatant form of Arab anti-Semitism is found in the extensive literature distributed in Arab countries in general, and in Egypt in particular, even under official inspiration.

    It has already been mentioned above that Hitler's programmatic book Mein Kampf was translated into Arabic and was part of the equipment of Egyptian army officers.
  762. 762.0 762.1 762.2 762.3 762.4 Maariv - מעריב, 19 December 1969.

    'The Spider: Francois.' By Hezi Kamel.
    [Dr. Abdul Yousufi (next to the microphone), chairman of the Arab Lawyers' Association, submits a statement regarding the attackers of an El Al plane in Zurich. Yousufi, who is an ally of François Genoud, served during World War II as the deputy commander of the Arab Legion who fought in the service of Hitler.] What is the connection between a neo-Nazi national organization called the Spider and the intelligence services of Arab countries and the legendary treasures of the Nazis smuggled into Germany before the end of World War II and the lost treasure of the FLN. Algeria? And what is the connection between the members of the "Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine" who are on trial at Winterthur and the former SS General Hans Rudel, who fled to Argentina after World War II?

    The connection exists. His name: Francois Genoud. Age: 51. Citizenship: Swiss. Profession: Banker.

    The short man, always wearing gray suits and his thin hair pulled back carefully - looked like a gray clerk that no one would look at twice. But Francois Genoud, the neo-Nazi Swiss banker who was one of the founders of the Nazi party in Switzerland during the Hitler era, is one of the greatest international adventurers of our time. When I first met him about three weeks ago in the courtroom in Winterthur, I thought he was the legal correspondent for one of the Swiss newspapers. He sat and listened intently to hearings in the courtroom and made occasional remarks. Only then, when I saw him in the company of Algerian lawyer Yusufi, who serves as deputy chairman of the Arab Bar Association, did I decide to ask about him. "The little man in the gray suit over there in the corner? Yes, of course I know him," a Swiss journalist answered my question. "This is a well-known Nazi, director of the Arab Commercial Bank in Geneva."

    Ties with the Mufti

    "It is not clear to me, the Swiss journalist added, what such a guy does here on Winterthur." It was not clear to me either at that moment. However, a few days later, following a number of investigations I conducted in Switzerland, the whole affair became clear. François Genoud - the little man in the gray suit - is one of the main thread pullers in all the major financial transactions of Arab countries and today one of the main funding channels of sabotage organizations in Europe. His presence in the courtroom in Winterthur was not at all the presence of an observer - he came to the place as a capitalist to the place of investment. A considerable part of the expenses of the Arab side in the Winterthur trial and almost all the expenses of the various "leagues" for the Palestinians in Switzerland - are covered by Francois.

    Francois Genoud's love for Arabs is a love that depends on the thing. The "thing" in this case - his hatred of Jews.

    By 1936, at the age of 21, the young François had already joined the youth organization of the Swiss Nazi Party, the National Union Party, as a founding member. I met in Switzerland some people who remembered him walking around in the "brown shirt" (of the Nazis) that had the swastika tag on a black ribbon tied around the sleeves of his shirt. In 1940, François Genoud made his first contact with the Arabs. Together with a young Lebanese named Dauk (son of an influential Lebanese dignitary in Beirut) he opens a nightclub in Lausanne. This nightclub probably serves as a meeting place for the German spy service whose slave works Genoud. His enlistment in the German intelligence service was made by the head of the town council of Tingen - a Swiss named Guttman - who served as a liaison between German intelligence and his Swiss agents. During his many travels to Germany - during World War II - he met with Hitler and Bormann and then also had first contacts with some figures of the Arab world. He contacted the Mufti of Jerusalem, the infamous Haj Amin al-Husseini, and an Arab of Tunisian descent, Ibrahim Hafid, who was the commander of the Arab Legion fighting in the service of the Germans. One of Hafid's aides at the time - a young Algerian named Yousufi - later became a well-known lawyer and one of Genoud's regular contacts.

    The right to Hitler's writings

    After World War II, Genoud was very active in providing aid to the Nazis who had fled Germany and tightening his ties with the SS General. Hans Rudel, who fled to Argentina and established a Nazi organization there and helps absorb escaped SS men. It was then rumored that Genoud had helped smuggle to Tangier - the center of international intrigue at the time - the vast art treasures looted by the Nazis from all over Europe.. His most important activity, however, was probably the organization of the smuggling of Nazi treasure into Switzerland and its deposit there in numbered accounts, which no government or foreign entity could afford to get their hands on. For several years after World War II Genoud wandered from place to place with his actions carried out under the guise of almost complete anonymity. In 1952, Genaud's name first appeared in the headlines when he went to war against a German publisher in Düsseldorf, who published a collection of Hitler articles entitled "Visible Things about War and Peace." Genaud then appealed to the courts of Düsseldorf and Paris, claiming that he had all the rights to distribute the books of Hitler, Goebbels and Bormann! Indeed, Genoud won both sentences. It turns out that he has many documents in his hands and written material that was in the possession of Martin Bormann, which raises the possibility that Genoud has been in contact with Bormann to this day (to accept the explanation, that Bormann is still alive). In the ten years following World War II, he concentrated on providing assistance to smuggling Nazis fleeing to Latin America and the Middle East. In an article published in a Basel newspaper in 1964, entitled: "Search for Disappeared Nazis," the author of the article tells of a Nazi organization called "The Spider" which is the successor to another well-known Nazi organization: the "SS Odessa Expatriate Organization." The "spider" weaves its webs all over Europe when its operational center is in Switzerland, where the many millions plundered by the Nazis were also deposited. According to the Basel newspaper, the man in charge of guarding this huge property was a Swiss resident of Lausanne. "His house is similar to the Hitler Museum," the author of the article wrote, "with swastikas everywhere and huge pictures of Hitler on every wall." Of course many easily identified with the figure of the banker from Lausanne. - François Genaud.

    Among the famous escape operations of the 'Spider' organization was also the smuggling, from prison in Germany operation, of the Nazi Zech‐Nenntwich who fled to Egypt.

    Smuggling the treasure of the "FLN."

    Genoud took advantage of his ties with the Mufti of Jerusalem to establish an extensive system of ties in Cairo that he used to get in touch with the heads of the Tunisian liberation organizations of North African countries. In 1955, Genoud moved to Tangier, from where he began to develop ties with the whole of North Africa. In 1956 he maintained close contacts with Dr. Schacht, Hitler's Minister of Finance, and tried to interest him in large investments in Morocco. He also later organized after Algeria's independence, Dr. Schacht's visit to Algeria to advise the government Algerian in investment policy. He then set up in Geneva (again under the advice of Dr. Schacht) the "Arab Commercial Bank" whose job it was to conduct financial transactions (mostly of a dubious and illegal nature) with the Arab world. The "Arab Commercial Bank" was established by: François Genoud in partnership with Hans Reichenberg - former S.S. Officers - and with various factors in the Arab world. A senior Arab diplomat also attended the bank's founding meeting. Thanks to Geno's ties with Ben Bella, he was able to win the post of director of the Algerian People's Bank and became financial adviser to the Algerian government. His main ties, however, were with Mohamed Khider, Ben-Bella's partner, who later became his great enemy. On October 6, 1964, Genoud was arrested by the Ben-Bella government because of his ties to Khider, after being accused of smuggling the famous FLN treasure. Which was in the hands of Khider. In February 1965, Genoud was freed by the Algerians after apparently agreeing with the Algerian authorities to transfer part of the PLN treasury. Estimated at the time at $ 20 million. (This treasure was collected during the underground period of the FLN. From donations by Algerian workers in Europe, who regularly paid taxes to F.L.N.).

    The "affair" with the Palestinians

    After Mohamed Khider was mysteriously murdered, the FLN's finance affair resurfaced. And the spotlight was once again on Genoud, who had many keys to the vanishing treasure affair. In the meantime, Genoud established new ties - through the Egyptians - with the Palestinian terrorist organizations, which began to emerge as the active factor of the Arab world. He began to finance in Switzerland the activities of the "Friends of the Palestinians Organization" founded in Lausanne by neo-Nazi circles who saw helping the Palestinians as a way of expressing their anti-Jewish feelings. The neo-Nazi aid to the Palestinian idea was so prominent that it began to upset pro-Palestinian left-wing circles in Switzerland. These circles - headquartered in Geneva - formed a rival organization and even began attacks against the neo-Nazi organization. In an editorial published last week, in the Swiss Socialist Party newspaper, entitled: "Strange Observer: In a Winterthur Trial", one of the Socialist Party leaders writes of François Genoud. And the author concludes: The question we ask ourselves is: "Is the ideology of the 'Popular Front' really fascist as its opponents claim or is the Nazis exploiting the Palestinian idea to purify their own name only?" François Genoud certainly has more than one answer to this question.

  763. GENOUD, FRANCOIS_0029.pdf - CIA
  764. 764.0 764.1 Lee, Martin A. and Coogan, Kevin (May 1987) "Killers on the Right: Inside Europe's Fascist Underground" Mother Jones. pp.45-52. [145]
  765. Roots of violent radicalisation: nineteenth report of session 2010-12, Vol. 1: Report, together with formal minutes, oral and written evidence, Vol. 1. Great Britain: Parliament: House of Commons: Home Affairs Committee. The Stationery Office, Feb 6, 2012. p.100
  766. 766.0 766.1 Lee, Martin A.. The Beast Reawakens: Fascism's Resurgence from Hitler's Spymasters to Today's Neo-Nazi Groups and Right-Wing Extremists. United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis, 2013. 181-182.
  767. 767.0 767.1 767.2 Hoffman, Bruce. Right-wing Terrorism in Europe Since 1980. United States: Rand Corporation, 1984. 6-7. P., Issues 7020-7039, Rand Corporation, 1984, pp. 6-7. P. 7029 (PDF)


    The Neo-Nazis and the PLO

    Perhaps the most significant aspect of the bombings in 1980 has been the light they have shed on the international connections forged by the German, Italian and French right-wing terrorist organizations with one another and with Palestinian terrorists. The neo-Nazi / neo-fascist groups maintain a loose alliance among themselves. Until Israel's 1982 invasion of Lebanon , they also were allied with the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), exchanging information, sharing intelligence, engaging in joint training exercises, and perhaps trading arms as well. The trail of the members of the Hoffmann-Wehrsportgruppe after the Oktoberfest attack, for example, clearly illustrates the transnational bonds and complex support network created by the right. The discovery by German police that the Oktoberfest bomber was a member of the Hoffmann group resulted in the arrest of Hoffmann and ten followers. When no evidence linking them to the blast could be discovered, they were freed. They promptly disappeared from sight, left Germany, and went to Lebanon, where they were guests at the Bir Hassan camp of Al-Fatah. This is not entirely surprising. 

    Since 1979, Hoffmann ran a lucrative business providing the PLO with second-hand trucks. Moreover, two months before the Oktoberfest bombing, Hoffmann was reported to have visited the Plo's Beirut headquarters, suggesting that his mission may in fact have been to secure refuge for himself and his followers in anticipation of the massive police dragnet that the Oktoberfest bombing could be expected to unleash.

    Ties between the PLO and the German neo-Nazis can be traced back to the period following the 1967 "Six Day War," when a minuscule right-wing German group, the Bund Heimattreuer Jugend (Association of Young People Loyal to Their Homeland) formed a Hilfskorp Arabien ("Arabic Reserve Corps")...

    Three years later these links were re - forged by Udo Albrecht , the founder and leader of the Freikorps Adolf Hitler ("Adolf Hitler Free Corps"), when he and twelve followers fought alongside the Palestinians in Jordan against King Hussein during "Black September" in 1970. Albrecht allegedly enlisted Roeder and his Deutsche Aktionsgruppe in the Palestinians' cause as well. Indeed, between 1976 and 1978, when Albrecht was in a German prison, Roeder maintained neo-Nazi contacts with the PLO, visiting Lebanon and meeting with Abu Jihad, Yasir Arafat's deputy. Abu Jihad, however, was reportedly no longer interested in Roeder or his offers of assistance. Hoffmann had better luck with the Palestinians

    In late 1979, he and 15 followers, went to Lebanon to train under Fatah's auspices. The comity between the Hoffmann brigade and PLO was predicated, according to one West German security expert, on "The common basis ... [of] hatred of the Jews and Israel." Another, more practical reason, was the fact that the Palestinians reportedly "attributed more striking power to the German right-wing extremists than to left-wing extremists from the fringes of the 'RAF'"s. To this end , the PLO leadership concluded "that once trained, anti-Semitic West German extremists could be used in against Israeli or Jewish targets.

    It was not very long before the first of these joint ventures may have been executed . On 19 December 1980, Shlomo Levin, a German-Jewish publisher, and his girlfriend, Frida Poschke, were murdered...

  768. Koehler, Daniel. Right-Wing Terrorism in the 21st Century: The ‘National Socialist Underground’ and the History of Terror from the Far-Right in Germany. United Kingdom: Routledge, 2017. 80-81.
  769. Criminal Linking Neo-nazis, PLO Believed to Be in East Germany, JTA, July 30, 1990.

    A violent criminal suspected of being the main link between West German neo-Nazis and the Palestine Liberation Organization’s El Fatah faction is believed to be hiding somewhere in East Germany, according to the federal prosecutor in Karlsruhe. Federal sources said Sunday that the East German authorities were cooperating in the search for Udo Albrecht, who is wanted for a series of violent crimes, including bank robbery. According to the prosecution, he fled West Germany in 1981 and found haven in East Germany, which was governed by a Communist regime until earlier this year. Albrecht, who has boasted of direct access to PLO Chairman Yasir Arafat, is believed to have used PLO facilities in Lebanon to train West German neo-Nazis. If the suspicions of the Karlsruhe prosector prove correct, it will be the first conclusive proof that the former East German secret police, the Stasi, not only helped Palestinian terrorists but knowingly protected neo-Nazis.

    The media has carried reports in recent years indicating that the old East German regime initiated neo-Nazi incidents in West Germany to prove the Federal Republic was a haven for unrepentant Nazis and anti-Semites.
  770. Maariv - מעריב, 11 March 1970.
    Nazis and neo-Nazis aid "Front for the Liberation of Palestine" operations
    נאצים וניאו-נאצים מסייעים לפעולות "החזית לשחרור פלשתין"
  771. LaMerhav - למרחב, 21 April 1969.

    US extremist groups donate money to Fatah [...] Also in Latin America It has been eported on the growing activity of "El Fatah" in Latin America. There are reports of Fatah training camps in the Venezuelan mountains, where young people are training in urban guerrilla warfare. The terrorists are in contact with former Nazis now living in Venezuela. As reported, members of the sabotage organizations are preparing to harm Venezuelan Jewry because of the large sums raised for Israel. Terrorist recruitment efforts and propaganda activities are also being carried out in Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Peru and Mexico. In these countries, the number of Arab residents exceeds the number of Jews. The embassies of Egypt and Syria assist terrorist organizations in Latin countries. קבוצות קיצוניות בארה"ב תורמות כספים ל'פתח' [...] גם באמריקה הלטינית נמסר על פעילות גוברת והולכת של "אל פתח" באמריקה הלטינית. יש ידיעות על מחנות אימונים של "פתח" בהרי וונצואלה, שבהם מתאמנים צעירים בלוחמת גרילה עירונית. הטרוריסטים עומדים במגע עם נאצים לשעבר החיים עתה בוונצואלה. כפי שנמסר, מתכוננים אנשי אירגוני החבלה לפגוע ביהדות ונצואלה בגלל הסכומים הגדולים שגויסו למען ישראל. מאמצי גיוס לטרוריסטים ופעילות תעמולה — נעשים גם בבראזיל, צ'ילה, ארגנטינה פרו ומקסיקו. במדינות אלה עולה מספר התושבים הערביים על מספר היהודים. שגרירויות מצרים וסוריה מסייעות לאירגוני הטרור במדינות הלאטיניות.

  772. Perdue, Jon B.., Johnson, Stephen. The War of All the People: The Nexus of Latin American Radicalism and Middle Eastern Terrorism. United Kingdom: Potomac Books, 2012. 85
  773. 773.0 773.1 The Australian Jewish News, 8 January 1982.

    NEO-NAZISM AND THE PLO THE MYTH OF DEMOCRACY By David Harounof [...] Needless to say, all Palestinian territory in the eyes of the PLO includes Tel Aviv, Haifa and Beersheba. It is conceivable that many have drawn comparisons between the PLO and genuine liberation movements such as the Patriotic Front in Rhodesia and the Sandinistas in Nicaragua, thereby viewing a PLO victory as an inevitable outcome of a popular and national struggle against tyranny.

    It is revealing, therefore, to discover that the origins of many PLO protagonists, including Arafat, are not Palestinian at all. Thomas Kiernan, the esteemed American journalist and author, has probably come closer than anyone to extricating the myths about the PLO. His biography of Arafat,' though written in 1975 (and already half forgotten), remains the most important work on the subject because he was able to penetrate the highest echelons of the PLO to obtain; invaluable interviews. . Kiernan proposes that, together. with other co-founders of Fatah, Arafat had the official records of his birth in Cairo destroyed,

    What in reality binds the PLO in its efforts to eradicate the phantom of. Zionism is not the desire to release a people from subjugation under an allegedly “racist and imperialist creed." Rather, in line with Arafat’s Moslem Brotherhood upbringing — he was, and probably still is a member of that ignoble body — it is the desire to cleanse.the Middle Easr of any Jewish presence.

    (Kiernan concludes his splendid biography by writing that Arafat keeps an Arabic -translation of'the notorious Tsarist, antisemitic tract, “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” on his desk. “It is a volume he opens frequently and earnestly quotes from to visitors,”) PLO officials hold no inhibitions in privately maintaining that the Jews in Israel are an obstacle towards the creation of an Islamic Arab unity extending from the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean.

    Few can also deny that the references by the PLO to the “International Zionist Conspiracy” are a macabre euphemism for world Jewry. For this reason the PLO has cultivated ties with neo-Nazi groups all over the world. . The world conference of neo-Nazi organisations held in Barcelona in 1969 was the first manifestation of a: co-ordination of activities, when an ex-SS officer was recruited to command a Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine camp at Basra in Iraq.

    During the trial, in January, 1970, of three PFLP terrorists, who had attacked an El Al aircraft in Zurich the year before, a pecuniary relationship was uncovered between Francois Gedoude, a founder of the Swiss Nazi Party, and Fatah. Geroude was discovered to have transferred to Swiss bank vaults a booty of Nazi thefts and robberies to help finance Fatah operations.

    In October, 1973, the “Nationalist and Soldiers’ Chronicle” (a German neo-Nazi paper) offered its supporters a free trip to PLO camps in the Lebanon to “learn” about . the Palestinian struggle!

    According to French intelligence, an agreement in 1977 between the fascist L’oeuvre Francais and Al Fatah was reached, whereby, the PLO would train the French-members in the arts of terrorism and in return the' French group would conduct ’terrorist' acts against French Jews.

    In January, 1978, the general prosecutor of the West German Supreme Court at Karlsruhe uncovered further links between German neo-Nazis and the PLO after four members of the Adolf Hitler Free Corps were arrested for arms running from certain Arab countries at the request of the PLO.

    The most serious discovery in recent years of concerted PLO-neo Nazi activity has centred on the neo Nazi Military Sports Group of Karl Heinz Hoffman. Gundolf Keller, the student member of the MSG, who died after exploding a bomb at the Munich Beer Festival in September, 1980 was found to have undergone military training at a PLO camp in southern-Lebanon.

    Soon after, West German security forces monitoring Hoffman’s activity In Beirut revealed that he told his PLO associates that he was acting in a manner that Adolf Hitler would have approved of had he been alive.

    The invaluable assistance the PLO receives from these perverse organisations is not confined to manpower and moral aid.

    An-Israeli friend recently returned from a trip to Egypt revealed how he came upon Arabic translated versions of Hitler’s "Mein Kampf" being sold clandestinely in Cairo suburbs. The inscription, signed by the "Vanguards of the Palestine Revolution," warned Egyptians not to continue the peace process as their Israeli partners were "subhuman [sic] Marxist-spreading capitalist, exploiters.”

    Unless the-PLO has undergone a A major metamorphosis in a very short period of time, the volume of just these disclosures portrays the PLO as being far from the free-Ioving: liberation organisation headed by the erudite and “moderate” Arafat...
  774. Charge That Four German Neo-nazis Trained by the PLO in Lebanon Had the Help of the German Embassy, JTA, Aug 17, 1981.

    The opposition Christian Democratic Union (CDU) has charged that four German neo-Nazis, trained by the Palestine Liberation Organization in Lebanon had the help of the West German Embassy in Beirut despite the fact that they had criminal records and were wanted by the authorities....

    In his answers, Baum confirmed that an unspecified number of German neo-Nazis received PLO military training in an Al Fatah camp near Beirut and that this information had been available to West German authorities since the start of 1980. But Baum insisted that the information was not enough to justify legal steps against the leader of the neo-Nazi group training in PLO installations.
  775. 1981 report, Terrorism’s Targets: Democracy, Israel and Jews [146], pp. 20-21. ADL.
  776. Sam Izzo, Karl-Heinz Hoffmann’s Secret History Links Neo-Nazis With Palestinian Terror, Tablet Magazine, June 28, 2019.

    A review of Hoffmann’s activities and associates reveals a tangled web in which violent neo-Nazi organizations on the far right made common cause with Palestinian liberation groups who were heroes of the far left...

    Hoffmann’s initial connection to the Palestinians was likely through Udo Albrecht. Albrecht was a German freelance criminal who fought with the Palestinians in the 1970 Black September uprising in Jordan against King Hussein, leading a militia of neofascists called the Freikorps Adolf Hitler. Sometime in the late 1970s, Albrecht introduced Hoffmann to Abu Ayad, a senior officer in the Palestinian Liberation Organization, and Hoffmann began to supply secondhand German vehicles, such as military trucks and Mercedes sedans to Palestinian militants in Lebanon. In the 1970s, Lebanon was a hub for international terrorist activity, hosting a diverse array of right- and left-wing groups from France, Germany, and Japan.

    For a German neofascist leader like Hoffmann, cooperation with Palestinian militants was not an entirely foreign idea. The relationship between Hitler and Al-Husseini is well known, and there was further collaboration between the European far right and the Palestinians even after WWII. The Swiss financier Francois Genoud, who worked with the Nazis during WWII, was a major financial supporter of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), as well as a close friend of its founder, George Habbash, and of Black September founder Ali Hassan Salameh.

    Near the end of his life, Genoud further confirmed suspicions of his involvement in terror activity, revealing to French journalist Pierre Péan that he had personally delivered the ransom letter to Lufthansa after Palestinian militants hijacked Lufthansa Flight 649, which had Joseph P. Kennedy II (former Massachusetts congressman and son of Robert F. Kennedy) on board. Lufthansa paid the $5 million ransom in full, without bargaining.

    At times, German neofascists directly aided Palestinian terror attacks. For example, Der Spiegel revealed in 2012 that two German neofascists, Willi Pohl and Max Abramowski, aided Black September in the Munich massacre of 1972 by transporting the terrorists and helping them acquire passports. Like Hoffmann, Pohl’s initial connection to the Palestinians was through selling secondhand vehicles to them in Lebanon. In 1985, English skinhead Michael Davison and two PLO terrorists murdered three Israelis on a yacht near Larnaca, Cyprus.

    In 1981, Hoffmann Sports Group began to unravel. Four members escaped a PLO camp and began cooperating with authorities against Hoffmann, complaining of hideous mistreatment, torture, and exploitation. Then in June 1981, Hoffmann was arrested in a Frankfurt airport, en route to Damascus, and put on trial for the murder of Shlomo Levin and Frieda Poeschke. The court ruled that it could not prove Hoffmann and Birkmann were involved, and Hoffmann accused his associate, Uwe Berendt, of committing the murder. Berendt had allegedly committed suicide in a PLO camp in Lebanon, and thus never stood trial. In June 1986, Hoffmann was sentenced to nine and a half years in prison relating to his neofascist activities and mistreatment of comrades in Lebanon. Birkmann received seven years in prison for her involvement.

    Despite the Hoffmann Sports Group’s disintegration, other connected groups carried on its destructive legacy. A German neofascist named Odfried Hepp, a former member of the Sports Group, reportedly traveled to Lebanon to receive training in terrorist activities by PLO members. After the breakup of Hoffmann’s group in 1982, Hepp and a fellow neofascist, Walther Kexel, founded the Kexel-Hepp Group, and for a year, carried out deadly bombings against NATO military bases throughout Germany. After being arrested in 1983 and subsequently escaping, Hepp was rearrested in 1985 by French authorities while entering an apartment belonging to a member of the Palestine Liberation Front. Palestinian hijackers demanded Hepp’s release during the Achille Lauro cruise ship hijacking on Oct. 7, 1985—the same hijacking that led to the murder of Leon Klinghoffer, a disabled Jewish American and World War II veteran, whose limp body was hurled overboard along with his wheelchair.

    By 1986, both Karl-Heinz Hoffmann and Odfried Hepp were in prison but not for long. In 1989, a German court ruled that Hoffmann had plausibly shown that he renounced his past and he was released. Four years later, Hepp completed his sentence and was released.

    ...connections between the European far right and Middle Eastern terror groups persist. In 2017, a delegation of the German far-right Der Dritte Weg party (The Third Way) met with Hezbollah in Lebanon.
  777. 777.0 777.1 The leader of a neo-Nazi gang that allegedly masterminded..., UPI, Sep 24, 1984.

    NUREMBERG, West Germany -- The leader of a neo-Nazi gang that allegedly masterminded the killing of a Jewish publisher and his mistress said Monday his arrest disrupted plans to set up a weapons factory in Lebanon. Karl-Heinz Hoffmann, whose paramilitary Defense Sport Group moved to Lebanon when it was banned from West Germany in 1980, told the public prosecutor at his murder trial that he decided to set up a pistol factory when he found he could not easily obtain the weapons in Lebanon for his right-wing group. He said he thought there would be a market for the weapons among Arabs. 'If you had not prevented me, the factory would be working today,' he said. Hoffmann, 46, was arrested in 1981 at Frankfurt airport during a covert trip to Germany from the Middle East. The prosecution says that while in Lebanon, Hoffmann's group trained under the protection of the Palestine Liberation Organization. Hoffmann has repeatedly denied that the group had any contact with Palestinians. Hoffmann admitted a prosecution allegation he had counterfeited $2 million in U.S. currency in Lebanon, but he denied that that enterprise was launched with PLO help and said most of the fake money never found its way into circulation. Besides counterfeiting, Hoffmann, a graphic artist, is charged with two counts of murder for allegedly ordering the December 1980 murders of publisher and local Jewish leader Shlomo Lewin, 69, and his mistress, Frieda Poeschke, 57, in Erlangen, in central Germany.

    Hoffmann's girlfriend, Franziska Birkmannis, is accused of being an accessory to the killings, which are alleged to have been carried out by a now dead member of Hoffmann's group to 'impress' Hoffmann's Palestinian associates.
  778. Hans Josef Horchem, Terrorism in West Germany, (Institute for the Study of Conflict), 1986, p. 10.
    Hoffmann is accused of having given the order to kill the Jewish publisher Shlomo Lewin and his companion, Frida Poeschke... The worldwide publicity given to their links with the PLO and their training in the Al Fatah camps...
  779. Europa-Archiv, Vol. 42, 578, Wilhelm Cornides Verlag für Internationale Politik, 1987, ‎p. 578.

    Die Palästinenser scheuten auch keineswegs Kontakte zu rechtsextremen Gruppen. So wurden Mitglieder der westdeutschen rechtsextremen „Wehrsportgruppe“ unter dem inzwischen zu neuneinhalb Jahren Gefängnis verurteilten Karl - Heinz Hoffmann noch 1980 in Palästinenserlagern in Libanon ausgebildet.

    [The Palestinians also did not shy away from contacts with right-wing extremist groups.

    In 1980, for example, members of the West German right-wing extremist "Wehrsportgruppe" were still being trained in Palestinian camps in Lebanon under Karl-Heinz Hoffmann, who has since been sentenced to nine and a half years in prison.]
  780. Hillel Cohen, "Good Arabs: The Israeli Security Agencies and the Israeli Arabs, 1948–1967, Univ of California Press, 2011, p. 253 [147]:
    "Slogans against the Government, a Swastika on the Office of the Military Governor in Gush Halav", January 8, 1960.
  781. 781.0 781.1 781.2 Oron, Yitzhak. Middle East Record Volume 1, 1960. Israel: Published for The Israel Oriental Society, The Reuven Shiloah Research Center by George Weidenfeld & Nicolson Limited, 1960. xxv-xxvi (Sources).
    Ad-Difa Daily - Old city of Jerusalem (Jordan)...The Jerusalem Times Daily - old City of Jerusalem (Jordan) - Same owner as Al-Jihad.
  782. Oron, Yitzhak. Middle East Record Volume 2, 1961. Israel: Israel Oriental Society, The Reuven Shiloah Research Center, 1961. p. 187.

    With the opening of the trial of Adolf Eichmann, in Israel, Arab papers made the following points, among others:

    Al-Gumhuriyah (Cairo): 'The world wonders about the views of the Arabs on the Eichmann case... Our belief is that had it not been for the legend of Nazi persecution of the Jews, Israel would not have existed.'

    Al-Jihad (Jordan): In the person of Eichmann the Jews are not trying Nazi Germany alone, but also the Christian world. They will try Eichmann on the soil which they usurped 13 years ago with their own crimes.

    If the Jewish authorities have the right to try Eichmann, the Arabs have more right to try Ben-Gurion and his gang... (V of A, April 11 [13]).
  783. [Der Tog⁩ - ⁨דער טאג⁩, 2 July 1961. [148] [149]. Arabs use Eichmann's trial on wild incitement against Jews

    ... How far goes the murderousness of the Arabs has been shown by the daily newspaper "Al Akbar" from Damascus. On the 8th of March, it has been put there such an horrific piece: "If I could taste the blood of every Zionist in the world, I would not hesitate for a moment to do it. Because the Zionists are interested (sic) in drinking the blood (sic. al-Akhbar) of all Arabs and Muslims. To his great honor, it is said about Eichmann that he is the greatest blood purifier (sic) of all time. And let's quote here the words of an Arab poet, Nasib-ar-Rifai, who said: 'If Hitler failed to exterminate you - God saved us'. And this means that Allah has allowed us to live in order to eliminate the Jews and the Zionists. We will remove from the Holy Land the (sic. Al-Akhbar) meanest of all nations."

    "Ad-Difaa", a daily Jordanian newspaper, wrote on April 13th: "We do not deny that the Nazis committed many mistakes... But why should Eichmann be judged for his part in having purged Europe from the plague (sic) whose name is (sic. Al-Difaa) the Jews?"
  784. Hausner, Gideon. Justice in Jerusalem. United States: Holocaust Library, 1977. p. 346

    The Arab press sent Eichmann such messages of encouragement as this in the Jerusalem Times (Jordan) of April 24, 1961: "Find consolation in the fact that this trial will one day lead to the liquidation of the remaining six million."

    On the other hand, The Recorder of Aden, May 14 , 1961, claimed that all the figures of the holocaust were forged and the extermination story was all a lie[sic].

    After the Mufti episode the trial proceeded to the subject of the death camps, which took up four days, eight sessions.

    Since these were the places where the millions were actually exterminated , I found it imperative to bring out the story in some detail.

    Here, too, each witness was asked to describe only a small fraction of the reality in each of the five camps on which evidence was introduced. But the reality was not real any more. It seemed that the courtroom itself was now engulfed in the poisonous vapors of the crematoria. At times I could almost smell the lethal gases and the stench of burnt flesh. As the witnesses tonelessly gave their testimony, we relived the nightmare with them. We moved as if in a trance; I doubt whether we were fully cognizant of all that was going on around us in those few days. When we stepped out of the court building, it seemed strange that the sun was shining, the air was pure, and people were going about their usual business. Inside was the image of a man-made hell.

    Two witnesses testified in camera on the sterilization operations performed on their bodies in Auschwitz . These were "the practical experiments" with which Eichmann was kept "in close touch" as part of the over-all sterilization schemes discussed at the post-Wannsee conferences.

    At one point I myself became in a sense a witness at ...
  785. Harkabi, Yehoshafat. Arab Attitudes to Israel. Israel: Keter, 1972. pp. 278-9; Harkabi, Yehoshafat. Arab Attitudes to Israel. Israel: Transaction Publishers, 1974. [150]

    Reactions To The Eichmann Trial

    Israel was condemned repeatedly in the Arab press for violating international law by abducting Eichmann. Still more frequent were expressions of sympathy with him, and even statements that his example should be followed. There were, indeed, some condemnations of Eichmann, but they cannot outweigh these expressions of sympathy.

    In the Lebanese paper al-Anwār of June 9, 1960, there was a caricature showing Ben-Gurion and Eichmann shouting at each other. The text below the drawing is as follows: Ben-Gurion: "You deserve the death penalty for killing six million Jews."

    Eichmann: "There are many who argue that I deserve the death penalty for not finishing the job."

    The Jordanian English language daily, Jerusalem Times, published the following "Open Letter to Eichmann" on April 24, 1961:  Dear Eichmann, 

    I address you in your glass cell to extend a word of sympathy in your present plight. German genius that has invented Sputniks and missiles and all sorts of things has failed to inspire you to avert the disaster that has befallen you. 

    What a pity Eichmann that you allowed those swine[sic] to arrest you and stage their drama. But don't worry Eichmann it will in the end fall on their heads. 

    Listen Eichmann you are accused of decimating six million of this breed. Whether this is correct or not it is not our object to debate this issue but what we like to say is this if you actually managed to liquidate six million of them and if the remaining six million have been instrumental in .. on the Arabs .. we wonder what would have been the result if the decimated six million would have been allowed to survive. 

    It is likely that a similar drama would have been staged in another part of the Arab countries. So that by liquidating six millions you have minimized the extent of the calamity and conferred a real blessing on humanity you can imagine dear Eichmann the feelings of the million or so of Arab refugees at this drama.

    The object of this trial is simply to attract more tourists to the occupied section and to exploit it for fund raising and for skinning the rest of mankind. 

    But be brave Eichmann find solace in the fact that this trial will one day culminate in the liquidation of the remaining six million to avenge your blood and the manner in which you have been kidnapped and brought to trial by the very same people who ...from their homes."

    [Abdallah al-] Tall writes of Eichmann as one "who fell in the Holy War" (shahid): "We have not forgotten the abduction of the martyr Eichmann, whom the Jewish gangs brought over from Argentina to the gangster ... to be brandished over the head of anyone in the West who might dare to deviate from the line laid down by criminal World Jewry." (p. 282).

    Ali Muhammed Ali, in his book Inside Israel (Policy Books series), describes the Eichmann trial as a show: "In outward appearance it was a tragedy, but in its essence it was a vile comedy..."

  786. Mulisch, Harry. Criminal Case 40/61, the Trial of Adolf Eichmann: An Eyewitness Account. United States: University of Pennsylvania Press, Incorporated, 2009. Ch.5, pp.71-2 [151].
    April 29. ... working for me, and I am copying some opinions from Israel's enemies about the Eichmann trial..

    In the Egyptian weekly Akher Sa'a, Mohamed al-Tabi'I writes about "the disgusting historical lie[sic], spread by the American press, that the Nazis killed six million European Jews. The trial against Nazi officer Adolf Eichmann is based on this lie.[sic]."

    The magazine Al-Difaa explains why Eichmann is in a glass cage. This is not to protect him from bullets, but to enable them to turn off the microphone, should he start saying things the Zionists do not like.
  787. Oron, Yitzhak. Middle East Record Volume 2, 1961. Israel: Israel Oriental Society, The Reuven Shiloah Research Center, 1961. p.188.
  788. A response to David Grossman, Amnon Lord, ILH, Aug 5, 2018.
    ... the first person to accuse Israel of being an apartheid state was Ahmad Shukeiri, a U.N. diplomat, in 1961 in the context of the Eichmann trial. Grossman remembers that Shukeiri was the founder of the PLO, and served as head of the group prior to Yasser Arafat. Shukeiri was also a fervent supporter of the Nazis. Shukeiri is what links the Arabs' support for the Nazis and the use of the terms "Nazis" and "apartheid" against Jews, who were victims of the Nazis.
  789. Facts. United States: Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, 1967. 427.

    PAD is perhaps the most extreme of all the Arab propaganda organizations operating in the United States — so extreme, in fact, that it does not have the official sponsorship of the Arab League.

    PAD, formerly headed by Shukairy, has as heads of its New York office Issa Nakhleh and Omar Azouni, two long-time Arab propagandists on the American scene. Nakhleh has spoken before anti-Jewish groups in the United States.
  790. Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the ... Congress. United States: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1965. 15916

    November 28, 1963: The Beirut Lebanon newspaper al-Hayyat published a letter-to-the-editor from a supporter of the Grand Mufti bearing the title "World J...y Behind Kennedy's Assassination."

    November 28, 1963: Al-Jihad's column, "Al Jihad Dialog" stated: "the man who killed Kennedy's assassin was a J..w... the question is...."

    December 6, 1961: Ahmad Shukairy concluded a speech at the United Nations by denying there was any anti-Semitism in the world but that "anti-Semitism" was being used as a propaganda "tool" to serve the interests of Zionists who had created 'anti-Semitism..."

    October 1961: The Palestine Arab Delegation sent to all U.N. delegations a formal statement by the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem declaring: The enmity of Nazis to Jews was based [sic] on well-documented research and studies..."
  791. Facts. United States: Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, 1965. 344.
  792. ha-Arets - הארץ, 30 May 1962.

    נקנס על ציור צלבי קרס על שצייר צלבי קרס על הכביש הראשי העובר מחיפה לעכו, סמוך לאזור התעשיה שבמפרץ חיפה, נידון אתמול צעיר ערבי, בן 16, מהכפר דיר אל אסד שבגליל התחתון לקנס בסך 100 ל"י ולחודש מאסר על תנאי לשנתיים. הצעיר העובד כמכונאי באחד המוסכים במפרץ טען באזני שופט השלום ד"ר י. לוין כי צייר בגיר על הכביש תרנגולים. אך תמונות שצורפי לתיק על־ידי התביעה הראו ברורות, כי ה"תרנגולים" היו צלבי קרס. הצעיר הורשע בעוון התנהגות פרועה ובעוון השחתת פניהם של מקרקעין בכך שצייר עליהם את ציוריו. Fined for drawing swastikas

    For drawing swastikas on the main road that passes from Haifa to Acre, near the industrial area in Haifa Bay, a 16-year-old Arab from the village of Deir al-Asad in the Lower Galilee was sentenced yesterday to a fine of 100 pounds and a one-month suspended sentence.

    The young man, who works as a mechanic in one of the garages in the Gulf, claimed to Justice of the Peace Dr. J. Levin that he had drawn chickens on the road. But photos attached to the file by the prosecution clearly showed that the "chickens" were swastikas.

    The young man was convicted of misconduct and vandalizing real estate by drawing his paintings on them.
  793. Near East Report (and Supplements) vols. 5-6, 1961, p. 97.

    Exhibit A.

    Ahmad Shukairy, Saudi Arabia's UN delegate, has urged the United Nations to endorse and spread the ideas of the savage anti-Semitic Tacuara -- the irresponsible neo-Nazi youth movement in Argentina.
  794. Newsweek. United States: Newsweek, Incorporated, 1962. p. 36.
    Hitler's heirs against Argentina's Jewish community. The most sadistic incident--which precipitated a ten-hour strike by Argentine Jews--was the abduction of a 19-year-old girl by Nazi hoods who carved a swastika on her right breast.
  795. Maariv - מעריב, 27 June 1962

    Swastika on student chest ... Shots on Zim offices ... "We will sweep the J... demagogues!" This is what the Argentine Nazis declare cohesive in the Tacuara youth movement. By H. Lifshitz, Buenos Aires, special for 'Maariv.’ A swastika tattooed on the chest of a Jewish student and on the face of a Jewish guy. An underground struggle that everyone is silencing, all kinds of antisemitic outbursts, especially after the hanging of Eichmann - this is the face of things in Argentina today ... The Graciela affair ... The 19-year-old medical student, who was recently abducted on the street by three medical students - who already excelled in antisemitic provocations - was beaten and burned with burning cigarettes, and a swastika carved on her chest, is only the last ... צלב-קרס על חזה סטודנטית... יריות על משרדי 'צים'... "נטאטא את הדמאגוגים היהודים!" כך מכריזים הנאצים הארגנטיניים המלוכדים בתנועת "טאקוארה" מאת ח. ליפשיץ, בואנוס-איירס, מיוחד ל"מעריב" ‭‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ צלב־קרס מקועקע על חזה של סטודנטית יהודיה ועל פניו של בחור יהודי. מאבק מחתרת שהכל משתיקים אותו, כל מיני התפרצויות אנטישמיות, ביחוד לאחר תליית אייכמן, — אלה פני הדברים בארגנטינה כיום... פרשת גרסייאלה... הסטודנטית לרפואה בת 19, שנחטפה ברחוב לא מכבר על-ידי שלשה סטודנטים מהפאקולטה לרפואה — שכבר הצטיינו בפרובוקאציות אנטישמיות — הוכתה ונכוותה בסיגריות בוערות, וצלב-קרס נחרת על חזה, היא רק אחרונה...

  796. Rein, Raanan. Argentine Jews Or Jewish Argentines? (paperback): Essays on Ethnicity, Identity, and Diaspora. Netherlands: Brill, 2010. p. 185.
    This is in revenge for Eichmann,” the kidnappers told her.
  797. "Argentine Youths in Nazi Group Salute and Cry: 'Hail Tacuara!'; Anti-Semitic Organization, Said to Be Growing, Asserts It Fights 'Zionism, Capitalism and Communism' Tells About Drills He Doubts Charges", The New York Times, 1962-09-16. (en-US) 
  798. "Recall of Arab Delegate from U.N. is Sought; 'saluted' Tacuara." JTA, December 3, 1962.
  799. The National Jewish Monthly, Vol. 77, B'nai B'rith., 1962, p. 1.
    Review Of The Month. Anti Semitism at UN... The worst statement was made by Ahmad Shukairy, of Saudi Arabia. He said, Argentina "should be saluted" because of its violently anti-Jewish youth organization, Tacuara, and added: "Tacuara has proclaimed a crusade... we propose that Tacuara be adopted by the United Nations." This was too much even for Saudi Arabia's king Faisal, who removed Shukairy from his UN post.
  800. Al Hamishmar, Apr 10, 1963

    Suspects in drawing swastikas were arrested for questioning.

    Haifa Tuesday - Two young men from the Haifa area, Div Zaid and Jabbar (Gabr) Bram, were arrested as suspects in painting swastikas on the walls of houses in the Jezreelia housing complex in Neve Sha'anan. The detainees were brought before the Chief Justice of the Peace in Haifa, Verlinsky-Starkman, yesterday, who issued an arrest warrant against them for 10 days to complete the investigation.
  801. ha-Tsofeh - הצפה, 4 September 1963.

    נעצר צעיר ערבי שצייר צלבי קרס מאת סופרנו בבני ברק צעיר ערבי צייר אתמול אחה"צ צלבי קרס על קירות בתים באפקד.

    הוא נתפס ע"י עוברים ושבים והוסגר למשטרת נפת רמת גן. הצעיר נחקר על מעשהו ויובא הבוקר בפני שופט.

    An Arab youth who drew swastikas was arrested By our writer in Bnei Brak A young Arab man painted swastikas on the walls of houses .. yesterday afternoon.

    He was apprehended by passers-by and handed over to the Ramat Gan sub-district police. The young man was questioned about his act and will be brought before a judge this morning.
  802. Ha-Tsofeh (Tel Aviv) - הצפה, 18 June 1964.
    An Arab youth arrested for shouting "Hail Hitler"
    נעצר צעיר ערבי שצעק "הייל היטלר"
  803. Landau, Jacob M. 1971. Arabs in Israel: Political Studies. Tel-Aviv, Maarachot. p. 48.
    In the summer of 1964, posters in Arabic were pasted on the walls in Acre, the main slogans of which were: "Palestine must be liberated and the Zionist occupier expelled," or, "Long live the Arab national liberation movement!" After Eli Cohen was hanged in Damascus for spying for Israel, other Israeli Arabs distributed leaflets against him in Arabic, saying "Contempt for Eli Cohen," and "All Jews will be hanged!" Swastikas appeared in the village of Tarshiha.
  804. ha-Tsofeh - הצפה, 10 October 1966.

    The guard from Moshav Shomera By Haim Tzabari ... Last year, his daughter was the victim of violence by Arabs from Tarshiha who drew swastikas on the window of a Kupat Cholim clinic where she worked. She reported this to the police and since then she has been harassed and more than once threatened with death .... השומר ממושב שומרה מאת חיים צברי האיש אשר נגלה לפנינו היה חגור בכלי נשקו והתהלך בין משעולי המושב שומרה כשמדי פעם הוא מסיט אבן חשודה מתנוחתה, בודקה יפה ומחליט: לא, לכאן לא הגיעו חבלני "אל־פתח". כן, זוהי עבודתו ...

    אשתקד, נפלה בתו קרבן למעשה אלימות של ערבים מתרשיחא אשר ציירו צלבי קרס על חלון מרפאת קופ"ח בה עבדה. היא הודיעה זאת למשטרה ומאז מתנכלים אליה ולא פעם איימו עליה בנפש....
  805. Maariv - מעריב 27 July 1967.

    Hate schools These photographs of pictures that were hanging in the schools in Khan Yunis show the education for hatred that was practiced there ... Nazi propaganda version: An Arab soldier in a German steel helmet breaks into Israeli territory ...

    Ahmad Shukeiri in the center of a Palestinian demonstration (above) and the Omar Mosque as a gateway to return to Palestine "Palestine for us" (below) ...

    [בתי-ספר לשנאה תצלומים אלה של תמונות שהיו תלויות בבתי־הספר בחאן יונס מלמדים על החינוך למשטמה שהיה נהוג שם... נוסח תעמולה נאצי: חייל ערבי, בקסדת-פלדה גרמנית פורץ לתחום ישראל... אחמד שוקיירי במרכז הפגנת פלשתינאים (למעלה) ומסגד עומאר כשער לשיבה אל פלשתין "פלשתין לנו" (למטה)...]

  806. Gilder, George. The Israel Test: Why the World's Most Besieged State is a Beacon of Freedom and Hope for the World Economy. United States: Encounter Books, 2012. [152].
    When Husseini died in 1974, his anti-Semitic cause was taken up by his distant relative Yasser Arafat, the PLO leader and eventual Nobel "Peace" laureate. Arafat characteristically bought Hitler's Mein Kampf in bulk and distributed it to his followers in Arab translation under the title My jihad, as Israeli soldiers discovered on capturing his abandoned camp in southern Lebanon in 1982..

    -qtd in: Eidelberg, Paul. An American Political Scientist in Israel: From Athens to Jerusalem. United States: Lexington Books, 2010. 40.

  807. News Brief - Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Jul 7, 1978.
    During their invasion of southern Lebanon, Israeli forces captured documents proving the close links between Palestinian terrorist groups and the Soviet Union. Also discovered was an Arabic translation of Adolf Hitler's "Mein Kampf" with a foreword by Yasir Arafat, chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization. The documents have been studied closely by Israeli military intelligence and details of them are expected to be released shortly, informed sources told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency.
  808. Maariv - מעריב, 7 April 1978.

    פרסום ראשון: תרגיל התקפה פלשתינאי על מפה סובייטית של אזור בגרמנית המז. מהדורה ערבית חדשה של ספרו של היטלר "מיין קאמפף”, נמצאה בעמדות הפלשתינאים בדרום לבנון. בדרום לבנון נמצא לראשונה בידי המחבלים ציוד סובייטי ללוחמה כימית - מסמכי שלל מעידים על מעורבות רוסית מאסיבית. מאת אורי דן

    First publication: A Palestinian attack on a Soviet map of an area in German. A new Arabic edition of Hitler's book "Mein Kampf" has been found in Palestinian positions in southern Lebanon. In southern Lebanon, terrorists for the first time have Soviet equipment for chemical warfare - loot documents attest to massive Russian involvement. By Uri Dan

    The Kremlin leaders are acting in such a way that if a Palestinian state is established, it will owe them a debt of gratitude for helping to establish it to the extent that it creates dependence on the USSR. Abu Iyad, Arafat's right-hand man, repeatedly calls on Palestinian organizations to act against the "American-Egyptian-Israeli axis," so that the Soviets would realize "that we are serious."

    ... pamphlets and books found there, from "Mein Kampf" in Arabic, the cover of which has a picture of Hitler - to the Book ... on "The Ties of Zionism and (supposedly) Nazism,"… is in one of the Palestinian headquarters in southern Lebanon.
  809. The Times from Shreveport, Louisiana on June 19, 1972 · Page 12.
    Two Gaza Arabs Get Life Terms

    GAZA (AP) Two Gaza Arabs, one a 16-year-old youth whose guerrilla organization code-named him "Hitler," were sentenced to life in prison Sunday for murdering 13 Arabs who cooperated with the Israelis.

    The two gave themselves up voluntarily last March because, they said, Israeli troops were closing in on them, and they had heard Israel afford. Humane treatment to guerrillas who surrendered. But the Israeli military judge, Capt. Yoram Galin, said: 'Their crimes were so horrible that the fact that they surrendered cannot be considered a "litigating circumstance." He said he regretted he was barred from sentencing them to death. Mahmoud Jeni Zida, 24, and Abdul Hai Aita, 16, who was code-named "Hitler." by his organization, the Palestine Liberation Force, pleaded guilty. 
  810. Ofer Aderet, "Neo-Nazi Aided Palestinian Perpetrators of 1972 Munich Massacre, Report Says," Haaretz, Jun. 17, 2012.

    German weekly Der Spiegel bases report on 2,000-page file compiled by Berlin authorities, made public nearly 40 years after the attack at the 1972 summer Olympics, which resulted in the death of 11 Israeli athletes.

    Neo-Nazi activists aided the Palestinian terrorists who perpetrated the massacre of Israeli athletes during the Munich Olympics in 1972, the German weekly Der Spiegel reported on Sunday.

    The report is based on a 2,000-page file compiled by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, which was made public at the request of Der Spiegel, ahead of the 40th anniversary of the Munich massacre, to be marked this coming September.

    At the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich, terrorists from Fatah's Black September organization took hostage members of Israel's Olympic squad. Two Israeli athletes were killed in the initial hostage-taking and nine were killed during a botched German rescue attempt at a Munich airport.

    A document released on Sunday, detailing a correspondence between local police in Dortmund and the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, reveals that seven weeks prior to the attack a man named Saad Walli, described as having "an Arab appearance", held a suspicious meeting with a neo-Nazi activist named Willi Pohl.

    Saad Walli was the alias of Abu Daoud, one of Black September's leaders and an organizer of the Munich attack, who died in Damascus two years ago.

    The newly revealed correspondence does not indicate that German federal security forces and the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution acted in any way to arrest Abu Daoud, despite having preliminary information.

    According to Der Spiegel, the neo-Nazi activist aided Abu Daoud in obtaining fake credentials, including passports and other documents. In addition, he is quoted as saying that he "drove Abu Daoud around Germany, where he met Palestinians in various cities."

    Currently, Pohl makes a living from writing detective novels, using a different name, and indicates that "without knowing it," he was linked "to the perpetrators of the massacre at the Olympics."

    The German activist was also reportedly linked to a follow-up attack planned by Palestinian militants after the Munich massacre. Following instructions by Abu Jihad, then Yasser Arafat's deputy and Fatah's second in command, Pohl was to plan an abduction attack at the Koln cathedral and in the city halls of several major German cities.

    However, he was arrested in Munich with grenades and fire arms in his possession in October 1972. Pohl was also found to be holding a threatening letter, meant to be sent to a German judge who had been in charge of the trial of three of the attack's planners.

    Moreover, the police report exposed by Der Spiegel indicates that Pohl aided the terrorists to obtain weapons, possibly including those used in the massacre itself. "They originated from a very rare production line," the report wrote of the seized arms, saying the arms included "Belgian casings and Swedish explosives, made only for Saudi Arabia."

    "Identical weapons were used by Palestinian terrorists to kill the hostages at the Olympics," Der Spiegel added.

    Pohl was sentenced to a short jail term for "unauthorized possession of firearms," only to be released four days after his sentencing and, eventually, making his way to Beirut.

    According to Der Spiegel, German authorities feared a terrorist attack could be initiated to release the neo-Nazi activist, similar to the one that took place less than two months following the massacre, when a Lufthansa plane was abducted, prompting the release of three of the attack's planners from a German jail.
  811. Von Gunther Latsch und Klaus Wiegrefe, Files Show Neo-Nazis Helped Palestinian Terrorists in Munich 1972 Massacre, Der Spiegel, Jun 18, 2012.

    Files Reveal Neo-Nazis Helped Palestinian Terrorists

    Forty years ago, the massacre of Israeli athletes and coaches overshadowed the Munich Summer Olympics. Though it was never proved, left-wing extremists were suspected of working with the Palestinian terrorists behind the operation. But previously unreleased files seen by SPIEGEL prove that neo-Nazis were involved instead -- and officials knew about it… A Crazy Plan Pohl says that he proposed an international press conference in Vienna, which he would give together with a PLO official. According to Pohl, he flew to Vienna via Paris, which was corroborated by the statement his friend Abramowski made to the BKA foreign intelligence agency at the time, namely that Pohl was in Austria during the Olympics “to take care of something for the Palestinians there.”

    When he saw on television that the hostage-taking operation had failed, Pohl left the country. A few days later, he was back in the Middle East, where PLO intelligence chief Abu Iyad was determined to get revenge. In Pohl’s account of events, he says that Iyad blamed the German authorities, more than anyone else, for the fact that the Munich operation had turned into such a disaster. Besides, says Pohl, Iyad believed a rumor that Israeli officers had led the failed rescue effort by German police.

    From the standpoint of the PLO intelligence chief, this meant that Germany had intervened in the war between Israel and the Palestinians, making Germany an enemy that had to be dealt with. According to Pohl, Iyad asked to suggest possible German targets of future attacks. A few days later in Cairo, Pohl presented what he now calls a crazy plan.

    He proposed occupying several city halls throughout Germany and taking local politicians hostage. Then, on Christmas Eve of 1972, a group of militants would storm the Cologne Cathedral. The goal was to force Germany and other countries to comply with a list of demands. The operation was given the code name “Mosque,” says Pohl.

    In mid-October, Pohl and Abramowski traveled to Madrid to receive weapons for these and other operations. They boarded a train to Munich, via Paris, taking the weapons with them. This is Pohl’s version, which essentially corresponds to information in the released documents.
  812. Yonah Jeremy Bob, "Islamic Movement leader Salah convicted of racist incitement on appeal", JPost, Nov 10, 2014.
    The prosecution said references Salah made to the medieval blood-libel provided the basis for a separate claim against him for racist incitement, apparently convincing the higher district court.
  813. Head of the Islamic Movement in Israel Sheik Raed Sallah Reminisces about Highschool Swastika Drawing, Memri, May 05, 2009.
    Source: Hiwar TV (U.K.)
  814. Erel Segal, When Ra'ed Salah writes poetry, Mida, 11/22/2014.

    For example, several lines from a verse of a poem published by Sheikh Salah in June 2002 in the Islamic movement's publication 'Swat Al-Haq [Wal-Hurriyah]'. Pay attention to the sensitive lyrics, the sophisticated refinement and the humanism: "Oh the usurpers, the criminals who shell the mosques... Oh the butchers of pregnant women and babies... Oh the usurpers, you are the germs of all time... The Creator has condemned you to be loser monkeys... Victory belongs to the Muslims, from the Nile to the Euphrates".

    In the days when politicians, security experts, publicists and even our president Yarom India warn against turning the Israeli-Palestinian conflict from a national conflict into a religious conflict, it is good to have Salah setting things straight. This is not a conflict on a religious basis but on a genetic zoological basis. And I'm not speaking as a Jew but as a bacterium making its way through geopolitical evolution to become a losing monkey. By the way, according to Sheikh Salah, there he has "some leg to stand on" to the claim that this is a conflict over a gastronomic background. In a speech on February 16, 2007, Sheikh Salah clarified: "And we are not the ones who allowed ourselves to eat a meal based on bread and cheese with the blood of children."
  815. The Holocaust and the Arab world - an ambiguous recognition, YNet, Apr 20, 2012.
    For example, Sheikh Ra'ad Salah has claimed many times that he recognizes the Holocaust of European Jews, but also what he called "the Holocaust [sic. Salah] of the six[sic] million[sic] Palestinian refugees".
  816. Haolam Hazeh, Nov 30, 1974
    The demonstrations lasted several days, all over the West Bank. However, the second day was the culmination of the demonstrations ... In Qalandiya, a flag was raised ... embracing a swastika ...

    גליון 1942 (20 בנובמבר 1974), עמוד 18.

    ההפגנות נמשכו כמה ימים, בכל רחבי הגדה. אולם היום השני היה יום שיא ההפגנות... בקלנדיה הונף דגל...החובק צלב קרס...

  817. Berlin Jew-baiter Proposes “german-arab Community”, JTA, December 18, 1956.

    West Berlin’s most active Jew-baiter Erwin Schoenborn, has issued a call for formation of a "German-Arab Community" the purpose of which will be the "coordination of the political battles for freedom of the German people and of the Arab nations."

    The "community" will have its headquarters in Heidelberg in order to avoid the West Berlin licensing requirements on political groups.
  818. July 13, 1979. London Chronicle Syndicate.
    By F. SACHSER London Chronicle Syndicate

    DUESSELDORF Erwin Schoenborn, 64, West Germany's leading neo-Nazi activist, was sentenced in Frankfurt last week to 18 months' jail for defamation, libel and coercion arising from his propaganda attacks against trials of former Nazis. Schoenborn publicly denied that Jews had been murdered in Nazi death camp gas chambers during the Second World War, and claimed that the gas chambers had not even existed.

    He had offered a reward...
  819. 'This World', Issue 2021 (May 26, 1976), page 39.

    University provocation According to Jewish students on campus, in recent months, clashes are held almost every or second day between Castel people and the Arab students, and their supporters Campus people. "On Memorial Day, students harassed ... the memorial candles that were placed on memory of the martyrs of the Israeli military. Later, soul candles in memory of the victims of the Holocaust - were removed, on Holocaust and Heroism Day, Swastikas were drawn in different places in the dormitories, as well as on the door of the dormitory manager's room. The Arabs are

    disrespecting the arrangement under which they were obliged to abide is to take medical security shifts, instead of guarding."
  820. Jonathan Spyer, "The hijackers of Entebbe - The full story," The Jerusalem Post, July 23, 2020

    The hijacking, famously included a separation of Israeli and Jewish hostages from non-Israeli and non-Jewish passengers.

    In this regard, it is worth noting recent claims that this selection included only Israeli Jews. Such claims are false. It is beyond dispute that at least 10 non-Israeli Jews were obliged by the hijackers to join the group of 84 Israelis. It is also indisputable that a number of Israeli dual nationals and non-Israeli Jews succeeded through subterfuge in joining the group that was released. These two facts suggest, unsurprisingly, that the hijackers were unable to ascertain with forensic certainty the ethno-religious identity of all their hostages.

    But the undisputed involuntary presence of a number of non-Israeli Jews among the hostages refutes the notion that the hijackers did not also target people of this description among the passengers. Such benign indifference would have been entirely out of character for members of the Revolutionary Cells, given their known targeting of non-Israeli Jews in Germany.
  821. Daniel S. Mariaschin, The enduring message of the rescue at Entebbe, JC, July 7, 2021.
    At Entebbe, 148 non-Jewish hostages were separated from the 94 Jewish passengers, most of them Israeli nationals, and the Air France crew. The non-Jewish hostages were released within two days; the terrorists made clear the Jewish passengers would be killed if their demands were not met. The Ugandan government, led by its infamous leader Idi Amin, announced its support for the hijackers, punctuated with an appearance by Amin himself in the airport terminal hall in which the hostages were being held.
  822. 822.0 822.1 Bougereau, Jean Marcel., Klein, Hans-Joachim. The German Guerrilla: Terror, Reaction, and Resistance. United Kingdom: Cienfuegos Press, 1981. 31.

    That the idea of writing a book came to me at that time and that no one came along later and talked me into it. Just as no one talked me into writing the letter to Spiegel in which I denounced the planned assassinations of Galinski and Lipinski. What happened at the old airport at Entebbe is Auschwitz as far as I am concerned. What did happen? As soon as I found out that at Entebbe they had separated the passengers from the plane into several groups, Jews on one side, everyone else on the other , I immediately associated that with what had happened at the freight yards, where the trains left for Auchwitz.

    That German guerrilla members like Boese and Brigitte Kuhlmann could allow themselves to divide people up as they did, I can't imagine any thing more pathetic...
    • Karmon, Ely. Coalitions Between Terrorist Organizations: Revolutionaries, Nationalists and Islamists. Netherlands: Brill, 2005. 94.
    Hans-Joachim Klein decided to abandon the RZ when he realized that his comrades were behaving like the Nazis in Auschwitz by separating the Jewish passengers from the non-Jewish ones after the hijacking of the Air France plane to Entebbe. Klein also condemned the RZ plot to assassinate Galinski, leader of the German Jewish community and exposed the plot.
  823. Naor, Mordechai. The war after the war. Israel: Ministry of Defense Publishing, 1970. p. 98.
    After the Boeing 707 plane took off from the Italian capital, it was taken over by two terrorists from the "Popular Front" and directed it to Damascus. When the plane landed in the capital of Syria, the passengers and crew hurried to leave through the escape hatches, because the hijackers threatened to blow it up immediately after landing. And indeed, a short time later, the plane crashed in its front part. The non-Jewish passengers were immediately released, followed by the 4 Israeli women who were among the passengers, two remained Prof. Shlomo Samolov and Mr. Saleh Moalem were held in a Syrian prison for 99 days...
  824. Posner, Steve. Israel Undercover: Secret Warfare and Hidden Diplomacy in the Middle East. United States: Syracuse University Press, 1987. p. 53.
    On 26 December 1968, PFLP commandos stormed an El Al aircraft on the ground at Athens airport. Armed with hand grenades and machine guns, the terrorists attacked the plane carrying forty-one passengers and ten crew-members, screaming, "we want to kill Jews!" One passengers died in the attack and two stewardess were wounded.
  825. O'Connel, John F.l, ‎Williams, George. Air Transport in the 21st Century: Key Strategic Developments United Kingdom: Routledge, 2016. [153].
    Prior to the Dawson's Field hijackings, the PFLP had already achieved notoriety for several similar incidents, including the hijacking of an ... However, the PFLP segregated the flight crews and Jewish passengers, and kept 56 hostages..
  826. Berman, Esther Jane. Love Found Love Lost: The Adventures of a Love Struck Girl. United States: iUniverse, 2013. [154].
    While the majority of the 310 hostages had been transferred to Amman and freed on September 11, the PFLP segregated the flight crews and Jewish passengers, keeping the 56 Jewish hostages in custody, while releasing the non-Jews.
  827. Posner, Steve. Israel Undercover: Secret Warfare and Hidden Diplomacy in the Middle East. United States: Syracuse University Press, 1987. p. 54.

    On 6 September 1970, Khaled and several other PFLP members hijacked four planes... Two days later, on 9 September, the PFLP took over a British airlines VC-10 flying to London from Bombay via Dubai and Bahrain; that plane joined the others at Jordan's Dawson Field...

    All the hostages were released, except for 56 Jewish passengers...
  828. Sloan, Stephen., Anderson, Sean K.. Historical Dictionary of Terrorism. United States: Scarecrow Press, 2009. p. 539.
    Originally the hijackers held around 310 passengers and crew hostage to force the release of imprisoned terrorists elsewhere but released all but 56 who consisted of the flight crews and Jewish passengers...
  829. Perdue, Jon B.., Johnson, Stephen. The War of All the People: The Nexus of Latin American Radicalism and Middle Eastern Terrorism. United Kingdom: Potomac Books, 2012. 85. [155].
    For its part, the PLO began in the mid—1970s to seek out British and French neo-Nazi groups, and in 1977 Fatah made a deal with the French Work (L'Oeuvre Francaise), a neo-Nazi group, to train its members in terrorist operations. L'Oeuvre Francaise agreed to conduct terrorist operations on behalf of Fatah.
  830. Tal, Eliyahu. PLO., WZO, 1982. 69.
  831. LINKS BETWEEN P.L.O. AND NEO-NAZIS SEEN; Bavaria Regime Cites Suspicions of Munich Paramilitary Group, NYTimes, Oct 1, 1980.
    BONN, Sept. 30 The Bavarian Interior Ministry said today that it suspected there were links between the Palestine Liberation Organization and the neo-Nazi paramilitary organization whose members were questioned in connection with the bombing last Friday at the Munich Oktoberfest.
  832. Wednesday, June 4, 1980 - Knesset.

    Insults and swastikas at the Technion in Haifa.

    Member of Knesset S. asked the Minister of Education and Culture on Wednesday, May 19, 1980:

    Recently, slogans and abusive graffiti were painted, such as "Death to the Je.s," and even swastikas on the walls and windows of the Technion buildings in Haifa.

    יום רביעי, כ' סיון תש"ם (4 יוני 1980) - הכנסת.

    כתובות נאצה וצלבי קרס בטכניון בחיפה חבר הכנסת ש. שאל את שר החינוך והתרבות ביום ד' בסיון תש"ם (19 במאי 1980):

    לאחרונה צויירו סיסמאות וכתובות נאצה כגון "מוות ליהודים", ואף צלבי קרס על קירות וחלונות בנייני הטכניון בחיפה.
  833. The Nazism behind Palestinian murder, ILH, Apr 16, 2015.

    The extermination of the Jews and the establishment of the State of Israel are regularly used as fuel for the Palestinians [Swastika in a demonstration in support of the Palestinians] During a social reconnaissance Operation Peace for Galilee for a paratrooper force from the 202nd Battalion that entered the PLO headquarters in Beirut. In one of the drawers I found a 'Parabellum' gun. As the son of Holocaust survivors, my heart skipped a beat. The eagle and the swastika were stamped on the pistol. The Nazi killing tool created for me a crushing mental encounter between the nightmares of my father, who lost his family in the Holocaust, and the murderous Palestinian-Islamic ideology that the gun in my hand turned into a blow. This murderous ideology has been used regularly in the writings and speeches of senior Palestinian Authority officials since then, and is reflected in both the Hamas Charter and the platform of other Islamic organizations and is a platform for Iran and Hezbollah war preparations. This legacy includes the masterpiece of the extermination of the Jews in Khyber by Muhammad as a role model and as an injunction to exterminate the Jews. Beyond the need to eliminate the buds of Jewish settlement and curb Jewish immigration to Israel, it was the ideological-religious meeting point of the Jerusalem Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini, a sustainable Palestinian icon, with Nazi German leader Hitler. The Hajj, which founded the "Nazi Scout Movement" as early as 1936, is to this day an exemplary figure of the Palestinian national movement in the national and religious context. In the years 1944-1941 the Mufti lived in Berlin and served as a close adviser (on salary) to Adolf Eichmann ... Historical reports indicate a conclusion reached, according to which when the Germans conquered Israel, an extermination camp would be built in the Dotan Valley for the Jews of the land and the Islamic lands, and the Mufti would serve as the leader of Palestine after it was conquered (by Rommel). Courtesy of Memri, every Israeli can see that the extermination of the Jews and Israel and the establishment of "Palestine" on its ruins are regularly used as fuel to incite the Palestinian public. The Jews, after all, as the propagandist Goebbels puts it: the end of a frequent lie that will eventually become a reality. , Demands that Israel "Hashem" settle the "peace-loving refugees" in its territory as part of the "right of return." Meanwhile, the Arabs and Palestinians are killing each other in the Middle East, as well as in the Gaza Strip and especially in the al-Yarmouk suburb. This high-rise district in Damascus, whose Palestinian residents have long since become Syrians, is not at all like the tents in which millions of real Arab refugees are currently languishing from cold and famine as part of the "Arab Spring." The Palestinians murdered and betrayed their hosts in Kuwait and Jordan, Syria and Beirut and cannot live with each other in peace even in Gaza and Judea and Samaria. And it is precisely now that the publicist Odeh Bisharath is proposing that, like Jordan, we should receive "as a gesture" Palestinian "refugees" from Syria. Someone here really loves us.

    There is a habit among "those who were" to gather at a "Parliament" table and discuss hourly issues. When the memory of the Holocaust is raised as a warning sign in a hostile environment for Jews, the faces of some of the "intellectuals" at the table, who cynically claim that it is the "contempt" of the Holocaust and manipulative, anachronistic, emotional to the point of collapse, become obsolete. While some try to forget the Holocaust of the Jews, the Palestinians deny the Holocaust and try to make fun of us in the "Nakba" narrative. As for myself, the feeling of "Parabellum" will remain in my hands forever.
  834. Ben Gad, Yitschak. Politics, Lies, and Videotape: 3,000 Questions and Answers on the Mideast Crisis. United States: Shapolsky Publishers, 1991. p. 165.
    UNRWA SCHOOL HOUSES ARAFAT'S SCHOOL OF VIOLENCE: A 1982 picture of Arafat and the Nazi swastika are among the wall decorations of a room in the UNRWA school in Siblin (South Lebanon) which was turned into a terrorist training center by the PLO that year. (Rahamim Israeli).
  835. Schoenberg, Harris Okun. A Mandate for Terror: The United Nations and the PLO. United States: Shapolsky Publishers, 1989. p. 183

    While no debates and no pledging conferences were organized by the UN for Jewish refugees , the mandate for UNRWA was extended decades ... donating $ 60- $ 100 million a year, to prevent the radicalization of the refugees when, in fact, the camps were the breeding ground for PLO terror. The Associated Oress reported already on June 18, 1979 that PLO terrorists controlled...

    During Israel's 1982 strike against the PLO in Lebanon, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) revealed that UNRWA schools were used as terrorist bases and that shelters and schools were used as arms depots . The IDF also discovered a training school for Fatah terrorists in Lebanon located in a vocational training school run by UNRWA at Siblin. At the Siblin Vocational Training Center situated on a mountaintop several kilometers north of Sidon, the IDF found rocket-propelled grenade launchers and missiles, Kalashnikov assault rifles, anti - tank and anti-aircraft missile launchers, hand grenades, and an assortment of other weapons and explosives.

    The center featured a modern audio-visual language laboratory to help students assigned to terrorist activities to work in different parts of the world.

    The student dormitory was found strewn with military uniforms. In one room, a picture of Arafat on the wall was flanked by a large black swastika on a red background. A captured document seemed to show that UNIFIL, the UN peacekeeping forces in southern Lebanon, provided intelligence to the PLO about coming Israeli reprisals.

    Information uncovered by the IDF revealed that no student was permitted to graduate from the Siblin Center without graduating first from the Fatah course of study and serving a minimum of twelve months with the PLO. The initial coverup was undertaken by UNRWA's employees. All but 120 of the 17,000 UNRWA staff are Palestinian Arabs. As one staff member put it a few years later. "You might say we're a Palestinian agency under the UN flag."

    UNRWA headquarters continued to cover up until the U.S. suspended payments in 1982 and made no new pledge for 1983.

    The UN agency finally issued a report which confirmed all the charges. UNRWA's Commissioner-General Olof Rydbeck, the former Swedish ambassador at the UN, later admitted that for some time prior to the disclosure, he had not been permitted to inspect UNRWA camps in southern Lebanon without prior notice to the PLO, and then only with an escort provided by the organization...
  836. Karsh, Efraim. Arafat: The man and his war at Israel [Arafat, Ha-ish umilchamto be-Yisrael]. Israel: Maariv, 2004. 116.
  837. Max Boot, Hitler's Mideast helpers, Los Angeles Times, Dec 20, 2006.
    ...the far more common line in the Muslim world, which is to admit that, sure, some Jews died, but it was a lot fewer... and, anyway, what’s the big deal? A lot of Gentiles died too. What makes these Yids so special? This is the position taken by Arab "moderates" such as Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, whose doctoral dissertation pooh-poohed the figure of 6 million dead Jews.. while expressing great concern that "the German people sacrificed 10 million" -- implying that the killers suffered more than their victims.
  838. Eddie Cohen, "The other face of Mahmoud Abbas," June 20, 2014.
    ... book by Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas… propagandistic and saturated with antisemitic messages, one by one reminiscent of Adolf Eichmann's venomous propaganda.
  839. Rafael Medoff, "Double standard on Holocaust denial," JPost, May 6, 2017
  840. Stav, Arie. Peace, Arabic Cartoon: Studies in Antisemitic Portrait. Zmora-Bitan, 1996. 97.
    ... It is therefore not surprising that in the Pantheon of Adored Persons of the PLO he has a place of honor and esteem: Arafat saw the Mufti as an educator and guide. In 1985, at a conference marking the thirtieth anniversary of the Bandung Conference... Arafat praised the Mufti and paid him great respect, saying he would be endlessly proud following in his footsteps; he stressed that the PLO continues to follow the path paved by the Mufti...

    סתב, אריה. השלום, קריקטורה ערבית: עיונים בדיוקן האנטישמי. זמורה ביתן, 1996. 97.

    לפיכך אין זה מפליא שבפנתיאון האישים הנערצים על אש"ף שמור לו מקום של כבוד ויקר: ערפאת ראה במופתי מחנך ומדריך. ב-1985, בכינוס לציון שלושים שנה לוועידת בנדונג ... שיבח ערפאת את המופתי וחלק לו כבוד רב , ואמר שהוא יגאה עד אין קץ ' ללכת בעקבותיו ; הוא הדגיש שאש"ף ממשיך לצעוד בנתיב שסלל המופתי ..

  841. Terrorists Who Murdered 3 Israelis in Cyprus Are Not Likely to Be Extradited to Israel to Stand Tr.., Sep 30, 1985.
    Two of them, Elias Yehiya and Nasif Mahmoud, apparently are, but the third, who initially gave his name as George Hannah, has been identified as an Englishman, lan Michael Davison of South Shields. He described himself to television reporters as “a skinhead, a real young fascist thug.” One Killer Described As A Neo-Fascist..
  842. Patterson, David. A Genealogy of Evil: Anti-Semitism from Nazism to Islamic Jihad. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 2010. 246.
    Arafat's ties with Neo-Nazis became evident on 25 September 1985, when Fatah's Force-17 attacked a group of Israeli tourists in Cyprus; the killers included British Neo-nazis.
  843. Torstrick, Rebecca L.. The Limits of Coexistence: Identity Politics in Israel. United States: University of Michigan Press, 2000. p. 81.
    In October 1985, swastikas and slogans — “ We're all PLO , all Palestinians, Jews out ” – were painted on the doors of Jewish-owned shops in the Old City. Two weeks previously there had been a bombing, and Israeli flags were defaced...
  844. Hadashot – חדשות, 29 December 1987.

    Polgat report: Workers from the territories damage equipment

    "$100,000 in damage was caused," a secret report said. Security forces entered the picture.

    Shimon Alkabetz

    The security forces have been working for a long time to reveal the identities of Arab workers from the territories, who are suspected of systematically and permanently damaging the machines and equipment of the Polgat factory. However, the plant management denies that it sought the intervention of the security forces in exposing these workers.

    Polgat, a clothing factory in Kiryat Gat, employs more than 500 Arab workers from the territories. Until a few months ago, their number was about 600, but the management laid off about 100 workers due to the reduction in the scope of production lines. It was reported yesterday that the plant's management had compiled a secret report, which stated: "Nationalist graffiti and the drawing of swastikas on machines have become our daily bread and butter." שמעון אלקבץ, 'דו"ח בפולגת: פועלים מהשטחים פוגעים בציוד'. "נגרמו נזקים ב־100 אלף דולר", נאמר בדו"ח סודי. זרועות הביטחון נכנסו לתמונה. באחרונה הביא המפעל פורטוגזים במקום פועלים מהשטחים שפוטרו ..."כתובות נאצה לאומניות וציור צלבי קרס על מכונות הפכו להיות לחם חוקנו מדי יום".

  845. Hadashot – חדשות, 25 January 1988.
    Swastikas and PLO flags on Jewish shops in Old Acre ...

    צלבי קרס ודגלי אש"ף על חנויות של יהודים בעכו העתיקה...
  846. Hadashot - חדשות, 16 March 1988.

    לוד: אבן על אוטובוס, צלבי קרס ישראל פרץ, פאיז עבאס, אורי שרון

    אבן שנזרקה שלשום על אוטובוס בלוד לא גרמה כל נזק ואיש לא נפגע. המשטרה עצרה צעירה בת 13 כחשודה במעשה, וזו שוחררה אחר-כך מחוסר הוכחות. מנהל בית־הספר הערבי ג', סלים אל־פקיר, התלונן במשטרה כי צלבי קרס צוירו על קירות המוסד. המשטרה החלה בחקירה. מקרה דומה אירע לפני חודשיים, כאשר צלב קרס צויר על לוח אחת הכיתות. אז היתה זהות התלמיד ידועה והוא הוזהר. בתקרית אחרת בעיר, נראה שלשום ערבי תושב המקום כשהוא מטייל וברשותו חרב. לאחר שנעצר, סיפר האיש לחוקרים כי החזיק את החרב כדי להציגה למטרות יופי. האיש יובא לשיפוט מהיר, על החזקת פגיון בניגוד לחוק...

    Lod: Stone on a bus, swastikas Israel Peretz, Faiz Abbas, Uri Sharon

    A stone thrown on a bus in Lod on Tuesday did not cause any damage and no one was injured. Police arrested a 13-year-old woman as a suspect in the act, who was later released for lack of evidence. The director of the Arab School G, Salim al-Fakir, complained to the police that swastikas were painted on the walls of the institution. Police have begun an investigation. A similar case occurred two months ago, when a swastika was painted on one of the classrooms. The student's identity was then known and he was warned. In another incident in the city, an Arab resident of the place was seen walking on Tuesday with a sword in his possession. After being arrested, the man told investigators he held the sword to display it for beauty purposes. The man will be brought to a speedy trial, for possession of a dagger in violation of the law ...
  847. Maariv - 15 February 1988

    Acre Call for restraint and tolerance ... ... Over the weekend, Mayor Eli de Castro issued the following announcement: "I see in the painting swastikas and abusive graffiti on the walls as well as waving PLO flags, extreme acts that have the effect of tarnishing the atmosphere in Acre and harming coexistence, I call on all the residents of Acre. Jews and Arabs, to exercise restraint and tolerance and not to be dragged after extremist instigators from any side."

    Meir Hareuveni
  848. Maariv – מעריב, 11 March 1988. אבנים, בקבוקי תבערה ומחסומים שימשו לתקיפת כלי רכב ישראליים

    Stones, Molotov cocktails and checkpoints were used to attack Israeli vehicles

    A Molotov cocktail was thrown into the road at the Maalot entrance junction yesterday

    By Maariv writers

    A Molotov cocktail was thrown into the road at the eastern entrance to Maalot in the Galilee yesterday afternoon. The bottle did not ignite and no damage was done. During a search, two residents of Fasuta were arrested. Two suspicious boys were arrested. Dozens of swastikas were discovered in the toilets, in the general exhibition of Safed artists ...
  849. Maariv, April 15, 1988

    Events in the territories ...

    A swastika and PLO slogans were painted at the tomb of Yehoshua Ben-Nun in the village of Kifl Haris near Ariel.
  850. A 55-year-old woman was injured when her car was pelted on the Be'er-Sheva-Arad road - Hadashot, April 24, 1988.
    Shimon Alkabetz, Yosef Galion, Faiz Abbas, Eddie Gal, Ran Levy.
    A large stone was thrown at Daisy H. from Ramat-Gan, at the Tel Shoket junction. She is in fair condition.

    Police are investigating whether hanging black flags over Abu Jihad's death is a crime [...] Swastika and slogans in Shefar'am [شفاعمرو]. A swastika was painted on the wall of the ancient synagogue in Shefar'am yesterday. The swastika was erased by the placekeeper. In the morning, more slogans were discovered, such as "Long live the PLO" on the wall of a church in Shefar'am. The slogans were erased by church members.

    Many slogans were also discovered in the village of Bi'ina in the Western Galilee, in Kfar Qasim and at the Jaljulia junction in the triangle.
  851. Hadashot - חדשות, 25 April 1988.
    Indictments against stone-throwers on the highway

    Indictments against Juma 'Ali Jobran, 20, and Ibrahim Shaaban Shahab, 19, from the village of Jisr a-Zarqa, were filed in Haifa District Court yesterday. The two are accused of conspiracy and endangering human life On vehicles traveling on the Tel Aviv-Haifa highway. In this matter, indictments were also filed against two minors from the village. Last week, five torn Israeli flags were discovered in Nazareth. On Saturday, three flags were hoisted on the roofs of schools in the city, and abusive graffiti was written on the walls of a church against Israel. A painting of a swastika was discovered on the remains of the ancient synagogue in Shefar'am. In Umm al-Fahm, a PLO flag hoisted in the center of town was discovered on Saturday Yigal Kotzer כתבי־אישום נגד מיידי אבנים בכביש המהיר כתבי־אישום נגד ג'ומעה עלי ג'ובראן (20), וחרבי איברהים שעבן שהאב (19), מהכפר ג'סר א־ זרקא, הוגשו אתמול לביהמ"ש המחוזי בחיפה. השניים מואשמים בקשירת קשר ובסיכון חיי אדם, לאחר שזרקו אבנים על כלי רכב שנסעו בכביש המהיר תל־אביב חיפה. בעניין זה הוגשו כתבי אישום גם נגד שני קטינים מהכפר. בשבוע שעבר נתגלו בנצרת חמישה דגלי ישראל קרועים. בשבת נשרפו שלושה דגלים שהונפו על גגות בתי ספר בעיר, ועל קירות כנסיה נרשמו כתובות נאצה נגד ישראל. על שרידי בית הכנסת העתיק בשפרעם נתגלה ציור של צלב קרס. באום אל־פחם נתגלה בשבת דגל אש"ף מונף במרכז העיירה. יגאל קוצר

  852. Rubin, Barry, M. Revolution Until Victory?: The Politics and History of the PLO. United States: Harvard University Press, 1994. p. 179.
    The Zionists, exclaimed Abu Iyad in 1988, complain about Nazi concentration camps, but "the atrocities that they are perpetrating are more terrible and uglier than the atrocities and crimes [sic] perpetrated by the Nazis."

    p.242: Abu Iyad, Voice of the PLO (Baghdad), April 28, 1988 (FBIS, April 29, 1988, p . 43).

  853. 853.0 853.1 Maariv - מעריב, 20 June 1989.

    הצתות על רקע לאומני בת"א; נסיונות חבלה בבי"ח רמב"ם.

    Arson against a nationalist background in Tel Aviv; sabotage attempts at Rambam Hospital

    By Gideon Maron and Amir Gilat

    A special investigation team has been set up in the central unit of the Tel Aviv District Police, investigating a series of arsons of cars and businesses that have recently occurred in the Tel Aviv District, apparently for nationalist reasons.

    Last night, unknown individuals set fire to a kiosk on the corner of Allenby and Yona Hanavi streets in Tel Aviv. The kiosk, belonging to Bnei Avishav, burned down completely. Police investigators discovered an Arabic inscription in the kiosk, which read: "Abu Jihad is dead. We are all a Palestinian struggle. We will burn the Jews." Next to the inscription was a drawing of a swastika and next to it was inscribed the name Hitler.

    The coverage in this matter is coordinated by the interrogation division investigators in the central unit. As of December 1988, 17 cars and three motorcycles had been set on fire in the Tel Aviv district. The Amadeus and First Cellar restaurants were also set on fire. The researchers believe that all these arsons were carried out by the same people and in some cases left nationalist inscriptions.

    About six months ago, researchers in the Yarkon area uncovered a terrorist cell that operated in the Tel Aviv area and set fire to branch cabinets. The members of the cell belonged to the organization of Naif Khawatma. The Tel Aviv police take these incidents very seriously, and in some cases make an effort to catch the lighters.

    In Haifa, the police believe that hostile elements are behind a series of malicious sabotage attempts that were recently exposed in the hospital and a community center, including the insertion of urine into a bottle that was intended to be injected into one of the patients, which could have killed him.

    In another case, unknown individuals sabotaged the gas system and caused a leak in the pediatric surgery department.

    The hospital's security officer, Benny Keller, filed detailed complaints with police about a series of malicious injuries. Police investigators, led by Inspector Zvi Diamant, have opened an investigation and estimate that behind the bruises are Arabs employed at the hospital. Suspects have not yet been arrested.

    The following is a series of cases, about which complaints have been filed with the police, and in respect of which it has been determined with certainty that they were caused maliciously:

    • Cutting a computer cable in the eye department (17. 3. 88).
    • Sabotage in the sewer pipe that caused a flood in the X-ray department and in the archives (4. 4. 88).
    • A similar sabotage in the sewer pipe that caused the basement of the old building to overflow. (5. 4. 88).
    • Clogging a sewer with sand and stones, near the garbage can (5. 4. 88).
    • Cutting the power cord and breaking the operating handles of the floor cleaning machine (9. 4. 88).
    • Releasing screws in the sewer system and causing flooding in the X-ray department (24. 4. 88).
    • Cutting a gas pipe made of copper in the pediatric surgery department and causing a leak (20. 6. 88).
    • Disconnect refrigerator from electrical plug (4. 7. 88).
    • Cutting of a rubber pipe that caused a leak and ignition in Internal Medicine Department A. (5. 7. 88).
    • Insults and drawing of swastikas in public toilets (11. 10. 88).
    • Causing damage to the arm of a reagent extraction device in a chemistry laboratory (19. 3. 89).
    • Operation of a device in a "dry" manner in the chemistry laboratory (21. 3. 89
    • Cutting an electric cable from the garbage can in the hospital yard. (6. 4. 89).
    • Electric cable cutting from a laboratory device. (24. 2. 89).
    • Clogging a cotton swab and flooding the seventh floor. (8. 5. 89).
    • Insertion of urine into an infusion bottle in the pharmacy storage (19. 5. 89)
    Two Jenin residents, a father and his son, were questioned by security forces on suspicion that terror ordered them to cause damage to vehicles parked in the parking lot.
  854. Maariv, June 21, 1988

    Tel Aviv. Swastikas again. About 20 swastikas were again painted yesterday with black spray on walls in Tel Aviv, in Jaffa and Bat Yam, as well as on cars. In recent days, a graffiti was also drawn, condemning the state and for the PLO. Among other, on the Chabad synagogue in the city.

    Gideon Maron.
  855. Maariv – מעריב, 29 July 1988.

    זה קרה בגוש דן 20.7.88: כתובות נאצה וצלבי קרס הופיעו בכל רחבי גוש דן. This happened in Gush Dan...

    20.7.88: Abusive graffiti and swastikas.
  856. Maariv - מעריב, 21 July 1988.

    שוב צלבי קרס. כ־‭20‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ צלבי קרס שוב צוירו אתמול בספריי שחור על קירות בת"א. ביפו ובת ים, וכן על מכוניות. בימים האחרונים צויירו גם כתובת נאצה, בגנות המדינה ובעד- אש"ף.

    Swastikas again. About 20 swastikas were again painted yesterday with black spray on walls in Tel Aviv. In Jaffa and Bat Yam, as well as on cars. In recent days, a graffiti has also been painted, condemning the state and the PLO.
  857. Hadashot – חדשות, 14 August 1988.

    A suspected Arab worker who sabotaged the Kif-Kaf chocolate line in Elite

    Mustafa Galiat from Khan Yunis suspected of lowering the heat, freezing the chocolate and paralyzing the machines

    Ran Geffen, Shimon Alkabetz, Gilad Dotan (Canada)

    ... The police representative claimed that there was a suspicion that this was an act on a nationalist background ...

    Achva School was set on fire again. Achva School, on Tarshish Street in Jaffa, was set on fire last night for the third time in the last two weeks. The institution is located near the home of the French ambassador. Police arrested three Arab suspects from Jaffa aged 20-18 ... Swastikas in Jerusalem. Six residents of Kiryat Moshe in Jerusalem complained yesterday that anonymous people engraved swastikas on their cars ... "Lehi is not a PLO." Dr. Ariel Merri, director of the Center for Strategic Studies and an expert on terrorism, testified in a Canadian court that even if certain Lehi acts can be defined as acts of terrorism, they reflect a different strategy from that of Palestinian terrorist organizations. Merri was summoned as an expert witness by the Government of Canada, seeking to expel Mahmoud Mohammad Issa Mohammad, a member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, who assassinated an Israeli citizen in Athens in '68.

    פועל ערבי חשוד שחיבל בקו הייצור של שוקולד כיף-כף ב'עלית'

    מוסטפא גליאת מחאן־יונס חשוד שהוריד את החום, הקפיא את השוקולד ושיתק את המכונות

    רן גפן, שמעון אלקבץ, גלעד דותן (קנדה)

    ...נציג המשטרה טען שקיים חשד כי מדובר במעשה על רקע לאומני...

    בי"ס אחווה הוצת שוב. בי"ס אחווה, ברחוב תרשיש ביפו, הוצת שלשום בלילה בפעם השלישית במהלך השבועיים האחרונים. המוסד נמצא סמוך לביתו של שגריר צרפת. המשטרה עצרה שלושה חשודים ערבים מיפו בני 20-18...

    צלבי קרס בי־ם. שישה מתושבי קרית־משה בירושלים התלוננו אתמול כי אלמוני חרט על מכוניותיהם צלבי קרס... "לח"י אינו אש"ף". ד"ר אריאל מררי, מנהל המרכז ללימודים אסטרטגיים ומומחה לטרור, אמר בעדותו בבימ"ש קנדי כי גם אם ניתן להגדיר מעשים מסוימים של לח"י כמעשי טרור, הם משקפים אסטרטגיה שונה מזו של ארגוני טרור פלסטיניים. זאת משום שהם כוונו נגד אנשי צבא ולא נגד אזרחים. מררי הוזמן כעד מומחה מטעם ממשלת קנדה, הרוצה לגרש את מחמוד מוחמד עיסה מוחמד, חבר החזית העממית לשחרור פלסטין, שרצח ב־68׳ אזרח ישראלי באתונה.

  858. Hadashot – חדשות, 19 August 1988.

    "שלושה מהשטחים ניסו לדרוס חייל בגבעתיים" "Three from the territories tried to run over a soldier in Givatayim" The soldier was not injured. An indictment has been filed against a resident of Gaza, who is accused of attempting to murder taxi drivers in Jaffa

    Buki Na'eh, ITIM.

    "Three Arabs from the territories tried to run over me on Katzenelson Street in Givatayim," a regular soldier (24) told police yesterday. According to the soldier, while trying to cross the street, a car approached him, carrying a license plate of the areas, with three passengers inside. Suddenly the car increased its speed and tried to overtake it. He was rescued unharmed.

    Swastikas were also discovered yesterday in several places in Tel Aviv and Gush Dan, on sidewalks and house walls.

    Last night, an attempt was made to set fire to five cars parked in the dormitories, on Mount Scopus in Jerusalem. Four ars were damaged. Hisham Muhmar Sha'at (26) from Gaza was charged yesterday in the Tel Aviv District Court with attempting to murder two taxi drivers.

    In one case, he got into Izzo Flickr's cab. He sat in the back seat and asked the driver to drive to Jerusalem Boulevard in Jaffa. During the trip, the indictment said, he pulled out a knife he had hidden in his shoe and began stabbing Flickr. Flicker struggled, and managed to chase him out. In another case, he got into Zachariah Khalifa's taxi, sat in the back seat again and asked to drive to Sderot. According to the indictment, he directed the driver through the alleys of Jaffa. After a chase, in which the Civil Guard volunteers participated, Mohamed Sha'at was caught and the knives were found in the belt of his trousers.
  859. Hadashot - חדשות, 18 August 1988.

    In recent days, the Tel Aviv police have been making increased efforts to locate the unknown individuals who paint nationalist slogans and swastikas in paint sprays on the sidewalks of Tel Aviv.

    Yesterday, about 15 swastikas were discovered on the sidewalks on Sharett, Zeitlin, Leonardo da Vinci, Emanuel, Ibn Gvirol and more streets.

    In one place it read "Arafat in power, the PLO security forces."

    Swastikas were also discovered on Hamtun Street in front of the Herzliya Gymnasium and on King David Boulevard in front of Ichilov Hospital.

    Another case that the police link to the events of the intifada is the injury of Shlomi Maimon from Holon who was cut in the neck while riding his motorcycle on Yefet Street in Jaffa..

    משטרת ת"א עורכת בימים האחרונים מאמצים מוגברים לאתר את האלמונים המציירים סיסמאות לאומניות וצלבי קרס בתרסיסי צבע על מדרכות ת"א. אתמול נתגלו כ־15 צלבי קרס על המדרכות ברחובות שרת, צייטלין, ליאונרדו דה־וינצ'י, עמנואל, אבן־גבירול ועוד. במקום אחד נכתב "ערפאת לשלטון, כוחות הביטחון פי.אל.או". צלבי קרס נתגלו גם ברחוב המטמון מול גמנסיה הרצליה ובשדרות דוד המלך מול בית־החולים איכילוב.

    מקרה אחר שהמשטרה קושרת אותו לאירועי האינתיפאדה הוא פציעתו של שלמי מימון...

  860. Maariv - מעריב, 22 August 1988.

    לאחר תקופה של שקט יחסי, התחדשו הפרות הסדר בירושלים After a period of relative quiet, riots resumed in Jerusalem

    After a period of relative calm, riots resumed in East Jerusalem yesterday when the most notable incident was at 10:30 a.m. when a Molotov cocktail was thrown at an Egged bus on the line 25.

    The number of riots was yesterday in East Jerusalem, three people were lightly injured. The bottle did not ignite, but three people were lightly injured by its fragments. "We left the Neve Ya'akov neighborhood in the direction of the city center. Shortly before the Hizma junction I heard something shatter. Someone shouted that she was injured at the eye and we smelled a sharp smell of fuel on the bus. The driver opened the doors, a few soldiers tried to chase after a number of youths, one of whom apparently threw the bottle away, but the youths disappeared in one of the alleys in Shuafat, and after a few minutes, the soldiers returned to the bus empty-handed," said Rachel Ben-David, 21, one of the bus passengers. A 19-year-old Arab student from Bir Zeit University, who was slightly injured in the face, was injured by shrapnel from the bottle. After medical treatment at Hadassah Hospital on Mount Scopus, he was released to his home, as was Rachel Ben-David and another passenger who was slightly injured near her eye. The Jerusalem police launched extensive searches but were unable to capture the bottle throwers. The bottle appeared to have penetrated the bus through one of the windows that was open at the time.

    An empty glass bottle was thrown at noon at a passerby on Sultan Suleiman Street near Central Station in the east of the city. The bottle missed and no one was hurt. At around 11 a.m., an Egged bus on the line was stoned on Salah a-Din Street. 23 One of his windows was smashed but there were no casualties. In the morning, there were riots in several places in East Jerusalem. At around 9 o'clock, young people threw stones in the Abu Tor neighborhood. A tire was burned in the village of Silwan (at the pitas junction). In HaBad street between the Walls, a brick was thrown at a vehicle of patrol of Border Police. The brick missed and none of the patrolmen were hit. The riots yesterday were in protest of the arson of the al-Aqsa Mosque 19 years ago. In that arson, a great deal of damage was done to the southeast wing of the mosque. A small explosive device exploded yesterday at 7 Hechalutzim Street in Pardes Katz. No one was injured, and minor damage was done to a vehicle parked nearby. Eyewitnesses said they saw three Arabs fleeing the scene.

    Two boys from Pardes Katz complained that they were attacked by three Arabs while riding horses in the direction of Neve Sharet. They said the attackers stabbed them and then fled. Police have opened an investigation, but are treating the complaint with caution.

    During the day, swastikas were painted and abusive graffiti was written on walls in Tel Aviv.

    Four Arab workers employed at a construction site in Bat Yam were arrested by the police yesterday following a complaint by residents about drawing a PLO flag and writing slogans.

    Police were called to the scene by residents on Shimon Haburskai Street in Bat Yam. It became clear to the police that on the roof of a warehouse at the construction site where the workers were, a PLO flag was painted in the spray material and it was written "Palestine" in Arabic.
  861. Maariv - מעריב, 31 August 1988.

    חוללה אנדרטת הל"ה צלבי קרס ודגל אשף צויירו אתמול על מצבת הל"ה ליד גוש עציון וכן על המצבה עבור יהודי צרפת שנספו בשואה המצוייה ליד המושב רוגלית. צלבים וכתובות של אש"ף באנגלית (P.L.O.) צויירו גם לאורך שלט הכוונה בדרך מגוש עציון לעמק האלה. המשטרה פתחה בחקירה. (צילום: סקופ ‭80‬)‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ Halle memorial monument was desecrated

    Swastikas and the PLO flag were painted yesterday on the tombstone of Halle near Gush Etzion, as well as on the tombstone for French Jews who perished in the Holocaust near Moshav Rogalit.

    Swastikas and PLO Inscriptions in English (P.L.O.) were also drawn along a direction sign on the way from Gush Etzion to the Elah Valley. Police have opened an investigation.
  862. Hadashot - חדשות, 9 December 1988.

    היום שנה לאינתיפאדה: שביתה כללית בשטחים Today is a year for the intifada: a general strike in the territories ...and Arab residents said that many Israeli cars were stoned ....

    Two Arab residents of Ramallah were arrested yesterday by the Rishon LeZion police after drawing swastikas on about 20 cars in the city. They drew the crosses on the dew formed on the cars.
  863. 9 Druze from Majdal Shams were suspected of inciting, Hadashot, Dec 18, 1988.

    Menachem Horowitz, Eddie Gal.

    The Mas'ada-Kiryat-Shmona police arrested nine Druze from the village of Majdal Shams in the northern Golan Heights over the weekend. The nine are suspected, because about a week ago, on the anniversary of the intifada, dozens of youths were called to wave their feet at the PLO and hold a procession in the center of the village. To the intifada celebrations. Corporal Cohen said that he would seek to bring the nine to justice during their detention...

    In the village of Tarshiha in the Galilee, three swastikas were painted in black on the front of a shop. The shop owner discovered the paintings and complained to the police. In the village of Jadida, unknown individuals entered the house, whose owners were awakened at the time, and wrote the names of Yasser Arafat and Palestine on the walls. Slogans were written on the walls of the living room: "Give up, Arafat and Palestine are ours."
  864. Maariv - מעריב, 27 January 1989.

    סיסמאות בכפר דבוריה: מוות ליהודים ולבוגדים במעלות צויירו סיסמאות "יחי היטלר' ו"מוות לכלבים"

    מאת מאיר הראובני

    בכפר דבוריה שלרגלי התבור הוצתו שלשום בלילה ארבעה כלי רכב. כן צויירו סיסמאות לאומניות בגנות המדינה והעם היהודי, כ"מוות ליהודים", "מות לבוגדים", ונתלו ארבעה דגלי אש"ף.

    כוח משטרה גדול נכח במשך היום בכפר ולקראת רדת החשיכה תוגבר בכוח מג"ב. נערכו סריקות ונחקרו אנשים. צפויים מעצרים.

    • סיסמאות לאומניות כמו "מות לכלבים" ו"יחי היטלר" צויירו שלשום בלילה על קירות ועל דלת הכניסה של ביתן ההלבשה במגרש הכדורגל במעלות.

    • אבן נזרקה לעבר מכונית שנסעה בכביש מעלות־נהריה ליד הכפר מעיליה. שמשה צדדית נופצה.

    • בכפר טורען, בכביש נצרת-טבריה נרגמה באבן מכונית שבה נהג עופר נצר, סייר שדות של המועצה האזורית הגליל התחתון. השימשה הקדמית נופצה.

    • ביקור הבכורה של השר לענייני מעוטים במשרד ראש הממשלה, אהוד אולמרט, בכפר בוענה בגליל זכה לקבלת פנים חריגה: דגל אש"ף נמצא תלוי אתמול במרכז הכפר אליו הגיע השר כעבור מספר שעות.

    Slogans in the village of Daburiyya: Death to Jews and traitors. The slogans "Long Live [sic] Hitler" and "Death to the Dogs" were painted in Ma'alot.

    By Meir Hareuveni

    In the village of Daburiyya, at the foot of the Tabor, four vehicles were set on fire last night. Nationalist slogans were also drawn condemning the state and the Jewish people, such as "death to the Jews," "death to the traitors," and four PLO flags hung.

    A large police force was present during the day in the village and towards dusk it will be reinforced by a Border Police force. Scans were conducted and people were interrogated. Arrests are expected.

    • Nationalist slogans such as "Death to the Dogs" and "Long Live [sic] Hitler" were painted on the walls and front door of the locker room at the Ma'alot football field on Tuesday night.

    • A stone was thrown at a car traveling on the Maalot-Nahariya road near the village of Mi'ilya. A side window shattered.

    • In the village of Tur'an, on the Nazareth-Tiberias road, a car driven by Ofer Netzer, a field patrolman of the Lower Galilee Regional Council, was stoned to death. The windshield was shattered.

    • The Minister of Minorities' debut visit to the Prime Minister's Office, Ehud Olmert, in the village of Bu'eine in the Galilee received an unusual welcome: The PLO flag was hung yesterday in the center of the village to which the Minister arrived a few hours later.
  865. Maariv - מעריב, 14 May 1989.

    נחשפה התארגנות עויינת של צעירים מהכפר ג'ת בוואדי ערה A hostile organization of young people from the village of Jatt in Wadi Ara was exposed

    Its members confessed to throwing a Molotov cocktail, and threatening collaborators, stones at a military vehicle on the Yagur-Shefar'am road, and at a bus traveling from Tiberias to Haifa. By Meir Hareuveni and Amir Gilat.

    The Valleys Region Police revealed an organization of young people, aged 20-30, residents of the village of Jatt in Wadi Ara, who confessed to illegal activities on a nationalist background. They confessed to posting leaflets, on behalf of Jatt's People's Committee, throwing a Molotov cocktail at the village football field, stoning vehicles, waving PLO flags, threatening the lives of "collaborators" and drawing hostile slogans and swastikas. So far, eight people have been arrested. The spokesman for the Valleys region, Sen. Yehoshua Sinai, said last night that their detention had been extended and that they were cooperating with the investigators.

    On a construction site in Jatt, six PLO flags, spray-painted and swastikas, were discovered on Friday morning.
  866. Naariv, 15 May 1989

    1989 - The municipality of Dimona fires 31 workers from Judea and Samaria and Gaza...

    Yesterday morning, Chief of Staff Yossi Levy, the commander of the Haifa police, ordered his men to place the investigation of national events at the top of the priority scale, and to increase the activity of the intelligence system, in order to uncover anonymous people drawing abusive graffiti and swastikas, throwing stones and waving PLO flags in the area. It is estimated that this is one group. On Tuesday night, the windows of the [K.Ch] medical center on Yavne Street in Haifa were smashed, and anonymous people pasted a picture of Yasser Arafat, which appeared in the issue of the Arab newspaper Al-Sanawa.
  867. Maariv, 29 May, 1989

    A resident of Har Bracha pulled the damaged flag and an explosion crushed his hand. A resident of Har Bracha pulled the damaged flag and an explosion shattered his hand. The pulling of the national--flag on which a swastika was painted--by Simcha Water (Votter) detonated an explosive device near the place where Yaakov Pereg and Arthur Herstig were murdered about six months ago. By Eitan Levin A trapped explosive device hidden under the national flag, on which a swastika was painted, exploded yesterday morning on the slopes of the settlement of Har Bracha in Samaria, when a resident of the settlement sought to remove the flag. The force of the explosion severely injured his hand, Simcha Votter's. He was taken to Beilinson Hospital in Petah Tikva, where doctors worked for hours to save his hand and restore torn blood vessels. After the surgery, Votter was taken to the intensive care unit, connected to the respirator and his condition was defined as moderate. The security forces' drive to the scene of the blast revealed that the explosive device consisted of a metal pipe containing a small amount of explosives and a retention mechanism. The cargo holders sought to attract the attention of passengers on Har Bracha Road. They placed the charge on the ground near the curb. The cargo was hidden with a large flag of the State of Israel on which they painted a swastika. The flag was nailed to a rock near the side of the road.

    At 5.30, two of the residents, Yonatan Bahir and Simcha Water, left Bracha. They noticed a flag, about 1,500 meters from the entrance to the settlement. The two stopped their car. Simcha Water approached the flag and began tearing it hard from the rock. Apparently, the traction force triggered the delay mechanism that caused the charge to explode. Due to the force of the explosion, Votter was seriously injured in the hand and shrapnel was hit in the abdomen. Dr. Eliyahu Wilonsky, the hospital's deputy director, said that Water suffered a crushed wound and a rupture of blood vessels in the forearm area and that there was a serious danger to the entire arm. During the operation, vessels were restored. The blood and its condition stabilized. The explosion occurred near the place where they were murdered about six months ago, a resident of the locality, Yaakov Pereg, land Inspector of Har Bracha and the reserve soldier, Arthur Herstig from Petah Tikva.
  868. Maariv - מעריב, 13 June 1989 — צלבי קרס בגליל

    Swastikas in the Galilee At the entrance to the village of I'billin (إعبلين), in the Western Galilee, slogans were painted last night with black spray paint condemning the state and "Palestine of the Arabs" and a number of swastikas. Meir Hareuveni.צלבי קרס בגליל בכניסה לכפר עבלין, בגליל המערבי, צויירו אתמול בלילה בתרסיס שחור סיסמאות בגנות המדינה ו"פלשתין של הערבים" ומספר צלבי קרס. מאיר הראובני

  869. Maariv⁩ - ⁨מעריב⁩⁩, 30 June 1989.

    חוללו מצבות במאור

    משטרת חדרה עצרה ארבעה נערים תושבי בקה אל־גרביה כחשודים בחילול מצבות בבית העלמין במושב מאור בחבל עירון. על המצבות צויירו דגלי אש"ף, צלבי קרס וכתובות נאצה. על אחד הקברים נרשם בעברית "מוות [כך] לכל היהודים".

    אהוד רבינוביץ

    Tombstones were desecrated in Maor

    Hadera police arrested four youths, residents of Baqa al-Gharbiyye, on suspicion of desecrating gravestones in the cemetery in Moshav Maor in the Iron District. PLO flags, swastikas and abusive graffiti were painted on the tombstones. On one of the tombs is written in Hebrew, "Death [sic] to all the Jews."

    Ehud Rabinowitz
  870. Ma'ariv - מעריב⁩, 2 July 1989.

    אינתיפאדה בבתי החולים... במחלקת הילדים נחתך צינור הגז

    מאת אמיר גילת

    תשע פעמים חיבלו אלמונים בתקופה האחרונה במכשיר האולטרא־סואנד שבמחלקת הנשים בבית החולים כרמל בחיפה וגרמו נזק רב לעין האלקטרונית - כך עולה מתאנה שהוגשה למשטרת חיפה ע"י רופא הסתלקה, ד"ר אילן קלדרון. צוות מיוחד במחלק הבירורים, בראש של פקד צבי דיאמנט, פועל לגילוי מבצעי המעשים ולמעצרם. להלן שורה של מקרים, עליהן הוגשו תלונות למשטרה: - חיתוך כבל מחשב במחלקת העיניים. - חבלה בצנרת הביוב שגרמה להצפה במחלקת הרנטגן ובארכיון. - חיתוך צינור גז עשוי נחושת במחלקת כירורגית ילדים וגרימת דליפה. -חיתוך צינור גז מגומי שנרם לדליפה והתלקחות במחלקה פנימיית א'.

    - כתובת נאצה וציור צלבי קרס בשרותים הציבוריים. - גרימת נזק לזרוע מכשיר שאיבת ריאגנטים במעבדה כימית. - חיתוך כבל חשמלי ממכשיר מעבדתי. - סתימת צינור בצמר גפן והצפת הקומה השביעית.

    Intifada in the hospitals... In the children's ward, the gas pipe was cut

    By Amir Gilat

    Nine times in recent times, unknown persons tampered with the ultrasound machine in the women's ward at the Carmel Hospital in Haifa and caused a lot of damage to the electronic eye - this is according to a report submitted to the Haifa police by a retired doctor, Dr. Ilan Calderon. A special team in the investigation department, headed by inspector Zvi Diamant, is working to discover the perpetrators of the acts and arrest them. Below is a series of cases, about which complaints were submitted to the police: - Cutting a computer cable in the eye department. - Damage to the sewage pipeline that caused flooding in the X-ray department and the archive. - Cutting a gas pipe made of copper in the pediatric surgery department and causing a leak. -Cutting of a rubber gas pipe that caused a leak and flare-up in the first internal ward. - Nasty inscription and swastika painting in public toilets. - Causing damage to the arm of a reagent pumping device in a chemical laboratory. - Cutting an electric cable from a laboratory device.

    - Clogging a pipe with cotton wool and flooding the seventh floor.
  871. Hadashot - חדשות, 13 November 1989.
    Lod police have opened an investigation into two incidents, which are suspected to have occurred on a nationalist background. One of them occurred on Tuesday morning, when a Molotov cocktail was thrown at the gas station in Shila"t, near Modi'in. No one was injured or damaged. In the second case, swastikas were discovered on the walls of villas being built in the Neve Nof neighborhood of Lod. On behalf of the United Jerusalem Headquarters, residents are called upon not to participate in the Histadrut elections today, and to act in parallel so that Election Day will pass during demonstrations and strikes by the Arabs of East Jerusalem.
  872. David Cronin, "Palestinian books remind me of Nazis, says German MEP",, July 25, 2001.
  873. Hadashot - חדשות, 22 May 1990

    כפר קאסם. נערי שבאב חשופי פלג עליון ועטופי כאפיות מיידים אבנים לעבר שוטרים שעמדו כ־200 מטר – מהם. "מניאקים". צעקו המפגינים, "נזיין אתכם, היטלר, איפה היטלר". (צילום: אלכס ליבק)

    Kfar Qasim. Shabab boys, bare upper body and wrapped in keffiyehs, throwing stones at policemen who were standing about 200 meters away. "Maniacs." The protesters shouted, "We'll fu_ck you! Hitler! where is Hitler?" (Photo: Alex Levac)
  874. Maariv – מעריב, 22 May 1990.
    Yesterday, the "wall inscription war" continued on the streets of Haifa. In the building where the newspaper Davar is located, inscriptions in support of the PLO were discovered on Haneviim Street. In a building near Ahad Ha'am Street, 15, unknown people painted a swastika and slogans in support of the PLO. Until last week, a record number of 58 nationalistic events were recorded in the area. The investigation is ongoing and conducted by a special team...
  875. Hadashot - חדשות, 23 May 1990.
    PLO flags in Haifa. After the demonstrations in Haifa, PLO flags in Wadi Nisnas and on the Al-Pasha Club in downtown. The neighborhoods of the Carmel were painted swastikas ...
  876. Ma'ariv⁩ - ⁨Maariv -מעריב, 30 May 1990 (Page 4)].

    'נגב - הוצת שדה חיטה' מאת רוני סופר ואורי בינדר

    מזכיר המועצה הקומוניסטית ברהט, עלי אבו זיאד בן 33, וסאלם אבו מדיעם בן 24, נעצרו לשבוע בפקודת בית-משפט השלום בבאר שבע. הם חשודים בציור כתובות פלשתיניות, צלב קרס ודגל אש"ף על קירות של בנק ברקליס־דיסקונט ברהט. אתמול נשמר השקט בריכוזי הבדווים.
    Negev - A wheat field was set on fire by Roni Sofer and Uri Binder

    The secretary of the Communist Council in Rahat, 33-year-old Ali Abu Ziyad, and 24-year-old Salem Abu Mdiam, were arrested for a week by order of the Be'er Sheva Magistrate's Court.

    They are suspected of painting Palestinian inscriptions, a swastika and a PLO flag on the walls of the Barclays-Discount Bank in Rahat. Yesterday, peace was maintained in the Bedouin concentrations.
  877. Holocaust Denial in the Middle East: The Latest Anti-Israel Propaganda Theme" PDF (801 KiB), Anti-Defamation League, 2001, p. 6.
    Other attempts to undercut or minimize the history of the Holocaust date back to the early 1990s. According to David Bar-Illan ("The PLO Has Not Softened its Propaganda," The Jerusalem Report, May 31, 1996), for example, the PLO-affiliated Palestinian Red Crescent published an article in the July 1990 issue of its magazine, Balsam, which advanced the now de rigueur claim that Jews [sic] concocted "the lie [sic] concerning the gas chambers" to gain support for the establishment of Israel. The article also suggested that the Nuremberg trials of Nazi war criminals were set up by "Jews and their friends" for the purpose of establishing the Holocaust as historical fact. Bar-Illan claims that similar articles appeared in the Cyprus-based PLO journal, El Istiqlal.
  878. Vidal-Naquet, Pierre., Yagil, Limor. Holocaust denial in France: analysis of a unique phenomenon. Israel: Tel Aviv Univ., Faculty of the Humanities, 1995. 53.

    ...set off in 1980 with the bombing of the synagogue on Rue Copernic in Paris.

    Action Directe stood behind most of the attempts on Israelis or Jews, its actions planned jointly by neo-Nazi elements, Arabs, and terrorist movements for the Liberation of Palestine... cooporation led Issah Nakhleh, PLO spokesman in the United States to visit the IHR. Joint efforts with Arab and Moslem forces reached a peak in the 90's. In 1990, the PLO weekly Al-Istiqlal, printed in Cyprus, published an article by Khaled El-Camali an "expert [sic] on Crematoria"...
  879. Taguieff, Pierre-André. Les Protocoles des sages de Sion: Faux et usages d'un faux. N.p.: Fayard, 2004. [156].

    [Confirmant cette réorientation idéologique, l'un des organesde l'O.L.P., l'hebdomadaire Al'Istiqlal, édité à Chypre, a publié dans sa livraison du 13 au 20 décembre 1990 un article intitulé: « Voici comment la propagande sioniste a imposé le silence à l'intelligence et à la science . L'auteur de l'article, Khaled El Chamali, présenté comme docteur-ingénieur, « spécialiste desfours crématoires »..] Confirming this ideological reorientation, one of the organs of the PLO, the weekly Al-Istiqlal, published in Cyprus, published in its issue of December 13 to 20, 1990 an article entitled: "This is how Zionist propaganda imposed the silence to intelligence and science[sic]."

    The author of the article, Khaled El Chamali, presented as a doctor-engineer, [so-called] "specialist in crematory ovens"...
  880. A Rosen, Hillel Blasts Harvard Awardee Over His Former Organization’s Support for Terrorism, Holocaust Denial, Tablet Magazine, Nov 14, 2017.

    Nihad Awad’s previous employer had strong ties to Hamas and published anti-Semitic screeds...

    In the early 1990s, the letter continued, “Mr. Awad was the public relations director for the Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP) which published and distributed a monograph entitled ‘America’s Greatest Enemy: The Jew! And an Unholy Alliance!’”

    According to an autobiographical essay published in 2000, Awad joined the IAP shortly after the Gulf War and worked for the organization through the spring of 1994 before leaving to start CAIR that summer. Sometime prior to August of 1994, the monograph referred to by Fingerhut, a shockingly anti-Semitic pamphlet containing the work of a noted Holocaust denier, was published, bearing the group’s logo on its cover.
  881. Yotam Jacobson, "Members of the Gar'in Torani do not understand...", YNet, 22/11/2021.

    I meet the Abramovich couple at their home in Neve Zeit, one of the oldest neighborhoods in Lod. Avishag and my uncle came to Lod in 1995 as a young couple plus three children, all under the age of four. They were one of the first two families to come to town... In 2004, almost a decade after the establishment of the Gar'in Torani in Lod, a proposal was made in the Knesset to evacuate the Jewish residents from the Ramat Eshkol neighborhood. This neighborhood, which was originally Jewish, has become predominantly Arab since the 1990s. With the entry of the Arab residents there was a mass departure. The Jews who nevertheless remained in it were those who could not leave, most of them new immigrants with minorities of ability; Ethiopian families, who became single parents following the abandonment of fathers, and individuals from the Commonwealth of Independent States. "Residents suffered incessant harassment: theft, stone-throwing, cursing and threats. In one case a child was thrown into a public trash can. Unbearable things," Dudi describes. "The meaning was either to move the Jewish population away and to abandon a neighborhood in the heart of Israel, or to strengthen it." ...

    The couple's move to the neighborhood was accompanied by expressions of violence: "After we moved, they spray-painted a swastika on the ceiling of the foyer of the building, broke the mezuzah and tried to break into the apartment." ... Oz says: "We are perceived as bad in this story: privileged colonialists who come from outside. But the story It is not that we are the strong and they are the weak. No one smashes the windows of our vehicles because of the economic story. A Marxist worldview does not make people displace mezuzahs. The demonstration in the mosque was nationalist. Members of the Ethiopian community are in a more difficult economic situation than Arab society, and they do not riot like that. In our presence here we also contribute to the security of Arab society. We report details of shooters, we are linked and pass on information Will help the police to help them. In some cases it is only thanks to us that shooters are caught and illegal weapons are seized.

    "The Arab sector has not lost anything in the wake of the events. Cases are being closed one after another. Arabs who have done difficult things have been released. There is no governance. Illegal weapons are in insane quantities and the nationalist atmosphere is strengthening," Ribi concludes. "Our neighbors suddenly realized how Palestinian they are. It's constantly in the discourse. Instead of directing anger at the administration - they vent their anger on us, even though they know who we are. They use us as a sector, not taking responsibility for what they did. I'm sure, in the next campaign on the Temple Mount or in Gaza it will happen again. We are trying to make the state understand that this city needs a restart. If the GSS did not realize that the area was on fire - there is a problem here. We are sitting on a barrel of nationalist explosives, which could explode again at any moment."
  882. Jewish western bulletin, April 6, 1995, page 8.

    European Union: See, Hear and speak no evil ....The European Union, led by the Firench Foreign Minister and his colleagues from Spain and Germany disregarded Israel's request that they do not visit Faisal Husseini at Orient House in Jerusalem. By doing so, they blatantly supported the PLO's desire to divide Jerusalem and make a sizable part of the ancient Jewish capital capital of a Palestinian State. The past amoral conduct of these three countries vis-a-vis the Jews did not deter them from this new slight to Israel, which would endanger Israel's very existence. The "Women in Green" (one of the foremost independent activist groups in Israel) vividly portrayed this diplomatic farce in a costumed street theatre demonstration they staged outside of Orient House on the occasion of this infamous visit by the troika. On Thursday morning, Feb. 9, the Women in Green hats were there to greet these "ambassadors of evil" with disdain. Three of the women were dressed in monkey suits, each with top hats and the insignia of the nation they represented. Each had a sign on her costume. The French Minister: "See No Evil"; The Spanish Minister: "Hear No Evil"; and the German Minister: "Speak No Evil" (Of Husseini and Arafat).

    The women also carried placards, one of which was a blown up photograph of the recent graduation of cadets of the Jericho Police who were giving the Nazi salute. Referring to Orient House's Faisal Husseini's uncle, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, who adulated Hitler, the placard read: "Husseini-Hitler tie - did not die!"
  883. Oren Kashi, The "Nakba" of the Peace Process, News1, 08/11/2010.

    The center of the Begin-Saadat at Bar-Ilan University distributed a document ("Oslo War: Anatomy of self-deception"), with the inflammation of the Palestinian methods: "This approach makes the Oslo process to the only case in diplomatic history in which one of the signed parties on a peace agreement was ahead of advance, in force of its own signature, for wholesale violation of the agreement. There were, of course, many bilateral agreements on one side or both sides did not sign them at the end of the heart. In September 1938, if presenting a prominent example, Adolf Hitler signed an explicit Munich agreement to use it as a "Trojan horse" to demolish Czechoslovakia. Fifty-five years later, Arafat lived this strategy in the Oslo Accord. Ironically, if the Czechs could not do much because of their prominent military landings and before the international community in the West Bank, in Oslo, the strong side was that it was possible to violate the agreement without being punished, and did so to keep a facade of a partnership.

    More written in the document: "The Palestinians established youth camps in early 1996, which are under the model of the Nazi youth organization Hitler Yugend, which provide a well-planned mixture of Ideological indoctrination and military training for thousands of young Palestinians every year."

    "We plan to eliminate the State of Israel and establish a pure Palestinian state" (Yasser Arafat, 30.1.1996).

    [...] Amidst the Oslo Accord, which is perceived as peace vision in the eyes of the left and other emotion, the Arabs continued their routes. While Israeli eyes blinks the fireworks at the White House, Arafat revealed his "peace vision" at a closed meeting In a luxurious lounge in Stockholm: "We will make the lives of the Jews unbearable through psychological warfare and population explosion. Jews will not want to live among the Arabs ... They will give their homes and challenges to the United States. We are planted on everything, including all Jerusalem. Prime Minister Award and the Minister Yossi Beilin had already assured us the half Jerusalem. The Golan Heights also had been delivered, subject to several small details. And when she returns, at least half a million wealthy Jews will leave Israel." "I do not need Jews. They were and remain Jews," Arafat concluded.
  884. Karsh, Efraim. Arafat's War: The Man and His Battle for Israeli Conquest. United States: Grove Atlantic, 2007. [157].
    As they grow up, Palestinian children can join various youth organization where they are further brainwashed with racist and anti-Semitic ideology. Increasingly important role in this systematic indoctrination is an extensive network of summer camps, established by the PA following its assumption of control of the Palestinian population of the West Bank in early 1996. Modeled on the Nazi youth organization Hitler Jugend, these camps have provided a carefully contrived mixture of ideological indoctrination and military training to thousands of Palestinian youth every year. All camps are named after "martyrs" or spectacular "acts of martyrdom" (i.e., terrorist attacks), and participants are thoroughly imbued with the virtues of death and martyrdom. In the words of a typical poem recited at the opening of a summer camp and broadcast on the PA's television: We are your boys, O Palestine We will flood you with our blood... No one can stand against us on the battlefield... Let the rifle cry with joy... Fan the flames of fire, O son of Canaan, for your people is rising up.
  885. Nadav Shragai. The Story of Rachel's Tomb [Hebrew: 'Al em ha-derekh: Sipuro shel Kever Rachel]. Jerusalem: Gates for Jerusalem Studies, 2005, p. 215.

    During the existence of the Palestinian Authority, the systematic desecration of holy places for Jews, especially tombs, became routine. This occurred mainly in places near Arab neighborhoods or localities. Swastikas were painted on the tombstones, abusive slogans and nationalist inscriptions were written, PLO flags were hoisted and even tombstones smashed. At the end of September 1996, these places were attacked with live fire. At Yosef's [Joseph's] tomb, about 5,000 Palestinian demonstrators and about 150 Palestinian police officers attacked a handful of IDF soldiers.

    The soldiers fortified themselves in the tombs room itself after they transferred to him the Torah scrolls that were in the hall of the Beit Midrash. The Palestinians climbed the fences of the compound. They destroyed the large yeshiva building that stood in his yard and burned it down. Thousands of holy books that were in the place caught fire. The furniture was also damaged...
  886. The Battle for the Holy Places (Jerusalem: Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies/Hed Arzi Publishing House, 2000) [in Hebrew], p. 116. [158].
    Systematic desecration of other Jewish holy places, especially graves, became a routine practice that continues to this day, especially in places adjacent to Arab neighborhoods or settlements: smashing tombstones, painting swastikas, nationalist inscriptions and hateful slogans, and waving PLO flags.
  887. Yassir Arafat's Biography,
    In an address to the Palestinian Council in Ramallah on 5/10/97... "the Palestinian people were submitted to the worst (sic. Arafat) holocaust in history" (hA'aretz 5/11/97) 
  888. (Al-Agha) Quoted in Holocaust Denial in the Middle East, op. cit., p. 12. Israel Studies An Anthology: Anti-Zionism and Anti-Semitism in the 21st Century by Robert S. Wistrich (August 2012), JVL.
    Other Palestinians have also been explicitly "revisionist" in their perceptions of the Holocaust. Hassan al-Agha, professor at the Islamic University in Gaza City, declared on a PA cultural affairs television program back in 1997: "[T]he Jews view it as a profitable activity so they (sic. al-Agha) inflate the number of victims ... have been very experienced even since the days of the Merchant of Venice."
  889. "The Jews Exaggerate (sic) what the Nazis Did to them," PLO Television Program Says, Likoed, Aug 28, 1997.
    An official PLO television program has claimed that "the Jews exaggerate what the Nazis did to them" and that "no more than 400,000" [sic] Jews were killed in the Holocaust. It is the latest in a series of statements made by senior PLO officials denying or distorting the Holocaust. During an August 25, 1997 cultural affairs program on PLO television, the moderator asked the guest, Palestinian Arab author Hassan al-Agha...
  890. 890.0 890.1 Schweitzer, F., Perry, M. (2003). Antisemitism: Myth and Hate from Antiquity to the Present. United States: Palgrave Macmillan US. 178.
    On September 3, 1997, an article in the official Palestine Authority newspaper referred to the Holocaust as the "forged claims of the Zionists regarding the alleged acts of slaughter perpetrated against the Jews" (Jerusalem Post, International Edition, January 31, 1998. 8). Another article on July 2 in the Palestinian newspaper Al Hayat al jadida referred to the Holocaust as a "deceitful myth[sic]." It accused the Jews of disseminating "frightful pictures of mass executions and invent[ing] the shocking story of the gas ovens, where Hitler allegedly[sic] burned them" (New York Times, International, July 24, 1998).
  891. Arafat’s Prime Minister, Honest Reporting, March 13, 2003.
  892. Anti-Semitism in the Palestinian Media, Memri, July 15, 1998.
    Seif 'Ali Al-Jarwan in the largest daily in the Palestinian Authority, Al-Hayat Al-Jadida July 2, 1998... "When Nazi persecution of the Jews began, the winds began blowing in their favor. What Hitler did to the Jews actually exposed the... plot... persecution was a malicious fabrication..."
     "Holocaust Denial in the Middle East: The Latest Anti-Israel Propaganda Theme" PDF (801 KiB), Anti-Defamation League, 2001, p. 14.
  893. ['Arafat, ha-ish u-milchamto be-Yisra'el] Karsh, Efraim. Arafat: the man and his battle against Israel. Israel: Maariv, 2004. p. 116.

    The PA's official media makes tremendous efforts, albeit with duplicity and internal contradictions, to minimize the Holocaust, if not deny it completely. At the same time, the Palestinians are described as the true victims of the Holocaust, because they apparently must pay the price of the West's supposed desire to atone for this act of genocide through the establishment of a Jewish state. (Apart from the actual lack of "remedial policy" on the part of European countries - Great Britain, the occupying power of the Land of Israel passionately opposed the establishment of a Jewish state - if you accept the denial of the Palestinian Holocaust, this means that European countries had no conceivable reason for pangs of conscience over something that was not even occurred). Even Abu Mazen, one of the prominent symbols of Palestinian reconciliation, claimed in a book he published in 1984 that less than a million Jews were murdered in the Holocaust... "The persecution of the Jews is a false [sic] myth," stated a typical article in al-Hayat al-Jadida. The Jews attached the label of the Holocaust to this alleged [sic] persecution and used it to garner sympathy for their cause.

    They began to spread [sic - al-Hayat al-Jadida] fake [sic - al-Hayat al-Jadida] pictures of mass executions and fabricated the incredible story about gas chambers, in which the Jews were allegedly [sic - al-Hayat al-Jadida] exterminated by Hitler. The newspapers were filled with pictures of Jews being harvested with Hitler's machine guns, or being taken away.
  894. The One Hundred and Sixty-Sixth Session of the Fifteenth Knesset Wednesday, 16 Kislev 5761 (December 13, 2000) Jerusalem, Knesset, 11:02 p.m. [159].

    Proposals for the Holocaust denial agenda in the Palestinian Authority

    Chairman M. Levy: We continue with the agenda item on Holocaust denial in the Palestinian Authority. The first speaker, MK Avraham Hirchson - is gone. Member of Knesset Rabbi Chaim Druckman, please.

    Haim Druckman (NRP): Mr. Speaker, Distinguished Knesset, As a Holocaust survivor, as a Jew, as a person, I would like to shout against the Holocaust denial by the Palestinian Authority. This is not a one-time incident, but a cynical and vicious method. I will give just a few of the many examples I have.

    On the occasion of November 29, a senior Palestinian historian appeared on Palestinian television, saying the following: False allegations [sic] arose, that the Jews were murdered here and there, and the Holocaust, and of course - It's all [sic] lies and baseless claims. Not Chelmno, not Dacau, not Auschwitz. These were places for [sic - Palestinian propaganda] "disinfection" [sic - Palestinian propaganda]. They began to advertise in their propaganda media that they had been persecuted, murdered and destroyed. Committees began to operate here and there, to create this entity - Israel - a foreign entity that was sown as cancer [sic - Palestinian propaganda] in our country, where our ancestors lived, we live in it and our sons will live in it. They always presented themselves as victims [sic - Palestinian propaganda], and they did an exhibition for heroism and the Holocaust. Whose heroism [sic - Palestinian propaganda]? And which Holocaust [sic - Palestinian propaganda]?

    Mr. Chairman, these things are not just malicious lies, but things hateful to the people of Israel, which do not shame the terrible anti-Semites at all for generations.

    In the same broadcast, the person who was presented as President Arafat's adviser said the following: First, I want to say that this is our Palestine from Metula to Rafah, to Aqaba, from the river to the sea. And if that's not enough, I'll quote from the book "Palestine for Our Country," which is a sixth grade textbook: There is no alternative but the destruction of Israel. And I will also add this sentence from the newspaper Al-Hayat al-Jadida: Corruption is in the nature of the J.. on earth, so much so that you rarely find corruption without the J.. behind it, or constituting a cause for it.

    Mr. Chairman, Palestinian youth are being educated on this abysmal hatred of Jews. Is it a peace education? It is important that they pay attention to all these complementary things, that the Palestinian Authority is a partner for peace, and if it is given significant parts of our country, they will be content with that and we will live in peace. This is a terrible illusion. The truth is that they want to dispossess us from the whole land of Israel, and those who still had doubts about it, the last two and a half months have come and patted him on the face.

    Mr. Chairman, as I have already mentioned, Holocaust denial by the Palestinian Authority is a method. This is the cynical and vicious policy of the Palestinian Authority.

    In the newspaper Al Hayat al-Jadida [الحياة الجديدة], Dr. Samir Shehadeh writes: I believe that Israel is lying to the world about the lies of its past massacres and the racism it suffered in Germany. And another article in the same newspaper reads: A collective carried out against them and to invent the shocking story of the gas stoves in which Hitler allegedly [sic - Palestinian propaganda] burned them. The "truth" is that the persecution of the Jews is a [sic - Palestinian propaganda] false legend, which the Jews called [sic - Palestinian propaganda] the "Holocaust" disaster, and used [sic - Palestinian propaganda] it to arouse affection for them.

    Mr President, we must truly recognize that the Palestinian Authority is our enemy and not a single word of it can be trusted. We must pray the prayer of King David: Padney and save me from the hands of strangers whose mouths have spoken false and to their right lies false.

    Chairman M. Levy: Thanks. MK Ofer Hugi, three minutes. Ofer Hugi (Shas): Mr. Speaker, Members of the Knesset, The issue of Holocaust denial is a very sensitive issue for the people of Israel. This is the greatest disaster that the people of Israel have experienced, and during the two thousand years of exile the people of Israel have undergone very great suffering. Arab countries know this. Many of the people of Israel were in Babylon, Algeria, Morocco, they went through this suffering, daily suffering in the persecutions and disasters that took place in the community. During the Holocaust, six million of Israel became extinct.

    I ask, why do Arab states and the Palestinian Authority deny the Holocaust? What is the reason, what is the point of wanting it? At the time, when Saddam Hussein wanted to destroy the people of Israel, we saw that the Palestinian people and its leaders were the first to dance and wanted the people of Israel to be destroyed. It proves what the intentions of the Palestinian people, of their leaders; They do not want to reach peace ....
  895. Doron Sheffer, "Palestinian education encourages extermination of Jews", YNet, Jan 25, 2005.

    Extensive research on incitement in the PA media reveals a harsh reality: the Jews are portrayed as hopeless traitors, the source of all the wars and evil in the world, and the inevitable solution - their destruction. "The Holocaust is understandable - in light of the behavior of the Jews in Europe; Balfour and Hitler had the same goal - to eliminate them." Minister Sharansky: Despite expectations from Abu Mazen, incitement broadcasts continue, Jews are portrayed as subhuman... Another example, from the Palestinian daily Al-Hayat al-Jadida from 1998, presents Zionism as a European defense program designed to get rid of the presence of Jews in Europe. According to the researchers, this historical "fact" is part of the official curriculum in the PA.

    The section from the newspaper compares Hitler to Balfour: "The difference between the two was simple: the first (Hitler) had no colonies to send the Jews to, so he destroyed them, while Balfour made Palestine one of his colonies and sent the Jews there. Balfour is Hitler of the colonies, while Hitler is Balfour without colonies. Both wanted to get rid of the Jews ... Zionism was critical to defending the interests of the West in the region, while Europe got rid of its Jewish burden."
  896. I Marcus, "Had there been no Balfour Declaration, the PA would have had to invent it," JPost, Nov 2, 2017.
  897. [PA daily crosswords: Safed and Haifa are Palestinian cities, PMW, Mar 14, 2013.
    ... In 1999, PMW reported on a crossword puzzle defining Israel's official memorial to the Jewish victims of the Holocaust, Yad Vashem, as a "Jewish center for commemorating the Holocaust and the Lies." [sic]. The report led to widespread international condemnation of the PA.
  898. Proposals for the agenda of arson and desecration of holy books in Hebron - the Knesset. The Seventh Session of the Fifteenth Knesset Monday, 14 Tammuz 5769 (June 28, 1999), Jerusalem, Knesset.

    Haim Druckman... About a week ago, there were two serious cases of desecration of the Holy of Holies in Hebron. The first case occurred the previous Shabbat, the parsha " [zot Chukat haTorah] "This is the statute of the law ." While hundreds of Hebron Jews and thousands of guests make their way wrapped in prayer shawls to the Cave of the Patriarchs and the synagogues, early risers found pages of holy books, Siddur and Chumashim, tossed and rolled in the street. When they hurried to lift them, their eyes darkened: on the pages were painted the Star of David and inside them swastikas, and on many of them were written abusive graffiti in Arabic such as: A day will come and we will subdue you, we will defeat you, despicable and lowly, we will take revenge on you. I have a photo from these pages in my hand, and I am attaching it to the protocol ... Yaakov Litzman ... Mr. Speaker, Distinguished Knesset, Hebron, the City of the Patriarchs, last week witnessed a horrific and appalling act of arson in the old cemetery and desecration of holy books in it. Arrangement pages were found torn, dumped and rolling down Main Street. The Arab rioters did not stop there and painted swastikas and abusive graffiti on the holy books. I would like to protest strongly against the grave act, in my name and in the name of the Torah Judaism faction and in the name of many who have approached me and expressed their shock and pain at what happened in Hebron. Hebron was from ancient times one of the four holy cities in the Land of Israel, along with Jerusalem, Safed and Tiberias. Here our ancestor Abraham established his place of return when he returned from Egypt, here he bought the Cave of the Patriarchs and here also our ancestors Isaac and Jacob lived and here they found their burial. It is worth noting that not only Jews respected the sanctity of the city. The Arabs also treated the Cave of the Patriarchs with respect and saw importance in their control over it. None of them thought of harming the Cave of the Patriarchs or another Jewish site in the city. Indeed, the Cave of the Patriarchs and other Jewish sites in the city have been beautifully preserved for generations. Despite this, there were always rioters who used their power to attack the Jews and kill them. This was the case in the events of 1929 and in previous generations, when the rulers of the city persecuted the Jews. It seems that it was such rioters who this week committed the horrific act of desecrating the Holy Scriptures, drawing swastikas and abusive graffiti and setting fire to the ancient cemetery - acts that caused the hearts of every Jew in the Land of Israel and throughout the world to permeate.

    Security forces must do everything possible to stop the perpetrators and prosecute them. I hope the investigation into this matter does not last too long. I call on the Israeli government to act with all the necessary aggression to bring the rioters who committed the acts to justice and even to ensure that such acts do not recur. Thanks.
  899. Gas Chamber Denial in the Palestinian Media, Memri, June 1, 1999.
    Following are excerpts from an article, about the 1988 trial of a Holocaust denier in Canada, entitled "The Legend (sic) and the Truth: An American Expert Discusses the Details" which appeared in the Palestinian newspaper Al-Manar, May 3, 1999...
  900. Mein Kampf, Palestinian best seller, (PMW)
    Mein Kampf was rated 6th on the best-seller list among Palestinians in a survey conducted and reported in PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida. Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, official PA daily. Sep 2, 1999.
  901. Hitler's Mein Kampf In East Jerusalem And PA Territories. Memri, September 30, 1999.

    An Arabic translation of Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf is being distributed by Al-Shurouq, a Ramallah based book distributor, to East Jerusalem and territories controlled by the PA. According to Agence France Presse (Sept. 8), the book, previously banned by Israel, has been allowed by the PA and is sixth on the Palestinian best-seller list. Bisan publishers in Lebanon first published this edition in 1963 and again in 1995. The book costs about $10. The cover, presented below, shows a picture of Hitler, a swastika, and the title in both German and Arabic. The translator, Luis Al-Haj, wrote the following introduction:

    "Adolf Hitler was not an ordinary man to be [forgotten] by the wheels of time... Adolf Hitler does not belong to the German people alone, he is one of the few [sic] great...

    Mein Kampf in East Jerusalem & the Palestinian Authority JVL. [160]

  902. The hate that will not die. Linda Grant, The Guardian, Dec 17, 2001.
    On September 18, Al-Manar television based in Beirut broadcast a news item that subsequently appeared on its English-language website...

    Protocols of the Elders of Zion", an anti-semitic forgery originating in 19th-century tsarist Russia that invented a secret cabal of Jews plotting to take over the world.

    The "Protocols" are enshrined in the Charter of the Palestinian organisation Hamas: "After Palestine, the Zionists aspire to expand from the Nile to the Euphrates," it says. "When they will have digested the region they overtook, they will aspire to further expansion, and so on. Their plan is embodied in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and their present conduct is the best proof of what we are saying." An Arabic translation of Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf is being distributed by Al-Shurouq, a Ramallah-based book distributor, to East Jerusalem and territories controlled by the Palestinian Authority. According to an Agence France Presse report on September 8, the book, previously banned by Israel, had been allowed by the PA and was sixth on the Palestinian bestseller list.

    The PA, with EU funding, has been updating schoolbooks that had not been replaced since the time of Jordanian rule. Most of the anti-semitic stereotyping and incitement against Israel has gone, but last year Israel and the PA met in Cyprus to discuss how the Holocaust against the Jews should be represented. Dr Musa Al-Zu'but, chairman of the Palestinian Legislative Council education committee, writing in the PA newspaper Al-Risala on April 13, 2000, said: "There will be no such attempt to include the history of the Holocaust in the Palestinian curriculum ... The Holocaust has been exaggerated in order to present the Jews as victims of a great crime, to justify [the claim] that Palestine is necessary as a homeland for them, and to give them the right to demand compensation."
  903. US embassy boycotts Cairo Book Fair after discovery of anti-Semitic propaganda, JNS, February 7, 2019. The Cairo International Book Fair features publishers from 27-plus countries and hosted more than 2 million attendees in 2018. A copy of Adolf Hitler's “Mein Kampf” for sale by a street vendor in Ramallah in the West Bank, on Aug. 5, 2015. Photo by Micah Bond/Flash90. [161]
  904. Nativ, Iss. 1-6, 2007, p. 47.
    Arafat who encouraged the publication of Mein Kampf in Ramallah ... ערפאת, שעודד את הוצאתו לאור של מיין קאמפף ברמאללה...
"The Mufti.. concocted a new kind of antisemitism that combined traditional Muslim antisemitism, like the anti-Jewish verses you find in the Koran, with the Nazi antisemitism that demonised Jews... His whole ideology was antisemitic and from the very beginning he targeted Jews, not Zionists."
The difference between lies and reality is sometimes just a color on a map
The only tweet (July 2014) on the Twitter account of the late American Elan Ganeles - murdered by Arab-Islamist "Palestinian" on Feb 27, 2023 hy"d: "I think you're always going to have tension in the Middle East, when there's [are] people who want to kill Jews, and the Jews don't want to be killed, and neither side is willing to compromise."

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