Trees are an important part of the Bible. They were created, along with all other plants, on the Third Day of Creation.[1] It was from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil that Eve brought evil into the world.[2] Jotham used a parable about trees to criticize his brother Abimelech.[3] And it was on the wood of a tree that our Savior, Jesus Christ, was crucified. In fact, a commonly used name for Jesus Christ is "Tree of Life."
The harvesting of trees for commercial or forest management purposes is logging.
In mathematics, a "tree" is a graph with no cycles, so called because these graphs often resemble natural trees. Trees can be used to perform functions as computers use binary trees in order to perform operations.
A tree is also an important data structure in computer science.
Theodore Rousseau, Lallee des Chataigniers (France).
Categories: [Trees] [Forestry]