The International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES) is a global community of Christian student movements, active in engaging universities with the biblical message and values. In 2012 there have been more than 500,000 students involved in over 150 national movements worldwide.
IFES was founded in 1947 when leaders from ten Christian student movements met at Harvard University in the United States. Their dream that later became the basic commitment for the IFES ministry was to see a clear witness to the Lord Jesus established in every university in the world.
Plans were laid in the 1930s for what was to become the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES). As World War II ended, preparations began for a meeting in Oxford in 1946. As a draft constitution was being completed, members of the student group in China, the most recently formed and also the largest of the movements, sent a telegram confirming their interest in forming a world movement.
At this meeting it was agreed that leaders, including student representatives of the ten established movements, would come together in Harvard University the following year for the formal institution of IFES. The largest of those ten movements was the China Inter Varsity Fellowship.[1]
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