The Supremacists Case List

From Conservapedia

These are the most liberal, activist decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court:

ACLU of Ohio v. Ashbrook
ACLU Nebraska Foundation v. City of Plattsmouth
Afroyim v. Rusk
Alfonso v. Fernandez
American Society of Dermatology v. Shalala
Ashcroft v. ACLU
Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition
Atkins v. Virginia
Baehr v. Lewin
Baker v. Carr
BedRoc Limited v. United States
Berman v. Parker
Board of County Commissioners v. Umbehr
A Book Named "John Cleland's Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure" v. Massachusetts
Bowers v. Hardwick
Boy Scouts v. Dale
Brewer v. Williams
Calder v. Bull
Carey v. Population Services International
Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire
Church of the Holy Trinity v. United States
Cincinnati v. Vester
Circle School v. Pappert
Citizens for Equal Protection v. Bruning
Clayworth v. Bonta
Coalition for Economic Equity v. Wilson
Cohen v. Brown University
Colegrove v. Green
Compassion in Dying v. Washington
Cooper v. Aaron
County of Wayne v. Hathcock
Doe v. Bolton
Dred Scott v. Sanford
Eisenstadt v. Baird
Elk v. Wilkins
Engel v. Vitale
Escobedo v. State of Illinois
Everson v. Board of Education
Ex parte Bollman
Ex parte McCardle
Farrakhan v. Locke
Fields v. Palmdale School District
Finley v. National Endowment for the Arts
Flores v. Arizona
The Francis Wright
Frontiero v. Richardson
Furman v. Georgia
General Media Communications v. Perry
Glassroth v. Moore
Goodridge v. Department of Public Health
Graham v. Richardson
Grutter v. Bollinger
Guinn v. Legislature of the State
Hamdi v. Rumsfeld
Hampton v. Mow Sun Wong
Harris v. McRae
Hatami v. Ridge
Heim v. McCall
In re Griffiths
In re Stanford
In re Thenault
Jackson v. Denno
Jenkins v. Missouri
Katzenbach v. Morgan
Kelo v. City of New London
Knight v. Florida
Lau v. Nichols
Lauf v. E.G. Shinner
Lawrence v. Texas
League of United Latin American Citizens v. Wilson
Lee v. Weisman
Lemon v. Kurtzman
Lockerty v. Phillips
Madisonville Traction Co. v. St. Bernard Mining Co.
Marbury v. Madison
Mazes v. Ohio
McConnell v. FEC
McCreary County v. ACLU
McGrain v. Daugherty
Mellen v. Bunting
Meyer v. Nebraska
Miranda v. Arizona
Missouri v. Jenkins
Missouri Pacific Railway Co. v. Nebraska
Mohammed v. Gonzales
Montoy v. Kansas
Muntaqim v. Coombe
National Mutual Insurance Co. v. Tidewater Transfer Co.
Nevada Dep't of Human Resources v. Hibbs
Newdow v. United States Congress
Northern Pipeline Construction Co. v. Marathon
Ohio ex rel. Bryant v. Akron Metropolitan Park District
Ohio ex rel. Clarke v. Deckebach
Opinions of the Justices to the Senate
Parham v. J.R.
Pennsylvania v. Steve Nelson
Pierce v. Society of Sisters
Planned Parenthood v. Casey
Plessy v. Ferguson
Plyler v. Doe
Poletown Neighborhood Council v. Detroit
Powell v. McCormack
Ramizerz v. Pugh
Redrup v. New York
Reno v. American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee
Reynolds v. McInnes
Reynolds v. Sims
Roe v. State of Alabama
Roe v. Wade
Romer v. Evans
Roper v. Simmons
Roth v. United States
Sagana v. Tenorio
Santa Fe Independent School District v. Doe
Sheldon v. Sill
Silveira v. Lockyer
Southwest Voter Registration Education Project v. Shelley
Spallone v. United States
Staley v. Harris County, Texas
Stanford v. Kentucky
Stenberg v. Carhart
Stone v. Graham
Sugarman v. Dougall
Tennessee Coal, Iron and Railroad Co. v. Muscoda Local No. 123
Torres-Aguilar v. INS
Troxel v. Granville
Turner v. President, Directors and Company of the Bank of North America
United States v. American Library Association, Inc.
United States v. Emerson
United States v. Extreme Associates
United States v. Hudson and Goodwin
United States v. Mendoza
United States v. Playboy Entertainment Group, Inc.
United States v. Virginia
United Steelworkers v. Weber
U.S. Term Limits v. Thornton
Van Orden v. Perry
Vasquez v. Harris
Video Software Dealers Association v. Maleng (W.D. Wash. 2004)
Vieth v. Jubelirer
Wallace v. Jaffree
Washington v. Glucksberg
Winkler v. Chicago School Reform Board of Trustees
Wiscart v. Dauchy
Worcester v. Georgia
Zadvydas v. Davis
Zelman v. Simmons-Harris
Zorach v. Clauson

The following advanced decisions relate to the Seventh Amendment protection in civil cases that "no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law":

Categories: [United States Supreme Court Cases]

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