Marxist Insurrection Timeline

From Conservapedia
See also: Leftwing violence in the Trump era and 2020 Marxist insurrection
Antifa DC.jpeg

White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany summarized recent events up to June 29, 2020:

The DOJ has arrested over 100 anarchists for rioting and destruction of federal property. The DOJ has also charged four men in federal court for attempting to tear down the statue of Andrew Jackson in Lafayette Square. The FBI has over 200 open domestic terrorism investigations ongoing. AG Barr has created a task force on violent anti-government extremists led by the U.S. Attorney’s Office in New Jersey and the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Northern Texas.

With 200 Trump-appointed judges confirmed, the rule of law will be upheld. Democrats at all levels — federal, state, and local — have done nothing. Senate Democrats blocked bipartisan police reform. Minnesota’s Democrat governor failed to urgently deploy the National Guard — it took President Trump for that to eventually happen; his suggestion — and the ultimate descendance into chaos there in Minneapolis.

Three Democrat Minneapolis councilmembers voted to abolish the police, while they themselves were getting a private security detail. That’s quite rich.

Democrat mayor of Seattle called the CHOP zone — the autonomous zone — “the summer of love.” It is anything but that with one dead, multiple shootings, and desperate pleas for help unanswered by business owners and others.

Eleven people were shot in 12 hours this weekend in the Democrat-run New York City. And 61 people were shot in Democrat-run Chicago, and 15 fatally killed — a Democrat state, a Democrat city.

President Trump stands against defunding our brave police officers, caving to mob rule, and cancel culture which seeks to erase our history.

Let’s be clear: The rampant destruction of statues is not a part of any ideology, but this anarchy is aided by failed Democrat leadership. And as President Trump has tweeted, these statues, quote, “are great works of art, but all represent our History & Heritage, both the good and the bad. It is important for us to understand and remember, even in turbulent and difficult times, and to learn from them.”[1]
Sen. Kamala Harris solicited money for the MFF to bail out the terrorists who burnt down the Minneapolis Police Station.


June 2020[edit]

See also: 2020 Marxist uprising

Note: Many of the violent actions in the pre-planned Marxist uprising across the United States beginning May 28, 2020 are too numerous to count and may not be recorded here.[2][3]

Retired St. Louis Police Captain David Dorn was murdered by socialist revolutionaries during the Marxist uprising.[13]
  • In response to a Catholic prayer rally announced by the Gateway Pundit at a statue of St. Louis (the saint which the city is named for, and whose statue is being targeted for removal by far-Left Islamic activist Umar Lee) in Forest Park, the city's racist Democrat treasurer Tishaura Jones irresponsibly called the rally a "KKK meeting" and the attendees "white supremacists", displaying clear ignorance of the fact that the KKK is the creation of her own party and is historically as anti-Catholic as it is anti-black.[14] Following Jones' comments and a false claim by Lee that the rally attendees were "connected" to the Charlottesville riots in 2017, over 100 violent leftist thugs soon after crashed the rally at Lee's urging with a "protest" that degenerated into violence as the hoodlums viciously harassed and childishly mocked the rally attendees, hurled profanities at them and acted disruptively,[15][16] vandalized the statue with racist and sacrilegious graffiti[17] and made open threats against the St. Louis Cathedral,[18] and several of the rallygoers were assaulted by the thugs, one of which, racist black activist and member of the notorious Crips gang Terrence Page,[19] was caught on camera using brass knuckles to viciously assault a rally attendee in a cowardly blindside attack, then kicked him in the head after the man went down and also assaulted two other rallygoers,[14] then openly bragged about the assaults on his Facebook page afterward. One of the rallygoers, Conor Martin, announced later that he intends to file criminal charges against the thugs (including Page) who invaded the rally and assaulted him and other attendees,[16] while the Gateway Pundit itself intends to file libel charges against liberal "fact-checking" website for a defamatory and falsehood-filled hit piece written by that site about the event and the Gateway Pundit.[19]
  • Corrupt Soros-funded St. Louis Democrat circuit attorney Kim Gardner threatened legal action against a local couple who brandished firearms to exercise their Second Amendment rights and defend their home against Antifa and BLM rioters who were threatening the couple's neighbors (including St. Louis Democrat mayor Lyda Krewson[20]) in a private gated community the punks had broken into, while she stood up for the lawless hoodlums.[21] Gardner was heavily criticized for her legal threat afterward on Twitter as a majority of respondents stood up for the couple while also criticizing the unruly mob,[22] while supporters of the rioters illegally doxxed and threatened the couple on Twitter after another such supporter, whose Twitter account has since been terminated, demanded the couple's private information in a since-deleted tweet.
Kansas City police officers found bricks and rocks staged near protest sites around the city, stoking concerns that individuals or groups had pre-planned looting and destruction that hit the city over the weekend, the department said Sunday. “We have learned of & discovered stashes of bricks and rocks in & around the Plaza and Westport to be used during a riot,” the department said in a tweet on Sunday.[26]
“There is no doubt. This was an organized effort last night,” she said. “There were clearly efforts to subvert the peaceful process and make it into something violent.”[34]
officers at about 12:16 a.m. found a container of gasoline, bricks and “materials used to assemble crude incendiary devices commonly known as a ‘Molotov cocktail’” inside a red Mitsubishi Outlander parked on Central Avenue, near the police department at 1301 First Ave. N, according to arrest reports.[35]
Progressives looted expensive stores on Hollywood's fashionable Rodeo Drive.
  • Antifa rioters, acting on Seattle city council's unwillingness to do anything to stop their lawless behavior,[37] illegally seized control of a number of blocks in the Capitol Hill area of the city,[38][39] forced the Seattle Police Department to surrender the area's precinct[40] and declared it an "autonomous zone" under the rule of a self-proclaimed "warlord", a local rapper and black activist named Raz Simone,[41] then issued a lengthy list of demands, including the abolition of the Seattle police, amnesty for Antifa members, and "free" health care and college[42][43] and basically holding the area's residents hostage.
  • The liberal media colluded to declare a "blackout" on any reporting of the Antifa-seized area of Capitol Hill,[44] while Washington Democrat governor Jay Inslee feigned ignorance in claiming that the illegal seizure of parts of Capitol Hill was "news to (him)",[45] and Seattle's openly-lesbian Democrat mayor Jenny Durkan likewise displayed her detachment from reality as she cluelessly claimed that the Antifa-seized parts of Capitol Hill were "not a lawless wasteland of anarchist insurrection",[46] claiming the opposite of what was actually happening in the area.
  • In response to the Antifa lawlessness in Seattle, Donald Trump threatened to send the military in to free the city from the criminal terrorist group if Inslee and Durkan refused to do anything to stop them;[47] Inslee[48] and Durkan[49] responded to Trump with open and childish defiance,[50] telling the President in effect to "mind his own business" while basically declaring their total support for the criminals holding the Capitol Hill area captive.
  • Within days of the seizure, things fell apart for the rioters as they ran out of food, Simone and his gang of thugs (who, in true Communist/fascist form, were acting as the seized area's self-styled "people's police") came under heavy criticism for their vicious and unprovoked attacks on area residents they deemed "suspicious"[41] and attempted extortion of area businesses and residents[51][52] and Simone himself was outed as a misogynist and sex slaver,[41] and Seattle police took back control of the Capitol Hill precinct they had previously been forced to vacate.[53]
  • A number of Antifa punks viciously attacked and sexually assaulted a street preacher who attempted to enter the occupied area,[54] with the assault ending when a Black Lives Matter activist intervened and freed the preacher.
  • After shootings in the occupied zone that left two teenagers dead and three other people injured, along with various other crimes committed by the rioters, Durkan finally took action and ordered the dismantling of the illegal occupation;[55] to date, dozens of the rioters have been arrested by Seattle police for refusing to leave the area and other crimes,[56][57] while some defiant Antifa rioters unsuccessfully attempted to rebuild barricades that were bulldozed by city workers.[58] Durkan has also called for the investigation and possible expulsion of far-Left city councilor Kshama Sawant,[59] who led Antifa and BLM rioters to Durkan's home to agitate against her, and had previously unlocked the doors to Seattle City Hall, despite its closure due to the CCP flu pandemic, to allow hundreds of rioters inside to stage a sit-in.[60]
Democrat riots.png
BLM terrorist James Edward Marshall IV, an attorney, shot an innocent pick-up driver at a stop light in Alamosa, Colorado.[77]
Black Lives Matter homophobes beat a gay Democrat state senator and left him for dead.[89] Party leaders refused to condemn the violence.

July 2020[edit]

It’s the Fourth of July, and revolution is in the air.

Only in America would it look like this: an elite-sponsored Maoist revolt, couched as a Black liberation movement whose canonical texts are a corporate consultant’s white guilt self-help manual, and a New York Times series rewriting history to explain an election they called wrong.

The people who run this country have run out of workable myths with which to distract the public, and in a moment of extreme crisis have chosen to stoke civil war and defame the rest of us – black and white – rather than admit to a generation of corruption, betrayal, and mismanagement. I saw the first hints of this crackup in the panicked conversations of campaign reporters four summers ago.

Colleagues in news media had always reveled in the power to police the boundaries of national politics.

Former ABC reporter Mark Halperin* (henceforth canceled people will be marked here with asterisks, for shorthand purposes) used to cheerfully refer to a handful of pollsters, pundits, and pols he called the “Gang of 500 who set the political agenda for the country.”

Trump broke the brains of America’s educated classes.

Like Russian aristocrats who spent the last days of the Tsarist empire flocking to fortune-tellers and mystics, upscale blue-staters have lost themselves lately in quasi-religious tracts like White Fragility, and are lining up to flog themselves for personal and historical sins.

In desperation to help the country atone for their idea of why Trump happened, they’ve engaged in a sort of moon landing of anti-intellectual endeavors, committing a generation of minds to finding a solution to the one thing no thinking person ever considered a problem, i.e. the Enlightenment ideas that led to the American Revolution.

The same pols and pundits who not long ago were waving the flag for wars and insisting that American-style democracy was so perfectly realized that it made sense to bring it to all the peoples of the world, by force if needed (think Friedman’s hypothesis of a borderless utopia of forced wealth creation called the Golden Straitjacket), have now reversed course to tell us our entire history needs to be wiped clean.

Everything is a lie now.[97]
Black Lives Matter protesters murdered 8 year old Secoriea Turner on July 5, 2020 in Atlanta.[100]
See also: Defund the Police
Bernell Tremmell was murdered by Marxists in Milwaukee in July 2020 for his outspoken beliefs in freedom, justice, and racial equality.[118]
A Black Lives Matter protester kneels on a two year old white child's neck.[132]

August 2020[edit]

Soros prosecutor Kim Gardner charged Patricia and Mark McCloskey of St. Louis with weapons charges for defending their home.[143]
See also: Democrat urban issues
Officer Joseph Mensah
Leftwing fascists threaten restaurant diners.[170]

Left-wing domestic terrorists set fire to a church with a Black Lives Matter sign out front in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

September 2020[edit]

October 2020[edit]

Lee Keltner (right) was murdered by a far left activist hired by NBC.[210]
  • AP: National Guard taps units for rapid response to civil unrest.[212]


March 2021[edit]

See also[edit]


  3. Undercover Investigation - Minneapolis Riot Was Preplanned, Millennial Millie, June 8, 2020. An investigation into the leftist radicalization embedded within the climate justice movement that contributed to the 2020 riots in Minneapolis, Minnesota. and how the Sunrise Movement played a preemptive role in carrying out the mayhem to further push their Green New Deal agenda and promoting the abolition of the police.
  6. Antifa Terrorists Mess with Wrong California Town – Get the “Ever-Loving Snot” Beat Out of Them at the Gateway Pundit
  12. Felon Charged with Murdering Retired Police Captain David Dorn in Riots at Breitbart News Network
  14. 14.0 14.1 St. Louis Treasurer Tishaura Jones Labels Catholic Prayer Rally a KKK Meeting – Then Three St. Louis Christians Beaten, One Knocked Out by Leftist and Kicked in the Head at the Gateway Pundit
  15. “Blah-Blah-Blah…” – Hateful Black Lives Matter Protester Mocks, Interrupts Catholics in Prayer at St. Louis Statue at the Gateway Pundit
  16. 16.0 16.1 Catholic Man to Press Charges After Black Lives Matter Mob Beat Him at St. Louis Statue while PRAYING FOR PEACE at the Gateway Pundit
  17. Christians Hold Prayer Rally at St. Louis Statue, Leftist Mob Meets Them, Hurls Insults, Tries to Shut it Down! at the Gateway Pundit
  18. Catholic Priest Attempts to Defend St. Louis Statue from Further Leftist Vandalism — Leftist Mob Threatens to TAKE CATHEDRAL NEXT! at the Gateway Pundit
  19. 19.0 19.1 A New Low. Snopes Uses Local Crips Member and Islamist Fanatic in Defamatory Hit Piece Against Gateway Pundit and St. Louis Catholics at the Gateway Pundit
  20. BLM Protesters Pull Out AK47 Rifle, Curse and Scream at Local KSDK Reporter During Mob Action at Mayor Krewson’s Home at the Gateway Pundit
  21. St. Louis Circuit Attorney Threatens to Take Action Against Couple Who Protected Home Against Protest Mob on Private Street at the Gateway Pundit
  36. 'We're asking for demilitarization': Seattle police tactics under fire at KOMO News website
  37. Seattle Officers Guild Pres: ‘The City Has Lost All the Political Will to Enforce the Rule of Law’ at Breitbart News Network
  38. Protesters Take Over City Blocks in Seattle, Blockade Streets, Call for Armed Guards at Breitbart News Network
  39. Antifa Domestic Terrorists Take Over 6 Square Block Section in Seattle – Set Up Security Watch – Call for Armed Volunteers at the Gateway Pundit
  40. Seattle Police SURRENDER East Precinct To Armed Far Leftists, 7 Block Radius Declared "Free Zone" at Tim Pool YouTube channel
  41. 41.0 41.1 41.2 Seattle’s Autonomous Zone Has Its First Warlord; Local Rapper Raz Simone Takes Over at the Gateway Pundit
  42. Seattle Protesters Issue Demands: Abolish Police, Grant Amnesty, Give Free Health Care and College at Breitbart News Network
  43. Antifa Releases List of Demands After Taking Over 6 Square Block Section in Seattle and Setting Up Armed Security Watch — List Includes Reparations and Ending Police Dept. at The Gateway Pundit
  44. "Total Blackout on the Insanity in Seattle" as Establishment Media Turn Focus from the "Autonomous Zone" at Breitbart News Network
  45. WATCH: Washington Gov. Jay Inslee Clueless on Seattle Takeover: ‘News to Me!’
  46. Seattle Officials Deliver Porta Potties in Support of Antifa – Mayor Defends Autonomous Zone, "CHAZ is Not a Lawless Wasteland of Anarchist Insurrection" at the Gateway Pundit
  47. Trump on Seattle: ‘If We Have to Go in, We’re Going to Go in’ at Breitbart News Network
  48. Gov. Jay Inslee Demands Trump ‘Stay Out of Washington State’s Business’ amid Autonomous Zone Controversy at Breitbart News Network
  49. Seattle Mayor Tells Trump ‘Go Back to Your Bunker’ After Tweet on ‘Autonomous Zone’ at Breitbart News Network
  50. INSURRECTION? Seattle Mayor and Congresswoman Taunt President Trump Over Armed Anarchist Occupation : ‘Go Back to Your Bunker’ at the Gateway Pundit
  51. Report: Antifa Sets Up Mafia-Like Shakedown Racket In Seattle 'No Cop' Zone
  52. Guy Benson calls out Seattle protesters for 'playing make-believe,' 'Communist cosplay in the streets' at Fox News
  53. PARTY’S OVER: BLM Activist Admonishes Antifa For Boozing Rather Than Making “Autonomous Zone” Functional as Seattle Police Take Back Precinct (VIDEOS) at the Gateway Pundit
  54. Antifa #CHAZ Thugs Attack, Choke and Sexually Assault Street Preacher in Seattle (Video) at the Gateway Pundit (Warning: Twitter videos in article contain violence and depraved behavior)
  55. Seattle Mayor Orders Closure of CHOP Due to ‘Ongoing Violence and Public Safety Issues’ at Breitbart News Network
  56. ‘ENOUGH IS ENOUGH’: Police Storm Into CHAZ After Seattle Mayor Orders ‘Occupied’ Area Cleared; 13 Arrested So Far at the Gateway Pundit
  57. 25 Arrested in Seattle’s CHOP, Business Owners: ‘I Have My Police Force Back’ at the Gateway Pundit
  58. After Two Confirmed Murders in Seattle’s CHAZ/CHOP, SDOT Crews Remove Barricades with Heavy Machinery – Defiant Squatters Rebuild Barriers at the Gateway Pundit
  59. Seattle Mayor Calls For Investigation And Possible Expulsion Of Unhinged Socialist Councilperson Kshama Sawant at the Gateway Pundit
  60. BREAKING: Councilmember Uses Key to Allow Protesters and Rioters Into Seattle City Hall at the Gateway Pundit
  78. Mayor Bill de Blasio Vows to Cut NYPD Funding While Violent Crime Soars at Breitbart News Network
  79. Minneapolis City Council Promises to Abolish the Police; ‘Police-free Future’ at Breitbart News Network
  80. Unreal: Veto-Proof Majority of Minneapolis City Council Agrees to Defund Police Department at RedState
  81. Kayleigh McEnany RIPS Democrats and Far left Kooks Rashida Tlaib, AOC and Hillary Lackey Brian Fallon for Move to "Defund the Police" at the Gateway Pundit
  82. Kayleigh McEnany: "Democrats want to DEFUND, DISMANTLE, & DISSOLVE America's police. President @realDonaldTrump stands staunchly against this astonishingly radical and amazingly counterproductive idea that would jeopardize the safety of Americans!" at Twitter
  84. 27-Year-Old Leftist Aidan Courtright Arrested After He Body-Slammed an 82-Year-Old Trump Supporter to the Ground for Wearing Trump Hat at the Gateway Pundit
  85. at WorldNetDaily
  86. Man accused of viciously hitting 92-year-old woman has been arrested over 100 times: Report at WorldNetDaily
  87. Multiple references:
  88. Video shows moments surrounding Alamosa protest shooting
  90. Leftist Punk Attacks Old Man as Goons Try to Rip Down Christopher Columbus Statue in Connecticut at the Gateway Pundit
  91. VIOLENT MOB Attacks Democrat State Senator for Taking Picture of their Vandalism – Punch Him, Kick Him, Beat Him in the Head and Ribs at the Gateway Pundit
  92. 'We went flying off': Police officer drives into crowd as protesters surround car at WorldNetDaily
  93. Godless BLM Protest Mob Targets NY Church – Attacks Christians on Church Steps, Including Mother with Baby, Shouts Down Pastor Screaming "Black Lives Matter" During Sermon at the Gateway Pundit
  94. BLM Protest Leader Behind Outrageous Assault on Troy, New York Church Is City of Albany Employee Who Mentors Kids with his "Personal Story of Redemption" at the Gateway Pundit
  95. White Guards Protect Black Family from BLM Mob as They Enter Church
  101. Two Women Activists Hit by Car on I-5 Outside Seattle — Suffer Serious Injuries After Hitting Windshield and Front Grill at the Gateway Pundit
  102. BLM Protester Dies After She Stood on Interstate in Seattle at 1:30 AM and was Struck by Black Driver at the Gateway Pundit
  103. Driver Involved in I-5 Seattle Collision of Female Protesters at 1:30 in Morning Is Doxxed — Antifa Calls Him “Racist Monster” but He’s Black at the Gateway Pundit
  104. DISGUSTING: Black Man Stops Car then Sucker Punches 12-Year-Old Boy Street Dancer in Missouri Giving Him Concussion (VIDEO) at the Gateway Pundit
  105. [1]
  106. Shock video: Black man bludgeons white boy, 12, dancing on sidewalk at WorldNetDaily
  107. Man charged in ‘unprovoked attack’ of 12-year-old boy dancing on Missouri sidewalk at WSB-TV website
  108. Black Lives Matter Leader Toronto Believes White People are Subhuman, Calls Them ‘Genetic Defects’ – Begs ‘Allah’ to Help Her ‘Not Kill White Folks’ at the Gateway Pundit
  109. BREAKING: At Least One Protester Injured From Being Struck By Vehicle in Indiana at the Gateway Pundit
  110. Brett MacDonald: "Second angle. Appears to show some form of altercation preceding the drive through" at Twitter (Warning: Video and some tweets contain foul language)
  111. Antifa Is Posting Videos on Social Media on How to Smash Windshields and Assault Drivers Who Will Not Obey Them During Street Protests at the Gateway Pundit
  112. Seven Antifa Terrorists Arrested On Federal Charges After Weekend Of Carnage In Portland at the Gateway Pundit
  113. George Soros-backed DA Charges Couple with 'Hate Crime' for Painting Over 'Black Lives Matter' at Breitbart News Network
  114. Two references:
  115. Black Lives Matter Sociopaths Raid Facebook Page of Young Mom Murdered for Saying ‘All Lives Matter,’ Torment Her Family at the Gateway Pundit
  116. Police Seek Leftists Who Attacked Cerebral Palsy Victim, 58
  117. “Get the F**k Out of Here, N***er!” – De Blasio’s New York City: Crowd Cheers as Criminal Puts Cop in Choke Hold (VIDEO)
  119. Violent Black Lives Matter Mob Viciously Attacks Trump Supporter at Pro-NYPD Rally and Throw Eggs at Police at the Gateway Pundit
  120. NYC cops scorch mayor, vow to 'take back the city from criminals' at WorldNetDaily
  121. “Peaceful” BLM Protester Beats St. Louis City Employees with Butt of Rifle in Face at 3 in the Morning
  122. Police Arrest Man Who Sucker-Punched Macy's Employee in Viral Video at the Western Journal
  123. Portland Protester Taunts Officer: ‘I Hope Someone Kills Your Whole F**king Family’ at Breitbart News Network (Warning: Contains foul language)
  124. PERFECT: Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler Joins Antifa-BLM Street Protests — Gets Cursed and Mobbed (VIDEO) at the Gateway Pundit
  125. Multiple references:
  126. Leftists Flip Out As Feds Descend On Portland to Bring Peace to the Streets – Democrat Leaders Blame Trump For Violence While Ignoring BLM Rioters at the Gateway Pundit
  127. GUY FREAKS OUT Onboard Alaska Airlines Flight 422
  128. Masked Antifa Goon in Portland Opens Black Man’s Car Door During Violent Protest, Gets Body Slammed at the Gateway Pundit (Warning: Contains Twitter video with foul language)
  129. Dozens of BLM and Antifa Full On Attack Police in Chicago, Police Reinforcements Make Them Regret It at Red State
  130. Multiple references:
  131. Multiple references:
  133. Multiple references:
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  135. Multiple references:
  136. WATCH: Seattle Stores Get Vandalized By Protestors, Police Officer Describes What Happened During the Latest Leftist Rioting (VIDEO) at the Gateway Pundit
  137. Multiple references (Warning: Contains graphic images):
  138. Sheriff’s Office Confirms to TGP That There WILL Be Charges Filed Against BLM Supporter Who Kneeled on Neck of White Baby at the Gateway Pundit
  139. ‘Lean Into it Until Death!’ – Special Education Teacher Encourages Black Lives Matter to Kill White Baby in Viral Photo at the Gateway Pundit (Warning: Subject matter is not for kids)
  142. Multiple references:
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  145. Two references:
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  149. VIDEO: Portland Rioters Attack Driver and Attempt to Barricade His Truck With Motorcycle — So Fed Up Driver Drags it for 12 Blocks, Pulls Gun
  150. Multiple references:
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  162. Police: NC Man Shot 5-Year-Old Neighbor Cannon Hinnant in the Head at Point-Blank Range at Breitbart News Network
  163. Officer makes shocking comment about 5-year-old white boy executed by black man at WorldNetDaily
  164. Multiple references:
  165. Multiple references:
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  167. Multiple references:
  168. SHOCK VIDEO: “Mom! Call 911!” – Biden Supporters Attack 7-Year-Old Boy Outside DNC Convention For Wearing Red MAGA Hat
  169. Woman who stole 7-yr-old boy’s MAGA hat and terrorized him is charged, cuffed and arrested
  171. Multiple references:
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  175. Multiple references (Warning: Articles contain foul language):
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  178. WATCH: Portland Rioters Bring Guillotine, Burn American Flags
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  185. BLM extremists beg for police help after fed-up patriots clobber them: ‘When the cops are gone, you’re gonna deal with us’
  186. Oklahoma Woman Says Her Pet Cat Was Tortured and Mutilated Because Her Boyfriend is a Cop
  191. Two references:
  192. Moronic Wisconsin Rioter Accidentally Lights Herself on Fire (VIDEO)
  193. Two references:
  194. Two references:
  195. Unhinged Man Points Weapon in Face of Conservative Reporter During Riot
  197. Andy Ngo: "The third who was shot (& survived) is Gaige Grosskreutz, 26. He's a member of the People’s Revolution Movement. He was filmed chasing after the teen w/a pistol. He was shot at close-range in the upper arm. He has a criminal record that includes being intoxicated & armed w/a gun" at Twitter (Warning: contains some graphic images)
  198. “Shoot Me, N**ga!” – Kenosha Man Shot in the Head Seen on Video Confronting Armed Men – Was Also a Registered Sex Offender For Crime Involving a Minor at the Gateway Pundit
  199. Andy Ngo: "Anthony Huber, 26, was shot & killed in Kenosha, Wisc. at the BLM riot. He was filmed chasing down the armed teen and hitting him when he was on the ground with a skateboard. He has a criminal history that includes charges of battery & repeat domestic abuse" at Twitter
  200. Multiple references:
  201. BLM Activist Fantasizes About Babies Strangling to Death While Crowd Cheers Her On
  202. Unhinged Leftist Assaults Democrat Gathering Signatures To Recall Oregon Governor (Warning: Graphic images)
  203. Two references:
  204. FRIGHTENING! Violent BLM Monsters Attack Female Reporter – Threaten Her, Steal Her Phone and Smash it in the Street (VIDEO)
  205. Seattle Black Lives Matter Rioters Tried to ‘Burn Officers Alive’ By Using Concrete To Seal Precinct Door Shut Before Starting Fire
  206. Two references:

External Links[edit]

Categories: [United States Presidential Election, 2020] [Terrorism] [Democrats] [Socialism] [Progressivism] [Communism] [Liberal Media] [Crime] [2020s]

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