World History Final Exam

From Conservapedia

Instructions: Closed book; No penalty for wrong answers; 60 questions; 45 minutes long.

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1. This Christian – considered one of the most influential persons in all of world history – read the Bible nearly every day for intellectual inspiration, and discovered both calculus and gravity:
(a) Abraham
(b) Alexander the Great
(c) Isaac Newton
(d) Nero

2. Which group of people first discovered and developed the concept of zero?
(a) the ancient Egyptians
(b) Enlightenment philosophers
(c) the Jacobins
(d) Indians (in South Asia)

3. About what percentage of the world is Christian today?
(a) 90%
(b) 66%
(c) 50%
(d) 33%

4. Which of the following made this statement in German: “I do not see why man should not be just as cruel as nature.”
(a) Martin Luther
(b) Adolf Hitler
(c) Benito Mussolini
(d) Isaac Newton

5. Karl Marx is best known for writing:
(a) the Bible.
(b) the Communist Manifesto
(c) the Art of War
(d) the Wealth of Nations

6. The “Great War” was the original name for what?
(a) World War I
(b) World War II
(c) the Thirty Years’ War
(d) the Franco-Prussian War

7. The Industrial Revolution began where?
(a) the United States
(b) England
(c) Germany
(d) Russia

8. The Concert of Vienna was which of the following:
(a) a masterful performance of Beethoven’s work
(b) where Mozart preferred to have his music played
(c) a set of alliances between nations requiring each to assist the other if war broke out
(d) a brilliant plan of Napoleon for invading Russia

9. The author of the Books of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes was probably:
(a) Solomon
(b) David
(c) Moses
(d) Jesus

10. The founder of Islam was:
(a) Saint Augustine
(b) Muhammad
(c) Attila the Hun
(d) Charles Martel

11. Which leader unintentionally paved the way for Christianity to expand later?
(a) Napoleon
(b) Mussolini
(c) Alexander the Great
(d) Hammurabi

12. This great American general, who was homeschooled and mastered the art of tank warfare, once said, “You need to overcome the tug of people against you as you reach for high goals.” Who was he?
(a) Douglas MacArthur
(b) George Washington
(c) Dwight Eisenhower
(d) George Patton

13. Who proposed the Strategic Defense Initiative, or “Star Wars,” to a surprised world?
(a) Barack Obama
(b) Franklin Delano Roosevelt
(c) Ronald Reagan
(d) Bill Clinton

14. What developed in Western Europe and Japan at about the same time?
(a) feudalism
(b) scholasticism
(c) the Renaissance
(d) the Enlightenment

15. All of the following are true about utilitarianism EXCEPT:
(a) throwing two people off of a lifeboat in order to save the remaining ten
(b) refusing to destroy an evil city if there are merely ten good people in it
(c) John Stuart Mills was a big supporter of utilitarianism
(d) it is OK to convict and imprison an innocent man if causes many others not to commit crime

16. The person who developed the concept of the “social contract” that was used by the American Declaration of Independence was:
(a) Gottfried Leibniz
(b) William Blackstone
(c) Charles-Louis Baron de Montesquieu
(d) John Locke

17. Which philosopher emphasized the value of experience, and founded the Lyceum school?
(a) Socrates
(b) Hippocrates
(c) Plato
(d) Aristotle

18. After whom is the State of Virginia named?
(a) Queen Mary of William and Mary
(b) the wife of Christopher Columbus
(c) Queen Elizabeth
(d) the Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus

19. What and when was the Pax Romana?
(a) From 27 B.C. to A.D. 180, it was a time of peace and prosperity for the Roman empire
(b) From 200 B.C. to the birth of Christ, it was a time of peace and prosperity for the Roman empire
(c) From the birth of Christ to A.D. 300, it was a time of peace for the Roman empire
(d) It was the peaceful period between World Wars I and II

20. Each of the following is an example of monotheism EXCEPT:
(a) Judaism
(b) Buddhism
(c) Christianity
(d) Islam

21. Which movement in the arts coincided with the Age of Revolution?
(a) Romanticism
(b) Neo-classicism
(c) Cubism
(d) the Renaissance

22. Who was Constantine the Great?
(a) a leader of the Roman Republic, prior to Julius Caesar
(b) a Roman leader who freed Peter the Apostle from jail
(c) the Roman emperor who first legalized Christianity
(d) the last of the great Greek philosophers

23. The following caused the downfall of belief in the “divine right of kings”:
I. the French Revolution
II. religious wars in England
III. the Renaissance

(a) III only.
(b) I and III
(c) I and II
(d) I, II and III

24. Which of the following are forms of imperialism, and rank them from strongest to weakest
I. Merger, as in adding new states to the United States
II. Colonizing, as in England starting the American colonies
III. Spheres of influence, as in influencing elections
IV. Economic influence, as in using the same currency
V. Protectorates, as in providing military defense
VI. Trade, as in exchanging goods with Latin America

(a) I, II, III, IV, V, and VI
(b) II, V, III, IV
(c) I, III, and VI
(d) II only

25. The time period between Jesus and Attila the Hun is roughly equal to (within a few hundred years) of the time period between:
(a) the fall of the Roman Empire and the Great War
(b) the writing of the Old Testament and the King James Version of the Bible
(c) the peak of the Renaissance and the Enlightenment
(d) the Crusades and the peak of the Renaissance

26. About how long did the Age of Exploration last?
(a) 50 years
(b) 100 years
(c) 200 years
(d) 300 years

27. How does Christianity differ most from the other major religions of the world?
(a) The emphasis of Christianity on submission to God.
(b) The emphasis of Christianity on faith.
(c) The emphasis of Christianity on wisdom and justice.
(d) The emphasis of Christianity on ending desire, because desire causes suffering.

28. Order these by chronology, beginning with the earliest:
I. Hernando Cortes
II. the Treaty of Tordesillas
III. Francisco Pizzaro
IV. Oliver Cromwell

(a) I, II, III and IV
(b) II, I, III, IV
(c) IV, I, II and III
(d) III, I, II and IV

29. Who comprised the “Triple Entente”?
(a) Great Britain, Russia and France
(b) France, Great Britain and the United States
(c) Italy, France and Russia
(d) Austria, Germany and Hungary

30. The Crusades were:
(a) two military expeditions over a 100-year period, beginning in AD 1050, by Christians to free Jerusalem and make it safe for pilgrimages
(b) four military expeditions over a 100-year period, beginning in AD 1099, by Christians to free Jerusalem and make it safe for pilgrimages
(c) five military expeditions over a 200-year period, beginning in AD 1001, by Christians to free Jerusalem and make it safe for pilgrimages
(d) one military beginning in AD 1050, by Christians to conquer the world

31. Of the modern theories of math and physics, which one led to the most new technology and products?
(a) Bernhard Riemann’s geometry
(b) Quantum Mechanics
(c) the Big Bang
(d) the Theory of Relativity

32. Who was Ho Chi Minh?
(a) a Korean leader who sought unification of North and South Korea
(b) a Vietnamese leader who sought a unified, communist Vietnam
(c) a Japanese military commander who led the invasion of China
(d) a Chinese leader who was defeated by Chairman Mao

33. When a student does well on an exam because he started studying sooner than the other students, he is proving what [fill in] declared in about [fill in].
(a) Aesop … 600 B.C.
(b) Aesop … 100 B.C.
(c) the Bible … A.D. 500
(d) Aristotle … 700 B.C.

34. Put the following events in chronological order:
I. D-Day
II. the Communist Revolution
III. the sinking of the Lusitania
IV. the construction of the Berlin Wall

(a) III, II, I and IV
(b) I, II, III and IV
(c) III, IV, I and II
(d) II, I, III and IV

35. Who broke the German’s Enigma?
(a) the “Red Baron”
(b) American bombers flying over Berlin
(c) a Polish mathematician
(d) an unknown soldier while in trench warfare

36. The following example best illustrates the nature of the Cold War:
(a) Stalin may have known more about the progress of the Manhattan Project than Truman did.
(b) 500,000 German soldiers froze to death when Germany invaded Russia.
(c) the 9-11 attack on the World Trade Centers.
(d) the internment of American Japanese during World War II.

37. Order these civilizations or empire chronologically, from the earliest to the latest:
I. the First French Empire
II. Mesopotamia
III. the Roman Empire
IV. ancient Greece

(a) I, II, III and IV
(b) II, IV, III, and I
(c) II, III, IV, and I
(d) I, II, IV, and III

38. The ideas or actions of each of the following contributed to the French Revolution EXCEPT:
(a) Rousseau
(b) Burke
(c) Voltaire
(d) Robespierre

39. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt would not have underestimated how difficult it would be to defeat the Japanese in World War II if he had learned about this group in world history:
(a) the Roman Empire.
(b) the Korean Empire.
(c) the Mongol Empire.
(d) the Indian Empire.

40. Order these leaders chronologically, from the earliest to the latest:
I. Augustus Caesar
II. Julius Caesar
III. Charlemagne
IV. Romanov

(a) I, II, III and IV
(b) III, I, II and IV
(c) II, I, III and IV
(d) IV, I, II and III

41. All of the following were Christian leaders EXCEPT:
(a) Constantine the Great
(b) Charlemagne
(c) Maria Theresa
(d) Philip of Macedon

42. Did most Europeans prefer North or South America during the Age of Exploration, and why?
(a) North America, because it had better natural resources.
(b) North America, because it had a better climate.
(c) South America, because it had more gold and silver.
(d) South America, because it was easier to reach by boat.

43. Causes of World War II include:
I. the Great Depression
II. the terms in the Treaty of Versailles
III. the rise in nationalism

(a) I only
(b) I and III
(c) I, II and III
(d) II and III

44. The best example of “realpolitik” is:
(a) Napoleon’s invasion of Russia.
(b) Otto von Bismarck’s war with France.
(c) the Mongol’s invasion of Japan.
(d) Germany’s invasion of Poland in 1939.

45. Immanuel Kant would most likely illustrate his view of what is morally right and wrong by which of the following examples:
(a) littering is morally wrong because the result would be unacceptable if everyone did it.
(b) throwing two people off of a lifeboat to save the remaining ten is morally right because ten people are worth more than two people.
(c) disobeying your parents is morally wrong because of the example of the Prodigal Son in the Bible.
(d) based on the theory of relativity, everything is relative so the only things that are morally right and wrong are what you decide are right and wrong.

46. If this influential person in World History were able to speak to our class for a few minutes, he might give you the following advice: “Master a trade or useful activity as a teenager, as I did. Become the world’s greatest expert at it. Develop an ambition for it that has no limits. Then persevere in finding someone to support your dream. Add to that the fearless advantage of Christian faith, and you will be able to unlock a great discovery that will change the world more than you will ever realize.” Who would be most likely to give you that advice?
(a) David Hume
(b) Christopher Columbus
(c) Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
(d) Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

47. How was Nicolae Ceausescu different from virtually all other communists?
(a) Ceausescu defeated Hitler
(b) Ceausescu did not defeat Hitler, but slowed him down
(c) Ceausescu was pro-life and he prohibited abortion
(d) Ceausescu was Stalin’s favorite communist

48. Who developed the concept of the “invisible hand”?
(a) James Clerk Maxwell
(b) Adam Smith
(c) Friedrich Engels
(d) Anwar Sadat

49. Each of the following was an Enlightenment thinker EXCEPT:
(a) Voltaire.
(b) Rousseau.
(c) Hume.
(d) Descartes.

50. Which revolution was named the “Glorious Revolution”?
(a) a revolution in 1688 in England, replacing the Catholic King James II with the Anglican King and Queen, William and Mary
(b) French Revolution, through the eyes of the peasants
(c) the American Revolution
(d) the communist revolution

51. What were some results from Magellan’s voyage around the world?
(a) Italy gained control of colonies in Africa and a new trade route to Asia
(b) Spain gained access to South America and the Southwest region of North America
(c) Portugal gained the colony of Brazil
(d) Spain gained control of much of South America and the Philippines

52. Which of the following is true about the Seven Years’ War?
I. Britain and Prussia were allies on one side
II. It occurred sometime in the mid-1700s
III. France was on the winning side
IV. William Pitt was a reason Britain was on the winning side

(a) I, II, III and IV.
(b) I, II, and III
(c) II, III and IV
(d) I, II and IV

53. Which statement is true about Copernicus, Kepler and Galileo?
(a) Copernicus built on Galileo’s work, which Kepler then modified.
(b) Kepler built on Copernicus’s work; Galileo wrote his own book about the discoveries.
(c) Kepler built on Galileo’s work; Copernicus then expanded on both.
(d) Copernicus disagreed with Kepler; Galileo had a better understanding than both.

54. All of the following were influential in world history by drawing strength from their Christianity EXCEPT
(a) Christopher Columbus
(b) Alexander the Great
(c) Louis Pasteur
(d) Isaac Newton

55. Which was the longest battle of World War I, causing casualties of nearly 1 million people?
(a) The First Battle of Marne
(b) The Battle of the Bulge
(c) The Gallipoli Campaign
(d) The Battle of Verdun

56. The Great Schism consisted of:
(a) Martin Luther nailing 95 theses to the door of a church in Germany.
(b) the separation of the eastern and western Christian churches in AD 1054.
(c) King Henry VIII founding the Anglican Church.
(d) Atheists groups dividing in AD 1905.

57. The Central Powers in World War I included:
I. Germany
II. Italy
III. Bulgaria
IV. the Ottoman Empire
V. Austria-Hungary

(a) I, II, III, IV and V
(b) I, II, IV and V
(c) I, III, IV and V
(d) I, III and V

58. Which of the following was true about “neoclassicism”?
(a) Painters emphasized fuzzy “impressions” and colors.
(b) Painters emphasized clear linear design, using classical themes as subject matter
(c) Scholars rejected the works of Greek philosophers and mathematicians.
(d) Architects emphasized the use of much glass in modern buildings.

59. What was the Silk Road?
(a) an ancient road that had a remarkable silk-like surface
(b) a road that connected North and Central Africa
(c) a trade route from East China to Central Asia and Europe
(d) a road for the evangelism of Hinduism in Vietnam and Korea

60. “9-11” was on the anniversary of which historical event?
(a) the battle at the Gates of Vienna in 1683
(b) the beginning of the American Civil War
(c) the American Revolutionary War
(d) Bastille Day


(for girls only)
Each of the following was a great composer of classical music EXCEPT:
(a) Beethoven
(b) Bach
(c) Mozart
(d) Marx

(for boys only)
A reason the people of North Korea have suffered under communist rule for more than 50 years:
(a) North Koreans defeated American soldiers there.
(b) North Korea is a Muslim nation, and Islam prefers communism.
(c) President Truman did not allow General Douglas MacArthur to win the Korean War.
(d) Japan is a close friend of North Korea and continues to give it much support.


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