
From Conservapedia
Capital Denver
Nickname The Centennial State
Official Language English
Governor Jared Polis, D
Senator John Hickenlooper, D

Senator Michael Bennet, D
(202) 224-5852
Population 5,800,000 (2020)
Ratification of Constitution/or statehood August 1, 1876 (38th)
Flag of Colorado Motto: "Nil Sine Numine" (Nothing Without the Deity)

Colorado became the 38th state of the United States with its admission to Statehood on August 1, 1876. It is known for its skiing and snowboarding resorts, such as Vail and Aspen in the Rocky Mountains, which run north-south through the state. In the mountains and plains the winters are usually very cold and produce many snowstorms. However, along the front range (where Denver, Boulder, Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Greeley and most large cities are located), the weather is more mild and is very sunny.

The United States Air Force Academy and North American Aerospace Defense Command are located in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

The state Constitution of Colorado, like all of the other 50 states, acknowledges God or our Creator or the Sovereign Ruler of the Universe. It says:

We, the people of Colorado, with profound reverence for the Supreme Ruler of the Universe, in order to form a more independent and perfect government; establish justice; insure tranquility; provide for the common defense; promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this constitution for the "State of Colorado."

In Colorado, abortion is protected by law, and it is possible that the murder of infants is legal. [1]


A number of Colorado cities are located near the Front Range of the Rockies, at elevations of around 5,000 feet. Denver, its capital and largest city, is sometimes called "The Mile-High City", because the official elevation of Denver City Hall is exactly 5,280 feet.

Mount Elbert is the highest point in Colorado, at an elevation of 14,440 feet. It is one of over 500 mountains in the state that exceed 13,000 feet. The entire state lies at an elevation over 3,000 feet.

At elevations of 5,000 feet, the air is thinner and air pressure is lower than at sea level. It is not unusual for visitors to feel lightheaded for a day or two until they adjust (but actual altitude sickness is very rare). At this altitude, skies are a clearer, brighter blue than at sea level. At that elevation, water boils at only 203 degrees F, compared to 212 degrees at sea level, so cooking recipes have to be modified.


The Native American (Indian) groups indigenous to Colorado were the Anasazi and Utes who lived in the mountainous regions, and several tribes who lived in the flatlands and near the rivers at various times including the Cheyenne, Arapaho, Kiowa, Comanche, Pawnee and Sioux.[2]

It is believed that in 1541 the Spanish explorer Francisco Vázquez de Coronado was the first European on record to have entered the land that is now Colorado.[3] The Spanish called the area Colorado because of its red colored earth.[4]

The United States acquired part of what is now Colorado in 1803 through the Louisiana Purchase. In 1848 Mexico ceded claims to the rest of it. There were no European settlers or forts. Before gaining statehood, Colorado was part of the Nebraska, Utah, Kansas, and New Mexico Territories, and in 1861 Congress created the Territory of Colorado. The state now encompasses 104,247 square miles.

The state is bordered by Wyoming, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Utah. The population of Colorado is approximately 4,750,000.

2020 Marxist insurretion[edit]

Patriot Lee Keltner, Black Guns Matter (BGM) provocateur Jeremiah Elliot, Antifa hired goon Matt Dolloff, and NBC affiliate producer Zak Newman. Elliot, Dolloff, and Newman were seen colluding together shortly before the murder.[5] The Colorado Democrat and Denver Communist parties[6] advertised a counterprotest which hurled projectiles at the Patriots. Newman is a known Antifa terrorist sympathizer, and Elliot disrupted a Bernie Sanders event with a brawl in February 2020 which went viral. Denver Post 'Crisis Photographer' Helen Richardson was at Elliot's side as he attempted to provoke multiple Patriots, including African American, with racial epithets and insults.[7]
See also: 2020 Marxist insurrection

Kris Jacks, chair of Our Revolution Weld County, who threatened assassination and murder of political opponents, is a member of the Colorado Democratic Party's Congressional District 4 Committee, the Colorado Democratic Party Executive Committee Central Committee, and dozens of other committees.[8][9]

A white Black Lives Matter attorney shot in the head an innocent pick-up truck driver at a stop light in Alamosa, Colorado.[10][11]

Conservative pundit Michelle Malkin was attacked by violent Antifa and BLM thugs as those groups charged the stage at a Back the Blue rally in Denver while, ironically, local police, acting under orders of their pro-BLM chief Paul Pazen, acted in dereliction of their duty by refusing to protect Malkin or the rally attendees.[12] The anti-police punks, who outnumbered the pro-police side, attempted to overwhelm the rally and acted in their typically childish fashion to drown out and silence the pro-police message while also assaulting rallygoers and police officers, leading Malkin to call out Pazen and Colorado Democrat governor Jared Polis for their allowance of anarchy and lawlessness by the punks, then to tweet an SOS to President Trump to intervene with federal agents to restore law and order in Denver.

Lee Keltner was an American Patriot murdered by a leftwing terrorist hired by Denver's NBC News affiliate.[13] Keltner was executed by Matt Dolloff, a longtime far left activist. Dolloff posted pictures of himself with Occupy Wall Street on his Facebook page. Dolloff had a very extensive past speaking out against corporations and the police. Dolloff is a registered Democrat. His love for Bernie Sanders runs deep, deep enough to have a YouTube playlist dedicated to Sanders. Posts from Dolloff's Facebook page show signs of early radicalization, anti-Trump and anti-cop rhetoric. Dolloff also openly supports Black Lives Matter communist organization. Dolloff also has a Space Invaders tattoo, a common logo used among ANTIFA.[14]

A professional agitator, named Jeremiah Elliott, baited and assaulted multiple peaceful demonstrators while his Denver Post camera wing lady, Helen Richards, was busy capturing the fictitious ‘right wing extremists’ in action. During Rlliots multiple verbal assaults on peaceful demonstrators, Richards was always right next to him capturing the action.

This agitprop campaign was lead by Helen Richards and Zak Newman, a Denver NBC affiliate 9News producer, and it was clearly aimed at generating progressive propaganda footage. Unfortunately, just as in any violent revolutionary activity, the business of manufacturing violent news is riddled with casualties. This event was no exception. Richards’ and Newman’s little Pulitzer prize initiative ended abruptly when Matthew Dolloff, another Antifa-BLM-Green activist and Zak Newman’s paid muscle, murdered Lee Keltner in cold blood, all while Richards was capturing the murder on her cameras and satiating her lust for conservative blood.

NBC affiliate producer Zak Newman, BGM provocateur Jeremiah Elliot, and hired Anifa goon Matt Dolloff were seen by eyewitnesses colluding together shortly before the shooting.[15]

Official Symbols[edit]

Colorado has many official state symbols including:[16]

Notable Coloradoans[edit]

Elected officials[edit]



Voter fraud[edit]

See also: voter fraud

In 2020 Colorado's Democrat Secretary of State mailed postcards to dead people and non-citizens urging them to go online and register to vote. Postcards were mailed to around 750,000 people. Denver's CBS4 found postcards going to a deceased woman in Las Animas County, six migrant workers in Otero County, a Canadian in Douglas County, a man from Lebanon in Jefferson County, and a British citizen in Arapahoe County. Karen Anderson opened her mail and found one of the postcards addressed to her mother who had been dead for four years and the State of Colorado even issued her mother's death certificate. Colorado Director of the Secretary of State's elections division, Judd Choate, claimed the state goes to 'great lengths' to ensure the accuracy of the state's voter rolls. "Colorado does virtually every single possible thing it can do reasonably to clean its voter rolls," he said, adding that the list they use for the postcards is compiled by the National Electronic Registration Information System - which uses data from the DMV, national and state death records, voter rolls in other states, and change of address forms. He says his office then performs a second vetting.[17]

See also[edit]


Primary sources[edit]


  4. The name is also sometimes credited to a Jesuit, Francisco Garcia, who in 1776 named the land after the Colorado River. Concise Dictionary of World Place-Names (Oxford 2005) p 116
  5. Tucker Carlson interview with Patriot Muster organizer John ‘Tig’ Tiegen - Matthew Dolloff, Black Guns Matter (BGM) provocateur Jeremiah Elliott, and NBC affiliate producer Zak Newman colluded shortly before shooting.
  7. Murder for Ratings
  11. Video shows moments surrounding Alamosa protest shooting
  12. Multiple references:
  15. Tucker Carlson interview with Patriot Muster organizer John ‘Tig’ Tiegen
  16. Colorado Department of Personnel and Adminstration Website

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