The Green Tea Coalition is bipartisan group formed by Debbie Dooley in 2013 with the express purpose of challenging the monopoly of Georgia Power [1] and to find common ground among members from across the political spectrum to create, educate, and advocate for common-sense energy, economic, and development policies that protect American families,[2]
Members of the Tea Party Patriots and the Sierra Club have joined forces to aim for a common goal. Or as a critic has stated, “The Tea Party has formed an unholy alliance with the left.” [3] The two groups have different reasons behind their push for renewable energy, the tea partiers’ are champions for free market principles and the Sierra Club like the idea of clean energy.[4]
With a victory over the Koch owned Georgia Power, third party installations of ten kilowatts of power are allowed on homes and businesses, the fight for energy independence has spread beyond Georgia to Florida.[5]
Categories: [Solar Energy]