Professor Values

From Conservapedia

Professor values refer to the common value system embraced by a large percentage of professors, just as Hollywood values refers to the common value system of many in Hollywood and the entertainment industry. Professor values are currently one of the most prevalent forms of liberal indoctrination. Toronto professor Jordan Peterson, who had a teaching stint at Harvard, was asked if you should still send your kids off to college. His response was "Send them to trade school," and "I think you can make the case that universities do more harm than good now." [1]

An extremely high percentage of professors disagree with conservative principles, but very few replace them with the discredited philosophy of postmodernism.[2] Professors' common value system typically includes anti-Christian politics, censorship, socialism, unjustified claims of expertise and knowledge (for example, the dogmatic promotion of the theory of evolution[3]), liberal beliefs, liberal grading, liberal bias,[4] historical revisionism, anti-patriotism, anti-Americanism, lack of productivity, bullying or discouraging conservative students (for example, homeschoolers),[5] and promotion of sexual immorality.[6] Although a majority of academics believe in God, a disproportionate percentage of academics are atheists compared to the general public (see: Atheism and academia).

Such attitudes are also shared by educators in the public education system from grade school through high school, and even by members of public school boards who take an elitist attitude toward parents of the children being indoctrinated with those same beliefs (particularly the promotion of sexual immorality and the encouragement of experimenting with homosexuality) by liberal educators.[7][8][9][10] These same educators, knowing that what they are doing is wrong, go out of their way to deliberately hide the truth from their students' parents, who they know would not support what they do in the classrooms and would call for the resignation or firing of the offending teachers and school board officials who support them; to that end, liberal elitist school boards stand up for the teachers and the professor values they support by ignoring parents' complaints, denying any wrongdoing to them, attempting (by means of deceit and disinformation) to discredit any information on educator wrongdoing uncovered by parents,[11] blocking their inquiries and even resorting to intimidation and making outrageous false accusations[10] and criminal threats against them (and later denying making such threats when publicly called out on them afterward)[12] in an attempt to silence parental opposition to what are clearly illegal actions against underaged students.

An excellent example of academics going beyond their expertise is the example of the cryonics movement. Cryonics is a pseudoscience that tries to extend life or achieve immortality in a non-theistic way after a person is legally dead (Cryonic procedures are performed shortly after a person's death).[13] Robert Ettinger was an atheist and American academic who some consider to be "the father of cryonics" because of the impact of his 1962 book The Prospect of Immortality.[14] Isaac Asimov was a popular American science fiction writer and a professor of biochemistry at Boston University. He was also an atheist.[15] According to The Cryonics Society, Asimov said of cryonics, "Though no one can quantify the probability of cryonics working, I estimate it is at least 90%..."[16] See: Atheism and cryonics

In a Zogby poll, 58% of Americans said that the bias of professors is a serious problem, while 39% said it is a "very serious" problem.[17] The survey demonstrated further that "an overwhelming majority also believe that job security for college professors leaves them less motivated to do a good job than those professors who do not enjoy a tenured status—65% said they believe non-tenured professors are more motivated to do a good job in the classroom."[17] One study in 2008 found that "Texas university professors overwhelmingly favor Democratic candidates in their campaign contributions,"[18] and a survey in 2018 found that 88% of Harvard professors thought Donald Trump did a "very poor" job as President.[19]

Professors rarely engage in wrongdoing while completing research. "About 1,000 potential incidents of fabrication, falsification or plagiarism in scientific research go unreported every year, according to a survey that suggests such misconduct is far more prevalent than suspected....[A]bout 22 percent was by a professor or senior scientist."[20]

There is no place on earth so close-minded as the modern University. The lack of diversity of thought is unmatched anywhere on earth.[21]


For a more detailed treatment, see Liberal indoctrination.

Progressives have long believed that America and Western beliefs are problematic, and have written as much. One such professor proudly proclaimed that "The canon of great literature was created by high Anglican assholes to underwrite their social class."[22] Professors have played a large role in promoting socialist values.[23]

Free speech[edit]

During the McCarthy era, academia prided itself on resisting attempts to restrict the rights of professors to advocate for Communism or other positions unpopular with the general public. However, in the 21st Century, faculty are not allowed to make statements that could be viewed as potentially making some students uncomfortable. So, minority students hold faculty into account for "microaggressions" or the failure to make "trigger warnings" if course material deals with topics that some students may find offensive. Universities and their staffs are expected to create "safe spaces" where minority students can exchange their pre-conceived notions about issues without being exposed to contrary viewpoints. These politically correct imperatives take priority over any concern for freedom of speech and/or academic freedom.

For example, at the University of Virginia, Douglas Muir, an executive lecturer in the Engineering School and the Darden Business School, had used his personal Facebook account to respond to a post about a lecture given by a co-founder of the Black lives matter movement. He wrote, "Black lives matter is the biggest racist group since the clan. Are you kidding me. Disgusting!!!"[24] The BLM students protested, and the Dean at first issued a statement saying that Muir's views do not represent the University and later announced that Muir was asked to take a leave of absence. After the leave of absence was announced, the local NAACP still asked that Muir be fired.

At Cornell University, historically white fraternities (which are not allowed to discriminate based on race or religion) are suspended for even minor violations involving underage drinking. However, when Omega Psi Phi, a historically black fraternity, held a party that ended in a fatal knife fight, no disciplinary action was taken against the fraternity or individuals. Also at Cornell, which has never been racially segregated and was not built with slave labor, black student activists have demanded that the "Cornell Plantations" a garden that has held that name since its founding more than a century ago, be renamed because the word "Plantations" evokes associations with pre-Civil War slavery.

In contrast, at the start of the fall 2016 semester, the University of Chicago sent a letter to incoming students denouncing political correctness and "trigger warnings." The letter stated, "You will find that we expect members of our community to be engaged in rigorous debate, discussion, and even disagreement. At times this may challenge you and even cause discomfort."[25] The American Association of University Professors issued a policy statement against trigger warnings in August 2014. It states in part:

Some discomfort is inevitable in classrooms if the goal is to expose students to new ideas, have them question beliefs they have taken for granted, grapple with ethical problems they have never considered, and, more generally, expand their horizons so as to become informed and responsible democratic citizens. Trigger warnings suggest that classrooms should offer protection and comfort rather than an intellectually challenging education. They reduce students to vulnerable victims rather than full participants in the intellectual process of education. The effect is to stifle thought on the part of both teachers and students who fear to raise questions that might make others “uncomfortable.”[26]

At Evergreen State College, in 2017 a group sought to dramatize the important role that minorities played on campus by having all white students and staff absent themselves from campus for a day, and then have a day discussing racial unity the next day. One white biology professor objected to being forced off campus, which drew threats of violence. When the campus police said that they could not guarantee his safety, he held his class (for both white and minority students) in an off-campus park. Subsequently, minority students continued to demonstrate to demand his resignation or dismissal. He is still on the faculty but is considering a lawsuit.

Poor performance and often failing to meet the needs of society[edit]

See also: Academia and intellectual development

Presently, there appears to be a higher education bubble that will burst.[27] In addition, college is clearly not delivering the goods in terms of intellectual development for a large percentage of its students. An American study found that forty-five percent of students achieved no significant improvement in their critical thinking, reasoning or writing skills during their first two years of college. After four years, 36 percent displayed no significant increases in these so-called "higher order" thinking skills.[28] Students, particularly those who made poor curriculum choices, are increasingly angry that college does not adequately prepare them for the marketplace and leaves them with a pile of debt.[29]

Politicizing hiring[edit]

In 2013, a study found that academia was less likely to hire evangelical Christians due to discriminatory attitudes.[30] See also: Atheism and intolerance

Faculty boards have been known to (on multiple occasions) block the granting of a tenured professorship to candidates for tenure who:

For example, professors at Washington University wore white armbands to protest an award of an honorary degree to Phyllis Schlafly, a noted conservative, in an act of political partisanship and utter unprofessionalism.[32] At the University of Chicago, more than one hundred professors signed a letter to protest a proposal to honor conservative-leaning Nobel Prize-winning colleague Milton Friedman.[33]

Politicians are routinely given high-ranking academic positions. Examples include:

Crimes and alleged crimes by professors and former professors[edit]

Immoral, unethical, or bizarre behavior[edit]


Intolerance is a common trait among the almost exclusively liberal professors in modern American colleges, who cannot seem to accept that alternative viewpoints to their own even exist, let alone are held by their more intelligent students. Examples include:

Are professor values a crime against humanity?[edit]

"Throughout the whole wide range and diversity of human experience, with the sole exception of the West in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the world of nature has been alive with, and immersed within, a supernatural world which everywhere made contact with it, although was transcendent to it. It is this whole dimension of reality which the scientific age has lost the capacity to experience or know. An age such as ours which has lost a genuine capacity for knowing and responding to some great segment of reality is actually, without knowing it, in a dark age.... We really have lost a genuine capacity which the rest of mankind has possessed and actively exercised, and we have become a people trapped and in bondage within the prison of space, time, and matter....It is primarily the business of the maintain the imprisonment of our time. It saddens me to see a new generation being victimized by this all pervasive spirit of the epoch."[113]

Professor values and bestiality[edit]

Professor PZ Myers said, "I don’t object to bestiality in a very limited set of specific conditions...".[114] When asked what conditions were acceptable for bestially to be morally acceptable, Myers was silent.[114]

See also: Academia and bestiality and Atheism and bestiality

The atheist philosopher Peter Singer defends the practice of bestiality (as well as abortion, infanticide and euthanasia). Despite holding these immoral views the liberal and pro-evolution academic establishment rewarded his views with a bioethics chair at Princeton University.[115] Peter Singer was installed as the Ira W. DeCamp Professor of Bioethics at the University Center for Human Values at Princeton University in 1999 and in 2006 it was reported that he still worked part-time in that capacity.[116] In 2006, it was also reported that Singer worked part-time as Laureate Professor at the University of Melbourne in the Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics since 2005.[116]

Professor PZ Myers, an atheist and evolutionist, said, "I don’t object to bestiality in a very limited set of specific conditions...".[114] When asked what conditions were acceptable for bestially to be morally acceptable, Myers was silent.[114]

See also:

See also[edit]




  1. Joe Rogan Experience #877 - Jordan Peterson
  2. Rothman, Stanley, et al. (March 2005). "Politics and professional advancement among college faculty". The Forum, vol. 3, iss. 1. Abstract retrieved from De Gruyter Online website. $42 Fee required for article access. "90 percent of United States professors called themselves liberal or moderate."
  3. For example, a $100,000 "environmental" prize was awarded for work on a politically correct "theory of convergent evolution." "Biology prof. awarded environmental achievement prize" (April 4, 2008). The Stanford Daily, vol. 233, iss. 30, p. 3. Retrieved from archive at website.
  4. Melby, Ernest O. and Johnson, K.C. (August 26, 2005). "Proving the critics' case". Inside Higher Ed website/Views.
  5. Multiple references:
  6. Multiple references:
    • Jablonski, Joe (October 2001). "Porn studies latest academic fad". Accuracy in Academia website/Campus Reports/2001. Retrieved from July 8, 2009 archive at Internet Archive.
    • Capel, Michael (October 1998). "Pedophilia 101 at Cornell". Accuracy in Academia website/Campus Reports/1998. Retrieved from July 8, 2009 archive at Internet Archive.
  7. "Comprehensive sex-ed" battle in Omaha gets huge coverage in state's largest newspaper at MassResistance
  8. How schools & libraries bring pornography to vulnerable children at MassResistance
  9. Diversity? Pro-LGBTQ Bias at Metea Valley High School in Aurora, Illinois Exposed at Americans for Truth
  10. 10.0 10.1 CO MassResistance confronting porn targeting schoolchildren at MassResistance
  11. School district strikes back at Omaha parents’ group that exposed graphic "comprehensive sex-ed" curriculum at MassResistance
  12. How Colorado parents were threatened, ignored, and deceived by school officials after exposing hardcore pornography available via middle school’s Internet portal at MassResistance
  13. Multiple references:
    • "Cryogenesis: A review" (Winter 2012). Dartmouth Undergraduate Journal of Science. Reprinted at Dartmouth Undergraduate Journal of Science website on March 11, 2012.
    • Barbaro, Valerie (July–August 2011). "Heaven for atheists". The Humanist. Reprinted at website on June 17, 2011.
  14. Multiple references:
    • "Robert Ettinger" (July 24, 2011). The Telegraph [U.K.] website/News/Obituaries/Science Obituaries. Retrieved May 1, 2013. "Despite his Jewish roots, he grew up a determined atheist."
    • Klein, Bruce (August 13, 2004). "The Father of cryonics, Robert C. W. Ettinger". LongeCity website/Community/Community resources/Creative. Retrieved May 24, 2009.
  15. Asimov, Isaac (Spring 1982). "Isaac Asimov on science and the Bible". Interview with Paul Kurtz. Free Inquiry magazine. Quoted at "Quote by Isaac Asimov: 'I am an atheist, out and out. It took me a long...'". Goodreads website/Isaac Asimov/Quotes/Quotable Quote. Source located by website.
  16. "Cryonics and critics" (2012). The Cryonics Society website.
  17. 17.0 17.1 "Zogby poll: Most think political bias among college professors a serious problem" (July 10, 2007). Zogby International website. Retrieved from July 17, 2007 archive at Internet Archive.
  18. Dunham, Richard and Brendel, Patrick (May 5, 2008). "Texas professors give to Democrats over GOP 3-to-1". Houston Chronicle website.
  19. Williams, Thomas D. (May 3, 2018). Eighty-Eight Percent of Harvard Faculty Say Trump Has Done a ‘Very Poor’ Job as President. Breitbart News. Retrieved May 3, 2018.
  20. Lopatto, Elizabeth (June 18, 2006). "Scientific fraud may be more widespread than thought, poll says". Bloomberg News. Reprinted at
  21. ConservativeArtist (May 10, 2011, 2:38 pm). "There is no place on earth so close-minded as the modern University. The Lack of diversity of thought is unmatched anywhere on earth." Tweet by @THEAtheistAnti [known by YouTube user name Atheist Antidote].
  22. The Disuniting of America: Reflections on a Multicultural Society, by Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.
  23. Lott, Maxim (January 18, 2019). Socialism rising: Universities and ‘radical’ profs helping steer leftward shift in politics, critics say. Fox News. Retrieved January 18, 2019.
  24. Bernstein, Dani. "Lecturer who compared Black Lives Matter with KKK "has agreed to take leave": Douglas Muir to issue separate statement to community", The Cavalier, Oct 07 2016. Retrieved on October 10, 2016. 
  25. "University of Chicago: ‘We Do Not Support So-Called Trigger Warnings’", Time Magazine, Aug. 25, 2016. Retrieved on October 10, 2016. 
  26. On Trigger Warnings. Retrieved on Oct 10, 2016.
  27. Multiple references:
  28. Rimer, Sara (January 18, 2011). "Study: Many college students not learning to think critically". The Hechinger Report. Reprinted at McClatchyDC website/News/Nation-World/National.
  29. Vedder, Richard (April 5, 2011). "The higher education bubble". Forbes website/Sites/CCAP.
  30. Alexander, Rachel (June 10, 2013). "Suspicions confirmed: Academia shutting out conservative professors".
  31. "As reported last week, two members of the department that denied tenure to astronomer Guillermo Gonzalez at Iowa State University (ISU) have publicly admitted that Gonzalez's work on intelligent design played a role in his denial of tenure." West, John G. (May 21, 2007). "Iowa State avoids key question in Gonzalez tenure case". Evolution News and Views.
  32. Allington, Adam (May 16, 2008). "Faculty, students protest Schafly degree". St. Louis Public Radio 90.7 KWMU website/News. Retrieved from January 15, 2010 archive at Internet Archive.
  33. Bourdaghs, Michael K. (June 16, 2008). "The right and wrong ways to celebrate". Where have all the good times gone? blog. Retrieved from June 23, 2008 archive at Internet Archive.
  34. Beginning early in 2001, "Gore will be [at UCLA] to develop a new curriculum for family-centered community building, a multidisciplinary approach that brings together authorities from such fields as education, business and public policy to work on problems that ail our society and affect our children....He also will be teaching at three other universities—Columbia University's Graduate School of Journalism, Middle Tennessee State University in Murfreesboro and Fisk University in Nashville—in addition to his teaching and research work at UCLA." "Al Gore teaching at UCLA" (January 1, 2001). UCLA Spotlight website/Special guests.
  35. Downer is so pro-abortion that, as Foreign Minister of Australia, he "asked for a review of the government's ban on funding for abortion services in other countries." "Australia's Foreign Minister to review ban on foreign abortion services funding, Workforce Minister says" (September 14, 2006). Kaiser Daily Health Policy Report. Reprinted at Medical News Today website/Releases.
  36. UNC-Chapel Hill named him as director of a new "Center on Poverty, Work and Opportunity." "UNC-Chapel Hill creates Center on Poverty, Work and Opportunity; names former Sen. John Edwards as director" (February 4, 2005). The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill website/News/Archives.
  37. Blair was given a prestigious visiting lectureship.
  38. Donna E. Shalala (2001-2015). Retrieved on Oct. 10, 2016.
  39. Marty Meehan. Retrieved on Oct 10, 2016.
  40. William M. Bulger, 1996-2003. Retrieved on Oct. 10, 2016.
  41. "Cops: Professor filmed student 'upskirt' videos" (September 23, 2013). The Smoking Gun website/Documents/Crime.
  43. Kemp, Joe (August 3, 2013). "Esteemed Illinois professor revealed as teen killer who murdered his family—and served just six years after insanity bid". New York Daily News website/News/National.
  44. "Motive in question as professor faces murder charge in Alabama campus shooting" (February 13, 2010). Fox News website.
  45. "Half Sigma" [a.k.a. "Lion"] (February 14, 2010). "Amy Bishop story gets even weirder". Half Sigma blog. Archival blog of later Lion of the Blogosphere, retrieved February 25, 2016.
  46. Silverman, Elissa (February 6, 2009). "Rwandan professor arrested in visa offense". The Washington Post website/Metro.
  47. "Grand jury indicts four Owensboro men on steroid distribution charges" (December 4, 2008). News 25 - WEHT website. Retrieved from December 26, 2008 archive at Internet Archive.
  48. "University off-limits" (April 25, 2008). The Daily Item [Sunbury, Pennsylvania] website/News.
  49. CBS 6 News (November 17, 2008). "College economics professor from Gallatin arrested on drug charges". CBS 6 WRGB [Albany] website/Local news. Retrieved from December 1, 2008 archive at Internet Archive.
  50. News staff (November 13, 2008). "Ottawa prof arrested, suspect in 1980 Paris bombing". CTV News website [Scarborough, Ontario, Canada].
  51. Associated Press (October 1, 2008). "Professor pleads not guilty to hacking charges". website/News/State and regional/Wisconsin.
  52. Wang, Judy (September 14, 2008). "Vanderbilt professor arrested for child pornography". Vanderbilt Hustler [Nashville, Tennessee] website.
  53. Associated Press (August 28, 2008). "Pennsylvania professor charged with 3 DUIs in 8 days". Fox News website.
  54. Lindsey, T. M. (August 13, 2008). "UI mired in another sex scandal". The Iowa Independent website. Retrieved from August 17, 2008 archive at Internet Archive.
  55. Wilson, Robin (August 22, 2008). "U. of Iowa professor accused in grading scheme may be dead". The Chronicle of Higher Education website/News/Faculty.
  56. Lindsey, T. M. (August 27, 2008). "Missing UI prof’s body identified". The Iowa Independent website. Retrieved from September 19, 2008 archive at Internet Archive.
  57. Associated Press (January 7, 2007). "Arkansas Tech chemistry teacher arrested on stalking charge". website.
  58. Ertelt, Stephen (May 7, 2008). "University of Wisconsin student govt leader vandalizes pro-life display". website.
  59. McKenna, Bruce R. (August 13, 2008). "Part-time professor accused of trying to lure 'child' over internet". The Times of Trenton. Republished at website/Mercer County.
  60. Agence France-Presse (March 30, 2008). "Former SKorea art professor jailed for forging US degree". Google News/AFP. Retrieved from May 14, 2013 archive at Internet Archive.
  61. Colimore, Edward (March 22, 2008). "Villanova professor arrested on drug charges". website/Philidelphia Inquirer/Local. Retrieved from March 27, 2008 archive at Internet Archive.
  62. 62.0 62.1 Martinez, Andres (February 21, 2005). "Popular Kansas professor on trial for wife's murder". CourtTV website. Republished at center.
  63. Associated Press (January 18, 2008). "Thomas Murray's murder conviction upheld". Republished at Kansas Public Radio website/News. Retrieved from November 3, 2011 archive at Internet Archive.
  64. Associated Press (July 29, 2004). "Former professor convicted of murder". Cincinnati Enquirer website.
  65. Multiple references:
  66. "Justice Department taking steps to charge Sami Al-Arian" (March 4, 2008). New York Sun website/National.
  67. Multiple references:
  68. Kubota, Lisa (March 5, 2008). "Former UH professor sentenced for sex crime". website. Retrieved from March 13, 2008 archive at Internet Archive.
  69. Multiple references:
  70. Mariano, Willoughby (July 16, 2007). "UCF professor arrest on child porn possession charges". website. Retrieved from February 18, 2008 archive at Internet Archive.
  71. "UW-Milwaukee professor arrested for child-pornography" (March 19, 2002). The Badger Herald [University of Wisconsin - Madison] website/News.
  72. "Concordia killer turns to faint hope clause in bid to leave jail" (January 25, 2008). CBCNews website/News/Canada/Montreal.
  73. Weaver, Maurice (June 26, 2001). "Professor plundered research cash". The Telegraph [U.K.] website/News/UK News.
  74. Perry, Nick (March 8, 2007). "UW professor pleads guilty in waste case". The Seattle Times website/Seattle news.
  75. Olin, Angela and Tabak, Elizabeth (September 4, 2003). "Professor jailed for disorderly conduct". The Jambar [Youngstown State University, Youngstown, Ohio] website. Retrieved from March 14, 2008 archive at Internet Archive.
  76. "Childcare lecturer worked on despite knowledge of sex assault" (April 15, 2008). website/Archives/Ireland.
  77. Convicted health lecturer struck off" (August 17, 2001). BBC News website/U.K. news/Wales.
  78. Diskant, Ted (February 22, 2002). "After sentencing, Lasaga, Yale face civil suit". The Yale Herald website. Retrieved from May 23, 2002 archive at Internet Archive.
  79. Associated Press (September 3, 2008). "Tenn. professor convicted on Arms Export Control charges". New York Sun website.
  80. Agence France-Presse (April 26, 2009). "University professor kills three in US". The Age [Melbourne, Victoria, Australia] website/World.
  81. Rising, David (August 23, 2009). "Germany: 100 professors suspected of taking Ph.D. bribes". Associated Press. Republished at The St. Augustine Record website/August 23, 2009.
  82. 82.0 82.1 Multiple references:
    • Johnson, Paul (1988). Intellectuals (London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson), p. 238 [edition not known].
    • Francis, Claude and Gontier, Fernande (1987). Simone de Beauvoir, trans. Lisa Nesselson (London: Sidgwick & Jackson), pp. 236-37.
  83. 83.0 83.1 Kimball, Roger (March 1993). "The perversions of M. Foucault". Review of On the Passion of Michel Foucault by James Miller. The New Criterion website/Features.
  84. "Shortly after contacting her, Harbi said, Lewin quickly moved their friendship into uncomfortable territory, and she was pushed to participate in online sexual role-playing and send naked pictures and videos of herself. After about 10 months, Harbi said, she resumed self-mutilating after seven years of not doing so. The harassment, however, “started day one,” Harbi said. Eventually, she said she discovered she was one of many women, which MIT confirmed. Harbi last October sent MIT a packet of more than 100 chat logs, emails, pictures, recordings and screenshots to document the harassment against her and other women." Straumsheim, Carl (January 23, 2015). "Complainant in 'unprecedented' Walter Lewin sexual harassment case comes forward: 'We all felt trapped'". Inside Higher Ed website. Accessed February 22, 2015.
  85. Clark, Heather (April 23, 2014). "'Praise Darwin!' UConn professor goes ape during campus preaching". Christian News website. Embedded video: "UConn professor goes ape during campus preaching" (April 23, 2014). YouTube video, 2:41, posted by Christian News.
  86. Clark, Heather (April 25, 2014). "UConn professor who went ape on campus evangelists: ‘I’m in deep trouble’". Christian News website.
  87. "More than 3,000 academics sign pro-Ayers petition" (October 22, 2008). Fox News website/Elections. Retrieved from November 4, 2008 archive at Internet Archive. See Fox News.
  88. Fernando, Ivan (November 18, 2013). "Progressive professor urges white male students to commit suicide during class". Diversity Chronicle website.
  89. Soave, Robby (September 19, 2013). "Hateful prof says NRA members’ children should be next to die in mass shooting". The Daily Caller website.
  90. Soave, Robby (September 9, 2013). "Porn prof admits to having sex with students, wants disability pay". The Daily Caller website.
  91. Caulfield, Philip (April 21, 2011). "Iowa professor, Ellen Lewin, under fire for vulgar email telling college Republicans: 'F--- YOU!'", New York Daily News [New York City] website/News/National.
  92. Multiple references:
  93. "Arthur Butz" (2004 or bef.). Anti-Defamation League website/Learn/Extremism in America. See ADL.
  94. Kever, Jeannie (October 30, 2008). "TSU professor accused of plagiarizing grant proposal". *Chron [Houston Chronicle] website/News/Houston.
  95. Associated Press (October 29, 2008). "UT system looks into plagiarism allegations". ABC13 Eyewitness News [KTRK, Houston, Texas] website/Archive.
  96. Associated Press (August 29, 2008). "Iowa college president quits over beer photo scandal, gets $400G". Fox News website.
  97. "Kansas professor in trouble for mooning incident" (August 14, 2008). Fox News website.
  98. Goldberg, Jonah (April 8, 2007). "Reports of the 2nd Amendment's death have been greatly exaggerated..." TribLive [Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, Pennsylvania] website/Opinion/Columnists/Guests. See 2nd amendment.
  99. HNN Staff (October 28, 2002). "Summary of the Emory Report on Michael Bellesiles". History News Network website.
  100. Podhoretz, John (March 23, 2007). "Duke: Who won't pay". New York Post website/Postopinion/Opedcolumnists.
  101. "Prof urges fragging of U.S. officers" (November 18, 2005). WorldNetDaily website.
  102. Churchill, Ward (September 12, 2001). "Some people push back: On the justice of roosting chickens". Dark Night Field Notes, Pockets of Resistance, no. 11. Republished in Atkins, Stephen E, ed. (2011). The 9/11 Encyclopedia, 2nd ed. (Santa Barbara, California: ABC-Clio), pp. 811-14+
  103. See Lenski dialog (original sources).
  104. Rao, Mythili (June 26, 2008). "Professor in noose case fired for plagiarism". CNN website/2008/U.S.
  105. Donohue, Bill (July 10, 2008). "Minnesota prof pledges to desecrate Eucharist". Catholic League website.
  106. Donohue, Bill (July 11, 2008). "Hysteria marks Myers and his ilk". Catholic League website.
  107. Myers, PZ (February 12, 2010). "Nooooooo!". ScienceBlogs website/Pharyngula blog.
  108. Multiple references:
  109. English, Bella (April 5, 1995). "Blame game hits new low". Boston Globe/Metro, 3rd edition, p. 21. Republished at Antidepressant Nightmares website/Archive.
  110. Johnson, Paul (1988). Intellectuals (London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson), p. 238 [edition not known].
    To the Editor: Spectator, now for the second time in less than a year, has succeeded to quote me in a remarkably decontextualized and inflammatory manner. In Margaret Hunt Gram's report on the faculty teach-in against the war in Iraq (March 27, 2003), I am quoted as wishing for a million Mogadishus but with no indication whatsoever of the perspective that framed that remark. It is hardly surprising, therefore, that your Staff Editorial in the same issue, denouncing the teach-in for "dogmatism," situates me in particular as the premier example of an academic "launching tirades against anything and everything American." In my brief presentation, I outlined a long history of U.S. invasions, wars of conquest, military occupations, and colonization in order to establish that imperialism and white supremacy have been constitutive of U.S. nation-state formation and U.S. nationalism. In that context, I stressed the necessity of repudiating all forms of U.S. patriotism. I also emphasized that the disproportionate majority of U.S. troops come from racially subordinated and working-class backgrounds and are in the military largely as a consequence of a treacherous lack of prospects for a decent life. Nonetheless, I emphasized that U.S. troops are indeed confronted with a choice--to perpetrate this war against the Iraqi people or to refuse to fight and contribute toward the defeat of the U.S. war machine. I also affirmed that Iraqi liberation can only be effected by the Iraqi people themselves, both by resisting and defeating the U.S. invasion as well as overthrowing a regime whose brutality was long sustained by none other than the U.S. Such an anti-colonial struggle for self-determination might involve a million Mogadishus now but would ultimately have to become something more like another Vietnam. Vietnam was a stunning defeat for U.S. imperialism; as such, it was also a victory for the cause of human self-determination. Is this a tirade against "anything and everything American"? Far from it. First, I hasten to remind you that "American" refers to all of the Americas, not merely to the United States, as U.S. imperial chauvinism would have it. More importantly, my rejection of U.S. nationalism is an appeal to liberate our own political imaginations such that we might usher in a radically different world in which we will not remain the prisoners of U.S. global domination. Nicholas De Genova March 21, 2003 The author is an assistant professor of anthropology and latina/o studies.
  112. Associated Press (November 24, 2008). "Young Conservatives adviser at Texas A&M quits". Daily Light [Waxahachie, Texas] website.
  113. Sloan, Douglas (1994). Faith and Knowledge (Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press), p. 194. ISBN 0664228666, ISBN 9780664228668, 272 pages. See Westminster John Knox Press.
  114. 114.0 114.1 114.2 114.3 Warden, Rick (August 10, 2012). "Atheist Achilles heels: Objective morality and sacred life". Templestream Blog website.
  115. Multiple references:
  116. 116.0 116.1 Smith, Justin (November 22, 2006). "The basis of a Christian worldview". website.

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