Portland, Oregon

From Conservapedia
Portland, Oregon's largest city, offers big city amenities, along with spectacular views of Mount Hood, the state's highest peak

Portland is the largest city in Oregon, very liberal and overwhelmingly white. It is the county seat of Multnomah County. The city's population is 583,776, according to the 2010 Federal Census. Portland is located at the confluence of the Willamette River and the Columbia River. The mayor is currently Ted Wheeler. It is notable for being the home of one of the most active Antifa terrorist contingents in the United States. This city was named after Portland, Maine.

Portland had at least 84 in 2021; the previous record of 70 homicides occurred in 1987.

Michael Strickland case[edit]

Strickland assaulted by Fitzgerald

Michael Strickland is a journalist and Second Amendment activist who reported on far-leftist politicians and corruption in Portland.[1] In 2015 Strickland was assaulted, robbed and seriously injured by an anti-gun activist named Skye Fitzgerald. Although the attack was caught on video,[2] Multnomah County refused to prosecute Fitzgerald. Strickland was unable to work for months due to his injuries.[3]

On July 7, 2016 Michael Strickland was assaulted in a pre-planned attack by a large Black Lives Matter mob on the streets of Portland. Strickland pulled a lawfully concealed handgun, warned his attackers to stay back, and made every effort to withdraw. Strickland was then arrested by Portland Police dressed in riot gear, charged with menacing, and released. The following day Strickland arrived in court for arraignment. The Multnomah County district attorney charged Strickland with 21 multiple felonies, and Strickland was hauled off to jail with a quarter of a million-dollar bail placed on him.[4]


Liberal fascists beat Vietnamese journalist Andy Ngo. The Huffington Post celebrated the racist attack.[5]

In September 2017, seven people were arrested after Antifa members threw "smoke and projectiles" at the police.[6]

In July 2018, Antifa terrorists attacked a Patriot Prayer rally in Portland and falsely accused the pro-Trump group of engaging in "violence and hatred", behavior which Antifa itself engaged in at the event.[7][8] Several of the Antifa attackers were later arrested for disorderly conduct.

Anti-ICE protestors were emboldened by a stand-down order against local police by Democrat mayor Ted Wheeler, violently protested in the city and threatened to kill the daughter of the owners of a mom n' pop food truck that serves ICE agents,[9] while police refused to respond to 911 requests for assistance to protect ICE agents attacked and threatened by the anti-ICE mob.[10] Wheeler subsequently came under heavy criticism and was accused of violating the Constitution for giving the stand-down order and exposing ICE agents and the public to danger from the protestors, and the union representing ICE agents notified Wheeler:

"your current policy forbidding Portland law enforcement agencies from assisting employees of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency ("ICE") who request law enforcement assistance while at or away from work is a violation of the United States Constitution's Equal Protection Clause. As you are aware, the 14th Amendment forbids the government from denying any person or persons equal protection of the laws...We understand that you have a difference of opinion with the current President of the United States, and some of his policies, but we fail to see why targeting the employees of ICE and leaving them vulnerable to violence, harassment and even death furthers a legitimate government interest. Your policy has created a zone of terror and lawlessness. We ask that you end your policy of not responding to calls for police services from ICE employees immediately."[11]
Portland riots: Antifa fascist (right in black hood) moves to stab a U.S. Marine Corps veteran (left in blue with bicycle).[12]

In August 2018 there was more blood in the streets by Antifa riots.[13]

In October 2018, Portland Democrat mayor Ted Wheeler mayor gave transparent excuses to defend his own decision to let Antifa block traffic and harass drivers and to block the police from intervening.[14][15]

In June 2019, Antifa fascists in an unprovoked attack, brutally beat Andy Ngo, a Vietnamese-American journalist for Quillette. Ngo was hospitalized with a brain hemorrhage following the attack in Portland.[16] He had previously criticized Antifa for its violence.[17] Ngo was first blinded in a milkshake attack. Police reported that quick drying cement, a caustic substance, had been mixed into milkshakes.[18] "Journalist" wannabe Carlos Maza of Vox Media, an NBC subsidiary,[19] had previously called for "milkshaking" of conservatives and Trump supporters.[20] Maza was responsible for the "Adpocalypse", a massive purge of conservative YouTube contributors by the site weeks earlier,[21] and attempted to escalate his vendetta to shut down all online opposing opinions he did not like (which began as, and mainly focused on, an attempt at getting revenge against Steven Crowder for the latter's commenting on his YouTube show about the openly homosexual Maza calling himself a "gay wonk", which happens to be Maza's Twitter handle), only to be fired by Vox in August 2019 after the site began to see Maza as a liability for his anti-Crowder vendetta and his childish behavior on his Twitter account. The editor of the Soros-funded Media Matters tweeted a joke about the milkshaking and violent attack on Ngo.[22] CNN’s Chris Cuomo defended Antifa in August 2018, saying that “all punches are not equal morally.”[23] The New York Times opinion writer Charlie Warzel blamed the victim.[24] Alleged “fact-checker” site Snopes attempted to excuse the violence.[25] The LGBTQ+ centered Human Rights Campaign press secretary called Andy Ngo a "sniveling weasel" and said the Leftist attack was "the greatest thing that could have happened." At least two other people were reported injured in the Portland violence.[26] Only three Antifa activists were arrested,[27][28] while police stood by and watched people being beaten.[29] After attacking an elderly man, Antifa falsely blamed him for the attack rather than themselves.[30]

Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison with Luis Enrique Marquez, a notorious leader of the Portland ANTIFA.[31]

In Andy Ngo's own retelling of events, "I was suddenly slammed on the back of my head with something hard. Dazed and still hearing faint chants of ‘no hate,’ I was then punched and kicked by perhaps a dozen masked people in black. At an Antifa event meant to resist ‘fascist violence,’ I—a gay journalist of color—was beaten so badly that I was hospitalized for a brain hemorrhage.”[32]

Portland progressive Mayor Ted Wheeler did nothing to stop the violent protests.[33] Sen. Ted Cruz called on federal law enforcement to investigate Portland officials, including Wheeler himself, who ordered police to stand down as citizens were beaten.[34][35][36] In a break with precedent, CNN's Brian Stetler grudgingly reported the attack on Ngo, a conservative journalist, by a violent leftwing mob.[37] At a White House conference on authoritarian domination and censorship by Big Tech and social media, President Trump highlighted the case of Andy Ngo and the negative effect unchecked leftist ideology has on society.[38]

In August 2019, there was more Portland riots; innocent people attacked by liberal fascist Antifa mob.[39] Leftist anti-Trump couple Leopold Hauser and Adebisi Okueye were both arrested on third-degree assault felony charges for assaulting a Trump supporter wearing a MAGA hat in a Portland bar.[40][41] Bucknell University hosted an Antifa leader who promotes political violence.[42] 50 Antifa goons attacked an ICE facility in Portland during Climate Strike rally and were arrested.[43]

In November 2019 six childish Antifa punks stalked and harassed Andy Ngo at his Portland home during Halloween, part of a campaign of criminal harassment (including doxing and death threats) by the hate group against him and his family.[44] In typical cowardly fashion, the punks fled after Ngo called the police. Andy Ngo revealed in a Heritage Foundation speech that the ultimate goal of Antifa is Communism, and that violence and fascistic behavior are among their tools in achieving that goal.[45]

A particularly vicious Antifa rioter, claiming to be a "professor", tried to act like an animal as she attempted to take a bite out of professional MMA fighter Tara LaRosa during an Antifa attempt to start a riot at a Veterans' Day rally in Portland.[46] The Antifa punk was no match for LaRosa, who pinned her to the ground after she tried to attack another woman, and the punk was kept pinned until she was picked up and arrested by Portland police.

2020 Antifa riots[edit]

Communists tore down a statue to Thomas Jefferson.
See also: 2020 Antifa riots

In September 2020 Portland marked 100 consecutive nights of protests marred by vandalism, chaos, looting, and even killing. Those bent on violence regularly started fires, threw projectiles at law enforcement officers, and destroyed property. Numerous law enforcement officers, among others, suffered injury. Shootings increased by more than 140% in June and July 2020 compared to the same period last year. In the midst of this violence, the Portland City Council cut $15 million from the police bureau, eliminating 84 positions. Crucially, the cuts included the Gun Violence Reduction Team, which investigates shootings, and several positions from the police team that responds to emergency incidents. In August 2020, Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler sent a letter to President Trump expressly rejecting the Administration’s offer of federal law enforcement to stop the violent protests.[47] The Democrat Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum sued the Trump administration on behalf of the rioters.[48]

Antifa broke into the Portland, Oregon Justice Center,[49] housing the central police precinct and the sheriff's office, and set a room on fire with occupants still inside the building.[50] A man carrying an American flag was beaten by white Antifa terrorists.[51] Small businesses were vandalized and looted.[52][53] Stolen cars were driven into stores.[54] A Chase Bank branch was attacked[55] and set on fire.[56] Virtually all offenders in these incidents were white. Antifa terrorists attempted to blind police with laser lights. Communist protesters tore down a statue of Thomas Jefferson, author of "all men are created equal."[57] Antifa terrorists toppled the George Washington statue. Washington is commonly referred to as the "father of the nation."[58]

Portland has been the hotbed of subversive Anti-American communist and anti-Trump activity since 2017. More than 100 fires were set in and around downtown.[59] After the Minneapolis George Floyd riot, Portland was under siege by leftwing white supremacists nightly for over a month.[60] More than 100 people were injured and over $20 million in damages. Oregon Democrat governor Kate Brown did absolutely nothing to stop the violence. Police recovered a bag, loaded with rifle magazines and Molotov cocktails in a park near the protest area. A gunshot victim arrived at a hospital believed it is connected.[61]

A white Antifa racist, Blake David Hampe, stabbed a gay Black Trump supporter.[62] Hampe the assailant, a leftwing racist and homophobe, previously was convicted of child pornography.[63] The Antifa white supremacist stalked and menaced the Black man for several blocks before the stabbing. The victim believes that ANTIFA fascists doxxed his identity and posted his location on social media before he was stabbed.

Democrat riots.png

Defund the Police[edit]

See also: Defund the Police

In June 2020 the Portland City Council defunded the Portland Police by $15 million, eliminating 84 positions.[64]

In the first two months of 2021 Portland saw 20 homicides and 208 shootings. In comparison, 2020 saw only a single homicide during the same period, despite the year ending with a 26 year high in overall homicides.[65]

In June, 2021, the entire Portland Police crowd control unit, consisting of approximately 50 officers, resigned after an officer was indicted on an alleged protest assault charge, stemming from an unruly Antifa rioter being struck to bring the rioter under control.[66][67]

Portland train stabbing[edit]

On May 26, 2017, Jeremy Christian, stabbed three men to death on the city's mass transit train. Christian made anti-Muslim remarks to two teenage girls who appeared to be Muslim. He made other "anti-everything" and "anti-religious" remarks. The three men were stabbed as they attempted to defend the girls.

The left-wing media was quick to label Christian as "racist," "right-wing," "anti-Muslim," and a "white supremacist." Christian's Facebook posts paint a different picture. He claimed to be a registered Libertarian who voted for Bernie Sanders and expressed support for Jill Stein in the 2016 presidential election. His posts show him to be left-wing in many opinions, such as supporting atheism, marijuana use, and opposing controversial oil pipelines, and to hate all "monotheists," including Jews and Christians. A month before the stabbing, he was at a Free Speech Rally organized by Patriot Prayer. Video shows him calling Trump supporters "facists" and "fake Christians" and doing a Nazi salute.[68][69]


  1. https://www.youtube.com/user/LaughingAtLiberals
  2. http://www.victoriataft.com/rewind-tape-da-refused-charge-anti-gun-filmmaker-vicious-videotaped-beatdown-strickland/
  3. http://www.brettsanders.me/pro-gun-videographer-hospitalized-after-brutal-assault-by-anti-gun-filmmaker/
  4. https://www.oregonfirearms.org/vendetta
  5. https://bigleaguepolitics.com/huffington-post-senior-reporter-mocks-journalist-andy-ngo-who-was-assaulted-by-antifa/
  6. Antifa throws smoke and projectiles at police at Portland rallies; 7 arrested. Fox News. September 10, 2017.
  7. https://www.foxnews.com/us/2018/06/04/violence-breaks-out-as-antifa-patriot-prayer-clash-at-dueling-rallies.html
  8. https://www.bizpacreview.com/2018/06/04/bloody-blows-as-antifa-clashes-with-patriot-prayer-rally-thugs-attack-cops-641179
  9. https://youtu.be/myFoiDQsdmw
  10. https://dailycaller.com/2018/07/30/portland-police-ice-911-calls/
  11. https://s3.amazonaws.com/arc-wordpress-client-uploads/wweek/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/30080248/National-ICE-Letter-to-Wheeler-Final-7_30.pdf
  12. https://www.nowtheendbegins.com/shocking-raw-video-shows-attempted-stabbing-of-us-marine-veteran-domestic-terror-group-antifa-portland-riots-last-weekend/
  13. https://www.pscp.tv/w/1vOGwVekdMPKB
  14. Richardson, Valerie (October 14, 2018). Portland mayor stands by decision to allow Antifa to block traffic, hassle motorists. The Washington Times. Retrieved October 14, 2018.
  15. Kirkwood, R. Cort (October 15, 2018). Portland Mayor Lets the Goons Rule as Anti-Trump Violence Escalates. The New American. Retrieved October 15, 2018.
  16. Multiple references:
  17. Pentchoukov, Ivan (June 30, 2019). Antifa Members Assault Journalist Known for Exposing Group’s Violence. The Epoch Times. Retrieved June 30, 2019.
  18. https://themarketswork.com/2019/06/30/should-antifa-be-designated-a-domestic-terror-group/
  19. https://twitter.com/gaywonk/status/1135387850453803008
  20. https://dailycaller.com/2019/06/30/maza-milkshake-twitter-policy/
  21. https://www.thenewamerican.com/tech/computers/item/32552-big-tech-thought-purge-continues-as-youtube-moves-to-ban-supremacist-content
  22. https://twitter.com/trustrestored/status/1145138741352247299
  23. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2018/08/14/cnn_chris_cuomo_defends_antifa_attacks_on_police_journalists_not_equal_to_fighting_bigots.html
  24. https://dailycaller.com/2019/06/30/andy-ngo-antifa-journalists/
  25. https://thefederalist.com/2019/07/08/antifa-isnt-checked-beware-backlash-violence/
  26. Richardson, Valerie (July 1, 2019). Two more Oregon men left bloody after violent antifa attack at Portland protest. The Washington Times. Retrieved July 1, 2019.
  27. Bleau, Hannah (June 29, 2019). Three Arrested in Connection with Violent Antifa Protests in Portland. Breitbart News. Retrieved June 30, 2019.
  28. Richardson, Valerie (June 30, 2019). Antifa-fueled Portland protest results in 'multiple assaults,' three arrests. The Washington Times. Retrieved June 30, 2019.
  29. https://thefederalist.com/2019/07/03/left-amps-justifications-violence-political-opponents/
  30. Richardson, Valerie (July 7, 2019). Antifa blames older man for Portland fracas that left him bloodied. The Washington Times. Retrieved July 7, 2019.
  31. https://bigleaguepolitics.com/busted-keith-ellison-photographed-with-portland-antifa-leader-deletes-pro-antifa-tweet/
  32. https://thefederalist.com/2019/07/04/andy-ngo-lefts-expanded-definition-violence/
  33. Wong, Kristina (June 29, 2019). [ttps://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/06/29/portland-mayor-ted-wheeler-under-fire-for-not-stopping-antifa-protests/ :*Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler Under Fire for Not Stopping Antifa Protests]. Breitbart News. Retrieved June 30, 2019.
  34. https://twitter.com/tedcruz/status/1145212985692119041
  35. https://t.co/5xyCDARICl
  36. https://dailycaller.com/2019/06/30/andy-ngo-journalist-rally-injured/
  37. https://www.mediaite.com/tv/cnns-brian-stelter-condemns-antifa-assault-of-independent-journalist-andy-ngo/
  38. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XSyUW3SgVWQ
  39. Murphy, James (August 19, 2019). Left-wing Antifa Terrorist Violence Erupts in Portland; “Proud Boys” Score P.R. Win. The New American. Retrieved August 19, 2019.
  40. Angry Leftist Thugs Who Beat MAGA Supporter in Portland Bar Arraigned On Felony Assault Charges at the Gateway Pundit
  41. Szabo, Richard (August 27, 2019). Man and Woman Arrested After Punching Trump Supporter Wearing MAGA Hat. The Epoch Times. Retrieved August 27, 2019.
  42. https://thefederalist.com/2019/09/09/bucknell-university-to-host-antifa-leader-who-promotes-political-violence/
  43. https://twitter.com/MrAndyNgo/status/1175161771457310720
  44. Antifa Terrorists Stalk Journalist Andy Ngo at His Home on Halloween at the Gateway Pundit
  45. Antifa’s Ultimate Goal Is Communism, Journalist Attacked by Adherents Says at the Daily Signal
  46. Violent Anti-Trump Protester Bites Female MMA Fighter Who Pins Her to the Ground at Rally in Portland at the Gateway Pundit (Warning: Contains video with foul language and violence)
  47. https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/department-justice-identifies-new-york-city-portland-and-seattle-jurisdictions-permitting
  48. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/07/oregon-attorney-general-loses-court-motion-restrain-feds-stopping-rioters-portland/
  49. https://streamable.com/1j6fof
  50. https://streamable.com/avcfq0
  51. https://youtu.be/hpVj4658Zvc
  52. https://streamable.com/bfs08c
  53. https://streamable.com/adfxxt
  54. https://streamable.com/o1w92j
  55. https://streamable.com/o1wtom
  56. https://streamable.com/nanakz
  57. https://www.kptv.com/news/demonstrators-pull-down-thomas-jefferson-statue-in-front-of-portland-high-school/article_73436e00-aecc-11ea-9077-d733d2846650.html
  58. https://youtu.be/_fgK3a2JDN0
  59. https://pamplinmedia.com/pt/9-news/470191-380568-nearly-100-arson-fires-in-portland-under-investigation
  60. https://youtu.be/WXnT7Iolmt8
  61. https://www.9and10news.com/2020/07/27/portland-police-discover-a-bag-with-rifle-magazine-and-molotov-cocktails/
  62. https://twitter.com/SpaceForceUSA_
  63. https://bigleaguepolitics.com/antifa-terrorist-accused-of-stabbing-trump-supporter-had-once-been-indicted-for-child-porn/
  64. https://www.kgw.com/article/news/local/protests/defunding-portland-police-city-council-budget-15-million-cuts/283-239c5e3a-cfed-4dce-8775-d2c52a9df9aa
  65. https://www.oregonlive.com/crime/2021/03/mayor-ted-wheeler-seeks-2-million-to-bring-back-uniformed-police-team-to-address-spike-in-shootings.html
  66. Entire Portland Police Riot Squad Quits En Masse, As DA Begins Criminal Investigations Into Officers’ Conduct at the Gateway Pundit
  67. Jeffrey Cook, Meredith Deliso, "Entire Portland Police crowd control unit resigns after officer indicted on protest assault charge," ABC News, June 17, 2021.
  68. Hunter, Derek (May 28, 2017). Portland Killer Is An Anti-Circumcision, Bernie Sanders Supporter. The Daily Caller. Retrieved May 31, 2017.
  69. Carter (May 27, 2017). REPORT: Portland Killer Voted for Bernie, Reported by Trump Supporters to Police, Who Did Nothing (VIDEO). The Gateway Pundit. Retrieved May 31, 2017.

External links[edit]

Categories: [Oregon Cities and Towns] [Pacific Northwest] [Most Liberal American Cities] [Riots and Terrorist Incidents in the United States]

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