Conservapedia Atheism Articles

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Paul-Henri Thiry, Baron d'Holbach (1723 - 1789) was an early advocate of atheism in Europe.

Below is a list of atheism articles which focus on major issues related to topic of atheism:

Main atheism article[edit]

Definition of atheism[edit]

Joseph Stalin, the Premier of the Soviet Union from 6 May 1941 to 5 March 1953, patronised the League of Militant Atheists, whose chief aim, under the leadership of Yemelyan Yaroslavsky, was to propagate militant atheism and eradicate religion.[1][2]

Types of atheism[edit]

Atheist worldview[edit]

Atheism as a religion[edit]

Atheist doubts about the validity of atheism[edit]

Refutations of atheism[edit]

Atheism and morality[edit]

Effects of atheism on individuals[edit]

Numerous studies report that athletes to be more religious than non-athletes.[3]

Effects of atheism on society[edit]

Per capita atheists and agnostics in America give significantly less to charity than theists even when church giving is not counted for theists. See also: Atheism and uncharitableness

Atheism and politics:

Atheism and economics:

Violence, oppression and religious/intellectual freedom:

Ethical concerns:

Family/children matters:

Denmark is the third most atheistic country in the world and the website reports that 43 - 80% of Danes are agnostics/atheists/non-believers in God.[4] In 2009, Suzanne Ost reported in her book published by Cambridge University Press, that the child pornography material produced in Denmark (and Holland) still constituted the largest part of child pornography that was currently available, having been transferred into digital format and uploaded onto the internet.[5]



Effects on various members of society:

Atheism and science

Mistreatment of animals:

Other matters:

Views on atheists[edit]

Atheist population/demographics/statistics[edit]

In 2012, a Georgetown University study was published indicating that only about 30 percent of those who grow up in an atheist household in the United States remain atheists as adults.[6]

Atheism and gender/race[edit]

Decline of global atheist population[edit]

Causes of atheism[edit]

Atheism and leadership[edit]

PZ Myers (photo obtained from Flickr, see license agreement)


Atheism and education/intelligence[edit]

Internet atheism[edit]

Atheism quotes[edit]

See articles: Atheism Quotes

Online videos concerning atheism and related topics[edit]

Atheism and debates[edit]

Essays on atheism and evolution[edit]

Miscellaneous articles on atheism[edit]

Recommended reading[edit]

General Works Relating to Atheism and/or Defense of Theism:

Book on the New Atheism:

Atheism and history:


  1. Michael Hesemann, Whitley Strieber (2000). The Fatima Secret. Random House Digital, Inc.. Retrieved on 9 October 2011. “Lenin's death in 1924 was followed by the rise of Joseph Stalin, "the man of steel," who founded the "Union of Militant Atheists," whose chief aim was to spread atheism and eradicate religion. In the following years it devastated hundreds of churches, destroyed old icons and relics, and persecuted the clergy with unimaginable brutality.” 
  2. Paul D. Steeves (1989). Keeping the faiths: religion and ideology in the Soviet Union. Holmes & Meier. Retrieved on 4 July 2013. “The League of Militant Atheists was formed in 1926 and by 1930 had recruited three million members. Five years later there were 50,000 local groups affiliated to the League and the nominal membership had risen to five million. Children from 8-14 years of age were enrolled in Groups of Godless Youth, and the League of Communist Youth (Komsomol) took a vigorous anti- religious line. Several antireligious museums were opened in former churches and a number of Chairs of Atheism were established in Soviet universities. Prizes were offered for the best 'Godless hymns' and for alternative versions of the Bible from which ... the leader of the League of Militant Atheists, Yemelian Yaroslavsky, said: "When a priest is deprived of his congregation, that does not mean that he stops being a priest. He changes into an itinerant priest. He travels around with his primitive tools in the villages, performs religious rites, reads prayers, baptizes children. Such wandering priests are at times more dangerous than those who carry on their work at a designated place of residence." The intensified persecution, which was a part of the general terror inflicted upon Soviet society by Stalin's policy, ...” 
  3. Strength of Religious Faith of Athletes and Nonathletes at Two NCAA Division III Institutions
  4. "Top 50 countries with highest proportion of atheists/agnostics (Zuckerman, 2005)". Chris and Terri Chapman. Retrieved on September 10, 2014.
  5. Ost, Suzanne (2009). Child Pornography and Sexual Grooming: Legal and Societal Responses (Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press), p. 29.
  6. Study: Atheists Have Lowest 'Retention Rate' Compared to Religious Groups

Categories: [Atheism]

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