Bella Hadid

From Conservapedia

Isabella Khair Hadid (born October 9, 1996) is an American, daughter of (a Caucasian mother and) Arab real estate tycoon Mohamed Anwar Hadid, who claims Palestinian origin. She is known for her Anti-Semitic beliefs by supporting to 'throw Jews to sea'[1] out from Israel their homeland.[2][3][4] She's accused of spreading falsehood, incitement to her 42 million fans.[5] She also supports the terrorist Hamas group in their war against Israel.[6][7][8][9] And has been promoting bigots' invented fake quotes, to demonize. spreading hatred She is part of the wider Mohamed Anwar Hadid family's hatred campaign.[10] And the racism of justifying terrorism targeting simply those belonging to a specific group of people.[11]

As a doctor wrote: [12] It is clear to anyone willing to look past the flashing lights and dollar bills surrounding the Hadid family that the family spreads hate against, and advocates for the discrimination of, the Jewish people.

Since 2020, the Hadid sisters have turned the concept of Fake News into art. Their incredible ability to take authentic materials, take things out of context and tell a one-sided story that is largely based on lies.[13]

Activist, author:[10]

Take the example of Mohamed Hadid, the multi-millionaire father of supermodels Bella and Gigi Hadid, all of whom are vilifying Israel with gusto to their tens of millions of followers on Instagram. Instead, the blood libel is spreading.His daughters, Bella and Gigi, joined by the singer Dua Lipa – who is purportedly dating their brother – have become an unholy trinity of Hamas terror-splaining

It-girls engaged in the outright demonization of Israel and the Jewish people.

Speaking to their nearly hundred million followers on social media, they have vilified the Jewish state with an all-consuming hatred.

They accused Israel – a nation built in large part by Holocaust survivors – of ethnic cleansing, even as millions of Jews in Israel descend from refugees savagely forced out of every Arab land. They condemn Israel for the military checkpoints that were erected only after 700 innocent Israeli Jews and Arabs were blown to bits by suicide bombers on buses and cafés, many of them sent by Hamas. They call Israel an apartheid state, even as it is the only country in world history to airlift Africans into freedom and sets the standard for multi-racial and multi-cultural coexistence, with millions of Christians, Muslims and Jews - black and white – living side by side as doctors, teachers and soldiers.

Theirs is a malicious ignorance. If Bella, Gigi and Dua cared about Palestinians, they’d condemn Hamas, a bloodthirsty death cult whose brutality toward women and tolerance for honor killings of young Palestinian girls is an abomination. They’d demand that Hamas stop its use of Palestinian children as human shields for military stockpiles and rocket launch pads, cease its regular murders of LGBT Palestinians, and reverse its denial of the Palestinian people’s right to elections, after fourteen autocratic years. But those demands don’t fit into a campaign that’s solely about hating and defaming Jews.

Worst of all, in defending the Hamas terrorists, Bella, Gigi and Dua make themselves apologists for the genocidal aspirations of Hamas, whose charter calls for the murder of Jews “wherever they are found.” Hamas seeks nothing less than a second holocaust: 3,500 shrapnel-packed rockets should be more than enough to prove they mean it.

Bella Hadid, in her "protests" was also photographed alongside a racist Arab "Palestinian" charged with hate crimes.[14]

Mr. Etgar[15] confronted the Hadid family post Guardian of Walls. First, they avoided him repeatedly. Mohammed Hadid finally replied following Hadid's (desperate) posting of photo of athletes in Palestine pre establishment of State of Israel, showing/proving to them (they lied, as) the players were actually not Arabs but Jews, Palestinian-Jews who belonged to a Zionist-oriented organization. Etgar ​concluded: "It reminded me of talking with Arab MK who demand a recognition of an Arab Palestine but ignore the existence of the (Jewish) State."

The Hadids have engaged in spreading alsehood, rewriting history, libels and disseminating Anti-Semitic canards.[16]

Racism against her own background, Arabs[edit]

In 2019, Bella Hadid was accused of racism against her own Arab origin, culture in a disrespecting photo.[17][18]

Her father Mohamed Hadid defended daughter Bella's 'Racist' post as "accident".[19]

Promoting vicious libel, fake quote on Shaked[edit]

After Hadid reposted an image from a hate site a bogus "quote" on Ayelet Shaked, Shaked responded: “Bella, you should be ashamed for sharing the completely false and deeply offensive lie that I ever called for ‘genocide.’ “It’s this kind of baseless demonization that is encouraging antisemitic violence. Unlike Hamas and its supporters, we target terrorists and protect civilians.”[20]

Promoting vicious libel, fake quote on Bemnett[edit]

In June, 2021, Bella Hadid promoted a viciously lie, libel, a fake invented quote (first by the unreliable-source Haaretz[21]) pushed by a racist lying radical Arab MK in Israel (Haneen Zoabi[22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33]) against Naftali Bennett, while what he actually said is, that he killed "many terrorists." Not "many Arabs."[34][35][20]

During a speech in which she said that ISIS were not terrorists, Zoabi attempted to equivocate Islamic “militant groups” with Israeli military actions.

Setting her sights on Bennett, she brought up the fact that he had served in an elite unit in the IDF and claimed that he was proud of killing Arabs.

“We have here ministers and Knesset members who are proud they’ve killed! The Education Minister [then Bennett] said, ‘in my time…I’ve killed Arabs,’” Zoabi said, referencing a quote that was widely circulated in Arab media.

The quote alleged that Bennett said, “I’ve killed many Arabs in my life, and I’m proud of it” or an alternative version,“I’ve killed many Arabs, and I have no problem with that.”

Bennett took to the podium directly after Zoabi to correct her. “I never said that,” Bennett said.

“What I actually said was that within the framework of my army service, we killed a lot of terrorists, and that’s a good thing, and it’s a shame that we didn’t kill more terrorists, because anyone who tries to hurt the State of Israel should die.”

But the debunked Bennett quote is not the first time Hadid has published a fake quote attributed to an Israel politician.

In May, she reposted an image from an account called zionism.unveiled, which read, “@ayelet.shaked, the former minister of justice for Israel, the same Israeli politician who encouraged genocide against the Palestinians, specifically pregnant mothers, made a statement on how 95% of content they’ve asked Facebook to remove has been removed.”

“This is actually frightening, they are committing ethnic cleansing and do not want the world to know about it!”

Shaked responded publicly, writing, “Bella, you should be ashamed for sharing the completely false and deeply offensive lie that I ever called for ‘genocide.’

“It’s this kind of baseless demonization that is encouraging antisemitic violence. Unlike Hamas and its supporters, we target terrorists and protect civilians.”

Brands hypocrisy[edit]

In Nov 2022, 'replacing one Antisemite for another,' Balenciaga, Adidas Blasted for Partnering with Hadid After Dropping Kanye - sheer hypocrisy.[36]


Still: [37]

March 6, 2022, was a new low for Gigi. She posted on Instagram, “I am pledging to donate my earnings... to aid those suffering from the war in Ukraine, as well as continuing to support those experiencing the same in Palestine.”

Here you had the most violent invasion in Europe since the Second World War, where a totalitarian monster, Vladimir Putin, was destroying an entire country, and Gigi Hadid said “the same” was happening to the Palestinians. Here you have a world-famous celebrity who sees in the unspeakable suffering of the Ukrainian nothing but an opportunity to attack the Jews.

Antisemites like the Hadid sisters traffic in putting us Jews on the defensive, and on this occasion, I regret I have to take the bait. Sadly, so many people are so utterly ignorant of Israel’s defensive struggles that we need to say why the two situations are not comparable in any way.

Unlike Putin, who invades his neighbors out of a desire to recreate Great Russia and have Ukraine bend its knee, Israel does not ever attack its neighbors except in an attempt to stop them from sending terrorists to murder its citizens or raining rockets on its cities. And unlike Putin, who terrorizes whole populations by reducing their cities to rubble, Israel risks the lives of its soldiers by undertaking only precise military surgical strikes to reduce civilian casualties as much as humanly possible, as they seek to neutralize genocidal maniacs like Hamas.

See also[edit]


  1. Ayaan Hirsi Ali, "How influencers have legitimised anti-Semitism," Unherd, May 25, 2021

    Instagram activists have turned false narratives into deadly fantasies [...] Take supermodel Bella Hadid, who, as Daniella Greenbaum Davis has pointed out, has almost four-times as many Instagram followers as there are Jews in the entire world. In response to the conflict, she joined a pro-Palestinian protest in Brooklyn, chanting: “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” — an anti-Semitic slogan coined by the Palestine Liberation Organization to call for the elimination of Israel.

    Until recently, it was a chant frequently associated with the likes of Hamas, a terrorist organisation whose 1988 charter explicitly called for genocide of the Jewish people. But in today’s hysterical climate, one of the West’s most famous celebrities can use it and expect applause. Indeed, when the Israeli government accused Hadid of advocating for the elimination of the Jewish state, many of her fans attempted a semantic defence, claiming that Hadid was innocently advocating for a free Palestine, without any harm to the Jews.

    But this is where the role of false narratives becomes increasingly alarming. It is my opinion that Ms. Hadid was unaware of the context and history of the chant; I do not believe she understood she was calling for the elimination of Israel, or the expulsion or genocide of the Jewish people. Similarly, I do not believe that she, nor her niece’s father, singer Zayn Malik, understood the implications of describing Israel as a “colonizer”.

    Yet we must not ignore the fact that such descriptions have a pernicious impact on society at large. For whether they realise it or not, sinister actors and adversaries — look no further than China — have started to capitalise on the ignorance of our progressive elites, using their narratives to harness and spread more anti-Semitism.
  2. Jews and aboriginals make a powerful team - The Canadian Jewish News, Jan 26, 2015
    — As Irwin Cotler is fond of saying “Jews were the aboriginal people of Israel.”...
  3. Ryan Bellerose, "Are Jews Indigenous to the Land of Israel? Yes." Tablet Mag. Feb 8, 2017.
    As an indigenous activist—I am a Métis from the Paddle Prairie Metis settlement in Alberta, Canada—there is one question I am most often asked by the public, one that can instantly divide a community due to its intense and arduous subject matter. Yet, regardless of the scenario, each time I hear the words, “Are Jews the indigenous people of Israel?” I’m inclined to answer not only with my heart but with the brutal, honest truth, backed by indisputable, thousands-year-old historical and archaeological fact: yes. While evidence in favor of this view is overwhelming...
  4. Rossella Tercatin, "Jews are indigenous to Israel and a rabbi should know it, scholar says," July 12, 2020.
    “For a long time there was very little doubt on whether the Jews were indigenous here. The concept started to be questioned by the Arab anti-Zionist community,” Ilan Troen said.
  5. Bella Hadid opens herself to allegations of anti-Semitism, May 13, 2021.
    Supermodel sisters Bella and Gigi Hadid have sparked a firestorm over an Instagram post that said Israel was not a country, but rather a land settled by colonizers. 

    Bella, who has nearly 42 million followers on the platform, published the series of cartoons Wednesday that called Israel ‘occupiers’ and called Palestinians ‘oppressed.’

    Her sister Gigi then liked the post, amplifying the cartoons riddled with historic inaccuracies and anti-Semitic tropes to her 66.2 million followers.

    The post comes as Israel on Thursday pressed ahead with a fierce military offensive in the Gaza Strip, killing as many as 11 senior Hamas terrorist military figures in retaliation for artillery and mortar that had been lobbed into Israel from Palestinian areas.  

    Bella, 24, and Gigi, 26, are vocal in their support for the Palestinian cause, and have attended marches and demonstrations.  

    Their father Mohamed Hadid, 72, is a Palestinian born in Nazareth in November 1948, four months after his city was captured by Israeli forces. The family fled to Syria, and ultimately to Washington DC. He has Jordanian and American citizenship.
  6. Israel ישראל @Israel. May 16: When celebrities like @BellaHadid advocate for throwing Jews into the sea, they are advocating for the elimination of the Jewish State. This shouldn't be an Israeli-Palestinian issue. This should be a human issue. Shame on you. #IsraelUnderAttack. May 17 For those of you who don’t know, “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” is a phrase used by those who call for the elimination of Israel (from the river to the sea....)
  8. For the information of the Hadid sisters and their liberal friends: You have a responsibility to the harming of Jews, Natasha Kirtziuk-Gutman, Ynet, May 25, 2021
  9. NYT Ad Slams Dua Lipa, Hadid Sisters for Anti-Israel Rhetoric, JJ, May 25, 2021
  10. 10.0 10.1 The total collapse of Jewish and Israeli PR, S. Boteach, JPost, May 19, 2021.
  11. "Fear of calling a terrorist a terrorist." Bradley Burston, Haaretz, Jul 7, 2008.

    This week the people of London mark the anniversary of the 7/7 suicide bombings, which claimed the lives of 52 people. This might be as good a time as any to look at the challenges journalists face in covering intentional, ideologically based lethal attacks on civilians, which is to say, terrorism.

    Journalists are right to fear calling a terrorist a terrorist. The word is often misused, its power exploited, its capacity for bias unbounded, its application all too often judgmental, inflammatory, grossly inexact, even racist.

    Sometimes, though, terrorism actually is terrorism.

    Last week, a Palestinian drove a bulldozer past a building which houses a number of major world and Israeli news media outlets, ramming the earth mover over and into a succession of cars in an incident which shocked and perplexed a public and a journalist corps which, until that moment, believed that they had seen it all...

    ... Terrorism is many things, but justifiable is not among them. The person who justifies terror in any form, is declaring that it is legitimate in certain cases to kill innocent people. If justifying the murder of innocents because they belong to a certain hated group is not abject racism, I'd like to know what is.
  12. Anti-Semites Dua Lipa and the Hadids, Pablo Nankin, MD, DiarioJudio, May 30, 2021
  13. Sivan Cohen, The Fake News Against Israel: The Hadid sisters ..., ICE, 21/4/2022.


    In the last two years, the Hadid sisters have turned the concept of Fake News into art. Their incredible ability to take authentic materials, take things out of context and tell a one-sided story that is largely based on lies ...
  14. Bella Hadid protested alongside a man charged with a hate crime at pro-Palestine rally, Josh Boswell and Shawn Cohen and Martin Gould, Daily Mail Online, May 27, 2021
  15. Chaim Etgar confronted the Hadid family: This is how it was Maariv, June 26, 2021.
    ... This was done to prove that an independent Palestinian entity existed even before the establishment of the state. It is a regular matter of the Hadid family, to show that Palestine existed in a real and complete way, culturally and nationally, long before 1948. But the actors in the picture were Jews, who belonged to a Zionist-oriented organization.

    I sent the photo to Hadids, explained the mistake and wrote that I was very disappointed. Within seconds, Father Muhammad, a millionaire real estate agent and arrowhead of the gang, returned to me. He responded at length and in what appeared to be a restrained rage. My wishes or did not answer the matter, and in other messages he recited about the Palestinian past that he claimed was here...

    The conduct between us reminded me of previous discussions I had with Arab righteous and MKs, who asked us to recognize the rights of the Palestinian people to self-determination, even though they themselves in no way wanted to accept the fact that there is and will be a Jewish state here.

    Despite the opacity, I felt, perhaps childishly, better about myself after explaining to the man that he and his family were spreading lies, half-truths and fueling hatred and terrorism...
  16. Rachel O’Donoghue,Hating With the Hadids: How a Family of Social Media Stars Is Waging War on IsraelAlgemeiner, July 28, 2022.
  17. Bella Hadid apologises after being accused of racism following Instagram post, Katie O'Malley, The Independent, June 18, 2019
  18. Yikes, Bella Hadid Has Been Accused Of Racism And Offending The Middle East, Olivia Adams, Cosmopolitan, June 18, 2019. #BellaHadidIsRacist is trending on Twitter RN.
  19. Mohamed Hadid Defends Daughter Bella's 'Racist' Post as Accident (Exclusive), TooFab Staff, 7/1/2019
  20. 20.0 20.1 Anti-Israel model reposts debunked ‘proud Arab killer’ quote attributed to Bennett Janglo. July 15, 2021
  21. Jonathan Gottlieb, Bella Hadid spreads lies about Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, INN, 15.06.21.

    The American model who is known for her hatred of Israel is spreading fake news against Prime Minister Naftali Bennett.

    The American model Bella Hadid, the daughter of a Muslim father who was born in Nazareth and moved to the USA, continues to spread fake news, this time with Prime Minister Naftali Bennett in the spotlight.

    Hadid uploaded to her Instagram account, which is followed by over 43 million people, a quote Bennett allegedly said in the past. "I have killed a lot of (Hadid lied) Arabs in my life, and there is no problem with that," he is quoted as saying.

    But, this is a false quote that was never said by him. When this statement was attributed to him in 2013 in the Haaretz newspaper, he responded: "For the avoidance of doubt, the words were not said. At the cabinet meeting, I suggested that we stop endangering our soldiers and go out of our way to capture terrorists alive, because then the state releases them anyway. A terrorist who endangers the lives of our soldiers during its operation, it must be eliminated."

    Yesterday it was published in Haaretz newspaper... - Naftali Bennett - Naftali Bennett | Facebook

    Yesterday it was published in Haaretz newspaper that I said: "I have killed a lot (as it were) of Arabs in my life, and there is no problem with that" and also "If you catch terrorists, you should just kill them."

    For the avoidance of doubt: the things were not said. At the government meeting, I suggested that we stop endangering our soldiers and go out of our way to capture terrorists alive, because then the state releases them anyway. A terrorist who endangers the lives of our soldiers during his actions should be eliminated.

    Haaretz is allowed to think differently.

    I will live with it...

    Aug 8, 2013.

  22. Lieberman Slams Zoabi: Her Hatred is Intolerable INN, Feb 28, 2012. "I haven't seen so much hatred for the Jewish people..."
  23. Verbal Sparring in Knesset Between Zoabi, MK, INN, June 17, 2014.
  24. Arab MK Zoabi Says IDF ‘Worse than’ ISIS, Tzvi Ben-Gedalyahu, INN, October 20, 2014. Not to be totally outdone by
    Zoabi’s love for hate, another one of her Balad party colleagues, MK Basel Ghattas, chimed in on Army Radio Monday to say that there is a big difference between the Israeli army and the Islamic State, which “unlike the IDF, has not committed crimes against humanity.
    Zoabi, a resident of Nazareth in the Galilee, is the same cheerleader for terror who was on the IHH terrorists’ Mavi Mamara ship aimed at breaking the maritime embargo on Hamas. She previously has used the Knesset podium to call Israel a Nazi state, reject Israel as a Jewish state, a basic part of the Balad party’s platform, and to dismiss the Iranian nuclear threat simply as one of “potential.” She also has sung the Palestinian anthem at a Hamas rally.
  25. Netanyahu Orders AG to Probe MK Zoabi on Criminal Incitement to Violence, INN, Oct 11, 2015.
    ... against MK Haneen Zoabi (Joint Arab List) over incitement for attacks on Israeli civilians.
  26. Zoabi refuses to participate in Holocaust Day, Tova Dvorin, INN, Apr 20, 2016. Arab MK claims Holocaust education has provided the justification for 'injustices' against Palestinians, and Israel is 1930s Germany.
  27. Ethics Committee report reveals Hamas TV funded MK Zoabi's Jordan trip, JPost, Dec 13, 2016.
    ... Anti- Defamation League, Hamas uses Al-Quds TV “to spread its messages promoting terrorism and hatred of Jews 
  28. ADL Condemns Israeli Knesset Member’s "Despicable Comparison" of Kristallnacht to Current Situation in Israel.
    New York, NY, November 9, 2015 … The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) today condemned Israel Member of Knesset Hanin Zoabi of the Arab Joint List Party for comparing the current situation in Israel to the period of Kristallnacht, the mass pogrom against Jews and Jewish businesses in Germany and Austria in November 1938.
  29. Zoabi’s words, [Ltr.] JPost, July 3, 2016.
    Zoabi’s words and gestures manifest the contempt with which she holds the Knesset and its members. Watching her posturing, her finger-wagging and the shocking hatred in her eyes made my blood boil like lava.
  30. MKs blame Zoabi for terrorist attack that killed 13-year-old girl Lahav Harkov, JPost, June 30, 2016.
    The Ethics Committee received more than 100 complaints, a record number, against Zoabi following her statements, most of which are from concerned citizens. In the past, the committee has suspended Zoabi from all Knesset activity except voting for periods of several months for repeatedly inciting terrorism. Yisrael Beytenu faction chairman Robert Ilatov said the “display of incitement and hatred we saw yesterday on the Knesset’s stage already has shocking ramifications: A young woman was murdered in her bed, while she was asleep.”
  31. Arab MK: Jews have no right to self-determination INN, Oct 13, 2017.
     Arab MK Hanin Zoabi compares Israel to Germany in the 1930s, says Israel should grant right of return to Arabs - but not Jews.
  32. Watch: Arab MK Removed from Podium for Calling IDF Soldiers Murderers INN, Jun 6, 2018
    —  ... Levin (Likud) responded, saying: “We witnessed another hate speech...
  33. After a tumultuous tenure of a decade: Hanin Zoabi announced her resignation from the Knesset Arik Bender, Maariv, Jan 5, 2019.
    “This is further proof we cannot let this supporter of terrorism in serve in the Knesset,” Ilatov said. The most memorable incident from the Knesset member, which also brought Zoabi to the public's consciousness for the first time in Israel, was Zoabi's participation in May 2010 in the IHH sponsored "Marmara" flotilla to Gaza of hundreds of pro-Palestinian activists from around the world. The flotilla ended in a violent confrontation between some of the operatives on the ship "Maui Marmara", which also had Zoabi on it, and a force of the 13th Fleet that took control of the ship. In 2014, Zoabi was suspended from the Knesset for a period of six months following a number of incidents and statements. Knesset Speaker MK Yuli Edelstein wrote in a complaint against her that Zoabi had published an article in which she encouraged Palestinians to "declare popular opposition and lay siege to Israel instead of negotiating with it." He also wrote that she said of the kidnappers of the three boys Gil-ad Shaar, Naftali Frenkel and Eyal Yifrach: "They are not terrorists, they are forced to use these means." Edelstein also mentioned Zoabi's confrontation with police in a demonstration against the IDF held in Haifa.
  34. Yoseph Haddad (@YosephHaddad) Tweeted: She did it again! This time, Bella Hadid leads her 43 million followers to believe that the new Prime Minister @naftalibennett is proud that he killed "lots of Arabs" ... Of course, Al Jazeera also joined the celebration ... But the truth is quite different! June, 15, 2021
  35. Bella Hadid and Al-Jazeera share slanderous quotes of PM Bennett, Gabrielle Abrams, JPost, June 16. 2021.

    Naftali Bennett is under fire as misquoted comments about the Prime Ministers' intentions to kill Palestinians have been shared by Bella Hadid and Al Jazeera publication, AJ+.

    Bennett, in a Knesset briefing in 2015, clarified that he was inaccurately quoted by former Joint List party member Haneen Zoabi as saying that "I killed a lot of Arabs in my life" when what he actually said was that he had killed many terrorists in the context of his army service. 

    Bennett added at the time that "this is good – and it is a shame we didn't kill more terrorists."
  36. Deborah Brand, Hypocrisy Replacing One Antisemite for Another’: Balenciaga, Adidas Blasted for Partnering with Hadid After Dropping KanyeBreitbart, November 9, 2022.

    Balenciaga and Adidas, the latter of which was founded by members of the Nazi party, have partnered with vocally anti-Israel supermodel Bella Hadid to front their latest collaboration, prompting accusations of hypocrisy only weeks after both companies parted ways with Kanye West over his antisemitism. Balenciaga announced last month that it was severing ties with West over his antisemitic remarks, which included saying he will go “death con 3 on JEWISH PEOPLE” and slamming the “Jewish underground media mafia,” but Adidas held back from making a move. In the ensuing days, West bragged he can “say antisemitic s*** and they cannot drop me.” The following week, the sportswear firm finally terminated its partnership with the rapper, saying his remarks were “unacceptable, hateful and dangerous.” Balenciaga and Adidas have come under fire for hiring Hadid as the face of its new collaboration, the second of its kind. Arsen Ostrovsky, human rights attorney and CEO of The International Legal Forum, a global coalition of lawyers which spearheaded a campaign demanding that Adidas end its partnership with Kanye, said hiring Hadid immediately after dropping Kanye was only “motivated by money.” “That they simply just replaced one antisemite for another, only underscores that these brands were never motivated by doing the right thing and showing leadership in tackling racial hatred, but rather only care about their profits,” Ostrovsky told Breitbart News.

    “Kanye and Hadid are no different, both engage in antisemitism and need to be called out, not given a global platform by international brands,” he went on…
  37. S Boteach, Fighting Gigi and Bella Hadid's antisemitic blood libels, JPost, Apr 11, 2022.

    ...Of course, if they actually lived in Gaza, their Instagram feeds would have, God forbid, had them imprisoned or even killed by Hamas long ago for the feeds’ explicit nature. Hamas does not blush at pictures of Palestinian women in bikinis posted to Instagram. It takes more devilish action. Luckily, Bella and Gigi are writing from Western countries that uphold Israel’s standards of human rights and women’s rights, standards that guarantee them all the protections that they would deny Palestinian women whom they purport to protect.

    But March 6, 2022, was a new low for Gigi. She posted on Instagram, “I am pledging to donate my earnings... to aid those suffering from the war in Ukraine, as well as continuing to support those experiencing the same in Palestine.”

    Here you had the most violent invasion in Europe since the Second World War, where a totalitarian monster, Vladimir Putin, was destroying an entire country, and Gigi Hadid said “the same” was happening to the Palestinians. Here you have a world-famous celebrity who sees in the unspeakable suffering of the Ukrainian nothing but an opportunity to attack the Jews.

    Antisemites like the Hadid sisters traffic in putting us Jews on the defensive, and on this occasion, I regret I have to take the bait. Sadly, so many people are so utterly ignorant of Israel’s defensive struggles that we need to say why the two situations are not comparable in any way.

    Unlike Putin, who invades his neighbors out of a desire to recreate Great Russia and have Ukraine bend its knee, Israel does not ever attack its neighbors except in an attempt to stop them from sending terrorists to murder its citizens or raining rockets on its cities. And unlike Putin, who terrorizes whole populations by reducing their cities to rubble, Israel risks the lives of its soldiers by undertaking only precise military surgical strikes to reduce civilian casualties as much as humanly possible, as they seek to neutralize genocidal maniacs like Hamas.

Categories: [Models] [Muslims] [Liberals] [Anti-Semitism] [Hollywood Values] [Celebrities] [Multimillionaires] [Racism]

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