Influencers By Type

From Ballotpedia

Influencers are power players who help get candidates elected, put through policy proposals, cause ideological changes, and affect popular perceptions. They can take on many forms: politicians, lobbyists, advisors, donors, corporations, industry groups, labor unions, single-issue organizations, nonprofits, to name a few. The activity of influencers and their impact can be felt on the national, state or local level, and even in certain policy sectors. Below are lists of influencers by type covered by Ballotpedia.

Influencer Project Badge.png


The following is a list of activists on Ballotpedia:

  1. George Lakoff
  2. Jon Caldara
  3. Leon Drolet
  4. Steve Poizner
  5. Tracy Westen
  6. Ted Costa
  7. Tim Eyman
  8. Greg Schmid
  9. Robin Ficker
  10. Ross Johnson
  11. Pete Stahl
  12. Thomas Elias
  13. Kathay Feng
  14. Lee Albright
  15. Alan Grosso
  16. David Goldstein (blogger)
  17. Aaron Starr
  18. Pamela Willeford
  19. Barbara and Eugene Prete
  20. Don Perata
  21. Jennifer Gratz
  22. Walter Shorenstein
  23. Tim Asher
  24. Mark Paul
  25. Douglas Heller
  26. Eric Novack
  27. Bill Sizemore
  28. Christian Sinderman
  29. Ray Haynes
  30. Harvey Rosenfield
  31. Douglas Bruce
  32. Paul Farago
  33. Orville Seymer
  34. Michael Cloud (Massachusetts)
  35. Rick Carpenter
  36. Whitney Taylor
  37. Rob Reiner
  38. Howard Jarvis
  39. Doug Boxer
  40. Carla Howell
  41. Keli Carender
  42. Tony Andrade
  43. Fred Karger
  44. Lon Mabon
  45. Trevis Butcher
  46. Charles Munger, Jr.
  47. Allan Zaremberg
  48. Brian Downs (activist)
  49. Theodore Brinkofski
  50. Clay Chastain
  51. Richard Lee (Political activist)
  52. Dennis Peron
  53. Chris Kliesmet
  54. Rick Jore
  55. Jon Coupal
  56. Andrew Villeneuve
  57. Mary Adams (Maine)
  58. Kristine Burton
  59. Carl Romanelli
  60. Bob Wilson (California)
  61. Rick Jacobs
  62. Lenny Goldberg
  63. Kevin Mannix
  64. Stephen Bing
  65. Mike Schroeder
  66. Mohammad Arif
  67. Peggy Venable
  68. Ron Nehring
  69. Paul Brainerd
  70. Ward Connerly
  71. Nancy Parrish
  72. Karyn Gillette
  73. Kerry Baldwin (Arkansas)
  74. Ned Ryun
  75. Diane Ravitch
  76. Milton Friedman
  77. Anita MonCrief
  78. Michelle Rhee
  79. Ron Paul
  80. Jenny Beth Martin
  81. Wade Rathke
  82. Michael Bloomberg
  83. Paul Jacob
  84. Eric O'Keefe
  85. John Tsarpalas
  86. Bob Costello (Activist)
  87. Bertha Lewis
  88. Eric Dondero
  89. Richard Winger
  90. Kristina Wilfore
  91. Charles Koch
  92. David Koch
  93. Ralph Nader
  94. Michael Arno
  95. Ethan Nadelmann
  96. Mark Block
  97. Lisa Graves
  98. John Matsusaka
  99. Steve Zemke
  100. Ryan Rhodes
  101. Matthew Schlapp
  102. Grover Norquist
  103. George Judson King
  104. Phil Kerpen
  105. Dr. Maurice F. Doty
  106. Shelby F. McCurnin, II
  107. RiShawn Biddle
  108. Lawrence Lessig
  109. Ellen Miller
  110. David Keating
  111. Revitalize Tucson
  112. James O'Keefe III
  113. Project Veritas
  114. Mark Ruffalo
  115. Jordan Burgess
  116. Dudley Brown
  117. Conrad Lucas
  118. Betsy Kippers
  119. Scot Ross
  120. Matt Arnold (Colorado)
  121. Dave Powell
  122. Lisa Macfarlane
  123. Beth Sigall
  124. Lee Beaman
  125. Thomas Franta
  126. Elizabeth Burke Bryant
  127. Eric Adelstein
  128. Ann Liston
  129. Jason McGrath
  130. Larry Grisolano
  131. John Kupper
  132. Peter Giangreco
  133. Terry Walsh
  134. Faye Garneau
  135. Thomas Krannawitter
  136. Cathi Herrod
  137. Mitch Stewart
  138. Bobbie Patray
  139. Eunie Smith
  140. Lachlan McIntosh
  141. Tyler Jones
  142. Ashley Landess
  143. Will Folks
  144. Eric Hyers
  145. Devin Driscoll
  146. Ken Ham
  147. Carla Wallace
  148. Kristen Webb-Hill
  149. Jesse Connolly
  150. Elizabeth Reinholt
  151. David Farmer (Maine)
  152. Holly Robichaud
  153. Ian Prior
  154. Amy Morton
  155. Bryan Long
  156. Sam Fischer
  157. Jessica Moenning
  158. Mike Vlacich
  159. Karen Hicks
  160. Nicholas Holland
  161. Deborah Love
  162. Chris Fitzsimon
  163. John Hood
  164. Tom Fetzer
  165. Lionel Gustafson
  166. Sarah Palin
  167. Black Lives Matter
  168. Peter Goldberg
  169. Robert Graham (Arizona)
  170. Doyle Webb
  171. Jim Brulte
  172. J.R. Romano
  173. John Padgett
  174. Fritz Rohlfing
  175. Tim Schneider (Illinois)
  176. Jeff Cardwell
  177. Kelly Arnold
  178. J. McCauley Brown
  179. Roger F. Villere Jr.
  180. Diana Waterman (Maryland)
  181. Kirsten Hughes
  182. Ronna Romney McDaniel
  183. Joe Nosef
  184. John Hancock (Missouri)
  185. Dan Welch
  186. Michael McDonald (Nevada)
  187. Jennifer Horn
  188. Samuel Raia
  189. Debbie Maestas
  190. Edward Cox
  191. Hasan Harnett
  192. Matt Borges
  193. Pam Pollard
  194. Bill Currier
  195. Rob Gleason
  196. Brandon S. Bell
  197. Matt Moore (South Carolina)
  198. Tom Mechler
  199. James Evans (Utah)
  200. David Sunderland
  201. Susan Hutchison
  202. Brad Courtney
  203. Matt Micheli
  204. John Canegata
  205. Paul Reynolds
  206. Shawn Steel
  207. Laird Stabler III
  208. Peter Feaman
  209. Ted Liu (Hawaii)
  210. Richard Porter
  211. Robert M. Duncan
  212. Louis Pope
  213. Chris Tiedeman
  214. Lance Beshore
  215. Errol Galt
  216. Steve Duprey
  217. Bill Palatucci
  218. Pat Rogers (New Mexico)
  219. Charles Joyce
  220. Steve Fair
  221. Jay Shepard
  222. Vicki Drummond
  223. Cynthia Henry
  224. Sharon Giese
  225. Pat Longo
  226. Ellen Barrosse
  227. Linda Herren
  228. Demetra DeMonte
  229. Tamara Scott
  230. Nicolee Ambrose
  231. Chanel Prunier
  232. Kathy Berden
  233. Janet Beihoffer
  234. Susie Eckelkamp
  235. Betti Hill
  236. Joyce Simmons
  237. Juliana Bergeron
  238. Ginny Haines
  239. Rosie Tripp
  240. Jennifer Saul-Rich
  241. Ada Fisher
  242. Carolyn McLarty
  243. Susie Hudson
  244. José Cunningham
  245. Utu Abe Malae
  246. Mike Benito
  247. James Ada
  248. Su'a Schuster
  249. Lilliana O'Neal
  250. Aumua Amata Radewagen
  251. Alexander Willette
  252. Eleanor Espling
  253. Zoraida Fonalledas
  254. Holland Redfield
  255. Margaret Metcalfe
  256. Jay Rojas
  257. Rob Steele
  258. C. Richard Cranwell
  259. Mike Henry
  260. Jill Alper
  261. Luis Guillermo Fortuño Burset
  262. Amy Chapman
  263. Phil Cox
  264. Robin Van Ausdall
  265. Leora Levy
  266. John Frey
  267. Robin Hayes (North Carolina)
  268. J.L. Spray
  269. K.C. Crosbie
  270. Harvey Yates Jr.
  271. Vicky Villagomez
  272. Bo Palacios
  273. David Bossie
  274. Rick Rice
  275. J. Randolph Evans
  276. Ginger Howard
  277. Michael Weinstein (AHF)
  278. Transform California
  279. Steven Maviglio
  280. Denise Zielie
  281. Montana Citizens for I-182
  282. Jason Hoyt
  283. WikiLeaks
  284. Project Veritas Action
  285. Direct Legislation League
  286. Let Minnesota Vote
  287. Maine Coalition to Save Schools
  288. Wisconsin Public Interest Research Group (WISPIRG)
  289. MATForce
  290. Jehmu Greene
  291. Alliance for Citizenship
  292. Voting Is Power
  293. Marisa Franco
  294. Cristina Jimenez
  295. Thomas Steyer
  296. Bill McKibben
  297. Bill Samuels
  298. Howard Rich
  299. Jessica Millan Patterson
  300. Howard Schultz
  301. Henry Nicholas
  302. Chris Peterson (Influencer)
  303. Raymond Sullivan, Jr.
  304. Chris McKenzie
  305. John Avlon


The following is a list of columnists on Ballotpedia:

  1. Robert Novak
  2. David Farmer (Maine)
  3. Jon Ralston
  4. Craig Varoga


The following is a list of donors on Ballotpedia:

  1. Mike Dunmire
  2. Martin Selig
  3. PeaceHealth
  4. Peter Sperling
  5. Forest City Residential West
  6. Wallace Weitz
  7. Booth Gardner
  8. David Bohnett
  9. Peter Lewis (Chairman of Progressive Insurance)
  10. Richard Holland
  11. Diane Lozier
  12. John Thornton
  13. Paul Singer
  14. Paul Brainerd
  15. John Sperling
  16. Bruce Bastian
  17. Bob J. Perry
  18. Bill Gates (Microsoft)
  19. Jacob Goldfield
  20. James Holman
  21. Loren Parks
  22. Don Sebastiani
  23. Eric Lemelson
  24. Tides Foundation
  25. Democracy Alliance
  26. Knights of Columbus
  27. Stephen Bing
  28. David Koch
  29. Committee on States
  30. Charles Munger, Jr.
  31. Rob Reiner
  32. Bob Wilson (California)
  33. California Nurses Association
  34. George Seay III
  35. Alfonso Fanjul
  36. Judith Faulkner
  37. Terry Kohler
  38. B. Wayne Hughes Sr.
  39. Fred Eychaner
  40. Richard Uihlein
  41. Kenneth Griffin
  42. Randy Kendrick
  43. Jim Click
  44. Michael Bidwill
  45. Michael Morton
  46. Richard DeVos Jr.
  47. Betsy DeVos
  48. Helen DeVos
  49. Richard DeVos Sr.
  50. Andrew Miller (Oregon)
  51. Bernard Marcus
  52. Susan Alice Buffett
  53. Robert Cummins
  54. Joe Craft
  55. Sheldon Adelson
  56. Charles Koch
  57. Robert Bass (Texas)
  58. Diane Hendricks
  59. Theresa Kostrzewa
  60. Robert McNair
  61. Julian Robertson
  62. Robert Mercer (Influencer)
  63. Robert Rowling
  64. Amy Goldman Fowler
  65. Joe Ricketts
  66. James Simons
  67. Thomas John Jordan
  68. Daniel Loeb
  69. Nicolas Hanauer
  70. Rex Sinquefield
  71. Jon Stryker
  72. Patricia A. Stryker
  73. Cox Communications
  74. Anne Earhart
  75. Sean Parker (California)
  76. Rebekah Mercer
  77. Reed Hastings
  78. Renee Parsons
  79. Robert Parsons
  80. Tyler Nottberg
  81. Donors to California Counts!
  82. Donors to Yes on 49 (2007)
  83. Lincoln Club of Orange County
  84. Walter Shorenstein
  85. Thomas Steyer
  86. George Soros
  87. Brad Parscale
  88. Paul Allen (Washington)
  89. Timothy Mellon
  90. Deborah Stone
  91. Henry Nicholas


The following is a list of individual influencers on Ballotpedia:

  1. Mark Grueskin
  2. John Lilburne
  3. Greg Schmid
  4. Paul Jacob
  5. Andrew Villeneuve
  6. Bertha Lewis
  7. Matthew Schlapp
  8. Stephen DeMaura
  9. Jennifer Girgsby
  10. Jess Knox
  11. Jessica Krivoy
  12. Katherine King (North Dakota)
  13. Jon Fleischman
  14. Jonathan Motl
  15. Lance H. Olson
  16. Margaret Sullivan
  17. Becky Miller (Oregon)
  18. Brooke Rollins
  19. Hans von Spakovsky
  20. Lewis K. Uhler
  21. Bob Vander Plaats
  22. Heidi Verougstraete
  23. Andrew Rotherham
  24. Geoffrey Canada
  25. Karen Lewis (Illinois)
  26. Lily Eskelsen García
  27. Bret Baier
  28. Chris Wallace
  29. Megyn Kelly
  30. Bill Hemmer
  31. Martha MacCallum
  32. RiShawn Biddle
  33. Randi Weingarten
  34. Linda Darling-Hammond
  35. Richard Pilger
  36. Steve Green (Oklahoma)
  37. Lawrence Lessig
  38. Stuart Taylor, Jr.
  39. Patrick Marley
  40. Bill Glauber
  41. Jake Tapper
  42. Hugh Hewitt
  43. Jason Stein
  44. Dan Bice
  45. Donald McGahn
  46. Ellen Miller
  47. David Keating
  48. Rupert Murdoch
  49. Jorge Ramos
  50. Robert Siegel
  51. Steve Inskeep
  52. Chuck Todd
  53. David Greene (Pennsylvania)
  54. Audie Cornish
  55. Renee Montagne
  56. George Stephanopoulos
  57. J. Douglas Haag
  58. Dana Bash
  59. Elizabeth Blackwood
  60. Nathan Judnic
  61. Shane Falk
  62. Brooks Jackson
  63. Jane Elizabeth
  64. Jonathan Becker
  65. George Seay III
  66. Mark Ruffalo
  67. James Gustave Speth
  68. Glenn Kessler
  69. Bill Adair
  70. Eugene Kiely
  71. Kathleen Hall Jamieson
  72. Charlie Sykes
  73. David French (Tennessee)
  74. David Clarke
  75. Sean Hannity
  76. Michael Moore (Filmmaker)
  77. Vicki McKenna
  78. Don Lemon
  79. Juan Carlos Lopez
  80. Michael Bresnick
  81. Anderson Cooper
  82. Theodore Sturgis
  83. Steve Bannon
  84. Alfonso Fanjul
  85. Amy Oliver Cooke
  86. Jon Caldara
  87. Brian Watson
  88. Diedra Garcia
  89. Dudley Brown
  90. Kristin Strohm
  91. Katie Behnke
  92. Mari Woodlief
  93. Steve House
  94. Shari Williams (Colorado)
  95. Rich Bratten
  96. Susan Christopherson
  97. David Rolf
  98. Adam Jones
  99. Joy Hoffman
  100. Matt Arnold (Colorado)
  101. Mark Baisley
  102. Jami Lund
  103. Tyler Hart (Colorado)
  104. Anthony Caldwell
  105. Aaron Pickrell
  106. Mike Zolnierowicz
  107. Nancy Kimme
  108. Tim Phillips
  109. Mike Schrimpf
  110. Dan Goldhaber
  111. Tim Mapes
  112. Robin Lake
  113. Carl Quintanilla
  114. Nicolas Hanauer
  115. Steve Brown (Illinois)
  116. Becky Quick
  117. Jeff Johnson (Washington)
  118. John Harwood
  119. B. Wayne Hughes Sr.
  120. Aaron Winters
  121. Wes Gullett
  122. John Carson (Colorado)
  123. Kevin Artl
  124. Peter Barhydt
  125. Anthony Wedo
  126. Vince Beltrami
  127. Constantin Querard
  128. Ron Ober
  129. Ryan McLaughlin
  130. Ken Snyder
  131. David S. Chang
  132. Clint Bolick
  133. Scott Jennings
  134. Michael Block
  135. Olga Block
  136. Lisa Wagner (Illinois)
  137. John McCarthy (Kentucky)
  138. W. Terry McBrayer
  139. Chuck Coughlin
  140. John Kaites
  141. Chris Baker (Arizona)
  142. Sean Noble
  143. Faye Garneau
  144. Scott Lawrence
  145. Terrie Pickerill
  146. David Leibowitz (Arizona
  147. Jim Click
  148. Dennise Casey
  149. Barry Aarons
  150. Bobbie Patray
  151. Michael Crow
  152. Casey Phillips
  153. Michael Bidwill
  154. Gale Kaufman
  155. Frank VanderSloot
  156. Willis Lyford
  157. Thomas Krannawitter
  158. Larry Berman
  159. Don Brandt
  160. Anne Gust Brown
  161. Paul Mandabach
  162. Nathan Sproul
  163. Jim Vokal
  164. Steve Gill
  165. Michael Morton
  166. Michael Cole (South Dakota)
  167. Ace Smith
  168. Cathi Herrod
  169. Brendan Johnson (South Dakota)
  170. Randy Zook
  171. Bill Britt
  172. Garry South
  173. Wayne Johnson (California)
  174. Roby Brock
  175. Bill Vickery
  176. Tanya Meck
  177. Phil Bailey
  178. Charles Bell (California)
  179. Debbie Brown (Colorado)
  180. Debbie Willhite
  181. Robert McLarty
  182. Roy Occhiogrosso
  183. Jay Malcynsky
  184. Amanda Loveday
  185. Carey Crantford
  186. Wesley Donehue
  187. Tommy Battle
  188. George Clark (Alabama)
  189. Terry Lathan
  190. Cameron Smith (Influencer)
  191. Maria Bartiromo
  192. Sandy Stimpson
  193. Kenneth James
  194. Gerard Baker
  195. Trish Regan
  196. Walt Maddox
  197. Ralph Samuels
  198. Russell Pearce
  199. Kara Moriarty
  200. Clint Reed
  201. Kurt Luidhardt
  202. Joe Reed (Alabama)
  203. Ikaika Anderson
  204. Cliff Sims
  205. Stephen Kinney
  206. Richard Quinn
  207. Stephanie Mandeville
  208. Ann Kobayashi
  209. David Brock (Washington, D.C.)
  210. Severin Beliveau
  211. John Dickerson (journalist)
  212. Nancy Cordes
  213. Kevin Cooney
  214. Pete Brodnitz
  215. Kathie Obradovich
  216. Anne Hathaway
  217. Patrick Lanne
  218. Kristen Luidhardt
  219. C. Richard Cranwell
  220. Cam Savage
  221. Ann DeLaney
  222. Lacy Johnson (Indiana)
  223. Jim Schellinger
  224. Mo Elleithee
  225. Ryan Berni
  226. Michael Beychok
  227. Danny Ford (Louisiana)
  228. Luke Theriot
  229. Mike Henry
  230. Robin Winston
  231. Lisa Turner (Influencer)
  232. Dan Hazelwood
  233. Ken Ham
  234. Mike McCartney
  235. Carla Wallace
  236. Kristen Webb-Hill
  237. Jill Alper
  238. Don Horner
  239. Amy Chapman
  240. Jim Curran
  241. Brent Littlefield
  242. Richard DeVos Jr.
  243. Betsy DeVos
  244. Helen DeVos
  245. Richard DeVos Sr.
  246. Phil Cox
  247. Michael J. Sullivan (Wyoming)
  248. Elizabeth Reinholt
  249. Robin Van Ausdall
  250. Amy Morton
  251. Bryan Long
  252. Bruce Rastetter
  253. Liz Brimmer
  254. Danny Homan
  255. Gale Geringer
  256. Bill Novotny
  257. Andrew Miller (Oregon)
  258. Dave Picard
  259. Mark Graul
  260. Bill McCoshen
  261. John Diez
  262. Roy Fletcher
  263. Jason Hebert
  264. Robert T. Cunningham (Massachusetts)
  265. Eric Fehrnstrom
  266. Peter Flaherty
  267. Beth Myers
  268. Robert Gray (Massachusetts)
  269. Robert Willington
  270. Daniel Haley
  271. Charles Campion
  272. Doug Rubin
  273. William Carito
  274. Francis Perullo
  275. Kim Floyd
  276. Tim Roby
  277. Brian Schimming
  278. Bernard Marcus
  279. Tim Alborg
  280. Chris Carpenter
  281. Allan Crow
  282. Bobby Kahn
  283. Darrin Schmitz
  284. Daniel Cence
  285. Jay Cincotti
  286. Mark Sullivan (Massachusetts)
  287. Joyce Aboussie
  288. Heath Garrett
  289. David E. Johnson
  290. Chip Pearson
  291. Mark Rountree
  292. Jay Williams (Georgia)
  293. Heather Colburn
  294. Jake Lowen
  295. Patrick Feeney
  296. Seth Klarman
  297. Jim St. George
  298. Sachin Chheda
  299. Bill Luckett (Wyoming)
  300. Caroline Buerkle
  301. Dave Contarino
  302. Matt Hickam
  303. Amanda Cooper
  304. Pam Johnson
  305. Sean Marcus
  306. Mark Blankenship (West Virginia)
  307. Patrick Esposito
  308. Greg Thomas (West Virginia)
  309. Robert Cummins
  310. George Carenbauer
  311. Amy Shuler Goodwin
  312. Alan Packman
  313. Jim Barnett (Vermont)
  314. Heidi Tringe
  315. Bill Lofy
  316. Sean R. Malone
  317. Katie McGurk
  318. Bob Cornelius
  319. Jared Suhn
  320. Adam Feldman
  321. Andrea Goff
  322. Colin Curtis
  323. Jay McCleskey
  324. Doug Turner
  325. Larry Jacob
  326. Jane Watson Stetson
  327. Trey Ourso
  328. Michael Cuzzi
  329. Ben Golnik
  330. Neale Lunderville
  331. Joe Craft
  332. John Cacciatore
  333. Ward Curtin
  334. Jerry Crawford
  335. Jesse Harris (Iowa)
  336. Bob Rogan
  337. Patrick J. Hall
  338. Trav Robertson
  339. Derek Eadon
  340. Rodolphe Vallee
  341. Michelle Tilley
  342. Barrett Kaiser
  343. Colleen Martin-Lauer
  344. Harlan Sylvester
  345. Joanne D'Arcangelo
  346. Doug Mitchell (Montana)
  347. Michael Whelan
  348. C.B. Pearson
  349. Sharon Caldwell
  350. Adam Pimley
  351. Neva Hill
  352. Ivan DuBois
  353. Tanya Bjork
  354. Fount Holland
  355. Chuck Denowh
  356. Erik Iverson
  357. Larry Puccio
  358. Trebor Worthen
  359. Mike Plante
  360. Steve Linder
  361. Craig Varoga
  362. John Truscott
  363. Brad Chism
  364. Stu Sandler
  365. Jonathan Compretta
  366. Terri Reid
  367. Mark Baker (Montana)
  368. Brett Doster
  369. Justin Brasell
  370. Jason Thielman
  371. Derrick Johnson (Mississippi)
  372. David Johnson (Florida political consultant)
  373. Henry Barbour
  374. Brian Perry (Mississippi)
  375. Austin Barbour
  376. Jere Nash
  377. Arnie Hederman
  378. Quinton Dickerson
  379. Pat McFerron
  380. Susie Wiles
  381. Doc Sweitzer
  382. Neil Oxman
  383. Mary Isenhour
  384. Larry Ceisler
  385. David Bonderman
  386. Dave Cooley
  387. Jackie Lee
  388. Steve Schale
  389. Dylan Sumner
  390. John Rowley
  391. Nathan Poss
  392. Matthew Weaver
  393. Michael Bronstein
  394. Charles Robert Bone
  395. Ashley Walker
  396. Daren Berringer
  397. Ray Zaborney
  398. Screven Watson
  399. Marc Reichelderfer
  400. Sheldon Adelson
  401. Michael Long (Pennsylvania)
  402. David James (Pennsylvania)
  403. Leslie Gromis Baker
  404. John Daniello
  405. Ted Kaufman
  406. Josh Gregory
  407. Jack Cardetti
  408. Ken Morley
  409. Roy Temple
  410. Tom Wyche
  411. Dave Hageman
  412. David Barklage
  413. James Harris (Missouri)
  414. Joel DiGrado
  415. Tim Dunn (Texas)
  416. Mark Wiener
  417. Tom Ingram
  418. Anna Richter-Taylor
  419. Charles Koch
  420. Robert Bass (Texas)
  421. Kevin Looper
  422. Neal Jones (Texas)
  423. Liz Kaufman
  424. John Childs
  425. Lisa Grove
  426. Robert Evans (Alaska)
  427. Richard DiLiberto
  428. Ben Noble
  429. Deborah Love
  430. Rick Thomas
  431. Tom Saunders (Alabama)
  432. Bob Moore
  433. Lori Hardwick
  434. Rick Claussen
  435. Chuck Adams
  436. Gerald Austin
  437. Alix Burns
  438. John Collins (Delaware)
  439. Elliot Schrage
  440. Susan Molinari
  441. Skip Rutherford
  442. Bob Byrd
  443. Tom Ross
  444. Chris Garland
  445. Michele Rollins
  446. Robert Knodell
  447. James Ferrence
  448. Chris Carr (Nevada)
  449. Dan Hart
  450. Ted Ullyot
  451. Justin Gargiulo
  452. Ed Peavy
  453. Todd Shepherd
  454. Garret Johnson
  455. Stacey Rubin
  456. Joe DiSano
  457. Aaron McLear
  458. Mark Fisk
  459. Jan Jones Blackhurst
  460. Rebecca Lambe
  461. Billy Vassiliadis
  462. Ryan Erwin
  463. Marc Hellenthal
  464. Priscilla Rakestraw
  465. Greg Ferraro
  466. Mike Slanker
  467. Chris Russell (Political consultant)
  468. Steve DeMicco
  469. Brad Lawrence
  470. Michael Muller
  471. Bill Stepien
  472. Diane Hendricks
  473. Chuck Flannery
  474. Mark Weaver (Ohio)
  475. Doug Preisse
  476. Rex Elsass
  477. David Muir
  478. Martha Raddatz
  479. Andy Taylor (North Carolina)
  480. Beth Coulson
  481. Joshua Isay
  482. Hank Sheinkopf
  483. Rodd McLeod
  484. Mike Osskopp
  485. Dan Cramer (Minnesota)
  486. Jeff Buley
  487. Reid Hoffman
  488. John Doerr
  489. Arthur Hackney
  490. April Hackney
  491. Faya Rose Touré
  492. Lionel Gustafson
  493. Marc Benioff
  494. Robert McNair
  495. Julian Robertson
  496. Robert Mercer (Influencer)
  497. Jo Ann Davidson
  498. Dean Rindy
  499. Laurene Powell Jobs
  500. Harold Cook (Texas)


The following is a list of journalists on Ballotpedia:

  1. Hannah Giles
  2. James O'Keefe III
  3. Joe Mathews
  4. Dan Walters
  5. M.D. Kittle
  6. Bret Baier
  7. Chris Wallace
  8. Megyn Kelly
  9. Bill Hemmer
  10. Martha MacCallum
  11. RiShawn Biddle
  12. Stuart Taylor, Jr.
  13. Patrick Marley
  14. Bill Glauber
  15. Jake Tapper
  16. Hugh Hewitt
  17. Robert Novak
  18. Dan Morain
  19. Jason Stein
  20. Dan Bice
  21. Jorge Ramos
  22. Robert Siegel
  23. Steve Inskeep
  24. Chuck Todd
  25. David Greene (Pennsylvania)
  26. Audie Cornish
  27. Renee Montagne
  28. George Stephanopoulos
  29. Dana Bash
  30. Brooks Jackson
  31. Charlie Sykes
  32. David French (Tennessee)
  33. Sean Hannity
  34. Vicki McKenna
  35. Juan Carlos Lopez
  36. Don Lemon
  37. Anderson Cooper
  38. Carl Quintanilla
  39. Becky Quick
  40. John Harwood
  41. Bill Britt
  42. Roby Brock
  43. Maria Bartiromo
  44. Gerard Baker
  45. Neil Cavuto
  46. Sandra Smith (Fox Business Network)
  47. Gerald Seib
  48. Trish Regan
  49. Cliff Sims
  50. David Brock (Washington, D.C.)
  51. John Dickerson (journalist)
  52. Nancy Cordes
  53. Kevin Cooney
  54. Kathie Obradovich
  55. David Farmer (Maine)
  56. Lance Dutson
  57. Jon Ralston
  58. Mark Binker
  59. Loretta Boniti
  60. Tim Boyum
  61. Wolf Blitzer
  62. David Muir
  63. Martha Raddatz
  64. Lester Holt
  65. Jennifer Jacobs
  66. Dave Price
  67. O. Kay Henderson
  68. Bret Hayworth
  69. James Pindell
  70. Holly Ramer
  71. Trent Spiner
  72. John DiStaso
  73. Kevin Landrigan
  74. Paul Steinhauser
  75. Schuyler Kropf
  76. Andy Shain
  77. Jamie Self
  78. Colin Campbell
  79. Jim Morrill
  80. Rachel Maddow
  81. Gwen Ifill
  82. Judy Woodruff
  83. Kimberley Strassel
  84. Major Garrett
  85. María Celeste Arrarás
  86. Karen Tumulty
  87. Stephen Dinan
  88. Michelle Fields
  89. Errol Louis
  90. Elizabeth Reinholt
  91. Maria Elena Salinas
  92. Julian Assange
  93. Thomas Elias
  94. Mickey Kaus
  95. Kimberly Guilfoyle
  96. Andrea Mitchell (journalist)
  97. John Avlon

Judicial interest organizations[edit]

The following is a list of judicial interest organizations on Ballotpedia:

  1. Alabama Civil Justice Reform Committee
  2. Alliance of California Judges
  3. California Supreme Court Historical Society
  4. Civil Justice Association of California
  5. Colorado Civil Justice League
  6. Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal System
  7. Clear the Bench Colorado
  8. Illinois Campaign for Political Reform
  9. Illinois Lawsuit Abuse Watch
  10. Citizens for Better Judges
  11. Louisiana Association of Business and Industry
  12. Michigan Campaign Finance Network
  13. WATCH (Minnesota)
  14. Adam Smith Foundation
  15. Justice at Stake
  16. Moriah Fund
  17. The Constitution Project
  18. Committee for Economic Development
  19. Federal Judicial Center
  20. Interfaith Alliance
  21. Carnegie Corporation
  22. The National Bar Association
  23. The Robing Room
  24. American Majority
  25. National Center for State Courts
  26. Midwest Democracy Network
  27. The American Judges Association
  28. Federal Magistrate Judges Association
  29. DRI - The Voice of the Defense Bar
  30. Washington Legal Foundation
  31. Open Jurist
  32. Sick of Lawsuits
  33. Open Society Foundations
  34. American Judicature Society
  35. American Association for Justice
  36. Appleseed Foundation
  37. National Legal and Policy Center
  38. Institute for Legal Reform
  39. American Bar Association
  40. Arcus Foundation
  41. James Madison Center for Free Speech
  42. Lawyers for Civil Justice
  43. RAND Institute for Civil Justice
  44. The Fund for Modern Courts
  45. Ohio Justice & Policy Center
  46. Oregon Liability Reform Coalition
  47. Pennsylvanians for Modern Courts
  48. Texas Watch
  49. Bay Area Citizens Against Lawsuit Abuse
  50. Texans Against Lawsuit Abuse
  51. Texans for Individual Rights
  52. Texas Civil Justice League
  53. Texas Association for Justice and Legal Reform
  54. Wisconsin Equal Justice Fund
  55. Legal Action of Wisconsin
  56. Association for Women Lawyers
  57. Voting for Judges
  58. First Freedoms Foundation
  59. Citizen Action of Wisconsin
  60. Washington State Liability Reform Coalition
  61. Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund
  62. American Tort Reform Association
  63. Alabama Association for Justice
  64. Texans for Lawsuit Reform
  65. Illinois Civil Justice League
  66. National Congress of American Indians
  67. Immigration Reform Law Institute
  68. The Federalist Society
  69. CRC Advisors
  70. Arabella Advisors


The following is a list of lobbyists on Ballotpedia:

  1. California State Association of Counties
  2. Allegheny County Association of Township Officials
  3. Coalition of Rural Water Districts
  4. Riverside Sheriffs' Association
  5. South Texas Association of Schools
  6. Texas Municipal Parks, Recreation & Tourism Association
  7. Alabama City County Management Association
  8. Alabama League of Municipalities
  9. Confederation of Oregon School Administrators
  10. Connecticut Association of School Business Officials
  11. Illinois Association of School Administrators
  12. International Code Council
  13. Special Districts Association of Oregon
  14. Association of Low Wealth Schools
  15. Cecelia Hylak-Reinholtz
  16. County Personnel Administrators Association of California
  17. Florida Association of Special Districts
  18. Oregon Council of Police Associations
  19. Holland & Knight
  20. Illinois Municipal League
  21. Milwaukee Police Association
  22. Association of Oregon Corrections Employees
  23. California Statewide Law Enforcement Association
  24. Florida Community Association Managers Alliance
  25. Florida League of Cities
  26. Maine Principals' Association
  27. Michigan State Police Troopers Association
  28. Nebraska County Attorneys Association
  29. Massachusetts Court Reporters Association
  30. Association of Hispanic Municipal Officials
  31. Association of Municipal/County Judges of Ohio
  32. California Retired Teachers Association
  33. Ohio Association of School Business Officials
  34. Texas Public Works Association
  35. Illinois Judges Association
  36. California County Superintendents Educational Services Association
  37. Montana League of Cities and Towns
  38. Alabama Association for Justice
  39. Alabama Association of Conservation Districts
  40. Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission
  41. California Association of County Veterans Service Officers
  42. California Attorneys Administrative Law Judges And Hearing Officers In State Employment
  43. Florida Education Association
  44. Pennsylvania Municipal League
  45. Alaska Association of Realtors
  46. Arizona County Librarians Association
  47. Education Support Personnel Of Oklahoma
  48. Michigan Council of Nurse Practitioners
  49. Ohio Association of Convention & Visitor Bureaus
  50. Arizona County Attorneys & Sheriffs Association
  51. Arkansas District Judges Council
  52. Association of Bay Area Governments
  53. Association of Health District Directors
  54. Association of Regional Center Agencies
  55. Colorado Association of School Executives
  56. Montana Education Association - Montana Federation of Teachers
  57. Vermont Police Association
  58. Arkansas Hotels and Entertainment
  59. Arizona Association of County Engineers
  60. Arizona Association of County Recorders
  61. Arizona County Sheriffs Association
  62. Boston Bar Association
  63. California Housing Authorities Association
  64. Michigan Association of Municipal Cemeteries
  65. Pennsylvania Association of County Affiliated Homes
  66. Rhode Island Association of Fire Chiefs
  67. Wyoming State Bar
  68. Alabama Association of School Boards
  69. Arizona Justice of the Peace Association
  70. California Air Pollution Control Officers Association
  71. California Association of School Counselors
  72. California Peace Officers Association
  73. Henderson Police Officers' Association
  74. Arkansas Family Council
  75. Arizona School Personnel Administrators Association
  76. Association of Indiana Convention & Visitors Bureaus
  77. California Association of Teachers Of English
  78. California Community College Association For Occupational Education
  79. Chief Probation Officers' Of California
  80. Colodny, Fass, Talenfeld, Karlinsky & Abate
  81. Michigan Association of Secondary School Principals
  82. Arizona Association of Superior Court Clerks
  83. Association of Arkansas Counties
  84. Association of County Commissions of Alabama
  85. California Association of Public Authorities For IHSS
  86. Colorado Association of School Boards
  87. Illinois Emergency Services Management Association
  88. Alabama Farmers Federation
  89. Hawaii Association of Realtors
  90. Alabama State Bar
  91. Boulder Valley Education Association
  92. Cities, Counties and Schools Partnership
  93. Michigan Government Management Information Services
  94. Missouri Municipal League
  95. Alaska Municipal League
  96. California Adult Education Administrators Association
  97. California Assessors' Association
  98. California State Sheriffs' Association
  99. California Public Securities Association
  100. Akerman LLP
  101. California Association For Bilingual Education
  102. Colorado Federation of Teachers
  103. Wisconsin Education Association Council
  104. Alaska Library Association
  105. Association of Indiana Counties
  106. California School Personnel Commissioners Association
  107. Government Finance Officers Association of Texas
  108. Massachusetts Collectors and Treasurers Association
  109. Michigan Assessors Association
  110. Minnesota Association of Watershed Districts
  111. Connecticut Education Association
  112. Contra Costa County Superintendents Coalition
  113. Florida Association of School Personnel Administrators
  114. North Carolina Ground Water Association
  115. Crescent River Port Pilots Association
  116. California Association For Alcohol/Drug Educators
  117. California State Coroners' Association
  118. Louisiana Sheriffs' Association
  119. Mississippi Circuit Clerks Association
  120. Arizona School Boards Association
  121. Association of Indiana Conservancy District
  122. California Association For Health, Physical Education, Recreation & Dance
  123. Connecticut Library Association
  124. Massachusetts Association of Assessing Officers
  125. Missouri Assessor's Association
  126. Ohio Association of Chiefs of Police
  127. Boston Police Patrolmen's Association
  128. Building Officials Association of Texas
  129. Colorado Association of Transit Agencies
  130. County Animal Control of Illinois
  131. Idaho School Boards Association
  132. Maryland Association of Area Agencies on Aging
  133. American Planning Association New Mexico Chapter
  134. Virginia Local Government Auditors Association
  135. Association of Ohio Health Commissioners
  136. Colorado Clerks Association
  137. Maryland Municipal League
  138. Alaska Municipal Attorneys Association
  139. Arizona Local Government Auditors Association
  140. Association of California School Administrators
  141. California Language Teachers' Association
  142. Clark County Association School Administrators
  143. Colorado Municipal League
  144. Iowa Association of Independent Colleges & Universities
  145. Kentucky Association of Circuit Clerks
  146. Kentucky Association of School Administrators
  147. Association for Los Angeles Deputy Sheriffs
  148. California Association of Sanitation Agencies
  149. Indiana Association of County Commissioners
  150. Massachusetts Teachers Association
  151. Barnes & Thornburg
  152. California Association of School Transportation Officials
  153. Pennsylvania Bar Association
  154. Washington State Council of Fire Fighters
  155. Virginia Association of Realtors
  156. Association of Metropolitan School Districts
  157. California Department of Forestry Firefighters
  158. County Officers and Deputies Association
  159. County Road Association of Michigan
  160. Florida Association of School Administrators
  161. Treasure Coast League of Cities
  162. Wisconsin Association of School District Administrators
  163. Alabama State Troopers Association
  164. Buckeye Association of School Administrators
  165. Connecticut Association of Nonprofits
  166. Ferguson Group
  167. Illinois Sheriff's Association
  168. Indiana State Teachers Association
  169. Texas Association of Municipal Health Officials
  170. California Redevelopment Association
  171. Education Minnesota
  172. Indiana County Treasurer's Association
  173. Michigan Association of Municipal Attorneys
  174. Northwest Municipal Conference
  175. Western Association of Schools and Colleges
  176. Emergent Design and Development
  177. Faculty Association of California Community Colleges
  178. Georgia Federation of Teachers
  179. Michigan Association of School Administrators
  180. Pennsylvania Association of Conservation Districts
  181. Vermont Association of Planning and Development
  182. Arizona Association of School Business Officials
  183. California League Of Middle Schools
  184. City/County Association of Government of San Mateo County
  185. Coalition of Ohio Regional Districts
  186. Michigan Association of County Clerks
  187. Michigan Association of Intermediate School Administrators
  188. New Hampshire Association of Regional Planning Commissions
  189. Arkansas Healthcare Association
  190. Child Support Directors Association
  191. Florida Chapter of the International Association of Assessing Officers
  192. San Diego County Court Employees
  193. Tennessee Organization of School Superintendents
  194. Washington Fire Commissioners Association
  195. Idaho Library Association
  196. Illinois Association of County Officials
  197. Indiana Association of Chiefs of Police
  198. South Carolina School Boards Association
  199. Louisiana Municipal Association
  200. Michigan Association of Convention & Visitor Bureaus
  201. Mississippi Association of Community & Junior Colleges
  202. South Carolina Association of School Administrators
  203. Utah State Board of Regents
  204. Arizona League of Cities and Towns
  205. Election Officials of Arizona
  206. Iowa State Bar Association
  207. Michigan Association of School Personnel Administrators
  208. Pennsylvania Professional Fire Fighters Association
  209. Mississippi Bankers Association
  210. Maryland Association of Public Library Administrators
  211. Michigan Association of County Drain Commissioners
  212. Michigan Education Association
  213. Ohio Association of Probate Judges
  214. Philadelphia Federation of Teachers
  215. California Association of Clerks & Election Officials
  216. California Association of Professional Scientists
  217. Columbus and Franklin County Metro Parks
  218. Indiana Association of Area Agencies on Aging
  219. Indiana Judges Association
  220. Los Angeles County Professional Peace Officers Association
  221. Tennessee Proprietary Business School Association
  222. California Correctional Peace Officers Association
  223. Ohio Clerk of Courts Association
  224. Public School Superintendents' Association of Maryland
  225. South Carolina Education Association
  226. Virginia School Boards Association
  227. Washoe County Sheriff's Deputies Association
  228. West Virginia School Board Association
  229. California Association of Local Conservation Corps
  230. Florida Hospital Association
  231. Massachusetts Coalition of Police
  232. Massachusetts Municipal Auditors and Accountants Association
  233. Michigan Association of County Treasurers
  234. United Suburban Schools Association
  235. Virginia Sheriffs' Association
  236. County Health Executives Association Of California
  237. H. Lee Moffitt
  238. Michigan Nonprofit Association
  239. Texas Association of School Administrators
  240. The Stephens Group
  241. Medical Association of the State of Alabama
  242. Connecticut Conference of Municipalities
  243. Florida Association of the Deaf
  244. Maryland State Firemen's Association
  245. Missouri Association of County Clerks
  246. Oregon Association of Area Agencies on Aging
  247. Connecticut Association of Area Agencies on Aging
  248. Georgia Association of School Nurses
  249. Illinois Federation of Teachers
  250. Iowa State Snowmobile Association
  251. Pennsylvania Association of Area Agencies on Aging
  252. Tennessee Sheriffs' Association
  253. California Association of County Treasurers & Tax Collectors
  254. Massachusetts Chiefs of Police Association
  255. Michigan Municipal Electric Association
  256. Oregon Association Chiefs of Police
  257. Pennsylvania Municipal Authorities Association
  258. Alaska State Employees Association Local 52
  259. Allegheny County Library Association
  260. Capitol Hill Consulting Group
  261. Greater Dayton Area Hospital Association
  262. Michigan Judges Association
  263. Missouri Collectors Association
  264. Pennsylvania Association for Safety Education
  265. Washington State School Directors' Association
  266. Ground Water Management & Water Conservation Lobbying Association
  267. Iowa Association of School Boards
  268. Maryland Library Association
  269. Mississippi School Boards Association
  270. Nassau-Suffolk Water District Commissioners Association
  271. Utah Basin Association of Governments
  272. Arizona Municipal Risk Retention Pool
  273. California Association of Regional Occupational Centers And Programs
  274. Illinois Tax Increment Association
  275. Iowa State Sheriffs & Deputies Association
  276. Kentucky School Boards Association
  277. Michigan Association of Public Employee Retirement Systems
  278. New Hampshire Association of Assessing Officers
  279. New Hampshire City and Town Clerks Association
  280. New Jersey State Federation of Teachers
  281. Utah Highway Patrol Association
  282. Michigan Association For Local Public Health
  283. Michigan Association of School Social Workers
  284. Nevada Association of School Superintendents
  285. New Mexico Independent Community Colleges
  286. Northern Ohio Fire Fighters
  287. Pennsylvania Library Association
  288. Pennsylvania Sheriffs Association
  289. Vermont Principals Association
  290. Alaska Association of Assessing Officers
  291. Communities In Schools of Pennsylvania
  292. County Welfare Directors Association Of California
  293. Iowa Association of Regional Councils
  294. Kansas Association of Community College Trustees
  295. Massachusetts Association of School Committees
  296. Orange County Division, League of California Cities
  297. Pennsylvania Association of Convention and Visitors Bureaus
  298. Wholesale Beer & Wine Association of Ohio
  299. Arkansas School Boards Association
  300. Michigan Association of Governmental Employees
  301. Maryland State Bar Association
  302. Michigan Local Government Management Association
  303. Michigan Probate Judges Association
  304. Missouri Bar Association
  305. New Jersey Association of School Business Officials
  306. Tennessee Education Association
  307. Texas Municipal Human Resources Association
  308. Brittan Bolin
  309. Georgia School Boards Association
  310. Heffley & Associates
  311. New Jersey Society of Municipal Engineers
  312. Pennsylvania Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
  313. Texas Association of County Officials
  314. Texas City Management Association
  315. Delaware Association of Realtors
  316. Missouri Association of School Administrators
  317. Nebraska Rural Community Schools Association
  318. New York State Association of Chiefs of Police
  319. Ohio Municipal League
  320. Utah Association of Counties
  321. Alabama Municipal Court Clerks & Magistrates Association
  322. Association of Idaho Cities
  323. BH & Associates
  324. Governmental Solutions
  325. Illinois Nursing Home Administrators' Association
  326. Michigan Recreation and Park Association
  327. Minnesota Association of Soil & Water Conservation Districts
  328. Nevada Conference of Police & Sheriffs
  329. New Mexico Municipal League
  330. New York State Conference of Mayors and Municipal Officials
  331. Arkansas City Clerks, Recorders and Treasurers Association
  332. Cerra Consulting Group
  333. San Luis Obispo County Employees Association
  334. Texas Association of Municipal Information Officers
  335. Capital City Consulting
  336. Kansas Bar Association
  337. Michigan Municipal League
  338. Northwest Florida League of Cities
  339. Pennsylvania Association of Senior Centers
  340. School Nurses of West Virginia
  341. School Service Personnel Association West Virginia
  342. Texas School Alliance
  343. Washington Association of Conservation Districts
  344. Washington Court Reporters Association
  345. Indiana Fire Chiefs Association
  346. Kansas National Education Association
  347. Ohio Association of Elementary School Administrators
  348. Ohio Association of Public School Employees
  349. Pennsylvania Association of School Nurses And Practitioners
  350. Pennsylvania State Nurses Association
  351. Tennessee Association of Assessing Officers
  352. Washington Recreation & Parks Association
  353. Arkansas Association of Educational Administrators
  354. California Special Districts Association
  355. Illinois Community Action Association
  356. Kolkmeier Consulting
  357. Massachusetts Federation of Teachers
  358. Michigan Library Association
  359. North Carolina Bar Association
  360. Arizona School Administrators Association
  361. California Association of Recreation & Park Districts
  362. Connecticut Association of Public School Superintendents
  363. Indiana Association of Public School Superintendents
  364. Indiana Federation of Teachers
  365. Massachusetts Association of Regional Transit Authorities
  366. Michigan School Counselor Association
  367. Mississippi Association of Chiefs of Police
  368. San Bernardino Public Employees Association
  369. Arkansas Bar Association
  370. Association of Mayors, Councilmembers & Commissioners
  371. County Assessors Association of Nebraska
  372. Kansas Association of Broadcasters
  373. New Hampshire Federation of Teachers
  374. Oregon State Police Officers Association
  375. West Virginia Municipal League
  376. Montana Association of Realtors
  377. Anderson Legislative Consulting
  378. Arkansas Association of Chiefs of Police
  379. Colorado State Fire Fighters Association
  380. Connecticut Bar Association
  381. Connecticut Town Clerks Association
  382. Vermont Troopers Association
  383. United Property Owners of Montana
  384. California Association of Local Agency Formation Commissions
  385. Hospital & Healthsystem Association of Pennsylvania
  386. Kentucky League of Cities
  387. New Jersey State Bar Association
  388. Oregon Fire Chiefs Association
  389. Arizona Constables Association
  390. Delaware School Boards Association
  391. Iowa State Troopers Association
  392. New Hampshire Police Association
  393. Texas Association of School Boards
  394. Virginia Association of School Personnel Administrators
  395. Virginia Association of Soil & Water Conservation Districts
  396. Wisconsin Association of School Boards
  397. Maryland State Education Association
  398. Massachusetts School Psychologists Association
  399. North Metro Mayors Association
  400. Texas Court Clerks Association
  401. Texas Municipal Library Directors Association
  402. Utah Education Association
  403. Arizona County Clerks Association
  404. Advocates for Arkansas Public Libraries
  405. EngenuitySC
  406. Georgia Association of Emergency Medical Services
  407. Michigan Association of Professional Court Reporters
  408. Westchester County Association
  409. Minnesota Inter-County Association
  410. Wisconsin Association of School Business Officials
  411. Association of Indiana Solid Waste Management Districts
  412. School Administrators Association of West Virginia
  413. Suwannee River League of Cities
  414. Virginia Education Association
  415. Wyoming Library Association
  416. Mosquito and Vector Control Association of California
  417. Oklahoma Municipal League
  418. Arizona Association of Chiefs of Police
  419. BGR Government Affairs
  420. Emergency Medical Services Administrators Association of California
  421. Iowa League of Cities
  422. Minnesota Association of Small Cities
  423. New Hampshire School Administrators Association
  424. Oregon Public Ports Association
  425. Utah School Boards Association
  426. California Law Enforcement Association Of Records Supervisors
  427. Illinois Ventures for Community Action
  428. Michigan Townships Association
  429. Small School Districts Association
  430. Washington State Bar Association
  431. Library Association of West Virginia
  432. Massachusetts Bar Association
  433. Michigan Sheriffs Association
  434. New Mexico Association of Community Colleges
  435. Oklahoma State Troopers Association
  436. Iowa State Police Association
  437. National Solid Wastes Management Association
  438. North Carolina Association of Chiefs of Police
  439. Pennsylvania District Attorneys Association
  440. Rhode Island School Superintendents' Association
  441. Southwest Alaska Municipal Conference
  442. Arizona Association of Area Agencies on Aging
  443. Arizona Parks and Recreation Association
  444. Colorado Association of Libraries
  445. Massachusetts Municipal Police Coalition
  446. Mississippi Chancery Clerks Association
  447. Nebraska Sheriffs' Association
  448. New Hampshire Association of Chiefs of Police
  449. New York State Assessors Association
  450. Texas Association of School Business Officials
  451. Utah Chiefs of Police Association
  452. Mississippi Medical Association
  453. Highway 14 Partnership
  454. Michigan Elementary & Middle School Principals
  455. United Professions of Vermont
  456. Vermont School Boards Association
  457. Virginia Bar Association
  458. Nebraska Association of Area Agencies on Aging
  459. Nebraska State Education Association
  460. Professional Engineers in California Government
  461. South Carolina Bar
  462. Suncoast League of Cities
  463. Texas Association of Community Schools
  464. Arkansas Association of Area Agencies on Aging
  465. Louisiana Association of Chiefs of Police
  466. Maryland Association of Community Colleges
  467. Massachusetts School Nurse Organization
  468. New Hampshire Local Government Center
  469. Rhode Island Bar Association
  470. Tulare County Association of Governments
  471. Utah State Bar Association
  472. Michigan District Judges Association
  473. Oregon School Boards Association
  474. Sheriffs for Four-Year Terms Committee
  475. California Association of Private Postsecondary Schools
  476. Colorado Association of Chiefs of Police
  477. Illinois Public Defender Association
  478. Michigan Rural Water Association
  479. Pennsylvania Association of Elder Law Attorneys
  480. South Carolina Troopers Association
  481. Tennessee Professional Fire Fighters Association
  482. West Virginia Professional Educators
  483. California Association of Area Agencies On Aging
  484. Kentucky Association of Convention & Visitors Bureaus
  485. Michigan Education Special Services Association
  486. Mississippi Troopers Association
  487. Nebraska Professional Fire Fighters Association
  488. Ohio Hospital Association
  489. Florida Association of District School Superintendents
  490. Illinois Coroners and Medical Examiners Association
  491. Kentucky Association of School Councils
  492. Maine Sheriffs' Association
  493. Maryland Association of Nonprofit Organizations
  494. Michigan Association of Chiefs of Police
  495. Southwestern Illinois Council of Mayors
  496. Alabama Association of Realtors
  497. International Association Emergency Managers
  498. Michigan Nurses Association
  499. Milwaukee Deputy Sheriffs Association
  500. Schools for Equity in Education


The following is a list of media outlets on Ballotpedia:

  1. Media on the ballot
  2. St. Louis Post-Dispatch
  3. Detroit Free Press
  4. BeyondChron
  5. Tucson Citizen
  6. South Florida Sun Sentinel
  7. Deseret Morning News
  8. The Coeur D'Alene Press
  9. Capitol Weekly
  10. Missoulian
  11. Alaska Dispatch News
  12. The Denver Post
  13. Rocky Mountain News
  14. Daily Inter Lake
  15. Great Falls Tribune
  16. Sacramento Bee
  17. Lewiston Morning Tribune
  18. The Idaho Times-News
  19. Havre Daily News
  20. Los Angeles Times
  21. The Detroit News
  22. Lexington Herald-Leader
  23. Salt Lake Tribune
  24. The Register-Guard
  25. Kodiak Daily Mirror
  26. The Daily Sentinel (Colorado)
  27. Miami Herald
  28. The Olympian
  29. San Francisco Bay Guardian
  30. Ravalli Republic
  31. Seattle Post-Intelligencer
  32. Prop Zero
  33. Willamette Week
  34. Bozeman Daily Chronicle
  35. San Francisco Chronicle
  36. Tallahassee Democrat
  37. Phoenix Gazette
  38. Las Vegas Review-Journal
  39. The Courier-Journal
  40. SF Weekly
  41. San Jose Mercury News
  42. Billings Gazette
  43. The Orange County Register
  44. Detroit News
  45. Beloit Daily News
  46. Grand Rapids Press
  47. Southwest Times Record
  49. Helena Independent Record
  50. Juneau Empire
  51. San Diego Union-Tribune
  52. Seattle Times
  53. Columbia Basin Herald
  54. Tampa Bay Times
  56. Arizona Daily Star
  57. Arizona Republic
  58. Arkansas Democrat-Gazette
  59. Arkansas Times
  60. California Target Book
  61. Cowboy State Free Press
  62. Goldwater State
  63. Idaho Statesman
  64. Oregon Politico
  65. The Oregonian
  66. Nevada News Bureau
  67. Nebraska Watchdog
  68. The Montana Standard
  69. Missouri Watchdog
  70. Texas Tribune
  71. Blockbuster Democracy
  72. Third Party Watch
  73. Ballot Watch
  74. Hagadone Corporation
  75. McClatchy Company
  76. PBS
  77. Capitol City Project
  78. Franklin Center for Government and Public Integrity
  79. Campaigns & Elections
  81. Ballot Access News
  82. Hechinger Institute on Education and the Media
  83. National Review
  84. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
  85. The Wall Street Journal
  86. American Media Institute
  87. CNN
  88. News Corp
  89. Dow Jones
  90. NPR
  91. The Young Turks
  92. All Things Considered
  93. Meet the Press
  94. Morning Edition
  95. This Week
  96. Fox News Sunday
  97. The Washington Post Fact Checker
  98. PolitiFact
  99. Steve Bannon
  100. CNBC
  101. Steve Gill
  102. Bill Britt
  103. Alabama Political Reporter
  104. Bill Vickery
  105. Phil Bailey
  106. Wesley Donehue
  107. The Star-Ledger
  108. Fox Business Network
  109. The Birmingham News
  110. Yellowhammer News
  111. The Press-Register
  112. Twitter
  113. KCCI-TV
  114. CBS News
  115. The Des Moines Register
  116. The Baltimore Sun
  117. The Boston Globe
  118. Chicago Tribune
  119. Star Tribune
  120. Joel Heitkamp
  121. LaVarr Webb
  122. Salem Media Group
  123. Chris Fitzsimon
  124. John Hood
  125. J. Michael Bitzer
  126. John N. Davis (North Carolina)
  127. Thomas Mills
  128. Laura Leslie
  129. ABC News
  130. Gary Pearce
  131. Carter Wrenn
  132. Under the Dome
  133. Jones & Blount
  134. Atlanta Journal-Constitution
  135. Houston Chronicle
  136. The Dallas Morning News
  137. San Antonio Express-News
  138. Star-Telegram
  139. The Connecticut Mirror
  140. Albuquerque Journal
  141. The News & Observer
  142. Delaware State News
  143. The Times of Northwest Indiana
  144. Quad-City Times
  145. NBC News
  146. YouTube
  147. Carriage Towne News
  148. The Post and Courier
  149. The State
  150. Reno Gazette-Journal
  151. Fox News
  152. New Hampshire Union Leader
  153. MSNBC
  154. Austin American-Statesman
  155. The Bismarck Tribune
  156. The Oklahoman
  157. The Tennessean
  158. Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette
  159. Independent Journal Review
  160. Wyoming Tribune Eagle
  161. St. Paul Pioneer Press
  162. Alex Skatell
  163. Burlington Free Press
  164. The Gazette
  165. The Forum of Fargo-Moorhead
  166. Tulsa World
  167. Casper Star-Tribune
  168. Richmond Times-Dispatch
  169. Telemundo
  170. The Flint Journal
  171. Jon Fleischman
  172. MLive Media Group
  173. The Washington Times
  174. The Washington Post
  175. Univision
  176. Maria Elena Salinas
  177. The New York Times
  178. USA Today
  179. New York Post
  180. New York Daily News
  181. Breitbart News
  182. Chicago Sun-Times
  183. The Providence Journal
  184. The Oakland Press
  185. Asbury Park Press
  186. Boston Herald
  187. The Charlotte Observer
  188. The Fresno Bee
  189. Akron Beacon Journal
  190. Bangor Daily News
  191. The Buffalo News
  192. Newsday
  193. Sioux Falls Argus Leader
  194. New Orleans Times Picayune
  195. NY1 News
  196. Governing
  197. The Wichita Eagle
  198. Washington Examiner
  199. Wisconsin State Journal
  200. Worcester Telegram & Gazette
  201. The Topeka Capital-Journal
  202. The Baton Rouge Advocate
  203. Albany Times Union
  204. The Journal News
  205. AMNewYork
  206. The Capital Gazette
  207. The Virginian-Pilot
  208. Ventura County Star
  209. Valley News
  210. The Toledo Blade
  211. The Torrance Daily Breeze
  212. Arlington Heights Daily Herald
  213. The Palm Beach Post
  214. The Allentown Morning Call
  215. The Philadelphia Inquirer
  216. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
  217. The Roanoke Times
  218. Hartford Courant
  219. The Bergen County Record
  220. The Columbus Dispatch
  221. Dayton Daily News
  222. The Daytona Beach News-Journal
  223. The Cincinnati Enquirer
  224. Biloxi Gulfport Sun Herald
  225. El Paso Times
  226. Charleston Gazette-Mail
  227. Chattanooga Times Free Press
  228. Cleveland Plain Dealer
  229. The Delaware News Journal
  230. Fairbanks Daily News-Miner
  231. Florida Today
  232. Fort Myers News-Press
  233. Follow The Money
  234. National Affairs
  235. Say anything blog
  236. Stop Ballot Fraud
  237. Texas Budget Source
  238. Smart Girl Politics
  239. Alice Stewart
  240. Mother Jones
  241. Julia Hahn
  242. Rick W. Tyler
  243. Rasmussen Reports
  244. Will Folks
  245. Illinois Statehouse News
  246. National Election Pool
  247. Traverse City Record Eagle
  248. Sonoran Alliance


The following is a list of organizations on Ballotpedia:

  1. Atlanta Federation Of Teachers
  2. Baltimore Teachers Union
  3. Shelby County Education Association
  4. West Des Moines Education Association
  5. Woonsocket Teachers' Guild
  6. Bonneville Education Association
  7. Braxton County Education Association
  8. Dixie County Education Association
  9. Hamblen County Education Association
  10. Juneau Education Association
  11. Ohio County Education Association
  12. Rochester Federation Of Teachers
  13. Volusia Teachers Organization
  14. Warrick County Teachers Association
  15. Bogalusa Concerned Citizens
  16. East Providence Education Association
  17. Hillsborough County Class Room Teachers Association
  18. Nicholas County Education Association
  19. Raleigh County Education Association
  20. Tucker County Education Association
  21. Wirt County Education Association
  22. Bridgewater-Raynham Education Association
  23. Coventry Teachers Alliance
  24. Forest City Education Association
  25. Marion Education Association
  26. Mercer County Education Association
  27. Preston County Education Association
  28. Woodbridge Education Association
  29. Clark County Education Association
  30. Fayette County Education Association, Kentucky
  31. Federation of Rowan College Educators
  32. Jordan Education Association
  33. Monongalia County Education Association
  34. Putnam County Education Association
  35. Ritchie County Education Association
  36. Roane County Education Association
  37. Cape Henlopen Support Staff Association
  38. Cumberland Teachers Association
  39. Fort Dodge Education Association
  40. Frederick County Teachers Association Of Maryland
  41. Iowa Lakes Community College Education Association
  42. Marysville Education Association
  43. Clay County Education Association, Florida
  44. Education Association of Worcester
  45. Indianapolis Education Association
  46. Portland Educators Association
  47. Pulaski Association Of Classroom Teachers
  48. Seaford Education Association
  49. Tacoma Education Association
  50. Teachers Association of Newport
  51. Westerly Teachers Association
  52. Knights of Columbus
  53. Bismarck Education Association
  54. Kanawha County Education Association
  55. Manchester Education Association
  56. Mid Pacific Teachers Association
  57. Pocatello Education Association
  58. Southwestern Ohio Education Association
  59. Tyler County Education Association
  60. Boise Education Association
  61. Buffalo Teachers Federation
  62. Cabell County Education Association
  63. Hampshire County Education Association
  64. Lansing Schools Education Association, Michigan
  65. Cincinnati Federation of Teachers
  66. East Greenwich Education Association
  67. Elko County Classroom Teacher Association
  68. Lincoln Teachers Association
  69. Morgan County Education Association
  70. Norfolk Federation Of Teachers
  71. Omaha Education Association
  72. Upper Montclair AFT
  73. Greenbrier County Education Association
  74. Keene Educational Association
  75. Memphis Education Association
  76. Washington Education Association Riverside
  77. Caesar Rodney Education Association
  78. Education Association of Alexandria
  79. Issaquah Education Association
  80. Pendleton County Education Association
  81. Scituate Teachers Association
  82. St. Paul Federation of Teachers
  83. Denver Federation of Teachers
  84. Hartford Federation of Teachers, Local 1018
  85. Indian River Education Association
  86. Johnston Federation of Teachers
  87. Kenai Peninsula Education Association
  88. Marshall County Education Association, Tennessee
  89. Perth Amboy Federation AFT
  90. Smyrna Education Association
  91. Teachers Association of Anne Arundel County
  92. Capital Educators Association
  93. Loudoun Education Association
  94. Narragansett Teachers Association
  95. Plymouth Canton Education Association
  96. Fairfax Education Association
  97. Haverhill Education Association
  98. Knox County Education Association
  99. Leon Classroom Teachers Association
  100. Metropolitan Nashville Education Association
  101. Olathe National Education Association
  102. Tullahoma City Educational Association
  103. Wood County Education Association
  104. Greater Omaha Chamber of Commerce
  105. Bellevue Education Association
  106. Boone County Education Association
  107. Cranston Teachers Alliance
  108. Lincoln County Education Association
  109. North Providence Federation of Teachers
  110. Utica Education Association
  111. Warwick Teachers Union
  112. Boundary County Education Association
  113. Burlington Education Association
  114. Calhoun County Education Association
  115. Cape Henlopen Education Association
  116. Greenville County Education Association
  117. West Franklin Teachers Association
  118. Brooke County Education Association
  119. Canyons Education Association
  120. Jefferson County Association of Educational Support Personnel
  121. Marshall County Education Association, West Virginia
  122. McDowell County Education Association
  123. Medomak Valley Education Association
  124. Pinellas Classroom Teachers Association Inc
  125. Windham Southeast Education Association
  126. Box Elder Education Association
  127. Education Association of Norfolk
  128. Glocester Teachers Association
  129. Logan County Education Association
  130. New Shoreham Teachers Association
  131. Palm Beach County Classroom Teachers Association
  132. Ponaganset Teachers Association
  133. United Teachers of Wichita
  134. Education Minnesota Lakeville
  135. Gilmer County Education Association
  136. Gladstone National Education Association
  137. Grant County Education Association
  138. Lansing Schools Education Association, Kansas
  139. NEA Chariho
  140. Webster County Education Association
  141. Berkeley County Education Association
  142. Clay County Education Association, West Virginia
  143. Doddridge County Education Association
  144. Helena Education Association
  145. Houston Federation of Teachers
  146. Marion County Education Association
  147. Ormsby County Education Association
  148. Robbinsdale Federation of Teachers
  149. Collier County Education Association Inc
  150. Edmond Association Of Classroom Teachers
  151. Hancock County Education Association
  152. Jefferson County Teachers Association
  153. Middletown Teachers Association
  154. Sabattus Education Association
  155. West Fargo Education Association
  156. Aurora Education Association
  157. Bristol-Warren Education Association
  158. Columbus Education Association
  159. Douglas County Professional Education Association
  160. Putnam City Association Of Classroom Teachers
  161. Spokane Education Association
  162. Alpine Education Association
  163. Ann Arbor Education Association
  164. Brandywine Education Association
  165. Farmington Education Association
  166. POLYTECH Education Association
  167. Richmond Education Association
  168. West Warwick Teachers Alliance
  169. Wyoming County Education Association
  170. Barbour County Education Association
  171. Hardy County Education Association
  172. Lincoln Education Association
  173. Mason County Education Association
  174. NEA Rhode Island
  175. Sarasota Classified Teachers Association
  176. Yonkers Federation Of Teachers
  177. Caddo Association Of Educators
  178. Everett Education Association
  179. Monroe County Education Association
  180. NEA Tiverton
  181. Norwalk Federation Of Teachers
  182. Red Clay Education Association
  183. Christina Education Association
  184. Cleveland Heights Teachers Union
  185. Griswold Community Education Association
  186. Jamestown Teachers Association
  187. Logan Education Association
  188. Mineral County Education Association
  189. Providence Teachers Union
  190. Randolph County Education Association
  191. Washington County Teachers Association
  192. Ypsilanti Education Assocation
  193. Boston Teachers Union
  194. Colchester Education Association
  195. Foster Teachers Association
  196. Grand Rapids Education Association
  197. Little Compton Teachers Association
  198. Madison County Education Association
  199. Support Our Public Schools
  200. Harrison County Education Association
  201. New Haven Federation of Teachers
  202. Orleans Central Education Association
  203. Pawtucket Teachers Alliance
  204. Seattle Education Association
  205. Upshur County Education Association
  206. Anchorage Education Association
  207. Arlington Education Association
  208. Denver Classroom Teachers Association
  209. Oxford Hills Teachers Association
  210. Portsmouth Teachers Association
  211. Target Range Teachers Association
  212. Teachers Association of Baltimore County
  213. Walled Lake Education Association
  214. Wetzel County Education Association
  215. Bangor Education Foundation
  216. Colorado Springs Education Association
  217. Granite Education Association
  218. Mingo County Education Association
  219. Mounds View Education Association
  220. Nora Springs-Rock Falls Education Association
  221. Cedar Falls Education Association
  222. Lewis County Education Association
  223. Smithfield Teachers Association
  224. Summers County Education Association
  225. Sumner County Education Association
  226. West Hartford Education Association
  227. Burrillville Teachers Association
  228. Cherry Creek Education Association
  229. Concord Education Association
  230. Exeter-West Greenwich Education Association
  231. Fayette County Education Association, West Virginia
  232. Northwood-Kensett Education Association
  233. Saline Education Association
  234. Albuquerque Educational Assistants Association
  235. Blackfoot Education Association
  236. Duluth Federation Of Teachers
  237. Meridian Education Association
  238. Newark Teachers Union
  239. Taylor County Education Association
  240. Thompson Education Association
  241. Washington County Education Association
  242. Jefferson County Education Association, West Virginia
  243. Kansas City Federation of Teachers
  244. Columbus Educators Association
  245. Matanuska Susitna Education Association
  246. NEA Shawnee Mission
  247. Pocahontas County Education Association
  248. Rockwood National Education Association
  249. Cecil County Classroom Teachers Association
  250. Davis Education Association
  251. Manatee Education Association
  252. North Kingstown Teachers Association
  253. Wayne County Education Association
  254. Catholic Lay Teachers Group Of The Archdiocese Of New York
  255. Colonial Education Association
  256. Jackson County Education Association
  257. Pleasants County Education Association
  258. Pueblo Education Association
  259. Salem Education Association
  260. South Burlington Educators Association
  261. Springfield Education Association
  262. Barrington Teachers Association
  263. Livonia Education Association
  264. Montgomery County Education Association, Maryland
  265. North Smithfield Teachers Association
  266. South Kingstown Teachers Association
  267. United Teachers Of Dade
  268. Walton County Education Association
  269. Cache Education Association
  270. Illinois Education Association
  271. Maine Leads
  272. Missouri Citizens for Property Rights
  273. Arizona Farm Bureau
  274. Massachusetts Teachers Association
  275. Florida4Marriage
  276. California Common Cause
  277. Animal Defense League of Arizona
  278. Californians Against Waste
  279. Ohio Federation of Teachers
  280. Washington Policy Center
  281. Vote YES to Reject New Taxes
  282. Arizona Public Health Association
  283. Arizona Wildlife Federation
  284. Planning and Conservation League
  285. Indiana Federation of Teachers
  286. Kentucky Education Association
  287. Citizens Against Road Tolls
  288. Maine Citizens for Patients' Rights
  289. Montana ProLife Coalition
  290. Nevadans for Sensible Marijuana Laws
  291. Missourians for the Protection of Dogs
  292. Platte Institute
  293. Florida Tax Watch
  294. Healthcare for All - California
  295. Mississippians for Fair Redistricting
  296. Kansas National Education Association
  297. Evergreen Mountain Enterprises
  298. Defend Oregon
  299. Texas State Teachers Association
  300. Concerned Oregonians
  301. League of Arizona Cities and Towns
  302. Plumbers & Pipefitters Local 9
  303. Arizona Association of Realtors
  304. Great Plains Public Policy Institute
  305. Maryland Public Policy Institute
  306. Montana Rural Education Association
  307. Yankee Institute
  308. WhoSigned.Org
  309. NY Uprising
  310. Education Support Personnel Of Oklahoma
  311. Illinois Federation of Teachers
  312. Yes on 93
  313. Lincoln Club of Orange County
  314. Health Access California
  315. Electrical Workers Local 351
  316. Coalition to Stop the Bag Tax
  317. We Demand A Vote Coalition
  318. Virginia Redistricting Coalition
  319. Florida Association of Realtors
  320. North Dakota Policy Council
  321. No on TABOR
  322. Personhood Nevada
  323. No Higher Taxes for Maine
  324. New Jersey Business & Industry Association
  325. Let Minnesota Vote
  326. Colorado for Equal Rights
  327. Voting Is Power
  328. California Forward
  329. Engage Maine
  330. California State Park Rangers Association
  331. Wyoming Liberty Group
  332. Spending Cap
  333. Silicon Valley Leadership Group
  334. Stand Up Columbus
  335. California Black Chamber of Commerce
  336. New Jersey Association of Realtors
  337. Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs
  338. Southern California Tax Revolt Coalition
  339. Citizens for Lower Taxes and a Stronger Economy
  340. SOS Ballot, Inc.
  341. Alaskans for Fair and Equitable Redistricting
  342. Louisiana Association of Educators
  343. Basic Rights Oregon
  344. Californians Against Unfair Deals
  345. California Taxpayers Association
  346. No on I-1033
  347. American GI Forum of California
  348. National Education Association Of New York
  349. Idaho Votes No
  350. California Tax Reform Association
  351. New Jersey State Federation of Teachers
  352. Pacific Research Institute
  353. Tax Cannabis 2010
  354. Tucson Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
  355. San Diego Tax Fighters
  356. Draw the Line Midwest
  357. Illinois School Boards Association
  358. James Madison Institute
  359. William C. Velasquez Institute
  360. Coalition for a Drug-Free California
  361. Florida Vote Smart
  362. Louisiana Federation of Teachers
  363. Ocean State Policy Research Institute
  364. South Carolinians for Responsible Government
  365. Arizona Medical Marijuana Policy Project
  366. Californians for Electoral Reform
  367. California Clean Money Campaign
  368. Virginia Education Association
  369. Wisconsin Realtors Association
  370. Citizens Unified for Maine's Future
  371. Small Business Action Committee
  372. California Fire Chiefs Association
  373. Ohio Education Association
  374. Tennessee Education Association
  375. North Dakotans for Affordable Healthcare
  376. Oregon Center for Public Policy
  377. Journey Healing Centers
  378. California Action for Healthy Kids
  379. California Center for Public Policy
  380. Pioneer Institute
  381. Alliance for California's Renewal
  382. Nevadans Against the Tax Grab
  383. Human Life of Washington
  384. Californians Against Higher Taxes
  385. California Pension Reform
  386. Montana Education Association - Montana Federation of Teachers
  387. Wisconsin Transportation Builders Association
  388. Permanent Defense
  389. California Chamber of Commerce
  390. Equal Rights Washington
  391. Citizens Against Forced Annexation
  392. NARAL/Pro-Choice Montana
  393. People's Advocate
  394. Independence Institute
  395. Marylanders for Responsible Enforcement
  396. Cincinnatians for Progress
  397. North Dakotans for Lower Prescription Drugs
  398. Coalition of Asian Pacific Americans for Fair Redistricting
  399. Idaho Education Association
  400. Dorothy Lemelson Trust
  401. Californians for Fair Election Reform
  402. California Narcotic Officers' Association
  403. Georgia Federation of Teachers
  404. Iowa State Education Association
  405. West Virginia Education Association
  406. Wisconsin Way
  407. California Counts!
  408. Maine Citizens for Medical Marijuana
  409. New Jersey Legislative Redistricting Coalition
  410. Montana PIRG
  411. California Voter Foundation
  412. Missourians for Healthcare Freedom
  413. Local Power Inc.
  414. New Jersey Education Association
  415. Oklahomans for Initiative Rights
  416. California Hispanic Chambers of Commerce
  417. Indiana Citizens Redistricting Commission
  418. North Dakota Education Association
  419. League of Women Voters of California
  420. Southern California Federation of Scientists
  421. Dominion Leadership Trust
  422. Vermont-National Education Association
  423. Texas Coalition for Higher Education Excellence
  424. Equality California
  425. Utahns for Ethical Government
  426. Vote Yes on Issue 2, Ohio
  427. National Education Association of New Mexico
  428. League of California Homeowners
  429. Public Policy Institute of California
  430. Cascade Policy Institute
  431. Arizona Hospital and Healthcare Association
  432. Arizona State Chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation
  433. Consumer Watchdog
  434. Wisconsin Public Interest Research Group (WISPIRG)
  435. Oregon Taxpayers United
  436. State Collaborative on Reforming Education
  437. Colorado Federation of Teachers
  438. NEA New Hampshire
  439. South Dakota Education Association
  440. Floridians for Health Rights
  441. Oregonians for Immigration Reform
  442. Better Courts for Missouri
  443. Green Bag Campaign
  444. Nature Conservancy in Oregon
  445. The Committee of Seventy
  446. Stand for Marriage Maine
  447. Arizona Tax Research Association
  448. Arizona Free Enterprise Club
  449. Humane Voters of Arizona
  450. California Labor Federation
  451. Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians
  452. Rockit Fund
  453. Empower the Taxpayer
  454. Protect MI Vote
  455. Maine Can Do Better
  456. Arizona Sportsmen for Wildlife
  457. Nevada State Education Association
  459. Citizens for Responsible Government
  460. Maine Coalition to Save Schools
  461. South Carolina Education Association
  462. Maine Taxpayer Action Network
  463. Fair Boundaries Coalition
  464. Fair Districts Now
  465. Protect Maine Equality
  466. Maine People for Improved School Education
  467. Virginia Institute for Public Policy
  468. Californians for Equal Representation
  469. California State Firefighters Association
  470. Hurricane Insurance Creation
  471. Think Long Committee for California
  472. Center for Rural Affairs
  473. Voters Want More Choices
  474. California NAACP
  475. ReShapeNY
  476. Georgia Association of Educators
  477. Rhode Island Federation of Teachers
  478. 1000 Friends of Oregon
  479. Bay Area Council
  480. Arizona National Organization for Women
  481. Freedom Foundation
  482. Sacramento Municipal Utility District
  483. Keep AZ Drug Free
  484. Arizona Lodging & Tourism Association
  485. Nebraska State Education Association
  486. TABOR Now
  487. Peninsula Open Space Trust
  488. Pennsylvania State Education Association
  489. Washington Education Association
  490. Oklahomans In Action
  491. Citizens for Liberty and Privacy
  492. Black Bear Entertainment, LLC
  493. California Senior Advocates League
  494. Nebraska Taxpayers for Freedom
  495. Floridians for Smarter Growth
  496. California Foundation for Fiscal Responsibility
  497. Alabama Association of Municipal Revenue Officers
  498. West Virginia Professional Educators
  499. League of California Cities
  500. Washington Values Alliance

Political action committee managers[edit]

The following is a list of PAC managers on Ballotpedia:

  1. John Tate
  2. Chad Gallagher
  3. Nadine Maenza
  4. Richard Trabulsi

Political advisors and staff[edit]

The following is a list of political advisors and staff on Ballotpedia:

  1. Steve Grubbs
  2. John Yob
  3. A.J. Spiker
  4. Victoria Coates
  5. Catherine Frazier
  6. J. Warren Tompkins
  7. Rich Beeson
  8. Alex Conant
  9. Jason Miller (political advisor)
  10. Josh Perry
  11. Jessica Ennis
  12. Rick W. Tyler
  13. Mark P. Campbell
  14. James Bopp Jr.
  15. Ryan Rhodes
  16. Doug Watts
  17. Ruth Sherlock
  18. G. Michael Brown
  19. Alexandra Bautsch
  20. Janice Knopp
  21. Curt Anderson (Political strategist)
  22. Bob Wickers
  23. Bryan Sanders
  24. Hogan Gidley
  25. Jessica Colon
  26. Matt Beynon
  27. Jon Parker
  28. Matt M. Parker
  29. Frank Sadler
  30. Sarah Isgur
  31. Anna Epstein
  32. Amy Noone Frederick
  33. Jon Seaton
  34. Brittany Bramell
  35. Tracie Gibler
  36. Shell Suber
  37. Paul Young (New Hampshire)
  38. Avik Roy
  39. Robert Haus
  40. Andy Swanson
  41. Katon Dawson
  42. Walter Whetsell
  43. Mike Dennehy (New Hampshire)
  44. Adam Goers
  45. Lis Smith
  46. Karine Jean-Pierre
  47. Gabriela Domenzain
  48. Jake Oeth
  49. John Bivona
  50. Jonathan Stevens
  51. Debbie Rich
  52. Kenny Alston
  53. Jennifer Palmieri
  54. Mike Murphy (California influencer)
  55. David Catalfamo
  56. Cathy Blaney
  57. Alicia Preston
  58. Marlon Marshall
  59. Tim Miller (Washington, D.C.)
  60. Sam Nunberg
  61. Chuck Laudner
  62. Ryan Keller
  63. Matt Ciepielowski
  64. Ed McMullen
  65. Kristy Campbell
  66. Heather Larrison
  67. Chris Schrimpf
  68. Paul Collins (New Hampshire)
  69. Sarah Nelson
  70. Matt Carle
  71. David Saunders
  72. Kristian Denny Todd
  73. Joe Stanley
  74. Craig Crawford
  75. Presidential election Iowa staffers, 2016
  76. Presidential election key staffers by candidate, 2016
  77. Presidential election political directors, 2016
  78. Presidential election strategists, 2016
  79. Presidential election communications staffers, 2016
  80. Presidential election key staffers by role, 2016
  81. Presidential election key staffers by experience, 2016
  82. Presidential election key staffers, 2016
  83. Campaign communications
  84. Political strategist
  85. Political director
  86. Laurie Bratten
  87. Greg Brophy
  88. Aaron Pickrell
  89. Mike Schrimpf
  90. Scott Jennings
  91. David Dixon
  92. Jeff Larson (Minnesota)
  93. Kevin Igoe
  94. Joyce Aboussie
  95. Michael Cuzzi
  96. Ben Golnik
  97. Joanne D'Arcangelo
  98. Toby McGrath
  99. Mark Baker (Montana)
  100. Jason Thielman
  101. Charlie Gerow
  102. David James (Pennsylvania)
  103. Katrina Pierson
  104. Chris Garland
  105. Ted Ullyot
  106. Aaron McLear
  107. Armstrong Williams
  108. Huma Abedin
  109. Nick Baldick
  110. David Gortler

State bar organizations[edit]

The following is a list of state bar organizations on Ballotpedia:

  1. Illinois State Bar Association
  2. Louisiana State Bar Association
  3. Oklahoma Bar Association
  4. Alaska Bar Association
  5. Maine State Bar Association
  6. Maryland State Bar Association
  7. Iowa State Bar Association


The following is a list of unions on Ballotpedia:

  1. AFL-CIO
  2. American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees
  3. Akron Education Association
  4. Aurora Education Association
  5. Anchorage Education Association
  6. Bangor Education Foundation
  7. Blackfoot Education Association
  8. Boise Education Association
  9. Bismarck Education Association
  10. East Greenwich Education Association
  11. East Providence Education Association
  12. Edmond Association Of Classroom Teachers
  13. Hawaii Government Employees Association
  14. United Public Workers (Hawaii)
  15. Oregon Education Association
  16. SEIU Local 503 (Oregon)
  17. Oregon AFSCME Council 75
  18. Association of Oregon Corrections Employees
  19. SEIU-UHW West
  20. AFL-CIO stance on immigration
  21. United Food and Commercial Workers Union
  22. UFCW Local 21
  23. Newark Teachers Union
  24. Bridgewater-Raynham Education Association
  25. Brooke County Education Association
  26. Buffalo Teachers Federation
  27. Burlington Education Association
  28. Burrillville Teachers Association
  29. Dixie County Education Association
  30. Doddridge County Education Association
  31. Barbour County Education Association
  32. Barrington Teachers Association
  33. Berkeley County Education Association
  34. Bonneville Education Association
  35. Boundary County Education Association
  36. Association for Los Angeles Deputy Sheriffs
  37. Exeter-West Greenwich Education Association
  38. Fayette County Education Association, West Virginia
  39. Education Support Personnel Of Oklahoma
  40. Foster Teachers Association
  41. Illinois School Boards Association
  42. Jefferson County Education Association, West Virginia
  43. Kanawha County Education Association
  44. Kansas Association of Public Employees
  45. Kansas City Federation of Teachers
  46. Knox County Education Association
  47. Lansing Schools Education Association, Kansas
  48. Ypsilanti Education Assocation
  49. Yonkers Federation Of Teachers
  50. Lewis County Education Association
  51. Lincoln County Education Association
  52. Little Compton Teachers Association
  53. Logan County Education Association
  54. Logan Education Association
  55. Madison County Education Association
  56. Wood County Education Association
  57. Woonsocket Teachers' Guild
  58. Wyoming County Education Association
  59. West Virginia Professional Educators
  60. Wirt County Education Association
  61. Washington County Education Association
  62. Washington County Teachers Association
  63. Washington Education Association Riverside
  64. Washington Teachers' Union
  65. Wayne County Education Association
  66. Webster County Education Association
  67. Walton County Education Association
  68. Warwick Teachers Union
  69. Marion County Education Association
  70. Marion Education Association
  71. Marshall County Education Association, Tennessee
  72. Marshall County Education Association, West Virginia
  73. Mason County Education Association
  74. McDowell County Education Association
  75. Mercer County Education Association
  76. Metropolitan Nashville Education Association
  77. Mid Pacific Teachers Association
  78. Mineral County Education Association
  79. Monongalia County Education Association
  80. Monroe County Education Association
  81. Morgan County Education Association
  82. Narragansett Teachers Association
  83. Ohio County Education Association
  84. Pawtucket Teachers Alliance
  85. Pendleton County Education Association
  86. Plumbers & Pipefitters Local 9
  87. Pocahontas County Education Association
  88. POLYTECH Education Association
  89. Ponaganset Teachers Association
  90. Portsmouth Teachers Association
  91. Preston County Education Association
  92. Raleigh County Education Association
  93. Randolph County Education Association
  94. Ritchie County Education Association
  95. Roane County Education Association
  96. Sabattus Education Association
  97. Smithfield Teachers Association
  98. Smyrna Education Association
  99. South Carolina Education Association
  100. South Kingstown Teachers Association
  101. Summers County Education Association
  102. Target Range Teachers Association
  103. Taylor County Education Association
  104. Tucker County Education Association
  105. Tyler County Education Association
  106. UNITE-HERE Coalition
  107. United Professions of Vermont
  108. Upper Montclair AFT
  109. Upshur County Education Association
  110. International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 98
  111. International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America
  112. SEIU California State Council
  113. Maine Education Association
  114. California Teachers Association

University regents[edit]

The following is a list of university regents on Ballotpedia:

  1. Alex Cranberg
  2. Brenda Pejovich
  3. Eugene Powell
  4. Jeffery Hildebrand
  5. Paul Foster
  6. Robert Stillwell
  7. Steven Hicks
  8. Wallace Hall
  9. Allan Van Fleet
  10. Rusty Hardin
  11. Jeff Sandefer
  12. Ernie Aliseda
  13. Ward Connerly

Vendors and consultants[edit]

The following is a list of vendors and consultants on Ballotpedia:

  1. Chris Lehane
  2. Dave Gilliard
  3. Revolution Messaging
  4. David Kenney
  5. Eric Odom
  6. 270 Strategies
  7. Mercury Public Affairs
  8. Catalist
  9. National Ballot Access
  10. Heidi Verougstraete
  11. Coalition Partners, LLC
  12. R.J. Johnson and Associates
  13. Nonbox
  14. TenCAPITOL
  15. Mary Stitt & Associates
  16. Jamestown Associates
  17. OnMessage
  18. Mari Woodlief
  19. Cara Cromwell
  20. Patrick Mannix
  21. Mark Zaccaria
  22. David Dixon
  23. Gary Di Silvestro
  24. Philip M. Young
  25. Jeff Larson (Minnesota)
  26. Kevin Igoe
  27. Axiom Strategies
  28. Joyce Aboussie
  29. Link Strategies
  30. Doug Hattaway
  31. Policy Works LLC
  32. Rich Killion
  33. Patrick Feeney
  34. Patrick Hynes (Influencer)
  35. Matt Hickam
  36. Dave Carney
  37. Lonnie Dietz
  38. Patrick Finken
  39. LaRoy Kingsley
  40. Katie McGurk
  41. Jared Suhn
  42. Colin Curtis
  43. Larry Jacob
  44. Trey Ourso
  45. Ben Golnik
  46. John Cacciatore
  47. Jerry Crawford
  48. Jesse Harris (Iowa)
  49. Derek Eadon
  50. Barrett Kaiser
  51. Colleen Martin-Lauer
  52. Joanne D'Arcangelo
  53. Paul Wilson (North Dakota)
  54. Matt Lyon
  55. Chuck Warren
  56. Doug Mitchell (Montana)
  57. C.B. Pearson
  58. Adam Pimley
  59. Jason Powers
  60. LaVarr Webb
  61. David D Hansen
  62. Chuck Denowh
  63. Erik Iverson
  64. Craig Varoga
  65. Toby McGrath
  66. Alan Melamed
  67. James Gonzales
  68. Jonathan Varner
  69. Andrew Fries
  70. Jennifer Cunningham
  71. David Bonderman
  72. Dave Cooley
  73. John Rowley
  74. Nathan Poss
  75. Charles Robert Bone
  76. Dan Lavey
  77. Michael McKeon
  78. Kevin Hagan (New Jersey)
  79. Sean Darcy
  80. Edward O'Meara
  81. Andrew Kennedy (Washington, D.C.)
  82. Tom Ingram
  83. Neal Jones (Texas)
  84. Donald Murphy
  85. Jerry Samargia
  86. Rick Claussen
  87. Edith Smith
  88. Kathie Summers-Grice
  89. Alix Burns
  90. Elliot Schrage
  91. Susan Molinari
  92. Tommy Hopper
  93. Chris Garland
  94. Kim Kaegi
  95. Ted Ullyot
  96. Maggie Moran
  97. Christopher Sinclair
  98. Matthew Hutson
  99. Tyler Harber
  100. Garret Johnson
  101. Stacey Rubin
  102. Aaron McLear
  103. Mike Davis (North Carolina)
  104. Lawrence Scott (Maryland)
  105. Chevy Fleischman Weiss
  106. John N. Davis (North Carolina)
  107. Scott Howell (Texas)
  108. Arthur Finkelstein
  109. Mike Kennedy (Minnesota)
  110. Gary Pearce
  111. Carter Wrenn
  112. Scott Falmlen
  113. Andy Curliss
  114. Anthony Carbonetti
  115. Rob Cole
  116. Jeff Blodgett
  117. Brad Crone
  118. Deirdre Delisi
  119. Ted Delisi
  120. Josh Robinson
  121. Keith Emis
  122. Robert Barnett
  123. Richard Trabulsi
  124. Jordan Berry
  125. James Carville
  126. Shawn D. Wilmoth
  127. Kate Doner
  128. Katie Packer
  129. Amy Kremer
  130. Dan Backer
  131. Democracy Partners
  132. Chernoff Newman
  133. Ruggerio Willson and Associates
  134. Aaron Baker (Missouri)

Political leaning[edit]

Conservative influencers[edit]

The following is a list of conservative influencers on Ballotpedia:


  1. American Action Network
  2. Congressional Leadership Fund
  3. Bill Sizemore
  4. 60 Plus Association
  5. American Civil Rights Coalition
  6. American Civil Rights Institute
  7. American Center for Voting Rights
  8. American Crossroads
  9. Americans for Prosperity
  10. Americans for Tax Reform
  11. American Life League
  12. American Majority Action
  13. American Majority
  14. American Principles Project
  15. American Enterprise Institute
  16. American Recall Coalition
  17. American Federation for Children
  18. American Unity PAC
  19. Americans for Limited Terms
  20. Budget Reform Now
  21. Jeff Roe
  22. Doug Stafford
  23. Chris LaCivita
  24. Chip Englander
  25. Jesse Benton
  26. John Yob
  27. A.J. Spiker
  28. Jason Johnson (Texas)
  29. Citizens United
  30. Chad Sweet
  31. Catherine Frazier
  32. J. Warren Tompkins
  33. Alex Conant
  34. Jason Miller (political advisor)
  35. Club for Growth
  36. Club for Growth Action (Super PAC)
  37. Club for Growth PAC
  38. Josh Perry
  39. Focus on the Family
  40. Freedom Partners
  41. Jessica Ennis
  42. Crossroads Generation
  43. Endorse Liberty
  44. Government Integrity Fund
  45. GOPAC
  46. Howard Jarvis
  47. Austen Furse
  48. Cascade Policy Institute
  49. Arlington Group
  50. Jim Merrill
  51. Eagle Forum
  52. Education Action Group Foundation
  53. James Bopp Jr.
  54. Barry Bennett (Virginia)
  55. Ed Brookover
  56. Doug Watts
  57. G. Michael Brown
  58. Alexandra Bautsch
  59. Janice Knopp
  60. Curt Anderson (Political strategist)
  61. Chip Saltsman
  62. Bob Wickers
  63. Bryan Sanders
  64. Alice Stewart
  65. Hogan Gidley
  66. Chad Gallagher
  67. Jessica Colon
  68. John Brabender
  69. Jon Parker
  70. James Madison Institute
  71. Frank Sadler
  72. Anna Epstein
  73. Amy Noone Frederick
  74. Jon Seaton
  75. Bob Heckman
  76. Brittany Bramell
  77. Christian Ferry
  78. American Conservative Union
  79. American Conservative Union Foundation
  80. Conservative Political Action Conference
  81. Grover Norquist
  82. Americans for Job Security
  83. Conservative, Authentic, Responsive Leadership for you and for America
  84. Campaign for Liberty
  85. Jennifer Girgsby
  86. Jenny Beth Martin
  87. Keli Carender
  88. Danny Diaz
  89. Jeff Miller (Texas)
  90. Avik Roy
  91. Abby McCloskey
  92. Andy Swanson
  93. Katon Dawson
  94. John Tsarpalas
  95. Jon Caldara
  96. Kevin Mannix
  97. Freedom Foundation
  98. Bob J. Perry
  99. David Kochel
  100. Brooke Rollins
  101. Citizens for Responsible Government
  102. David Catalfamo
  103. Cathy Blaney
  104. Alicia Preston
  105. Jon Downs
  106. James O'Keefe III
  107. Gail Gitcho
  108. Dave Gilliard
  109. Don Sebastiani
  110. Kyle Plotkin
  111. Eric Odom
  112. Hans von Spakovsky
  113. Josiah Bartlett Center for Public Policy
  114. Corey Lewandowski
  115. Chuck Laudner
  116. Ed McMullen
  117. Brian Jones (political advisor)
  118. Kristy Campbell
  119. Heather Larrison
  120. Hannah Giles
  121. Kristine Burton
  122. James Garcia
  123. John Weaver (campaign strategist)
  124. Chris Schrimpf
  125. Adam Geller (Republican political strategist and pollster)
  126. Ken McKay
  127. Alaska Policy Forum
  128. Kirsten Kukowski
  129. Kristin Jackson
  130. Ed Goeas
  131. Arkansas Family Council
  132. Bob Vander Plaats
  133. Adam Smith Foundation
  134. Kansas Policy Institute
  135. Heritage Action for America
  136. Family Research Council
  137. Americans for Prosperity, Kansas chapter
  138. College Republican National Committee
  139. Friends of Scott Walker
  140. Illinois Policy Institute
  141. David Koch
  142. Chris Wallace
  143. Bill Hemmer
  144. Americans for Prosperity Wisconsin
  145. Coalition Partners, LLC
  146. Keep the Promise Super PACs
  147. Citizens for a Strong America
  148. Hugh Hewitt
  149. Jobs First Coalition
  150. Jamestown Associates
  151. Donald McGahn
  152. David Keating
  153. Beth Hansen
  154. Conservative Solutions PAC
  155. George Seay III
  156. Keith Gilkes
  157. Charlie Sykes
  158. David French (Tennessee)
  159. Committee to Elect a Republican Senate
  160. Agro-Industrial Management
  161. Amy Oliver Cooke
  162. Brian Watson
  163. Jordan Burgess
  164. Dudley Brown
  165. Kristin Strohm
  166. Katie Behnke
  167. Conrad Lucas
  168. Brett Healy
  169. Joy Hoffman
  170. Adam Jones
  171. Jami Lund
  172. B. Wayne Hughes Sr.
  173. Eric Elk
  174. Aaron Winters
  175. Kevin Artl
  176. Craig Roberts
  177. Constantin Querard
  178. John McCarthy (Kentucky)
  179. Family Foundation of Kentucky
  180. John Kaites
  181. Kenneth Griffin
  182. Chris Baker (Arizona)
  183. Jason Glodt
  184. Faye Garneau
  185. Jim Click
  186. Doug Schwartz
  187. Barry Aarons
  188. Casey Phillips
  189. Frank VanderSloot
  190. Cathi Herrod
  191. Center for Arizona Policy
  192. Bobbie Patray
  193. Bill Vickery
  194. Eunie Smith
  195. Cameron Smith (Influencer)
  196. Ashley Landess
  197. Kurt Luidhardt
  198. Cliff Sims
  199. Anne Hathaway
  200. Kristen Luidhardt
  201. Cam Savage
  202. Dan Hazelwood
  203. Ken Ham
  204. Answers in Genesis
  205. Kentucky Opportunity Coalition
  206. Kristen Webb-Hill
  207. Betsy DeVos
  208. Helen DeVos
  209. Holly Robichaud
  210. Ian Prior
  211. Bruce Rastetter
  212. Andrew Miller (Oregon)
  213. Jessica Kolterman
  214. Jessica Moenning
  215. John Diez
  216. Jason Hebert
  217. Eric Fehrnstrom
  218. Beth Myers
  219. Daniel Haley
  220. Bernard Marcus
  221. Axiom Strategies
  222. Heath Garrett
  223. David E. Johnson
  224. Chip Pearson
  225. Jay Williams (Georgia)
  226. Katie McGurk
  227. Bob Cornelius
  228. Jared Suhn
  229. Adam Feldman
  230. Andrea Goff
  231. Jay McCleskey
  232. Doug Turner
  233. Joe Craft
  234. Chuck Warren
  235. Jason Powers
  236. Ivan DuBois
  237. David D Hansen
  238. Fount Holland
  239. Justin Brasell
  240. Jason Thielman
  241. Henry Barbour
  242. Brian Perry (Mississippi)
  243. Austin Barbour
  244. Arnie Hederman
  245. Dan Lavey
  246. David James (Pennsylvania)
  247. Josh Gregory
  248. Dave Hageman
  249. David Barklage
  250. James Harris (Missouri)
  251. Joel DiGrado
  252. Charles Koch
  253. Deborah Love
  254. Bob Moore
  255. Chuck Adams
  256. Chris Carr (Nevada)
  257. Garret Johnson
  258. John Hood
  259. Greg Ferraro
  260. Chris Russell (Political consultant)
  261. Bill Stepien
  262. Chuck Flannery
  263. Doug Preisse
  264. Carter Wrenn
  265. Arthur Hackney
  266. April Hackney
  267. Jo Ann Davidson
  268. Goldwater Institute
  269. Bryan Eppstein
  270. Charles Copeland
  271. Brad Herold
  272. Armstrong Williams
  273. America Leads
  274. American Legislative Exchange Council
  275. America Rising
  276. Committee to Defend the President
  277. Allan Zaremberg
  278. Chris Chocola
  279. California Republican Assembly
  280. Eric Novack
  281. Jon Coupal
  282. Jon Fleischman
  283. Kate Doner
  284. Debbie Brown (Colorado)
  285. Katie Packer
  286. Amy Kremer
  287. Doyle Webb
  288. Jim Brulte
  289. J.R. Romano
  290. John Padgett
  291. Fritz Rohlfing
  292. Jeff Cardwell
  293. Kelly Arnold
  294. J. McCauley Brown
  295. Diana Waterman (Maryland)
  296. Kirsten Hughes
  297. Joe Nosef
  298. John Hancock (Missouri)
  299. Dan Welch
  300. Jennifer Horn
  301. Debbie Maestas
  302. Edward Cox
  303. Hasan Harnett
  304. Bill Currier
  305. Brandon S. Bell
  306. James Evans (Utah)
  307. David Sunderland
  308. Brad Courtney
  309. Dan Backer
  310. Breitbart News
  311. Joseph Keith Kellogg
  312. John Canegata
  313. David Wheeler (South Dakota)
  314. Gwen Bowen
  315. Bruce Ash
  316. Damond Watkins
  317. John Hammond (Indiana)
  318. Chris Tiedeman
  319. Errol Galt
  320. Bill Palatucci
  321. Charles Joyce
  322. Curly Haugland
  323. Jim Dicke
  324. Bob Asher
  325. Glenn McCall
  326. Dana Randall
  327. John Ryder
  328. Bruce Hough
  329. Jay Shepard
  330. Greg Schaefer
  331. Cynthia Henry
  332. Jonelle Fulmer
  333. Ellen Barrosse
  334. Cindy Siddoway
  335. Demetra DeMonte
  336. Helen Van Etten
  337. Chanel Prunier
  338. Kathy Berden
  339. Janet Beihoffer
  340. Jeanne Luckey
  341. Betti Hill
  342. Joyce Simmons
  343. Juliana Bergeron
  344. Ginny Haines
  345. Jennifer Saul-Rich
  346. Ada Fisher
  347. Carolyn McLarty
  348. Donna Cain
  349. Christine Toretti
  350. Cindy Costa
  351. Enid Mickelsen
  352. Kathy Terry
  353. Fredi Simpson
  354. Charlie Black
  355. José Cunningham
  356. James Ada
  357. Judi Schwalbach
  358. Ed Henry
  359. Guy Short
  360. Kendal Unruh
  361. Bob Kabel
  362. Jill Homan (Washington, D.C.)
  363. Diana Orrock
  364. George Leing
  365. Jonathan Barnett
  366. Blaise Ingoglia
  367. Keith Downey
  368. Jeff Essmann
  369. Kelly Armstrong (North Dakota)
  370. John Whitbeck
  371. Brian Jack
  372. Aumua Amata Radewagen
  373. Alexander Willette
  374. Eleanor Espling
  375. Holland Redfield
  376. Jay Rojas
  377. Don Thibaut
  378. Cynthia Dunbar
  379. John Mashburn
  380. John Frey
  381. Kris Warner
  382. Committee for American Sovereignty
  383. J.L. Spray
  384. K.C. Crosbie
  385. California Forward
  386. Jeff Kent
  387. Harvey Yates Jr.
  388. Bo Palacios
  389. American Unity Fund
  390. David Bossie
  391. J. Randolph Evans
  392. Ginger Howard
  393. Christine Serrano-Glassner
  394. Gordon Reese
  395. Joyce Haas
  396. Betty Cannon
  397. Free the Delegates
  398. Harriet Hageman
  399. Anne Lewis
  400. John M. Cabello
  401. Beth Boyce
  402. Kelly Knight Craft
  403. Cindy Pugh
  404. David Asp
  405. Anita Milanovich
  406. Ellen Suprunowicz
  407. Jordan Ross
  408. Fred Brown (Alaska)
  409. Benjamin Proto
  410. Gary Jones (Oklahoma)
  411. Eileen Grossman
  412. Janssen Willhoit
  413. Anne Gentry
  414. Graham Hunt
  415. Gina Blanchard-Reed
  416. Beverly Caley
  417. Chris Barreto
  418. Janet Fogarty
  419. Alan Cobb
  420. John Regis
  421. Harvey Tettlebaum
  422. Competitive Enterprise Institute
  423. Harmeet Dhillon
  424. Andrew Puzder
  425. Dominion Leadership Trust
  426. Doug Davenport
  427. Courageous Conservatives PAC
  428. Delegates Unbound
  429. Arthur Culvahouse Jr.
  430. Jesse Binnall
  431. Family Council Action Committee
  432. Kellyanne Conway
  433. Jennifer Locetta
  434. David Warrington
  435. ESAFund
  436. Family Action Council of Tennessee
  437. Eric Branstad
  438. Bob Paduchik
  439. Jason Simmons
  440. Evan McMullin
  441. Better for America
  442. Charles Munoz
  443. Judicial Watch
  444. American Center for Law and Justice
  445. John Bolton
  446. Katie Walsh
  447. Douglas Bruce
  448. Judicial Crisis Network
  449. Julia Hahn
  450. Hometown Freedom Action Network
  451. J.D. Vance
  452. Alliance Defending Freedom
  453. Alison Williams
  454. Kirk Adams (Arizona)
  455. Chris Riley (Georgia)
  456. Kristina Rasmussen
  457. Alabama Republican Assembly
  458. John Pence
  459. Brad Parscale
  460. David Urban
  461. Fred Davis (California)
  462. Kathleen King (Florida)
  463. Jessica Millan Patterson
  464. CRC Advisors
  465. Chris Peterson (Influencer)
  466. Frank Tsamoutales
  467. Glenn Clary
  468. Cruz 20 for 20 Victory Fund
  469. Aaron Baker (Missouri)
  470. David Gortler
  471. Jesse Kelly
  472. Elevate PAC
  473. IVoterGuide


  1. Milton Friedman
  2. Republican National Committee
  3. Western Landowners Alliance
  5. Nick Muzin
  6. Vincent Harris
  7. Steve Grubbs
  8. Michael Biundo
  9. Steve Munisteri
  10. National Right to Work
  11. Texas Public Policy Foundation
  12. Terry Sullivan (South Carolina)
  13. Victoria Coates
  14. Rich Beeson
  15. MacIver Institute
  16. Michigan Taxpayers Alliance
  17. The Pelican Institute
  18. Show-Me Institute
  19. State Policy Network
  20. Pioneer Institute
  21. Now or Never PAC
  22. Republican Jewish Coalition Victory Fund
  23. Restore America's Voice PAC
  24. Rick W. Tyler
  25. Mark P. Campbell
  26. Timmy Teepell
  27. Todd Harris
  28. Ruth Sherlock
  29. Sarah Huckabee Sanders
  30. Terry Allen
  31. Matt Beynon
  32. Nadine Maenza
  33. Yankee Institute
  34. Matt M. Parker
  35. Sarah Isgur
  36. Norman Braman
  37. Scott Farmer
  38. Rachael Leman
  39. Tracie Gibler
  40. Shell Suber
  41. Paul Young (New Hampshire)
  42. Ocean State Policy Research Institute
  43. Matthew Schlapp
  44. Stephen DeMaura
  45. Pelican Institute for Public Policy
  46. Sally Bradshaw
  47. Rob Johnson (Texas)
  48. Lucy Nashed
  49. Robert Haus
  50. Walter Whetsell
  51. Mike Dennehy (New Hampshire)
  52. Liberty Initiative Fund
  53. Tax Foundation
  54. Restore Our Future
  55. Wyoming Liberty Group
  56. RickPAC
  57. Sutherland Institute
  58. Mike Murphy (California influencer)
  59. Vincent Balascio
  60. Phil Kerpen
  61. Tim Miller (Washington, D.C.)
  62. Wisconsin Club for Growth
  63. Sam Nunberg
  64. Ryan Keller
  65. Matt Ciepielowski
  66. Mike DuHaime
  67. Maria Comella
  68. Samantha Smith
  69. Lewis K. Uhler
  70. Paul Collins (New Hampshire)
  71. Sarah Nelson
  72. Matt Carle
  73. Ray Washburne
  74. Rick Wiley
  75. Matt Mason
  76. Michael Gallagher (Wisconsin)
  77. Michael W. Grebe
  78. Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation
  79. Robert Novak
  80. Mississippi Center for Public Policy
  81. Mary Adams (Maine)
  82. Sam Adams Alliance
  83. Republican Governors Association
  84. Paul Farago
  85. Paul Singer
  86. Peggy Venable
  87. Shelby F. McCurnin, II
  88. Ray Haynes
  89. Ron Paul
  90. United Sportsmen of Wisconsin
  91. Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of Commerce
  92. North Dakota Policy Council
  93. Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce
  94. Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs
  95. League of American Voters
  96. R.J. Johnson and Associates
  97. Right Direction Wisconsin PAC
  98. Wisconsin Right to Life
  99. Steve Green (Oklahoma)
  100. Liberty Counsel
  101. Nonbox
  102. TenCAPITOL
  103. National Review
  104. Unintimidated PAC
  105. Mary Stitt & Associates
  106. Republican Liberty Caucus of Ohio
  107. Renee Plummer
  108. Republican Liberty Caucus
  109. Revitalize Tucson
  110. OnMessage
  111. Project Veritas
  112. Rupert Murdoch
  113. Legacy Political Fund
  114. Sean Hannity
  115. Vicki McKenna
  116. Wisconsin Recall Action Fund
  117. Tony Andrade
  118. Thomas Jefferson Institute
  119. Steve Bannon
  120. Steve House
  121. Shari Williams (Colorado)
  122. Leadership Program of the Rockies
  123. Principles of Liberty
  124. Rich Bratten
  125. Right on Crime
  126. Laurie Bratten
  127. Matt Arnold (Colorado)
  128. Mark Baisley
  129. The Family Leader
  130. Tyler Hart (Colorado)
  131. Terry Kohler
  132. Mike Zolnierowicz
  133. Nancy Kimme
  134. Tim Phillips
  135. Mike Schrimpf
  136. Make America Great Again PAC
  137. Lance Trover
  138. Richard Goldberg (Illinois)
  139. The 2016 Committee
  140. Ryan McLaughlin
  141. Scott Jennings
  142. Lisa Wagner (Illinois)
  143. Richard Uihlein
  144. Sean Noble
  145. Randy Kendrick
  146. Tennessee Eagle Forum
  147. Ryan Nelson (South Dakota)
  148. Michael Bidwill
  149. Nathan Sproul
  150. Steve Gill
  151. Matthew McCaulley
  152. Randy Zook
  153. Wesley Donehue
  154. Russell Pearce
  155. Yellowhammer News
  156. Richard Quinn
  157. Will Folks
  158. Patrick Lanne
  159. Leadership Project for America PAC
  160. Richard DeVos Jr.
  161. Richard DeVos Sr.
  162. The Dick and Betsy DeVos Family Foundation
  163. Mark Zaccaria
  164. Sam Fischer
  165. Roy Fletcher
  166. Robert T. Cunningham (Massachusetts)
  167. Peter Flaherty
  168. Philip M. Young
  169. Robert Gray (Massachusetts)
  170. Robert Willington
  171. Mark Rountree
  172. Rich Killion
  173. Patrick Feeney
  174. Seth Klarman
  175. Patrick Hynes (Influencer)
  176. Matt Hickam
  177. Lonnie Dietz
  178. Patrick Finken
  179. Robert Cummins
  180. Ron Rauschenberger
  181. Sharon Caldwell
  182. Neva Hill
  183. LaVarr Webb
  184. Trebor Worthen
  185. Quinton Dickerson
  186. Pat McFerron
  187. Salem Media Group
  188. Ray Zaborney
  189. Michael Britt
  190. Michael Long (Pennsylvania)
  191. Leslie Gromis Baker
  192. Rick Thomas
  193. Lori Hardwick
  194. Tom Ross
  195. Michele Rollins
  196. Robert Knodell
  197. Ryan Erwin
  198. Mike Slanker
  199. Mark Weaver (Ohio)
  200. Rex Elsass
  201. Lionel Gustafson
  202. Thomas M. Davis
  203. Thomas John Jordan
  204. Rex Sinquefield
  205. Ron Nehring
  206. Resurgent Republic
  207. Lincoln Initiative
  208. Our Principles PAC
  209. Ted Costa
  210. Sarah Palin
  211. Lon Mabon
  212. Oregon Citizens Alliance
  213. Republican presidential election super PACs, 2016
  214. Stuart Jolly
  215. Republican State Leadership Committee
  216. Republican Legislative Campaign Committee
  217. Peter Goldberg
  218. Robert Graham (Arizona)
  219. Tim Schneider (Illinois)
  220. Roger F. Villere Jr.
  221. Ronna Romney McDaniel
  222. Michael McDonald (Nevada)
  223. Samuel Raia
  224. Matt Borges
  225. Pam Pollard
  226. Rob Gleason
  227. Matt Moore (South Carolina)
  228. Tom Mechler
  229. Susan Hutchison
  230. Matt Micheli
  231. Michelle Fields
  232. Walid Phares
  233. Sandye Kading
  234. Ross Little Jr.
  235. Paul Reynolds
  236. Shawn Steel
  237. Laird Stabler III
  238. Peter Feaman
  239. Ted Liu (Hawaii)
  240. Richard Porter
  241. Steve Scheffler
  242. Robert M. Duncan
  243. Louis Pope
  244. Ron Kaufman
  245. Lance Beshore
  246. Lee Hoffman
  247. Steve Duprey
  248. Pat Rogers (New Mexico)
  249. Steve Fair
  250. Solomon Yue
  251. Steve Frias
  252. Robin Armstrong
  253. Morton Blackwell
  254. Steve King (Wisconsin GOP)
  255. Vicki Drummond
  256. Sharon Giese
  257. Linda Ackerman
  258. Lily Nuñez
  259. Pat Longo
  260. Sharon Day
  261. Linda Herren
  262. Miriam Hellreich
  263. Marsha Coats
  264. Tamara Scott
  265. Nicolee Ambrose
  266. Susie Eckelkamp
  267. Rosie Tripp
  268. Sandy Boehler
  269. Lee Ann Sennick
  270. Peggy Lambert
  271. Toni Anne Dashiell
  272. Susie Hudson
  273. Melody Potter
  274. Mary Buestrin
  275. Utu Abe Malae
  276. Mike Benito
  277. Matt Hall (Michigan)
  278. Laura Payne
  279. Marti Halverson
  280. Stuart Spencer
  281. Pamela Roberts
  282. Su'a Schuster
  283. Ralph Seekins
  284. Lilliana O'Neal
  285. Zoraida Fonalledas
  286. Margaret Metcalfe
  287. Rob Steele
  288. Luis Guillermo Fortuño Burset
  289. Mike Lee (Utah)
  290. Sharon Lee (Utah)
  291. Reince Priebus
  292. Leora Levy
  293. Robin Hayes (North Carolina)
  294. Mark Kahrs
  295. Todd Tiahrt
  296. Tony Parker
  297. Vicky Villagomez
  298. South Carolina Policy Council
  299. Phil Cox
  300. Rick Rice
  301. Lawrence Tabas
  302. Susie Wiles
  303. Nathan Paikai
  304. Steve Pearce
  305. Ralph M. Mohr
  306. Zandstra Bunn
  307. Thomas Stark
  308. Reta Hamilton
  309. Linda Brickman
  310. Linda McMahon
  311. Richard Forsten
  312. MaryAnne Kinney
  313. Mary Beth Andreini
  314. Mike Stuart (West Virginia)
  315. Ralph Torres
  316. Valerie Stiles
  317. Nell Frisbie
  318. Megan Winburn
  319. Vincent DeVito
  320. Marlys Popma
  321. Robert Max Schanfarber
  322. Lora Gervais
  323. Norm Semanko
  324. Pat Thomas
  325. Marc Short
  326. Make America Number 1
  327. Rachel Hoff
  328. Mike McSherry
  329. Richard Bagger
  330. Pete Meachum
  331. Omarosa Manigault Newman
  332. Patrick Davis (Colorado)
  333. Mel Sembler
  334. Ted Christian
  335. Rick Wilson (Florida)
  336. Scott Hagerstrom
  337. Thomas Midanek
  338. Mike Lukach
  339. Rebekah Mercer
  340. Mindy Finn
  341. Project Veritas Action
  342. The Heritage Foundation
  343. The Federalist Society
  344. Sean Spicer
  345. Ned Ryun
  346. Lincoln Club of Orange County
  347. Wisconsin Family Action
  348. Washington Values Alliance
  349. Ward Connerly
  350. Mark Block
  351. Michael Dubke
  352. Senate Conservatives Fund
  353. Robert Rector
  354. Matt Walter
  355. Nick Ayers
  356. Steve Pelham
  357. Sean Dollman
  358. National Republican Redistricting Trust
  359. New Leadership PAC
  360. WinRed
  361. Meghan Cox
  362. Peachtree PAC
  363. Nick Langworthy

Feminist influencers[edit]

The following is a list of feminist influencers on Ballotpedia:

  1. EMILY's List
  2. Women Vote!
  3. Arizona National Organization for Women
  4. National Organization for Women
  5. Rockefeller Family Fund
  6. Women Mayors' Group
  7. Women's Campaign Fund
  8. Sarah Chamberlain
  9. Off the Sidelines

Independent influencers[edit]

The following is a list of independent influencers on Ballotpedia:

  1. 50CAN
  2. American Cancer Society
  3. Americans Elect
  4. American Bar Association
  5. American Association of University Women Arizona
  6. Liberty Coalition
  7. ACORN and voter registration fraud
  8. Campaign for Primary Accountability
  9. Cooperative of American Physicians IE Committee
  10. Independence USA PAC
  11. National Association of Realtors PAC
  12. Alliance for Self-Governance
  13. Alaskans for Fair and Equitable Redistricting
  14. Center for Research on Education Outcomes
  15. Center for Biological Diversity
  16. American Civil Liberties Union
  17. Drug Policy Alliance
  18. International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance
  19. Center for Responsive Politics
  20. Education Commission of the States
  21. Foundation for Individual Rights in Education
  22. American Association of School Administrators

Libertarian influencers[edit]

The following is a list of libertarian influencers on Ballotpedia:

  1. Cato Institute
  2. Americans for Limited Government
  3. The Institute for Humane Studies
  4. John Tate
  5. Institute for Justice
  6. Leon Drolet
  7. State Policy Network
  8. Pioneer Institute
  9. Paul Jacob
  10. Idaho Freedom Foundation
  11. Ryan Rhodes
  12. Castle Coalition
  13. Pacific Research Institute
  14. Rio Grande Foundation
  15. Independence Institute
  16. Bob Costello (Activist)
  17. Carla Howell
  18. Eric Dondero
  19. Michael Cloud (Massachusetts)
  20. Ron Paul
  21. Clint Bolick
  22. Aaron Starr
  23. Property and Environment Research Center
  24. Reason Foundation
  25. Alex Nowrasteh

Progressive influencers[edit]

The following is a list of progressive influencers on Ballotpedia:

  1. Democratic National Committee
  2. CREDO Action
  3. Park Foundation
  4. American Bridge 21st Century
  5. ActBlue
  6. AARP
  7. Achieve
  8. AFL-CIO
  9. American Federation of Teachers
  10. American Foundation for Equal Rights
  11. Arizona Advocacy Network
  12. Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now
  13. American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees
  14. Media Matters for America
  15. George Lakoff
  16. EMILY's List
  17. Rob Reiner
  18. Women Vote!
  19. Workers' Voice
  20. Fair Share Action
  21. House Majority PAC
  22. League of Conservation Voters Action Fund
  23. Senate Majority PAC
  24. Healthcare for All - California
  25. Idaho Votes No
  26. Andrew Villeneuve
  27. Bertha Lewis
  28. Basic Rights Oregon
  29. California Common Cause
  30. Center for Governmental Studies
  31. Center for Rural Affairs
  32. Boise Education Association
  33. Democracy 21
  34. Common Cause
  35. Gail Tuzzolo
  36. George Judson King
  37. National Audubon Society
  38. Jeff Weaver
  39. Tad Devine
  40. Demos
  41. Michael Briggs
  42. Lisa Graves
  43. Center for Public Integrity
  44. Revolution Messaging
  45. Mayday PAC
  46. Ready for Warren
  47. John Podesta
  48. Robby Mook
  49. Joel Benenson
  50. Bill Hyers
  51. Adam Goers
  52. Lis Smith
  53. Karine Jean-Pierre
  54. Gabriela Domenzain
  55. Sarah Miller (Washington, D.C.)
  56. Jake Oeth
  57. John Bivona
  58. Jonathan Stevens
  59. Debbie Rich
  60. Kenny Alston
  61. Chris Lehane
  62. Public Citizen
  63. Jim Margolis
  64. Jennifer Palmieri
  65. Amanda Renteria
  66. Pew Charitable Trusts
  67. Marlon Marshall
  68. Jake Sullivan
  69. David Bohnett
  70. David Goldstein (blogger)
  71. David Kenney
  72. Defend Oregon
  73. Dennis Peron
  74. Diane Lozier
  75. Diane Ravitch
  76. Eric Lemelson
  77. Ethan Nadelmann
  78. Peter Sperling
  79. Center for American Progress
  80. Harvey Rosenfield
  81. Kristina Wilfore
  82. David Saunders
  83. Kristian Denny Todd
  84. Joe Stanley
  85. Craig Crawford
  86. Alaska Civil Liberties Union
  87. Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington
  88. Priorities USA Action
  89. Dave Hamrick
  90. Human Rights Campaign
  91. Human Rights Campaign Foundation
  92. Peter Lewis (Chairman of Progressive Insurance)
  93. 270 Strategies
  94. Ballot Initiative Strategy Center
  95. Tides Foundation
  96. Every Voice Center
  97. Organizing for Action
  98. Every Voice
  99. Communications Workers of America
  100. Brennan Center for Justice
  101. Advancement Project
  102. Democracy Alliance
  103. American Constitution Society
  104. America Votes
  105. Constitutional Accountability Center
  106. Economic Policy Institute
  107. National Employment Law Project
  108. Center for Community Change
  109. Center for Popular Democracy
  110. Progress Now
  112. Courage California
  113. State Voices
  114. Roosevelt Institute
  115. Re:Power
  116. Catalist
  117. PICO National Network
  118. Americans for Financial Reform
  119. Working America
  120. Corporate Accountability International
  121. Massachusetts Federation of Teachers
  122. Citizen Engagement Laboratory
  123. Progressive Majority
  124. People's Action Institute
  125. New Media Ventures
  126. New Organizing Institute
  127. State Innovation Exchange
  128. National League of Cities
  129. Doug Boxer
  130. Don Perata
  131. Alliance for Excellent Education
  132. Andrew Rotherham
  133. Paul Brainerd
  134. Paul Mandabach
  135. Stephen Bing
  136. Steve Zemke
  137. Secretary of State Project
  138. Sierra Club
  139. Ralph Nader
  140. The Annie E. Casey Foundation
  141. Committee on States
  142. Democrats for Public Education
  143. Democrats for Education Reform
  144. Geoffrey Canada
  145. The Hunt Institute
  146. Randi Weingarten
  147. Linda Darling-Hammond
  148. Lawrence Lessig
  149. Ellen Miller
  150. Amalgamated Bank
  151. Jorge Ramos
  152. Center for Media and Democracy
  153. National League of Cities policy and advocacy committees
  154. Chris Liebenthal
  155. Richard Trumka
  156. Chris Abele
  157. Michael Moore (Filmmaker)
  158. Judith Faulkner
  159. Scot Ross
  160. David Rolf
  161. Jay Heck
  162. Common Cause in Wisconsin
  163. Anthony Caldwell
  164. Tim Mapes
  165. Nicolas Hanauer
  166. Steve Brown (Illinois)
  167. Fairness Campaign
  168. Kentuckians for the Commonwealth
  169. Eric Adelstein
  170. Ann Liston
  171. Jason McGrath
  172. Larry Grisolano
  173. John Kupper
  174. Ken Snyder
  175. Peter Giangreco
  176. Terry Walsh
  177. W. Terry McBrayer
  178. Fred Eychaner
  179. Robbie Sherwood
  180. Terrie Pickerill
  181. Theron McChesney
  182. Maggie Varilek
  183. Andy Wiese
  184. Michael Cole (South Dakota)
  185. Ace Smith
  186. Mitch Stewart
  187. Brendan Johnson (South Dakota)
  188. Nathan Daschle
  189. Roby Brock
  190. Phil Bailey
  191. Debbie Willhite
  192. Tanya Meck
  193. Roy Occhiogrosso
  194. Global Strategy Group
  195. Amanda Loveday
  196. Carey Crantford
  197. Lachlan McIntosh
  198. Tyler Jones
  199. Joe Reed (Alabama)
  200. Stephen Kinney
  201. Eric Hyers
  202. Bill Fischer
  203. Stephanie Mandeville
  204. Devin Driscoll
  205. David Brock (Washington, D.C.)
  206. Ann DeLaney
  207. Lacy Johnson (Indiana)
  208. Jim Schellinger
  209. Ryan Berni
  210. Michael Beychok
  211. Danny Ford (Louisiana)
  212. Luke Theriot
  213. Robin Winston
  214. Lisa Turner (Influencer)
  215. Showing Up for Racial Justice
  216. Carla Wallace
  217. Jill Alper
  218. Amy Chapman
  219. Robin Van Ausdall
  220. Better Georgia
  221. Amy Morton
  222. Bryan Long
  223. Our Oregon
  224. Gary Di Silvestro
  225. Charles Campion
  226. Doug Rubin
  227. William Carito
  228. Francis Perullo
  229. Paul Johnson (Nebraska)
  230. Tim Alborg
  231. Chris Carpenter
  232. Susan Alice Buffett
  233. Mike Vlacich
  234. Pamela Walsh
  235. Allan Crow
  236. Bobby Kahn
  237. Karen Hicks
  238. Daniel Cence
  239. Jay Cincotti
  240. Mark Sullivan (Massachusetts)
  241. Link Strategies
  242. Doug Hattaway
  243. Heather Colburn
  244. Jim St. George
  245. Sachin Chheda
  246. James Demers
  247. Caroline Buerkle
  248. Dave Contarino
  249. Amanda Cooper
  250. Pam Johnson
  251. Mississippi Democratic Trust
  252. Sean Marcus
  253. Tessa Gould
  254. Alan Packman
  255. Bill Lofy
  256. Trey Ourso
  257. Jasper Schneider
  258. Joel Heitkamp
  259. John Cacciatore
  260. Ward Curtin
  261. Jesse Harris (Iowa)
  262. Patrick J. Hall
  263. Trav Robertson
  264. Derek Eadon
  265. Michelle Tilley
  266. Barrett Kaiser
  267. Matt Lyon
  268. Michael Whelan
  269. Nicholas Holland
  270. Alan Melamed
  271. Chism Strategies
  272. Brad Chism
  273. South Forward
  274. Southern Progress
  275. If You're Buying, We're Selling
  276. Jonathan Compretta
  277. James Gonzales
  278. Jonathan Varner
  279. Derrick Johnson (Mississippi)
  280. Jere Nash
  281. Neil Oxman
  282. Doc Sweitzer
  283. Mary Isenhour
  284. Larry Ceisler
  285. Matthew Weaver
  286. Michael Bronstein
  287. Charles Robert Bone
  288. Daren Berringer
  289. Andrew Whalen
  290. John Daniello
  291. Ted Kaufman
  292. Kevin Hagan (New Jersey)
  293. Sean Darcy
  294. Jack Cardetti
  295. Andrew Kennedy (Washington, D.C.)
  296. Ken Morley
  297. Roy Temple
  298. Tom Wyche
  299. Mark Wiener
  300. Anna Richter-Taylor
  301. Kevin Looper
  302. Liz Kaufman
  303. Lisa Grove
  304. Gerald Austin
  305. John Collins (Delaware)
  306. Chris Garland
  307. James Ferrence
  308. Dan Hart
  309. Maggie Moran
  310. Chris Fitzsimon
  311. Stacey Rubin
  312. Jan Jones Blackhurst
  313. Rebecca Lambe
  314. Billy Vassiliadis
  315. Steve DeMicco
  316. Brad Lawrence
  317. Michael Muller
  318. Beth Coulson
  319. Joshua Isay
  320. Hank Sheinkopf
  321. Rodd McLeod
  322. Faya Rose Touré
  323. Dean Rindy
  324. Harold Cook (Texas)
  325. Matt Angle
  326. Barney Gottstein
  327. Deborah L. Williams
  328. Amy Goldman Fowler
  329. BerlinRosen
  330. Valerie Berlin
  331. Jonathan Rosen
  332. Dan Parker
  333. Richard Holland
  334. Patricia A. Stryker
  335. Chris Dodd
  336. Correct the Record
  337. Huma Abedin
  338. Hilltop Public Solutions
  339. Nick Baldick
  340. CHC Bold PAC
  341. Save Kentucky Healthcare
  342. By Any Means Necessary
  343. Mark Brewer
  344. Democratic presidential election super PACs, 2016
  345. Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee
  346. Advantage 2020
  347. Service Employees International Union
  348. Chelsea Clinton
  349. Anne Earhart
  350. Symone Sanders
  351. Michael Ceraso
  352. Simone Ward
  353. Emmy Ruiz
  354. Jake Hajdu
  355. Jordan Marks (Pennsylvania)
  356. Democratic Governors Association
  357. National Lawyers Council
  358. DNC Voting Rights Institute
  359. Tim Gill
  360. Eleni Kounalakis
  361. Gertrude Stein Democratic Club
  362. Tennessee Equality Project
  363. Sean Parker (California)
  364. Open Society Foundations
  365. Colorado Democracy Alliance
  366. The Democratic Coalition
  367. United for Affordable NYC
  368. Campaign for One New York
  369. The Progressive Agenda Committee
  370. Democrats Abroad
  371. AFL-CIO stance on immigration
  372. Kane Miller
  373. Guy Cecil
  374. United We Can
  375. Chris Wyant
  376. Troy Clair
  377. Cheryl Mills (Clinton advisor)
  378. Corey Dukes
  379. Barbara Stiefel
  380. Walt Herzig
  381. Jorge Neri
  382. Bernie Sanders support for Tim Canova, 2016
  383. Our Revolution
  384. Brian Zuzenak
  385. Mackenzie Taylor
  386. Rutt Bridges
  387. New Era Colorado
  388. The New Florida Majority
  389. New Virginia Majority
  390. Wisconsin Democracy Campaign
  391. National Council of La Raza
  392. Aaron Black
  393. Americans United for Change
  394. Democracy Partners
  395. Zulema Rodriguez
  396. People For the American Way
  397. Scott Foval
  398. Bob Creamer
  399. Alliance for Retired Americans
  400. NextGen America
  401. New Progressive Coalition
  402. Democracy for America
  403. Jehmu Greene
  404. Save My Care
  405. Onward Together
  406. Grassroots Campaigns Inc.
  407. Justice Democrats
  408. Association of State Democratic Chairs
  409. Thomas Steyer
  410. The Sanders Institute
  411. American Possibilities
  412. David Driscoll
  413. Jane O'Meara Sanders
  414. Win the Future
  415. Ready PAC
  416. Bill McKibben
  417. George Soros
  418. Flippable
  419. Sister District Project
  420. A Progressive California
  421. Howard Schultz
  422. Sixteen Thirty Fund
  423. House Majority Forward
  424. New Approach PAC
  425. Everytown for Gun Safety
  426. Fair Fight
  427. Arabella Advisors
  428. Maine People's Alliance
  429. Progressive Turnout Project
  430. Giffords
  431. North Fund
  432. Georgia Honor
  433. The Georgia Way
  434. Demand Justice
  435. Raymond Sullivan, Jr.
  436. Sunrise Movement
  437. Center for American Progress Action Fund

Socialist influencers[edit]

The following is a list of socialist influencers on Ballotpedia:

  1. 15 Now

Tea Party influencers[edit]

The following is a list of Tea Party influencers on Ballotpedia:

  1. Post-Party Summit
  2. FreedomWorks
  3. FreedomWorks for America
  4. Ron Paul
  5. Katrina Pierson
  6. Sarah Palin

See also[edit]

Categories: [Lists of influencers]

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