
From Britannica 11th Edition (1911)

Sport (a contracted or shortened form of "disport," to amuse, divert oneself, O. Fr. se desporter or deporter, to leave off work, hence to play, Lat. dis-, away, and portare, to carry; the origin of the meaning lies in the notion of turning away from serious occupations, cf. "diversion"), play, amusement, entertainment or recreation. The term was applied in early times to all forms of pastime. It was, however, particularly used of out-of-door or manly recreations, such as shooting with the bow, hunting and the like. Modern usage has given several meanings to "sport" and "sports." Generally speaking "sport" includes the out-of-door recreations, the "fieldsports," such as fishing, shooting, fox-hunting, &c., connected with the killing or hunting of animals as opposed to organized "games," which are contests of skill or strength played according to rules. It also includes the special class of horse-racing, the votaries of which, and also of the prize-ring, have arrogated to themselves sometimes the name of "sportsman," applying that word even to those who follow racing simply as an occasion for betting. On the other hand, the plural "sports" is generally confined to athletic contests such as running, jumping, &c. (see Athletic Sports and subsidiary articles) .

In zoology and botany the word has a specific meaning of a sudden or singular variation from type, a "diversion" in a more etymological sense of the term.

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