Criticism Of Preferential Treatment For Israeli Arabs Over Jews

From Conservapedia

Criticism of preferential treatment for Arabs, Muslims over Jews

Introduction: Critics point out to the reversed unevenness, some have summed it up in one phrase: "If Arabs Can Live in Jewish Neighborhoods, Why Can't Jews Live in Arab Neighborhoods?"[1] A MK addressed the Arab MKs: "I have not yet seen a Jew move into an Arab village. Is there a double standard here, do you accept that a Jew will live in Sakhnin?"[2] - referring to the racist rejection by Arabs.

It is rather the Jews who are being discriminated against in construction tenders. Vs the Arabs, who are not. Finding in 2018:[3]

Authority tenders on Israeli land in Arab localities are open to "locals" only, while in Jewish localities the tenders are open to everyone. Examining Israel Hayom.

Is it important for the Israel Land Authority (RMI) to maintain the special character of Arab localities, but not the character of Jewish localities?

In addition, there is genuine fear on the Jewish side. While "Israelis aren't 'racist' - they're worried,"[4] as Jews in Arab areas fear literally lynching, and have been often attacked violently, Arabs, on the other hand, don't fear and are very seldom attacked in Jewish areas. And the massive racist Arab on Jews attacks during Guardian of Walls did not "help" in this aspect.

Persecuting minority. In other countries the minority is persecuted. In our case, the minority persecutes.

In fact, many have raised the issue, rather, of Arabs not only being equal citizens as Jews in Israel, but often as first class citizens, Arabs, Muslims first class citizens in Israel whereas Israeli Jews are second class citizens [6][7]

From a reply[8] to a radical:

So if you support human rights as you claim, why can I not go in to walk in certain Arab villages or walk in Ramallah while residents of an Arab village or areas called "Palestinian Authority" can walk in our country freely and move freely without fear of being thrown stones or killed?

After all, human rights should be equal to both sides of the country and not just one side, that an Arab citizen waiting for a bus does not have this fear that a car will suddenly come and run over him and an Israeli citizen does have this fear, so why are human rights only one side of the coin?

There was already a title printed in an American newspaper in 1968: Arabs Treated As First Class Citizens In Israel. [9]


Affordable housing projects

In July 2021, Jews living in Jaffa have petitioned against the Arab-only real estate project in the city - for affordable housing.[11] Decrying: "A precedent-setting and scandalous decision, infected with racism and discrimination."


Subsidized housing:

To provide affordable housing the Israeli government has sometimes leased residential land to Israeli Arabs at subsidized rates unavailable to Israeli Jews. For example, while the government charged Israeli Bedouins just $150 for a long-term lease on a quarter of an acre of residential land in the southern community of Rahat, Israeli Jews were charged $24,000 to lease similarly sized plots in neighboring areas. In response to such policies favoring Israeli Arabs, Eliezer Avitan, an Israeli Jew denied the subsidized rates, sued the government for discrimination. In Avitan v. Israel Land Administration (HC 528/88), Israel's Supreme Court ruled against Avitan and in favor of the government's "affirmative action" policy.[13]

Land issues:

The High Court's position entails a preference for Arabs over Israelis even on unregistered privately owned lands. Any land that is not arbitrated as Israeli, stands to the credit of the "local" Arabs.

The struggle against the racist law prohibiting the sale of land to Jews in Judea and Samaria is escalating. Billboards were hung in April 2022 around the home of Defense Minister ntz, calling for the repeal of the law. [18]

Research: Arabs receive more budgets from Israelis, 73% more. And on average Arabs have about 97 square meters designated for residence, and Jews have only 90 square meters. The study also does not take into account tens of thousands of illegal buildings in the Arab sector. 15/10/09) [32]

"It is a national irresponsibility to do such a thing. This is a publication designed to hurt my meeting with President Obama... I do not understand the position and the criticism. Arabs in Jerusalem buy apartments freely, no one disqualifies them from doing so."

"There can be no discrimination against Jews or Arabs"

"Even a Jew can buy an apartment in Jerusalem and no one can disqualify them from doing so, anywhere. There can be no discrimination against Jews or Arabs. I insist that this is an unacceptable approach. Anyone can buy private property. No one has stolen the houses nor take by force. No one confiscated Arab homes. There was a normal process here in which I do not see the need to create discrimination against any party."

Minister of Culture and Sport: "As I said in the past, the High Court of Justice is disconnected from the Israeli public and the settlement, unfortunately, it is not found in Jerusalem, and there is no discrimination in all what is related to demolition and realization among the Arab public and the submitter, and I require all demolition orders."[39]


Judge Danziger, who rejected the Amona outline, ordered the day before to stop a ruling reserved for East Jerusalem residents to vacate a house belonging to a Jew. "This is an irreversible step that will cause immense damage," the judge wrote. Member of the Jerusalem City Council: "Anti-Jewish discrimination and a left-wing political agenda."

Look at the 'bending over backwards' the judges are doing to explain how it is that they ordered the demolition of Migron, Amona and Netiv HaAvot but they are not willing to order the state to demolish even one Bedouin house built on private land of Jews.

In Dec 2021, Minister Omer Bar-Lev: "The yeshiva of Chomesh is illegal, it needs to be "treated" - Khan al-Ahmar is a different story." Then he begins to stutter [46]

-In Jan 2022, it was reported that Naftali Bennett intends to whitewash the illegal Arab outpost, Khan al-Ahmar, by demolishing the outpost and building it immediately about 300 meters near the site. From the reactions:[47]

"The Bennett-Abbas government says yes to Khan al-Ahmar, while the settlers of the young settlement freeze to death. Woe to that shame."

-The expected (2022) request to postpone the evacuation of the Khan al-Ahmar outpost comes despite a final ruling stating that the invaders must be evicted from the strategic location, and despite the fact that the first petition on the subject was submitted no less than 13 years earlier. The "illegal construction in Khan Al Ahmar is only a small part of the phenomenon of rampant Arab construction in strategic areas on a huge scale. While the government ignores the dangerous phenomenon and the Arab takeover of our country, Benny Gantz takes care of the Jews who are building the country throughout Judea and Samaria, and sends forces of destruction against Jews again and again."[48]

According to her organization’s statistics, "in recent years, Israel has demolished in average 145 homes of Palestinians per year, leaving thousands of people without homes, while the number of settlers real homes demolished was nearly zero."[49]

"Right now, near the (landscapes of) Nofei Nehemiah, Arabs are building a new and illegal house in Area C," responded MK Simcha Rotman of the Religious Zionist faction. It is interesting that every hut in an outpost of Jews, without heavy tools, receives a tremendous allocation of forces and rapid frustration. We lose the battle for Sea Territories, this government is fighting and winning in favor of the enemy...

When asked by the security establishment why Palestinian residential complexes and schools are not being vacated on state land - a violent complication of interesting that until they found this manpower to vacate a pergola (!!) while ignoring the huge construction offenses in nearby areas. [54] The head of the Binyamin Council: "Enforcement against Jews only is distorted and immoral."[55]

Official police directive: In Ramadan, there is no enforcement against Muslim construction offenses. Increasing enforcement against non-Muslims.

A straight forward example.

On February 15, 2022, a local Jewish resident, in a dialogue with a policewoman in the Shimon Hatzadik neighborhood (Sheikh Jarrah), she told him that she had been instructed not to let Jews into the neighborhood: "The police clean the Shimon HaTzadik neighborhood of Jews." He said.[59] The MK Moshe Arbel of Shas demanded the intervention of the fight against racism unit in the Ministry of Justice, stating that "the police discriminate against Jews and prevent them from entering the neighborhood on racial grounds."[60] And still, facts on the ground on Feb 18, 2022:[61] Shimon Hatzadik neighborhood - directive from the police: Arabs entering, Jews – don’t.

The government approved the construction of about 2,000 apartments in Judea and Samaria, after a long period of drying that began with Netanyahu, and continued into the Bennett government period. C and emphasis on vital locations along important axes, around Jewish settlement, and key places.

Worse, the Bennett government has approved the training of about 900 Arab apartments in Area C, and in vital places that fit well into Arab takeover plans, also following Netanyahu's approval of 700 apartments, plus his own bonus of an additional 200 apartments.

It is important to understand the formula that Netanyahu developed to give up territory in favor of the Arabs by systematically turning a blind eye to their takeover of the territory, and at the same time suppressing any Jewish attempt to expand in Judea and Samaria, except for crumbs he threw here and there to preserve his right-wing image. This, and continues Netanyahu's policy of issuing official approvals for takeover to the Arabs.

One place approved for the Arabs is Khirbet Zakaria, a settlement of Arabs from the village of Irtas near Bethlehem in the center of Gush Etzion that is going to grow enormously, and may sabotage the entire Jewish fabric of the bloc. Second place is on an archeological site near Tulkarm, to illustrate to the PA how much Jews from the past of this country care, as if they do not know ...

Another place is along the axis in eastern Gush Etzion between Efrat and Ma'aleh Amos and Tekoa, a place that appears on the maps of the Arab takeover organized by the organization "Ad Kan [Up to Here)" obtained from within the PA, and has now received Israeli approval.

A fourth center is east of Jenin, near the displaced settlements Ganim and Cadim, a location that is a bottleneck that neutralizes a huge C area that descends from the Jezreel Valley south, east of Jenin, and blocks any Israeli access to it, and eliminates the possibility of returning to the displaced settlements, contrary to the right-wing demand to cancel the disengagement, a law that was submitted several times by the Jewish House headed by Bennett, and was neutralized by Netanyahu.

The original plans included over 4,000 apartments. Ganz censored about 1,000 of them, and Bennett decreed another order of magnitude of 1,000, thus reaching the modest amounts that were acceptable during Netanyahu's time...

The Regavim movement is wondering about the intention to enforce the law specifically on Jewish settlers and is proposing that Gantz direct the forces to prevent the illegal construction rampage in the Arab sector in Judea and Samaria. The list distributed by Regavim indicates more than 30 points where illegal construction of Arabs in Judea and Samaria is currently underway, including: Tsarida, Reihan, Parsin, Ein 'Arik, Deir 'Ammar, Wadi Fukin, Keisan, Nahalin and more. Regavim has turned In real time to the Civil Administration on each of these illegal construction hotspots and we responded to all inquiries with the same laconic answer: "We are acting on priorities."

With regards to Parshin, it is an ancient archeological Jewish site ‘Parshai,’ where Arabs simply invaded the place and just land grabbed, turned it into residence.[67]

The Arab murderer with an ax on Jews in Elad is given a cigarette.[69]

Typical radical Tamar Zandberg, herself accused of being a fascist, (in 2016) by a journalist,[78] and (2021) accused of raw racism by a MK with a dark color,[79] has typically used the R word solely for vicious demonization. As Ministry of Housing, in her 2016 tweet she used the R word on supposed evacuation of Arabs. Asides from 100% wrong on the very facts which she was ridiculed online for,[80] it has been noted the sheer double standard - the phenomenon of 'condemnations for the evacuation of Bedouins, indifference to the evacuation of Jews.'[81]

The Cvil Administration acknowledges the existence of official discrimination between Jews and Arabs with regard to the activity of enforcing building laws in Judea and Samaria. The document on its behalf contains two separate lists of enforcement criteria. One is "priorities for enforcement in the Palestinian sector", and the other is "priorities for enforcement in the Israeli sector." Some reminded that this is actually anti-Jewish apartheid.[82]

Critic[86] of the 'Electricity law' for illegal Arab outposts, referred to the approval of the "Electricity Law" and said that "from this washed-up name, electricity is thought of, but it is about whitewashing tens of thousands of buildings and actually encouraging continued Arab construction, especially in the Galilee. I have no words. Of the Zionist movement to the Islamic movement."

According to her, a Jew can not close a balcony if it is not lawful, but an Arab because he is an Arab we will regulate and connect it to electricity. I received a phone call from Jews living in the Galilee, who built something illegal and were going to destroy it and they asked me to come to their aid."

In Nov/2021, MK Yariv Levin, wrote on his Facebook account: "Enough discrimination. The government is not working to regulate the young settlement in Judea and Samaria… I put the right-wing Knesset members to a simple test. Is there a drop of morality left in them? Will they at least undertake to support the Electricity Act for the young settlement I have submitted?

Or will they continue to relax in their armchairs while the children of the pioneers in the young settlement freeze cold in the absence of electricity?”[87]

The Regavim movement updates on land issues.[88]

The New Quarrel Neighborhood: A prestigious housing project intended, for the first time, for the Arab public in Jerusalem, has become the focus of political debate. The location - not far from Atarot Airport, where another project for the Jewish public was recently frozen. The Jerusalem municipality has since been criticized for approving the project. The debate, of course, is not just a real estate debate, but also about the strategic location of the area and the population that will live in it.

Restriction on Israelis, Jews, as all measures, are part of security and safety. As Jews are more vulnerable (Homesh rule example[91])

Illegal entry Factor: "discrimination against Jews."
Court acquitted man of illegally entering the ruins of the settlement, after a representative of the State Attorney's Office admitted that Israeli Arabs are not being prosecuted for entering the Palestinian Authority without permits.[91] Report: [92]

A recent ruling shows that the state enforces the law on the issue when it comes to its Jewish citizens, but turns a blind eye when it comes to Israeli Arabs.

In the indictment filed against a man ... accused of violating the law implementing the disengagement plan, which prohibits entry into the area where Chomesh had previously resided. The indictment alleges that in two different cases during 2010 the defendant entered the settlement area.. he denied the allegations and claimed through his lawyer, Sharon Danieli from the Public Defender's Office, that the place where he was apprehended was not within the boundaries of the Chomesh settlement. He further claimed that the state enforces the law in a selective manner, because it allows Arab-Israelis to enter the territories evacuated during the disengagement.

Although the Magistrate's Court ruled that he had broken the law, he accepted his claim and acquitted him. "An unequal enforcement policy that led to a sweeping distinction between the Jewish defendant and the Arabs of Israel and his prosecution is invalid, outrageous and justifies the defendant's acquittal," Judge Nava Bechor wrote. The ruling stated that the selective enforcement that Israel is taking is intentional, and is intended to protect Jews from the danger of abduction and to strengthen economic activity in the Palestinian Authority.

The evidence heard during the trial showed that the phenomenon of Jews entering the Chomesh is known to the security forces - they regularly conduct searches in the area. The testimonies of police officers showed that during 2010 there were dozens of cases of Jews entering the Chomesh area. According to them, the defendant was caught along with other settlers in their possession with sleeping bags, large bags, coolers, chairs and other equipment. According to one of the testimonies, the defendant even carried a weapon that he received from the IDF for the purpose of spatial defense activities in the locality in which he resides.

The defendant himself testified that two years after the disengagement, he continued to live in the locality of Sha-Nur, which was also evacuated during the disengagement, and after being evacuated from there, he moved to Yitzhar in Samaria. [...] Judge Bechor rejected the defendant's claim that he did not stay in the Chomesh area. "There is no doubt in my heart about the defendant's love for the Land of Israel, but precisely because of this and for that very reason - it is clear that he returned to the same places that were a Jewish settlement in the past, despite the fact that he knew it was forbidden by law."

"The entry of Jews also contributes to the economy of the region"

However, despite rejecting this version, the judge ruled in his favor after accepting the selective enforcement claim.


In her ruling, she reviewed the testimony of Colonel Doron Ben-Barak, the attorney general of the Judea and Samaria Division, who testified that there is indeed a difference in law enforcement as far as Israeli-Israelis visiting the Chomesh, defined as Area C, where security and civilian powers are in the IDF. To and the Civil Administration.

"The risk to an Arab-Israeli entering Area A is significantly lower than the risk to an Israeli of Jewish descent, which justifies the need for increased enforcement against Jews who violate the ban on entering the area," Judge Bechor wrote, recalling the territories under full Palestinian control, including security.

Ben-Barak testified that the State of Israel has an interest in easing enforcement policy toward Arab-Israelis, because it helps maintain the economic stability of the Palestinian Authority. According to him, Israel is working to aid "convenient trade between Palestinians and Israeli Arabs," which includes protecting the property of the individual, which includes preventing Jews from entering the Chomesh lands, which are now considered Palestinian lands. According to estimates he gave at trial, about hundreds of Westerners in Israel enter Area A every day, a phenomenon that occurs mainly in areas where there is no manned control of soldiers.

Ben-Barak also testified that the immigration of Jews to the Chomesh - which is included in Area C - is enforced more comprehensively, among other things for reasons of law and order and a danger to the security of those who immigrate to the place, which also includes the possibility of abduction.

In conclusion:

Judge Bechor ruled that this was indeed selective enforcement, because the law also obligates Israeli Arabs, who are also citizens of the state. "The warning signs scattered at the entrance to Area A explicitly include an inscription in Arabic and Hebrew - to teach us that they come to warn the two populations of the State of Israel. And it has a real impact on the sense of justice and fairness, "she stated. "The security consideration does not justify a distinction between Jews and Arabs who are citizens of Israel, since there is no clear distinction between an Arab and a Jew entering the territory in a way that equally endangers their security." Regarding economic considerations, Judge Bechor wrote that he "does not justify such a significant violation of equality between people from the law," adding that "the entry of Jews also contributes to the economy of the region."

In court (broader issues), the Israelis routinely decide in favor of the Palestinians against their own government, applauded by U.S. Justice Brennan,[93] preferential treatments to Israeli Arabs, Palestinian-Arabs include steps on the expense of security, such as the 'Democracy in action,'[94] Israel's Supreme Court took up the grievances of Palestinians and required the government to move the fence in the area near Jerusalem to make things easier for the Palestinians.[95] Even the NYTimes's anti-Israel Kristof acknowledges that at least[96] periodically, Israeli courts rule in favor of Palestinians (instead of security/government officials).

Court – in general

This speaks for itself:

Arabs believe in the legal system more than Jews - a least since 2020. The change in trend in Jewish society began in 2019 and is especially noticeable among religious and traditional people: in 2016, the percentage of religious people who believed in the legal system was 51%, four years later their rate was only 40%. At the same time, Arab society's trust in the legal system has been steadily rising in recent years, and since 2019 most Arabs have believed in it.[98]

Court – “racist” labels / definition

Activists state that 'racist motive' - mainly slapped when not by the Arab, Muslim side.[99] In addition, legal expert wonders why: In the justice system ‘price tag’ is deemed "racism," yet terror attack - not. Though in many cases it is, somehow, in the description but not in the indictment. Even regarding social media posts, in comparisons, Arabs get off in a lighter light and the racism motive is omitted only when by Arabs.[100] [Incidentally, "price rags" done by Arabs have occurred often].

The Ministry of Justice admits that even in cases of arson on a nationalist background, the state systematically refrains from filing an indictment in conjunction with the nationalist motive.

Court and/or police - soft treatment

Ahmad Garbou, one of the brothers brutally attacking elderly Jew in Jaffa on Apr/18/21, posted admiration for Osama Bin Laden and for Hitler. This is from Sep/6/2014 - his praying for Shahid Hitler.[102] In Israel's often routine of preferential treatment for Arabs over Jews, including in its courts, that attack was "not" deemed racist.

Just a disgrace! Want to fight violence and crime, and give such violent attackers discounts ?! Then we wonder why people are afraid to complain about our criminals ...

And in such a case that it was racist violence a punishment with significant deterrence would have been required. This service jobs give them a reward! pure shame. It reminded a routine of the reluctance to define Arab hate crimes as such, vs the rush to brand racism label so fast in other cases, unless something really outrageous happens.[102]

(Tamir, attacked by over 10 Arabs, as they beat him he heard shouts of 'Long live Palestine'.[107])

Examples of relating in mitigating and 'irresponsible leniency' are not lacking, but also not too late. The prosecution and the judges must understand the magnitude of the responsibility on their shoulders: they are the ones who ultimately protect the citizens. An Arab offender who commits a nationalist offense is not marked in his society as a criminal who requires rehabilitation, but as a hero. Therefore, the Israeli legal system at all levels should behave in exactly the same way: aggravate, as much as possible, nationalist offenses. The prosecution is committed to challenging the courts, and judges are committed to understanding the weight of public responsibility on their shoulders. And everyone must be held accountable to the public.

The key to deterrence and life is in the hands of the rioters of the 5781 (2021) riots. Only when hundreds of those who threw stones and Molotov cocktails, called "Khayber Khayber al-Yehud," that ignited and sabotaged, only when they receive the full severity of the punishment - then we will know that we are in the right direction.

Adding that: "two weeks ago, buses burned in Kiryat Shmona, and what did the State of Israel do? Did it try to stop the protection? Did the Zangaria crime boss issue an administrative detention order like the Givot boys?" Pointing out: "A year ago during the riots, Arabs from Lod attacked Meir Gabay, who returned from the synagogue shouting 'Allahu Akbar,' one of whom pulled out a folding knife and stabbed Meir close to the heart. He drove out the rioters and Gabay's life was saved." "No reasonable person has any doubt as to what the Arab meant. No one has any doubt what would have happened if it had not happened to a Jewish place that saved Meir. The end was like other Jews who paid with their lives in those riots." He continued: "The prosecution of the State of Israel has great doubt, perhaps the criminal only came with good intentions. Therefore, they filed an indictment against him only for sabotage. Not for attempted murder. Not for a hate crime, not for racism. House arrest and alternatives to house arrest. He is a 17-year-old "minor" (compassionate) and his trial has been waiting patiently for a year. " Asking: "Why should Arabs not burn dozens of buses in Safed? Why should they not rave in hospitals and beat doctors. Why should they not run over policemen to death. Why should they keep the law? Why should an Arab not kill his Jewess friend? Why should they not collect protection from Jews?" (The Arabs from Tuba-Zangariyye[115], were caught red handed.[116][117])

"There is forgiveness towards car thieves, the punishment is light." The example of the police claim: Only this week - 3 thieves from the areas arrested, were released under house arrest.[118] Meshulam's widow burst out shouting at Omer Bar Lev: "Start defending the police! You do not give them permission to shoot."[119] Retired Superintendent: "Cops are afraid to dhoot, they feel lack of backup." That "The State of Israel has a strategic problem - the Bedouin and Arab crime in the State of Israel."[120] And explains: it is not related to affluent families, there are lots of young Bedouin and Arabs who just harass Jewish girls wherever they can, including at the beaches. The answer should have been given long ago. "There's a government here for quite a few years that has had an interest in weakening the police and it has succeeded in the task. The police are weak, the culture of the police is not normal. Small, weak, in some of its activities it is quite primitive. " He further claimed: "The disbandment did not start immediately, it is a matter of a long process. For years the police have been weakened, there is what I call in a bit of an extreme, perhaps the Likud Center appointments. For many years the Likud Center intervened in appointing senior police officers. Today, a situation that is a catastrophe, of too many commanders not being suitable for their job." "Cops leave because they are not paid money," interviewer attacked, and he clarified: "This is not true. The issue of pay in the police has always been problematic, pay has always been low, they have always talked about it. This is not a new thing. The issue of pay is problematic during For many years, since its inception, wages have been lousy, there have been many problems they have tried to deal with, there have always been peaks of nervousness over wages. "They have a lack of backup, they don't have the right tools, they come down on them from every direction. They feel a terrible frustration that they just can't do their job properly, because of that there is also the salary problem that is not taken care of properly."

The investigators asked Minawi if he would have killed people, and he said: "Only people who disbelieve against Allah, it is written in the Koran." He even added: "If these are my cousins, I give them up." However, police officials claim that the prosecutor's office refused. accuse him of terrorism, and after his conviction she refused to appeal the light sentence he received. [124]

This is really a crazy decision. Supreme Court Judge Khaled Kabub orders the release of Sheikh of Lod Yusef Elbaz from detention despite the district's decision to keep him in custody, and despite a 20-month prison sentence for a case of assault and threats, and despite another indictment against him for incitement and against the recommendation of the probation service. Kabub: "You have to be satisfied with a 'yellow card'.

You won't believe how stupid we are right now hospitalized in the children's ward next to my son and a smiling terrorist who threw stones at our forces in Ni'lin and was shot by the 101 battalion. He gets a VIP room alone, plenty of food, 2 guards and is happy to the sky. I hope the camp will be stopped soon.

The reasoning: "They come from normative families and it is difficult for them in detention." The prosecution appealed the decision to the Supreme Court, but the appeal was rejected.[137] Lawyer: "It's a shame that the courts prefer the interests of the convenience of the terrorists over the security interests of the citizens of Israel."[136]

Father of the family reacted:[138]
The court preceded the discussion so that he and his advocate did not attend the release. We could be easily killed - attacked us closely with large stones. Is there only if there are bodies can be worse in punishment? Father wonders what message passes on the release, to the friends of the terrorists and fear that now that they are released, they will try to harass his family life. The situation in the house did not return to the routine - his wife is not working and the children are in the process of recovery.
From reactions:[139]
So Judge Amit saw fit to release Arab rioters who stoned and smashed the car windows of a Jewish family who narrowly escaped a brutal lynching, with toddlers sitting in the back seat. Arguing that the pogromists "come from good families". The outburst of sensitivity shown in the court in these cases is amazing.

The victim held the bottle when the police told him there is no need for it and it was thrown away. The Arab was arrested, confessed. In May 2022, the Arab was released. Lack of evidence. [140]

Wasim a-Sayed . [142][143] / Wassim Assayed: "I decided to murder Jews for me and for Allah" - said the Arab Palestinian resident of Hebron. He was arrested between 2018-2015 for ISIS activity, then was released. He is responsible for murdering the Kadouri couple (Jan 2019), the attempted murder of Hadar Bezalel and the murder of a Moldovan citizen in the Arnona neighborhood in the capital. He desired that it will help advance ISIS ideology. He is described as cold.[144] Method of operation: entered the victims' apartment when the door was open and slit their throats.[145] He was specifically looking for victims who looked to him being Jewish.[146] It turns out, it was the GSS that had recommended, at the time, to drop the nationalist motive.[147]

Shhhh .. Do not tell anyone But on Friday morning, they painted swastikas, vandalized the cemetery and set fire to the synagogue in Bnei Ayish .... And the media in silence. No word, no mention. Now imagine what would have happened if it had been a mosque.

So no need to imagine I will give you a summary- Every hill boy there is in the GSS database... The media would open each edition with a deep shock. The president of the country would comment on choosing terror. But when it comes to a synagogue and Jewish tombs, it's not interesting..

Look where we have come in Haifa. Residents who are subjected to nationalistic attacks by Arabs are afraid to even complain to the police.

This is the lowest level and a complete disgrace of the lack of security and governance.
On June 6, 2022, victim of a brutal attack by Arabs, Eyal Levkovitz, owner of a shop in Haifa, told:[151]
...I went for a walk and shopping at the indoor market with my dog and a friend's dog. At the exit from the market, right next to Shadi's crackers, sat a loose German shepherd blocking the exit. I tried to leave the place and the dog attacked my dog (who is a small dog, completely helpless in the situation). I used my legs to stop him from killing my dog and then I was attacked by two young guys, one of them threatened me with a hammer, the other pushed and spat at me. I ran from the covered market towards the upper market until I saw two inspectors from the Haifa Municipality's (Urban Patrol Unit, Haifa Municipality) inspectors, and I thought I would be safe there. The attackers chased me, and one of them hit me in the face with a black cloth object, under which was something metallic, apparently a hammer. I fell on the floor and for a moment I could not see because my eyes were filled with blood.

I wiped my eyes, the attackers were still around, and yelled at the inspectors to hold them until the police arrived (they have the authority to do that). With stunned eyes I saw how they just let them go.

I was attacked at two different points in the market, and what hurts me the most is that no one really intervened. I, who was with two dogs that I held in one hand, was not able to defend myself (if the dogs were not with me, the story would have ended completely differently). I met police officers on the way, they asked me to file a complaint. "What's the point?" I thought to myself, after all, the partners of the Talpiot market have had immunity, for years, otherwise how do you explain that these guys allow themselves to attack a person with a hammer in broad daylight, or keep a dangerous dog loose in the indoor market without anyone ordering them to tie it up...

He warned the Arab owners that their aggressive dog was loose - and was hit on the head with a metal object.[152]

The victim talked about the day he "was almost murdered." He described the look of the attacker, "a look that is a mixture of madness, hatred, violence and animality."[153] (From expressed frustration:[154] Where are the news editions? Where are the newspaper headlines? Oh it's a Jew who was almost murdered from a lynching by Arabs, not the opposite ... it's not news. It's on a daily basis. It's sad about our country we can not hang out anywhere without fear.).

'Soft especially on more obviously racist Arab crimes / concealing motive'

Arabs spray swastikas on a Jew's door in Jerusalem's old city, they also don't like him having many guests. On the June 29, 2012 event, the Arabs blocked the entrance and one of them also picked up a stone and threw it at them. Police, in a not-so-rare routine of softer hands approach when it comes to Arabs, wish washed it.[155][156]

I want to tell the terrorist that until the age of 120 I will not forget the look and lust for murder he had. Since the attack I have neither day nor night. "As my wife says, there is me before the attack and there is me after the attack."[158]

They are not content with that, they come to the door in an attempt to pull him out of the vehicle. He comes to his senses at the last second and hits the gas and runs away. With the rest of his strength he calls the police. They tell him that they do not have the ability to respond to such cases now, so he should refer himself to a hospital on his own. What you heard They didn't even come. Passersby order an ambulance for him. When he leaves the hospital, the first thing he does is go to the police station. And there, look surprised, the researcher informs him that it is not a nationalist event. There are cameras, he insists. The entire intersection is 'netted!' Open cameras and see! No. Not nationalist. Move on Like that. Dozens of such events every day. Noted: "This is how they silence, this is how they discourage the public from complaining."[162]

An Arab student, who posted on Instagram a graffiti that reads: "If Hitler did not finish, you we will finish." - is still on at a radical lefty education system in Eastern Mediterranean International School (EMIS) - Union for the Mediterranean - UfM in Hakfar Hayarok, Ramat haSharon, Israel (established in 2014, which is funded by: Das Goethe-Institut, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V and Union for the Mediterranean). And the lefty school management punished rather the students who decried the racist Hitlerist Arab.[165]

The surreal connection between the terrorist attacks in Bessarabia, Hadera and Bnei Brak. Eleven people have been killed in just one week by bloodthirsty terrorists across our country. Two of the attacks were carried out by Arab residents of Israel who had previously supported the ISIS terrorist organization and were even tried and imprisoned in the Israeli prison and the third, the one that took place yesterday was carried out by a terrorist from the Jenin area who belonged to Islamic Jihad.

A striking and surreal connection between the various attacks can be found in the judges' decisions that greatly eased the punishment of the terrorists and released them to slaughter innocent civilians, while the judges, each on his own...

Arresting victims of Arab terror - instead of the attackers

Tying soldiers hands and paying the price from Arab attackers

A protest has arisen on social media focusing on the operational failure, "Free our hands."[186]

Harsh approach to defenders from racist Arab attackers

"Yered is held in extremely harsh conditions, and is locked up for 23 hours a day in a suffocating cell without a window that is only three square meters in size. The cell has no toilet or shower, except for a "bullet hole" in the corner of the room that emits a bad smell and prevents him from studying T. or performing prayers.

In addition, he is forbidden to have a telephone conversation, not even with his immediate family, and also to hold prayers in the synagogue in the prison," added the MKs and described the difficult conditions. The MKs added and attacked: "It is doubly wrong when in the next cell in the same wing is the mass-murderer Zakaria Zubeidi who escaped from prison only this year, and is receiving much improved conditions.

A spacious cabin, standard shower and toilets and a window that lets in fresh air."


Preferential treatment for Arab terrorists VS Israeli security personnel

Israel's preferential treatment for Arabs include also often preferential treatment for Arab terrorists VS Israeli security personnel. Case in point in 2022: in contrast to Israeli soldiers who were wounded in the shooting attack in the Jordan Valley,[210] which were hospitalized by Rambam and the Jezreel Valley – The terrorists who were burned in their car, while trying to murder them, were evacuated to Sheba Hospital. The reason for this, explains Biton Rosen, is that the Sheba hospital has the best burn department in Israel.[211]


The Arab minority are full citizens who enjoy equal rights despite not being required to serve in Israel's army.[212] In a major dispute over Arab parties Israeli high court decides in favor of Arab parties. [213]


...example: disqualification of such an extremist party, not that this party and their ideas is our cup of tea, but it is the only party disqualified for election by the Supreme Court while terrorist supporter Hanin Zoabi continues to serve as a full MK without any problem.

Anti-racism law: This law is applied only when it comes to racism against Arabs and never against ultra-Orthodox. Individuals who signed up against renting apartments to Arabs were arrested for questioning, while journalists who wrote to keep ultra-Orthodox away from Ramat Aviv, Kiryat Yuval and recently also from Tel Aviv (in a unique racist article written by Raanan Shaked in a popular newspaper in the country) are protected by freedom of expression.


Israel has enacted affirmative action policies to help its minority citizens achieve full social and economic equality.[215][216] In an example: if an Arab candidate received the same number of points as the Jewish candidate, the Arab doctor was preferable, in keeping with the policy of affirmative action in government ministries.[217] Moreover, (Zionist-right-winger) Ariel Sharon introduced a law: state firms must have Arab directors, every state-run company must have at least one representative of Israel's Arab community on its board of directors, the law regulating the running of national corporations was amended to introduce the concept of positive discrimination in the appointment of Israeli Arab to top civil service jobs. later on, the amendment was expanded to include the law regulating the State Comptroller's Office.[218][219]

The Israeli affirmative action program gives Arab businesses and students preferential treatment.[220]

Already in 2011: "The state: NIS 9,000 for an employer who will fire a Jew and employ an Arab to replace him," the government's decision to extend this policy to the private sector as well. Classic example was in Eilat, where a disabled man was fired to employ a Arab woman in his place in affirmative action.[221]

In sports

In July 2014, a petition was presented in court against the Football Association claiming that behind the children's football teams stood ethnic considerations, the League of the Gulf, where many groups of Jews lasted, became a league with Arabic groups this year.[224]

While heavy punishment was inflicted on a sport team for behavior, the Arab team, Sakhnin, wasn't, and no condemnations were widespread.[225][226]

Bnei Sakhnin also performed Nazi salute on Jan 18, 2016 with calls of "Itbakh al Yahud."[228] and on Sep 24, 2018 also, the Naxi salute with calls to redeem Al Aqsa with blood and "Allah Akbar."[229]

In academia:

Two Jewish students at 'Bezalel Academy of Art and Design' faced a disciplinary committee after protesting against an Arab student who supports terrorism and a student who is suspected of throwing Moloyiv cocktails.[238] A student at 'Bezalel' cheering for a post supporting terrorists published by his Arab classmate was suspended from school, while his friend who supports terrorism was not Nothing. Another Jewish student who spoke harsh words to the Arab student had to appear before a disciplinary committee. This happened after an Arab student in Bezalel published a post supporting the terrorist Dia Hamarsha who carried out the March-29-2022 murderous attack in Bnei Brak (targeting Haredim who overwhelmingly don't even serve in the army. Swastikas, Mosque & PLO flags were found carved at construction site where illegal Arab residents stayed, not near where he massacred.[239]). "The Bezalel management did not see fit to attach importance to the support post for the terrorist." A while later, the Arab student who published the post supporting the terrorist was arrested on suspicion of inciting terrorism, and was removed from Jerusalem for a period of 15 days. The Arab students in Bezalel demonstrated without interruption in protest of the arrest and removal of the terrorist-supporting student, while waving PLO flags. Upon the return of the terrorist-supporting student to studies, two Jewish students protested. When the Jewish student protesting against the terrorist-supporting student returned to his class, he was harassed by his Arab classmates.

- At 'Bezalel,' lecturers tried to be flexible and help as much as possible towards the Arab student who was arrested February/2021 on suspicion of throwing Molotov cocktails at a Jewish house in the Shimon haTzadik neighborhood: "One of the lecturers is asking the police to allow the student to continue submitting the papers so that his semester will not be affected."[238]


From May 2009, All Israeli citizens - including Jews - must now show their ID cards at the large Tarkumiyeh checkpoint, at the same time, life is being made easier for Arabs in the region – despite the several murders that have been perpetrated by Arabs. The IDF explained that the decision was made to “reward” the Arabs for not rioting or attacking during the recent Israeli offensive in Gaza. [240]

Anti-Jewish discrimination: talking about discrimination, it is rather ultra-Orthodox Jews who are more discriminated against. Examples of 2011[241] and 2018.[242]

Media freedom:

while the Arabs have unlimited freedom of broadcast [49] and the Hebrew radio stations like Kol Yisrael and Galei Tzahal (IDF Radio) systematically broadcast from an Arab point of view, yet the Arutz Sheva radio station, often called "Free Israel Radio" (because it is the only independent news network in the Middle East) [243] has seen restricting steps from the Israeli government.[244][245]

Holy sites From further discrimination against Jews in the Cave of the Patriarchs: Arabs enter without any inspection at all compared to Jews who are always examined.[246]

[Point about Temple Mount is only to show the aspect in gap in treatment]. Often, Israeli police closes the Temple Mount to non-Muslims Like: Temple Mount shut to non-Muslims on election eve - was closed to Jews today in response to Muslim threats of violence[247] and on more occasions.[248] Writer: the State of Israel allows the Muslim minority to do as it pleases on the Temple Mount, while incessantly violating the basic religious rights of the Jewish majority...[249]

In 2018, the State to the High Court: Magnometers at the entrance to the Temple Mount - for Jews only.[250]

Though Haredim do not go up on the Temple Mount, (per Halachic prohibition today, [251] And even many Zionist rabbis from religious Zionism signed a letter, joining the ban on chief rabbis and the historical proclamations prohibiting entry into the Temple Mount area.[252] still,) some Zionists do, nevertheless, the selective enforcement has been noted, that when Jewish politicians are barred, Arab politicians are allowed. Some decrying it as racist.[253]

A rather lefty activist decried in 2020: "Jews are discriminated against in so many ways on the Temple Mount."[254] referring, among other things, also how Jews should or should not appear.

In 2021, activists of the "Returning to the Mountain" movement entered the Temple Mount - disguised as Arabs.[255]

Pakistan born, former terrorist, turned moderate,[256] visited Jerusalem in 2022[257] Tells, he visited Aqsa Mosque and Kotel (wailing wall) and prayed in both places. Stressing: "I was so ashamed of to see that I had free access to any Jewish religious area in Kotal to pray and no any single religious Jewish ever bothered to stop me but Jewish weren’t even allowed to come closer to Damascus Gate! (One Jewish came close and said "God Bless you" when I was filming video)." "Where is freedom of religion and expression." He asked Stating that "Muslims have right to go anywhere in Israel but Jewish people have no right to even go to certain areas of Jerusalem. This is the great example of Muslims Apartheid in Jerusalem."

Respect, consideration

Human Rights organization claimed discrimination and unfairness against the background of double standard, banning food and drinks on Temple Mount at Muslims' Ramadan fast days and the March 2022 health Minister Nitzan Horowitz's, the High Court's decision to allow the introduction of chametz into hospitals on Passover. "Just as one considers the evenings celebrating the month of Ramadan, one should also consider patients in hospitals who want to eat without seeing chametz in front of their eyes in the hospitals.

It does not make sense that only one side is taken into account, if one is taken into account - one should take them all into account."[258] Asking to consider the Jews on Passover, as it does towards Muslims.[259]

MK Strock uploaded the mezuzah picture and wrote: "Now imagine what would have happened in the opposite situation: hitting the carpet when the cave was open to Jews only?"[262]

While muezzins are heard all over the country at a power that exceeds the law and at night and nothing is done here the police are a hero to the weak. We will continue to act and strengthen those who choose to play Shabbat horns in accordance with the law."[263]


..a better test of who is better off in Israel, Jews or Arabs. They have all the same rights, but most Jews have one more obligation — the draft. That makes Arabs first-class citizens and Jews second- class. Note that many Arab men volunteer for service.

the United Arab List (Ra'am) - main party of Arabs in Knesset voted with the secular Jews to force conscription upon Haredim,[266][267] while the Arabs are still exempt,[268] and are told by the same Arab politicians not to be drafted.[269] Regarding the one Arab MK who initially voted against the bill:[270]

MK Reida Rinawi Zoabi of Meretz, who provoked outrage in the coalition two weeks ago when she voted against the government's bill for forcibly recruiting Torah students to the IDF, now that the appropriate price has been found, it no longer bothers her to recruit ultra-Orthodox to the IDF after receiving a promise that the law will not be used to recruit Arabs to the IDF or for national-civil service.

Reida Rinawi Zoabi described the compensation she received for her vote with the coalition on the law: "I voted today in favor of the Haredi recruitment law."


Site documented Arab anti Jewish hate crimes:[272]
Arabs spray-painted swastikas, painted a PLO flag and an abusive graffiti against Israel at a station in the northern town of Daburyyia, near Afula. This is not the first event in an Arab settlement and not in the last. In the news of 0404, dozens of Arab hate crime events were published, but the police were almost not operating on the subject almost including: in Taibe, Lod, Sakhnin, Arraba, Daburyyia and many Arab localities sprayed through sterilizer and granted addresses against Jews and Israel. As we know, on an Arabs' address (in our country, very few cases) the police rush to issue a message to the media and everyone is in a hurry to condemn, but in the Jewish state do nothing when harming Jews.

(See related: Nazism at Arab Palestinians)

A Jewish family from the Old City filed a precedent-setting lawsuit, among other things, for compensation of NIS 50,000 for discrimination in police enforcement after a brawl in the Old City that the family claims was started by an Arab.

While the policemen entered the family home without a warrant, and took the family members to the police station, the policemen refused to take complaints against the Arab side and enforced the law in a discriminatory manner against the Jews.

Nov 28, 2021.
Swastika at Ramot neighborhood in Be'er Sheva.[284] It has been said, that if it had been a Jew writing against an Arab, it would make the headlines and even internationally.[285]

Today, the police pay the price for a hand that is too hard on the one hand and a hand that is too soft on the other - in the ultra-Orthodox sector and in the Arab sector... The ultra-Orthodox do not listen to the police because they have become accustomed to the fact that it sometimes acts against them with disproportionate and illegal violence; The Arabs do not listen to her because they have become accustomed to the fact that she is unable to deal with day-to-day offenses in their communities.

... in response to police violence against Kumi-Ori residents: "Someone at the top is a hero to Jews, instead of sending the police to Lod, to Ramla to the Shimon Hatzadik neighborhood, where women are beaten and children abused just because they are Jews with a skullcap."

Nathaniel Arami was murdered on Sep 16, 2014, by Arab workers at the company. He fell 11 stories from the side of a high-rise building where he was doing exterior work when both of his rappelling cables snapped[301] At first, the police floated the idea that it was a "work accident," only later, it was revealed that it was racist, nationalistic[302][301][303] - (an elegant word for racist Arabs targeting Jews).

On the one-sided condemnations of leftists (dominant in Israeli politics), who condemn only harm to Arabs and not [when] to Jews, father of Arami said: "We are shooting ourselves in the foot and giving them a backlash to come and kill the next in line, it has not stopped."[304]

Two years later, "Israeli murder victim's family accuses police of botching probe, hiding behind gag order."[305] "The 26-year-old’s mother claims the security services are using a gag order to cover their own mistakes in the case."

When in Dec 2021, Arab workers coordinated an attack on Jewish workers and almost lynched them to death if nut for the manager that threatened to use a gun, the biased police questioned the Jewish victim for questioning and floated different conflicting versions to the media. Brother of a victim of the attack said "I was thinking of Nathaniel Arami." [302]

Arrest, in prison

In 2020, attorney decried: "IPS admits that Arab murderers receive group prayer while Amiram Ben-Oliel is forbidden to pray..." [in proper, appropriate condition, thus, Israel "is discriminating against a Jewish prisoner who is not allowed to keep his religious precepts.[306]

"It's a suffering that you do not see the ending, don't know how I survived it." At the time of Avraham's arrest, the GSS representative told him that he would make sure that he did not see the light of day. Even when he left, the threats continued. "The biggest offenders, senior crime organizations, the most difficult terrorists - do not receive such a bad treatment as they gave me," is Yered convinced.[308]

Crackdown - Covid19 - related

Selective enforcement: The silence, as Arab representative decries Arab-Muslim crowds falsifying Covid texts before returning to Israel Aug/2021 vs the massive noise and officials' crackdown when it happened with Jews on Sep/2021.[312] (Besides the point that the crackdown on Uman returnees turned out actually to be a result of a libel and fake news.[313])

In reporting

But it gets worse, the local mayor intervened and said, that in his "opinion" it was "not" nationalistic based. Despite the actual facts of the Arabs hurling anti Jewish racist outbursts and expressing support for Gazans. So that's it then.[316]

Human rights groups, more re media


  1. Jerusalem Mayor: If Arabs Can Live in Jewish Neighborhoods, Why Can't Jews Live in Arab Neighborhoods? - Tuli Fikrash

    During Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat's recent visit to the U.S., Maariv headlined a story: "Barkat Enables Jewish Building in Eastern Jerusalem." After hearing about it, the mayor didn't quite understand the controversy. From his perspective, Jews are permitted to live in any section of Jerusalem.

    "The Israel Supreme Court has ruled that in the State of Israel and in Jerusalem in particular, Arabs may live in Jewish neighborhoods," he said last week. "Arabs live in the [Jewish] French Hill neighborhood of Jerusalem and the Supreme Court approved this. I'm adopting the perspective of the Supreme Court. Jews are also allowed to live in any part of the city, including the eastern part. It is their democratic, Jewish, and ideological right to live wherever they want." Mayor Barkat heads a coalition that includes 30 of the 31 members of the Jerusalem City Council.
    (Makor Rishon-Hebrew, 8Apr09 [1])
  2. Storm in the Interior Committee's discussion on Maalot: The chairman, MK Amsalem, addressed the Arab MKs: "I have not yet seen a Jew move into an Arab village. Is there a double standard here, do you accept that a Jew will live in [Arab village] Sakhnin?

    The chairman, MK David Amsalem, addressed the Arab MKs: "It is true that our society will be involved, but I have not yet seen a Jew move into an Arab village. Is there a double standard here, do you accept that a Jew will live in Sakhnin?

    If Israel issues tenders in Arab localities that are only for locals, why do you not also protect Jews? "Racism .."
    0404, July 15, 2015.
  3. And who is discriminated against in construction tenders, specifically the Jews, Shimon Yaish, Israel Hayom, July 26, 2018
  4. Israelis aren't 'racist' - they're worried. Isi Leibler, ‘’JPost’’, Jan 24, 2007
  5. Edy Cohen @DREDYCOHEN Tweeted (June 11, 2022)
    Persecuting minority. In other countries the minority is persecuted. In our case, the minority persecutes. Volunteer policeman Amichai Carmeli was murdered by Bedouins. 18 buses were apparently burned by Arabs. A Palestinian riots and hits soldiers in Hebron, the police have been looking for the Jewish woman Sapir Nahum for a week, who apparently disappeared by her Arab partner.
  6. Palestinian Arab Muslims first class citizens in Israel whereas Israeli Jews are second class citizens? DP, Nov 27, 2006.

    1) Back stabbing -- example #1:

    Constant finding out on more and more Israeli Arabs aiding genocide bombers (whether with info or more than that), stabbing the very Israel, they're citizens of, thus indirectly murdering their fellow Israelis, the Israeli Jews...

    2) Back stabbing -- example #2:

    The Israeli Arab parliament members constantly whine about being "second class" citizens, after getting free education and achieving whatever they achieve, inside equal-rights & equal-access democratic Israel. As payback, these back stabbers are tarnishing Israel's image all over, especially on Arab global media.

    3) Uneven rights -- Arab's advantage over Jews:

    Israeli Arabs (unlike Israeli Jews) are exempt from serving in Israeli army (which is naturally for the protection of all Israelis), still they enjoy the same rights as Israeli Jews: voting, education, free speech, etc.

    4) Now the favorite part: Israeli Courts (& often security) favor Israeli Arabs over Jews Who's second class now?

    Favoring Arabs over Jews Inside Israel...
  7. In Israel The Arabs are the First-Class Citizens. Posted by TRS, January 8, 2007.

    Favoring Arabs' rights, Govt Allows Arabs To Squat on Jewish Farmland January 7, 2007 [2] ( The Civil Lands Administration has allowed Arabs from Yatta, near Hevron, to squat on land 10 miles away that has been farmed by Jews for 10 years. Nearby residents of Beit Yatir, in the southern Hevron Hills, protested on the property Friday, claiming that the presence of the Arabs presents a danger to the area.

    "Their tractors are unlicensed and they drive them on the roads at night without lights," said a Yatir spokesman. Army officers who arrived on the scene confirmed that the Arabs left their identity cards at a nearby checkpoint because they had no permit to live on the grounds, but Civil Lands officers later said temporary permission would be given until the dispute is settled in the courts.

    This constant favoring Arabs over Jews, every time, at every case, doesn't get to the ears of those Arabists that shed crocodile tears when a suspected Arab terrorist is ... checked by security personnel...
  8. at F.X.P., 30-12-2014
  9. "Arabs Treated As First Class Citizens In Israel." Victor Riesel, The Milwaukee Sentinel, 19 Jul 1968. [3]
  10. Yishai Karov, The Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor discriminates against Jewish mothers, INN, 22.05.12.
    According to the guidelines of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor in preparation for the 5773 2012-2013 year, it appears that an Arab mother is entitled to a larger discount than a Jewish mother, who works the same number of hours.
  11. Jews living in Jaffa have petitioned against the Arab-only real estate project in the city, Rotter, Jul 5, 2021.
    In an almost final attempt to prevent the "Michelangelo 15" project for affordable housing in Jaffa, a group of Jews from the city petitioned against the Tel Aviv-Yafo municipality and against the existence of the project.

    -Yishai Almakieys, After the publication in Kipa: Jews living in Jaffa petitioned against the real estate project for Arabs only in the city, Kipa, July 5, 2021.

    In an almost final attempt to prevent the "Michelangelo 15" project for affordable housing in Jaffa, a group of Jews from the city petitioned against the Tel Aviv-Yafo Municipality and against the existence of the project intended only for the Arab public and excludes Jews: "A precedent-setting and scandalous decision, infected with racism and discrimination."


  12. Shimon Cohen, The contractor behind the Arabs in Afula, INN, 25.04.16.

    The petitioner against the construction tender in Afula reveals a problematic conduct that led to its cancellation: the owner of construction companies was behind the association of Arab bidders.

    Lawyer Ilan Vaknin, who filed the petition against the problematic tender in Afula, welcomes in the Channel 7 diary the decision of the court in Nazareth to cancel the tender in light of the series of shortcomings he revealed in it...

    Referring to MK Issawi Frej's statement... Advocate Vaknin says his remarks are expected, "he will always argue that. "Beyond that, our petition does not concern the relationship between Arabs and Jews, but a purely legal petition, and even if it was a matter of Jews, there is a legal reason here for which it was necessary to cancel the tender."

    "At the same time I suggest he sees the tenders in Arab localities and villages, where there is a clear and exclusive priority for local residents, which Afula residents do not have and for that resentment - why Arabs have priority to run tenders in their localities and can compete in Afula, and Afula residents do not have the ability to compete in the Arab village. The resentment is that no priority has been given to the locals here, young couples and discharged soldiers."
  13. Edward Said's Documented Deceptions, CAMERA, Aug 20, 1999
  14. Idan Avni, The State of Israel presents: Discrimination of Jews in the Galilee settlements, Israel Hayom, January 5, 2023.

    The planning institutions allow the marketing of land to the Arab sector at low prices compared to land in Jewish settlements - Also, these settlements do not even receive areas for expansion • The head of the Misgav Council: "The state is expelling us." While the Arab sector claims discrimination between the Jewish and Arab communities, the data in the Galilee region show that the state actually works in the opposite way. In the last 15 years, there has been a significant decline in the proportion of Jews in the Galilee, compared to a significant increase in the proportion of Arab residents. The reason: Actions taken by the governmental planning institutions enable the marketing of state lands to the Arab sector at very low prices, while in the nearby Jewish settlements the cost of land is high and without subsidies from the state, and the settlements do not even receive additional areas for expansion. The Lev HaGalil area is demarcated between highway 85 in the north and highways 77 and 79 in the south, and highway 65 in the east and highway 70 in the west. Within its scope are cities such as Tamra, Shfaram [Shefa-'Amr], Arraba and Sakhnin. On the other hand, there are no Jewish cities and there are only a few dozen watchtowers built in the 1980s. In the last 15 years there has been a demographic change, and the Jews, who made up 25% of the residents of the area, now make up only 14%. The reason, they say in the Shiloh Policy Forum, is that "the State of Israel subsidizes land for the housing of minorities, and on the other hand charges the full price from the Jewish settlers." Since 2005, the number of Jews in the area has increased by 1,200 residents and now stands at approximately 98,000 residents, while the number of Arab residents in the area has increased from 441,000 residents to 576,000. Major General (Res.) Eyal Ben Reuven, a member of the Galilee Security Forum and a resident of Yodfat, explains: "This reality has a security significance. If the state does not take care of strengthening the Jewish settlement by another million residents, we will degenerate into a security reality that the 'Guardian of the Walls' was just its promo. We will reach a situation where we will need tanks to open axes."

    Reduction and expansion In the Jewish settlements, settlement is conditioned by acceptance committees, but in settlements with an urban character, it is clearly visible how the proportion of Arab residents has increased. In Nof HaGalil and Karmiel, about 10% of the residents are already Arabs, and in Kfar Vradim, a demographic change has also been seen in recent years. According to an estimate, about half of the houses that are offered for sale in the settlement are sold to the Arabs of the area, and the number of non-Jewish families already makes up close to 10% of the population. The Shiloh Policy Forum, which accompanies the residents of Lev HaGalil, says that the actions of the planning authorities, the Ministry of Housing and the Israel Land Authority in the last two decades, contribute to the reduction of Jewish settlement and the expansion of Arab settlement. Dr. Anat Roth, CEO of Shilo Policy Forum, warns: "The demographic reality in the heart of the Galilee today is the same as it was here 75 years ago, when the partition plan determined that this strip of land would be part of the Arab state. If the State of Israel does not strengthen the settlement here immediately, The heart of the Galilee will become the Israeli Donbas region." The head of the Misgav council, Danny Ivry, faces the problems frequently: in his council there are 29 Jewish settlements that inhabit only 17 thousand dunams. His request to receive an additional 7,000 dunams was refused. The territory of Misgav Council is spread over 164 thousand dunams. Recently, 22 thousand dunams were taken from it in order to expand Arab settlements. On top of that, the prices paid by Misgav Council residents are sky high compared to their Arab neighbors. While the state markets land at a cost of 1.15 million shekels in the settlement of Gilon and 1.1 million shekels in Koranit, the neighbors in Sha'ab are required to pay only 50 thousand shekels for half a dunam of land owned by the Israel Lands Administration. In Shfaram, a similar piece of land was sold for NIS 74,000.

    "I have 6,000 people from Misgav who are ready to build houses, just give them land. But they are being evicted from here only for the real estate data of the Israel Land Administration. The rural area was given up. There is no such thing in the planning authorities as a Jewish village, only an Arab village. There is no natural reproduction in a Jewish settlement, why do the Arabs have it? I am in favor of giving it to the Arabs, but also giving it to the Jews.
  15. Y Yakir, The High Court, the government, and devotion, INN, 10 Kislev 5766 - 22.11.15 [5] .
    The High Court's position entails a preference for Arabs over Israelis even on unregistered privately owned lands. Any land that is not arbitrated as Israeli, stands to the credit of the "local" Arabs.
  16. The High Court has issued a conditional order against Ganz: Why will not the racist law be repealed?, News 0404, 15/02/2022.

    The High Court today (Tuesday) issued a conditional order of the state directing to answer within 60 days why a Jordanian law prevailing to this day in Judea and Samaria, which prohibits the sale of land to Jews, will not be repealed. This law was enacted in the 1950s during the years of Jordanian occupation, and remains intact to this day.

    Among the many restrictions against Jews only on the purchase of land in Judea and Samaria, this is one of the main injustices in the field, along with additional restrictions for Jews only - such as preventing access to the land registry, unlike anywhere else in the country where you can get the taboo A real estate transaction of Jews, various military orders that impose difficulties on land use, and more. The land purchases made for settlement purposes since the liberation of Judea and Samaria were made in a cumbersome and limited manner through commercial companies and not privately, thanks to a legal bypass that bypassed the "Judaism problem." Beyond the racism inherent in this law, the existing situation constitutes a serious limitation and of course a violation of basic rights.

    In late 2018, the professional echelon in the Ministry of Defense, led by the Ministry of Defense's ombudsman, began formulating a legal opinion that examined the repeal of the law prohibiting the sale of land, and the restriction requiring a transaction permit.

    The opinion formulated at the end of Lieberman's tenure, which ended during Netanyahu's and Bennett's tenure as defense minister, stated that the restriction on Jews purchasing land should indeed be abolished, and that the transaction permit fee could be significantly reduced.

    Regavim petitioned the High Court after Defense Minister Benny Gantz announced that he did not intend to repeal the law, contrary to the position of the professionals in the Ministry of Defense, and the previous defense ministers: Lieberman, Netanyahu and Bennett.

    Justices Handel, Grosskopf and Shochat issued an order against Defense Minister Ganz, ordering him to explain within 60 days why the law would not be repealed.
  17. Hodaya Carish Hazoni, Petition to the High Court: Abolish Racist Prohibition on Selling Judea and Samaria Land to Jews, ‘’Makor Rishon’”, Dec 27, 2020.
    Regavim has appealed to the High Court of Justice to repeal a Jordanian law that applies in Judea and Samaria, prohibiting the sale of land to anyone who is not an Arab.
  18. The settlers against Benny Gantz: "Abolishe racist law and enable Jews to purchase land in Judea and Samaria", News 0404, 12/04/2022.
    The struggle against the racist law prohibiting the sale of land to Jews in Judea and Samaria is escalating. Billboards were hung this morning around the home of Defense Minister Benny Gantz, calling for the repeal of the law. [6].
  19. American Jewish Leaders Silent on Israel’s Crisis, The thoughts and writings of Prof. Eugene Narrett. Freeman, June 20, 2008
  20. Police evict Jews from Jewish-owned Hebron home, Stan Goodenough, Jerusalem Newswire, Dec 04, 2008
  21. No Jews allowed! Yehezkel Laing, IsraelInsider, July 4, 2005
  22. Israeli court orders Jews out of Hebron home, Stan Goodenough, Jerusalem Newswire, Nov 17, 2008
  23. They Are A-f-r-a-i-d of Our Wonderful Youth Nadia Matar, TI, November 18, 2005. "The Sharon-Peres regime is a-f-r-a-i-d of proud Jews who proclaim that they are sick and tired of being second-class citizens, while all Arabs in Judea and Samaria are treated like first-class citizens."
  24. "Today We Are All Witnesses." Fern Sidman, Feb 6, 2006.

    Concerning the decision of the Israeli government to evacuate Jewish residents living in “the shuk” of the Avraham Avinu neighborhood in Hevron, it is imperative that the record should be clear on whose property this belongs to.

    Contrary to a Jerusalem Post report, which stated that the Jews are resisting “the forcible evacuation of Jewish families living in ‘Palestinian’ homes,” the land in question was never used for Arab homes. The truth is a Jew named Chaim Bajaio purchased it on behalf of the Jewish community around 1807. Jewish residents had lived there for 250 years before that. The purchase contract referred to the “Street of the Jews.” In 1929, however, Arab residents massacred their Jewish neighbors, murdering sixty-seven. Survivors were hurriedly evacuated and the Jewish houses and synagogues were abandoned.

    An Israeli Supreme Court ruling did not deny that the land was Jewish-owned, but ordered the Jews to be moved out in order that “sinners not go unpunished.” This statement was referring to the Jews having moved into the buildings without Israeli Defense Force [IDF] permission. Hevron spokesman Noam Arnon said at the time, “The Supreme Court recently decided that the land should be given to the Arabs, even though it is clearly Jewish land that was robbed from us… The Court simply ignored the fact that this is Jewish land.”
  25. Handing over the homes of Jews to the Arabs who murdered them David Bedein, Israel Insider, April 17, 2005
  26. Mintz: Clear discrimination against Jews in Benjamin, INN, July 29, 2007.
  27. Jerusalem Land-Owner Sues Police, Hillel Fendel, INN, Aug 20 , 2008. Four-year legal battle continues as Yitzchak Herskovitz tries to force police to follow court orders; cops say not enough manpower for job.
  28. The Katzir Rule of the Israeli High Court, Elyakim Haetzni, Jlaw, March 29, 2000.
  29. Arabs attack Jews in Jerusalem, police do nothing, October 21, 2009. Israel Today Staff.

    A group of Arabs and their left-wing Jewish allies verbally and physically attacked a Jewish family moving into a new home in a small Jewish community on the eastern side of Jerusalem on Tuesday.

    The family had recently bought an apartment in the Shimon Hatzadik neighborhood, where Israeli anarchists and local Arabs have set up a protest tent against what they call "settlement activity."

    Shortly after arriving, one of the family's male members was physically attacked by the protesters. A friend who accompanied the family demanded that nearby police intervene, but they refused. According to Israel National News, the police only stepped in when more family members came to the victim's aid. However, the police response was to arrest the "settlers," not the protesters who had viciously beaten one of the new residents.

    Israelis to the right of the political spectrum, especially those who put into practice their firm belief that the entirety of the land belongs to the Jews, fear that years of demonizing Israeli "settlers" in the media has resulted in their inability to receive the same kind of protection and rights as other citizens.
  30. Benefits for Arabs, destructions for Jews, INN, June 2, 2010. Instead of catching those who steal every day, horses, flocks of sheep, vehicles, water lines and electricity, those who burn our houses, the evil enemy, the security forces decided, with the attacking Arabs to meet for romantic conversations, and with the Zionist pioneers acting as enemies.
  31. Tzvi Succot tweeted [https:// June 21, 2021]: Yesterday, in an official document, the Judea and Samaria ombudsman admitted that demarcation orders are given only to Jews and Eviatar is thought to be destroyed due to riots by Arabs.
  32. Research: For Arabs 97 sq.m. for residence, for Jews only 90 sq.m., kr8, Oct 15, 2009.
    Dr. Tal Shachor, an economist from the Jezreel Valley College, conducted a study and found that on average Arabs have about 97 square meters designated for residence, and Jews have only 90 square meters. The study also does not take into account tens of thousands of illegal buildings in the Arab sector. These are about 100,000 illegal structures.

    Research: Arabs receive more budgets from Israelis, 73% more. March 22, 2010.

  33. Roni Sofer, "Lieberman to Ynet: Discrimination against Jews in Jerusalem will not be allowed", Ynet, March 16, 2010.

    The foreign minister wants to "not get into hysteria" from the crisis with the United States, but knows that "there are misunderstandings between us, and this is not the last time."

    Nor does the "historic-dimensional" crisis in relations with the United States as defined by the ambassador to Washington lead the Secretary of State to change his firm stance. "What are we expected to do? We will forbid Jews to build in the east of the city, or to buy land there. There will be no discrimination in favor of Arabs," Avigdor Lieberman said today (Tuesday) in a conversation with Ynet, asking "not to get into hysteria."

    In light of the American demand for a freeze on construction in East Jerusalem, the Foreign Minister wants to imagine a situation in which Arabs will be banned from buying and building in the west of the city - "We will immediately be declared an apartheid state. American journalist, do you imagine the US government will not respect court decisions?"

    "It must be made clear that it is not possible to have a building ban here only for Jews... We do not want to do anything. We are not looking to confront, nor to provoke anyone. We ask for understanding. So, from the decision on the moratorium to the removal of the checkpoints."
  34. Shlomo Cesana, Yori Yalon, "Netanyahu: The Obama administration needs to know the facts", ILH, Oct 2, 2014.

    The Prime Minister was interviewed by NBC tonight and dismissed the US criticism of construction in East Jerusalem: "These are not settlements, these are neighborhoods of Jerusalem" - The Jerusalem Municipality clarifies: This is not a new plan.

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was interviewed tonight by Andrea Mitchell on NBC in New York, and tried to argue against the White House's claim that construction in East Jerusalem could "poison" the Middle East peace process.

    "I think they (the Obama administration) need to know the facts first. Do you know? 'First of all, these are not settlements. These are neighborhoods of Jerusalem. We have Arab neighborhoods and we have Jewish neighborhoods," Netanyahu said ...

    Netanyahu attacked the Peace Now movement for raising the issue: "It is a national irresponsibility to do such a thing. This is a publication designed to hurt my meeting with President Obama.

    Netanyahu did not hide his displeasure at the condemnation of Jewish families entering homes in the "City of David" in the Wadi Hilweh and Silwan neighborhoods of Jerusalem, saying: "I do not understand the position and the criticism. Arabs in Jerusalem buy apartments freely, no one disqualifies them from doing so."

    "There can be no discrimination against Jews or Arabs"

    "Even a Jew can buy an apartment in Jerusalem and no one can disqualify them from doing so, anywhere. There can be no discrimination against Jews or Arabs. I insist that this is an unacceptable approach. Anyone can buy private property. No one has stolen the houses nor take by force. No one confiscated Arab homes. There was a normal process here in which I do not see the need to create discrimination against any party."
  35. Y.K: Beinisch tramples on all justice and morality, Ch 7, Feb 17, 2010.
    Regavim mentioned that "only in recent weeks has the High Court taken a completely opposite approach in which it prevented the demolition of dozens of illegal Arab buildings, while warmly adopting the state's request for rejection." The illegal in the Arab sector throughout the State of Israel," in the words of the movement's members.
  36. Beni Toker, Is the Palestinian outpost immune?, INN, 11 April 2012.

    Advocate Amir Fischer demands from the Ministry of Defense and the Civil Administration, to demolish the Palestinian outpost built on state land, "Where is the equality?" The Regavim movement recently filed a petition in the High Court against the Arab outpost that is being established in the Susiya area on state land. Advocate Amir Fischer, the legal adviser of the Regavim movement, wondered why the Civil Administration knows how to enforce the law against Jews and not against Arabs. "Palestinians are building everywhere freely without getting a building permit and the Civil Administration is ignoring it. Here they built next to Susya, a Palestinian outpost on state land. Not only did the Civil Administration not remove them, but they ordered the Jewish farmers to evacuate to prevent friction." He said that it was an Arab family that invaded the area, "The Navaja Miata family came to Susya. At first they built a tent, then a hut and finally also buildings. Instead of demolishing the buildings that were built without permission on state land next to the settlement, the commander-in-chief ordered the Jews to be evacuated to prevent friction." Advocate Fischer argues that discrimination against Jews stems from a distorted worldview, "The Palestinians are building where they want and doing nothing against them. Apparently, the decision-makers in the State of Israel hold the view that Jewish settlement is a foreign plant that should be reduced." "Unfortunately, Defense Minister Ehud Barak does not approve of Jews building, even in places where there are permits and outline plans, which actually forces people to be criminals," he said. "Because it brings the real facts to court. So far the left-wing organizations have done that, and the time has come for us too to change the minds of the judges. We show them what the Palestinians are building, villas, castles, huge schools, and mines and everything without permission."

    Channel 7 asked the IDF Spokesman and the Civil Administration to respond to the allegations, but so far no response has been received.
  37. Ari Yashar, Ya'alon Admits to Discrimination Against Jews, INN, 28.11.14.
  38. Hofi Amos, Hundreds of protesters in front of the High Court against the demolition of the Drainoff houses, Makor Rishon, 8/7/2015.

    Minister Bennett and Likud MKs came to identify with hundreds of protesters in front of the Supreme Court, in protest of the decision to demolish the houses in the Drainoff neighborhood in Beit El: "We are being persecuted by the justice system"...

    The chairman of the Jewish Home, Education Minister Naftali Bennett, arrived at the protest encampment and met with the head of the Beit El Council, Shai Alon, who transferred the activities of his office to the Supreme Court plaza about a week ago. the matter.

    MK Oren Hazan, who was also present, said that "during the election campaign, a statement was made that if we are not in the hills in Samaria, we will not be in Haifa and Tel Aviv either. This statement was made by Benjamin Netanyahu. The Land of Israel to the people of Israel and not to the people of Ishmael. It is time to stop being afraid and say that we are a right-wing government and we are here for settlement. " MK Miki Zohar from the Likud said that "left-wing organizations work according to the salami method. The court chooses to prefer the principle of finality of the hearing over the property rights and the families who will live there. We have no authority to transfer territories of the Land of Israel to others. "Let the High Court decide together on all the houses, that they will feel what it is 1700 families whose homes will be destroyed. Let them not think of only 24 units here and nine there."

    R' Shabtai Sabato, a resident of Beit El, said that "we are persecuted by the justice system and discriminated against. It is time to adopt Judge Edmund Levy's report pointing to discrimination against Jews."
  39. Eric Bender, Dana Somberg, Eldad Karni, Storm on the right: "Have to rise with a bulldozer on the Supreme Court and destroy it", Maariv, July 29, 2015.
    The Minister of Culture and Sport, Miri Regev, wrote on her Facebook page that decision of the High Court is not surprising. "As I said in the past, the High Court of Justice is disconnected from the Israeli public and the settlement, unfortunately, it is not found in Jerusalem, and there is no discrimination in all what is related to demolition and realization among the Arab public and the submitter, and I require all demolition orders.
  40. Avital Turkialtaub, R. Stav on Amona: It hurts me to recognize discrimination by the Supreme Court, Kipa, 11/29/16.
    Chairman of the Tzohar Rab. Association says that he is hurting the pain of the residents of Amona and recognizes the discriminatory policy of the High Court in comparing the illegal settlement of Arabs and Jews.
  41. Netael Bandel, The Supreme Court stopped the eviction of Arabs from an area belonging to Jews, Makor Rishon, 2/2/2017.
  42. K Liebskind, "It's not the same": when Supreme Court justices do not let their political agenda confuse them, Maariv, May 30, 2020.
  43. The cabinet approved the postponement of the evacuation of Khan al-Ahmar, Bennett and Shaked objected Yanir Cousin, Arik Bender, Avishai Grinzweig, Maariv, Oct 21, 2018. In accordance with the recommendations of the professionals, the cabinet will allow an extension of several weeks for the completion of the negotiations for the evacuation by consent. ... A member of Bennett's party, MK Bezalel Smutrich, said this morning: "This is a shameful surrender that harms Israeli interests. This is serious because it creates discrimination between Netiv HaAvot and Amona, where Jewish homes were demolished. Wrong step that violates the sovereignty of the State of Israel. I estimate that if there is a significant unrest in the coalition, the prime minister will be attentive to it and give instructions. "The one who is unequivocally to blame is the prime minister, and as a member of the coalition, I am not prepared to go over it on the agenda." The chairman of the National Union, Minister Uri Ariel, said this morning that "it is not possible for enforcement to be carried out only against Jewish localities. This is a significant violation of the sovereignty and governance of the right-wing government in Israel. I call on the Prime Minister to reverse the decision and evacuate the outpost to Amar later this week...
  44. "Bennett Lapid Government Continues Dangerous Line", Hezki Baruch, INN, Sep 5, 2021. The Regavim movement is responding to the state's response regarding the postponement of the evacuation of Khan al-Ahmar for six months. "The state is broadcasting that it is a guest on the ground." "The basis for anarchy is law enforcement in a selective and selective manner. There can be no population group that gains immunity from law enforcement because of international pressure, while the law is enforced against another population."
  45. When Bennett promised to evacuate Khan al-Ahmar,, September 5, 2021. Justice Minister Gideon Saar said during a visit to the outpost: “The main question is the struggle on the ground. Residents have been offered alternatives. There is a matter of law here since the first order was issued in 2009. The Supreme Court has repeatedly rejected petitions against demolition orders. There is no doubt that if it had been a Jewish settlement, it would have been evacuated a long time ago.“
  46. Minister Bar-Lev: The yeshiva of Chomesh is illegal, it needs to be "treated" - Khan al-Ahmar is a different story ... (and begins to stutter ...), Rotter, 23.12.21
  47. Report: Bennett intends to launder Khan al-Ahmar | On the right attacked: "There is no limit to cynicism" News 0404, 25/01/2022.

    Naftali Bennett intends to whitewash the illegal Arab outpost, Khan al-Ahmar, by demolishing the outpost and building it immediately about 300 meters near the site, according to a report by Amit Segal tonight...

    MK Ofir Sofer: "Bennett, Shaked and Elkin stood on the land of Khan al-Ahmar and promised evacuation, but without batting an eyelid - they have now decided to arrange the theft of the land. The Bennett-Abbas government says yes to Khan al-Ahmar, while the settlers of the young settlement freeze to death. Woe to that shame."
  48. Eldar Maman, Lapid is trying to postpone the eviction of Khan al-Ahmar - will the High Court once again 'go with the flow' of selective enforcement?, News 0404, 05/09/2022.

    The state is supposed to submit its answer to the High Court in the coming week regarding the Regavim movement's petition against the non-evacuation of the illegal Khan al-Ahmar outpost. Yair Lapid instructed to ask the High Court for another delay in the evacuation of the illegal outpost, and the High Court is expected to "flow" again with the selective enforcement between construction offenses by Arabs versus construction offenses by Jews. The expected request to postpone the evacuation of the outpost comes despite a final ruling stating that the invaders must be evicted from the strategic location, and despite the fact that the first petition on the subject was submitted no less than 13 years ago. It should be noted that the illegal construction in Khan Al Ahmar is only a small part of the phenomenon of rampant Arab construction in strategic areas on a huge scale. While the government ignores the dangerous phenomenon and the Arab takeover of our country, Benny Gantz takes care of the Jews who are building the country throughout Judea and Samaria, and sends forces of destruction against Jews again and again. Lapid fears the effect of evacuating the outpost on left-wing voters in the upcoming elections, and in particular in the Arab sector, and wants to postpone the issue until the next government.

    The Regavim movement stated: "The state's response to the High Court borders on contempt for the court. Defense Minister Benny Gantz will be honored for speaking from the stage of the Knesset about the sanctity of the rule of law and equal enforcement in Judea and Samaria and will fulfill the commitments that the state gives to the court time and time again."
  49. Josh Hasten, 'Selective enforcement' behind order to evacuate Evyatar enclave in Samaria, JNS, June 21, 2021.

    Home to 30 families, it was recently re-established as a response by activists to the May 2 drive-by shooting by an Arab terrorist that claimed the life of 19-year-old yeshivah student Yehuda Guetta.

    The IDF this week rejected the submission of master-plan documents towards full legalization sent to the Civil Administration by the Shomron (Samaria) Regional Council on behalf of the small community of Evyatar, which is under their jurisdiction, leaving residents scrambling to prevent the forced evacuation of the community and destruction of their houses in the days ahead.

    Evyatar, home to more than 30 families near Tapuach Junction, was originally established in 2008, but was taken down. It was recently re-established as a response by activists to the May 2 drive-by shooting at the junction by an Arab terrorist that claimed the life of 19-year-old yeshivah student Yehuda Guetta and wounded two other students, one seriously.

    The community was originally founded in 2013 and named in memory of Evyatar Borovsky, a father of five, who was also stabbed to death by a terrorist at the same junction. A statement released by the authorities in Judea and Samaria indicated that the IDF Central Command viewed the newly established structures in Evyatar as being "illegal" and causing a "disruption of public order" in the area. Earlier this month, a Demarcation Order was signed by Defense Minister Benny Gantz, preventing any further building and thus signaling his intention of evacuating the community. However, then-Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called for the community to be fully legalized as he insisted that it was not built on private Palestinian property.

    This past January, JNS reported that Netanyahu advanced hundreds of housing units in Judea and Samaria, indicating that Evyatar was on the list of locations to receive building permits. Chagai Vinizky, one of the attorneys representing the residents of Evyatar, told JNS that the Civil Administration is discriminating against Israeli communities. Vinizky is a law professor at the Sha’are Mishpat College of Law and Science, and at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, who specializes in property laws in Judea and Samaria. "There are 800 illegal Palestinian outposts (extensions of existing communities) in ‘Area C’ and only 74 Israeli ones, but the only issue the authorities have is against the Israeli ones," he said. "We know for a fact that Evyatar is not situated on private [Arab] land because nobody worked on it agriculturally for the past 10 years." Vinizky said he believes the community rests on "public [state] lands." Yisrael Medad, a veteran "resettlement" activist who resides in Shiloh, told JNS “the main claim of the proponents to allow Evyatar to remain in place is that the land has unproven private ownership and has not been worked for over a decade. Opposing that is a claim that the area is admot seker, meaning it has not been surveyed, and so it cannot be proven one way or the other if it is private property or not." Medad said "the IDF now asserts that the current Arab rioting makes it unworthwhile to keep Evyatar in place as troops are needed for other concerns. What is obvious is that the legal department of the Civil Administration has been shown to be negligent." He also noted that "one cannot avoid the disappointment in the realization that similar and even worse construction by Arabs of thousands of structures, roads, etc., were overlooked by the Civil Administration these past years with no legal actions taken." On the other hand, Hagit Ofran, co-director of the Settlement Watch project of Peace Now, told JNS that "this outpost must be evicted because it is bad for Israel. A small group of people are creating facts on the ground that dramatically affects Israel’s security and foreign policy without any authority." She added, "One cannot compare the ‘legality’ of the construction of Palestinians and of settlers in ‘Area C’ because the ‘law’ is totally discriminatory: While in a past decade Israel initiated and approved the construction of 19,016 housing units for settlers in ‘Area C,’ it granted only 98 permits for Palestinians." According to her organization’s statistics, "in recent years, Israel has demolished in average 145 homes of Palestinians per year, leaving thousands of people without homes, while the number of settlers real homes demolished was nearly zero." Ofran insisted that "this is not a legal matter but a political one, and we should all bear in mind that ‘Area C’ is occupied territory and not part of Israel."

    Naomi Kahn, director of the international division at Regavim, a research-based think tank and lobbying group dedicated to preserving Israel’s resources and sovereignty, told JNS that if the IDF takes down Evyatar, then it must be even-handed when it comes to other construction.

    "We hope that the recent decision regarding Evyatar will serve as a precedent for equally vigorous, precise and prompt law enforcement throughout all areas under the jurisdiction of the Israeli government and judicial system—from Khan al-Ahmar to the Negev, from the north to the south, and in Judea and Samaria. Unfortunately, when similar court decisions and administrative orders have been handed down in cases of illegal Arab construction, enforcement has been ‘suspended’ through bureaucratic and legal procedures and loopholes."

    "The only thing worse than lawlessness," she said, "is selective law enforcement." Vinizky explained that normally when the IDF issues an evacuation decree of this type, time is given for a motion to be filed in court by the community members in order to try and rectify the situation. However, he said that in his case, his legal team was not given an option for such a move.

    With Evyatar’s fate in the balance, Vinizky said that his team is considering filing a petition with Israel’s High Court of Justice in order to prevent an evacuation.
  50. Eldar Maman, First Publication, While for Jews it's being demolished - Arab construction is rampant: permanent homes were erected in an Arab outpost in Area C, News 0404, 19/01/2022.

    In a nocturnal and organized operation, the PA last weekend erected permanent panels of concrete and concrete in an Arab outpost near the settlement of Kochav Hashahar in Binyamin.

    The outpost, located in Area C, has to date numbered several dozen tents and temporary huts, but now the Palestinian Authority has set up permanent structures on the site in order to base and establish the Arab hold on the area.
  51. Arie Yoeli, Watch: An Arab vehicle passes; A Jewish vehicle was stopped at the checkpoint, Srugim news, 01.01.22.
    Again, the army's forces stopping the vehicles that make their way to Homesh settlement for MM. (meal). Residents testified that at the military checkpoint enables Arab vehicles to pass and stop only the Jews.
  52. B. Gvir: "Within hours, evacuate the new settlement, we will return", Radio Kol Chai, Feb 9, 2022.
    MK Itamar Ben Gvir in an interview with Kol Chai: "We established 'Ma'ale Pola' to stop abandonment in the Negev. Naftali and Ayelet said before the election that they would build the Negev. In practice, they build only for the Bedouin, not the Jews. We were evacuated shortly after. We'll be back there again."
  53. Ido Ben Porat, Palestinians build unhindered 150 meters from Nofei Nehemiah, INN, 13 Iyar 5782, 15.05.22.
    The Civil Administration told the residents of Nofei Nehemiah that the illegal construction could not be enforced because it was not carried out with heavy tools. MK Simcha Rotman: "We are losing the battle for the C territories, this government is fighting and winning in favor of the enemy."
  54. [Journalist] Shilo Freid @shilofreid Tweeted (Jun 6, 2022):

    Large forces have arrived to evacuate an illegal structure in the Binyamin area, now encircling it in preparation for evacuation and demolition. Below is the pergola structure with a bench in memory of the late Rene Shenrav. @MakorRishon

    When asked by the security establishment why Palestinian residential complexes and schools are not being vacated on state land - a violent complication of interesting that until they found this manpower to vacate a pergola (!!) while ignoring the huge construction offenses in nearby areas.
  55. National guards destroyed an observatory in memory of Rene Shenrav hy"d: "Enforcement against Jews only is distorted and immoral", News 0404, 07/06/2022.

    The government instructed the security forces to demolish a pergola built yesterday in Ma'ale Lavona by the Yishuv youth in memory of Rene Shenrav hy"d. The head of the Binyamin Council, Israel Ganz, said: "The government sent the security forces to demolish a wooden pergola in a place where there is no dispute. On the other hand, the Arabs in this area are building illegal roads and paving roads as part of their takeover plan and the Israeli government is not pointing a finger and allowing this to happen. The Arab takeover plan for Judea and Samaria has three main partners: the Palestinian Authority, the European Union and the Bennett government. Enforcement against Jews only is distorted and immoral.

    We will do everything to get the pergola back in place and the government to disband and pass."
  56. Work stoppage orders in Givat Noam Siach. At the same time, about 20 Arab houses are being built. Illegal works also near Rosh HaAyin in a (military) firing range, Rotter, 30.06.22.
  57. [journalist] Shirel Laloom on Twitter: "Selective Enforcement: Monthly Incident Report of Illegal Construction in C Areas Reported by Land Custodians from the Settlements, Some at Archaeological Sites. 95% of this construction is not enforced and that's just *what's reported* when residents do the work for the manager and in Benjamin. 5 tool confiscations only! [7]" / Twitter. (Sep 5, 2022)
  58. Official police directive: In Ramadan, there is no enforcement against Muslim construction offenses. Increasing enforcement against non-Muslims. Rotter News. 04.19.22.

    Liran Tamari, Ynet correspondent in Jerusalem:

    Liran Tamari @liran__tamari Tweeted (Apr 19, 2022):
    Not only does the Israel Police freeze the demolition of illegal structures in the Arab sector until the end of Eid al-Fitr - it instructs the relevant authorities to demolish buildings in other sectors.

  59. A policewoman in Shimon Hatzadik: "An order was given not to admit Jews", Now14, Feb 15, 2022.
    Right-wing activist Tal Yushvaev shared a dialogue with a policewoman in the Shimon Hatzadik neighborhood, during which she told him that she had been instructed not to let Jews into the neighborhood: "The police clean the Shimon HaTzadik neighborhood of Jews."
  60. Shilo Freid, Police on blocking Jews in "Shimon Hatzadik": "The Border Police fighter erred in her judgment", ‘’Makor Rishon’’, Feb 17, 2022.

    The police blocked the entry of Jewish residents into the Shimon Hatzadik neighborhood following the riots. MK Moshe Arbel of Shas demands the intervention of the fight against racism unit in the Ministry of Justice.

    MK Moshe Arbel, Shas, submitted an application yesterday (Wednesday) to the Coordinator for Combating Racism in the Ministry of Justice, demanding that the police conduct in the Shimon Hatzadik neighborhood of Jerusalem be examined. He said the police discriminate against Jews and prevent them from entering the neighborhood on racial grounds.

    The appeal came following a video taken by a resident of the neighborhood, Tal Yushvaev, in which a policewoman was seen forbidding him to come to his house and explaining that according to the instruction she received from her commanders, Jews should not be allowed in the neighborhood. When Yushvaev tried to explain that this was his place of residence, the policewoman explained that this was the order received by the command echelon.
  61. [ Shimon Hatzadik neighborhood - directive from the police: Arabs entering, Jews – don’t], ‘’Rotter’’, Feb 18, 2022.
  62. The government discriminates against Judea and Samaria: Arraba and Sakhnin - yes, Ma'ale Adumim and Ariel - no, INN, Oct 19. 2021.
    The government is promoting in the Finance Committee the plan to receive tax benefits for residential rental construction - only in places other than Judea and Samaria. Council Chairman Benjamin Israel Gantz responded "I call on the members of the Finance Committee now: Do not discriminate Judea and Samaria! There is no reason or justification for excluding us from encouraging long-term rentals. Even now, the localities are subject to irrelevant political restrictions that interfere with construction and development. The Knesset must not discriminate loyal citizens and bar great pieces of land. Boycotting brothers is not mending ..."
  63. Boaz Haetzni, Opinion article: Bennett's blink, Rotter, Aug 20, 2021.
  64. Religious Zionism: "Arab construction is rampant and Shaked, Orbach and Kalfon promote destruction in Bruchin", News 0404, 02/05/2022.

    At religious Zionists, tonight (Monday) the evacuation of the caravans was addressed earlier today in the locality of Bruchin, at a time when illegal Arab construction continues to rage.

    Religious Zionism: "For the left-wing government, Eviatar's evacuation is not enough, the abuse of the Pentateuch is not enough and the construction freeze in Judea and Samaria is not enough.
  65. 'Shvi'i' Exposure - Minister Hili Trooper admits: Government policy is to destroy far more Jewish outposts than Arab construction, Rotter, May 26, 2022.
    Ishay Fridman @IshayFridman Tweeter: (May 26, 2022):


    Towards the Sabbath, at the ‘Shvi’I’ Edition we'll publish: the Minister of Culture and Sport Hili Trooper admits that the current government policy is to evacuate more outposts of Jewish residents of Judea and Samaria than to evacuate illegal Palestinian construction. So he said in a zoom conversation with recent lefty activists.

    [We are evacuating far more outposts than illegal Arab construction

    In a conversation with left-wing activists, Minister Hili Trooper rejected allegations that the state is being lenient with the settlers - he rejected those who try to create symmetry: "Palestinian violence is much more murderous."].
    Shvii, Issue 489, 27.05.22
  66. The left-wing government's bluff has been exposed again: determination in the face of Jewish construction and ignoring dozens of Arab construction points, News 0404, 19/07/2022.
  67. Amir Ettinger, Palestinian takeover: invaded an archeological site and turned it into a residence, Srugim, Jan 18, 2021.

    An Arab family invaded an archeological site in northern Samaria and turned it into a residence. The Regavim movement appealed to the Civil Administration, demanding the immediate removal of the invaders.

    Near the town of Hermesh in northern Samaria, there is a declared archeological site called 'Horbat Persin', which preserves the biblical name 'Peresh' (descendants of Menashe) and the Talmudic name 'Kfar Parshai'. Over the years, the remains of a large settlement from the Iron Age have been discovered at this site, remains such as Mikveh Tahara, burial caves and underground systems from the Second Temple period, as well as impressive buildings from the Ottoman period. This impressive site has recently joined a series of antiquities sites in Area C that are suffering damage and destruction due to Palestinian takeover...
  68. Arik Bender, Parliamentary Reporter - Maariv:
    Daniela Weiss, founder and head of the Nahala movement, held a briefing using the zoom, in which she attacked Defense Minister Beni Gantz ahead of the outposts operation expected to take place tomorrow: "Defense Minister Benny Gantz must stand trial for handing over the land of the Jewish people to the Arabs. Not only is he not giving settlements to Jews, he approves illegal homes for Arabs." ...

    Hamal, 19/07/2022. [10].

  69. R Amgar Tweeted (May 8, 2022):
    A Jew evacuated from Amona vs an Arab terrorist who murdered 3 Jews with an ax. Judge for yourselves. [11].
    (Photo description: the Jewish resident is handled violently by the IDF armed forces, his face is bloodied.

    The Arab murderer (of Jews in Elad) is given a cigarette).

  70. Rotter, 15.08.22.
    New documents from the field refute Gantz's claim of equal enforcement between Jews and Arabs.
    (Activist) Elisha Yered Aug 15, 2022:
    Following the lies that Gantz told this morning in response to the MK's question @rothmar, a short video filmed today by [The amazing] Ezri Tovi illustrates the selective enforcement that cries out to heaven and the determined persecution against Jews only.
    (Activist) Akiva Simon Aug 15, 2022:
    Minister of Defence @gantzbe

    In the Knesset: "We need to maintain the Area C law and we do it on both sides. Both for illegal Palestinian construction and for legal Israeli construction."

    In the picture - how the law is kept in reality: The village of Burka - a shiny asphalt road with buildings on its sides.

    In the background - the important Ramat Magron ridge, which Gantz destroyed. [12]
    (Journalist) Shilo Freid Aug 15, 2022:

    Right: Jewish illegal construction that the entire security system mobilized to prevent and was evacuated within hours. On the left: an illegal Palestinian construction that was built undisturbed and is still standing. Defense Minister Gantz today: "We uphold the law in areas C on both sides. Both in the face of illegal Palestinian construction and in the face of legal Israeli construction." [13]

  71. Guy Nandi, Border Committee: not expanding Kiryat Ye'arim, yes expand Abu Gosh. Globes, Jan 16, 2022
  72. Arabs yes, ultra-Orthodox no; Discrimination in the Geographical Committee, Kikar HaShabat, Jan 16, 2022.
    The geographical committee rejected the request of the settlement of Telzeston to expand the settlement and at the same time approved the same request of the Arab settlement of Abu Ghosh. MK Kushnir from Yisrael Beiteinu: "Victory" (Eretz)
  73. OUTRAGEOUS: Committee Denies Telzstone Expansion While Approving Abu Ghosh Request.” TYW, January 20, 2022.

    Following three years of committee discussions and countless meetings, the Interior Ministry’s Jerusalem District Geographical Committee rejected the request of the Telzstone Council to expand the yishuv, while approving the request of the neighboring Arab settlement of Abu Ghosh.

    Even more outrageous is the fact that the committee members justified their denial of Telzstone’s request by citing “environmental issues,” which strangely enough didn’t apply to Abu Ghosh, right next door to Telzstone.
  74. Nitzan Keidar, Area C: Vast tracts of land seized, developed by PA Arabs, INN, Sep 1, 2022. [15]
  75. Rotter, (Oct 20, 2022):
    In broad daylight, illegal construction by Arabs at the main entrance to the Jewish cemetery on the Mount of Olives...
  76. They destroyed the synagogue in Nachalat Zvi - the illegal villas remained in place, News 0404, 10/11/2022.
  77. Shir Gold, Destruction in Givat Nachalat Zvi in Binyamin MK for the future Limor Har Melech: "Continuation of Benny Gantz's criminal policy", Tcity, November 10, 2022. [16].
  78. Online: Yedioth correspondent attacks Tamar Zandberg: "Fascist, insane and retarded." Feb 9, 2016. [17]
    • a Yedioth journalist called her a "fascist", Tamar Zandberg - tweets ~ tziutzim, Feb 9, 2016.
      Exclusive to "Tweeters of Politicians": This morning we revealed to you the harsh words of Yedioth Ahronoth reporter Danny Edino Abba against MK Tamar Zandberg.
  79. Storm in the Knesset: MK Yavarkan accuses Tamar Zandberg of racism against him, News 0404, Nov 10, 2021.

    Tonight, MK Gadi Yavarkan accused Minister Tamar Zandberg of racism towards him after Zandberg expelled him when he tried to talk to her and called out to him: "Go, go, do not approach me."

    MK Yavarkan claimed that Zandberg approached him in this way "just because I am in that beautiful color."
  80. Zandberg's Blunder: The 'Racism' That Was Not. Gil Kellner, Srugim News, 31.07.16
  81. Elyashiv Reichner, "Condemnations for the evacuation of Bedouins, indifference to the evacuation of Jews," NRG, 5/8/2016

    Anyone who waves court rulings to uproot Bedouin settlements should adopt them even when it comes to illegal outposts in Judea and Samaria. By the way, this is also true in the opposite direction.

    On Sunday, the Ministry of Housing began fencing work adjacent to the Bedouin settlement of Umm al-Hiran, as part of the preparations for the establishment of the settlement of Hiran there. MK Tamar Zandberg was quick to tweet a hysterical response: "Report on immigrant bulldozers on Umm al-Hiran. An unbelievable case in which the state expels civilians, with no explanation other than racism. "Zandberg's tweet was detached from reality for several reasons. First, no bulldozer has yet hit the Umm al-Hiraan houses. Second, even when a bulldozer comes and destroys the houses of Umm al-Hiran, he will do so by court order because it is an illegal settlement.
  82. Shilo Freid, Two construction enforcement practices in Judea and Samaria: for Jews and Arabs, Makor Rishon, 10/12/2021.

    "Buildings erected on private land" are almost at the top of the Civil Administration's enforcement procedure against Jews, but at the bottom of the enforcement list against Arabs.

    The Civil Administration in fact acknowledges the existence of official discrimination between Jews and Arabs with regard to the activity of enforcing building laws in Judea and Samaria. The document on his behalf contains two separate lists of enforcement criteria. One is "priorities for enforcement in the Palestinian sector", and the other is "priorities for enforcement in the Israeli sector."

    (Mikep @Mikep07115753 Replying to @Mikep07115753 @shilofreid and @Regavim_IL: Dec 10, 2021. Just to be clear, the apartheid is against the Jews. Yes....)

  83. @itamarbengvir Tweeted (Dec 17, 2021):
    I have now reached Hill 16 near Kiryat Arba to stop police violence against settlers. There are thousands of illegal Arab buildings around Kiryat Arba, but for Omer Bar-Lev it was urgent to send dozens of police officers just before Shabbat, in order to forcibly demolish houses erected tonight in memory of Yehuda Dimentman.
  84. [Journalist] Yinon Magal @YinonMagal (Oct 19, 2022):
    Gantz evicts Jews from areas C (during this government there was an 80 percent increase in Arab construction in areas C).
  85. Steve Postal, Israeli NGO: Palestinians are stealing Area C, JNS, Nov 9, 2022.

    Massive illegal construction is creating facts on the ground in Judea and Samaria. "In the past year, the rate of illegal Palestinian construction has increased by 80%," the researchers wrote. So far in 2022, Palestinians built 5,535 illegal structures in Area C, which was placed under full Israeli control by the Oslo Accords. In contrast, illegal Israeli construction in Judea and Samaria amounted to 406 structures in 2022.

    Over the past 20 years, illegal construction by Israelis totaled a mere 4,382 structures, fewer than what Palestinians built in the past year alone.
  86. Opposition criticism of the Electricity Law: "Shameless surrender of the Zionist movement to the Islamic movement", 103FM, Maariv, 24/10/2021.

    MK Orit Struck spoke today with Ben Caspit and Aryeh Eldad and also referred to the approval of the housing units in Judea and Samaria: "You do not need a political agreement to withdraw from Judea and Samaria. This is very serious and dangerous in my eyes."

    MK Orit Struck spoke today (Sunday) with Ben Caspit and Aryeh Eldad on 103FM and commented on the Israel Land Authority's publication on the marketing ...

    "I am very concerned that a total of 3,000 have been approved which is half the amount approved, which can professionally go ahead. Only half happy and worse than that they wrap the construction for the Jews in the construction and regulation for the Arabs in Judea and Samaria exactly according to a plan that produces a withdrawal on the ground without a political agreement. I said at the beginning, warned Bennett and Saar and told them "It is political to withdraw from Judea and Samaria, a coalition agreement is enough and that is what is happening. It is serious and very dangerous in my eyes," she added.

    Later, a Knesset member from the Religious Zionist faction referred to the approval of the "Electricity Law" and said that "from this washed-up name, electricity is thought of, but it is about whitewashing tens of thousands of buildings and actually encouraging continued Arab construction, especially in the Galilee. I have no words. Of the Zionist movement to the Islamic movement. "

    According to her, a Jew can not close a balcony if it is not lawful, but an Arab because he is an Arab we will regulate and connect it to electricity. I received a phone call from Jews living in the Galilee, who built something illegal and were going to destroy it and they asked me to come to their aid."
  87. The chairman of the Likud faction, MK Yariv Levin, wrote on his Facebook account..., Chamal, 25.11.21.

    The chairman of the Likud faction, MK Yariv Levin, wrote on his Facebook account: "Enough discrimination. The government is not working to regulate the young settlement in Judea and Samaria.

    Tonight, I put the right-wing Knesset members to a simple test. Is there a drop of morality left in them? Will they at least undertake to support the Electricity Act for the young settlement I have submitted?

    Or will they continue to relax in their armchairs while the children of the pioneers in the young settlement freeze cold in the absence of electricity?

    I left them the whole weekend to decide. On Monday at 12 noon I will submit the Electricity Bill to the Young Settlement. With or without them."
  88. Regavim
  89. Omri Haim, "The largest Palestinian project in Jerusalem history": the luxury neighborhood for Arabs only, located in the Atarot area, Kan News, 03 April 2022.
    The New Quarrel Neighborhood: A prestigious housing project intended, for the first time, for the Arab public in Jerusalem, has become the focus of political debate. The location - not far from Atarot Airport, where another project for the Jewish public was recently frozen. The Jerusalem municipality has since been criticized for approving the project. The debate, of course, is not just a real estate debate, but also about the strategic location of the area and the population that will live in it.
  90. Kalman Liebskind, A quarter of the winners in the tender for the marketing of about 300 plots in the town of Carmit in the Negev are Bedouin, Maariv, Feb 26, 2022.
    In view of the situation in the Negev, which is being filled with Bedouin illegal construction, the state has tried to establish new Jewish settlements. High Court ruling allowed Bedouin to purchase land in Jewish localities, while Jews were forbidden to purchase land in Bedouin localities.
  91. 91.0 91.1 Itamar Levin, The Magistrate's Court rules: Selective enforcement against Jews entering the PA, News1, Feb 21, 2016.
    A former Chomesh resident is acquitted of illegally entering the ruins of the settlement, after a representative of the State Attorney's Office admitted that Israeli Arabs are not being prosecuted for entering the Palestinian Authority without permits...

    The fear of harming Jews does not justify avoiding requiring Western permits, economic considerations do not justify such a severe violation of equality, Jews can also contribute to the Judea and Samaria economy, and all Israeli citizens are committed to keeping the law - emphasizes Bechor.

    According to Bechor, "the mechanism for supervising the properties in the area, despite the existence of a ban on doing so, must be in granting permits to those who want to enter - and not in an invalid distinction based on considerations of nationality / religion.

    This distinction will be subject to relevant criticism, without undue discrimination, and not as the general and sweeping policy label now. And concludes : "an unequal enforcement policy that led to a sweeping distinction between the Jewish defendant and the Israeli Arabs and his prosecution - is invalid, outrageous and justifies the defendant's acquittal of what is attributed to him in the indictment."
  92. Imry Sadan, Entered Chomesh, arrested and acquitted for "discrimination against Jews", Makor Rishon, Feb 22, 2016.
    A man who entered the area of the settlement who was evacuated in the disengagement plan claimed in his defense that the state discriminates between its Jewish and Arab citizens when it comes to law enforcement. The judge ruled: "His prosecution is invalid, outrageous and justifies his acquittal. In the distinction there is a real violation of the sense of justice and fairness."
  93. [18]
  94. Fence Rulings: Democracy in Action Washington Post and AP relate only part of landmark Israeli Supreme Court rulings. Camera, July 5, 2004
  95. Fact Sheet: Israel's Security Fence JVL
  96. The Two Israels Nicholas Kristof, The New York Times , June 22, 2008
  97. Oranit Etzer, "Discrimination even in conditions of release", INN, 22.09.14.

    "We accept with mixed feelings the decision of the court," says Adv. Adi Keidar of the Honenu organization, "Contrary to the decisions made not long ago, in the case of Arab minors, who were released on more lenient terms."

    Advocate Naftali Wurzberger responded, "The actual release is a very small step in the positive direction, but the expulsion of the boys from Judea and Samaria and their parents' home, with electronic restraint, discriminates against Jewish minors compared to Arabs."
  98. Idan Eretz, The picture is reversed: Arabs believe in the legal system more than Jews, Globes, 12.06.2022.

    Come dive with us into the numbers and data behind life itself - and this time: until 2016, Jewish society believed in the legal system much more than Arab society, what has changed since then?

    While for many years Jewish society's trust in the legal system was higher than that of Arab society, in 2020 the situation was reversed. The change in trend in Jewish society began in 2019 and is especially noticeable among religious and traditional people: in 2016, the percentage of religious people who believed in the legal system was 51%, four years later their rate was only 40%. At the same time, Arab society's trust in the legal system has been steadily rising in recent years, and since 2019 most Arabs have believed in it.
  99. Honenu: Racist motive - mainly (slapped only when) among Jews, Channel 7, Oct 20, 2014.
    The Honenu organization claims that the police are in a hurry to attach a "racist motive" to the attack on Arabs by Jews, and rarely do so in the opposite cases.
  100. Yehuda Yifrach, In the justice system price tag is "racism," terror attack - not, Makor Rishon, 4/9/2015.

    For an unclear reason the racist motive appears in the anti-servers of the price of price, but absent from these Arab terrorists. It is worth the Ministry of Justice will determine a uniform policy regarding the matter, regardless of religion and stem, and also condemned the implementer to the same. Against John Kakish, who stabbed and wounded two young ultra-Orthodox at the Nablus Gate on Shavuot of the year, two indictments were served (PLA file 222262/15). In the first and pale indictment written that "Defendant For some reason the prosecutor's office did not see fit to blame Kakish in a murder attempt, but not this. The change of the case occurred when Niv Arazi, the Attorney General's representative, announced that the AG was objecting to the indictment filed by the prosecution due to the charge sheet. Short background: Article 144A states that "racism" means "persecution, humiliation, discipline, hostility, hostility, or violence, or causing frictions towards the public or parts of the population, and everything is due to color or belonging to a non-national orientation. "This definition is important in light of section and 'name, which states that: "The offender has acted from a motive of racism as defined in a 1, or hostility to a public because religion, religious group, ethnic origin, sexual orientation or being a foreign worker, is liable to double the fixed penalty for the same offense or imprisonment for ten years, according to the lighter sentence." Kakish is not alone. Muhammad Salameh, who carried out on the last Purim a terrorist attack by the national headquarters of the police in Jerusalem, was accused of "murder attempt" without mentioning a racist motive. In checking with the Ministry of Justice, I was told that section 144 F does not allow mention of a 'racist background' in offenses for which the sentence is ten years or more. "the first indictment was a technical error, who he simply wrote not to notice the law," and added that "the racist motive is mentioned in the facts of the indictment (even if it can not be mentioned in the offense sections)."

    The following are a few evidence that discriminates it: … the role of the prosecutor's office is to act according to law and do one law. Good will do at the Ministry of Justice if there is a uniform policy, without difference religion and origin, and also will take it to realize it.
  101. Jonathan Gottlieb, "Systematically, the state does not attribute a nationalist motive for arson offenses", INN, Feb 2, 2022.
  102. 102.0 102.1 Yishai Friedman, The "non-racist" attacker from Jaffa works for liberation "from occupation" and admires Hitler, Makor Rishon , April 22, 2021.

    The court ruled that the attackers in Jaffa did not act out of nationalist motives, but a brief browse on his Facebook page reveals quite a bit of antisemitic content.

    The flipping of the nationalist, racist and anti-Semitic motives was very rapid. Too fast. Because in the story of the two attackers, members of the Garbua family, there is a lot of art and hatred of Jews... From conversations I had with Jewish residents in Jaffa who experienced harassment from their Arab neighbors, it turns out that this is not the first time that one of the brothers, Ahmad Garbua, has harassed someone who he saw as a Jew.... Ahmad Garbua was the one who said, according to his testimony in the interrogation and according to the testimony of R' Eliyahu Mali who was attacked, that "Jews will not be in Jaffa." I do not know, to me it sounds like a distinctly racist and anti-Jewish statement.

    A year ago a number of Arabs beat up a yeshiva student who went to solitude on the promenade; A few weeks ago, a Jewish boy filed a complaint with the police against Arab boys who beat him and called him a "J. dog." There is a lot of violence and anti-Semitism in Jaffa, we just do not see it and are certainly less interested in hearing about it. All this until a strictly antisemitic image of two violently beating Jews with a religious appearance explodes in our face.

    Jews in Jaffa, mostly religious, experience violence and anti-Semitism every week that includes beatings and harassment. The Israeli police act and stop attackers in case of a complaint, but the atmosphere among the authorities (court, municipality and also the police), quite a few locals tell me, is to sweep under the rug the nationalist and racist issue. When Arab boys beat a yeshiva student just like that on a clear day, it is a "brawl," with no nationalist or racist background, just a local criminal incident. These incidents are not reported or defined, neither by state authorities nor by the media, as hate crimes as is customary in... But everyone knows and understands that the motive is a great hatred for the presence of Jews in these places. But what makes the dance of righteousness and inclusion of the left particularly embarrassing are the publications over the years of Ahmad Garbua in which he is revealed as one who is not ashamed to spread anti-Semitism, hatred of Jews and much to Palestinian art. Not a neighbors' conflict but a national-religious struggle in which it is expressed that the Jews are "the sons of the monkeys and the pigs" and shows great enthusiasm from people like Adolf Hitler, Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein...

    In 2014 he wrote admiringly of Hitler and also... accusing Netanyahu of "becoming Hitler", and wrote that "Hitler left people like you so the world can see what Zionism is."
  103. Jaffa yeshiva rabbi assaulted after inquiring about apartment; 2 arrested, TOI Staff, April 18, 2021.
    Netanyahu condemns attack against Eliyahu Mali in Jewish-Arab city; Bennett brands it 'anti-Semitic'
  104. 104.0 104.1 Sara Ha'etzni-Cohen, "Israel's iron fist is anything but", ILH , Oct 7, 2021.

    The Arab Israelis that attacked Rabbi Mali in Jaffa were known antisemitic nationalists, yet the police prosecutor failed to note the racial motive behind the attack.

    R. Eliyahu Mali is a resident of Jaffa and the head of Shirat Moshe Hesder Yeshiv in the city. Around six months ago, he and a colleague were violently assaulted when two Arabs began to kick, curse, and threaten them in broad daylight. In their resourcefulness, Mali's colleague documented the incident, something that resulted in his hospitalization. These were the days leading up to the riots of May 2021, and the images were widely distributed and resulted in a public outcry.

    This week, the sense of shock grew following reports of the plea deal reached with the attackers, Ahmed and Mahmoud Garbua. In return for their confession, a ridiculous plea deal was signed that will see them sentenced to between five and nine months of community service. It is absolutely insane that the Israeli Police Prosecution and Tel Aviv Magistrate Court Judge Roy Perry both signed off on this agreement.

    The police prosecutor did not even bother to assign a racial motive to the attack, something that would have resulted in more severe punishment. They failed to do this despite the fact that, as they were hitting and kicking and explicitly threatening the victims' lives, they shouted that "Jaffa will not have Jews." One of the attackers has a rich history of posting nationalist and antisemitic content on social media, including praise for Nazi leader Adolf Hitler, videos on "J. dogs and America," and "the truth about the sons of monkeys and pigs." He has also expressed a desire for the liberation of "occupied Jaffa." And that is just the tip of the iceberg. Racial motive? What racial motive?

    Israelis are even more frustrated by the plea deal because all the facts are known. We know the Garbua brothers attacked Mali because they are antisemitic nationalists. The Garbua brothers know it too. Everyone knows this and admits as much behind closed doors. It is, however, a little difficult to prove. That is why they opted for the easier solution. Another question that needs to be asked is: Why did they even have to reach such a lenient plea deal in return for the brothers' confession when images of the violence exist in which the attackers' faces can clearly be seen? Everything is documented, and it is clear that they are guilty. Why, then, would you lighten their sentence in return for them confessing the obvious?
  105. Yoseph Haddad (@YosephHaddad) Tweeted (Oct 4, 2021):

    Just a disgrace! Want to fight violence and crime, and give such violent attackers discounts ?! Then we wonder why people are afraid to complain about our criminals...

    And in such a case that it was racist violence a punishment with significant deterrence would have been required. This service jobs give them a reward! pure shame.
  106. Rotter News, May 22, 2021.

    The following are two indictments in Jaffa - against Arabs who brutally lynched a Jew until the chair with which he was beaten "dismantled from the power of the blow." In Bat Yam - against Jews who threatened Arabs "while their behavior provides a reasonable basis for further acts to improve peace." Where has the State Attorney's Office mentioned the term "racist motive" 5 times - and where is 0? The answer is in front of you..

    By the way, anyone who reads the indictment in Jaffa cannot know that this is an attack by Arabs against Jews: there are only "defendants", "others" (who helped the defendants) and a "complainant". On the other hand, in Bat Yam the matter is very clear: the complainant is of "Arab origin" and the attack is due to "racist motives towards Arabs due to their national ethnic origin." In Jaffa it was probably Swedes against Norwegians.
  107. B Shapira, "Arabs lynched a Jew; The State Attorney's Office: There is no racist motive. - View the documentation of the place," JDN, 23.05.21.

    He only photographed the Arab Intifada on the streets of Jaffa and the rioters decided to mark it. They knocked him down on the road, ran over him, beat him and injured him. A number of suspects have been arrested, but the others are still at large. The indictment against them does not specify that this is racist - a ridiculous excuse.

    Shocking documentation of lynching carried out by Arabs on a Jew in Jaffa about two weeks ago is published tonight (Sunday) at the same time as it was revealed that in the indictments filed by the prosecution against some of those involved, it was not stated that the attack was racist.

    In the video you can see how over 10 Arabs attack him for long minutes, kick him, hit him with their fists, one of them even crushes the victim using an electric bicycle, and then another one beats him with a plastic chair until the chair breaks.

    Later, when the Jew tries to defend himself against them using a baseball bat, they manage to take it from him and continue to beat him with it. The incident lasts for several minutes until he arrives until a nearby police force arrives, and manages to rescue the victim and drive away the attackers.

    Jaffa police opened an investigation and arrested four Arab residents who participated in the lynching. Last week, the Tel Aviv District Attorney's Office filed an indictment against the four, but despite the documentation and details of the facts in the indictment, it was decided that the section would be for assault - and no nationalist motive was attributed to them...

    The civilian who was attacked said that "I was surprised that no TV crew was in Jaffa or documenting what the Arabs were doing there. A journalist asked me to document some of the disturbances that took place in the city.

    I went down with the dog, started Facebook Live and started taking pictures. I took these with me in self-defense and very quickly they started attacking me, when it was clear to them that I was Jewish"...

    "I spoke English because a large part of my Facebook friends speak English. That does not mean I am not a Jew, it is a time when there are no tourists in the country anyway, so come and say that the Arabs did not know I was a Jew? It is simply not true."

    As they beat me I heard shouts of 'Long live Palestine'. Just yesterday I started to physically recover from the attack.

    The police and the GSS did an amazing job. I have no confidence that the court will do justice.
  108. Yair Krauss, A lighter sentence for the first Arab rioter convicted of the riots in Acre, Makor Rishon, (31/01/2022).
    A light sentence for the first ones convicted of security offenses of terrorism and racism during the riots of the Guardian of the Walls in Acre.
  109. Y. Kraus, "Minor offenses": Another defendant from the disturbances in the wall guard was released, Makor Rishon, 24 Kislev, 5782 (28/11/2021).

    Ahmad Shmuch, a resident of Acre who was accused and accused of throwing stones at police officers and rioting, and is suspected of being involved in the arson of the Effendi Hotel in which he was fatally wounded and died of his wounds Avi Har Even - was released under house arrest...

    So far in detention extensions hearings of defendants who took part in the violent incidents in the city - in which more than 60 Jewish businesses were set on fire and three of its residents were brutally lynched - the courts granted the defendants' requests and released them under house arrest, with some returning to work.
  110. Shilo Freid, "Ridiculous punishments": first sentences for rioters in Lod during the Guardian of the Walls, Makor Rishon, 12.13.22.

    Muhammad Hassouna who was convicted of shooting at Jews and setting fire to Jews' cars - was sentenced to 36 months in prison. Muhammad Elawer, who was convicted of preparing dozens of Molotov cocktails for the besiegers of the mosque and shooting live at Jews - 18 months. Muhammad Hassouna [محمد حسونة], who was convicted of shooting at Jews and setting fire to Jews' cars, was sentenced to 36 months in prison. Muhammad Elawer [محمد العور], who was convicted of preparing dozens of Molotov cocktails for the besiegers of the mosque and shooting live at Jews - 18 months. According to the indictment filed against them, the two were accused of a series of shooting offenses, use of weapons and illegal possession of weapons. The indictment described how they drove car after car of Jews and burned it to the ground: "At or around 9:00 p.m., the defendants and the others arrived near the parking lot adjacent to a residential building on Hadarim Street 17 in the city of Lod. Defendant 1 poured gasoline on the vehicles and later defendant 1 and the others set them on fire Some of the Molotov cocktails they carried with them and threw them towards the parked vehicles. As a result of the actions of the accused and the others, the vehicles burned completely." These are fairly light punishments, after in the last two weeks the District Court in Haifa imposed significantly more severe punishments on those accused of similar crimes and sentenced Muhammad Agabria [محمد أغابرية] to 15 years in prison, after he was convicted of a series of acts of terrorism in the north during the Wall Guard that included shooting in the air and throwing shingles at police officers. Adham Bashir [ادهم بشير], a resident of Acre who participated in the lynching in which Mor Janashvili was seriously injured - was sentenced to ten years in prison. The Chairman of the Cities of Israel, Lt. Col. Yedidia Zuckerman said of the sentence: "The decision re-floods the sense of abandonment we experienced during the May 21 disturbances. Again and again, the law enforcement systems - the courts and the prosecutor's office - are promoted in their role and alienate the residents of the cities involved," Zuckerman stressed, "the ridiculous plea deals and punishments for serious offenses of preparing and throwing Molotov cocktails and firing firearms, prepare the ground for the next time. That way you don't create deterrence. Deterrence and rules save lives. Real governance is required."

    Former member of the Knesset Shuli Moalem-Rafeali also joined in the comments, saying: "The hard feelings from the days of disturbances are reinforced by the too light sentences for the rioters and send a message that Jewish life is worthless. We need correction in the justice system, we need minimum sentences."
  111. Sarah Haetzni Cohen, A nationalist event is part of a war, please treat accordingly, ILH, 24/3/2022.

    An Arab offender who commits a nationalist offense is not marked in his society as a criminal who demands rehabilitation, but as a hero - and therefore, the Israeli legal system at all levels should behave exactly like this: aggravate, as much as possible, nationalist offenses. The horrific attack in Be'er Sheva and the killer's terrorist past led us once again to rummage through judgments from the past. The terrorist, an Israeli citizen from the Bedouin diaspora, was sent in 2016 to four years in prison for establishing a cell associated with ISIS. The prosecution demanded five years in prison, and the judge, Yoel Eden, sentenced him to four. He held that the punishment should be at the low threshold of the penalty compound, as the accused expressed sincere remorse. The terrorist's brother was accused along with him of supporting ISIS, and the judge wrote that "the act of supporting an Israeli resident in an organization like ISIS should not be taken lightly, but it is important to maintain proportions." Three years after his release, the terrorist went on a murder spree in Be'er Sheva. The judge's decision could have been accepted with understanding, if we had not been in an ongoing battle against insurgents from within. This is a difficult, bloody war and often includes contact with outside terrorists. Nationalist events should receive a different reference from the law enforcement system, a reference from war. The police, the prosecutor's office and the judges, when they come to deal with nationalist events, should examine their general context, and not each event on its own merits. Because in terrorism as in terrorism - there is a climate, there is encouragement and there is support below the surface. Because when in Be'er Sheva women are stabbed in the back, in Gaza candies are distributed. When an Arab resident of Jerusalem slaps the ultra-Orthodox on the light rail, it becomes a trend in Tiktok and leads to imitation attacks. The fight against terrorism does not end with dealing with missiles from Gaza, it is also bubbling inside Little Israel. And yet, it is difficult to find today a comprehensive reference to this campaign on the part of the law enforcement system, and it is particularly jarring in light of the indictments and judgments on the 1957 riots. This week, for example, a verdict was handed down in the case of a rioter who was convicted of inciting the masses at a lynching in Acre. He was sentenced to one year in prison, but the prosecution refused to prosecute him for racist motives. In their view, "the offense of rioting is not included in the type of offenses to which the racist offense clause can be attributed." Why? Even the judges did not understand. Haifa District Court judges harshly criticized the prosecution's position. How important is it? Very. If there was a racist motive, the punishment could have been double. Examples of relating in mitigating and 'irresponsible leniency' are not lacking, but also not too late. The prosecution and the judges must understand the magnitude of the responsibility on their shoulders: they are the ones who ultimately protect the citizens. An Arab offender who commits a nationalist offense is not marked in his society as a criminal who requires rehabilitation, but as a hero. Therefore, the Israeli legal system at all levels should behave in exactly the same way: aggravate, as much as possible, nationalist offenses. The prosecution is committed to challenging the courts, and judges are committed to understanding the weight of public responsibility on their shoulders. And everyone must be held accountable to the public.

    The key to deterrence and life is in the hands of the rioters of the 5781 (2021) riots. Only when hundreds of those who threw stones and Molotov cocktails, called "Khayber Khayber al-Yehud," that ignited and sabotaged, only when they receive the full severity of the punishment - then we will know that we are in the right direction.
  112. The caregiver Muhammad Ghanaim abused and left Itai Jose naked for about two hours in the rain, Judge Gadi Tzafrir contented himself with 3 months of service work, Rotter, 23.03.22

    Eilat Lash: Listen, this is a post you must flip through on every possible media. Share in any way. It must shock the whole country to heavens. Pay attention: As he is naked, while it's cold and rainy outside, 36-year-old I. Jose was left outside the residence as punishment. For two hours he begged to enter. In vain.

    Judge Gadi Tzafrir approved a plea deal and sentenced the therapist, Muhammad Ghanaim, to 3 months of community service (!!!). The judge also considered (!!) and ruled that he would only start them in July because he is a student (!!)

    The country needs to shake. Shake!!!
  113. Liran Tamari, A resident of Jerusalem sexually harassed young women in the Gilo neighborhood, the judge banned the publication of his name: "There is no public interest", Jerusalem Mynet, 12.04.22.
    The arrest judge, Amir Shaked, did not allow the police to publish the name of a resident of East Jerusalem after he allegedly sexually harassed young hitchhikers. "The starting point is that during the stages of the investigation, the presumption of innocence stands for the respondent - and outweighs the need to publish his name," the judge explained and extended his detention by three days.

    -East Jerusalem resident sexually harassed young women in Gilo neighborhood, judge bans publication of his name: "There is no public interest", Rotter News, 12.04.22.

  114. R' Eliyahu: This is the identity of the bus burner in Safed, Kikar haShabbat, 12 Jun 2022.

    After 18 buses were set on fire last Shabbat at Safed Central Station, Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu claims: This is who set the match on fire and set fire to the 18 buses at Central Station

    In a sermon delivered this morning (Sunday) by Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu, the rabbi of Safed claimed that "the State of Israel treats Arab criminals with kid gloves. They can build without a license and connect them to electricity. They can run a council without rules and receive huge budgets from the government.

    "Two weeks ago, buses burned in Kiryat Shmona, and what did the State of Israel do? Did it try to stop the protection? Did the Zangaria crime boss issue an administrative detention order like the Givot boys?" He added: "A year ago during the riots, Arabs from Lod attacked Meir Gabay, who returned from the synagogue shouting 'Allahu Akbar,' one of whom pulled out a folding knife and stabbed Meir close to the heart. He drove out the rioters and Gabay's life was saved. " "No reasonable person has any doubt as to what the Arab meant. No one has any doubt what would have happened if it had not happened to a Jewish place that saved Meir. The end was like other Jews who paid with their lives in those riots." He went on to say: "The prosecution of the State of Israel has great doubt, perhaps the criminal only came with good intentions. Therefore, they filed an indictment against him only for sabotage. Not for attempted murder. Not for a hate crime, not for racism. House arrest and alternatives to house arrest. He is a 17-year-old "minor" (compassionate) and his trial has been waiting patiently for a year. "

    "Why should Arabs not burn dozens of buses in Safed? Why should they not rave in hospitals and beat doctors. Why should they not run over policemen to death. Why should they keep the law? Why should an Arab not kill his Jewess friend? Why should they not collect protection from Jews?"
  115. Israel Police arrested a group of Israeli Arabs from Tuba-Zangariyye on suspicion that they torched buses in Safed in June and were on their way to commit another act of arson on Friday. [#Israel | #Crime].
    — The Jerusalem Post (@Jerusalem_Post) (July 17, 2022).
  116. Ido Ben Porat, With the "equipment" in the car: The Arabs who set fire to buses at the central bus station in Safed were arrested, INN, 18.07.22.
    A squad suspected of setting fire to buses in the northern region was captured last month. The squad operated on behalf of a criminal organization that carried out "Protection".
  117. Ahiah Raved, With the "Fire equipment," on the way to another event: "Bus lighters caught in the north", Ynet, July 17, 2022.
  118. Barhanu Tagania, Or Ravid, "I did not see any policeman": the version of the suspect in the murder of Barak Meshulam - and the rage in the police, N12, Mako, July 17, 2022.

    The suspected driver who ran over the policeman in Raanana to death told the investigators that he did not steal the vehicle - "just remember I hit the pillar, I was in shock - I did not run anywhere", he said - the court extended his detention for a day and the police were furious: "- minute after minute - this is how the incident in which the policeman was run over died. The murder of the late Barak Meshulam: Yesterday (Sunday), the police arrested a 17-year-old Palestinian man on suspicion of driving a stolen vehicle, breaking a checkpoint and running over the late Meshulam policeman to death. Even before extending his detention, the suspect told investigators that he had not seen any police officer: "I was in shock." The court decided to extend his detention for only one day - and the police are furious: "The punishment is light".

    The policeman's trampling in the Sharon - extensive coverage on the N12: Suspicion of murder: A policeman in Sharon was run over to death during an escape attempt "This is a premeditated murder": The late Major Barak Meshulam was laid to rest The dramatic recording from the radios from the moment of the injury

    "I did not steal the vehicle, someone told me 'take this vehicle to the territories,'" the young Palestinian claimed to investigators. "I just remember hitting the pillar. I was in shock. I did not see any policeman. I could not stop the vehicle immediately. As soon as I got in and out of the vehicle, I saw a lot of policemen. I did not run away anywhere, I was just scared. Then I turned myself in to police." ...

    The court extended the suspect's detention for only one day. The court reached the decision following the age of the suspect (17 years old) and because he wanted someone older to be with the minor. In the shadow of the decision, quite a few policemen and officers are angry at the courts and told News 12: "There is forgiveness towards car thieves, the punishment is light." The example of the police claim: Only this week - 3 thieves from the areas arrested, were released under house arrest. Earlier, the late Meshulam was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Kfar Saba. Zuki, Barak's mother, grabbed his uniform and mourned in tears: To Saturn during the eulogy: "Next time you will let them shoot." The dramatic moments in which Sgt. Meshulam was run over to death by a Palestinian who tried to escape from a checkpoint in Sharon were recorded on the police communications network and reached the N12. A police officer was injured, a police officer was injured. "Following the incident, retired police officers today sharply criticized the conduct of the police and the procedures for opening fire.

    Major Meshulam, 29, married with two children who served at the Kfar Saba police station, was killed last night after being run over by a Palestinian who broke through a police checkpoint. Apparently in the Gush Dan area, and tried to escape from a checkpoint set up on Road 4, near Raanana.
  119. Barak Meshulam's widow burst out shouting at Bar Lev: Start defending the police! You do not give them permission to shoot. Rotter, 17.07.22
  120. Yinon Magal and Ben Caspit, Retired Superintendent Arie Amit: Cops Are Afraid to Shoot, They Feel Lack of Backup, 103fm, 18/07/2022.

    "Cops are afraid to shoot, they feel lack of back up"

    Retired Aryeh Amit, former commander of the Jerusalem district, attacked: "We are in a very, very bad situation and the thing is that no one really intends to do anything about it."

    For some time now, the police have been facing a severe crisis and the dramatic departure of many police officers. Also, yesterday (Sunday) a policeman was run over to death while he was present at a checkpoint in Sharon. Retired Aryeh Amit, former commander of the Jerusalem district, spoke with Yinon Magal and Ben Caspit on 103fm and presented his version on the subject.

    "Let's put things on the table, things that are not usually talked about because everyone wants to be politically correct," Amit declared at the beginning of the conversation. "The State of Israel has a strategic problem - the Bedouin and Arab crime in the State of Israel. This crime defeats the police and it is going to defeat the state. We are in a situation where police officers are afraid to shoot because they feel a complete lack of backing. "The officials are not suitable because they were chosen because of connections and not skills. There is a completely shattered motivation in the police, and those who take advantage of it in an amazing way are the Bedouin in the Negev, the Galilee, Israeli Arabs and criminals who come from the territories." He said, "There is a situation where thousands of business owners are being blackmailed and whoever dares to change the mouths of the blackmailers burns the business for him. Girls in Be'er Sheva do not dare to leave the house in the evening because they are afraid. And no one is really going to do anything about it. The problem is not with the fire regulations, the problem is with the motivation, that the police are afraid to use their weapons when they need to because they know what awaits them beyond the shooting. The police are very weak, Arab crime has raised its head insanely in recent years.

    "There was a government here for quite a few years and it had an interest in weakening the police"

    Later, Amit wanted to emphasize that "the problem is that there are endless car thieves, there are burglars in apartments, it is not related to affluent families, there are lots of young Bedouin and Arabs who just harass Jewish girls wherever they can, including at the beaches. The answer should have been given long ago. "There's a government here for quite a few years that has had an interest in weakening the police and it has succeeded in the task. The police are weak, the culture of the police is not normal. Small, weak, in some of its activities it is quite primitive. " He further claimed: "The disbandment did not start immediately, it is a matter of a long process. For years the police have been weakened, there is what I call in a bit of an extreme, perhaps the Likud Center appointments. For many years the Likud Center intervened in appointing senior police officers. Today, a situation that is a catastrophe, of too many commanders not being suitable for their job. "

    "Cops leave because they are not paid money," Yinon attacked, and Amit clarified: "This is not true. The issue of pay in the police has always been problematic, pay has always been low, they have always talked about it. This is not a new thing. The issue of pay is problematic during For many years, since its inception, wages have been lousy, there have been many problems they have tried to deal with, there have always been peaks of nervousness over wages. "They have a lack of backup, they don't have the right tools, they come down on them from every direction. They feel a terrible frustration that they just can't do their job properly, because of that there is also the salary problem that is not taken care of properly."
  121. What's going on here? The attackers turned themselves in - the police closed the case. Following Honenu's request, a re-investigation was opened, News 0404 , Aug 8, 2021.

    Two ultra-Orthodox Jews from Jerusalem who made their way from the City of David to the Western Wall were attacked by two Arabs. When police arrived at the scene, the attackers fled, but left their vehicle with a telephone in the street. The attackers turned themselves in to police, but the case was closed. Following an appeal filed by Adv. Haim Bleicher of the Honenu organization, the case was reopened and transferred to the Jerusalem Prosecutor's Office. The attack occurred when M. and his friend were on their way to the garbage gate. A vehicle with two of-minorities (Arabs) stopped next to them, and the driver of the vehicle began cursing and teasing them. When he saw that they were not being treated, he got out of his car with another Arab and punched them.

    M., a father of children, described the chain of events "We got off the Western Wall in the direction of the City of David, and suddenly a car with Arab passengers stopped next to us, who started cursing and teasing. "Before, when the driver hit my friend at the same time," he described.
  122. Yair Kraus, Lighter sentences against 3 Arabs from Haifa who were convicted of acts of terrorism, arson, robbery and rioting, Makor Rishon, 11/09/2022

    The district court in Haifa continues to treat the cases of lynchings and nationalist riots during the Guardian of the Walls riots in May of last year as criminal incidents and pursues a lenient punishment policy. Thus, last week, Judge Erez Porat sentenced three Arab residents of Haifa who were convicted of acts of terrorism, arson of a Jew, robbery and rioting, to the lowest level required by the legislator and ignoring considerations of public deterrence. Judge Porat, who is known for his lenient approach towards the rioters of the Guardian of the events in May of last year, determined that Adam Omar [آدم عمر] and Adam Eskafi [آدم اسكافي] will be sentenced to 7 and 8 years in prison and their friend Yazan Harb [مدونة شخصية] will be imprisoned for only 38 months. Despite the serious convictions attributed to them, the judge determined that the three convicts, residents of the city of Haifa with no criminal record, will be punished at the lower limit set by the legislator and not more severely. The three young men were convicted of making Molotov cocktails, throwing them at Jews and robbing a scooter while shouting that Jews "won't come here anymore, this is our neighborhood". According to the indictment, Adam Omar and Yazan Harb produced ten Molotov cocktails on the night of May 11, 2021 and the next night, arrived with the Molotov cocktails and stones, together with other friends, on HaAtsma'ut Street in Haifa and waited for an opportunity to attack Jewish passers-by. When they noticed two messengers on scooters, one of which was flying the Israeli flag, they waited for them to stop at a red light and attacked them. Adam Eskafi set the scooter on fire. Later Eskafi threw two burning Molotov cocktails at one of the Jewish drivers who started to set himself on fire. Yazan Harb also threw a Molotov cocktail at the Jews, but the fire caught his shirt. They even participated in throwing stones at the Jews. According to the indictment, the following night, the three, together with their friends, drove to the Hadar neighborhood of Haifa and loudly played a song full of hostile and violent nationalist expressions. During the trip, escapees shot fireworks at a Jewish vehicle, and when they encountered a Jewish pizza delivery man, they chased him, stopped him on the side of the road, cursed him, hit him with a stone and a stick, shot off fireworks and warned him that "they won't come in here again. This is our neighborhood." They robbed the scooter and fled the scene. In his decision, Judge Erez Porat noted that throwing a Molotov cocktail was considered a dangerous weapon and the actions of the young Arabs from Haifa were to "strike fear in the hearts of all the Jewish residents of the city". Although the range of punishment that could have been imposed against the three, according to the legislator's decision, is 13 years in prison against Adam Eskafi, 11 years in prison against Yazan Harb, and about 6 years in prison against Adam Omar, Porat stated that all three will be sentenced to the lower end of the punishment range. A [top] senior litigator in the north with whom we spoke harshly criticized Porat's ruling and the policy of the state attorney's office and the judicial system which does not consider incidents of disturbances in the Guardian of the Walls as serious nationalist events but treats them with criminal punishment. "Section 40 G of the amendment to the Penal Law explicitly states that in cases where the deterrence of the masses is required, an appropriate punishment at the highest level within the scope of punishment is important," says the lawyer who works in the public system. According to him, "The courts and also in the State Attorney's Office usually treat incidents as ordinary criminal and not as racist incidents during nationalist riots and do not demand a harsher punishment according to the lawmaker's order. Judge Erez Porat set a punishment complex at the lower bar, so it is clear to him that the lightest punishment is what they deserve."

    According to the source, "the judges, especially in the Haifa district, do not understand this and repeatedly resort to the leniency policy and the Supreme Court time and time again corrects the sentences and makes the punishment worse. The attitude in Haifa to the rioters is like criminal offenders. Not nationalist offenses."
  123. Yaron Doron, Itzik Saban, After the attempted attack: a political source said that Israel expects the Palestinian Authority to intervene, ILH, Sep 8, 2022.

    "The situation is explosive - fear of deterioration" The Palestinian from Nablus aroused the suspicion of the Tel Aviv district police officers - They saw him with the bag, and upon inspection they found a Carlo-type rifle and two tube charges - The policeman who caught the terrorist: "We saw something metal coming out of the bag, which was very heavy. We immediately identified the weapon" - Commissioner Kobi Shabtai at the scene: "The vigilance of the police officers prevented a mass attack" - A relative of the terrorist who is suspected of helping him, was arrested at Tapah Junction... "He says he was looking for a mass area to shoot and massacre."

  124. Liran Levy, The terrorist who planned to carry out an attack in Tel Aviv previously told the police: "Wants to be a martyr", YNet, Sep 8, 2022.
  125. Josh Breiner @JoshBreiner Tweeted (Sep 23, 2022):
    This is really a crazy decision. Supreme Court Judge Khaled Kabub orders the release of Sheikh of Lod Yusef Elbaz from detention despite the district's decision to keep him in custody, and despite a 20-month prison sentence for a case of assault and threats, and despite another indictment against him for incitement and against the recommendation of the probation service. Kabub: " You have to be satisfied with a 'yellow card'.
  126. [Journalist] Liran Tamari:
    A few days ago, me and another journalist had their car windows broken during the clashes in Sheikh Jarrah. Well, the neighborhood that is near the national headquarters and the Internal security minister's office. No fewer than 5 police security cameras recorded the incident, but why investigate if the investigation file can be closed after a day. [20]
    (Oct 15, 2022)

    (Kojak Replying to @liran__tamari: And you are a journalist who can make a fuss about such an attitude. Imagine that this is the answer most Israeli citizens receive when they file a complaint on any issue. Ohana Replying to @liran__tamari: @IL_police Shhh.... busy harassing the Jews.).

  127. First publication: a Bedouin from the Negev was recorded on TikTok shooting an M16 - the prosecutor's office dismissed the case, Now 14, Nov 27 2022.

    A Bedouin resident of the Diaspora in the Negev recorded himself about two weeks ago shooting an M16 and sharing on TikTok to thousands of his followers, tonight, we are announcing for the first time that the prosecutor's office has decided to shelve the case. [21] About two weeks ago, a resident of the Bedouin diaspora in the Negev started a Tiktok Live during Shabbat, in which he recorded himself driving the Negev roads not far from Beer Sheva while shooting with an M16 rifle. Everything is documented. A day later the police arrested him and he was taken in for questioning. Tonight we published in the main edition that despite the clear documentation of that Bedouin firing a weapon in the middle of a trip - the prosecutor's office decided to shelve the case. The prosecutor's office told us in response to these: "After examining all the evidence in the case, it emerged that the suspect cannot be convicted beyond a reasonable doubt. In light of the above, the case in his case was dismissed."

    Bedouin crime in the Negev is only increasing, and once again, this incident illustrates to us once again that even if the police make arrests as in this case, not infrequently the prosecutor's office or the courts release the suspects, thus creating a deep crisis in deterrence against the criminals in the south.
  128. Almost a lynching of worshipers in Ramla - the rioters were released "Ramla is not Ramallah, they demand security", 0404 News, 11/19/2022.

    Residents gathered on Shabbat evening for prayer next to a family home that was attacked by a stone attack, when suddenly Arab rioters attacked the worshippers. The rioters attacked with severe violence that included fists, clubs and throwing rocks, objects and chairs at the Jews. The residents called the police, drove the women and children to a nearby house and tried to protect themselves. Large forces of the Israel Defense Forces arrived at the scene and arrested three rioters. Despite the severe lynching attempt, the violent rioters were released after a few hours at the station. This serious incident joins two stone attacks that took place in the neighborhood on Friday, in which the windshield of a Jewish family's car was smashed and stones were thrown at the home of another Jewish family. "It's just absolute madness what happened here at the beginning of Shabbat. Arab rioters are rampaging and attacking anyone who comes near. By a miracle disaster and blood was avoided here" - said Yair, one of the worshipers who was there, "We are busy calming the little children who saw this lynching attempt in the center of the State of Israel." The director of Amishev said in response: "Ramla is not Ramallah. We need security and peace for our children! Shattering a sun on Friday and almost being lynched on Saturday is an unimaginable reality. It is very serious that the rioters are released after a few hours with nothing.

    We are turning to the next government with the demand that if the country wants life, we must act hard against the violators. Prosecuting with serious charges and ending the containment of all incidents of violence. This is the only way to bring peace to the neighborhood."
  129. Liran baruch @BaruchLiran: (Nov 25, 2022):
    You won't believe how stupid we are right now hospitalized in the children's ward next to my son and a smiling terrorist who threw stones at our forces in Ni'lin and was shot by the 101 battalion. He gets a VIP room alone, plenty of food, 2 guards and is happy to the sky. I hope the camp will be stopped soon.
  130. Violence on the roads: Only after two appeals by the Honenu organization was an indictment filed against the attackers, News 0404, 13/12/2022.

    In the Tel Aviv Magistrate's Court, an indictment was filed against 44-year-old Shadi Abdel Hai [شادي عبد الحي], a resident of Tira [الطـّيرة], who, together with others, attacked a Jewish driver on the road in March 2022, after he was warned about his driving. The indictment was filed after the Honenu organization, through attorney Haim Bleicher, twice appealed to the appeals department at the State Attorney's Office against the closing of the case, only after the appeals was it recently decided to file an indictment against one of the attackers. According to the indictment, filed through the Tel Aviv Prosecution Unit, the Jews' car was stuck in a traffic jam on the road in Petach Tikva when Shadi tried to enter the Jew's lane by force, causing him to deviate from his lane to avoid an accident. When the Jew told Shadi about his actions, Shadi stopped his car in the middle of the road, got out of it with his friends and together with them began to kick the Jew's car and damage it. The Jew managed to escape from the scene, but Shadi and his friends chased him in their car, caught up with him and attacked him with their fists while trying to open the car door and get him out. At one point the Jew managed to escape from the scene while Shadi and his friends threw glass bottles at his car. The indictment attributes to Shadi the offense of malicious damage to property together and simple assault together. In the appeals filed by Attorney Bleicher against the closing of the case, Bleicher stated that: "The conduct of the police in the case has the effect of giving impetus to further acts of violence by those groups of Islamic terrorists, who take advantage of every opportunity to carry out their acts of violence against Jews, the impression must be urgently corrected created," Bleicher wrote.

    Attorney Bleicher said after the indictment was filed: "The citizens of Israel live under severe Islamic violence on all fronts. In the last year and a half, many incidents of violence against Jewish drivers throughout the country come to our attention. There is an urgent need for full prosecution of those attackers, as this violence has become a scourge and threatens the security of every Israeli citizen," said Bleicher.
  131. Amit Segal @amit_segal: [22] (Dec 15, 2022).
    Sorry, but how come three despicable murderers who are released are going to meet the relatives of their murdered next month, and the Knesset does nothing?
    Amit Segal on Instagram, 16.12.22. Rotter, 16.12.22.

    The Forum of the Bereaved Families of Terror Victims Fails to Promote Legislation Against Terrorists Against the Incoming Right-Wing Government.

    After twenty years A loaded Egged Amos bus, line 37, left on March 5th 2003 from the central station in Haifa on the way to the university. Forty minutes later, on Sderot Moriah, it exploded with a tremendous noise. 17 Israelis, including a father and son and another eight school students were murdered by a Hamas suicide bomber. Munir Rajabi [منير عجابي], an Israeli Arab resident of Haifa, helped plan the attack. He was sentenced to life imprisonment. This coming March, exactly twenty years after the attack, Rajabi is expected to be released and return to Haifa, the place of residence of his 14 victims. He will be able to get on line 37 as he pleases. Maybe he will meet Yossi Tzur on the street by chance. His son, Assaf Tzur, was a 17-year-old boy who was murdered in the attack. This week, while the Knesset is busy with personal laws and exchanging insults, Yossi arrived at the Mishkan together with the "Choosing Life" forum made up of the bereaved families to ask for two laws to be passed that would slightly moderate the liberation celebrations planned soon for Rajabi. The first, a law denying citizenship to terrorists who receive a salary from the Palestinian Authority; The second, the law that limits the return of a person convicted of an act of terrorism to the environment of the victims of the crime, similar to an existing section that protects victims of sexual offenses and which allowed the released prisoner .. to be removed from Tel Aviv.

    Rajabi is not alone. In three weeks, the cousins Karim and Maher Younes [كريم ، ماهر يونس] are supposed to be released. In 1980 they murdered the soldier Avraham Bromberg who boarded their vehicle as a hitchhiker. After he struggled with his captors, they shot him with their weapons and left him to die on the side of the road. They were sentenced to death, which was commuted to life imprisonment. Now, they are supposed to be freed and return to live in Arara, near Avraham Bromberg's family home in Zichron Ya'akov. Merav Hajjaj, the mother of the late Shir Hajjaj and a prominent activist in the forum, is anxiously following the preparations for the liberation celebrations. She discovered this week that in the Palestinian Authority's media, in the prestigious place above the main headline, there is a countdown to their release. "They have prepared apartments full of everything for them "Good, and huge convoys are being organized to accompany them," she said. To my astonishment, the government of the rulers and the full right wing that appears does not open its doors, it is busy with other things...

    (From Amit Segal's column in Yedioth Ahronoth, [December 15, 2022]).
  132. Ilana Curiel, 5 years in prison for a young man who sexually assaulted a 10-year-old, in a case that rocked the Negev: "belittling and humiliating", YNet, November 9, 2022.

    Almost two years after a 17-year-old from the Bedouin diaspora broke into the house where the girl lived, attacked her, committed an indecent act on her and tried to commit a sodomy act, his sentence was handed down. The prosecution demanded 10 years in prison, the judges took into account "extenuating circumstances". Her father: "I didn't expect justice." The victim's family agreed to a plea deal with the attacker to prevent her from testifying... The girl's sister said: "The defendant was released and entered the court with a smile from ear to ear, along with his guide and his family. We didn't expect anything in court, but I was surprised to hear the sentence. Five years? The whole family was hurt." The family and her lawyers agreed to the plea deal in order to prevent the girl from testifying. The representative of the prosecutor's office, attorney Yariv Tsari, explained that they wanted to prevent the girl from testifying: "This is an investigation that by all accounts will be difficult and will have to go into the most intimate details." ...According to the amended indictment, the attacker, then 17 years old, arrived in the dead of night in February last year with two others, one of them 16 years old, to a settlement in the south of the country. The two boys broke into the victim's house while the two were sleeping in their rooms, while the third was waiting for them in the car. At one point, the defendant entered one of the bedrooms where the 10-year-old girl and her younger siblings were at the time. He sat down next to the girl who was awake and kissed her hard on the face. The girl asked the accused to explain his actions and he told her "don't worry", but despite this he attempted sodomy on her. He then left the room and the girl called her father. The accused and the other boy left the house, ran to the car where their older accomplice was waiting for them and left the place. The case shocked the entire Negev. Former Prime Minister Naftali Bennett defined the sexual assault as "nationalistic rape", and in March of last year, before being appointed to the position, appealed to Defense Minister Benny Gantz to recognize the assault as a "terrorist incident". Bennett then tweeted that "the Israeli government has lost the Negev. We will get it back into our hands." On Monday, a hearing was held in the courtroom of Judge Judith Shitzer in the Tel Aviv District Court on the appeal filed by attorney Roni Aloni-Sedovnik, who represents the victim and her family, against the Ministry of Defense's decision not to recognize the girl as a victim of hostilities.

    The appeal was filed after a petition submitted to the High Court on the matter was deleted. "The officials at the Ministry of Defense cannot determine that there is no nationalist aspect to the crime in the Negev," said Attorney Aloni-Sedovnik. "The crime is committed by Bedouins against Jews."
  133. Kann News @Kann_news (Nov 9, 2022):

    A., the father of the girl who was sexually attacked in the south, and after the sentence to the attacker: 'I did not expect anything from the court. They are looking to relieve minorities [Arabs] and not thoughtful of deterrent and the victims. The state has abandoned its children. I do not live with confidence at all, but in the intention of all the time, why wouldn't this happen again with such penalties?' @Mayarachlin. [imprisonment for sexual attacker of 10-years-old.

    A 19-years-old was sentenced to 5 years in prison and a fine after she attacked a girl in her bed in the South of the country].
  134. Kann News @kann_news tweeted: (Nov 9, 2022):
    The plague of light punishments: A resident of the Bedouin diaspora broke into an IDF base in the south causing security and financial damage - and only received half a year of service work. @shelleytap with the story #The evening news.
  135. Liran Temari, "Planned Ambush": Documenting the lynching attempt in a Jewish family in Beit Hanina, Jerusalem Mynet, 25.10.22.
    The Israel Police today released, documentation of the attempted lynching of a Jewish family from Neve Ya'akov during Sukkot. In the footage, dozens of young people are seen blocking the road, throwing stones at the vehicle and chasing after it. The incident ended without injuries, but heavy damage was caused to the family's car...
  136. 136.0 136.1 Ido Ben Porat, Chief Justice Yitzhak Amit released terrorists who attacked a Jewish family in Beit Hanina: "Arrest is difficult for them", INN, 1.12.22.

    About two months ago, a Jewish family was attacked with stones in the Beit Hanina neighborhood in Israel. Several rioters were arrested and charged. Last week the district court decided to release them to house arrest. The attorney's office appealed to the Supreme Court, but Judge Yitzhak Amit rejected the appeal. ...when the family passed by, the vandals started throwing stones at her car, smashed the car's windows, and even tried to open the car's doors. At one point, when a stone hit the window by which the mother of the family was sitting, another terrorist approached and smashed the window completely, and his friend put his hand in and tried to punch the woman in the head. A large stone thrown at the baby's seat hit the seat and miraculously landed between his legs. Only after many minutes did the family manage to escape from the place while some of them were injured. The police opened an investigation into the incident and arrested a number of those involved, but as mentioned last week, the District Youth Court in Jerusalem ordered their release to house arrest.

    Attorney Haim Bleicher from the Honenu organization representing the family attacked the court's decision and said: "The murder attacks against Israeli citizens are repeated again and again, but in an unimaginable way the courts release the same terrorists time and time again into the streets of the cities. It's a shame that the courts prefer the interests of the convenience of the terrorists over the security interests of the citizens of Israel," Bleicher said.
  137. [Law and the diaspora writer at @glzradio] Evyatar Baron (Dec 1, 2022):
    We reported at @efitriger: Three youths accused of lynching a Jewish family in Beit Hanina in the last Sukkot, where a rock landed between the legs of a one-year-old baby, were released to house arrest. The reasoning: "They come from normative families and it is difficult for them in detention." The prosecution appealed the decision to the Supreme Court, but the appeal was rejected.
  138. The father of the family who went through a lynch attempt at Beit Hanina attacks the judge's decision, Dec 1, 2022.

    The main points of the father: The court preceded the discussion so that he and his advocate did not attend the release. We could be easily killed - attacked us closely with large stones.

    Is there only if there are bodies can be worse in punishment? Father wonders what message passes on the release, to the friends of the terrorists and fear that now that they are released, they will try to harass his family life. The situation in the house did not return to the routine - his wife is not working and the children are in the process of recovery. [23]
  139. itzik cohen⁦ @Itzik_co_ (Dec 1, 2022):
    So Judge Amit saw fit to release Arab rioters who stoned and smashed the car windows of a Jewish family who narrowly escaped a brutal lynching, with toddlers sitting in the back seat. Arguing that the pogromists "come from good families". The outburst of sensitivity shown in the court in these cases is amazing.
  140. C. Luz, 'News Hidden from the Press':

    Fresh story - A Jew, Y. R. from the city of Ramla, he was burned in 5781 2021-Riots from a Molotov cocktail thrown at him by a an 'Arab' resident. The burns are also on the neck (not shown here in the pictures). He had in his hands the bottle in which they tried to murder him. The police said the bottle was not needed, and it was thrown away. The bottle thrower was arrested, confessed, and... released. Yes, you heard right.

    He was released this week. The investigation was closed - there is no evidence.
    May 4, 2022.
  141. Haim Tawil, Kick in the stomach, box to face: Arab attacked a yeshiva student - the case was closed immediately, CH 10, March 31, 2020.

    A yeshiva student was attacked in the Old City during the Purim holiday in Jerusalem - The guy filed a complaint with the police, but after three days the case was closed for no reason - Adv. Haim Bleicher of the Honenu organization:

    "The police need a new opening of the case."
  142. Slaughtered in their beds - Indictment describes: This is how Yehuda and Tamar Kaduri and Ivan Tarnowski were murdered, Rotter, Apr 18, 2022.

    Notice from the State Attorney's Office:

    The Jerusalem District Attorney's Office (Criminal) filed an indictment in the city district court against Wasim Assayed (34), a resident of Hebron, for three terrorist attacks in which he killed three people and tried to kill two more and injured them, all for nationalist motives and being a member of the ISIS terrorist organization.

    In 2014, the defendant swore allegiance to the terrorist organization ISIS.

    On January 8, 2019, the defendant entered Israeli territory carrying two knives in order to kill Jews out of a nationalist and ideological motive.

    According to the indictment, filed by attorneys Erez Padan and Yuval Kedar of the Jerusalem District Attorney's Office, the defendant arrived in Jerusalem in the Armon Hanatziv neighborhood and wandered the neighborhood streets with the intent to locate a Jewish victim and murder him. Defendant spotted a girl walking down the street and began to follow her quickly as he skipped up the stairs. When he got her, he pulled out the knife and started stabbing her in the neck and trying to slash it. The girl cried out in pain and the defendant fled the scene quickly. A day after the assassination attempt, the defendant once again returned to the scene with the intent to kill Jews.

    At around 21:30 in the evening, the defendant noticed Yehuda Kadouri wearing a skullcap, getting out of the vehicle while driving, unpacking bags of groceries and walking towards the apartment. Defendant followed Yehuda Kadouri some distance, followed him into the building and followed him while watching his actions as he entered the apartment. Shortly afterwards, Yehuda Kadouri left the apartment and returned to his car. Defendant saw this, opened the apartment door and entered it. The defendant moved between the rooms in the apartment and found Tamar Kadouri in her bed in the bedroom where he stabbed her in the neck several times until her death. The defendant hid in one of the rooms in the apartment while waiting for the return of Yehuda Kadouri in order to kill him and surprised him at the door. Defendant stabbed him until he collapsed and passed away.

    After the murder of the Kadouri couple, in the morning the defendant left the apartment taking several rings from the deceased's room worth thousands of new shekels, as well as cash from the deceased's wallet.

    The indictment further states that in March 2022 the defendant entered Israel with the aim of killing Jews while carrying a bag containing barbed wire, an electric shocker with a flashlight, pepper spray, and a knife with a blade about 15 cm long and wearing gloves on his hands. The defendant climbed the separation fence between A-Ram and Beit Hanina and entered Israel, with his face to the city of Jerusalem.

    The defendant arrived late at night in the Armon Hanatziv neighborhood, wandered the streets of the neighborhood with the intention of locating a Jewish victim and murdering him out of a nationalist and ideological motive. The defendant entered a building in the neighborhood and opened the front door to one of the apartments in the building holding the knife in one hand and the shocker in the other. The defendant noticed Ivan Tarnowski (a Moldovan citizen) and two other people sleeping in their beds. Since he believed they were Jews and according to his early plan, the defendant went to Ivan's bed and stabbed him while he was sleeping with the knife a deep stab in the neck. The defendant then turned to the extra bed that was in the room and began stabbing the other person as well with a deep stab in the neck. Ivan got out of bed and stood in the room and the defendant fled the apartment quickly, with the deceased leaving the apartment following him. The defendant fled the building and the deceased returned to the apartment and collapsed in the doorway of the room where he inflated his soul.

    The indictment attributes to the defendant the commission of aggravated murder offenses, an act of terrorism of attempted murder, an act of terrorism of aggravated sabotage and injury, membership in a terrorist organization and other offenses.

    Please note that the prosecution requested that the publication of a few details of the indictment be prohibited in order to maintain the dignity and privacy of the deceased.

    Efrat Oren

    Spokeswoman for the legal units.
  143. Tobias Siegal, Emanuel Fabiant, Islamic State supporter indicted for murder of three Jerusalem residents, TOI, Apr 18, 2022.
    Wasim a-Sayed, 34, a Palestinian from Hebron, was detained last month; he is accused in killings of Kaduri couple in 2019 and Moldovan foreign worker Ivan Tarnovski in 2022.
  144. Shlomi Heller, The suspect in the murder of the Kadouri couple: an ISIS terrorist who was already in prison - and was released, Walla News, Apr 14, 2022.

    Wassim Assayed, a Palestinian resident of Hebron, was arrested between 2018-2015 for ISIS activity. A few months after his release he was arrested again for incitement and membership in the organization, and sent to prison for two and a half years. He was released about a month ago and immediately committed another murder. "I decided to murder Jews for myself and for Allah," he said during his interrogation.

    The suspect in a number of murders and attempted murders in Jerusalem is Wassim Assayed, an ISIS terrorist who has been arrested and released several times, and has acted for nationalist motives. His investigation revealed that he was looking for his victims at random, and set himself the goal of murdering Jews in the belief that this would advance ISIS 'aspirations and ideology.

    Assayed, a 34-year-old Palestinian resident of Hebron, is described as an indifferent, secretive and strict. During his interrogation, he said, "I did not tell anyone, that was my secret. I decided to murder Jews for me and for Allah."

    Assayed was banned between 2015 and 2018 due to activity in the ISIS infrastructure that planned to carry out attacks against Israeli targets. After his release from prison in Israel, he was detained by the Palestinian Authority for several months, and in January 2019 he was arrested again in Israel. He was prosecuted for incitement and membership in a hostile organization. At the end of the prison term - he was transferred to a long administrative detention of about two and a half years from which he was recently released.
  145. Permitted for publication: The murder of the Kadouri couple - an ISIS-inspired attack, Jerusalem Net, 04/14/22.
    The terrorist, Wasim Assayed, a 34-year-old illegal immigrant from Hebron, is also responsible for the attempted murder of Hadar Bezalel and the murder of a Moldovan citizen in the Arnona neighborhood in the capital. Assayed was arrested by chance by Border Police forces, without knowing that he had any connection to the cases, and a knife with the blood of the Moldovan citizen on it was found in his bag. - Assayed was in administrative detention between 2018-2015, and 2020-2019 - Method of operation: entered the victims' apartment when the door was open and slit their throats.
  146. Gilad Morag, Conducted contacts with global jihad, imprisoned separately: This is the terrorist who confessed to the murder of the Kadouri couple, Ynet, 04/14/22.
    The terrorist, Wasim Assayed, a 34-year-old illegal immigrant from Hebron, is also responsible for the attempted murder of Hadar Bezalel and the murder of a Moldovan citizen in the Arnona neighborhood in the capital. Assayed was arrested by chance by Border Police forces, without knowing that he had any connection to the cases, and a knife with the blood of the Moldovan citizen on it was found in his bag. - Assayed was in administrative detention between 2018-2015, and 2020-2019 - Method of operation: entered the victims' apartment when the door was open and slit their throats.
  147. Josh Breiner: The GSS is the one who recommended to the police to abandon the nationalist direction in the murder of the Kadouri couple, he was already arrested by the GSS, released and murdered again, Rotter, 04/14/22.

    "Because of the GSS 'failure, the police have in fact almost abandoned the national level" - the journalist Josh Brainer from Israel on cracking the murder of the Kadouri couple from 2019: "Someone has to give an account of how this thing is happening."

    The suspect's apartment contained findings linking him to the murder of the late Kadouri family.
  148. May.10.19: Apparently Arabs drew swastikas, vandalized the cemetery and set fire to the synagogue in Bnei Ayish. Utter silence. DP, Mar 29, 2022.
  149. Miriam Agadi, An Arab attacked a Jew from zero range, and was released without restrictions, Srugim News, 28.10.21.

    A minority boy attacked a yeshiva boy in the Old City of Jerusalem. The attacker cursed, threatened and sprayed pepper spray from zero range. He was questioned by police, but the court released him after several hours without any restriction. Last Sunday, a minority-member (Arab) attacked a Jewish yeshiva student in the Christian Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem.

    The young Jew, a 21-year-old yeshiva student from the Old City of Jerusalem, rode his bicycle on his way home. Suddenly he was overtaken by a minority-member who was also riding a bicycle, and shouted loudly in his ear.
  150. [City council member] Gary Koren, June 19, 2022:

    Look where we have come in Haifa. Residents who are subjected to nationalistic attacks by Arabs are afraid to even complain to the police.

    This is the lowest level and a complete disgrace of the lack of security and governance.
  151. Haifa news and news, June 6, 2022.

    Eyal Levkovitz writes:

    "Talpiot Market in Haifa is the most interesting and developing area in Haifa, perhaps in Israel. What is happening here is a kind of miracle and I am truly proud and happy to be a part of all this happening here. But alongside the development and the rise in real estate prices, we suffer here from severe crime that makes life here unbearable.

    An hour ago I went for a walk and shopping at the indoor market with my dog and a friend's dog. At the exit from the market, right next to Shadi's crackers, sat a loose German shepherd blocking the exit. I tried to leave the place and the dog attacked my dog (who is a small dog, completely helpless in the situation). I used my legs to stop him from killing my dog and then I was attacked by two young guys, one of them threatened me with a hammer, the other pushed and spat at me. I ran from the covered market towards the upper market until I saw two inspectors from the Haifa Municipality's (Urban Patrol Unit, Haifa Municipality) inspectors, and I thought I would be safe there. The attackers chased me, and one of them hit me in the face with a black cloth object, under which was something metallic, apparently a hammer. I fell on the floor and for a moment I could not see because my eyes were filled with blood.

    I wiped my eyes, the attackers were still around, and yelled at the inspectors to hold them until the police arrived (they have the authority to do that). With stunned eyes I saw how they just let them go.

    I was attacked at two different points in the market, and what hurts me the most is that no one really intervened. I, who was with two dogs that I held in one hand, was not able to defend myself (if the dogs were not with me, the story would have ended completely differently). I met police officers on the way, they asked me to file a complaint. "What's the point?" I thought to myself, after all, the partners of the Talpiot market have had immunity, for years, otherwise how do you explain that these guys allow themselves to attack a person with a hammer in broad daylight, or keep a dangerous dog loose in the indoor market without anyone ordering them to tie it up.

    In any case, I'm writing this while the wounds are still bleeding, and before I go to the emergency room, it's important for me to publish my case, which is one of hundreds of cases of violence here in the neighborhood every year, so that the market traders' committees will also wake up and decide that there is no way in the world that hammers hit people in the face on their property. And for the Israel Police and Haifa Municipality to understand that the residents here are really, really fed up.

    Regarding filing a complaint with the police, I'm still undecided... My level of trust in the institutions of this country is zero, and if I file such a complaint, then there is a real chance that my store will be burned down this week, but on the other hand, it's hard for me to let these scum get away without punishment.

    Well, I moved, to get myself stitched.'
  152. Shimon Ifergan, He warned the owners that their aggressive dog was loose - and was hit on the head with a hammer, Mako, 07.06.22.
    A resident of Haifa who was walking around Talpiot market in the city noticed a German shepherd walking loose and attacking his dog. He did not think that a note to the owner that the dog was loose and dangerous to the environment would lead to hammer blows on his head and treatment in the hospital. "They jumped on me, I got a lot of blood from my head," he recalled. The police arrested a suspect in the act, a 26-year-old resident of Haifa.
  153. The day I was almost murdered, here, in the heart of the market, near the house - Eyal Levkovitch, HaiPo Staff - Haifa News, June 10, 2022.

    .... I've only seen the look in the eyes of the guy who hit me twice in my life, and I'm already forty years old. A look that is a mixture of madness, hatred, violence and animality. Fortunately for me, the other times this look was not directed at me. This time yes. And as I lay on the floor, wiping the blood from my eyes, I still saw them there. The two brothers are trying to get to me to finish the job, the two inspectors block their way, and people run to me with a bottle of water, and I sit there and scream for them to be arrested, not realizing that those inspectors who work for minimum wage do not really have the authority to make an arrest, and there is no justification for them to endanger their life itself for me.

    It's been four days since the event and I have no idea what's going on. Who is or are in custody, what are their names, until when are they in custody, when will they be required to arrive at the station. I live in a paralyzing uncertainty within which I try to extract every possible piece of information.

    To apply pressure, I was interviewed for Amnon Levy's show, and for Zvika Hadar's morning show. Until now I haven't watched the interviews, I can't see it. I spoke with two members of the Knesset, with dozens of people in the market and quite a few journalists and investigators. Nowhere has the story been described faithfully to reality, so at this point I will sort things out here.

    I didn't comment to anyone in the market. I'm not stupid enough to tell criminals about their dog. My dog was attacked by a loose dog, and I protected him with my leg. I didn't kick any dog, and I didn't start a fight with anyone.

    The attacking guy pulled a hammer on me in the indoor market. At this point I fled to the upper market in Sirkin. When I was attacked I saw something black fly towards my face. I still don't know for sure what it was. At first I thought it was the hammer that was wrapped in cloth, later I thought it might have been the barrier of the attacking dog. Information I received from an outside party points to an iron chain. Anyway, the object that blew my face was made of metal, that much I know.

    The attempt of some people in the Talpiot market to present the case in front of the media as a "fight between two people" shocks me. I would expect the market committee to come in at 100 km/h on anyone who dares to raise a hand on a customer in the market and rip him off. So far this has not happened, and I am very attentive to their behavior and it will determine how I decide to deal with this matter in the future.

    And about all the people who ask me how I can help. So I have an answer for you. Stop for a moment and feel your anger... feel this anger and do something with it. And I'm not talking about conversations in coffee shops, or sharing statuses on Facebook. I'm talking about a real scream. Make phone calls, apply pressure in the right places if you have connections, help me and the people who live here in the neighborhood create a reality where there is no situation where a man who goes for a walk with his dog in the morning is almost murdered by two criminals who are sure they are above the law, and the police are on their d#ck, that (are sure) they are the "owners" of the place, That whatever they will do - they will not be accountable.

    Shout as loud as you can and wherever you can so that the next time someone is attacked here in the neighborhood, it will be a serious matter and not just another routine.
  154. S. Mograby shared a post. August 1, 2022:

    Where are the news editions? Where are the newspaper headlines?

    Oh it's a Jew who was almost murdered from a lynching by Arabs, not the opposite ... it's not news. It's on a daily basis. It's sad about our country we can not hang out anywhere without fear.
  155. Shimon Cohen, Swastikas on the door - "Neighbors conflict", INN , July 2, 2012.

    When Moshe Cordova from the Old City of Jerusalem complained against Arabs spray-painting swastikas on the door of his house, the police recorded that it was a "neighbors' conflict." Why?

    On the door of Moshe Cordova's house in the Old City of Jerusalem, Arabs spray-painted swastikas, and this is not the first time. When he arrived at the police station he was told that this was a neighbors dispute and not beyond that. In the Channel 7 diary he recounts the events of the night.

    "I live on Saraya Street, not far from the Western Wall. When I returned from work I saw the inscriptions on the door. This is the second time. They spray-painted swastikas on our doors. It looks like Europe, but it happens here in Jerusalem," he says.

    The previous case occurred on the last Sukkot. "We had guests and it bothered them to see that we had a lot of guests so they spray-painted swastikas."

    It turns out, as mentioned, that this is not a single and isolated event. More than once, a group of young Arabs sit on the steps of a threshold and prevent the possibility of opening the door of the house. "Sometimes we think twice about going out," he says of the fear of going out to a group of young Arabs clinging to the door.

    One of the incidents took place last Saturday night, "they blocked the entrance and one of them also picked up a stone and threw it at us."

    Cordova points out that the rioters are known to him by their names and are also known to the police, but when they filed a complaint about the spraying of swastikas it was written in the complaint form that it was a 'neighbors' conflict' and nothing more…

    It should be noted that this area of the Old City is networked with security cameras that ostensibly allow them to be opened and the sprayers seen while committing the act, but things are not being done. Cordova also says that in the Sukkot event, the operating boys were captured, but the police released them for lack of evidence.

    "If the police wanted to take care of them, they know how to do it," says Córdova, and when asked if he is not afraid to complain that he will be swallowed up later, he adds that "the Arabs respect the force," and therefore he himself is not afraid at all.
  156. Yossi Eli, News - In Israel nrg - Swastikas were spray-painted on a Jewish home in East Jerusalem, NRG, Makor Rishon , July 2, 2012.
    A number of abusive graffiti in Arabic were also written on the wall of the house where a Jewish family lives. Residents of the neighborhood said "this is not the first time this has happened".
  157. B. Leizerowitz, "The prosecutor's office filed an appeal against the sentence of an Arab who attacked Jews", Radio Kol Chai, Jan 6, 2022.

    The prosecutor's office is appealing to the Supreme Court against the sentence of an Arab who attacked and wounded two Jews who were on their way to the Western Wall, and the district court sentenced him to only 11 months in prison: "The Criminal Department of the State Attorney's Office today (Thursday) submitted to the Supreme Court a notice of appeal against the sentence of a defendant, who was convicted of racially motivated injury of two Jews who were on their way to pray at the Western Wall, and sentenced to only 11 months in prison.

    The prosecution's position in the appeal notice, "the sentence imposed on the defendant is too lenient and does not match the severity of his actions, and especially the aggravating circumstance of committing racially motivated violent offenses, during a period characterized by numerous incidents of nationalist and racist attacks in Jerusalem."

    The prosecution believes that in a case where the defendant wounded two innocent people who were walking on a city street on their way to pray in a place sacred to them due to a racist motive, the appropriate punitive response is significant and dissuasive punishment. "This esteemed court must convey a clear message that any incident of racist-motivated violence is a serious incident that will lead to an appropriate and dissuasive punishment. "The diversity in the population and harms the delicate fabric of living together in the cities involved and throughout the country," the appeal said.

    Defendant Uday Abu Thaya, 23, admitted that on April 24, 2121, he was driving in Jerusalem carrying a sharp object, and when he noticed two people on their way to the Western Wall, wearing Jewish-Haredi clothing and kippahs on their heads, he decided to attack them for racist motives. According to the indictment, the defendant blocked their way, shouted at them "Allahu Akhbar" and hit them in the face with the sharp object. In response, the victims managed to detain the defendant for a while to hand him over to the police authorities, but young people who had gathered in the area forcibly escaped him from their hands. As a result of the defendant's actions, the victims suffered cuts to their faces, and they required medical treatment at the hospital.

    The Jerusalem District Court convicted the defendant, according to his confession in a plea bargain, of two counts of aggravated assault motive of racism or hostility toward the public.
  158. Itamar Cohen, ""Did not look frightened": 11 months imprisonment in a plea deal for a terrorist who carried out a stabbing attack in Jerusalem", All World News, Dec 27, 2021.

    A terrorist who stabbed two Jews and lightly wounded them during Operation Wall Guard signed a plea deal of 11 months in prison and will not pay compensation, after "the wounded did not look frightened."

    According to the indictment, filed through Adv. Amichai Marx, on April 24, 21, during the month of Ramadan, the terrorist Uday Abu Thaya, an Arab special education student, a 23-year-old Jerusalem resident, was driving on Derech Nablus Street in Jerusalem while holding a sharp object. At the time, two people dressed in ultra-Orthodox Jewish clothing and wearing kippahs were walking on Derech Nablus Street. Although the wounded from the attack testify that to this day they experience anxiety, flashes, fear of the dark and the like, Judge Tamar Bar-Asher explained the mitigating arrangement because the victims were not frightened when they neutralized the terrorist. She said: "The complainants behaved with great confidence. This was reflected in the way the defendant was beaten, kicked and stepped on even though many people watched them, in that complainant A. did not seem afraid to go and try to call for help and move around freely. Even after the defendant fled, he left A. among those present at the scene in safe steps and without any fear, as well as in the case of Y.'s conduct, which it is clear that he acted confidently while he restrained the defendant to the ground with his foot and while aiming a gun at him. In these circumstances, I did not consider it appropriate to compel the defendant to compensate the complainants. " One of the wounded responded: "What did she want? That we stand and do nothing? That we go to the slaughter like sheep?

    I want to tell the terrorist that until the age of 120 I will not forget the look and lust for murder he had. Since the attack I have neither day nor night. "As my wife says, there is me before the attack and there is me after the attack."
  159. Yishai Friedman, Yeshiva students attacked, Ramla police: "Do not say it is nationalistic", Makor Rishon, 25/04/2021.
    Masked Arabs attacked high school yeshiva students in the city, for the second time in the past week. A senior local police official claimed that these were "street gangs."
  160. Ido Ben Porat, The Guardian of the Walls: Only 12 months in prison for an Arab who rioted at the Effendi Hotel in Acre, the State Attorney's Office appealed, INN, Feb 14, 2022.

    The prosecution filed an appeal against the sentence of a defendant who participated in Operation Wall Guard in acts of vandalism and rioting at a hotel in Acre.

    The Criminal Department of the State Attorney's Office submitted to the Supreme Court an appeal against the sentence of Muhammad Aswood, who during Operation Guardian of the Walls participated along with many others in a severe riot and sowing much destruction at the Effendi Hotel in Acre, for racism, and sentenced to 12 months imprisonment only.

    In the appeal, the prosecution asks the Supreme Court to significantly aggravate the defendant's sentence, since the state's position "apart from the enormous property damage, in the severe acts of vandalism - which can be described as real riots, can deeply undermine the sense of security of residents - Jews and Arabs alike. "And to harm the delicate fabric of life in Israel in general and in mixed cities such as Acre, in particular."

    The notice of appeal stated that the Supreme Court held that when dealing with offenses committed against a racial and ideological background, it is of great importance to deter the public in order to eradicate these phenomenons.... According to the indictment, the defendant, in association with many other masked men, committed acts of vandalism at the hotel, out of racist motives, but because the hotel was owned by a Jewish person, all against the background of a wave of riots and violent riots across the country. A wall guard. "

    A few minutes after the defendant left the place, others set fire to the hotel, an arson that resulted in the death of the late Avi Har Even. Following the actions of the defendant and others, the hotel suffered heavy damages worth over NIS 2 million.

    In addition, the defendant took part in another riot in Acre during the days of Operation Guardian of the Walls, during which stones and batons were thrown at police officers, roads were blocked and fireworks were fired.

    Defendant was convicted, according to his plea agreement, of committing offenses of rioting that resulted in racially motivated damage, trespassing to commit a racially motivated offense, malicious damage of racial motive and rioting.

    The Haifa District Court ruled in favor of the intensity of the violation of the protected values against the background of the fact that the acts were motivated by racism, but imposed on the defendant a sentence of only 12 months imprisonment, probation and compensation of 10,000 NIS for the victim.

    According to the prosecution's position in the appeal notice, submitted by the director of the criminal department, Adv. Rachel Matar, the sentence imposed on the defendant "does not take into account the excessive severity of committing racist offenses in general, and a turbulent period such as Operation Guardian of Walls in particular. In events such as this, it lies in the dynamics of the incited crowd, where each act of each individual person adds to and excites the crowd around him. "Limited, but the accumulation of acts creates a wave of violence and destruction," the notice of appeal stated. "In this also lies the great danger in acts such as these, the beginning of which is known, and the end of which no one can foresee."
  161. Yoni Rotenberg, "The blood is less red”, INN, 12/08/21.
  162. Kikar haShabbat News, May 3, 2021. [25].
  163. "The police are ignoring another nationalist attack in Hadera", HM News. (26 Adar II 5782 - Mar 28 '22).

    Attorney Haim Bleicher from the Honnu organization mentions that a few weeks ago a nationalist stabbing attack took place in the city of Hadera… that the police are not investigating the stabbing attack in the required way… calls on the police to thoroughly and seriously investigate the stabbing attack that took place in the city of Hadera a few weeks ago. Attorney Bleicher, who represents the injured in the incident and assists him in his rights as a victim of a crime, says that he contacted the police several times, but the police ignore his appeals and do not investigate the stabbing attack in a serious and thorough manner. "We are in pursuit of the police and there is no one to talk to, complete disregard," says Attorney Bleicher, "a Jew was brutally stabbed, severely injured, during the incident the stabbers shouted nationalist slogans, he filed an orderly, detailed complaint, and since then it has been quiet, to our astonishment the only time that the stabbed man was summoned to the police, it is only so that they would interrogate him with a warning. The serious attack this week is not a single incident in the city, the police must change diskette, that's not how you defeat terrorism, terrorism is not deterred by the police's helplessness… "Unfortunately, the desire to harm the Jewish citizens of Israel is shared by many terrorist and Islamist organizations. The many attacks are on a wide range of terrorist groups, from ISIS to Islamist terrorist operatives who live next door to us in the major cities in Israel. All of them are constantly looking for the opportunity to harm Jews in any way possible. We need to fight every phenomenon of terrorism against Jews in the State of Israel," added attorney Bleicher. We will recall that the stabbing attack, which Bleicher mentions, took place in the city of Hadera a few weeks ago. A young Jewish man who was riding his bicycle in the city, noticed two young men dressed in black riding bicycles in the opposite lane who broke into the road with a red light straight in his direction. The young man managed to escape from them and tried to continue his journey, but to his dismay he noticed that the attackers had made a U-turn and started following him. They caught up with him, cursed him with racist curses in Hebrew and Arabic, and even explicitly threatened him with murder "I will kill you Jew", the Jew began to escape. After that, one of the attackers who was riding a bicycle continued to chase the young man on his bicycle, then collided with him forcefully and with the first intention. From the force of the collision, the Jew flew off his bike, crashed on the floor and his bike was thrown far away.

    The assailant came across the young Jewish man while he was lying helpless on the road, took out a knife, and brutally stabbed him in the back several times, when in the process his friend who was riding arrived at the scene, and threw a large stone which hit the young man's back. As a result of the stabbing attack, the young Jewish man had two holes in his lungs, and he suffers from many bruises.
  164. Eldar Maman, Police presents: Thousands of stone attacks aimed at murdering Jews - who cares? Settlers have damaged Arab property - this is real "terrorism", News 0404, 24/01/2022.

    Compared to the quick report of the police, thousands of stone-throwing attacks against Jews are actually ignored by the police and very rarely issue any response or reference.

    After the police announcement, another participant in the false campaign called "Settler Violence" ...

    Of course, Ganz, like the police, has consistently refrained from addressing the stone-throwing attacks that occur daily on the roads of Judea and Samaria and the rest of our country by Arab terrorists. Just today, Jews traveling in Huwara were attacked with stones near a place where settlers threw stones at Arab property. In a case that occurred earlier, the terrorists attacked Jewish passenger vehicles in order to murder them and even caused damage. .

    Earlier on Road 465 near Deir Abu Mash'al, Jews were attacked with stones in another attack.

    Of course the two incidents were not reported by the police and did not receive an aggressive response (or any reference at all) from the Defense Minister. Jewish security? Who cares at all? Certainly not Naftali Bennett's far-left government - it is busy dealing with [so-called] "settler violence."
  165. (הצל) the shadow 20 February, 2022. [26]

    Hi Shadow, writes to you a student in haKfar haYarok (the Green Village). I wish to be anonymous. This year I started studying in a boarding school in the infamous place "The Green Village" here in this so "democratic" place has the international school "EMIS" (which you previously posted a similar post about), when I and friends, came to buy a can of Coke in a machine at "EMIS," we came across a PLO flag hanging in one of the rooms. Again, to remind you, we are talking about a government institution in Ramat Hasharon. We knocked on the window to talk to the people in the room and we spoke pleasantly: Do you have a flag of a terrorist organization in the room?' "As befits a terrorist supporter, he replied, ”Get away from my face before I break you, sons of b------ I will f--k you.”

    My friends, immediately recognized who this familiar face is, it's an antisemitic student who posted to an Instagram post where there is graffiti that comes reads: "If Hitler did not finish you we will finish." My friend (third generation Holocaust survivor) told him it's you! The Nazi! In less than 5 minutes the person in charge of the place arrived of course a lefty, classic radical who scolded us, humiliated us and invited the boarding school director and our mentor. My friend was suspended, the antisemitic youth went on with his life as usual and my other friends got shocking jobs for too long, invited our parents And wrote to us in the personal file manipulatively about how wrong we were that we dared to disturb the peace of life of the potential terrorist and then invited my friend to a hearing before dismissal, the case caused so much sorrow and injustice to his parents his mother cried a lot both at the hearing and her child was suspended as we saw for the injustice done to him. It destroyed him.

    Of course they promised to take care of the post that came up a long time ago and of course they did nothing. The youth is still being educated there, the flag is still hanging and the post is still up there.

    This story should be famous because the injustice done to us here as Jews in the center of the Holy Land of the Jewish people, proves that the Holocaust… is not over yet.
  166. The family of the Beer Sheva terrorist knew about the planned attack,, Mar 23, 2022.
    -Progetto Dreyfus (@ProgDreyfus) Tweeted:
    Israel: Mohammad Jalab Abu al-Quian, is the name of the Islamic terrorist who killed 4 Israeli citizens in the terrorist attack in the city of Beersheva. Mar 22, 2022.
  167. Two mothers and a rabbi who fed the poor: Israel names victims of terror spree, Ynet, 03.22.22.
    Moshe was struck down first in the murderous attack; Doris's paramedic nephew was unable to save her; Laura had the strength to fight back while being mercilessly attacked, and Menachem was stabbed dozens of times while taking a walk.
  168. 168.0 168.1 StandWithUs (@StandWithUs) Tweeted (Mar 22, 2022):

    Doris Yahbas. Rabbi Moshe Kravitsky. Lora Yitzhak. Menahem Yehezkel.

    These are the names of the 4 innocent people who were murdered in today's terror attack in Be'er Sheva, southern #Israel.

    May their memories forever be a blessing. [27]
  169. Be'er Sheva stabber 'said he wouldn't do it again', Israel National News, 22.03.22.
    The terrorist responsible for Tuesday's stabbing attack was given a reduced sentence in a previous terror-related indictment.

    The terrorist responsible for today's stabbing attack was given a reduced sentence in a previous terror-related indictment.

    The terrorist Mohammad Jalab Abu al-Quian, who on Tuesday murdered four Jews in Be'er Sheva, pleaded guilty in 2016 as part of a plea deal to a variety of security offenses, including the establishment of a terrorist cell on behalf of ISIS...

    According to the indictment, "As of January 2015, the defendant began delivering sermons in the mosque during Friday prayers. In some sermons, he spoke about ISIS and claimed that the organization was in accordance with Islam, with the intention that worshipers would show support for the organization."
  170. Avishai Grinzaig, "Three attacks, three judges who believed that the terrorists were remotselful and would rehabilitate." Globes, 01.04.2022.
    Israel experienced in one week hree murderous attacks - all the attacks have a common denominator: the terrorists were previously placed on terrorist offenses, and the judges were lenient to everyone and believed in the sincerity of the remorse they expressed.
  171. Elder Maman, [ Behind every terrorist stands a judge who commuted his sentence], 0404, 30/03/2022.
  172. S. Peretz, B'Tsalmo: "The blood of the murdered on the justice system", Mivzaklive, Apr 7, 2022.
    B'Tsalmo recently (Thursday) referred to a terrorist attack that is still taking place in the heart of Tel Aviv and said that "the blood of those killed on the justice system that prevents and hinders the destruction of terrorist homes and the denial of their citizenship."

    B'Tsalmo points out that this week the High Court ruled that the house of the terrorist who murdered Yehuda Dimetman could be destroyed after delaying the destruction for several months. Despite this, the High Court ordered that the terrorist's family be allowed additional time to organize. The murdered tonight did not have time to get organized before the attack. In addition, the High Court these days prohibits the denial of citizenship to a terrorist who carried out an attack on the grounds that it is not a serious matter.

    Shai Glick, CEO of B'Tsalmo: “The Supreme Court justices have stopped tying the hands of the defense establishment. Release the reins so that we can fight terrorism, otherwise you are the ones fighting the citizens of Israel. "
  173. Yair Altman, The state demands: increase the punishment of the stone thrower, ILH, May 9, 2022.

    After being convicted of racially motivated threats and violence, Saleh was sentenced Bkirat to only 30 months in prison - now, the state attorney's office is asking for a harsher sentence - the appeal letter states: "A clear message needs to be sent - every terrorist incident is serious and will lead to a deterrent punishment." The attorney's office filed an appeal to the Supreme Court against the light sentence given to East Jerusalem resident Saleh Bkirat (21), who was convicted of throwing stones at Jews in the city during the month of Ramadan last year. After he was arrested, during the deliberations on the punishment, the prosecutor's office requested that the defendant be sentenced to 8 years in actual prison, but in the end the defendant received only 30 months in prison. In the notice of appeal submitted by the prosecutor's office, the state requests that Bkirat's punishment be made worse in order to convey a clear message: "Any incident of violent attack, and certainly when things escalate into acts of terrorism, is a serious incident that will lead to an appropriate and deterring punishment. This is especially important when it comes to someone who repeats his actions in a short time and during a very sensitive period. Conveying such a message will make a significant contribution to the fight against the despicable phenomenon of terrorism." In the indictment, filed after his arrest, he is accused of throwing stones from a moving vehicle at young people with a Jewish-Orthodox appearance, during a period characterized by nationalist and racist attacks in Jerusalem. The accused pleaded guilty and was convicted of racially motivated threats and two violent offenses - aggravated intentional assault and attempted aggravated assault under aggravated circumstances. In the first case attributed to him, the accused, who was driving a car near Nahal Sataf, drove directly towards two young men in order to scare them, forcing them to jump off the side of the road. Just before the front of his car hit them, the defendant swerved and avoided hitting them. Later, the accused returned to the scene to attack them with stones. One of the stones hit the hand of one of the victims and caused it to break. While his accomplice threw a stone at them, the accused recorded the incident on his mobile phone. Only three days after this incident, Bkirat took part in a similar attack by throwing stones, this time - in the heart of Jerusalem.

    In the opinion of the prosecutor's office, the sentence imposed on the accused is too lenient and does not properly reflect the seriousness of the acts for which the accused was convicted and the need to take a strict and uncompromising approach towards those who commit acts of violence with nationalist-ideological and racial motives. It is also argued that the punishment also does not reflect the need to take a stricter approach towards the perpetrator of acts of terrorism - as required by the provisions of the Law on Combating Terrorism and the worsening of the punishment stipulated in it - especially during a sensitive period characterized by many incidents of attacks on nationalistic and racial grounds in the city of Jerusalem.
  174. Shimon Cohen, Tali Gottlieb for Channel 7: We will not defeat terrorists who come to kill us with axes by bowing our heads, INN, Oct 12, 2022.

    Attorney Gottlieb: A commission of inquiry should be established for the instructions to open fire that make our soldiers afraid of responding to terrorists who approach them. The recent attacks and attempted attacks lead lawyer Tali Gottlieb, who is ranked 25th on the Likud list, to wonder about the chains of opening fire instructions placed upon the hands of the IDF soldiers. We spoke with attorney Gottlieb about her claims and according to her, since she published a video on Facebook yesterday in which she makes her claims, the [global or Israeli] Facebook removed tens of thousands of her followers, and of the 35 thousand followers she had, she was left with only 9000 in less than a day. "What I said yesterday and I say many times are the words of Rafoul, that a soldier in the field is the chief of staff in the field and he will back him up," says Gottlieb, quoting the alternate prime minister, Naftali Bennett, in his words from the past, according to which the soldiers are more afraid of the Military-Advocate-General than Sinwar. In these things, says Gottlieb, Bennett was right. "We have heroic and righteous soldiers who make our existence possible, and I hear about soldiers who are waiting for the order to open fire and it is costing them their lives." In Gottlieb's opinion, a commission of inquiry should be opened to examine the meaning of the instructions to open fire, and especially the gap between the written instructions and those that exist in the field and restrict the fighters much more. It is also necessary to check the data for the cost in human life that these instructions cost the IDF. "There is a gap between what is written and the prohibitions on the ground, and thus terrorists rear their ugly heads and we are in a war of attrition because we do not subdue the enemy. I only believe in strength, because by bowing our heads we will not defeat terrorists who come to kill us with axes. If terrorists knew that when they approach the checkpoint they will be shot, it is not Beloved," she says and states that the time has come to stop the policy of showing mercy to the cruel, a policy that weakens the IDF soldiers who fear that as a result of a shooting they will find themselves facing one kind of investigation or another. "We are losing the element of deterrence. We have a skilled and formidable army with almost unlimited skills, but I weaken the power of the IDF, the senior command creates impossible barriers that will make the soldiers think and only then shoot and not the other way around." Regarding the former Military-Advocate-General, Sharon Afek, Gottlieb points out that today he serves as the deputy ombudsman for legislative affairs. "That means that as a member of the Knesset I should receive advice from him as a radical leftist who comes from the creative house of Talia Sasson [New Israel Fund], he is the one who will give me advice on legislative matters... No thanks, I am no less talented than he is and no less skilled than he is. I have no intention of helping him, but you have to understand "This is a prosecutor who, as chief military prosecutor, among other things, made the lives of the settlers difficult, and I want to know what elements of strictness there were as part of the procedure for opening fire during his time. We as citizens deserve an account for this," she says, and as mentioned believes that it is right to establish a commission of inquiry that will examine the issue in depth. "I want a soldier who is in the S.G. [army base guard] to know that he has no reason to fear prosecution if he shoots. Self-defense is the basis of the IDF's existence, just like during the Raful era. A terrorist will know that his blood is on his mind if he approaches and that every soldier will know that he will receive complete backing as he protects his own life and all of our lives." Regarding the claim made by her opponents that things cannot be left to the judgment of each soldier at the end, and that these things can lead to mistakes and malfunctions, Attorney Gottlieb says that she rejects the claim completely. theirs, so enough talking to me about faults. I prefer hundreds of failures and not the loss of the life of one of my soldiers." "The IDF produces excellent, skilled, trained, brave and professional soldiers who know how to function in real time and I am not ready for us to interfere in their considerations in real time. The backing for the soldiers should be absolute." Gottlieb also emphasizes that "checking for faults should be internal only because externalization damages the strength and status of the IDF. We must remember that we face a primitive and cruel enemy who uses our personal criticism as propaganda to our detriment. They see it as a weakness. Against such a cruel enemy one must not show any weakness... we are obliged to protect ourselves, our country and our soldiers. I prefer a mishap to one hair from a soldier's head, and let it be clear, we are not putting untrained soldiers, but trained and excellent combat soldiers." In order to understand the mindset of the enemy, says Gottlieb, we must also hear what the Palestinians say in the videos they distribute and not just see the pictures. "They say there, 'Khaybar Khaybar Ya Yahud', and for those who don't understand the meaning I will explain, they talk about how when Muhammad wanted the Jews to convert to Islam he gave them peace until he massacred them, and that is what Arafat said he would do. They keep us quiet to hurt us. And this is what Arafat said he will do. Then, well, 'if one comes to kill you, so rise up and kill him.

    Regarding what she can do as a member of the Knesset in this direction, Gottlieb says that she expects every member of the Knesset to act without sacred cows because "I am committed to the citizens and to this country. I want to get explanations, I want to see the instructions, who developed them and who signed them. In the world of law I learned the cosmetics to stretch opinions to every possible extreme with the same pomposity, and therefore I want to know what is at the basis of this thing. We have an excellent army and we need to make sure that it has the opportunity to act correctly at any given moment without fear of investigations and prosecution."
  175. Jews attacked in Binyamin - terrorists not arrested, INN, Aug 24, 2022.

    Terror Attack

    One of the Arabs stabbed a boy in the hand with a sharp object and threatened the other bathers unless they leave the site.

    Jewish residents who came to bathe this morning (Wednesday) in the pool of the 'Khan Levona' nature site in the Binyamin region of Samaria near Highway 60 were attacked by Arab rioters from the village of Lubban a-Sharqiya. The attackers tried to drive them away from the place. One of the Arabs stabbed one of the boys in the hand with a sharp object and threatened the other bathers that he would also stab them if they did not leave the place. Despite the documentation of the attack and the fact that the assailant, one of the leaders of the attacks on the Khan, is known to police, officers who arrived at the scene refused to arrest him or remove him from the site.

    In the nearby community of Ma'ale Levona, residents say that "a group of violent Arabs from the nearby village of Lubban a-Sharqiya, has been repeatedly damaging the ancient spring over the past month. They have also been destroying agricultural fields and construction work on the ancient buildings in their attempt to take over the complex."

    "All of this happens without any response from law enforcement, even though the identities of the rioters, who repeatedly attack Jews who visit the site, are well known to the security forces. We call on the authorities to come to their senses and immediately remove the rioters and take all the necessary criminal and administrative measures against them," the community member added.
  176. Acre: A Jew was attacked by dozens of Arabs and arrested for questioning, Hakol, Oct 4, 2011.
    A young Jewish resident of Acre was attacked by dozens of Arabs, arrested and sent to house arrest. According to him, an Arab police officer decided to arrest him, and not the Arab attackers...
  177. Lod: A Jew was attacked by an Arab. Who was arrested?, INN, Feb 4, 2015.
    An Arab tractor driver in Lod beat a Jew who photographed him. A police officer who arrived at the scene decided to arrest the Jew in particular...
  178. Attacked by Arabs and arrested, Hakol, Feb 10, 2015.

    After he was attacked by Arabs and wounded in the head, the police apparently arrested him after he defended himself...

    A Jewish shepherd about 40 years old was attacked today (Tuesday) by several Arabs...
  179. [Jurist] Tal Samo @Tals1983 (Dec 16, 2019):
    Jews called Shema Israel. Arabs chanted anti-Semitic chants. An indictment was filed by the police ... against the Jews. (17.9.18).
  180. Watch the documentary: A Jew was attacked on the way out of the Temple Mount and... was arrested, 0404 News, 16/10/22.
  181. The story of a Jewish detainee., Rotter, 10.18.22.

    A story you must read. A must:

    "On Thursday afternoon, I arrived in my car at approximately 2:00 PM at the Great Yitzhar intersection. The road was strewn with stones and the intersection was blocked. I parked the car on the side and went down to see what was happening. After a few seconds, some terrorists from the nearby houses (of Burin village) started throwing huge stones at me and other Jews from the roofs. Literally rocks, glass bottles, what not. G-d bless, good Jews defended themselves properly, it was a serious danger to life. After two minutes, several police officers arrived at the scene, they simply ignored the Arabs who continued to throw stones right behind them and turned in our direction. pay attention! we shouted Arabs behind you are throwing stones! does not interest me! A police officer shouted back at me. (Video from this moment in the first reaction) fly away!! Do not want! I yelled back at him. Fly away from here! It turns out that the policeman (his name appears in the original tweet) doesn't mind that Arabs try to murder him and us with stones, but when they tell him "get out of here you" is already something that cannot be put on the agenda. you come with me now Good. About what exactly? I asked him. I'll tell you later. He took a handcuff from one of the soldiers and cuffed my hands behind my back, as befits a dangerous terrorist like me. He put me on the jeep. I again asked to know what I was arrested for, or detained, I asked that my wife be informed as well. The policeman got out of the jeep and went to consult with the officer. The officer's name is Chaim I overheard their conversation- David: What do I do with him now? Did you insult a police officer? Chaim: Why not, add resistance to arrest, disorderly conduct, rioting, throwing stones, assault. David: But what do I write in an action report? Haim: Take him to the station, I'll tell you exactly what to write. Just sewing a bag in front of my eyes. They put me back in the jeep and continued driving towards the police station. On the way I hear the police communication network. - Get a report, there are about 20 settlers at the Beitot intersection. - Sivan, check if there are settlers at the Yitzhar junction - Received a report, some Palestinians set fire to cans in the middle of the main road in Huwara. -Forget it!!! Look for settlers! They put me back in the jeep and continued driving towards the police station. For two hours I listened to their communication system, completely ignoring any incident of Arabs, looking only for Jews. Stun grenades, gas, what not. Meanwhile at the station the police officer who arrested me went in to fill out an action report on my arrest, it took him 3 hours to fill out the report, he left in the middle for consultations and to talk to the investigator and the officer at the station. I sat there for 3 hours, Handcuffed and handcuffed. During this time I saw more than 8 Jewish residents who came in to report damage to their vehicles from stone throwing. The researchers wrote down their things indifferently. We will update you if anything happens, they said. At about 19:00 I entered the interrogation. The investigator told me that I was suspected of insulting a police officer, refusing to delay, rioting, throwing stones, assaulting with an iron rod, etc., etc. He presented me with the version of the arresting policeman who said that I cursed him several times with very rude curses, words that I try as a religious person not to say in any way, so I will not write them here. Of course I told him that it was not true, I told him about the coordination of the versions and the contamination of the investigation. He wrote the things down indifferently. Then he started to show me videos of Jews retaliating against Arabs who attack them in Huwara.

    Sorry to disappoint you, I said. But it's not me in these videos. I arrived at the Yitzhar intersection a total of 5 minutes before I was arrested, the only thing that happened there was that Arabs tried to murder us with stones, by the way, the police officers there themselves saw it. It turns out that all the Arabs who were "arrested" in Huwara that day had already been released while I was still being interrogated. Well, they are evenings. That's how the investigator went through several videos with me, while I explained to him that I had nothing to do with this incident, and my only crime was that I told the policeman who attacked us while the Arabs were trying to murder us, "Go away" And then the investigation ended. Or so I thought at least. The investigator tells me - ok, now I have to question you again, on another case, harassment using a flash device. ???? Yes. What is? Another tweet? I asked. Yes. he answered. And then again, a deep sense of De Je Vue, and the printer starts churning out pages. Screenshots of my tweets. This time there were not so many pages, nevertheless they probably decided to care a little for the environment. Researcher: On 30.08 you published a video of a police officer named Sheila Ben Shoshan, following the video the police officer received harassment. what do you have to say about this? Ok. Understand, there are some people waiting outside who have just been stoned by terrorists, but what is most important? Interrogate me for a video of a violent police officer strangling a teenager with his knee and yet being proud of it and asking for it to be published? Maybe next time Shiloh Ben Shoshan should think a little before his actions? Especially in this very video, the same policeman is proud of his actions and even asks the photographer to film him. After a few minutes of questioning I told the investigator that they would not shut me up and that this was a completely political questioning intended to intimidate, this questioning was also over. The investigator sent me to a holding cell for the night. It was a bit of a shame to be without a sukkah, in the cells next to me there were several Arabs who were shouting among themselves all night. In the end somehow I fell asleep. In the morning we arrived at the Magistrate's Court.

    This is the place to thank lawyer Nati Rom And to the Honenu organization for the escort and legal assistance. Following a decision from higher up, my case was for some reason transferred to the "elite" unit, the Shi'i District Attorney's Office. Well, apparently insulting a police officer is a serious case that requires their attention. The police asked the court for a 9-day extension of detention!!! Thank G-d, the judge already at the beginning of the hearing slammed the police that there is no evidence that I threw stones or anything, and my entire arrest may amount to insulting a police officer. It doesn't make sense to prolong my detention for this thing. She released me with some restrictive conditions. I drove back home. On the way, Huwara was blocked again, a Jewish girl was hit by a stone. But we are not going to give up, we are not going to break. It's ridiculous that what the police are dealing with now is arresting Jews for nonsense, while the Arab terror is raging all over the country, they keep a night in detention for that and they use it to threaten the last bit of freedom of expression that is still left on social media.. The nation of Israel is strong, the nation of Israel has gone through difficult times and succeeded. We are here to stay." He wrote what happened to him: Ariel Danino. Please share.

    We must understand what the state systems are dealing with while the enemy rampages unhindered.
  182. In extending the detention of Jews who rioted, the police concealed that they had been attacked by Palestinians before, Makor Rishon, October 21, 2022.
    Even before the confrontation in the Hawara area on Wednesday night, the area was not quiet...
  183. [Journalist] itamar carmon @itamarcarmon (Oct 21, 2022):

    A gun is pulled when you feel life is in danger:

    A Jewish family was stoned in Huwara, the father of the family pulled out a gun and a police officer detained him. [28] @allworldnews111.
  184. 184.0 184.1 Matan Peleg, They Tied the Hands of the IDF, Mida, 30/08/2021.

    Barel Hadaria Shmueli was killed because they tied the hands of IDF soldiers. Now we must return to the starting point and understand how it happened. The year 2018 was a turning point in the struggle to tie the hands of IDF soldiers and it began in March of that year when Hamas marches to the Gaza border first appeared. Children, under the auspices of which terrorist operatives in civilian clothes approached the border fence... Within less than a month of the first march, Yesh Din, together with the Association for Civil Rights, Adalah, Gisha and HaMoked, petitioned the High Court to ban IDF soldiers from firing on protesters approaching the fence (HCJ 3003/18) on the grounds that they do not constitute Danger to IDF soldiers. The High Court rejected the petition and within a week another petition was filed by Adalah in cooperation with the Palestinian organization "Al-Mizan - for Human Rights in Gaza" against the Chief of Staff and the IDF personally (High Court 3250/18) This time the petition detailed the list of "victims" who died during the riots, without mentioning the fact that a significant number of them were defined by terrorist organizations as activists for all intents and purposes. At the same time as petitions were filed against Israel from within, international pressure also developed, often with the involvement of those very far-left organizations. In May 2018, the UN Human Rights Council announced the establishment of a commission of inquiry against Israel, due to the fact that Hamas demonstrators were killed in the riots. D. Michael Sfarad... The IDF has been educated to think in new terms such as "possible enemies" that are different from "immediate enemies" and therefore not every event of a "Turkish cavalry" (infiltration of the border fence) is necessarily a potential encounter with an immediate enemy, but perhaps only a "possible enemy". Many questions arise when one thinks of this smokescreen that surrounds IDF soldiers with European funding and through terrorist and propaganda organizations seeking to exploit the weakness of the State of Israel in operating its soldiers. Probably in the context of the undercover fighter by an armed terrorist who arrived under the auspices of possible enemies on the fence on August 21, 2021.

    An IDF investigation following the shooting even revealed that a few minutes before the terrorist fired through the slit in the fence, another IDF sniper in the unit was forced to use his pistol to fire from zero range at another terrorist who tried to snatch his weapon, thus thwarting the possible or immediate threat, depends who is being asked.
  185. 185.0 185.1 Israelis mourn and Palestinians celebrate the murder of a young Israeli policeman, CUFI, News, Aug 31, 2021.
    Unfortunately, the lies and propaganda of Palestinian leaders and the media is nothing new and their latest method for Gaza terrorists to attack Israel is through the claimed ‘peaceful border protests’ which are really violent terrorist riots where Hamas and other terror groups use civilian protesters as human shields for actual terrorists to blend into crowds in plain clothes and carry out attacks, including shootings, bombings and attempts to cut through security barriers.

    Their objective is to kill Israelis, whether that be Israeli soldiers defending the border or breaching the fence and killing civilians inside Israel. At the start of the riots in 2018, Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar made it clear when he said, “We will take down the border (with Israel) and we will tear out their hearts from their bodies.” Many parts of Western media still say these are civilian protests born out of frustration due to the ‘occupation’. The reality is they are a planned strategy of terror groups. Hamas has disseminated maps from the various protests points in Gaza to the nearest Israeli towns and villages. Their intention is not to kindly greet their neighbours, their intention is to kill Jews. And Israeli soldiers continue to stop that from happening. Barel Shmueli was one such soldier who gave his life defending the borders of Israel. Initial findings from the military’s investigation into the violence along the Gaza border found that soldiers stationed on the border did not immediately open fire at the masses that suddenly attacked the fence, out of concern that they might hit civilians who were in the area, a military official said. Shmueli was more concerned with protecting Palestinians than Hamas terrorists were. The cowards hid behind those civilians and Shmueli’s life was cut short by the hatred of Israel that fuels this conflict.

    This hatred is not limited to a small section of Palestinian society but appears much wider as demonstrated by the celebrations of the death of the Israeli.
  186. Roy Sharon and Hadas Greenberg, "Free our hands": The fighters' protest following the fall of Sergeant Barel Shmueli, Kan News, Aug 30, 2021.
    In the last few hours, a protest has arisen on social media focusing on the operational failure that occurred in the disorderly conduct at the Gaza border.
  187. Fighting theory: "The Lapid-Ganz-Abbas government binds the hands of IDF fighters and allows their blood", 0404 News, 14/09/2022.

    The angry reactions to the policy of containment and laxity that Gantz and Lapid are leading in the fight against terrorists continue against the background of the difficult incident in which an IDF officer was killed near Jenin after the force on the ground apparently hesitated to shoot the terrorists, lost the effect of surprise and got into a firefight in which the officer fell as mentioned.

    In response to the fall of the officer, the Torat-Lehima organization said: "The Lapid-Ganz-Abbas government is tying their hands and letting the blood of the heroic IDF soldiers be shed. The area is swarming with thousands of armed terrorists, including with IDF weapons, who roam freely in broad daylight, and our fighters are bound by the illusory instructions to open fire from a disconnected firecracker and distorted .. morals. The fighters also do not receive air or artillery cover.

    Didn't you learn from the fall of the YAMAM fighter Noam Raz the Hy"d that you neglected in Jenin? Is the blood of our fighters so cheap in your eyes for the nonsense of statecraft, and the partnership with the Muslim Brotherhood and PA terrorists, one of whom participated in tonight's attack? The lives of our fighters and our people are better than the lives of the enemy! Gantz and Lapid, your hands are full of blood."
  188. Arab Attacker Kills Four in Israel and Is Shot to Death: Police, Reuters via Toronto Sun, Mar 22, 2022.
    Arab assailant killed at least four people in Israel’s southern city of Beersheba on Tuesday in the deadliest such attack in years, before he was fatally shot by a Police identified the attacker as an Arab citizen of Israel, a former high school teacher who had been imprisoned over alleged links to Islamic State.
  189. Israel: Softness on racist Arab attackers vs heavy-handed on Jewish defenders (Beer Sheva murderous attacker eliminated by civilian who police took his gun), DP, Mar 22, 2022.

    "תנו לו תעודת הצטיינות, הוא גיבור" | עשרות מפגינים מחוץ לתחנת המשטרה דורשים להשיב לאזרח את נשקו | צפו חדשות 0404 22/03/2022 Give him a certificate of excellence, he is a hero" Dozens of protesters outside the police station demand to return his weapon to the citizen. News 0404 22/03/2022. [29] סערה ברשת המשטרה לקחה את הנשק של האזרח שירה במחבל האזרח שירה במחבל בפיגוע בבאר שבע, סירב לעזוב את תחנת המשטרה ללא האקדח שנלקח לבדיקה - מחשש לחייו והוא אוים; המפכ"ל הורה לבדוק את האקדח הלילה (אקטואלי) כיכר השבת | י"ט באדר ב' תשפ"ב. 22.03.22 A storm on the net Police took the citizen's weapon who shot at the terrorist Kikar HaShabat, Mar 22, 2022. [30] The civilian shot at a terrorist in a terrorist attack in Be'er Sheva, refused to leave the police station without the gun taken for examination - for fear of his life as he was threatened; The commissioner ordered to check the gun tonight (topical) __ It is part of a continuous favor the Arab sector, including softness on racist Arab terror and heavy hand approach on Jewish defenders.

    And the haters have the audacity to charge the "apartheid" slur - the upside down, the other way around.
  190. (Police and Law Reporter - mynet - Yedioth Jerusalem)
    Liran Tamari Liran Tamari @liran__tamari Tweeted (Apr 28, 2022):
    A Jew was attacked by Arabs in the Mahane Yehuda market and used his personal weapon as an act of self-defense. Police confiscated the weapon.

    A Jew was attacked by Arabs in the Mahane Yehuda market and used his personal weapon as an act of self-defense. Police confiscated the weapon - Rotter, 28.04.22.

  191. Arab policeman to arrested Jew: "This is our land to the last grain", 'INN', 31.05.22.

    An Arab policeman who arrested a resident of Givat Olga made sure to tell him who he thought the Land of Israel belonged to. ...The guy was dragged into the police car with brutality and humiliation even though he did not express any opposition and did not resort to violence... During the completion of the report, he was told that he was under arrest. While the Arab policeman was filling out a complaint report, he called one of the policemen who was at the scene and consulted with him on which section it was worth accusing him of because he himself did not understand what. Meanwhile, the Arab who threw the shoe also arrived at the station, she talked to the policeman in Arabic while the policeman writes, without trying to find out in front of A., who does not understand Arabic, whether she is lying or not ... ...In Kishon's detention, A. spent until Sunday in difficult and unreasonable conditions. He was put in a cell with eight Arab detainees from Jenin - a combat reserve officer along with Arabs from Jenin... During the Sabbath he is even physically threatened by some of the prisoners that if he does not behave as they ask they will beat him. ...The organization of Combat-Theory, to which A. turned for help, summed up the case: "This shocking and shocking story is not just a private story of a citizen who finds himself in a discriminatory and unjust situation, but is a story about what is happening in the police ...

    ... The organization stated: "Of course, there are many non-Jewish soldiers and policemen who faithfully serve the state and its citizens, but if we do not treat such policemen who harass, discriminate against Jews and use the Israeli police against the Jewish people, our law enforcement system will be castrated... and will not stand on the people's side on judgment day, and this day is very close."
  192. Orit Strock @oritstrock Tweeted (Jun 14, 2022):
    Avichai Levy told about the very violent arrest, including the use of a taser (!), Without any justification, about a detention cell where he was forced to stay on Saturday night with Palestinian Shabbos, about a supportive Arab policeman who made it clear that the arrest was part of a nationalist struggle against Jews (yes, Yes), about his wife that the police did not bother to let her know where her husband had gone on Shabbat night.
  193. 193.0 193.1 H. Greenwood, Dozens of Knesset members for commissioner and GSS chief: "Allow lynched detainee to meet with attorney", ILH, June 23, 2022.

    The Jewish citizen came to file a complaint with the Ariel police - and was arrested. Police prevented him from meeting with his lawyer. None of the Palestinian rioters was arrested. The MKs who signed the petition emphasize: "Preventing the meeting is a violation of a fundamental constitutional right." Dozens of Knesset members addressed a letter to Police Commissioner Rabbi Kobi Shabtai and GSS Chief Ronen Bar last night (Wednesday), following a ban on meeting the victim of the lynching near Ariel with his lawyer. The Knesset members write in the letter: "At this time, a Jew was arrested and prevented from meeting with a lawyer, while none of the rioters who attacked the Jews with sticks and stones were arrested. Preventing the meeting is a violation of a fundamental constitutional right. We demand that he be allowed to meet with his lawyer immediately." Knesset members from many factions signed the letter, including: MK David Bitan, MK Michael Malkiel, MK Miri Regev, MK Yosef Tayeb, MK Itamar Ben Gvir, MK Patin Mula, MK Shlomo Karai, MK Orit Struck, MK Gadi Yabarkan, MK Avi Maoz, MK Etty Atia, MK Idit Silman, MK Dudi Amsalem and other MKs. It will be recalled that on Tuesday evening, 40 Palestinians threw stones at Jewish travelers between the landscapes of Nehemiah and Ariel. They reportedly approached with sticks. The attackers were apparently shot in the air to keep them away. Judea-Samaria Hatzalah organization reported a Palestinian casualty in a riot that broke out, evacuated by the Red Crescent. Palestinians reported that he died at the hospital. Yesterday, MK Moshe Arbel of Shas took advantage of the right to speak in the Knesset plenum, and spoke from the podium, addressing the Minister of Defense and the Minister of Internal Security, requesting answers as to why he was banned from meeting his lawyer. The Eretz Israel lobby in the Knesset also addressed the issue and stated on its behalf: "It is not possible that any of the Arabs participating in the lynching were not arrested, and the only detainee is a Jew who apparently had to protect the attacked children, and is now denied a meeting with a lawyer."

    As you may recall, yesterday afternoon a citizen, one of the survivors of the lynching, arrived at the police station in Ariel to testify and file a complaint against the rioters. To his astonishment, instead of accepting his testimony, the police decided to arrest him and even banned him from meeting with his lawyer, Adv. Adi Keidar, who represents him on behalf of the Honenu organization...
  194. Attempted lynching near Ariel: The GSS detainee will not meet with a lawyer on Monday, News 0404, 24/06/2022.

    After being arrested on suspicion of involvement in stabbing an Arab during an attempt to lynch dozens of Arabs in a group of Jewish children near Ariel, the General Security Service extended the restraining order prohibiting the Jewish detainee from meeting with a lawyer until Monday. Following the extension, Adv. Adi Keidar of the Honenu organization filed an appeal in the matter with the Supreme Court. In a hearing held today in the Supreme Court before Arab Judge Kaboub Khaled, after a court hearing, the judge recommended deleting the appeal, while GSS officials pledged not to extend the exceptional order beyond Monday. Advocate Keidar said after the hearing: "Today a hearing was held in the Supreme Court regarding the continued prevention of the meeting. During the hearing, the Supreme Court recommended to the GSS representatives not to continue extending the prevention beyond the near date when it is about to end." Meanwhile, a demonstration is expected in front of the Ariel police on Saturday under the headline: "Stop the madness", in protest of the arrest of the lynch survivor. The ads distributed prior to the demonstration read "Stop the madness! Twenty Jewish children and adults are lynched by dozens of terrorists armed with axes, batons and iron rods. The result: Jews are being tortured in the GSS basements and without a lawyer ?! Are we crazy? It will be recalled that dozens of Knesset members wrote a letter to Police Commissioner Rabbi Kobi Shabtai and GSS chief Ronen Bar this week, following a ban on meeting the victim of the lynching near Ariel with his lawyer. The Knesset members write in the letter: "At this time, a Jew was arrested and prevented from meeting with a lawyer, while none of the rioters who attacked the Jews with sticks and stones were arrested. Preventing the meeting is a violation of a fundamental constitutional right. We demand that he be allowed to meet with his lawyer immediately." Meanwhile, yesterday Adv. Adi Keidar filed a complaint with the person in charge of the investigation, due to the violation of the detainee's rights and intensive interrogations for long hours and throughout the night. The complaint states that the detainee even said at the hearing that if the situation continues like this, he will "even confess to the murder of Hitler."

    Recall that the detainee, is married, in his forties, with no criminal record, father of 3 children aged 3,5, and 6, a graduate of military service in the Navy, was arrested on Wednesday afternoon, after arriving at the Ariel police to file a complaint about the lynching The hardship he went through with another group of children near the fence of the city of Ariel. To his amazement, he was arrested and transferred to the GSS for questioning, while he was forbidden to meet with a lawyer. The Ashkelon Magistrate's Court extended his detention until Wednesday.
  195. Documentation of the arrest of demonstrators protesting in front of the Knesset in protest of the GSS' abuse of Samaria resident, Rotter, June 27, 2022.

    [M Miron: Police are now brutally arresting right-wing demonstrators in Agranat Square in Jerusalem who are protesting the GSS's abuse of a Samaria resident arrested after being attacked by terrorists. E. Nachmani: The Mandatory Police are now fighting the Jews in protest over the torture.]

  196. KAN News @kann_news Tweeted: (June 23, 2022):
    ... His lawyer claims that the GSS deprives him of sleep and medical treatment, and the suspect says in his interrogation: "If you continue to interrogate me like this, I will also confess to the murder of Hitler."
  197. Survivor of the lynching near Ariel under harsh interrogations and sleep deprivation: "The GSS will also confess to Hitler's murder", News 0404, 23/06/2022.
  198. Survivor of the lynching in Ariel under GSS investigations - "I will confess to the murder of Hitler, they should just leave me alone"., Rotter News, 06/23/22.

    Survivor of lynching under harsh interrogations and sleep deprivation "I will confess to the GSS in the murder of Hitler" The survivor of the lynching near Ariel, who was interrogated by the GSS, is under very severe GSS investigations, according to a complaint filed today with the person in charge of the investigation. Among other things, the detainee, who was interrogated by no less than 4 GSS interrogations in less than 24 hours, was denied sleep, refused medical treatment, and intensive interrogations for long hours and throughout the night. It also emerged from the complaint that the detainee even said at the hearing that if the situation continued like this, he would also confess to the murder of Hitler. The state was represented at the hearing by representatives of the central command Judea Samaria District, Shimi Shalgi and Yossi Ovadia. Recall that the detainee, married, in his forties, with no criminal record, father of 3 children aged 3,5, and 6, a graduate of military service in the Navy, was arrested yesterday (Wednesday) at noon, after arriving at the Ariel police to file a complaint about The difficult lynching he went through with another group of children near the fence of the city of Ariel. To his amazement, he was arrested and transferred to the GSS for questioning, while he was forbidden to meet with a lawyer. The Ashkelon Magistrate's Court extended his detention until Wednesday.

    Following the difficult interrogations, Adv. Adi Keidar, from the Honenu organization, who represents the detainee, "Unfortunately, in this case we are exposed to a violation of the law and the GSS investigation, which borders on illegality and perhaps even torture under international law. We call on the court and the State Attorney's Office to order the removal of the meeting, removing the GSS , And a regular police investigation for all intents and purposes. "

    Elisha Ben Kimon @elishabenkimon Tweeted (June 23, 2022):

    The incident near Ariel in which a Palestinian was stabbed to death. Advocate Adi Keidar, who represents the murder suspect on behalf of the Honenu organization, says that during the last 24 hours, the suspect was questioned 4 times and denied sleep. We will mention that the suspect is prevented a meeting.

    [@yws... Replying to @elishabenkimon:
    Just remember that the terrorist in Elad was given a cigarette on the grounds that a soft attitude helps the investigation.]
  199. New details about the lynching attempt near Ariel Adv. Keidar: "Security officials fired in the air to drive away the Arabs", News 0404, 29/06/2022.

    The survivor of the lynching near the city of Ariel was recently brought before the Ashkelon Magistrate's Court, which was held this time in the presence of the suspect's lawyer for the first time, after the prevention of meeting with an attorney was removed. After the hearing, Adv. Adi Keidar revealed new details about the incident. According to him, at the hearing it became clear that the incident began at the initiative of the Arab rioters who were equipped with assault tools. In addition, it became clear at the hearing that security forces who arrived at the scene of the incident were forced to fire in the air in order to keep the Arab rioters away from the group of children. Advocate Adi Keidar: "During today's hearing, it became clear that the versions of many involved, including the words of the suspect, fully and completely support an incident that all began with the initiative of Arab rioters who were equipped with assault tools, who attacked and threw stones. It is quite clear that the need of the boys, of the suspect and even of the security forces who came and even carried out the shooting is completely clear. Therefore in these circumstances there is no more suitable case for a self-defense claim. I think the court has already understood this, the days given to the investigating unit are days that in our opinion will only strengthen the suspect's claim and I hope that this will lead to the actual investigation of the truth and his early release as soon as possible."

    At the end of the hearing, a judge in the Ashkelon Magistrate's Court, Meirav Amar Cohen, extended the detainee's detention until next Tuesday, in order to allow the police to exhaust the investigation.
  200. Kalmam Libeskind, He saved children from lynching - and found himself suspected of murder: "They dragged me naked and made me defecate on myself", Maariv, Nov 12, 2022.
    He accompanied a trip of children, was attacked by dozens of Arabs, including Hamas operatives, and was saved after fatally wounding one of the attackers. A moment later, he found himself in a harsh and humiliating Shin Bet investigation. Now A is telling his story.

    This story began with a trip made by a group of small children from Ariel, accompanied by one adult, a few tens of meters outside the fence that surrounds the city. He continued with a frightening encounter with a group of dozens of Arabs who came towards them from the nearby village, equipped with stones, clubs and muskets, and a physical encounter that ended with the stabbing to death of A. (full name withheld), the companion of the group of boys, one of the Arab attackers. It ended when A., who ended that day with the feeling that he had managed to save the children he was with just before they were to be slaughtered, found himself detained for two weeks as a suspect in a terrorist-motivated murder, under severe interrogation at a Shin Bet facility - six days of which he was prevented from meeting with a lawyer. In several cases, during hearings held to extend his detention, while he was prevented from meeting with a lawyer, A used the opportunity and told the judges about the difficult and humiliating experiences he went through in the Shin Bet facility. How he was dragged naked. How he defecated in his pants and was left like that, dirty. How he was deprived of sleep. Now A tells the full story. The meeting with the group of Arabs. The fear for his life and the lives of the children for whom he was responsible. The injury to one of the Arabs with whom he came into physical contact, just before he [the Arab] will stab him. The arrest. The Shin Bet investigations. The violence he suffered. The humiliating attitude. And the price his family pays to this day.

    This is the story of a 44-year-old man, father of three small children, who tried to defend himself and a group of children against Arab rioters - and found the General Security Service treating him like a murdering terrorist...
  201. Petition · Justice for Amiram Ben Uliel · [31].
    Amiram Ben Uliel, an innocent young man, has been sitting in jail, under harsh conditions for over six years. He has been convicted of a crime that he did NOT commit. The conviction is based on a confession made during torture and the "re-enactment" of the crime in his torturers presence. Please help us return Amiram to his wife and young daughter.
    Sep 1, 2022. [32].

    We are devastated and saddened by the huge travesty of Justice that has taken place in the Israeli "justice" system. Today, the Supreme Court in Israel rejected Amiram's appeal. Though billing itself as a beacon of democracy Israel's judicial system has taken a stance of the worst regimes in the world. These allow torture usage when no evidence is available and use of self-incriminating evidence as the sole basis for the conviction. This is unheard of in a democratic society.

    We believe in Amiram’s innocence and will continue to fight for his release.
  202. Ari Zivotofsky, Green-lighting torture in Israel: A tragic, unifying court decision - comment, JPost, Sep 5, 2022

    The question in the appeal was simple: is a confession given 36 hours following seven hours of torture, which is admissible in an Israeli court? In Israeli law, a confession must be given freely and of the person’s own volition, and the appellant argued that a post-torture confession is coerced. To the shock and horror of most people, the court upheld the lower court’s decision to accept the confession...

    The left-wing Israeli NGO The Public Committee Against Torture in Israel (PCATI) issued a statement calling this a monumental error and that despite the severity of the crime, the court should have thrown out such a confession. The right-wing legal aid organization Honenu in their statement said, "Everyone who reads the ruling will notice that it is rife with agenda and hate. The Supreme Court justices have forgotten what law and evidence are."
  203. Rotter, 08.09.22.
    Amiram Ben Uliel demands that he returned to compare his terms to Arab terrorist conditions.

    Assaf Poziylov @pozailov1: His defense attorney of Honenu: "The conduct of the IPS Police towards Amiram is unprecedented, there is no prisoner in Israel who receives such harsh and humiliating treatment while ignoring his rights without even being able to meet his wife and daughter."

    Ben Uliel is in the guarded wing of Eshel Prison, where 18 prisoners, most of them Arabs and terrorists. Because of his status, he cannot be taken out to the wing.
  204. [ Terrorists threw stones at Jews in King David's tomb, a citizen drew his weapon, which caused the terrorists to flee, he was detained and his weapon was taken. 10.09.22.

    [Journalist] Itamar Carmon @Itamarcarmon: Madness! Terrorists threw stones at Jews who came to pray in the grave of the King David, a citizen who saw what was happening, which made terrorists escape, was detained and kissed. @ AllWorldNews111 [33]. (Police and Law Reporter - mynet - Yedioth Jerusalem)
    Liran Tamari @liran__Tamari: A Jew who drew a weapon at a group of Arabs who threw stones near the grave of the King David was detained by the police. The event occurred exactly at the point where a shooting attack took place on a bus.

  205. A Jewish boy was arrested at a protest in Samaria following the shooting attack this evening: evidence of police violence against residents
    Rotter, 03.10.22
  206. [Editor at 'Shvii'] Yoni Rotenberg @Yoni_Roten (Nov 12, 2022):
    What is most important to take from this article is that up until a week ago, there were two guys arrested in the Shin Bet who confronted an Arab in Shimon HaTzadik, and in court they tried to convince the judge that there was suspicion of *membership in a terrorist organization*. There is a clear and consistent trend of lowering the threshold at which investigations against Settlers for the Shin Bet, and if there is a real danger to democracy, it is here.
  207. Hanan Greenwood, Absurd: an Israeli administrative detainee in deplorable conditions, and Zakaria Zubeidi in an upgraded cell, ILH, 05.12.22.

    Knesset members from the Otzma Yehudit faction today sent a letter to the IPS Commissioner in which they complained about the disgraceful conditions of a Jewish boy who was arrested by administrative order, and revealed that in the cell next door the senior terrorist Zakaria Zubeidi is being held who enjoys much improved conditions. "We must stop treating Jewish settlers as the enemy." Members of Knesset from the right in favor of the administrative detainee from Samaria: Members of Knesset Itamar Ben Gvir, Limor Son Har-Malech, Almog Cohen, Yitzhak Wasserlauf, R'i Amichai Eliyahu and Zvika Vogel from Otzma Yehudit, today (Monday) sent a letter in Hall to the IPS Commissioner Cathy Perry, in which they expressed Harsh criticism of the harsh conditions in which Avraham Yair Yered, a 19-year-old boy resident of Samaria who was recently arrested by administrative order, is being held. In the letter, the MKs complained about the disgraceful conditions in which Yered was being held, and revealed that the senior terrorist Zakaria Zubeidi is being held in the cell next door, who is receiving much improved conditions. "It has been brought to our attention that Avraham Yair Yered, a 19-year-old resident of Samaria, who was recently arrested by administrative order without trial and without evidence, after the court ordered his release," wrote the MKs in their letter. "Yered is held in extremely harsh conditions, and is locked up for 23 hours a day in a suffocating cell without a window that is only three square meters in size. The cell has no toilet or shower, except for a "bullet hole" in the corner of the room that emits a bad smell and prevents him from studying Torah or performing prayers. In addition, he is forbidden to have a telephone conversation, not even with his immediate family, and also to hold prayers in the synagogue in the prison," added the MKs and described the difficult conditions. The MKs added and attacked: "It is doubly wrong when in the next cell in the same wing is the mass-murderer Zakaria Zubeidi who escaped from prison only this year, and is receiving much improved conditions. A spacious cabin, standard shower and toilets and a window that lets in fresh air." "Administrative detention is not a punitive tool but only a preventive tool, and therefore the conditions of the administrative detainee should be improved from the conditions of an ordinary prisoner as specified in the law. Even if there was justification for issuing the administrative order against Yered, which in our opinion is not true and was done for political considerations, there is no place to hold him in such disgraceful conditions even for a single moment. The Jewish settlers are the salt of the earth, and surely they are not an enemy threatening us to our future," we noted.

    "We demand from the honor of the commissioner to order as early as today the transfer of Yared to a cell with adequate and humane conditions, and the granting of all the rights he is entitled to by law, such as telephone calls and his religious needs," the MKs signed.
  208. Yair Kraus, A farmer was threatened with an ax, and was asked to hand over his weapon: "We are unprotected", YNet, Jan 18, 2023.
    After four residents of Tuba-Zangariyye invaded his cattle farm and one of them threatened him with an ax, the farmer was required to go to the police station - and hand over his personal gun: "Absurd. The reality is getting harder and harder, and we are without protection." Only later, in response to Ynet's inquiry, the police informed that the weapon would not be taken from the farmer.
  209. Rotter, 27.08.22.

    An ambush by Central-Unit and Special Patrol Unit detectives who disguised themselves as Arabs and planned to carry out a provocation to arrest the Jews was revealed by the settlers. More details about the police provocation in Gush Shiloh: "We were walking near the settlement of Amichai and suddenly we noticed eight Arabs who were behaving in a strange way," said one of the residents this evening. "They shouted, threw objects and lit fires in several hotspots. It seemed that they were trying in every way to attract attention. We suspected that it was a police ambush." Indeed, another brief inspection in the field confirmed the suspicion. A white minibus that traveled all over the area near the settlement and looked like an Arab vehicle turned out to be full of policemen, and slowly we began to notice more and more policemen and detectives scattered around the area - some of them in a disturbing manner.

    They probably tried to stir up a mess and provocation and make the residents confront them."
  210. 7 hurt in bus shooting in the Jordan Valley, INN, Sep 4, 2022.
    A group of terrorists opened fire at the bus from a passing vehicle before fleeing the scene. They were captured after their vehicle caught fire.
  211. [ VIP for terrorists They tried to murder soldiers, burned and received treatment of the good burn department in Israel News 0404, 04/09/2022.
    There is no limit to the feebleness of the State of Israel towards terrorists. All-time low peaks and absurdity are broken every day in general relating to the conditions of jailing terrorists, academic studies and medical treatments in the world, in the most elevated departments - all on our expense, Israeli citizens. Further to the caressing treatment of terrorists, this evening (first) reported a channel 14, Hillel Biton Rosen, that in contrast to our soldiers who were wounded in the shooting attack in the Jordan Valley, which were hospitalized by Rambam and the Jezreel Valley – The terrorists, burned in their car, while trying to murder them, were evacuated to Sheba Hospital. The reason for this, explains Biton Rosen, is that the Sheba hospital has the best burn department in Israel, and the Israeli government, after all, will not miss the opportunity to spoil the ones who try to murder them. 'Foolishness' is here.
  212. Myths & Facts - Human Rights in Israel and the Territories, JVL
  213. Israeli High Court Decides In Favor of Arab Parties A likely outcome, and a win for democracy: The High Court of Justice overturned Wednesday the Central Elections Committee’s decision to disqualify the Arab parties, Balad and United Arab List-Ta'al from taking part in the next Knesset race... By Michael Weiss / January 21, 2009. Jewcy.
  214. Haim Velder suggests we remember: the leftist bullies rule. Eli Ben David, 28 Iyar 5772, JDN, May, 20, 2012.
  215. SWU. Teaching Tools. Hot Topics
  216. SA Zionism, FAQ, Israeli Arabs
  217. Success is the best medicine Ran Resnick, Haaretz, Nov 8, 2007
  218. Sharon: Appoint an Arab director in any government company The Prime Minister today instructed the ministers to appoint at least one Arab director in each government company. Diana Guy-Nir, Ynet, Jan 13, 2004
  219. IsraPundit, Jan 15, 2004
    Apartheid...persecutes its Arab citizens... Or so the anti-Israel propaganda machine would have us believe. Here is what even al-Ha'Aretz, 14 January 2004, has to report:

    State firms must have Arab directors

    Prime Minister Ariel Sharon yesterday declared that every state-run company must have at least one representative of Israel's Arab community on its board of directors.

    Sharon, who made his announcement at a meeting of the ministerial committee on the non-Jewish sector, said that every one of the 105 companies must have at least one Israeli-Arab director by August of this year. ... Three years ago, the law regulating the running of national corporations was amended to introduce affirmative action in the appointment of Israeli Arab to top civil service jobs. Some 18 months ago, this amendment was expanded to include the law regulating the State Comptroller's Office.'

    Don't you have to be the king of mendacity to translate affirmative action as Apartheid?

    But let it be emphasized that Israel's Arabs never fail to realize how lucky they are and never fail to show fierce loyalty to the democratic republic in which they live. Here are a few recent examples:

    27 Aug 2003, JPost: "Shin Bet arrests Israeli Beduins for terrorism"; "Three Israeli Beduins from the Negev district recruited by a Hamas operative in the Hebron region to compile information to be used in attacks against IDF soldiers in the south were arrested by Israel's internal security agency, the Shin Bet, on August 11."

    11 Sep 2003, JPost: "Teaching Israeli Arabs to love Palestine"; "Israel, it seems, has lost the allegiance of 20 percent of its citizens, who in time of war side with the enemy. "

    20 Sep 2003, JPost: "50,000 attend 'Aksa in Danger' rally"; "An estimated 50,000 Islamic Movement supporters packed into the Umm el-Fahm football stadium on Friday evening for what has become an annual rally under the slogan 'Al-Aksa Mosque in Danger.' "

    10 Nov 2003, JPost: "Israeli Arab drove Maxim suicide bomber".

    12 Nov 2003, JPost: "Azmi Bishara to stand trial for incitement"; [Member of Israeli parliament] "Azmi Bishara is suspected of making speeches in Syria and an Arab Israeli town condoning violence against Israel. He faces three years in jail if convicted."

    13 Nov 2003, Arutz 7. " ANOTHER ISRAELI-ARAB TERRORIST CELL"; "It was announced today that the Shabak (General Security Service) and the police arrested, four months ago, four Israeli-Arabs who were enlisted by Hamas during their studies in Jordan. Arutz-7's Kobi Finkler reports that the cell was uncovered during an advanced stage of their training and planning for specific terrorist attacks. They were responsible for tracking security arrangements in Israeli malls and other crowded areas."

    20 Nov 2003, JPost: "3 Israeli-Arabs convicted of ties to Islamic Jihad"; "The Haifa Magistrates Court on Thursday convicted three Israeli-Arabs on charges of assisting the enemy in a time of war, Israel Radio reported."

    26 Nov 2003, JNW: "Israeli Arab MK suspected of aiding terrorists"; An Arab member of the Israeli Knesset is suspected of having passed on operational information from terrorists in Israeli jails to their leaders and comrades in the field, according to breaking news bulletins Wednesday morning... Fellow Knesset Members are calling for Dehamshe's immunity to be revoked and for the lawmaker to be criminally investigated in light of these revelations."

    3 Dec 2003, JPost: "Israeli Arab teenager indicted for aiding Hamas".

    11 Jan 2004, al-Ha'Aretz: "Prime intifada terror suspect is Israeli Arab from Taibeh".

    12 Jan 2004, JPost: "Israeli-Arab gets life for assisting terror".

    Finally, this just in [14 Jan 2004] from the JPost: "Barakei wants to testify against Israel at Hague"

    "Knesset deputy speaker MK Mohammad Barakei (Hadash) has volunteered to testify before the International Court of Justice in The Hague when it begins its hearing next month on Israel's construction of the security fence.

    According to the Israeli newspaper Maariv, Barakei volunteered to testify against the "war crimes Israel is perpetrating" against the Palestinian people by its construction of a "separation wall."

    Barakei, incidentally, is a Communist.

    Note: This is by no means a comprehensive list. Rather, it represents a random collection of excerpts that happen to have landed on my desk. Imagine what a systematic search would yield!

  220. The Israeli affirmative action program gives Arab businesses and students preferential treatment
  221. Yedioth Ahronoth, 'Calcala' ['Economics'] Supplement ('Mamon' [Financial]) 23.8.11, page 6.

    Absurd: A disabled man was fired to employ a Arab in his place in affirmative action By David Regev Affirmative action? A disabled person who was hired by the Executive office/department in Eilat was fired a few months later to allow an Arab woman to be hired as part of a affirmative action policy. "It's humiliating. It's the height of the absurdity that a disabled person is thrown out of work," says disabled person Michael Teichman. About a year and a half ago, Teichman (34), a resident of Eilat, was offered a job as a clerk in the bureau. He was assured that this was a permanent job. Teichman signed the contract and was told that the fixed standard would be regulated. In April he received a letter of dismissal without a hearing. After complaining to the Civil Service Commission, Revital Cohen's Assistant Director of Public Complaints wrote to him that despite his satisfaction with his performance, it was decided to fire him and accept an Arab woman in his place as part of his policy to encourage the employment of Arabs in the civil service.

    Teichman's attorney Adv. Ofir Miller appealed to the Civil Service Commissioner, Moshe Dayan, demanding that fiting of his client be canceled on the grounds that it was illegal. According to him, Teichman's employers acted in bad faith when they hired another employee while he was working according to a standard, and that his dismissal was contrary to the Equal Employment Opportunity Act. The Civil Service Commission said: "The matter is under investigation."

    A disabled man was fired to employ an Arab in his place, Rotter News, 08/24/11.

    From the 'Calcala' ('Economics') supplement of Yedioth Ahronoth 23.8.11.

    Michael Teichman, who worked in the civil service, was fired after a few months in order to make way for an Arab woman as part of a policy of 'affirmative action'. He received a letter of dismissal and was not heard as required by law. The Civil Service Commission wrote to him that it had been decided to fire him and accept an Arab worker in his place as part of a policy to encourage the employment of Arabs in the civil service. This is not the only case of its kind and it is a deliberate policy of the government that directly leads, not only to the preference of Arabs for staffing, but also to the dismissal of Jewish workers in order to employ Arabs instead of them.

    About two months ago, I brought here [35], under the heading: "The state: NIS 9,000 for an employer who will fire a Jew and employ an Arab to replace him," the government's decision to extend this policy to the private sector as well:

    From the Employment Service website [36] [37]

    In the previous cluster, in which I analyzed the possible implications of a similar government plan ...
  222. Eldad Beck, August 20, 2022:


    An Arab was chosen for the position of CEO of Haifa, whose qualifications for the position are highly questionable.

    That is: we have reached the stage where the management of Haifa affairs is being transferred to Arabs, just because they are Arabs.

    That is: not only do we have the beginning of a Jewish city whose qualifications for the position have been clearly proven to be unworthy. Now we also have an unworthy Arab CEO.

    This is what's called coexistence.

    And the sycophant judges around the mayoral of the city are excited and talk about a historical moment, just as they were excited when they wanted to name a street in Haifa after the Egyptian hater of Israel Umm Kalzum.

    The destruction of Haifa must be stopped.
  223. S. Friedman, Will the veterans coordinator in Lod be an Arab?, Hakol, Sep 7, 2022.
    In the tender published by the municipality of Lod for the position of coordinator of armed soldiers, it is written that priority will be given to Arabs in the staffing of the position.
  224. Itai Amikan, Football League for Children - for Arabs only, Mako N12, Oct 23, 2014.
    This week was filed for a petition court against the Football Association claiming that behind the children's football teams stood ethnic considerations. The League of the Gulf, where many groups of Jews lasted, became a league with Arabic groups this year. "The games were a time of 'unity'," says the petition server, "The message that association sends is wrong."
  225. Michael Ben Ari @MichaelsonSonLi Tweeted: (Aug 3, 2015):
    Arab racism? - It's OK! You will not hear condemnation, they will not open the news, nor will they ask to announce the fans of Bnei Sakhnin 'Organization of racists...'
  226. Sakhnin fans' Facebook page: "Hello Teddy, we will burn you today", nrg sports, 15/2/2015.

    A few hours before the charged game Teddy (20:15) posted on the fan page an agitated status against the sworn opponent. Alongside the problematic picture were also attached illustrations of a bomb and a fist.

    A few hours before the charged game between Betar Jerusalem and Bnei Sakhnin (20:15, Teddy), the atmosphere warms up. But it seems that even this fact does not exactly succeed in impressing some of Sakhnin's fans, who are trying to warm their passions towards the opening whistle.

    On Bnei Sakhnin's Facebook page, which bears the name Bnei Sakhnin F.C., a picture was posted this morning (Sunday) with the inflammatory caption: "Teddy Shalom, Teddy Shalom, we will burn you today." On the picture (attached to the article) was illustrated a bomb and a punch from which blood flowed. Next to the picture is written in Arabic: "Wining, if God willing." [Inshallah].

    It should be noted that on the Facebook page, which received more than 43,000 likes, the problematic status was removed about half an hour ago.

    Meanwhile, the Football Association's disciplinary court this morning announced the punishment of Betar Jerusalem following the events in the 1: 3 victory game against Kiryat Shmona…

    The court decided to impose on the team a penalty of two actual radius games. In addition, Betar was fined NIS 40,000.
  227. Neri Weiss, "When Sakhnin shouted 'Itbach al Yahud' nothing happened", Channel 7, May 6, 2015.
    "This season there were incidents of violence with other teams and it does not happen with us. We did not see any throwing of objects, rods and sticks. We are increasing security. I was in a game against Sakhnin and I heard 'Itbach Al Yahud' and it was not recorded in the report. "Betar is always easy, even though you don't see the physical violence."
  228. Gil Ronen, Shameful: Arab soccer fans boo Israeli anthem, INN, Jan 19, 2016.
    Sakhnin fans chant 'with blood and fire, we will redeem you, O Al Aksa,' give Nazi salute during national anthem, at Beitar Jerusalem game.
  229. View the documentation: "Allah Akbar" while playing "Hatikva", Israel Sports Staff, 24-09-2018.
    Bnei Sakhnin fans returned to Teddy after a long time following agreements with Beitar Jerusalem and the league director, but many of them did not respect him while playing the anthem. Fans claim: some even saluted with raised hand.

    The shadow, September 25, 2018.

    This the media will not show to you. Share! Bnei Sakhnin fans try to interrupt while singing the anthem with shouts of "Allah Akbar" salute with raised hand and shout "in blood we will redeem Balesteen" and only make the fans sing more with all their might until their cries sound like a roar of a fly in front of a lion's roar ...

    Come on Beitar.
  230. "The jihadnik Prof of UC-Santa Barbara". S. Plaut, April 2006. [38]
  231. Affirmative Action Instead of Ethics S Plaut, INN, 06/11/2006. The Arab spokesmen say that the Arab students have failed to develop ethical awareness because they do not serve in the Israeli army.
  232. Israeli Affirmative Action? DAFKA. Ed. The Arab saw on our campuses has been to suggest israel is seeking genocide against Arabs in the Middle East. Israel is a democracy akin to the US and respects the rights of all religions and groups. The article below by Steve Plaut illustrates how close to US universities Israeli ones really are.). Read on: "Anti-Jewish Apartheid Comes to Israeli Academia"...
  233. Ido Ben Porat, "Free course at the Technion - for Arabs only", INN, Apr 24, 2017.
    A course that provides tools to successfully integrate into the world of work, opened only for Arab students. "Why do only Arabs deserve a free course?".
  234. Anew program at the Hebrew University for graduate degrees, including exemption from the General Staff and payment of a grant - to Arabs only, Rotter, Aug 5, 2018.
    The Hebrew University has announced a new program for graduate degrees (master's and doctoral degrees) in the natural sciences, which includes a full exemption from tuition, a scholarship of NIS 2,000 per month in the first year and NIS 4,000 per month in the second year ... for Arabs only.
  235. Adir Janko, Within a decade: an 82% jump in the number of Arab students, Ynet, Oct 8, 2018.
    In September 2016, the Council for Higher Education presented its multi-year program for the years 2017–2022, with one of its goals being a massive integration of Arab students into the higher education system.... In addition, the Planning and Budgeting Committee also grants research scholarships and honors to Arab graduate students. The program presented a goal according to which at least 17 percent of students will be Arabs by 2022 - a goal that has actually already been achieved.
  236. Col. (Res.) Tal Brown, From rioting to studies: In Israel, there is a positive preference for Arabs - not soldiers - now 14, 25 Iyar 5782 (25/05/22).

    Will there be a courageous leadership in the country, in the Knesset and at the university, that will say out loud and without shame that it prefers to receive outstanding soldiers, fighters and officers everywhere to study and work? Our son served in an elite unit in the army, became an officer and proved his loyalty to the country. Our son saluted the Israeli flag ... Our son signed a permanent contract and even after the liberation, at the end of a few years, he was called to the flag and to the reserve service. Our son has improved his matriculation almost to the end of the score scale - you could say "up to one hundred and twenty" here as well. Our son took some psychometric tests and "burned" deposit money, along with another year or two of his time that went down the drain. Our son has a lofty goal mark to be accepted to medical school because he saw the profession as a mission in our small country. Our son wanted to study in Jerusalem, the capital, but preferred the university in Be'er Sheva, in order to contribute to the community with full intention and faith. Our son, like thousands of our best loyal young people, is now studying in Europe, because in the State of Israel there is a positive preference mainly for Arabs… but not for soldiers, fighters and discharged officers. In the only universities in the Middle East that accept Jews for studies - there are priorities for nationalist Arabs who love colorful flags and ostensibly martyrs, preferably from villages in the Galilee or from the Diaspora, where the word "apartheid" is common. In universities with a glorious Zionist heritage as the capital of Israel or in the first Hebrew city, and even in the one that commemorates the name of David Ben-Gurion in Be'er Sheva, reckless and young Arabs are respected, but not necessarily the nation's worthy sons and daughters - soldiers, fighters and discharged officers. The Israeli academy respects Palestinian Arabs who receive privileges, good conditions and scholarships, for "apartheid" shouts that accompany the violation of the symbols of sovereignty and the desecration of Zionist values. In Israeli universities, national dignity, in the name of freedom of expression or contempt, has been trampled on, along with approaching the ideology of Fatah, jihad and Hamas. In the State of Israel, it is preferable to give scholarships and benefits, to allocate places in dormitories and faculties coveted by Arab students with Palestinian flags waving, shaking hands and hurting Israeli feelings. The State of Israel prefers to fund scholarships for nationalist Arabs who are allegedly "from rioting to studies" in the tens and hundreds of millions of shekels, but to the soldiers' contribution to the state saves money, and the sacrifice of the fighters and discharged officers does them a favor. In the State of Israel, loyal Zionists and their right to study and live in the country are underestimated. On the other hand, those unfaithful Arabs with the (not necessarily high) grades are deepened and encouraged to deepen their grip on it.

    Will there be a courageous leadership in the country, in the Knesset and at the university, that will say out loud and without shame that it prefers to receive outstanding soldiers, fighters and officers everywhere to study and work? This is across insolent Arabs who are not known in the State of Israel, who are offended when they are ostensibly called "enlightened" as "Israeli Arabs" instead of "occupied Palestinians." To all the ministers, members of the Knesset and the heads of the universities at whose doorstep the issue and solutions were placed next to it, but in their treatment (if any), helplessness, indifference and laxity were demonstrated, saying in one word - shame!
  237. The Shadow, Feb 17, 2021
  238. 238.0 238.1 Jonathan Gottlieb, Bezalel: A student supported a terrorist, a Jewish student protested and was suspended, INN, Jun 6, 2022.

    2 Jewish students at Bezalel are facing a disciplinary committee after demonstrating against an Arab student who supports terrorism and a student who is suspected of throwing Molotov cocktails... A student at "Bezalel Academy of Art and Design" cheering for a post supporting terrorists published by his Arab classmate was suspended from school, while his friend who supports terrorism was not Nothing. Another Jewish student who spoke harsh words to the Arab student will appear before a disciplinary committee. This happened after an Arab student in Bezalel published a post supporting the terrorist Dia Hamarsha who carried out the murderous attack in Bnei Brak. The Bezalel management did not see fit to attach importance to the support post for the terrorist. Some time later, the Arab student who published the post supporting the terrorist was arrested on suspicion of inciting terrorism, and was removed from Jerusalem for a period of 15 days. The Arab students in Bezalel demonstrated without interruption in protest of the arrest and removal of the terrorist-supporting student, while waving PLO flags... Upon the return of the terrorist-supporting student to studies, two Jewish students protested... When the Jewish student protesting against the terrorist-supporting student returned to his class, he was greeted with voices of protest from his Arab classmates...

    The attitude of the "Bezalel" management towards the Arab student who was arrested last February on suspicion of throwing Molotov cocktails at a Jewish house in the Shimon haTzadik neighborhood was also infuriating. Bernstein described how the lecturers tried to be flexible and help as much as possible the "important" student in terrorism. "One of the lecturers is asking the police to allow the student to continue submitting the papers so that his semester will not be affected," said Bernstein. "There is no statement on this from Bezalel."
  239. Ido Chen, The signs at the construction site near the scene of the horrific attack, HaMehadesh, 30.03.22.
    Residents who live in the Pardes Katz neighborhood in Bnei Brak, next to the site of the terrible and horrifying attack... among other things, painted on the walls of the building the Al-Aqsa Mosque, the flag of Palestine, next to swastikas.
  240. Signs of a PA State? Hillel Fendel, INN, Mar 6 , 2009. Dozens demonstrated at the large Tarkumiye checkpoint on Friday, against the new rules requiring Jews to show identification when passing through.
  241. Prof. Steven Plaut, Z.C., May 29, 2013 [39].

    Pseudo-Research by the Left about "Discrimination"

    Pseudo-Research at the IDI about "Discrimination"

    By Steven Plaut

    I am sure that you all recall the "research" at the Hebrew University from a few years back that claimed to find "evidence" showing that the reason Israeli soldiers do not rape Arab women is because the Jews are such racists. That "research" was done by a graduate student, Tal Nitzan, in sociology. Her thesis supervisor was Eyal Ben-Ari. If his name is familiar it was because he was later convicted of raping his own Hebrew University students and was dismissed. I guess he was just trying to prove he was not racist. (see [40])

    Well if you enjoy reading about "research" in Israel that derives conclusions that directly contradict the evidence, then you will love the latest "research" coming out of the Israel Democracy Institute or IDI. This is a leftwing "think tank" that promotes the political agenda of Israel's remaining Left. The new "research" was written by one Tanya Steiner, who is the IDI's point-gal for churning out "research" about inequality in Israel. Steiner also is the IDI's promoter of affirmative action programs in Israel. The new "research" in question was supervised by Prof. Mordecai Kremnitzer, who is a senior IDI honcho and also a professor or law at Tel Aviv University ([41]).

    The new IDI "research" by Steiner (with input from Kremnitzer) concerns the activities of Israel's Commission on Equal Opportunities in Employment. This is a relatively new regulatory body set up supposedly to promote equality in the workplace. The Commissioner is sent complaints by people who feel they have been victims of discrimination. Steiner's "research" on the commission appears as a chapter in a propaganda book that has been published by Macmillan called "Palestinians in the Israeli Labor Market." You will not be surprised to hear that the book has nothing to say about Palestinians in the Israeli Labor Market. Rather it discusses Israeli Arabs in the Israeli labor market. It adopts the now trendy rhetorical invention by Israel's far Left of referring to Israeli Arabs as Israeli Palestinians. That book also includes chapters written by some of the worst far-leftist Marxist sociologists in Israel.

    A Hebrew synopsis of the "research" appears in a report in Haaretz' Marker today (in Hebrew this is at [42]). The main "finding" of Steiner is that Israel is such a racist and discriminatory place that only 3% of all of the complaints from people claiming to be victims of discrimination come from Israeli Arabs (who are around 18% of the workforce)! Really!

    Yes, it turns out that only a tiny proportion of complaints sent to the Commissioner on Equal Opportunity in Employment in 2011 (the year investigated) were submitted by Arabs. A full 46% were sent in by Jewish women, the rest by others (she does not report how many were sent in by Orthodox Jews!). Only three of the complaints received in the entire 2011 year by the commission about alleged discrimination against Arabs were deemed worthy of investigation. Now an ordinary citizen might be tempted to interpret this as a great success for Israel and for Israeli Arabs, where the numbers indicate how rare are cases where there are even allegations of discrimination against Arabs in the workplace.

    Ah, but not for the IDI and for Sistuh Steiner. Her "research" concludes that the low numbers just show how hopeless Israeli Arabs regard their dire circumstances, where they do not even think it is worthwhile filing complaints about the massive universal discrimination against them. In short, the absence of complaints about discrimination against Arabs in Israel proves how widespread and awful is discrimination against Arabs.

    And so Steiner and Kremnitzer join Nitzan Tal from the rape thesis in the grand new club of pseudo-researchers in Israel who prove their thesis by citing evidence that shows that their thesis is completely bogus.

    2. Oh dear, it is getting so complicated to be sensitive and politically correct on Israeli college campuses these days.

    Take the University of Haifa (please!). It just became the first university in Israel to decide to shut down for all the holidays of Israel's non-Jewish minorities. So it will not hold classes or exams on Christian, Moslem, or Druse holidays. The local tenured Left had been pushing for this for years, as well as demanding that Christmas trees be displayed all around the campus in late December and that all signs on all buildings appear not only in Hebrew and English but also in Arabic (never mind that Hebrew and English are the only languages of instruction).

    As you can imagine, this creates a number of logistics problems. What happens during Ramadan? Will the campus shut down for a full month while Moslems fast during daylight hours? And remember that Ramadan can fall any time of year because the Islamic calendar is divorced from the solar cycle.

    But the really serious problem the University of Haifa will have involves Christmas. The problem is this: which Christmas? For universities in the west where all Christians are Catholic or Protestant, the problem is simple - you make it December 25. But remember that the Christian community in Israel is a dazzlingly diverse crew. And different churches hold Christmas on different days using different calendars. The Russian Orthodox hold Christmas in mid-January and there are plenty of such Russian Orthodox folk in Israel. I think the Greek Orthodox hold theirs on a different date in January and there are also plenty of Greek Orthodox in Israel. Then there are the Copts, the Armenians, the Caucasus Georgians, the Assyrians, and a dizzying list of other traditions, each with their own dates and calendars.

    If the University of Haifa ONLY shuts down on December 25, would not all these other groups of Christians have legitimate grievances and sue for discrimination? And if the university shuts down for ALL possible dates of Christmas, the whole semester might as well be cancelled.

    And we have not even asked about Kwanzaa. Surely there are "Black Hebrews" in Dimona who celebrate that! And Festivus, for people who watch the Seinfeld show. And how come atheist or pagan holidays do not count? How about the solstices or Wiccan celebrations?

    Ah, the dilemmas of the sensitive!
  242. '10 Myths you have about the ultra-Orthodox,' They actually work more, take the most mortgages and smoke the least], Shoshana Chen, Yediot Achronot, May 11, 2018. [43]

    A sense of discrimination

    Myth: The Arabs are the most discriminated against in Israel, and that is how they feel. Reality: The pinnacle of discrimination belongs to the ultra-Orthodox. While 23% of Arabs feel discrimination against 3% of the non-ultra-Orthodox Jewish public, 32% of ultra-Orthodox men feel 35%, and men 28%. "I was surprised too," Kasir admits. "From ultra-Orthodox colleagues, I heard different explanations for this. The most common was," Discriminating against us in workplaces, "among working ultra-Orthodox people, but when asked if they personally experienced it, they answered," No, but it is known. " Which reinforces previously hidden feelings. " These feelings in men can also be explained by the external appearance, which exceeds them more in the labor market and as recipients of services. By the way, the sense of discrimination is rising among the ultra-Orthodox with the rise in age, in contrast to the other sectors of Israeli society.

    Stereotypical Thinking The myth: The Haredi society is the most affiliated with its opinions, and is divided into testimony with high walls between them.

    Reality: 85% of the ultra-Orthodox will agree to receive a person with a different stumer / output - less than the other marriage in non-ultra-Orthodox Jews (96%), but almost twice as among the Arabs (45%).
  243. Bethel, Mideastpost, May 29, 2007.
  244. Jack Engelhard, "Of Rush, Dreyfus and Arutz Sheva". INN, 02/11/2003. 'Sometimes it does seem that Israel and America are joined at the hip. What's happening to Arutz Sheva is Rush Limbaugh all over again.'
  245. Return of the T word
  246. Further discrimination against Jews in the Cave of the Patriarchs - Arabs enter without any inspection at all compared to Jews who are always examined, Rotter, 09/01/17.

    As you may recall, since the B. Goldstein event, magnetometers have been placed at the entrance to the Cave of the Patriarchs. To Jews and Arabs alike. What else? When there are celebrated days for Arabs, they enter en masse without a check, compared to Jews who always, on ordinary days and Jewish holidays, go through the magnetometers and strict inspection (which creates unbearable pressure and very long queues).

    It will be recalled that quite a few cases have occurred in the past, in which Jewish property located in the Cave of the Patriarchs was destroyed in the days of Idam, by Arab rioters.
  247. Temple Mount shut to non-Muslims on election eve Etgar Lefkovitz, JPost, Mar 26, 2006
  248. Jews Barred From Temple Mount While Mourning Destruction Of Temples Our Jerusalem, July 27, 2004.
  249. Hypocrisy Train, Itamar Levin, News1, Sep 4, 2016
  250. Netael Bandel, "State to the High Court: Magnometers at the entrance to the Temple Mount - for Jews only, Makor Rishon, June 10, 2018.
    The state presented the High Court with confidential intelligence-police material according to which Jews and non-Arabs should be checked with magnetometers on the Temple Mount.
  251. Hidabroot, 20.11.14.
    And to sum up: it is absolutely forbidden to enter the territory of the Temple even at this time. And is a severe prohibition from the Torah. And it is true that it is forbidden to enter the entire Temple Mount at this time, because we do not know exactly where the Temple boundaries are, and all the words of the rabbis and experts who tried to determine the inner boundaries of the Temple Mount do not rely on necessary evidence. Therefore, the great arbitrators were among those who decided to completely ban the entrance to the Temple Mount area.
  252. Jonathan Gottlieb, 136 Rabbis: It is forbidden to ascend the Temple Mount, 28.07.20.
    136 rabbis from religious Zionism signed a letter, joining the ban on chief rabbis and the historical proclamations prohibiting entry into the Temple Mount area.
  253. Selective enforcement: Tibi enters the Temple Mount - contrary to guidelines, Bhol, June 19, 2021. About a month after the police did not allow Knesset members ... to ascend the Temple Mount, because they did not receive permission from the Knesset officer as required - yesterday Ahmad Tibi ascended the mountain, even though he did not ask for permission. Chairman of ‘Otzma ..’: "This is racism, it is impossible to complete if such a phenomenon."
  254. A. Segal, "Jews are discriminated against in so many ways on the Temple Mount. It's disgusting", Makor Rishon, Jan 19, 2020
  255. Temple Mount undercovers: This is how activists of the "Returning to the Mountain" movement enter the Temple Mount - disguised as Arabs., Rotter, Dec 14, 2021.
    An article on Channel 13. Interview with activists of the "Returning to the Mountain" movement, impersonating Arabs in order to enter the Temple Mount and pray.
  256. Noor Dahri Oct 23, 2017:
    Noor Dahri in the dark. Noor Dahri grew up in Pakistan, was brought up to think that "Jews are (he was thought are) worse than animals" and joined a terrorist organization - Today he is a Muslim-Zionist, who attacks the extremists and explains that the Koran gave the Land of Israel to the Jews ¬ He also has only good words about the strict inspection in Israel ("I hugged the researcher").
  257. Noor Dahri has finally arrived in the Holy Land: as a Muslim, he is shocked by the freedom of religion for Muslims on Jewish sites and is revolted by the opposite, Rotter News. 20.08.22.

    Which he calls "Muslim apartheid in Jerusalem".

    A Muslim who visited Israel shares:

    I visited the Aksa Mosque and the Western Wall and prayed in both places.

    I was so ashamed to see that I had free access to every Jewish religious area of the Western Wall to pray and not a single religious Jew bothered to stop me but a Jew was not even allowed to approach the Nablus gate! (One Jew approached and said "God bless you" when I was taking a video).

    Where is freedom of religion and expression? We Muslims have the right to go anywhere in the country, but the Jews do not even have the right to go to certain areas in Jerusalem. This is the great example of Muslim apartheid in Jerusalem. [44].
    Noor Dahri - Visited Aqsa Mosque and Kotal (wailing wall)... | Facebook Aug 20, 2022.
    Visited Aqsa Mosque and Kotal (wailing wall) and prayed in both places.

    I was so ashamed of to see that I had free access to any Jewish religious area in Kotal to pray and no any single religious Jewish ever bothered to stop me but Jewish weren’t even allowed to come closer to Damascus Gate! (One Jewish came close and said “God Bless you” when I was filming video). Where is freedom of religion and expression.

    We (he says) Muslims have right to go anywhere in Israel but Jewish people have no right to even go to certain areas of Jerusalem. This is the great example of Muslims Apartheid in Jerusalem.
  258. Rotter, Apr 7, 2022.

    B'Tsalmo organization to Health Minister Horowitz: Just as the Muslim public is considered on the Temple Mount, Jews can be considered in Passover hospitals.

    B'Tsalmo organization to Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz: Just as the Muslim public is considered on the Temple Mount, Jews can be considered in Passover hospitals.

    The human rights organization B'Tsalmo appealed to Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz to prevent the introduction of chametz into hospitals on Passover, against the background of the ban on bringing food and drink on the Temple Mount during Ramadan.

    It will be recalled that since the beginning of Ramadan, the Israel Police has banned Jews and tourists from bringing food and drink to the Temple Mount due to the Muslim Ramadan fast.

    Following the High Court's decision to allow the introduction of chametz into hospitals on Passover.

    B'Tsalmo claims unfairness and inequality.

    It added: "Just as one considers the evenings celebrating the month of Ramadan, one should also consider patients in hospitals who want to eat without seeing chametz in front of their eyes in the hospitals.

    It does not make sense that only one side is taken into account, if one is taken into account - one should take them all into account, finished CEO B'Tsalmo Shai Glick. If the introduction of chametz is possible in hospitals, it should also be possible on the Temple Mount. And vice versa.

    For further details:

    Aviad, PR B'Tsalmo.
  259. B'Tsalmo organization in its appeal to Horowitz: Consider the Jews on Passover, HaMechadesh, 6 in Nissan 5782 (07/04/22).
    B'Tsalmo organizes for Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz: Just as the Muslim public is considered on the Temple Mount, Jews can be considered in Passover hospitals.

    The human rights organization B'Tsalmo appealed to Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz to prevent the introduction of chametz into hospitals on Passover, against the background of the ban on bringing food and drink on the Temple Mount during Ramadan ...

    "Just as one considers the evenings celebrating the month of Ramadan, one should also consider patients in hospitals who want to eat without seeing chametz in front of their eyes in the hospitals.

    "It doesn't make sense to consider only one side, if you consider - you have to consider them all," concluded B'Tsalmo CEO Shai Glick.
  260. Jerusalem Mayor Dismantles BBC Assertion That Israel Provoked Temple Mount Riots, Israel Today, Apr 21, 2022.

    "We are overly sensitive to the point of denying freedom of worship to Jews!"

    The world instinctively blamed Israel for the violence at the Temple Mount this past weekend, ignoring almost entirely the facts of the events as they unfolded and Israel’s stated and demonstrated commitment to maintaining the status quo. It was no surprise that Muslim nations were among the loudest to condemn Israel, though it was a bit disconcerting to find our new Abraham Accords allies among them. But that same day the United Arab Emirates also agreed to take part in Israel’s upcoming Independence Day celebrations, showing that we can disagree and still remain friends. The most shocking reaction to the Temple Mount flare-up came from one of Israel’s oldest peace partners in the Middle East, neighboring Jordan. Jordanian Prime Minister Bisher Khasawneh went so far as to openly praise the Palestinian Muslims who had engaged in violence against Israeli police and civilians.

    "I salute every Palestinian, and all the employees of the Jordanian Islamic Waqf, who proudly stand like minarets, hurling their stones in a volley of clay at the Zionist sympathizers defiling the Al-Aqsa Mosque under the protection of the Israeli occupation government, " Khasawneh told the Jordanian parliament.

    Israel Prime Minister Naftali Bennett called this incitement, though refrained from pointing a finger directly at Jordan or Khasawneh. In a short video clip posted online, Bennett slammed those who "accuse Israel of the violence directed against us…those who are encouraging rock-throwing and the use of violence against the citizens of the State of Israel." "This is unacceptable to us," he added. “This is a reward for the inciters, especially Hamas, who are trying to ignite violence in Jerusalem. We will not allow this to happen.”

    Bennett stressed that Israel is committed to security and freedom of worship for all local residents, Muslims included, all of whom are harmed by the actions of the rioters. And that was the point Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem Fleur Hassan-Nahoum had to reinforce when she was interviewed by a BBC journalist who had simply copy-pasted Hamas accusations as his talking points.

    Suggesting that the Israeli police action had been entirely arbitrary, the BBC anchor asked: “Why did Israeli police storm the Aqsa compound at a sensitive time, during Friday prayers, during Ramadan?” Hassan-Nahoum was having none of it: “Actually, the question is why did rioters come early in the morning with stones and fireworks and start throwing stones from the Temple Mount, from Haram al-Sharif, to the Wailing Wall? They showed up this morning to cause trouble.” Indeed, ample social media evidence shows Muslim youth arriving early and stockpiling stones inside Al-Aqsa Mosque before engaging the Israelis.

    Several clips also show older Muslim worshippers berating the youngsters and demanding that they stop disrupting Ramadan by attacking Israelis.

    Hassan-Nahoum echoed Bennett in stating that the action of the Israeli police was aimed at restoring calm so that the majority of Muslims who arrived to the Temple Mount could enjoy [their] Ramadan.

    "Israel protects freedom of worship above anything else and that’s why we needed to get rid of the troublemakers so that the rest of the peaceful Muslim pilgrims could come and pray as they normally do every single Friday,” she stressed. And that’s just what the rest of the Muslims did, unmolested by Israeli police, once the rioters had been forcibly ejected.

    That wasn’t good enough for the BBC anchor, who persisted in his assertion that Israel’s actions had been disproportionate and provocative. And that’s when Hassan-Nahoum sounded like she’d had enough and sought to set the record straight:

    "Let me tell you something. I am the head of tourism for the city of Jerusalem, and I consider Haram al-Sharif holy to Jews and holy to Muslims. And we are so sensitive [to Muslim concerns] that by Israeli law Jews aren’t allowed to go and pray at Haram al-Sharif. There is freedom of worship for everybody in this city except for Jews who want to pray on the Temple Mount. That’s how sensitive we are."
    פלר חסן נחום Fleur Hassan-Nahoum @FleurHassanN Tweeted:
    My @BBC interview via @YouTube to clarify all the misinformation going around about the Friday riots.

    Apr 17, 2022


    Well, first of all the rioters who entered the al-Aqsa Mosque started doing property damage inside the mosque, and the Israeli police came in to stop the damage they did...

    When someone throws a five-pound rock at your head, I'm not sure you can say that the Israeli police fired the first shot...

    And we are very, very sensitive to it, so much so that under Israeli law Jews are not allowed to pray in a harem to a sheriff, so there is freedom of worship for everyone in the city, except Jews.]

  261. Shalom Friedman, "Prize for Terrorism" - The Temple Mount will be closed to Jews, Hakol H., 20/04/2022.
    ... Last night (Tuesday) it was announced that the government intends to ban the entry of Jews to the Temple Mount from this Friday until the end of the Muslim "Ramadan" month.
  262. Arabs vandalized the mezuzah at the entrance to the Cave of the Patriarchs, News 0404, 23/04/2022

    Arab rioters vandalized the mezuzah at the entrance to the Cave of the Patriarchs. The destroyers took advantage of the Friday of Ramadan when the cave is empty of Jews and fully open to Arabs, but since the mezuzah was made of stone (after the end of the destruction) they managed to uproot only part of the decoration.

    MK Strock uploaded the mezuzah picture and wrote: "Now imagine what would have happened in the opposite situation: hitting the carpet when the cave was open to Jews only?"
  263. Eldar Maman, Muezzin - Yes, Shabbat Songs - No | A woman questioned by police for playing Shabbat songs - all the details, 0404 News, 18/07/2022.

    Karnit Avidav, a resident of Afula and a mother of eight children, with no criminal record, found herself under police investigation during the 17th of Tammuz fast on "suspicion" of playing Shabbat songs.

    Avidav was suspected of sounding a horn with Shabbat melodies before the beginning of Shabbat for 2 minutes to mark the beginning of Shabbat, as happens in many cities around the country and especially in a traditional city like Afula.

    In a complaint sent by Adv. Michael Litwok, spokesman for the human rights organization B'Tsalmo, representing Karnit Avidav, to the Public Complaints Department at the police, it was stated that the police did not present any order or opinion examining the noise and it is unclear what police decided to use. Its power and authority are detrimental.

    The complaint also states that Karnit Avidav, who is a completely normative woman, a mother of eight children, with no criminal record at all, found herself forced to face a criminal investigation, and a serious violation of her privacy for no wrong in force: In a warning at a police station and detained for long hours and even means of identification, fingerprints and photos were taken from her as the last of the criminals. To please a handful of violent residents who do not guarantee Shabbat songs to their ears. My clients can not help but wonder about the selective and choosy enforcement against them, while dozens and hundreds of complaints about noise and music at high volume are not enforced at all. We have not seen the Israeli police act in this way towards the horn of a mosque - which clearly indicates selective enforcement and, moreover, persecution against the Jewish religion. "Instead of dealing with a real crime, it seems that the police are covering for their helplessness with the opening of an investigation against a 'criminal' suspected of operating Shabbat tunes for a few minutes every week."

    The Israel Police refused to comment on the article.

    Shai Glick, CEO of B'Tsalmo: "It is unfortunate and outrageous that the Afula police, instead of strengthening the Sabbath-observers in the city who make Shabbat evening pleasant, choose to fight them. There is no doubt that the horn does not hurt anyone, but the opposite prevents the atmosphere on Shabbat night in the city of Afula, which is a traditional city. While muezzins are heard all over the country at a power that exceeds the law and at night and nothing is done here the police are a hero to the weak. We will continue to act and strengthen those who choose to play Shabbat horns in accordance with the law."

    Advocate Michael Litwok: "It is unfortunate that the Israeli police took a side and decided to interrogate a normative woman as the last of the perpetrators, with all suspicion against her being playing Shabbat songs for 2 minutes a week. We will work to bring the law to justice with the police involved."
  264. JJ, Aug-2018
  265. An Israeli Arab citizen is happy that Jews were murdered yesterday and we continue to support him, Rotter, Oct 2, 2015.

    Haj Yahia Yousef:
    'Now it can said a nice and good weekend (smileys)

    What to envy, cars we have, houses we have, without debts , loans, we have jobs, to the army to IDF we do not go because we have guard dogs. We have prostitutes, we fu#ck the Jewesss and throw them away ...'

    -Murder of Hankin couple Oct-1-2015 - beginning of a wave of racist Arab Muslim terror attacks.

    -Some targeted were obvious Haredim (Y.K.) with wardrobe that who clearly indicate being non-Zionist not to mention, serving in the IDF. There wee heroic incidents of a mother defending her children while being stabbed and the Arab leaving knife stuck in her body... some were murdered while saving others.

    -Stabbing, shows a particular obsessive hatred.

    -On Oct-2-2015, a well established Arab in Israel, earning a living from Jews, Haj Yahia Yousef, posted cheerfuly after the murder and how the Arabs are so well off, financially and not having to serve in the IDF because the IDF are their guard dogs and that they f#ck the Jewish women and then throw them away.
  266. "Drama in Plenum: The law of conscription fell in his file; Multi-fury and frustration in the coalition ... Ra'am Party voted for recruitment of Haredim." Ari Kalman, Behadrei, Jan 17, 2022.
  267. Shirit Avitan Cohen, Despite RAAM support: The recruitment law fell through, Jan 17, 2022
  268. Itai Gadasi, "First discussion of the recruitment law in the Debt Committee; "Recruit the Arabs as well"", Radio Kol Chai, Feb 8, 2022.
    The Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee discusses the draft law that was approved on first reading. MK Arbel: "" Equality is not important to you, but an attempt to educate the ultra-Orthodox. " MK Ben-Zur: "We know in advance that we will not meet the goals." Maklev: "The reality is that there is no need to recruit yeshiva members."
  269. Ari Kalman, "The ultra-Orthodox pressure on RAAM: support for the recruitment law - a knife in the back of the ultra-Orthodox," Behadrei, 22/11/2021.
    The ultra-Orthodox parties are taking advantage of the removal of the draft law from the agenda and are working on several fronts to thwart it through opposition from the RAAM party. "We will be told to go to the army"


  270. The Arab MK from Meretz no longer has a problem with recruiting ultra-Orthodox - this is what she received in exchange for tonight's vote, News 0404, 31/01/2022
  271. Shai Shamai Glick, "Double standard between Arab interrogations and Jewish interrogations", Mida, Sep 30, 2021.

    While incitement cases against right-wingers are being investigated at record speed, incitement cases by Arab elected officials and terrorist supporters have been detained by the State Attorney's Office and the Israel Police for many years.

    [Yazbek, Tibi and Odeh (Knesset Spokeswoman)]

    Recently, the Ombudsman for State Complaints against Retired Judges David Rosen ruled that the Attorney General and the State Attorney's Office had been negligent for years in investigating incitement cases against terrorist supporters. The beginning of the story is in a request by the human rights organization B'Tsalmo five years ago to the Attorney General, Dr. Avichai Mandelblit, to interrogate Sheikh Ali Ahmad Odeh.

    The sheikh was documented standing on the Temple Mount in front of tens of thousands of Muslims shouting and calling for the murder of Jews and President Trump. Seemingly, there is no more classic incitement offense than this, nor is there any doubt about the severity of these things due to the explosive location and date. Despite this, within a few days, Deputy State Attorney Ms. Nurit Littman, who is in charge of freedom of expression offenses, decided to close the case and not even open a preliminary investigation. The publication of the decision was extensively reviewed and drew sharp public criticism of the State Attorney's Office. The B'Tsalmo organization then filed an appeal, which was indeed accepted and communicated to the organization's spokesman, Adv. Michael Litvak, that the case will be reopened ...
  272. 272.0 272.1 Swastika and abusive graffiti against Israel were sprayed in Daburyyia in the north, 0404, March 29, 2016.
    Arabs spray-painted swastikas, painted a PLO flag and an abusive graffiti against Israel at a station in the northern town of Daburyyia, near Afula. This is not the first event in an Arab settlement and not in the last. In the news of 0404, dozens of Arab hate crime events were published, but the police were almost not operating on the subject almost including: in Taibe, Lod, Sakhnin, Arraba, Daburyyia and many Arab localities sprayed through sterilizer and granted addresses against Jews and Israel. As we know, on an Arabs' address (in our country, very few cases) the police rush to issue a message to the media and everyone is in a hurry to condemn, but in the Jewish state do nothing when harming Jews.
  273. The Shadow הצל - If a Jew mumbles Shema Yisrael or waves the Israeli flag on the Temple Mount, he is stopped on the spot, but masked with Hamas flags shouting death to Israel and saluting with raised hand, it's "okay" ... Happy Valentine's day ! אם יהודי ממלמל שמע ישראל או מניף דגל ישראל בהר הבית, הוא נעצר במקום, אבל רעולי פנים עם דגלי חמאס שצועקים מוות לישראל ומצדיעים במועל יד, זה בסדר... חג אהבה שמח ! Feb 14, 2020. __ Radi Swis (replied): The area is Palestinian. The land is Palestinian. Palestinian worshipers .... what is the problem here exactly? !!!!!! Is this your father's land? My dad has proof that it's his... Feb 14, 2020 __ Amir Nikola (replied): Happy valentines moutherfuckerssssss... The promise day will come dont need to worry... The right and true will shine no matter how much clouds you have to cover the right and truth! Feb 17, 2020
  274. [ The case against the assailants of a Jew was closed, the suspect was not questioned], INN, Dec 14, 2021.

    The Honenu organization claimed that no basic investigative actions were carried out and filed an appeal. "The investigation sends a message of non-enforcement."

    About two and a half years after a young Jew was attacked by members of minorities [Arabs] in Binyamin, the investigation file against the attackers was closed, without the investigation of the main suspect in the attack.

    In addition, police did not gather evidence that was at the scene, which could have testified to the role of the attackers in the incident.

    Advocate Ophir Steiner of the Honenu organization filed an appeal requesting to reopen the investigation and prosecute the attackers.

    He criticized the conduct of the police. "It is inconceivable that a case that ends in a life-threatening injury will be investigated so superficially and incompletely. Another investigation!"

    "Such conduct on the part of law enforcement agencies sends a message of non-enforcement, even in severe cases of serious assault on a racist-nationalist background, thereby undermining the security of citizens. Law enforcement agencies must do everything in their power at this stage to correct the distortions and exhaust The law with the violent attackers. "

    The attack took place in the summer about three years ago, near Givat Assaf in Binyamin. A minority [Arab] and his sons attacked A., a young Jew in his early twenties, who was isolated on the spot. At first the father and his sons threw stones at the young Jew and later the older of the sons hit A. in the head until he fell to the ground. With his last strength, A. managed to escape his attackers when his consciousness was vague.

    A. called the security forces and the police, who located the adult minority [Arab] and his children. Blood stains were found on the father's shirt, but his sons had time to shower and change shirts until the police arrived. The attackers were detained for questioning at the police station but were released that evening. The father was summoned for questioning the next day. A. seeks medical treatment when he suffers cuts in his head, broken ribs, a broken hand and an air bubble in the lungs ...
  275. Precedent-setting lawsuit against police over discrimination INN, 19 Nov 2020.
  276. Clashes in Sheikh Jarrah - 3 lightly wounded Jews - Police broke into Tal Yushvaev's house and arrested him, Totter, 29.05.22.
  277. Eldar Maman, Shimon ha-Tzaddik: Arabs attacked Tal Yushvaev's house with stones - the police actually arrested him - Watch, 0404, 29/05/2022.

    Arabs attack security forces and Jews who have come to celebrate Jerusalem Day throughout the Israeli capital. Several Jews were injured as a result of Arab terrorism in the capital, including five policemen and a child. In one case, dozens of terrorists attacked Tal Yushvaev's house in the Shimon Hatzadik neighborhood, whose house and car had previously been set on fire by Arabs, for some reason the police chose to arrest him.

    Large forces broke into Yushvaev's home, handcuffed him and took him to the police station. Despite the ostentatious arrest, and following the publication in 0404 News, after a brief interrogation he was released from custody. Residents of the neighborhood told 0404 News that the home of Yushvaev's was stoned in the last hour with hundreds of stones and blocks, but they claimed Tal's arrest apparently came after the police received an order from the government to maintain "symmetry in violence" and present the Jews' defense equal to the terror of the Arabs attacking them. In addition to the severe attack on Tal Yushvaev's home, Arab terrorists broke the windows of a Jewish-owned car, set fire to cans and fired fireworks at security forces and Jewish homes.

    Following the severe Arab violence and the arrest of the Jews, the chairman Otzma, MK Itamar Ben Gvir, arrived in the Shimon HaTzadik neighborhood to help the police forces establish order there.
  278. "Arabs attacked a group of Jews in Lod - the police arrest the guide at his home in the morning." Hamal, June 7, 2022.

    Advocate Adi Keidar..: "The police have not learned a lesson - continue to persecute the victims and not the rioters"

    A group of Jewish students from an educational institution in the south of the country, who were touring the Ramat Eshkol neighborhood of Lod yesterday (Tuesday), were severely attacked by Arab rioters. The group was forced to flee and hide in a nearby synagogue. Police forces who arrived at the scene rescued the group members from the city. Police did not arrest any of the rioters.

    Early in the morning, the police raided the homes of most of the students in the south of the country, and the group counselor's house in Lod, the Rab. who was staying with the students on a trip, and was not at home coordinated an investigation for today at the Lod station. The guide was handcuffed in his home in front of his wife and taken for questioning at the Lod station, after which the guide was released.
  279. Why Haaretz is a Hate site (Haarets), DO, Oct 17, 2021
  280. Yotam Berger, "In Israel, Attorneys Decry 'Postponed Justice' When It Comes to Jewish ..." Haaretz, Sep. 11, 2016. Updated: Apr. 10, 2018.

    [One Orthodox right-wing teen is tethered to a metal bed frame with his face covered by a black scarf as part of a protest against the Shin Bet torturing Jewish prisoners, Tel Aviv, December 23, 2015.]

    Last summer A., then a minor, was arrested on suspicion of setting on fire a tent that served as a storage space for a Bedouin family in the northern West Bank. The arson damaged property, but no one was hurt. The Shin Bet interrogated him intensively for eight days after his arrest before he was allowed to see a lawyer.

    "They take you to a kind of basement, with dark, small cells. They don’t tell you what you are suspected of,” A. told Haaretz. “Afterward, they take me upstairs, blindfold me and take me to the interrogation room. They tie me behind my back to a chair. And then a Shin Bet interrogator sits across from me, lowers the blindfold and tells me: ‘As you understand, you are under Shin Bet interrogation. You will receive medications. You can shower, but we can prevent you if we want. There is usually a chance of consulting with a lawyer, but we decided not to give you that opportunity.”

    Dvir Kariv, a former field agent who served 22 years in the Shin Bet’s Jewish Division, asserts that denying a meeting with a lawyer “is a tool only used out of lack of choice.” A Haaretz investigation reveals ... the Shin Bet has turned denying meetings with lawyers into a norm, with dozens of Jews suspected of political crimes being denied legal counsel in recent years, a statistic law enforcement bodies have hidden.

    Two Sundays ago, Moshe Yinon Ben Amit Oren of the Givat Ronen Arusi outpost was arrested and taken for Shin Bet interrogation. Not only were the suspicions against him immediately forbidden from publication but also the very arrest itself. Oren, 18, was interrogated for four days in a Shin Bet facility in Petah Tikva before he was allowed legal counsel. He was completely cut off those four days, not even receiving an explanation of his rights.

    Last week, the gag order on his case was lifted and Oren was indicted... No one was injured, and his lawyers claim if he weren’t a settler no one would have dared think of preventing Oren from meeting with a lawyer, a serious violation of his rights as a subject of interrogation.

    A Haaretz investigation indicates that this practice of denying counsel bears no connection to the gravity of the suspected crime. According to the law, a detainee has the right to legal counsel without delay. Denying the meeting is based on a section of the arrest law allowing security force personnel to deny a suspect of security offenses from meeting a lawyer for up to 10 days, if the meeting would interfere with the arrest of other suspects, interfere with discovering or obtaining evidence, disrupt the investigation some other way or to prevent a further crime or save a life. Withholding legal counsel more than 10 days requires approval by the president of the district court and of the attorney general.

    However, according to lawyers representing Jews suspected of political crimes, denying legal counsel has become the default since 2012.

    "It is a regular ritual," says attorney Itamar Ben Gvir, who has represented several security suspects. Attorney Yitzhak Bam, who has represented many Israelis suspected of political offenses, says, “In recent years everything more than giving a flat tire ends up in arrest without a lawyer. " He says some detainees are denied counsel up to three weeks. “I’d say there are 20 such detainees per year,” he says. “Israel is perhaps the only Western country that prevents a meeting between a minor suspect and a lawyer.”

    Hidden secret

    Shin Bet and Justice Ministry officials asserted in reaction to an inquiry from Haaretz that they do not have statistics on how many Palestinians and Israelis are prevented from seeing a lawyer after their arrest in recent years. They are not sure that it is true. When the Movement for Freedom of Information and Yesh Din petitioned the High Court of Justice in 2009 demanding to reveal the statistics, the security services refused on the assertion that revealing it would endanger state security.

    "The detailed explanation of the authorities convinced me that accepting the petition, either broadly or narrowly, was liable to open a small window that in the end and unintentionally would somehow help enemy forces seeking to hurt the state," wrote Justice Neal Hendel in the decision to keep the data secret.

    However, a Haaretz investigation found that it is almost impossible to find Jews who were arrested of suspected political crimes and immediately received legal counsel. Seven such suspects were arrested at the beginning of 2016 for crimes such as torching vehicles ... The Shin Bet interrogated all seven and five were prevented from seeing their lawyer for over a week. The three suspects in torching a car in Yafiyya in July also were denied a lawyer, in their case for three days.

    "In other words, they prevent the meeting until the suspects confess," says their lawyer, Lior Bar Zohar. In these two cases, serious indictments were filed, but it’s not always the case...

    Even in less severe cases, like setting tires on fire or graffiti, actions described as “price tag” attacks, the security services tend to deny suspects their lawyers before interrogating them. For example, in the investigation of ... in Abu Ghosh in 2013, during which dozens of cars had their tires slashed and sprayed with anti-Arab slogans, security forces prevented two suspects from meeting their lawyer. One of them, according to his attorney, was cut off form legal counsel for an entire week. Only one of the two was eventually indicted.

    It’ll drive you crazy

    'A' says on lacking a lawyer by his side: “You don’t know what to say that won’t hurt yourself. Even if you didn’t do anything they can do what they want with you.” He thinks the goal of preventing the meeting is to generate mental pressure. “They can tell you what they want – you have nothing else,” he says. “A lawyer basically would tell you they are lying. For example, when they say that everyone confessed and only you didn’t.”

    He describes the interrogations as irrelevant and humiliating. One of the interrogators, he says, “came and sat across from me. He started caressing my ears. ‘You are going to enjoy yourself here, I will drive you mad.’ It is questions and debasing – ‘you are a sick person,’ like that. Ninety percent of the interrogation is not really relevant to the file but rather threats. ‘You will be in jail 20 years, we won’t leave you your entire life, even after you get out of jail. We will take you out crazy from this room, we broke all the greatest terrorists, you are a child of 17 and you, too, will break. Don’t worry, you are like a joke.’”

    Lacking legal counsel, the detainees are liable to believe the false threats and confess, even to things they did not do.

    "I personally believed every word," says A. “They also explain to you why what they say is logical, as if it were the truth. You believe everything.” He met with a lawyer after eight days. He was released that day and returned for a number of interrogations. He was never indicted in the affair.

    Security officials assert that denying a meeting with a lawyer is done methodically and carefully. “The Duma story is an excellent example of this,” says Kariv. In this affair, according to him, the permits for interrogating without a lawyer “were given just a day or two before there was an additional attack.”

    Kariv recalls: “While the detainees were in jail, being interrogated, there was a similar attack, only there the father managed to get the child out in time. It probably means that they went to the court, and said that there is intelligence that there is going to be another incident, and the fact is there was a similar incident. They knew what they were talking about.”

    According to him, the fact that in the end indictments were filed against some of those who were interrogated for less severe offenses does not mean that there was no reason to deny them a lawyer. “We can agree that there is no need when it comes to graffiti,” he says. “But, sometimes you know that the infrastructure that did the graffiti plans to do something else, much more violent the indictment is in line only with what you manage to prove in order to bring the case to court. I know about people who murdered, who go around free and are arrested periodically for incitement or graffiti. Does that mean they are not dangerous?”

    The Shin Bet commented: “The Shin Bet interrogations are conducted according to the law, with close supervision by the state prosecutor and subject to broad judicial review by the court. The authority to postpone a meeting of the security detainee with his lawyer, for a limited time, is required in investigating suspects for security offenses, with the goal of preventing terrorist acts.

    "Every decision regarding postponing a meeting between the suspect for security offenses and his lawyer is made after making deep consideration, and subject to legal opinions. Exercising authorities is done in line with the reasons set by law, and it is subject to judicial review, as is done in the cases mentioned in the article. Moreover, in every investigation mentioned in your inquiry, the detainees’ lawyers submitted a petition against postponing the meeting, and the court rejected the appeal, and thus confirmed that there were no flaws in the investigators’ considerations.”
  281. Esther Shneerson Gery, Between donkey and wolf, News1, 10/08/2015.

    The burning desire in the heart of every politician to please the left and the Arabs, brings the Likud to persecute the most devoted people to the country. It is not possible for the settlers to have one law and the other citizens to have another law. It is not possible for a person to be guilty until proven innocent. [Meir Ettinger. Detention without trial - Photo: Flash 90]

    These are the main points that came out of the hands of senior Ministry of Justice officials: The GSS is being used as an intelligence agent against the settlers, as were the enemies of the state.

    At public events, celebrations, funerals, etc., photographs and documentation of the settlers, even as they walked down the street, to deepen the intelligence information about them.

    Every military unit that arrives in the area must receive a briefing from the police. The briefing presents the settlers as provocateurs and dangerous to the public to those who are supposed to be in charge of their safety and security.

    Increased police forces to prevent demonstrations: The procedure instructs, to thwart the intention to demonstrate, while in hostility. Large forces of police and YSM are assigned to this task, and were instructed to act with an iron fist.

    In the Judea-Samaria district, there is a directive for the police to initiate the opening of cases against the settlers even in the absence of a complainant, as well as to initiate the opening of cases following media reports. The Civil Administration, the Shin Bet and with the help of left-wing organizations - in locating Arab complainants (who did not contact the police on their own initiative) in order to increase the number of investigative cases against settlers.

    The procedure requires an increased level of investigation into settler cases. These cases are managed by a special investigation team, known as the "Israeli Civil Disorder team" and operate at the level of IDF Special Investigation Teams - which is used in other districts of the police only towards serious murder and crime cases. Others in the Israel Police, but to the senior echelons of the State Attorney's Office.

    Yesterday, deportation orders were issued from the territories of Judea and Samaria for about 20 young people. These orders are contrary to the Basic Law of Human Dignity and Liberty. These are actual exile orders, forcing entire families to exile from their homes.

    The most serious chapter in the special procedures deals with the existence of a monitoring and coordination team in which representatives of the IDF, the police, the State Attorney's Office and the GSS are involved. The official role of the team is to produce a situation where law enforcement on the settlers gets priority, always. The team must also ensure that cases against the settlers of Judea and Samaria are not closed and even reopen closed cases, and closely monitor every person on the blacklist they have put together.

    In fact, the members of the "Special Procedures" used the events of the Cave of the Patriarchs on Purim 5754 and the report of the Shamgar Committee to continue to persecute and oppress the settlers of Judea and Samaria, ever since. And the whole purpose of these procedures was to create tools for governmental access to the settlers.

    So far, a partial description of law enforcement on the residents of Judea and Samaria, and what about leftists, perhaps also Arabs, are they also suffering and oppressed? So it is not. Near the separation fence in Bil'in, near the houses of the Jews in the Shimon Hatzadik neighborhood, which included throwing stones and Molotov cocktails, injuring soldiers and policemen, was anyone punished for this?

    Well, according to data submitted to the Knesset committee out of 400 riot cases opened in the SJ [Judea-Samaria] district, only 36 were opened against Arabs and left-wing activists, ie only 9% of all cases ... while the intelligence information on settlers and their supporters was collected by the Jewish Department in Shabbak. As detective teams, after all, regarding the left-wing activists there is no allocation of manpower for the purpose of gathering information about them ...

    The burning desire in the heart of every politician to please the left and the Arabs, brings the Likud to persecute the most devoted people to the country. It is not possible for the settlers to have one law and the other citizens to have another law. It is not possible for a person to be guilty until proven innocent.

    Boogie Ya'alon will not be glorified for administrative detentions, and neither will Ayelet Shaked, whose signature as Minister of Justice closed her throwing into the custody of young boys. First they found the culprits and then discussed their punishment and not the other way around. Remember, whenever right-wingers wanted to be liked by the left, they did not benefit from it. On the other hand, all the sectors I mentioned were enacted by extreme leftists.

    If the boys are found innocent, the number of poems by the poet David Shimoni will remain the same. The left will not begin to love you, and you will also lose those who voted for you. Some shouts from the left and you lose your temper.

    The story is about riots that ravaged a wolf in herds. The flock raised a cry, for the missing shepherds, for the sleeping dogs, and were angry with themselves for sitting quietly and not getting up on the wolf...
  282. Avishay Grinzaig, "The commander of the Ramla station arrested Jews for nothing. Why did he get a backup?", Globes, Mar 9, 2022.
    Three men from Samaria, who came to visit a family in Ramla during the "Shomer HaChomot" period, were detained and arrested upon arrival in the city for no wrongdoing, and the court ruled that there was no reason to arrest them - the three filed a complaint against Ramla station commander Sen. Ofir Binder. For false arrest - but the DIP and the Public Complaints Unit of the police were not impressed.
    • Avishai Grinzaig @avishaigrinzaig Tweeted (Mar 9, 2022):

    The commander of the Ramla station arrested Jews during Operation Guardian for nothing, without legal authority and without cause. What happened after that? Well, the court ruled that there was no legal reason to detain them or arrest them. When the victims filed a complaint against the commander, they were reprimanded with a dubious course in Zionism.

    Three Jews from Samaria were sent to the interrogation room on suspicion of "conspiracy" to commit a "crime" when they arrived at the entrance to the city of Ramla in order to visit a Jewish family during Operation Guardian of the Walls. No legal entry into Ramla was restricted. In response to the complaint, it was stated that "we are confident that those who value state security and public peace accept these steps with understanding." (
    They should sue him personally. If the .. police go out against Jews on the basis of discrimination and racism because we are Jews, they should sue in the courts personally.
  283. Orna אורנה Tweeted (May 24, 2021):
    גם היום סיכום היום. ערבים ריססו גרפיטי של כאפיה על ארץ ישראל. יהודי מחק את הגרפיטי. המשטרה עצרה את היהודי
    Today too, a summary of the day. Arabs spray-painted a graffiti of a kaffiyeh on the land of Israel. A Jew deleted the graffiti. The police arrested the Jew.
  284. 284.0 284.1 Arnold Nataev, Residents of the neighborhood woke up and discovered the swastika on the building. The municipality is currently removing the marking from the site, B7Net, Nov 29, 2021.

    Residents of the Ramot neighborhood woke up this morning (Monday), and were shocked to discover a swastika spray-painted on one of the buildings in the neighborhood, on Prof. Avraham Meir Street.

    The Be'er Sheva municipality stated: The matter is being investigated by the Israel Police, at the moment the maintenance department is removing the check from the place.
  285. ינון בן חמו - inon - إينون @inonbh Tweeted:
    הבוקר שכונת רמות בש אני בטוח שאם היה רשום 'תג מחיר' זה היה פותח מהדורות.
    Residents of Be'er Sheva in Israel woke up to the sight of ... symbolizing "Death to the Jews." I'm sure if it had been a 'price tag' it would have opened up new editions all over the world.
    Nov 28, 2021
  286. Hana Levi Julian, Israeli Police Attacked by Private Islamic Militia Members in Kafr Qassem, JP, Oct 2, 2021.
  287. Guy Baruch (@Guy_Baruch) Tweeted Oct 2, 2021:

    Remember that about a year ago, Avigdor Lieberman called for the closure of B.B. until the police attackers were found? It is interesting that today he did not call for the closure of Kafr Qassem until the attackers of the police were found there.

    Abbas apparently does not allow.
  288. Yair Levy (@iairLevy) Tweeted Oct 2, 2021:

    When police officers were attacked by a number of ultra-Orthodox boys, the police entered B.B. with huge forces, in the dead of night, threw dozens of stun grenades and beat the batons of every passer-by.

    But when the Arabs lynched the police, complete silence, so as not to upset the terrorists' supporters from the RAAM.
  289. Liran Tamari (@liran__tamari) Tweeted Oct 2, 2021:
    This is what the streets in B.B. looked like when two policemen were attacked about a year ago. Why not see the same pictures tonight in Kafr Qassem ??
  290. Yeshiva students arrested after being attacked by Arabs, Arutz Sheva Staff, Oct 24 , 2021.
    Following a complaint of stones and firebombs thrown at Homesh yeshiva, police descended en masse and arrested the yeshiva's students.
  291. Yeshiva students have complained to the police that Arabs are throwing stones and Molotov cocktails at them Police raided the yeshiva and arrested students, Rotter, Oct 24, 2021.
  292. Ayelet Lash @ ayeletlash9 Tweeted (Nov 27, 2021):
    Good morning to the Ministry of Defense. The Arab neighbors are distributing posters in the networks about the organizing of throwing stones this morning in Lubban [Al-Lubban Al-Gharbi]. Is it true that if I issue such a poster against Arabs in 3 minutes, will you drag me to the GSS basements? Come on! There is no day without stone attacks in Lubban Why do not you gather everyone there for GSS torture (as you do against Jews)? racism of low expectations?
  293. Ayelet Lash @ ayeletlash9 Tweeted (Dec 1, 2021):

    It's just unbelievable: The court sentenced an 18-year-old Jew from Samaria who threw stones at Arabs - 20 months in prison and 60,000 shekels in compensation for the victims.

    In the 5782-riots (May/2021) * All cases * against the rioters have been closed !!! Every week, an average of 50 stone and molotov-cocktails attacks on Judea and Samaria roads!!!! None of them were caught, and certainly not sitting in jail! Awful anti-Semitism!
  294. Combat theory @Torat_IDF Tweeted (Nov 30, 2021) @omerbarlev:
    Does anyone know where Minister Amar Bar-Lev went and why he does not respond to the attacked drivers in the Negev? When a Jew throws a stone at an Arab, he responds within an hour on Twitter. But when Arabs throw stones at Jews, he is silent. Just a disgrace.
  295. At the mountain, an Arab woman ran over a Jewish man with a pram. And who did the police detain for questioning? The one who was run over. Rotter, Dec 14, 2021.
    • @arnonsegal1 Tweeted ([ Dec 14, 2021]):
    Arnon Segal @ arnonsegal1 The daily Temple Mount: At the mountain, an Arab woman ran over a Jewish man with a baby stroller. And who did the police detain for questioning? True, the one who was run over.
  296. Comments on police and policing in the days of Corona. Blue uniforms, green uniforms, Itamar Levin, News1, March 29, 2020.
  297. MK warns: increased enforcement of the ultra-Orthodox Yair Kalfa, BHOL, Sep 3, 2021. In the shadow of the rise in morbidity, MK Simcha Rotman of 'R. Zionism' calls for ensuring that the ultra-Orthodox sector is not the number one enforcement target of the police. He argued that there was discrimination between the houses of worship of the Jews and the Muslims - emphasizing: "It would not be accepted in any country in the world." ... Rothman mentioned that when they went to Turkey on Muslim holidays, they did not worry at all, but now that there are Jewish holidays, they warn against an eruption in Uman, which is on Rosh Hashanah. He called for ensuring that the police do not enforce much more on the ultra-Orthodox than the rest of the public. "When we were on Muslim holidays and people went to Turkey we were told that everything was fine," he told the Constitution Committee. "Now that the Jewish holidays are coming and with them the trips to Uman suddenly have a problem. Also in the Western Wall plaza there is an outline of capsules and restrictions while on the Temple Mount there are no restrictions."
  298. Violence at hilltop community in Samaria, Ido Ben Porat, INN, Jul 21 , 2021. Resident of Kumi Ori, near Yitzhar, claims he was violently attacked by officers when he tried to document them confronting another resident.
  299. MK B.G. in response to police violence against Komi Ori residents, Hamal, July 20, 2021.
  300. "Minor about 18" - When the Israeli police try to beautify the ugly face of Arab terrorism…, News 0404, 23/12/2021.

    Israeli police today (Thursday) arrested an Arab terrorist who was caught "red handed" while throwing rocks at vehicles and at a police car in the At-Tur neighborhood in East Jerusalem. The Arab was taken in for questioning and his detention was extended in court.

    In press releases on behalf of the Israel Police, it appears that they are trying to reduce the severity of the incident by portraying the terrorist as a "minor", as a "boy", etc. It seems that the Israel Police needs to be informed that an 18-year-old is no longer a minor and that the Molotov cocktails of a "minor" terrorist kills just as much as an adult terrorist.

    The Israel Police stated: "We are sorry that the site chooses to distort the arrest of the stone-throwing reported to the media."

    For the avoidance of doubt throwing stones is a serious, dangerous act and it does not matter the age or identity [of] the offender who threw the stone. Therefore, he was arrested for questioning by the police in a determined activity and we will work to bring him to justice."
  301. 301.0 301.1 Police: Terrorism behind deadly fall of Israeli construction worker, JTA, Nov 26, 2014.

    JERUSALEM (JTA) — A Jewish construction worker who fell to his death in Petach Tikvah in September was the victim of a terrorist attack, police say.

    Nathaniel Arami, 26, fell 11 stories from the side of a high-rise building where he was doing exterior work when both of his rappelling cables snapped in an incident on Sept. 16. His co-workers had finished work and walked away from the site before he fell.

    Three Arab co-workers had been taken in for questioning by the Shin Bet security service and Israel Police following the death but later were released, according to reports. Most of the workers on the construction site were Arab-Israelis and Palestinians, according to reports.

    Police initially said the fall was an accident. The family called for the lifting of a gag order on the investigation imposed by the Petach Tikvah Magistrate’s Court, calling the order a cover-up. The court lifted the gag order on Nov. 26.

    Also Nov. 26, Arami’s family was recognized as victims of terrorism, entitling them to compensation. Arami is survived by a pregnant wife and two young children.
  302. 302.0 302.1 Brother of the wounded Lynch: "I was thinking of Nathaniel Arami hy"d", Hakol, Dec 8, 2022.

    One of the wounded in a lynching in Raanana was interrogated and sent to house arrest. The brother of one of the victims attacked the police for its conduct Following the announcement that dozens of Arab workers at a construction site in Raanana attacked two Jewish locksmiths who worked at the site. Journalist Yinon Magal reports that the police chose to investigate and put under house arrest one of the two Jewish wounded. The other wounded man is still hospitalized.

    We shall remind that only thanks to the quick arrival of the site's manager who pulled out his gun the incident was stopped and a heavier disaster was averted.

    Lior, the brother of one of the wounded, said that when he heard about the incident, he remembered the "abseiling attack" in which Arab workers murdered Nathaniel Arami hy"d.

    "I thought about Nathaniel Arami hy"d all day," the brother wrote on his Twitter account. "We are full of gratitude for the miracle that happened to my brother and friend yesterday."

    Nathaniel Arami the hy"d was murdered about seven and a half years ago at a construction site in Petah Tikva by Arabs who cut the cable in which he was secured while performing work at height. The police acted negligently and immediately determined without a basic investigation that it was a "work accident."

    Only after a long struggle by members of the Arami family with the help of the Honenu organization, as well as other elements, including former MKs Moshe Feiglin and Michael Ben-Ari, did the court allow the publication that three Arabs were arrested by the GSS on suspicion of committing the murder. The suspects were released for lack of evidence, but it was determined that the incident took place against a nationalist background and the family was recognized as a victim of hostility. To this day, Nathaniel's murderers are free.

    The brother even attacked the conduct of the police after the incident. "What really enrages is that even though the police have not yet collected testimony from my brother, it is already spreading spokespersons: to one communication channel she said the brawl was an innocent workers' brawl, to another channel it said the brawl was against an "elevator" issue and to another that it was over "Covid..."

    I suggest the police just do their job, come to my injured brother to coordinate testimony and then be able to distribute spokespersons that are also based on facts.

    'Perhaps as a result, they will also "truly!" reward the violent workers and thus make the streets of Ra'anana "safe" for their residents.'
  303. Jonathan Gottlieb, [47], INN, 29.08.21.

    7 years to the murder of Nathaniel Arami and the terrorists were not caught.

    Seven years ago, Arabs cut the abseiling rope through which Nathaniel Arami hy"d worked at a construction site in Petah Tikva. The GSS defined this as a terrorist attack on a nationalist background.

    It has been 7 years since Nathaniel Arami was killed in a terrorist attack defined by the GSS as a nationalist attack, and the terrorists have not yet been apprehended.

    Arami, 26, owned a rappelling company. In September 2014... individuals cut the abseiling rope on which it hung during work at a construction site at a construction site in Petah Tikva.
  304. Edo Ben Porat, Bereaved father: The president did not let us speak, INN, 21st of August, 2015.

    Nathaniel Arami's father: President Rivlin threatened to leave our house because he was asked 'Why is the blood of Jews cheap?'

    In an interview with Yoram Sheftel on 103 FM radio, Arami said, "The president kindly came to us after pleas, and when we asked him why the blood of the Jews are cheap in the State of Israel threatened us that 'I get up and leave if you talk like that.'" "All the time he threatened us and did not let us talk. We asked him a simple question - we have no protection, we have no one to protect us in the Land of Israel and the Jewish blood is cheap. What was Nathaniel murdered for by lawless men?" ...

    On the one-sided condemnations of leftists who condemn only harm to Arabs and not [when] to Jews, Arami said: "We are shooting ourselves in the foot and giving them a backlash to come and kill the next in line, it has not stopped."

    It will be recalled that Nathaniel Arami was killed while working abseiling in a high-rise building in Petah Tikva. The murder was initially silenced, and it was only following a long-running legal and media struggle by the Honenu organization that the family members were finally recognized as victims of hostilities. Nathaniel's killers have not been apprehended to date, and the murder suspects have been released after insufficient evidence was found against them.
  305. Yotam Berger, "Israeli Murder Victim's Family Accuses Police of Botching Probe, Hiding Behind Gag Order," Haaretz, Sep. 19, 2016.
    Netanel Arami was providing rappelling services at a construction site when he fell to his death from the 11th floor. Three Palestinians were questioned on suspicion of cutting the cables – but no one was ultimately indicted. Two years later, his family is still waiting for answers.
  306. 'Discrimination in the IPS: What is allowed to terrorists, is forbidden to Amiram Ben-Oliel.' News 20, 27/09/2020.
    Adv. Itamar Ben Gvir: "The IPS takes unlawful discrimination against a Jewish prisoner who is not allowed to observe his religious precepts". The Advocate B. Gvir attacked the prison service and said: "The fact that the IPS admits that Arab murderers receive group prayer while Amiram Ben-Oliel is forbidden to pray... [in proper, appropriate condition] shows that not only the IPS does not internalize that Israel It is a Jewish state, but they are discriminating against a Jewish prisoner who is not allowed to keep his religious precepts."
  307. Rotter Net @RotterNet Tweeted (Jan 2, 2022):
    "Be careful that we do not f##k you either": Detective from Judea Samaria District tonight threatens a [Jewish] boy who complained of persecution and selective enforcement.
  308. Shilo Freid, "They pulled us from the vehicle, we were beaten: After 90 days in administrative detention, Abraham Yered out to battle, Makor Rishon, 5/07/2022.

    He was held in administrative detention for ninety days without being explained why. After being released, he was issued a restraining order from his home - from his home and his friends.

    "Where can we sit?" I asked Abraham -Yair when he expressed his consent to meet the interview, after his release from detention. "I don't have an answer yet," he replied, "it's a little hard to set a place to sit in when you are away from your home." Last Friday he was released from a detention held for 90 days. He and his lawyer don't really know what the reasons are for arrest. The order he received was an administrative order given by the defense establishment; An order that does not require investigation, evidence or reason.

    Yered, 19, lives in his parents' house in Yitzhar and is associated with the "Hill Youth" groups. The detention experience is not strange to him, but the last arrest is a puzzle in his eyes, absent justice or basic logic. His previous encounter with the police occurred at the end of March. "After the Bnei Brak attack," he says. Something like 20 police officers and detectives came out of four mobility, pulled us by force, we were beaten and took us to detention."

    Have you been told what for? "In the investigation, we were told that we had a suspected conspiracy to commit a crime. It came out of nowhere, we did not understand what they wanted. The investigators threw at us all kinds of things we were suspected of. We preferred to keep the right of silence and did not cooperate."

    Police investigators tried to hang (their accusations) on a combustion material and metal pole in the vehicle, but the boy whose car was in his possession explained that his father owns a farm, and that he went to bring him fuel for the tractors. "When they came to extend the detention in the Jerusalem Magistrate's Court, the judge saw the investigation material and ordered to release us immediately. The minors returned to their homes. Me, they agreed to release only with a restraining order from Judea and Samaria. Eventually, a compromise was achieved between the lawyers' lawyers and the police, and agreed to release a five -day house arrest in the Green Line, after which he could go down to his home and put the story behind him. He spent these days at the home of relatives in Ramat Gan, and an hour before the restrictions were to be taken affect, he began to pack his belongings towards his return home. He did not think that here it just begins.

    "During those days I was in house arrest, I did not break the order and did nothing problematic, and after five days I was sure it ends," he describes. "I called the contractor that I was working for in construction, and we decided that the next day I would return to work. Then suddenly the Tel Aviv detectives came to where the house arrest was. At first I thought they just wanted to make sure I was really in custody and didn't run away. But then, when I'm already on our way home, they gave me an administrative detention order, instructed me to get organized in three minutes and took me to prison. I was not told about what and why. No investigation, no suspicion - only an administrative order is reserved to take me to detention." A few days before Passover, he was brought to the prison facility in Migrash Harusim in Jerusalem. "I was put in a tiny cell. Two on three meters, two beds. Without a window, no phone, no ability to ventilate and certainly not to meet anyone. The cell is intended for 'detention for days', for those who come for a short detention, and from there, if they continue to a longer detention, they are transferred to wards with more reasonable conditions. I was in this room for 90 days with no ability to leave. "It's a suffering that you do not see the ending, don't know how I survived it," says Abraham with a heartfelt. "I just waited to let go away. Every day just goes with nothing, looking at the ceiling. I tried to learn a little.

    Occasionally they would put a detainee in my room, he was a few days and moves on. My friends who are also in custody, and I asked them to put any of them in my cell. They have not agreed. In brown water showers, food comes twice a day in the trainee. When I asked to buy a thread from the canteen to make food to me in the cell, she only arrived after a few weeks. "

    What did you do on the Sabbath, for example?

    "I did Kabbalat Sabbath alone or with someone who was with me in the cell. It's not a normal situation. For unclear reasons, I was not allowed to go to the synagogue in prison. The only exit I had for an hour in the morning, and that too - if I didn't go out exactly 7:00 and I was delayed, the exit would have been denied for me. Administrative detainees should be in the best conditions in prison, because they are not detained on suspicion of a particular offense, not interrogated, but a confidential order brought them to arrest. But in my case it was the opposite. The biggest offenders, senior crime organizations, the most difficult terrorists - do not receive such a bad treatment as they gave me, " is Yered convinced.

    The requests of the descend to the Torah Division or another saved wing in prison were not answered. And so he stays three months in the small cell, almost alone. "I was given a one parents' visit for two weeks, for half an hour through the glass," he recalls. "I had no connection with the world, just cut off and frustrated. At the beginning of the detention there was a court hearing, but once it is an administrative order and the ISA is involved - the judge does not really exercise discretion. He does not want to deal with security considerations, and gives them what they ask for. We also appealed to the top, and the summer remained as a result. "

    Throughout this time you tried, you or your lawyers, ask why you actually stop? You may have tried to think between yourself if you did something, or meet with a person who led to what suspicion of you?

    "I live in Yitzhar and have sidecurls. It's probably a good enough reason to stop me and hold me in a tiny cell for three months," Yered claims. "In the defense establishment, people tell themselves that they are fighting extremes on both sides, and to establish this story looking for all kinds of people to blame them. So they act as if there are violence on both sides, and to establish this story, all kinds of people are looking to break them up. So they act as if there are violence on both sides. But in the end who stops this imagined Jewish terror? Jews who were on the way to a demonstration. This is what they found after 19 Jews were murdered."

    Yered counted the days and expected to return to his life - for work he found as a builder, for the handing of the family economy that includes chickens and goats, and his home. But just days before the release, another order was given. He became clear that he was finally released from prison, but was fully excluded for six months from all the territories of Judea and Samaria, including his residence, and a ban on making some contact with several dozen of his friends. His attorney tried to appeal the restraining order and restrictions imposed on him. "He told them I had a job, that my house was there, but it didn't interest them. Their feeling is that they are above law. They say something, so the judge accepts it."

    Shay and Rina, Abraham-Yair's parents, strongly criticized the treatment of their son. According to them, "This is a dangerous and unrestrained persecution by the security system directed at the right and the settlers public for many years, which its peak reached Ahuvia Sandak two years ago."

    The parents also added that "in a frequent way, dozens of dragonfly restrictions find themselves found in who are who wholesale without trial and no evidence, to justify any draconian tools."

    What is the most burdensome of you now? "First of all, the realization that six months I can't see my house, my room and my bed. Beyond that, this thought that at a wave of hard terror with 19 murdered, when Jews are afraid in the country, you realize that the security system, rather than being on thwarting attacks, invests so much in this story of Jewish [supposed] 'terrorism' and violence on 'both sides,' that they send that they send, on three children who're on the way to a demonstration, 4 police cars, detectives, Yasam.

    It's all for this illusion. I have received several times administrative orders, home arrests or exclusion from certain localities, but I have never been in such a situation that I must not return home or talk to friends. I see murdered Jews, and two hours after that, they arrest me as if I were a criminal. Hope they will stop doing this thing completely. Terrorist organizations are trying to murder us and in the end they attack us with all these administrative orders." "If there is something against me," then, come, investigate, present to the court in a normal way. The judges also do not see. Everything is qualified with confidentiality and intelligence estimates, and there is no indictment or result for all these arrests. Really for nothing.

    A ‘bypassing’ of the law

    Administrative arrest allows the defense establishment to imprison a person without trial, established suspicion or charges - and in fact imprison an innocent person if the security system assumes that there is a fear that he will hurt the security of the state. The controversial ability is still in the British Mandate Emergency Regulations.

    According to the current law, the authority to impose an administrative detention order is only provided by the defense minister, and for a period of three months. To continue arrest beyond this period, the signing must be renewed. The chief of staff may issue an arrest warrant for 48 hours, during which the detainee will be brought to trial behind closed doors...

    "There is definitely an unusual thing here, because even when the arrested seeks to know what he was arrested for - you can't tell him. The defense minister who signs the order also signs a secrecy, and so the detainee cannot handle the suspicions against him and defend against the arrest, but even then he cannot be exposed to the cause of detention, but authorizes the judge to see the classified details and decide whether to approve the arrest. But even when the judge sees what the security officis has to show, he can not really refute the arguments and confront them.

    Indeed, the possibility of undermining the arrest is not very meaningful. A 2012 study conducted by Shiri Carbas, which was a legal assistant of former Supreme Court President Dorit Beinish, found that despite the possibility of appealing an administrative detention, in 322 cases that checked and came before a judge - no change was applied and the arrest continued as usual.

    During the arrest of Yered, a group of Knesset members from five parties contacted in a sharp letter the Defense Minister Benny Gantz, demanded to cancel the detention order immediately. In their letter, the Knesset members noted that the order allows the court bypassing, and that he "came on the basis of a previous arrest of the boy which occurred two weeks before by the Central-Unit Judea-Samaria detectives, when he was on his way to protest after the murderous attack in Bnei Brak. The court ordered that he be released for lack of evidence. Despite the court's decision, a few days later, an order was placed on his arrest in administrative proceedings, while trampling the court's decision."

    Now, Yered, through the lawyer Adi Keidar, who represents him on behalf of the Honenu organization, to appeal to the military court in Ofer Prison on the order which prevents him from coming to his home and returning to work. Advocate Keidar even filed a complaint about the treatment his client received during the interrogation. "At the time of Avraham's arrest, the GSS representative told him that he would make sure that he did not see the light of day. Even when he left, the threats continued. This thing must be addressed directly. It is not possible for a public servant to speak in this way to a citizen who has done nothing, there is no evidence against him and he has not stood trial. "We have filed a complaint about this conduct by GSS personnel. The administrative detentions are fundamentally invalid. If the defense establishment is unable to deal with some children, gather evidence against them and prosecute them, then I doubt all the information that forms the basis for this detention."
  309. Eldar Maman, Demand for discussion in the Knesset committee: Why were MKs allowed to visit prisons only with terrorists?, 0404 News, 04/08/2022.

    Following the prohibition of Jewish MKs from visiting "regular" prisoners in prison, while the Arab MKs were allowed to visit imprisoned terrorists, the human rights organization 'Btzalmo' demanded from the chairman of the Knesset committee, Nir Orbach, to hold a discussion in the Knesset committee on the issue.

    As a reminder, yesterday Knesset member Michal Waldiger came for a pre-arranged professional visit to the area of the Nitzan-Magan detention center following a legislative process led by Waldiger, but was refused entry.

    Waldiger tried to coordinate the tour since March and even received the support of the Speaker of the Knesset and the Speaker of the Knesset who warned the Interior Security Minister that he should allow the tour.

    It should be noted that according to the opinion given, there is no need for coordination at all and the MK can come for a surprise visit and the Shin Bet should have allowed it. Before the law, MK Waldiger chose to coordinate the visit in question but was nevertheless refused.

    This is particularly puzzling behavior against the background of the government's capitulation to the Arab Knesset members who demanded for a long time to visit imprisoned terrorists, but this was prevented from them since the Arab Knesset member, Bassel Gattas, was convicted in 2017 of smuggling mobile devices.

    This week the visits of Arab Knesset members to terrorists were approved without any restrictions, apparently as a condition of the Prime Minister and the joint party in preparation for the formation of a future government with Lapid of the Left Bloc after the elections. The mother-in-law of the member of the Knesset from "R. Zionism".

    MK Michal Waldiger: "It scares me to think what is hidden there behind the walls. The conditions of incarceration of "transparent" people that no one checks if they are worthy. It is my duty to check this, but the SBS [prison service] prevents it in bad faith. I will continue to fight for the rights of all Israeli citizens, including those in the backyard.'

    Following the refusal to allow the Knesset members to visit the prison, Shai Glick, CEO of Betselmo, turned to the chairman of the Knesset Committee, MK Nir Orbach, demanding an immediate meeting of the Knesset Committee to discuss the issue.

    In his letter, Glick wrote: "It is impossible for members of Knesset not to be able to monitor the condition of the prisoners and the violation of their human rights while Arab members of Knesset can visit and encourage supporting terrorists freely even though it endangers human life and encourages terrorism. I call on you immediately to convene an urgent discussion on double standard."

    Shai Glick, CEO of Btsalmo, told News 0404: "The extreme left government lost its brakes in order to flatter the joint list. Nir Orbach declares that he has repented and the burden of proof is on him to fight wherever and whenever and to prevent NKs visits to terrorists or at the very least compare them to the citizens of Israel."
  310. Young Jews are interrogated by the Shin Bet under severe rights violations, Rotter News 01.11.22
  311. Permitted for publication: Jewish youths are being interrogated by the Shin Bet under severe rights violations, 0404 News, 01.11.22
  312. Bezalel Smotrich (@bezalelsm) Tweeted (Sep 10, 2021): I am of course in favor of investigating and exhausting the full severity of the law with anyone who violates the law, cheats, and endangers public health, but selective enforcement is evil. [Channel 7, Aug 8, 2021: Minister Issawi Frej: The Arabs falsify corona checks before returning to Israel The regional cooperation minister said at a cabinet meeting that the Arab population flew en masse to Turkey and Greece, "they are doing it irresponsibly."]
  313. Channel 7, The invitation for the interrogation of 150 Uman passengers was canceled. Sep 19, 2021. 'Smotrich: "Shame on you Bennett and Nitzan Horowitz" The passengers were summoned for questioning on suspicion of forging an inspection, but it turned out that the inspection in Ukraine turned out to be negative, as was the inspection at Ben Gurion Airport.
  314. Racism in the Ministry of Justice: It is forbidden to mention an Arab in negative coverage - ultra-Orthodox are allowed!. Ministry of Justice in a warning letter to Channel 7 - It is forbidden to mention the sectorial affiliation of a criminal offender. In what things are said - in the Arab, but in the ultra-Orthodox all that much is said in his condemnation is the best. Who is the real racist?, Aaron Schwartz, HaMechadesh, [1. Sivan 5780] (24/05/2020).
  315. Yaniv Kubovich, "Teens Charged Over Thrill Kill in Israeli City of Ramle", Haaretz, Apr. 6, 2012.

    ... Eight teens were indicted on Thursday in connection with the murder of a Ramle man, who was shot while walking his dog last month. The court heard that the boys - who are charged with murder, manslaughter and obstructing justice - followed George Sa'adi, 51, while he was walking his dog late at night in Ramle's Jawarish neighborhood... the divorced father of five encountered three of the accused, who started teasing him, but he ignored them and headed off. Before he returned along the same route, the youths had called five of their friends, one of whom had a pistol... the defendants allegedly cursed Sa'adi, hurled racial abuse at him and shouted slogans in favor of rocket fire from Gaza. Two of them, the court heard, kicked the dog and threw stones at it.

    As Sa'adi was trying to escape, one of the defendants took out a pistol and said he wanted to shoot him... one of the defendants asked the victim whether he was armed and asked him to lift his shirt to prove that he wasn't.

    When he did, the defendant who allegedly held the pistol, shot Sa'adi in the torso, and he fell to the ground. The shooter then fired another two bullets, one of which hit the dog and killed it. Sa'adi...

    From comments:

    [Linda, 29.12.2017. If this had been Jewish teens killing an Arab man Haaretz would have said racist attack as this should be.]

    [Rick, 29.12.2017. A little help here readers, were the assailants Palestinians or Jews].

  316. The crooked line that runs between the lynching in Haifa and the lynching in Jerusalem, mafyahu, Aug 23, 2012.

    Only a few days have passed since the unfortunate incident in Haifa, and in Ramla a group of Arab boys ambushed George Saado, a man from Ramla, who used to go on his evening trip on a regular route. According to the indictment, which relies on confessions, they simply shot him with a gun.

    Two days after the murder (according to the indictment), the mayor of Ramla followed Yona Yahav from Haifa. Here is the report in Mako: "To the best of my knowledge, all the detainees are minors," Ramle Mayor Yoel Lavie said this morning in an interview with Galei Tzahal.

    "In the personal opinion" of the mayor, this is not a nationalist event but a criminal one.
  317. @carmeldangor Kann news (@kann_news) Tweeted (Oct 15, 2021): Security source: Eight Palestinians attacked a 17-year-old Jew while grazing sheep in the area of the Havat Maon outpost in the southern Hebron hills. His condition is mild.
  318. Yotam Eyal (@yotameyal) Tweeted (Oct 15. 2021): How many of you have heard of the 17-year-old boy who went out today to graze near a residence and nine people with batons lynched him leaving him bruised all over his body and with a broken elbow? You probably have not heard that the boy is Jewish and the perpetrators of the lynching are Arabs so it will not open news on the TV channels. Jews lives matter. @MyIsraelorgil Hi @mossi_raz @ freyisrael1 @gaby_lasky @Michal_Rozin You are against violence in the territories right? So now Arab rioters broke the hand of a Jew near a residence farm, those good and 'innocent' friends of yours..we will hear you protest against violence maybe?
    • MyIsrael (@MyIsraelorgil) Tweeted: My Israel MyIsrael (@MyIsraelorgil) Tweeted (Oct 15, 2021): A Jewish boy who was attacked today on Mount Hebron, near the settlement of Maon, is now leaving Soroka. The boy went out to farm, grazing sheep. A few hundred meters from the settlement, Arab rioters attacked him with a brutal lynching. The people of the settlement heard the screams and saved his life. The rioters broke the boy's elbow and beat him all over his body. Will there be a debate in the Knesset?
  319. Matanya @matanyabe Tweeted (Oct 23, 2022):
    Dictionary of the Israeli media: "Am Yisrael Chai" (Jewish people live) inscriptions in an Arab village: "price tag" "abusive inscriptions," [yet], swastikas on a central road in Judea-Samaria, in the middle of the day, for all to see: "under inspection."
  320. ori gefen @ori_gefen Tweeted (Jan 1, 2022):
    This Shabbat, a young anti-Semitic "Israeli" Arab tried to burn down a building with hundreds of children and babies in the Ahisamakh neighborhood of Lod. They are ultra-Orthodox Jews. He is an Arab. Why would they talk about it.

    -Enough of the Arab anti-Semitism in Lod! @yehudi_emet Tweeted (Jan 1, 2022):

    Last Saturday night, in the Ganei Ayalon neighborhood of Lod, an Arab set fire to a Jewish building. Anyone heard of this? Or is it not in the severity of death graffiti for Arabs?
  321. Yuval Kadesh, June 28, 2022:

    Boiling and infuriating. Meet Dr. Gadeer [Ali] Taha Works at Rambam and Leumit, Puts up posts inciting terrorism, writes about the murder of the late Barel Hadaria Shmueli happily that this was her year with an emoji of the symbol of victory.

    Admiring the greatest murderer of the Jews since Hitler Yasser Arafat, glorifying Hamas and still works as a doctor in Israel I wonder what would have happened if a doctor wearing a kippah in the same place had uploaded a picture of (Kach's ) Kahana .. or a [Baruch] Goldstein, in how long would he have been fired or arrested for incitement?! But the lady is allowed.

    Shame what's going on here!

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