Pete Buttigieg 2020 Presidential Campaign

From Conservapedia
Buttedgedge reads a prepared statement to Black Lives Matter. In what can only be described as a "Sister Souljah moment",[1] Buttigieg told the protesters "I'm not asking for your vote."

Buttigieg announced his candidacy for the Democratic party nomination in the 2020 Presidential election on April 14, 2019.[2] However, although he insisted March 1, 2020 on NBC’s Meet the Press that “Every day we are in this campaign is a day that we have reached the conclusion that pushing forward is the best thing we can do for the country and for the party,”[3], on the same day the New York Times and other sources reported that Buttigieg had decided to drop out of the Democratic race, after a steep loss in the South Carolina primary (8.2%) showed a poor performance with black Democrats and an inability to build a broad coalition of voters.[4]

His campaign reportedly slandered his conservative and Christian brother-in-law,[5] and has attacked Black churches for homophobia. After the demise of the Biden campaign is a corruption scandal, Buttigieg picked up the mantle of centrism and moderation in the Democrat base, posing as a defender of gun rights and critic of forced healthcare collectivization.

However, in another example of miscontruance, Buttigieg likens guns to being an idol to those like the NRA who seek to protect Second Amendment rights, asserting that this "has people viewing guns as a thing to be loved, a thing to be protected, a thing that is the source of our freedom and power and a thing to which we are willing to sacrifice human life," asking, “isn’t that the definition of a false God?” Meanwhile, he seeks to further protect what in effect is the often deadly misuse of an instrument, a practice that is a symbol of homosexual freedom and power yet is the means of transmitting infection in up to 93 percent of new cases of HIV among males aged 13 to 24 (2017),[6] which often results in death and or great cost of treatment.[7] Which therefore means that this is a freedom for which they are willing to sacrifice human life (and tax payer dollars). Christopher Bedford of The Federalist concludes that despite the media portraying Buttigieg as a centrist, in view of his proposals "the man is decidedly a radical." [8]

Buttigieg has frequently given non-answers to questions about his agenda as president.[9]

Race relations[edit]

Mayor Pete engaging in a vulgar racial stereotype to pander for support.[10]
See also: Black problem

Buttigieg is an amateur white race-hustler by Democrat standards. Buttigieg apologized for having once thought, believed, and expressed "all lives matter"[11] and criticized his supporters for being too white.[12]

Former Obama 2008 Presidential campaign manager David Axelrod tweeted after Mayor Pete Buttigieg's announcement to run in the 2020 presidential election:
“Crowd seems very large, very impressive but also very white — an obstacle he will have to overcome. And by obstacle I mean deficiency.

His overwhelmingly white crowds were especially noticeable during his four March 23 events in South Carolina, an early primary state where 28 percent of the population, but 55 percent of the Democratic electorate, is Black. Buttigieg polled stronger among voters who are white, earn more than $100,000 a year, are college-educated and self-identify as “liberal” or “very liberal.” When asked in a private meeting about his support from African-American leaders in South Bend, the mayor couldn't think of one person. Rep. Marcia Fudge (D-OH), the former chairwoman of the Congressional Black Caucus, said "I don't know of one black person out of Indiana that supports him." Fudge said he depicts a sense of “arrogance” and “entitlement.”[13]

One of Buttigieg's first acts as mayor was to fire South Bend's first black police chief. He claims he was pressured by the U.S, Attorney's office or federal charges would be brought against the chief. The chief's lawyer does not believe Buttigieg's explanation and told the New York Times that he asked a friend in the U.S. Attorney's office whether Buttigieg's explanation added up. The U.S Attorney's office responded that Buttigieg's explanation "is so contrary to the protocols of U.S. Attorneys’ offices. We never would condition a determination on prosecuting or not prosecuting based on an employment decision."[14] Buttigieg's truth-telling surrounding the events has been called into question.[15]

Buttigieg called for the eradication of racial bias in the South Bend police force,[16] while being accused of a lack of diversity in his administration[17] as well as in his presidential campaign.[18]

Buttigieg rejected calls for the resignation of the racist Democrat governor of Virginia Ralph Northam. Buttigieg said,
"I don’t mean to congratulate ourselves because we’ve got our issues to work through too, but I would point to the contrast between how the Democratic Party handled allegations of sexual mistreatment among people in our ranks … and what's going on on the other side of the aisle. Or when it comes to these disturbing racial relations. The difference between the conversation the Democratic Party is having about the governor of Virginia and the conversation, if any, that the Republican Party is having about people like Steve King. How much will we tolerate? That is one of the things that ultimately gets resolved in the conduct of a primary process."[19]
Buttigieg's riff was a blatantly false statement. King was immediately removed by Republicans from all House committee assignments when King was quoted out of context by the New York Times, whereas Rep. Ilhan Omar was never censored or disciplined for a recurring pattern of anti-Semitic statements. Buttigieg justified Gov. Northam remaining in office rather than resign to allow the Black Lieutenant Governor to assume office, suggesting Northam could primaried out in 2021.[20] Northam has since donated over $85,000 to fellow Democrats and remains in office.[21] A lawyer for Northam hosted a fundraiser for Buttigieg in June 2019.[22]

Buttigieg’s initiative to address 1,000 vacant and abandoned homes in 1,000 days with aggressive code enforcement disproportionately displaced poor black people. Common Council member Regina Williams-Preston, who is running for mayor in 2019, told several mainstream media outlets “people lost homes,” primarily poor blacks, because of the initiative. Buttigieg's focus on downtown development projects did little to help struggling residents in low-income neighborhoods.

Buttigieg has accused Black Christians of homophobia.[23] More than any other ethnic demographic group, Blacks have historically opposed same sex marriage and hijacking of the civil rights movement by the gay pride movement,[24][25] which for Buttigieg is a main drawing card. When Buttigieg launched his presidential campaign on a Sunday, many African-Americans weren't asked and didn't attend because they were at church.

As a result of a deadly shooting by police officer (Sgt. Ryan O’Neill) of a black man (Eric Logan), an alleged burglar who went toward the police officer with a knife,[26] Buttigieg faced significant criticism from the black community. The South Bend police union accused Mayor Pete Buttigieg of engaging in a response in this case that is "solely for his political gain and not for the health of the city he serves,” and as "driving a wedge" between officers and residents,[27][28] and stated that his remark that "all police work and all of American life takes place in the shadow of racism" was divisive.[29] Days before the first Democratic presidential debates, prominent South Bend community leaders were demanding his resignation.[30] In the process, Buttigieg significantly lowered morale in the South Bend Police Department, with many officers considering leaving.[31]

While campaigning at a staged event in Iowa an audience plant urged him to tell the black people of South Bend to stop committing crime and doing drugs,[32] Buttigieg stated: "The fact that a black person is four times as likely as a white person to be incarcerated for the exact same crime is evidence of systematic racism." However, though liberal "Politifact" tried to provide support for it (from liberal sources), even they could not validate it, finding that that the liberal biased ACLU study the Buttigieg campaign stated he was referring to "does not support what Buttigieg specifically said in Iowa."[33]

African American opposition[edit]

Buttigieg has very little support from African Americans, who are essential to a presidential nomination by the Democrat Party. In May 2019 he polled at 0% support by blacks in South Carolina where black voters make up 61 percent of the electorate (although a poll a month later showed 6% support),[34] and which holds a pivotal early primary and very few blacks are willing even to attend his events:

He scheduled a meet-and-greet Monday in Orangeburg — a city that is 76 percent black — but only a dozen or so people of color showed up in a crowd of more than 100. At a town hall the night before — held at a North Charleston high school where minority enrollment is 97 percent in a city that is roughly half-black — it was another overwhelmingly white audience.[35]

While campaigning at a staged event in Iowa an audience plant urged him to tell the black people of South Bend to stop committing crime and doing drugs.[36] Buttigieg stated: "The fact that a black person is four times as likely as a white person to be incarcerated for the exact same crime is evidence of systematic racism." However, though liberal "Politifact" tried to provide support for it (from liberal sources), even they could not validate it, finding that that the liberal biased ACLU study the Buttigieg campaign stated he was referring to "does not support what Buttigieg specifically said in Iowa."[37]

Related to this is medically reviewed research that reports (in part) that African Americans are overall overrepresented among drug abusers in the United States - with a number of cultural factors at play - but that they are also more likely to seek treatment for their drug addiction.

Past research reported that while the total substance abuse admissions among African Americans has been steadily declining since the 1990s, 21 percent of admissions to substance abuse treatment facilities were African American in 2006 in comparison to 12 percent of non-Hispanic population (HHS 2008a).[39]

A earlier study of substance abuse treatment system using patients encountered in the Urgent Care Clinic at an inner city hospital (1998-2001) found that of patients 18 years of age and older who reported cocaine and/or heroin use in the last 30 days, 82% of blacks reported current cocaine use compared to 54% of Hispanics and 57% of Whites, 94% had evidence of cocaine in hair in the last thirty days, compared to 74% of Hispanics and 66% of Whites. At six month follow-up, Hispanics and Whites were four times more likely than Blacks to be abstinent from cocaine and three times more likely to be abstinent from any drug. Regarding short stay detox, outpatient counseling, methadone clinic, residential programs and AA and NA, blacks also had the lowest rate of contacts and were less likely than Hispanics or Whites to report contact with any of the programs. [40]

Former Obama 2008 Presidential campaign manager David Axelrod tweeted after Buttigieg's announcement to run:
“Crowd seems very large, very impressive but also very white — an obstacle he will have to overcome. And by obstacle I mean deficiency.

His overwhelmingly white crowds were especially noticeable during his four March 23 events in South Carolina, an early primary state where 28 percent of the population, but 55 percent of the Democratic electorate, is Black. Buttigieg polled stronger among voters who are white, earn more than $100,000 a year, are college-educated and self-identify as "liberal" or "very liberal." When asked in a private meeting about his support from African-American leaders in South Bend, the mayor couldn't think of one person. Rep. Marcia Fudge (D-OH), the former chairwoman of the Congressional Black Caucus, said "I don't know of one black person out of Indiana that supports him." Fudge said he depicts a sense of "arrogance" and "entitlement."[41]

Some residents of South Bend's impoverished West Side criticize Buttigieg's two-term mayorship. One such, the Rev. Sylvester Williams Jr. of the Interfaith Christian Union. stated, “It seemed like he was focused on creating a progressive city, that he was above tending to those basic needs.” Williams said the city had a “record number of homicides” when Buttigieg was mayor of South Bend. FBI data show that violent crimes surged from 622 in 2012, his first year, to 1,088 in 2018. Councilman Henry Davis Jr., said Buttigieg was “inept” as mayor and “always had one foot out the door.” Meanwhile, although South Bend' saw many improvements under Buttigieg, Indiana Republican Party chairman Kyle Hupfer countered that while Buttigieg “certainly had a few economic development wins,” he actually had “little, if anything, to do with that. Contrary to such, Buttigieg’s campaign stated (in part) that under his administration, the unemployment and poverty rates for Black residents fell faster in South Bend than for their counterparts across the state and the nation. [42]

In New Hampshire Buttigieg threw Obama under the bus.[43] Early on "Diversity" meant "gay," not "black." As Buttigieg surpassed Kamala Harris in the polls after the Third pre-Primary Debate moving into the #4 slot, he suddenly became ashamed of his gayness.[44]

CNN contributor Van Jones commented,

When you ask a tough question, Why the heck are they putting more black people in jail the minute you walk into office? and he sounds like Scooby Doo - ar ar ar."[45]

South Bend civil unrest[edit]

Buttigieg left off the campaign trail to deal with a police shooting. A police officer defended himself from an attack by a man wielding an 8-inch hunting knife. Increased violence occurred after he held a contentious town hall meeting and basically inferred that the overall police department was racist.[46] Hours later police were called to a mass shooting where ten people were injured, and one was killed. After the shooting, so many people showed up at South Bend's Memorial Hospital to check on the injured that the hospital went on lockdown. Police were called in to manage the crowd. At the same time, police responded to five other shootings, including one where a witness said the shooter was targeting police. City police had to call in County police for assistance.[47]

After the violence, the police union protested Buttigieg's characterization of the entire department as racist. In a (suspected) scripted Iowa event to alleviate Buttigieg's race problems, a man shouted,
"Just tell the black people of South Bend to stop committing crime and doing drugs"
to which Buttigieg recited the canned response,
"The fact that a black person is four times as likely as a white person to be incarcerated for the exact same crime is evidence of systemic racism. Racism makes it harder for good police officers to do their job too."[48]

Realizing the mistake he made while drawing national attention at the same time, Buttigieg sent a dozen pizzas to the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP). The police union was not amused. A spokesperson said, "Our officers are brave men and women who put their life on the line for our community each day. We ask that instead of delivering pizzas, the mayor deliver some respect for what police do—and hold the politics."[49]

MSNBC's Chris Matthews, who both cried over an Obama speech and compared him to Jesus and said he "felt this thrill going up my leg" during Obama's inaugural address,[50] declared long before primary voting began that he was in the tank for Buttigieg.[51]

A top Buttigieg staffer called for a urine attack on Rep. Matt Gaetz on twitter.[52] Buttigieg's campaign of hate and divisiveness found little appeal outside the far left.

Blacks uncomfortable with Buttigieg's sexuality[edit]

Biden and Buttigieg sharing a moment together.

The New York Times reported:

Many of the 24 uncommitted black voters in the groups, men and women of ages 25 to 65, were deeply uncomfortable discussing Mr. Buttigieg's sexual orientation, the memo said, adding that "they felt the mayor was 'flaunting' his sexuality by the very mention of having a husband."...most party leaders and voters agreed that being a married gay man would cause some discomfort with religious or conservative black Democrats are a focal point because they were critical to Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and others winning the party nomination in recent years.

"The biggest issue for him is he’s married to a man," said Phyllis Harris-Drakeford, the Democratic chairwoman of Kershaw County, S.C. "I have no problem with that: You love who you want to love and you have the freedom in this country to do that. But in the South in particular, that’s not well-favored."[53]

Blacks, who believe in God, family, and community in that order – things that are anathema and inimical to mainstream liberalism – are the moderate voice of the Democrat party.[54]

African-Americans have been shown to be a socially conservative voting group that will prove difficult for Buttigieg to make inroads with, despite the candidate’s slew of policy proposals aimed at winning them over. "Conventional wisdom suggests that as the primary moves south that the candidates will be faced with more African-American voters who tend to be more socially conservative," said Jacob Neiheisel, a political science professor at the University of Buffalo. Neiheisel said that African-Americans are largely evangelical despite being predominantly Democrat which can be a problem for a homosexual candidate such as Buttigieg to gain traction among these voters.[55]

Clay Middleton is a South Carolina Democratic National Committee member advising New Jersey Senator Cory Booker. Middleton told the State newspaper that he was unsurprised by the Buttigieg campaign’s findings in the South Carolina focus group. "I've been a black guy all my life in the South and it is one of those things. African-Americans, when it comes to certain things, are very conservative," Middleton told the paper. "If you needed a focus group to tell you that, ok."[56]

Smearing a woman of color[edit]

See also: Liberal smear machine

Buttigieg has proven himself a tool of the Clinton smear machine by attacking Tulsi Gabbard with recycled Clinton smears to defend his lack of foreign policy experience. Gabbard is a woman of color.

Cornel West criticism[edit]

Prof. Cornel West said of Buttigieg:

Brother Peter is like family to me. You know his father was the great Joseph Buttigieg who translated Antonio Gramsci. He was a Dean of Humanities at Notre Dame and he was like a blood brother with me. We used to go to Italy every summer. So I remember Peter. He was in diapers. I remember I gave him his first five dollar bill right in his diaper. So I loved that brother as family.

And so I see him. I give him a hug. I said, "Peter, give me a hug, too." And brother Joseph died a year ago...You know when it comes to the legacy of Gramsci, brother Pete wrote his senior thesis on brother Bernie?

As example of integrity, he lived in my same room as a freshman at Harvard Hall. We lived in the same room but 35 years apart.

So he's like family. But I'm just honest with him. I say, "Brother, you know I can't support you. I love you to death, like family. But you just part of that same milquetoast neo-liberal crowd I'd been critical all this time, brother! Not at all!"[57]

Issues supported[edit]

2503 Days Until the Climate Apocalypse

None are his own. All are cut and pasted from the traditional radical leftwing playbook. Some of these are:[58]

Buttigieg believes that being unconcerned about God's creation "is a sin" when discussing greenhouse gases; however, Buttigieg believes that being unconcerned about God's creation is not a sin when discussing babies in the womb.[61]

"Security" is a major theme of his position page, being mentioned 27 times, from Climate security to economic security to security from intimidation, while the effects of the Federal Equality Act would use intimidation via penalizing and prosecuting individuals or business such as in good conscience refuse to be complicit in affirming homosexual relations, imposing economic sanctions or worse on such.[64][65] Such attacks on the security of those of religious conscience has been seen under the implementation of the European Union equality law.[66]

Oppose/eliminate and support/spend[edit]

Dressed in all black with his face covered, Antifa terrorist Connor Betts during the Dayton nightclub attack.[67] Betts stated “I want socialism, and I’ll not wait for the idiots to finally come round understanding.”

A shorter version of his positions can be summed up as follows:



Campaign funding[edit]

Buttigieg raised $7.1 million in the first quarter of 2019, with approximately $2.5 million coming from large donations, which was more than all except three Democratic candidates, including and four sitting U.S. senators, a sum that is seen likely to balloon in the coming months. Elizabeth Birch, former executive director of the Human Rights Campaign, stated: "What is going on now is one of the untold secrets of the D.N.C. and Democratic Party generally, which is that the L.G.B.T. community is a huge source of money into the Democratic Party."[69]

This is related to the megadonor, tech millionaire Tim Gill, founder of software company Quark Inc., who heavily funds the LGBT movement (including by funding front groups with misleading names, such as "Alliance for Colorado’s Families) and its allies in the Democratic Party says he will continue to pursue and attack those who hold traditional views about sexual morality. "We're going into the hardest states in the country," he says. "We're going to punish the wicked." The Gill Foundation rallied more than 100 corporations, including Coca-Cola, Google and Marriott, behind a front group called "Georgia Prospers." The tactic was business threatening to pull out of the state, and the coalition successfully induced Republican Gov. Nathan Deal into vetoing a Religious Freedom Restoration Act.[70][71]

A lawyer for the racist Democratic governor of Virginia, Ralph Northam, hosted a fundraiser for Buttigieg.[72]

Destruction of campaign finance reports[edit]

After the racial police chief firing scandal and abortionist protected by Buttigieg with 2,200 baby corpses in his home, the St. Joseph County clerk’s office overseeing South Bend elections shredded Buttigieg’s campaign disclosure reports from his 2011 first run for mayor.[73]

Campaign and position developments[edit]

See also: Race baiting

Buttigieg clarified that his "Medicare for All" (presently) means for all who want it (at taxpayer expense) versus the full version of Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren that replaces private insurance.[78] Yahoo Finance columnist Rick Newman warned that a variety of analyses estimate that at least $3 trillion in new spending would be required for Medicare for All, which amounts to approximately as much as the tax revenue the government presently receives.[79]

Elizabeth O’Connor of The Hill states, "Buttigieg’s plan would automatically enroll anyone in the public option who is uninsured...and physicians who see an uninsured patient would be reimbursed by the government. But if you know that the government will cover your bill if you are uninsured, why would you pay the premiums for your employee or private insurance plan?.. With an increase in people on the same health care system — remember, the goal of Buttigieg’s plan is Medicare for All — there will be less access to services for everyone."[80]

Senator Kent Conrad (D-N.D.) referred to this as a “Ponzi scheme of the first order, and which the Obama administration had to shelve as unworkable as self-sustaining. Since this Obamacare plan only required individuals to pay into the CLASS program for five years to qualify for benefits, then actuaries believed that those enrolled would pay a few thousand dollars in premiums over five years, and then collect benefits totaling tens of thousands of dollars or more. While those enrolled in CLASS would have received a $50 per day benefit, under Buttigieg's plan recipients would receive a $90 daily benefit, 80 percent richer than that of the CLASS Act.

Buttigieg's Long-Term Care America plan also plans to end the two-year waiting period presently needed for individuals receiving Social Security disability benefits to qualify for Medicare coverage.

In addition, it proposes an expansion of Social Security benefits funded by higher taxes on individuals earning above $250,000, which benefits include raising Medicaid’s asset limit for people who need long term care to $10,000 from about $2,000 in assets and increasing the income limit by 300 percent, or $2,313 per month for an individual in 2019. This government plan would also provide a new credit and provision for caregivers, including making it easier for individuals to hire neighbors or family members as caregivers.

The plan would further institute new staffing requirements for nursing homes (requiring geriatric mental health expertise in hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, and Medicare Advantage networks) while increasing the minimum wage to $15 an hour. An enhanced version of the FAMILY Act is also envisioned which will create a national paid family and medical leave fund to care for family members by providing at least 12 weeks of paid family leave per year as a portable benefit.

More tax-funded provisions are proposed, all of which would significantly raise costs to the Medicaid program.[81][82]

Federal money for rehabilitation has been part of the Federal budget for many years. By 1991, Federal expenditures for drug treatment had risen by 341 percent since 1986 -- 20 percent faster than the total drug budget, 30 percent faster than spending for drug law enforcement and 700 percent faster than overall federal spending.[91] In 2015, Federal Block Grant funding for the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (one program among others addressing this need) was $1.819 billion. This goes toward supporting employment, housing, rehabilitation services, crisis stabilization, peer specialist and consumer-directed services, wraparound services for children and families, jail diversion programs, and services for special populations.[92] Funding for this administration for fiscal year 2020 was $5.9 billion. In addition to other programs, block grant funding for Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment was $1.8 billion, and $1.5 billion for State Opioid Response (SOR) Grants.[93]

This is not the first time liberals have sought to misappropriate the authority of Scripture with this analogy, and which is criticized on factual grounds since Christ certainly did not come to earth as a refugee fleeing Heaven, thus not being born a refugee, while Joseph was a self-employed carpenter, a legal tax-paying citizen of Rome and there is no reason to think that he was particularly poor, nor did he flee to Egypt for economic reasons. Instead, Joseph fled to Egypt, which had been folded into the Roman Empire, to escape Herod who would have murdered Christ, like as abortionists do to innocents under their local jurisdiction. Thus if anything, Joseph’s flight to Egypt would be more akin to fleeing mandated abortion in California for Texas rather than fleeing South America to the U.S. for government economic assistance, which is what Buttigieg promotes.[94][95][96]

Meanwhile, it was under then-President Obama that only 53 Syrian Christian refugees of Syria’s civil war were admitted into the United States over the course of 5 years, due to American reliance on a United Nations refugee-resettlement program that disproportionately excluded them.[97]

“Does anybody really think that religious conservatives view Donald Trump as a religious [figure]?” Mr. Buttigieg said. “They’re riding a tiger, they’re making a deal with the devil knowing that they can get certain objectives met on the bench.”[102]

Buttigieg and biased or fake news reporting[edit]

See also: Fake news

Mainstream media promotion for Buttigieg being president began early, with New York Times columnist Frank Bruni writing a column in 2016 entitled “The First Gay President?” asserting it would be hard to find a more perfect Democratic candidate, who always “seems always to say just the right thing, in just the right tone.”[103]

Favorable reporting on Buttigieg should be expected not only in the light of the mainstream media being liberal but due to a disproportionate percentage of reporters who cover him identifying as LGBTQ. Among the approximately dozen reporters on Buttigieg's campaign bus with Buttigieg one day before the Iowa caucuses, five were homosexual. Four of the six cable and network reporters assigned to Buttigieg ("embeds") identify as LGBTQ, including Andres Del Aguila of Fox News, D.J. Judd, a CNN video producer, and ABC’s Justin Gomez, and reporter Scott Bixby of the Daily Beast. Other national correspondents that have focused on Buttigieg include Jeremy Peters of the New York Times, Chelsea Janes of the Washington Post, opinion writer Jonathan Capehart and Chris Johnson of the Washington Blade.

Some writers have expressed that Buttigieg has received preferential treatment by reporters. One Washington-based communications professional stated that, “Early on, straight embeds were afraid of being called homophobic and gay embeds, many of whom look like Pete, gave him overwhelmingly glowing attention.” Columnist Margaret Sullivan of the Washington Post criticized the media for being enamored with the former mayor. Jon Allsop of the Columbia Journalism Review opined in December that Buttigieg benefited from “an early, fluffy flurry of coverage."

However, some of the homosexual media have been challenging to Buttigieg, who even stated that, "I can’t even read the LGBT media anymore, because it’s all, ‘He’s too gay,’ ‘Not gay enough,’ ‘Wrong kind of gay.’”[104]

The LA Times reported that Buttigieg blamed Barack Obama for the election of Donald Trump.

"My message is not about going back to where we were," he said.

For a lot of people, "'normal' has been a real problem for a very long time, and I think the failures of the Obama era help explain how we got Trump."[105]

The news set Twitter afire. Within hours the LA Times censored itself and altered the quote. Buttigieg benefited from his white privilege when the racist reporting at MSNBC consistently snubbed Andrew Yang to help Buttigieg surge in early primary polls of Iowa.[106]

Buttigieg added canned applause to clips of a townhall meeting in his TV commercials to create the illusion of support and momentum.[107]


See also: 2020 Democrat primaries and 2020 Democratic party issues

Iowa caucus[edit]

Main article: 2020 Iowa Democratic caucuses

After Buttigieg's alleged victory in Iowa, black South Bend voters told MSNBC,

You can't just give African Americans lip service. We want to see real tangible change... he works off of a spreadsheet, but he doesn't really understand the impact of his decisions and of his policies, as he doesn't have that real connection.[108]

Buttigieg was appointed by the DNC as Acting-Winner of the Iowa caucuses after an app designed by a shadowy group of Democratic operatives failed to accurately award delegates properly in the DNC's Stop Bernie attempt.[109][110] FEC records show the Buttigieg campaign also contributed to the Clinton-connected company.[111] The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), working in coordination with state elections officers, have an existing relationship to ensure computer systems and data collection systems are safe and secure. The DHS reported their offer to review the data system was rebuked by the Iowa Democrat Party.[112] The DNC lost the public's trust in the primary process on very first day of primary voting.[113] Democrats called upon party chairman Tom Perez to resign after rigged results.[114]

Shadow, Inc. is the company that developed the Iowa and Nevada Democratic caucus app. FEC records show Buttigieg for America paid Shadow Inc. $42,000. Former Clinton campaign chairman Robby Mook vetted the app for the Democratic party.[115] Shadow, Inc. was launched by a dark money SuperPAC called Acronym,[116] headed by CEO Tara McGowan, a former journalist and Obama for America operative who is married to a senior advisor of Buttieg’s presidential campaign.[117] Acronym was founded by billionaire Reid Hoffman, founder of LinkedIn. Hoffman funded Project Birmingham, a covert voter suppression and fake news campaign based on the Russian model during dirty the 2017 Doug Jones/Roy Moore Alabama Senate race. Obama crony David Plouffe sits on the board of Acronym.[118]

On election night the Iowa Democratic party stopped counting when 98% of precincts were counted and Bernie Sanders was ahead by 2,500 votes. Only the the precincts that would likely help Buttigieg were recounted, and the remainder of precincts were weighted to Sanders. Under the apportionment system Buttigieg was awarded two more delegates and claimed victory, but Sanders won the statewide popular vote.[119] Seven of the last nine winners of the Iowa Caucus went on to win the Democratic nomination, and the DNC rigged the election to prevent Sanders from gaining momentum from a victory. Of Buttigieg's 2 delegate margin of victory, 3 were awarded by coin toss.[120] Due to Democrat corruption and election rigging, the Associated Press refused to recognize Buttigieg's claim of victory.[121]

New Hampshire[edit]

One observer noted coming off of Buttigieg's alleged win in Iowa:

Coming off his alleged "win" in Iowa, Buttigieg;s support among African American's dropped from 3% to 0%, according to an NBC News poll.[122]

The leading candidate notes his confidence Tuesday is grounded upon the principles of resilience sharing his vision of a community campaigning on confidence. Undeterred the resounding message is unified amid a state campaign determined to show New Hampshire is confident in his vision of a new modern community of confidence based on his proven track record of unambiguous unity and authentic community confidence.

Coming off his alleged "win" in Iowa, Buttigieg;s support among African American's dropped from 3% to 0%, according to an NBC News poll.[123]

In New Hampshire Buttigieg threw Obama under the bus.[124] "Diversity" in Buttigieg's idiom means "gay," not "black."

Buttigieg left off the campaign trail to deal with a police shooting. A police officer defended himself from an attack by a man wielding an 8-inch hunting knife. Increased violence occurred after he held a contentious town hall meeting and called the entire police department "racist.".[125] Hours later police were called to a mass shooting where ten people were injured, and one was killed. After the shooting, so many people showed up at South Bend's Memorial Hospital to check on the injured that the hospital went on lockdown. Police were called in to manage the crowd. At the same time, police responded to five other shootings, including one, where a witness said the shooter was targeting police. City police had to call in County police for assistance.[126]

After the violence, the police union protested Buttigieg's characterization of the entire department as racist. In a scripted Iowa event to alleviate Buttigieg's race problems, a man shouted,
"Just tell the black people of South Bend to stop committing crime and doing drugs”
to which Buttigieg recited the canned response,
“The fact that a black person is four times as likely as a white person to be incarcerated for the exact same crime is evidence of systemic racism. Racism makes it harder for good police officers to do their job too.”[127]

Realizing the mistake he made while drawing national attention at the same time, Buttigieg sent a dozen pizzas to the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP). The police union was not amused. A spokesperson said, "Our officers are brave men and women who put their life on the line for our community each day. We ask that instead of delivering pizzas, the mayor deliver some respect for what police do—and hold the politics."[128]

South Carolina[edit]

In South Carolina where support for Joe Biden was strong and Buttigieg weak, Buttigieg released an op-ed claiming more than 400 South Carolinians had endorsed his “Douglass Plan for Black America.” The three black politicians listed at the top of his press release, Columbia City Councilwoman Tameika Devine, Baptist pastor and state Rep. Ivory Thigpen, and Johnnie Cordero, chair of the South Carolina Black Caucus, never endorsed the plan. 40 percent of the endorsement names were white people. The press release on his plan read:

"There is one presidential candidate who has proven to have intentional policies designed to make a difference in the Black experience, and that's Pete Buttigieg. We are over 400 South Carolinians, including business owners, pastors, community leaders, and students. Together, we endorse his Douglass Plan for Black America, the most comprehensive roadmap for tackling systemic racism offered by a 2020 presidential candidate."

The Intercept found none of these politicians endorsed Buttigieg, or his plan, which includes financial reparations for slavery more than a century after the fact and decriminalizing drugs.

Ivory Thigpen said he told the Buttigieg campaign he was a strong Bernie Sanders supporter and was not interested in endorsing Buttigieg or the Douglass plan.

How it was rolled out was not an accurate representation of where I stand. I didn’t know about its rolling out. Somebody brought it to my attention, and it was alarming to me, because even though I had had conversations with the campaign, it was clear to me, or at least I thought I made it clear to them, that I was a strong Bernie Sanders supporter — actually co-chair of the state, and I was not seeking to endorse their candidate or the plan.

Johnnie Cordero told The Intercept he never endorsed the plan or Buttigieg. Also, Tameika Devine told The Intercept she has yet to endorse any presidential candidate and did not intend her curiosity to be read as an endorsement for Buttigieg. The national mainstream media, of course, giddy about Buttigieg's success in predominately white Iowa, ignored Buttigieg taking advantage of, and taking for granted again, Blacks in South Carolina.[129]

In addition, Buttigieg used a photo of a Kenyan woman in Kenya on the cover of the plan without her knowledge or consent. Ilhan Elmi Omar, who supports Bernie Sanders, struck back at Buttigieg: "This is not ok or necessary,” Omar tweeted, linking to a tweet by The Intercept D.C. bureau chief Ryan Grim, who first highlighted the use of the photo, saying the unnamed woman had “reached out to me very confused." Grim wrote that the woman messaged him, “What's the meaning of the message accompanied by the photo?"[130]

In the light of the above and others, ABC news stated that in several instances certain people that the Buttigieg campaign identified as supporters later said that they had either been misunderstood or misconstrued. The latest example being that after Buttigieg wrote an op-ed in a major South Carolina newspaper saying his campaign had proudly partnered with local businesses Diane's Kitchen in Chester and Atlantis Restaurant in Moncks Corner S.C., the entrepreneurs denied this claim of partnership, stating that they only remembered welcoming Buttigieg's campaign as customers.[131]


A top Buttigieg staffer called for a urine attack on Rep. Matt Gaetz on twitter.[132] Buttigieg's campaign of hate and divisiveness found little appeal outside the far left. Buttigieg has never condemned the violence of the radical fascist Antifa terror organization.


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