Xi Jinping

From Conservapedia
Xi Jinping
Xi in Maoist outfit.PNG
Personal life
Date and place of birth June 15, 1953
Fuping, China
Parents Xi Zhongxun
Claimed religion Atheist
Education Tsinghua University
Spouse Peng Liyuan
Dictatorial career
Country People's Republic of China
Military service
Highest rank attained Chairman of the Central Military Commission
Political beliefs Marxism-Leninism
National socialism
Political party Chinese Communist Party
Date of dictatorship 2013 - present
Wars started
Number of deaths attributed 6,407,556 as of 8/5/22 (WHO data).[1] The Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation recognizes Covid deaths as caused by communism.[2]

Xi Jinping (born June 15, 1953) is the current General Secretary of the Communist Party of China, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission making him commander-in-chief of the Peoples Liberation Army, and president of the State Council of the People's Republic of China. Theoretically, Xi could be voted out as General Secretary of the party in 2022, and still hold the lesser title or rank of President.

Xi Jinping has established a neo-fascist cult of leadership.[3] He has been described as a madman[4] and even denounced by George Soros.[5] Hoover Institution scholar Gordon Chang observed:

"The case against China rests not only on how the coronavirus came to first infect humans—something scientists will argue about for years—but also what Chinese ruler Xi Jinping did once the pathogen crippled his country. In short, he took steps he knew or had to know would spread the disease beyond his borders. His actions make the infections and deaths outside China deliberate, effectively a “biological weapon.” His actions taken together constitute both a “genocide” and a “crime against humanity” under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.[6]

Xi likes to be called "Papa Xi," however Chinese netizens on social media commonly refer to him as "Pig's Head."[7] On the 100th anniversary of the origins of the Chinese Communist Party, Xi Jinping vowed to "crack heads and spill blood" of those who oppose Chinese Communism.[8]

On December 22, 2022, the premier American globalist rag Foreign Affairs magazine claimed in their article China’s Dangerous Decline "...China is teetering on the edge of a cliff. Ten years of Xi’s “reforms” — widely characterized in the West as successful power plays—have made the country frail and brittle, exacerbating its underlying problems while giving rise to new ones. ...a growing number of Western neoconservative analysts—including Michael Beckley, Jude Blanchette, Hal Brands, Robert Kaplan, Susan Shirk, and Fareed Zakaria—have begun to highlight this reality..."[9]

Early years[edit]

Xi Jinping is the first Communist Chinese leader born after the 1949 revolution and his views were shaped by the Cultural Revolution of the 1960s.[10] Evidence suggest Xi was a member of the notorious Red Guards, originally sponsored by Mao Zedong, then exiled from cities by Mao Zedong and the Peoples Liberation Army after two years of murder, mayhem, violence and chaos.

In the early 1970s Xi Jinping managed to return to Beijing from the countryside. Xi Jinping "chose to survive by becoming redder than the red." Xi turned to serious politics, joining the CCP in 1974 while his father was still in prison. Xi studied Marx, laying the foundation for a career in politics. Xi even went off to join a "worker-peasant-soldier revolutionary committee", a label given provincial governing units during the Cultural Revolution. It was an "open secret" that it was through the "worker-peasant-soldier revolutionary committee" that Xi got his "bachelor's education." Xi's first degree was not a "real" university education, but instead a three-year degree in applied Marxism. Xi's official biography provides no information on Xi between his assignment to Yanchuan county, Shaanxi province, in 1969, and 1975, when, it states, he became a student at Tsinghua University, graduating in 1979.

According to a CIA assessment leaked by WikiLeaks, Xi is considered a true "elitist" at heart, and believes that rule by a dedicated and committed Communist Party leadership is the key to enduring social stability and national strength, as in the elite-dominated society of his youth, knit together by family ties, elders and male authority. Xi has a genuine sense of "entitlement," believing that members of his generation are the "legitimate heirs" to the revolutionary achievements of their parents and therefore "deserve to rule China." For this reason, Xi could never be a "true member" of President Hu Jintao's camp. Xi and other first-generation princelings derisively refer to people with non-Party, non-elite, commercial backgrounds like Hu Jintao as "shopkeepers' sons," whose parents did not fight and die for the revolution and therefore do not deserve positions of power.[11]

Rise to power[edit]

Aided by ideological cohorts in Western media, Xi eventually became Jiang Zemin's successor when several of Jiang's hand-chosen successors were deemed unfit due to a series of corruption scandals that the CCP could not hide from the Chinese people The scandals included forced organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners. Xi represents a rival faction to the still competitive Jiang faction.[12] The Jiang faction is suspected of plotting a coup d'etat for several years with the intention of replacing Xi Jinping.[13]

In communist parlance "anti-corruption" campaigns and "reform measures" refers to purging the power of rival factions in a non-democratic state and replacing the corrupt cronies of high-level functionaries with one's own. Xi Jinping first appeared in Western liberal media as a "reformer", gaining him the support and sympathy of Western journalists and policymakers with a baseless assumption that the people of China viewed him as a reformer and corruption fighter, as well.

One of Xi's first actions was to take over the Jiang's illegal 610 Office which was charged with procuring involuntary organ donors from Falun Gong practitioners for the CCP's budding organ transplant industry. Jiang and the 85 million-member CCP viewed the 100 million Falun Gong movement, a revival of traditional Chinese culture and morals in direct competition with the values of the CCP which New China tirelessly has attempted to stomp out in the Cultural Revolution and Tiananmen massacre, and began a policy of genocide and intimidation. Xi took over the illegal internal police structure, changed its name, and expanded the 610 Office's use against regime opponents and internal dissenters.

Xi Jinping is determined to avoid the demise of Communist party power such as happened in the Soviet Union as the result of Perestroika and Glasnost reform movements instituted by Soviet General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev.

Bo Xilai affair[edit]

Xi's rise largely is the result of the 2012 Bo Xilai affair. Bo is the "Bernie Sanders of China," a corrupt kleptocrat and supposed advocate for the poor and oppressed. Bo was a member of the Politburo and candidate to the seven-member Standing Committee. A Jiang flunky, Bo was mayor of Dalian City in Liaoning Province in 1999 when the roundup Falun Gong began, and steadily rose in ranks for the next decade. As Governor, Dalian City and Liaoning Province, arrest and kidnappings of Falun Gong was more intense than in many other areas of China.[14]

Like in American politics, scandals and coverups often take a different narrative than true underlying facts. Bo, a "reformer and corruption fighter", was removed and prosecuted on corruption charges after his wife and the deputy mayor were convicted of murder of a British citizen;[15] had this particular murder victim not been foreign, the case likely would never have been investigated.

Xi took advantage of the scandal which exposed the policy of genocide of Falun Gong being ordered by the Politburo and to aid in the cover-up of CCP's inherent and inimical use of murder and to destroy rivals for power.

United Front Work[edit]

See also: United Front Work Department

In 2015 Xi established a leading small group[16] on United Front Work with himself at its head, signifying “a direct line of command from the [CCP] Politburo to [the] United Front,” according to the Financial Times. Xi called United Front work “an important way to ensure the success of the [Chinese Communist] Party’s cause” and urged the CCP to form the “broadest possible patriotic United Front.” President Xi has also called United Front work a “magic weapon”. The elevation of the importance of United Front work resulted in adding UFWD officials to top CCP and government posts and roughly 40,000 new cadres overall in the first few years after Xi became president.[17]

610 Office[edit]

Under Xi Jinping the 610 Office changed its name to the Central Leading Group on Preventing and Dealing with Heretical Religions, but is still commonly known as the 610 Office. The 610 Office is the main organization created to eliminate Falun Gong and is similar to Nazi Germany’s Gestapo,[18] The office was originally the creature of a rival CCP faction headed by former CCP boss Jiang Zemin, but in an alleged "anti-corruption, reform campaign," Xi replaced Jiang cronies with his own and changed the agency's name.

Between 2018 and 2019, structural reforms under current Chinese leader Xi Jinping led to the nominal disbandment of the 610 Office and two related security organizations. But the reform also called for the 610 Office’s functions to be merged into the Chinese police force, as well as a powerful Communist Party organ, the Central Political and Legal Affairs Commission (PLAC). According to analysts, scrapping the Office represented a move by Xi to further consolidate his power over the regime security forces, which had been dominated by a rival faction of former party boss Jiang Zemin allies throughout the 2000s.[19]

According to documents obtained by Chinese-language Epoch Times (The Great Era),[20] the 610 Office in Fangshan District in Beijing, formally known as the Fangshan Political and Legal Affairs Commission’s “Anti-Heretical Religion Guidance Branch,” conducted an assessment titled “Status of Work in Preventing and Handling Heretical Religions” in 2019. The document shows that despite Xi Jinping's aggressive restructuring of Party's institutions and the sacking of the central "610" and its offices since he took office in 2012, the extralegal power of the "610" has not diminished and the persecution of Falun Gong has not diminished.

Kwon Pyong, also known as BraveJohnny on Twitter, was disappeared shortly after posting a selfie of himself wearing a T-shirt with "Xitler" on it.[21]

Fangshan District 610 assessment shows that the District Anti-Cult Guidance Section is responsible for evaluating the performance of the 93 party and government organs in five departments, from the Political and Legal Commission, the Organization Department, the Commission for Discipline Inspection, the Public Security Bureau, the Procuratorate, the Court, the Propaganda Department, the Finance Bureau, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Housing and Construction Commission, the SASAC, the Health and Health Commission, the Internet Trust Office, to the National People's Congress, the CPPCC, the United Front Department, the Education Commission, the Commerce Bureau, the Municipal Administration of Law Enforcement, the Landscaping Bureau, the Agricultural and Rural Bureau, and so on, almost all the party and government organs in Beijing's housing and mountainous areas are subject to "610" assessment.

Militarization of space[edit]

Shortly after becoming president in March 2013, Xi Jinping made his ambitions for China's space power clear. "Developing the space program and turning the country into a space power is the space dream that we have continuously pursued."[22]

Suppression of human rights[edit]

The case of Kwon Pyong, an ethnic Korean living in northeast China, as reported by the New York Times is illustrative. [23] Kwon, who studied in the United States and went by the Twitter handle of BraveJohnny, was disappeared after posting a selfie with a T-shirt criticizing Xi as Xitler. Kwon was charged with “inciting subversion.” Kwon's two lawyers were excluded from defending him days before the trial when a judge demanded a letter of introduction from the attornies local bureau of justice. One attorney commented, “That’s an impossible request and outside the bounds of the law. It’s an unlawful and unreasonable demand.” CCP officials denied the attornies' requests to see Kwon and the case files. CCP officials had told Kwon's parents that he could expect a prison sentence of one and a half years, as long as he dropped his attornies.

Kwon aired his views on Twitter and Facebook, which are both inaccessible in China, except for people with the knowledge and tools to burrow under a wall of online censorship. The indictment against Kwon said the charge was based on 70 or more comments, images and video that he shared on Twitter and his Facebook page. The comments and images “slandered and insulted state power and the socialist system,” the prosecutors charged, according to the Human Rights Campaign in China.

Scrapping family limits[edit]

Xi had the disastrous One-child Policy scrapped and replaced it with a Two-child Policy on October 29, 2015 which then took effect on January 1, 2016. On May 31, 2021, he announced that married couples will be allowed to have up to three children to deal with an aging population while giving financial support for families, but next month on June 18, he decided to end all childbirth restrictions by 2025.[24]

Dictatorial career[edit]

The unity within the Chinese Communist Party is shattering as all the three factions (Shanghai, Beijing, and Zhenjiang) in the party are embroiled in a feud. The Shanghai faction is led by Jiang Zemin, the Beijing faction is led by Hu Jintao, and the Zhenjiang faction is led by President Xi Jinping. Each one of the three is trying to nullify the influence of the other faction. Since 2012, when Xi Jinping took office political oppression has intensified and it has blanketed China. Press, social media, film, arts, literature and the Internet in China is heavily censored. Many intellectuals, Tibetans, Uighurs, lawyers, university students have been persecuted for voicing their opinions in favor of democracy. Cracks appeared in Xi Jinping's hold on the Chinese Communist Party over the catastrophic handling of the CCP pandemic. This opened an opportunity for the Shanghai faction and the Beijing faction. Kyle Bass, Chief Investment Officer at Hayman Capital Management, said:

Secretary Xi is in trouble within China. According to my sources within, the party elite want Xi gone. The Guangdong elite (Uncle Deng’s family) are beginning to rattle the cages of change against the supposed “emperor for life”. #XiJinping #china #ChinaLiedAndPeopleDied[25][26]

Dictator for life[edit]

In February 2018 the CCP Central Committee approved a measure making Xi Jinping dictator for life.[27] Xi Jinping is said to be surrounded by sycophant's and yes men. His swift rise to power was accomplished by so-called "anti-corruption" campaigns, stomping out rival power centers in the military and party. The abolition of the presidential term limit amounts to an acknowledgment that the old CCP adage “only socialism can save China” requires the new corollary that “only Xi Jinping can save socialism."[28]

Assassination attempts[edit]

See also: People's Liberation Army
Lai Xiaomin was sentenced on January 6, 2021 and executed on January 29, 2021.

According to China expert Ian Easton. in January 2016, the CCP launched a sweeping military reform and reorganization program. It was the first time a purge like this had happened in Communist China’s 70-year history. To succeed, Xi fired, imprisoned, and, in several cases, executed, well over 100 high-ranking generals in front of their peers.[29]

In 2021 observers noted increasing signs of Xi Jinping's fear for his own personal security.[30] Xi had not left the country in nearly two years, and addressed the United Nations General Assembly via teleconference. The power struggle between the various factions of the CCP became increasingly fierce.

In January 2021, Lai Xiaomin, the former head of China Huarong Asset Management, a China "Big Four" asset management company, was sentenced to death without reprieve on alleged corruption charges. It was revealed months later Lai was involved in the 2014 plot to kill Xi Jinping in Nanjing. Lai was known to have close ties to Zeng Qinghong, the former vice president of China. Zeng was a die-hard loyalist of former CCP leader Jiang Zemin.

Two top figures in the 610 office were removed by Xi Jinping, Sun Lijun and Fu Zhenghua. Both climbed the ranks of the political and legal affairs apparatus during Jiang’s era of dominance from 1997 to 2012. Both were also trusted enough by the Jiang faction to be allowed to helm its anti-Falun Gong campaign. In 2015, Fu was head of the supra-authority 610 Office and Sun was his deputy. Fu until recently was deputy director of the Social and Legal Affairs Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), or Justice Minister, came under disciplinary investigation at the direction of Xi Jinping. Fu led the 2013 purges which became the cornerstone of Xi's power.

After the August 2021 Baidu conference, there have been rumors about whether Wang Yang would replace Xi as the next top leader of the CCP. On September 6, 2021 Xi appointed five generals, the first time that the new positions of the five people were publicly disclosed. It's worth noting that the Commander of the Western Theatre, the largest theater, is the fourth change of commander in nine month. In addition, because the Central Theater determines Beijing's safety, the replacement of commanders is also of great concern. The control of the PLA has always been Xi's weak point.

On September 14, 2021 a mainland website published an article exposing a plot by a gang of high-ranking police officials to assassinate a top CCP official. Analysts deduced that the target of the assassination was Xi Jinping.[31]

On September 16, the CCP’s official magazine "Qiu Shi" published a long article, stating that “the Party commands the gun” is the foundation of the People’s Liberation Army and the soul of it; then the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) published an article on September 19, saying that there is no "iron hat prince", who cannot be punished in the anti-corruption campaign.[32]

Xi Jinping Thought[edit]

In October 2017 an amendment including Xi's name was added to the CCP's party constitution, marking the first time a living leader's name was added since Mao Zedong, reflecting Xi's standing within the Communist Party. The amendment was approved by all 2,300 delegates attending the party congress, is called "Xi Jinping Thought for the New Era of Socialism With Chinese Special Characteristics."

The move placed Xi on the same level as Mao and Deng Xiaoping, whose names also appear in the party constitution in articles reflecting their principles. The political principles of Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao, Xi's predecessors, were added to the party constitution, but their names were not.

The New York Times Chris Buckley notes that Xi's authority "is not directly comparable to the almost godlike influence Mao commanded," but, at the same time, "the Chinese economy, state and military are much more powerful now than they were under Mao, or even under Deng, which gives Mr. Xi far more global influence than his predecessors."[33]

Xi Jinping and atheism[edit]

Xi Jinping is an atheist.[34] He is very opposed to Christianity and has increased persecution of Christians.[35]

Atheism is a core tenet of militant communist ideology (see: Atheism and communism). In 1955, Chinese communist leader Zhou Enlai declared, "We Communists are atheists".[36]

In 2014, The New American indicated:

The Communist Party of China (CPC) is letting its members know that the party’s official adherence to militant atheism has not changed; Party members are not allowed to be Christians, or to hold any other religious beliefs. That is the clear message sent by a top Party official in an editorial published on November 14 in the Global Times, the international version of People’s Daily, the official newspaper and mouthpiece of the CPC.[37]

National socialism with Chinese characteristics[edit]

See also: National socialism

Outside observers have seen certain changes as a movement toward National Socialism with Chinese racial characteristics.[38][39][40] John Xenakis of Breitbart observed there is no difference between Xi Jinping Thought, Socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era and Adolf Hitler’s Thoughts and National Socialism:[41]

In July 2019, the CCP released a threatening defense white paper that read,

“Solving the Taiwan problem and achieving complete national unification is in the fundamental interest of the Chinese race. It is obviously necessary for achieving the Chinese race’s great renewal... China must be unified and obviously will be... If anyone splits Taiwan off from China, China’s military will pay any price to totally defeat them.”[42]

Document 9[edit]

Document 9 was leaked by a Chinese dissident journalist who was in turn sentenced to a seven-year imprisonment for "leaking state secrets".[43][44] The name of the document, Communiqué on the Current State of the Ideological Sphere (also translated as the Briefing on the Current Situation in the Ideological Realm[45]) comes from it being the ninth such document issued that year in China.[46] It is thought that Document No. 9 was issued by the General Office of the Central Committee, and would have required the approval of Xi and other top leaders. The New York Times reported that it "bears the unmistakable imprimatur of Xi Jinping".[47] The document specifically addresses the following issues which it regards as problems using these same terms in the document itself:

  1. Promoting Western Constitutional Democracy: An attempt to undermine the current leadership and the "socialism with Chinese characteristics" system of governance. (Including the separation of powers, the multi-party system, general elections, and independent judiciaries.)
  2. Promoting “universal values” in an attempt to weaken the theoretical foundations of the Party’s leadership. (That “the West’s values are the prevailing norm for all human civilization”, that “only when China accepts Western values will it have a future”.)
  3. Promoting civil society in an attempt to dismantle the ruling party’s social foundation. (i.e. that individual rights are paramount and ought to be immune to obstruction by the state.)
  4. Promoting Neoliberalism, attempting to change China’s Basic Economic System. (i.e. unrestrained economic liberalization, complete privatization, and total marketization.)
  5. Promoting the West’s idea of journalism, challenging China’s principle that the media and publishing system should be subject to Party discipline.
  6. Promoting historical nihilism, trying to undermine the history of the CCP and of New China. (For example to deny the scientific and guiding value of Mao Zedong thought.)
  7. Questioning Reform and Opening and the socialist nature of socialism with Chinese characteristics. (For example, saying “We have deviated from our Socialist orientation.”)

Subverting the United States[edit]

Jin Canrong, a professor and associate dean of the School of International Studies at Beijing’s Renmin University of China, laid out a multi-pronged strategy involving a range of malign actions to subvert the United States while strengthening the Chinese regime.[48] Jin emphasized that Xi was unlike his predecessors in his ambitions. Previous CCP leaders, such as Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin, and Hu Jintao worked hard to develop the regime’s power but didn’t dare to use it, he said. “No matter how much power you have, it’s nothing if you don’t dare to use it,” Jin said. “Chairman Xi dares to use it. [Xi’s authorities] have the power, dare to use that power, and all of its attacks make the other party bleed.”

Xi’s global strategy to bolster the regime’s global power has two pillars, according to Jin. One is the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), the other is the Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP).

Xi’s ambitions, however, cannot be revealed to the outside world, the professor said. When Xi took power in 2012, he urged the country to realize the “Chinese dream.” This meant becoming a “moderately well-off” country by 2021, and then a “strong, democratic, civilized, harmonious, and modern socialist country” by 2049. Jin explained that Xi’s target is actually to replace the United States as the world’s only superpower by 2049. “[Chinese] Ministry of Foreign Affairs keeps on saying [at press briefings] that China loves peace. But no reporters at the press briefings believe this,” Jin said.

Uyghur genocide[edit]

Natural population growth in Xinjiang has declined dramatically; growth rates fell by 84 percent in the two largest Uyghur prefectures between 2015 and 2018, and declined further in several minority regions in 2019. For 2020, one Uyghur region set an unprecedented near-zero birth rate target: a mere 1.05 per mille, compared to 19.66 per mille in 2018. This was intended to be achieved through “family planning work.”

Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR) government documents bluntly mandate that birth control violations are punishable by extrajudicial internment in “training” camps. This confirms evidence such violations were the most common reason for internment (Journal of Political Risk, February 2020).

Uyghur forced labor and reeducation camp for girls in Xinjiang.[49]

XUAR documents from 2019 reveal plans for a campaign of mass female sterilization in rural Uyghur regions, targeting 14 and 34 percent of all married women of childbearing age in two Uyghur counties that year. This project targeted all of southern Xinjiang, and continued in 2020 with increased funding. This campaign likely aims to sterilize rural minority women with three or more children, as well as some with two children—equivalent to at least 20 percent of all childbearing-age women. Budget figures indicate that this project had sufficient funding for performing hundreds of thousands of tubal ligation sterilization procedures in 2019 and 2020, with at least one region receiving additional central government funding. In 2018, a Uyghur prefecture openly set a goal of leading its rural populations to accept widespread sterilization surgery.

By 2019, XAUR planned to subject at least 80 percent of women of childbearing age in the rural southern four minority prefectures to intrusive birth prevention surgeries (IUDs or sterilizations), with actual shares likely being much higher. In 2018, 80 percent of all net added IUD placements in China (calculated as placements minus removals) were performed in Xinjiang, despite the fact that the region only makes up 1.8 percent of the PRC’s population.

Shares of women aged 18 to 49 who were either widowed or in menopause have more than doubled since the onset of the internment campaign in one particular Uyghur region. These are potential proxy indicators for unnatural deaths (possibly of interned husbands), and/or of injections given in internment that can cause temporary or permanent loss of menstrual cycles.

Between 2015 and 2018, about 860,000 ethnic Han residents left Xinjiang, while up to 2 million new residents were added to Xinjiang’s Han majority regions. Also, population growth rates in a Uyghur region where Han constitute the majority were nearly 8 times higher than in the surrounding rural Uyghur regions (in 2018). These figures raise concerns that Beijing is doubling down on a policy of Han settler colonialism.

These findings provide the strongest evidence yet that Beijing’s policies in Xinjiang meet one of the genocide criteria cited in the U.N. Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, namely that of Section D of Article II: “imposing measures intended to prevent births within the [targeted] group” (United Nations, December 9, 1948).[50]

Xinjiang's largest concentration camp is twice the size of Vatican City.[51] As of 2021, Xinjiang had over 300 concentration camps, or 206 million square feet with enough capacity to incarcerate seven times the prison population in the United States.[52]


See also: United Nations

Xi has attempted to align himself with globalists to further the Chinese Communist Party's hegemonic ambitions and extend the CCP's rigid control outside China.[53]

In 2018 Xi Jinping said Beijing would take “an active part in leading the reform of the global governance system.” What the CCP, the Xi-regime and its wolf-warrior diplomats are doing is quite comparable to the emergence of Japanese fascism in the 1930s or the provocations of Adolf Hitler before the Munich Accords.[54]

Human rights abuses[edit]

Former U.N. investigator-turned-whistleblower Peter Gallo said,

“the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights was caught handing over names of Chinese human rights activists to the Chinese government, so the Chinese police and security agencies could go and intimidate their relatives in China, all to ensure that nobody spoke out against China being elected to the Human Rights Council.”[55]

Since Xi's ascension to power in 2012, 600,000 people from China have applied for asylum in other countries by 2021.[56]

Slave labor[edit]

U.S. law prohibits the importation of goods produced “wholly or in part in any foreign country by convict labor or/and forced labor or/and indentured labor under penal sanctions.”[57] Artificial flowers, Christmas lights, shoes, garments, umbrellas as well as coal, cotton, electronics, fireworks, footwear, nails, and toys have been identified as produced in Chinese prison factories for export. There have been several instances of letters and notes from prisoners describing their confinement, working conditions and mistreatment discovered in products purchased by consumers outside China; at Christmas in 2019 a six-year-old girl in London, in a box of newly purchased Christmas cards, found one that had a message in English saying,

"We are foreign prisoners in Shanghai Qingpu prison China Forced to work against our will. Please help us and notify human rights organization."[58]

Profitable prison companies help to fund the operations of both local and national government. Prison labor enterprises producing high-tech goods such as semiconductors and optical instruments are the most profitable, each earning an estimated annual revenue of tens of millions of dollars and paying taxes to the Chinese government. According to the 2012 Trafficking in Persons Report from the United States Department of State,

“[t]he [PRC] government reportedly profits from [the use of] forced labor. Many prisoners and detainees in ‘reeducation through labor’ facilities [are] required to work, often with no remuneration.”

Many prisons function as subcontractors for Chinese firms. The State Department has noted cases in which

“detainees were forced to work up to 18 hours a day without pay for private companies working in partnership with Chinese authorities” and “were beaten for failing to complete work quotas."[59]

The book Laogai: The Machinery of Repression in China, published in 2009, stated that as many as 3 to 5 million people were imprisoned in laogai or gulag camps.[60]

In addition to criminal sentences imposed by a court, administrative detention imposed by police with no legal due process required, the CCP has a system of “Black Jails”, an unofficial system of unlicensed confinement facilities used by local CCP officials primarily to detain petitioners seeking redress of grievances.[61]

Belt and Road Initiative[edit]

Main article: Belt and Road Initiative

The goal Xi Jinping’s Belt and Road Initiative worldwide is not world peace, but the integration of smaller nations into the Chinese economic system and the CCP’s system of rule. First, poorer countries are fed with supposedly cheap economic development and infrastructure measures for bridges, roads and ports. Usually, a kickback to corrupt local elites is involved, as in Sri Lanka, Montenegro, Kazakhstan, Tanzania, Serbia and Hungary. Then, when the countries can't make payment on the debt, the prime pieces of local infrastructure become the property of Chinese companies or the People’s Republic of China. It is what is known as debt-trap diplomacy.

The most notorious Belt and Road project is the Hambantota port in Sri Lanka that is now Chinese owned after the Sri Lankan government couldn't meet repayments and now hosts Chinese submarines.[62]

World Health Organization[edit]

See also: World Health Organization

Tadros Adhanom was the director-general of the World Health Organization (WHO) at the time of the CCP virus pandemic. Adhanom was a leader in Ethiopia's Tigray People's Liberation Front, a wing of the ruling Marxist Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front. Ethiopia is A CCP client state. Adhanom served the repressive regime as Minister of Foreign Affairs from 2012 to 2016 after a stint as Health Minister. As a candidate for the top post, The New York Timers accused Tad Adhanom of covering up at least three epidemics.[63] Adhanom was elected WHO director-general with the Chinese Communist Party's support. One of Adhanom's first actions as director-general was to name the repressive Marxist-Leninist dictator Robert Mugabe as a WHO Goodwill Ambassador.[64] Peter Humphrey, a British investigator who was jailed in China in 2013 had been drugged, chained to a chair, locked in a cage, and made to read out a statement written by the police in front of cameras.[65] The anchor who presented the footage, James Chao, was appointed a Goodwill Ambassador with the World Health Organization.

Tad Adhanom worked as the handmaid of CCP foreign policy and criticized travel bans to and from China where the deadly outbreak first occurred saying, "There is no reason for measures that unnecessarily interfere with international travel and trade." The WHO was not allowed into China by the Marxist regime until February 10, 2020, more than two months after the virus was first discovered.

Adhanom praised the Chinese Communist Party's response: "We appreciate the seriousness with which China is taking this outbreak, especially the commitment from top leadership and the transparency they have demonstrated," and "China is actually setting a new standard for outbreak response." Film clips of Adhanom were shown on Chinese television saying, "China took action massively at the epicenter at the source of the outbreak. This is heroic. The actions of China is making us safer."

For whatever reason the WHO misinformed the planet about the pandemic, the simple fact remains that the WHO did not apply science or the scientific method to determine the gravity of the outbreak, but rather took on faith the word of a totalitarian regime notorious for human rights abuses and held to that position for months.

The WHO is working with Google to ensure that people get information from the UN health agency first when they search for information about the virus.

CCP global pandemic[edit]

See also: Wuhan epidemic coverup and CCP global pandemic

As early as January 7, 2020, Xi Jinping and the six other members of the ruling Politburo Standing Committee were informed of an outbreak of a novel coronavirus in the city of Wuhan in Hubei province.[66] As healthcare workers became infected treating those who were sick,[67] it became increasingly obvious the new virus was transmissible between people.[68] The ruling Communist party, from the top down, ordered that no information be made public, and additionally lied to international public health professionals about the true nature of the pandemic. These events occurred two weeks before China's biggest travel holiday, the Chinese Lunar New Year which was beginning on January 24 that year.

Xi Jinping quashed early reports of the transmissibility of Covid 19 and convinced the World Health Organization (WHO) to mislead the entire planet on the danger of global outbreak. On March 1, 2020, the Final Report of the China Tribunal on the Chinese Communist Party's mass murder and genocide of Falun Gong was obscured by the pandemic and economic crash that the CCP unleashed upon the planet. By the end of May, under the cover of the global crisis, Xi Jinping moved to destroy Hong Kong democracy in violation of international agreements.

U.S. response[edit]

In response to the CCP global pandemic unleashed upon the world, on May 20, 2020 the United States issued a document titled United States Strategic Approach to The People’s Republic of China that describes the threat the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) poses to all humanity. The document states in excerpt:

The CCP promotes globally a value proposition that challenges the bedrock American belief in the unalienable right of every person to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Under the current generation of leadership, the CCP has accelerated its efforts to portray its governance system as functioning better than those of what it refers to as “developed, western countries.”

Beijing is clear that it sees itself as engaged in an ideological competition with the West.

The CCP aims to make China a “global leader in terms of comprehensive national power and international influence,” as General Secretary Xi expressed in 2017, by strengthening what it refers to as “the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics.”

This system is rooted in Beijing’s interpretation of Marxist-Leninist ideology and combines a nationalistic, single party dictatorship; a state-directed economy; deployment of science and technology in the service of the state; and the subordination of individual rights to serve CCP ends.

This runs counter to principles shared by the United States and many like-minded countries of representative government, free enterprise, and the inherent dignity and worth of every individual.

One disastrous outgrowth of such an approach to governance is Beijing’s policies in Xinjiang, where since 2017, authorities have detained more than a million Uighurs and members of other ethnic and religious minority groups in indoctrination camps, where many endure forced labor, ideological indoctrination, and physical and psychological abuse.

Outside these camps, the regime has instituted a police state employing emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and biogenetics to monitor ethnic minorities’ activities to ensure allegiance to the CCP. Widespread religious persecution – of Christians, Tibetan Buddhists, Muslims, and members of Falun Gong – includes the demolition and desecration of places of worship, arrests of peaceful believers, forced renunciations of faith, and prohibitions on raising children in traditions of faith.

The CCP's campaign to compel ideological conformity does not stop at China’s borders.

In recent years, Beijing has intervened in sovereign nations’ internal affairs to engineer consent for its policies.

PRC authorities have attempted to extend CCP influence over discourse and behavior around the world, with recent examples including companies and sports teams in the United States and the United Kingdom and politicians in Australia and Europe.

PRC actors are exporting the tools of the CCP’s techno-authoritarian model to countries around the world, enabling authoritarian states to exert control over their citizens and surveil opposition, training foreign partners in propaganda.[69]

Condemnation by George Soros[edit]

George Soros condemned Xi Jinping's dictatorship in a Wall Street Journal op-ed on August 13, 2021 as "the most dangerous enemy of open societies in the world." Soros wrote:

"There is a conflict between his beliefs and his actions and between his public declarations of wanting to make China a superpower and his behavior as a domestic ruler. These internal contradictions have revealed themselves in the context of the growing conflict between the U.S. and China.

At the heart of this conflict is the reality that the two nations represent systems of governance that are diametrically opposed. The U.S. stands for a democratic, open society in which the role of the government is to protect the freedom of the individual. Mr. Xi believes Mao Zedong invented a superior form of organization, which he is carrying on: a totalitarian closed society in which the individual is subordinated to the one-party state. It is superior, in this view, because it is more disciplined, stronger and therefore bound to prevail in a contest.

Relations between China and the U.S. are rapidly deteriorating and may lead to war. ...

The Chinese people as a whole are among his victims, but domestic political opponents and religious and ethnic minorities suffer from his persecution much more. I find it particularly disturbing that so many Chinese people seem to find his social-credit surveillance system not only tolerable but attractive…

...he wants China to become the dominant power in the world. He is also convinced that the Chinese Communist Party needs to be a Leninist party, willing to use its political and military power to impose its will. Xi Jinping strongly felt this was necessary to ensure that the Chinese Communist Party will be strong enough to impose the sacrifices needed to achieve his goal.

To prevail in 2022, Mr. Xi has turned himself into a dictator. Instead of allowing the party to tell him what policies to adopt, he dictates the policies he wants it to follow. State media is now broadcasting a stunning scene in which Mr. Xi leads the Standing Committee of the Politburo in slavishly repeating after him an oath of loyalty to the party and to him personally. This must be a humiliating experience, and it is liable to turn against Mr. Xi even those who had previously accepted him.

…In other words, he has turned them into his own yes-men, abolishing the legacy of Deng’s consensual rule. With Mr. Xi there is little room for checks and balances. He will find it difficult to adjust his policies to a changing reality, because he rules by intimidation. His underlings are afraid to tell him how reality has changed for fear of triggering his anger.[70]


Xi Jinpong's father, Xi Zhongxun, was a communist guerilla leader in northwest China in the 1930s, when Mao and the CCP leaders reached Yan'an at the end of the Long March. Xi Zhongxon was married five times. Xi Zhongxun was one of the few local leaders to survive later purges, siding with the Mao Zedong faction and rising quickly through Party ranks to become a Vice Premier in the 1950s while still in his thirties. According to sources, Xi Zhongxun was the youngest Vice Premier among the early generation of CCP leaders. Despite his association with Mao's group, said the professor, Xi Zhongxun was also "good friends" with Deng Xiaoping and was "actually closer to Deng than to Mao."

Xi Zhongxun was purged in 1962 and imprisoned, and his mother, Qi Xin, forced into hard labor years before the Cultural Revolution began. The children were forced to denounce their father and sent to the countryside to be re-educated and suffer deprivation. Xi's older sister, Qi Qiaoaqiao, was forced to study Marxism. His older half sister by one of his father's previous marriages, Xi Heping, committed suicide by hanging herself. This was a turning point in Xi's life. He decided to restore his family's name, not through revenge, but through loyalty to the Communist party.

Xi Zhongxun was rehabilitated by Deng Xaoiping in 1978 and was appointed by Deng as Party Secretary in Guangdong in the 1980s.

Comparison of Xi Jingpin to Winnie the Pooh[edit]

See also: China and obesity and Atheism and obesity

In 2018, The Guardian reported regarding a portly Xi Jinping walking beside a lanky Barack Hussein Obama:

Chinese censors have banned the release of Christopher Robin, a new film adaptation of AA Milne’s beloved story about Winnie the Pooh, according to the Hollywood Reporter.

The Winnie the Pooh character has become a lighthearted way for people across China to mock their president, Xi Jinping, but it seems the government doesn’t find the joke very funny.

It started when Xi visited the US in 2013, and an image of Xi and then president Barack Obama walking together spurred comparisons to Winnie – a portly Xi – walking with Tigger, a lanky Obama.[71]

A picture of an overweight Xi Jinping can be found HERE.

China's overweight leader Xi Jinping is being compared to Winnie the Pooh. As a result, Chinese censors are banning the name and images of Winnie the Pooh on its social media websites.[72]


  1. https://covid19.who.int/
  2. https://townhall.com/tipsheet/bronsonstocking/2020/04/11/victims-of-communism-memorial-foundation-adds-coronavirus-deaths-to-tally-after-china-coverup-n2566702
  3. China's problem is Xi Jinping. With his neo-fascist cult of leadership, the party leader destroys all the achievements of his predecessors. JÜRGEN KREMB, JUNE 17, 2021
  4. https://www.politico.eu/article/xi-jinping-china-most-dangerous-man-in-the-world/
  5. https://www.france24.com/en/20190124-soros-calls-chinas-xi-most-dangerous-foe-free-societies
  6. China Deliberately Spread The Coronavirus: What Are The Strategic Consequences?, by Gordon G. Chang, December 9, 2020. www.hoover.org
  7. https://www.theepochtimes.com/power-struggle-intensified-within-the-chinese-communist-party_4037358.html
  8. https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/17547/china-mobilizing-war
  9. China's dangerous decline, Foreign Affairs magazine, December 22, 2022
  10. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2016/05/15/commentary/world-commentary/xi-jinping-son-cultural-revolution/
  11. https://wikileaks.org/plusd/cables/09BEIJING3128_a.html#
  12. https://youtu.be/3JmOdkmbJ0g
  13. https://www.breakinglatest.news/news/zhou-xiaohui-xi-zhizhi-points-out-the-secret-of-the-attempted-assassination-of-the-political-and-legal-department/
  14. http://en.minghui.org/html/articles/2012/4/26/132920.htmlM
  15. The 2012 Bo Xilai Affair highlighted the degree to which the families of top Party officials were able to parlay access to political power into vast personal wealth. Bo sat on the 25-member Party Politburo and Central Committee and was Party Secretary of a powerful municipality. Bo styled himself as a champion of the poor and dispossessed, supporting the state-run economy, lead a crackdown on supposed organized crime bosses, and fanned nostalgia for the violent Anti-fascist Cultural Revolution of the 1960s and 1970s. Bo’s rhetoric was critical of the income gap and broken promises to the working class that accompanied China’s rise to become the world’s second-largest economy. Bo was widely reported as a candidate for promotion to the Politburo Standing Committee. Bo’s wife was convicted of murder of a British businessman in August 2012. Bo’s vice mayor was convicted of “bending the law for selfish ends, defection, abuse of power and bribe-taking” in September 2012. Days later, the Party Politburo expelled Bo from the Party’s ranks and announced that it was transferring his case to state judicial authorities. The Party investigation concluded that Bo “bore major responsibility” in the cases of his vice-mayor’s actions and his wife’s involvement in the murder, and alleged that he “took advantage of his office to seek profits for others and received huge bribes personally and through his family.” Social media brought the scandal to light, creating problems for existing leadership.
  16. Leading small groups are powerful advisory bodies that formulate and help implement policies concerning particular topics, including coordination across Party and state bureaucracies.
  17. https://jamestown.org/program/united-front-work-department-magic-weapon-home-abroad/
  18. Google images
  19. https://sinoinsider.com/2018/03/politics-watch-decoding-chinas-party-and-state-institutional-reforms/
  20. *https://www.epochtimes.com/b5/20/4/12/n12023895.htm
  21. https://web.archive.org/web/20180129235006if_/https://twitter.com/kwonpyong/status/770081265475325953
  22. https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/17306/china-space-power
  23. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/16/world/asia/china-xi-jinping-xitler-tshirt-kwon-pyong.html
  24. https://www.wsj.com/articles/china-plans-further-shift-toward-encouraging-childbirth-11624003448
  25. https://twitter.com/Jkylebass/status/1249016519574663169
  26. https://www.zerohedge.com/health/china-begins-mass-deletion-online-research-coronavirus-origins
  27. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/feb/26/xi-jinping-china-presidential-limit-scrap-dictator-for-life
  28. https://www.hoover.org/sites/default/files/research/docs/clm56am.pdf
  29. https://youtu.be/Se_r1qwWMMA
  30. https://www.theepochtimes.com/opinion-six-hidden-threats-xi-jinping-has-to-guard-against_3725889.html
  31. https://www.breakinglatest.news/world/the-detective-captain-wants-to-assassinate-xi-jinpingofficials-confessed-to-disobedience-to-leaders-video-international-news-eye-ccp-trends/
  32. https://youtu.be/FHvjoRJ9_1o
  33. https://www.businessinsider.com/china-xi-jinping-and-chinese-economy-2017-10
  34. China’s Communist Party Reaffirms Marxism, Maoism, Atheism, New American, 2014
  35. Williams, Thomas D. (April 22, 2018). China Aid: President Xi Jinping Views Christian Churches as ‘Severe National Security Threat’. Breitbart News. Retrieved April 22, 2018.
  36. Noebel, David, The Battle for Truth, Harvest House, 2001.
  37. China’s Communist Party Reaffirms Marxism, Maoism, Atheism, New American, 2014
  38. https://foreignpolicy.com/2012/11/15/national-socialism-with-chinese-characteristics/
  39. https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2020/12/nazi-china-communists-carl-schmitt/617237/
  40. https://www.aspistrategist.org.au/xi-jinpings-conception-of-socialism/
  41. https://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2017/10/24/24-oct-17-world-view-xi-jinpings-socialism-with-chinese-characteristics-is-identical-to-hitlers-national-socialism/
  42. http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/editorials/archives/2019/10/28/2003724771
  43. Chinese journalist Gao Yu faces seven years in prison for 'leaking state secrets'. CBS News.
  44. "Chinese Journalist Sentenced to 7 Years on Charges of Leaking State Secrets", 16 April 2015. 
  45. "Tilting backwards", 24 June 2013. 
  46. Document 9: A ChinaFile Translation (8 November 2013).
  47. China Takes Aim at Western Ideas. The New York Times.
  48. https://www.theepochtimes.com/mkt_breakingnews/xi-jinpings-adviser-outlines-plan-for-ccp-to-defeat-us-including-manipulating-elections_3748196.html
  49. Uyghurs for sale, Vicky Xiuzhong Xu, Danielle Cave, Dr. James Leibold, Kelsey Munro & Nathan Ruser, Australia Strategic Policy Institute, March 1, 2020.
  51. https://japantoday.com/category/world/ap-looks-inside-china's-largest-detention-center-in-xinjiang1
  52. https://pulitzercenter.org/stories/china-can-lock-million-muslims-xinjiang-once
  53. Martel, Frances (November 5, 2018). Xi Jinping: Globalization Will Happen ‘Independent of People’s Will’. Breitbart News. Retrieved November 7, 2018.
  54. National Socialism “Made in Xi-Na”. With his neo-fascist leader cult, China’s CP leader Xi Jinping is destroying all the achievements of his predecessors. JÜRGEN KREMB, 29 JUNE 2021
  55. https://www.theepochtimes.com/is-trump-really-to-blame-for-chinas-rise-at-the-un-as-media-claim_3094695.html
  56. https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/2021/07/28/under-xi-jinping-the-number-of-chinese-asylum-seekers-has-shot-up
  57. Tariff Act of 1930, 19 U.S. Code 19 § 1307.
  58. https://www.npr.org/2019/12/23/790832681/6-year-old-finds-message-alleging-chinese-prison-labor-in-box-of-christmas-cards
  59. Cited in Prison Labor Exports from China and Implications for U.S. Policy, U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission Staff Research Report, July 9, 2014.
  60. Laogai: The Machinery of Repression in China, 2009-10-01
  61. https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/reports/china1109web_1.pdf
  62. https://www.lankanewsweb.net/87-foreign/63806-china-news-naval-base-grab-sri-lanka-ww3-india
  63. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/13/health/candidate-who-director-general-ethiopia-cholera-outbreaks.html
  64. http://archive.is/1PaM6
  65. http://archive.is/asrPk
  66. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2020/02/16/coronavirus-chinas-xi-knew-crisis-weeks-before-going-public/4778687002/
  67. https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/IzzCnz4Yr2jEIYZePiu_ow
  68. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/us/heres-how-china-misled-the-world-on-coronavirus/articleshow/74843543.cms
  69. https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/U.S.-Strategic-Approach-to-The-Peoples-Republic-of-China-Report-5.20.20.pdf
  70. https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/look-whos-calling-xi-jinping-the-most-dangerous-enemy-of-open-societies-in-the-world/
  71. China bans Winnie the Pooh film after comparisons to President Xi, China bans Winnie the Pooh film after comparisons to President Xi, The Guardian, August 2018
  72. Why China censors banned Winnie the Pooh, BBC

External link[edit]

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