Liberal Denial

From Conservapedia
Cover of Rolling Stone Magazine, one of many published "halo-effect" photos of Barack Obama; the emphasis is on the claims that he is a "messiah," and is an example of liberal deification of a government official in accordance with point #26.

Liberal denial is the tendency of liberals to conceal, deny, or censor the facts for ideological reasons. The root cause of liberal denial is a desire to marginalize and exclude religion, especially Christianity, from society. Liberal denial promotes a secularized, politically liberal one-world government, as well as illogical denial of the Biblical God and Jesus.

First liberal denial requires denying Christ, then God, then the greatness of accomplishments by those inspired by Christ, then the superiority of political systems based on Christianity, and so on, ultimately resulting in underachievement and selfishness.

A list of examples of liberal denial is the following:

  1. Denial by liberals that Jesus taught in Greek, the language of scholars, even though the evidence is overwhelming that Jesus did.[1]
  2. Marijuana crops are wasteful of water (nearly twice the consumption of commodity crops), and the pesticides commonly used to grow pot are harmful to the environment.
  3. Use of the memory hole to marginalize or erase films, books, and even events disfavored by liberals.
  4. While hiding data from the public, the CDC tweets statements about issues it has not properly researched, like this: "There is no evidence that any vaccines, including #COVID19 vaccines, cause fertility problems in women or men."[2] There is often no evidence where there is no earnest search for it, and in fact there is overwhelming evidence of harm.[3]
  5. The sensational movie The Exorcist, which broke the box office record at the time, was snubbed with only two very minor Oscars because of liberal denial about the existence of the devil. See Worst Liberal Snubs.
  6. Nearly two years after the spread of the COVID-19 virus began, and despite NO evidence of any natural origin while there is evidence of its manmade origin, the liberal medical journal The Lancet shamelessly says that the jury about the issue is still out (and always will be, if liberals get their way).
  7. Denial of eternity leads to false denial of the powerful reach and uses of infinity, see Pi contains pi and Infinity denial.
  8. Liberals deny that the abrupt termination of the tyrannical statewide shutdown by Leftist California Gov. Gavin Newsom was because a recall petition approached the 1.5M signatures needed to hold an election to remove him from office.
  9. Liberals deny the dangers and harms caused by sexually transmitted diseases, downplaying them as minor irritations when in fact they are incurable illnesses with severe consequences.
  10. Liberals deny or downplay the deadly harm caused by floods, in an attempt to steer people away from accepting the truth of the Great Flood.
  11. The liberal media typically react to a mass murder with a flood of stories denying that there any warning signs or addiction to drugs or violent video games by the perpetrator, and the truth can only leak out through conservative news or British newspapers.
  12. Liberals continue to deny that Donald Trump legitimately defeated Hillary Clinton for president in 2016, and earlier that George W. Bush defeated Al Gore for president in 2000 (e.g., Joe Biden denied it in remarks on June 12, 2013; Al Gore himself denied it in remarks on August 4, 2017).[4]
  13. Liberals deny that vaccines cause severe, even deadly, side effects despite how warnings on package inserts which parents rarely see admit to that fact.
  14. Mass immigration to Europe from the Middle East has brought an increased threat and the greater occurrence of terrorism. Yet European leaders deny the threat of Islamic terrorism, and terrorist attacks have shown how poorly prepared and secured their countries and facilities are.[5] When attacks occur, the leaders often state that they "are a part of daily life", and they refuse to admit that the motive of the terrorists is Islamic radicalism.[5] This is likely due to political correctness and the blindness that comes with liberalism and their pet goal for a utopian one-world government where nations and borders are abolished.
  15. Lies about a false armed robbery were spread by the liberal media in smearing the gracious host of the 2016 Summer Olympics, and yet liberals did not fully correct and apologize for the lies even after Brazilians worked hard to uncover the truth.
  16. Terrorism was not mentioned once during the entire first day of the Democratic National Convention in 2016, while increasing numbers of widely reported terrorism occurred in Florida, France, and elsewhere.
  17. Obama refused to mention ISIS, radical Islam, or Islamic extremism in his comments on the worst attack since 9/11—a mass murder committed by an admitted supporter of ISIS in a Florida gay nightclub in June 2016.
  18. Liberals deny that the much-publicized "proof" of the general theory of relativity in 1919 was, in fact, scientific misconduct by Arthur Eddington who "cherry-picked"[6] his data to reach his desired result, which would have him expelled from any Ph. D. program worth its salt today.
  19. Liberals deny the lack of racial diversity on the women's World Cup 2015 team, which had an all-white coaching staff and an all-white starting line-up.
  20. Falsification of a theory, for which a Nobel Prize has been awarded, is never admitted by the English lamestream media.[7]
  21. Multiple murders committed by an atheist is neither a hate crime nor terrorism, but a rarely occurring murder committed by a Christian must be both.
  22. Liberals deny whenever there is a cold winter, as well as the fact that the world has not significantly warmed for many years.
  23. Liberals deny that violent video games incite and train young mass murderers to go on unspeakable killing rampages.
  24. Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the mass murderer who perpetrated the Boston Marathon bombing, likely committed a gruesome triple murder in 2011 on the 10th anniversary of 9/11, but liberals refuse to admit it, and the U.S. government insists the investigation is still ongoing.
  25. Liberals refuse to admit that "crime [has become] a major part of South African life, be it violent robberies or drive-by shootings."[8]
  26. Liberals deny that Abraham Lincoln developed a strong faith in the Lord in the last few years of life, as proven by his declaration of Thanksgiving Day as an official holiday, his insertion of "under God" into the Gettysburg Address, and in his personal comments.[9]
  27. Liberals deny that a shutdown of the federal government is a good thing.
  28. Liberals deny that some disciples likely wrote down teachings of Jesus while he was living, as a means to deny Jesus's words. (Ironically, liberal theologians then use those same "red letter" words to make the claim that, since Jesus never mentioned homosexuality anywhere in them, all other Biblical condemnation of the topic can be ignored - while those same theologians choose to ignore that the words of Jesus are also the words of God and that Jesus, in pointing out that the only acceptable sexual relations are that of one man and one woman in marital union, did in fact condemn homosexuality.)
  29. Liberals deny even the possibility of women having different aptitude for math than men, even though every Fields Medal recipient has been male, nearly every Putnam fellow has been male, and the highest achievers on the SAT math exam are predominantly male.
  30. Liberals deny that the Apostle Paul wrote most of the epistles which, in their opening, clearly state that he was the author. Similarly they deny that the Apostle John was the author of the gospel account bearing his name, all three epistles bearing his name, and the Book of Revelation (they usually concede the gospel account was his, are divided on the epistles, and almost universally deny his authorship of Revelation).
  31. Liberals deny that human intelligence inevitably and demonstrably declines from generation to generation, and that if there were another 100 generations into the future, the people of that time would not be able to understand simple concepts.
  32. Liberals deny the very real existence of fetal pain during abortion.
  33. Liberals deny that there are only two genders – male and female – and that they are born different[10]
  34. Liberals deny the very real existence of Hell, which Jesus referenced more than Heaven.
  35. Liberals deny how they censor the Bible from their daily activities, and encourage the censorship for others too.
  36. For nearly three months after his death, liberals denied that Hugo Chavez had died.
  37. Liberals deny the Nobel Prize is an award given by liberals to other liberals, sometimes even granted in an awkward manner to punish a critic of liberal falsehoods.[11]
  38. Liberals deny how they deify government officials, similar to how communists continue to deify Stalin, Lenin, and Castro.[12]
  39. Liberals deny how fellow travelers engage in deceit, or at least refuse to admit it.
  40. Liberals deny they are liberal and that most of the media are liberal.
  41. Liberals deny that Hollywood values, professor values, and general liberal values have consequences for their believers and any victims of the believers.
  42. Liberals deny that they have censored prayer in public school.[13]
  43. Liberals deny that a woman significantly reduces her risk of breast cancer by having children rather than abortions
  44. Liberals deny that about half of promiscuous people carry sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and that those STDs cause infertility.[14]
  45. Liberals deny that the strident promoters of evolution generally have weaker credentials than advocates of intelligent design[15]
  46. Liberals deny that college faculties at nearly every American school are dominated by liberals and have virtually no conservatives.
  47. Liberals deny that Homosexuality shortens lifespan or increases risk fo disease for a wide variety of reasons.
  48. Liberals deny that reducing the number of guns, which are primarily defensive weapons, results in an increase in crime.
  49. Liberals deny that Hitler and the Nazi party were in fact Liberals (anti-Semitism is a well-documented characteristic of Liberal Christianity as is the PETA-like Green wing of the Third Reich.[16]).
  50. Liberals, such as Joe Biden, deny that China poses any threat to the U.S.[17][18]

Liberal denialism and Donald Trump[edit]

See also: Liberal denialism and Donald Trump

After the 2016 U.S. Presidential election, many liberals went into in denial that Donald Trump was going to be the President of the United States. Before the election, liberal media outlets took the line that Donald Trump could not win the Republican primary and could not win the presidential election.[19]

General Denial[edit]

Generally, liberals deny that:


  1. Choosing abortion over childbirth increases the risk of breast cancer.
  2. They support taxpayer-funded abortion.
  3. A child in a mother's womb has rights established by the Constitution.
  4. A person is not insane for disagreeing with abortion and homosexuality.


  1. People like young mass murderers who take atheistic beliefs to their logical conclusions are not delusional but are true believers.
  2. Young mass murderers fit the profile of public school-trained atheism.
  3. Atheism is a nontheistic religion, not an absence of religion.
  4. Atheists were and still are responsible for the deaths of millions of people through the decades. Nevertheless, liberals resort to moral equivalence by falsely making the same claims about Christianity, ridiculously exaggerating the numbers of people murdered by those claiming to be Christian while conveniently ignoring that Christian teachings forbid murder.


  1. Gun control motivates people to commit more gun-related crimes.
  2. Illegal immigrants contribute to crime and poverty in the towns and cities they occupy.
  3. Legalizing drugs will increase crime because drug addiction causes thievery and murder.
  4. A border wall is the most effective and, ultimately, the most peaceful way to protect the large southern border separating the U.S. and Mexico from illegal immigrants.
  5. Aggressive interrogation is often the best way to obtain answers from terrorists.
  6. Socially dangerous people exhibit a well-documented pattern of reading habits.


  1. Reducing taxes stimulates the economy.
  2. Privately run transport is more efficient than government-run transport.
  3. unions interfere with employment opportunities.
  4. Free trade strengthens global democracies.
  5. Americans can drill oil to avoid high gas prices.
  6. Americans can't fully replace oil with green technologies; both oil and green technologies are needed to solve energy crises.


  1. Homeschoolers are more likely to succeed than those who attend public school.
  2. A school having few to no conservative teachers and a majority of atheists and/or liberals is a liberal school.
  3. Liberals attempt to intimidate and ostracize conservatives, particularly in school environments and some occupations.[20]
  4. The liberal ideology is pushed on unsuspecting others, particularly young people.
  5. Lawrence Summers was fired as President of Harvard for making a politically incorrect suggestion about women and mathematical aptitude.
  6. Public Schools are breeding grounds for indoctrination and are a waste of taxpayers money.
  7. Children require discipline and spanking is an effective way to correct their behaviour. This is denied by liberals even though a clear majority of American adults believe spanking is sometimes necessary, and despite the the fact that the effectiveness of spanking is backed by both scientific research[21] and the bible.


  1. Modern technology can make coal clean.
  2. Modern drilling methods result in minimal environmental impact, even if they were implemented in uninhabited lands such as the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
  3. Human-caused climate change is junk science.
  4. Companies like Exxon should pay billions of dollars in damages to the general public in addition to the money they spend to clean up industrial accidents and to recompense those directly affected.
  5. Selective logging keeps forests healthier by reducing the risk of wildfire.
  6. High food prices are not caused by ethanol production but rather by the million acres of cropland and pastureland that have been taken out of production in the interest of wildlife conservation.
  7. The life of a human is more important than the life of an animal or plant.

Health and medicine

  1. State run health care has lead to Islamic terrorism in Britain and would do so in the US.[22]
  2. Obesity is a bigger problem than hunger in the Western world.
  3. Eating meat and dairy is important for physical and mental health.
  4. Using marijuana or other mind- or mood-altering drugs has lasting negative psychological effects.
  5. Universal health care is inferior medical care and will lead to crowding in hospitals.
  6. Girls and women in sports have debilitating ACL knee injuries at 3-4 times the rate of men,[23] and are vulnerable to other injuries[24]


  1. America's founding fathers were devout Christians.
  2. The American model of democracy succeeded because it was founded on Protestant Christianity.[25]
  3. The Democratic National Party founded the Ku Klux Klan and supported it for decades, and that the Democrats not only championed slavery of blacks before and during the Civil War, plus segregation and suppression of blacks for decades afterward, but still champion a form of slavery and suppression against blacks (in the form of the welfare state) and still have the same attitudes toward blacks today as they did 150 years, 100 years, and even 50 years ago.[26]


  1. Same sex adoption is harmful to children.
  2. Banning same-sex "marriage" is analogous to banning polygamy.
  3. Opposing same-sex "marriage" is justified (though they try to prove otherwise by drawing absurd connections to decriminalized interracial marriage bans).
  4. Homosexuals can be switched back into heterosexuals. (See ex-homosexuals)


  1. They are intolerant of opposing viewpoints and then try to stifle further discussion.
  2. Socialism and liberalism have the same political agenda.
  3. They suppress any criticism rather acknowledge it.
  4. They make sweeping generalizations about conservatives.
  5. Ideas do matter and can cause great harm, including liberal falsehoods.


  1. The mainstream media is biased.
  2. Wikipedia has a systematic bias.
  3. Liberal media tycoons such as Ted Turner support population control.
  4. Restricting free speech by the Fairness Doctrine is actually neither fair nor democratic.


  1. Barack Hussein Obama ran the dirtiest campaign since Lyndon Johnson.
  2. Former President Bill Clinton committed adulterous behavior while in office.
  3. Politicians who proclaim 'change' actually do not break very far from policies of the past.
  4. God and religion should be allowed a place in government.
  5. Removing Saddam Hussein from power was beneficial for Iraq.
  6. Ronald Reagan's public exhortation, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall," helped cause the nearly 30-year-old Berlin Wall later be torn down.
  7. They support Totalitarianism.
  8. Their leaders engage in shocking wrongdoing, hypocrisy, and abuse of power[27]
  9. A vote for (yea) or a vote against (nea) is an absolute position.
  10. People can be held accountable for the statements uttered in a vote.
  11. Former President George W. Bush being in power did not cause Hurricane Katrina.
  12. Former President Bill Clinton was responsible for Rwanda inaction.
  13. The Democratic party discriminates against African-Americans.
  14. Fidel Castro could have died a decade earlier than his disclosed death date, specifically around the last time he was seen in public in 2006.


  1. Islamic extremism is a threat to the Western civilization[28]
  2. Faith and logic are compatible.
  3. Both God and Jesus, the Lord and Savior, exist (in the case of secular liberals). Some secular liberals do acknowledge that Jesus walked among humans, but they deny that he performed any miracles.
  4. Morality should be objective.
  5. Heavy metal music is generally sacrilegious and has themes such as mind- or mood-altering drugs, sexual perversion, and Satan worship.


  1. Life begins at conception.[29]
  2. There are only two genders, and men and women are different, even from birth.[10]
  3. Green energy is nowhere near as efficient as advertised.[10]
  4. Entropy – including genetic entropy – is increasing, which confounds several liberal theories.
  5. Virtually all fossil evidence for evolution has been proven wrong and affirms Biblical creation.
  6. The intellectual justification for Hitler's attempt to build a master Aryan race was the theory of evolution.
  7. Evolution and human-caused climate change are scientifically dubious at best.
  8. There is scientific accuracy contained in the Bible.
  9. Climate forecasts 50 years from now are as inaccurate as 15 days from now.

Social issues

  1. More than 80% of child molesters are pornography addicts.
  2. Feminists censor discussion about differences between men and women, and boys and girls.
  3. The nuclear family is beneficial to children.
  4. Culture affects politics as well as people's views and lifestyles.
  5. The numerous premature deaths of Hollywood stars are the result of Hollywood values[30]
  6. That English will cease being the language of the United States in 20 years unless it is protected as the official language (and that this would be a loss if it happened).

Often, liberals refuse to admit that they are liberals in the hope of appearing more "reasonable". Hillary Clinton refused to admit in a presidential debate in 2007 that she is a liberal. Similarly, Michael Dukakis refused for a while to admit that he was a liberal during the 1988 presidential campaign. Only out of desperation did Dukakis admit that he was a liberal, and even then, he admitted only that was a liberal like President Harry Truman, who served 40 years earlier.

Liberals like to bash President George W. Bush as a war monger and cite President Bill Clinton for his eight years of peace and prosperity. Liberals will deny record low unemployment, more people owning their homes, and President Bush going after terrorists while protecting Americans from further attacks. Liberals will selectively forget that during Clinton's term, the Rwanda massacre, the bombing of the USS Cole, the war in the Balkans, the two US embassies bombed in Africa, the Kobar tower bombing in Saudi Arabia, the Somalia conflict, the missile strike against Afghanistan, and the bombing campaign against Iraq all occurred. Moreover, liberals deny that Clinton's economic policy ignored a series of high-profile companies that eventually collapsed due to fraud: Enron, Tyco, Worldcom and Qwest.

As part of their denial, liberals often use the word "denial" pejoratively against conservatives. Alleging that conservatives are "racist" and "reject science", they use terms like "global warming deniers" and "climate change deniers" in an attempt to link conservative viewpoints with Holocaust denial, Nazism, conspiracy theories, and pseudoscience.


  1. did Jesus speak Greek,alongside Aramaic in Roman Palestine.
  5. 5.0 5.1 Scarborough, Rowan (May 23, 2017). Europe’s denial of Islamic terrorism threat perplexes security specialists. The Washington Times. Retrieved May 24, 2017.
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 Bokhari, Allum (April 23, 2017). 5 Scientific Facts The ‘Science March’ Has Yet to Acknowledge. Breitbart News. Retrieved December 30, 2017.
  11. For instance, a Nobel Prize was granted to an understudy of Fred Hoyle to punish him.
  12. For example, they have adulated Ted Kennedy despite his paucity of achievements.
  13. A public school student who once "tape recorded a teacher making religious remarks to his students" to complain about it then later objected to a textbook explaining how prayer is censored from public school schools by court decisions. [1]
  14. "Among those who admitted having sex, the rate was even more disturbing -- 40 percent had an STD."[2]
  15. See, e.g., Richard Sternberg
  16. Fascist Ecology: The "Green Wing" of the Nazi Party and its Historical Antecedents
  17. Tomlinson, Lucas; Pappas, Alex (May 3, 2019). Pentagon disputes Biden's assessment of China, says country is a 'strategic competitor'. Fox News. Retrieved May 3, 2019.
  18. Spiering, Charlie (May 1, 2019). ‘C’mon Man!’ Joe Biden Scoffs at China Threat. Breitbart News. Retrieved May 3, 2019.
  19. See liberals and friendship.
  20. [3]Larzelere and Kuhn (2007) Comparing Child Outcomes of Physical Punishment and Alternative Disciplinary Tactics: A Meta-Analysis
  21. FOX News analyzes the new terror in state healthcare.
  22. Compare [4] (with an explanation of why there is a big difference) with New York Times (downplaying the difference and pretending that no one knows why). The New York Times denies overwhelming evidence, including the following:
    "Female athletes, particularly basketball players, are far more likely than their male counterparts to suffer ACL [Anterior Cruciate Ligament] injuries." Stephen Hargis, "Girls have more torn ACLs," Chattanooga Times Free Press (Tennessee), D1 (Feb. 4, 2005). According to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, the risk of women tearing their ACL is 1 in 100. This number drops significantly to only 1 in 500 for men. See Nikki Usher, "Knee injury takes toll on girls playing soccer five times more likely than males to suffer a torn ACL," Philadelphia Inquirer, A01 (Nov. 29, 2004). "Compared with guys, female athletes run an eight-times-greater risk of tearing the ACL, a fibrous band that connects the shinbone (tibia) to the thighbone (femur). Basketball, soccer and other sports that require cutting moves or jump shots can put athletes at risk." Kathleen Fackelmann, "Girls face higher knee injury risk," USA Today, 15B (Aug. 24, 2004). Timothy Hewett, PhD, the lead researcher on a definitive study at the Sports Medicine Biodynamics Center at the University of Cincinnati, says this is "close to a billion-dollar problem in girls and women in the USA. ... Even after girls have recovered from the acute injury, the changes in the joint may set the stage for osteoarthritis of the knee ...." Id. That obvious suspicion was quickly confirmed: a study subsequently published in Arthritis & Rheumatism demonstrated that "more than half of ... 103 soccer players, who were ages 14 to 28 at the time of the ACL injury, suffered osteoarthritis of the knee at the time of the study -- about 12 years later." Kathleen Fackelmann, "Girls' knee injuries have later consequences," USA Today, 9D (Oct. 7, 2004). "Many of the women, who were about 31 by that time, also said they had pain or some other disability that made it hard to conduct daily activities." Id.
  23. "Amber Scull ruptured her spleen after she was tackled during a practice drill at Nature Coast Tech in Brooksville 2 1/2 months ago. Had she [not] arrived at the hospital 30 minutes later, doctors told her mother, she might have died." [5]
  24. Calvinism and the Success of Liberal Democracy, by John Snyder
  25. D'Souza: Dems want to "shift blame" with Confederate crusade at WorldNetDaily
  26. See, e.g., leading liberal Eliot Spitzer and how fellow liberals downplayed or were silent about his misconduct.
  27. Leftist Sam Harris admitted and complained about this liberal denial here.
  28. Williams, Thomas D. (November 5, 2017). Abortion Lobby Denies Science Concerning Beginning of Human Life. Breitbart News. Retrieved November 5, 2017.
  29. Liberal Wikipedia lists numerous actors who died of drug overdoses, but will not acknowledge the role played by Hollywood values, for which Wikipedia does not even have an entry. [6]

See also[edit]

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