Fault (Mid. Eng. faute, through the French, from the popular
Latin use of fallere, to fail; the original l of the Latin being replaced
in English in the 15th century), a failing, mistake or defect.
In geology, the term is given to a plane of dislocation in a
portion of the earth’s crust; synonyms used in mining are
“trouble,” “throw” and “heave”; the German equivalent
is Verwerfung, and the French faille. Faults on a small scale are
sometimes sharply-defined
planes,1 as if
the rocks had been
sliced through and
fitted together again
after being shifted
(fig. 1). In such
cases, however, the
harder portions of the
dislocated rocks will
usually be found
“slickensided.” More
frequently some disturbance
has occurred
on one or both sides
of the fault. Sometimes in a series of strata the beds on the side
which has been pushed up are bent down against the fault, while
those on the opposite side are bent up (fig. 2). Most commonly
the rocks on both sides are considerably broken, jumbled and
crumpled, so that the line of fracture is marked by a belt or wall-like
mass of fragmentary rock, fault-rock, which may be several
yards in breadth. Faults are to be distinguished from joints
and fissures by the fact that there must have been a movement
of the rock on one side of the fault-plane relatively to that on the
other side. The trace of a fault-plane at the surface of the earth
is a line (or belt of fault-rock), which in geological mapping is
often spoken of as a “fault-line” or “line of fault.” Fig. 3
represents the plan of a simple fault; quite frequently, however,
the main fault subdivides at the extremities into a number of
minor faults (fig. 4), or the main fault may be accompanied by
lateral subordinate faults (fig. 5), some varieties of which have
been termed flaws or Blatts.
Fig. 2.—Section of strata, bent at a line of fault. |
Fig. 3.—Plan of simple fault. |
Fig. 4.—Plan of a fault splitting into minor faults. |
“Fault-planes” are sometimes perpendicular to the horizon, but
more usually they are inclined at a greater or lesser angle. The
angle made by the fault-plane with the vertical is the hade of the
fault (if the angle of inclination were measured from the horizon,
as in determining the “dip” of strata, this would be expressed
as the “dip of the fault”). In figs. 1 and 2 the faults are hading
towards the right of the reader. The amount of dislocation as
measured along a fault-plane is the displacement of the fault
(for an illustration of these terms see fig. 18, where they are
applied to a thrust fault); the vertical displacement is the throw
(Fr. rejet); the horizontal displacement, which even with vertical
movement must arise in all cases where the faults are not perpendicular
to the horizon and the strata are not horizontal,
is known as the heave. In fig. 6 the displacement is equal to the
throw in the fault A; in the fault B the displacement is more than
twice as great as in A, while the throw is the same in both; the
fault A has no heave, in B it is considerable. The rock on that
side of a fault which has dropped relatively to the rock on the
other is said to be upon the downthrow side of the fault; conversely,
the relatively uplifted portion is the upthrow side.
The two fault faces are known as the “hanging-wall” and the
Fig. 5.—Plan of main fault, with branches. |
Fig. 6.—Section of a vertical and inclined fault. |
Fig. 7.—Reversed fault, Liddesdale. |
The relationship that exists between the hade and the direction
of throw has led to the classification of faults into “normal
faults,” which hade under the downthrow side, or in other
words, those in which the hanging-wall has dropped; and
“reversed faults,” which hade beneath the upthrow side, that
is to say, the foot-wall exhibits a relative sinking. Normal
faults are exemplified in figs. 1, 2, and 6; in the latter the
masses A and B are on the downthrow sides, C is upthrown.
Fig. 7 represents a small reversed fault. Normal faults are
so called because they are more generally prevalent than the other
type; they are sometimes designated “drop” or “gravity”
faults, but these are misleading expressions and should be
discountenanced. Normal faults are regarded as the result of
stretching of the crust, hence they have been called “tension”
faults as distinguished from reversed faults, which are assumed
to be due to pressure. It is needful, however, to exercise great
caution in accepting this view except in a restricted and localized
sense, for there are many instances in which the two forms are
intimately associated (see fig. 8), and a whole complex system
of faults may be the result of horizontal (tangential) pressure
alone or even of direct vertical uplift. It is often tacitly assumed
that most normal and reversed faults are due to simple vertical
movements of the fractured crust-blocks; but this is by no means
the case. What is actually observed in examining a fault is
the apparent direction of motion; but the present position of
the dislocated masses is the result of real motion or series of
motions, which have taken place along the fault-plane at various
angles from horizontal to vertical; frequently it can be shown
that these movements have been extremely complicated. The
striations and “slickensides” on the faces of a fault indicate
only the direction of the last movement.
Fig. 8.—Diagram of gently undulating strata cut by a fault,
with alternate throw in opposite directions. |
Fig. 9.—Section of strata cut by step faults. |
Fig. 10.—Trough faults. |
Fig. 11.—Plan of a strike fault. |
A broad monoclinal fold is sometimes observed to pass into
a fault of gradually increasing throw; such a fault is occasionally
regarded as pivoted at one end. Again, a faulted mass may be
on the downthrow side towards one end, and on the upthrow
side towards the other, the movement having taken place about
an axis approximately normal to the fault-plane, the “pivot”
in this case being near the centre. From an example of this
kind it is evident that the same fault may at the same time be
both “normal” and “reversed” (see fig. 8). When the principal
movement along a highly inclined fault-plane has been approximately
horizontal, the fault has been variously styled a lateral-shift,
transcurrent fault, transverse thrust or a heave fault. The
horizontal component in faulting movements is more common
than is often supposed.
Fig. 12.—Section across the plan, fig. 11. |
A single normal fault of large throw is sometimes replaced
by a series of close parallel faults, each throwing a small amount
in the same direction; if these subordinate faults occur within
a narrow width of ground they are known as distribution faults;
if they are more widely separated they are called step faults
(fig. 9). Occasionally
two normal faults
hade towards one
another and intersect,
and the rock mass
between them has
been let down; this is
described as a trough
fault (fig. 10). A fault
running parallel to
the strike of bedded
rocks is a strike fault;
one which runs along
the direction of the
dip is a dip fault; a
so-called diagonal fault takes a direction intermediate between
these two directions. Although the effects of these types of
fault upon the outcrops of strata differ, there are no intrinsic
differences between the faults themselves.
Fig. 13.—Plan of strata cut by a dip fault. |
Fig. 14.—Plan of strata traversed by a diminishing strike fault. |
Fig. 15.—Plan of an anticline (A) and
syncline (S), dislocated by a fault. |
Fig. 16.—Section along the upcast side
of the fault in fig. 15. |
Fig. 17.—Section along the downcast
side of same fault. |
The effect of normal faults upon the outcrop may be thus
briefly summarized:—a strike fault that hades with the direction
of the dip may cause beds to be cut out at the surface on the
upthrow side; if it hades against the dip direction it may repeat
some of the beds on the upthrow side (figs. 11 and 12). With
dip faults the crop is carried forward (down the dip) on the
upthrow side. The perpendicular distance between the crop
of the bed (dike or vein) on opposite sides of the fault is the
“offset.” The offset decreases with increasing angle of dip
and increases with increase in the throw of the fault (fig. 13).
Faults which run obliquely across the direction of dip, if they
hade with the dip of the strata, will produce offset with “gap”
between the outcrops; if they hade in the opposite direction
to the dip, offset with “overlap” is caused: in the latter case
the crop moves forward (down dip) on the denuded upthrow
side, in the former it moves backward. The effect of a strike
fault of diminishing throw is seen in fig. 14. Faults crossing
folded strata cause the outcrops to approach on the upthrow
side of a syncline and tend to separate the outcrops of an anticline
(figs. 15, 16, 17).
In the majority of cases the upthrown side of a fault has been
so reduced by denudation as to leave no sharp upstanding
ridge; but examples are known where the upthrown side still
exists as a prominent cliff-like face of rock, a “fault-scarp”;
familiar instances occur in the Basin ranges of Utah, Nevada, &c.,
and many smaller examples have been observed in the areas
affected by recent earthquakes in Japan, San Francisco and
other places. But although there may be no sharp cliff, the
effect of faulting upon topographic forms is abundantly evident
wherever a harder
series of strata has been
brought in juxtaposition
to softer rocks.
By certain French
writers, the upstanding
side of a faulted piece
of ground is said to
have a regard, thus the
faults of the Jura
Mountains have a
“regard français,” and
in the same region it
has been observed that
in curved faults the
convexity is directed
the same way as the
regard. Occasionally
one or more parallel
faults have let down an intervening strip of rock, thereby forming
“fault valleys” or Graben (Grabensenken); the Great Rift
Valley is a striking example. On the other hand, a large area of
rock is sometimes lifted up, or surrounded by a system of faults,
which have let down the
encircling ground; such
a fault-block is known
also as a horst; a considerable
area of Greenland
stands up in this
Faults have often an
important influence upon
water-supply by bringing
impervious beds up
against pervious ones or
vice versa, thus forming underground dams or reservoirs, or
allowing water to flow away that would otherwise be conserved.
Springs often rise along the outcrop of a fault. In coal and metal
mining it is evident from what has already been said that faults
must act sometimes beneficially, sometimes the reverse. It is a
common occurrence for fault-fissures and fault-rock to appear
as valuable mineral lodes through the infilling or impregnation
of the spaces and broken ground with mineral ores.
In certain regions which have been subjected to very great
crustal disturbance a
type of fault is found
which possesses a very
low hade—sometimes
only a few degrees
from the horizontal—and,
like a reversed
fault, hades beneath
the upthrown mass;
these are termed
thrusts, overthrusts, or
overthrust faults (Fr. recouvrements, failles de chevauchement,
charriages; Ger. Überschiebungen, Übersprünge, Wechsel, Fallenverwerfungen).
Thrusts should not be confused with reversed
faults, which have a strong hade. Thrusts play a very important
part in the N.W. highlands of Scotland, the Scandinavian highlands,
the western Alps, the Appalachians, the Belgian coal region,
&c. By the action of thrusts enormous masses of rock have been
pushed almost horizontally over underlying rocks, in some cases
for several miles. One of the largest of the Scandinavian thrust
masses is 1120 m. long, 80 m. broad, and 5000 ft. thick.
In Scotland three grades of thrusts are recognized, maximum,
major, and minor thrusts; the last have very generally been
truncated by those of greater magnitude. Some of these great
thrusts have received distinguishing names, e.g. the Moine
thrust (fig. 19) and the Ben More thrust; similarly in the coal
basin of Mons and Valenciennes we find the faille de Boussu
and the Grande faille du midi. Overturned folds are frequently
seen passing into thrusts. Bayley Willis has classified thrusts
as (1) Shear thrusts, (2) Break thrusts, (3) Stretch thrusts, and
(4) Erosion thrusts.
Fig. 18.—Diagram to illustrate the terminology of faults
and thrusts. |
Fig. 19.—Section of a very large thrust in the Durness Eriboll district, Scotland. |
Dr J.E. Marr (“Notes on the Geology of the English Lake
District,” Proc. Geol. Assoc., 1900) has described a type of fault
which may be regarded as the converse of a thrust fault. If
we consider a series of rock masses A, B, C—of which A is the
oldest and undermost—undergoing thrusting, say from south
to north, should the mass C be prevented from moving forward
as rapidly as B, a low-hading fault may form between C and B
and the mass C may lag behind; similarly the mass B may lag
behind A. Such faults Dr Marr calls “lag faults.” A mass of
rock suffering thrusting or lagging may yield unequally in its
several parts, and those portions tending to travel more rapidly
than the adjoining masses in the same sheet may be cut off by
fractures. Thus the faster-moving blocks will be separated from
the slower ones by faults approximately normal to the plane
of movement: these are described as “tear faults.”
Faults may occur in rocks of all ages; small local dislocations
are observable even in glacial deposits, alluvium and loess.
A region of faulting may continue to be so through more than one
geological period. Little is known of the mechanism of faulting
or of the causes that produce it; the majority of the text-book
explanations will not bear scrutiny, and there is room for extended
observation and research. The sudden yielding of the
strata along a plane of faulting is a familiar cause of earthquakes.
See E. de Margerie and A. Heim, Les Dislocations de l’écorce terrestre
(Zürich, 1888); A. Rothpletz, Geotektonische Probleme (Stuttgart,
1894); B. Willis, “The Mechanics of Appalachian Structure,” 13th
Ann. Rep. U.S. Geol. Survey (1891-1892, pub. 1893). A prolonged
discussion of the subject is given in Economic Geology, Lancaster, Pa.,
U.S.A., vols. i. and ii. (1906, 1907).
(A. Ge.; J. A. H.)
1 The fault-plane is not a plane surface in the mathematical sense;
it may curve irregularly in more than one direction.