Parental rights are the basic sets of rights as defined not only by law, but also culture, society and religion, a parent retains over his children and family, over the choices he makes regarding his children, and over the choices the children make. It is paired with parental responsibility which are the legal obligations a parent must abide by, according to law, culture, society and religion.
From a conservative perspective, parental rights focus on those rights of parents to control the education, upbringing, morality, and discipline of their children which conservatives see being stripped by an insidious combination of the politically correct liberal indoctrination and propaganda by:
- United States Department of Education with its Common Core, No Child Left Behind, Race to the Top, Public school culture
- Leftist Teachers' unions such as the National Education Association and American Federation of Teachers
- Local governments including the Public schools in the United States with the School Board and Child Protective Services
- Pervasive Public school values, Professor values, Liberal values, Hollywood values and the San Francisco values Homosexual agenda promoted by a mixture of big government and Hollywood
The issue of parental rights arises most often when public schools indoctrinate students with ideas against the wishes of parents, as in the case of:
Parents, as taxpayers paying for the education, would seemingly have the right to object to offensive indoctrination. But increasingly public schools and courts insist that parents have little or no rights over what public schools teach their children.
See also[edit]
Contrast With[edit]
- Liberal values and Liberalism: Similarities between Communism, Nazism and liberalism
- Public school values entitlement mentality Indoctrination of the Teacup Generation by Public schools in the United States and Common Core
- Teachers' unions: National Education Association and American Federation of Teachers
- Hollywood values: List of celebrities against Second Amendment - always Liberal Elitists
- San Francisco values Diane Feinstein, Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, Leland Yee
- Fashion industry values and drug addition
- Professor values and Political correctness
- Obamunism: Obamanomics Economic planning of the Obama administration fiscal policy, Obama administration monetary policy, Obamacare, Federal funding via Crony capitalism (Obama donor list, Bailout, Obama administration corporate bailouts, Obamageddon), Deficit spending and the National debt
- John Maynard Keynes liberal Keynesian economics and Fabian Socialist influence on Barack Obama
- Big Government-Welfare State-Nanny State-Police State: Globalist-Statist-Socialist-Communist
- National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nazi Party)
- Nazism and socialism: National Socialism - the Nazis were elitist Police state liberals not conservatives
- Liberal totalitarianism