Zelensky Regime

From Conservapedia
Volodymyr Zelensky is the West’s ideal vessel for laundering its worst ideas. Forget fighting till the last Ukrainian - this canary in the filthiest ideological coal mine the international banking cartels could build might just lead the empire all the way to that great mushroom cloud in the sky.

—Helen of desTroy[1]

Zelensky bodyguard with World War II Nazi Totenkopf Verbande (Death's Head Formation) insignia.[2]

The Zelensky regime also sometimes referred to as the Fourth Reich or Borscht Reich refers to the administration of the popularly elected comedian Volodymyr Zelensky of the NATO Ukrainian puppet state in 2019.

In 2014, The Washington Post reported that Ukrainian's unbalanced former prime minister, Yulia Tymoshenko, threatened to nuke all Russians living in Ukraine as well as Russia itself:[3]

"We have only one way to destroy Moscow. This is what we live for, we have come into this world to destroy Moscow. And not just the Muscovites[4] in our country, but this whole black hole of European security and delete them from the world map. Sh*t, we have to resort to arms, and the G*d d**n Kazapi-Russians[5] kill them all, together with their leader [Putin]. I will stir the whole world to action as soon as I can, in order that Russia, the s*n of a b**ches, becomes a scorched earth. You have to shoot them with nuclear weapons."[6]

Volodymyr Zelensky suggested to world leaders at the Munich Summit in February 2022, before the Russian incursion, that Ukraine obtain nuclear weapons.[7] Reports already indicated that the Zelensky regime was building, or had built, a dirty bomb.[8]

The veteran comedian brought with him upon taking office in 2019 his entire media production crew, including script writers and other actors. Alexei Arestovich, another TV entertainer, was appointed as a military adviser and press spokesman. Zelensky declared, "Our first task is to stop the conflict in the Donbass, for which our heroes died. I'm ready for anything. I'm not afraid to make difficult decisions. I'm ready to lose my popularity and my approval ratings. If it is necessary, I will be, without hesitation, ready to lose my office, just so that peace may come." A short time later Zelensky realized that his life, and the lives of his family, was dependent upon the Nazis, the people with extreme views from the Pravy Sektor. Shortly thereafter, he said: "Not all of the people representatives are people, there are also copies."[9]

Amongst a raft of casualties and desertions, as untrained soldiers were placed at the front in impossible and hopeless situations with no artillery or armor and given orders to fight on and not surrender, two members of Zelensky's Servant of the People Party introduced a bill (No. 7351) allowing AFU officers to kill their own soldiers who refused to follow orders.[10] On June 12, 2022 Ukrainian dictator Volodymyr Zelensky signed a decree allowing the Ukrainian command to use territorial defense fighters to perform tasks in areas of military operations. Zelensky’s decree legalized sending untrained members of the Territorial Defense to the front as cannon fodder to face the professional Russian army. Conscription in Ukraine amounted to kidnapping people off the street.[11][12]

As the situation in Donbas deteriorated and Zelesnky's stubborn resistance to allowing 15,000 soldiers to withdraw from the encirclement, rumors mounted of an imminent coup to remove the actor/comedian and replace him with Gen. Valerii Zaluzhnyi whom Gen. Mark Milley said of on May 23, 2022, "General Zaluzhny is the man behind that effort, bearing the immense burden of leading in combat. His work will be remembered by history." Time magazine named Zaluzhny one of its 100 Most Influential People of 2022.[13] Politico also offered words of praise for Zaluzhnyi.[14] Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council Oleksiy Danilov is reported to have backed Zaluzhnyi.

After a photoshoot with Vogue magazine, Zelensky sat down for an interview with Piers Morgan. Zelensky was asked about inflation, which according to U.S. polls was the voters number one concern. Zelensky said "inflation is nothing" and told Americans to suck it up and keep handing over cash and weapons in aid.


  1. President - Volodymyr Zelensky, Comedian.
  2. Chief Of Staff - Andrii Yermak, Comedy Producer.
  3. Head of Presidential Admin - Andre Bodin, Entertainment Industry Lawyer.
  4. Chief Policy Adviser - Sergey Sheffey, Comedy Writer.
  5. Deputy Chairman, Ukrainian Intelligence Service - Ivan Bakanov, Comedy Film Company.
  6. Senior Adviser, Ukrainian National Defense Committee - Sergei Sivoko, Comedian, Zelensky's Comedy Partner.

Collusion with Nazis[edit]

See also: Azov Battalion

Zelensky presents neo-Nazi leader with the Hero of Ukraine award for atrocities committed against ethnic Russians.[15]

Oles Buzina (also Buzyna), a prominent journalist and author who advocated for unity among Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia and campaigned to outlaw neo-Nazi organizing, was shot and killed near his apartment on April 16, 2015 by state-backed death squads after his name appeared on the Myrotvorets public blacklist of “enemies of the state” list.[16] In June 2015, investigators accused Andriy Medvedko and fellow C14 member, Denys Polishchuk, of killing Buzina.[17] During the Maidan coup C14 activists took over Kyiv’s city hall and plastered its walls with neo-Nazi insignia before taking shelter in the Canadian embassy.[18] A March 2018 report by Reuters stated that “C14 and Kiev’s city government recently signed an agreement allowing C14 to establish a ‘municipal guard’ to patrol the streets."[19] By offering to carry out acts of violence on behalf of anyone willing to pay, the C14 fostered a cozy relationship with various governing bodies and powerful elites across Ukraine. Their advertisement on Facebook reads:[20]

“C14 works for you. Help us keep afloat, and we will help you. For regular donors, we are opening a box for wishes. Which of your enemies would you like to make life difficult for? We’ll try to do that.”

In 2018, a C14 youth organizer, Serhiy Bondar, spoke at an event at America House Kyiv, a US government institution that describes itself as “your main resource in Ukraine for American culture, education, and information.” This young fascist leader boasts of working with Kyiv police to “purge” a Gypsy homeless camp from a train station.[21]

C14 is even more notorious than the Azov Battalion. The name is a direct reference to the white supremacist “14 words”, ""We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children." C14 has also received funding from the Zelensky regime, in the form of a Ministry of Youth and Sport grant for “national-patriotic education projects."[22]

Zelensky meets with Nazi leaders. (Far left) Dmytro Shatrovsky with Azov Battalion T-shirt, (across table) Volodymyr Zelensky, (bottom right end) Yehven Karas.

Since September 2019, Buzina's alleged killer Andriy Medvedko has served as a member of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau (NACB). In January 2020, he became a part of a working group on the 'rights and freedoms of veterans in prison', under the Ministry for Veterans Affairs. Denys Polishchuk, the other accused killer, heads the working group, which includes fellow C14 members Yevhen Karas and Oleksandr Voitko, as well as former lawmaker Oksana Korchinska. Karas has claimed that the SBU would “pass on” information citizens of the Donbas “not only [to] us, but also Azov, the Right Sector and so on.”[23]

In October 2019, Zelensky met with Karas, Dmytro Shatrovsky, and other neo-Nazi leaders.[24] Days later prime minister and deputy head of Zelensky’s office Oleksiy Honcharuk appeared on stage at a neo-Nazi concert organized by accused C14 murderer Andriy Medvedko.[25]

Viral tweet during the Zelensky regime.

In April 2021 Zelensky sought to appoint the Serhiy Sternenko as head of Ukraine’s Security Service (SBU) in Odessa, in an attempt to further his alliance with neo-Nazi forces.[26] As the former head of the neo-Nazi Pravy Sektor in Odessa, Sternenko was directly implicated in the 2014 Trade Unions House massacre where 46 people were burnt alive according to the Kyiv regime's official investigation. Eyewitnesses claim many more were killed. He is a convicted criminal and as of March 2022 was under investigation for murder.[27]

In December 2021, Zelensky presented fascist Pravy Sektor commander Dmytro Kotsyubaylo, call sign "Da Vinci" and leader of "Da Vinci's Wolves",[28] with the “Hero of Ukraine” award in the Ukrainian parliament. The Pravy Sektor was deeply involved in the Maidan coup, the sniper murders of the "Heavenly Hundred",[29] the burning alive of between 46 and 116 ethnic Russians in the Odessa Trade Unions House massacre,[30] and has killed thousands of ethnic Russian civilians in the Donbas since 2014.[31] Pravy Sektor is classified as a terror organization in Russia.

On February 5, 2022, nineteen days before the Russian incursion, Yevhen Karas appeared on television in Kyiv boasting of the influence his organization and other Nazi groups enjoy in Ukrainian politics.[32] “LGBT and foreign embassies say ‘there were not many Nazis at Maidan, maybe about 10 percent of real ideological ones,’” Karas remarked. “If not for those eight percent [of neo-Nazis] the effectiveness [of the Maidan coup] would have dropped by 90 percent.” The 2014 Maidan “Revolution of Dignity” would have been a “gay parade” if not for the instrumental role of neo-Nazis, he proclaimed. Karas went on to declare that the West armed Ukrainian ultra-nationalists because “we have fun killing.”

Volodymyr Zelensky, Justin Trudeau, and Chrystia Freeland applaud Yaroslav Hunka of the Waffen SS Galicia Division during a session of the Canadian Parliament, September 24, 2023.

In late September 2023 Canadian dictator Justin Trudeau and House of Commons Speaker Anthony Rota welcomed Zelensky to address the Canadian parliament. A former officer of the 14th Waffen SS Galicia Division named Yaroslav Hunka was also invited to attend the address. Speaker Rota praised Hunka as a “Canadian hero” for fighting against the Soviet Union, which was an ally of Canada, the United States, and the British Commonwealth during World War II. The Allies of World War II, including Canada, were fighting the armed forces of Nazi Germany, of which the Hunka and the 14th SS Galicia Division were part. More than 45,000 Canadians were killed fighting Nazi forces.

Former members of the 14th Galicia Division were still wanted in Ukraine, Poland, Belarus, Lithuania, and the Russian Federation in 2023 for war crimes during the Second World War Nazi occupation. There is no statute of limitations for murder. Many Ukrainian Nazi war criminals fled Europe after World War II and were resettled and granted citizenship in the UK, Canada, and the United States. After the German surrender to the Soviet Union in Berlin on Victory Day, May 9, 1945, many of Ukrainian Nazis who did not flee Europe fought on against the Soviet Union until 1954, receiving covert aid from the CIA soon after the CIA's founding in 1947.

International affairs analyst Dr. Andrew Korybko observed that in one fell swoop, Trudeau discredited himself as a so-called “champion of human rights”, while Zelensky proved beyond any doubt that an ethnic Jew can indeed glorify the Nazis’ genocidal allies despite having family who were murdered in the Holocaust.[33] After being vetted to attend Zelensky's speech by the Canadian government and Trudeau's office, Hunta was introduced by the Speaker as a “Ukrainian-Canadian veteran from the Second World War who fought for Ukrainian independence against the Russians” and received two extended standing ovations while Zelensky raised a clenched fist in solidarity. To its credit, even Politico reported on the number of Jewish organizations that condemned the fascist ceremony.[34] Hunta's family had tweeted out days in advance that a separate private meeting had been arranged for Hunta to meet and speak privately with Trudeau and Zelensky.[35]

Liquidation of political opponents[edit]

In November 2021, Zelensky appointed Oleksandr Poklad to head the SBU’s counterintelligence. A former lawyer and cop with ties to organized crime, Poklad is nicknamed “The Strangler” – a reference to his favorite method of obtaining testimony from his victims.[36] The SBU functions as Zelensky's gestapo organization.[37] The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU} closely collaborates with neo-Nazi groups including Right Sector, Azov, and C14, which was contracted by the Ukrainian government to conduct street patrols. Several mayors and other Ukrainian officials were killed since the Russian incursion by Ukrainian state agents after engaging in de-escalation talks with Russia forces to protect civilians and infrastructure in their communities. The SBU hunted down local officials that accepted humanitarian relief supplies from Russia or negotiated with Russian forces to arrange humanitarian corridors for civilian evacuations.

After posting a list of prominent people disappeared or murdered by the Zelensky regime,[38] Gonzalo Lira himself was disappeared from Kharkiv.[39]

In a March 19, 2022 executive order, Zelensky invoked martial law to ban 11 opposition parties. Max Blumenthal and Esha Krishnaswamy characterized the outlawed parties as "the entire left-wing, socialist, or anti-NATO spectrum in Ukraine." They included the For Life Party, the Left Opposition, the Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine, the Socialist Party of Ukraine, Union of Left Forces, Socialists, the Party of Shariy, Ours, State, Opposition Bloc and the Volodymyr Saldo Bloc. Openly fascist and pro-Nazi parties like the Azov National Corps were left untouched by the presidential decree, however.

The following is a very brief, partial list posted by independent Chilean/American journalist Gonzalo Lira, of prominent Ukrainian citizens who were disappeared under Zelensky. Gonzalo Lire himself was disappeared on April 15, 2022.

Scott Ritter, whom Lira interviewed four days before his abduction, wrote about how people can respond to injustice: "we can call out Zelensky’s “cursed machine” for the crimes it is committing every day in defense of a perverted vision of Ukrainian nationalism that has mainstreamed the odious ideology of Nazi Germany, giving voice to its hate-filled logic, and empowering its minions to silence the voices of those who, like Gonzalo Lira, dared speak truth to power."[44]

Anti-democratic decrees[edit]

Zelensky declared martial law, armed neo-Nazi and criminal gangs,[45] and his secret police, the SBU, began arrests and liquidations of political opposition.[46] On March 20, 2022 Zelensky announced a ban on 11 political parties, including parties with sitting members of parliament[47] but not the Nazi organizations. Additionally, the fascist dictator eliminated all independent media and consolidated all information flow into one government controlled television platform.[48]

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova was asked to comment on Zelensky's initiative to confiscate the property and assets of persons supporting a special military operation to liberate oppressed people in Ukraine and similar measures taken by a number of other Western countries. "The confiscation of private property from individuals for their political beliefs is a flagrant violation of the principles of democracy and the market economy," Zakharova said.

Operation Denazification[edit]

See also: Russia-Ukraine war
Volodomyr Zelensky (right) poses with Ukrainian Defense Minister for a selfie during the Siege of Kyiv, February 27, 2022.[49]

Zelensky proposed Ukraine obtain nuclear weapons. When Vladimir Putin announce the Special Military Operation in Ukraine, Putin referenced the fact that Ukraine was run by a gang of drug-addicts and neo-Nazis.[50]

10 days after the incursion, a French reporter asked Zelensky how his life had changed since the intervention of Russian troops in the Donbas war. Zelensky replied,

“Today, my life is beautiful. I believe that I am needed. I feel it is the most important meaning in life – to be needed. To feel that you are not just an emptiness that is just breathing, walking, and eating something. You live.”[51]

Critics were horrified by the response. Analyst Natylie Baldwin noted, "this construction is alarming: it implies that Zelensky enjoys the unique opportunity to perform on a global stage provided by the war. It made his life beautiful; he lives. In contrast to millions of Ukrainians whose life is not nice at all and thousands of those who are not alive any longer."[52]

During the 2022 Russia-Ukraine conflict to denazify and demilitarize Ukraine, Zelensky said in a televised address that Kyiv has been left to fend for itself as NATO is "afraid" to give it any guarantees. "I asked them -- are you with us? They answered that they are with us, but they don't want to take us into the alliance. I've asked 27 leaders of Europe, if Ukraine will be in NATO, I've asked them directly -- all are afraid and did not respond. We were left by ourselves. Who is ready to go to war for us? Honestly, I don't see anybody. Who is ready to give Ukraine guarantees of NATO membership? Honestly, everybody is afraid."[53] In accordance with NATO rules, a country having territorial disputes cannot be admitted to the bloc.

In response to the commencement of Operation Denazification Zelensky handed out military grade weapons to neo-Nazi criminal gangs.[54]

Releasing criminal psychopaths[edit]

According to a July 11, 2022 report in Ukrainian media, Ruslan Onishenko, commander of the now-disbanded Tornado Battalion, was freed as part of Zelensky’s scheme to release prisoners with combat experience. Along with an unwavering commitment to fascism, Onishenko is known as a psychopathic sadist who was involved in sexually assaulting children, brutally torturing prisoners, and murder.[55] Onishenko’s release follows a February 27, 2022 order by Zelensky to free other convicted former Tornado members like Danil “Mujahed” Lyashuk, a fanatic from Belarus who has openly emulated ISIS and boasted of torturing captives for sheer enjoyment. According to Zelensky‘s decree, prisoners with combat experience would be allowed to “compensate for their guilt” by fighting in the “hottest spots.”[56]

Donbas front[edit]

In early May 2022, reports indicated that the Russian military forces were grinding down Ukrainian ground forces by extensive use of heavy artillery. The Ukrainian artillery had either been destroyed or lacked ammunition. The Ukrainian forces were given orders by the Zelensky regime to stay in their position and to hold the line,[57] only making sure that Russian artillery strikes would destroy them.[58]

Approximate number of Ukrainian forces trapped in the Donbas cauldron, May 24, 2022.[59]

On May 27, 2022 The Washington Post finally reported on the fate of volunteers. In mid February 2022 they were still civilians. They 'volunteered' for the territorial defense with the hope of serving near their homes, to avoid a draft into the army:

"[A]fter three months of war, this company of 120 men is down to 54 because of deaths, injuries and desertions.

The volunteers were civilians before Russia invaded on Feb. 24, and they never expected to be dispatched to one of the most dangerous front lines in eastern Ukraine. They quickly found themselves in the crosshairs of war, feeling abandoned by their military superiors and struggling to survive....

Lapko, built like a wrestler, was made a company commander in the 5th Separate Rifle Battalion, in charge of 120 men. The similarly burly Khrus became a platoon commander under Lapko. All of their comrades were from western Ukraine. They were handed AK-47 rifles and given training that lasted less than a half-hour. “We shot 30 bullets and then they said, ‘You can’t get more; too expensive,’ ” Lapko said. They were given orders to head to the western city of Lviv. When they got there, they were ordered to go south and then east into Luhansk province in Donbas...[60]

The men were put into a frontline ditch and have since been shelled again and again without any ability to respond. They disregarded the orders from above and left. They were then arrested. Dozens of videos began appearing on social media of whole units of Ukrainian servicemen appealing to Zelensky to withdraw them from the battlefield. Many had been deserted by their battlefield commanders.

Dart board in Azovstal bunker with Zelensky's face.[61]

Zelensky had been warned by the UK's MI6 about the risk of encirclement of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Severodonetsk, but he ignored the warnings.[62] Videos of survivors of Ukrainian combat groups began appearing on line accusing Ukrainian officers of having deserted the troops on the battlefield.[63][64][65][66][67][68][69][70][71][72][73][74][75][76][77] Captured POWs at the front said they were thrown into the meat grinder with only two days training.


On June 1, 2022 Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov told RIA Novosti news that Biden's decision to arm Ukraine with HIMAR missile launchers increases the risk of direct confrontation between Russia and the United States. Foreign secretary Blinken said the weapons, which have a precision range of up to 300 kilometers, were given on the pretext of a promise by Zelensky not to use the HIMARs against Russian territory. However Zelensky's transgender chief propagandist Alexei Arestovich immediately threatened, "Crimea is ours…It belongs to Ukraine…And they know it…Therefore, it will fly to Crimea double-time."[78] Deputy Chairman of Russia’s Security Council Dmitry Medvedev retorted, “If those types of weapons are used against the territory of Russia, the armed forces of our country will have no other choice but to strike decision-making centers...It is obvious what those decision-making centers are: the defense ministry, the general staff and so on...But it should be understood that, in this case, the ultimate decision-making centers are regretfully not even on the territory of Kiev." [79]

Nuclear blackmail[edit]

See also: Zaporozhye nuclear power plant
Western propaganda and nuclear terrorism. Dr. John Campbell, a Youtuber with 2.4 million followers, deliberately mislocates the location of the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant to his followers showing it outside Russian control.[80] The red markings show the plant's actual location. Zelensky and Western propagandists claimed the Russians were firing on themselves to create a nuclear hazard.[81]

Zelensky repeatedly ordered his troops to fire on the Zaporozhye nuclear facility, while publicly blaming Russian forces for creating a nuclear threat, in the hopes of gaining sympathy from the West in the form of money and material and direct NATO or UN peacekeeper intervention.

On March 4, 2022 Zelensky and his officials claimed that Russian tanks were shooting at nuclear units at the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) located in the town of Energodar. Zelensky branded it “nuclear terrorism."[82] He previously claimed the Russian capture of Chernobyl posed an imminent threat to “the whole of Europe.”[83] But that was untrue as well.[84]

Zapaorozhye was different, though. Here was the largest nuclear power plant in Europe. “Russian tanks are shooting at the nuclear blocks. These are tanks equipped with thermal imagers, so they know what they are aiming at,” Zelensky said. “Only immediate action by Europe can stop Russian troops. Do not allow the death of Europe from the catastrophe at the nuclear power plant.” Korrespondent, one of Ukraine’s biggest newspapers, reported that, according to Zelensky, he had discussed the situation with Joe Biden, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and the head of the European Council, Charles Michel. Ukrainian prime minister Denys Shmyhal also called on NATO to create a no-fly zone and “close the skies” over the facility. “It is a question of security of the whole world.” An unidentified Ukrainian official said radiation levels had risen in the area.[85]

According to the Associated Press[86] and Reuters,[87][88] they lied.

Mark Nelson, managing director at Radiant Energy Fund, noted that Zelensky’s claims were deliberately misleading.[89] Canadian nuclear arms expert Claire Wählen said the same.[90] So dangerous was this lie that the U.S. State Department sent out an urgent message to all American embassies in Europe, instructing them to not share a tweet by the U.S. Embassy in Kiev claiming that Russia was trying to blow up the nuclear power plant.[91]

The fact that there was fighting around the facility suggests that the Ukrainian military had deliberately engaged Russian troops from that location. Combat footage appears to show Ukrainian forces firing rockets from the nuclear power facility, which reportedly sparked return fire from Russian troops.[92] A training center over a mile away from the 6 nuclear reactors were set on fire in the Russian response.[93]

On July 12, 2022 the AFU again targeted the Zaporozhye nuclear plant. Russian forces have been in control of the plant, with Ukrainian technicians still operating it, since February 2022. The nuclear plant is the largest in Europe with six reactors. The attack was complex, involving drone and artillery fire. The Ukrainian Army used six kamikaze drones conducting reconnaissance mission over the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant and the city heating and water supply plant in Energodar. The UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) dropped two mines near the power plant, which reportedly did not cause any significant damage. Another drone was heading in the direction of residential buildings in Energodar, its course may have been corrected. The UAV attack was thwarted, none of the six drones reached their targets, and the air defense of the Zaporozhye region successfully prevented the attack. The Ukrainians earlier launched a false flag attack against the plant in March 2022.

On July 18, 2022 Ukraine again attacked the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant, this time with three kamikaze drones.[94][95]

Beginning on August 5, 2022 the 44th brigade of the AFU stationed in Nikopol, 18 kilometers across the Dnieper River, increased shelling of the Zaporozhye nuclear plant. Kiev forces used a British-made Brimstone missile in one of the attacks. The situation was compounded by HIMAR attacks on the hydroelectric plant at the Nova Kakhovka dam, which provides electricity for the nuclear plant's vital cooling system. The political motive for shelling a nuclear power is reported to be motivated by upcoming referendums in September 2022 for the former Ukrainian oblasts of Zaporozhye and Kherson to join the Russian Federation. The Kyiv regime is attempting to intimidate the local population. Russia asked the Atomic Energy Commission to look into the matter.

Autumn 2022 Zelensky Counteroffensive[edit]

Zelensky Offensive, Autumn 2022

Ukraine's much ballyhooed "August counteroffensive" commenced on Volodymyr Zelensky's personal orders in the early morning hours of August 29, 2022. Approximately 36,000 Ukrainians advanced along the 183 km Kherson front, with the loss of 26 tanks, 23 amphibious vehicles, 9 armored vehicles, 2 SU-25 fighter aircraft, and 560 killed in action. The Russians lost 1 tank, 1 Uragan rocket launcher, 1 Pantsir missile system, 2 drones, 9 ammo storage locations and 41 casualties.

On the Ukrainian side of the line of contact, requests went out to the general public for blood donors. By Day 3, more than 1,700 Ukrainian soldiers had been killed. By Day 4, the counteroffensive stalled and withdrew, with over 2,000 dead.

The Zelensky Offensive was four months in the planning since April 2022. Western powers demanded to see action and results for all the money and weapons pumped into Ukraine since 2014.[96] Military strategists argued the plan to send human wave infantry attacks across flat land with no artillery or air support was doomed to fail from the start. Zelensky ordered the attack anyway on the morning August 29, 2022 to please his Western masters and keep the flood of cash and weapons flowing. Within three days the attack accomplished nothing other than killing thousands more of Ukrainian troops.

Because of the high number of untrained and unmotivated conscripts serving on the front line, the Ukrainian High Command abandoned the NATO tactic of keeping officers behind the line and away from the battle and having the attack led by sergeants. Ukraine reverted to the Soviet school of having officers and commanders lead the attacks on the frontline.

By Day 5 of the Zelensky Offensive, Ukraine lost 3,000 troops killed and 7,000 wounded who could not return to combat, or roughly one whole Division. The Washington Post reported,

"In dimly lit hospital rooms in southern Ukraine, soldiers with severed limbs, shrapnel wounds, mangled hands and shattered joints recounted the lopsided disadvantages their units faced in the early days of a new offensive to expel Russian forces from the strategic city of Kherson...The soldiers said they lacked the artillery needed to dislodge Russia’s entrenched forces and described a yawning technology gap with their better-equipped adversaries...The interviews provided some of the first direct accounts of a push to retake captured territory that is so sensitive, Ukrainian military commanders have barred reporters from visiting the front lines”.[97]

Ukrainian soldiers told WaPo they were not able to hear the Russian drones spotting their positions from miles up in the sky, while Russian military hackers took control over every drone the Ukrainians sent up. One soldier remarked, “They used everything on us...Who can survive an attack for five hours like that?”

Ukraine aid[edit]

See also: Ukraine aid and FTX scandal

In early 2022 as the Biden regime escalated tensions in the Donbas war, Zelensky faced removal for his part in the Hunter Biden coverup.[98] In the midst of diplomatic negotiations to avoid war with Russia in February 2022, a poll by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology reported only 30 per cent of the country’s people wanted Zelenskyy to run for a second term and even fewer, 23 per cent, would vote for him.[99] Most Ukrainians see the former comedian's wartime leadership as a cruel joke, while Western media and audiences regard him as a television celebrity.[100]

Australian journalist Caitlin Johnstone noted how Zelensky appeared on “the Grammy Awards, the Cannes Film Festival, the World Economic Forum and probably the Bilderberg group as well, while also having meetings with celebrities like Ben Stiller, Sean Penn, and Bono and the Edge from U2. It’s as busy a PR tour as he could possibly have without having a discussion about the strategic importance of long-range artillery with Elmo on Sesame Street.”[101]

Former top Reagan administration economic official David Stockman commented on the Ukraine Democracy Defense Lend-Lease Act:

“What in the world is wrong with these blithering knuckleheads?...Last week’s action brings already spent and promised Ukraine weapons and aid to $54 billion...For crying out loud, Ukraine’s GDP last year was just $155 billion...At the current run rate, they have spent 120% of Ukraine’s GDP on its own destruction, and with no end in sight...It is no wonder, therefore, that the pretentious little peacock who parades as the country’s president is now telling the world that the war will go on until the last Ukrainian soldier is dead and Washington’s endless bounty is finally used up...There is no other way to say it: Washington has empowered a madman, who is so smitten by his own strutting on the world stage that rationality itself has become the victim”.[102]

On August 3, 2022 the Washington Post reported that Zelensky was withholding aid for civilian humanitarian relief and infrastructure repair intended by the United States Congress for cities. The Washington Post accused Zelensky of turning Ukraine into an autocracy and trying to stymie mayors and potential political rivals by withholding the billions of dollars that the U.S. Congress appropriated.[103]

Ukrainian dirty nuke[edit]

See also: Radiological dispersal device

In March 2022 Russia accused Ukraine of gathering nuclear waste from the Chernobyl disaster site for use in a nuclear dirty bomb.[104]

On October 19, 2022 UK defense minister Ben Wallace flew to Washington, D.C. to discuss an important matter face-to-face with unknown persons that could not be handled over NATO's regular electronic secure communications. Neither Washington nor the UK defense ministry issued a press release on the substance of the discussions. On October 21, Russian defense minister Sergey Shoigu had his first phone call with US defense minister Lloyd Austin since May 2022. According to the Russian Ministry of Defense read out on the call, the two "discussed issues of international security, including the situation in Ukraine."

On October 23, 2022 at 1:30 PM Moscow time it was reported that Russian defense minister Shoigu conveyed to his French counterpart his concerns about possible provocations by Ukraine with the use of a nuclear dirty bomb. At 2:46 PM local time another update from the Russian Ministery of Defense (MOD) reported that defense minister Shoigu conveyed to his Turkish counterpart his concerns about a possible provocation with the use of a dirty bomb. At 5 PM local time there was a third conversation between the Russian defense minister and the minister of defense of the United Kingdom about the possible provocation by Ukraine with a dirty nuclear bomb. At 6:30 PM local time there was a final conversation between Shoigu and the Biden minister defense.

Russian media reported that according to credible sources in various countries - including in Ukraine - the Kyiv regime is preparing a provocation on its territory related to the detonation of the so-called "dirty bomb" or low-yield nuclear weapon. The purpose of the provocation is to accuse Russia of using weapons of mass destruction.[105] According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, Volodymyr Zelensky has been in contact with the UK "to obtain nuclear weapons technology," Lieutenant-General Igor Kirillov, Chief of the Radiation, Chemical and Biological Protection Troops of the Russian Armed Forces said on October 23, 2022. Gen. Kirillov alleged that the Ukrainian Armed Forces (AFU) plan on using a false flag provocation to detonate a "dirty bomb," a nuclear weapon with explosives, such as dynamite, with radioactive powder or pellets. The provocation was being prepared to subsequently accuse Russia of using weapons of mass destruction. "We have information about the contacts of the office of the President of Ukraine with representatives of Great Britain regarding the possibility to obtain a technology to build nuclear weapons,” Gen. Kirillov said.[106]

Ukraine missile attack on Poland[edit]

The globalist mouthpiece Financial Times of London, which led the world in spreading Russophobia and cheerleading for war, openly criticized Zelensky's lying about Ukraine's false flag attack on a NATO ally to incite direct NATO involvement with troops and risk global thermonuclear war.[107]

On November 15, 2022 two Ukrainian S-300 missiles, alleged to have been launched to shoot down a Russian cruise missile, were fired westward and hit a Polish grain storage facility, killing two civilians. The Polish government, Ukrainian government, the Associated Press,[108] most of all Western propaganda media and so-called national security and intelligence experts called for invoking NATO Article 5.[109] Zelensky advisor Mykhailo Podolyak declared that the strikes came from Russia. Ukrainian foreign minister Dmytro Kuleba claimed Russian denials were a conspiracy theory and that “No one should buy Russian propaganda or amplify its messages."[110] Ukrainian dictator Volodymyr Zelensky on a video call to G20 summit leaders meeting in Indonesia told them that the attack was deliberate by Russia and that the missiles were a “true statement brought by Russia for the G20 summit.”[111] Zelensky tweeted to the world that the “Russian attack on collective security in the Euro-Atlantic is a significant escalation” of the conflict.[112]

However an AWAC radar plane and other ISR aircraft (intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance) regularly flying in the region, and ground radar, tracked the missiles' trajectory and determined the Kyiv regime had launched the missiles. That did not prevent an anonymous "senior U.S. intelligence official" from reporting to the Associated Press that Russia had fired the missiles at Poland.[113] The fake news story was disseminated globally, as all fake news stories emanating from Kyiv, and its CIA counterparts in Kyiv, have been disseminated globally to world media for the entirety of 2022 and late 2021.

When called out on the lies, Ukrainian dictator Volodymyr Zelensky doubled down. Both socialist premier Joe Biden and NATO chief warlord Jens Stoltenberg blamed Ukraine for the attack. Zelensky refuted the Western leaders' statements that the missile which killed two innocent civilians in Poland was Ukrainian. "I have no doubt that it was not our missile or our missile strike."[114] Zelensky insisted that he received reports from the corrupt Armed Forces of Ukraine command that told him "the missile attacks did not come from Ukraine", he told the people in a live nationwide address on Ukrainian state-controlled media.[115] The Russophobic Financial Times of London quoted a diplomat from a NATO country in Kyiv saying: “This is getting ridiculous. The Ukrainians are destroying [our] confidence in them. Nobody is blaming Ukraine and they are openly lying. This is more destructive than the missile.”[116]

Newsweek reported Zelensky almost started World War III.[117] Former French presidential candidate Nicolas Dupont-Aignan tweeted “By launching a missile at Poland and accusing the Russians, Zelensky almost triggered World War III...Let’s stop supporting this dangerous man...We should urgently make up a peace plan” Former Japanese prime minister Yoshiro Mori criticized Zelensky and the media saying, "I don't quite understand why only President Putin is criticized while Mr. Zelenskyy isn't taken to task at all. Mr Zelenskyy has made many Ukrainian people suffer." Mori criticized Japanese news outlets, saying their "one-sided" reporting on the NATO war in Ukraine gives the impression they "only rely on reports from Europe and the United States."[118]

Attacks on the church[edit]

Unreported in the Western media propaganda complex were Zelensky regime's attacks on the Chirstian church. Priests were arrested and property seized in a fruitless hunt for weapons stored in churches. Jacob Dreizen, who is fluent in Russian, summarized the attacks in December 2022:

Zelensky regime gestapo raid on the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra monastery, the preeminent center of Christianity since 1051 A.D. Other raids were carried out on the Cyril and Methodius Convent in Transcarpathia, and in Rovno, Vinnitsa, and Zhitomir oblasts looking for "Russian spys" and propaganda.[119]
"The head (by other accounts, the press office) of the Ukraine’s military intelligence, the G.U.R., suggested the priests be traded for Ukrainian soldiers held by Russia....In reality, the church is GUILTY of sermonizing for peace, and emphasizing (in its prayers and sermons) the historic bonds between Russians and Ukrainians which is seen as a THREAT to the post-2014 regime as, among other sins, it contradicts the “official narrative” (as per school history textbooks) that Ukrainians are an autochthonous ethnos with a distinct lineage and an integral, unified history separate from Russia’s.

In particular, the regime hates that the church, per 1000-plus year tradition refers to “Rus” or “Holy Rus” in its prayers and sermons (e.g., “we pray for the peace of Rus“). Even though (long story short) “Rus“—later Rossiya, or Russia in English—was basically founded in Kiev.

But, the regime hates that word. Regime official history is that the Ukraine has been the Ukraine, since dinosaurs roamed the Earth.

As I wrote before, the church (which is nominally under the Moscow Patriarchate) is also the last cultural bond between the Ukraine and Russia, that is not yet totally suppressed or illegal. So, it has to go. I won’t even be surprised if they dissolve the entire church soon, put its assets under the regime-approved breakaway faction....

It appears, there are now plans to confiscate the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra and hand it over to the regime-approved breakaway faction. The head of the Ukraine’s National Security and Defense Council, Oleksiy Danilov, a former racketeer from Lugansk, has said something along the lines of, “the site never really belonged to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, it belongs to the people, and now we’ll see who gets to use it.” Speculation is, the first stage of confiscation will involve allowing the regime-approved breakaway faction to use the site co-equally with the Ukrainian Orthodox Church… before the latter is pushed out entirely.

In general…Anyone, today, in the Ukraine, who challenges the narrative or speaks out in any way is basically GUARANTEED to suffer physical harm and/or detention and prosecution for treason, perhaps disappearance, even death."[120]

Palace intrigues[edit]

Zelensky: A day without 600 dead is a wasted day.[121]

In July 2022 Zelensky's Western intelligence handler Boris Johnson was ousted as prime minister of UK. Soon thereafter, Ukrainian-born U.S. congresswoman Victoria Spartz urged Zelensky to fire his chief of staff Andrei Yermak for corruption. Western delivered arms had been disappearing without ever making it to the frontlines,[122] including Javelin missiles, British NLAWs, and German Panzerfausts. A French built CEASER self-propelled artillery piece was sold to allied Russian forces for $120,000 as were US built HIMARs for $800,000.

Accusations of "zrada" flew, and Zelensky attempted to fire Gestapo chief Ivan Bakanov, a childhood friend and television comedy producer, and chief procurator Iryna Venediktova. Kyiv news reports had to walk back the firings as mere suspensions, then the parliament acted to remove the pair as scapegoats related to all the corruption charges. In early June 2022, a former deputy of Bakanov was detained in Serbia, as he tried to illegally transfer emeralds, 600 thousand euros and 125 thousand dollars across the border. Shortly before the start of the Russian military operation in Ukraine, Bakanov and his friend left Ukraine with $2 billion dollars in cash. In May 2022 Bakanov and his deputy were still buying real estate in Europe.

In addition to the removal of Bakanov and Venediktova, an additional 651 criminal cases were launched. A missile strike at the Officers’ House in Vinnitsa while Ukrainian and foreign military officials held negotiations resulted in a large group of high-ranking officers of the Ukrainian Air Force were destroyed. Apparently, the strike led to casualties among the foreign officers, and Kyiv was forced by its western partners to punish top security officials who were responsible for the leak of information.

The deputy head of the security service Vasily Malyuk was appointed as the new acting chief of the Security service. Chief of staff Yermak, alleged to be a Russian operative however, survived the firings.[123]

In the wake of revelations of attempts to bribe Russian pilots to convince them to defect, which involved bellingcat.com owner Christo Grozev, Zelensky fired first Deputy Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council Ruslan Demchenko and commander of Special Operations Forces (SSO) Hryhoriy Halahan. Danchenko was replaced with Viktor Horenko.

Hunt for fall guys[edit]

Disagreements between Zelensky and the command of the Ukrainian army over the conduct of military operations became apparent. In particular, the military reportedly believed that it was necessary to retreat on several fronts, while Zelensky insisted that no retreats were possible. As a result, the Armed Forces of Ukraine suffered heavy losses in manpower on the front lines. As the situation deteriorated, the hunt for fall guys to blame the loss on ensued.

Suffering heavy losses on the front lines, the Kiev regime attempts to stop the outflow of civilians who can be conscripted into the military. The Ukrainian General Staff declared a ban on leaving their place of residence for men of military age without the permission of the military enlistment office during the period of martial law.

On July 5, 2022 a bill was submitted to parliament clarifying the procedure for the departure of conscripts and reservists from their place of residence within Ukraine.

Propaganda war[edit]

Zelensky in combat: These photos were taken a year before the Russian incursion and used as propaganda to claim Zelensky was commanding troops on the frontline. In fact, the Nazis that Zelensky was visiting laughed at him, causing him to eventually take a harder line against Russia. Zelensky was reported to have left the border area in tears after being ridiculed by the Nazis. [124]
See also: Ukrainian propaganda war

Photos circulated by mainstream media in the West of Zelensky in fatigues and helmet alleging he was on the front lines in combat during Russia's Special Military Operation in fact were taken a year earlier during an inspection of the border.

On November 18, 2022 it was reported that Zelensky blocked and shut down the popular opposition news website Strana.ua after it posted videos showing Ukrainian troops executing unarmed Russian prisoners of war.[125][126][127]

Alleged bombing of Babi Yar[edit]

On March 1, 2022 Zelensky claimed that Russians had bombed Babi Yar, a ravine in Kyiv that was also the site of massacres committed by Nazi forces and Ukrainian collaborators during World War II.[128] Some 33,771 Jewish civilians were murdered by the Nazis and their Ukrainian collaborators from Kyiv there. Zelensky’s chief of staff reportedly confirmed that the Russians bombed the site.[129] Zelensky's tweet has more than 300,000 likes and over 75,000 retweets.

On March 2, Israeli journalist Ron Ben Yisha reported after touring the site that the memorial had not been destroyed or damaged, as Zelensky and his officials claimed. Translated from the Israeli news website ynet:

"The memorial site in Babi Yar was neither destroyed nor damaged. After touring all over the large site I can report with certainty that no monument was damaged and no bomb, missile or shell hit the grounds. The closest impact to Babi Yar was in the Kiev media and television tower complex, about 300 meters from the new monument, and about a kilometer from the old monument </ref>to the victims of the WWII massacre."[130]

Zelensky and his officials lied to the world. Worse, their lie suggested that all those who chose inaction were essentially collaborators in the next holocaust.

Bucha massacre[edit]

See also: Bucha massacre


See also: Battle of Mariupol

Like Chancellor Adolf Hitler of Germany during the besieged Battle of Stalingrad, President Zelensky refused to allow the neo-Nazi forces of the Azov Battalion in Mariupol to surrender and ordered them to fight to the last man.[131][132] Stalingrad, like Mariupol, was a hopeless cause early on, yet the order to continue fighting only bought time for Nazi forces to carry out atrocities against civilians whom they considered "Untermensch".[133] On April 20, 2022, a date which has been commemorated by Nazi groups as Hitler's birthday, reports emerged that

On Victory Day 2022, Zelensky commemorated the victory over Nazism by uploading an image of a Ukrainian soldier wearing insignia of the Waffen SS Totenkopf Division responsible for numerous horrendous mass murders and war crimes.[134]
"According to the content of the radio intercepts, the commanders of the armed formations remaining at Azovstal, realizing the hopelessness of their situation, are ready to lay down their arms, but only on the appropriate order (command) from Kyiv. Without receiving such an order, the commanders of the Ukrainian armed formations cannot make a decision on their own, since a military tribunal with a sentence, up to and including execution, awaits them for these actions in Ukraine.”[135]

According to testimony, the command of the 36th Brigade gave an order to fire on both military and civilians, which members refused. Zelensky ignored the pleas of the 36th Naval Brigade holed up in the Azovmash factory next door to Azovstal. The Brigade surrendered to the Russian and DNR forces.

Ukrainian collusion[edit]

See also: Ukrainian collusion

Laptop from Hell[edit]

See also: Laptop from Hell

On September 4, 2019 former Prosecutor General Victor Shokin made a sworn affidavit outlining Joe Biden's shakedown of the Ukrainian government to kill the criminal investigation into Hunter Biden.[136] Democrat Sen. Chris Murphy, while travelling to the Ukraine, delivered a quid pro quo message to Zelensky:[137] if the Zelensky government co-operated with Trump administration Attorney General Bill Barr and the U.S Justice Department investigating DNC/Ukrainian collision and interference in the 2016 presidential election, Congressional Democrats would withhold funding aid.[138]

Trump sham impeachment[edit]

See also: Deep State coup 2.0
Ukrainian CrowdStrike, not Russia, interfered in the 2016 U.S. Presidential election.

President Trump phoned Volodymyr Zelensky to congratulate him on his electoral win. Three days before the call, The Washington Post published an article entitle, As vice president Biden said Ukraine should increase gas production. Then his son got a job with a Ukrainian gas company.[139] Trump mentions "a lot of people are talking about it" and "a lot of people want to know". The conversation took place the day after Robert Mueller cleared President Trump of any wrongdoing before Congress. The Poroshenko regime installed by the Obama administration in Maidan coup was defeated in parliamentary elections four days earlier. The transcript of the phone call reads:

Clinton campaign manager John Podesta was notified by Google that his emails were hacked, not by Russia, but by Ukraine during the 2016 presidential election.[140]
Although this profile says the state of Virginia, tweets are from the Sofia, Bulgaria time zone and he writes in Russian. Another curiosity considering the Fancy Bear source code is in Russian. This image shows Crowdstrike in their network. Crowdstrike is part of Ukrainian nationalist hacker network. In the image it shows a network diagram of Crowdstrike following the Surkov leaks. The network communication goes through a secondary source.
The President: I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike… I guess you have one of your wealthy people… The server, they say Ukraine has it. There are a lot of things that went on, the whole situation. I think you’re surrounding yourself with some of the same people. I would like to have the Attorney General call you or your people and I would like you to get to the bottom of it. As you saw yesterday, that whole nonsense ended with a very poor performance by a man named Robert Mueller, an incompetent performance, but they say a lot of it started with Ukraine. Whatever you can do, it’s very important that you do it if that’s possible.

President Zelenskyy: Yes it is very important for me and everything that you just mentioned earlier. For me as a President, it is very important and we are open for any future cooperation. We are ready to open a new page on cooperation in relations between the United States and Ukraine. For that purpose, I just recalled our ambassador from United States and he will be replaced by a very competent and very experienced ambassador who will work hard on making sure that our two nations are getting closer. I would also like and hope to see him having your trust and your confidence and have personal relations with you so we can cooperate even more so. I will personally tell you that one of my assistants spoke with Mr. Giuliani just recently and we are hoping very much that Mr. Giuliani will be able to travel to Ukraine and we will meet once he comes to Ukraine. I just wanted to assure you once again that you have nobody but friends around us. I will make sure that I surround myself with the best and most experienced people. I also wanted to tell you that we are friends. We are great friends and you Mr. President have friends in our country so we can continue our strategic partnership. I also plan to surround myself with great people and in addition to that investigation, I guarantee as the President of Ukraine that all the investigations will be done openly and candidly. That I can assure you.
The President: Good because I heard you had a prosecutor who was very good and he was shut down and that’s really unfair. A lot of people are talking about that, the way they shut your very good prosecutor down and you had some very bad people involved. Mr. Giuliani is a highly respected man. He was the mayor of New York City, a great mayor, and I would like him to call you. I will ask him to call you along with the Attorney General. Rudy very much knows what's happening and he is a very capable guy. If you could speak to him that would be great. The former ambassador from the United States, the woman, was bad news and the people she was dealing with in the Ukraine were bad news so I just want to let you know that. The other thing, There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that she stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it... It sounds horrible to me.
President Zelenskyy: I wanted to tell you about the prosecutor. First of all I understand and I'm knowledgeable about the situation. Since we have won the absolute majority in our Parliament, the next prosecutor general will be 100% my person, my candidate, who will be approved by the parliament and will start as a new prosecutor in September. He or she will look into the situation, specifically to the company that you mentioned in this issue. The issue of the investigation of the case is actually the issue of making sure to restore the honesty so we will take care of that and will work on the investigation of the case. On top of that, I would kindly ask you if you have any additional information that you can provide to us, it would be very helpful for the investigation to make sure that we administer justice in our country with regard to the Ambassador to the United States from Ukraine as far I as I recall her name was Ivanovich. It was great that you were the first one who told me that she was a bad ambassador because I agree with you 100%. Her attitude towards me was far from the best as she admired the previous President and she was on his side. She would not accept me as a new President well enough.
The President: Well, she's going to go through some things. I will have Mr. Giuliani to give you a call and I am also going to have Attorney General Barr call and we will get to the bottom of it. I'm sure you will figure it out. I heard the prosecutor was treated very badly and he was a very fair prosecutor so good luck with everything.

Alexander Vindman is a Ukrainian nationalist born in Soviet Ukraine who immigrated to the United States as a child. Vindman harbors rabid anti-Russian and fanatical pro-Ukrainian sentiments. Vindman prepared the public readout of President Trump's congratulatory phone President-elect Zelensky.[141] The public readout differed from the actual transcript and served as the basis for the Trump impeachment inquiry. According to Lt. Col. Jim Hickman who served on a combined US-Russian exercise with Vindman,[142]

I verbally reprimanded him for his actions, & I’ll leave it at that, so as not to be unprofessional myself. The bottom-line is LTC Vindman was a partisan Democrat at least as far back as 2012. So much so, junior officers & soldiers felt uncomfortable around him. This is not your professional, field-grade officer, who has the character & integrity to do the right thing. Do not let the uniform fool you…he is a political activist in uniform. I pray our nation will drop this hate, vitriol & division, & unite as our founding fathers intended![143]

Vindman gave sworn testimony to the House Intelligence Committee that he gave orders countermanding the Commander-in-Chief, President Donald Trump.[144][145] Vindman feared that President Trump was not doing enough to confront Vladimir Putin over the Crimean Annexation. A secret memorandum alleging President Trump acted improperly on the phone call with Zelensky was prepared by Vindman and handed off to Eric Ciaramella, who then gave it to Trump-Russia hoaxer Adam Schiff, prompting the sham impeachment of President Donald Trump.

Foreign policy[edit]

On February 8, 2022 French President Emmanuel Macron announced at a joint press conference in Kiev that Zelensky was ready to implement the Minsk Agreements,[146] promising that everything will go according to the wishes of the international community. On the next day: "The official Kiev has declared this evening that it was not willing to fulfill the Minsk agreements, and lead to direct negotiations with the Donbass. This happened only twenty-four hours after the joint press conference, Macron and Zelensky, when it was claimed that Ukraine would start with the implementation of the agreements. Of which the decision on war and peace directly depended.“[147]

Addressing the 2022 World Economic Forum (WED), Zelensky said,

"Although there is a rather good and long history between Ukraine and China, I would like to have an advantage in these relations compared to Russia."[148]

Hungarian Parliament Speaker Laszlo Kover said of Zelensky's personal conduct in diplomacy: “I can’t recall when a leader of a country in need of help would dare to speak out against anyone in a fashion like President Zelensky did, not only against Hungary, but even against the German Chancellor...One should threaten enemies, not those you want to make your friends…There is some kind of personal mental problem, and I don’t know what can be done about it."[149]

In early June 2022 the weekly news magazine Der Spiegel reported that Germany does not trust Zelensky: “The fear that German weaponry could be sent into Russia highlights a certain distrust in Berlin of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky…And that, too, is a reason why the defense industry in Germany has not been authorized to deliver battle tanks”[150]

Andriy Melnyk is a racist Nazi holocaust denier.[151] After being recalled from Germany as the ambassador for outrageous conduct and statements, Melnyk was promoted to Deputy Foreign Minister of Ukraine in the Zelensky regime.[152]


  1. https://helenofdestroy.substack.com/p/washington-robot
  2. https://thegrayzone.com/2022/09/15/zelensky-bodyguards-hitler-patch/
  3. In latest wiretapping leak, Yulia Tymoshenko appears to say ‘nuclear weapons’ should be used to kill Russians, By Adam Taylor, The Washington Post, March 25, 2014.
  4. Ukrainianism for all Russians
  5. Ukrainian ethnic slur for Kazakhs, Turks, Taters and Russians.
  6. https://www.kla.tv/22511
  7. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/02/22/ukraine-zelensky-seeks-end-russia-diplomatic-ties-after-hinting-pursuing-nuclear-weapons/
  8. http://eu.eot.su/2022/03/06/source-kiev-has-been-developing-a-dirty-bomb-in-the-chernobyl-npp-zone/
  9. A paraphrasing from the notorious 1943 Nazi tract quoted by Nazi leaders in Ukrainian, Der Untermenschen: "The subhuman is a biological creature, crafted by nature, which has hands, legs, eyes and mouth, even the semblance of a brain. Nevertheless, this terrible creature is only a partial human being. Although it has features similar to a human, the subhuman is lower on the spiritual and psychological scale than any animal." [1]
  10. https://archive.ph/SWdge
  11. https://www.bitchute.com/video/7Vtu5iGUI8AI/
  12. https://www.bitchute.com/video/VGvadFMbUts1/
  13. https://time.com/collection/100-most-influential-people-2022/6177692/valeriy-zaluzhnyy/
  14. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/04/08/ukraines-iron-general-zaluzhnyy-00023901
  15. https://thegrayzone.com/2022/03/04/nazis-ukrainian-war-russia/
  16. https://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/ukraine-crisis/pro-russian-journalist-oles-buzina-shot-dead-kiev-masked-gunmen-n342661
  17. https://reportingradicalism.org/en/dossiers/people/andrii-medvedko-prominent-c14-member-and-former-svoboda-party-official
  18. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/canadian-embassy-used-as-safe-haven-during-ukraine-uprising-investigation-finds-1.3148719
  19. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-cohen-ukraine-commentary/commentary-ukraines-neo-nazi-problem-idUSKBN1GV2TY
  20. https://khpg.org/en/1520808476
  21. https://twitter.com/RealAlexRubi/status/1498191420703883264
  22. https://khpg.org/en/1528928862
  23. C14. Who they are and why they are allowed to beat people. 15.11.2017.
  24. https://canadianpatriot.org/2022/04/28/how-ukraines-jewish-president-zelensky-made-peace-with-neo-nazi-paramilitaries-on-front-lines-of-war-with-russia/
  25. https://www.timesofisrael.com/ukrainian-pm-minister-attended-neo-nazi-concert-in-kyiv/
  26. https://adarapress.com/2022/02/25/ukrainian-president-zelensky-deepens-alliance-with-far-right/
  27. https://covertactionmagazine.com/2021/07/29/our-mission-is-to-lead-the-white-races-of-the-world-in-a-final-crusadeagainst-semite-led-untermenschen-subhumans/
  28. https://www.bitchute.com/video/C3mlVK1bo6xJ/
  29. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKMoq61IN02VsItd-uIZKtJKrPxA4z1Q8
  30. https://www.ohchr.org/en/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=16460&LangID=E
  31. https://twitter.com/aaronjmate/status/1496308793810034688
  32. https://twitter.com/RealAlexRubi/status/1497747535783411714
  33. Jews, Poles, & Russians Have United To Condemn Canada For Glorifying A Literal Nazi, ANDREW KORYBKO, SEP 25, 2023.
  34. Nazi-linked veteran received ovation during Zelenskyy’s Canada visit, By KYLE DUGGAN, Politico, 09/24/2023.
  35. Mark Sleboda, Canadian Parliament, Trudeau & Zelensky Praise and Give Standing Ovation to West Ukrainian Waffen SS Veteran Who "Killed Russians", Radio Interview on the Critical Hour 25/09/23.
  36. https://eadaily.com/ru/news/2021/12/02/ze-doveril-kontrrazvedku-sbu-gestapovcu-xxi-veka-po-klichke-dushitel
  37. https://www.donbass-insider.com/2022/03/10/sbu-the-terrible-ukrainian-political-police-assassinations-and-torture/
  38. https://www.trendsmap.com/twitter/tweet/1507644195212824582
  39. https://twitter.com/Anabel_Villeroy/status/1516131041672638464
  40. https://nypost.com/2022/03/03/pro-russian-mayor-of-ukrainian-city-kidnapped-killed/
  41. https://www.the-sun.com/news/4831656/ukraine-peace-negotiator-spy-shot-russia-kireev/
  42. https://www.rferl.org/a/ukraine-lawmaker-photographing-checkpoint/31736680.html
  43. https://orthochristian.com/145355.html
  44. https://freepress.substack.com/p/what-russians-know-422
  45. https://www.bitchute.com/video/8ohZv5w59uHt/
  46. https://www.sott.net/article/466876-One-less-traitor-Zelensky-Oversees-Campaign-of-Assassination-Kidnapping-And-Torture-of-Political-Opposition
  47. https://www.theepochtimes.com/zelensky-announces-ban-on-11-political-parties_4349682.html
  48. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/citing-martial-law-ukraine-president-signs-decree-combine-national-tv-channels-2022-03-20/
  49. https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2022/02/27/peace-talks-possible-between-russia-and-ukraine-as-magnificently-defiant-zelenskyy-stands-atop-the-alamo-of-kyiv-taking-selfies/
  50. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/putin-calls-ukraine-government-drug-172802290.html
  51. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-R4sh2z0EM&t=3426s
  52. https://consortiumnews.com/2022/04/29/ukraine-the-real-zelensky/
  53. https://www.nationalheraldindia.com/international/ive-asked-27-leaders-of-europe-all-are-afraid-ukraine-president
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  56. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10559879/Zelensky-reveals-prisoners-combat-experience-RELEASED-help-defend-Ukraine.html
  57. https://www.moonofalabama.org/2022/05/ukraines-forces-are-told-to-hold-the-line-where-russian-artillery-is-pulverizing-them.html
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  62. https://politexpert.net/23463649-zelenskii_proignoriroval_preduprezhdeniya_mi6_o_riske_okruzheniya_gruppirovki_vsu_v_severodonetske
  63. https://www.bitchute.com/video/qlR1P8jJcTAC/
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  70. "A SHOCKING VIDEO FROM THE PHONE OF A DEAD MILITANT FROM LIMAN", "They threw us to the slaughter. For 4 days already, artillery, tanks, hailstones. We ask you to take us out, but they don't take us out. We are not meat with Kalash against artillery."
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  74. https://www.bitchute.com/video/48tEB3GZze6x/
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  111. Zelensky the Liar – He Will Be Remembered by History like Hitler, by Martin Armstrong, November 16, 2022.
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  132. "
    April 10 at 11:06 PM · Mariupol, Ukraine ·

    Dear Ukrainian people. We are the 36th Navy Brigade named after the counter-admiral Mikhail Bilinsky, left Crimea without betraying the oaths of 2014 and continued to perform the duty of defense of Ukraine. From the beginning of the exit we have been defending Mariupol for 47 days. We were bombed from airplanes, we were shot from artillery, tanks and other firematerials. We kept the defense worthy by doing the impossible. But any resources have a potential to run out. During the combat, we were once handed 50 122 guns, 20 min a little enlavs and starlink Elon Musk - spybo Elon, he had a lot of air strikes and still works. We have not been handed over any more. Without the possibility of defending themselves, the opponent gradually pushed us to the Azovmash plant, surrounded the fire and now is trying to destroy us. There was an option to bring us reserves to strengthen and boost the defense. There were options for the brigade to make a breakthrough and join their troops. We reported this to OTU East and they started planning the operation. Sodol, Delatitsky tried to do something, but their senior headquarters were closed. We reported about it in the OOS they said hold on we are working, promised a helicopter that never flew. We talked to the commander in chief who promised to unblock. We talked with a Garantee who guaranteed us either a political or military solution of the situation. For more than a month, the Marines fought without refilling ammunition, without food, without water, almost a lacquer from the puddle and died in packs. The mountain of wounded makes up almost half of the crew. Those who have unbroken limbs and can walk, return in order. Infantry all died and gunfighters are led by gunmen, zenitich, contacts of the driver and the police. Even an orchestra. Dying but fighting. Gradually we are coming to an end. Wise generals advise taking ammunition from your enemy. Probably not extinct these Sava parquettes, so many people will die for them in vain. There were chances. There were opportunities, but due to the silliness, they were not implemented. No one wants to communicate with us anymore because we are written off. Today will probably be an extreme fight since there is no BC left. Next up into the palm of the hand. Further is death for some, but captivity for some. Dear Ukrainian people. I don't know what's next, but I really ask you to remember the Marines with a kind word and no matter how they develop further, do not talk badly about the Marines. They did everything possible and impossible. For we are FAITHFUL FOREVER!

    11.04.2022…36 окрема бригада морської піхоти імені контр-адмірала Михайла Білинського is at Маріуполь.

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