North Atlantic Treaty Organization

From Conservapedia
Under Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton, the Black African slave trade was restored by NATO in Africa.[1]

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO, French: OTAN, Russian: HATO) is a military alliance consisting of the United States and 29 vassal states. It was founded after World War II, to counter the communist Soviet Union. NATO is the only military alliance that stations nuclear weapons on non-nuclear nations territory.

NATO-backed neo-Nazis in the Donbas war.[2]

Since 1991 NATO has become a promoter of globalism,[3] neoconservatism, imperialism, neo-colonialism, and gay parades along with the rest of the homosexual agenda, which Russia (and the Bible) opposes. To justify NATO's continued existence, the most extreme Russophobes of the former Warsaw Pact states and in the West have taken control of its policy direction.[4]

To join the alliance, NATO members essentially cede their foreign policy sovereignty to the Leftist Deep State in Washington and London, and become vassal states on immigration, gay parades, and priorities of liberals. NATO's current secretary is Jens Stoltenberg of Norway.

Under NATO doctrine, while any member state can commit aggressive acts of war against a nonmember, if the nonmember retaliates against the NATO member's territory, the nonmember risks war with all members of the alliance. Additionally, some nonmember states have been equipped with weapons and training to wage war as if they were member states. No provisions have ever been articulated for member states that go to war with each other.

NATO aggression in Ukraine, posted to Instagram on October 10, 2022. "We are here to kill Russians."


See also: History of NATO

NATO was created at the behest of the United Kingdom to bypass deeply rooted American anti-interventionist sentiment to enter war without an Act of Congress, under the guise of "an attack against one is an attack against all." The UK had to wait 3 years during World War I and two years during World War II for the United States to bail the British Empire out of its war with Germany.

Specifically, NATO was created in 1947 allegedly to contain the expansion of single party leftwing Soviet Communism. But since the collapse of communism in Russia, NATO is globalism without a valid purpose. Unlike Germany which gained entrance two years after its founding, increasingly conservative Russia has been systematically denied membership in all European collective security arrangements.

Most NATO members freeload off the United States[edit]

The United States spends about 7 to 8 times the military budgets of the 7 biggest militaries of the world combined[5]

On Dec. 5, 2019, the pro-NATO and pro-Ukraine New York Times published in an opinion piece:

President Donald Trump, who advocated an America-first foreign policy, thinks that most NATO alliance members are freeloaders.[6]

As far as NATO members, Donald Trump wanted more allies of the United States and not more protectorates of the United States.[7]
With the conclusion of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s 70th anniversary summit in London, it’s fair to say that Donald Trump thinks that most alliance members, starting with France and Canada, are a bunch of ungrateful and unhelpful freeloaders...

In 2011, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates warned of a “dim if not dismal future” for the alliance if states such as Germany continued to underspend on defense. Nearly eight years later, a German parliamentary report found that fewer than half of the country’s fighter jets, and not one of its six submarines, were combat worthy. The German defense minister recently announced that she does plan to meet NATO targets on military spending, but not until 2031.

Most other NATO members are no better. Canada, for instance, spends just 1.27 percent of its gross domestic product on defense (the NATO target is 2 percent) and cannot meet its obligations to defend North America’s airspace. When Justin Trudeau was overheard at the summit belittling Trump for taking too long with his press conference, the Canadian prime minister sounded to many Americans like a child whining that a working parent had kept him waiting for supper.

All of this means that when Macron and other European leaders muse about creating an autonomous European defense force, they are, as one seasoned Parisian observer put it to me, “playing with cards they don’t have.” Even sizable increases in defense spending wouldn’t fill the gap that an American departure from Europe would leave: Roughly half of European defense spending goes to salaries and pensions, not warfighting capacity.[8]

The UK's House of Parliament, House of Commons Library published a resource on August 11, 2022, which states:

NATO was formed in 1949 with the signing of the North Atlantic Treaty in Washington. Its purpose was to ensure the collective security of its member states and to counter the perceived security threat from the then Soviet Union.

At the heart of the North Atlantic Treaty is Article 5, which states that an attack against one member state shall be considered as an attack against them all.

Article 5 does not necessarily commit an ally to military action in the event of an attack. Instead, it requires members to assist the party or parties attacked with “such action it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic area”.

Given Article 5’s obligation, member states are advised to maintain adequate defence spending levels, so they have the capacity to act if necessary. This sentiment is formally reflected in the target for NATO members to spend at least 2% of their country’s GDP on defence, set at the 2006 Riga Summit...

Despite all NATO members agreeing to the 2% guideline, few countries have adhered to it.

Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014 drew attention to the declining defence budgets of most NATO members. At the NATO Summit in Wales that year, member states agreed to reverse the trend and aim to spend 2% of GDP on defence by 2024.

Between 2014 and 2022, defence expenditure by NATO members is expected to rise by $140 billion (15%). However, while the number of countries meeting the 2% target has increased over this period, most are still falling short.

...only nine out of 30 member states are expected to meet the 2% spending target in 2022, up from three members in 2014...

Prior to Russia’s invasion, the UK was already meeting the 2% spending target. In 2022 it is expected to spend 2.1% of GDP on defence. This is down from 2.3% in 2020.[9]

Recent Timeline[edit]

NATO General Secretary as of 2023 Jens Stoltenberg (center).

Republic of Georgia[edit]

While Finland and Sweden's applications to join NATO were fast-tracked, the Republic of Georgia has been waiting for 15 years. Georgia's membership was not on the agenda for NATO's June 2022 summit. 10,000 Russian troops are in the former Georgian territories of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. NATO's discriminatory behavior led to growing anti-NATO sentiment in Georgia.[14]

NATO expansion[edit]

March 8, 2022: The official Twitter account of NATO tweets photo of Ukrainian soldier wearing NAZI insignia.

As the New York Times wrote back in 1998, "Ben & Jerry's is against expanding NATO. So is Phyllis Schlafly, the arch-conservative activist. ... 'It would obligate us to go to war to defend the borders in Eastern Europe,' said Mrs. Schlafly, who founded the 80,000-member Eagle Forum. 'We don't think that's an American responsibility. We see this as one Bosnia after another.'[15] NATO was never intended to be "the world's policeman," nor is it an enforcement arm or extension of the United Nations. President Donald Trump was highly critical of how the United States has been saddled with the bulk of the cost throughout its history while Europe has not paid its agreed upon mandated share of defense costs.

NATO carried out the bombing of civilians in Serbia during the Clinton Administration,[16] fomented the Libyan war in which it aligned itself with al Qaeda elements during the Obama administration, and has been criticized for its provocative actions towards Russia in the Russia Ukraine conflict in 2022 under the Biden regime. The NATO organization has aligned itself with self-proclaimed Nazis in Ukraine war.[17] NATO began arming, equipping, and training Nazi groups in Ukraine in 2015 for the specific aim to overthrow the legitimate government of Russia. NATO recruited neo-Nazi mercenaries from across the planet to train in Ukraine.

On March 19, 2021, NATO held its first conference promoting LGBTQ+ goals.[18] See also "What does a Pride parade have to do with NATO? More than you might think."[19]

NATO's official website states its political motive under Orwellian language: "NATO promotes democratic values and enables members to consult and cooperate on defence and security-related issues to solve problems, build trust and, in the long run, prevent conflict."[20] Since the end of the Cold War, NATO has waged two wars of aggression, one against Serbia to carve out the state of Kosovo, which increased the crime rate in Kosovo as it was also turned into a hotbed of human and organ trafficking,[21] and another in Libya which resulted in chaos and the return of the slave trade in Black Africans.

Russian defense minister Sergei Shoigu said at the opening of the 10th Moscow International Security Conference in August 2022:

"The unconditional dominance of the US and its allies is a thing of the past. On February 24, 2022, the start of the special military operation in Ukraine marked the end of the unipolar world. Multipolarity has become a reality. The poles of this world are clearly defined. The main difference between them is that some respect the interests of sovereign states and take into account the cultural and historical particularities of countries and peoples, while others disregard them. There have been numerous discussions on this topic during previous sessions of the Moscow conference. In Europe, the security situation is worse than at the peak of the Cold War. The alliance’s military activities have become as aggressive and anti-Russian as possible. Significant US forces have been redeployed to the continent, and the number of coalition troops in Eastern and Central Europe has increased manifold.

It is important to note that the deployment of additional NATO Joint Force formations on the bloc’s “eastern flank” had already started before the start of the special military operation in Ukraine. NATO has dropped its masks. The aggressive nature of the bloc was no longer concealed by the wording of the coalition’s purely defensive orientation. Today, the alliance’s strategic planning documents enshrine claims to global dominance. Alliance’s interests include Africa, the Middle East and the Pacific Rim.

In the West’s view, the established system of international relations should be replaced by a so-called rules-based world order. The logic here is simple and ultimatumatic. Either the alliance’s “democratic partner” candidate loses sovereignty and becomes supposedly on the “right side of history”. Or it is relegated to the category of so-called authoritarian regimes, against which all kinds of measures, up to and including coercive pressure, can be used."[22]

Peacemaker kill list[edit]

The Myrotovets ("Peacemaker") website, a kill list authorizing on the spot execution of journalists and anyone deemed a "Russian sympathizer", shows Langley, Virgina home of the CIA as its headquarters.[23]

Myrotvorets (Peacemaker) is an online database of what its owner declares as “enemies of Ukraine,” containing personal doxxing information and addresses. The website's mainpage lists Langley, Virginia, home of the CIA, and Warsaw, Poland as its official home. Journalists who depart from the CIA and Kyiv party line are added to the list. Anyone captured in Ukraine whose name appears in the websites online searchable database can be executed on the spot.[24] The “Peacemaker" kill list has nearly 200,000 names, including Americans, threatening them with extrajudicial killings. The blacklist is affiliated with the Ukrainian government and SBU and was founded by Anton Herashchenko, as of 2022 an advisor to the Zelensky regime's Ukraine's Ministry of Internal Affairs.[25] Reports indicate the server hosting Myrotvorets are located in Brussels, Belgium and owned by NATO.[26] Multiple people have been killed soon after their names were added to the list.[27] Hunting down opposition supporters in allegedly "democratic" Ukraine, as leaders in NATO countries refer to it, in order to beat, humiliate, and even kill opponents is what Ukrainian radicals call “political safari.”

As of April 2022, eleven mayors from various towns in Ukraine were disappeared. Western media outlets followed the Kyiv regime line without exception. The SBU has even hunted opposition figures outside the country's borders.


With NATO expansion into the Asia-Pacific region, the ruse of being purely a "defensive alliance" could no longer hold up.

Coalition of the willing[edit]

While NATO supposedly is a defensive alliance united by the concept of "an attack against one is an attack against all", in its offensive wars of aggression in Iraq and Libya NATO used the idea of a "coalition of the willing," while many NATO members sat out the wars. These "coalitions of the willing" have the added benefit of deflecting domestic political criticism for attacking sovereign countries by the leaders of the respective members by claiming it is a NATO "obligation," and that they are supposedly only living up to their responsibilities under a treaty.

Doomsday scenario[edit]

The Washington Examiner reported on a study by researchers at the Princeton Program on Science and Global Security on September 17, 2022.

"It is predicted that over 90 million people would be dead or injured in a war between the United States and Russia....Researchers...simulated war using realistic nuclear weapons positions, targets, and fatality estimates to show the consequences that a nuclear war could have on both countries and the world...The simulation’s scenario predicted 91.5 million casualties, with 34.1 million dead and 57.4 million injured....In the scenario, Russia would fire the first shot to prevent a U.S.-NATO advance. Within three hours, the researchers estimated 2.6 million immediate casualties and 480 nuclear weapons fired, 300 from Russia and 180 from NATO.

Targets would include NATO bases across Europe. The researchers determined that after Europe was destroyed, warheads would be launched from the U.S. Within 45 minutes of that launch, they estimated 3.4 million immediate casualties.

Tensions between Russia and the U.S. have escalated in recent years, particularly with the war in Ukraine. The researchers cite that both countries have “abandoned” long-standing nuclear arms control treaties.[28]

NATO war in Ukraine[edit]

See also: Donbas war and NATO war in Ukraine
"Reconquista: Today Ukraine Tomorrow Rus' and the Whole Europe" (original in English) the theme of the 2016 Kyiv party conference of the NATO-backed Ukrainian Nazi organization.[29]

Pope Francis I condemned NATO for starting the Russia-Ukraine war. Francis stated that the war is nothing more than a giant opportunity for a “trade in arms” and that it is still ongoing because of the constant shuttling of weapons to Ukraine:

"The clear thing is that weapons are being tested there. The Russians now know that tanks are of little use and are thinking of other things. This is why wars are waged: to test the weapons we have produced. Few people are fighting this trade, but more should be done,"

and questioned "whether it is right to supply the Ukrainians." The Pope added, "In Ukraine, it seems that it was others who created the conflict."[30]

Unprovoked, NATO began arming and training Ukrainian military and para-military neo-Nazi forces after the 2014 Obama administration-backed Maidan coup which overthrew the democratically elected administration of President Viktor Yanukovych.[31] When the U.S. Congress barred funding for the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion in 2018,[32] NATO proceeded to train Azov Battalion Nazis in Canada as part of the West's supposed "rules based order."[33] The neo-Nazi Azov Battalion, which was incorporated into the Ukrainian National Guard after the Maidan coup, had been conducting an unrelenting war against Russian civilians in the Donbas region since 2014.[34] Azov's International Department trained white supremacist protesters in the 2017 Charlottesville march.[35] The Donbas war is recognized by the Orthodox Christian Church as a struggle between the Western globalists' gay agenda and traditional family, moral, and religious values.[36] For this reason, the international media has ignored what otherwise would be considered a policy of ethnic cleansing of Russians from the Donbas by the NATO-backed fascist Kyiv regime.[37]

President Putin remarked in 2021, "As for NATO’s enlargement and the advancement of NATO infrastructure towards Russia’s borders, this is a matter of paramount significance as far as the security of Russians and Russia goes...I do not want to use harsh words, but they simply spat upon our interests."[38] French Premier Emmanuel Macron said at the height of the crisis, "The geopolitical objective of Russia today is clearly not Ukraine but to clarify the rules of cohabitation with NATO and the EU."[39]

AFU troop concentrations on eastern Ukraine's border on eve of the Russian SMO, February 24, 2022. According to the Russian Deputy Foreign Minister, Ukraine had massed 122,000 troops on the border with Donbas. The Duma furthermore has claimed to have intelligence indicating that these troops were planning an offensive into Donbas on MArch 7, 2022, which the Russian invasion preempted.[40]

In early December 2021 it was reported that the Armed Forces of Ukraine deployed 125,000 troops, half of its forces, against the predominantly Russian speaking Donbas region of Eastern Ukraine.[41] Previously, on October 19, 2022, The Jerusalem Post reported that Canada, the US, France, the UK and other Western countries helped train neo-Nazi extremists in Ukraine.[42] Military analyst Boris Rozhin predicted an escalation of the conflict by the Kyiv regime and their NATO consultants with a full-scale provocation in Donbas. Using the 1995 model employed in Serbia called Operation Storm,[43] 230,000-250,000 Serbs fled the territory of Serbian Krajina, and Croatian soldiers committed numerous war crimes against convoys of refugees and the remaining civilians, including the Dvor and Grubori massacres. The Ukrainian authorities intend to repeat the “Serbian scenario” in the territory of Donbas in order to expel citizens of the Donetsk and Luhansk republics from their homeland at gunpoint and take control of the region.[44] More than 600,000 Russian citizens reside in Donbas.[45]

In March 2022 NATO warlord Jens Stoltenberg bragged that NATO trained “tens of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers in previous years, provided modern equipment and supported reforms. Ukraine’s forces are now larger, better equipped, better trained and better led than ever before”[46] said that any support from China would help Russia to continue to wage war and that China has an obligation as a member of the UN Security Council to uphold international law. The spokesperson of the Chinese Mission to the EU responded:

"we will never forget who had bombed our embassy in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. We need no lecture on justice from the abuser of international law. As a Cold War remnant and the world’s largest military alliance, NATO continues to expand its geographical scope and range of operations. What kind of role it has played in world peace and stability? NATO needs to have good reflection.[47]

On May 17, 2022, NATO neo-Nazi forces surrendered at the Azovstal steel plant in Mariupol of the Donetsk Peoples Republic.

USNews & World Report that Russia had the strongest military on the planet as NATO and the Biden regime attempted to provoke war with Russia.[48]

Kyiv operational command center[edit]

The New York Times reported on June 25, 2022:

"C.I.A. personnel have continued to operate in the country secretly, mostly in the capital, Kyiv, directing much of the vast amounts of intelligence the United States is sharing with Ukrainian forces...a few dozen commandos from other NATO countries, including Britain, France, Canada and Lithuania, also have been working inside Ukraine....commandos from these allies either remained or have gone in and out of the country since then, training and advising Ukrainian troops and providing an on-the-ground conduit for weapons and other aid...their presence in the country — on top of the diplomatic staff members who returned after Russia gave up its siege of Kyiv — hints at the scale of the secretive effort to assist Ukraine that is underway and the risks that Washington and its allies are taking....commandos are not on the front lines with Ukrainian troops and instead advise from headquarters in other parts of the country or remotely by encrypted communications...the signs of their stealthy logistics, training and intelligence support are tangible on the battlefield....Ukrainian commanders recently expressed appreciation to the United States for intelligence gleaned from satellite imagery, which they can call up on tablet computers provided by the allies. The tablets run a battlefield mapping app that the Ukrainians use to target and attack Russian troops."[49]

Ukraine missile attack on Poland[edit]

The Associated Press tried to ignite World War III with a fake news story sourced to a "senior U.S. intelligence official."[50]

On November 15, 2022, two Ukrainian S-300 missiles, alleged to have been launched to shoot down a Russian cruise missile, were fired westward and hit a Polish grain storage facility, killing two civilians. The Polish government, Ukrainian government, the Associated Press,[51] most of all Western propaganda media and so-called national security and intelligence experts called for invoking NATO Article 5 for war with Russia.[52] Zelensky advisor Mykhailo Podolyak declared that the strikes came from Russia. Ukrainian foreign minister Dmytro Kuleba claimed Russian denials were a conspiracy theory and that “No one should buy Russian propaganda or amplify its messages."[53] Ukrainian dictator Volodymyr Zelensky tweeted that the “Russian attack on collective security in the Euro-Atlantic is a significant escalation” beyond the localized conflict in Ukraine.[54]

However an AWAC radar plane and other ISR (intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance) aircraft regularly flying in the region, and ground radar, tracked the missiles' trajectory and determined the Kyiv regime had launched the missiles. That did not prevent an anonymous "senior U.S. intelligence official" from reporting to the Associated Press that Russia had fired the missiles at Poland. The fake news story was disseminated globally, as all fake news stories emanating from Kyiv, and its CIA counterparts in Kyiv, have been disseminated globally to world media for the entirety of 2022 and late 2021.

When called out on the lies,[55] Ukrainian dictator Volodymyr Zelensky doubled down. Both socialist premier Joe Biden and NATO chief warlord Jens Stoltenberg blamed Ukraine for the attack. Zelensky refuted the Western leaders' statements that the missile which killed two innocent civilians in Poland was Ukrainian. "I have no doubt that it was not our missile or our missile strike." Zelensky insisted that he received reports from the corrupt Armed Forces of Ukraine command that told him the missile attacks did not come from Ukraine, he told the people in a live nationwide address on Ukrainian state-controlled media.[56] The Russophobic Financial Times of London quoted a diplomat from a NATO country in Kyiv saying: “This is getting ridiculous. The Ukrainians are destroying [our] confidence in them. Nobody is blaming Ukraine and they are openly lying. This is more destructive than the missile.”[57]

The official cover story eventually became the Ukrainian missile fell in Poland because the S-300 system is unreliable and obsolete Soviet-era junk. However, despite its vulnerabilities to detection and being destroyed by an enemy attacking force, the S-300 remains a formidable missile defense weapon, unmatched by the U.S. Patriot Missile defense system. It's later versions, S-400 and S-500 are unrivaled globally as the most effective missile systems available in the opening decades of the 21st century.

NATO aggression - Transnistria[edit]

United States[edit]

The United States owns and operates biological laboratories in Ukraine.[58][59] An agreement to operate the laboratories was signed in 2005.[60] On March 21, Joe Biden announced a second "new world order"[61] after the failure of the first, which was announced by President George H.W. Bush on September 11, 1991 - exactly ten years to the day prior to the 9/11 attacks which spelled the doom of the first new world order and was completed by Joe Biden with his humiliating withdrawal from Afghanistan nearly twenty years later to the day. On March 22, 2022, the Russian state Duma established a parliamentary commission to investigate the American biological laboratories operating in Ukraine.[62] Deputy Leonid Slutsky, who is a member of the committee, issued a statement:

Metabiota, a company financed by Hunter Biden's Rosemont Seneca partnership with the CCP, receives the lion's share of Defense Department funding for its Ukrainian bio labs.[63]
"Russia will continue to raise the issue of the need to investigate US activities in the field of biological research, including in the UN structures. Obviously, we can talk about a direct violation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons (BTWC).

What is known today from the materials that were discovered during the special military operation in Ukraine? The biolaboratories were formally under the jurisdiction of the Central Sanitary and Epidemiological Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, but Americans were placed as curators everywhere. In fact, pathogens of dangerous diseases were tested on the local genotype (Slavic). At the same time, pathogens were created that, most likely, they tried to make resistant to commercial vaccines or antibiotics. There were about 30 such laboratories in total, 13 of them had a very high level of protection.

Against this background, according to experts, in recent years Ukraine has turned into some incomprehensible hotbed of old and new diseases. For example, we all remember that measles was defeated in the USSR. But in 2005-2007, measles returned to Ukraine, moreover, in the form of an epidemic, and until 2021 it was present as a significant disease. WHO even named Ukraine the capital of measles.

A similar situation was with cholera. The last cases of cholera were registered in the country in the 90s, but in 2011 33 people fell ill with cholera in Mariupol, in 2014 there were already 800 people, in 2015-2017 more than 100 cases were recorded annually in Nikolaev.

Further more interesting: in 2009 Ternopil, 450 Ukrainians suffered from a virus that causes hemorrhagic pneumonia, which has never been present in the north of Eurasia, this virus is characteristically noted in Equatorial Africa. How he got there is a big question.

I specifically cite this data in detail in order to show the scope of everything that existed in the immediate vicinity of the territory of Russia. And it’s really scary."

Joe Biden's son, the corrupt self-admitted crackhead Hunter Biden, secured millions of dollars in funding for Metabiota, a U.S. Department of Defense contractor in Ukraine specializing in deadly pathogen research which he himself, through his company Rosemont Seneca, had invested in.[64]

Ukrainian troll bot John Kirby chokes back emotion after the needless slaughter NATO provoked and continued to feed even after the war was lost.

An American military aircraft was seen in the emergency area with the Russian cruiser Moskva. The Moskva was near Odessa, closer to Romania. The Moskva was eqiuiped with a new phased array locator with illumination range is 500 km. At about 19 pm, an American military patrol and reconnaissance anti-submarine aircraft of the US Navy was spotted in the western part of Romanian airspace. The latter was located approximately 70 kilometers from the location of the Russian missile cruiser Moskva. According to data available to the news agency, a US military patrol reconnaissance and anti-submarine Boeing P-8A Poseidon aircraft was in the eastern part of Romanian airspace, flying with an unknown target. According to a number of data, the flight of the Boeing RC-135 aircraft was also carried out, however, the latter could not be tracked by the ADS-B Exchange resource. According to the ADS-B Exchange resource, the American Boeing P-8 Poseidon aircraft with the ICAO identification code AE681B was flying near the Zhurilovka settlement (Romania). However, due to the transponder periodically turned off by the crew, experts do not exclude that the bird could also fly over the western part of the Black Sea, where, according to preliminary information, the Russian missile cruiser Moskva was located. What kind of information could be collected by the American military reconnaissance aircraft Boeing P-8 Poseidon is still unknown, however, judging by the data presented, the bird was still in the air at 21 hours and 17 minutes.[65] The reaction of public opinion in the Russian Federation to the interference and provocation by the United States and killing of their sailors was one of outrage, and demanding that their government and leaders take appropriate action.

On August 1, 2022, in an interview published in the UK Telegraph, Ukrainian defense official Vadim Skibitsky acknowledged they consult with Washington before launching strikes and that Washington has veto power over decision-making.[66][67] Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova responded with the statement: “No other confirmation of the direct involvement of the United States in hostilities on the territory of Ukraine is required...They are fully involved…Now Kiev representatives are talking about their military involvement not only through the supply of weapons, but through personnel management in the ranks of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, direct instructions and the choice of targets”.[68]

Reuters reported the Pentagon announced on November 23, 2022, that air strikes by NATO ally Turkiye threatened the safety of U.S. military personnel in northern Syria where the United States has roughly 900 troops illegally stationed and without any authorization from the U.S. Congress or the United Nations. Turkish President Erdogan said Turkiye's air operations were only the beginning and it would launch a land operation when convenient after an escalation in retaliatory strikes.[69] Turkiye launched air operations in retaliation for an Istanbul terrorist attack a week earlier that killed six people and injured 81, in which Turkiye claimed the United States was complicit.[70]

NordStream II pipeline[edit]
Former Polish Foreign and Defense Minister and Member of the EU Parliament thanked Biden for his environmental terrorism and Act of War against Germany and Russia.[71]

On January 27, 2022, neocon provocateur Victoria Nuland stated at a U.S. State Department press briefing "one way or another Nord Stream II will not move forward." Ten day later ABC News reported that Joe Biden threatened to sabotage the Nord Stream II pipeline in a public press conference from the White House. On September 7, 2022, Russian President Vladimir Putin said the Nord Stream II pipeline could be reopened "tomorrow" to alleviate Europe's impending winter heating fuel crisis. On September 26, 2022, the USS Kearsarge, sailing in the Baltic Sea, sabotaged the pipeline. The incident is an act of war by the United States against the people of a NATO ally.

On September 26, 2022, NATO naval commandos sabotaged both the Nordstream I and Nordstream II pipelines in Danish water off Barnholm island,[72] guaranteeing that the German people and others throughout the continent would freeze as winter approached. The detachment of US Navy ships led by the amphibious assault ship USS Kearsarge announced the completion of work in the area of the alleged sabotage on gas pipelines. US ships completed their tasks in the Baltic Sea and were spotted heading to the Baltic Straits into the North Sea. President Putin had proposed three weeks earlier to reopen the pipeline to alleviate Europeans home heating crisis[73] while Biden had vowed to end the pipeline.[74]


On November 9, 2021, Ottawa Citizen military reporter David Pugliese revealed that when Canadian military officials met with the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion in June 2018, they knew the group used the Nazi “Wolfsangel” symbol and praised officials who helped slaughter Jews and Poles during World War II. “A year before the meeting,” reports Pugliese, "Canada’s Joint Task Force Ukraine produced a briefing on the Azov Battalion, acknowledging its links to Nazi ideology."[75] Rather than express public disagreement with their views, Canadian military officials sought to manage any potential public relations fallout from at least two meetings, which included Azov representatives boasting about their Canadian support.

Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland holding a nazi banner.[76]

A September 2021 report from an Institute at George Washington University revealed that Centuria boasted about being trained by some of the 200 Canadian troops in the Ukraine. The report detailed Centuria members making Nazi salutes, praising SS units and promoting white supremacy.[77]

In March 2016 retired Canadian soldier Oksana Kuzyshyn spoke at an event titled “A Canadian’s experience training the AZOV Battalion to NATO standards”.[78] One month earlier “nearly 200 officer cadets and professors of Canada’s Royal Military College” attended a screening of Ukrainians/Les Ukrainiens: God's Volunteer Battalion, which praised fascist militias fighting in the Donbas.[79]

Since U.S. and Canadian backed ultranationalists overthrew democratically elected President Viktor Yanukovych in the 2014 Maidan coup, Canadian politicians have spoken alongside and marched with Canadian members of Ukraine's Pravy Sektor,[80] which said it was “defending the values of white, Christian Europe against the loss of the nation and deregionalisation.”[81] Pravy Sektor has been implicated in the Odessa Trade Unions House massacre wherein at least 46 ethnic Russians were burnt alive by Maidan fascists. The black and red flag of Pravy Sektor is based on the Nazi-era "bloods and soil" flag.

Alongside the U.S., Canada has funded, equipped and trained the neo-Nazi infiltrated National Police of Ukraine (NPU), which was founded after the democratically Yanukovych was overthrown. A former deputy commander of the Azov Battalion, Vadim Troyan had a series of senior positions in the NPU, including acting chief.[82]

Justin Trudeau meeting with neo-Nazi party founder Andriy Parubiy.[83]

Efraim Zuroff, the Director of the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Israel, denounced Canadian troops for training neo-Nazi fighters in Ukraine, saying Ottawa has a responsibility to prevent such things from happening. “The Government of Canada did not exercise due diligence” Ephraim Zuroff told Citizen of Ottawa. “There is no doubt that there are neo-Nazis in Ukraine in various forms, whether in the Azov Regiment or other organizations."[84]

During his trip to Ukraine in 2016 Justin Trudeau was photographed with Ukrainian Parliament Speaker Andriy Parubiy, who had a background with the ultranationalists and was accused of praising Hitler.[85] Parubiy personally gave orders to the Pravy Sektor in which they burnt alive at least 48 people in the Odessa Trade Unions House massacre.[86] In Canada is Not Back: How Justin Trudeau is in Over His Head on Foreign Policy, Jocelyn Coulon, who was a member of Trudeau's International Affairs Council of Advisers and then an adviser to former foreign minister Stephane Dion, described how the Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC) sabotaged efforts to lessen tension with Russia. “Dion’s determination to restore relations with Russia quickly came up against pro Ukrainian pressure groups,” he wrote.

To a large extent Ottawa and Washington view the Ukraine as a proxy to weaken Russia. As part of this geopolitical competition, they've backed neo-Nazi militia members fighting the independent Donbas republics.[87]

Canadian mercenaries[edit]

A celebrated Canadian sniper nicknamed Wali who served in Afghanistan answered Zelensky's call for mercenaries with much fanfare and signed a three-year contract in early March 2022,[88] according to the CBC. By May, Wali broke his contract with the Kyiv regime, deserted, and returned to Canada without adding any kills to his reputation after seeing two Ukrainians blown apart by a tank shell.[89]

Other Canadian mercenaries tell how at one point they discovered one of the Ukrainians had a tattoo on his hand of a “black sun,” a symbol used by the SS in Nazi Germany and sometimes by the Neo-fascist movement. “My friend James who was there literally spat on the ground in front of him … and said ‘this is everything our grandfathers fought against in the Second World War.’”[90]

United Kingdom[edit]

Boris Johnson training with Ukrainian special forces for the raid on the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant.

Operation Orbital is the UK program to train Ukrainian fascist forces for aggressive warfare since 2014.[91]

According to RIA Novosti, British officers were abruptly redeployed to Kyiv on February 24, 2022 to command defense of the city from a headquarters set up in a school. “A source in the Ukrainian Armed Forces said that after a swift offensive by a group of Russian troops on February 24 against Kiev, the British, who were assisting with intelligence to the ATO headquarters in Kramatorsk, moved to Kiev to lead the city’s defence from a headquarters based at school No 72″, – he said.[92]

Former leader of the Socialist Party of Ukraine, Ilya Kiva said that the Bucha massacre was planned and prepared in advance by the counterintelligence of Ukraine, with the assistance of the British MI6. Kiva said,

Intrusion of UK military reconnaissance aircraft in the Murmansk region, August 15, 2022.
"The whole story in Bucha was prepared and planned in advance by the SBU and MI6. They arrived early in the morning, cordoned off the area, scattered the corpses and then sent journalists there. That's why that clown Zelensky even came back. To raise the interest of the international press in the alleged tragedy, but it's all a pure fake. Why didn't such a situation take place in other areas? Don`t you understand that it was staged in advance, which was supposed to arouse the aggression and hatred in you first of all. But it didn't happen."[93]

Ukrainian commanders told The Times of London that soldiers from Britain’s Special Air Service (SAS) trained Ukrainian troops in Kyiv.[94]

While Ukraine was losing 20,000 soldiers a month, Boris Johnson travelled to Kyiv to promise training for 10,000 soldiers every four months.[95]

On June 19, 2022 Commander of UK Strategic Command Gen. Thomas Patrick wrote to the UK Royal Army troops, "There is now an urgent need to forge an army capable of fighting alongside our allies and defeating Russia in battle. We are the generation that must prepare the Army to fight in Europe once again. There is now a burning imperative to forge an Army capable of fighting alongside our allies and defeating Russia in battle."[96]

On July 11, 2022, the BBC reported that UK Special Forces were involved in the illegally killing of 54 unarmed detainees in Afghanistan.[97]

UK military-intelligence organization[edit]
Aftermath of a hypersonic missile attack on NATO mercenary training and command center at Yavoriv, March 12, 2022

Leaked documents revealed that British military-intelligence organizations were training a guerrilla army of 'stay behind' sabotage groups to attack Russian military and civilian targets in Crimea. The investigative news website The Grayzone named the key players working with the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) in Odessa to set up the covert force.[98] They include military consultant Hugh Ward, who works for private security firm Rezolutionz, MI6 veteran Guy Spindler, former Lithuanian defense minister Audrius Butkevicius and veteran intelligence agent Chris Donnelly. The Grayzone also reported that British private military contractor Prevail Partners, founded by former Royal Marines Brigadier and Special Boat Service (SBS) commander Justin Hedges and other ex-commandoes, had been hired to train the new guerrilla force.

The Greyzone reported Spindler and Butkevicius lobbied governments to ramp up funding for the program. Internal emails seen by the site asked: "will Uncle Sam pay for this?" while a "costed proposal" to the British Ministry of Defense had been "turned down for risk reasons."

Alex Finnen, of the British army Specialist Group Military Intelligence section of the 77 Brigade cyber-warfare centre and the Foreign Office's Russia Unit, said in one email from March 2022 that the proposal — tendered at $600,000 per insurgent per year — was “very expensive for what it is,” although the firm was in a "seller's market". “I suspect that they have taken the first figure they thought of and then doubled it. So, there needs to be more discussion as to how and what these people are going to do,” Finnen wrote. “Partisans live in and amongst the people. That suggests that you need people from across Ukraine, in small teams to take part as Prevail suggest ‘oblast by oblast’. How are they going to achieve this?”

Justin Hedges claimed that his firm could do a much better job by training 40-strong groups in guerrilla warfare tactics. He said funding could be “provided by flowing ‘donations’ through Prevail's established NGO, Rhizome Insights Ltd,” without leaving a clear trail from governments to the mercenary firm.

Russia accused the UK of complicity in the September 26, 2022 bombing of the Nord Stream pipelines across the Baltic Sea, the October 8, 2022 truck bombing of the Kerch Strait bridge to Crimea and the October 29, 2022 attack on the Crimean port of Sevastopol with seven marine and nine aerial drones. Other incidents in the Crimean peninsula are suspected to be the work of covert units, including an explosion at a military airfield in August 2022 and an attack using a small drone to drop explosives.


In 2021, the Biden junta stole a contract to build submarines for Australia away from the America's oldest ally, France, crippling France's military industrial complex and leaving bitter feelings for the attack on the French economy;[99] the French contract would have allowed for the construction to be done in Australia using Australian workers and benefiting the Australian Labor Party. When the Australian Morrison regime was disposed, the new Albanese regime immediately scrubbed the contract with the American military industrial complex and re-hired the behind schedule and cost-overrun French contractors.

On March 26, 2022, two officers of the main department of external security of the Ministry of Defense of the French Republic (DGSE) flying by helicopter were shot down by Russian forces while on a mission to withdraw fighters from the Battle of Mariupol.[100] The two were immediately taken prisoner by the Russians. According to reports by both a Russian and Ukrainian source, French soldiers from the Special Operations Command were in Mariupol side by side with the Azov Nazis. Troops attached to the Special Operations Command are under the orders of Chief of the Defense Staff, General Thierry Burkhard, but they receive their orders directly from the Chief of the Armed Forces, President Emmanuel Macron. On March 31, 2022, General Eric Vidaud, the head of the Direction of Military Intelligence (DRM), was fired.[101]

Public broadcaster France-Télévision presented a report on during the France-2 evening news, on March 31, 2022.[102] The report acknowledged that the Azov Battalion consisted of neo-Nazi elements since 2014, singling out one of its founders, Andriy Biletsky, but insisted that it had evolved into a respectable defense force. However, France-2 omitted to mention its other founder, Dmytro Yarosh, who during the Russia-Ukraine war was Adviser to the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU).

The French channel referred to an old United Nations report documenting systematic torture in Donbas, but it neglected to mention either the Azov Battalion's special prisons uncovered by the Russian army,[103] or statements issued by the UN in this regard. France-2 also failed to explain the weight of the Banderites in Ukrainian nationalist history, reducing the prominence of the neo-Nazis to brandishing the swastika. France-2 reported the threat to be between 3,000 and 5,000 men, while Reuters reported the paramilitary Banderites number to be 102,000 men, split into several militias incorporated within the Territorial Defense.

With Macron facing re-election in weeks, the fact French officers were holed up training neo-Nazis in Azovstal was an embarrassing revelation.[104]

Hate crimes against Russians[edit]

The Paris office of Rossotrudnichestvo, a Russian federal government agency carrying out responsibilities for foreign aid and cultural exchange, was under attack after a Molotov cocktail thrown at it. Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova asked French authorities to act on the matter and claimed that similar hate crimes are at spike by writing, "We demand that French authorities ensure proper security for our official institutions. Exactly the same kinds of attacks regularly faced Russian missions on the territory of Ukraine until 2022 - including the Russian Consulate General in Lvov in December 2021." Russians living abroad have reportedly experienced a worrisome rise in discrimination, hate crimes and acts of vandalism amidst the ongoing global NATO-inspired Russophobic psyops.[105]


NATO propaganda to dehumanize Russians.

On February 26, 2022 Germany announced it would deliver 1,000 anti-tank weapons and 500 Stinger missiles to the Kyiv regime. The German Interior Ministry declared on March 28, 2022, that any individual who displays the letter “Z” would be liable for prosecution. The letter was displayed on Russian military vehicles during Operation Denazification.[106]

Florence Gaub, deputy director of the European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS), which describes itself as “the Union’s agency dealing with the analysis of foreign, security and defence policy issues,” used this racist language to dehumanize Russians on April 12, 2022,

“We should not forget, even if Russians look European, they are not European, in a cultural sense. They [Russians] think differently about violence or death. They have no concept of a liberal, post-modern life, a concept of life that each individual can choose. Instead, life simply can end early with death."[107]

On April 22, 2022, Chancellor Olaf Scholz said he's reluctant to renew a German-Russian war through proxies by sending heavy weapons to Ukraine because of the real threat of nuclear war.[108] Four days later, bowing to pressure from the Biden regime, the German government flipped and announced it will deliver Gepard anti-aircraft tanks to Ukraine. The Gepard (Cheetah) is a short range (5 km / 3 miles) anti-air system on a tank chassis useful against helicopters, drones and low flying planes.[109]

On May 3, 2022 Yahoo News reported that Ukraine Ambassador to Germany Andriy Melnyk insulted Chancellor Scholz in Berlin, calling him a "sulky liver sausage" for not visiting the war zone. The Kyiv regime had denied German president Frank-Walter Steinmeiner, who helped broker the Minsk Agreements, a welcome to Kyiv in April. Scholz responded to the Ukrainian government's chief representative in Germany, “You can’t do that. It can’t work that when a country has provided so much military aid, so much financial aid — which is needed — when it’s a question of the security guarantees that will be important to Ukraine in the future — you then say: But the president can’t come.”[110]

Sleepwalking into war[edit]

Hans-Georg Maassen, who headed Germany's Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, Germany's domestic security agency from 2012 to 2018, warned his fellow citizens on May 25, 2022, that Germany was “sleepwalking” into war with Russia. Maassen cited on TV Berlin's ‘Special’ program a ruling by the International Court of Justice that the supply of weapons to one of the warring parties in a conflict makes the supplier a party to the conflict, too.

The former intelligence chief argued that, contrary to what the German media says, “Ukraine is not a bastion of human rights, of freedom, peace and Western values.” Massen was terrified by the lack of public discussion on this issue, telling viewers:

"We are now a warring party on Ukraine’s side. Let that sink in: We are a warring party. Against Russia."[111]

Germany's decision to send Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine is extremely dangerous and takes the conflict to a new level of confrontation, the Russian Embassy in Berlin said on January 25, 2023. The embassy said Germany was abandoning its “historical responsibility to Russia” arising from Nazi war crimes in World War Two. The embassy said that the decision would escalate the conflict to a new level. “This extremely dangerous decision takes the conflict to a new level of confrontation and contradicts the statements of German politicians about the unwillingness of the Federal Republic of Germany to be drawn into it,” Ambassador Sergey Nechayev said.[112]


During the Russia-Ukraine war, the Polish Sejm or Senate passed a resolution 418 to 4 demanding reparations from Poland's NATO ally Germany. The resolution stated that "the Republic of Poland has never received compensation for the numerous human and material losses caused by the German state." The resolution claims that Warsaw has never renounced its claims against Berlin. "The allegation that these claims have been withdrawn or ceased to be relevant over the years has no basis, neither moral nor legal." Authorities in Warsaw said they were demanding $1.3 trillion from Berlin as reparations for damage from World War II.[113]

Polish NATO mercenaries[edit]

The Polish new site Niezaleizny Dziennik Polityczny reported on November 23, 2022:

A shameful end. American quarters for Polish mercenaries.

In early November, the regional media announced plans to create burials similar to American war cemeteries in Olsztyn. The reports sparked a wave of indignation, both among the city's residents and Poles across the country. "This is a necropolis for Poles? We are from a different culture ”this is how indignant users in social media reacted to the strange ideas of the city council. ... The municipal cemetery in Dywity is the main necropolis in Olsztyn and covers over 35 ha. Today it is loud about it all over Poland, because soon it will look like a war cemetery in the USA. It has to be like in an American movie. A large lawn with identical tombstones on it. Without trees, benches, angels bending over the dead. The tombstones will be the same, they will only differ in color. Their manufacturers provided for only three: black, gray and red-brown.

The main reason for the creation of the American cemetery in Olsztyn was the drastically increased number of burials in the region, mainly soldiers' graves.

NATO cemetery in Poland.[114]

This situation has become a real problem for the local government of Olsztyn, where the 16th Pomeranian Mechanized Division is stationed. Almost daily military funerals combined with volleys of honor began to irritate the residents and provoked numerous questions to the city administration and the command of the 16th Division. To avoid additional publicity of the problem, the authorities decided to create a separate "American" cemetery. ... After the outbreak of the war in Ukraine in February this year, President Andrzej Duda and Minister of National Defense Mariusz Błaszczak officially called on Poles to join the ranks of mercenaries and fight on the side of the Kiev regime. Among the fighters who went to war were professional soldiers of the 16th Mechanized Division and veterans of the unit living in the region.

During the 10 months of bloody fighting, according to information from publicly available sources, over 1,200 Polish citizens died in Ukraine, including soldiers and veterans of the 16th PDZ. The number of injured and maimed people also amounts to several thousand.[115]

In January 2023 the Polish Ministry of Defense reported 15,900 professional soldiers resigned from the Army and Polish Territorial Defense in 2022. This compares with 6,000 resignations the previous year of 2021.[116] Many signed up for U.S.-funded mercenary activity in Ukraine after their official resignations.


Despite the fact that both Belgium and the UK are NATO members, in late 2022 a dispute developed between the two nations over the transfer of crucial technology that is essential for sustaining the British nuclear deterrent. Concerns inside the Belgian government that Britain has threatened to cancel the arms deal for machineguns built in Belgium by FN Herstal worth up to £514.90 million (€600 million) unless the export is approved. The ruling coalition of Belgium, which includes the Green party, blocked the shipment of a specialized isostatic press that was required to sustain Britain's nuclear weapons. The American-Belgian company EPSI in Antwerp manufactures the technology, a specialized high-pressure isostatic press used in the nuclear sector to handle radioactive waste.


NATO Operation Deter Putin with no ammo or underpants. Apparently, U.S. taxpayers were supposed to buy underwear for Danish troops from Russia's ally, China.

In late March 2022 NATO asked Denmark to send a battalion of 800 soldiers to Latvia to bolster the military alliance's eastern flank.

On May 23, 2022, it was announced that Denmark would provide an unspecified number of US-made Harpoon anti-ship missiles and launchers to Ukraine—a report quickly followed by American defense experts noting: “The Harpoons don't do anything to solve Russia's submarine anti-ship capabilities or its anti-ship missile capabilities that absolutely dwarf Ukraine's, even with the Harpoons, and those of NATO, for that matter…The Black Sea is one of the densest anti-ship missile engagement zones on earth, and Russia is the player with the preeminent arsenal with many types of anti-ship missiles deployed on its ships, coastal areas, and aircraft."[117] Denmark's supply of US-made Harpoon anti-ship missiles to Ukraine to fight the Russian Black Sea Fleet sent off alarm bells in the Kremlin, revealing the non-humanitarian goals of NATO's "coalition of the willing" for provocative engagements with Russia's Black Sea fleet.

On June 21, 2022, Danish troops in Latvia complained about a lack of underwear and other necessary supplies;[118] China, which is aligned with Russia, is the world's largest manufacturer of underwear. The soldiers also complained that they had no ammunition.


Slovaks protesting against NATO membership.

In February 2022, 44% of people blamed NATO and the US for the tension on the Ukrainian borders, while only 33% blamed Russia. An early poll found that 45% wanted Slovakia out of NATO.

Slovakia possesses the Russian made S-300 missile defense system. When it acquired the system, it signed binding end user agreements with Moscow not to transfer the system. On March 17, 2022, NATO threatened to transfer the system to the Kyiv regime. Russian foreign secretary Sergey Lavrov made clear on March 18, 2022, that NATO's continued weapon smuggling system into Ukraine to prolong the conflict and cause needless deaths of more people would make NATO weapon convoys "fair game".[119]

The outdated S-300 missile system that Slovakia "donated" to Ukraine, in violation of a contractual agreement with Russia, was destroyed 2 days later. The S-300 system has been replaced by the S-400 and 500 systems. Slovakia now will receive, free of charge courtesy of the U.S. taxpayer and military industrial complex, the latest in U.S. missile defense technology.

Slovakia's proposal to restrict food exports was met with consternation by the European Commission, threatening cohesion of the European Union.[120]

A survey conducted in September 2022 by the Slovak Academy of Sciences found more than half of Slovaks favored Russia to win the war in Ukraine, while leas than one-third favorized NATO/Ukraine.[121]


On April 5, 2022, it was reported that Czechia supplied Ukraine with infantry fighting vehicles and T-72 tanks.[122]

In addition to tanks and infantry fighting vehicles, the Czech Republic sent more than 20 RM-70 MLRS to Ukraine, which indicates a clear escalation from NATO. Multiple rocket launchers are a Czechoslovak/Czech variant of the Soviet BM-21 Grad rocket system, which has some peculiarities. Providing Ukraine with such a large amount of offensive weapons indicates not only the fact that Prague supports Kyiv, but also that the Czech Republic is interested in aggravating the situation and confronting Russia. According to official data, there are about 60 RM-70 multiple launch rocket systems in service with the Czech Republic. At the same time, there are so far unconfirmed data that, in addition to the installations themselves, several hundred ammunition were transferred to Ukraine.

On December 5, 2022, in an interview with Michal Strnad, owner of CSG, Reuters reported that it would take 10–15 years to refill Western stocks of artillery ammunition depleted to support the Ukraine's army. CSG is responsible for about 25-30% of European output of NATO-standard 155mm artillery. Strnad said CSG now had capacity of 80,000-100,000 of artillery shells per year, a significant chunk of the annual capacity in Europe which he put at 270,000-300,000. Strnad said Ukraine was firing 40,000 shells per week.[123]


Slovenia agreed to send the M84 tanks left over from the Yugoslav army to Ukraine. Meanwhile, Slovenia demanded compensation from Germany. It wanted new Leopard 2 tanks and Puma armored infantry fighting vehicles, as well as Boxer armored personnel carriers. However, Germany refused to supply such expensive equipment and offered Slovenia outdated Marder BMPs and Fuchs armored personnel carriers from the Bundeswehr reserves.


On June 5, 2022, protesters rallied in Rome demanding that Italy withdraw from NATO and that the European Court of Human Rights investigate the crimes of the Kyiv regime since 2014 in the Donbas.[124]


As part of the Ukrainian government's propaganda war, a Greek speaking Azov Nazi addressed the Greek parliament via a video link-up on April 7, 2022.[125][126]


The Armed Forces of Ukraine positioned 420 World War II-era sea mines anchored to weighted boxes on the Black Sea bed to deter amphibius landing craft to the approaches of the ports of Odessa, Ochikov and Chernomorsk. A Black Sea storm caused many to break free of their securing cables and bob to the surface, drifting south with the prevailing currents. The mines arrived in Romanian and Turkish coastal waters, posing a threat to commercial shipping and human life. In early March 2022 an Estonian general cargo ship was at anchor when it was hit below the water line by a large explosion. Six crewmen were rescued but the ship sank. One mine caused a temporary closure of the Bosphorus Straight.

Turkiye closed the Bosphorus to NATO warships, including minesweepers. Minister of Defense Hulusi Akar said, “We have a suspicion that the mines were deliberately introduced. Perhaps they were fired as part of some plan to put pressure on us in order to let NATO minesweepers [through the straits] into the Black Sea. But we are committed to the rules of the Montreux [Convention] and do not let warships enter the Black Sea."[127] Meanwhile, U.S. socialist premier Joe Biden bragged of NATO unity.[128] Turkiye has been a member of NATO since 1952.

On April 17, 2022, Turkiye launched Operation Claw-Lock against the U.S.-allied Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) terrorist organization in the Kurdistan region of Syria.

As a condition to turn Turkiye into a natural gas hub as an alternative for Russian gas supplies to Europe after the American terrorist attack on the civilian infrastructure of Germany and the Nordstream pipelines, Turkiye agreed to cease sales of weapons and Bayraktar drones to the Kyiv regime.


Portuguese units were reported on April 30, 2022, to have been deployed in Romania.


Norway attempted to violate a 100-year-old treaty by denying Russian efforts to resupply the community of Svalbard on the island of Spitzbergen.[129]


Although Victory Day celebrations over the Russian defeat of Nazism were officially banned in Latvia in 2022, in fact they turned out to be almost a “victory week” in Riga, accompanied by aggressive rhetoric glorifying Russia.[130]

Police detained a woman on May 9, 2022, who tried to lay flowers on the monument to commemorate Russian soldiers who liberated the country from Nazism in 1944.[131]

On July 6, 2022, Latvia introduced conscription and compulsory military service.[132]


Hundreds of Lithuanians raised 5.9 million euros to purchase a Turkish made Bayraktar drone for Ukraine.[133] The Lithuania military then signed a deal with the Turkish arms manufacturer for purchase of the drone.[134] In return, the Turkish arms manufacturer gifted a Bayraktar drone to the Lithuanian military.[135]

In violation of a longstanding treaty in perpetuity, Lithuania cut off rail traffic of critical materials to the Russian federal territory of Kaliningrad.[136] Lithuanian state-owned company “Lithuania Railways” implemented the ban. Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis highlighted Lithuania's loss of sovereignty in dealing with other nations since joining NATO and the EU: "This is not a Lithuanian decision. These are European sanctions that came into force on June 17, and the railways are now applying the sanctions”.[137] The Russian foreign ministry said: ‘We consider provocative measures of the Lithuanian side which violate Lithuania’s international legal obligations, primarily the 2002 Joint Statement of the Russian Federation and the European Union on transit between the Kaliningrad region and the rest of the Russian Federation, to be openly hostile.’[138]


Estonia has been referred to as "a suburb of St. Petersburg."[139]

A phone conversation between EU foreign policy chief Kathy Ashton and Estonia's foreign minister Urmas Payette which was leaked to the public on March 5, 2014, revealed the snipers who murdered the "Heavenly Hundred" were actually from the new coalition government and that Western diplomats knew this and covered it up.[140]

During the Russia-Ukraine war, Estonia's prime minister Kaja Kallas announced Estonia's accession to NATO may not have been what Estonia bargained for. Estonia would be wiped off the map and the historic centre of its capital city razed to the ground under NATO plans to defend the country from any Russian attack. NATO plans for the three Baltic states was to allow them to be overrun before allegedly 'liberating' them after 180 days, if possible.[141]


Prime Minister of the Netherlands said NATO was using Ukraine as proxy against Russia.[142] The Netherlands contribution to the War on Putin was to launch a campaign to convince the public to cut the average shower time from 10 minutes to 5 minutes.[143]

On July 6, 2022, Dutch police fired on Dutch farmers protesting environmental regulations attempting to shut down family farms.[144]


Chinese Ambassador to Iceland He Rulong and Chairman of the NATO Military Committee Admiral Rob Bauer exchanged impudence at the Arctic Circle Assembly in Reykjavik, Iceland. Ukraine became a bone of contention, Bloomberg reported the night before, October 15, 2022.

According to the agency, in his speech, Bauer said that China "does not respect the values" of the alliance, and also "undermines the world legal order," to which He Rulong pointed out to the admiral that his speech was "filled with arrogance."

Following the remark of the Chinese diplomat, the admiral asked him why, despite the importance of the principle of sovereignty for China, Beijing has not yet condemned Russia for conducting a special military operation in Ukraine. To this, He Rulong replied that China's position "on the Ukrainian crisis" takes into account the historical perspective, and the world needs to "understand the root cause" of what is happening in Ukraine. President Vladimir Putin announced on February 24, 2022, a military operation in connection with the request of the leaders of the Donbas republics for help. He stressed that Moscow's plans do not include the occupation of Ukrainian territories, and the goals are the demilitarization and denazification of the country.

The West, in response to the decision of the Russian Federation, began to gradually introduce numerous and large-scale sanctions against it and began to supply weapons and military equipment to Kyiv. Several Western politicians have acknowledged that this is, in fact, an economic war against Russia. As Putin stated on March 16, 2022, the Western sanctions policy against Moscow has all the signs of aggression. He pointed out that the policy of containment of the Russian Federation is a long-term strategy of the West.

NATO-backed foreign mercenaries[edit]

See also: NATO-backed foreign mercenaries in the Ukraine war

Foreign mercenary fighters are not protected by the Geneva Convention. When captured in a war zone, under martial law, they can be executed on the spot without trial. Under international law, they are criminals who kill people for profit. Nonetheless, these facts did not inhibit UK Foreign Minister Liz Truss, in the Russophobic hysteria gripping Western media, from actively encouraging young men across the planet to go and get themselves killed with no support of their own government which is too cowardly to involve itself and declare war,[145] and without informing these young fighters of any facts, if she indeed understood any facts that in an ordinary and sane world her job would require.[146] British Prime Minister Boris Johnson had to spend the next two months walking back her suggestion to UK citizens to violate both British and international law.[147]

On March 12, 2022, the so-called, "International Peacekeeping and Security Centre" operated by the United States at Yavoriv, about 35 miles west-northwest of Lviv in Western Ukraine and about 10 miles from the Polish border, came under cruise missile attack by Russian forces. Reports indicate there were about 1,500 foreign mercenaries being trained by NATO and awaiting deployment. WaPo reported:

The [Lviv] facility is indeed the “main training center where U.S. and Canadian troops have been working with our Ukrainian partners for the last 6-7 years,” retired Lt. Gen. Ben Hodges, who served as commander of U.S. Army Europe during the Obama and Trump administrations, said via text.[148]

The site was being used by the United States and NATO to train Ukrainian and foreign fighters. After the attack, the Ukrainian military blocked off Western news crews access to the facility for miles around.[149] Russian Defense officials claimed to have killed 180 foreign mercenaries,[150] likely Islamic State jihadis from Syria,[151] in the attack.[152] The Daily Mail confirmed the number of dead.[153] Eyewitnesses reported a large number of British mercenaries killed, and the deaths were recorded as Ukrainian deaths.[154]

Other reports surfaced of foreign nationals traveling to volunteer in the war effort were duped into signing indefinite service contracts.[155] Contracts with the Ukrainian fascist regime state those joining will be under the “same obligations” as Ukrainian men. Under martial law, the people who sign this contract from the ages of 18-60 will have to “remain in the Ukrainian foreign legion for the duration of war” – meaning they can be shot as deserters if they attempt to leave.

Despite a mercenary's legal status under existing international agreements, the Russian Federation made clear from the outset that captured foreign mercenaries recruited and trained by NATO countries would not be summarily executed, but would stand trial under the laws of the Russian Federation to document the war crimes of NATO.

Latvian neo-Nazi mercenaries in Ukraine wearing the Nazi Totenkopf or Death's Head of the SS.[156]

Nazi-backed dictator Volodymyr Zelensky invited foreign non-state combatants and mercenaries into Ukraine[157] described as "war tourists" who were used by the Ukrainian military and NATO as cannon fodder,[158] or in the words of one UK volunteer, "bullet catchers."[159] A Russian news report from April 16, 2022, states the following:[160]

“Among those captured in Ukraine there are military personnel from the countries of the North Atlantic Alliance (NATO). This was announced on Friday, April 15, by Andrei Klimov, deputy head of the commission of the United Russia party for international cooperation….“We already have prisoners among the military personnel of NATO countries, we will show all this when we conduct trials, and the whole world will see what really happened,” he said during a briefing with the media. The senator also said that there are mercenaries in Ukraine from Asia, Africa, Great Britain, the USA and other states. He recalled that mercenaries are not military personnel and they are not subject to international law.”

37 Afghan special forces from the Afghanistan Ashraf Ghani government were embedded with Azov and stuck in Azovstal. After Biden's withdrawal from Afghanistan they were sent to Ukraine by the Americans. British mercenary Aiden Aslin, known on Twitter Cossackgundi with over 64 thousand followers, was captured.[161][162] Aslin fought for the YPG in Syria for years. The best he can hope for, given his mercenary status, is a long sentence in a Russian prison.[163] In interviews with journalists, Aslin pleaded for Boris Johnson to intercede on his behalf.[164][165] A second British mercenary surrendered within a day.[166] UK officials declined to get involved leading Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova to remark, “The British leadership with unseen ease rejects the citizens of its country that are being captured...This is fantastic indeed!...Being involved in the discussion of human rights, endlessly making statements over various humanitarian situations worldwide, they literally in one second turned away from their citizens, said it was their private affair and let them get out of it any way they can”.[167]

American flag and Javelin missile captured at the Battle of Rubizhne.

Southfront reported on April 18, 2022, that the Russian MOD claimed since the start of the operation “the Kiev nationalist regime has brought 6,824 foreign mercenaries from 63 countries to Ukraine”. The largest group came from Poland – 1,717 people. About 1,500 mercenaries came from the US, Canada and also Romania. From the UK and the Georgian republic, up to 300 each. From the Turkish-controlled areas of the Syrian Arab Republic came 193 people. Moscow claimed that the number of mercenaries had been steadily declining as a result of the hostilities and currently stood at 4,877. Russian armed forces eliminated 1,035 foreign mercenaries in hostilities. Another 912 mercenaries refused to participate in hostilities and deserted.[168] In early spring 2022 NATO military personnel continued to arrive in Ukraine under the guise of foreign volunteers or mercenaries.

Seven US mercenaries who were fighting with Kyiv forces were killed at the Krasitel plant in Rubizhne city, an assistant to the head of Chechnya, told RIA Novosti on May 15, 2022. Footage showing the passport of one of the slain mercenaries, reportedly an agent of the US intelligence, surfaced online earlier.[169]

On June 2, 2022, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported:

"According to the data that we have, today the total number of foreign mercenaries in Ukraine has almost halved - from 6,600 to 3,500 people. The Kiev regime's urgent attempts to guarantee legal protection to mercenaries, including them in the list of military units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine or the National Guard, or issuing them new passports of Ukrainian citizens, will not save any of them. In accordance with international humanitarian law, mercenaries are not combatants, and the best that awaits them is criminal liability.”

On June 15, 2022, the Russian armed services created a website with a searchable database of all known mercenaries in Ukraine. The purpose was to give mercenaries the opportunity to surrender voluntarily and possibly an exit out of the war zone if they have not participated in hostilities. It also allows for tips from the public to report on mercenaries in the warzone that are not yet listed. The status of whether they dead or alive can also be determined from the site.[170]

Racist treatment of African mercenaries[edit]
Former Commissioner for Ethno-National Policy in the Ukrainian Cabinet of Ministers instructed doctors to castrate Russian POWs "because they are cockroaches, not human."[171]

In February 2022 the Kyiv regime sent an emergency request to Black African nations for mercenaries. The Ukrainian embassy in Algeria and Senegal made a racist call to arms on Facebook that said anyone who wants to join the defense of security in Europe and in the world can come and stand alongside the Ukrainians against the invaders of the 21st century. The post also invited interested persons to fill out a form. The Facebook post triggered a diplomatic reaction in both of nations. Algeria's foreign ministry was told the embassy to withdraw the illegal and racist Facebook post immediately and it accused Kyiv of violating the provisions of the Viena Convention on Diplomatic Relations between states.

The Kyiv regime's efforts to hire black Senegalese people to fight the Russians on the battlefield also faced similar resistance from the Senegalese government. the Senegalese Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the recruitment of volunteer mercenaries or foreign fighters on the territory of the country was illegal and liable to the penalties provided by the law.

As for media reports. the Kyiv regime was paying a sum ranging from $1,000 to $2,000 per day to foreign fighters along with other post-war benefits, assuming they win. Some white European fighters however, were being paid up to $3,000 per day for the same job. Other reports said that Ukraine was encouraging Islamic State fighters in Syria to fight alongside the Ukrainian military against Russia.

DPR President Denis Pushilin reported Moroccan mercenaries were held up in Azovstal.

On May 2, 2022 Japanese mercenaries were reported to have been recruited by Ukraine to kill for money.[172]

Origins and mission creep[edit]

NATO originally was not part of President Franklin Roosevelt's 'Grand Design' for the post-World War II era, which included the United Nations and the International Monetary Fund. Roosevelt's original intention was to institutionalize the military alliance of the Big Three - the United States, the British Empire, and Russia - to keep the peace after the defeat of the Axis Powers. The failure of Soviet-communist occupied countries to adhere to the right of self-determination and hold elections caused the Angelo-American alliance to dust off the 1941 Atlantic Charter and formalize it into a treaty organization. By 1950, the United Nations was at war with itself, where the UN Security Council voted to send "UN troops" to combat the Soviet-backed North Korean regime, a Resolution the Soviet Union could have easily vetoed.

‘Value for Money’: How to kill 625,000 people for just $0.29 cost per death.

The NATO alliance is in no way a military adjunct arm of the UN Security Council, which progressives in government and fake news media attempted to create the illusion during the Obama administration's Libyan War. NATO was created to defend Europe, not to wage offensive war in Africa.

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization was established after the failure of the United Nations Organization to bring about democratic elections and "self determination of peoples" in Eastern Europe shortly after World War II in 1949. The original members consisted of ten European countries, the United States, and Canada. These countries formed the alliance to further the goal of security in the North Atlantic region, and they did this by ingraining the principal that an attack against one member would be considered an attack against all. Therefore, all would respond with support to the attacked nation. The first secretary-general of NATO, Lord Ismay, once quipped, NATO's purpose in Europe was “to keep the Russians out, the Americans in, and the Germans down."

NATO was created to short-circuit the delays the United States endured from domestic non-interventionists in entering two world wars on behalf of Great Britain. Should Britain perceive an attack again in the future, either from Germany or the Soviet Union, America would immediately be involved without any Congressional debate or public opinion polling. This is where the concept of "an attack against one is an attack against all" originated. Some critics quipped it effectively made Great Britain the 51st state.

In 1952 NATO began its first round of enlargement of the early alliance's history, letting in Greece and Turkey. By 1968, those two members were at war with each other.

In 1982 the Falklands War presented a special problem for NATO. When the United Kingdom perceived an attack against the Falkland Islands, it did not invoke Article 5. The Falkland Islands fell under the rubric of the Monroe Doctrine and other defensive alliances the United States has through the Organization of American States. Argentina claimed the Falklands as their own, and the United Kingdom sent an invasion fleet to "liberate" the English-speaking colony.

In 2006, Ivo H. Daalder, the current President of the Chicago Council on Global Affairs and previously the U.S. Permanent Representative on the Council of NATO (2009-2013), published with co-author James Goldgeier a proposal for a "Global NATO" in the globalist magazine Foreign Affairs.

NATO Members[edit]

Austria is a European country that never joined NATO.[173] Under the Austrian State Treaty (May 15, 1955), the Soviet Union withdrew its troops under the promise that Austria would declare its neutrality and remain a buffer between Western Europe and Eastern Europe.[174] This was the only treaty signed by both the Soviet Union and United States in the entire decade following the 1947 Paris Peace Treaties.

Nearly all of the remainder of Western Europe has joined NATO, with the additional exceptions (among large countries) of Switzerland, Ireland, Sweden, and Finland, though, following the Russian Federation's Special Operation in Ukraine, the latter two are reconsidering. Ireland belongs to the EU Battle group and has participated with some NATO led missions under a UN mandate. Support for joining Nato has increased recently in the Republic of Ireland

NATO spending in 2018.
NATO Member NATO Summit Expansion Year
Belgium Founder Original Member, 1949
Canada Founder Original Member, 1949
Denmark Founder Original Member, 1949
France Founder Original Member, 1949
Iceland Founder Original Member, 1949
Italy Founder Original Member, 1949
Luxembourg Founder Original Member, 1949
Netherlands Founder Original Member, 1949
Norway Founder Original Member, 1949
Portugal Founder Original Member, 1949
United Kingdom Founder Original Member, 1949
United States Founder Original Member, 1949
Greece First Round, 1952
Turkey First Round, 1952
Germany Second Round, 1955
Spain Third Round, 1982
Czech Republic Washington, D.C. Fourth Round, 1999
Hungary Washington, D.C. Fourth Round, 1999
Poland Washington, D.C. Fourth Round, 1999
Bulgaria Washington, D.C. Fifth Round, 2004
Estonia Istanbul, Turkey Fifth Round, 2004
Latvia Istanbul, Turkey Fifth Round, 2004
Lithuania Istanbul, Turkey Fifth Round, 2004
Romania Istanbul, Turkey Fifth Round, 2004
Slovakia Istanbul, Turkey Fifth Round, 2004
Slovenia Istanbul, Turkey Fifth Round, 2004
Albania Bucharest, Romania Sixth Round, 2008
Croatia Bucharest, Romania Sixth Round, 2008
Montenegro Seventh Round, 2017

Soviet reaction[edit]

NATO acceptance of European countries led Soviet Russia in 1955 to set up a counter organization, The Warsaw Treaty Organization (or Warsaw Pact). Common defense, the ongoing MAD strategy, and economic crisis led the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact to its demise. NATO's transatlantic relations and prevention were key to the end of the Cold War, and the beginning of an interlinking of United States and European policies, which still remains to this day.

Post-Cold war expansion and aggression[edit]

The crowning achievements of Presidents Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev was the signing of the long sought-after Treaty on Intermediate Nuclear Forces (INF Treaty) in 1988. The treaty banned placement of nuclear missiles with a range of 1,000 to 5,000 kilometers near each other's borders or the capital cities of allies. This agreement paved the way for the end of the Cold War.

When the Cold War ended, NATO or ‘the collective West’, began promoting an aggressive ideology of organized violence, a politically- economically- and militarily-enforced doctrine known as ‘globalism’. After the Kosovo bombing in 1998,[175] the use of NATO to wage aggressive war called into question the very reason for the organization's existence.[176] Some called for the abolishment of the organization, stating that it had lost it original purpose.

With the collapse of the Warsaw Pact in 1991, despite assurances from the collective West to the Russian Federation that it would not move eastward, NATO violated those agreements anyway and absorbed former Warsaw Pact countries in Central European countries. These included Poland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, buttressing up against the borders of the Russian Federation where intermediate nuclear missiles (1,000 to 5,000 km range) could be placed in violation of the 1988 INF Treaty. Slovakia, Slovenia, Bulgaria and Romania also joined the alliance, resulting in an organization of 26 nations. This spark of expansion was seen as an offensive move by Russia and caused a rift in the NATO and Russian relations. The Russian lower house released to the press a statement, "At present we are debating the draft statement of the State Duma which we are planning to adopt in connection with NATO's expansion in Europe. Our opinion is equivocal that this act is erroneous. I think that this is a big historical mistake on the part of western states."

After dangling the bait of NATO membership before Ukraine for fourteen years, NATO was compelled to confess that it would not be able to come to the defense of Ukraine in case of any Russian military invasion because Article 5 only allowed collective defense to be invoked for NATO members, which Ukraine is not. Any sanction package that targets Russian energy and/or access to banking institutions would hurt Europe far more than Russia. There is no viable alternative for Europe to Russian energy supplies. The U.S. cannot compete with Russia in terms of price and volume when it comes to home heating oil and natural gas deliveries.

NATO expansion: Russia reaction[edit]

NATO expansion since the Clinton era represents a betrayal of the international agreements that ended the Cold War, caused the Fall of the Wall, and collapse of Soviet communism. Western oligarchs and neo-fascist global interests have profited immeasurably from ending the Cold War and betraying security agreements made with the Russian Federation in the late 1980s and early 1990s.

To assent to the reunification of Germany, Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev ultimately agreed to a proposal from then U.S. Secretary of State James Baker (DOS) that a reunited Germany would be part of NATO but the military alliance would not move “one inch” to the east, that is, absorb any of the former Warsaw Pact nations into NATO.

On Feb. 9, 1990, Baker said: “We consider that the consultations and discussions in the framework of the 2+4 mechanism should give a guarantee that the reunification of Germany will not lead to the enlargement of NATO’s military organization to the East.” On the next day, then German Chancellor Helmut Kohl said: “We consider that NATO should not enlarge its sphere of activity.”[177] Gorbachev's mistake was not to get it in writing as a legally-binding agreement.[178]

Gorbachev and Yeltsin agreed to collapsing the Soviet Union in exchange for a non-NATO expansion pledge. In 2021 NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg denied such agreements ever existed or discussions even took place.[179]
“U.S. Secretary of State James Baker’s famous ‘not one inch eastward’ assurance about NATO expansion in his meeting with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev on February 9, 1990, was part of a cascade of assurances about Soviet security given by Western leaders to Gorbachev and other Soviet officials throughout the process of German unification in 1990 and on into 1991, according to declassified U.S., Soviet, German, British and French documents …

The documents show that multiple national leaders were considering and rejecting Central and Eastern European membership in NATO as of early 1990 and through 1991, that discussions of NATO in the context of German unification negotiations in 1990 were not at all narrowly limited to the status of East German territory, and that subsequent Soviet and Russian complaints about being misled about NATO expansion were founded in written contemporaneous memcons and telcons at the highest levels. … The documents reinforce former CIA Director Robert Gates’s criticism of ‘pressing ahead with expansion of NATO eastward [in the 1990s], when Gorbachev and others were led to believe that wouldn’t happen.’ …

President George H.W. Bush had assured Gorbachev during the Malta summit in December 1989 that the U.S. would not take advantage (‘I have not jumped up and down on the Berlin Wall”) of the revolutions in Eastern Europe to harm Soviet interests.’”[180]

The minutes of a March 6, 1991 meeting in Bonn, West Germany between political directors of the foreign ministries of the US, UK, France, and Germany contain multiple references to “2+4” talks on German unification in which Western officials made it “clear” to the Soviet Union that NATO would not push into territory east of Germany. “We made it clear to the Soviet Union – in the 2+4 talks, as well as in other negotiations – that we do not intend to benefit from the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Eastern Europe,” the document in British foreign ministry archives quotes US Assistant Secretary of State for Europe and Canada Raymond Seitz. “NATO should not expand to the east, either officially or unofficially,” Seitz added. A British representative also mentions the existence of a “general agreement” that membership of NATO for eastern European countries is “unacceptable.”[181]

In May 1995 President Bill Clinton was invited to Moscow for the 50th anniversary celebrations of the victory over Hitler. In Moscow, Russian President Boris Yeltsin berated Clinton about NATO expansion, seeing “nothing but humiliation” for Russia: “For me to agree to the borders of NATO expanding towards those of Russia – that would constitute a betrayal on my part of the Russian people.”[182]

After the Soviet Union collapsed depriving NATO of its original reason for existence, skeptics of the alliance included liberals as much as conservatives. In 1998, 10 Democratic Senators joined nine Republicans in opposing the first, fateful round of NATO enlargement with Hungary, the Czech Republic, and Poland added, extending the alliance to Russia's border. Among the dissenters was Senator Paul Wellstone of Minnesota. In between voting against the first Iraq war in 1991 and the second after Sept. 11, Sen. Wellstone warned that expanding NATO would jeopardize Europe's hard-won gains. “There is peace between states in Europe, between nations in Europe, for the first time in centuries,” he said. “We do not have a divided Europe, and I worry about a NATO expansion which could redivide Europe and again poison relations with Russia.”[183]

Vladimir Putin assumed office as the president of Russia on the last day of 1999. In an interview with David Frost broadcast on the BBC on March 13, 2000, Putin expressed his desire to see Russia join NATO:[184]

Frost: Tell me about your views on NATO, if you would. Do you see NATO as a potential partner, or rival, or an enemy?

Putin: Russia is a part of European culture. I simply cannot see my country isolated from Europe, from what we often describe as the civilized world. That is why it is hard for me to regard NATO as an enemy. I think that such a perception has nothing good in store for Russia and the rest of the world. ...

We strive for equal cooperation, partnership, we believe that it is possible to speak even about higher levels of integration with NATO. But only, I repeat, if Russia is an equal partner. As you know, we constantly express our negative attitude to NATO's expansion to the East. ...

Frost: Is it possible that Russia will ever join NATO?

Putin: Why not? I do not rule out such a possibility. I repeat, on condition that Russia's interests are going to be taken into account, if Russia becomes a full-fledged partner. I want to specially emphasize this. ...

When we say that we object to NATO's expansion to the East, we are not expressing any special ambitions of our own, ambitions in respect of some regions of the world. ... By the way, we have never declared any part of the world a zone of our national interests. Personally, I prefer to speak about strategic partnership. The zone of strategic interests of any particular region means first of all the interests of the people who live in that region. ...

Within hours after the September 11, 2001 attacks, Vladimir Putin was the first foreign leader to call President George W. Bush and offer sympathy and support for what became the first invocation of NATO Article V, "an attack against one is an attack against all."[185] Putin announced a five-point plan to support the war on terror, pledging that the Russian government would (1) share intelligence with their American counterparts, (2) open Russian airspace for flights providing humanitarian assistance (3) cooperate with Russia's Central Asian allies in Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan to provide similar kinds of airspace access to American flights, (4) participate in international search and rescue efforts, and (5) increase direct assistance -humanitarian as well as military assistance—to the Afghan Northern Alliance. The intelligence Putin shared, including data that helped American forces find their way around Kabul and logistical information about Afghanistan's topography and caves, contributed to the success of operation and rout of the Taliban. Two weeks after the attacks, Putin was invited to make a speech to a Special Session of the Bundestag, the first ever by a Russian head of state to the German parliament.[186] Among the numerous subjects Putin addressed in fluent German was peace and stability in the common European home:

"But what are we lacking today for cooperation to be efficient?

In spite of all the positive achievements of the past decades, we have not yet developed an efficient mechanism for working together.

The coordinating agencies set up so far do not offer Russia real opportunities for taking part in drafting and taking decision. Today decisions are often taken, in principle, without our participation, and we are only urged afterwards to support such decisions. After that they talk again about loyalty to NATO. They even say that such decisions cannot be implemented without Russia. Let us ask ourselves: is this normal? Is this true partnership?

Yes, the assertion of democratic principles in international relations, the ability to find a correct decision and readiness for compromise are a difficult thing. But then, it was the Europeans who were the first to understand how important it is to look for consensus over and above national egoism. We agree with that! All these are good ideas. However, the quality of decisions that are taken, their efficiency and, ultimately, European and international security in general depend on the extent to which we succeed today in translating these obvious principles into practical politics.

It seemed just recently that a truly common home would shortly rise on the continent, a home in which the Europeans would not be divided into eastern or western, northern or southern. However, these divides will remain, primarily because we have never fully shed many of the Cold War stereotypes and cliches.

Today we must say once and for all: the Cold War is done with! We have entered a new stage of development. We understand that without a modern, sound and sustainable security architecture we will never be able to create an atmosphere of trust on the continent, and without that atmosphere of trust there can be no united Greater Europe! Today we must say that we renounce our stereotypes and ambitions and from now on will jointly work for the security of the people of Europe and the world as a whole.

In 2004 the Baltic states - Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia joined NATO, setting up another common border between the Russian Federation and a NATO state. Three years later, at the Munich Security Conference, Putin declared, “We have the right to ask: against whom is this [NATO] expansion intended? And what happened to the assurances our western partners made after the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact? Where are those declarations today? No one even remembers them.”[187] In 2008 NATO said Ukraine and Georgia would become members. Four other Eastern European states joined NATO in 2009.

Finland and Sweden[edit]

Nations aren't given a choice to join. They either join or the US removes the government and installs one that will. Neither Sweden nor Finland face any threat from any nations, let alone Russia. The Finns, however, remember the unprovoked Soviet invasion of 1939. The Russians by contrast, recall the Finns along with their Nazi allies encirclement in the Siege of Leningrad wherein 1.2 million civilians starved to death.[188]

The supposed “threat” is that Russia has invaded Ukraine “without provocation” and could invade anyone else next - the same “WMD” lie to advance American foreign policy objectives. NATO has waged a proxy war of aggression against the ethnic Russians of Donbas since 2014.[189] Neither the Swedish or Finnish government would allow a democratic referendum for the citizens of both countries to decide if they wanted to join the militaristic alliance,[190][191] although even politicians opposed to joining NATO have changed their minds because of pressure from the electorate, according to the globalist BBC propaganda rag.[192] With Sweden and Finland joining NATO, both countries will be less secure and give up their foreign policy sovereignty to the delusional megalomaniacs of Washington, D.C.. NATO expansion is a factor of US hegemony - an unwillingness to accept multipolarism and its attempt to continue imposing unipolar primacy.

Russia warned of a "military-technical" response if Finland joined NATO[193] - the same language Russia used to warn Ukraine against joining NATO two months before the Russian incursion into Ukraine.[194] Turkish President Recep Erdoğan warned that "Scandinavian countries are 'guesthouses' for terrorist organizations."[195] Critics warned that after many years of discussion about the "Finlandization of Ukraine... we are now much closer to the Ukraine-ization of Finland."[196]

According to a leaked U.S. State Department memo Finland and Sweden were being targeted for classification as human rights abusers in accordance with Biden's Executive Order 14075 from June 2022 that instructs agencies of the federal government to do what they can to stop “conversion therapy” for “LGBTQI+” people.[197]

NATO aggression - Libya[edit]

See also: Libyan war and Obama war crimes
Architects of the humanitarian catastrophe in Libya - Samantha Power (top) Susan Rice (left) and Hillary Clinton (right). President Obama initially billed US intervention "to prevent a humanitarian catastrophe," however after Gaddafi's murder the Black-African slave trade re-emerged in open slave markets in Libya.[198] NATO was used to give cover for the Obama administration's direct involvement.

In 2011 NATO lent its name to Western globalists to wage a war of aggression in Libya totally outside NATO's purview and mission.[199] As a direct consequence of NATO's illegal intervention, the black African slave trade was reborn in Africa.[200]

UN Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1973 of March 17, 2011 followed on the heels of Gaddafi's public threat on March 2, 2011, to throw western oil companies out of Libya, and his invitation on March 14 to Chinese, Russian, and Indian firms to produce Libyan oil in their place.[201] China, Russia, India and Brazil all abstained on UNSC Resolution 1973.

Resolution 1973 authorized strict limitations, according to international law, on NATO as the organization with responsibility for the implementation of the resolution. Particularly, it provided only for a naval blockade enforcing the arms embargo, and enforcement of a no-fly zone. On March 29, 2011, Russian envoy Dmitry Rogozin commented after a meeting with NATO officials in Brussels, Belgium, that Russia expressed deep concern over the interpretation of the Security Council's resolution, as some countries have effectively turned it into an approval for ground operations.

Moscow has many questions about how the UN Security Council’s resolution is being carried out...First of all, there are reports that civilians have been killed in the air strikes. This is odd if you consider the message of the resolution, which says that the foreign forces’ actions should protect civilians. So it’s hard to comprehend how you can protect civilians by killing them....we demanded that the UN Security Council be fully informed about the actions of the alliance in Libya at all times... We have reports of air strikes against convoys far from the front line. This is a far cry from the UN Security Council resolution.[202]

The French and the British described plans for a wargames exercise for an attack on Libya in November 2010, in the end they used those military assets that had been mobilized for the real thing 3 months ago. NATO doesn't just go and bomb a country over night, these things are planned far in advance, and in this case there is conclusive evidence that there have been plans for this for many many years.[203]

Despite France taking the lead role in the intervention, the Congressional Research Service reports, "Only the United States and NATO possess the command and control capabilities necessary for coalition operations enforcing the no-fly zone over Libya." France only recently rejoined the NATO alliance, in 2008, after a 40-year absence. The Congressional Research Service, which analyzes information and prepares reports for members of Congress, also states,

In spite of statements underscoring NATO unity on steps announced to date, the initial planning and operational phases were also marked by significant levels of discord within Europe and NATO on the aims and future direction of the mission. A key point of contention was reportedly the amount of flexibility that NATO forces would be granted to protect civilians and civilian areas, as called for in paragraph 4 of UNSCR 1973. Reports indicate that French officials insisted on maintaining the ability to strike ground forces that threatened civilian areas, while their Turkish counterparts vocally opposed any targeting of ground forces. Adding to the strain within NATO, NATO ally Germany abstained from UNSCR 1973 and, opposed to any potential combat operation, on March 23, withdrew its naval assets in the Mediterranean from NATO command. Throughout the first week of operations, other European allies contributing to the mission, including Italy and Norway, expressed increasing frustration with the lack of agreement within NATO, with Norway refusing to deploy its fighter jets unless under they were under NATO command and control.[204]
NATO air strike on Tripoli, Libya.

Of Nato's 28 members, 14 are said to be "actively participating," but only 6 have provided military support. Of the 22-country Arab League, whose appeal prompted the United Nations to vote on intervention, only Qatar and the United Arab Emirates are involved. Of the 192 members of the UN General Assembly, who all have a legal "responsibility to protect" civilians attacked by their own governments, only Sweden has responded.[205]

NATO planes and ships began striking cities and military installations in Libya in mid-March, 2011. Allied military officials have spoke of the need for escalation to help protect Libyan civilians and called for Gaddafi to step down. Libyan officials said that NATO is picked sides in a civil war and complained that strikes on Gaddafi's Tripoli compound were attempts to assassinate the leader of a sovereign country. NATO launched its largest airstrike against Moammar Gaddafi's regime on May 24, 2011, with at least 15 massive explosions rocking the Libyan capital. [1]

On May 15, two months into the NATO bombing campaign against loyal Gaddafi's forces, Britain's top military commander said that the Libyan leader could remain “clinging to power” unless NATO broadened its bombing targets to include the country's infrastructure.[206]

On Jun 18, 2011 Prime minister of Libya Al-Baghdadi al-Mahmoudi accused NATO of a "new level of aggression" over the past 72 hours in which he said the military alliance intentionally targeted civilian buildings, including a hotel and a university. "It has become clear to us that NATO has moved on to deliberately hitting civilian buildings. ... This is a crime against humanity," he told reporters in the capital. Libya's Health Ministry released new casualty figures that put the number of civilians killed in NATO air strikes through to June 7 at 856.[207]

EU Member of Parliament Clare Daly reminded her fellow lawmakers:

“The NATO intervention in Libya, carried out in the name of protecting freedom, democracy and human rights, is one we’d do well to remember as NATO plays out its proxy war in Ukraine in the name of, you’ve guessed it, freedom, democracy and human rights...What happens after NATO intervenes in your country on this basis?...Terror, death, lawlessness, rape, poverty, starvation…Libya is a country riven by conflict, its economy shattered, its population – formerly the wealthiest in Africa – ridden and mired in poverty...Migrants are bought and sold in slave markets...It’s a country of mass graves, of crimes against humanity...This is NATO’s legacy”.[208]

Article 5 invoked first time - Afghanistan[edit]

See also: Rape of Afghanistan
Reuters from 2010. NATO withdrew from Afghanistan after the country was destroyed without delivering freedom or democracy.[209]

NATO began to look for its new goal in the 21 century. After the attacks on the World Trade Centers and Pentagon on September 11, 2001, NATO countries quickly responded by aiding the United States, as they had promised in Article Five of their founding treaty. AWACS airplanes were sent on surveillance, and NATO began its first and only article five mission to this day, Operation Active Endeavor, which was a Maritime mission to protect the Mediterranean from terrorist operations and drug and WMD trafficking.

After the end of the Cold War, European defense spending had weakened and its military lacked technology and modernization. In 2002, NATO met for its annual summit, which was held in Prague. The 19 country alliance made a list of improvements that its members needed to make in order to effectively fight the war on terror, these improvements called for, among other thing, a NATO Military Concept for Defense against Terrorism. NATO members also took steps to modernize there forces, all 19 countries agreed to spend at least 2% of their GDP on defense. NATO also agreed on its new focus, terrorism. As Spain's former prime minister José María Aznar, said, “Jihadism has replaced Communism, as Communism replaced Nazism, as an existential threat to the liberal democracies.”

NATO took command and co-ordination of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in August 2003. When NATO and some non-member states joined (such as Australia and Japan), the initial mission was limited to Kabul, but soon expanded. In 2006, when NATO took over full command over the Afghanistan operation, the Taliban began a major campaign. Commanders complained that their forces were being restricted by national restrictions, and that they needed more troops. In November 2006, at another NATO summit in Riga, NATO countries removed 15% of restrictions placed on troops. NATO called on member governments to provide more troops to their mission in Afghanistan, but several countries had their resources stretched thin in Kosovo, as well as their mission in Iraq of training the new Iraqi government's security force.

The Financial Times wrote:[210]

"After the fall of Kabul, EU defence and security officials have been strikingly critical of the US decision to send home its troops, arguing it has weakened Nato and raised questions about Europe’s security dependence on Washington."

Lord Peter Ricketts, the UK’s former national security adviser, said. “It looks like Nato has been completely overtaken by American unilateral decisions...The Afghanistan operation was always going to end some time, it was never going to go on forever, but the manner in which it’s been done has been humiliating and damaging to Nato.”

Serbia - wag the dog[edit]

Joe Biden war crimes in Serbia.[211]
See also: Clinton administration

In 1998, President Bill Clinton attempted to justify NATO's continued existence as a distraction from the impeachment movement against him.[212] Under Clinton, the United States led its NATO allies on a bombing campaign allegedly to stop Yugoslav President Slobodan Milošević's ethnic cleansing of the Albanians inside of Kosovo. The mission in Kosovo did not go as well as planned. After the air strikes, havoc reigned over Kosovo, abuses continued and human rights organizations listed abuses committed by the Alliance members during the campaign. In an attempt to solve the violence, NATO countries and the United Nations took on a mission to stabilize and reconstruct the country. The NATO intervention was illegal, destructive, and based on fraudulent claims.[213]

James Bissett, a former Canadian ambassador to Yugoslavia, Bulgaria and Albania, wrote: "the Central Intelligence Agency assisted by the British Special Air Service were training KLA members in Albania and in the summer of 1998 sending them back into Kosovo to assassinate Serbian mayors, ambush Serbian policemen and intimidate hesitant Kosovo Albanians. The aim was to destabilize Kosovo and overthrow Serbian strongman Slobodan Milosevic... The hope was that with Kosovo in flames NATO could intervene ..." [214]

NATO deliberately bombed the People's Republic of China (PRC) embassy in Belgrade,[215] which provoked a militarization of the PRC in subsequent decades.[216]

According to the US Department of Defense's Law of War Manual which points out that “attacks that are otherwise lawful are “not rendered unlawful if they happen to result in diminished civilian morale.” It then cites with approval a 2002 commentary about NATO's war on Serbia from a former DoD General Counsel regarding the strikes on Serbian electrical infrastructure: “I will readily admit that, aside from directly damaging the military electrical power infrastructure, NATO wanted the civilian population to experience discomfort, so that the population would pressure Milosevic and the Serbian leadership."[217]

NATO Spokesman James Shea justifying NATO's systemic attacks on Serbian electrical and water infrastructure: “Yes, I'm afraid electricity also drives command and control systems. If President Milosevic really wants all of his population to have water and electricity all he has to do is accept NATO's five conditions and we will stop this campaign. But as long as he doesn't do so we will continue to attack those targets which provide the electricity for his armed forces. If that has civilian consequences, it's for him to deal with…”[218]

NATO war crimes[edit]

Apartment building burns in Belgrade in 1999. The building caught fire as residents were cooking with firewood during a power blackout after NATO air raids on power grid in Serbia.

On May 25, 1999 The Washington Post reported, NATO Warplanes Jolt Yugoslav Power Grid.[219] According to Professor Robert Hayden from the University of Pittsburgh:

"NATO's attacks have been aimed against civilian targets since literally the first night of the bombing, when a tractor factory in the Belgrade suburb of Rakovica was destroyed by cruise missiles. Since then NATO targets have included roads, railroad tracks and bridges hundreds of miles from Kosovo, power plants, factories of many kinds, food processing and sugar processing plants, water pumping stations, cigarette factories, central heating plants for civilian apartment blocks, television studios, post offices, non-military government administrative buildings, ski resorts, government official residences, oil refineries, civilian airports, gas stations, and chemical plants. NATO's strategy is not to attack Yugoslavia's army directly, but rather to destroy Yugoslavia itself, in order to weaken the army. With this strategy it is military losses that are "collateral damage," because most of the attacks are aimed at civilian targets."

The level of damage done to clearly non-military infrastructural targets in Serbia would seem to render NATO military commanders and at least some NATO political leaders liable to the same charge that was made against Ratko Mladi and Radovan Karadi by the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY), "extensive destruction of property:" that they individually and in concert with others planned, instigated, ordered or otherwise aided and abetted in the planning, preparation or execution of the extensive, wanton and unlawful destruction of ... property, not justified by military necessity or knew or had reason to know that subordinates were about to destroy or permit others to destroy ... property or had done so and failed to take necessary and reasonable measures to prevent this destruction or to punish the perpetrators thereof."

The war supposedly in defense of human rights has produced war crimes by NATO, and a civilian casualty rate that is at least three time higher than the casualty rate of the "intolerable" violations of human rights that NATO was supposedly acting to correct.[220]

NATO used depleted uranium, or nuclear waste, during its aggression.

See also[edit]

External links[edit]


  3. Multiple references:
    • McManus, John F. (November 22, 2017). The Truth About NATO. The New American. Retrieved December 26, 2017.
    • McManus, John F. (December 18, 2019). NATO’s Real Purpose. The New American. Retrieved December 18, 2019.
  5. Why America’s Defense Budget Is Bigger Than You Think
  6. NATO Is Full of Freeloaders. But It’s How We Defend the Free World., New York Times, Dec. 5, 2019
  7. Steve Bannon: Donald Trump is trying to save NATO, doesn't want protectorate, CNBC Television
  8. NATO Is Full of Freeloaders. But It’s How We Defend the Free World., New York Times, Dec. 5, 2019
  9. Defence spending pledges by NATO members since Russia invaded Ukraine, Published Thursday, 11 August 2022
  16. NATO also caused the subsequent imprisonment of its president Slobodan Milosevic until he died in prison after being denied his request for medical care.
  20. Retrieved August 7, 2019.
  34. Robert Parry: The Mess That Nuland Made, 2018 Consortium News.
  46. Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg: NATO allies have supported the,invasion and invading Russian forces
  86. Odessa, Ukraine: Right sector attacks trade union building, kills 43, Ukraine Human Rights
  178. For years it was believed there was no written record of the Baker-Gorbachev exchange at all, until the National Security Archive at George Washington University in December 2017 published a series of memos and cables about these assurances against NATO expansion eastward.
  188. Kirschenbaum, Lisa A. (2006). The Legacy of the Siege of Leningrad, 1941–1995: Myth, Memories, and Monuments. Cambridge University Press, 44. ISBN 9781139460651. “The blockade began two days later when German and Finnish troops severed all land routes in and out of Leningrad.” 
  192. "Are Sweden and Finland going from neutral to Nato?" Phelan Chatterjee BBC News
  201. Gaddafi offers Libyan oil production to India, Russia, China, Agence France-Presse, March 14, 2011.
  203. Letter from Libya to a close friend June 4, 2011.
  204. Operation Odyssey Dawn (Libya): Background and Issues for Congress, Congressional Research Service, March 30, 2011, p. 20 pdf.
  207. Gaddafi rages at NATO after bombing.
  210. Nato allies urge rethink on alliance after Biden’s ‘unilateral’ Afghanistan exit, Financial Times, Helen Warrell in London, Guy Chazan in Berlin and Richard Milne in Stockholm AUGUST 17 2021.
  213. The U.S.-NATO Military Intervention in Kosovo.
  214. The United Nations:Chief Instrument of Russia's Errors by Cornelia R. Ferreira. CATHOLIC APOLOGETICS.
  219. NATO Warplanes Jolt Yugoslav Power Grid, By Philip Bennett and Steve Coll, Washington Post, May 25, 1999.
  220. Humanitarian Hypocrisy. University of Pittsburgh.

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