Al Gore

From Conservapedia
Albert Arnold “Al” Gore, Jr.
45th Vice-President of the United States
Term of office
January 20, 1993 - January 20, 2001
Political party Democratic
President Bill Clinton
Preceded by Dan Quayle
Succeeded by Dick Cheney
Born March 31, 1948
Spouse Tipper Gore (divorced)
Religion Southern Baptist

Albert Arnold “Al” Gore, Jr. (born March 31, 1948) is the unqualified but leading cheerleader for the "global warming" hoax and its leftist agenda of increasing government regulation over energy production and use. He was given the Nobel prize for his Chicken Little-like claims about a "global warming" crisis that subsequently did not occur. Gore was among the first of 21st century election deniers.

Gore has spread alarmist propaganda, proclaiming the end of the world. Gore likes to say that "The Earth has a fever" [1] and is making millions of dollars through his hucksterism.[2] He has no degree in atmospheric sciences, meteorology, physics, chemistry, biology, or climatology. Gore took two science classes as an undergraduate, scoring a "C+" in one and a "D" in the other.[3][4] Charlie Munger mentioned that Gore is "an idiot" but became wealthy through a simple investment formula.[5]

Gore was the Democrat Party's candidate for president in the 2000 election, running on a ticket with Sen. Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut. Gore contested the results in Florida.

Prior to that Gore was the 45th Vice President of the United States (1993–2001), a successor to Dan Quayle and followed by Dick Cheney.

Previously Gore, who merely rode on the coattails of the famous political name built by his segregationist father, held positions in the House of Representatives and the Senate spanning 1977–85 and 1985–193 respectively, as his father had done.

During the 2000 presidential election, Gore claimed that his father lost the 1970 Senate election in Tennessee because he supported civil rights;[6] Al Gore, Sr. voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964[7] to appeal to segregationist sentiment in a tough re-election bid that year and lost in 1970 over issues like school prayer.[8]


In his early life, Gore attended Harvard University and (briefly) Vanderbilt University. At Vanderbilt Divinity School, he failed five out of eight classes and then dropped out.[9]

He served in the United States Army and worked as a war correspondent during the Vietnam War.[10] He was married to activist Tipper Gore, but the two announced on 6/1/2010 that they were separating after forty years of marriage.[11]

Political career[edit]

Al Gore followed his father, Albert Gore, Sr. a Democrat Senator from Tennessee, into Congress. His father was a supporter of the New Deal and the opponent of Brown v. Board of Education who was finally defeated by Bill Brock in 1970, despite having sent his son to Vietnam in order to bolster the Gore senatorial campaign.[12]

Al Gore supported Clarence Thomas for the Supreme Court and, along with his wife, opposed offensive lyrics in rock music. Gore is the author of The Assault on Reason.

Gore ran for president in 1988 but was defeated in the presidential primaries by Michael Dukakis of Massachusetts. Gore then continued to serve in the Senate.[13]

Russian collusion[edit]

Billionaire Armand Hammer worked for the KGB for most of the 20th century. Hammer's main protégé in Washington, D.C., was Senator Al Gore, Sr. Hammer subsidized the elder Gore for decades and played a significant role in the rise of Senator Al Gore, Jr. as well. This was known to U.S. counterintelligence and was no secret in Washington.

Rep. Al Gore, Jr., invited Hammer to President Ronald Reagan's 1981 inauguration as his personal guest.

Questions lingered about the Gore-Hammer relationship after the oligarch’s death in 1990, though the liberal media ignored it through the eight years when, as Bill Clinton’s vice president, Gore was in the White House.

When Gore ran for president in 2000, the MSM never pried into Gore’s Kremlin linkages. The New York Times published a piece about the questionable Gore-Hammer business relationship, illuminating that both Gore Sr., whom the FBI once wanted to prosecute as a Soviet agent, and Gore Jr. repeatedly helped Hammer in exchange for sweetheart deals and cash. The New York Times never once mentioned the KGB.[14]

One month before the 2000 election, the Russian press agency Ekho Moskvy ran a sensational piece. Duma deputy Aleksei Mitrofanov demanded Russia’s Federal Archive Service provide him with any documentation they possessed regarding the secret relationship between Armand Hammer and Albert Gore, Sr: “I already have this information. My purpose is to get it officially,” Mitrofanov stated. Mitrofanov wanted to illuminate
“the mechanism of supporting Armand Hammer and Albert Gore, Sr. by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union…they were financing Gore’s coming out against the Vietnam war, as well as his assistance in closing an FBI investigation against Hammer.

All this is very interesting, especially in connection with the ongoing presidential campaign in the United States…the incumbent President [Clinton] also started his political career on money given by Hammer or, in fact, on Soviet money. Everybody knows that Hammer got his most profitable contracts in the Soviet Union from Politburo decisions.”[15]

Mitrofanov concluded by stating that Albert Gore, Jr. also started his career on Hammer's money.[16]

Association with[edit]

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From left to right: Fred Phelps, Al Gore, and former Kansas Gov. Joan Finney.

In 1988 Gore courted the support of controversial activist Fred Phelps of the Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kansas. In appreciation for Phelps' help and support of Gore, Phelps was provided tickets to the inauguration of President Clinton in 1992 and 1996.[17] Phelps later changed his opinion about Gore when he joined Bill Clinton on the 1992 presidential ticket. Phelps turned on him and claimed Gore was a "conservative" icon of the Democrat Party that sold out on some critical social issues. Phelps also demonstrated against Clinton and Gore during the 1997 inaugural.[18] [19]

Vice President[edit]

In the 1992 Presidential Election, Democrat nominee Bill Clinton selected Gore as his running mate. They won the election, and Gore was sworn in as vice president on January 20, 1993. Clinton and Gore were elected to a second term in 1996. Gore had little influence in the Clinton Administration, and almost nothing of significance is attributed to him. Although the only vice-president to be born in Washington, D.C., he went on an inauguration tour of the Jefferson Monticello, he pointed to four busts of George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and Marquis de Lafayette asking the curator who are these guys.[20]

Taxed Social Security[edit]

Among his notable achievements, the one he is least known for is casting the tie-breaking vote to tax elderly Social Security benefits who earn as little as $22,000 per year.

In 1993 President Clinton sought to increase taxes on Social Security benefits of the elderly and disabled.[21] The final version of the bill passed by the Democratically controlled Congress increased taxes on beneficiaries from the first 50% to 85%[22] of benefits (or "annuity payments" as they were originally called). Vice President Al Gore cast the deciding tie-breaker vote in the Senate to make the tax increase law. The Clinton-Gore tax increase on Social Security benefits imposed a 70% income tax rate on a retired couple making as little as $22,000 per year.[23]

Enron scandal[edit]

In July 1997, Enron CEO Ken Lay met with Vice President Al Gore and President Bill Clinton and in the Oval Office. Clinton, Lay, and Gore discussed approval of the Kyoto protocols on carbon emissions.[24]

An internal Enron memo says the treaty will, "do more to promote Enron's business than will almost any other regulatory initiative outside of restructuring the energy and natural gas industries in Europe and the United States." Lay told Enron employees Bill Clinton solicited Lay's views "in advance of a climate treaty to be negotiated at an international conference" And Lay said Clinton agreed to support Lay's proposal of a carbon emissions trading exchange from which Enron planned to profit hugely while American consumers paid steep price increases for electricity and natural gas.[25]

The Republican Senate rejected the Kyoto treaty by a 95-to-0 vote on August 15, 1997.[26]

Al Gore and uncharitableness[edit]

See also: Liberal politicians and uncharitableness and Barack Obama and uncharitableness

The political magazine the American Spectator declared:

The last two Democratic Party nominees for President have come up short on the charity scale. Al Gore has been famously stingy when it comes to actually giving his own money to charities. In 1998 he was embarrassed when his tax returns revealed that he gave just $353 to charity...[27]

2000 Presidential nominee[edit]

Gore famously used inflammatory and violent rhetoric throughout his campaign.[28]

As is often the case for incumbent Vice Presidents, Gore was nominated as his party's candidate in the 2000 Presidential Election. He lost to George W. Bush in the Electoral College after a close vote, in which Gore garnered more popular votes than Bush, but fewer electoral votes.

Gore challenged the election results and pursued a recount based on his far-fetched claim of violation of the Equal Protection Clause, which the U.S. Supreme Court rejected by a 7–2 vote, in Bush v. Gore.

On December 13, 2000, after an extensive court battle (Bush v. Gore), Gore accepted Bush's election to the presidency.[29]

Later activities[edit]

Gore started an investment firm to invest in environmentally sustainable technology and industries and a cable channel (Current TV), and is an adviser to Google. He was also mentioned as a possible 2008 presidential candidate.

In 2012 Gore sold his liberal television network Current TV, which had a focus on environmental and social issues, to oil-rich billionaires and the Al Jazeera network. It suffered from low ratings and unprofitability (i.e., not able to meet costs, such as paying workers) under his management.

Climate hucksterism[edit]

In 2017, Gore stated that he could consider becoming a Roman Catholic due to Pope Francis's position on climate change.[30]

In January 2018, Gore alleged that the "bitter cold" weather the U.S. was seeing that winter was "exactly what we should expect from the climate crisis."[31]

Despite his climate change promotion, many of Gore's actions do not line up with his philosophy,[32][33][34] as seen in a 2017 study that found that Gore's mansion used 21 times more energy in the previous year than the average American home.[35][36] He continued making false claims.[37]

Schlockumentary film producer[edit]


Gore and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change shared the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize for his work on climate change.[38] Gore starred in the 2006 film about "global warming" entitled, An Inconvenient Truth, which won an Academy Award. In 2007, the British High Court directed teachers to inform students to whom they show the film that it "is a political work and promotes only one side of the argument" and to draw attention to eleven specific inaccuracies. Furthermore, the court advised, "If teachers present the Film without making this plain they may be in breach of ... the Education Act 1996 and guilty of political indoctrination."[39] Despite the errors, the judge also concluded "four main scientific hypotheses, each of which is very well supported by research published in respected, peer-reviewed journals and accords with the latest conclusions of the IPCC.” [40]

Gore released a new movie, An Inconvenient Sequel, in 2017.[41] It did not perform well in theaters, placing itself at 15th place on its opening weekend.[42][43][44] Climatologist Roy W. Spencer, the principal research scientist at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, released an ebook criticizing the film for having distortions and factual errors.[45] Other climate alarmist movies did poorly in theaters that year.[46]

Clinton Global Initiative and mob activism[edit]

Speaking in Manhattan to the fourth annual Clinton Global Initiative, Gore wants to use "civil disobedience" to combat the construction of coal power plants without the ability to capture carbon.[47] Civil disobedience or the call for intentional violation of laws is an extremist point of view. It is believed that he was speaking in regards to Western nation coal plants. No mention of China and their coal production. The gravest threat from coal pollution comes from China, in which two plants are constructed per week and 500 more plants over the next 10 years.[48]

Sexual Assault allegations[edit]

Not long after his marital separation became public, Portland, Oregon police announced that they had investigated Gore on sexual assault charges over an encounter with massage therapist Molly Hagerty in October 2006.[49]

Hagerty, a massage therapist to the stars, has accused the former vice president of repeatedly groping and kissing her during a late-night, alcohol-fueled attack in a Oregon luxury hotel suite in October 2006. Detectives investigated the claims in 2006 and 2009 but decided not to pursue the case. However, Portland Police Chief Michael Reese said on July 1, 2010, that "we have determined there were procedural issues with the 2009 investigation that merit reopening the case." Officers took the accuser's statement but didn't proceed further and didn't clear that decision with higher-ups. In addition, prosecutors were not made aware of the 2009 investigation until recently."[50]


Cartoon by Greg Sheffield

Ann Coulter claims Gore exaggerated his military service record: "Al Gore endlessly bragged to the media about his service in Vietnam. 'I took my turn regularly on the perimeter in these little firebases out in the boonies. Something would move, we'd fire first and ask questions later,' he told Vanity Fair. And then we found out Gore had a personal bodyguard in Vietnam, the most dangerous weapon he carried was a typewriter, and he left after three months."[51]

In 2007, Al Gore received criticism for his high electricity use. When it was discovered that Gore's electric utility bill is 20 times higher than the average American's[52] many of his detractors accused him of not living up to his own standards. In the year since the 2007 criticism, energy use at Gore's mansion increased 10%.[53] Gore's defenders claim that the majority of that power came from "green," or environmentally friendly, power sources such as solar and wind power. These power sources are much more expensive than traditional power sources such as coal and nuclear power.

Also, some conservatives have pointed to Gore's use of a private jet while spreading the message about the dangers of "global warming."[54]

Attention has also been called to Gore's profits from mining royalties, specifically the mining of zinc adjacent to his property that he leased in Tennessee, which has released millions of pounds of potentially toxic substances into the environment.[55] The mine has been closed since 2003. New owner Strategic Resource Acquisition is planning to re-open the mine. From The Tennessean (3/12/07):

"Last week, Gore sent a letter asking the company to work with Earthworks, a national environmental group, to make sure the operation doesn’t damage the environment.

'We would like for you to engage with us in a process to ensure that the mine becomes a global example of environmental best practices,' Gore wrote."

However, this was after he had already made $500,000 from the mining operations.[56]

Al Gore's fondness for using buzzwords became the focus of a prank played on Gore by students at Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1996. MIT students distributed a bingo card containing meaningless buzzwords Gore was known for peppering his speeches with, including "infobahn," "knowledge worker," "vector," "high confidence," and "information marketplace." Sure enough, during Gore's speech at MIT, a commotion erupted in the audience when enough buzzwords were said to complete the Bingo card.[57] Gore's current favorite buzzword is "unified national smart grid," which he promotes in conjunction with his catastrophic global warming prophecies, earning him ridicule as "The Goracle" in a Washington Post article by Dana Milbank.[58] Bjorn Lomborg has additionally criticized Al Gore for framing global warming using buzzword terms as some sort of transcendent generational quest, as when Gore called the so-called "climate crisis" the "chance to experience...a generational mission, the exhileration of a compelling moral purpose, a shared and unifying cause, the thrill of...the restless human need for transcendence."[59]

Fabrications and blunders[edit]

Gore's comment that he "took the initiative in creating the Internet" was criticized in the St. Petersburg Times (Florida):

This was not the first time Gore has overreached. A year ago Gore told reporters that he and his wife, Tipper, at the time when they were college sweethearts, were the inspiration for the novel "Love Story." That came as news to the befuddled author, Erich Segal. [3]

Gore wrote an opinion piece in the New York Times in which he said "[he] genuinely wishes global warming was an illusion," claiming it is very real. This despite mountains of fraud uncovered by ClimateGate. Fred Thompson replied, "Hey, Al... the genie says you still have two wishes left." [61]


"I called for a congressional investigation and a hearing. I looked around the country for other sites like that. I found a little place in upstate New York called Love Canal. Had the first hearing on that issue."[63]
"That was the one that started it all. ... We made a huge difference and it was all because one high school student got involved."
"I love Van Jones. I love his work. I love his heart and his commitment and his intellect. I love his mission. He has wisely picked a part of this set of interwoven challenges that should have been addressed much more forcefully by me and others long ago.”[64]
I haven’t read all the e-mails, but the most recent one is more than 10 years old. [...] So an e-mail exchange more than 10 years ago including somebody’s opinion that a particular study isn’t any good is one thing [...] but where the scientific consensus is concerned, it’s completely unchanged. What we’re seeing is a set of changes worldwide that just make this discussion over 10-year-old e-mails kind of silly.[65][66]
The most recent emails in Climategate were from November 12, 2009.
Former Vice President Al Gore
One thin September soon
A floating continent disappears
In midnight sun
Vapors rise as
Fever settles on an acid sea
Neptune's bones dissolve
Snow glides from the mountain
Ice fathers floods for a season
A hard rain comes quickly
Then dirt is parched
Kindling is placed in the forest
For the lightning's celebration
Unknown creatures
Take their leave, unmourned
Horsemen ready their stirrups
Passion seeks heroes and friends
The bell of the city
On the hill is rung
The shepherd cries
The hour of choosing has arrived
Here are your tools

See also[edit]

External links[edit]


  6. Blacks “Gored” By a Lie: Al Gore Sr., the GOP and the Civil Rights Act of 1964, by R.D. Davis. Black Leadership Network. Retrieved April 26, 2021.
  7. HR. 7152. PASSAGE.. Retrieved April 26, 2021.
  8. Charen, Mona (June 26, 2015). Whitewashing the Democratic Party’s History. National Review. Retrieved April 26, 2021.
  10. Kennedy, William V. The Military and the Media: Why the Press Cannot Be Trusted to Cover a War. Westport: Praeger Publishers, 1993. <>
  11. Gore's Break Up After 40 Years of Marriage
  13. While serving in the Senate, Gore introduced the High-Performance Computing Act of 1991, signed December 9, 1991, which his supporters claim helped develop the Internet and the National Research and Education Network. [1] [2] When Gore himself bragged about creating the internet, he was referring to prior legislation (see quotations below).
  17. Gore sought help from anti-homosexual group, 'God hates fags' creator preaches 'hate because the Bible preaches hate', By Jon E. Dougherty,, October 25, 2000.
  23. Congressional Record, Comments by Rep. Christopher Cox, July 27, 2000.
  25. Robert Schlesinger, "Enron Ties May Also Tar Democrats; Company Lobbied Clinton, Donated To Top Legislators," The Boston Globe, January 24, 2002
  29. Leip, David. "2000 Presidential General Election Results." David Leip's Atlas of U.S. Presidential Elections. 2005. 18 Mar. 2007 <>.
  30. Williams, Thomas D. (August 4, 2017). Al Gore: ‘Because of Pope Francis, I Really Could Become a Catholic’. Breitbart News. Retrieved August 4, 2017.
  31. Multiple references:
  32. Lowe, Tiana (June 6, 2017). For America’s Loudest Climate Alarmists, Do as I Say, Not as I Do. National Review. Retrieved August 2, 2017.
  33. Ambrose, Jay (May 16, 2009). Al Gore's Hypocrisy Astounding. RealClearPolitics. Retrieved August 2, 2017.
  34. Goldstein, Lorrie (July 29, 2017). Al Gore's hypocrisy 'breathtaking'. Toronto Sun. Retrieved August 2, 2017.
  35. Chasmar, Jessica (August 2, 2017). Al Gore’s Nashville estate expends 21 times more energy a year than typical U.S. home, study says. The Washington Times. Retrieved August 2, 2017.
  36. Kew, Ben (August 2, 2017). Report: Al Gore’s Home Burns 34 Times More Electricity Than Average U.S. Household. Breitbart News. Retrieved August 2, 2017.
  37. Murphy, James (September 17, 2018). Al Gore Caught Lying About Climate Change — Again. The New American. Retrieved September 19, 2018.
  39. Sheppard, Noel. "Court Identifies Eleven Inaccuracies in Al Gore’s ‘An Inconvenient Truth’." [Weblog NewsBusters] 08 Oct 2007. Newsbusters. 9 Oct 2007 < -eleven-inaccuracies-al-gore-s-inconvenient-truth>.
  41. Richardson, Valerie (July 27, 2017). Not so hot: Al Gore’s ‘Inconvenient Sequel’ meets with skepticism even from left. The Washington Times. Retrieved August 2, 2017.
  42. Richardson, Valerie (August 7, 2017). Al Gore’s ‘Inconvenient Sequel’ meets with cool reception, placing 15th at box office. The Washington Times. Retrieved August 7, 2017.
  43. Al Gore's 'An Inconvenient Sequel' bombs at the box office, ranks in 15th place. Fox News. August 7, 2017. Retrieved August 7, 2017.
  44. Concha, Joe (August 7, 2017). Al Gore climate change sequel bombs at box office. The Hill. Retrieved August 7, 2017.
  45. Richardson, Valerie (August 22, 2017). Gore documentary called ‘bad science’ as sales plummet. The Washington Times. Retrieved August 23, 2017.
  46. Toto, Christian (December 28, 2017). Hollywood tries to save the Earth, but moviegoers aren’t buying eco-messages anymore. The Washington Times. Retrieved January 5, 2018.
  47. Al Gore Urges 'Civil Disobedience' Toward Coal Plants Fox News, September 24, 2008
  48. China's Coal-Fueled Boom Has Costs NPR, May 2, 2007
  49. AP; Police release tape from Al Gore sexual assault accuser's interview
  50. Portland police mishandled Al Gore sex-abuse case, Chief says.
  52. Al Gore - Electric consumption bill
  54. More Inconvenient Truths About Al Gore
  55. Tennessee Mine Enriched Gore, Scarred Land
  59. Lomborg, Bjorn. Cool It. New York: Vintage Books, 2008.
  61. Fred Thompson, Twitter feed, March 2, 2010
  62. Blitzer, Wolf. Transcript: Vice President Gore on CNN's 'Late Edition'. CNN. 9 March 1999. 2 June 2007 < /transcript.gore/>
  67. Noel Sheppard. Gore Reads Poem, Harry Smith Swoons: 'Wow...I’m Happy to Hear it in Your Voice', NewsBusters, December 15, 2009.
  68. Rush Limbaugh. Algore's Idiotic Poem and All the Latest from the ClimateGate Stack,, December 7, 2009.

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